THE OMAHA DAILY BUG : TUESDAY , AUGUST 21 , 1891. THE OMAHA DAILY DEE. r B. UOSI2VYATi3ll , KJItor. PUnMSIIBD nVKIlY MortNINO TKIlMfl Of rtUKSCrillTION. Dully Flee ( without Sunday ) One Tenr $ S M Unlly Hee and Hunday , Ono Year 10 JO HI * Month * ° Three Mnnth * * X Huml.iv IIw. Ono Vcnr \ J } Haturdny llee , fill'1 Vwir > * ' ' " Hec Ycnr 6 > "Weekly , One OrTICtM. Omnha , The Ik-e lltilldliifr. Hontti Omnhn , Corner N rtnd Twenty-fourth Bit. Council llluff , 12 Penrl Htroot. C'hlaiKo OHIce , 317 Ohnmlicr of roinmcrci > . Now York , Iloomn 13. 14 rtnd 15. Trlliune Hldg. WaihlnRton , K07 K Htltct. f.V. . COUUKSI'ONDIINCi : . All commtinlcnllr.nH rrlntlnK t n w nnd rdP- toHnl matter uliould l.e nddre cd : To the Wltor. ni'BiNCSH i.iynr.ns. All timlncM Irttprit nnd rcmlttnncc should tw nitdrpHwd t Tin' Hee PulillnhlnK company , Omnhn. Driiftn , clipeUa nnd iKmtofllce ord rii to BTATKMHNT OP CIUOULATIO.V. Ocorco If. Tiwhuck , nccictiiiy of the lice Piili- ] l hlniT cotnimny. U'lnu dulv mvorn , iy that the nctunl numljer of full nnd conipli-to copies of The Dallr MornlnB , i\inliiff nnd Humlny Ik-o printed durlnB the month ut July. 1S3I , wnii ns follown : 1 -JMU 17 ZI.JM H. . . . , 23. 93 W 2.1,611 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 4' . " " . . . . . . riW 2i | 8I.MI B" 2I.2H7 21 2J.M1 22 JI.BW ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MSM ! 23 W.623 8 Zl.D'iO 21 2J.C7I 23 22.C03 ioi ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . " ! ! ! ! r' ii 2Zri ; 7 22.3M 12" " ; ; : ; ; : ; ; ; ; ' . " . ; 30'O.VJ 2S 22.M " ) 1.1 iiOst ' ° > H 27.371 20 K.SKI K. . . . , , . . xrci ) s > s21 18 SI.CM . Totnl 773,501 I..CIIH deductions for nn.iold nnd rclurneil copies M.481 Totnl unld 757l ° H Dnlly nvcriiBH net circulation 21,1.0 Hundny , aOiniJ ! | It TZSOIIUCK. Hworn to lofre me nnd mih erllied In my pres ence this 1st dny of Aumist. 1S3I. (8enl. ( ) N. 1' . l-'HIU Notary Public. STATK VKXTliAl. COMMITfKK- Tlioro will be a mooting of the republican utato central committee Tuesday , AURUSt 21 , at 8 p. in. , at tlio Mlllard hotel , Omaha. A full attendance Is ilcslred. UKAU I ) . SLAUGHTER , Chairman. Quorums are again at a high premium In both houses of congress. If we are to have no more tariff tinkering what la congress still hanging out In Wash ington for ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The state reunion at Grand Island Is the next star event In the list of annual at tractions for the men with military Inclina tions. It Is a pretty long time since Omaha last had the republican state convention , but she has not forgotten how to take care of the visitors. Senator Kyle Is making war on the liquor department of the senate restaurant. The trouble with the latter is that It dispenses whisky without sugar. The republican state convention will miss the congressional contingent from the na tional capltol at Washington , but It will try Its best to get along without It. The cruel wars at South Omaha and at Lincoln are both over , and the valiant soldier may now lay aside his brass-buttoned uniform and return to the desk or the counter. Prom the reports of the formation of now trusts In various lines of business It Is to bo inferred that the trusts seem to have taken courage- from the passage of the now tariff bill. Nominate a clean , capable man for gov ernor and you will carry the state. Nomi nate Tom Majors and you will demoralize the party and Jeopardize the success of every man on the ticket. The man who can reconcile to his own satisfaction the president's tariff , letter to Chairman Wilson and Secretary Carlisle's letter to the senate can make black appear white In his own eyes. That predicted resignation of Secretary Carlisle has not yet been promulgated. Mr. Carlisle ought to make a feint at resigning , If only to accommodate the political prophets whoso reputations are at stake. There will bo only 23.7E7 World's fair medals abroad In the land when the awards are finally distributed. Wo fear that some of the Columbian postage stamps will bring a bigger premium than the World's fair medals. Tlcpubllcans of Nebraska have It within their power tomorrow to nominate a state ticket that will bo elected by a good plu rality , but the men on the ticket must have no flies on them , or , for that matter , fly specks. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Omahu keeps the governor's cup at all events. Vet It Is to bo hoped that no 111 feelings are to be engendered by the competi tion between the local compaulcsas to which of them Is In strict Justice entitled to the honor of first place. Senator Vest of Missouri denies the rumor that ho Is about to retire from public life. Any ono who knows Senator Ve t ought to know better than to credit any such un- authentlcalcd rumor. The Missouri senator never withdraws from anything. Senator McPherson need not resign In order to be rid of his olllclal responsibilities and the heavy burdens of his olllco. Lot him but wait until his term In the senate shall have expired and the people of Now Jersey will see to It that ho is promptly ro- llovcd. The fact that the president allowed the river and harbor bill to become- law with out his signature , by the lapse ot the stlpu. luted constitutional ten days , may bo a straw Indicating his Intention regarding the tariff bill , which must bo equally distasteful to him. No wabbling on sliver In the republican Btatu convention. The republican party stands for honest money over against de preciated currency nnd datum of every kind. Nothing Is to bo gained and everything Is to be lost by yielding to the wiles of the free silver coinage delusion. The Chicago Herald , which fitted out the expedition which Wellman was to have led lo the north polo , thinks that newspapers do not aufllctently appreciate the achievements of newspaper men In other fields. The Herald has taken the wrong text to prove 1U point. Wellman has not achieved any thing ot real Importance. Let him approach preach nearer to the polo than his predeces sors and he will not be wanting applause aiij ipprcolatlotk When the record of Iho Kitty-third con gress is Compl , tcil It will bo founJ , JudRlng from the lils'ory of the first tc8.'on , that the majority In that body Ims not been notably oallcltcus for the welfare of the union vet erans , Thl * Is not surprising , In view of the declared policy ot the administration regardIng - Ing the pin.ilon system , and yet It Is a matter which should not escape attention , every body understood that when the present ad ministration came Into power one of Its chief purposes was to attack the pension rolls and lo discredit , It possible , what the republican party had done for the benefit of the men who preserved the union. Although In Its national and state platforms the democracy had professed an Interest In the welfare Ot the old soldiers. It was well known that the dominant element In the party had no such feeling and only wanted a good opportunity to do all It could to lessen the benefits which the republican parly had bestowed on the veterans. Mr. Clevenlaml was In sympathy with this sentiment and manifested It by appointing as secretary of the Interior n man who had been pronounced against the pen sion nyntcni and who was believed to be pe culiarly iimillfled to carry out the Ideas of the southern democracy In this particular. No secret was made of the fact that In se lecting Hoke Smith ns secretary of the Inter ior the Intention was to reduce the pension roll nt any ' hazard , and the choice was heartily com mended by every enemy of the pension sys tem for this reason. It does not help the matter to say that a union soldier was placed at the head of the pension bureau , because It has been shown that ho Is In full sympathy with his superior. The extraor dinary methods adopted early In the present administration for discrediting the pension roll methods which were modified nnd In part abandoned under the pressure of an In dignant popular protest were approved alike by the secretary of the Interior and the com missioner of pensions , so that they are equally responsible for the scheme under which It was proposed to deprive thousands of old soldiers of their pensions In advance of giving them on opportunity to answer chargci made against them. It was a most unprecedented proceeding , violating every principle of justice , and It was abandoned only after there had been an overwhelming popular protest. Hut while the hostility of this democratic administration to pensions has been most pronounced , that of the democratic congress has been no less so. Ucpresentatlvc Lacey of Iowa recently called attention to the work of this conzress on pensions. lie Is one of the republican members of the house com mittee on Invalid pensions and speaks by authority. As to general legislation relat ing to pensions the only thing of any con sequence done was the adoption of an amend ment to the urgent deficiency bill forbidding suspensions of pensions without thirty days previous notice to the pensioner. Of the private pension bills that have been Intro duced , numbering over a thousand , only four teen had become laws at the date of Mr. Lacey's speech and but eight of these were on account of the civil war. "I will not compare this with the records of former congresses , " said the Iowa , congressman ; "no such record has been made by any other congress since the war. " Friday night was set apart for the consideration ot pension bills , but It has rarely happened that a quorum was present on that night. Mr. Lacey sa'd : "Whilst the house could not hope to Ilnd a quorum present on these brief Friday night sessions It could rely with un pleasant and absolute certainty upon the attendance of some gentleman on the demo cratic side of the chamber willing and anx ious to cull attention to the fact that there was not a quorum present. Against a de mand for a quorum at these special meetIngs - Ings open denunciation or subdued and quiet condemnation wcro alike unavailing. Once a weolc on each Friday night congress marched up the capltol hill and then inarched down again , and that was all. Friday proved an unlucky day for the old soldiers. " The union veterans will not be heedless ot or Indifferent to these facts. They have had an experience with a democratic con gress nnd administration. Soon they will have an opportunity to record their opinion of It and the nature of their verdict can not bo doubted. A MIXED VOMTICM , SITUATION. The political situation In New York Is a good deal mixed , and this applies to both ot the parties. Neither Is harmonious and the state conventions to bo held next month promise to be very stormy and exciting. The dliricuUy with the republican party Is the existence of two factions In New York City , one of which has been declared regular by the state committee. If this decision had been accepted by the other faction no trouble would have been found in establishing har mony , but the organization , that was decided to bo irregular has revolted , or nt any rate refuses to bj so regarded , and will doubtless carry its tight Into the state convention , where it may make considerabletrouble. . The chances are that It will finally bo de feated In its effort to bo recognized as the regular organization , but In any event bad blood will be created that will operate to the disadvantage of the party , which has not had BO L-ood an opportunity to secure a sweeping victory In the last twenty years If thoroughly united and harmonious. New York elects a governor this year and there are several candidates for the nomination. Prominent among them Is Mr. F.issett , who was defeated three years aga by Governor Flower. 13x-Vlce President Morton , who Is on his way homo from Europe , Is wanted as a candidateby a coed many republicans , but has declined to say whether or not ho will accept a nomination until ho returns and examines the field. He would un doubtedly make a strong candidate , and as the possibility ot being entered In the presi dential race , in the event of success , will bo offered as an Incentive ho may decide to run If nominated. Mr. Clioate , president of the constitutional convention , has a follow ing , and there are several others prominent In republican councils who will doubtless have Home strength In the convention. The- democrats are no better oft than the republicans In the matter ot harmony. For some time past the leading democratic or gan , the New York Times , has been vigor ously urging the party to get together.but with how much effect Is not apparent. There was a conference ot democratic leaders re cently at Saratoga Springs for the purpose of trying to Imrmonlzo the factions , but It does not appear to have been notably success ful. There Is a strong opposition to the "machine , " which was overwhelmingly beaten at the last election , and the principal man agers of which are Senators Hill and Murphy and Governor Flower. The latter ilcslros a renomlnatlon and has been speaking over the state , particularly to the farmers , with a view to strengthening his cause. It Is hardly probable that the old organization can be routed and It It Is not Flower will be re- nominated. In that event thousands of democrat * will dMert him , chloQy on account of hl.i supp. . rt lit Mitynard l.ut year , nnd It the r'publl MIIS nominate a strong nnd P I > - ubr man Ii" will be cvorwlfelmlnKly elected , provided , of course , that the republicans nrc united. The aampulgn la New York will bs In full bhst In about thirty days nnd the promise Is that It will command n great deal of at tention throughout the country , because the result will have a more or IOES decided bear ing upon the national battle two years hence. If the republicans this year obtain control of the state government of New York they will retain It for three years , which will give them n great advantage In ISOfi. The chances appear to be very decidedly In their favort All the evidence shows large losses by the democrats and the dissension In the party Is serious. With republican harmony the party ought to win n sweeping victory In November. A inni ! rm Ponsrcssman D. n , Mercer has received a nattering compliment nt the hands of the republicans ot this district. Without a dis senting vote the convention of the Second congrcsnlonal dlntrlct voted him a renomlna- tion for the po.iltlou ho has fUUd durlng the past two years. With this action The lice. has no fault to find. Mr. Mercer liai : made n very creditable and cfllclont representative , nnd In accord with Its well known policy Th Dee has not hesitated to give him credit whenever credit was due. When Mr. Mercer was placed In nomination two years ago we \vor > constrained , by well known reasons , from commending his candidacy or giving him any active support. Mr. Mercer's career In Nebraska politics prior to that time had been diametrically adverse to the standard of anti-monopoly and anti-corporation lobby , and the views ot Us editor concerning Mr. Msrcer were a matter of record that could not bo gainsaid without stultification. Hut Mr. Mercer has agreeably disappointed those who had no confidence In his ability and fitness to represent the state In the national legislature. Ills record has bcn ; consistent and satisfactory to all classes ot republicans , and his constituency , regardless of party , concur In the opinion that he has done as well In promoting their Interests during his first eighteen months In congress as any man could have done under like con ditions. This we cheerfully certify without ever receiving , asking or expecting any fa vors at the hands of Mr. Mercr. If he shall do as well In the future as he has In the past he will have no reason for complaint of not being appreciated or duly credited with whatever good service hs may render. DlSHKl'UTAlll.i : The statute providing for the publica tion of legal notices of whatever nature con templates the widest publicity. Anything short of this Is hi direct violation of the spirit If not the letter of the law. Pub lished notices to nonresident defendants that their personal or property Interests are Im periled by proceedings commenced against them are utterly useless If inserted In obscure - scuro and readerless papers conducted solely for the purpose of publishing such notices In obscurity. As far as the purposes of the law are concerned the notices might just as well bo published iti Corean papers or set up In Greek. The abuse Is growing as the years go on , and the only benefi ciaries are attorneys and officials who get a rake-off. Under the present law litigants pay no moro for publication In newspapers of large circulation than they , do for publication In readerloss papers.The law fixes ono uni form price for all , and this price , by the way , is less than the established advertis ing rates of the leading dallies and weeklies of Nebraska. It is manifestly to the In terest of all litigants that these notices shall be given the widest publicity. They pay for it and are entitled to It. If they do not get it there Is ground for the sus picion that their attorneys and the court ofllclals are taking undue advantage of them. Certain judges of this district have ex pressed very decided opinions upon this questionable practice , and It may be ex pected that when a case of obscure publi cation can be properly brought before the court this growing abuse will be checked. No reputable attorney will accept a 2J ( per cent commission from publishers upon legal notices published for clients. Ills client must pay the full rate , and the atto'rney has no right to any part of It. Yet there are papers in this city and state that subsist largely upon this class of business , paying attorneys 20 per cent of the amount charged for the insertion of notices. They could not live but for this species of fraud , as their circulation IB confined almost solely to mem bers of the bar who patronize them. Reputable members of the bar of this state cannot permit this abuse to exist much longer. They owe It to the profession and to litigants to bring about an amendment of the laws that will forever put an end to this disreputable practice. T11K TAHIVI' II'W MIGHT 11AVK HAD. The details of the tariff law wo are Ilkoly to have have been discussed In congress and out ot congress , In the newspapers and on the platform for months past , so that the average citizen ought by this time to have a fairly ac curate idea of the general character ot that measure. There Is , however , another tariff bill , different from the McKinley bill , the Wilson bill and also the senate bill , which , but for an unlooked for turn ot affairs at the beginning of the present congress , would doubtless have been presented for the consid eration of the people and would have re ceived the serious attention ot congress If not Its unqualified approval. This bill would have been known ns the Springer bill nud would have carried the authority of the administration through the position ot Its author as chairman of the ways and means committee. It will bo remembered by those who recall th ; organization of the Fifty-second congress that when the caucus fight for thu spcakcrshlp was decided In favor ot Judge Crisp his chief opponent , Mr. Springer , who yielded gracefully at the proper moment , re ceived as his reward the chairmanship of the most Important committee at the speaker's disposal the committee on wuyn and means. Mr. Springer's ability to fill that position wan hardly questioned. Neither was any serious fault found with the manner In which he performed Its duties , There was no hope for any legislation which ho might propose to long as the senate nnd president remained republican , und , as a consequence , his "popgun bills" found an early grave. As soon as the prospect was Improved by the election of u democratic president and a change In the political complexion of tha cenate , giving the democrats control of both executive and legislative branched of the gov ernment , Mr. Springer set to work to per form what ho thought would bo his part In carrying out the democratic pledges ot tariff reform , He outlined 11 new tariff measure and urced the president to Imme diately call an extra session ot congress for the purpose ot considering the tariff , but his plea wont unheeded. When finally congress was convened In special session It was silver that was made the first topic for discussion , nnd nt UICEOTIB llmo Mr Springer , who , nc- cordlng to nil precedent , had n right to ox- foct to be rctnlim ! nt the head ot the ways nnd menus committee , wn rudely -qnd with out notice brushed nslde In favor of Mr. Wil son , in whos * abject obedlcnco to white house orders the president placed marc reliance. As a consequence what mlgM have been krfown ns the Springer tariff bill was quietly laid on the shelf nnd has 'only been resur rected ai a curiosity now that the accept ance by the house of the senate amendments has apparently terminated nil tariff legis lation for jtn lmmedlato present. In ( ! [ ) ) | thls measure Mr , Springer Is quoted as Biiylns : "My Idea was to come as near the Chicago platform as possible. The foundation principle was revenue , and only enough ot that to supply the needs ot the government and maintain Its credit. The free list contained all the articles that were free In the McKinley bill nnd n good many more , such ns coal , Iron ore , lead ore , copper , wool , cotton tics , binding twine , salt , flax , hemp , lumber ( except dressed , tongucd and grooved ) , flaxsccd oil , hcmpsced oil , cotton bagging and other articles that are In dis pute. Including nearly everything that may be termed MW material. The rule I Observed was n mean rate of 23 per cent ad valorem on everything that wo could get revenue out of. If It"ttiis raw material the lower the duty and the nearer the article waste to a finished product and a luxury the higher the rato. would be. On su ar and coffee I placed a duty of 20 per cent ad valorem , and on tea 30 per cent. The woolen schedule was substantially the same as that passed by the house of representatives In the Fifty-second congress , with a slight In crease In articles of luxury , nnd the average duties were 35 and -10 per cent. The agricul tural schedule wa left very much as U Is In. . the McKinley law. If the farmers can get any protection out of that I think they are entitled to It. Barbed wire was taxed" 30 Dcr cent ad valorem and diamonds GO per cent. The whisky tax was not changed. Collars nnd cuffs were from 25 to 35 per cent ad valorem. Cotton-goods averaged 23 per cent , nnd Iron and steel the same ; glass and pottery from 20 to10 per cent , accord- lug to quality , and other articles accord ingly. " Mr. Springer would really have pro posed an all-around reduction of duties and making up the deficit by Imposing new taxes on sugar , coffee nnd tea. Hy carrying his principle a little further we would eventually have most of the Imported articles on the free list nnd the bulk of the revenue derived from a taxed breakfast table. There would bo no Income tax , but with that exception the ultimate goal would be a reproduction In the United States of nil the essentials of the British revenue , system. Fortunately the step towards frco trade in the senate bill Is not alarmingly great. Yet It Is interesting to know how far towards free trade we might have been carried had Mr. Springer Instead of 'Mr. Wilson been again made chairman of' the ways and means committee , always assuming that he would have been more successful \vlth his bill than the pres ent chairman of that committee. Mr. Wlley'siremalnlng contract for furnish ing the clty\ylth electric lighting expires November of this year. The advertisement calling for ne\yhjds makcs the term of the proposed new contract date from January , 1895. What price is" the city to pay for electric lighting between November and Jan uary ? Is Mr. Wiley to dictate his own prices to the city : council until he geta ready to consent to 'allow ' itto * 'enter into a new ' formal contract ? When Tom Reed recommended , over his own signature as chairman of a congressional committee , that Tom Majors bo indicted In the District of Columbia for complicity In the forged census certificates the state of Nebraska was scandalized beyond measure and Majors barred from receiving the sup port ot conscientious republicans for the position of chief executive of the common wealth. Any man who has so little regard for the position of president of the state senate as to convert the lieutenant governor's office Into an oil room where members ore de bauched with liquor Is not fit to bo the standard bearer of the republican party of Nebraska. It is pleasant news to hear that the Dreck- inrldgo campaign in Kentucky Is gradually Hearing Its end , despite the Indications de noting the probability ot his renomlnatlon. The contest In the- Ashland district has been quito the opposite of n campaign of education. All , rlirro'8 the Kill ) . ChlcnKO Ilecnrd. If the railroad corporations nre so im maculate why do they shrink from a con- KiTs.sioiml Inquiry an shrinks a flunncl shirt In a tub of hot suds ? A Hnmiliiir of rrtttM'ilrnts. InJInnapolla Journal. Probably no president before Mr. Cleve land ever told a leadltiK senator In his party that he never wanted to nee him In the white bouse again , but there never was , In some respects , a president like Grovei Cleveland. Just 11 lint Murphy Thought. Louisville Courier-Journal. They mean nothing. They tend to noth ing. They nre merely Imaginary HOPS to Cerberus. But they will enable every little popgun statesman who voted for them to go home and yawp his piece , lie did nil bo could for "freo raw mntcrlals" of course he illtll Ho voted for "tree coal and Iron oro" you bet he- did I He w a for "free sugar' the everlasting fool and eternal franc ] I Meanwhile , the people the duped nnd doomed voters what are they b'olnir to do about It ? _ Hln Timriilni : Iloirn n Rood Thing. C'li'lifliRo Times , Wheeler II , ' iWkham , ns ( lie agent of the Union Trust , .company of Now York , linn come Into" a' Jlttle Meeting prominence ns the mover'of ' the appointment of Alduce V. Walker rfs receiver of the Atchlt > on , Topeku , Sc SuntaoFe railway. Since Mr. Pcukbiun couldn't ! } be a United States su preme court judge , ho now comes out In his true color taiin attorney for monopo lies and trusts.rTle Beimte's vpto of Piesl- ilent Cleveland's /nomination of him for the supreme bench AVUS a better thing- even than people feuuuratly knew at the time. JlrnxHiAiflir Tlmnkfulii ! HI. Knllnas City Star. It will be vuiy gratifying to the Htrusr- . (7111) ( ? people < ) f UilH country to know that diamonds nro0cn JLlie free list. They can worry along Mtb-T expensive clothing and a tax on fuel' , it'doesn't matter to them what they paj"uirtlie way of tuxes to trusts and monopolies ) Ifuthoy can get their diamonds mends cheap.Mhoi Industrial classes huvu groaned nml stntJsereU alonjj for years under the burdensome tax on diamonds , but at last the yoke has been thrown off. The farm hniuU of Missouri anil Kansas Eond nlaclsomo tTreetlima to the mill oper atives of New Himliuul. To hlgii or Not to .Sign , Now York Hun. Will he sign , or will he kill It ? Will he tulie upon himself thu perfidy anil dishonor he has denounced ? Or will ho destroy the monstrosity with his veto ? This Is the question which now occuple.i all minds , and forms the subject of more thnn half the conversation of the people. Wo do not undertake to answer It , but this we nay. and no one will stund up to contradict : If his reply Is a veto , he will lie acclaimed us still great , linive , anil conscientious man by thousands who have begun to doubt him. Hut If he Blgns It , bo will commit n moral tmlclde. Hit ) yet remaining fame will be wiped away , and In all the luml there will be none to poor lo do him rever ence. 1'KVl'T.K A Xl > T/IIV0.1 The sennte plugged the popguns with a Murphy. Ono of the most pathetic things In public life Is an unsatisfied ambition for ofilce. Mr , Wcllmnn took his failure coolly , con fident that another dash will vindicate him at the pole. Oovrrndr Hogg has shaved his whiskers. Itf \ evident the governor has little hope of populist favor. Ux-VIco President Morton wears four wigs of assorted sizes. Still he has. n wholesome " respect for political drafts. If the late Mr. Kolb ot Alabama wants to hold the public car he should glue n few grains of truth to his stick. The Kafllrs nre wiping out the Ooers with neatness and dispatch , Unfortunately nil the bores nre not In Africa nt the present time. Whatever doubt existed about the matter heretofore , democratic statesmen confess with moro or less hesitancy that whisky and sugar nre an Invincible combination. A new gas has been discovered In the nt- .mosphero of London. Hs qualities nro not definitely known , but It Is believed lo possess sulphurous elements common during fog days. ' It'Is now told with considerable detail that the signers of the Immortal Decldtatlon were pestered by Hies. It Is some satisfaction to know there were no tiles on the product of their labors. A Chicago Jury holds that shooting nt n wife five times and hitting her three times Is not murderous assault. Nothing short of a caisson explosion deliberately planned approaches preaches that dignity. In the days of the old-fashioned stage coach Talleyrand declared ho would rather trnvol forty miles than write a letter. A great many modern statesmen experience a like feeling'at some stage of their careers. Prof. Klrker , populist candidate for con gress In the Twenty-fifth Pennsylvania dis trict , has followed the show business all his life as a magician and ventriloquist. He has a family of boys and has organized a brass band among them , which will play at all populist meetings. Kx-Governor liable of Maine Is being cen sured by some of bis former admirers be cause be came out squarely for local option and high license in the large cities of that state. Nearly all Maine's public men are said to be convinced that the prohibitory law there Is practically a failure and its en forcement a farce. The late Judge Holt had high repute as a popular orator half a century ago. Of his magnificent speech nominating Richard M. Johnson for vice president John \V. Forney wrote : "His coal-black hair , flashing eye , olive complexion , graceful and thrilling voice electrified the convention. Never was there a mdre dramatic scene. " The man who watches with melancholy Interest nn Increasing strain on his waist band derives much comfort nnd content In seeing the owner of an expansive front sit down to an elaborate dinner. The smile of satisfaction that Invariably shines above a mascullno baywindow banishes the fog of discontent like a rising s > un. Miss Kate Field has been made one of the beneficiaries In the will of Mrs. ' Cordelia II. Sanford of Newport. The will contained numerous private and public bequests , among them rare paintings of great value to the Boston Museum of Art and to Welleslcy col lege. Miss Kate Field received Colman's portrait of Walter Savage Lander and Hen nessey's portrait of the testatrix , as also the bees , furs and garments of the deceased. HOT SHOT O.Y VAIllOVS TOl'lUH. Chicago Tribune : Under the supervision of the authorities Coxey's army Is doing some good work on the roads , and Coxey ought to be making himself useful In the same way , with twice as long a contract as that of his poor dupes. New York Sun : The McKinley tariff law , unblemished by an income tax , is distinctly a more desirable , moro wholesome and more American Institution , and Incomparably more democratic In Its nature , than the Wil son-Gorman scheme with Its Income tax. Courier-Journal : That the passage of the tariff bill has already stimulated business does not necessarily "give It a character. " The dawdling ot congress had brought the country to the point of praying for anything that would end the matter , confident that no bill could fall to be better than continued uncertainty. Minneapolis Journal : The present con gress has made a buncombe reduction of $40 000 000 In the appropriations as com pared with these ot the first session of the last congress. It Is not to be supposed that the government can be run for $10,000,000 less , not at all. The expectation Is that what is lacking will be made up , after election , by deficiency appropriations. The cut has been made now simply for effect on the coming elections. The humbug , however , can be effectually exposed and the people satisfied ot the false pretenses of the democratic party. Chicago Times : Secretary of Agricul ture J. Sterling Morton Is making a grand stand play for popularity In returning to the national treasury some $500,000 of the appropriation m le by congress to cover the expenses of his department during the fiscal year which ended Juno 30. Mr. Mor ton , having lost caste as n professional farmers' friend , is now trying to pose as the great economist of the administration and thereby recover strength In Nebraska. But It won't do. The farmers would rather ho had expended his whole appropriation In the prosecution of agricultural experi ments , and , besides , Bryan's too firmly seated In Nebraska now to bo displaced by his ancient enemy. o VA UVUti Of , JOKKIiS. Washington Star : "Some men. " said Uncle Kben , "Is so soured on human nature < lat when er frlen' returns a borrowed urn- brell dey finks It am a reflection on de um- brell's quality. " Adams Freeman : "I'd just as soon ask a man to murry HIP , " said Mabel , "but , gra- clous , think of his refusing ! " "I know It , " retorted Belle , "but , thundering ages , think of his accepting ! " Detroit Free Press : Joseph I bought a typewriter the other day for $15. William What kind ? One of those cheap affairs ? Joseph No ; It was ono of the $100 makes. William Is that so ? They must be selling out at cost. Somervllle Journal : How odil It Is that It seems never to hnvo occurred to the street car people that by taking all the seats out of their curs they could get a great deal more room than they have now for folks to stand up. Chicago Record : ' -And what Is Unit man over there ? " inquired the visitor In the dime museum. "That , " replied the museum manager with manifest pride , "that Is the man who says he la satlstled with the new tariff bill. " Chicago Tribune : "I'll like to join you on that steamer excursion today. " said the coroner , regretfully , "but I don't think 1 ought to leave the ofllce. You know that man who was hurt In the street cur acci dent yesterday ? " "Yes , ' "Ills folks have culled In Ji Christian science doctor. " Washington Star : "Now , " snld the physi cian who Is noted for his heavy charges , "I must take your temperature. " "All right , " lespotideil the patient , In a tone of utter resignation. "You've got about everything else I own. There's no reason why you shouldn't 'ake that , too. " HOW BHB GOT IIKIl TAN. New York HeriiM. My girl bad come home from vacation. Her skin was burned brown as could be. "I hope you huve not been a tomboy , " I said , us fche flopped on my knee. "You're no longer a school girl , my darling , You must cultivate grace nnd repose. Did you rend those good books Unit I sent you ? " But hero fbe turned up her dear nose , "I met n nlee fellow from Iloston , " She said , "a must cultured young man. We devoted our days unto 'Browning , ' And that's how I got this line tan , " Hnmervlllo Journal , HMf Is the most misleading maid This puzzling world can show. There's even chutica , when she says "Yes , " Her secret heart auys "No. " But all thu same , this wilful maid Has innde my hiipplncss. For fcornotlmes when Hhe unsworn "No , " Her secret heart sayB "Yes " That wus thu cane the other night , Tlinnk heaven , I did not go When , us I asked her to ho mine , She shyly nnswereil "No. " Thought I : "Love goes by contraries. Ah ! 'TwiiG a happy guus ! For not alone her heart , at last , Hut her sweet llpa suld "Yes. " EVERYTHING IN READINESS Tariff Boformora Willing to Go Homo and Explain to Tholr Cointituonts , CAMPAIGN PREPARATIONS ARE ALL MADE Drmornitlc Kffnrt * li ) > toti > ilTo\ritril Molding u .Majority In the llomr llMiry 1)1 * . trlct t'nnviiKXMl l > y Until I'.irllcV \Vork nt IIrml < | iii rtrr , WASHINGTON. Aug. 20. With the closing of congress the managers ot the national con- groslonal campaigns arc preparing for the fall campaign with much energy. Senator Faulkner , at the head of the demo cratic committee , Is directing his efforts toward holding n democratic majority In the house of representatives. Extensive head quarters are In operation , with the executive work In charge of fcecrctnry Lawrence Gard ner. The work thus far has been In prepar ing full statistics of districts , writing the campaign book , nnd In circulating documents. The campaign book Is nbout half completed. It will be n volume of about 300 pages show ing the work of congress and the reforms claimed to have been mndo In the depart mental service. It will he furnished to speakers as a text for their efforts on the stump. The statistics gathered .nro the most elab orate over undertaken by the committee. They show not only the votes by counties for the last four congressional elections , hut In close districts the figures are carried out to town ships , wards and oven precincts. In addition to Iho numerical vote , a system of percent ages has been ndoptcd by which the percent age ot gain necessary to success or loss threatening defeat can bo exactly deter mined. Another plan of ready reference Is by shaded maps of the district In which the vari ous colors show the strength ot republicans , democrats , populists , prohibitionists , etc. , with the figures as to the vote of each party. Campaign speakers will not be sent out by the committee , as each congressional nominee will be left'to secure his own speakers. If , however , n weak spot Is developed , where speakers are few , the national committee will undertake to supply the orators. Documents nro being shipped in large quantities , but the main supply , particularly on the tariff , will not go out until congress has adjourned and all uncertainty on the question has been re moved. The republican congressional committee , In the absence of Secretary Olds , Is In charge of Abslstant Secretary Thomas II. McKee. Dy the decision of the republican national committee the congressional campaign Is left entirely in the hands of the congressional committee , Chairman Mauley acting In nn advisory capacity. The headquarters force Is just now engaged in getting together the campaign text book , which Captain McKee expects to hnvo Issued by September 19. The commltico has had its headquarters open continually slnco November 1 last , and slnco that time has distributed 1,000,000 pieces of campaign literature. This work will be prose cuted with even greater diligence from now on. The committee furnishes matter for a page each week to several plate printing and press associations , which Is said to be In de mand by all newspapers about the country. A complete canvass has been made of every congressional district In the country by the republicans and the work to bo done mapped out nnd systematized. In stales where n campaign Is on the work will bo left In the hands of the state committee en tirely. Where there Is no state campaign the congressional district organization will bo co-operated with directly. There will bo no speakers' bureau at the committee head quarters , as congressmen and candidates nro found to prefer to provide speakers for them selves. Every assistance possible Is securing speakers will , however , bo rendered where It is asked for. CAMPAIGN FOR GOOD GOVKKNMKNT. Soimtor lollor Siiyg thn Populism In Colorado rado Must < > < > . DENVER , Aug. 20. Senator Teller arrived from Washington yesterday , and will spend his vacation of several weeks In the west. According to his Idea , the coming stato. cam paign Is to be ono for good government. Na tional politics will not figure In the cam paign for the reason that the only Issue at stake today Is the silver Issue , and every man In Colorado , of whatever political complexion. Is for the free coinage of sliver. It must bo apparent to every man at home , as It Is to all outsiders who are Interested In politics , that the populists must go. It Is not a ques tion of the defeat of any one Individual , but of the entire party. It Is beyond the ken of man to estimate the damage that has been dona this state by the present administration , and no matter what name be on the popu list ticket In the coming election , whether the present governor or some ono else , tha election of that ticket would mean a con tinuance of the present demoralization , If not Iho intoning of nn utter nnd complete full- Speaking ot national nffnlr.i , ho unld CloTO. Mml Is seriously setting his plus for n fourth nomination , but dors not stand n ghost ot n how to gel It. Senntor Hill , ho thinks , In the coming man of tln dfmiorrnilo party , nnd nits of Into bccomr very much MroiiRer po litically thnii ha waa n year ago. fmlon U 111 Not Work. XASHVILLV : , Tcnn. , Aug. SO.The rcpub- llcan state convention will meet here tomor row. J. W. linker of Uaveson county will probably be nominated fur governor , the up- position to him beliiR smnil. There will bo some effort to prevent a nomination In order a fusion may bu effect , d on .Mills , the populist nominee , but It Is not believed It will work. All the principal leaders nro op posed to fusion. JIO.V Of / . .V'KHA.r.11.1 1 l'iirnphrrnitlli % of tint lucrnilliiry AimrrlilM * In the llitiul of ihn 1'ollrr. CHICAOO. Aug. 20. Inspector Conway has soon rod n chestful of the peculiar ma chines used by Hcrlltz , Schnrff , Nelson nnd the others ot the gang of Incendiary con spirators In the destruction of property In this city. Ho nlso secured a second nnd smaller chest containing anarchist llternturo nnd a number of pictures , conspicuous among which Is n copy of the picture In Oscar Necbo's salocn of the pardon of the an archists , The machines are of peculiar description nnd nre well davlsed for the uxecutlnn of the schtMiips of the conspirators. They ore evidently the property of nn- archlsts and lend color to life theory of a plot for wholesale destruction of property nnd life. The machines ore electric devices and are constructed on the single cell Interrupted current principle. The deadly nature of the machine Is seen when It Is known that the time of the explosl in can bo regulated with absolute certainty by the proper ad justment of the clockwork mechanism which frees Iho : urrent. .S ci\ri\.iiti\ Crlpliriitliin of u Notiihln Historical Dny Nciir Tiilnlo. TOLEDO , Aug. 20. About 5.000 people ns- somblcd today on the battlefield of Fallen Timbers , on the Maumcc river , twelve miles above this city , to culcbrato the centenary of Wayne's victory. Here , on August 20 , 1791 , ho defeated the Wyandotte , Ottawa and Delaware Indians , breaking the power of their confederacy and securing pence to the northwestern frontier. A national salute was fired at sunrise. At 100 : : ! the Mnumce Valley Monumental association held a meet ing and listened ( o n historical address by Colonel I ) . W. II. Howard , a picnic dinner following. The afternoon exercise * consisted of music , the adoption of resolutions , re questing congress to mark the spot by a suitable monument followed by the address of thu day by Gencial Samuel F. Hunt of Cincinnati. Short addresses followed by. De partment Commander H. 12. Wutt of 'Ohio and General P. S. Stevau. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort nnd improvement nncl tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The innny. who live bet ter than others nnd enjoy life moro , with less expenditure , by moro promptly ri.iaptr. the world's bcbt products to the needs of physical being , will fittest the value to health , of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy , Syrup of Figs. Its oxccllcnco is duo to its presenting in the form moat acceptable and pleas- 'ant to the mate , the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ativt ; ; eiTectually cieitiising the system , dispelling colds , headaches Mid fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession-becnubo it acts on the Kid- ncyr , Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it ia perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in r > 0c andl bottles , but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Byrap Co. only , whoso name is printed on oyory package , also the name , Syrup of FJgn , mid being well informed , you will not uccopt nny Hubstituto if oflerrd. The- Fall of Pompeii ( Pronounced 1'om-pi-yo ) Is not more com plete than the Fall of Prices pronounced half-pri-ces in our men's suits $25 suits $12.50 $20 ones $10 $17 ones $8.50 $15 ones $7.50 sacks cutaways light or dark cheviots cassimeros worsteds elegant goods Boy's suits $2.50 all wool cheviot 6 to 14 years--all colors another $3 neat checks latest out double breasted and $3.50 nice quiet patterns same quality- another $4 little better But best of all combin ation suit $4.50 extra pants cap to match neat little Scotch cheviot checks guaranteed all wool all 2-pieoo suits straw hats at cost nicest waists lowest prices Browning , King & Co. , Reliable Cloth lei-H , S. W. Cor. Ifltli and Douglas.