TIIJ3 OMAHA DAILY UEKt SUNDAY , AUGUST 10 , 1POI. THEY READ THESE LITTLE ADS BEFORE THEY KNOW IT , HE LITTLE AD.don'tcost you much of anything $1.BO a line a month and it helps wonderfully. Bo caroful. now , or you'll bo reading nome of these little ads. If you do , wont some ono else ? Our ad. men can write these little ads to do you Rood. Drop us a card or 'phono 238. SPEGIRL NOTICES. Advertisements for these columns will be ; taken until 12:30 : p. m. for the evnenlntc nnd until S.OO p. m. for lle Sornln * and Sunday edition. Advertisers by repucstlne a number check. addressed to n numbered letter K.n Imve answers . 'In'cnre of The Dee. Answers w nd < lr s l will bv delivered upon presentation of the check. Ilntes. IHc ft woid nrst Insertion. Ic n.wort thereafter. Nothlnu taken for less than 25c for ' ' " ' ! must nm consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. BITUATION WANTRD UY A FHIST CLASS who understands I'lalten or liremm.in , one Cylendcr presswork ; Job piesswork preferred. Hither In elty or country. Ilcfcrence furn ished. Address William Fisher. General pc- llvcry , Omaha , Neb. _ A-353-19 io mn , STIJADV MAIUUHD MAN WANTS position. Have had six years experience as manaKer of lumber yard and elevator. Jlest of references. Address T 41 , \VANTID , IIY LADY OWNINO MACHINE AND hnvlriK a knowledge of bookkeeping , position an stenoKHipher. Call or address. Stenographer , T 42 , Uee olllce. _ A-M3.7 19' A OCHMAN GIHL DKSIlinS A I'LACH FOU second work. Inquire 3094 Farnnm street. A " * .I3.)5 20 JWANTnD. A POSITION IN rUIVATn family as watchman , colored. Address 1410 Howard. A-M3SO 20 .WANTHD. POSITION BY FIRST-CLASS watchmaker nnd Jeweler ; can take complete charge ; good , buyer nncl salesman ; luive ret of tools ; recommendation from last employer. Address box 4. Raymond , Neb. A M3M 21 * WANTED. IIY A THOROUGHLY COMI'HTCNT ami experienced lady stenographer , poiltlon ns ofTlce clerk. Will accept moderate salary. Address T 65 , Dee. A-.M33C 2. ! ' WANTED MALE HELP. BOLICITOIIS , TEAMS FURHDINSTALLMENT ; goods American Wringer Co. , 1619 Howard. 11 G61 BALHSMHN ( ENnrtGnTIQ WANT MEN OF good address on salary for retail trade. Apply 1510 Douglas. B M140 S9 TO UUILDINQ CONTRACTORS : WE HAVE nbDUt 150,000 secrjid-hana brick In wall that we wish torn down and removed. Apply to Amer ican lllscult & Mfg. Co. , 12th and Jackson streets. R-M343 19 WILL TUB PARTY WHO ANSWERED UAR- tender ad , sending photo and receiving wrong photo In return , send same to The lice ofllce , Omaha , nnd oblige. II M339 19 * SPECIALTY SALESMEN FOR REHVS LUMP Jaw remedy ( endorsed" by U. S. Dcpt. Agricul ture , Bureau of Animal Industry , ns n specific ) ns a side line. Liberal terms to light parties. Address Brothers & RelJ. Malvcrn , la. B M3Ct S17 \VANTED , TWO COMPETENT MEN TO Bollclt orders In Iowa and Nebraska for our merchant tailoring department. Only com petent nnd experienced men need apply. Hamucl Gamble. Manager Continental Clothing house. H M3C3 13 ( WANTED. IMMEDIATELY , THREE CANVASS- era , Omaha and Council Bluffu ; worth $3.00 per day. Experienced salesmen only. Something now. Immense sales. Call 2707 Q street. South Omaha. B M3C1 19 * IVVANTED. MEN IN EVERY COUNTY TO ACT ns private detectives under Instructions. Ex perience unnecessary. Send stamp. National Detective Bureau , Indianapolis , Ind. B BALESMEN TO SELL BAKING POWDER. WE put our goods In glass rolling pins. 500.00 per month and expenses , or commission. Chicago Baking Powder Co. , 767 Van Buren street , Chi cago. 11 SALESMAN WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY In United States. (75.00 month and cxpent.es. Olllce advertising and deliver } ' team furnished. Goods monopoly. Address K. S. Co. , 132 Coloniulc bldg , , Boston , Mass. 11 318 19 * GOOD SALESMEN WANTED TO CARRY OUR line of premium silverware to sell their own trade. Experienced specialty men preferred. Liberal commission. The Regent Mfg. Co. , 157 Btnte street , Chlrngo. B 332 19 * IWANTED. YOUNG MAN OF SOME BUSINESS experience to open branch olllce at Omaha for reliable manufacturing company ; some capital rcqulied In the arrangement ; applicant plinac Btnte financial worth and previous expcrteace ; salary J100.00 per month ; references. Address Manufacturer , T 02 , Omaha Bee. B 35S 19 * WANTED. SALESMEN TOR HARDWARE gpcnkUty ; side line ; good commission ; benefit mail orders ; anmplc light ; good Keller. Houle Bros. & Co. , 6429 Grace avenue , Chicago. III. B3CO 19 * BALESMAN , IN EVERY COUNTY , J7S.OO monthly salary and expenses ; experience un necessary. Knceland Mfg. Co. , ClilmRo. B M395 23 * ENERGETIC MAN TO MANAdE BRANCH iilllcu ; permanent. Jl.200.00 and commission. Must furnish JCOO.OO. Manufacture . Box 339 , St. I.ouls , Mo. B 407 19 * NEWSPAPER CORRESPONDENTS KVERY- \vhcrc ; also capable contributor ; cither sex ; pletiRtuit work for spare time. Interstate Press association , Indlnnapolls , Ind. B 102 19 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. IMDIES WANTING FIRST-CLASS GIRLS npply Scandinavian Y. L Homo exchange , 20 ! ' N. letli. C M9I6 18 * X WILL TEACH DRESS CUTTING AND KUR- nlali one of ihc best systems In the world. Any lady can become her own dress maker In a few hours for JJ4.W. Offer for ten daya only. Mrs. Ferns , 1723 Cass Bt. C 304 21 * tADIES WHO WRITE FOR ME AT HOME make peed wages ; no canvassing. Send statnp. ' Lulu Ardene. Lock Box 8. , South Bend , Ind. C _ OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. SMALL family ; none but good cook nnd laundress need , address. F. J. Hasbrouck. Buffalo , Wyoming. c 355 21 * ACTIVE LADY WANTED WITH AN AITI- tudo for buBlneiM , for a rather arduous posi tion , which , however , pays well ; hours 9 to 4. Apply , ufer 10 Monday , Supt's olllce. room 12 , Crelgliton block. C 3S3 19" WANTED. A YOUNG I.ADY TO DO INVOICIng - Ing , Indexing , etc. Glvo references. Address T M. Boo. C 317 19 ANY LADY CAN EASILY MAKE I18.W weekly working for me quietly at home. Ko- Bllloii permanent , and If you can only spare two hours per day ; don't full to Investigate. Reply , with itamped envelope , Mlfs Luclle Logan , Jollet , 111. C 3J5 19 * LADIKB WANTED TO SELL QUEEN PROtector - tector , web and rubber good * on eolury or romml lon. Send for catalogue. M. F. Hunt , SM Dearborn street , Clilcnco , III. C 359 19 * WANTED. LADY TO DO WRITING AT HOME ; I1S.OO weekly ; iend Etnmp. Kutelle Montgom ery , nil 10th street , D nv r , Colo. c WANTKD. AN EXPERIENCED SECOND Klrl ; references required. Landon court , fourth house cast of South 24th stra t. C-M5S3 WANTED , DltiailT , INTELLIGENT LADIES to write , mall curcularn. etc. , at their homes : steady work ; good wugeir no ninvasslnc ; semi la itiunp. Mlea Mary Utanton , desk A 11 , South ll nd , Ind. C-SSI IS * WANTED. LADIES AND GIRLS FOR HOME employment ; JI.W to 110.00 vaitly miuloj any woman wlm can use a needle ran do ( he work. Bond K'lf-addrt'Urd envelope , Alia * Needlework - work Co. , 153 W * t Twenty-third strevt. New Xork City. O- 'FOK. KENT HOUSES. TENTS FOR RENT. 1311 FARNAM ST. D-CC3 WANTED-GOOD MEDIUM PRICED HOUSES. List your houses for rent with Ames. D-CC3 HOUSES , F. K. DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. D-COfl HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. P. Davis company , 1505 Farnatn. D C67 KELKENNY & CO. , R. 1 , CONTINENTAL BLK. D-C70 FINE 7-ROOM CORNER FLAT AT 701 S. 1GTH street ; range and all other conveniences. George Clouscr , loom 2 , 1C23 Pumam street. D 300 FOR RENT-IF SOME GENTLEMAN AND his wife would like to rent n desirable modern house of nine rooms In a choice location , we have It. Hoggs & Hill. D 390-A20 FOR RENT , MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE ; call forenoons 1521 Sherman avenue. D M624 FOR RENT , LARGE TWO-STORY BUILDING , formerly used by the Marhoff Trunk Factory. 2430 Scward St. D 790 si FOR RENT. MOST DESIRABLE HOUSE. 2513 Farnam. R. C. Patterson , Ramge block. D-M901 6 , 6 , 8 AND 10-ROOM HOUSES. ALL MOD- crn , lawn and shade. Apply at 211 N. Y. Life or 2124 Miami street. D M1S9 FOR RENT. FLAT IN LINTON BLOCK. CORner - ner of Mason nnd 13t'i streets ; 0 rooms , In goad repair : J17.00 per momh ; Inquire of John Ham- lln , 917 , In block. D M290 FOR RENT , ELEGANT 10-ROOM HOUSE. .2003 Hurt St. D 30j 21 * 6-ROOM COTTAGE , MODERN , 810 S. 30TH. D 324 19 * 10-ROOM HOUSE , MODERN CONVENIENCES. C21 S. 19th sticet. D 350 1D 210 N. 2CTH , INQUIRE 2518 CAPITOL AVENUE. D 200 19 * FOR RENT , CHEAPEST SIX-ROOM COTTAGE with bath In city ; only J15.00. 3033 California street. D M3C2 FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLINGS IN all parts of city. E. II. Sheafe. 432 Paxton blk. D 957-S6 BRICK , 7 ROOMS , BATH , FURNACE , ETC. , choice. In grove near Sherman ave. nnd Lake , J27.50. C. A. Starr , 515 N. Y. Life. D-343-19 * FOR SAI/E OR RENT , CHEAP. MY RESI- dcnce , 1234 South 10th street ; brick house nnd barn : first-clans ; nil modern Improvements : lot 80x261. John F. Coots. D M365 25 * THE FRENHER , 114-116 N. 23TH STREET- large rooms : nil modern conveniences. Will rent either half separately. John N. Frenzer , Opp. P. O. D M391 23 FOB BENT FURNISHED ROOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS : MODERN ; SUITABLE for one or two. 1919 Dodge. B 962 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL conveniences. First-class board. 211 No. 18th street. E M278 20 * FURNISHED ROOMS. C26 SOUTH 19TH ST. E M933 Sll * FURNISHED ROOMS AT 316 SOUTH 15TH ST. E M151 S 11 * FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD. 2421 "edge. E M337 23 * FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING and front sleeping rooms. 1511 Howard. E-M33S 23 * FURNISHED ROOM , BATH. J6. 1911 FARNAM. E 347 19 * ROOM FOR LIGHT HOUSKEEPING. 119 N. "til. E 372-20 * LARGE SOUTH FRONT ROOM. 2COS HARNEY. E M372 1 * PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM. 2215 DODGE ; ladles preferred ; references required. E M375 FOR RENT , ROOM , BOARD , PRIVATE FAM- ny : nil modem conveniences ; motor passes door. 1223 S. 32d street. E 362 19 * FOR RENT , A BEAUTIFUL EAST FRONT room ; furnished. 1034 S. 30th avenuo. . E-3C8 19 * FOR RENT , PLEASANT ROOMS. FURNIsllED or unfurnished , nt 316 S. 26th street. E 101 19 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD" YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME UNDER CARE OF Women's Christian association. Ill S. 17th st. F 71 ROOMS WITH BOARD 1816 CHICAGO ST. F M331-A20 * VERY DESIRABLE UNFURNISHED FRONT and bacKparlors , also furnished rooms ; every thing llrst-class , 210 and 212 South 25th sticet. F-M134 PLEASANT ROOMS WITH BOARD. 2130 HAR- ney. F M345 816 * DESIRABLE ROOMS WITH BOARD. 202 N. 18th street. F 392 19 * SOUTH FRONT ALCOVE ROOM WITH BOARD for two ; prhnle family ; house modern. 2310 Chlcngo Htret-t. F 3S8 19 * UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR KENT * UNFURNISHED CHAMBERS FOR HOUSEkeeping - keeping to man and wife ; no children. 319 No. 17th St. G 843 FRONT PARLOR AND BEDROOM. WITH hall and closet , city , water ; cheap to tight party. 1417 North 20th street. G-374 IK * TWO LARGE ROOMS. K AST AND SOUTH front ; modern ; will rent unfurnished to ixmy furnishing good references. ICKtt Gco. axenue. G M383 21 * FOR RENT , ELEGANT PROPERTY WITH barn ; modern and beautiful ; hardwood finish ; one-half price ; 7-room house , newly papered. South 27th street , near Poppleton. 8-room house , modern , furnace. South 28th , near Hickory , Very cheap. Globe Loan & Trust company , G 346 19 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES CORNER STORE , 150.00. 974 DOUGLAS. INquire - quire 2S. I-mS&S FOR RENT. ROOM , 65 BY J2 , IND FLOOR OP my store , suitable for cloaks and suits ; good light and elevator service. Mm. J. Benson. 1-M993 FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING 915 Farnam street. The building liu * a lift- proof cement biuement , , complete steam hftt- Init fixture * , water on all noon , ga > , ttj. Ap ply at Ilia onico of The Bee. 1 310 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED. IMMEDIATELY , SIX CANVASSERS for country and towns near Omaha , worth 5.00 per day ; experienced salesmen only ; omethlni ; new ; Immense sales. Cnll 2707 Q street , South Omaha. J-T.I3S3 20 AGENTS MAKE 5.00 AND 110.00 DAILY SELL- tng the electrical wonder. 415 N. 15th , 3 to 9 p. m. ; general agent wanted. J 821 19 * LADY AaENT8 ONLY Tb SELL BEST FK- male remedy known to medical protrusion. Cure guaranteed. Schiller Co. , box 176. Nor- walk. O. J M3M 19 * AGENTS WANTED. EITHER SEX ; BALAHY or commission ; Rood seller ; blir profits. Queen City Mf * . Co. , Sioux Falls. B. D. J WANTED ENTERPRi8INa SALESMAN TO > el | state right for recently patented novelty ; cent commln on ; writ * for particulars , a X U. Usu. i-J7l ii AGENTS WANTED. Continued , AGENTS , BOTH HEXES. TO TAKE CONtracts - tracts for rtllabla firm. 433 Paxton blk , Omaha. J-741-A30 * AGENTS WANTED , MAKE IM.OO TO IIM.M per netk. McClclland's nitdlnR ruler , n beauti ful 15-Inch ruler with the simplest nnd quickest - est adder ever mnd . If cll'np nnd fells to every store , ofllce nnd liume nt sight. Address Springfield Scale Co. , Springfield , III.J . J 331 15 * AGENTS WANTED. GOOD COMMISSION. Identification care In slcknexs , accident nnd death ; ill so Indemnity for accidental Injuries. Mlsn Valley , Identification nnd Investment company , 201 N , 3rd ctrcct , St , Louis , Mo. J 3M 19 * AGENTS. LATEST POCKET NOVELTY ; PRE- vwts loss of keys ; sells everywhere ; retails 25 cents ; sample with name and nddress nently stamped , 12 cents. Herald Mftr. Co. , Hobakcn , N. J. J-1'4 19 * LADY OR GENTLEMAN AGENTS CAN MAKE JJ.OO to J10.00U per day selllm ? our 1'erfcct Spool Holder. Write for particulars. Henry & Co. , 3S Lex Salld street , Chicago. 1 361 10 * NO BETTER CHANCE. FIRST-CLASS NEIOII- borhoodi no opposition ; suitable for restaurant , notions , dry goods , plumber , tailor , rent cheap. 1J23 Sherman a\cnue , near Corby street , J-M30321 * _ WANTED , AGENTS-FERRIS COMBINED burglar ularm and lock ; weighs 3 ounces ; carried In vest pocket ; JDO.OO weekly. Pat- tlcutars free. Sample M cents , postpaid. Fcrrla Manufacturing Co. , Chlcngo. 3 406 19 * WANTED , GENEliAL""AOENTS , SELLING patented household necessity to dealers ; ex clusive territory ; no competition ; no capital required , Big profits. I'artlculats free. Ja > el Novelty Co. , C9 Dearborn street , Chicago , 111. J 405 19 * WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT , A SIX OR SEVEN-ROOM nil modern cottage for family of two ; must be cheap nnd near Farnam car lino. Address T 47 , Bee. K M369 19 FAMILY OF 3 WOULD LIKE 3 PLEASANT unfurnished rooms nml boaul ; must be good location ; modern , and terms rcnaon.iblc. Ad dress T 46 , BEE. K 337 19 * HOUSE OF EIGHT ROOMS , SOUTH OF CUM- Ing , west of 20th ; modern Improvements. Address - dress T.5I ) , Bee. K-M363 20 * BY OCT. 1 , ABOUT 8-ROOM , MODERN. DEtached - tached house , In first-class locality. Address T 63 , Bee. K 3Cfi 19 * WANTED , PORTABLE PLATFORM SCALES to weigh about FiOO pounds. Phclps Implement company , 1513 Capltol nvenuu. N 3C6 19 NINE-ROOM HOUSE , WITH MODERN IM- provements. Address T E4 , Bee. 1C 370 1J STORAGE ] STORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROSS.12I4 HARNEY. M-672 STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap late. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam.M673 M-673 OM.VAN&STORAGE CO.,1502 FARNAM. Tcl.1533 M-674 43EST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA , U. 8. gov. bonded warehouse. Household goods stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1015 Leavenworth. M-74S HAMILTON BROS. , GENERAL CONTRACtors - tors and builders , carpenter work , brick laying and plastering. 414 S. 18th St. , tel. 1179.M33S19 M33S-19 WANTED TO BUY. BEST FOR THE MONEY.HAVANA FBECKLES N M367-A19 CASH FOR LUMBER BUSINESS IN LIVE town ; give full particulars. T 8 , Bee office. N-MMC S7 * WANTED. HORSE , WEIGH NOT LESS THAN 1,000. Addiess T 60 , Bee ofllce. or call 2S35 Charles stiect. N-390 19 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY YOU WON'T MISS YOUR money. Low prices on furniture & household goods. Enterprise Credit Co. , 613-615 N. 16th st. O Ci S _ _ FOR SALE , FIRST CLASS FURNITURE 5- room cottage , complete for housekeeping. 819 South 19th street. O-M3C7 19 * FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS , ETC FINE SECOND HAND PHAETONS AND CAR- rlages. A. J. Simpson's Repository , 1411 Dodge. 2 TOP BUGGIES J35 & 65LEATHER TOP CAR- rlage J63. Drummond Carriage Co. P 551 FOR SALE OR TRADE 2 HORSES WEIUII- Ing 1,000 Ibs. each , 6 anil 7 year old. Fred Terry. 430 Ramgo block. P 764 THE BEST LEATHER TOP BUGGY IN OMAHA for 155.00. Drummond , 18th and Harney. P-650 FOR SALE , A FINE ROADSTER. ADDRESS A. II. Spurr , Creston , Iowa. P M223 23 * FOR SALE VERY CHEAP , A FINE FAMILY horse , rather fast , good harness and buggy. Inquire at city comptroller's office. P 270-19 SPAN OF HORSES SEVEN YEARS OLD , good single drivers , 1908 Davenport street. P-259-19 * FOR SALE , ONE HACK AND A SET OF double harness. Inquire 15th and Davenport streets. P 373 19 * FOR SALE , SNYDER TOP BUGGY , SHAFTS and pole , complete , (145.00. Mitchell & Swlgart , 1214 Dodge. P 3S7 19 " " FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ICE FOR SALE ; CAN SHIP OVER ANY ROAD out of Omaha and Council Bluffs. Lamoieaux Bros. , 306 So. 16th , Omaha. Q-M360 S17 ICE FOR SALE IN CAR LOTS. GILBERT Bros. . Council Bluffs. Q-M823-A23 CHEAPEST "CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL feaca made. C. R. Lee , 001 Douglas. Q-774 BANK AND PLATTE VALLEY SAND FOR tale. C W. Hull Company , 20th & Iznrd sts. Q-775 WAGON UMBRELLAS. SIMPSON , 1411 DODGE. Q-S13-A2I FOR SALE , THE FORMULAS FOR WELL known proprietary medicines , favorably knonn In the northwest , with sole rights to manufac ture nnd sell In North and South Dakota , Ne braska. None but responsible parties need answer. Address II. F. Smith. Q M319 S15 FOR SALE , OR WILL TRADE FOR A COw' one large moquette carpet In good condition. Call at 634 South 31st street. Q M3I4 19 FIRE BRICK , CAR LOTS. lt M. BEST sloE- walk brick In market. See sample walks laid cor. 20th and Burt and 13th and Pierce. Win. J , Wclshans , room 331 , Board of Trmle. Q 340 S10 SQUARE PIANO VERY CHEAP AT 2922 WEB- Btcr. Q M368 19 * FOR SALE , CHEAP , A GOOD MASON & HAM- lln organ. Address T 61 , Bee. Q 3G9 li * MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOUR OLD CARPET WOVEN INTO ruga. Smyrna rugs repaired , 1521 Leavenworth. R-M543 5LAIP.VOYANTS. MRS. DR. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. REliable - liable business medium ; 7th year ut 119 N. 18. S-676 A TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. SEND 25C , WITH age , sex nnd stump , nnd receive hoioscope of future life. Mis. Dr. Moore , dead trance medium , seventh daughter , born with a veil and wonderful gift of second sight ; tells past , present and future ; full name of whom you will marry ; advice on business , love , nitir- rlagc , upeculatlon , changes , losses , divorce , missing friends , separation , dcknesti , wills , pensions , etc. Challenges the world. It Is well known thoughout the world that mediums are the only reliable Bc.crn , nnd their charms cause love , speedy marlagi-s and Bucceaa In business. Your future revealed In n dead trance , Unites the separated and causes speedy nnd happy marriage with the one you love ; causes good luclc In all things by proper advice. Se cure a charm and wear diamonds. Reveals everything. Positively no Imposition. Mrs. Dr. Moore , Box 40) , Newport , Ky. Lucky charm tn-u. Cut this out und nave It. B MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. MADAME SMITH. 602 S. 13TH , 2D FLOOR , room 2. Manuage , vapor , alcohol , steam , aul- pliurlne and sea baths. T M371 2J MME. LA RUE. 416 SOUTH 15TH. T M931 B7 * MASSAGE. MADAME BERNARD , 1419 DODGE. 256 26 * PERSONAL. TRY HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC SMOKE. U M3U7-A19 UMBRELLAS MADE. RECOVERED AND RE- paired. 108 Booth Sixteenth street. U-3t3 WHEN OUT WITH YOUR LADY VISIT J. J. Mullcr'i new Ice cream parlors , 2802 Leaven , worth street ; everything Is new. Including ; tin building , Ttl. 1030. Ice cream delivered. . U7i VIAVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , 949 B bldf. Lady attendant. U-C79 TAKE YOUR FRIEND ; TINTYPES , 4 FOR Ke. Proctor , lit B. Uth street. U-M834 WHOL13 WHEAT BREAD FROM UNBOLTED flour at Imogen L. llunuey'i , 117 N. Kth it , U-U-AI BAMUEL BURNS INVITES YOU TO SEE HIS ntw dinner Mta at 15.78 , formerly lie.oo. U-WJ Al UABAGU BATHS , MMC , POST , ! Uft 8. UTH. 1'EBSONAL Continued. I1ALDUFF- A plrnsant and convenient place , 1521 Ftrnam itrtet , ParUn block ; 'phono 711. THE WOMAN'S I1A.KKRY SUPPLIES VA. rlety of choice goods , ixiidp * Ova kinds of th beat bread In market t whole wheat bread a specialty ; goads d Uv redi telephone 451. Mr * . C. Bavlllc , manager , HOI N. 24th St. STRAW HATS CLEANED , RESHAPED made now. 803 N. 2JhjSt. U tM-A-M MME. LA ROOK. MASSAGE , 1603 LEAVEN- worth street , third flee r , front rooms to left. WANTED , SITUATION BY EXPERIENCED plijslclnn , southern "Nebraska preferred ; satis factory references fuVnl hcd. Address T 40 , Bee - U 293 20 * _ WILL THE PARTY WHO AN8WEREO BAR. tender ad , sending photo nml receiving wrong photo In return , smj lame to The Bee olllce , Omaha , nnd oblige. U M338 13 * CREAM FOR WHIPPING AND BUTTERmilk - milk , Waterloo creamery , 1613 Howard ; tel. 1332. U-2GI 810 CALL ON MORAND FOR LESSONS , SOCIETY or stage dances. 1510 Harney. U-352-S16 " " MISS MARY MARTIN O"F"ISES MOINES , IA. , Is most anxious to see or hear from her sister , Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson , recently of Omaha , Neb. U-M3C6 31 WANTED , A MUSIC TEACHER TO GIVE lessons In exchnngc for board ; reference re- quired. Apply 1722 Cass street. U 38C 19 * LOVERS OF IMOGEN L. RAMSEY'S BREAD can now have same delivered by Icnvlng order at 217 N. 16th street. U 319 19 * FREEI SEND FOR OUR BOOK "HOW TO Speculate Successfully on the Grain and Stock Markets. " Trading on limited mat gins fully explained. Contcs & Co. , Rtalto bldg. , Chicago cage , 111 , U 318 19 * WANTED , TO CORRESPOND WITH A YOUNG lady for pastime or whatever may follow , by gentleman of means. Address T 64. Bee , Omaha. U 400 19 * MARRIED LADIES' SAFEGUARD. NO medicine ; no deception. Send 10 cents. Kyphe Rubber Co. , Chicago. U 401 19 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chesncy , Kansas City , Mo. W-6S4 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 313 N.Y. LIFE loans at low rates for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omnlia city property. W 6S1 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM IN DOUGLAS , Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam st. W 6S3 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brcnnan , Love & Co. , Paxton bile. W 639 ! .OANS WANTED. J. N. FRENZEH , OPP. P.O. W 763-31 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms nt from C to 7 per rtnt. W. B. Mclkle , First National bank building. W < 30 MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORE , 504 N.Y.LIFE. W 609a4 OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. , 16TH ANU Douglas streets , loan money on city and farm property at lowest rates of Interest. W 633 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1603 Farnam at. W 631 UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital J2.000.000. Surplus { 600.000. Sub mit choice loans to F. 8. I'usey , agent , First National bank building. W 68.1 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATEH ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to C years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. W 68S MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brcnnan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W 682 FIRST MORTGAGES BOUGHT ON DOUGLAS or Sarpy county farms. Reed & Sclby , 334 Board of Trade building. W 815 LOANS ON DOUGL'AS OR SARPY COUNTY farms. Write us. Reed & Selby , 334 Chamber of Commerce bldg. W 884 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property ; $3,000 & upwards , 6 to 7 per cent ; no dtlajs. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W-637 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. J. B. HADDOCK , ROOM 427 RAMCIE BLOCK. X 692 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can i > ay the loan off at any time or in any amounts. amounts.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , rSOf South 16th street. X 695 CONFIDENTIAL LOATs'S MADE ON CHATTEL securities. Address P. O. Box 792. X 372-A19 SHORT TIME LOANS. 432 PAXTON BLOCK. X9o7 S6 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNIture - ture , pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind of chattel security , at lowest possible rates , which you can pay back at any time , and In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . room 4 , Wlthnell block. X33 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Ilnrvln Loan Co. , 701 N , Y. Life build ing. X 696 BUSINESS CHANCES. SMOKE HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC CIGAR. Y M367 A19 IF YOU WANT TO BUY.SELL OR EXCHANGE merchandise , get In or out of the business , call on or address the National Information and Exchange Co. , 03 First National bank , Omaha , Neb. Y 508 A24 FOR RENT A DEPARTMENT ON SECOND floor , 30x80. In one of the largest houses In Council Bluffs. 13 , care Bee , Council Bluffs. Y M635 FOR SALE , A BIG PAYING BUSINESS : NO competition ; $1,800 caih takes It. Address B CO , Bee. Y M106 S 8 * SUCCESSFUL SPECULATION OPEN TO ALL ; try our syndicate system of speculation ; In crease your Income ; Information free : send for circular. Thompson ft Derr Co. , 38 Wall sticet. New York. Incorporated under the laws of the state of New York. Capital , J100.000.00. . Y M339 19 * FOR SALE SMALL STOCK DRUGS : GOOD location nnd reason for selling. Add. T 43 , Bee olllce. Y 371-19 * FOR SALE , CHEAP. FRUIT. CONFEC- tlonery and cigar store ; good location. In quire 1511V4 Farnam. Y M377 21 * PATENTED JULY 17 , 1891. iVALUABLE novelty , used by tourists , cyclers and for outIng - Ing purposes ; state right for Iowa , Nebraska and Missouri , for Knle to enterprising man ; wrlto for particulars. Address T 68 , Hue. Y-379 19 * DRUG STORE , CORNER. GOob'cASH TRADE ; owner leii\lng city. Alex Mooie , M4 N. Y. Life bldg. Y-3S1 19 * SEND FOR LITTLE BOOK. "HOW TO Speculate Successfully In the Grain nnd Stock MuiketH ; " mailed ficc. Camstock. HuKhes & Co. , Rlalto Building , Chicago. Y 350 19 * BARGAIN , A SMALL CIGAR AND NEWS stand ; best location. Address T 51 , Bee.Y861 Y861 19 * FIRST-CLASS MEAT MARKET , DOING GOOD IniRliifKS In a good location ; good reasons for selling. Addiess T 67 , Bee. Y M363 21 * I HAVE J600.00 TO Jl,000.00 AND SERVICES tn Invest In good paying business. Address T M. Bee , Omaha. Y 3 8 19 * MANUFACTURING CONCERN DESIRES TO appoint one vnerget'c ' business man In Omaha und In every city not already taken : applicant must furnish few hundred dollars cash capital to pay fur goods on delivery after eiders have been secured for same ; no bonus ; no money In adumco ; no experience necewinry ; this Is an unusual opportunity for tome one already In business to add sldo line ; we are manufactur ing a specialty almost a monopoly ; not a luxury ; scrncthlng that reduces exientts ; needed by every firm , factory , mill , hotvl , Htoitetc. . , throughout the lund ; from J200.00 to J400.0) ) monthly can be made ; references required. Ad dress , In first Instance , Manufacturer , room 39 , Morse building , N. Y. , Clly. Y 397 19 * A 10-CENTER FOR tC. 'HAVANA FRECKLES. Z-M367 A19 TO EXCHANGE. SCO ACRE RANCH IN NE- bnuka for good hones , and one-third cnsh. S. W. Hoyd , Fremont. Nebraska. Z M935 20 WILL TRADE FINB EQUITY AND SECOND trust deed , well sucured on Denver realty , for good farm In eastern or central Nebraska , clear or lightly encumbered. 8 , J. Richards , Box 104 , Domcr , Colt ) . Z M313 22 * STOCK OF GENERAL. . MERCHANDISE FOR Bale or uurt trade. Lock Box 26 , Tabor. la. Z M311 21 * IF YOU HAVE GENERAL MERCHANDISE to exchange for Nebraska , Colorado , Tennessee or California land , write "Day , " care Ixick Box 466 , McCook. Neb. Z M365 21 * FOH SALE OR EXCHANGE-GOOD 10-ROOM house and barn , modern Improvements , rents for 135.00 per month , Kountzo Place. 10-room brick house , modern and barn , Chicago Bt. rents for J50.00 per month ; will trade for good Improved Iowa land or Council Bluffs property. Also SO acres In city limits. G. L , Green , room 28 , Barker block. Z 373-19 WANTED TO TRADE WATCHES , DIAMONDS and all kinds of jewelry for real estate. Inquire - quire 2719 Cumlng. Z M37 SU * CLEAR LAND AND LOTS FOR EQUITIES In Omaha , Improved or unimproved , Addn-ss T 68 , Bee. 7.369 19 * I HAVE LAND AND CASH FOR MBRCHAN- dlie of any kind. Address T (3 , De , Omaha. FOR BALE REAL ESTATE. FARM LANDS. C.FJIARRI80N. Jlf N Y RE - { . _ _ LIST BARGAINS FOR QUICK TUnN8J lfr > 5 Dodl * . R B-700 FOR SALE. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; CEL- Inr , cittern , city water ; cor , IJIh and Sahlcri ll.2SO.OOi long time. Enquire 131S Fitinnm. BnmuM Burnt. R U-C31 CHOICE GARDEN LANDS , 5 MILES" FROM posloincc , In tracts from 19 to 160 acrei. A crrat bargain. Will tnko torn * trade. N , D , Keyca , eif Paxtcn block. RE M73I FOR SAI.U. 4.460 ACRES OF LAND M MILES northwest of Omaha , Address Thomns Kerl , Oakland , Neb. RE-M777 81 * UARGAINST HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS , tale or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker block. R E-69J FOR SALE OR TRADE. 10-ROOM HOUSE IN Kountze Place , south part , on paved street ; has hot water , heat , electric belle , finished In hard wood , etc , ; good barn and full lot ; wilt sell cheap. Address T 43 , Bee. Bee.REM341 RE-M341 19 ONE OF THE BEST HOMES IN KOl'NTZE Place (2019 ( Blnney ) If nold before Sept. 1st , will go for less than cost of homo. Terms nbout half cnnh , balance easy. R. N. Wllhucll ( owner ) , 207 N. Y. Life. It E341 CHOICE 10-ACRE TRACTS IN SUBURBS OF North Pintle for J50.00 ; Jl.OO down nnd 11 00 a month ; wilt loan money to Improve. City nnd Suburban Investment company , room 613 Sc- curlty Bldg. , St. Louis. MANITOU , COLORADO-A MODERN ELEVEN- room house , hard wood finish , city water , itcnm heat nnd scncr ; beautifully located , near sodn spring ; will be sold cheap by owner. E. A , Gilbert , IMS Colfnx avenue , Denver. LOT FOR SALE. CHEAP. FOR CASH ONLY or term pa > mcnts ; lot 6 , In block 1 , In Sprlnn- dale addition ti > the city of Omaha. Jonas Oak , box 48 , Andover , HI. RE-MI03 21 * TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT. SOLD. T.X- changed , rented nnd repaired. Typewriter and ofllce supplks. Typewriters rentttl at II per month. The Omaha Typewriter Exchange , suc cessors to the typewriting depattmcnt of the Megcath Stationary Co. . 214 S. 13th , tel. 1361. 850 SEE THE NEW DOUGHERTY TYPEWRITER. The Omaha Typewriter Exchange , tel. KC1 , No. 214 S. 13th at. 891 THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF STANDard - ard typewriters and supplies. We control the Dcnumoro Callgraph nnd New Yost. Bargains In second-hand machines displaced by ours. All machines perfectly repalied , new parts sup plied ; prices modernte ; new machines loaned while repairs are made. United Typewriter & Supplies Co. , 1619 Farnam St. Telephone ItST. BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made r.cw. 613 S. 161h. 709 D. T. MOUNT llAS REMOVED HIS COAL OF- Hce to 209 S. ICth st , . Brown block. M970 DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 719 N. 16. 937 STOVE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS : ALSO hotel ningo and general assortment of ranges , cooks nnd heaters : \\atcr attachments put In and connected nt Jas. Hughes , C07 S. 13th st. nnd Jackson. 308 BICYCLES. BICYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tires nnd sundries. Sifes opened , repalied. C. R. Hcflln , locksmith. 311 N. 16th St. 960 BICYCLES. NEW AND OLD. J20 TO J12 > easy payments ; we rent and repair. Omnhi Bicycle Co. , 323 N. 16th st. 703 BICYCLES-ALL STYLES. ALL PRICES. Send for our list of second hand and shop worn bicycles. Repairs and cycle sundries of nil kinds. M. O. Daxon. 402 N. 16th dt. 631 UNDERTAKERS ANU EMB ALMER3 H. K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1618 Chlcagost. _ , telephone 90. 703 " SWANSO"N & VALIEN , UNDERTAKERS AND embalmcrs , 1701 Cumins St. , telephone 1060. 706 M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EMbalmer - balmer , 1417 Farnam Bt. , telephone 223. 707 HEAFEY & HEAVEY , 218 S. 14TH ST. TEL. 265 ; also 24th and N sts. , So. Omaha. 70S A21 * HOTELS. THE MIDLAND HOTEL. 16TH & CHICAGO sts. , coolest hotel , fiontlngon Jefferson square. All car lines within a block ; cars to "Fqll of Pompeii" only a block away. American plan , Jl.DO to J2.00 per day : European plan , 60c to Jl.OO per day. M. J. Frank , proprietor. 714-31 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. W. COR. Uth and Dodge. Room by day or week.Ht Ht > S9 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND Btorago batteries recharged ; electrical and gen- eta ! machinists : superior work guaranteed. Omaha Electrical Works. 617 and 619 a. 16th st. 711 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants nnd all kinds of electrical construction. Western Elcc- trio Supply Co. . 418 nnd 420 B. lath st. 713 PLUMBERS. FREE-PLUMBING OF EVERY KIND , GAS iteam & hot water heating ; sewerage , 313 S. 10. 715 J. J. HANIGAN , PLUMBING , STEAM AND hot water heating. 2703 Leavenworth at. 155 JOHN ROWE & CO PLUMBING , STEA M AND hot water beating , gas fixtures , globes , 421 S. 15. JOB PRINTING. REED JOB PRINTING CO. FINE PRINTING of all kinds. 17th Bt. , Bee building. 716 MAIL ORDER COMMERCIAL PRINTING A specialty. Douglas Printing Co. , 419 8. 15th street , Sheeley bldg , Tel. 644 for prompt service. HAY AND GRAIN. BUY YOUR HAY BY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. Snyder. 1515 Burt St. , tel. 1107. gross NEBRASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAY. grain and mill stuff. We are always on the market to buy or sell. 1402-4-d Nicholas st. 158 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. G. F. OELLENBECK , DANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California Btreet. 914 FOR BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS : easy payments ; Instruments rented ; rents apply on purchase. A. Hospe , jr. 701 UPHOLSTERING. UPHOL'RING CABINET MATTRESS WORKS. W. R. Bell , R. A. McEachron , J717 Leavcnw'th. 167 UPHOLSTERING VERY CHEAP THIS MONTH. M. S. Walklln , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. C02. MI20 CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , GALVANIZED Iron cornices. 1723 Bt. Mary's ave. 394 * EAGLE CORNICE WORKS JOHN EPE- neter , prop. , 103 , 110 , 112 N. llth. Estab. 1861. 851 GRINDING. SCISSORS , LAWN MOWERS , RAZORS. ETC. . ground , Melchlor Bros. , 1119 Farnam street. M287 RAZORS , SHEARS , CLIPPERS , LAWN MOW- era , etc. A. L. Underland , 106 N. 14th. 720 DENTISTS. DR. GEORGE S. NASON. DENTIST. SUITE 20 Paxton block , 16th and Furnum st . , tel. 712. 721 _ _ _ _ _ _ DR. PAUL. DENTIST , 2020 BURT BT. 835 TENTS AND AWNINGS. WOLF BROS. & CO. , MANUFACTURERS OF awnlngD , tentn. flags , wagon , huy stuck cavers , tarpaulins , balloons nnd paiachutcs. 703-705 S , 16th t. . telephone 604. Twin for rent. 713 MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALVA J. GROVER , MATHEMATICAL AND surveying Instruments , engineers' and archi tects' supplies ; tracing cloth , blue process papers. 318 South 16th i mall orders. 887 TAXIDERMISTS. TAXIDERMY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- logue. George U , Brown , jr , , & Co. , 709 S. ICth. 725 ' LIVERY STABLE. BOARDING STABLES. FINE LIVERY RIGS cheap. Ud Bauinley , 17th and BL , Mary'a ave , WHOLESALE COAL ! JOHNSON r.1103. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all ktnda of coal. Corre > pondenc solicited. 1008 Farnam at. KM CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. E. MORR1LL. CARPENTER. OFFICE AND tore fixture * a specialty. Putchlne anil postering. U1J Capltol a Yd. , tel. 408 653 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN BANTS SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. 811 N , X , Lilt , Omaha. AiH ( fit circular. Ill HARNESS. HARNESS , WHIPS , NETS. .ETC. REPAIRING _ B jipeclalty. Ill N. Ulh at. 717 GET MY PRU'EfTuEFOUfj YOt BuFX TlAlT August Holme , 711 S. Kill at. IM LOST. LOST. A GOLD UAIt PIN , WITH DIAMOND retting. Liberal * reward paid If del vcrml n llea nllli-p. I.OST 318 * OPXIOIANST THE Aixjn A TENFOLD co. . SCIENTIFIC optician * , 1103 Fntnnm M. , oppodle Paiton hotel. Ejcs examined free , 701 FURNACES. BEST FURNACE MADE.SOFT COAL 8MOKI consuming nnd hard coal furnaces. Eagle Cor nice , works. 10S-I12 N. llth M. RSI DYE WORKS. SCHOEDSACK. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS 1521 Farnnm street. Dicing of every descrip tion nnd dry cleaning. M7S3 PAWNBROKERS. FRED MOHLE , 151714 FARNAM , JEWELRY. 721 HORSESHOEING. MRS. THOMAA LONEYl Nl6TH BT. 231 RRILWHY TOE CHRP Leaves I CHICAGO & NORTHWEST1 N fAi-rlveT OmaluU.P.Dcpot | _ _ , 10th & Mn on Sls. | Oninlu ll0Vim ; . .Eastern Express . li:30pn : 4iOOpm . Vcsllbtilcd l.hnltitl . 3IOiin : 6:55atn : . . .Mo. Valley Luuil . 10:3Qpn : 64'pm ! . Omaha Chicago Special . 2:15pm : Leii\cs ( CHICAGO. BURLINGTON S.O..I Arrives Oni.ilul DciKit 10th anil MnionHlR. _ _ [ Omalu 4:43pni : . Chicago Vestibule . riiSOiin OMSnm . Chicago Expieps . 4:2jpm : T.O.'pm . Chicago nnd limn Local . 8:00.nn : ll'.35nm . . . .1'acllle Junction I.ocitl . 5.r > 5pm Leaves ( BURLINGTON * MJ 111 VER.Arrl\c | Oinulml Depot 10th and Mason Sts. _ [ _ Oniaha lOiIjain . Dem or Express . . . . . . 9:3'nuii : 10.15.itn . Deadwoud Exprcts . 4:10pm 4f ; > 0pni . Dim ei Expiciu . 4:10pm 6:50pm. : Nebraska I < acnl ( except Sunday ) . 6f : > 0pm SMIam. . Lincoln Ixical ( except Sunday ) , . 11 ; 25an : Leaves I K. C.7 ST. J. " & C. D. | A rrver ! Omaha ] _ Depot 10th ami Mason Bin. I Omaha 9:4'nm : . Kansas City Dny Expreai . K:5oiim : 94.-im.K. ; . | C. Night Ex.la. . U. P. Train. 6:59um : Leaves I CHICAGO. 11. 1. & PACIFIC. | Arrl\ei OniahalU. 1' . Depot. 10th & Mason Sis. ! Oinalm ' _ j _ _ _ EAST. _ _ _ _ lOUS.im. . . Atlantic Express ( ex. Sunda . . . G:05pm : C:25pm : . NlRht I\IMPM . ntCiain 4MOpm..Chlc < ig. > Vcsllbuli'd Limited. . . . l:23pm : ll31aiii. Oklahoma Evp. ( to C. 11. ex. Bun ) f > ! 3."iam _ \visr. 5:35am. : Oklahoma & Texas E\p. ( ex. Sunll:35pm ) : l3fipm ; . .Culonulo Limited. . . . . . . . . . 4:10pni : Leaves I l7NlON PACIFlc : JArrlvoa OiiiahajUnlon Depnt. IQlli & Mason 518 , f Omaha 10:00iun : . ICoarnpy Uvprrss . 3:50pm : 2.1'ipm . Oveiliiml Klyc.r . r:40pm : 3:4 : * > pm.Ucutrlce & Stromsb'g 1'x ( ux Sun.l2l5pin : C.fuinii . I'uulllc Hsprest . 10J3am : C:30pm : . . . . . . . . . .K.iat Mull . -Opm : LeiiM-H I CHICAGO , tI . & ST. PAUL.IAirlvcs OiniilmlUnlon Depot , 10th i : Mason Sla. | Omnlia C:3Ipm . Chicago I.lniHcd . 9:30ani 11 lo.ini..rii1ciiKQK _ * | < te aex. _ Sun 1 . D00pm ; Leaves I P. . nr& S1O."VAT TJV. | Arrl\ea Oniahiil Depot 151li niul't'li lcr Hla. I Oiimln y,03nm . Uenilwootl Kxpress . & :10pm : 9:01nm.iSill. : : . ) W0. Hx. (13x. ( Won ) . . 6:10pm COOpm..Noifulk : Cxpiess ( ix. : Kumla > ) . . .10iam : ' ri:10pm. : . Dally ( ex. Sun. Nebrmkt Local. . U.lOam 8UOam..RlouCity : Acconi. ( Kx. Hun ) . . . SlOJpni 10:00nm. : . Sioux City Aecom. ( Hun. Only ) . . 8:05pin : 12ir : > pni..Bloux City HxpresM ( I'.x. Huii..ll.r 5iim 6 iSOpni . . . . . _ _ . . St. _ r-iul-LliiilieiL , _ , , . . _ . _ . , , . g40.ini ; LenxesT BlOtJX"C1TV" & 1'ACIKIC. " | AriTveT Om.itmUnkn | Depul , lotli & Mason Bt3. | Om.ilia 6H5nni . , .Siou\ City PasseiiKcr. . 10:2Cpm : 3i5pin . St. Imil Express. . . . . 1000im ; CenTeaT SIOUX C1TV & l > AClffc' ( Arrives Omiliapepot | 15th nml Webster Sis. | Oinalm B:30pm : . Si. Paul Limited . 9IOnm : . Clilcnco l.imltecl. . . . 9MOim T7eaiT \V AlfASH HAIIAVTV lATrlxcs OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mnson Sts. | Oninhn 4:10pm . St. Louts Cannon Ilnll . 12Cpm BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building , OMAHA , Neb. Advice FREIi BEOLABATIONS OF WAR. Citations from History on n Point of Cur rent DlBcusBlmi. The brisk war that has been In progress in Corea and Coreun waters with no decla ration of war between China and Japan until July 31 ought to do something to dis lodge the curious hallucination which lingers In the public mind and the minds of borne editorial writers that a declaration of war usually precedes hostilities. The rule Is the other way , says the Phila delphia Press. In the 171 years between 1700 and 1S70 there wcro only ten Instances of a regular declaration of war before fighting began , and there were 107 In which a more or less decisive blow was ttruck before any declaration of war was made , and In many Instances no declaration of war was ever made. In forty-one cases , as Colonel J. P. Maurice points out In an admirable com pilation on the subject , the declaration of war was delayed In order to make the sud den and unexpected blow tffccttve. The United States acted on this principle when wo seized every British ship In our harbors without warning at the opening of the war of 1812 , and managed to keep England In ignorance of our declaration that "war ex isted" for a month In the hope of capturing the West Indian fleet. Our next ivar , with Mexico , had several battles and victories be fore President Polk declared that war "ex isted by the act of Mexico. " Our conduct In these wars followed English example , not to say English habit. England seized the Dutch colonies at the Capo and Ceylon without n declaration , seized and de stroyed the Danish fleet In 1801 In profound peace , the Danish governor of Elslnoro having no warning until fire opened , and repeated the operation In 1807 , and seized Egypt In the same year , while at peace with Turkey , Franco occupied Holland in 1791 without a declaration ; Soleure , Zurich and Ilerne In 1802 during peace with the Swiss republic , and Saxony , In 1800 , without a declaration. Prus sia occupied Hanover In 1806 without warn ing , and began the Austilan war In 1800 the day the declaration was Issued , Portugal In 1810 marched from Hrazll , Its colony , Into the Plate colony of Spain without a declaration , and In 1820 Spain Invaded Portugal without this formality. In 1827 the battle of Navunno , In 1831 the allied operations against King Miguel and In 1810 the defeat cf Mehcmet All were all carried on without a declaration. Ten years ago France and China fought for months and never declared war , and England and Franco got Into a hot diplomatic controversy over the "pacific blockade" which France tried to establish over Formosa as well as the French attempt to make rice a contraband of war. England held , as did we , that there was enough of war to enforce her enlistment and our neutrality acts , but not enough for a blockade or the seizure of rice cargoes on the high seas. We were at war with Franco "by sc.i" for two years a century ago without ever mak ing a general declaration of war. In short , In moro than two wars out of three the first blow Is struck before war Is declared , and this practice enforces the necessity of always being prepared. If wo over have a war our first warning may bo a hostile fleet In New York harbor. Humhcnrril to Dentti. Joromlah Nlxson of Indian Itun , Pa. , had an exciting and novel experience In the Wll- cox woods ono day last week. lie was trying to get track of a bear that had been maraud ing In that vicinity for a fortnight , lie had failed to got uny trace of the bear , mid was on his way home , when suddenly a doe bounded from the bushes , bleating with pain and terror. Clinging to one of the doe's shoulders , and trying to claw her throat open with ono of Its long , sharp claws , was a big wildcat. The deer was running at full speed , but Nlxson fired nt the wildcat and hit It. The deer ran a few steps and fell. The wildcat left her and bounded toward Nlxson , who fired again und killed the ugly animal , The deer remaining on the spot where It had fallen , Nlxson went up and found It dead. There was not a wound upon It that could have caused death , and It Is believed that the dno was scared to death , the wildcat having leaped upon her from some tree as she was feeding. The wildcat weighed nearly fifty pounds , and It Is ono of the largest over la uulera VIEWED FROM LOFTY HEIGHTS Looking Down on the National Capital Through Layota of Durknru , A NIGHT'IN THE WASHINGTON MONUMENT IntrrrstlitK Mini Tlirtlllni ; ixf | > rlpnc < - of i 1'nrtyVlut Could Son Nunjlil lint the City's I.lKlitM-Tho Oru.il Slmfl In a 'lliiimlcrfttorm. A \\rllcr for the \ Vnshlnglonst ' , tinned with n note from Colonel John M. Wilson , Chief olllccr of public hulUllngs niul grounds , entered tlio Washington inoiuunciH ntiout 4 o'clock , "stood In line niul fuccil this way , " went up In the elevator nml nt S o'clock that night proved that they \\cro Htlll there by twinging n lantern from one of the windows of the monument In Paul Uevero style. Itrts the first time Unit strnngors had been permitted to remain In the monument ment after the regular hour of closing , which fact had the effect of making the trip all the moro Intorektlng both to these \vlio noticed after dark that there was n light In the monument as well ns to members of the party. The evening was Ideal for such an expedi tion. During OKI day all the weathers con ceivable hnd passed In review to receive the maledictions of the people who suffered from the sudden changes , and the dusk clouded a sky tlint looked very undecided whether to- smllo or wop. . In the west , and throwing dancing little waves of light Into the 1'otomuc , the sun set In radi ance. In the east the great black clouilt rolled up In heavy musses and made a glorious background for creamy , sun-tinted capltol. Toward the south the sunshine and r.iln had decided to bo recon ciled and the result was a glorious rainbow , which shed so much beauty on the pouting sky that the effulgence was rellected and a second rainbow wus formed beside the first. From the north came a gusty , Ill-mannered wind that wrapped the lings on the buildings around their staffs nml left them there us If afraid to Haunt their gorgeous colors In the face of the great red sun. Ulow , little midgets and brownies bcemed to be playing at seriousness. MEN LOOKED LIKE PIO.MIES. Little creatures In the forms of men and women sat behind horses that looked no larger than the tiny tin steeds with which children are wont to amuse themselves. These little animals wore urged to bpeed ov-r the ground , and with n complacency for which , at our height , wo could perceive no cause , the drivers watched what they sup- pos.M to be the rapid annihilation of space. To us they seemed to be but crawling1 over the smooth roads. Off to one side n crowd of boys were playing ball , but their bltouta did not reach us In our elevated grand stand. As the darkness fell the character of the scene changed. The pleasure seekers turned the horses' heads toward homo and the boys wandered away. The flags on the buildings were lowered and the streets , In stead of being filled with prosperouse looking men and handsomely gowned women , were now thronged with laboring people , some of whom , even from that distance , gave the Imprcbslon of being happy In their release , just as the dejection of others ascended to that height. The clouds rolled up heavier and darker. The little patches of gold sank Into gloomy valleys , and the great , Inky masses blotted out the delicate blue and white traceries. The capltol , now a cold white , looked like a huge Icy castle against the threatening sky. The fresh green grass of the white lot grow darker and darker , until It mixed with the blackness of the night , the arches and pil lars of the white house grew less and less dlbtlnct , the huge -treasury und department buildings gradually faded out of sight like some great , ghostly thing , until finally the city was obliterated and the earth , air and sky wore merged Into one. Then , ono by one , the lights appeared. On the grassy plat at the foot of the monument ment , a little ray of light shot out and then another and another until the circle was out lined by little firefly lights. All the way up the mall the sparks started otjt. A light ap peared first at ono window and then another of the executive mansion until the building was girded with three bands of light. The streets became outlined with lights , which In the distance seemed to grow Into each other and parted gradually as they grew nearer. Once more the city took on the aggressive : air of business and activity. The life which during1 the twilight seemed to have become partially extinct appeared In renewed form , and the hurry and rush of the people again taking up the cares of the day could bG felt , even at our height. Carelessness blended with the seriousness and Idleness with the activity. Tlrod tourists sauntered t > y , and silent lovers , oblivious ollka of people ple and monuments , wandered In and around the grounds with an almlcssness for every thing but to avoid the lights. AN AWE-INSPIRING THUNDERSTORM. All the while , though , the lights wcro In creasing. In every direction long lines ol them stretched out and looked like gold stitches In a great seam. Every building was dotted with them , until the ungrateful lights demanded all the attention and the lUlldlng sank Into darkness. Convention mil , splendidly lighted for some entertain ment there , became a veritable sunburst , while the pension building was swallowed up In night and the place where It should stand merely outlined by jots of light. The il luminations of Georgetown , Alexandria , Fort Myer and the Soldiers' home were plainly visible. Along the margins of the Potomao the frogs sang their not untuncful choruses with such vigor that the sounds floated In the windows at the summit of the monument. Every few minutes a train would whirl over Its tracks like a streak of light und be lost In an Instant. The most Impressive feature of the -scene was the total absence of anything that seemed material. Looking over the city one saw nothing but lights , as If the sky liad been reversed , und yet even these lights looked moro like the reflections of stars In water than the result of burning good sas which we pay for by the fcot according to a meter vith an abnormally developed Imagination. Every structure In the city seemed to have been eliminated , and the presence of light , the very thing which won supposed to muko the building visible , ob literated them. . About 0 o'clock a frightful storm set In , and If a delightful view of the city can bo gained from the monument that place la anything but an enviable ono for the timid during a thunderstorm. The thunder seemed to bo manufactured right Inside Its walls , and the peulu wcro so close and loud that the nervous members of the party wore agonized with terror. The lightning played around arid danced with little bput- terlngs and cracklings from point to point on the lightning proof sides. No Fourth of July fireworks ever exceeded In gorgeous delicacy the pyrotechnic display on the mon ument. The view of the lights of the city was cut off by the clouds which clung around the huge obelisk below the summit , and the rain descended In iihuelH from clouds that wo looked down upon. It was an Inspiring night that Induced oven the most prosaic man In the crowd to drop Into flootry when ho was not clinging to some nllllng or projection for fancied protection against the fury of the storm , Wliitrn Iliiln In Diikmmn , There Is , perhaps , no more curious place on the Pacific seaboard than Icjuliiuc. It stands In a region where rain has never icon known to full , anil where , as wan re marked by Darwin , when he vlalted Iiiluo | ( | In1S3G , the Inhabitants live like people on board ship. These number about 14,000 , nearly all connected with the staple Industry of the port , due to the development of the nitrate Industry on the adjacent pampas. The rain gauges at Lima , close to the Pacific , record absolutely no rainfall. There are several parts of the curth whore rain never alls. Huch are the Sahara , or great desert of Africa , and considerable tracts of Arabia , Syria , Persia , Thibet und Mongolia In the ild world , while In South America the ruin- ess districts comprise narrow strips on tlio shores of Peru , llollvla and Chill , and on ho coast uf Mexico und ( luutemalu , with a small district between Trinidad and Pan- ouw ou the cout at Venezuela.