Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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Hanthomo Eobby Everlastingly Endears
Himself to the Omaha Enthiniasts.
Nine Chance * Accepted nml HI * Mil * , In
cluding Two llinnerM , In Seven Tlmc
Up Win till llcooril In Voi-
' * Content.
Omnhn , 1C ; Jacksonville , C.
Ht. Joseph , 7 ; Rock Island , t
DCS Molnes , H ; qnlney , 2.
Lincoln , 8 ; Pcorla , 2.
Philadelphia , 17 ; Liulsvl Ic , 3.
Baltimore , 1 ; Cincinnati , o.
Chicago , U ; Brooklyn , 1.
Now York , 13 ; St. Louis , 3.
Washington , 6 ; Cleveland , 2 ;
Boston , ; Pltlsburg , 4.
Sioux City. 7 ; Kansas City , 2.
Indianapolis , 9-fi ! Grand Rnplds , 11-1.
Milwaukee , 10 ; Minneapolis , 1.
It was a horse apiece when the Omaha
and Jacksonv.llo learns lined up at the ball
park yesterday , and we won the cdd ono
In one of the pretllcst contests that has
delighted an Omaha audience this season.
Of course It wns a lltlle one-sided , but wo
couldn't help lliat. The article of ball the
homo team put up to Connie Strothers' ag
gregation yesterday was a lltllo swift for
them , and although they did their beat , they
were distanced' the flag. They wore
willing cnonsh to win , but they couldn't
figure out hew It was to be done , whllo
Rourke's hired men were keeping them busy
chasing the ball.
H had been expected that Willie Mcdlll
would arrive In time lo offlclatc In Ihe box ,
but ho failed lo pill in nn appearance , but
Lookabaugh did so well tlmt Willie was
not missed. Moran once more appeared In
nn Omaha uniform , and was warmly wel
comed. He was presented with a box of
flno cigars frm a number of his admirers
among the Jobbers when he came to bat , and
evinced his appreclallon by catching a per
fect game and adding a trioof clean liltn
lo the total.
But while the entire team did excellent
work , your old friend Lily Langsford wns the
stellar attraction that It was worth twice
tho" price of admission to see. He accepted
nine chances and In his seven times at bat
made two home runs , three doubles and a
single. In the fourth Inning Lily retired
the side alone. Grotty hit n hot one past
second base , but Lily made a run nnd Jump
and scooped It up with one hand Just In
tlmo to nail him at first. Uevcnoy and
Cnpllncor both perished In the futile attempt -
tempt to knock thd ball past the redoubt
able beauty , who retired with all the honors
of the Inning ,
But It was In that fatnl seventh Inning
which has BO often proved the salvation of
the Omaha team that Lily's star shone with
Its most brilliant luster. Hutch got a base
on balls and a wide pitch advanced him to
second. Moran lilt safely nnd Smith's fum
ble of Pedroes' hit passed Hutch over the
plate. Then hits by Fear and Ulrlch and
Crotty's error filled the bases nnd Pedroes
scored. Lily had already made three doubles
and the crowd yelled with approbation as he
promised to do It again. Capllnger rwted
awhllo to get his nerve , and then shoved
ono of hla speediest curves over the plale.
Talk nboul your Madonnas , your visions of
beautiful women resplendent In snowy silks
nnd sparkling diamonds , or the summer girl ,
sweet ns a May morning In her clinging
gown , by which her golden hnlr and sapphire
eyes glow with the entrancing luster of a
dream , none of them could compare wllh the
bentlfio expression on Lily's corruscated
mug as ho swatlcd lliat chunk of pigskin
over the waiting barn and four runs came
trundling over the lltlle whllcd square which
llus McKelvey calls home.
Tlio crowd of frantic fans was on Its feet
In a second , and every mother's son of them
cheered like crazy men ns Lily rounded the
bases. And the hundreds of feminine hand
kerchiefs In the grand stand waved nn en
thusiastic accompaniment to the bravos cf
Jholr more excited escorts.
Even all this glory , however , was not
enough for 'Lily , and the very next time he
came to bat he found the same hole over the
barn and added a couple of runs to the load
that the already overburdened Suckers were
compelled to bear.
Whllo talking about brilliant plays HutchInson -
Inson must not bo overlooked. His stop of
Crotty's hit In. the last half of the same
Inning was a sure enough phcnom , and he
had to lift his cap twlco In recognition of the
uproarious appreciation of tha crowd.
The visitors did not have as good luck
with their run getting as Papa's men. They
might not bo' blamed for that , since Ihey
did not 'have Lily , but clean fielding by the
homo learn shut thorn out In several Innings
after they hnd lilt safely twice. Lookabaugh
was In bolter form Ihan he hnd shown since
the team came homo , nnd , with the excep
tion of a slight fulling from grace In the
sixth Inning , ho kept the hits of the Suckers
too well scattered to bo ot benefit to them ,
Altogether II was a brilliant exhibition , and
If unyllilnc like It is dcnlt out to the lall-
endars wo should hnvc n cinch on three
straight. Score :
AB. R. IB. SH. SB. PO. A. E.
Ulrlch. 3b 6 2 1 1 0 2 1 0
I-nngsfonl ,
Seery , m. . . : . . ,
MoVey , Hi. . . . 11
Hutchison , 2b
Moran. c
PcdrOcs , If. . . .
Fear , rf
Lookab'gh ,
Tqtal . . . . ! )
AH.R. . IB. SH. SB. PO. A. E.
I.etcher , m&p
Newman. rf..5 1 3 0 0 3 0 0
Smith , 3b
Strauss , If. . . .
Strothers , 11) ) . R 1 2 0 0 11 0 0
Grotty , 2b. . . .
Devoney , ss.,4 1 1 0 0 1 2 0
Snydcr , c
Total . . . . 39 "i 12 0 0 27 16 "E
Omaha 10100382 0-15
Jacksonville 0 00003002-5
Runs earned : Omaha , 9 ; Jacksonville , 4.
Twonbase hits : Lnngsford. 3 ; Fear. 2 ; Mc-
Vey , Hutchison , Pedroes. Newman , 2.
Three-Vase hits : Sccry. Home runs : Langs-
ford , 2 ; .Strauss. . liases on balls : By Look
abaugh , 3 ; by Capllnger , fi ; by Letcher , 2.
Bases given for hilling baiter : By Cap-
linger , 1. Passed balls : Snyder , 2. Wild
pllohcs : Capllnger , 1. Struck out : By
Lookabaugh ; 2 ; bv Capllnger , 2 ; by Leteher ,
1. * Umpire ; McKelvey , Double * plays :
HUtchlson to McVcy to Moran : Smith to
Sttrothcrs , . Time of game : Two hours.
Hiilntx ( iot Onu from tlin l.ciiilrr * .
ST. JOSEPH. Mo. . Aug. lG.-Bpoclal ( Telegram -
gram lo The Bee. ) The Salnls' losing
Hlreak Was slopped by Ihe inagnlllccnl
Ditching of Billy Kllng. Iho new twlrler ,
who had the visitors fairly demoralized by
his great speed and line command of the
ball. Both teams played brilliant ball. The
4 200 Pages. 250,000 , Worth
iKKruvcrirn . i/a/crtrc.
A 3It > ie of JCiiuirli'ilija ami a Mint of
Vtrfulnn * .
There are more llilnrs InatrucUvo. useful
mid tMilurUilnliur In licit urent book , "Thu
American 'KncyuloiH'ilIu Dictionary , ' ' tlmnhi
any Hlmllar publication infr IHHIIIH ! .
Thla creutvorli , now for the llm tima
plant ] wltliln iliu rwiuh of ovuryono. In n
iinlaiit ) publication , for U IH nt tlin HIIIIO : lima
a porlvct dictionary anil u complete uncyula.
Only lliat number nf llm book correspond-
hit with tlio Herleu number ot thu ooapoit
pretuMiUHl will bo
UNK Hmiil.iy nml Tlireu Wock-ilay coupom ,
with 13 cRiitn In eoln. will buy imjiurt
of Tim American KncvolopoiIU Diction
ary. Semi otxlom lo The UojO.tlci.
Mill ontem RliouM -uliltrasol to
Saints won by hunching their bits nicely.
Score i
St. Joseph . 1011 10000-7
Hock Island . 0 00300010-4
Batteries : Kllng nml Armslrong for St.
Joseph ; Andrews nnd Sage for Uock Island.
Base hits ; St. Joseph , 8 ; Bock Island , 6.
Errors : St. Joseph , 4 ; Hock lyliiml , I ,
Earned runs : SI , Joseph , 1 ; Hork Island , 1.
Two-bane hits : Mohler. Home runs :
Mnrctim. Oole nnd KalS ! . Sacrifice nils :
Preston , Kllng nnd Holllngsworth. Struck
oul ! By Kllntr , G ; by Andrews , 2. Bases
nn balls : Off Kllng. fl ; off Andrews , 3. Klrnl
ha.iB on errors : Hock Inland , 2 ; St. Joseph ,
2. Left on biiKes : St. Joseph , 7 ; HocU
Isand , 7. Double plnyH ! Mnrcum ( unas-
slutted ) ; Mchler to HolllnRsworlh lo
Mnreum. Passed balls : Arnnlrotig , I. Time :
Ono hour and forty-five minutes. Umpire :
IliieK Mmln It Three.
LINCOLN Aug. 17.-fSvec.lnl Telegram
to The Bee. ) Sir. B. Ebrlght Is sill ! pouring
onward and upward. The Jng manufac
turers succeeded In gelling but three clean
hits nml Iwo scralches off Louie Ilnlm ,
while Klggcmler was jelled hard al limes.
Haiti commenced fnllng In Ihe llflh , but
Buckerlno sent three men up on the grand
stand pushing clouds uwuy nnd saved Iho
game. Score :
Lincoln . 3 R
Peorla . 0 2
Earned runs : Lincoln , 3. Hlls : Lincoln ,
10 ; Peorla , D. Errors : Lincoln , 1 ; Peorla ,
3. Two-base hits : Penulgney , Nullon ,
Three-base tills : Sullivan , McCann. Bases
on balls : Off Balsz , ! > ; off Klggemlcr. 2.
Hit by pitcher : Sullivan , Bnlsz. Passed
balls : Specr , 1. Slrtick out : By Balsz. 2 ;
by Klggomler , 3 , Double plays : Lincoln , 1.
Batteries : BolfZ and Speer ; Flggemler and
Terrlen. Tlmo : One hour and llfty minutes.
Umpire : Haskell.
I > i < * MinileV I'crfect Pluy Won.
DES MOINES , Aug. 16. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) DCS Molnos played a
perfecl game loday. while Ihe visitors were
ralher wild. Score :
Des Molnes . } 2
Qulncy . 0 01010000-2
Hits : Des Molnes , 7 ; Qulncy. 9. Errors :
Qulncy. n. Earned runs : Des Molnes , 1 ;
Qulncy , 2. Two-base hits : Munyun. Sacrl-
ilco hits : Porter , 2 ; Donnelly. Base on
balls : Off McMnckln. 3 ; elf Donnelly , 7.
Hll by pitched ball : By Donnelly. 2. Struck
out : By McMnckln , 3 ; by Donnelly , 2. Wild
pitch : McMnckln , 1. Stolen bases : Mc-
Vlcker , McKarlaml , Hoffman , McKadden ,
Merles. Double plays : Boyle lo Bommcrs.
Ballcrles : McMackln and Xelslcr : Donnelly
nnd Boland. Time of game : Two hours
and len minutes. Umpire : Ward. Atlend-
ance , 400.
* Standing of llio Tenim ,
Played. Won. Losl. "Pr.Cl.
Hock Island . 00 51 39 M.7
Peorla . 01 49 42 53.8
Omaha . 90 48 42 53.3
81. Joseph . DO 47 43 52.2
Jacksonville . 80 47 43 52.2
Lincoln . S8 4.- , 43 51.1
Des Molnes . 90 41 49 45.6
Qulncy . 87 31 58 35.G
I'cialtlvcly Unfitted t Drop the
( Jiiinn that Iliiltlinoro Nretlit.
BOSTON , Aug. 1C. The Champions made
the record of victories In the Plltsburg
series Ihrcc slralght by winning a feature
less game. Score :
Boston . 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 * C
Plttsburg . 0 03001000-4
Hils : Boslon , 11 ; Plttsburg , 7. Errors :
Boston , 5 ; Plttsburg , 1. Earned runs : Bos
ton , 3 ; Plttsburg , 3. Two-base hits : Sugden ,
Mack. Struck out : By Menefeo , 1 ; by
Stlvells , 2. Time : Two hours and live min
utes. Umpires : Honglnnd and Emsllo.
Itatlcrles : Tcnny and Sllvetts ; Mack and
Oriole * Take 'Km All.
BALTIMORE , Aug. 10. The Orioles took
kindly to Pitcher Parrott today nml secured
the Ihlnl game from Cincinnati with ease.
Score :
Baltimore . 3 7 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 15
Cincinnati . 2 30001000-6
Base lilts : Baltimore , 21 : Cincinnati , 8.
Errors : Baltimore , 2 ; Clnc. iatl , G. Earned
runs : Baltimore , 10 ; Clnciwnall , 2. Two-
base lilts : Kelly , Jennings , Latham. Three-
base hits : Rcllz , Cumivnn. Double plays :
McPhee to Smith to Comlskey. Struck
out : By Hawke , 4 ; by Purrott , 1. Time :
One hour and forty-live minutes.
Umpire : Bells. Batteries : Hoblnson and
Hawke ; Cnnavaji , Murphy and Parrott.
A USD Won by I'lnylng I nil.
BROOKLYN , Aug. 1G. Chicago won
through their timely balling and brilliant
Holding al crllical moments. Score :
Brooklyn . 001000000-1
Chicago . 000002010-3
Base hits : Brooklyn , 8 ; Chicago , 7. Er
rors : Brooklyn , 0 : Chicago , -2. Earned
runs : Chicago , 3. Struck out : By Lucid ,
l ; by Grllllth , 0. runs : Dablcn.
Three-base hits : Corcoran , Itynti. Two-
hase hlls : Sleln , Parrott. Double plays :
Lange to Dalilen. Time : One hour and
thirty-three minutes. Umpire : Lynch.
Attendance , 2,280. Batteries : Lucid and
Dalley ; Grltllth and Schrlver.
IlrowiiH Died Kiixy.
NEW YORK , Aug. 16. The New Yorks
had an easy victory today. Score :
St. Louis . 0 10000200 3
New York . 32002321 ' -13
Base hits : St. Louis , G ; New York , 19.
Errors : St. Louis , 3 ; New York , 3. Karne < l
runs : New York , 11. Slruck out : By
Hnwley , 1 : by Meekln , 3. Home runs :
Meekln. Two-uase hits : Shugnrt , Doyle
(2) ( ) , Ward , Fuller. Double plays : Fuller to
Doyle ; Ely to Shugart. Umpire : McQuaid.
Time : One hour and llfty-eiglit mlnules.
Batteries : Hawley uml Miller ; Meekln and
Seiuitiiri llalteil till ) Hotter.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 1C. Superior work
at the bat , in which Abbey , McOuIre , Has-
samner and Sclbach excelled , won today's
game , Score :
Washington . 01002102 0-G
Cleveland . 0 0010000 1-2
Base lilts : Washington , 13 ; Cleveland , 7.
Errors : Washington , 2 ; Cleveland , 7. Earned
runs : Washington , 5 ; Cleveland , 2. Two-
base hlls : McGuire , Hassamaer. Three-
base hits : Abbey , McGuire. Home runs :
Hassamner , Selbach. Double plays : Abbey
to McGuire : O. Tebeau to G. Tebcau ;
McAleer to Klmmor. Struck out : By Maul ,
4 ; by Young , 3. Time : Two hours and ten
minutes. Umpire : Hurst. Batlerles :
Maul nnd McGuire ; Young and Xlmmer.
llamtncrcil the Ciiloiinlx.
PHILADELPHIA , Aug. IC.-Tlic Phillies
repented their hilling exhibition of yester
day and won from Louisville by a wide
margin. Score :
Louisville . 1 00011000 3
Philadelphia . 3 2 0 I 5 1 3 0 2-17
Base hits : Louisville. 8 ; Philadelphia , IS.
Errors : Louisville , 0 ; Philadelphia , 2.
Earned runs : Philadelphia , 12 ; Louisville.
2. Two-base hits : Defcliantv , Smith and
Grim. Three-base lilts : Boyle. Home
runs : Sullivan , Brown , Clark , Cross.
Double plays ; Richardson to Peffer to
Lutenberg ; Cross lo Boyle ; Delchanly to
llnllman ; Richardson to Lutenberg ; Cross
to Hallmnn lo Boyle ; Cross lo ISoyle to
Grady. Slruck out : By Weyhlng , 3 ; by
Nlchol , 2. Time : One hour nnd llfty min
utes. Umpire : Kceff. Batteries : Nlchol
and GTIm ; Weyhlng , Grady and Buckley.
Standing or thu Team * .
Played. Won. Lost. Pr.Ct.
Boslotl . Ki 62 33 G5.3
Baltimore . 93 GO 33 G4.5
New York . U3 58 37 fil.l
Cleveland . . . . . 92 52 40 5G.5
Phlndelphla . 91 4 ! ) 42 53.8
Plttsburg . 9G M 46 52.1
Brooklyn . . . , 97 49 48 50.5
Chicago . 97 4.7 52 40.4
Cincinnati . 91- 43 51 45.7
St. Louis . 96 40 67 41.2
Louisville . 95 32 63 33.7
Washington . 9t ) 29 07 30.2
Kinl of tlin Alexiniilrlnn Tourney ,
ALEXANDRIA , Neb. , Aug. 16.-Speclnl (
Telegrtvm to The .lleci ) The 'base ' ball
truirnamcnl closed today. This morning
Ohlowa defeated Alexandria. Score , 8 to 13.
Batteries : For Ohlowa , Wiser nnd Fowler ;
for Alexandria , Estabrook and Jones. This
afternoon Ohiowa defeated the Hebron
Garmlres Giants. Score , 11 to 13. Batlerles :
For QhlQwn. Scolt anil AVIser ; for the
Giants , .Roher nnd Nordyke. Nate Holmnn.
umpire , The meeting has been n grand
success. Hebron won first purse , Olilowa
second and Ihlrd ,
lilit C. ni vi ) Won In the Ninth ,
IDA GROVE , In. , Aug. 16.-Specltil { Tele
gram to The Bee. ) Dcnlaon played the
homo lentil a very close and ejcclllng game
here. Score :
Denison . l l 0 o o 0 l 1 4
Ida Grovt ! . , . 20002003-7
Base hltx : Denlson , 8 ; Ida Grove , 8. Struck
oul : DunlKon , 8 ; Ida Urove. 8. Errors :
Denlson , 4 ; Ida. Grove , 1 , Bullcrles : Sluch-
m e r nnd Grltlln ; Sacquety and Brannon ,
Umpire : Bishop.
HDWH lleiitrii ut CtxlAr Ilupuli.
CEDAH RAPIDS , la. , Aug. W.-Speclal (
Telegram to The Bee. ) The Dowa Base
Ball club , the crack team of northwestern
Iowa , played Ihe T. M. Sinclair , Clly league
team , here today , anil was easily defeated
by n score of 23 to 5. Between 2.IXX ) uml
3,000 people saw the game , many of whom
came on an excursion from Dews ,
Hot ( iuinu nt Moux 1'ull * .
SIOUX FALLS. S. D. , Aug. 16.-Bpeclnl (
Telegram to The lice. ) The best game of
ball ever played here occurred today be
tween the Moody county anil Sioux Fulls
teams. Twelve full InnlngH were played.
Score , 8 to 6 , In favor of the local team ,
Licojln Mm Lands First Money In a Glass
B Event nt Danvor.
( liven Ono Hundred unit Ninety Yurilt In
Tivo Jlllr * , lln Win * by Two Hundred
I'Vet Other Itiirlng i\cnU : nt
tlio I. . A. H' . Mcft.
DENVEIl , Aug. Id. The nallonal riding
tournament of the League of American
Wheelmen was Inaugurated here today In the
presence of over 10,000 i > copl5. The ar
rangements were carried cut perfectly and
the success of the tournament , financially
and otherwise. Is assured. There was Boine
disappointment over the nonappcarnnco of
J. S. Johnson , the Minneapolis champion.
Ills wheel broke In the mile open trial In
Iho morning and he did nol qualify. Wesl-
crn men are a little disappointed that their
representatives did not win more prizes ,
but are Jubilant over the performances of
Barnett of Lincoln , Neb. , In llio two-mile
handicap nnd llio good showing of Kelgler
of California nnd llio Illinois men , Ander
son nnd Gardner , and also Weller of Salt
Like and Maxwell of Wlnlleld , Kan. The
records lowered tcday are those for the
one mile novice , one mile open , class 1) , and
flvo-mlio natlonnl championship.
Lee Richardson of Chicago went against
the half mile record for backward riding ,
nnd reduced It from 2:47 : to 2:35. : Illch-
ardson gave a fine exhibition of fancy rid
, Tlio mlle novice was paced by Clinfiln
and Phillips , and the result was the fastest
mile ever ridden In a novice race. The
first championship rnce was the halt mile.
Twelve men stnrled. Sangcr went clear
of the bunch In the back stretch , but gave up
In the straight. Ilald , the winner. Is from
The fourth event , the one mile open , cre
ated the greatest enthusiasm of Ihe day.
Sanger look Ihe lead al two-thirds nnd held
It until 200 feet from the tnpe. Hero
Snngor , with Tllus , Brown and Bald , were
all lapping each other. Sanger 1ml the
pole , or was close to It , nnd Titus , coming
very fast , cut Inside of him. Sangor's
wheel was seen to wobble for an Inslanl
and Tllus and Brown bolh finished ahead
of him. Titus WAS disqualified for foul
riding , nnd Brown was given first place ,
with Sanger second nnd Bald third. Titus'
friends claim Sanger was not near enough
to the pole to claim It , and also state that
Sanger tried to elbow Titus off Iho track ,
Titus' time was 2:10 : 3-5 , which Is the record
for n scratch race , the previous record being
2:11 : ,1-5 , by Sanger. Brown , the winner. Is
a Cleveland man.
In the two-mile handicap Harnett of Lin
coln , Neb. , who had a handicap of ISO yards ,
passed the leader on the second mile nnd
won by 200 feet. In this race Dodsan fell
In the flflh lap and McGuire and Hamilton
went over him. None were seriously hurt.
In Ihe flve-mllo championship the time
limit was set at sixteen minutes. Several
men started. The pace was set by several
riders alternately , and at the four-mllo point
Cabanne took the lead. The spurt on the
last lap was very hot and at the finish live
men were pretllly bunched. Titus won and
beat the world's record for five miles In
competition , making the distance in 12:19 : 1-5.
The previous record was 12:27 : 2-5 , also held
by himself. Murphy of Brooklyn , second ;
Zelgler of California , third.
The officers of the track are :
Referee Howard L. llaymond , chairman
national racing board. ,
jLdg-s W. .M. Brewster , treasurer League
of American Wheelmen ; J. C. Jaqulsh mem
ber racing board ; Fred Patee of Indian
apolis , E. S. Hartwell and W. T. Cornwall
of Denver.
Timers Thomas F. Sheridan , ex-vice presi
dent of the L-ague of American Wheelmen ;
Andrew McGarrett , Springfield , 111. ; jJames
Koyce , jr. , of Hartford.
Clerk of Course W. E. Miles ; assistants ,
11. G. Kennedy and G. II. Keliow.
Starler C. H. Hilton , jr.
Trial heals were run off this forenoon nnd
the finals commenced at 3 p. m.
The results of the trial heats were' 'as fol
lows , the men named qualifying for the
races this afternoon :
Half mile dash , for national champlon-
Bhlp : First heat-Eddie Bald first , Otto
/eigler second. Art Brown third. E. U.
Bird fourth. Time : 1:14 : 2-5. Second heal
S' JV , Co.ltcV ! ' 'lrst' ' CSWclls , second. E.
F'iJiar(1riL' ( ' r' ' } ' v' a Sa KPr fourlh. Time :
1:13 : 1-5. Third heal F. J. Titus llrst , L. D
Cabanne second. W. F. llurphy third , W.
W. Taxis fourth. Time : 1:15. :
Mile open , 2:30 : class : First heat-C. H.
Cnllalmn llrst , George L. Heller second
James P. Gunn Ihlnl. Time : 3:03 : 3-5. Second
end heat W. H. Maxwell llrst , Harry Clark
second. A. G. Harding third. Time : 2:5" : ; 3-5.
Third heal-E. n. Bird llrst.V Halnbridge
second , Cy W. Davis third. Time : 2:50 : 3-5
One mile open , class B : First heat-E.
C. Bald 1 rst , n. F. Geelz second , C. H.
Coulter third. Time : 2:43 : 1-5. Second heat-
C. S. Wells first , R. McDonald second , F.
Tltll : 2:37' : Thl l eat-
V , ? tlllriV , Tim.c ' -
W. C. llrst
Sanger , Art Brown second , W ,
F. Foster third. Time : 2:32 : 1-5. Last
quarter 0:202-0. : four-liflhs of a second
below the world's record for a mile finish.
H.alf.nille . . open , class A : A. Gardner
! \ riitiAVViAnsecoll < ] - ! A. Callnhan
third , Charles M. Evans fourth. C. A. Benja
min fifth. Time : 1:03 : 1-5. Second heatH -
\ < H ; K"lser tlrst' ° - A- Maxwell second ,
W. A. Shaver third. 13. H. Bird fourth '
James Collier fifth , Time : 1:121-5. :
Two-mile handicap , class B , scratch men
lVano-ti.coKl > et ? , : l lrst heiU-1'- . Johnson
' secon(1' ( H. Mnddox
, , , ; -
Uilnl. Time : , -1:32 : 4-5. Born , Boles. Me-
Oi'lre. ' Oerwlng. Murphv and Burl also
( Itiulllied. Second heal T , Cl. Barnelt first
Bert C. Bunks second , A. D. Kennedy
third. Tlmo : 1:20 1-5. Goetz , Wells. Foster !
Coulter. Condon. Dobson nnd Cailahan also
One mlle novice : Clyde Turnbull , Denver.
won ; Charles E. Jacques. Chicago , second ;
R. J. Fraln third. Time : 2:21 : 3-5 ,
One-half mile , national championship :
E. C. Bald , Buffalo , won ; Raymond Mc
Donald , Isework , second ; Otto Xelcler Jr
San Jose. Cnl. . third. Time : 1:03 : i-r ,
One mile , 2:30 : class A : Louis A. Cailahan.
Buffalo , won : George L. Weller , Salt Lake ,
One mlle open , class 11 : Art Brown , Cleve
land , won ; W. C. Sanger second ; E C
Bald. Buffalo , third. Time : 2:103-5 : !
Half mile open , class A : A. Ganlner.
Aurora. 111. , won ; E. E. Anderson , Rood-
house. II . .second ; G. A. Maxwell , Wlnlleld ,
Kan. , third. Time : 1:10. :
Two-mile handicap , class 13 : F o Bnr-
nell , Lincoln , Neb. , won ; A. D. Kennedy
Chicago , second ; L. C. Johnson , Cleveland'
third. Time : 4:24 2-5.
One-third of a mlle open , class A : E E
Anderson , . , won ; E H
Kaiser , Dayton. O. , second ; L , , A , Cailahan .
Buffalo , third. Time : 0:114-5. :
Five-mile national championship : F. J.
Titus , New York , won ; C. M. Murphy
r ° kl > ° ° ° Z"gler > Sun ose'
\VKSTiiity MUI : : OASIIM.
air. Wntklns Tulcra 11 Mn.'orlty from the
roirliojB In thu Final K rli < n ,
SIOUX CITY , Aug. 16-Sloux City mode
It two out of three with Kansas Clly today ,
Score :
Sioux City . 1 7
Kansas City . 0 2
base hits : Uenlns ) , Btuwurl. Struck
out : By Hart. G ; by Daniels , 2.rimer
Two hours. Umpire : Sheridan , naileries :
Hurt and Kraus ; Daniels nml Donahue.
] lru ur ' linker Won In.
MILWAUKEE. Aug. 16-Tho Minneapolis
team was unable to hit Baker. But for
CIliiKiuun's wild throw In the second Inning
the Millers would have been shut out.
Score ;
Milwaukee 0 10
Minneapolis 0 I
cJoodenough < 3) ) , Wenlen , Homo runs : ,
Taylor. IXmblo plays : Slmrne. Taylor nnd
Carey. Struck out ; By Parvln. 6 ; by
Baker , 4. Time : One hour and fifty mln-
uteu. Umpire : .McDonald. Butteries :
Bakar nnd Bolaxi ; Parvln and Burrel ,
lloouor * Dlvulti the lji t.
INDIANAPOLIS , Aug. Itf.-Inulannpolu *
ana Grand Rapids divided honors today ,
oiteh club winning a game. Scorr , first
game : .r . .
Indlanapolli//.I. . 9
Grand RapMrfM. . . * 11
Hare hits ; Indianapolis , 12 ; Grand Rapids ,
11 , Errors : Indianapolis , 2 , Grand Rapids.
.1. Earned runs ; Indianapolis , 4 ; Grand
Rapids , 3 , AVo-baso hits : McCarthy ,
Dalrymplo. „ Three-base hits : Shields ,
Spies. Hamrivs : Henry. Double pUiyn :
siileld.i to Mote ; Gray lo Murphy ; Wheelook
lo MeClellnn lo Cnrutlters. Time : Two
hours nnd lvnty minutes , t'mplre : Pee
ples. HntteH < 8/ < Pepper and Murphy ;
Klleen nnd Spies ,
Second game :
Indianapolis. , . . . . . . . . . fl
Grand Rapids 00000001 0 1
Base lilts : ' hlltlanapolls , H ; Grand Rapids ,
4. Errors : lndani ! | > ells , 4 ; Grand Rnplds ,
7. Earned riins ; Indianapolis , 3. TWo-buso
hits : Henri1 Mlllfl. Three-base hits :
Gray. Home runs : Phillips. Double plays :
Mills ( unassisted ) . Time : One hour nnd
thirty mhiulrs. Umpire : Peoples. Hal-
lerles : I'llllllps nnd Murphy ; Klleen ,
Parker and Spies.
Mlinillng of tlin Trillin.
Played. Won. Lost. Pr.CI.
Sioux Clly 00 65 35 Hl.l
Toledo 8'J B2 37 f.S.4
Minneapolis 90 50 40 5.VH
Kansas Clly Dl -IS 4,1 52.7
IndlanaiKills ur , -K 49 48.1
Grand Rnplds 98 4 52 15.X
Detiolt 91 37 51 40.7
Milwaukee S ! 21) ) 5t 31,9
.Ion I'ulrlieli Travel * Three Mllrfl lif tlin
UiUO Pncii In an Areriign of UO7. ;
TERRE HAUTE.Aug. . IC.-Flvc races on
loday'.t racing card were pulled off , all but
one being won In straight heats. The sen
sation of the day was the Tcrre Hatilo
Brewing company's purse of 15,000 , won
hands down by Joe Pnlchen. The Palchen-
Wllkes horse hi'.s lo his credll the three
fastest heats ever gone In a race. At no
llmo won Palchcn extended , and afler pac
ing llio middle half of Ihe second heat In
1:00 : % , he came back fresh enough lo do
llio concluding heal In Just as good time ,
had he been called upon. Rtibenstcln'H
performance us a 4-year-old was pho-
nomcnnl , and on the second heat II was a
bnlllo toyal between the sensational pacers
of the year from wire to wire. Thu stake ;
purse for 3-yeo.r-olilf , valued at Jl.-iOJ , was
hotly contested. Cclaya won the llrst two
heats handily , Axlnlte acllng badly. The
fourth heat was n horse race to the end.
Axlnlle capturing It , by a length. Nellie
A , lllly , captured the two Ilnal heats from
Axlnlte after a hot contest Results :
2:40 : trot , purse $1,500 : Expressive won the
race In three straight heats in 2:1G4 : : } ,
2:24 : < 4. 2:22. : Mayflower , Charmer , Red
Pointer and Sidney Maid also started.
Second race , 2-yenr-oldn pace , purse $1,000 :
Directly won In two heats In 2:13 : and 2:15. :
Theodore Shelton , Judge Nurt and Princess
Enlalle also started.
Third race , Terre Haute Brewing com
pany's purse , 2:20 pace , purse J5.000 : Joe
Patchcn took the race In three straight
heats. Tme | : 205',1 ; ' , 2:0:1 : : , 2OD'/i. : Rubensleln ,
T N R , Nydln , Altl , Our Nora nnd Cole
ridge also started.
2:10 : pace , purse $2.000 : John R. Gentry
won three straight bents and the race In
2:10. : 2:10'i : ; , 2:10'A. : Rcllector , Kissel. Dallas ,
Rosewaler anil Atlantic King also started.
Fifth race , Tcrre Haute purse for foals
of 1831 , value $1.100 : Nellie A won the
third , fifth and sixth heats. Gclaya won the
llrst and seccnll find Axlnlte the fourlh.
Van Lear , Director , . Flower and Alllb ? ! also
Bltirtcd. Tlmo : 2J7V1 : , 2:13 : , Zilti'4. 2:17'/j : ,
2:184 : , 2:18. :
ICobiirt J. Taken u Kcw Murk.
ROCHESTER. N.Y. . , Aug. 1C. Clear
skies , light breeze nnd a perfect track made
this afternoon's sport delightful to hdrse
overs. On thcc nrd wns a special even I be
tween Robert \PfrMiT Fantasy. In Hie llrsl
mile , which was gone merely to warm up
the performers , Geera was behind the mare
nnd Lyons oh' the : gelding sulky. In the
seconil mile , -the < holder of Iho 4-year-old
record went out jitter the 2:08 : , i * she made
at Buffalo. The. ( Aiding was by her s.lde In
the atlempl. ; She ' .Went gamely without a
skip , finishing1 ln'L':07'/i : ' , the fastest mile a
4-year-old mart' : eVfcr trotted. The quarters
were 0:33 : , l:0l : ! > i1SJ614. . 2:07'/i. : She was
greeted wllh cheers when It was seen she
had lowered Ihe high mark. In his al-
tempt In the- third mile of the special ,
Robert J wnsipticeil by a runner. lip went
after his own , record of 2:0j-i : ) , pained nt
Nashville last'tall'In two heats'of n race ,
and also the trn'clc : record of 2:00 : % made by
the pacer Johnston In August , 1SS9. He
passed the nuartcj : In O O'/i , the half In
l:01Vf. : Ihe mllejn > 2:04Vi. : In the 2:21 : class ,
troltlng , CarlDo'n wns not forced to the
2:10V4 : he made oir Monday. He won the
event In three'hlriilKhl bouts , nt no stage of
Ihe race being crowded. Results :
2:21 : class , trotting : Carl Don. , won three
straight heats nWl the raceIn 2".lo' . i 2il5Vi.
' 2MWiStfrnnto'n J3elle , IIelr-at-I.a\v , I'rln-
sonlan , JerrySheridan , , Romolu , Much Ado ,
Ike Wilkes and Arena also starled.
Second race , 2:12 : class , pacing : Clay-
hostas won. the third , fourth and fifth heats
In 2:15i,4 : , 2:12Mi : , 2:13i. : Ed Easton won the
second "in 2:12V4 : , nnd Lucille H the first in
2:12 : % . No other startprs.
Roberl J was sent to beat his record of
2:05 : % , and went them ile in 2:0 : Vl. Fantasy
wont against her record of 2OS',4 ! and made
it in 2:07Vi. :
J.unni T. Won u Hot Knee.
HOLTON , Kan. , Aug. 10 , The principal
event today wns Ihe free-for-all pace , which
Laura T won in three slralght heats ,
thougli not without being hard pushed.
Time : 2lHi. : 2:11 , 2:1114. : Fred 1C Juliette.
Dandy O , Otto W , John Carpenter and
Rose Bnugh ale started.
2:32 trot : . Greevr won first , second nnd
fifth heats nnd race. Time : 2:23 : % , 2:23V4. :
2:26V4. Alice Russe won third and fourth
heats : Time : 2:2CVS. : " 2:26U. : Darkle , Amor-
lean Councl and Red "VVIng also started.
Dr .Gates and Falsetto distanced.
Third race , 2:20 pace : Maggie Ahnont
won second .third nnd fourth heats and
race. Timo:2:20',4 : : , 2:2oy. : , 2:21. Tom Mc
Gregor won llrst heat. Time : 2:18V4. : John
C , Pauline H , Importer nnd Barbara Riddle
also ran. Aurellun distanced.
2:23 : trol : Rose won In three stralghl
linal ; t. Time : 2:22 : , 2:2fi : , 2:21',4. : Aramonll
Oneta , Pilgrim and NoboUy'c Claim also
2:35 : pace , ( unfinished ) : Tom Ogden won
first heat in 2:21',4. : Ulllle the Twister second
end In 2:211/i. Ella C , McAndre and Grace
C also starled.
Dusty Tniek nt Kflgnr.
EDGAR. Neb. , Aiipr. lC.-Special ( Tele
gram to The Bee.There was some great
racing on the Edgar track today. The
track was Ihree or four seconds slow on ac
count of the dust , but the 2,000 people who
wonl out to the park snw contests that set
the average crank wild with excitement.
Two unfortunate circumstances marred Iho
sport. In the 2-year-old pace , Bessie
Wllkes , owned by M. C. Keith , North
Platle , nnd Nellie F , owned by J. Flnnny ,
Omaha , Ihe fnvorllcs , were bolh distanced ,
Ihe former by making a bad break on Hie
back streteli nnd the hitler by falling on
Ihe- upper lurn , throwing her driver. Hnd
It not been for this , very fast time would
have been made in the race. In Ihe un
finished running race of yeslerday. Moon
light won , York second , Nellie F third.
Summaries :
2:30 : trot : *
Countess , . , C 41151
Hob Swlgort . . . . .1 22212
Neddie E , , 2 14543
Dinah 2 334 3dls
Defending ' 4 553 2dls
Time : 2:2014 : , 2:20 : , 2:28 : , 2:28 , 2:31',4. : 2:27. :
2-year-old pace :
Billy Pierce . . . . - . 4 42211
Rosoy Follelle : . . . , 2 2122
Llms 4 U 3 3 3
Bessie Wilkes.- . . . . . Idis
Minnie Houck 3 Idis
Nell Carterey u..i Sdls
AVnpsy C . . . .irviiwr. . dls
Nelly . dls
F r./ .
Time : 2:3C4 : ! , 2:3 : ? $ , 2:3715. : 2:35 : , 2:39 : ,
3-year-old Irot : '
BcaUly KMr'r 1 1 1
Secure ' 2 2 2
Xelllter ? , . ? : . " . 5 3 3
Clna. B ft'nV.I. ' . 3 4 4
Lady Arlington U.I'.L G 5 5
Last Chance i.k.w 7 S G
Arlus , . ; , . . „ ) , . . . , . . . . , 4 6dr
Bonnie Elowels. 8 7dls
Time : 2:38Vfc : , 2.142:10 : $ : ,
A line rain fellfthw evening , which will
put the track lrt rfxcollent shape for the
racing lomorrowjl wlifen the best events of
the meeting conviff , | )
AVUncr WuntH Another Show.
WISNER. Neiy..1J\ug. ' \ ! G.-SpccIal Telegram -
gram to The lil'e.'j.A ' largo crowd from
here was nttracle , ) ] lq , Wvst Point today to
witness the gameof l > ano hall between the
nine of thai cltx < > an.d the Wlsner team ,
who have vanquMiea lie clubs of all neigh
boring towns Ihia iu , on. The match re
sulted In one of Uit 'most Interesting games
ever witnessed In Cumlng county , and al
though the Wlsner , club , was defeated by a
score of 7 to 2. It1 Is duo to the Wlsner
nine lo state that tno opposing nine In
cluded two players from Omaha , Crawford
and Jefferlcs , who were Introduced as
Piper and Qrenler ot Oakland , The Winner
nine stands ready to meet any West Point
nine at any time for $ ly < W or less. '
l.iiy It on thu Umpire.
YORK , Neb. , Aug. lfl.-(8peclal ( Telegram
to The Hue. ) Hamp n and Utlca met ut
York today nnd Hampton wns defeated by
a score of 8 to 3 In favor of the umpire.
Hampton outplayed them at every stagu of
the game , but the umpire favored Ullca In'
every decision. Carre , Iho short slot ) for
Hninpton , made Ihe slur play of the game ,
jumping al lenal fifty-five feet In the air
and catching a hot liner , and making a
double pluy to tlmt. Score :
Hampton , v. . . , I 0 S
Utlca 0-9
Batteries : Hampton. Kambrlnk and
Klumbj Utlca , Rlgan and Barber.
Trial of Snllinr Ability In Which tlio
Eritishors linhhd Fiist ,
Vigilant Tlilnt nt tlin 1'lnUli lull Mio Simla
n ( Jiilliint WglitIlli llrltaiinlii
Lulling .Mutch In tlio
1'lrnl Iliilf.
HYDB , Isle of Wlfilil , AUK. 1C. To the de
light of tlio here-assembled ynclitstncn a
fairly strong westerly breeze wan blowing to-
tiny , llio tlilril Jay of llio regalia of the
Iloynl Victoria Yncht club. Tlio chief race
on tlio program was the Town cup , valued at
tnOO , to be competed for by all yachts over
tO-ratlng. Tlio three yachls. Vigilant , llrl-
tannin and Sntanlla , were entered.
Tlio course today was that of theKoyal
Victoria Yacht club , known us the "long
course 'round tlio Nab. " It was from nn
Imaginary line drawn between Uyilo pier
and a mark boat off that point , eastward toNe
No Man Fort light , leaving It to starboard ;
from there past tlio Warner light , leaving It
to port , and around the Nab lights , leaving
them to port. From the Nub the course was
westward to and around a marU boat ofT thu
Spit Fort light , passing Horj > e Fort light to
the south. From this point thu course was
eastward to a mark boat off the west middle
buoy opposite Cowcs. The west middle mark-
boat was left to port mid then the yachts
returned eastward to the finish line olT Uydo
pier and the lloyul Victoria Yacht club house
adjoining It. Twice around this course com
pletes the total distance of fifty miles.
In tlio day's event Vigilant allowed Satan-
Ita forty-two seconds and llrltutuila two min
utes nine seconds.
As the gun was fired to tend the boats
eastward on their course Vigilant was pointIng -
Ing straight for the line. Sslanlta and Bri
tannia , though nearest of tlio line , wcro
pointing southward and therefore lost way
In having to gibe. The times of the yachts
at starting were : Satanlta , 10:00:01 : : ; llrltan-
nla , 10:00:07 : : ; Vigilant , 10:00:09. : :
Although Vigilant crossed the line last she
had greater way on her owing to tlio fact
that she was not compelled to gibe for the
line and she soon overhauled her opponents
and took the lead when they wore about n
quarter of a mile out. Satunita , on the other
hand , fell Into third position nnd people bn-
gan to think that the American yacht was
going to administer a sound drubbing to the
two nrltishers.
All three yachts were carrying club top
sails , jibs and jib topsails , and the force of
the wind , to the delight of all spectators ,
sent them reeling over until tirlr rails were
partly submerged as they tore along , dash
ing tlio spray aside and leaving a churned
streak of whlto water glistening behind
As a result of yesterday's gnle n choppy
sea was running through the Solent ; but
this only served to make things livelier
and to make the racers show tlielr bottoms
prettily as they surged over the green roll rs
in grand style , to plunge superbly forward
urder the pressure of their clouds of snow-
white canvas. The race horses wen- strain
ing every nervu to outfoot each other.
The three yachts at first made a board
toward the opposite shore. Vigilant lulling
up In order to prevent Britannia , which
had the > weather position , from getting
ahead. Vigilant pressed hard on the Bri-
tarnla's lee and some fine jockeying took
place between them. Dut whil-- these duels
In seamanship were taking place Antanltn ,
most cleverly handled , took advantage of
the hiding tactics to head straightaway for
the Nab , and to these lights she mnd > a
bee line , ripping along at u splendid rate ,
gaining rapidly on her opponents as she
made her way out to sen.
The commanders of Vigilant and Brltan-
-nla were soon obliged , owing to Satan-
Ita's surge ahead , to point out to sea
and abandon their Inning mutch. Britannia
"then' crossed under Vlgllant's lee , show
ing that the Yankee yacht had the vorat of
It In the lufilng duels. Nenrlng the Nab
the positions of tha yachts were : Satanlta
first , Drltannla second nnd Vigilant third.
Spinnakers were spresd to the breeze as
the throe yachts with the wind hauled
slightly northward ran Dor Nab lights.
From the Nab lights it was a reach west
ward and northward to the next bojt mark.
The Vigilant drew out after passing the
spit and before two miles more had been
covered was over a quarter of a mile ahead.
Dy this time the wind was freshening and
favored Satanlta , en'abllng that yacht to
pull ahead , and she soon afterwards ap
peared to bo Increasing the gap which she
had placed between herself and her competi
tors and passing Hyde , opposite Cowes , Mr.
Clark's yacht appeared to be about a mile
'About a scora -10-rater yachts and 20-
raters were "ontesting in the other races of
the day and all were going at a tremendcus
pace , every sail filled to the utmost , caus
ing much excitement and great enthusiasm
among the thousands of people gathered at
Uie higher heads and upon the esplanades
watching the yachts race by. As they
crossed the line nt the head of the first
round Satanlta's lead was six minutes and
thirty-three seconds on Vigilant , and on
Britannia six minutes nnd forty seconds.
At the Nab llgnt on the second round
both Britannia and Vigilant had crept up
on the Satnnlta , but the princeof Wales'
cutter had taken second place. Satanlta
at the lights led Britannia by four minutes
and thirty-five seconds and was four minutes
and fifty-five seconds ahead of Vigilant.
Satanlta won , Drltannla second nnd
Vigilant third.
In the short run from the Spit to the
opposite Hyde , both Vigilant nnd Hrltnnnln
pulled up on the leader , the American yacht
reducing the gap to three mlmitos thirty seconds
ends , while the Britannia was four minutes
forty-eight seconds behind the Satanlta.
At the Spit forkboat mark Satanlta had a
lead of six minutes thirty-eight seconds on
Britannia and eight minutes forty-eight seconds
ends on Vigilant. Britannia got a good
breeze coming up from the Spit and rapidly
Times of the yachts nt the finish : Satan
lta , 3i3C:39 : ; Britannia , 3:42:23 : : ; Vigilant ,
3:43SO. : :
Satanlta consequently beat Britannia by
five minutes forty-four seconds and defeated
Vigilant by seven minutes eleven seconds ,
while the Britannia wns ono minute twenty-
seven seconds ahead of the American yacht
at the finish , all three times being without
counting the tima allowance.
UYDI3 , Aug 1C. It Is announced the match
between the Vigilant and the Britannia will
surely bo sailed Saturday next.
.Mlhviinkei ! Mini < ; < > tx u Clulm on the Intrr-
iiiitlonul Llvn liinl Trophy ,
DETROIT , Aug. IG.-nichnrd Merrll of
Milwaukee won the International champion
ship medal In the twenty-five live bird
shoot nt Oca Chreo Shoslui today. It waa
sensational contest , nnd was won on n
splendid record. Merrll nnd John Parker ,
the manager of the tournament , were tied
on complete scores at the close of the
event , nnd shot a ten-bird race to decide It.
Merrll buroly beat , his opjioncnl missing
but ono. The medal must be worn three
times for permanent ownership. King of
Plllsburg uml Helkes of Chicago , both of
whom were In today's contest , have each
won the medal once. John Parker , Jake
Klelncmon and Will Itemluk won the team
race for Detroit nnd vicinity. There were
ulso several minor target and live bird
events today.
Hullln Minimum * Hold ,
ROCHESTER. N. V. , Aug. 16.-Salllo
Simmons , the 4-year-old who swept the
Held In the 2:21 : class yesterday , In'straight
heats , was weld Just before the races today
to El ( Decernnsa , a Now York dealer , who
purchased licr for a wealthy metropolitan
horse fancier. Tlio price U said to have
been J7.500. Shu won her races at both
Cleveland and Iluffulo , and Is one of the
most promising mares that have been raced
this seuBon. She was turned over to George
Btarr , who will train nnd drive her through
the rest of her engagements.
1 , M. C. < \ . < lly Tiniriiiiiiiriit ,
The Y. M. C , A. tennis tournament was
begun last evening under favorable
auspices , although , much to the regret of
every one , Ciilllnirlmm could not i > luy. AH
If to counterbalance this misfortune C.
Young , who had been uway from towjjjf
entered at the last moment The play wns
spirited mi the whole , especially In the
match between Battln ami Itiuikell , who
each won one net. The tournament will
continue tomorrow night and the ilnala will
be played Saturday afternoon and evening.
Full scores of the llrst two days' play will
be published In Saturday' ) ) papers ,
Wcilrrn llnr. < c * \\ln tlio Chief F.tpnt * at
Suriiliigii In llolloir My In ,
SARATOGA , N. Y. , Aug. 16-Thc two
principal events carded for today , the
Hunker's stakes and the Albany stakes , not
only proved of little account from a bul
ling point of view , but they were of small
Interest even to the spectators. Clifford
won the Albany slakes and negotiated llio
distance of six furlongs tinder u pull In
llMi. ! the fastest time made al this meet-
Ing. Faraday , another woslern horse , car
rying top weight , won the handicap at a
mile ami a furlong. Hcsulls :
First race , live nnd a half furlongs : Relic
(8 ( lo fl ) won , Hollywood i7 to 2) ) second ,
Pnorga (3 ( to 1) ) third Time : 1:03. :
Second race , mile nnd u furlong : Farndny
(6 lo 2) ) won , Victorious ( ti to 1) ) second ,
Lehman (8 ( lo ft ) third. Time : lifBtt.
Thin ! nice , llxe furlongs : Franklin (7 ( to
10) ) won , Poearoon (7 ( to C ) second , Flash
(2.T to 1) third. Tlmo : 1:0211. :
Fourth race , six furlongs : Clifford ( I to
C ) won , Appomnttox (20 ( to 1) ) second , Maid
Marian ( R to 1) third. Time : 1:13'J. :
Flflh race , live furlongs : Ixjrd Harry (15 (
lo 1) ) won , Wernurg (7 ( to 6) ) kecoml , dial-
nnooga ( fi lo 1) llilrd. Time : IsOl-li.
Sixth race , seven furlong * : Hawthorne
(8 ( to 1) ) won , The Iron Mauler (1 ( to 2) ) second
end , Miss Dixie ( I to 1) ) third. Time : 1:29H. :
IIiiiikliiHiiii'.t Program.
HARLEM , Aug. IG.-Flrst race , six fur
longs : Alto June won , Florence Dickey second
end , Danton third. Time : lIMf. :
Second race , six furlongs : Monterey won ,
Installator second , Rasher third. Time :
1:22 < .
Third race , one mile nnd twenty yards :
Chliiwrll won , Woolsoy second , Pennyroyal
Ihlrd. Time : 1:421 : * .
Fourth race , one mile : Oakwood won ,
Ida Pickwick fecund , Senator Irby third.
Time : l:3J : i.
Fifth race , live furlongs : Tula won ,
Dora Wood second , Lily of the West third.
Time : 1 : 1 < 4.
Sixth race , mile and twenty yards : Elmer
F won , Lcvena C second , Mountain Quail
third. Time : 1:1314. :
Oiilroinn nt Miuliion.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 1C. Madison results :
First race , live furlongs : La Hue won ,
Silent second , Oreenb.iy third. Time :
l:13'/j. : '
Second race , four nnd a half furlongs :
Ike S won , Susie Pcnnlngton second , Tube-
ro < e third. Time : Qf : > 9t& .
Third race , nix nnd n half furlongs : Miss
Nannie won , Volons second , Oliver Twist
tblnl. Time : lLTi. :
Fourth race , four and a half furlongs :
Northwestern won , Young Lottery second ,
Courtney third. Time : 0.7 : .
Fifth race , seven furlongs : Sehuylklll
won , Itallardlne second , Inferno third.
Time : 1:31. : _
President Jim Mart Hung * Onto Ills Cy
clone , 1ml .May Mietl Ablii-y.
President Dave Howe didn't say a thing
about President Jim Hart yesterday , but
he thought u heap. President Hart wired
President Howe yesterday morning that
Willie Hilly McGlll'B mother was afraid to
trust her son FO for out west as Omaha ,
fearing the Indians might eat him , so the
dear llltlo boy could not come. Dut Abbey
was offered Instead , nnd President Dave
wired President Jim ( collect ! to send
Pitcher Abbey by the flrtjt train. Pres
ident Jim hod not replied at midnight , nnd
fo President Dave doesn't know If he will
tret Abbey. If Abbey coin's he will pitch
In tomorrow's game , but he will not be an
nounced till he Is In town. M.r Howe ro-
grelled very much that he had announced
McGlll , but ho did It on the strength of a
telegram received Wednesday night from
President Hart to the ffcct that McGlll
was on his way. Today the Qulneys will
be here. It Is not the uame outfit that
Oinnhn howled over so ensy last time on
the Charlcii Street park , Init a team that
will make the livelezt of 'em hustle. Paddy
Hoyle and Jack Munyun are both with the
team , and me playing good ball. A hot
wrestle may be looked for , no mailer who
wins. The learns :
Omaha. Position. Qulncy.
MoVey First .1 Somcrx
Hutchison Second Johnson
Ulrlcb Third Mangan
Langsfonl Short Uoylu
Pedroes , Left lohiison
Beery Middle i..McVey
Fear Hlght Munyun
Moran Catch Tlolnnd
Whltelilll Pitch McDougal
Y , M. C. A. < iiinin Tomorrow.
The second team of the Y. M. C. A. will
cross bats wllh Ihe Originals next Silurday
afternoon , nnd a vigorous game may be
anticipated. The Y. II. C. A. boys are very
sure that they have not got n "walk
away , " but are determined to put up a
peed game. As usual the game will be
free to members of the association and to
Staiiwooil Two I'uyH Ahead.
ROCHESTER , N. Y. , Aug. 1G.-F. H.
Btanwood , who is riding a bike from Chicago
cage to New York , reached Hocheslcr at
12:15 : this afternoon and left at 2 o'clock.
He Is two day's nhead of the record. The
record made by Wylle last year wns ten
days , four hours , twenty-nine seconds.
Simihty 'ilium lit ( oluiiiliiH.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Aug. 10.-Special ( to
The Bee. ) The Columbus Dase Hall club
Is making preparations for the league game
lo be played here Sunday next. Instead of
nt Lincoln , between Lincoln and Jackson
ville. Excursion trains will bo run over the
branch roads for the occasion.
It.-K. Company Won.
Yesterday the ICilpatrick-Koch Dry Goo s
company learn defeated the N. U. Falconers
by a score of G to 4.
i/tA i'i\aio.\fi.
Vistorani of tlin Lutn War Iti-niMinbored by
the ( irneriit ( iovoriinipiil.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 16. ( Special to The
Hee , ) Pensions granted. Issue of August 4 ,
were : Nebraska : Original Wesley F. Camp
bell , Garlled , Lincoln ; John G. F. Cannon ,
Franklin , Franklin. Increase Harrison El
liott , . Omaha , Douglas ; Elbert M. Walls ,
Grand Island , Hull. Helssue Charles W.
llllnes , La Platle , S.irpy.
Iowa : Original J.imes L. Allen , Towa
Clly , Johnson ; Phlneas S. Towle , Clinton ,
Clinton. lU'lssue John N. Scott , Slater ,
Story ; Joseph Coats , Newton , Allnmakce.
Original widows , etc.-Mary Kirk , Hock-
well , Corro Gordo ; Mary Smllh , mother ,
Davis Clly , Decatur.
South Dakota : Original Peter H. A.
Kelly , SturglH , Mende ; George nines , Seneca ,
Colorado : Original Hlchard Jones , Lnng-
tnore , Houlder. Itclmie Jose du Jesus
Marlines. Del Norle , Hlo Grande.
Issue of August 3 : Nebraska : Original
Wlllam II. .Vorce , deceased. Wllsonvllle ,
Furnas. Helssue Charles J. Jcnner. Scotia ,
Greeley. Original widows , etc. Cyrcna
Vorce , Wllsonvllle , Furnas. Mexican war
widows Mury J3. Mangold , Omaha ,
. Iowa : Original Aurand Aurans , Clarion ,
Wright ; Anthony Dalley , Shelllelil , Frank
lin ; Thomas Welch , Dubuque , Dubnque ;
Jiyron Cone , Marlon , Linn ; Corydon Peck ,
AVInfield , Henry. Original widows , etc.
Deborah Devlne , Dillon , Marshall.
South Dakota : Original George nines ,
Seneca , Faulk.
Colorado : Original Jose Frnnclsco Sand-
oval , Agnllnr , Las Animus. Increase
Uenjamln F. Hafferly , Callln Otero.
Alovumciitx of KfMigolng Vessels Angtiftl Id.
At Southampton Arrived Fucrst Bis
marck , from New York.
At Hamburg Arrived Persia , from New
At San FrancUco Departed City of Pekln ,
for Yokohama and Hong Kong.
At New York Arrived Workendam , from
At Brlslol Arrived Mohican , from Now
At Liverpool Arrived Voondam , from
New York , via Bologno ; Soulhwark , from
At Philadelphia Arrived Cartliagcnlan ,
from Olangow.
At New York Arrived Hlchmond ' Hill ,
from London.
Cuuio of I'lrn Iliilinntrn.
At 2 o'clock this morning flro broke out
In the twolory frame flat at Slxtcenlh nnd
Wlrt streets owned , by P. T. Oaylord. One
of the store rooms \ta occupied by Joseph
Taylor , a taller , and ho lost alnut $800. The
loss on the building will amount to ( 00.
Cause unknown.
Klwto On trill Coiiiinlttnti.
There will bo a meeting of Ilia republican
otate central committed Tuesdiy , Auguiil 21 ,
at 8 p. m. , at the Mlllard hotel , Omaha. A
full attendance la deeded.
Bontrico Euslncsa Mon Entertxhi n Numbar
of Vhltsrs to tlmt City ,
Two Hundred an KiglityKlght ( Input * Hit
Douuliiati Khihoniln lloinii-drovru
Kprrail at HIM PaildocU
Hotel ,
BEATRICE. Aug. 10. ( Special Telegram to
The Bee. ) The homo Industry bnmiuct given
at thu Paddock hold In Ihls city this even
ing Was a brilliant success. Two hundred
nnd eighty-eight guests had seats nt Iho
tables nil were served a most toothsome repast -
past , composed chlelly ot articles of food /
cither grown or manufactured In Iho st.ito |
of Nebraska. The menu was nn clabornta §
affair , conlulnlng articles prepared by fac- ' ' : |
lories al Omaha , Lincoln , Healrlce , Ne
braska City. Crete. Fitllerton. Avoca. O'Neill ,
Grand Island and Plattsmoulh. The parllcl-
pants , principally bualncss men of Beatrice ,
ccrlalnly wore nol n lltllo surprised nt Ilia
revelations as lo the resources of their own
stale brought about In this manner. After
nil hud MtlBllcd the Inner man nnd cigars '
manufactured from Nebraska-grown lolmcco t
had been passed. Mayor M. E. Schultr. deliv
ered a neat address of welcome , compliment-
lug Ihe Manufuclurers nnd Consumers asso
ciation upon tlio success of Iho occasion , giv
ing especial cr dlt to Secretary 0. C. Holmes
and A. It , Dempster for the happy termina
tion of Ihe event that has been so anxiously
looked forward to by local business men.
Tli ? mayor's address was followed by a rc-
spanso upon Iho part of the association by
Secretary Holmes. Then came toasts and
responses. Hon. S. J. Alexander of Lincoln
performed the arduous duties of tontsmaslcr ,
In a hnppy manner. The tossts and ro'p'nns
were : "Nebraska Raw Products , "
lion. John M. Thurnlon ; "Healrlce ns n Man- fl
ufitcliirlng City , " Colonel W. II. Edgar ;
"The Press , " S. S. Peters ; "Nebraska , Her >
Past and Future , " lion. It. S. Bibb. '
The toasla wcro followed by short Im
promptu speeches by different members of the
association. While nil the talkers acquitted
IhniBclves creditably , Ihe speech of the evenIng -
Ing and Hie one bringing oul the most en
thusiastic applause was that of Hon. John M ,
Thurston. No event has ever occurred In
Beatrice t'ml ' has awakened so lively an In
terest as has Ihls banquet , and Us cffecls In
the. way of Interest In Ncbr.iEka manufac-
lurcs will be lasting and far reaching.
Ono of Slirllon'n Wealthy Mc-n MurlH ail
ip : < n'li III Ills NHrnlil ; : Life.
SIIELTON , Neb. , Aug. 1C. ( Special Tele
gram to Tile lice. ) George Melsncr , ono of
Shrlton's wealthy stockmen anil capitalists ,
has for the lasl year and a half been creel
ing n large nnd hnndsomo residence on his
farm , one mile north of this place , nt n cost
of about $35,000. The residence Is lighted
with gas from ground lo alllc , and
also heat'd by steam all over Iho building.
It Is suld to be the most costly In Ne
braska west of Omaha. Mr. Melsner lu
spared neither time nor money on the build
ing. It Is of Colorado red stone. The buildIng -
Ing Is now completed nnd Mr. Melsner Is
giving a grand house warming banquet today
and tonight. Fully 500 people enjoyed thein-
helves boal riding on the lake near town dur
ing the afternoon and at 0 o'clock every ono
partook of a magnificent supper nnd refresh
ments of all kinds , served at the house. When
supper had been served lo all , dancing was
the order. Mr. Melsner has been a resident
of Shclton for twenty-five years and has
been occupied most of this llmo In stock
feeding and raising. lie Is president of the
First National bank of Shclton nnd owns
large tracls of farm lands nnd n large amount
of ully property In this place.
l'rpnu > iit NetvH Note * .
FREMONT , Aug. 10. ( Special to The Bee. )
The blcyclo thieves have opened up busi
ness hi this city and have mndo n vigorous
start. Two wheels were token from the
sides of buildings , where their owners have
bjcn In Ihe hihlt of leaving them for weeks
past , absut 10 o'clock yesterday morning ,
and last evening another was stolen from
the walk on Fifth strcel while llio owner
was taking a lunoh , nnd was not awry from
Jt more than five minutes. These wcro
all first-class wheels and nearly new , and
taken from the prlnclp-1 streets before tlio
eyes of tnnny people , bul done lee boldly
to cxclto susploon or cause comment fr'in
the lookers on. A psso of whcelnipn , In
cluding two policemen , scoured the sur
rounding country yesterday , but found no
trace of either wheels cr llileves.
"Billy" Collins look possession of llio
New York IKUSC yesterday.
A heavy wind and llmmlor storm passed
over here aboul midnight hist night , doing
no damage , end dropping n very light
N. Fodrca , stnlc Inspector of counly treas
urers , has completed Ihe examination of
Treasurer Nelson's books nnd pronounces
them cornet nnd In good condition.
The ixerclscs at the Clinutaiiipii grounds lo-
day are about the simo us yesterday , with
the exception of llio absence of many con
spicuous collcglnles , who lefl aflcr HIP close
of college day. The attendance Is n lltllo
shorl of expectation.
Venzel Dufok has filed n petition In llio
dlslricl courl for a divorce from his wife ,
Bnrbara Dufck , charging her with cruelty
nnd even nssaultlng him wllh a stick of
John MncColl of Lexington was In Fremont
Superintendent Collins will hold Die regular
monthly examination for tcachera' cerUdc'ites
at the court house tomorrow.
E. H. Morris , whom It was feared wns a
victim of the Hock Island wreck , nrrlvrd
homo last evening. After leaving home he
decided lo change his route and wenl nor % > .
The flrsl ho knew of the uneasiness about
him he Itanioil from The lice nnd at once
hurried home. .x-
Old Sitlllcrx Meet.
STUAIIT , Neb. , Aug. 1C. ( Special to The
Hee. ) An old settlers' nnd soldiers' p cnlo
lusting two dnys closed with a ball nl the
opera house last night. There was a good
program , consisting of fcpcakjng and sports
for each day. There was n largo turnout
yesterday to hcnr the address of T. V. ( lililp.n
of O'Neill up-1 ! ) llm hubji-ct of "Irrlgnllon , "
wh'ch ' hnd been previously ( iinoiiiipnl In
the program of the exerclFen. An open
air address wan delivered by J. P. Mann of
O'Neill upon n street corner laat ingiil upon
the Kiimu subject and Ihe prflpublllnn of nn
eastern syndlcato te run : \ c.nal from tlio
Nlobrara river through Cherry. Brown. It ck
and Iho northern portion of this county.
Inasmuch as n proposition lo vole honJi
to aid this enterprise w.ll s.on bo sub
milled , t * deep Intorctt in being awakened
A permanent old settle 1 association will
bo organized h-re and the meeting will bu
hold annually. _ _ _ _
Tcnimsrli ICiiterliiliiliuYi runs.
TKCUMSI3II , Neb. , Aug. 10.-Special ( Tel"
gram to The Deo. ) This wu the blggrht day
of the reunion , fully 12,000 people bolus In
attendance. The morning wns spent In roll
call by elates to enable veterans -f KMIIO
states to meet , followed by a big sham battle
under charge of Captain ( ! , 0. Adams All
kinds of sports were Iniroduncd. The speak
ers loilny were ex-Governor Thay. r , Ll"ii-
tenant Governor Majors and Col'ncl Henry
Dnrun. Tonight two camp fires wfro held ,
Judge S. I ) . Davis of Wllber , Mnjora , ex-
Commander II. C. Unwell nnd Captain
Whltumoro speaking at onn nnd ex-Dotrrnor
Thayer , Governor Crounso. Colonel II"iiry
Dnrnn of Falrbury , Colonel Ilosa of Wllber ,
U. E. Doran of Lincoln and CoUnel Cat bin of
Tecumseh at the oilier. T-morrow U ihu
last day , nnd a big program has been pre
pared. _ _ _ _ . - _ _ _
I'ollilor fr I'lslirriiirn ,
niJCATUU. Nob. , Aug. 1C. ( Sprclul leThe
The Bee. ) O'ltourko' lake , three miles south
of here , U fait becoming the most popular
fishing and plcnmiro retort of the central
nortliweat. The fish are plenty and of a
variety. Judge Abbott of Pender was over
recently and caught something over 300 with
n hook and line In less than u week.
The Epwortli luaguo of Lyons , numUrlng
ubout thirty , spent a week nt the lake and
caught a large quantity of flali.