THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , AUGUST 26 , IB , ) ! : . This is True If luck is with you these dry times , You've a horse or a cow to sell The cook has quit , you must have help- The truth I'm going to toll. "Write out your ad and hani it in , You'll ' find it muah the best , As "Wonts" are read by every ono In Omaha and the west. A quarter's all the act will cost , For seventeen wordSj or Issa , Then pay tha money , that is all The Bae will do the rest- J SPEG1RL NOTICES. Advertisements for these columns will b | tnkcn until 12M : p. m. for the evening nnd until 9.W p. m. for the morning and Sunday editions. Advertisers , by requesting n. number check. can have answers addressed to ft numbered letter In care of The lice. Answers no addressed wilt le delivered ujion presentation cf the check. Rates. H4o a word first Insertion. lc n word thertTfter. Kotlilnj taken for less than 2jC for first Insertion. Thc-0 advertisements must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. I.ADY WHO HAS HAD YEARS' nXFERI- cnce nbrond desires engagement nsj resident or lilting governess In good family. Tenches tliient French , English , music , etc , Address U 19 , llee. A-618-M * _ WANTED TO DO DRESSMAKING FOR CHIL- ilrcn by the day or at home. Miss Maud HlBslns , SID B. 3ith street , _ A-516-26 * WANTED. POSITION AS CITY SALESMAN or collector ; best of references nnd have good horse end buggy. Address U 24 , Bee. POSITION Y FIRST-CLASS LADY STENOG- rnpher : five years' experience : reference. Ad dress M. O. M. , llee. Council Bluffs. A-621 20 POSITION BY AN EXPERIENCED CUTTER nnd clothing salesman ; flrst-claes references. Address U 41. Bee. A-62i 26 * ' WANTED MALE HELP. EOLICITOAS , TEAMS FURIIDINBTALL5IENT ; goods American Wringer Co. . 1619 Howard. D eel ( SALESMEN ( ENERGETIO-WANT MEN O' peed address on salary Jor retail trade. Apply 1518 Douglas. B MUD S3 SPECIALTY SALESMEN TOR REID S I/UMP Jaw remedy ( endorsed by U. S. Dcpt. Agricul ture , llurcau of Animal Industry , ns a specific ) os n side line. Liberal terms to right parties. Address llrothers & Held , Malvern , In. B M30t S17 SPECIALTY ADVERTISING CANVASSERS ; men familiar with premium mercantile trad * . Money maker of eighteen ninety-four. Stanley- Bradley Pub. Co. No. 7 E. 16th St. . N. Y. U 480-1 * WANTED , BY A NONRESIDENT MANUFAC- turlng houee , an experienced salesman to can vass ion a. trade. Reference required. Address U 18 , Bee. H M52S 27' WANTED. TOUNO MAN OF GOOP ADDRESS to travel And sell staple goods to families. Salary nnd train faro pa3. ! Cell 412 N. I8lh. J. McBurney. B-642-23 * .WANTED , MEN IN EVERY COUNTY TO ACT ns private detectives under Instructions. Ex perience unnecessary , Send stamp. National Detective Bureau. Indianapolis , Ind. 11 SALESMEN TO BELL BAKING POWDER. WE put our Roods In glass rolling pint. (60.00 per month and expenses , or commission. Chicago Baking Powder Co. , 767 Van Uuren street , Chi cago. B WANTED , MEN TO BE MANLY AND VIGORous - ous ; have nothing to sell and want no money ; particulars free ; send stamp. Address pri vately , Walter Hill , Park Illdge. 111.H H 815 26 * WANTED. TAILORS : FIRST-CLASS COAT , Kant and > est makers ; good Job ; prices must be > w ; write , stating terms. Address U 33. Bee. I3-M55J 27 * MAN TO DISTRII1UTE CIRCULARS ; Jt.OO PER 1.004 paid ; send 4c stamp. Nnt'l Dlst. AxVn , Chicago. I ! NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENTS EVERY- wherei also capable Contibutors ; either sex ; pleasant work for spare time. Address , with sliunp. Interstate Press association , Incllnnnpo- lla. Ind. H ti79 Zii * .WANTED , HUSTLERS TO SELL THE WONderful - derful jumping bean ; entirely new * sells like hot cakes. Eicluslve territory given. Apply uulck , Max Getsler , Milwaukee , WIs.BGSO B-GSO 26 WANTED. GOOD COUNTRY HLACKSM1TU for ten dayo : owner going onacatlon about Sept. 3. Address Lincoln Gooklns , Watson , Mo. No bums wanted. B C$1 2G * WEN TO SELL 1IAIUNCJ POWDER TO TUB grocery trade. Steady employment ; experience not necessary ; 175.00 monthly salary and ex penses or com. If offer witlsfactory address at once , with particulars concerning yourself. U. S. Chemical Works , ChU > go , U-482 26' SALESMAN CAN SECURE L.JNB OF HOSE , belling and general rubber , from manufactur ing corporation ! a first-class line for first-class man. P. O. box 1371. New York. U-ii ! > 5 25' WANTED. TRAVELING SALESMEN. HELEN ft Thompson , tailors , 1612 Farntun street. 11-601 525 * SALESMEN FOR SPECIALTY TO MERchants - chants ; entirely new ; unusual offerthis. Send references , R. Con tea. manager , S3) Van Huron street. Chicago. It-MMi 25 * WANTED , CUTTER , ONE WHO WILL WORK as tailor ; IGO.OO per month ; steady work. Lock box 6 , Ida Grove. Iowa. U 472 26 * WANTE o7 CATlIOLIC MAN , INTELLIGENT , honorable ; work In his own locality ; 119.00 per week. J. R , Gay , K Fifth avenue , Chicago , 111. IJ-tOT W STENOGRAPHERS , BOOKKEEPERS , "BALE8- men and trachera desiring positions In Texas nro Invited to address the Texas Business Bu reau. J , W. Iludncll , proprietor , Dallas. Tex. B 614 X' $ .W PER 1WO CASH FOR DISTRIBUTING clroularaj enclose 4 cents , U. S. Distributing Tureau ) , Chicago. B SSG 16 * WANTED ! GERMAN CLKRK. GENERAL merchandise country store ; single one thnt speaks Danish preferred ; state wages expected. U 44. Omaha Bee. B M6J2 27 SALESMEN : TRAVEUNG SALESMEN FOR Nebraska and Kansas , to sell a side line to drugirUts ; email sample ; article Is a success ful seller In over 30 states ; special advertising offer a great Inducement to druggists ; write nl once , stating territory deitrrd and imputa tion ot towns which sou make ; big comm'ualon. Address L. Bradford , 22t Chestnut street. Chi- cngo. III. B2J 2C WNTED. TO LAON MONEY TO EVERYlioDY ? tS.00 to 1100.00. per cent Interest. Easy pay ments ; BHO | death benefit for old and young not exceeding 11,000. Cost 11.00. Send stamp for particular * . A. general ugent waul I. Mutual Ilenenclul association. Richmond. "Vv. Joslah Ryland , Jr. , pros. ( Second auditor of Va ) B 27M WANTED FEMAliE HELP. V/AKTED-QIRL FOR GENERAL 1IOUSE- work ; small family. 1 8 8. Sill it. C ttj WANTED , A LADY FOR'AOOOrTrEn M ININT position , must be fairly educated , and betwetn 25 laid 49 5 cars of age. Address U 2i. Bee. 0-341-17 WANTED-GJHL FOR GENERA ] . HOUSE- work. a. W. corner 29th and Douglas.C545JC' C-545-JC' WANTED , LADY TO DO WRITING AT HOME : II&.00 weekly ; wild stamp. Kslelle Munlgom- ery , 631 l th street , Denver , Colo. g WANTED. LADIES AND GIRLS FOR HOME employment ; M.OO to HO.CK1 easllr made ; any woman who can us * a needle can do the work. Bend Relf-uddrewieil envelope. Atlas Needle work Co. . 153 W t Twenty-lhlrU street. New York Ctty. c WANTED TO WHITE FOR US AT home , J15.UO a week ; no ranxaulng Kf ) > ly. ituiip , Elcuro company , South , Beml. Ind. C Wit , ' WANTED FEMALE HELP. Continued. WANTED. A GOOD GIRL AT 333 SOUTH 3ITH competent to cook , wash and Iron ; refeience re-iUlred. C MDM 27 ANY LADY CAN EASILY MAKE 118.00 weekly working for me quietly at home ; posi tion permanent , nnd If you con only spare two hours per day don't fall to Investigate. Hepl.v with stamped envelope. Miss Luclle Logan , uulitt. 111. C COO 2C * WANTEDrilOUSKKEEPER ABOUT S3 YEATIS of age ; light work. Address U 27 , BPC , C-WC K > EXPERIENCED MILLINERY SALESLADIES. Answer with reference. U , 37 , Bee otllco. C MC03 2S LAD IKS , DO YOU WANT TO DA UN 512.00 weekly nt a strictly genteel home work ? Posi tively no canvassing. Reply with eclf-nddressed. stamped envelope. Miss Marie Worth. Ashlnnd , ° - C T.GG 2C LADES WHO WILL DO WRITING FOR ME athelrhomcs , . , wl" make K ° ° < 1 wages. Reply ? ii ! * cl'V.1lressod ; , stamped envelope , Jllss Mildred Miller , South Bend. Infl , C-ib 2C LADY WANTED , TO WRITE AND DO LIGHT work at home ; J1S.OO weekly ; no canvassing ; send stamp. Pearl Peak , South Bend. Ind. . C 670 2 * ' TO DO WRITING AT HOME ; ° S..Aiockly : eena Bt mp. Estelle Montgomery , Kth street , Denver , Colo. c POK KENT HOUSES. TENTS FOR RENT. 1311 FARNAM ST. D-663 WANTED-GOOD MEDIUM PRICED HOUSES List your houses for rent with Ames. . D-663 HOUSES , F. K. DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. D-660 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THU O. F. Davis company. 1503 Farnam. D C67 KELKENNY i CO. , B. I. CONTINENTAL BLK. D 670 FINE 7-ROOM CORNER FLAT AT 701 S. 10TH street : range and all other conveniences. Georg ClOuscr , room 2. 1523 Farnam street. D 300 FOR RENT , LARGE TWO-STORY DUiLUING , irjnirly ulcd by " ' Marhoft Trunk Factory. 1130 Seward st. D 790 1 FOR RENT , MOST DESIRABLE HOUSE , ZOIJ Farnam. R. C. Patterson , Ramge block. D-MM1 , 8. 8 AND 10-ROOM HOUSES , ALL MODem - em , lawn and shade. Apply ot 211 N. Y. Life or 2124 Miami street , D MIS9 FOR HENT. CHEAPEST SIX-ROOM COTTAGE with bath In city ; only 115.00. S035 California street. D-M3C2 FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLINGS IN all parts of city. E. II. Sheafe. 132 Pnxton blk. D 957-SO i-ROOM HOUSE , M.OO : 3-ROOM HOUSE. J5.00 ; city water ; Dundee Place. 24S Bee bldg. . D M450 ! 3 EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , 2215 MIAMI- Inquire 12H N. ! th. D 72-2S HOOM MODERN COTTAGE. CORNER. 1 mUCB from postofflce , good location , with barn , 5-room house In excellent repair. JS 00. Fidelity TruBt company , Uth and Farnam streets. D M4SO 31 G-nOO&I COTTAGE ; MODERN. S10 S , 30TH. D 187 26 * FOR RENT , ELEGANT 10-ROOM HOUSE : reasonable. 2003 Burt street. D 4SJ 23 3014 MAKON STREET ; GAS , HATH. LAWN barn ; elegant location , JCO.OO. B. K. HumMirey- 823 New York Life. D 613-23 * 50 HOUSES. F. D. WEAD. 16T1I & DOULGAS D-521-31 2-ROOM COTTAGE. B. E. COR. 23D AND Clark , Inquire , U23 Jackson. D MKO FOR RENT. TEN-ROOM HOUSE , NORTHWEST corner 30th ant ! Farnam streets. Possession Blven September 1. Inquire 5316 Farnnm street. Charles Turner. D ME35 23 * COTTAGE HOUSE. 6 ROOMS AND BATH ; 1124 North 23th ; rent , 120.00 ; keys at the Byron JteedCo. jMW3 M HOUSE , MODERN CONVENIENCES. S. Wth street. D MJO ! 28 FOR RENT , MODERN -ROOM COTTAGE call between U and 2 1521 Sherman aionue. D MC24 "THE FRENZER , " 114-Ht N. 25TII STREET : 24 large rooms : all modern conveniences ; will rent either holt separately. John N. Prenier , Ol'P. P. O. D 007 1 FOR RENT , NICE ! COTTAGE ; LARGE YARD ; fruit ; shade ; cheap to good party. Inquire cor. 28th and Lake , Glenn. D cos 26 FOR RENT , 10-ROOM MODERN BRICK . " , ! ? dJ'lachc < I ! motor line : nice location ; J35.00. Templeton , Paxton blk. D 10 M M0.rEN.COTTAan ! } < EaT DUnT- INQUIRE 2215 Burt street. D 611 16 * DESIRABLE HOUSES FOR RENT ALL OVER the city. George W. l > . Coates. 1623 Fnrnam. D-654 2 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. FURNISHED HOOMS ; MODERN ; SUITABLE tor one orUvo. 1919 Dodge. E ON SUIT OF FURNISHED ROOMS. SOUTH FRONT front , three blocks from city hall , private fam ily ; references. Address U 9 , Bee. E 45J 28 _ FURNISHED UOOMS , 628 SOUTH 19TII BT. U M933 Hll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ LARGE SOUTH FRONT ROOM. 2CoTjIA nNEY. B-M372 1" _ PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM. 2215 DODGE ; E M375 _ FURNISHED IIOOMS AT 116 SOUTH 15TH ST , _ _ K-MIM a 11' ROOM FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. 113 N. U 513 2i FURNISHED ROOMS. 2000 CASS ST. E 846-27 * _ LAROB AND SMALL ROOMS AND ROOMS en suite on two car lines. US 8 > uth 20th street. U M613 S FUBNIBHED BOOM3 AND BOARD. YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME UNDER CAIIU OF Women's Christian association. Ill 8 , Uth st. _ _ _ K-t7l „ _ _ _ _ PLEASANT ROOMS WITH BOARD. 2110 HAR- ney. F M345 81C * VERY DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED FRONT s.nd tack parlors , also furnished rooms ; every thing tlrst-cUu. 210 am ] ( i : South SMIi street. F-MH4 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL comrnlences. Flrtt-class board , ill No. 18th street. F M27S-S1 ! ! * PLEASANT ROOMS ] WITH FIRST-CLASS board , 2241 1-inJon Court. V M 3S THU MADISON ( FAMILY HOTEL ) , 2IHT AND Chlacgu streets , newly reflttM and refurnished throughout ; references tvqulred , V M61 ! WANTED. MAN ANI > W1FB TO TAKB A nicely furnhhed front room , board iwrty far use nf dlntna room nnrt kitchen , with prlvll- rg of taklnff other boarders. Addiest U 21 , Lte * . ' ItOOatB AND BOARD. Continued. FURNISHED ROOMa7 WlTJ OH WITHOUT _ boanl , 1720 Dodce. _ F M84I 27 * FURN1B1IED AND UNFURNISHED KOOMS with board , steam heat , nt Utopia. 1710-1121 Davenport. K Mi-31' _ _ NICELY Ft'RNIHHED SOUTH FRONT ROOM with bonrd. ! 40 Cass street. F-IJ12 26 * _ FuTiNisTiBD IIOOMS WITH BOARDI REF- erence. 2214 FA main. F M587 1' _ NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN KOUNTZE Place , with or without board. Everything first-clan. U 80 , Dee. _ r MM3 I _ _ NICE ROOMS : GOOD BOARD ; RATES REA- ( onableiconrcnlences. The Rose.iO'JO.M Harni-y. F M a 821" _ SOUTfcL. FRONT ALCOVU HOOM. W1T1 1 bonrd ? other rooms , private family ; house modern ; gentleman and wife or teachers : near 2Mh and Chicago. Address U ID , Bee F MC30 27 * _ UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR KENT C UNFURNISHED CHAMBERS FOIl HOUSEkeeping - keeping to man and lfe | ut > children. 919 No. Hlli tt. O 843 3 UNFURNISHED" ROOMS WITH ALL CON- venlenceg. 2570 Harney stret. Q MM3 20 * TWO LARGE IIOOMS. EAST AND SOUTH front ; modern ; will rent unfurnished to party furnishing good references. 1008 Georgia ave nue. G-MM8 27 BOARDING. DESIRABLE HOOM WITH BOARD IN I'RI- vate family. 700 N. 19th , H 547-31 * FOR RENT STORES ANU OFFICES CORNER STORE , IM.OO. (24 DOUOLAR IN * qulro (22. I mlM FOR RKNT , ROOM , 6i BY 32 , SND FLOOR OF my ( tore , suitable for cloaks and suits ; goo < l light and elevator service , Mrs. J. Benson. I M930 FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING 9IB Farnam street. The building has a tU't- proof cement basement , complete steam not ing fixtures , water on all floors , gas , < to. no- ply at tha ofTlcs of The Bee. 1 * > ! ' AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS , BOTH SEXES. TO TAKB COX- tracts for reliable firm. 6 Paxton bl k , Omaha. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SPRA-O-I.IND. Address Home Treatment Co. . Denver. Colo. AGENTS WANTED. A HUSTLER IN EVERY Nebraska town. Article newly patented ; phe nomenal spller : 100 per cent prollt. Address , with stamp , 2707 Q street. South Omaha. . J M539 AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE FOR electric door ( name ) plntes. signs , etc. . read able In the dark. Sample , with any name , free. New I > a Plato Co. , 167 Deal born street. Chicago cage , III. J M4 20 * WANTED , AGENTS ; FERRIS COMBINED burglar alarm and lock ; weighs 3 ounces ; carried In vest pocket ; J90.00 weekly. Partic ulars free. Sample , 50c , postpaid. Ferris Mnn- ufacturlne Co , , Chicago. J MS 2ii * WANTED , AGENTS AND CANVASSERS IN every city and town to sell our automatic hair curling Iron ; sells at sight ; particulars free. Sample , 23c In stamps. Exclusive territory given. La Helno Curling Iron Co. , 81) ) Dcnrx ! > rn street , Chicago. J 683 20 * WANTED , GENERAL AGENTS , SELLING patented household necessity to dealers : exclu sive territory ; no competition ; no capital re quired ; big profits ; particulars free. Jnyel Novelty Co. , CD Dearborn street , CliIcagD. III. J-SS7 2t AGENTS , LATEST POCKET NOVELTY ; PREvents - vents loss of keys ; retails 23c ; sample Gc. Herald Mfg. Co. , Hoboken , N. J. J-W1 26' WANTED. AGENTS ARE MAKING tl.0.3 AN hour selling the West IVnolator , which makes the best cuffco In the world. It. Tjler , Jr. , Muncle , Ind. J M2 26 AGENTS , MALE AND FEMALE , WANTED e\erywherr ; lightning seller ; absolutely new ; no talking ; profits Immense. Box M. The Abbott Mfg. Co. . Sprlnglleld , O. J M3 M * LIVE WORKERS EVERYWHERE TO EARN tlO.OO dally handling first-class new specialty ; quick Betirr ; fresh territory ; no competition. Stamford Lotk Co. , 12J4 Michigan avenue. Cil- cngo , 111. J-KJ9 26 * WANTED. GENERAL AND LOCAL AGENTS for desirable specialty now having large sato ; all canvassers nnd commission salesmen should Investigate. Lock box GG3 , DCS Molnes , la. J B7S 1C * WANTED TO RENT. WANTED , MODERN HOUSE , 10 OB , 12 ROOMS. Southwestern part preferred. Ileiponslble parties. Address U 12 , Bee. ' & M473 SO * WANTED , A NICE TWO-STORY HOUSE OF seven or eight rooms , with modrrn Improve ments ; good location desired. Address 2223 Dodge street. K 4 8 2C WANTED. A 9 OR 10-ROOJI DETACHED house , with modern conveniences and v.ell heated , Address U 16 , Bee. K M50I 27 * WANTED TO RENT , BY OCTOBER 1. A FUR nlshed detached house of about 10 rooms , with modern conveniences and In good locution. Parties responsible. No children. U 23. Bei , X-51S-2S * WANTED-HOUSES TO RENT. HAVE MORE calls than I can supply. J , H. Parrotte. 16th ana Dodge. K Sol B 21 WANTED. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping ; must be centrally located and with modern conveniences. Room 410 Merchants National bank. K 614 2C * FAMILY OF THREE , BREAKING UP HOUSE keeping , \vould like three pleasant , unfurnished rooms , with b ord ; house must be central nnd modern ; terms reasonable ; best references. Address U 36 , Bee. K M617 2S * WANTED. MODERN HOUSE. 7 TO 10 ROOMS , with barn , for ocupuncy Oct. or November 1 ; state price .location , etc. Address U 41 , Bee. . K 629 20 * STORAGE. STORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROSS.1214 IIARNEY. M 611 STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam.MC7S M-C7S OM.VAN&STORAGE CO.,1503 FARNAM. T < 1.15S9 U 7i BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA , U. 8. gov , bonded warehouse. Household goods stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1019 Leavenworth. M-7IS WANTED TO BUY. CASH FOR LUMBER BUSINESS IN LIVE town ; slve full particulars. T > , Bee office. N-M985 S7 * WANTED TO BUY , FROM 80 TO 160 ACRES good linil : from 10 to Vt miles from Omaha or Council Bluffs. See or address E. J. Peterson U. P. headquarters , Omaha , Neb . N 597 26 * WANTED TO BUY STANDING BOILER. AD dress U 38 , Bee office. N C02 SO * WANTED , 6-llOOM COTTAGE. WITHIN REAsonable - sonable distance from poatoltlce , not over 12,000. , Address U 31 , Bee. N-MM1 23 * WANTED , GOOD SIZE SECOND-HAND SAFI In good condition. Call or address Sandwich Mfg. Co. , Council Blultfts , Monday , Aug. 27. N-C33 27 FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY. YOU WON'T MISS TfOUl money. Low prices on furniture & household Eoods. Enterprise Credit Co. , 613-615 N. 16th st. 078 FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS UPRIGHT PIANO cheap ; muil sell. Call 32M 8. ICth street. O ISO 23 * SIX-HOLE GARLAND RANGE , $10. DAI. Hay , rear 3852 Hamilton street. O-M527 2 10-ROOM HOUSE ON CAPITAL HILL ; LO\\ rent and furniture for sale ; owner will acccp board In part payment ; best location In city reference required. Address U 39 , Bee.OC01 O-C01 25 * FOR SALE HORSES , WAQONSETO , 2 TOP BUGGIES JM & IW.LEATHER TOP CAR- rlag 55. DrummaKd Carriage Co. P l TOR BALE OR TRADE- * HORSES WEU1H Ing 1,000 Ibs. each. 6 and 7 year old. Frei Terry , 4JO Hamge block. P 764 THU BEST LEATHER TOP BUGGY IN OMAHA for tJi.00. Drumtnond. ISth and Harney. SPAN OF HORSES SEVEN YEARS OLD , good single drivers. IMS Datenport street , P 416-2C * WANTED A TEAM OF HORSES WEIGHING no less than 1,100 Ibs. . will broken to ell driving. Send particulars tj U 17 , Bee. P-514-S-23 * FOR BALE FIRST CLASS SADDLE HORSE. Theodora Gradman. at Browning , King & Co. ' WAGONS. CARRIAGES , BUGGIES , HARNESS new and second-ham ! ; prices very low. Mltclit & Swlgart , 1214 Dodge. P 18 THOROUGHBRED SHETLAND PONY MARE 6 yearn DM , handsome , well broken and with out lilemlih or vice. Ad.lress C. F. Crave la. P-M61C S3 * FOR SALE. A GOOD TOP BUGGY , CHEAP 4321 Farnam street. P CUU 26 * VOll BALE. CHEAP. , A GOOD/POUND FAMIly - Ily hone afraid of nothing. J , W , Ferns. IS13 Dodge. P CK 26 * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 1CB FOR bALB IN CAIt LOTS. UlLUURT Bros. , Couni.ll Bluffs. Q-UC3-A1) FOR ICM FOR BALB. CAN BHIi OVHH ANY ROAIJ out ot Omahs ui > l Council Bluffs. Lamoreaux Bron. . 896 So. IClh , Ocr.iLhs Q-M380 BIT CHEAPEST CIItCKBN AND ORNAMENTAL fenc * made. C. XL Lee. Wl Douglas. FOR BALE , THE WIUIULAS FOB WELL known proprietary medicines , favorably knoun In the northwest , fcflfjf silo rights tn tnnnufnc- IUM nnd sell In North ntifl Smith Dakota , No- brstkd. Nona tfat 'responsible ' parties need answer. Addrcis'lL F. Smith. q M319 SV > FIRE BRICK. CAu'tiOTS.liT M. BEST S IDC- ttclk brick in market. 8e sample wnlks t.iM cor. 20th nnd BUM irtld Uth nnd Pierce.Vm. . J , Welshnns , roost ' 131 , Board of Trade. , . q-316 SH FOR SALE , A FINE TULL BLOOD HOLSTE1N bull calf , 4 montfcs clJ. 2826 Webster street. NOTICE ; WE HAVE ON HANll A QUAN" tlty of beet pulp tin excellent condition , which vra Intend to dispose of at once. Price Mo per ton at the factory. We nre also ready to make contracts for the delivery during the coming fall of nil the 1814 pulp not yet con tracted for. Enrly application rhouH ( TTV ! " . Norfolk Beet fiugnr compiny. Q S14T3 ! 6 BANC AND P LATTK VALLEY SANu FOR sale. C. W. Hull Company , 20th & Icnnl sts. FOR BAI/3. 800 TONS CHO1CI2 HAY. IN"- qulro at room 30. tlronncll blk. , Lincoln. Nrb. Le Grande , M. Baldwin. Q. M5S8 IT.RSONS TROUBLED WITH SWEATY , burning feet or excessive perspiration under the aims should write for free snmple nf Od : r-Cure. MacDonaliJ OuCuro Co. , South Bend , Ind. Q 5T1 26 * MISOEIiLANEOUB. HAVE YOUH OLD CARPET WOVEN INTO rues. Smyrna rug * repaired , 1521 Lenventrorth. R-M5I1 STOCK PASTURED ; GOOD FEED. T. MUR. ray. H-M427 BiO * CLAHIVOYANTS. 1HS. DR. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , ltd liable business medium ; 7lu year at 1U M. 10. < 5 . < * , A TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. SEND 21C , WITH age , sex and stamp , and receive horoscope of future life. Mrs. Dr. Moore , dead trance medium , se\vnth daughter. Lorn with a veil and wonderful gift of second sight , tells past , present and future ! full name of whom you will marry ; mlrlce on bu-lness , love , mar riage , speculation , changes , looses , dlxorcc , missing friends , sepiratlon. sickness , wills , pensions , etc. Challenges the world. It Is well known thoughout Hie world that mediums arc the only reliable seers , and their charms cause love , speedy marlngt's nnd success In business. Your future revealed In a dead trance. Unites the separated and causes speeny nnd happy marriage with the one you love ; causes good luck In nil things by proper advice. Se cure n charm and wear diamonds. Revenls everything. I'oslthely no Imposition. Mis. Dr. Moore , Box 403 , Ncnpoit. Ky. Lucky charm free. Cut this out and sale U. S MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. MADAME SMITH , 602 S. 13TH , 2D FLOOR , room 3 ; massage , vnpor , alcohol , steam , sul- phurlne and sea. ba.ths. T MC98 1 * MME. LA RUE. 41C SOUTH 1STH. T M991 S7 * MASSAGE. MADAME BERNARD. 1419 DODGE. 25626 * PERSONAL. UMBRELLAS MADE. RECOVERED AND RE- palrel. 105 South Sixteenth street. U-3S3 VIAVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation tree. Address cr call Vlavl Co. . SI6 Bee bldg. Lady attendant. U 78 TAKE YOUR FRIEND : TINTYPES. 4 FOR 25c. Proctor , 618 S. 16th street. U-M834 \CASAGE BATHS. MME. POST. 319M B. TH , U S93 BALDUFFi A pleasant nnd cdmctilent place. 1520 stieet , Paxton block ; 'phone 711.U . U S STRAW HATS CLEANED , RESHAPED AND made new. 603 N , , SOU St. U 623-A-25 CREAM FOR WlJIPl'INO AND BUTTER- rnllk. Waterloo creamery , 1613 Howard tel , 1332. MISS MARY MAltriN OF DES 1IO1NES. IA. , Is most anxious to see or hear from her sister , Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson , recently of Omaha. Neb , U M266 31 WHOLE WHEAT BREAD FROM UNBOLTED Hour at Imogen ! * , Ramsey's , 217 N. 16th t. DR.W. 8TEPHENS6N..EPECIALIST , 608 S. 13TH , w J U 414-S19 * WHEN OUT WITH YOUIl LADY VISIT J. J. Muller's new Icc'crrsm parlors. 2S02 Lea\en- worth street : everything Is new. Including the tulldlng. Tel. 10SO. Ice cream delivered. ' TJ 6i MME. LA ROOK , MASSAGE , 0 LEAVEN- worth street , third door , front rooms Jf U 443-27 * ANY ONE KNOWING THE PRESENT address of R. J , Ray. formerly of Fron tier county , Neb. , will bo rewarded If they will rend same to U 19 , Bee. U 530-20 * TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS. ARE YOU BUK- fcrlng with nervous prostration , dyspepsia , In digestion , constipation , Pnlrltati2fl " ' < ? brjjrt. Irritation of the ildmTcIi. I5Wr circulation , emissions , nervousness , etc. ? Are you being butchered by quack doctors ? If so. stop. They ft 111 ruin you. I was a sufffferer for over two years , wa bedfast for 17 months , my case was beforn 37 doctors before I found relief. Now 1 am enjoying the blessings ot health. Book copyrighted , gUIng complete history of my caee and how I got well , nnd how you can be restored to health. Sent to any address for 11.00. Addrers M , McDonnell , Battle Creek , Mich. U THE WOMAN'S BAKERY SUPPLIES VA rlety of choice goods , besides llvn kinds of the best bread In market ; whole wheat bread a specialty ; goods delivered ; telephone 451. Mrs , C. Savllle , manager. 1104 N. 24th street. U < J0 S25 SEND FOR LITTLE BOOK "HOW TO SPECulate - ulate Successfully In the Grain nnd Stock Mar kets ; " mailed free. Comstock , Hughes & Co. , Rlalto building , Chicago , U 567 26 * WANTED , GOOD SPECIALTIES ; LADIES song and dance team ; also good knock-about team. Delone hotel ; hours 10 to 12 n. m. . Sun day. O. W. Hollowbush. U 555 26 * FREEI SEND FOR OUU BOOK , "HOW TO Speculate Successfully on the Grain and Stork Markets ; " trailing on limited margins fully explained. Coates & Co. , Ulalto bldg. , Chicago cage , 111. U 568 20 * CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WITH straightforward , elderly gentleman by nldon ; age 4S ; refined , educated , tome means ; no In- cumbrance ; wishes to marry. Address U 45 , Bee. U-034 20 * MISS LOTTIE GRANGER IS AT THE PAXton - ton tn the Interests of Stanley Hall.oneof the leading fernnlo seminaries of the went , located at Minneapolis. All who are looking for a de sirable place to educate their daughters will do well to call upon her. U 3l 20 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chesney , Kansas Clty. _ Mo , ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 818 N.Y , LIFE loans at low rates for choice security nn Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W81 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM IN DOUGLAS. Improved and unimproved Omaha rtal estate. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1701 Farnam st W 6S3 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real titate. Brennan. Love & Co. , Paxton blk. liOANS WANTED. J. N. FRENZER , OPP. P.O W 76S-31 UONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms at from C to I per cent. W. B. Melkle. First National bank building. W30 OMAHA LOAN & , TpUST CO. . 16TII AND Douglas streets , loan , rnoi ! y on city and farm sroperty at lowest , rates of Interest. W 693 MONEY TO LOAN 'AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co.'l57S Farnam st. W-63 : UNITED STATES MOHTUAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital 12,000.000. Surplus 1600.010. Bub mlt choice loans to K1 , a Puiey. agent , Firs National bank building. W 6S3 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATBH ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate 1 to 6 years. Fidelity .Trust Co. . 1701 Farnim. MONBY TO LOAN , ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estaU. Brennar. Love Ac Co. , Paxlon blk. , . _ W-CS3 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CIT1 property ; $3.000 & upwards. 6 to 7 per cent ; no dtlays. W. Firnam Smith & Co. . 1320 Farnam. W MT MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONDY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS hones , wagons , etc. . ot lowest rates In city no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; yoi you ran pay the loan off at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , > 06 a. 16th street. X-6J5 _ _ J. B. HADDOCK. ROOM O7 RAMOS BLOCK XJ _ _ _ SHORT TIMU LOANSJ. 431 PAXTON BLOCK X S7b8 _ MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI ture , pianos , hone * , wagons , or tny kind o clutter security , nl lowest possible rates , which lou run n y back nt any time , nnd In an imount , FIDELITY LOAN GUAttANTEK CO. loom 4 , Wlthnellblock. _ _ X- MONU TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PRoF rty. Har v In Loan Co. , 101 JS. Y , Life build lac. 3C C3i BUSINESS CHANCES. FOIl IlENT A DEPARTMENT ON SECOND floor , loxso. In one of th Uritest houses In Council Bluffs. 13 , cart Bei , Council Bluffs. J T-M6M _ _ _ _ _ FOR SALE. A HID PAVING BU8IN7S8 ; NO competition ; 11,809 cam takei- . Address 3 _ Ci > , Bee. _ Y-M1M a 1 " FOR BALE , "iN DKS MOINES , IA. , A FIRST- rlass chop house , fJedinc 700 people B il yi a four-year lease goes ttllh restaurant ; H big Imrgnln for some one. For InfnrmnKon call nt Jeffs restaurant , at 1510 Dodr. street Omaha , Neb. YM34 26 * FOR HALE , IN SUMS TO BU1T. tliwO illvldviiil pnylnc ; Innk stock. lhln will thorough Investigation , Address U 23 , Ben at- Hcc. Y M5Z4 30 * _ 8UCCF.SSFUI. SPECULATION OPEN TO ALL ; try our syndicate system of speculation : In crease your Income ! Information frees send for circular. Thompson & Derr Co. . 38 Wall street , New York. Incorporated Under the laws of the state of New York , Capital , ' 100.0M.W. Y MS3I It * _ _ WANTED , A PARTNER IN A WELL ESTA1I- llshcil hardware and tin business In one ot the best towns In Kansng , where cropi never fnlll capital requlrnl , JI.SHOO to3.W < ) M. Addtrss U 20 , llee. Y fcS9 20 "OR SAtj DEPOT LUNCH COUNT Ef , Table Rock , Neb. Inquire ot D. Chnmberlnln , proprietor. Y M5ai 2S * BUSINESS C1IANCU WANTED , nNERGF.TIC iMifincKi mnn with 11,00000 cush to entarn > in gtwd luylng business. W. G. Templeton. Pnx- ton block. Y MOW 2 > i _ ! NAP FOR SOME ONE WHO WANTS TO GO Into the photographic business ; positively one of the best equipped frnllerk-s In eastern Neb. | city IB.OrtO ; liest surrounding country , fruit , Grain and stock. You can step light Into a goad paying business for little money doun. biilnnre easy , or will sell it Interest , purchaser to take entire charge at once ; other business , reason for selling ; Investigate. T. W. Tolman , Ne braska City , Neb. Y 663 26' FOR EXCHANGE. IMPROVED STOCK AND GRAIN FARSIS OF- fcred In exchange for sheep nnd cuttle. What have you to offer ! Marcus P. Beebe , Ipswich , Hdmunds county. S. D. Z M4C2 31 IEAL ESTATE TO TRADE FOR GOOD WORK horses. Lamoreaux Bros. , Board of Trade. Z 167-27 TO TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY OlTcASH. a very showy brown horse , 6 jearn old. 16 hands high ; untrnckitli can show 2:24 gait. A. T. Cole , Council Bluffs. Z MtS3 2 ! > WHAT HAVE YOtT TO OFFER FOR A NICE small furniture and undertaking stock ; no toun propettynamed. . Address U 15 , Omaha Bee. Z M503 30' TO EXCHANGE. 160 ACRES LAND IN HAR- Ian county. Nebraska , ami J1.0W.03 In notes for hardware slock. Address Lock Box 1. OJell , Neb. Z M530 2S * 1,240 ACRES CLEAR KLKHORN VALLEY land : will trade for small farm nnd gl\e time on difference , or will trade for cattle. Address U 22. Bee , ; 5 M5S9 31 * FOR EXCHANGE , NICE CLEAN 10,000.03 stock gen'l. milse , ; half cash , balance clear real estate. W. G. Templeton , 1'axton blk. 'A 609 2i WANTED TO TRADE , ONE SHARE GLOBE Loan nnd Trust company stock for peed bi cycle. 1612 Farnam street. ZC03 20 * WILL TRADE j oob00 PRINTING OUTFIT. Iowa , for cattle , other live stock or md e. ; also Kansas land nnd lots for mdse. R. W. Ball. Wnjne , Ncl > . Z576 2B ,000.00 STOCK FARM IMPLEMENTS , M.OOfl.OO real estate , mortgages and cash , J8W.OO re.\l estate , building and lots , all In northeastern Nebraska , for land , cattle or sheep. Address U 43 , Bee. Z-31C21 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FARM LANDS. C.F.HARRISON , 012 N.Y.L1FR. RB S65-86 * FOR SALE. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; CEL- lor , cistern , city water ; cor. 13th nnd Sahler ; 11,250.00 ; long time. Enquire 1318 Farnam. Samuel Burns. Jt K 693 - ONG OF THE BEST HOMES IN KOUNTZK Place (2019 ( Blnney ) If sold before Sept. 1st , will go for less than cost of house. Terms about half cash , balance easy. R. N. Wltlmell ( owner ) . M7 N. Y. Life. RB 314 BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , tale or trade. F. 1C. Darling , Barker bloek. R E-693 CHOICE GARDEN LANDS , B MILES FROM postoftlce. In tracts from 10 to 160 acres. A great banraln. Will take some trade. N. D. Kc > es. 617 Paxton block. RE M73B FOR SALE. 4,460 ACRES OF LAND CO MILES northwest of Omaha. Address Thomas Kerl , Oakland. Neb. TIE M77T Bl * LAND SOLD ON LONG TIME PAYMENTS ORen on wheat contracts. M. P. Bcebe , Ipsulch , Edmunds county , B. D. RE M4CO 31 CHOICE Id-ACRE TRACTS IN SUBURBS OF North Pintle for IDO.OO ; 11.00 down and 51,00 a month ; will loan money to Improve , city and Suburban Investment company , room 613 8e- curlty Bldg. , St. Louis. MANITOU. COLORADO-A MODERN ELEVEN- room house , hard wood finish , city water , steam heat and sencr ; beautifully located near soda spring ; will be sold cheap by owner. E. A. Gilbert , 1608 Col fax avenue. Denver. MOO.OO CASH WJLIi BUY LOT WORTH Jl.SOO 00. Address U 34 , Uce. ICE K2 26 * " TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT. SOLD. EXchanged - changed , rented and repaired. Typewriter and ofHce supplies. Typewriters rentf-d at J4 per month. The Omaha Typewriter Exchange , suc cessors to the typewriting derailment of the Megeath Stationary Co. . 214 B. ISth , tel. 1361. 950 BER THE NEW DOUGHERTY TYPEWRITER The Orraha Typewriter Exchange , tel. IStl. No. 211 B. Uth st. 991 THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF STANDard - ard typewriters nnd supplies. We control the Densmore CalUrnpli and New Yost. Bargains in second-hand machines displaced by ours. All machines perfectly repaired , new parts up- tiled ; prices moderate ; new machines loaned while repairs are made. United Typewriter & Supplies Co. . 1(19 Farnam St. Telephone 1333. 173- BICYCLES. BICYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tires and sundries. Safes opened , repaired. C. R. Ilcllln. locksmith. 311 N. 16th st. 960 BICYCLES. NEW AND OLD. 0 TO 112 } easy payments ; -we rent and repair. Orrmhn Bicycle Co. . Z23 N. ICtli tt. 703 BICYCLES-ALL STYLES. ALL PRICC8. Bend for our list of second hand end shop worn bicycles. Repairs and cycle sundries ot s.11 kinds. U. O. Daxon , 402 N. Kth * t. (31 IF YOU WANT TO BELL YOUR BICYCLE take It to Omaha Bicycle Co. , 223 N. 16th st. 468-4 BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. 613 B. 16th. 708 D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL OF- flee to 209 B. 16th st , . Brown block. M970 DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED. 719 N. 16. BTOVB REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ; ALSO hotel range and general assortment of ranges , cooks and heaters : water attachments put In and connected at Jai. Hushes , 607 S. Uth st and Jackson. . 308 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; electrical and gen- eial machinists ; superior woik guaranteed. Otnaha Electrical Works. 617 and CIS 8. Kth st. 711 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Western Elec trie Supply Co. , 418 and 420 B. ISth st. 713 UNDERTAKERS AJfl > EMB ALMER3 II. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR. AND mbalmer , 1518 Chicago St. , telephone 90 , 703 6WANSON k VALIEN. UNDlsRTAKERa AND cmbalmers , 1791 Cumins st , , telephone 1060. M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND KM. balmer. 1417 Farnam st. , telephone 2U. 707 PLUMBERS. FREE-PLUMBING OF EVERY KIND. GAS steam & hot water beating ; sewerage. 313 S. II. J. J. HAN10AN. PLUMBING , STEAM ANL hot water heating. Z70i Leavcnworlh it. 15 $ .IOHN ROWE & CO. , PLUMBING. STEAM AND hot water heating , gta fixtures , globes. 421 U. IS. HOTELS. THU MIDLAND HOTEL. KTH & CHICAGO sti. , coolest hotel , fronting on Jefferson square. All car lines within a block i cars to "Fall ot Pompeii" only a block away , American pUn , SI.M to J2.00 ttr day ; European plan. Mo to U.OO per day. M. J , Frank , proprietor. 714-31 AETNA 1lOUSn ( lTuilOPEAN ) N. W. COK. Utli and Dodge. Room by day or wtek. GRINDING. SCISSORS , LAWN MOWERS. P.AZOR9. ETC , ground. Mtlchlor Bros. . 1119 Farnam street. M287 RAZORS , 8HBARB , CLIPPERS. LAWN MOW- tn. etc. A. L. Underland. 106 N. 11 Hi. 7M MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALVA J. GHOV1SR , MATHEMATICAL AND surveying instrument * , enqlneeis * and rchl * trrli * suppllis , tracing cloth , proccM IU SauUi litU ; null orders. tij LOST. _ _ LOST. A LAHan" riLACK lAT WITH TIPS near 19lh on Burdcltes reword It returned to 1911 Bunlctto street. Lont-Mm 26 * TED DEHORNED DURH.u COW. short tall ; some while in switch. It. Btmvn- son , t873 Cnsslus street. LostM537 17 * LOST. LADY'S GOLD WATCH. ON ? r/rnT BR- tween Grace nnd Charles ; nnmg on cose , Knlc Sheldon ; Ittutn to Bee ollfe ; 13.00 rewnnl. &S 26 LOST. DIAMOND SET FROM GOLD RING. near 16th nml Dodge , August 18. IVberal re ward for return to Ha ) den Bros. MO 2ft * RING HUTTING ABOUT K caret , on Broadway. Council Bluffs. Thursday. 23,1 ; 110.00 ten art ) . Address U U , Bee. Bee.M577 31 LOST. BETWEEN FARNAM AND HOWARD sin els , a child's white duck jacket ; Under please return to Boston store , IStli and Dodge , 633 28 _ OPriCIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. , LEADING OPTICIANS J , F. Ponder , mnnnger. E > es tested free 223 South ICth , In Klnsler'i drug ilorc. 416-31 * _ TIE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , BCIENTlFfc opticians , 1138 Farnam st. , opposite Pnxton hotel. E > es examined free. 701 SCHOOL FOR OI-rdANS LEARN TO FIT spectacles scientifically. riasws formei ! monthly , Prospectus free C'nll on or address J , R rondrr , prlncl | > .il , cnre Omaha Optical Co. , 222 B. 16th street , Onia-ia. Neb. rsj 26 * HAY AND GRAIN. BUY YOUR HAY BY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy bay. A. H. Snydcr , 1S1C. Burl st. , tel. 1107 , S6JS3 _ NEBRASKA HAY CO. . WHOLESALE HAY ? grain and mill stuff. We are always on the market to buy or sell. 1ID2-4-0 Nicholas st. 158 JOB PRINTING. REED JOB PRINTING CO. FINB PRINTING ot all Hrula. 17th St. . Bee building. 716 MAIL ORDER COMMERCIAL" T'TllNTINO A specialty. Dourlas Printing Co. , 419 S. ISth street , till eel ey bldg , Tel. 644 ( or prompt service. MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. 0. F. GELLENBECK , BANJO1ST AND teacher. 3810 California , street. 914 FOR BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS ; easy payments ; Instruments rented ; rents apply on purchase. A. Hospe , Jr. 701 UPHOLSTERING. UPHOL'RINO CABINET MATTRESS WORKS. W. R. Bell , R. A. McEachron , J717 Leavcnw'th. 157 UPHOLSTERING VERY CHEAP THIS MONTH. M. S. Wnlklln. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 602. M1M CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS. GALVANIZED Iron cornices. 1722 Bt. Mary's ave. 391 CORNICl'ORs JolN EPE- Deter , prop. , 103 , 110 , 112 N. llth. Kstnb. 1861. Hit DENTISTS. DR. GEORGE 8. NASON , DENTIST. SUITE 20 * Paxton block , 16th ana Farnam sts. . tel. 718. R. PAUL. DENTIST , 2020 BURT ST. TENTS AND AWNINGS. WOLF BROS. & CO. , MANUFACTURERS OF awnings , tents , lings , wagon , hay stuck covers , tarpaulins , balloons nnd paiachutcs. 703-703 S. ICIh St. , telephone 604. Tc.its for lent. 713 TAXIDERMISTS. TAXIDERMY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- George E. Brown , Jr. , & Co. , 70 B. ICth. 723 DYE WORKS , SCHOEDSACK. TWIN CITY DYE WOP.-U\ 1521 Farnam street. D > elng of every demerit- lion and dry cleaning. Mi6J FURNACES. BEST FURNACE MADE.SOFT COAL SMOKE consuming and hard coal furnaces. Kaglo Cor nice works , 105-112 N. llth st. RJ3 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS , 7. E. MORRILL , CARPENTER. OFFICE AND ( tore fixtures a specialty. Patching anJ plastering. 1513 Cnpltol ave , tel. 408 651 LIVERY STABLE. BOARDING STABLES. FINE LIVERY RIGS cheap. Ud Baumlcy. 17th ind St. Mary's ave. M 486 WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited. 1008 Farnam st U23 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN BANT'S 8CHOO1. OF SHORTHAND. 611 N , Y. Life , Orr.Kio. jk for circular. 718 DANCING. ALL ON MORAND FOR LESSONS , EOCIEl'i or stage dances. 1510 Harney. HORSESHOEING. MRS. THOMAS MALONUY , 012 N. 16TH Si" . fclt HARNESS. GET MY PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY A HAR. niss. August Uo' ; , 711 B. 16th st. 261 PAWNBROKERS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 413 N. Kth St. 722 BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building , OMAHA. Neb. Advice FREb RRILWRYTIMEGHRD Leaves I CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N ( Arrives OmahaU. ] P. Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha 11:0Jam. Eastern * Express. . * . ! 77c:30pm : COOpm Vestlbuled Limited. . . , 9:40am : 6E6am Mo. Valley Local 10:30pm : 6:45pm : Omaha. Chicago Special 216pm ; Leaves ICHIUAGO. 1JURL1NOTON & Q. Arrives Omaha ) Depot 10th and Mason Sts. | Omaha 4 : < 5pm Chicago Vestibule P:4Eam : Chicago Express 42. ; > pm 7:02pm Chicago and Iowa Local 8:00am : llJlarn Paclllo Junction Ixical 5:55pm : Leates IBUllLINOTpN ft .MO. lUVEll.Aj-rlveii | Omnhal Depot IQlh and Mason Sts. 10:15am : Denver Express 9:3Jam : 10:15am : Deadwood Express 4lOpm : 4:50pln : Denver Express 4:10pm : :50pm.Nebraska : Local ( except Sunday ) , CMpin 8:15am..Lincoln : Local ( except Sunday.11 ) ; 25nm Leaves I K. C. . BT. J. & C. B ; Omahal Depot 10th nnd Mason Sts. I Omaha l:45nm : Kansas City Day Express , . , . . 6tupm : 8 : < 5pm.K. C. Night Kr. via. U. P.Trans. 6:50am : Leaves I CHICAGO , It. I. & PACIFIC. VArrlves OmalmU. | P. Depot , 10th & Mason Bta , | Omaha 10:15am. : . . Atlantic Exprees ( ex. Sunday ) , . . 6:05pm : tKpm : . Night Express . 6:40am : 4:40pm. : . . . Chicago Vestlbuled Limited. . . . l:2Spm : llS5a.m. Oklahoma Exp. ( to C. B. ex. Bun ) 635arn ; WEST. _ tdJam.Oklahoma & Texas Exp. ( ex. BunH:35cm ) : l:35pm . Colorado l.lnil ted..1 ; . 4:10pm : leaves ( UNION IvrcTf'iS ( Arrives OniahalUnlon Depol lOth & Mason Bts. | Omaha I0:00ara : . . . . .Kearrcy 'Express . 3:50pm : 2:15pm : . . .oTunrt ] Fl > er. . , . , . 6:40pm : MOpm . Paclfla Eipren . lOtSDum 6:30pm : . gnst Mall , . . 4 ilium : Leaves I CHICAGOr MILT& STrPAUL lArrlves Omaha ) Union Depot , 10th & Mason Sla. | Omaha ; J5pm . Chicago Limited . .7 i:30am : 11 1 IQani. . . . Chicago B l'res _ jeK. Bun , > . 6.00pm L7i\iTi p. , E. & uo. ' VALLEY ; TAfriveT Omahal | Depot 15th and Webster Bts. I Omaha l,05am . Deadwocd Express . G0pm : .OSam.Ex. ( Cat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( Ex. lion. ) . . ClOpni b.COpm. . . Norfolk Express ( Ex. Sunday ) . . .l' B'.3Upm. . . . . . . St. Paul Express. . , Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omahal Depot ISth and Wcbite * Sts. | Omalia SlOOuin . St. Louis Expiens . 6:00am : :80pm : . Bt Ixiult Express . 05Simi ; leaves I S , ST. 1' . . M. & O. [ Arrives Omaha ) Depot loth anil Webster flts. I Omaha 6:10pm. . Dally ( ex. Sun. Nebraska Local. , 8:10irr : 8OOam..Kloux ; City Accom. ( Ex. Bun. ) . . , 80jpni ; 10 ; 00arn. , Sioux City Accom. ( Hun , Only ) . . 8OJpm ; Uium. : . , Sioux City Express ( Ex. Hun..ll:51im : ill'IL--L-i."iiiiSl'-JL ! l'uLl'1iallfl9IO.ini ! ! ! fxai n I B10U CITY & I'ATClFICi : lArrReT OmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th & Maron ats. | Omaha TMamT.,8Ioux City 1'aiiennf . " . . , . . . , : : ' _ _ _ _ * uves I gIfur . CITy PACIFIC. J Arrive Umnhal Depot Hth nnd Webitcr Sts.Ori _ f _ > nhjt B. Paul Limited. . . , : Wirr Chlcaitii Limited. . . . . . . . . P.M11 V IIAHH RAILA\'AY X"7Ar > lvBi Di-pjl , 10th k lto on Sts. I Omah St. Ix > uls Onnnon Unit IJ-Vcr t\rvr Orlenn ( Uiiiiirlliuiin IinlU-tril , Vn\V \ OltLEANS , AUR. 25. Iv > ula O. Dt- IcTfi' . councilman for the Third munlclpa dlitrkt , ms been Indicted ( or bribery on two charges by the Brand jury , SOME PATHOS OF POVERlt Et-ong Young Man in Distress Applies to the Otuuty Cittmittlcnoia. i HIS PAIN OF BOTH MIND AND BOW bud Itotiianrc of IIIn Storjr IVrulMrlj- > el tlio LtMMirrs mill HrliiRi Him SuU- stiuitliil f > ynii'i > thy The Tno ! of III * .liltrrsltj- . Although It IB Mill several months too early for the poorer classes to feel the full force of the hardships Incident to the hanl times and lack of employment the , county com missioners are ilnlly brought In contact with. cases of destitution which foreshadow what will come with the advent of frosts onj winter \vlmls. Scarcely a ilay passes in which more or less suffering Is not brought to their oinco for relief. At almost any hour of the- day the private room of the commis sioners Is occupied hy ono or more unfortu nates who nro waltlns for vomo measure ot relief for their troubles niul the considera tion and Investigation of these cases keeps Lha commissioners busy a considerable per tion of the time. As a rule the talcs of woo which are told to the olllclals are honest enough and tha professional mercenaries nro not as numerous as mlRlit bo expected. Very few of the cases that have been Investlgatix ! have proved to jo undeserving and many of the applicants tor aid arc people whoso hands nnscallouscd by honest labor , but who Jmvo been driven by sheer misfortune to that extremity ivhcro they are no longer able to cope with the pressure of circumstances. Ono oj the most Interesting cases with which the board has become familiar was that of a youiiK man who drifted Into the city from Chicago ono day last wcoh. 3Io was ono of those whose prospects had been destroyed by the labor troubles and the con sequent stagnation of business Interests , but Ills story differed from the hundreds of others In that a romance In which lay his brightest hopes had vanished with the rest. Ho was a big. capable looking fellow still on the bright side cf 30 , mid he related his circumstances In n manner which could not fall to excite sympathy. Ills hamo was Kchvanl Criini , and until the past > ho has lived In n small city In central Illinois. When he was 17 his father died and left his mother with a family of five children , of which he was the oldest. As there was no patrimony which would sufllco to sup port the bereaved family Edward waa taken from the college nt Notre Dame , where ho was completing his education , and went to work to nil the place left vacant by his father's death. Ho obtained a position In a largo furniture establishment In his na tive town , and for ten years lie succeeded , In keeping his mother and sisters comfortably supplied with the necessities of lite. HIS SACRIFICES DEGAN. It was during that period that , like other young men , ho began to cherish golden an ticipations of another homo In which his Imagination placed the only woman In the world who could be more to him than his mother. But at that time his Income was not sufficient to provide for all ho loved , and to grasp the domestic happiness which seemed within his reach meant that his mother and sisters should be neglected. Ho bravely decided that his first duly was his best , and his dreams of wedded happiness were sacrificed to the filial tie. A year passed and then Ills mother died , and after ho.had wept over her grave In th > 5 suburban church yard the old hopes revived , the query of love was put and blushIngly - Ingly answered , and fete seemed to promise that his filial sacrifice would bo rewarded by nil the happiness for which ho had hoped. I3ut then misfortune seemed to step In and blight his hopes as his own tense of duty had 'done before. The wedding day was fixed when the pressure of commercial sd- vorsltles shut oft his means of support , and In spite of all his exertions ho was unable ' to obtain another position. Ho went to Chicago , where , after he had spent the few ( ' hundred dollars which ha had saved to fur nish his home , ho succeeded In getting em ployment at the stock yards. It was not pleasant , but It kept him from starving- , and he hoped that as soon as the times im proved ho could go back to his old position and realize his long delayed happiness. Then came the strike and along with hun dreds of others ho was on the street without money , friends or work. He was hungry and goaded to desperation he Joined ono ol the bands of lawless strikers and with them was locked up at the Harrison street sta tion for disorderly conduct. Ho concealed his real name , but somehow It became known in his native town and , womanlike , his sweetheart believed all the talcs the town gossips circulated and wrote him a brief but bitter letter in which she upbraided him for disgracing her and told him that there after sha had no interest In his fortune ! ! * He was broken-hearted at her treachery and after being released from his confine ment started west to look for something to do. Ho rode In an open box car as far as Hur- llngton and claims that he has tramped tha distance Intervening between that city and Omaha. Ho was without a cent with which to buy a meal , but claimed that during his trip across Iowa he had never even asked for a meal for which he did not render some equivalent In labor. He was still unwilling to accept charity , but wanted to bo provided with work of some nature , even If It was with a grading gang or on the street. Howas told to call again , and that in tha meantime an effort would bo made to find Eomethlng far him to do and a grading contractor who was standing near offered to take him homo and let him do work enough to pay for his board In the mean time. One or two gentlemen to whom the story was told took a decided Interest In his case and It Is understood that through their offices ho has secured a position at South Omaha which will enable him to pull through the winter. I'rinii Oliver. OLIVER , 111. , July 10 , 1S9I. Messers , Fcr- eythe & Korsythe , prominent merchants of this place , say they have used Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In their families , in the most severe cases of bloody flux , with perfect satisfaction , and take pleasure in recommending It to the pub lic. This is the most successful medicine In the market for colic , cholera morbus , dysen tery , diarrhoea and summer complaint. There Is nothing equal to it for summer complaint Incident to children. For sale by druggists. KELLY'S ABMY. r rt of tlioVnii lerrrs on Tliolr Iteturn frnm A committee from a contingent o Kelly's Industrial army , which passed through Omaha In April , was at the mayor's office yes terday trying to make arrangements for lrans poitatlon to San Francisco. It Is said that there are about ninety of theie men here and In Council Illutts , and they are on thel. * way west , after having put In several months of hard work tramping to Washington. Thess men have so far found It an easy matter to get transportation toward the west and they came from St. Louis In a passenger coach provided by the Wabash railroad , which sent them this far on their way for the sum. of $225 subscribed by on tx-cnnsresmnan and one f the St. Louis newspapers. The regular fare for the men would have been about JOOO. but It is said that the railroad company found it convenient to accept tha smaller num. The men have ridden at very cheap rates from Washington and have been cent on their way with as llttla deliy as possible. It will bo remembered that when the men came through Omaha on their way east last spring all the railways demanded full passenger rates to send these men to Chicago cage , and refused the request of the Cuincll IllufU and Omaha citizen * to charter a train at full freight tariff rales for that purpose. The railways even went BO far as to suspend all train service and called out the Iowa mllltla , through Qoveinor Jackson , to pre vent the seizure of their rolling Hock a * a means of conveyance. At tha mayor's olflco the committee was Informed that the city could do nothing lor them and were sent to the county commliiloners , Ak wag predicted , the mission of the Commonwealeri failed , although these men claim that ill Influcoo * will be felt in. official cirqle. %