THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. 9-1 4 ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , ItfttuST 19 , 189-Jr-SlXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. HAYDEN ANNUAL , RVIGTION ALE fThe lease of Summer Goods on our space expires about this time every vear and we never grant an extension. They must make way for the immense fall stocks , many of which are now arriving , and some already on our counters. ( Nothing but the imperative demand for SPACE could prevail upon us to make these eviction prices. \Vc show the most complete collection of high class novelties in silks iver brought to this city , and the best assortment of black silks that the looms of the world produce , all at prices which place them in easy reach Of a most moderate purse. No matter what you may wish in silks you ere almost certain to liud it here , at u much lower price than you antici pated paying for it. COLORED SILKS. isc At this price wo show an assortment of 20 colors in India silks , f ) Cr , ' 22 inches wide , including black and cream , and the price is //Jji , A / , only _ V C5c Black , brown and navy blue Moire silks , goods that are fully OCA worth double our price SJ/v. B9c A complete line of .Japanese wash silks in every shade , also 25 0 O shades of a nice fine , lustrous surah at the same price , and wo ) Vl > A H have JO pieces left of the 27 inch natural pongee : all at * s ' D 9c will buy colored Armuro silks in brown , navy , wine and card- /ir\r \ X inal that other house in the will ask 800 any country you a T"y L. K sofl them ' ' yard : we at V 09c tvill buy as handsome a quality of Plcot Taffotta silks in a boau- liful line of coloringH and combinations , regular $1.00 goods , for 75c At this price wo can give you as good Novelty silks as you paid * J Y " SI for last spring and thought they wore cheap then , in a va- / jl u "riety of designs and colorings , at only ' U P8c Seeded Tafi'etta silks.full 2-1 inches wide , in brownnavymyrtle , OO/- li"ht olive , gray and old rose combinations , regular 81. H5 goods , MfSl > A u ' for / D Si.25 At this price wo show some of the most handsome bilks over /jt. - < O C woven for trimmings in all the now fall coloring * , regular $2 Tk I / ) B A goods , at only -L- ' * s u Black Dress Silks. We guarantee every yard of Black Dress Silk that we sell you , Black Faille D.'css silk , full 2)Inches wide , guaranteed -absolutely s' fy / all silk , regular price 81 0/C1 { lack Royal Armuro silks , will make a good serviceable silk dress , S f \ _ Y acttml value $1 , our price 0 V C K ; lack Moire silks , warranted every thread silk , full 20 inches wide , f7 CA would be cheap atl , our price / ) P A i { t ' n Black oachomoro finish gro grain , guaranteed absolutely all pure 7C vY " silk , rogularl quality , for / " ) Pu i , Black Poau do Sole , gives splendid wear and service , full 20 inches QO/- wide , former price $1.25 , now O V C A felack Royal Armuro you can't wear this silk out regular $1.25 OO/- quality , this week at our place OVC A Black Satin Rhadztmor , full 24 inches wide , guaranteed every thread fljj A A Y k silk , will wear like iron , regular $1.50 quulity , our pi-ice is . . . J ) I III I u V , tjlack cachomoro finish gro grain , full 21 inches wide ; vou can't AAY J [ match this silk in any other housn in the country at the prico. * jk I , Ml J u i fclack Royal Aamurc , full 24 inches wide , no bettor goods made forQ-j A A y < M wear than thib ) other houses will ask you $1GO for it ; our TV I I II I ft p pricols M'.L.V/WU . fir Black Poau do Solo , full 21 inches wide , a very soft , rick and hand- / -j A A Y Ji some silk , guaranteed all pure silk , quality never before sold Ns I I II ! ft * far loss than $1.50 , our price W * v/w I * Samples cheerfully mailed to out-of-town customers , who will do us f ft favor , when ordering , to state whether they wish black silks or colors , for dress or trimmings , and we can then be enabled to Hill the order in- ( is.m \ s. FOR MONDAY ONLY. g6-inch wool storm serge , Monday only 36-inch wool Bedford cord , Monday only 23c 36-inch whipcord and fancy brocade suiting 25c 44-inch , wool.Henrietta ( colorsonly ) . . . , 29c 38-inch irridescent novelty suiting 19c 40-inch wool albatross ( cream ) 39c 38-inch novelty striped suiting A. HOME QUESTION. WHY WORKWORK WORK WORKWORK WORK &T1TCH &T1TCHSTITCH STITCH STITCHSTITCH STITCH UNNECSSARILY ? Cortululy , no need to make up waists and wrappers when wo sell thu inndo up article nt exactly the price of material. Those wrappers and waists como in over a dozen grades , and In many fjon- crous sizes and various styles of finish. Yet every ono of those Is ruado up so perfectly , marked so reasonably , so cheap , that oven a careless inspco'.icn will at once lead to a purchase , We sell the best unlaundered waists on the Jnarket for 89c. Fall is coming. Summer ( joods must go. We are with you on the price question. Wash Dress Goods. It is not profit or cost wo arc now look ing after in this line , but to sell the stutr nnd toll it quick. Thcso prices ought to close out every yard of them Imported crepe which sold at 35o and 40c yard now going at lOc yard. 32-inch wide Japonetto , Cropolino and Creponotte , all worth lUc , 25c and 3oc , all in one lot at Hayden's , only lOc yard. 32-inch Bengaline , 26c vard , now 8jc yard.Mousellino Mousellino do India in black ground , the finest , showiest wash goods in the market , worth 35c , new going at lOc yard. 32-inch wide indigo "l.luo Japanese cloth , sold all over tlio country at loc ; Hayden's closing price , 7c yard. 32-inch wide Jaconet lawns , Pongees , Poulu-ds , o'c. ' , which were lOc and lee ; Hayduns' belling them at 60 yard. Linen Department. Special prices that ought to interest close buyers. Read them over carefully and compare. You will save money by buying your linens at Hayden's. CO inch wide cream damask all pure linen at 50c yard. 53 inch cream damask pure linen , extra heavy 35c yard. Full bleached damask 50c , OOc and 75c yard. 70 inch bleached damask GOc yard. Silver bleached damask 75c and 85c yard. Every ono of those special bargains is worth looking after Bleached huck toweling 3jc yard. Fringed napkins 2 > c dozen. J all linen full bleached dinner nap kins at $1.00 dozen. Bleaohed or unbleached turkish towels at 5o each. Hjney comb towels 2 for 5c , 30c dozen. Fancy knotted fringe printed tidies , lOc each , never offered by any ono for less than 15c. Now styles and designs in fancy tidies at 15c and 25o each. Wo a-o overstocked In white bed spreads , wo have too many ; they must bo sold : look them over. They ollcrcd at prices that will soil them. Hayden's , Domestic Dept. The largest stock of Shootings , Mus lins , Ginghams , Prints , Etc. Berkley cambric74oyard. / . Deep River Sheeting , yard wide , Gc yard. Yard wide Holbrook Bro. Muslin , 3ic yard. 37-inch Bleached Dairy Cloth , 2c yard. 45-inch Bleached Dairy Cloth , 3c yard. 42-inch Bleached Pillow Casinir , 8c } yard. Mill remnants of blue denim worth ISc yard , on sale at lOc yard. Cretonne worth'2jc , on sale at ] 5c yard. Best indigo blue prints , Gc yard. New dark fall styles best prints , Gc yard. Apron chock and dress styles in Gingham' ; Scyard. Crinkled "seersucker Vorth loc ; now 5c yard. White Shaker Flannel , 5c and lOc yard.White White Wool Flannel , 15c and 20c yard. \ ' Good Ticking 8c , lOc , and luc yard. Best and cleanes'tJ.Cotton Batting of fered in this city at lOc , loij and.20c. All leading brands of muslin on hand at lowest prices. , Chenille Table Covers. Now fall stock just received all new styles first of the season , bought direct from the makers , largest stock and best selection over displayed by any house in Omaha. 4-4 covers 49c each. 5-4 covers 75c each. 6-4 covers at Oic , SJ.50 and $2.50 each. 7-4 and 8-4 covers at $2.50 each. 10-4 covers at 83.08 each. HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS 44-inch black wool Henrietta ; . . . 39c 46-inch all wool serge ; 49c ( .6-inch all wool Henrietta 49c 46-inch imported Arnold silk finish Henrietta 5Qc 4o-inch black silk and wool novelty suitino . . . . . ' 50c The "loader" hero is a $7.50 suit. This lot is mndc up of nil broken sizes in our men's light suits. There nre cheviots nnd cassimcres , In tun , gray a nil other colors , not one of these suits ever sold , before for less than $12.50. Your choice for $7.50. A good pair of pants nt 95 cents. A line line of all wool pants in ehcviots and cnssimcres that haye been selling at $3.00 and up , now $1.05. All wool Jersey cheviots and children's worsted Iniec pant suits , ai $1.48. , , ' Finest made light summer knee pnnt suits nt $3.25. These nre worth $5.50 , $ B.25 and $7.00 per suit. . Furniture. : ' U' I . . . . . . . ot u accident imuii n hap pened , Jiul Lecause the child hat. bten al lowed to run around In ono room while the mother wai working In another This Jieful device does away wlih all duiger tioni fall- toe lamps , hot water , etc. _ This "baby yard" 'Is finished antique , Is strong and well made , M 40x40 , and has a heavy duck iheet buttomil at the four cor ners ; this prcttcti the carpal , Tha child can play around lnsid < , while the mother or nurse la In any ob r part of the home. We are iiow opening up our pew fall goods , atd ) we hove ancoerded in buying furniture cheaper than heretofore , and thai ! c rlulnly sell accordingly liefore you buy any hind of furniture give us a chance to flg'jre with you. Closing Out All Summer Goods in Ladies' an d Gents' Furnishings. 100 dozen ladles' nt-clit gowns , full size and made from good material , only B9c , worth 75c A lot of ladles' \\hito skirts only GOc , re duced from $1.00. Ladles' jersey ribbed vests only 4c , worth lEc. 1 lot of ladles' Jersey ribbed vests only lOc , good value at "Oc. 1 case of ladles' fast black cotton lioso only 12V4C , worth 20c. Children's fast black cotton hose , our reg- lar 25c quality , reduced to IGc. 1 lot men's 25c suspenders , reduced to 12ic. . 1 case of men's British half hose only ] 2'/ic per pair , splendid value. 100 dozen ladles' black silk mitts , extra heavy , only 25c. worth 40c. 100 dozen gent's Dlackstono unlaundered shirts only COc , worth 7uc. Veal quality gents' linen collars and tufts only 12c. Notions and Fancy Goods. Wo want your business and If low prices for high class goods will get It It Is ours. The new wood fibre whisk broom , the finest whisk broom made , on sale Monday at lOc. A special new line of all Bilk tics at 12 > / c. The balance'of that elegant Job lot of fancy embroidered handkerchiefs only Oc each. Jewelryr 300 solid gold set rln s 75c , worth 52,00. Solid sliver torquolie rings 35c , worth n.oo. Solid gold rings , genuine diamond set , $ . , worth $3.50. Solid gold baby rings 39c , woilb GOc. Belt buckles 3Cc , worth VCc. Solid silver thimbles 13c , worth 60c. Sctti adamantine nurblo clocks , eight-day , halt hour stillce , cathedral gong , French dial , $0.98 , positively wuith $15.00. Nickel dlaim ulocks 55c. Rogers A. A tea spoons GOc per set , worth $1.50- , . Rogers 12 ilnl. knivfs or folks $1.25 per set. set.Gnnt's Gnnt's Bold stltfcnsd hunttpR ( use watcliss , Elgin or Waltham , ? 5.4 ! > and up. All grades of standard American watches at half Jewelry store pi lets. All goods warranted. Watch and clock repairing at reduced prices. Cheap Books. Do not fall to read the Last Days of Pom- pell , only -le. ! Rend this before seeing It at Courtland beach next week. All the late novels at 7c each. Millinery. This is not the busiest time of the year for milllncis , In fhct not for anybody. To keep trade moving we have made a % cut on all flowers and eveijthing In the mil linery line. Tomorrow we place on sale n large Invoice of white and black snllois that iirrlvcd yes terday. There are two epeclal bargains ; these : While or black Pallors nt 20o nnd white or bluck callers nt 2jc. We euarnntce these to be the very finest values. Call and sou lliein. Pictures. We nro making a special effort to sell all pictures at reduced prices. Have you seen our Dodge street window ? Music. The only place In Omaha to buy you sheet music. Music for the million. Standaid sheet music. 3c per copy , by mall 4c ; comprising such well known selections as : "lihapsodle Hongrolse No. 2" by Liszt. "Awakening ot tha Lion , " by De Kontsckl. "Wanda Nortume , " by Bohm. "Mattha Fantasia , " by Uo.-n. "Lohnegrln Sanctions , " by Splmller. And thousands of other selections equally as good. Instruction books one-half former price , copyright sheet music one-half off on every thing. All the latest songs and Instru mental selections one-half price. Pianos to rent from $3 up per month. Organs to rent from { 2 up per month. First-class piano tuning $1.60. Work guaranteed. Curtains , Lace curtains and drapery goods , all for ho fall season. Some extra bnrgr.lns In chenllla curtains from $2.50 lo $5.00 $ per pair. Lace curtains , 76c to $1.00. The sewing maUilnea are nearly sold out ind can never bo replaced at these prices , M5.00. Carpets. Wo arc mill letting out those fine wool carpcta for 50c1 to COc. Lower graded from l2'/ic . / up. A few uf HIDES cotton warp mattings to close at 30c , goods that sold early In thu sea- ten tor 50c to COc. Hammocks. The best hammock made only Jt.18. Croquet sets to close at $1.SO. Special on fancy backed. 3 baskets for Be. 2 baskeU for Gc. 1 basket for Gc. All kinds. All prices. Job lot fancy tinted good * at cut prices. House Furnishing Goods. FLOWER POTS. Now Is the time to slip your plant ? . Wo have cut the price of flower pots In half ; 4-Inch pot , lic tnch5-lnch ; pots , 2c cnch ; 6-Inch pots , 3c each ; 7-Inch pots , Ic ench ; 8-lnoh pots , 6o each ; 9-Inch pots , 8o each ; 10-Inch pots , 10ic ench. TIN KKTTLES. Wo will give you a good tin tea Kettle for 15c. 15c.A A better one for 35c. A one piece patent Ilutler for Bfic. A EOdkl nickel tea kettle for 95c. An A granite ten Uettle for $1.20. Wash tubs 25c , wnsh boards 9c , clothes pins lo per dozen , patent folding Ironing tables 85c , good broom 16c , water palls , l\tc \ ! each , dust pans , EC. Mason fruit Jar rubbers 3V c per dozen. Sauce dishes lc each , salt nnd peppers , lo each , % pt. tumblers IVfcc each , Jelly tumblers , tin top , 2c eachInitial glass In lire flint blown glass , any Initial you want , nt 35c per set , worth $1.CO. All color shelve paper Co per ream , dish pans , 15c each. Mason fruit Jar , quarts , GOc per dozen. Mason fruit Jars , two quarts , 70c per dozen. Pudding and mill ; pans from 2c up. Dusters 9c each , white cedar tubs , the finest tub In the world , 75c and $1.00 each. The Iron shaft Western Standard washer , this Is a regular $6.00 washer. We have re duced thorn to $3.50. We are solo agents for this washer. Hard wood well buckets 3Ge each , step lad ders , 75c each. A few mote feet of good hose left , 7&C per foot. Albetn tea spoons , as good as silver , 13c per set , table spoons In the same , 26c per set. Assorted' lots of Brnnlte'wareMrr three lots. Lot 1 , 17c each article ; lot 2 , 21c each article ; lot 3 , 42c each article. The handy wringer , a .regular $3.DO wringer , our price for Monday $1.75. Fire proof baking and milk crocks , Gc each. Fancy lamp shade and frames complete , 20c each. Metal hanging kitchen lamp \iltU reflector , complete , 35c , worth $1.00. Drugs. Patent medicines , perfumeries and pro scriptions : Miles Nervine at 75c. McUrayer's bour mash whisky GOc , Maryland rye whlbKy COc. Old Crow sour mash whisky GOc. Port wine and claret at 3Gc. Hood's Sarsaparllla at C5c. Palne's Celery at C5c. Indian Sagwn at 75c. Cherokee Indian Hair Grower 42c and SSc. Garfleld ten 75c. Diown's Jamaica ginger SSc. Florida water lOc bottlo. The Crown Perfumery company's crab apple perfumes , all odors , at 4lc ) an ounce. Brushes. Tooth brushes , 3c , worth EC. Tooth brushes , IGc , worth 2Gc. Hair brushes , lOc , north 25c. A good teeth brush worth Gc. A good hair brush worth 2tic. A good clothes brush worth 25c. A good comb worth lOc. Total , GOc The lot on Monday for 25c. Hose Supporters. We are closing out three complete lines of ladles' and children's supporters. The first lot at Ic per pair. The second lot at 3c per pair. The third lot at Gc per pair. The fourth lot at 8c per pair. The fifth lot at 18c per pair. This last lot Is a No. 1 ladles' belt sup porter worth 35c. Hardware. Now that the tariff bill Is passed and prices are settled we propose lo make some sweep ing reductions In the bardwaio lino. Note the following prices : Dost wlro Bteel nails reduced to ] % c per pound. Think of Is , Jt c per pound for best wlro steel nails. 40c morlico door locks now go at Ho. 4Ca rim door locks now go at lie. IGc window fasteners now go at Gc. lOc door bolls now go at 3c. We also carry the l.ugcat ttock of due I'U'ldeu' ' liardwuie In Ilia city. Including due Fi'-neli , English and American broiuu and onnmer.ul sliding and trout door locks , hinges , cash fasteners , bolu , uuiuom lift * , etc. , etc. Wu have everything In the I'no of carperi- ( < r , in id ) : ilat and blacksmith tools ut 50 per LCIU cut under regular rates. lOu ? fool boxAood rules go at 3c. 4Uo 2-foct buMVucU rules , bra < t > buund , go at 73r dcuble Iron Mr.oublng I'laiies po at 39i $1 00 double lion jack p'.anci go at 45c. 40o biace ? gu at lOc. 7Gc l.i ILC ? go at 25o fl 00 hanU'cd ' ax ft go at lOc. 25'key jail I'.i'llocks ' ' go at He. dCc 2- key jail padlocKa K at lOc. \Vo have Hie laigckt ttoclt of lubber and col 'on lawn hose In the city ut 7c , 8c mid lOc per foot. Lawn sprinklers , every variety , at 25 per cent under regular rates. Scieen doors , screen window cloth , poultry wlro netting and window frames at about one-half prk-e. Corn Cutters , l&c an'J 25c each. Potato hooka , 49c. Api'l ' * parers corer and tllcers , only 2Gc. Itoi > e all ilzcs. Ilarb wire , gaivanlzcd and painted , very Uttap. Hallroad and mining supplies , Including pcmiK-r , dynamite , fuse , caps , wheel bariowv , carts , vsaKonb , plows , picks , shovcU , mat- tocha , crow bars , stone sledges nnd hammers , bolu , track guagei , In fact everything used on a n'lruad ' or In a mine , Huiirvbil companies and contractors ihould niak" a noie of tlie above. We wilt luterest you. w Grocery Prices for all Week. Large palls jelly , 40c. Choice ] > ackcd tomatoes , only 7l4c can. Choicest sugar corn , only 7',4o can. Columbia river steak salmon , lOc and 12J4o can. Sardines In oil , 4c can. White Paris , Progress and all soaps. So bar. bar.Long Long bars castllc boap , 19c. Kvaporated cream , lOc can. Sapollo , only Gc cake. Valencia raisins , ' 316c pound , Coiibontrated lye , Gc can. Stove polish , Ic cak ? . Oood rice , from 3c up. Baking chocolate. IT'/ic package. Dried Fruits. We have Just received our new crop of California fruits , finest that money can buy : We will sell our new crop raisins , 3J4a pound. New crop peaches , 12' c pound. Now crop ( ralsen cured ) prunes , 8c pound New crop apricots , 9c pound. New crop cherries , only 7V c pound New crop currants , 4 > { .u pound. T lour Dept Wo carry nothing but the best grades of flour , such os 4X Minnesota flour , S1.10 sack. Valley Lily , only $1,00. Keller mills Superlative , OOc. No. 1 Snow Flake flour , C5c. An excellent flour for COc. Every sack warranted or money refunded , Tea and Coffee. The new crop of Japan , Ceylon and Oolonn teas has just arrived , wo will sell you Tea dust for lOc and 12 > 4c pound. Japan tea for ISc. Sun dried Japan ten , 25c. Broken Maudlins Java and Mocha , iBu , IV/iC nnd lOc. Golden Illo only 2Gc. Best Java nnd Mocha , 35c , or 3 pounds for $1.00. Meats. Hoydens' army of bargains for Monday at the meat counter : Three f.icts about our mcnt department : First. It Is the largest In the west. Second , wo carry the largest stock. Third , we sell at lowest prices. Head these prices and be convinced : Sail pork , 8c ; pickle pork , 7V c ; corned beef , Bo ; pickled ox tongue for lOc per pound. Re member jou can't got them under IBo any place. SiiKnr cured bacon , lie , 12o nnd 13'/4 ; Boston long cut hams , Oc ; sugar cured picnic hams , lOc ; boneless ham , 10He. Bear In mind that anything you buy at our meat : counter that Is not strictly No. 1 goods your money will be refunded. Don't forget that you can buy lard of us cheaper than any place on earth. A few facts about our butter department : First , we handle only the products of Ne braska dairies nnd creameries. Second , wo sell the best made for the least money. Here ate Borne of cur prices : Fresh C3im ry butter , ll'c , 1214o nd lie ; creamery , ICc , 18c , 20o and ' 22c. Satisfaction always guaranteed at ot'if butter department. Cheese. Hero Is the only only place where you can get just what you want. Wo handle only the finest domestic and Imported goods and sell at prices that nro In keeping with the times. Wisconsin cream choose , 7V&c and lOc ; New York state full cream cheese , 12&o and 14cj brick cheese , lOc , 12'/4c ' nnd 14c ; Llinbcrgcr cheese , lOc , 12 > / c and He ; Swiss cheese , 12' c , He and IGc ; sap sago cheese , Sc per package ; ICilum cheese. $1.00 each ; pineapple cheese , G5c each ; and any kind of chccso you want. Crackers. Nice , fresh , clean goods Is our motto. Soda crackers , Gc ; oyster crackers , ginger unaps nnd snowflakes only 7V4e ; Grandma's cookies , mola&BOs cake , sugar cookies and frosted creams at lOc ; Jlrcmnor'a lunch , S'/jc ' ; cream toast , JOc ; oatmeal crack ers In one pound packages , very choice- , 12'.o ( ; cracknells , IGc , Fish. Norway herring , loc per doz ; California salmon , lOc and 12' ' c ; white fish , Gc and 7'/jc ; the finest Lake Superior whltu fish , lOa and 12'.c ' ; ; codlUh , Gc , lOc and 12'/.c ' ; mack erel , 7V&c & , lOc , IJVfcc uml IGc ; veiy best split Mbrador herring , PC. Hemeniber you will save money by buying your fish at Haydens * . Gasoline Stove Sale. Closing out gasoline stoves at less than cot 1. Tills Is foi first class gasoline everyone wnrranlcd , JO.00 gusollno moves for $3.15. JS.OO gusollno btoves for $3.95. $1000 gasoline stoves for $510 , { ' . ' .TO gasoline oven for $1.15 , } gatollne oven for $1.95. A largo viipor steve , 2-burnor and thvlf , lay down tank , with Husslan Iron oven , regular price $ i2.00 , we offer now for $11.95. Thcso prices until September lit. Wall Paper. We are closing out our stock of wall papw and will make home lower prices than evei seen In tint city. A line gilt paper for 5c. And others ID propor'lou.