THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 22 , 1801. 'I THEY READ THESE LITTLE ADS BEFORE THEY KNOW IT , HE LITTLE AD.don'tcost you much of anything $1.BO a line a month and it helps -wonderfully. Bo caroful. now , or you'll bo reading some of tlicso llttlo nda. If you do , wont some ono else ? Our ad. nion cnn write these Ilttlo nda to do you good. D rep us n card or 'phono ' 238. SPEG1RL NOTICES , Advertisements for these columns will lie taken until 12:9) : ii. m. for the evening nnd until 9:00 : 'P. m. for the morning nnd Humlny editions. Advertisers , l > y ren.uestlng a number check , cart have answers addressed f > n numbered letter Jn cnrc of Tim life. Answers BO nddrcBsed will , , b i delivered upon presentation nf tlio chock. Jtates , lV4c a word nrnt Insertion , lo it won ! thereafter. Nothing taken" for less than 23e for < lrst Insertion. , These advertisements must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. BOIinn , STEADY MARRIED MAN WANTS wsltlon. Iliivo had six years experience nn manager of lumber yard nnd clcvntor. Iiest of references. Address T 41 , Omatm llec. WANTED , 1IY A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT nnd experienced Indy uteiiOKtaphcr. position an olllcp clerk. Will accept model altsalary. . Add -ess T Co. llec. A-.M3JC 22 * WANTEO-A HOME IN AN AMERICAN FAM- i lly by a woman of good character anil quirt habits ; la hntidy with a needle nnd would Ilko the care fu children ; Wages no considera tion. Address T GO , lice. A 103-23 * CROcTcERYr GLASSWARE AND LAMP nusi- neaa ; man with sixteen yum * ' exjierlencu In Glasgow , Scotland , nnd Philadelphia , I'll , de sires position. Address U 4 , lice , Om ilia. A MI31 23 * VVANTin ) . POSITION IN AN OKI-MCI3 AS cleric , Iwokkeeper or cashier ; 5 years * .exper ience as nsslatant lunk cashier ; KOnd refer ence. Address U 3. llee. A M123 * J3 _ WANrTJD iiy IIONOUAIIMJ YOU.NO MAN , work to do for bo.ud. Add less U 5 , lice. AN AiTiThouND cooiTwismns A POSITION out weal , \VyomtiiK or lak"ta preferred ; nmrrlcd , one child. Can furnish linn-class ref erence. Apply nt lleo olllce , Lincoln.A . A MISl 21 * WANTED MALE HELP. „ 60UIC1TOUS , TEAMS FURHDilN.STAI.T.MRNT BOods American SVilnger Co. , 1CU Howard. U-C61 _ _ ' _ BAUssMnN ( nNniiGETJO WA'NT MUM OP i peed address on salary for retail trade. Apply V151i | Douglna. 1I-M14Q 89 Bl'ECIAI.TY SAI.nSMnN FOH IlF.ins LUMP i-Juw remedy ( by U. S. Pi-pt. AKrlcul- . . turc , llureau of Animal Industry , aa a hpeclllc ) " as a side line. Liberal tcrnii to right parties. * 'Address lirutliers & Held. Malvcui. la. U-MMI 817 _ BA'LKflMAN. ' IN I3VI2UY COUNTY ; J75.00 ' 'monthly salary and expenses ; experience un necessary. Knceland Mfg. Co. , ClilcniM. 11-M39' 23 * _ _ SPHCIALTY AOVniVTISINO CANVASSERS ; men familiar with premium mercantile trade. jl'Money maker of eighteen ninety-four , Stanley- Uradley Pub. Co. No. 7 C. ICtli st. , N. Y. It 120-1 * _ _ WANTED , nilUMMRRK WHO AUK TUAVI1L. I UK to handle quinine-whisky nn n slda line on commissio ; easy seller ; | > iya blir commission. Address , with icferencc , Quinine-Whisky Co. , Louisville , Ky. 11 MUJ 23 * _ SAUIISMUN , FOR SPECIALTY TO MER- chanlH ; entirely new ; unusual offer this. Send references. It. Coates , manager , 820 Van lluren street. Chlcnsu. I1-&H55 22' WANTED FEMALE HELP. I WILL TEACH DRESS Ct'lTING AND FUR- nlsh one of the heat systems In tlio world. Any Indy can li cnma her own dress maker In a few hours for } fW. ( Offer for ten < lny only. Mrs. Feins , 1722 Cnsa St. C 3JI 2t * GIRL FOR GENERAL IIOUSEWORK , SMALL family ; nonn but coed cook nnd l.unulreaa need address. F. J. llusbrouclc. Iluffalo. Wyoming. C 3:5-21 * WAN-rinj ] 'AN EXI ERIE.VC-ED SECOND Rill ; references required. Landou court , fourth house cant of South 21th Btleet. C M3S5 WANTED Olltl. FOR GENERAL HOUSE- r work ; small family. 1130 S. 31st bt. C 413 WANTED A LADY EIGHT HOURS A DAY f i by wholesale house. Address T 07 , Hep. G 110-23 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN FAM- Jily uf two. 117 Sc ) . Siith st. C 121-22 * LADIES. YOU CAN OIITAIN A REFINED inond genteel homo woik nt JI2.00 per week ; no cnrvasslnir. Reply wlthRelf-nddirased Htiimpcd . envelope , Esther Allan. South Demi , I ml. C M135 23 * v < HRL , FOR GENERAL HO I IS i\VolTur JlBF- prences requited. 2S17 Poppleton me. me.C 110-22 * 'WANTED-rilHLFOR GENERAL HOU8E- * work In a small family. Inquire No. 615 North , 4Ut u\e. C 411-23 * f""FORTRENT HO'USES. TENTS FOR RENT. 1311 FARNAM ST , D-663 WANTED-GOOD MEDIUM PRICED HOUSEa - List your fiouses for rent with Ames. D-CC3 .HOUSES. F. 1C. DARLING , 1JARKER 1ILOCK. D CM HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O , f , Davis company. 1505 Fnrnam. D C87 KELKENNV & CO. , U. 1. CONTTNENTAI. JJIJt . D C70 T-ltOOM CORNER FLAT AT 701 8. 1CTH street ; rang * and all other conveniences. Otorgo , Clpuscr , room i , 1623 Farnain street. D 300 FOR RENT. MODERN C.ROO.M COTTAGE ; call forenoons i IBM Sherman avenue.1 D MC2I % -OU IlENT. LARGE TWO-STORY IIUILDING. formerly used by tha Marholt Trunk Factory. 1130 Heward it. D 790 hi I'OU RENT. MOST UES1RA1ILE HOUSE , HI ] Farnam , It. C , 1'attemon. llamga block. D MM1 _ _ I , . 8 AND ID-ROOM HOU8ES. ALL MOD- crn , lawn and shade. Apply at 211 N. Y. I.I fa or ni Miami street. D M1S3 _ FOR RENT. FLAT W I.INTON IILOCK. COR. v ner nf Mnmm nnd 13th streets : 6 rooms. In KODd rvhalr : 117.00 per month ; Inquire of John Ham- lln. HIT. In block. _ . D-MiM FOR IlENT , ELEGANT 10-ROOM HOUSE. JOOJ Hurt st. D 301 31 * RENT , CHEAPEST SIX-ROOM COTTAGE with bath In city ; only tlS.00. 3035 California . IlENT. DESIRAULE DWELLINGS IN all parts of city. E. H. Sheafe , 431 Pnxton blk. D 57-SC FO/l 8ALB OR IlENT. CHEAP. M "nEsT. dunce. 1314 South 10th street ; brick house and turn : llrst-cUu ; all modern Improvements ; lot ihnttl. John F. Ctwts. D-M365 25 * TJIH FRENZER. 1H-1H N. TH STREET ; 21 argo rooms ; nil modern conenlences. . Will i ent either half separately , Julm N , Frenzer , . 1' . O. I-ltOOM COTTAGE. APPLY OWEN MeCAF- frey , 111 South ICth st. D--I18-K * HOUSE. MODERN CONVENIENCES. Sit 3lh street. MIOOM COTTAGE. MODERN. 810 8. MTU. MIOOU HOUSE. UOO ; 1-llOOU HOUSE. 15.04 ; city water ; Uundeo Place. Its Ilee bide. D M 50 IS * FOR HENT- FURNISHED ROOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS : MODERN ; 8UITA1ILU lor oo or two. 1S1 > DoOce. U se FOB BENT FURNISHED ROOMS. Continued. FURNISHED ROOMS. C2 SOUTH 13TH BT. E-MDM Sit * FURNISHED ROOMS AT 316 SOUTH 15TH ST. E MI51 8 11 * FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY. 1815 Douglas street. E 110-M * FURNISHED ROOM , WITH HOARD. 2421 Dodge. E M337 23 * FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING and front sleeping roams , loll Howard. E M33G 23 * LARGE SOUTH FRONT ROOM. 2COS HARNEY. E M372 1 * 1'LEASANT FURNISHED ROOM , 2215 DODGE ; K M373 ROOM FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. 119 N. 11th. E II1-23 * NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GENTLEmen - men or light housekeeping. COC N. 17th street. E M15S 23 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME UNDER CARE OF Women's Christian association. Ill S. 17th St. F-C71 _ VERY DESIRAULE UNFI'RNISIIED FRONT nnd Lack pallors , also fuinlshcd looms ; every thing Ilrst-cl.iKS. 210 und 212 South 25th street. F M13I _ PLEASANT ItOOMS WITH HOARD. 2130 HAR- ney. F M3I5 SIC- _ NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH A I.I. comenlcnccs. First-class boaid. 211 No. ISth street. F M27S-S13 * ROOMS Wll'l OR WITHOUT boaid ; references required. KtO and 2211 DOUK- las st. F-417-22 * 1'LEASANT ROOMS. WITH FIRST-CLASS board. 2211 London Court. F M13S 27 * FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH OR WITHOUT board. 17-'t ) Dodge. F MICC2I * STRICTLY PRIVATE FAMILY. PLEASANTLY locatfd , wishes three boanleiH. Moderate terms. Ilefcicnces. Address U 7 , Hoc. F MICO 23 * FOR TWO LADIES. J1.00 PER WEEK EACH , or gentleman und wife , J7.00. 718 N. 19th. F M457 22 * UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT f. UNFURNISHED CHAMBERS FOR HOUSE- keephiB to man and wife ; no children. 31D No. 17th st. G 313 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES CORNER STORE. 150.00. 824 DOUGLAS. INquire - quire 922. I-mSCS FOR RENT. ROOM , C5 BY 32 , 2ND FLOOR OF my btorc. suitable for cloaka and suits ; good light and elevator scivlce. Mrs. J. Ccnson. I M9S9 FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY IJlltCK 11UILDIND 016 Farnam street. The building hns n lire- proof cement basement , complete steam hefil- Ing fixtures , water on nil doors , gas , cio. Ap ply at the ntllco of The Bee. l-11'i ' AGENTS WANTED. WANTED , IMMEDIATELY , SIX CANVASSERS for country and towns near Omaha , worth $5.00 per day ; experienced salesmen only ; Bomethlns new ; Immense sales. C.ill 2707 Q street , South Omaha. J M426 25 AGENTS. UOTII SEXES. TO TAKE CONtracts - tracts for rcllabla firm. 123 Pnxton blk , Omaha. J 741-A30 * AGENTS WANTED. OR SALESMEN DESIR- IIIK side line , to take orders by sample ; staple seller , easily can led. We pay expenses nnd salary , or commission and furnish samples on application. Addles ? Lock llox 125 , New Yoik City. WANTED. EXPERIENCED AGENT TO SELL bonks of the day ; II.Oo a day can be made. Addrea * U C , Ilee. J M4I 22 * J150.00 TO J2W.OO PER MONTH CAN HE MADE by actlvi , reliable men of business experience n3stnto agents for the advertising department of our hotel register business. Lifetime work In yoilr own state to Bucccssful men. Addiess. with reference , James T. Hair company , 61 West Washington street , Chicago , III. J MIJ3 22 * AOENTH. ALWAYS SOMETHING NE\V AND bent sellers In Indies' goods. Write today ; It will pay you , Ijidles Supply Co. , 3118 Forest avenue , Chicago. J M451 22 * STORAGE. faTORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROSS,12H IIARNEY. M-C72 _ STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN cud cheap rate. II. Wells , 1111 Farnam. M-ffl- _ OM.VANfi.STOIlAGE CO..1502 FARNAM. Tcl.1559 M-674 _ f _ 1IEST STORAGE HUILDING IN OMAHA. U. 8. gav. bonJcd waiehouse. Household goods tared. Lowest rates. 1013-1015 Leavenworth. M-713 _ WANTED TO BUY. CASH FOR LUMBER UUSWESS IN LIVE town ; give full particulars. T 8 , Ilee office. N-.M9S1 S7 * _ AN UPRIGHT PIANO , LIGHT COLORED case preferred ; must be cheap for spot rash. Address C. A. Itandall , Nun man Grove , Neb. N 419-23 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY , YOU WON'T MISS YOUR money. Low prices on furnlluro & household woods. Enterprise Credit Co. , 012-615 N. 16th st. O-173 _ FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETO FINE SECOND HAND PHAETONS AND CAR- rlazcs. A. J. Simpson's Repository , 1411 Dodge. P 514-A24 _ FrOl1 IIUGGIESJ33 & $63.LEATHER TOP CAR- rlage > C5. Drunimoml Carriage Co. P 551 _ SALE Oil TRADE S IToilSES WEIGH. Ing 1,000 lln. each , 6 and 7 year old. Fred Terry. 430 Ramga block. _ P 764 THE I1EST LEATHER TOP UUGOY IN OMAHA for | i3.00. Drummond , ISth and Hainey. P-559 _ FOR SALE. A FINE ROADSTER. ADDRESS A. 11. Bpurr. Crmtoii. Iowa. P-MiJ 23 * " SPAN o'HORSES BE\EN YEAIts LD. K xl single drivers. 190 $ Davenport street. P 410- : * FOR 8AL33 MISCELLANEOUS. ICE FOR SALE ; CAN Sill I' OVER ANY ROAD out ot Omaha and Council Uluffs. Uimoreaux llros. , 30 $ So. ICth. Omaha. _ Q-M860 817 ICH FOR SAlST TN CAn LOTS. GILHERT lima. . Council Uluffs. Q-M523-AI5 _ CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL Unc * mad * . C. R. Lee , 901 Douglas. [ Q-774 _ _ J1ANIC AND I'LATTU VALLEY SAND FOR ale. C. W. Hull Company , 20th & Uurd sts. Q-nt _ _ _ _ _ WAGON UMBRELLAS. HIMl'SON , 1411 DODGE. VOK SALE , THE FORMULAS FOR WELL known pivprleiary medicines , favorably known In tha northwest , with le rights to manufac ture and sell In North and South Dakota. Ne- bruika. None tut resx > nilbl pan | noej answer. Addreu H. iUmllh. . Q-M3U Sli FOR SAFE MISCELLANEOUS. Continued. FIRE IIIIICK , CAR IXTfl , til M. I1EST BIDE- walk brick in market. K < > iwmpt * wnlka laid cor. Mth nnd Hurt nnd llth and Pierce. Win. J. Wotihatis , room 331 , Hoard ot Trndt. q-348 BU FOR HALE , A FINK FULL ULOOD HOI STE1N bull calf , 4 months old. 2S2S Wchnter street. Q-MIM t7 * 180.0) IHJYM A C-IIOIIHE IO\VER NEW EN- Blno 1C taken nt once. 71S N. 19th. 19th.C1M450 25 * MIGOELLANEOU3. HAVE YOUR OLD CARPET WOVEN INTO rugs. Smyrna rug * repaired , 1521 Lenvenwnrtb R-M5U STOCK PASTURED ; GOOD FEED. T. ray. it M427 320 * MRS. DR. It. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , HIJ. llablo builncrs medium ; 7th year ut 11J N. lit. MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. MADAME SMITH , t03 H. I3TH , 5D FLOOR , room 2. Mnp.iacf. vapor , nlcohol , strain , sul- phurlna nnd sen baths. T M171 2i * MME. LA RUETTlT SOUTH 15T1I. T-MMl 87 * boUO 250 26 * UMIIRELLAS MADE , RECOVERED AND nE palreJ. IOC South Sixteenth street. U-CSJ VIA VI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book nnd consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , 348 lce ! bldg. Lady attemlaiH. TAKE YOUR FRIEND ; TINTYPES , 4 FOR 25c. Proctor , 610 S. 16th street. U 41831 SAMl'EI. IIUIINS INVITES YOU TO SEE HIS new dinner sets at 15.75 , formerly HOM. MASAGE UATHS. MME. POST , 3UU 8. 15TH. DALDUFF-I A pleasant und convenient place , 1D20 F&rnam street , Paxton block ; 'phone 711.U . U MO THE WOMAN'S 1IAKERY SUPPLIES VA- rlety of choice goods , besides live kinds of the best bread In market ; whole wheat bread a treclalty ; coo-Is delivered ; telephone 451. Mrs. C. Eavlllc. manager , 1104 N. 24th St. U 533-A-3J STRAW HATS CLEANED , RESHAPED AND made now. 803 N. 20th St. U C23-A-25 CREAM FOR WHIPPING AND IIUTTER- milk. Waterloo creamery , 1C13 Howard ; tel. 1332. U 2CI S10 MISS MARY MARTIN OF DES MOINES , IA. . Is most nnxlous to see or hear from her sister , Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson ' iccently of Omaha , Neb. U M3C6 31 WHOLE WHEAT I1READ FROM UNI1OLTED Hour ut Imogen L. Ramsey's , 217 N. ICth st. _ DR.W. STEPHENSON , SPECIALIST , 506 S. 13TH U-IH-SI3 * - - WHEN OUT WITH YOUR LADY VISIT J. J. Mullcr's new Ice cream parlors , tsoi Leaven- worth street ; everything Is new , Including the lulldlng. Tel. 1030. Ice cream delivered."I "I 678 MME. I.A ROOIC. MASSAGE , 1COJ LEAVEN- worth stieet. third lloor , front rooms roomsU U 113-27 * WANTED , ALL THOSE TROUI1LKD WITH kidney , bladder or weakness , Bend for free trial of Magical remedy. Introduced mwn merit , Allen Uiug Co. , Memphis , Tnnn. U M'54 22 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chesney , Kansas City. Mo. [ W-MI ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N.Y. LIFE louni at low lates for choice sccutlty on .Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W-CS1 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM 111 DOUGLAS , Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Tiust Co. . 1703 Farnam st. W 6S3 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMI'TufvED OMAHA real estate. IJrcnnan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W C99 LOANS WANTED. J. N. FRENZER. OPP. P.O. W 7C3-31 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY nnd Nebraska farms nt from 6 to 7 per can' . W. 11. Melkle. First National bank building. W-CM MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORE , 501 N.Y.L1FE. W 60Da2l' OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. , 16TII ANU Douglas streets , loan money on city nnd farm oroperty nt lowest rates of Interest. W 603 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE ! O. F. Davis Co. . 1&05 Farnam st. W COl UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital J2,000,0jO. ( Suiplus JCOO.OOO. Sub. mlt choice loans to F. S. I'usey , agent. First National bank building. W-C83 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST llATRH ON Improved nnd unimproved Omaha leal estate , 1 to C years. Fidelity Co. , 170. ! Farnam. W-683 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA ri'al estate. IJrcnnan , Love & Co. , I'axton blk. W C82 FIRST MORTGAGES I1OUGHT ON DOUGLAS or Sarpy county farms. Reed & Selby , 331 Board ot Trade building. W 815 LOANS ON DOUGLAS OR SARPY COUNTY farms. Write us. Heed & Selby , 331 Chamber of Commerce bids. W S.I LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY pioperty ; } 3,000 & upwaidj , C to 7 per cent ; no delays. W. Farnam Smltl. & Co. . 1320 Farnam. W-637 MONEY TO JtOAN CHATTELS. J. B. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 RAMQE BLOCK. X-S92 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest lates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you ran pay tha loan oft at any time or In any amounts. amounts.OMAHA MORTGAGE lOAK CO. , DOf South " ill street. X-695 SHORT TIME LOANS. 432 PAXTON I1LOCK. X'J57 SS MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNIture - ture , pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind of chattel security , nt lowest possible ratea , which you can pay back at any time , und In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . room 4. WUhnell block. X-633 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PRoF- erly. Hnrvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life build- Ing. X tat BUSINESS CHANCES. IF YOU WANT TO BUY.SELl. OR EXCHANGE merchandise , Ret In or out of the business , call nn or address the National Information nnd Exchange Co. . 203 First National bank , Omaha , Neb. Y MS A24 _ _ FOR RENT A DEPARTMENT ON SECOND lloor , .30x30 , In one of the largest houses In Council Uluffs. 13 , cara lie ; , Council Dluffs. Y M 035 _ " FOR SALE. A HIG PAYING nUaiNKSs" ; NO competition ; Jl.WO caili tnlio It. Atldrets S fO , I3ce. Y M106 3 8 * _ FOR SALE. 2'i-nilL. ROLLER MILL AND feed mill ; steady water power ; plenty wheat In country ; nearest mill IS miles ; mill 2 years old ; 7-ioom building ROCS wlili the mill ; -will sell all for Jl , 000.00. JSOO.OO cash. Apply nt once. V. Cladek , Dunlap. Js'eb. V aim 22 * SUCCESSFUL SPECULATION OPEN TO AI.lT ; try our syndicate system of speculation ; In- crenso your Income ; Infoimatlon free ; wml for circular. Thomiwon & Derr Co. , 3 $ Wall street , New YoiU. lneoiHirntcd | under tha Innu of stata of New York. Capital , l'WP' ' ) .oo Y-MIS2 22 * _ FOR EXCHANGE WILL TRADE FINE EQUITY AND SECOND trust deed , well secured on Denver tealty , for SIKH ! farm In eustrin or central Nebraska. clear or lightly encumbered. S , J. Rlchaids , Hex 104. I'uivtT. Colo. _ Z M313 2J * ' IMPROVED STOCK AND GRA'lN F.UIMS Ol % fered In exchniiBo for sheep and entile. What have you to offer ? Maicus P. Heche , Ipsulch , IMmunds fountS. . D. X-M4G2 31 TO TRADE ! 3oooo.oo WORTH OF CLEAR Onmtiu property for Rootl Iowa In ml at rash value. Descrlba your land , Gco. E. Wlckens , Von. Dodge , low n. JV--M'S3 23 * FARM LANDS. C.F.HARIUSON , su N.Y.LIFR _ _ _ _ _ RE MJ6 _ I'OR SALE. NEW 4-ROOM "cOTTAOE ; CELlar - lar , cistern , city water ; cor. 13lh nnd Sahler ; 11.260.00 ; lone time. Enquire 1313 Farnam. Samuel Burns. R K C93 _ CHOICE GARDEN LANDS , S MILES FROM poatolllce , In tracts from 10 to 160 acres. A ertat borcaln. Will take some trade. N. D. 1C eyes. 17 I'axton block. RE M7 t _ FOR SALE. 4.4GO ACRES OF LAND CO MILES northwest of Omaha. Address Thomas Ketl , Oakland. Neb. RE-MHT 81 _ DARGAIN8 , HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , laU or trade. F. 1C Darling , Uarksr block. H C-tM _ ONE OF THE 11E8T HOMES IN KOt'NTZE Place ( MID lllnney ) It sold before Sept. 1st. will go for less than cost of house. Terms about halt cash , balance easy. R. N. Wlthnell ( owner ) . 537 N. V , , 1M e , R E314 _ _ FOR BALE. e-ROmfllOUSE : rRICn"A\VAT below value ; Invtatleute. Addieu II i. Her OtUco. UU-MiM U * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Coti | i f- WANfKIJ , ACRES IN IOWA. Wanted , HO In Snrpy county. Wanted , 16" ) In WiUmTTinon county. Weiitnl , $ ll J lixvn on SO In Sivrpy. Wanteil , to loan IZC0n ; farm , Wanted. Omaha for .California property , Wanted , Omaha for vJilerSKi property. Wanted , farm for rush nnd property. Wanted , residence fo-lm 1iK > m property. Wanted , lo rent 200 lo 4W acre farm Wanted , lioum.In If'tun/Jo 1'lncc cheap : Wantnl , two lots for cnxh , for rcsldtticc. Wonted , to rent line resld-no * . Wanted , lo buy tlO.ffHTVefl l ncc. Wanted , larjro form iienr.Hjuth Omaha. Wanted , farm for Keii-ral merchandise. Wantnl , Omaha rn'i'eup f r larsu ranch. Wanted , merchandise fur Hnniicom Place tot. Wiuitcil , KO I rcslilrncWw clear jots , Wantiil. resldenre fiir-rtulre live acres. C F. Harrison , 912 ft. Y. Life.RE * * RE IIJ-3 LAND SOLD ON I.ONO TIME PAYMENTS ORen on wheat contrncH. M. P , ll Mx , Ipswich , IMmunds county , H. D. RE M4CO 31 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS 11OUOHT. SOLD. KX- chnngeil , rented nnd rcpnlied. "typewriter and clllco supplli-8. Typewriters rented at Jl per month. Tr.o Omihn Typewriter Exchange , sue * ' cmsors to the typewriting drpaitment of Hi * Uegenth Stationary Co. . 214 8. 13th. tel. 1361. KM SEE THE NEW DOUGHERTY TYPEWRITER. The Omaha Typewriter Exchange , tel. 1261 , Jin. 211 8. 13th st. 831 THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF STAND , nrd typewriters and supplies. We control the Densmorn Callginph nnd New Yost. IVirgnlni In second-hand machines displaced by ours. AH machines perfectly repaired , new pirts sup plied ; prices moderate ; new machines loaned while repairs nre made. United Typewriter & Supplies Co. , 1E19 Fnrnam St. Telephone 1235. 173- BUSINESS NOTICES , OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. C13 S. ICth. 7M D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL OF- llce to 201) S. ICth st , . Drown block. M970 DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED. 719 N. 16. 937 BTOVH REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS : ALSO hotel rniiKG nnd general assortment of ranges , cooks nnd heaters ; water attachments put In ninl connected at Jus. lluulies , 007 S. 13th st. nnd Jackson , 303 BICYCLES. DICYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tires nnd sundries. Safes opened , repaired. C. R. Hellln , locksmith. 311 N. 16tlist. 960 BICYCLES NEW ANoLDao TO 1125 easy payments ; we rent nnd repair. Omnhi lllcycle Co. . 323 N. 16th st. _ 703 U1CYCLES ALL STYLES. ALL PRICES. Send for our list of second hand and shop worn bicycles. Repairs nnd cycle sundries of all kinds. M. O. Daxon. 402 N. 16th it. 631 UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS II. K. DURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND cmbalmer , IMS Chicago St. , telephone 90 703 _ SWANSON & VALIEN , UNDERTAKERS AND embalmers , 1701 Cumlne st. , telephone 10CO. 708 M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EMbalmer - balmer , 1417 Farnam St. , telephone 225. 707 HEAFEY & HEAVEY.lssitTH ST. TEL. S65 ; also 24th nnd N its. . So. Omaha.OS * OS A21 PLUMBERS. FHEK-PLUM1JINO OF UVUUY KIND. OA8 team & hot water LcutlnB ; sewerage. 313 S. 16 IK J. J. IIANIQAN. PIAJMIIINO , S5TEAM AM hot water heating. , 703 Lcavenworth st. io > o. . IJMJMIJINO. STCAM AND hot water heating , gas fixtures , globes , 421 S. la. 481 HOTELS. TUB MIDLAND I1OTCI , , 1CTII & CHICAGO Bts. , coolest hotel , fronting on Jefferson square. All car lines lthliia , . block ; cara to'Tall of Pompeii" only a block away. American plan. Jl.GO to J2.00 rer day ; European plan. SOe to jl.OO per day. M. J. Frank , proprietor. < 14-31 AI2TNA HOUS13 ( WJIIOI'UAN ) N.V. . COll. 13th nnd Dodge. Iloom by day or week. 1 * ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storneo batterlei recltarnod * electrical and gvn- > eial machinists ; superior woik guaiantecd. Omaha Electrical Works. C17 and C1D S. 16lh st. ELECTRICAL ENOINEER3 AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants und nil kinds of electilcnl construction. Western Elec tric Supply Co. , 41S and 420 S. 15th st. 712 LOST. LOST. I1ETWEEN 10TH AND 24TH ON DODOE. keys on silver wishbone rlnu ; 1 Mat store iloor key , No. 273 ; 1 house key , 2 Hat drawer keys , 1 round bitted dinwcr key , 1 padlock key. Leave ut Hoc otllcc , Omaha or Council llluffs , nnd get leward. M437 32 LOST , A 1-MONTlIS OLD PUG DOa7 ANSWER- InB lo the nnma of Sport ; wandered or was stolen from 22d nnd Capitol uvcnue. Flndei uleiLsc leave at lice olllce and get re\\ard. Lost M4C5 21 * OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. , LEADINO OPTICIANS. J. F. Ponder , manager. Eyes tested free 222 South ICth , In Kluslcr's drug store. 44C-31 * THE ALOE ft. TENFOLD CO. , SCIENTIFIC opticians. 1103 1'ninnm st. , opposite I'axton hotel. E > es examined free. 701 GRINDING. SCISSORS , LAWN MOWERS , RAZORS , ETC. . eround. Melchlur liros. , 1119 Farnam street. M2S7 RA'/.ORS. SHEARS'cuT'I'ERS. LAWN MOW- ers. etc. A. L. Undcrland. 100 N. 14th. 720 DENTISTS. DR. GEORGE S. NASON , DENTIST. SUITE 200 I'axton block , ICth and Farnam eta. , tel. 712. i /t 1'AUL , DENTIST , 2020 IJURT ST , JOB PRINTING. REED JOR PRINTING CO. FINE PRINTING of all Unds 17lh st.JJeo building. 718 _ _ MAIL ORDER COMMERCIAL PRINTING A specialty. Douglas Printing Co. , 419 S. 15th street , Bliccloy bldg. Tel. C44 for prompt service. MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. Q , F. OELLEN'HECK , IUNJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California street. 914 FOR UARQAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS ; easy payments ; Instruments rented ; rents apply on purchase. A. Hospe , jr. 704 UPHOLSTERING. UPHOL'IUNQ CA1JINET MATTRESS WORKS. W. R. Hell. R. A. McEachron , 2717 Leatcnw'th. . > = 7 UPHOLSTERING VERT CHEAP THIS MONTH. M. 8. Walklln , 2111 Cumtng. Tel. COJ. M120 CORNICE. t _ . _ - . - , WESTERN CORNICE WORKS. GALVANIZED Iron cornices. 1722 St. ' Mary's aye. 394 EAGLE CO11NICQ WORKS , JOHN EPE- netcr , prop , , 103 , 110 , 113 < N. llth. Estab. 1S81. 851 TENTS AND AWNINGS. WOLF IIROS. & CO."llANUFACTUIinilB OF awnlnKU , tents , ll.ih's , nn on , hay cavers , tarpaullna , balloons nnd paiachutes. 703-705 8. ICth st , , tclephono G04 , 'tuits for lent. 713 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALVA J. OROVER. MATHEMATICAL AND surveying Instruments engineers' and archi tects' supplies ; tracings cloth , blue process papers. 318 South 15th ; innll orders. 887 TAXIDERMISTS ! TAXIDERMY AND Fl'RS , , ' SEND FOR CATA- lOEue. George E. Brown , jr. , & Co. , 7W S. 16th. 725 DYE WORKS. TWIN CITY DYB 1521 Farnam street. Dyelne of very descrlp. tlon and dry cleaning. _ M751 FURNAOES ] DEST FURNACE MADE.SOIT COAL SMOKE consuming and hard coal furnaces. Eagle Car * nice works. 103-113 N. llth t. M SHORTHAND AND T PE WRITING. VAN SANT-S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND , tu N. Y. Life. Omaha. Asic for circular. 711 HARNESS. SET MY PRICES UEFORE YOU IIUY A HAH- nru. August Itohne , 711 8. ICth st. 2tl HORSESHOEING. MRS. THOMAS MAL.ONEY , 312 N. 1T1I ST.II ( II LIVERY STABLE. UOARDINO BTAnLE3. FINB I.IVKRY RIO8 cheip. EJ IJnumley , 171h anil St. Manr' . M-tH WHOLESALE COAL. JOIINBON I1RO3. , WHOLESALE DEAI.P.RS IN "II kinds of con ) . Corretpondence solicited. 1001 Fnrnurn ft. ua CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. tore flxlures a specialty. ' PHtching nnd Postering. 1SH Cnpllol nve. . tel. 40S R5J DANCING. CALL ON MORAND FOR LESSON8 , EOCIKVi or singe dances. 1510 Hntney. S5. 'H HAY AND GRAIN. IIUY YOUR HAY IIY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. 8n > der , 1515 Hurt st. , lei. 1107. 883 SS _ " NHtlRASKV HAY CO. , WHOLKSAi. ! ' . HAY , Krnln and mill stuffs \\V nre nl n > s on the market to buy or sell. 1102-4-C Nicholas s' . 1M PAWNBROKERS. MOHLE. 1117 > 4j FARNAM , JEWELRY. Ttl THI : itr.\i.TV INSTUUMBNTS placed on rcconl August 21 , 1894 : WARRANTY DEEDS. A S Ilaniett to Laura Ilarnett , lot 23. block 8 , Cloverdnle S 1 S.imo to name , u 31 feet of lot 6 , block 9 , llorbach's 2d mid 1 William Rees nnd wlf * to N F U < M.nter , purt of lot D , John-urn's add ; lots 1. 2. 13. nml 14. Jotter's add to Smith Omnlia , lots C and 7 , block 3 , EnrhatiKe l'ln < \ > 1 J M Swetnam nnd wlf.lo M > rn Jimnson , lots S to 18. 21 to 21. 23 t ) r,2. block 2. lots IS to 2ii , block 4 , Sixteenth slieet add. . . . 2.500 T F Qulnn to M A E Conwny , lots 7 to 12. block G. llt'Uedere 7,09) M A Hut t pry ID Emllle Wurl. tmdlv V5 of lot 7 , block 22. Wllcojc 2d ; lom. 7 , 8 , D , f.2 , ta , B4 , block 2. Illrkliiiuscr & IJ's sub- illv GX ) Inez Chrslinscii ! nnd hiKlmnd to Ah In Pnunders , n 20 feet of lot 25 , Franklin Square 3,500 J II SllvU nnd wife ID o w & E S King. 120 acres In ne nnd part of nw 33-16-10. . . 1,100 DEEDS. Sheriff lo J O Dctwllcr. lot D. block 14 , Hnnscom Place J.BID Total amount of transfers J17.G13 SEARLES& SEARLES , SPEGiaiSSTS. pronic iXcrvous Private AND Special Diseases TREATMENT QY MAIL. UQHSULf ATIU.H FREE Catarrh , all Olaoasos of the Noso. Throat , Ghost , Stomach , Llvor , Blood Skin and Kiclnoy Diseases , Lost Manhood and ALL PRIVATE DIS EASES OF MSN. Call en or address lr. ) Searlcs & Scarlcs , I' ! ! ? , 'vt.N-N' ' } ! f < IS THE DtST. NO SQUEAKING. . CORDOVAN , KRENCH& ENAMEUED CALF. 4 3.5P poLICE.3 SOLES. 2.WOBKINOKENs' : EXTRA FINE. .7 BOYSSCHIJL ! ! LADIES SEND TOR CATALOGUE BROCKTON , MASS. You cnn aavo inoncy by vrenrlna tlio W. I , . Doiiclmi S.'i.OO Hhor. HccniiHc. wo are tlio larpcst manufactnrcrs cJ this gradoof slmci la the world , ami Ktinrnutco their value by stamping the unmo nnd price on the bottom , which protect you nynlnit high prices and the middleman's piollts. Our shod cijual custom work In style , eav llttlnc ; nnd wearing iiimlltlen. Wo have them nolil every where nt lower jirlcesfor the value ih en than any other malia. Taknnosub. itltute. If your dealer cannot supply you , we can. Sold by A. W. Bowman Co. , U7 N. 10th. C. J. Carlson. 1218 N 24th. EllcsSvonson , 2003 N. 24th. Ignniz Newman , 424 S. 13th. W. W. Flahar , 2925 Loavonworlh Kelly , b'tigjr & Co. , Farnam & ISth T. Croasy , 250O U at. So. Omaha . . . , j\i & i . fV f"r > .6 ut Neivoiii IKLIIUV Lo vanity , VuriouueitAiruput . I'llJSlM' ViraMlrixl , I'll , l < 3 I' DAI'O. tlio KI oil. llhiiloo Ueiiitii" \Vrlltrn Kiiiirinl : " > ol > urr. Hoi & Co. . Cor. IMh .V H.nisl . iMti. . nnd J./ * Uo.tior.IUh V DoliBlnsntiVl. . OMAHA. BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bcu BuilcHnsr , OMAHA , Nob. Advice [ 'UfcJli , RKILWRYT1MEGRRD Lenses I CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N | Arrlvca Omahaly.l' . Depot , 10th & Mubon Sts. | Omnlia ll:0.' : . Eastern Express . D3'pm ; ' ) 4:00iiii : . Vestlhuled Limited . U.IO.un CC5am : . Mo , Valley Local . 10:30pm : C:4.ii : > m. . . . . . .Omaha Chicago Special . 2:15pm Leaves [ CHICAGO , HUKLINGTON A : Q.IAirlvcs Onialial Depot 10th nnd MnsonSts. _ _ | _ Omah a 4IJpm : . Chicago Vestibule. . . . . 9l6.iin 945am ; . Chicago Express . 4:2" : pm 7.0.'pm . Chicago nnd Iowa Local . 8:00jra : H:35un : . 1'aclllc Junction Local . 5:55pm : Leuvei llJuTlLfNGTON it MO. RlVER.IArrlves Omaha * ) _ Depot 10th unil Muson Sts. _ jOnialia 1015nin ; . Denver Express . a:33am : : . Deadwood Expicus . 4:10pm : 4:50pm : . Denver Express . , , . , 410pm ; 6COptn. : Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) , CMpm : Silliairi , . Lincoln Local ( except Sunday ) . . 11 ! 25.un Leave's ! Krc.7ST. jT & C. llT * fArrtveT _ Omahaj _ Depot 10th and Mason Sts. | Omaha " > iiiiin . Kansas" City Day Express . B:65pm : _ ; 45im.K. | C. Night Ex. via. U. P. Trnns. 6Mam ; f CIlTCAQOT R. T. " & PACIFIcrAirlvei * OmulialU. P. Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha ' " _ _ EAST. _ 10l.liam..Atlantlc : l'xpict > s ( ex. Sunda ) ) . . . 6:05pm : 6:25pm : . Night Express . C:4Uam : 4:40pm..Chlcngj : Vestlhuled Limited. . . . l:25pm : H:35jm.Oklnhoma : Exp. ( to C. 11. ex. Sun ) 6:33am : " ' ' _ _ _ WEST. _ _ 6:3Sam. : Oklahoma & Texas Exp , ( ex , nunll:3Spm ) : 1 ! 3ipm . . . . .Colorado Limited . , , . 4:10pm UNION PACIFIC. JArFlve" OmiiliaiUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason BtBpiiialia | Kearney Express 3:5 : > pm 2:15pm : Overland Flye.r G:40pm 3t5pm.Icutrlce : & Slronish'g Ex ( ex tjun.124 ) ; * > pm 6:4Dpm : Paclllc Expreuc 10Sjam < i30pm ! , , . . Fast Mall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420pm ! Leaves I CHICAGO. MIL. & BT. PAUUIAiilvcs OinahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | _ Omaha 635pm.r. ; Chicago Limited .T 9:30am : llilOam..Clrlcogo Express ( ex. Sun. ) BjOOpm i7ea\es | F7. E. & MO. VALLEY. ( Arrives Onuhal Depot 15th and Webster Sts. I Omaha aU"um : Dcadnood Expiess C10pm ; t0'mm.Ex. ; ( Sat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( Ex. Mini , ) . . 6:10pm : t > :00pm : . .Norfolk Express ( Ex. Sunday.10l5am ; b:30pm : St. Paul Express 90am : LeavesT MISSO OTlT PAClFTa ( Arrlvei " OmuhaDepot _ _ 15th and Webiter Hts. I Omaha "OtOlum r..8t. Ixiuls Express 6:00am : J UOpm 8tIxUls _ JJMiress , . , . . . . . . * j:5jm : ; neovrTl C.1 , ST. P. . MT& 6. ' ( Arrives Omahal Depot 16th and Webster Sts. I Omaha * 6lOpm..Dally ; ( ex , Sun , Nebraska Ixicul. , V.lOam tiOOam..Sioux City Accom , ( Ex. Hun. ) . . . liOSpni 10oOum..Hloux : City Acrom. ( Sun , Only ) . . tj05pm ; i15pm..Sioux ; City Express ( Ex. Huu..H:53nm ) : ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Llmilyl . . . 940.tjri LTSxesT 8OOX ( CITY & PACIFIC " " JArrlvSi" _ UmilmUnion : ) Depot , 10th & Mason 8ts. | Omaha Sioux City Passenger. lO'tCpm .Paul Express . . . .lOtOO.itri . , . . . . ITY , t PACIFIC. lAn-lvf. ' Omaha ) Depot 13th and Wctmtrr 81s. f Udmlu " 6:30pm. : . . 8. Paul Limited. . . . . t Mum VVlpni . . . . . ClilraKO LimlteJ. ' ' 'I'rj TtaveslNfAUA8H IIAILWAY ( Arrive ? JmnhalUnlon Drpst. 10th & Mason Sts. I Omahi ( ,10pm St. Louis Cannon Hall ltUpm : AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Favorable Hcsponso to the City Council's Pica for the Men Who Struck , PACKERS WILL RE-EMPLOY THEM Hut tills Will Only Ho Thoj Ara Net'dcil \\lmt tlio MmmKrrit Snlil Yoiinir \Vonmii 1'lrrn Two Mliotii Viilnljr lit HIT l.o\rr. Messrs. Dulln , Hynn nncl Mccs , the special committee from tlio city council to wall on the managers of each of the packing houses and request them to tnko back nil South Omaha men who hail not been offensive In their conduct during the strike , inuilo the rounds of the packing houses yesterday. A reporter for The lice accompanied the com mittee. Manager K. A. Ctnlahy was the first gen tleman soon. Ho said : "Our olil men ob jected to being given three , four ami live days work , ami wo now propose to work tlio en tire force six days In the week. This , of course , will greatly rciluco the number of men \\o will employ , bul those who work will get In full time. Insofar as giving work to South Omnhn men who went out and \\lio behaved tlumsclvva ns respectable cltlronsAC arc doing that very thing , lint the men who on mo here and went to work during the strlko will bo kept just ns long as they want to stay. The men who went out tell mo they had no grievance , and while I nm uattallod that many of them stayed out through fear , 1 cannot dlschargu the men who wore faithful to mo to glva places to men who deserted me without cause. I nm taking back the old men just as fast as I have anything for them to do. At the tlmo of the strlko wo were giving employ ment to more men than wo really needed , and since that tlmo business has not been Increased by the strike , llusincss Is hound to bo dull for n time , und there will not be much work to give out. Wo shall , of course , give South Omaha men the preference from now on. The people of South Omaha were good to ns , and wo feel that the Interests of the business men of South Omaha and those of tlio packers arc In common. " The committee next called upon Manager Talllaferro of the Omnhn company. Ho said his Idea was to help the South Omaha men first , und especially those who uro married. Mr. Uulla explained that the committee only recommended that such men bo taken back who \\cre worthy , and who had not created any disturbance during the strike.'o are doing that very thing. " said the malinger. "Many of our men staid away from the plant solely through feai ando know It. Wo arc taking back the old men as fast an wo can use them. It will be a hard winter on the laboring men of South Omaha. I tried to Impress this fact upon the men before they went out. but the leaders called them out , and that settled It. Last winter we gave con siderable , for charitable purposes , but this year we will not give n penny. We can't afford It ilnce the men have thrown us out of EO much business. " Manager Foster at Swift's said that he was only employing a very small per cent of new men. "I presume I wrote 100 letters and telegrams during the strike , " said he , "dis couraging new men from coming to South Oinalu. I have said all the time that I pre ferred to have the old men back , and I do. Uefore the strike occurred I was carrying a fores of butchers that could do about twlcn as much as I had for them. They were all good men , and most of them had been with mo so long that 1 did not want to let them go. Some of them were working on a guar antee and made good wages whether there was any work or not. Since the strlko I have no use for so large a force , but what men I do put on In the future will bo South Omaha men. 1 don't think of but one or possibly two men who worked for me before the strike that could not got back If I had anything for them to do. " Manager Noyes of the Hammond company said ho would most c.rtalnly give preference to the old men In the future. The men who wera there could remain , but as soon as business would warrant It , ho proposed to tnko back the old men as ho could usa them. Ho said ho was only employing a very small gang now who were not at work In his house before the strike. Mr. Flood , who was secretary of the ox- pcutlve committee of the strikers , when told of the resolution passed by the council , said that ho wanted the people to understand that the resolution was not Introduced at the solicitation of the men who had not been taken back to work. "Wo can take care of our own Jobs , see ; them packers will never take back a man they don't want , and wo know It. All this resolution business Is bun combe , and will not nld us fellows n Ilttlo bit. The packers will never take some of us hack utiljss they have to. It must bo the atore keepers who have made the request , for It wasn't any of the gang that Is out. " Shot t HIT "Lovnr. " Kate Huff , a woman who has figured In the police court In South Omaha before , was ar rested last night for firing two pistol shots at her lover. Will Krlng. The couple were walking along the railroad tracks coming from the Cudahy packing house , when sud denly Krlng broke away from the woman and disappeared. She fired two shots after him , but neither of them took effect. A man named Kennedy happened to be pass ing about that time and thinking the woman was crazy rushed In and took the revolver from her. IJy this time the police were making a hot foot chase for the scene. Chief llrcnnan placed the woman under arrest and locked her up. Krlng disappeared and left for Omaha. At the police station the Huft woman ad mitted to a reporter for The lice that she had been drinking tome , but said she fired the shot to scare "her Willie. " She also said that the man who took the revolver from her stiuck her over the eye. Kennedy , who took the revolver , still has It. About a month ago the same woman chased her lover out of 11 room on Twenty-fourth street with a revolver. She was arrested at the tlmo and paid a fine of $5. In addition to this Judge Chriutmann told the woman to stay away from the Maglo City. Ailtiinru In Milk Prices. SOUTH OMAHA , Aug. 20. Wo. the un dersigned members of the Milk Dealers' as sociation of South Omaha , Neb. , do hereby agree to sell milk , commencing August 22 , 18'J1 , at the following prices ; Six and one-fourth cents per quart : 20 cents per gallon ; 35 cents per two gallons. All milk tickets strlckly cash In advance. N. Morrison , president ; I'd Burke , secre tary ; Kd. Wlnkler , T. M. Anderson , M. II. Flnncgan , L. Q. Outhrlo , 10. Hartmann , George Hansen , A. J.lntz , L. 0. Fisher , C. W. Smith , J. II. Peyton. niilglo City ( Inillp. Miss Nettle A. Harrington Is visiting friends In Dennlson , la. J. W. Armstrong and family of Auburn are visiting at the homo of Mr , and Mrs. J. M. Fowler. John Marshall and Otto Schultz , the men charged with assaulting Neln Olson with a hammer , wore run down by the pollco last night and locked up , Two special trains will leave Twenty-fourth and N streets at 10 a. in. Thursday to go to the Woodman plcnlo at Courtland Dcach. A largo crowd will go from this city. The funeral of lltilo Davlo Thomas , the boy who was drowned at Gibson last Fri day , and whose body was found In the river near this city Monday night , will take place at 10 o'clock from Urewer & Sloan's under taking rooms. l.lly IIH it Trout. Is the Individual who after a long nlege finds himself liberated from the clota blockade of the enemy , constipation. Many persons of a bilious habit are troubled with constriction at the bo\\cls. They always find relief , and that Hpccdlly , without griping or trouhlo of any sort , from Hosteller's Stomach Hitters , a remedy also for malarial , dyspeptic , rheu matic or kidney affections. I'alont bull at Kuimnn City. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 21. The Kansas City Haypross company has sued General II. F. Pevol. who was collector of Internal revenue under 1'resldent Harrison , and his partner , George Livelihood , for $10,000 damage for In fringement of patents. The defendants have b en making linyprc e § for nevernl wrote * under the name of the Dovol-I.lvcrtKOoU Man ufacturing company , nnd In the plcAdlngs the charge Is mndn that Livelihood , who la the nctlvo mannccr , learned his trade * with the plaintiff's company ; that the presses made by him now are Infringements on six different lutonts owned by the plaintiffs. MAJOR HALFOUD'a ACCOUNTS. I'lruytniMi I'rniimny itiul SplloViirk of ( In DpmnrrnH. Comptroller Dottier of the Treasury do- ptrtincnl got In another lick at the Harrison risen administration , gays the Washington correspondent of the Chicago Iteconl. It Is not a very dignified excrclso of authority , but It appears to glvo BOIIIO people consider 1 bio satisfaction , particularly as It strikes vorj close to the ox-president himself. Hx-8ecro tary of State John W. Foster and Klljah W. Halford , px-prl\nto secretary lo the president , are the victims. The arrangements for ths presentation of the American sdo ! of the tiering sea arbitration \\oro In chnrgo of Mr. Vosirr. A few weeks before the expira tion of the Harrison administration Mr. Hal- ford was appointed paymaster In the army and detailed to go to Parts as dliburslnit officer for the party. The American mem bers of the arbitration court were Judge Harlnn and Senator Morgan. Judge Illodgctt of Chicago was one of siwernl distinguished counsel , nnd Mr. Poster took with htm sev eral clerks from the department of Slate anil J. Stnnley Drown of the bureau of eth nology , who was for several years u special agent of the government , at the seal Islands , nnd married the daughter of President Oar- flrld. flrld.Under Under Instructions from President Harri son , Secretary Foster fixed the compensation of the civilian members of the party and made a per diem allowance for those who held olllclal positions , which was to cover alt their hotel bills nnd traveling expensed. Those allowances varied according to the rank and the duties of the persons for whim they we'o made. To the members of the court they were liberal In order that they might appear and live at Parts In a manner becoming the dignity of their mission. The clerks and translators were given enough lo cover nil the legitimate expenses tlwy might Incur. iach : person was given a letter of Instruction , In which the amount of his nl- lowanco was stated , and ho was Informed that It would bo necessary for him to render an Itemized account. This action was taken under the authority of the net of congress which provided that the appropriation for the expenses of the tribunal should bo ex pended "under the direction of the secretary of state. " Paymaster Halford paid each member of the party his stated allowance at the end of each month until ho was recalled , a few weeks before the arbitration tribunal ad journed , and then handed over the funds to Mr. Foster , who acted as disbursing officer the remainder of the time. Comptroller Howler has held the accounts under advisement for more than a year , a * the court adjourned In the summer of 1893 , nnd a few days ago rendered n rcmarkabla decision. In which ho holds that the secretary of state had no authority to grant a per diem allowance to Major Hnlford and the clerks , and requires that the latter shall submit an Itemized statement of their expenditures and vouchers for the same for his Inspection , In order that ho may determine whether they were proper. He does this under n section of the revised statutes which requires nil expenditures of government money to bo so reported , with certified vouchers , etc. He makes an exception , however , of Senator Morgan , Justice Ilarlan and Judge Ulodgctt for very peculiar reasons. In other words , the Ilttlo fishes must report how they ex pended their money , but It Is not necessary for tlio big fishes to do so. And as for Major Hulford , under sectlor 1,269 of the revised statutes ho Is not entitled to any expense whatever except his pay and the regular allowance for mileage , quarters , fuel and forage granted under the law to officers of his rank In the army. That l , Instead of having his expenses paid , Major Halford Is entitled only to 10 cents n. mlle for traveling expenses. $48 a month for quar ters , $2 or ? 3 a month for fuel and hay and oats for two horses , and , being the disbursing officer of the party , Mr. Hnlford and Ills bondsmen uro held responsible for the reim bursement to the government of all the money that Is not accounted for , for which Itemized statements and vouchers uro not furnished. Ex-Secretary Foster Is account able In n like manner for whatever money ho disbursed after Major Halford returned to the United States. It Is Impossible ) for the clerks of Mr. Hal- ford to furnish the statements and vouchers required. Under their Instructions they were ' not required to keep an account o'f their expenditures nor obtain receipted bills and they did not do so , nnd Mr. Halford la thug held In debt to the government for $5,000 or $0.000 and Mr. Foster for $1,000 or more. When Comptroller Howler was Informed that the Instruction and arrangements of the secretary of state In this case were exactly similar to those In previous cases of the kind , and followed the practice Unit hns always prevailed In the Department of Stats when government officials have been Kent abroad on public business , ho replied that ho was not governed by precedents In his decision , but by his own Interpretation of the law. Ho does not care what the practice has been. Ills predecessors In office may have differed with him In opinion , but If so they were wrong and It Is tlmo that such errors were corrected and such practice stopped. The secretary of state , ho holds , hnd no right to Issue such Instructions ns were given , and Major Halford had no right to obey them. Ho should have called upon the comptroller for Instructions , as It Is the duty of that officer to Interpret the laws of congress regarding the expenditure of public money , and tha secretary of rtnto has nothing to do with It. The delegates to the monetary commission , which mot at Brussels last year , nnd their clerks and disbursing officer had precisely the same Instructions and per diem allow ances ns those given the party that wont to Paris , but their accounts were allowed by Comptroller Dowlor without question , and the law appropriating money for their expenses was framed In almost exactly the same language. Other accounts of lllco nature have been passed during the administration. When money Is to bo disbursed under the direction of the secretary of state or any other cabinet officer the law has always been construed to mean that his discretion and approval were final. Hut Comptroller Howler thinks differently , nnd Secretary Gresham , with whom ho consulted before remitting the decision , agrees with him , The only recourse open to Major Hnlford Is to nppcal to con. gross nnd secure the passage of an act con firming the Instructions of Secretary Foster and authorizing the comptroller to allow the accounts as presented. JfKir YOltK'H XKIt' JtltllHIK. Ground Ilrokcn for the Hliicluvrll's Inliind Mtriirltirn II * HmiiilllH. NEW YORK , Aug. 21. Ground was broken at the Now York end of the now Hlack- well'tt Island brldgo , which Is to furnish the Long Island railroad an entrance Into N.OW York City. There was no ceremony about It. The first act was performed by an en gineer and gang of men who were sot to work marking out the location for tha pier on the Now York Bide at the foot of Sixty-fourth ntrcot. The brldgo will have a capacity ot Tour railroad tracks If need be , besides a roadway and foot walks on cither slita. Tha spans over both channels ot the river will each be 855 feet. The span on the Inland will bet G35 feet between the centers of the tiers. The distance between the centers ol Lho two extreme plera will bo 2,855 fen. It will reach squarely across the river , touching the Long Island uhoru nt Havens- wood , and forming a junction with the Long Island railroad at .Sunnysldi , midway be tween Long Island City und Woodslde. The approach on the Long Islam ! side will be by a steel viaduct. In order to make a inoro direct route to Manhattan and llrlghton beach H a "cut-off" will probably bo built , connecting with the Manhattan beach division uf the Long Island road. road.U U U calculated that passengers from Union Station , at Third avenue ami Blxty-fourtU utrcet , NRW York City , can roach Manhattan Reach In forty minutes without changing cars. This Is a reduction In tlmo of mor * than V ) per cent , lly most of the present routes there are disagreeable changes. When the Now York and New Jersey bridge Is completed the Long Hland road will bo abla to tap directly all the great roads centering In Now York , Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervoui head- tche * . Trial ilze , 5 cent * . All