Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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ttllver < M ) by currier lo unjr p rt of th * cltr.
II. W. TII/TON , Lessee.
Trnr.t'HONE3- lnfi omee. No. < 1 ; night
editor. No , 23.
. / / . % M.u
, Mayne Estate Aicnry ; , C39 Broadway. .
The Fifth Avenn Methodist Sunday school
will have an outing at Falrmonnt park
Captain Kmma Wallace of the local Snlva-
tlon Army leaves next week for St. Louis to
attend the grand council us representative.
Will there she Is to ha married.
A telegram has been received announcing
the death of Mrs. O. W. Chamb rl.iln In
Colorado , where hc has Iron visiting for
Rome time In the liopo of benefiting her
Oet In on the boom by having a pet of
Judeon s blue print pbts and Index. Council
Ulilffs and all additions , up lo il.ite , with
til7.0 of all lots ax of record. K. I' . Judton ,
020 Hlxth nvonui.
Rldda , the G-monthn-otd daughter of Mr.
and Mm. Jacob f'lntison , died at 3 o'clock
yextcrday. The funeral will take place this
oft rnooti at 1 o'clock from the residence ,
1939 South avenue.
An Information was filed In police court by
IV.i. . Weller yesterday charging William
Schrocder with stealing a cutaway suit from
room 29 of the Ogden house July t. The
eiilt was valued at Ml.
James S , Chrlsman and George W. Hobard
filed a petition In the district court yes
terday for a writ of ejectment against W. II.
IJtusey. who occupies fix lots at Manawa
park and Is said to bo In debt $120 for rent.
The Unity guild ladles served supper last
evening In the parlors of the firuco church
to several hundred people. The guild' ! !
suppers arc becoming very popular , and the
church basement will soon tt > too small for
tjio guests.
W. I' . Craft sued out a landlord's writ of
attachment In the district court yesterday
ngalnst Frederick I/indsburg , who llvs on
Craft's farm In Washington township. The
amount of rent claimed to bo due and un
paid Is $3.12.
Ilober' Hall , thn young son of F. W. Hall ,
, was thrown fiom a horse last evening and
severely hurt. Ills right leg was fractured
at the knee , left arm brokn and his lip
cut , requiring several stitches. He was
taken ( a his father's home on Mill and
Williams streets , and Dr. Macrae called to
attend him.
Lizzie Schmidt commenced divorce pro
ceedings In th ? district court yesterday
against J. C. Schmidt. She married him In
Omaha May 19 , 1892 , but two months later
she claims ho deserted her without cause
nnd Iin3 not shown tip nlnce. She wants
the permission of the court to use her
maiden name.
The old "haunted house , " formerly occu
pied by the late Captain I'ricc us a. residence ,
Is now occupied by .1 blacksmith named Wil
son. E'nBt end citizens claim ho found a $ , " 00
lilll rolled up and tied with a black thread
the other day on the premises. A piece was
Aorn from the center , but the remainder was
tent to Washington and redeemed ,
Secretary F. M. Wright states tint the
plan of putting up a new building for the
y0,1 n Men's Christian association has been
laid by for the present , until some of the
.wealthy friends of the association have re
turned from their summer vacations. He
thinks that when they get home and thehot ,
.Weather Is over they will look more kindly
upon the project , which will then be pushed
for all It Is worth.
Albert Brooks , a runaway boy who has
been charming the Inmates of the city jail
hnd the Inhabitants of the surrounding
country by his rendition of "After the Hall"
for the last week , , was sent to Ogden last
evening In charge of the conductor of the
train. His mother Is very anxious to have
lilm at homo , but It Is very doubtful If she
ever sscs him again , for ho has boasted that
lie would never stay at home.
Two desirable houses for rent. Good lo
cations. Uargiiln In Broadway property near
postolllce. Farm loans wanted , lowest rates.
Fire and tornado Insurance written In best
companies. Lougce & Towle , 236 Pearl st.
Will trade a good lady's bicycle , new , for a
typewriter. Cole- & Cole , 41 Main street.
Ganymrdo Wheel club Ilace Meet Friday
nnd Saturday.
For cobs go to Cox , 10 Main street. Tele
phone 48.
I'KltSOS.II , I'.lll.lOlC.tI'HS.
' George W. Hewitt Is at Manltou Springs ,
n. L. Gttrretson of the Atlantic Blads was
In the city yesterday.
Miss Laura Couch of Minneapolis Is visit
ing friends In the city.
Miss Nellto Bcebe Is In Missouri Val
ley , the giust of Mrs. S. Arthur.
J. S. I'oolo of the motor company's ofllce
force , has gone to Hot Springs , S. D.
Mrs. Ed Canning Is expected homo next
Saturday from a visit with friends In
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Officer are expected
back from a six weeks' Colorado trip about
September 1.
1) L. Wolr and wlfo have returned from
Telia , la , , where they have been spending a
Wick with relatives.
13. S. Porter left yesterday for a month's
visit to Colfax. His wlfo will follow him
In a couple of weeks.
Mrs. M. F. Hohrer , her son I. B. and
daughter Carrlo returned yesterday from a
summer's visit with relatives at Avalon ,
A. G , Dotightllt leaves the latter part of
the week for Oltumwa , whercc-hc will take
the position of superintendent of physical
Instruction In tlio Young .Men's Christian
ossoclatlon. Ths position he has occupied
In the association hero will not be filled at
present , as -gymnasium has been dis
continued , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Domestic toap outlasts cheap soap.
Good stenographers , bookkeepers , clerks or
house girls secured at C2. > Broadway.
Ganymodo Wheel club flace Meet Friday
and Saturday.
Ganymede Wheel club Haee Meet Friday
and Saturday.
Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sale at
Gas Co.'s olllce.
CIIHH Comity \Ytcirnii4.
The annual gathering of the Cass County
Veterans' association will commence today
at Lewis , and preparations are niado for a
large attendance. Among those who arc
booked for addresses are J. J , Steudmun of
this city. Judge Given of the supreme
court , Ex-Dopurtmcnt Commander Phil
Bchallcr of Sao City , Department Com
mander George Newman , Dr. 10. S. Hill ,
Ilov. Stanley and Ilev. L. B. Wlckersham of
Atlantic , General James B , Weaver of DCS
Molncs , Major H. J , Curtis of Atlantic , Ilev.
DoVol and J , S. Crawford. Captain J. B.
Moreland of Atlantic will bo th ro with hh
Ilotchklss battery. Captain George Itliuo of
Grant with his Galling gun , and Mr. and
Mrs , Turk Moore will render comic songs
and recitations. The exercises will begin
this afternoon at 1 o'clock and will lust until
Saturday noon. ,
Hammocks cheap , Davis the druggist. Is
Dee folios neatly bound by Motchouse &
Co. , Council Bluffs.
Washerwomen use Domestic scap.
Try a glass of Sulpho-Sallne or Sotcrlan
nilter-1 waters from the famous Excelsior
springs at George liuvls' . Paul Schneider's
and O. H. Brown's drug stores. John Liu-
tier , general agent.
Eagle laundry , 721 Broadway , ( or good
work. T l. 1ST.
MurrUen e . . as
The following marriage licenses were U-
mied by the county clerk yesterday : $
iNumo and Address. Age.
.John O. Jone , Pottawuttnmle county. . , . CO
JMra. June SK lton , 1'ottuwntWunle county 51
jjJosi'ph r
f I
Ell Erown Fatilly Ilu-t While Ho Was Cut
Bfcjclo Biding.
Turned Armmil for nil Innlntlt In Jipeuk to
u LiiiMpiinliili ami Dill Not Nnllra nil
Aipriiiu | hlnj ; IltpreM Truck
J'erltunllln 1'eared.
KM tlrown of the C. 0. D. Drown grocery
met with serious and perhaps fatal Injuries
yesterday morning while riding his bicycle
along First avenue near Ilayllss park. Don
Hcno was riding with him , and he turned
to apeak to him , not noticing a big Unltei
States express wagon that was coming to.
wards htm from the opposite direction. Doth
ere going at u good rate of speed , and when
the collision c.tinc Drown was thrown to the
ground. The tongua struck him a terrible
blow In the stomach. He was picked up and
carried to the Ganymede Wheel club , where
DM. Howcr and Scybsrt attended him. Dr.
Boner refused to let him be moved from thp
club rooms to the home of his brother , Ed
N. Broun , on Harrison street , as his con
dition was such that the Jolting would In
all probability have proved fatal. He fears
that peritonitis will set In , and considers
the unfortunate man's chances for recovery
very slender. Drown has been under the par
Hal Influence of opiates ever since the ac
( If HID 1'otlifriiigliiiin \V/iltehuv / Coin-
Sale opened up with good encuragcment ;
big cro.vd all d.iy.
Some bargains w II be on silo today , and
In addition to bargains offctcd c\cry other
Item In stock at actual cost.
A visit to our store during dissolution
sale Is sure to prove Interesting and prollt'
Counc.l Bluffs.
John Short , Onitnr , : iml I ) . I. . U'elr , I'ollce-
ninii I'MrnMi ( Join of Ainii'eiiient.
John Short was taken with one of his Ecml-
occaslonal travails of soul yesterday morning
and perched himself In his wagon at the
corner of Broadway and Main street to
give the general public an Insight Into governmental -
ornmental affairs. In a few minutes he had
accumulated quite a crowd , a portion of
which , composed of strangers , expected to
hear something Intcrcbllng , and the rest ,
composed of people who knew John , wanted
lo see from what quarter the customary
shower bath would co'me. "
W.IL"M. _ . I'uscy was sitting In his bank
and the oratory grated on his nerves. He
sent to the police station and asked that It
be stopped. Officer Weir appeared on the
scene a few minutes later ami ordered John
to close his face. But John has been defy-
Inc governments too long to have any fear
for a blue-coated minion of the law , and he
frankly vowed his Intention to stay there and
talk until the thermometer down in hades
registered 32 , unless he chose to stop sooner.
"I defy you to arrest me , " he shouted ;
"I'm a citizen and I know my rights. " With
that the crowd gave a lusty howl and
awaited anxiously the time when one or the
other of the parties to the encounter should
use his fists. Some of the local labor people
In the outskirts of the crowd Intimated In
tiulet tones that If Weir tried to arrest their
apostle he would find his hands full , for they
would take him away. For a time It looked
very much like trouble , but the upshot of
the whole matter was that Weir hauled In his
horns and left Short In possession of the
field. Short cracked several pieces out of the
cerulean and finally left when ho got ready.
.Mlilmiuniicr Itenellt.
For the benefit of those In need of foot
wear. I would say take advantage of Dun
can's wreckage sale. This Is what you can
get :
ISO pairs John Kelley's ladles' fine $3.00
shoes , $2.25.
144 pairs Selz Schwab's perfectos , , an ex
cellent shoe , for $3.00 , worth $4.00. -
120 pairs men's hand sewed fine calf shoes ,
made for Ilealey's fashionable fclioe store ,
Santa Itosa , California , for $3.50.
300 pairs men's fine Russian calf tan shoes
nnd all our regular $5.00 and $ C.OO tin shoes ,
all the latest shades and styles of toe , $2.FJO.
GO pairs ladles' lace patent tip and counter ,
72 pairs misses' button shoes , patent tip ,
72 pairs youth's shoes , sizes 8 to 12 ,
120 pnlrs boys' shoes , sizes 12 to 5 , lace.
12 do/en chllds1 and Infants' shoes , at
from 20c to 60c.
This wreck occurred on the I. C. R. R.
July 21 and was purchased from the R. R.
company by Mr. Duncan for one-half the
actual value. 28 Main street.
Wants n Cli.tutiuiqu.i.
COUNCIL BLUFFS , Aug. 22. To the Edl-
tor of The Bee : Since my return from
Spirit Lake I have often thought of the
pleasant and uplifting Influences of the Cluu-
tauqua which I enjoyed at that place. It
was good Indeed to be there. But why should
not all Council Bluffs right here at home
enjoy those means of personal and social
Improvement which such an assembly opens
to us ? Given a location easily acceptable to
our population , an assembly room with teach
ing apartments equal to the needs of the oc
casion , camping grounds near nt hand , well
shaded and Inviting , and a list of lecturers ,
teachers , musicians and entertainers adapted
to those In purslut of restful but profitable
relaxation , and all the essentials of a first
class Chautauqua are at hand. A few thou
sand dollars will furnish all thcsa and a
grand assembly next summer can be opened
up to western Iowa and eastern Nebraska.
I hope the needed money may bo soon forth
coming. T. T. THIGKSTUN.
Domestic soap breaks hard water.
Ganymedo Wheel club Race Meet Friday
and Saturday , (
The laundries use Domestic soap.
Council lllurN .Man .Mint. (
Yesterday's Bee dispatches contained the
account of the shooting of F. B. Wlrt and
. M. Hoseberry of the Ben HUP Mining
company at Crlpplo Creek. Frlsnds of W.
O. Wlrt , who lives on Willow avenue , In 5)
this city , felt an anxiety lest ho should (
prove to bo the one Injured , and thilr anx (1 (
iety proved to bo well founded. A telegram
received by Mrs. Wlrt ymcrday morning
conveyed the Information that Mr. Wlrt and
his companion were held up near Cripple (
Creek and the former was hurt , but not
seriously. A , letter was promised soon , and
will probably arrive this morning , contain
ing further particulars.
Tim MroiiKf't .Mil 11 In the \Vorlcl.
Sebastian Miller , the strongest man In the
world , has concluded arrangements with tha
Maiuwa people to appear four days at the
Grand Plaza , commencing this evening. Mil
ler performs such wonderful feats nb lifting
II,500-pound weights , raising 450-pound dumb
bells and breaking rocks with his fists. He
the Samson of the nineteenth century.
Century war book , famous paintings , per
istyle to plulbunce , sights and scenes and
nil folios bound by Moorehouse & Co.
\Vnnts hilppiirt for Her Child.
Charles C , Cook of this city , who lives on
First avenue , has hern made defendant la a
suit instituted In the courts at Ottumwu by
Miss Anna Tangcman , who blames him for
the authorship of her daughter. In the In
formation she allfget , limb he U making
good wages as a traveling salesman and la
worth $8,000 to $10,000 , or perhaps more.
Sim demands judgment for such an amount 1:01 :
may be thought necessary by the court for
the support of the child. The suit ls said to
the outgrowth of Cook's refusal to pay
$250 which wan put up by a frlund to assist
the girl at the time of tbe birth of the
linpru\emrnU ut Muuliuttnn.
'Already ' the management of Manhattan
beach are making arrangements for extensive
tfl bo luiula tiaiwaao Ui
of thM teuton o > d the opening of the next
They ilu not make nil their plan * public but
state Hint they will spend several thousand
dollars lit Improvements. Among them ar ,
a IIBBO bill ground nnd a iuart | < r of a mile
race track. Th e will be put Just couth
of the bench , nnd the sandy soil will have to
b * Boddfd down.
Girls or women furnished situations of all
kinds. C25 Broadway.
( Continued from Second Page. )
Twentieth J. H. McClay , Lincoln , and J.
J. Trompcn , Hlcknmn.
Twenty-flrt J. E. Hays , Beatrice.
Twenty-second J. N Van Dtiyn , Wllber.
Twenty-third John He'sty , Fulrbury.
Twenty-fcurth C. A , McClotul , York.
Twenty-sixth H. Galushn , Red Cloud.
Twenty-fovonth C. F. McOrew. Hastings.
Twenty-eighth S. C. Stuart , Axtell.
Twenty-ninth C. D. Fuller , Imperial.
Thirtieth A. E. Allyn , Cozad.
The following are ex-ofllclo members of
the committee , the first six being the chair
men of the republican congressional com
mittees and the last two the president and
secretary of the Republican Slate league :
H. M. Bushncll , Lincoln , First district : B.
II. Robinson , Omiha. Second district ; C. C.
Mc.Vlsh , W sner , Third district ; S. H. Steels ,
David City , F-tirth district ; R. Q. Stewart ,
Campbell , Fifth district ; Henry Cutting ,
Kearney. Sixth d strict ; Frank Collins. Lin
coln ; H. M. Waring , Omaha.
UAiciiits : : or TIM : CANDIDATES.
llrlef lilocrnphlc.-il .siietche * of HIP .Men
U'llo Are oil the Tleliel ,
Thomas J. Majors , the nominee for gov
ernor , was born and brought up nt Llbcrty-
vllle , Jefferson county , lu. When 18
ytars of age he came to Nebraska with a
stock of goods and located at Pern. Early it :
1SG1 he Joined Getioral Thayer's regiment
the First Nebraska , and participated In the
battles of Fort Donelson and Shlloh. He
served five years and fifteen days In the
army , and , when mustered out , returned to
Nemaha county and took up his residence on
a , farm. He still resides at Peru and Is now
si serving his second term as lleuterunt gov
R. E. .Moore , the nominee for lieutenant
governor , was born In Clark county , Illinois" .
ft I IS 19. He graduated from the Wesleyan
tiiilverslty at BloomlnL'toii In 1SG9 , was ad-
milled i to the bar at Champaign two years
later and then located In Lincoln. He
In partnership with .Messrs. Cobb and Mar-
( liietto frum July , 1873 , to August , 1877 , when
he engaged In the business of negotiating
teal estate loans , and has continued It to the
present time. Ho was police Judge of his
city In 1872-3 , mayor from 1883 to 1885 , and
represented his district In the state senate
for three terms.
Joel A. Piper , the nominee for secretary of
state , is a Canadian by birth , having been
born In the province of Ontario In 1851. He
came to Nebraska with his father In 1868
and settled In Nemaha county. He removed
to ' Hnrlan county in 1872 and engaged li
stock raising. He was elected sheriff o
the county In 1875 , superintendent of public
Instruction In 1879 and clerk of the county
In 1881.
, Joseph S. Hartley of Atkinson , the nominee
for state treasurer , has been a resident of
Nebraska for fourteen years. He sct'led In
Holt county In 1880 as a farmer , and while
still a tiller of the soil , for the last few
he has also been engaged In the banking
business. Ho Is now serving his first term
as state treasurer.
Eugene Moore , renomlnated for auditor ,
was born In Dahlonega , la. , July 13 , 1854.
His boyhood life was passed at Ottuimva ,
where he received his education. He fitted
himself for the profession of stenography.
He removed to West Point , Neb. , where ho
was appointed the official court reporter ,
serving under Judges Valentino , Barnes ,
Crawford nnd Norrls. He made his home for
the past several years at Norfolk , until he
was elected auditor two years ago.
H. C. Russell , the nominee for commis
sioner of public lands and buildings , is a
resident of Schuyler , Colfax county. He was
born in Harrison county , Ohio , November
2G , 1843. He served In the union army dur
ing the war and for three years was a spy.
Ho studied law at Washlncton , la. , and be
gan the practice of his profession at Craw-
fordsvlllo , that state. Ho came to Nebraska
In 1S7G , and In 1877 he was elected Judge of
Colfnx county , serving two terms. He rep-
resented his county In the legislature , of
18S7 , and at that time The Bee said of him
at the close of that memorable session : "Mr.
Russell was a traitorous Pharisee , who played
the spy In the Von Wyck camp , and gave
aid and comfort to the senator's enemies and
kept his record clear to deceive his con
stituents. This confidence game he kept up
throughout the session. His Intimacy with
boodlers , Jobbers and railroad cappers was on
open secret , while his collusion with the
gambling conspirators was cunningly con
cealed. "
Arthur S. Churchill was born In I rle
county , New York , February 2 , 1844. Two
years later his father moved to Monroe , WIs.
Churchill was raised on a farm and went to (
school one year ut Evansvllle , WIs. On Au
gust 7 , 1SC2 , Churchill enlisted In the
Twenty-second Wisconsin Infantry and
served until the close of the war. In 1865
he entered the University of Chicago , re
maining there three years , taking the classi ! >
cal course. Ho then removed to Jasper
county , Iowa , and was admitted to the bar
on March 8 , 18G8. Early In 1SC9 Mr.
Churchill married and settled In Atlantic
until ISSii , when he moved to Omaha.
Prof. H. R. Corbett of York , the nominee
for superintendent of public schools , was
born In Clinton county , Illinois , on October
30 , 1SC4. During his , Infancy his parents
removed to Vermont and his boyhood wan
passed In the Green Mountain state. Later
he returned to Illinois county. Prof. Corbett
received first a high school education and
then spent three years In the Iowa Aerlcul-
tural college. Afterwards he graduated at
Hastings college. Ho'has been superintend
ent of the city schools of York for some
thing over four years.
Slow Truck mid Unlntrredtlnjr Cnrtl for the '
Huy nt Snrntosu.
SARATOGA , Aug. 22. The track was c
Blow. From a racing standpoint the day
was unlnteresllng. Ilesulls :
First nice , one mile : Key el Santa Anita
(20 to 1) ) won , Lake Shore (2 ( lo 1) ) second , of
Gullllec (7 ( to 1) ) third , Time : 1:15. : da
Second race , seven furlongs : Promenade _
(7 to 10) ) won , Tuscorora (3 ( to 1) ) second , ,
Due | Carter (3 ( to 1) ) mini . _ Time : 1:20J. : ; . . Lc
Thlid nice , five and a half furlongs : Pcp-
pcrle ( (5 ( to 1) ) won , Urania (1 ( to 2) ) second , off
Campania (7 to 5) ) third. Time : 1:10. :
Fourth nice , five furlongs : Ro smar ( fi to tei
) won , Dooi'h'a (11 ( to fi ) second , Enchanter tei
(60 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:04. :
Fifth race , seven furlongs : Rlghtmore
to 2) ) wan. Innocent (2 ( to 1) ) Hcoonil ,
Dauntless (9 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:2914. :
Sixth race , mile and nlno-slxteenthx , six
hurdles : Rassanco (7 ( to 1) ) won , Woodford
I to 5) ) second , Beau Urtimmel (10 ( to 1) )
third. Time : 3,02.
yp >
Suvrn Winners lit Il wlh < > rn .
HAWTIIORNH , Aug. 22.-Flrst race , Fi
three-quarters of n mile : Julius won ,
Krncht L second , South Park third. Time : In
1:17.Second : Ini
Second race , one mile : Senator Irby won , en
Orlnda second , Enthusiast third. Time :
! 2'4. '
Third i ace , one-half mile : Mollle K won ,
Dora Wood second , Noon third. Time : IV
Fourth race , i-even-clghtlm of u mile :
Nephew won , Kaglo Itlrd second , Dairo tn )
third. Time : buSt
Fifth race , seven-elglithH of n mile : The
Kitten won , Klikovcr second , Theose third , St
rime : 1:504. : : ;
Sixth nice , three-quarters of u mile :
Prank Farmer won , lied Olenn second ,
Mudgu Uoiu third. Time : lHi. : !
Seventh race , mile and u sixteenth : Four
nirdles : Argenta won , Templemoru second ,
Hclsarlus third. Time : 1:67. :
Outcome ut MiiilHou.
ST I.Ot'IH , AUK. 22. Mndlson results : th
First race , live nnd a half furlongs : La tm
Hue won , I'ostboy second , Montana Hello edj
bin ) . Time : 1:13. : j
Second race , five furlongs : Monsoon won , Htl
Northwestern second , 1'aulette third. Time : pe
% ,
Third race , live and a half furlongs : Air
tight won , Morton second , I'rlnce Peyton he
third. Time : 1:12 : % . bu
Fourth race , six furlongs : Miss Nannie tin
won , Ivnnhoe second , Heads or Tails third.
Time : li : . 1m
Fifth nice , one mile : September won , m <
niskersjii second , National third. Time : pu Ve
( ilcMinoyne Weighed In Miort. ]
W (
NEW YOItK , Aug. S2.-Thero was wild Cl :
confusion at Jerome park after the match
For.Out-of-Town Visitors.
TTinnl lilctlIdbll rT ac"h Choice of the vary finest MOM'S or Yotinc OH O Tuko your pli'lc from stilts which Imvo sold heretofore nt
- Mon'a Suits m the whole of the big stock * J > 1 $18.00 , $22.50 , $25.00. $28.00
g 0c.E ! Men's Suits.
An elegant line of all wool casslmcre suits ,
In light shades , sizes 34 to 42 , which we
close at $3.50.
A line of heavy home spun cheviots , also
light shades , at $4.25.
A lot of dark casslmcres and worsted ,
straight cut sacks , at $6 50.
A lot of assorted clay worsted suits , In
sacks as well as cutaways , bound or stitched
edgco , closing at $7.50.
. . A line of black and blue tricots , heavy
weights , the best cloth manufactured and as
nicely trimmed and tailored as any merchant
tailor can produce , closing out at $12.50.
A fine line of mlncster's suits , high cut
coats as well as Prince Alberts , In black ,
tan and gray , closing it $15.00
These are a few of our leaders In men's.
Sco the rest at the store.
Mid Summer Coats.
Alpaca coats and vests , drap d'ctes , long
and shortcuts , extra sizes short and stout
makes , In all Imaginable shades , stripes and
plaids , at just half last week's closing out
This news too good to ba true ? Not a bit
of It ? There's nothing strange about It. We
are closing out and the only way to do It Is
to name prices \\hlch will conform to your
pockets and t > e hard times. But If the fore
going Is good news , what Is' the following ?
CIIO10 L Children's Suits.
Nice line of children suits 'n ' three styles ,
at 75c ages 4 to 14.
An tlcpant lot of cheviot suits , ages 4 to
14 , at $1.15.
A line of dark and fancy casslmcro suits ,
ages 4 to 14 , at $2.00.
A few mancy worsted suits , ages 4 to 14 ,
at $2.50.
All the best grades nt black and fancy
2-plcco suits , at $3.00 and $3.25.
Wo have some broken sizes In assorted
knee- pants , at lOc a pair , at 20c. 25c and 50c
Boys' Suits.
Hoys' suits , 14 to 18 years , In cheviot , dark
mixed , 3 pieces , at $1.75.
A line of casslmerc suits , same ages , In
light effects , closing at $2.75.
Good heavy weight woolen suits at $3.00.
Fancy black worsteds , same ages and sizes
at $4.25.
If you or your children will need any
clothing for six months to come , this Is
an opportunity to make a paylnc Investment.
Mail orders must be accompanied with the cash during this sale.
- ' Money refunded if goods are not satisfactory.
between Glenmoyne nnd Stonenell , for al
though Olenrnoync gave Stonem-ll a big
beating , he was clIsfiuaHlleil for being short
weight , having probably lost one of his
lend pads In the journey. As soon as the
ling fell in the first match Pochlno took the
lend under a gentle rulll , and ns soon ns
ArmltoBO tried to creep up on the turn
under the club liouxe , Hamilton let out a
little , and this was the" state of affairs to
the laut eighth , when Slmms begun whip
ping and ppurrlng , and It was all over ,
Pochlno winning pulled up In 1:21 : , the rec
ord time for the trui'lt. In the other match
Glenmoyne > was the favorite nnd Dwyer did
not bet on his horse. The story of the race
was the same us the Hist. Hamilton took
Glenmoyne out nnd made the running ,
keeping about a length nnd a half ahead
nnd winning by that distance under u
gentle pull. Results :
First race , five nnd a half furlongs :
Rttere (8 ( to 1) ) won , Kmmn Oi to 1) ) second ,
Corn ( G to 1) ) third. Time : 1:11. :
Second -race , Titan course : Governor
Bheepam (5 ( to 1) ) won , Speculation (7 ( to 1) )
second , Potentate (30 ( to 1) ) thiid. Time :
1M % .
Third race , five and a half furlongs :
Harry Heed (10 ( to 3) ) won. Tinge (2 ( to 1) )
second , Lodl (300 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:10. :
Fourth race , Tltnn course , match : Po
chlno (7 ( to 6) ) beat Armltage (9 ( to C ) by two
lengths. Time : 1:21. :
Fifth race. Titan course : Ulack Hawk
(4V4 to 1) ) won , Harrv Alonzo ( CO to 1) 'sec
ond. Solitaire (2 ( ! > to 1) ) third. Time : 1:22. :
Sixth race , mile nnd a sixteenth : Hnmllt
(10 to 1) ) won , Connors (0 ( to 1) ) second. Time :
1:53'A :
Seventh race , seven furlongs , match :
Stonenell ( even ) won from Glenmovne (4 ( to
) . Time : 1:154. : Glenmoyne finished first ,
but was disqualified for short weight.
On the Old Dominion.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 22.-Flrst race , four
furlongs : Pilgrim won. Pottawattninle
second. Flagrant third. Time : 0 : ! > l'4.
Second race , four furlongs : Black Child
won , Phil Daly second , Dutch Lou third.
Time : 0:51. :
Third race , four nnd n half furlongs :
ISImstone won , Meadow second , West Side
third. Time : 0:54 : .
Fourth race , five furlongs : Snap won ,
V.crl > la second. Craftsman third. Time :
1:02. :
Fifth race , six furlongs : Classics won ,
Belle Blackburn second , Lento third. Time :
1:18. :
( rout Northern Letter ItcHiillH.
LONDON , Aug. 22. At the Stockton
meeting today the race for the Great
Northern ' Legcr of 1,000 sovereigns for 3-
yenr-olds , penalties and allowance , over
the Legcr course , one mlle and live fur
longs , wan won by the b y colt , Stonechak.
Lord Cnrborough's bay filly , Scenery , sec-
and , nnd Mr. Jlbby's chestnut filly , Chln-
chln ) ; , third.
Clianifo In on Alaska roatnfllro.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 22. A change In one
the few pistofllccs In Alaska was made to-
lay , when Fourth Assistant Postmaster
General Maxwell appointed William King
Lear postmaster at Fort Orange , vice Lydla
rhomas , resigned. The compensation of the
fflco Is $252 a year. As there are only nine-
eon olllces In Alaska , appointments In that
.crrltory average one , in .six months.
TKI.l'.nitAl'llH )
, .
1 i.
i ,
Congressman Holman has been rcnoml-
mtcd by the Indlanai ( democrats.
The second Cnllfornla district democrats
TStorday nominated W. A. Alford.
The triennial chapter'W the order of St.
Francis met al St. Lodls yesterday.
An nntl-lynchlnK society was formed by the
Indianapolis colored people yesterday.
Several i citizens of : Victoria , li , C. , have
enrolled themselves i In the Japanese setv-
The umuinl ineetli ) , , , , of the order of
ll'HIth Abraham met , nt 8t , Louis yestcr-
The marine bureuli linn received advlcea
mt cholciu has broken out at Koenlgs-
jurg. " ' ' '
Arthur P. Selby , Cleric of the United
itiite.H circuit court'ill' ' St. Ixnils , died yea-
trday. mi
A lire at Howling Green , Ky. . yesterday
lestroyed fifteen buildings nnd caused ness
oss of $100,1100.
The colored Knlghtn of Pythtux nt Indlan-
ipolls have taken action which they think
vlll heal the dlfccort ] In the order.
Hcptesentatlvo Itlnlr has had printed In
Record a long1 speech on educational
natters In line with his recent lamented
ducatlonal bill.
A dispatch from Kentucky says that In-
itead of n womnn being nailed to a tree by
leoplelio did not admire her conduct It
van only an elllgy.
Thn money recently voted by congress to
Nez Perces Indians will soon bn distri
cted and n poitloii of their old rcservu-
Ion opened to settlement.
Reports received by the State Uepart-
nt Hhow that the German hop crop Is
ery large , and that country will not be a
utruhnser from America this year.
Further proceedings In the Pullman quo
varrnnto proceedings were deferred , ut
Chicago yesterday on account of the ab-
of Attorney General MoJoney ,
What is Mctt Desired by the Business Men
of tha Wo"t. ; .
All Interests Aelclng of the Itullrn.ids thnt
Ulsrhargctl Kmployt'H lie ICclnrtt tt < Ml
Mr. Dleklimoii Deluged \ \ 1th Let
ters Other Jtallroiul > 't ! .
General Manager Dickinson Is having
peck of trouble these summer days , much of
It originating west of Cheyenne along the
Union Pacific. His mall during the past
three weeks has grown In volume until the
general manager Is almost swamped under
the avalanche of letters. And these letters
have but one thought In them , petitions for
the reinstatement of old employes who went
out on the strike. These letters , however ,
do not come from the men themselves , but
from merchants , bankers , real estate agents ,
Hoard of Trade associations , and other bodies
having presumably some Influence with the
general manager. They are all of the same
tenor , asking that work bo resumed In the
shops , and that old employes be given prefer
ence over Imported help.
So urgent are Eomo of the demands that
Mr. Dickinson has about decided to go west
and yiersonally Interview the business
men of the communities clamoring
for relief and asking for the reinstatement of
men. He will simply place the situation
on a business basis and nothing could be
more conclusive than the earnings of the
system for June recently published In The
IJee , wherein It Is shewn that the whole
system , with the single exception of the
main line , presents a deficit.
Funeral crvlces OVIT Sir. Chandler.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 22. Funeral services
were held at Grace Episcopal church this
afternoon over the remains of France Chan
dler , late general passenger agent of the
Wabash railroad system. The services were
attended by all the heads of local passenger
departments and by a number of out-of-town
officials , who came to St. Louis for that
purpose. The services were conducted by
Itev. Dr. Ingrain , rector of Grace church , and
wore very Impressive.
After the funeral services the remains
were taken to Smlthers & Wagoners' under
taking establishment , whence they were re
moved to the union depot , escorted by the
Knights Templar , to be sent to Uomeo , Mich , ,
whcro Interment will take place Thursday
at the family burial ground.
Ktlll { jimrrollni ; Oter Wurld'H I'nlr Html OK ,
CHICAGO , Aug. 22. For over a year the
Alton and Hlo Grande Western have been
quarreling over the division of World's fair
business of last year. The latter line has
refused repeatedly to abide , by the basis
of division adcpted by the lines of the West
ern Passenger association. Recently an at
tempt has been made to Induce It to alter
Its resolution and adopt the association rate
of . division , but U has once more positively
declined and the trouble will Mill brew ,
The stagnation In passenger business con
tinues to bo as great as befcre and many cf
the lines report It the dullest season they
have ever known.
Nlchoii' DUeiiiir.iglni ; Itppnrt.
P. J , Nichols , general superintendent of
the Nebraska division of the Union Pacific ,
when asked about the condition of the coun
try through which he recently passed on a
tour of Inspection , said It was too bad to
oven talk about. Wheat Is already being
shipped Into Callaway from Kansas to help
the farmers In that locality. Farmers are
driving all their cattle to market , and suckIng -
Ing pigs are being corulled along the line
at half a dozen places waiting for cars to
transport them to market or to places where
they may bo fed.
lUllnuy Note * .
A parly of thirty Indians from the Pine
U Id go agency went to Kansas City last night
over the Mlesourl Pacific. They will ap
pear In Dr. Carver's Wild West show In
Falrmount park. They were In charge of
H. C. Llndsly.
Nearly , If not all , the division superin
tendents on the D. & M. were lu Omaha
today attending tha republican convention ,
The Union Pacific will run a special train
from Cqlumbm wmQrrow , Iwlpe there 41
Furnishing Goods ,
Hats and Gloves ,
Trunks and Valises ,
At a Song to Close
Almost Given Away ,
Prepared from the original formula , pre
served In tlie Archives of the Holy Land , hav
ing an authentic history dating ImekCOOyears ,
for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
Price 5O cents. Sold by all druggists.
The Franciscan Remedy Co. ,
Bend for Circular nnd Illustrated Calendar.
Only These Who
Havj God Teeth.
0 TO .
3d floor Puxtoii Klouk , Kith nnd Fiirnam Sts.
Telephone , 10S" > .
Lady attendant. Gormnn spokun. Full f > ot
teeth , SB.oOj madosumu day tho' liiipicnvlnn
Is tulvun. Fillings without pain. Alt work
wurr.uitud , lnu ) Or. Kittley'g Tooth I'uwiler.
Don't Fool'With Your Eyes ,
Headache Caused by Eye Strain.
Many persona whoso heads are constantly nch-
Ing have no Idea what relief cclenllllcnly lit.
ted glasses Mill Blve them. This theory l nan
unlverially estatllshcJ. "Imprtiperly lilted glais-
, will Invailably Increase the truutle nnd may
lead to TOTAL HI.1NI3NBSS. " Our ability to
adjust Elusnes nafcly and correctly la beyond
Question. Consult us. Eyes tested free of charge.
Opposite I'aiton Hotel ,
LOOK roil TUB aoi.u LUN.
Had coini > lexlopii , luly IkmltheK , nnd fol"ng
- lialr [ ireuulril liy CUT1.
cfltA hiiAi * . Muttcffcc-
fjlng co.ip In tlie uorM , ai
ucllai Jinrcit and tncctertof
toilet mid nurnT ) bojn. ] Duly
cure for pimple * Ucuure mil ) piev mlio of
clogging of llio poin , Hold eieryuluru
7:30 : a , m. , arriving at Courtland Ilcach at
11:30 : a. m. , and returning , leave Omaha at
10 o'clock p. m. This excursion Is run for
the Woodmen's picnic at Catirtland Ileacli
tomorrow. _
/ / or.sWKICK HK.titn.
AlyntorloiiH Murder of u Colored Mini In the
Depot ul Itonne , l.i.
I100NR , la. , Aug. 22. ( Special Telegram
to The llee. ) A murder \vns
committed here at 11 o'clock last night. A
party of seven negroes , four women and
three men , v/lio had bceu ubont town a few
days , were taking a Northwestern train.
The women were In the car while ' . 'ic men
wore tecklnfe- chance for a blind b.igjgo
ride. The/ went to th < > dark side of the tinin
when sonio shots were fired and Hill Dayton
was picked up dead , while John Wells had
an ugly scalp wound. IJoth were colored and
members of the party. The police bellevo
that Dayton and Wells shot each other ,
though the survivors tell two stories one
that they were shot by somebody In the
train , the other that two white men cuino
along , cot Insulted at remarks made by the
negroes , fired the shots and ran.
1'onllrnieil ] ty Ilin nvimto.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 22. Cluy George
Itodgers of MUsourl and Joseph Johnston of
TtnncBjee to bi > aslnstunt paymasters In the
navy ( subject to the examination required by
law ) ; David Van Allen of Tennessee to bo
assistant engineer In the navy ; Frank Cas- \
sldy as surveyor ot customs , Cairo , III ,
Men's Odd Pants.
A few fancy tweed pants closing out at
$1.00 a pair.
All wool casslmero pants taken from suits
that costs as high as $ S and JtO , light shades
will be closed at $1.50 a pair.
A line of the old style Harrison casslmcro
pants , every thread and llbro wool , at $2.00.
An all worsted p.ilr of p.uits that are
hummers , closing at 2.50 a pair.
\Vu have SOO heavy and Inedlum weight
overcoats , nil styles , dark effects , ranging
In price from 4.00 lo $20.00. They will bear
Investigation. Of course you don't want one
now , but we're closing out , and overcoats
will go cheaper than anything else , because
they are harder to sell at this tlmo of the
year. You can save the price of an overcoat
by buying one now.
There Is no hocus-pocus dodge about tlteso
wonderful bargains. The goods are hero ex
actly at prices named , o : actly at prices de
scribed. Take our advice , como at your ear
liest convenience the sooner the better !
Uargalns such as wo have named will go
like wildfire ! When gene they cannot bo du
ChocoSat = Merrier.
His reasons are :
Tea and Coffee create nervousness with
a people too nervous al.eady ;
Hitter Chocolates are not lit to make a cup
of chocolate ; cheap ( sweet ) chocolates are
impure , hence injurious ;
COCOA is no more like CHOCOLATE
than Skimmed Milk is like Crenm.
Chocolat-Menier is an exquisite Vanilla
Chocolate , as nourishing as meat , as low
priced as other beverages , and far superior.
Ask for yellow wrapper Your urocer has it
PARIS ftfl $ & 9 E R LONDON
Av. , U llroailirar.V.
Steam nnd Hot Water Hontln ? for
Roahloncoa and
J. C. B1XBY ,
202 Muin. 203 Pearl StreotH , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
Fifth avenue and 1'cur ! ttreet. Apply at ilc
iii\iovin : , VA UIVTH .
KJ Huike , at W. M. lloiin-r'ii , 31 Hnmdwuy.
roit HAMis ; ucAii ioa.sjsANU
draft uml Oilvlnir , CnnnlNKlmm Imc-k and
coupe , t liuinei ! , xirc ii and IIUKKUKO wa.onal
t truck nml turnery WHKOIIH , W Hula do u bio
and lnKle Imrneoa , 2 faun wiicim. ! . Wm.
l.'iwln , HI Muln Mreet , Council Illuffn.
rent at liw South Hlxth it. , by Mn. Chapman.
non otti r need apply , Vl ) Mc-rrlam block.