TIIR OMAHAL DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , AUGUST in , 1891 , THREE ERRORS AND UMPIRE Combination that Helped Qnino/a Average In the Standing Table Eevcral Poin'B. ROURKES IN TOUGH LUCK ONCE MORE kcitrrday' * Oninn Should 11 nve. Item Our , but Jlnit I'lnylng Would Not Ilitvn U that Unjr Ht Jo Ucrpt Oiniilui Compiiny. There are times In a man's llfo when the consciousness of having done hl best atones to a degree for the humiliation of defeat. Again ho sees his favorlto ball team lose nnd Is satisfied because they loat no chance to win and wcro simply beaten out. But the game with Qulncy yesterday was not ono of ( .lioso games. Omaha should have won , but , as on the day before , they wore utterly unahlo to hit the ball with any etfecU And then a couple of costly errors at a critical point finished the scene and lost the game. Everything looked lovely for awhile , and the work began with a nlco lead for the homo team. Ulrlch got a base on balls , stole second by a neck and scored on Langs- ford's two-sackor. Seery popped up a foul , which was garnered by Andy Sommers , but McVey went down on four wide ones. Mean- whllo a passed bait advanced Langsford to third , and ho and McVey executed double steal , Langsford scoring and McVey going to second. It was a play that la seldom successfully accomplished , and the crowd cheered It as an omen of victory. But they were away oft , for In the second the visitors came back with a brace on ono hit and an error , which tied the score. . Four successive hits by Langsford , Seery , McVey and Moran gave us thrto more In the third , but In the last half n couple of ghastly errors allowed the yellowbacks to even It up once more. Lookabaugh hit Sommers with the ball nnd McVoy flew out to Seery. Boland hit to Hutchlnson , who fumbled the ball long enough to let him to first , spoiling a beauti ful chance for a double play. Then Merles smashed the ball over the barn , and thrco runs wore tallied. A couple of singles and a sacrifice netted us ono In the llfth , and a base on balls nnd Secry's home run added two more In the sixth. From this on , however , It was ono , two , three and out , while the visitors suc ceeded In pounding out Just enough to win. Necdham was not a success as an umpire. His Judgment on balls and strikes was de cidedly off , and each team got the worst of It In turn on a couple of close base decisions. That was not accountable for the loss of the game , however , which was simply duo to the failure ot the Omaha Holders to Hold and Omaha sluggers to slug. Score : OMAHA. AB. It. IB. SH. SB. PO. A. E. TJlrlch , 31) . . . . 2 Langsford , ss 5 Seery , m. . . . . . 5 McVey , lb. . . . ! Hutchison , 2h G Moran , c 5 Pedrocs , If. . . 3 Fear , rf 4 Lookabuagbp 4 Totals . . . 37 8 9 3 4 25 12 QUINCY. AB. U. IB. SH. SB. PO. A. B. Sommers , lb . .4 0 11 MoVey , m. . . . 4 0 2 Boland , c 5 0 Merles , 2b. . . . 5 Munyon , rf. . . 5 Donnelly , If. . 4 Hoyle , ss 4 Mangnn , 3b. . 5 McGrevey , p. . 4 Totals . . . 40 9 14 2 4 27 13 4 Two men out when winning run was made. Omaha . , . . - . . 2 03012000-8 Qulncy . 0 2301 1101 9 nuns' earned : 'Omaha , 3 ; ' Quincy , C. Two- base hits : Langsford , Scery , Boland , Mc Vey , Muncnn , 'Homeruna : Seery , Merles , llangarr. Gasoa on balls ; By Looknbaugh , 2 ; by McGroyey , 7 ; Bases given for hitting batter : By Lookabaugh , 2. Passed balls : Boland , 1. Struck out : By Lookabaugh , C ; by McGrevey , 2. Umpire : Needham. Double plays : Murtes to Boyle to Sommers. Time of game : Two hours. I'rorlu ( lets Onu Hack. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Aus * . 17. ( Special Tele- Brain to The Bee. ) Fechan , the Saints' now pitcher , made his' professional debut and was very wild. He was not tillable though. The errors were numerous nnd lost the game for him. The fielding on both sides was very poor. Score : St. Joseph . 5 01000200-8 Pcorla . 20250010 10 Batteries : Feehnn , Brlstow and Welch ; Beam and Terrlen. Base hits : St. Joseph , 7 ; Peorla , 6. Errors : St. Joseph , fl ; Peorla , 4. Earned runs : None. Twojliime hits : Marcum , Milton. Home runs : Purvis. Struck out : By Beam , 4. Buses on balls : Oft Feehan , G ; off Brlstow , 3 : oft Beam , 4. Hit by Pitcher : By Beam , 1 ; by Feelmn. 2. Lbft on liases : St. Joseph. < ! ; Peorla. 7. Double- plays : Mohler to Mure urn (2) ( ) . Wild pitches : Feehan , 3 ; Beam , 1. 1'nsHod balls : Terrlen. Time : Two hours and seven min utes. Umpire : Cllne. Trnf Taken the Leaden Down DES MOINES , Aug.Special ( Telc- grani to The Bee. ) The gamu today was a slugging match from start to llnlsh. An drews was taken out of the box In the third Inning and Purvis at the end ot the fourth. Score : Des Molnes . 1 11 Hock Island . 0-11 Base hits : ' Des Mhlnes , II ; Rock Island , IS. Errors : DeH Molnos , 2 : ItovU Island , 5. Earned runs : Des Molnos , 7 ; Ruck Island. ! ) . Two-base hlls : Lawrence , Hoffmnn , Mc- Fadden , Burrls. Sweeney , HeK Krelg , C'an- tllllon. Three-base hltsi : Porfer. Katz , Krolg. Lynch ? Homo runs : Kielg. Sac rifice lilts : Traflley , Porter. Iusis on balls : Oft BurrlH , 2 ; off Andrews , 2 ; off' Muuck , 3. Hit by pitched ball : By Mc.MacKIn , 1 ; by Andrnws , 1. Wild pitches : Muucik , 1. Struck out : By. Uurrls , 2 ; by McMackln , , 3 ; by Andrews , 2 ; by Mauck. I. Pawcil balls : Sage , 1. Base hits : Ort Burrln. 12 : off Mc- MacUIn , G : oft Andrews , 7 ; oir Mntick. 0. Double plays : Fisher to Porter to MrFml- ilen. Stolen bases : Finder , McFarland , Hoffman , Selaler , Mi-Kadnen ( H > . McMnckln , Hill , Zcls C' ) , Cnnttlllon , Sage (2) ) . Batteries : Burrls , McMuckln , Selslcr and Trallley ; Andrews , Mauck and Sago. lluck mid toniiti ) on ( looil TerniB. LINCOLN , Au < r. lS.-Spcrlal ( Telegram to The Bee. ) Connla nnd Buck made It horse nnd horse today. In the lirst RIIIIC Slnglu wus hit herd at Hie beginning , but braced up nfter thu locals gave several exhibitions or dumb base running. Bnltz was lilt free ly. In the second game Buck tried Clem Klinerer. a local amateur , who developed great curves and good speed , Ho let down In the ninth , but the lead wan too big for the Jnx to climb over. Capllngur wus rnppcd hard and often. Scorellr.it game : Lincoln . , . 1 00000000 1 Jacksonville . 2 * 7 Earned runs : Jacksonville- . Base hits : Lincoln , S ; Jacksonville. HI. Errors : Lin coln. . 1 ; Jacksonville , 1. Three-base hits : Hughes , McCann , Newman , Lctcher. Two- base hits : Blaglo. Bases on balls : On * Sla- Kle. 1 ; off BalU , : . Struck out : By Single , 1 ! by Balls. I. Hit bjpltchw : McCann , McCarthy. Wild pitches : Halt * . Batter ies : Ballz nnd Speer ; Slaglc and Snydor. Tlmo ; Ono hour and thirty-live minutes. Umpire : HuH e ! ! . Second game : Lincoln . , . 1 00500030-D Jacksonville . 2 00101003-7 Earned runs : Lincoln. C ; Jacksonville , 1. Huso hltn : Lincoln , H ; Jacksonville , 11. Errors : Lincoln , ( i ; Jacksonville. 1. Two- base hits : McCann. MuKlhben. Threo-bane hltsr McCarthy , McCann , Sullivan. Banes on balls : OIT Klinerer. C ; off Cnpllngrr , 1 , Struck out ! By Klinerer , 3. Double plays : Lincoln , 1 ; Jacksonville , 2. I'nMSC < l bruin : , Hpcer , 1 ; Snyder , I , Bnlterlt-x : Klinerer and Bpoer ; Cnplincer and Hnydcr ; Tlmo : One hour und llfty inlmiten. Umpire : Hrishell. Standing or tlio Teuim. Played. Won. Lost. Pr.Ct. Hock Island D- 51 41 G5.4 Pcorla , . , . . 'M 51) -13 W.S Jacksonville * 9,1 4 ! > 41 r.n.7 Omaha 93 48 44 M.I St. Joseph 32 43 -II w.a Lincoln . , 91 46 45 W.5 ' ' DCS Molnes . . , 92 43 49 46.7 Qulncy K > 33 M 37.1 wisTiitN : : iK.uim : Hloux Clly Tiikn u I'air from Milwaukee on Her Wuy Vv ARuln. BfOUX CITY. Aug. 18.-Soux | City ? won the Ilrnt Knitie from Milwaukee today In the ninth Inning. Score : Sioux City 0 7-15 Milwaukee C 10 Bass hits ? Sioux City. M : Milwaukee , 15. Errors : Sioux City. C ; Milwaukee. 0. Earned run * : Hlnux City , H ; Milwaukee , 4. Two-baso hits , Goodunoufh , Tuylor , Stew- nrt. Three-base hltn ? Twltchcll , Mnrr , Camp. Htcwnrt , Cunningham. Homo runs : Goodcnotigli , McCAiilnr. Douhln piny * : Hol- olmn to McCaiiley. Struck out : By Cun ningham , 4 : by Stephens , 4. Time : Two hours nnd four minutes. Umpire : MnDon- nld. Batteries : Cunningham and Kraus ; Stephen ? and Bolan. In the second game Sioux City won In a cnntfr. The game was called In the eighth Inning' . Score : Sioux City 3 07215 2 20 Milwaukee 0101100-3 Base hits : Sioux City. 10 ; Milwaukee , .1. Errors : Hloux City , 1J Milwaukee. 3. Earned runs ; Sioux City , Oj Milwaukee , 3. Two-base hits : HoRrlever. Genlno. Stcwnrl. Throe-bass hlls : Carey , Stewart. McCntiley , Hololian. Home ninn : Camp , Cunning ham. Double plays : Hololian to Mct'nuley ; Stownrt to llololmn to McCnulcy. Struck out : By Rettgi-r. 1 ; by Cunningham , 5. Umpire : McDonald. Time : Ono hour and forty-five minutes. Batteries : Cunningham nnd Kinus ; ItettKcr , Bol.md nnd Cllngmnn. Ilarkiu-M Krllevml Thrill. INDIANAPOLIS , Aug. IS. The errors of the- visitors aided very materially to their defeat today. Two gamoi were scheduled , but thu second game wits called nt the third Inning on account of darknesa. Score : Indianapolis 1-18 Toledo 35000024 1-15 Base hits : Indlnnnpoll * . I" ! Tok'do , 17. Errors : Indlaimpolls , 3 ; Toledo , 7. Karneii run * : Indlunapollx , 7 ; Toledo , 5. Two-bane hltu : Mills , MuFiirlnml , McOulckln (2) ( ) . Thrcc-baso hits : Dalrymple , Phillips (2) ( ) , Foreman. Miller. Home runs : Motz. Stolen bases : -McCarthy , Connor (2) ( ) , Gllks (2) ( ) . Nlland , Hntlleld. Double plays : Connor ( unassisted ) ; Hatllcld to Pecord to McFar land. Left on bases : Indianapolis , 7 ; To ledo , 9. Struck out : Phillip * . Gllks , Miller (2) ( ) , McGulckln , Pecord , Connor. Bases on balls : Off Phillip * , 5 ; off Foreman , 3. Time : Two IIOUM nnd thirty-live minutes. Umpire : Peoples. Butteries : Phillips nnd Murphy ! Foreman and McFarland. Wmil't Clllle.il Too Boon. DETROIT , Aug. 18.-UmpIre McQuald called the game before dark or the chances are that Grand Rapids would havu won , as Gnylu was very tired. Score : Detroit 3 2 3 0 3 0 G 0-17 Grand Rapids 3 130033 3 16 Base hits : Detroit , 20 ; Grand Rapids , IB. Errors : Detroit , 5 ; Grand Rapids , 7. Earned ntnsr Detroit , 0 ; ' Grand Rapids , 8 , Two-base lilts : Everett , Glenalvln , Jantzen , Campau , Yorkc. Raymond , Spies , Carruth- ors , Calldpy. McClelland , George , Carrol. Three-base hlta : Dungan , Campau. Homo runs : Spies , Cnrrtithers. Double plays : Jantzen to Glenalvln. Struck out : By Gaylc , 1. Time : Two hours. Umpire : Me- . Quald. Batteries : Gnyle and JanUen ; Parker und Bples. Manning Wins a Good ( Intne. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 18. Kansas City defeated Minneapolis today In one of the most exciting- games of the season , marked by hard hitting and sharp Heldlng. Score : Kansas City 00303105 1-13 Minneapolis 0-11 Base lilts : Kansas City , 12 ; Minneapolis , 14. Errors : Kansas City , 1 ; Minneapolis. 1. Earned runs : Kansas City , 3 ; Minneapolis , 8. Two-base hits : Beard. Three-base hits : Beard. Home ' runs : Burrel , Werden. Struck out : By Darby , 1 ; by Baker , 1 ; by Parvln , 1. Double plays : Htilen to Crooks to Werden (2) ( ) . T cft on bases : Kansas City , 8 ; Minneapolis , 7. Time : Two hours and llfty-llvo minutes. Umpire : Sheridan. Bat teries : Darby and Donahue ; Baker , Purvln and Burrel. _ Standing of tint T : > ni . Played. Won. Lost. Pr.Ct. sioux City " 2 67 nr. 2.o Toledo 31 52 39 57.1 Minneapolis 91 60 . 41 51.0 Kansas City D2 19 43 fi.1.3 Indianapolis U7 48 49 49.5 Grand Haplds 38 44 51 44.3 Detroit 33 33 51 41.3 Milwaukee 85 23 58 31.1 NATIONAL , MAGUI : : GAMES. Baltimore llcadfl tlio I.l t Agnln by llentlnc tlio finite * at Home. BALTIMORE , Aug. 18. Baltimore re gained first place today by taking an easy one from the Plttsburg team. Score : Baltimore 10022GGO 17 PlttJiburs . . ' . 0 10000010 2 Hits : Baltimore , 17 : Plttsburg , 10. Er rors : Baltimore , 2 ; Plttsburg , 1. Earned runs : Baltimore , 4 ; PlttsburK , 1. Two-base liltH : Kelly , Keelcr , McGraw , Stenzel , Sugden. Three-base hltn : Keller. Double plays : Reltz to Jennings to Brouthers ; McGraw - Graw to Reltz to lirouthers. Struck out : By GleaKon , 3 ; by Ehrct , 1. Time : Two hoiii-H. Umpire : Bolls : Batteries : Glcason nnd Roblson ; Ehret and Mack. Commy Jam the Gminp4 : Down. BOSTON , Atigv 18. The Boston club fell hard today before n severe onslaught of the players from Cincinnati. Score : Boston 1 0 Cincinnati 00533520 1-19 Hits : Boston , 13 ; Cincinnati , 18. Errors : Cincinnati , 1. Earned runs : Boston , G ; Cincinnati. 10. Two-base hits : Stlvetts , Lowe , McPhec , 2 ; Dwyer. Three-base hits : Hey , Canavan. Home runs : Bannon , Hol- lliluy. Double plays : ConnnuBhton to Lowe to Tucker : Smith to McPIiee to Comlskey. Struck out : Stlvetts , Gnnzel , 2 ; Lathem , 2 ; MrPhee , Murphy * Batteries : Boston , Nlubol , Hodson nnd Ganzel ; Cincin nati , Dwyer and Murphy. Time : One. hour mid twenty-live minutes. Umpires : Hoaglaml and Emslle. ( Inrln Almost Wilts Tiro. NEW YORK , Aug. 18. German pitched In great style In the first game today for the Giants , but again they failed to support him In the Held or at the bat. The second game the Giants rallied In the ninth Inning and tied the score and the game was called In the. tenth Inning on account of dark ness. Seore , llrst game : ChlniRO 3 10000020 6 New York 4 00000000 4 Base hits : Chicago. 8 ; New York , 7. Er rors ; Chlcuco , : < ; New York , 5. Earned runs : Chicago , 2 : New York , 3. Left on banes : Chicago , 5 ; New York , 5. Struck out : By German , 4 ; by Strntton , 2. Stolen bases : Rynn , Burke , Doyle. Double plays : Ward to lAiller to Doyle- . Umpire : Mc Quald. Time : One hour and fifty-two min utes. Batteries : Stnitton nnd Schrivcr ; German and Wilson. Second game : Chleago 0 6 New York 0 200000030 5 Base lilts : Chicago. G ; New York , 11. Er rors : Chicago , 1 ; New York , 2. Earned run.s : Chicago , 1 : New York , 3. Left on bnsesr Chicago , 2 ; New York , 13. Struck out : By Mcekln , 2 ; by Clarke , 2 ; by Terry , 3. Homo runs : Langc. Three-base lilts : Dahlen. Two-base hits : Ward , Van Ilnlt- ren. Balk , Stolen bases : Wllmot , Meekln , Doyle , Van Hnltren. Triple play : Fuller to Wdr'd tp Doyle. Umpire : McQuald. Time : Two hours nnd twenty-live minutes. Batteiles : Terry and Schrlver ; German , Clarke und Wilson. llroltciistciln Ctitx a Record. BROOKLYN. Aug. 18. Brcltensteln's curves were too much for the Brooklyn boys today. Connor materially assisted his team by his heavy halting. Score : Brooklyn 0 00000000 0 St. I xmls 100300000 4 Bane hits : Brooklyn , 2 : St. Louis , 0. Er rors : Brooklyn , 0 ; St. IxiulH , 1. Earned runa : St. Louis , 2. Left on. bases : JlrooU- Ivn , 3 ; St. Louis , 3. Itasca on balls : OIT Stein. 2 : ort Broltcnsteln , 3. Struck out : By Brrlten.Hleln , 1 , Three-baso hits : Con nor. Double iilays : Qulnn to Connor ; Ely to Qulnn. Umpire : Lynch. Time : One hour nnd forty-four minutes. Batteries : Stein and Dnlley ; ilreltensleln unU Twlnc- ham. Sully Won't Do , PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 18. The home tram hit Sullivan freely , but both sides were handicapped by the wet grounds. Soore : Philadelphia ' 02440000 1-11 Cleveland . 0 100'20300-G Base hits : Philadelphia , II ; Cleveland , 11. Errors : Philadelphia. 4 : Cleveland. 3. Earned runx : Philadelphia , 1 ; Cleveland , 2. Two-baso hlls : Dclehanty , MuKean. Three- base hits ; Cros * . J. Sullivan , M. Sullivan , Hamilton. Double plays : Blake to McGarr to O. Tebean ; Thompson to Clements ; O. Tebeau to O. Tebenu (2) ( ) , Struck out : By Taylor , 5 ; by Sullivan , 1. Tlmo : Two hours. Umplic : ICeefc. Batteries : Clem ents. Taylor ami Grady ; Sullivan und dim mer. Coloneli Couldn't Piny. WASHINGTON. Aug. lS.-Lucky hitting won th > game from the visitors , who failed to lake advantage of Washington' ) * errors or to lilt the bull when thu bases were full. Score : Washington 3 02010000-6 LouUvMIe 0 00010102-4 Base hits : Washington , G ; Louisville , 10. Knurs : Washington. 3 ; Louisville. 3. Earned runs : Washington , .1 ; Louisville , 3 , Two-lmso hits : Abbey (2) ( ) , Home runs : Abbey , HemmlllR , Clark. Double plays : Shlehvck to Cartwrlght ; Pfeffor to Rlehnrd- non to LutunberK. Struck out : By Stock- dale , 1 ; by Hemming. 3. Time : One hour and forty minutes. Umpire : Hurst. Bat teries : Stockdalc nnd MvGuIre ; Hemming und Grlmni. ' htuililllli ; of till ) Ten m . Played. Won. Lost. Pr.Ct. Baltimore M 61 33 61.9 Boston , , , 3 < i 62 31 GI.C New York 97 K ) 31 CO Cleveland 91 U 41 C6.4 Philadelphia at 51 43 51.8 Plttsliurt ; 97 50 47 51.5 Brooklyn 9 < i 49 49 so.u Chleatro Irt 40 M 46.9 Cincinnati Ki 44 El 40.3 St. Lould 93 41 53 41.4 Ixiulsvlllu , 97 33 Ki 3.1.0 Washington 68 M 6 $ 30.C ZEICIER SUCCEEDS ZIMMY California's Little Demon Slides Into the Place Left by the Jersey Ccootar , TWO CHAMPIONSHIPS WON IN ONE DAY Hot Work liy the Wrntcrn Alun l.cnvrx the Kuntcrii Cnicltn In tlio Itriir Tliou- iniuU Wiitch tlio I.uit liny' * t l > eiiver. DENVER , Aug. IS. The closing day's racing of the wheelmen's tournament was witnessed by the larcest crowd during the meet. Not an accident of any kind hap pened to mar the day's pleasure , and thoraces races were thoroughly enjoyed by the 11,000 people present. Zelgler , the "little demon" from San Jose , Cnl. , was the hero of the day , and the question , "Who will taka Zlmmy's place ? " seems answered by his performances. A shower came up after the second race nnd made the track a trlflo heavy , but It soon became fast again by subsequent racing , and during the record breaking trials It was In perfect condition again. The first race on the program was the two-thirds mile open , class B. It was an exciting contest. Bald of Buffalo and Wells of California raced down the stretch neck and nock , Bald winning by two Inches. Krubo of Denver led In the one-mile handi cap , class A , until they reached the home stretch , when ho was passed by the scratch men , Gardner. Bird and Callahan , who finished In the order named. The. quarter mlle national championship had eight starters. Zolgler of California kept up his cham pionship work of yesterday by leading from the start and finishing first by half a wheel. A shower Just before this race made the track too heavy for record time. The half mile open , class B , had six fast men , Including Sanger and Titus. In the stretclli Sanger shot past Wells and won , with Titus a close third. Gardner of Illinois , who has been riding very fast during the meet , won the class A quarter mile easily. Zolgler again distinguished himself In the 2:20 : class race for class B. Ho and Boles of Denver , who won second place , received an ovation at the close. ZEIGLER OUTRODE THEM. The one-mile national championship , which was the big race of the day , brought the California ! ! to the front once more. Having already won two races today In fast com pany , many thought he might not como out. After the race It was conceded that ho Is a strong candidate for "Zimmerman's place" as champion of America. The pacemakers set a hot clip from the start. Sanger led at the third and two-thirds , with Murphy of Brooklyn , Zelgler , Johnson and the others well up. Zelgler made a magnificent spurt on the last lap and gained a lead of four wheels. At the head of the home stretch Murphy moved up alongside of Sanger. They could not catch the "little demon , " however , and he won by a wheel , amidst the wildest enthusiasm. J. S. Johnson was fourth. Gardner of Illinois won the two-mile open , class A , race easily. After the regular program had been run off several trials at record breaking wore made. The first to appear were L. D. Cabanne and F. J. Titus for the mile , tinpaccd , tandem record of 1:59 : , made by Haggerty and Wil liams , class A men , at Waltlmm , Juno 18. made the mlle In 1:564-5. They : - The quar ter was made In 0:27 : ; half mile , 0:552-5 : ; three-quarters , 1:26 : ; mlle , 1:564-5. : Then A. D. Kennedy of Chicago came out for the two-mile , paced , standing start , rec ord of 4:15 : 3-5 , hold by Harry C. Silver. Ho was paced the first mile by Titus nnd Ca- batino on a tandem , W. F. Murphy the first third of second mile , C. M. Murphy second third , nnd W. W. Taxis and Titus and Ca banne the last third. He succeeded In bring ing the record to 4:15. : Fractional time : Quarter , 36 1-5 ; half , 1:06 : 3-5 ; three-quarters , 1:37 : 1-5 ; ono mile , 2:08 : ; mile and a quarter , 2:39 : 2-5 ; mile and a half , 3:11 : 3-5 ; mile and three-quarters , 3:41 3-5 ; two miles. 4:15. : 4:15.Edgar Edgar Boren , Dallas , Tex. , and B. B. IJlrd , St. Paul , tried for the class A unpaced mllo. both riding In 2:17 2-5 , above the record. T. A. Callahan was successful In his attempt , bringing It to 2:10 : 4-5 ; previous record being 2:17 1-5. RESULTS FOR THE DAY. Two-thirds mile open , class B : B. C , Bald , Buffalo , won : C. S. Wells , San Fran cisco , second ; L. D. Cabanne , St. Louis , third. Time : 1H : 2-5. One mile handicap , class A : A. Gardner , Chicago , won : B. B. Bird , St. Paul , second ; L. A. Callahan , Buffalo , third. Time : 2:15 : 1-5. Quarter mile , national championship : Otto Zelgler. San Jose , wonr W.V. . Taxis. Phil adelphia , second ; Raymond McDonald , New York , third. Time : 0:30 : 3-5. One-half mile open , class D : W. C. Sanger won , C. S. Wells second , F. J. Titus third. . Tlmo : 1:11 : 2-5. Quarter mlle open , class A : A. Gardner won , B. n. Bird , St. Paul , second ; Cy W. Davis third. Time : 0:31. : One mile. 2:20 : class , class B : Otto Zelgler won ; O. E. Boles , Denver , second : C. K. Coulter , Toledo , third. Time : 2:21 : 4-5. One mile , national championship : Otto Zelgler , San Jose , won ; C. M. Murphy , Brooklyn , second ; W. C. Sanger third. Time : 2:12 1-5. Two-mile open , class A : A. Gardner won , 11. B. Bird second , Rt. Black , Fort Wayne , third. Time : 4:59 : 3-5. AT OltlCKET. Uiilnn I'ncllla Men Do Sninn Kxrcllent. Crac- tloo AVorl. Toii > tlirr. An Interesting game of cricket was played on the Union Pnclllo grounds yesterday by teams chosen by W. Richelieu and Mr. Neale. It was played to choose the best players to represent the team against the Omaha Invlnclbloa on Saturday , August 23 , and as will bo seen by the following anal ysis , the Omahns tvlll have to play better cricket than lately If they win. The bowling of W. Klchfllcu nnd Mr. Nenle nnd the bowling nnd batting of Allan and Hill was praiseworthy. Score : W. ItlCHKMlIU'.S SIDK. Wlll'am ' Richelieu , not out . 19 J. Shepherd , b Nealo . . . u U' . Taylor , o Cnttee. b Neaje . v ; . , . ' 9 J. Whi'lan , U II. W. , b Neale . , . 7 .1. Hall , li Nenlo . , . . . . . . . . 1 L. Ilauncr. li llltl , , . . . 1 T. Hm-Ht , b U1I1 . , . 0 O. Fellimx , b Noalo . , . . , . . . . , . 2 T. Ttilllelil , 1) Nenle . . . , . 0 F. C. Oreeii , li Hill . : . . . . . 0 \V. Wynhan , b Neale . . , . , . 2 Ivxtru liyes . . . . . 2 f.ev lives . , . , . , . 1 No balls . 3 bailie . i . : . 2 Oraml total . . M HBCON1) 1NNINC1S. \Vllllnin Hlchcllvu , not out . fl J. Hhephenl , b NiMlo . , . . . , . 9 W. Tuylor , b Noiiln . . . ' . , ' . 7 J , Wht'lan , o b Hill . 4 .T. Hull , b Hill . i 0 I > . llnnaor , b Ncnlu . . . . . 2 T. Hurst , b NOJI > . . . 0 O. rYllnns , b HIM . , . . . . . . 0 T. TulllcUl , b lllll . I. . . . 0 K. LOiei > n. b lllll . 0 W.Vynlmn , b Neale . . . . . . . 4 Ktlin byes . . . . . 1 Leg byes . . . 3 No kills . D Wlile balls . , . 2 Cl m n.l total . 42 MR. NUAI.K'S SIDE. Nrnle. b Richelieu . . . , . , . 4 A. lllll , o b Itlcholleu . , . 9 J. Oiftoo. b Itlchcllcu . i. . . . . " . ' . 4 \V. Strllillnir , b Hlivphvril . , . 7 F lliiiiiplulCN. li KlirphoiM ( . . . . . . , 0 T. MuntKotm-ry. b Hluiirlleu . . . . . 1 F. ( lent , b Illohrllcu . , . 0 O. lluilch , b Taylor . , . . 0 ( T. iiiailli : > n , b Y.iylor . 1 T. Tale , b Khcphonl . , . i. , . 3 ! ' . IIimTxfm , b Ulcllcll'Hl , . , . . . , . . . , , , . . . . , . . 0 I.rg liyes . , . , . i No balls . . . 0 \VliIo balls . 3 Clronil tolnl , , . , . v . 31 HECOND 1NNIN S. Nenle. b Itlclirlleu . . . . . . , . 7 A. lllll , h , II. XV. , b Hhepheril . 19 J. CnnVe. b Hlirphenl . , . 4 W. Htl'lbllliK , b Hluplieril . , . 7 F. llumplirltfl. b lllelifllcu . 0 T. Muntirmury. b Illchelleu . . . . . . . . 1 F. nnl. b niche-lieu . ; . o O. Uurlcli , b mivpheri ) . 0 CJ. Clinrllon , b ItlrlKllcu . 0 T. Tale , b RlcliflUu . . 2 K , iiner : QTl. b UlcliclK'U . , . . . . , , . , , . 1 lg b > en . , . 3 No tulIU . o WKU balU . . . , . . , . 4 drunJ total . , , . 47 linvlil City Ntlll Trlumphivt. DAVID CITY , Neb , , Aug. -Special ( to The Bee. ) David City played at Columbus yesterday , nnd for tua mini straight tlmo Columbus was defeated. The frntttro of the gntno * wns Rolnlmnlt's superb pitching , he Ktrlkltuf out nlnotefn , men , ami lint four nontterlnir hits bclns made oft his delivery. Matipln caught an errorjoss Knme ami did good work with the stick , nn did all the team straight through. Score : Columbus , 8 ; David City , 24. i ' INVINCIIII.KM TOOK * IT HANDILY. Onmlin Crlrkot Club IM-qm < r of tlio Knll- rimd OnlcIiiU In One Inning. The game ycstcrtla1AfVernoon was n cur- prise to a good mart ) ' " "and " not the least so to the defeated tca'nw _ The two captains wcnHMessrs. II , Uiwrle and W. It. Vnughnn.innd while the former looked , after the Intercut ; " of the club , the latter'performed similar kindly olllces for the Rnllroadent. It Is doubtful ( were the game to be played oVer ngnln ) whether the club could so easily dispose of the RullroailcM n * It did. This much , at least , Is certain , viz : that Irrespective of the evenness of the two teams , there was just enough of keen rivalry In yesterday's gamete to make It im Interesting one , were It played over ngnln half n. dozen times. Below ure the scores In detail : OMAHA CIUCKBT CLUB. J. C. Doyle , c Bell , b G. Vaughan 27 H. 10vastn , run out , 22 A. McPherson , run ulit 19 Dr. Young , b G. Vnughan 3 H. New , c Klborn , b G. Vaughnn 0 C. Klborn , b P. Ford , o G. Vaughan 0 H. Lawrle , b G. Vaughnn 0 A. H. Glcave. b G. Wilson 2 J. K. Flornnco , 1 It w O. Vnughan 0 K. Slrlnger , b G. Wilson 0 C. S. CulllnBham , b G. Wilson 0 J. Lord , not out 0 Extras 15 Total S3 RAILROAD OFFICIALS. Brown , c Stringer , li Doyle 5 J. W. Mnlr. c and b ICvason 0 F. Boll , 1) Doyle 3 G. II. Vnughan , c Cleave , b Rvason 7 G. Wilson , b Hvoson 0 H. W. Taylor , B. Hvaaon 0 W. R. Vaughan , c Flornnce , b Evuson. . 3 Cameron , run out 0 J. Klborn , b Doyle 3 D. Brotchle , b Evason 0 Murray , not out 4 Shcppard , b Doyle 8 Extras 9 Total v 42 ENTRIES 1'OJt TIIU GANY.UUDI3 MEET. Swift nidor * AM ID Intend to Compote Tor the 1'rizrg ut Council llhtfT * . Entries are being made rapidly In thoraces races to be given under the auspices of the Ganymede Wheel culb at Council Bluffs on the 21th and 2jth. The following Is a par tial list of those who have already put Uielr names down on the list for one or more races , and new entries are coming In by every mall : H. K. Frederlckson , Fre mont : Charles L. Blnnfl , Red Oak : Samuel H. Alexander , Wayne , Neb. ; Upshard Bentley - ley , Hnmbunr , la. ; J. B. VnnDuzer , David City , Neb. : James W. 'Selden , Blair ; O. O. Hay man , Grand' ' Island ! A. H. and Charles E. Drew , Marlon , la. ; Charles II. Bailey and Charles A. Mondclkoo , Missouri Valley ; Charles W. Ashley , .Sioux City ; II. C. Gadke , W. A. Plxley , Frank H. Selfken , James Mack. Charles A. Pegau nnd W. T. Stllllngs , Omaha ; A. A. Howe , St. Louis ; Edward S. Wills , St. L'ouls ; U. M. B. Tldd , St. Louis ; A. 13. DeConn. Woodbine ; Walter R. Milllnmn , Logan ; Guy Williams. Shen- andoahr H. C. Hattenlianer , D. U. Hughey , K. L. Duquette , B. II. touts , W. S. Rlgdon , W. L. Hlnes , William I. Brock nnd B. Miller Young of Counc.ll Bluffs ; Ed E. Mockett , Lincoln , Jy'eb.j C. W. Snider , Stuart : Fred G. and Addfson E. Yule , Lin coln , Neb. * . > One of the features of rhe race meet will be a lantern parade ort 'Thursday evening. In which several htmdrefl wheelmen from all over this part of the.-country . will take part. < . - . ) .1 NKOLAVI ? < 8 AT ANITA. Clojo Gamn of Hall 'llccldad After Two Were Out /i'tlii / < Ninth. ANITA , la. , Aug. IS1. ( Special to The Bee. ) Neola's ball team' arrived In tovn last night and played ouf' boys here today. Costly errors at the vijronfr time lost the game to Neola. The ? feature ot the game was the home run by'aiders his first time at bat. The locals could find Mcllvalne , but when they did hit him a man would get under the ball. Neolarfiaa a good outfield. , Score : ANITA. , H'J NEOLA. 8nnief ; 'lb. i 'lO 2 1 WohTif If.A 1400 Gorrtlneer , o 3.0 7 1 I Wntts 3b. . . 0 2148 Myers , p. . . . 1 315 0 Graver , c. . . . 2 2623 I.lbley. 3b. . . 0 2 4 1 1 Downs , of. . . 10101 Reynolds , 2b 1 1 1 1 3 Dolan. lb. . . . 1 1 14 0 0 Iteed , ss. . . . . 13011 Dillon , rf. . . . 21200 Hiirrell. rf. . 0 0 r 0 0 Holmes , ss. . 24020 Illch'iils'n.cf 33100 Sweeney , 2b. 1 1 3 2 t Tilly , If 11100 Xlcllvalne , p 0 0 0 3 0 Totals . . . .10I52G11 7 Totals . . . .1112271211 AnJta , . . . . 2iO 014020 1 10 Ncola 01402102 1 11 Three-base hit : nicharilsin. Home run : Mycra. Hasf > n on balls : Oft Meyers , 1 : oft Mc- Ilvalne , 7. Hit by pitched ball : Hy Myers. 1 , Struck out : Hy Myers. B. Wild pltcbes : By Myers , 1. Time ot Rome : Two hours nnd fif teen minutes. Attendance : 5W. Umpires : Frank lin anil Claik. 1,11 ht of thu YellinvbarlcH. If you want to sec a lot of smart alccks get the everlasting life "slammed out of 'em , you go out to Charles Street park this afternoon nnd watch Pa's boys attend to Andy Somers' gang , The teams : Omaha. Poslt'lon. , Qulncy. McVey First Somers Hutchison Second Merles Ulrlch Third Mangan Langsford Short Boyle Pedroes Left Donnelly Seery Middle McVey Fear night Munyun Moran Cateh Boland Beymcr or Abbey..Pitch MoDougal Game called ut 3:30. : Nellftll I.nsea Flftc n. TILDEN , Neb. , Aug. 18. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) An Interesting game of ball was played at Oakdale between Tllden and Nellgh for a purse of $15. The score was 10 to 9 In favor of. Tllden. Batteries : Weatherhead and Ersklne for Tllden ; Gal loway brothers for NcUch. Struck out : By Weatherhead , 12 ; by Galloway , 8. Umpire : Myers. Alnm WIiiH u Hot ( iiiinn. BEAVER CITY , Neb. , Aug. 18. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Alma defeated Beaver City here today , Score , 5 to 3. Hot test game of the season. HIBERNIAN PICNIC. Was Much Enjoyed fjiftt Oundny Winners In the Contest * . Fully 1,500 friends of the Hibernian Knights were In attendance at the annual outing of the order , held at the picnic grounds at Coffman station , Sunday , August 12. A most enjoyable day was spent by all , the knights exerting theniBclva'j .to make the tlmo pass as pleasantly as possible for their friends. Nothing happened to mar the pleasure of the occasion , and at 8:15 : the eighteen coaches that composed the' special train conveyed the tired plcnlcors homo. The program of sporty was Interesting , and each event was \\el [ coiite ted , The results were : , ' Standing bread Jump ? ' rlze , on umbrella , won by Ed Murray. .oil/I / Running broad Jump.npHze , box of cigars , won by D. T. Murphy , u .il Putting shot , prize , bttti.of . cigars , won by D. T. Murphy. 1 < Running high Jump' , ! prize , box of cigars , won by D. T. Murphy , o.if Hundred yard racojnepcn , prize , box of cigars , won by Fred Johiunn. Tug of war , prize , srtordiand belt valued at $100 , wtm by division four. Children's Bovcnty-rho yard race , prize , pair of slippers , won by'Jbo Patterson. Married ladles' raccrtze , sack of flour , won by Mrs. Dallard.s-itua Married ladles race , ( A. , P. H > ladles only ) , prlzo , n turkey , won by Mrs. John F , Lalley. Boys ' race , prize , bdVco'f. candy , won by J. Deneen. " ? ri One hundred yards' U&r fA. 0. H. only ) , prlzo , case of champaKinfJUwAjn by Tim Col lins. ' Misses' race , prize , pair of shoes , won by Millie Tlghe , w The Judges of the events wore P. J. Rlley , William Maher , James' P. Connolly , D , J. O'Callahan , Thomas ( Ireoley. The master of ceremonies was Captain Thomas Oarvey. The committee on arrangements comprised * John Nannie , chairman ; John F. Lalley , ecrctary : Dan Stafford , Morris Hlnchcy and Charles Cahlll. o Dump Injunction Suit. Judge Scott yesterday heard affidavits and other testimony bearing on the Injunc tion of the Gate City. Malt company against the Hoard of Health , establishing a garbage dump at the foot of Poppleton avenue. The casi was continued until 9 o'clock Monday morning , and a decision will probably be reached coma time Monday , Prank B. Johnson has been appointed administrator of the estate of Edwin R. Fulton , deceased. Last Week the Encore Played Havoo with Marks Mtido in Other Dajs. ALIX'S ' PERFORMANCE AT TERRE HAUTE Joitcn * ( lullnt Mttlo Mnro Cut * Srromln Oft the Kara Itt-ciiriM In Wonderful Style Interesting Notm of True It unit blntilo. Last week was another of record breaking among the harness rncers. 1'robably the most notable performance was that of Allx , the famous little marc who won so many ad mirers at the Juno races hero this year. Un til Friday afternoon Allx carried a mark of 2:07 : % , which she earned In a nine-heat race at Washington Park last fall. Since the mare was taken away from the western cir cuits she hna been with Monroe Salisbury's string of animals and Andy McDowell has been driving her. sfie has won first money In nearly every race she has started In , but when McDowell took charge of the little ani mal he said that he would not send her to the finish until she was In fine fettle. Ho concluded to try her Friday , and announced his Intentions to the judges before starting her In the free-for-all trotting event. There were four starters In this race , Allx , Ityland T , Plxley and Dello Vcra , all speedy nags , with truck records. Plxley was fldgoty , and the horses had to score In a tiresome manner be fore getting the word to go. But after get ting away the drivers made It a "hoss" race , and Allx flew under the "string" In 2:06 : , beating Ityland T by a length. The game lit tle mare , took the next heat In 2OGU : and never turned a hair. She was full of frolic while being cooled out for the last heat , and cut up as mandidoes as a playful kitten. When the horses came out for the third heat the judges announced that the distance Hag would be removed and that Allx was going to make ft record. The drivers were given the word In the third attempt , and Allx set out with that smooth , space-killing gait of hers to cut down her own record. At the half the watches Indicated 1:04 : , and It was thought that she could not do better than she had In the race In previous heats , but her almost Inexhaustible resources of speed and strength were not reckoned on. McDowell loosened up a little at the half and Allx began to travel like the pure-galled standardbrcd she Is , covering the last half in 1:01 : % , making the entire mlle In 2:03 : % , which Is a second and three-quar ters slower than the time made by Nancy Hanks late last fall. The three heats were trotted In an average of 2OG : , and only for the tiresome scoring and delay on the track it sesms more than probable that Allx would have made the mlle In less than 2:05. : She can go a full mlle as fast as she can a half , and Salisbury says that some time dur.Ing September lie will send her out to beat the track record now held by Nancy Hanks. If she Improves like she has been doing there Is no doubt but that Nancy's laurels are In serious danger. * * * The folks over In DCS Molnes are having some trouble about a race meeting being held In that place at the same time the state fair Is In progress. The state fair la an event of some Importance to the prohi bitionists , but a good race meeting also pos sesses attractions which the average rurallst finds hard to overcome. Des Molnes has ono of the finest mile "kites" In the west. It Is In charge of L. A. Davis , a horseman from Dubuque , who owns Roy Wllkes , one of the fast "bosses. " Davis has arranged a meetIng - Ing on his tracks to bo held at the same tlmo the state fair begins. This has angered ths Agricultural society , and the officers threaten to stop the selling of poo's ' at the race meeting. Davis threatens to make the admission to his racing course free , and thus cut off hundreds of dollars every day from the fair receipts. As It now stands. It seems as If the people were going to got the best of It for once. The track which Davis now controls was built three years ago , at a big expense , but the first meeting was a very successful fail ure. They held four days of fine racing and then shut down , because the association was going to lose about $4,000 In purses. The as sociation. In the first place , offered larger purses than It could afford to pay , and , In the next place , the right men were not at the head of the management. Davis now hopes to retrieve the reputation of the track , and make a name for himself In horse cir cles. He has matched Iloy Wllkes against Dello Vera In his coming meeting. ik * The D'aron Wllkes colts are still coming to the front and three of them have broken records this year. Oakland Baron is the last one of this great sire's get to make a record. Ho started In the 2:50 : trot for 2-year-olds at Terre Haute on Friday and won the race , traveling the second heat In 2:16'/4 , the fast est time made by any 2-year-old trotter on any track. One of Axtell's colts was a dan gerous competitor , but could do no better than secure second money. i * * Dr. Sperry , one of Salisbury's string , won the 2:16 : pace at Terre Haute In straight heats , the fastest of which was 2:10 : . , 2:11 : , 2:12 : < 4. Dr. Sperry is a nighty animal , with a whole lot of'speed , but unless his driver thoroughly understands him he will not travel as fast as a common plow horse. The horse Is afraid of his shadow when on the track and will bolt and break In a hopeless man ner. His , driver now blinds him with a roll of sheepskin , so that he cannot sea the turf ahead of him for several rods , and then n-.lth his 'head high In the air the horse can reel off a mile at a surprising rate of'speed. * * * The summer meeting of the Northwestern Breeders association will begin In Chicago to morrow afternoon at Washington Park. About $65,000 has been hung up In the purses and 700 horses are said to bo on the ground ready for the racing. The track has been put Into the best possible condition for har ness racing , and , as It Is a trlflo fast , some good records are expected. Not all of tha fast strings will bo represented , however , on account of the big meeting at Terre Haute. * * The Rochester meeting clored on Friday evening , after a most successful season of racing. The closing day was marked by Hal Braden winning the free-for-all pacing raw In straight heats , beating such horses as Guy , Mascot and Wllkes. Ho recorded the miles In 2:07V4. : 2:08 : % and 2OD. : While ( his Is going pretty fast , It Is not fast enough to win on most ot the tracks when the crack horses are started. * The people ot Edgar , Neb. , have been holdIng - Ing a harness meeting during the past week and some very good events were pulled oft ; Nebraska has a lot ot good trotters and pac ers , whlcli are never started In > any ot the regular association circuits , and a fair field of starters can bo secured In almost any enterprising city for small purses , But Ne braska Is also earning a reputation as a fast horse breeding state. Labasco , Online and Allx are all Nebraska horses , * * * The world's record for 2-year-old trotters has been' broken twice In one week at' Terre Haute. The first tlmo that the spots were knocked oft the old mark was when Boreal won the $10,000 purse tor foals ot 1892 , making the fastest mile In 2:17' : , ! , which beat William Penn's mack ot 2:18ii. : Three of the Axtcll syndicate's colts were started In thin race , but they did not make any great showing. The new record was broken again on Friday by Oakland , who lowered the mark to 2:1G > ,4. Oarldon , a new and green horse , won the 2:35 : class trot at Rochester last Monday afternoon and beat the gamblers pretty hard. Rex , Aincrlcus and Altar sold as favorites , and the termer was looked on as a sure winner , as his past performances had been touted eo much around the bet ting stalls. However , Rex had all he could do to win second money , while Carldon was trotting the heatu In 2:14 : , 2:12 : % and 2:10H : > The Kansas state circuits have com menced their midsummer program , and dur ing the past week there has been some good racing at Helton , Good fluids of fast ones , a plendd : attendance , liberal purses , promptly paid , were the features of this meeting. Robbie P , Ed Pyla's hnno , has been hoard from out at Hullo. Mont. On last Tuesday Ed drove Robbie- A mlle In 2:124 : , making the best mlle over driven by the breeder nnd owner. This record was formerly held by Nelson nnd wns made In 2:13 : nt ( Irand Rap ids , Mich. , In 1892. Pytc l making money with his string up In the northwcat. Robert J and Fantasy both broke records at Rochester lust Thursday. Both ot them had pacemakers. Robert J set the pace for Fantasy , and was accompanied by a runner In his own trial. Fantasy lowered her own record of 2OSU ; an even second and trotted the fastest mile ever before trotted by any 4-year-old mare. Robert J traveled his mlle In 2:011. : ; nmi went the first half In l:0l'i. : This beats hU own record of 2:0514 : > and beat the track record , made by Johnslonc In August , 1892 , of 2:06 : % , Joe Patchen performed some hot work nt Terre Haute. on Thursday afternoon. He won the 55,000 Brewer * stake for the 2:20 : class pacers In straight heats , malting an average time ot 2:07. : The fastest heat was paced In 2:00 : nnd Pntchcn went ono ot the halves In 1:0014 : , showing a wonderful burst of speed. Rubotisteln , the swift 4-year-old , captured second money In this race. Directly won another good race last week by capturing the big end of the purse for the 2-ycnr-old pacers at Tcrre Haute Thurs day afternoon. Ills best mlle was made In 2:13 : , but he made a record the previous week of 2:12 : , breaking the world's record , made by Ltma Hill a year ago. Two of'Ulrectly's rlvnla , Princess and Judge Hurt , also started In this race. Rxpresslvo won the 2:40 : trot nt Tcrre Haute this week , beating a strong field of starters In 2:1G : % . Expressive has been winning some of the best and most valuable purc.scs on the Grand Circuit this ccuson. Silicon won the first money In the $11,000 stake race for foals of 1S3D at Terre Haute on Wednesday. The tlmo ranged between 2lTi : and 2:15. : Dancourt and Mary Best took the small ends of the purse. This Is the second large purse that Silicon has won this season , having captured the big purse for 4-year-olds at Saglnaw. * Lena Hill as a 3-ycar-old Is not as good as Lena Hill as a 2-ycar-old. She could do no bitter than get third money In the 3-ycar-old pace at Terre Haute on Wednesday and the time was not faster than 2:14. : Lena has a record as a 2-ycar-old of 2:12 : % . * * Azote , Salisbury's plow horse , went to the post a hot favorite In the 2:10 : trot at Terre Haute on Wednesday , but he was beaten out In a five heat race after capturing two heats. Azote made a record of 2:09& : In the fourth heat. * Billy Paxton'a string of flyers has been nt Orand Rapids the past week , and Conqueror put a neat sum on the profit side of his accounts by winning second money In the 2:15 : class trot. The best tlmo was 2:13 : , nnd Comiuerer was a close second In each heat. * * Baron Dillon , another one of Baron Wllkes' gel , won first money In the 2:28 : class trot for 4-year-olds , requiring five heats for a de cision , at Tcrre Haute , on Monday. Baron Dillon Is a western horse that 1ms been com ing to the front this season. . IN A " 1'JIOST. " Hot Wcnthor , Slim Crowd and Itnln Mnrk tli < ; ioo of Trrro llnuto'n Mooting. TEURK HAUTE. Ind. , Aug. 18. After yesterday's record breaking events the people ple did not turn out freely. The heat was Intense and there was a downpour of rain at 5 o'clock that left the 2:20 : trot nnd the- 2:19 : trot unfinished. The 2:30 trot was cap tured In straight heats by Newcastle. In the 2:20 : trot Lisa Wllkes had the speed' of the party In the first two heats and cap tured the race handily. The mare made a disastrous break In the third , Sunrise Prince never being headed from the half. The fourth and fifth heats were taken by Bol- lonn , the mare having got her ctride. Then came the rain , and after a long wnlt It was agreed to declare off both this trot und the 2:19 : trot. In the big purse Dalluna nnd Lisa Wllkes divided second money. Uesults : 2:20 : trot , purse ? 5.000 ( declared off ) : Hal- lena won fourth and fifth heats , Lisa Wllkes won first nnd second , Sunrise Fr'nce won third. Time : Zll : % , 2H : * . 2U3V4. 2:12 : % . 2:1IU. : Strontla , 1. S. French , Don I.ov/ell , Graydene , Eliza T , Miss McGregor nlso 2:30 : trot , purse $2,000 : Newcastle won the race In three straight heats In 222 ; , 2:23 : , 2:2G'i. : Otalglc. ljuly Nelson. Imjlchock , Native State also ran. Wyoming was dls- 2:19 : trot , purse JI.OOO ( declared oft ) : Frank L won In two heats. Dan Cupid , . \h 'Jherc , Seaside , Nominee- , Break o' Day , J'at My Boy , Diamond Jo < ? , Margaret M , Trcoma and I O nlso started. Tlmo : 2:17'i : , 2:17. : HKSUL.TS ON T11K UUNNINO TICAUKS. Saratoga Presents n Good ttaril to n Finn Saturday Crowd. SARATOGA , N. Y. , Aug. 18. An excellent card and fine weather attracted one of the largest crowds of the season at the" Sara toga track * thls afternoon. The track was In good form , nnd fast time was made. He- suits : First race , six furlongs : Gnllllee ( even ) won , Hublcon (4 ( to 5) ) second , llhett Uoode (40 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:11. Second race , mile : Pearl Song (5 ( to 2) ) won , Charmlon (5 ( to 2) ) second , Rey el Santa Anita (7 ( to 2) ) third. Time : 1:41 % . Third race , one mile : Henry of Navarre (1 ( to 5) won. Peacemaker (12 ( to 1) second , Lake Shore (50 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:13. : Fourth race , handicap , mile : Clifford (7 ( to 2) ) won. Lamplighter (5 ( to 1) ) second , Raniapo (11 ( to 5) ) third. Time : l:40'i. : ' Fifth race , seven furlongs : Ducat (7 ( to 10) won , Figaro (5 ( to 2) ) second , Anna (9 ( to 1) third. Time : l:27'i. : Sixth race , handicap steeplechase , two miles and thre < Mluarters : Miles Blandish (3 ( to 1) ) won , Colonel Clay (2 ( to 1) ) second , St. Luke (2'/i ( to 1) ) third. Time : 6:05. : On the Old Dominion. WASHINGTON , Aug. 18. FlrHt tace. one- half mile : Florist won. Vexation , Illly , second end , Itolamllc third. Time : fl : ! " , ! ' . Second race , six and a half furlongs : Lit tle Allco won , Pottnwattumle second , Vocal- lie third. Time : 1:24 : ' 4. Third race , six furlongs : Kenyan won , Detroit second , Ellsyon third. Time : 1:17V4. : Fourth race , six and n half furlongs : B. Itlunkburn won. Doc Birch second , Rebecca third. Time : 1:2I : . Fifth race , seven furlongs : Odroclc won , Senator second , Knilly W third. Time : nao'.i. ' 'Intent DOCK Illlslnrts nt Jerome 1'urk. NEW YORK , Aug. 18. Favorites won one- half of the races nt Jerome park today , nnd In the others winners were well played to get the money. Results : First race , one-half mile : Stone ( even ) won , Lobengula (20 ( to 1) ) second , Captain Nick (12 ( to 1) ) third. Time : OilSi . Second race , six furlongs : Darkness ( G to 1) ) won , Jodan (10 ( to 1) ) second , Poor Jona than (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:10' : { , Third race , mile and an eighth : Dutch Skater ( oven ) won , Galloping King (6 ( to 1) ) second , Harrington (9 ( to 5) ) third. Time : 2:00. : Fourth race , mile nnd nn eighth , match : Dorian (7 ( to 5) ) won , From Dobbins (3 to C ) second. Time : 1:57. : Fifth . 'ace , five and a half furlongs : Harry Ileed (1 ( to 2) ) won. Sir DIxon , ,1r. , (10 ( to 1) ) spcond , Cockade (0 ( to 1) third. Time : 1:11 : % . Sixth race , mlle and a sixteenth : Live Oak (2V4 ( to 1) ) Won , Paris (8 ( to 1) ) second , Prig (8 ( to C ) third , Tlmo : 1:53U. : Ilnnkliifo'i'H ' 1'rogiuiii , HARLEM. III. , Aug. 18. First race , five furlongs : Katie G won , Llncttc second , Hue third. Time : 1:03 : Vi. Second race , six furlongs : George Miller won , Laudon second , Frank Guyle third , Time : 1:1 : IU. Third race , ono mile : Sister Mary won , Senator Irby second , Rudolph third. Time : 1.-40V4. Fourth race , six furlongs : Vlncotor won , Molllc H second , Lily of the West third. Time : 1:15V4. : Fifth race , two miles : Bessie Illnland won , Klnu Moo second , Dungurvun third. Tlmo : 3:30 : % . Sixth race , six furlongs : Captain Brown won , Guruldlne second , Flush third. Time : 1I3V4. : Seventh race , six furlongs : Lnvona C won , Lulu T second , Remorse third. Time : I'urnior Hum * at ftmux rail * . SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Aug. 18.-Speclal ( to The Bee. ) "Farmer" Humes , the noted wrestler , last evening had a contest with Joe Wilson , tlicc hamplon middleweight wrtiHtlcr of Nebraska , It wus conducted under Police Gazette rules , cutch-aH-calch- can. Burns bet 5100 that hu could throw WIlHon II vo times In nil hour. He did It and had four mlnutec nnd ten seconds to cpuru. Both are scientific- wrestlers , and the contest was one of great Interest. Buventy-llve per cent of the door receipts , which was considerable , went to the win ner. an dthe other 25 per cent to the lox r. Burns wrestled ten of the best men In the city I on I tlit for the gate receipts , amount- Itig to about $100. liurns hud an hour In which to throw all of the ten , but he did It In 42 ' 43. A. V. Green amused Burns for II'.W , he belnc the beat man. READY FOR THE AIL-COMERS Omolm Lawn Tennis Olub Prepared tc Entertain In Guests Ibis Week. ENTRIES NOT UP TO EXPECTATIONS loxru'n C'liiiiiiilon | Among ThoioVlio \Vlll I'lny In Singlet iinil Double * -KutuM C'ltjr MvniU it TCIIIII Lincoln I'litjcr * Hunk. For the Interstate lawn tennis tournament , which opens on the grounds of the Omaha Lawn Tennis club on llitrney street tomor row tlicro has been n larger untry from outside the city than theru ever was before for any tournaincnt held In this city. It Is the llrst tlnio that Omaha has attempt ! to hold an open ournamcnt on n large scalo. The entry list dot's not como up to the hope * of the conimltteo of management , based on letters received earlier In the season , but with nearly a dozen competitors front outside ot Omaha It cannot bo said that their effort * have been altogether In vain. And among these , nlso , are several of considerable abil ity. Mr. Karintlmr , the champion of Iowa , Ute to bo hero , and ho Is entered In the doubles with his fellow townsman , It. Nicholson. Qullmetto of Hastings In the only Nebraskan - braskan from outslda Omaha. Thrco or four men from Lincoln were understood to bo In tending to come down , but their entries wore never received. Although there la no ono at Lincoln who would bo able to add much to the standard of the play In cither the doubles or singles , yet their presence might have been tulicn us some Indication ot the earnestness of their violent protestations of enthusiasm In the game at the time they wcro making a very strong light to have th statu singles championship competed for In their city. Now It can bo taken for gran toil that Omaha will have ut least ono ot thu state championships again next year. There IK one advantage about this tourna ment which Is almost unique , In Omaha at any rate. Nobody knows who will win. Cul- llugham has entered , but ho will probably not bo able to play at all , and If ho does ho will be far below his ordinary standard and may safely bo considered out of the running. Austin , therefore , may be looked upon as the strongest man to uphold the honor of the city against the outsiders ; but the Iowa pair Is expected to show off to good advantage , and there are qulto a number of other outsiders who are almost an unknown quantity , Including a team from Kansas City. The courts have been put In line condi tion , and by tomorrow wll ! play as true as It Is possible for them to do. I'lay will begin at 2 o'clock each day and the tournament will continue through the week. The first two days will probably bo mainly occupied with the doubles , and the singles villl bt started on Wednesday. The draw resulted as follows : SINGLES. Townsend of Washington , a bye. lirontch , of Omaha , u bye. Faratihnr of Lemurs , a bye. Crockwell of Council Bluffs , a bye. Haskell of Omaha , a l > yr. Notcwaro of Chicago plays Hart ot Omaha. Haveistick of Omaha plays Hamilton of Omaha. member of Country club of Kansas Cltjr plays Ciilllnglmni of Omaha. Hopkins of Omaha plays Hattln of Omaha. Dickey of Omnlin plays Ucnlsc of Omaha. Gullmcttc of Hastings plays Chatclaln ot Council muffs. Hlce of Ottumwn , a bye. Nicholson of Leinars , a bye. Austin of Omahii , a bye. C. If. Young of Omaha , a bye. Member of Country club of Kansas City , a bye. DOUBLES. Boham and partner of Corning , la. , a bye. bye.Notewarc Notewarc and Hamilton of Omnlm , a. bye. C. H. Young and Hart of Omaha , a bye. . Country club team from Kansas City plays Sheldon ami partner of Tuber , la. Donlse and Townsend of Omaha play Col- petzer and Haverstlck of Omaha. Austin and Hattln of Omaha , a bye. Calihvell and Hnrkell of Omaha , a bye. Nicholson and Farciuhur of Lemurs , a bye.Mr. Mr. Culllngham will not defend his title to the state championship , which therefore goes by default to De Roy Austin. IJOWN TO TIIK SHMI-I'IKALS. V. M. C. A. Tourimmont Heine : I'uHlicil with /I'ernUtunry by the I'lnynrH. The Y. IT. C. A. tennis tournament was continued yesterday afternoon before a large number of spectators. The llrst match to be played was the unfinished match In thu singles between Hart and Hamilton. The latter won by 0-4 , 2-G , 6-1. Hart then played with n. n. Youncf against Hattln mid Haskell. The latter pair won after a hotly contested game bjr G-3 , 7-5. Battln. and HusUell now meet Uroutch and Dickey In the finals ot the double ) ! . C. II. Young hud no dlflleulty In winning the odd set necessary to give him the match from J. W. I'nttln by a bcoro ot C-0. In the evening Donlae defeated Dickey , 4-G. G-3 , G-l. Haxkell defeated Hamilton , C-0. < ! - ! , In which match he entirely outclassed lilH opponent. There- arc now four players left In the slngleH. C. H. Young meets L. O. Denlse and F. Ilnskcll plays F. Notewnre. The winners of these matches will como together Monday c"enlnr : to de-Ohio who will hnvc the honor of wearing the cham pionship medal. TAC'OMA , Wash. , A'Jff. ? K The flnfc'1 ' In the tournament tor the tennis Hiimr'ionthlp | ? of the northwest resulted today JH foil ewe : Foulkes won : n ihc FlngloH. FbulS-t i find , Cuppage In the doubles nnd Fotilhej and Miss XddlRon In the nil-col doubloj. N-ARItAGANSETT 1'IWIl , U. I. , Aug. 18. The tennlH tournament ended today , when Jack Howland defeated ( joodbojy in the singles. Score , 4-G , G-3 , G-l , 'J-2 : LOST IlKIt UKNTKIUSO.YRD. Vigilant Wus llniililn to Make tlio tirent Ilarn Agiilimt Hrllaiinlu. FRESHWATER , Isle of Wright , Aug. 18. The match race between the prlnco of Wales' yacht , Ilrltannla , and Mr. Gould's Vigilant , Is oft. The boats loft Totland bay for the starting point shortly before U a. m. The wind had shifted after the setting out , BO that the prosptct of what was Intended should be a bout to windward fifteen miles and u run homo , would become a run to leeward and beat back. However , before the starting gun was flred the Vigilant was seen to haul down her racing ( lags ami take In her top Halls. Something wrong with her 'keel had been discovered and the race could not bo gulled. It had been arranged that the queen should watch the race from the royal yacht Osbsrne , but this plan was for tome reason abandoned. The prlnco of Wales , diiku of York and a large company of British aristocracy were on board the Osborne ex pecting to follow the course of the racers. Mr. Gould's family and a party of gtUsts were on board thu Atalanta , Mr. Gould himself being on the Vigilant. The accident to the Vigilant consisted of the loss of her ccnterboard. LONDON , Aug. 18. A dispatch from Cowcs to the I'rees association Rays that It Is generally believed that the Vigilant will not race again this season In English waters. Kegattu on I.ukti 3llclilK.ui. CHICAGO , Aig. ; 18. The Phantom took the honors for first sloops , and the Hawthorn * sailed away from all competitors In the schooner class In the opening races of the re gatta ut.der the auspices of the now Lak Michigan Yachting association. NoeU Defeat the Victim. , NAimAQANSKTT I'IKIl , U. I. , Aug. 18. S. H. E. and C. H. Necl , the western tennnli champions , defeated Footo and Howlund , who won llrst prize In doubles , In a clone match by two sets to one. The score was 7-5 , 7-G , 3-0 , M , Itlclmrtl Merrill Win ) u Medal , DKTUOIT , Aug. 18 , Hlchard Merrltt of Milwaukee , In the I'arker tournament , won the blue rock International medal. His acorf was -18. Others scored from 2C to 47 blrd Ujison making the latter number. CrtMi-Coiit limit tVilmtrluii * . ATLANTA , Oa. , Aug. 18. Harry Thompson , long distance walker , has arrived here from Ban Francisco , having made thu trip In 321 days , Ho leaves Monday to complete th journey to New York.