THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , AUGUST 10 , Ig91. They read these little ads before they know it A LITTL , & AZ ) . don > i cost you much of anything $52.5O a line a month nnd it helps wonderfully Be careful , now , or you'll be reading some of these little ads. If you do , won't some one else ? Our ad. men can write those ads. to do you good. Drop us a postal , or tele phone 238. SPEGIRL NOTICES , Advertisements for these columns will tic tnken until 12:30 : p. m. for the ovncnlnic an > l unlit 8:00 : p. m. for the mornlnK nml Bundny editions. Advertisers by rcimestlnff n number check , can hnvc ntmvera addressed to n numbered IcttiT in cnro of Tlio Hep. Answers to nddreiued will bo delivered upon iircst-ntotlon of UK * cliecK. Rates. IHc n woiil Hrst Insertion , le n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 25c for first Insertion. . . These mlvortlsemenU must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED , I1Y YOUNO IAIY. POSITION A3 ntonoKrapher : twu yeais' expcrlcnei- ; recently with wholesale house ; city reference. Address T 31. Hoe. A 2li U * AVANTr.I ) , POSITION AS TUAVKMN'fl SAI.KS- wlh | reliable house ; wilarv tf > nlijoit , will travel on commission. Address T 41. 11 WANTED MALE HELP. BOMCITOIIS. THAMB KUUIIDjINSTAI.I.XinNT goods American Wringer Co. , IBl'J Howard. II COt BAI.USMKN ( IJNKUClirriO-WANT MHN OF peed address on Hillary for retail iMilo. Apply , 1S1 DoUKlii.- . . li-Mlta S3 _ _ _ "WANTip. HAIiS.MIJN : 1'OH I'lNU CIDIIUS anil clKursj salary J100.UO u month nnd ex- 1 pensea p.ild. Addict * Cnllfoinla C del , Chleni'o , III. 1I-M22I 1C' W ANTED FEM ALE HELP. LA Dins WANTING FIHST-OI.A88 QIRf.S , npply Scandinavian Y. L , Uoinn f\i hnnitc. : o3 N. ICth , C MSlii 1'J * VANTIID , A IjAOY OV DUSINfCSS TACT AS iis lHtant saleslady , good pa > , peimancnt po sition. Adiln-sH T 35 , live. C lKS-15 _ WANTCD , ] 3xi > iiiuNf'iD : aiiii. KOU OIJN- crnl hoUBUwork ; n\f \ > ur.mprtent nur.-ic Klrl. Mm. C. I. . IJcuel. WJI Dout'lai mrm-t. C AUJ8 Id * outij FOII anNKUAij iiottsnwoiiK. uii''iu- : , 1'iuvH reiulied. Jlrs. It. W. lliutKenrldic , 1210 B. 30th live. C 3H115 * UJss CUTTINO A NO Ktn- nlsh ono of tin * best systi'nm In the world. Any latly can become her o\\n tlii-ss niaKet * Ui a f w hnuiH for | | I.OA. Offer for ten days only. * Irn. Kerns , 172J Cass st. C 3)1 21 * FOB RENT HOUSES. TENTS. FOK ItnNT. 1311 FAnNAJI ST. D-G63 VKIIY FINU 7-UOOM COTTAUE AT lin- duced price ; call at once. Fidelity Truat Com pany , 1702 I'arnum stroet. _ D CCI WANTlOD-GOOl ) MnUlUM I'UICED HOUSES. List your houaca for rent with Anita. P-C6S _ HOUSES. V. K. DAULINO , ItAISKKIl IILOCK. U-CC6 HOUSES IN AI.I 1'AIITS OF THH CITV. TUB O. P. Dnvla company , 1503 Farnim. D CiiT HKNTAL AOnNCV , DOT DIlO\VN"5hOCK. -CiiJ-A17 _ _ KELKENNY & CO. , It. 1 , CONTINENTAL UUC U U70 FINE 7-UOOM COItNnit rr.AT AT 701 S. ICTH street ; range and all other cutucnlfiitca. Qcorgo Clouser , room S lC23Fainnm _ Hired. D 300 Von JIKNT TF SOMIJ "onNTi.KMAN AND his wife would like to rent a desirable modern ho'jso of nine runins In u choice locution , we have It. HuKKa & Hill. 1) 3U-A2i ) _ CALL AT OW1UK FOIt FU1.I , DUSC1 tll'TlON und photograph of Ihc&o IIOUKCH : 3223 1'iatt htuct , 4 looms , t&.UO. S..l.l Kewnnl htieet , 4 looms , ncu. $10. CO. 2IV1 llrlntnl stfeet , 7-room cotucu , everything In It , bound M suit , J25.00. Ono of the lineal 7-iooin hoiiac.i In city , 130. Fidelity Tiual Co. , 17th und rainam sts. FOR nBN'r MODCHN 6-HOOMCOTTAE ; call forenoons 1521 Sherman avenue. D MC3I FOR HIJN'K I.AUOI T T WO STO J I V lit' flTui'NG' c formerly used by the Murholt Tiunlc Factory. 2130 SewnrU st. D Tin nl roti HENT. MOST i > i:8utAiiL.i : iiouan , 2513 1'urnuin. It , C. 1'attciaon , Itamsx I'lutk. , 1 > XIM1 ron nnNT. DnsiiiAiu.r. n\vr.t.iiNas IN nil parts of city. E. 11. Shiafe. 3J l'.i\ton blk. D 337-SG 'B , 6 , 8 AND 10-llOOM 1IOHSKH. AI.I , MOD- crn , lawn nnd rh.iilo. Apply nt " 11 N. Y. I.lfo or 2121 Miami street. D .MISJ 5FiTn riinN /KiTi""Tu-ii6 N. 25Tit STUII'T : : : I larKQ rooms ; all modfin CDUVi'iilerKtis. ' U'lll rent either halt seimuitcly. Jidiu N. Ki.nzer , - Opp , 1' . O. IJ-M.-51 18 ' cTiboM coTTAcrn7"ioiniiN , sio se > . SOTII. 1612 CAPITOL AVENl'E. 210 N. ICTII. IN- quiie 2318 Cnpltnl nvenue. D aiO-U * JO-ROOM 1 ibi'SlsTMOlJERN CONVENIENCES , C21 S. 19th street. U 23J-IO * FOIl RENT , FLAT IN LINTON HLOCK. COH- lier of Maion , in4 llth mwm : 111 IIIH. In KOJ repair : f7.0i ) per month ; liuiuliu of John Hani' lln , 917. In blnek. D-M2W FOU RENT , ELEGANT 10-ROO.M HOUSE. 2003 Hurt st. I3 I 21 FOU RENT , FOfR ROOMS. FI1ST { M.OOR , newly papered , city water , i-mill jard. excel lent rooms f r winter. vei > ihmp , i ) , V ) per month. Rcfcicnco u > iulud. | 411 N 2M stieet. D M3 < w 16 * FOB BENT FUBN1SHE1J BOOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS , MODERN ; 8U1TAHLE for ono or tno. 1919 DodKu. E ii6. IS19 Dods i : n-17' NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL convelllcncua. l'll t-clu s bonltl. 211 No. ISlll atreet. E M27S SI * _ FURNISHED ROOMS. 620 SOUTH 1 ! > TH ST\ ItOOM FOIl LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING. 119 N 15th. E-M2M 17 WANTIITO : Lir ten rooms ; lll tnKo rent In lioard. Refer- tncos : icniilred. AddicuM 2 21 Callfoinla Ktleet. E M.'il 19 _ iiooMsT'rrjT"sbiTii ivni'lJT. E-MIS1 S 11' FURNISHED ROOM , HATH. JO. 1511 FARNAM. i : -ai-16 FUBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. YOUNO WOMEN'S HOMIl UNDER CAHE OP Women' * Christian umoclatlon. Ill S , ITtli at. F-C71 _ IIOOMS WITH HOARD UK CHICAGO ST. K MJ8-AM * rilONT AND HACK PARLOR. AI.SO BMM.L rojin : llrat-tUM bourd. 210j Doiislaii. F-.M24S li' _ _ _ VERY DliHTltAHlTE t'NFL'RNISlTED FltONT nnd tuck purlois , ulio fnrntshutl nxmia ; e ery. thliitf Ilr t-.l.l 4. 210 Mild 213 South tth ! itn-vt , K-M1J4 XJNFUBNIS1IEI ) BOOMS FOBjRENT " l'NFt'RNiaitrTr7'irUIHElW * , : , FOR HOUSE. krtplnv lo man and wifaj no children. IV ) No. 17th l , OS VOH RENT 5 I NFfltNISHEO HOOMB WITH ull convinlciK-c . J4J Hunivy Bt FOR BENT STOBES AND OFJ/ICES CORNER STORE , JDO.OO. 821 DOUGLAS. IN quire 922. I mV > 3 FOR RENT , ROOM , 6S UY 32. 2ND FLOOR OP my store , suitable for cloaks und Milts ; good light and elevator service. Mrs , J. Uenaon. 1-MJH9 FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY IIRICK HUILDI.N'U 916 I'nnuim street. The building has n ilrt- proof cement basement , complete ste. tn n ? lIng l- Ing ( Ixtuus , water on all lloord , gas , ( ! ! An- ply ut the olllco ot The Hoe. 1-11'j FOR ItT'NT. UEST STORE ROOM IN THE tlty nt 1512 Douglas stieet. 1 MI79 1S FOR RENT7 THE REST CORNER STORE mum In Schuyler , Neb. , formerly occupleil by E. L. True & Co. Apply to Schuyler Nailonal Hank. I M315 17 AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS. HOTIt SEXES. TO TAKE CON- trncts for reliable linn. 435 Paxton blk , Omaha. J-7I1-A30 * WANTED. AGENTS TO TAKE ORDERS UY sample at home or Inn el , expenses nnd good salary or oiimiil nlon lo right party. Samples sent on application. Address with stamp lx > ck' llox U ) , Now York City. WANTED , IMMEDIATELY. THREE CANVAS- ers. Omaha and e'nnnoll IIIuITi , worth t'i " 0 pei- lay. i'\t'eileneeil pnleimen onlj , sr mellilnir ne\v Immense rales. Cull 2707 Q street , South Omaha. J M2.I7 17 WANTED TO BENT. WANT TO LEASE FOR TERM OF YEARS- Tenement block or number of dwcllltm' * cen trally located. Address 1' . O. Iox Ji. K373A19 WANTED. ROOM AND HOARD rplt TWO IN or near Wubml Hill.- Address T 39 , H-e. K-300 15 * STOBAGE. BTORAGL' , WILLIAMS & CROS3.1214 HARNEY. M-C72 bTORAOE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. It. Wells , 1111 Furnam.M673 M-673 OM.VAN-ISTORAGE CO..1D02 FARNAM. Tcl.1559 M71 IIEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA. U. B. gov. bonded warehouse. Household good * Btorcd. Lowest rates. 1013-1015 Lca\unworth. M-713 WANTED TO BUY. UEST FOR TIE ( MONEY.H.VVA fA FRECKLES. N M367-A19 CASH FOR LUMBER IH'SINESS IN I.IVE town ; give full particulars. T 8. Hee olllcu. N M930 S7 * WANTED A FEW GOOD SECOND HAND bicycles , must be birsalni. Omaha. Illryclo Co , 3J.1 N. 16th street , N-2S3-17 GOOD YOUNG HORSE AND PHAETON. ROOM 6. Frenzer block , opposite postolllce.NM1S3 N-M1-S3 16 FOB SALE FUBNITUBE. PAYMENTS EASYJ YOU WON'T MISS YOUR money. IMVT pi Ices on furniture & household goods. Enterprise Ciedlt Co. , 61J-615 N. IClli st. O 675 FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETC FIN 13 SECOND HAND PHAETONS AND CAR- rlascs. A. J. Simpson's Repository , 1411 Djdije. P 5M-A24 2 TOP HUGOIESJ33 ft 05I.KAT1IEK TOP CAll- rlnco $63. Drummond Canlage Co. P Ml FOR SALE OU THADE-2 HOUSES WEKiH- Inir 1,000 Ibs. each. 0 und 7 year old. Fred Terry. 430 Itamse block. P 761 _ THE llESf LEATHER TOP 1UJOC.V IN OMAHA for S55.UO. Drummond , ISIh and Harney , _ _ P-6M FOIl SALE , A PINE nOADSTEIl. ADDUESS A. H. Spmr , Creaton , lon.i. P M2Ji 23' rou SALE'VEUY CHEAP. A KINE KAMILY hoi e. i.ithor fast , K'xnl ' liiuiv.s and bu gy. Iniiulie. ut city connHiolk-r'a ullk-o. P 270-19 SPAN Ol' * HOItSES SEVEN YEARS OLD , good hlnsl'- drivers , 190S Duvenpoit street. MIBCELJjANEOUS. ICE I'OlsALE ; CAN SHIP OVEIl ANY ItOAD out of Omiilia nnd Council Ulurfs. Lamoieaux Ilros . Sue So. 16th , Omaha. Q 332-A17 " ICE roil SALE IN CA LOTS. OILHUItT lllus. . Council I'llff9. ' | _ Q-M53.I-A2J cTlEAPEs V C1HC KEN AND ORNAMENTAL fe.'cn made. C. It. Lee , 9J1 Douglas. Q-774 _ HANK AND PLATTE VALLEY SAND KOIl milu. C. W. Hull Company , 20th & Izard Bti. Q-775 _ _ WAUON UJinilELLAS. SIMPSON , 1411 DODGE. Q-Sn-ASI _ KiNii iiioitornniiuED. iioitaii-e'OATED St. Her nn Hi puppies : all ellklbln to iCRlstintlon. . * . J. llut/ler , . ' 53' ) Maple itieet , Q IIS 16 * roll HAI.B , THE mU.MfI.AS KOn WELL Known pioiulel.iiy mmllclni's. favorably Icnonn In ( he , n.iuhwcst , with H le r hts to lilio nml > > el | iJi Nurth and S < , utli DaKnia , Ne. hia liii. Nnno but n spontDdo pirtes | need nmmir. Addiess 11. K. Smith Q M319 SIS MIQOEI/LAtfEOTTS. HAVE YOUR OLD CARPET WOVEN INTO lues. Binyina tue > repaired , 1521 Leavenworth. R MJI3 WANTED. 500 LOADS CINDERS AT ONCE , tnken fie" from prcmlsi-s. Apply to fruult KIUIHIIUonrtl of Public \Voilm , City Hall. R-M316 IS OLAIKVOYANTS. MltS. DR. U. WAIIREN. OLAlTtVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium ; 7th year ut 119 N. 16. S-67H MASSAGE. BATHS. ET(3. MME , LA RUE , 41 * BOOTH 15TH. T M991 S7 * MADAME RuTnso i JTI i , D loom 3. MnsaaKe. vn | ir , alcohol , steam , mil- phuilno and BI.M Laths. T M217 IS * IADAME HETtN.\Itb7 1U9 PEHSONA1 , . TUY HAVANA l-'UECKLES , A IOC SMOKE. UMMTAU _ _ { jMHUELLAS MADE. lufcOVKUKU AND 3Tc' pull i ? J. lOi South Blxtcenth ttifel. ij--lal ! oui- WITH vuu LADv vsr j. j. Muller's nuw lev cream parlors , 2303 Leaven * north street ; o cry thine U now , Includlnu th * liuliaini : . Tel. ION. Icu cieam Uelivvied. u- ; _ _ _ VIAVt HOME THEATML'NT Volt LADlEd. llualih book ur.d consultation free. A > Mresi or call Vlavl Co. , 3lu Uftt I'Mtr. ' Lady uticiiU.iiit. U < i'9 UNION HKAND-UENUINE WHOLE WHEAT Hour. Whcatrl New bicukfait food. Ntul Sc Conrad , Wholesale AEvnU. Omaha.UMS.MS' U-MS-.MS' n cnisi : . Wuteitoo cieamery. 1611 llmvanl ; tel. 1132. IT-MI HH _ _ _ _ WHOLE WHEAT IIREAD fHOM t'NHOUTED Hour at Imuiien 1 * Itunuey'f. 217 N. IGth t. U-21J-A13 _ _ BAMl/EL IH'RNS INVITES VO1' TO BEE HIS new dinner et at Jj.75. furmcrly 110.00. V-V)1 A2i PEKSONAIj. Continue . MA8AOE HATH8. MMB. POST , 3 ' , 'j B. 15TH. U-3M HALDUFP A pleasant and convenient place , 1UD F.rnam street. Paxton block ; 'phino til.U6S U-6S ? THE WOMAN'S 1IAKERY HL'PPI.IKS VA. rUty of choice Roods , benldrs rl\e kinds of tlie btst bread In market ; uliolehent bread n ifclaltv ; goads delivered ; telephonB (51. Mm. ( J. Sovlllc , mannecr , 1104 N. 34th St. U-533.A-M HTRAW HATS CLEANED , nESlFATED AND made new. 803 N. 20lh St , U 823-A-2J TAKE YOUR rillEND ; TINTYPES , 4 FOIl r.c. Pruelor. CK S. 16th strect. U MI34 MME. LA HOOK , MASSAfilT , 1600 LtUVEN- worth street , third llooor , fiont rooms u left. U-875 J ) ' WANTED. SITfATION 1IY EXPEIIIENOED pbslclin , noiilhrin N"brimUi preferred ; satis factory references furnished. Addn'si T 4" , Itee U-299 & ) _ LOVEltH 01I.MOOEN L. RAMSEY'S IIREAD ran now have same delivered by leaving order nl 517 N. Will st. . _ U 302 1S MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought , F , C. Chcsney , Kansas City. Mo , W 684 ANTHONY LOAN & TIll'ST CO. , 31S N.Y. LIFE limns ut low rates for choice security on Ne braska und Iowa farms or Omalia city property , MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM IN DOUOLAS. Improved nml unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. . 170J Fnrnam st. W CSS MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real cttnte. llrcnnnn. Love & Co. , Paxton Mk. W 699 ' .CANS WANTED. J. N. FRENJJEU. OPP. P.O W-763-i MONEY TO IXJAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms nt from 6 to 7 pey rsn1. Vf. U. MelKle , First National bank bullillr.s. W 69i MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORE , GOI N.Y.LIFE. W-5OTai OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. . IGTH AND DoiiBlai streets , loan money on city nnd farm property nl lowest rates of Interest. W 693 MONTY ToToAN ATTo\v7ST : "RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co , . IMS Farnam st. W-611 UNITE ! ) STATES MORTGAGE co. OF NEW Yoik. Capital > 2,000.000. Surplus JdM.O'lO. Sub mit choice leans to F. 8 , Pusey , agent , First National bank building. W 683 LOANS. E. H. SHEAFE , 432 PAXTON 11LK. W-OM-Sii MONEV TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATKH ON Improved nnd unimproved Omaha rent estate , 1 to C jcars. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnim. W 081 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Uicnnan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W-CS2 FIRST MORTaAOES HOUGHT ON DOUGLAS or Sari'V county farms. Reed & Sclby , 331 Hoaid ot Trade building. W SIS LOANS ON DOUGLAP OU PARPV COUNTY fauns. Write us. Jteed Ac Sclby , 331 Chamber of Commerce bldg. W SSI LOANS ON IMPROVED .1 UNIMPROVED CITY pioperty ; J3.000 , t upnniils , 6 to 7 nor cent ; no dclaja. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 13JO F.unam. W 637 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. J. II. HADDOCK , ROOM 427 RAMCIC HLOCK. X-692 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOi , horses , UQKUIISI , etc. , nt lowest rates In city , no remnxnl of Koods ; stilctly conflilentlnl ; you cun pay the loan off at any time or In uny amounts. amounts.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 30C South 16th sticet. X-695 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS MADE ON CHAT I'EL tecuritloa. Address P. O. ISox 70X 372-A19 SHOUT TIME LOANS. 432 PAXTON HLOCK. X957 S6 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- tuie , plano , horses..TIOIII. ; . or any kind of chattel security , at lowest po slble ratcn , which you can pay back nt any time , and In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . room 4. Wltlmell block. X-633 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PllOP- crty. Hurvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life building ing- . X-605 BUSINESS CHANCES. SMOKE HAVANA FRECKLES. A IOC CIGAR. Y M3C7 A19 IF YOU WANT TO DUY.SELL OR EXCHANGE merchandise , get In or out of the business , call on or address the National Information and Exchange Co. , 203 First National bank. Omaha , Neb. Y M8 A2I FOR RENT A DEPARTMENT ON SECOND lloor , 30.\V ) , In one of the largest houses In Council Ulurfs. 13 , care Bee , Council Uluffs. Y M633 FOR RALE. A IHO PAYING HUS1NESS ; NO competition ; | 1SOO caih takes It. Address S CO. lice. Y Ml06 3 8 * WANTED , PARTNER TO TAKE ! 5 INTEREST In good paying buslnfs1 ? nnd Kenera ! manage ment of olllce on salaiy of 573.OJ per month ; reference * nnd small capital requited. Call or address 401 , N. Y. Life Illdir. Y 112)3 18 J70D IIUYS GROCERY CORNER. GOOD CASH trade ; sell nt Invoice. Alex Moore , Ml N. Y. LJfe. Y 307 10 * FOB EXCHANGE. A 10-CENTER FOR BC. HAVANA FRECKLES. 2 M367 A19 TO EXCHANGE , 060 ACKE RANCH IN NE- brnska for good hoi.SIM nnd Ollc-Uilrd cash. S. W. llojd , Frenunt. Ncbiaska , Z M905 20 FOR EXCHANGE. FINE LANDS. WELL LO- cnUil , pioduutlvc anil some cash , fur stock of general merchandise , Addrcca Lock llox 30 , Heaver City , Neb. 7. M90I 18 FINE 711 HOUSE AT ROW , WILL TAKE H trade. 8r house. c\ery convenience , on Fainam car , J3oOi ) will take > a trade. $3.000 clear C. H , propeity for farm. $33,000 very line residence nnd grounds. Will accept part In other property. F. D. Wend , ICtli and Douglus. Z 272-15 WELL IMPROVED FARM , SEVEN .MILES fioni Hnstlnps , lor Omaha property. C. D. Hutclilnsjii , lli-3 Fa inn m. / -M117 18 IF YOU WANT TO EXCHANGE L\NDS OR bulldlnga for meichamllse. or merchandlso or bulldlm , " * for landa send fur our bargain list. Hazlltl's E\chntiKe Hnieati , P.uker , S. 1) . / MJII 17 WILL TRADE FINE EQUITY AND SECOND trust deed , well secured on Dcmer lenity , for KO-nl farm In tastuin or eeiuial Ni'lua lta , clear or lightly cncumbeicd , S. J. liuhards , llox 104 , Denvei , Colo. 7. MJ13 'J * STOCK OF (1ENEUAL MERCHANDISE FOIt BII I o or part trade. Lock Hex S'i ' , Tnlmr , la , / M311 l FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. FARM LANDS. C.F.HARRISON , 912 N.Y.I.IFi : ! RE adj-iC" FOR SALE , 4.4CO ACRES OF LAND 60 jilLES northwest of Omaha. Address Thomas Kerl. Oakland , Neb. HE M777 Sl CHOICE GARDEN LANDS. 5 MILES FROM postotllce , In tracts fiom 10 to 160 acies. A Kreut barnnln. Will take some trade. N. D , Keyes , 617 I'nxton block. RE-M738 IIARUAINS , HOUSES. LOTH AND FARMS , tale or trade. F. K , Darling , llatker block. R E-6SJ UAROAIN. A FINE 430-ACUE FAHM. IS miles from Omaha , only S40.00 pur aero. C. H. Ilutttrlitht. 30iJf- ' - ' RE-32 ! ) a7 ! _ _ _ _ FOR SALE. NE\V 4 ROOM' COTTAGE ; CEI. . l.\t , clstein , ' city uater ; cor. IStli and Snhlcr ; tl,2SO.OO ; long time. Enquire 1318 Fnrnam. Samuel Hums. R K OilS LlsVllAROAINtfT'OIl QUICK TuTtNs7 160I Dodge. R E-700 _ IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE THE property north of llnnseom parlt which wo can xell at discount of C.OOO. Cr lioube , city wntet und well , neat atone re taining "all. 11,300. W-rt. lot , Fnrnam htroet. ( pa veil ) II. MO. & H.CICS ciiltlvuti'd , northwest , J1.37J. F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas , RE-271-15 _ WILL ACCEPT 1275 FOR GOOD AMIILlFu PI lee lot If sold lieforo Auguit 20. Wonh f jOO , Adlroxs T 3a.Hee olllce. Rl-r71-15 A PERSON WITH CAPITAL lo Invest 'n goi > , | paying proponx ortli J1W , 040.00. call nt 612-13 Paxton block , Omnlm. FOIt SALE , SEVERAcHOICE P1ECES OP Omaha liiipiovt-il piopcrty , paylnw 8 per cent net. Call for prices and teims. Hicks Ml N. Y. Life bldg. UK-SIKO 16- BICYCLES HEPAHED AND REMODELED. Tlrrs and lundrlea. Sites opened , reunlre-i , C. 11. llellln , luiksnilth. 311 N. Kill at. 560 1I1CYCLE3. NEW AND OLI20 " TO Tl25 caay payments ; we rent and repair. Omali\ lllcycle Co. , S2J N. 16tli at. 703 lllCVCI.ES-.U.I. STVLEa AI : . 6 ni | fcr our Hat of aeconil hand und nhop > worn bicycler. Itrpalra and cycle sundries nf ill kinds. M , O. Duxon. 403 N. ICth at. Ul PAWNBBOKEBS. FRED MOHLE , H17U FAUNAU JCWELRY. 721 TYFEWB1TERS. Tri'BWRiTEna ncnRiiiT. SOLD. KX- changed , rented nd repaired. Typewriter and oltlc * lupulk * . Tjpewrltctn rented at $1 t'r month. The Omnlm Typewriter Esrlungr , auc- ctiFors to the tyiwwrltlna department of the Mfseath Stationary Cov21l ' B. 12th , ttl. 1J I. ' ' M BEE THE NEW DOtJtkinjflTV TYPEWRITER. The Omaha Tjpewrller Exchange. 11. 13(1. No. 211 8. llth st. - - 831 THE MOST COMPLEiriliBTOCK | OV STAND- nrd tjpewrlters nnil supplies. We control the Dcnimioro CallKrnph ninl Ne\V Yost , llnrgnln * In secoml-hand mncTirnes dl < placeil by ours. All machines perfectly repaired , new parts sup plied ; price ? minlermej'ni'vv machtnrs loaned hlle repaint nn > madm . I'nlted Typewriter ft Supplies Co. , 1619 Fntnam Ht. Telephone 13S3. -I'M > 173- TJNDEBTAKEB3 ANU EMBALMEBS H. K. UURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND emlmlmer , 1613 Chicago it. , telephone 90. 70 } BWANSON & VALIEN. l'NDERTAKER9"AND tmbalmcra , 1701 Cutnlng at , , tcluphon * 1060. 701 M ! O MAUIrUNDERTAKEU AND EM . balmer , 1417 Fnrnam St. , telephone 223.707 HEAFEY & inlAVEYTlilTirTimrST. TEL. 265 ; also 21th and N : a. , So. Omaha. 708 AM * _ HOTELS. THE MIDLAND HOTEL , 16TH ft. CHICAGO sts. , coolest hotel , fronting on Jefferson square. All car llnet within n block ; cars to "Fall of Pompeii" emly a block away. American plan , to 12.00 per day ; European plan , 50e to Jl.W per day. M. J. Frank , pioprletor. 711-31 A irrNA. Tiot'SE ' ( EUROPEAN ) xT v. ' cou. 13lli and Dodge. Room by day or week.14'i 14'i S3 * ELECTBIOAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; electrical and gen- em ! machinists ; superior work guaranteed. Omaha Electrical Works , 617 and 619 8. 16th st. 711 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light nnd motor plants nnd all kinds of electrical construction. Western Elec trio Supply Co. , 413 nnd 420 S. 1SIM at. 713 PLUMBEBS. FREE-PLUMDINO OF EVERY KIND. GAS steam & hot water heating ; sewerage. 313 S. IS. 715 J. J. HANIOAN. PLUMHING , STEAM AND hot water heating , 2705 Leavcnworth st. I5J JOHN HOWE" * co. , PLUM'IIINO , STEAM AND hot water heating , goa fixtures , globes , 421 S. IS. 4S1 TENTS AND AWNINGS , WOLF BROS. & CO. , MANUFACTtmr.US OF < \\nlnKS , tents , tings , aron. hay. stock covers , tarpaulins , banners , streamers. 703-70G 8. 16th t. . telephone 601. Tents Mr rcnl. 713 WHY DON'T YOU IlENT A TBNT. TAKE A vacation and rest youiself ? The Omaha Tent and Awning Co. have tents of all kinds that they rent cheap. 1311 Farnam st. 382 A17 LOST. LOST OH STOI.EN , A LIOIIT HAY , \\elght 500. lleturn to Ilelmrod & Hanson. M 273 lli STUAYEO-FnOM 2S22 NICHOLAS. I.IOI1T HAY horse , fat and Klossy , jl white feet , IIKC 6 yearn , 900. Kcwiml for icturn. Lost-2SI-15 * LOST , I'AIU DAHK Sl'MCTAfLHS lUITWKKN 16lh nnd Iznrd und 2-M nnd Farnam. Ile- jvaiJ ut lice olllce. . _ 301 15' LOST nr.T\vnnN ic'ni AND CHICAGO AND 13th and Unvenpoil , ' larsu leiral envelopu con- talnlnt , ' deed and papcis. Hewnrd for return to 101 S. 13th street. . M318 17 * LOST A 1MYIIOOK VlLLI3l > WITH 1'KNCIL writing , CDVeicd wltn a Iteynold'H No. 3 cover. Finder will leave nt Campbell & WllllnKham'a , 20J U. 13th stit'ct , and iccelvu J2.00 reward. > r M310 1C CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. E. MOnniLL. CAIIPKNTER. OFFICE AND store llxlures a specialty. 1'Htchlnff and postering. 1513 Capitol avc. , tel. 403 C52 tors and builders , carpenter work , brick laying and plastering. 411 S. IStli st. , tcl. 1179. MOM * OPTICIANS. OMAHA OI'TICAll CO , , .KADINQ OPTICIANS. J. F. I'onder , mnnajrtr. EyCa teklcil free 2U South 16th , In KUiJlc."s drug store. 813-17 * _ _ j THE ALOE & TENFOLD CO. , SCIENTIFIC opticians , 1403 Fainam st , , oppoalta 1'axton hotel. Eyes examined free. 701 HAY AND GRAIN. I1UY YOUIl HAY IJY CAH OU TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. II. Snyder. 1513 Hurt at. , tcl. 1107. 869 S5 NEURASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAY , grain nnd mill stuff. Wu arc always on the market to buy or sell , 1IOJ-1-C Nicholas st. 153 AND O. F. GELLnNIlECK , HAN.TOIST AND teacher. 1S10 Callfoinla street. ell FOH IJAnr.AlNS IN PIANOS AND OIIOANS : easy payments ; Instruments rented ; rents apply on purchase. A. Hospe , jr. 701 BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes madu ilew. C13 S. 16th. 709 D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL OF- nco to 20D S. IGtli st , , tiiown block. M970 ' ' ' ' D'A M AGED MIRRORS itusiLvnnnDTTiii'N'.lc. 937 STOVE REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS : ALSO hotel IIKIKU nnd Rincrnl nsaortment of ranee.s , cooks and heateis , water attachments put In and connected at Jas. lliiKhcs , C07 S. 13th st. nnd Jackson. SOS JOB PRINTING. REED JOn PRINTING CO. FINE PRINTING of nil kinds. 17th St. , 13ee building. 716 MAIL ORDEIl COMMERCIAL PRINTING A specialty. Douglas Printing Co. , 419 S. 15th street , Shecley bldg. Tel. 611 for prompt ser\lcc. M733 UPHOLSTERING. UPHOL'RINO CAIHNITT MATTRESS WORKS. W. R. 13cll , R. A , McEacltron , 2717 Leavcnw'th. 157 UI'HOLSTE'fllNC. VERY CHEAP THIS MONTH. M. S. Walltlln , 2111 Cumins. Tcl , 602. M120 CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS. GALVANIZED Iron curnlccs. 172.1 St. Mary's nvu. 391 EAGLE CORNICE WolllCS. JOHN EPE- neter , prop. , 10S , 110. 112 N. Hill. 1'stab. 1S61. 851 HARNESS. HARNESS. WHIPS , NETS , ETC. REPAIRING u specialty. 113 N. 15th at. 717 GET MY Pllll'ES TiEFORE YOU I1UY A 1IAR- nesa. August llohne , 711 S. 16th Ht. 263 GRINDING. 8CISPORS , LAWN MOWERS , RA7.ORS , ETC. , ground. Melchlor Ilros. . < 1119 I'.unam Btro.-t. 04 M237 RA7.OR8 , SHEARS , CLlPJfERH , LAWN MOW- urs , etc. A. L. UmliTlaml , Kli N. 14'h. ' 7-0 DENTISTS. DR. GEORGE B. NAHON , 'DENTIST. ' SUITE : 1'axton block , 16th raid rarnum sta. , tel. 712. 7il DR. PAUL. DENTIST. 20 * DURT ST. 333 TAKEN ? UP : TAKEN UP-RED SPOTTED COW. NO lioins , with halter , nmrihave by paying ex. penses. Call ut Tlhkn . ( arm , north Otplmn's home , Ilcnxon , t. 2t7-13 ! * MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALVA J. flROVE I tTTl AiTIIKMAT ICAI. AND eurveylntt Instruments , 6nKlncers' am ] nrclil- teclB' BuppllcH , traclnst cloth , Mue process pauera. 318 South IMIi iflall orilcrs.087 HOARDING STAULUS , FINE MVERV HIGH cheap. EU llaumlej. 17th and St. Murv's n\e. ' ' WHOLKsALE JOHNSON HIIOS. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN alt kinds of coal , Correspondence aollclted. 1001 Fnrnam t. 923 FURNACES. HEST FUIINAOE MADJJ.SOI'T COAL SMOKE consuming ; and hurd coal furnaces. Uaflo Cor- nlco works. lOVli ; N. lltli t. XM DYE WORKS. SCHOEDSACK. TWIN CITY DYE WORKS. 1W1 Fnrnam itrret. Dyeing of cvrry descrip tion und dry clcnnlnv. M7S'J HAIRDRESSING7 MII.LKR. LADIES' HAIIlDRI-'SHINa , SHAM- | x > ling , steaming hair goods , 1515 IJouglas.T2C T2C 15 STEAMSHIP LINE. ANCHOR UNI5 MAIL STIUMSIIII'rt-SUIL reuularly every Hnttmtny from New York for lond'mdcrry nnd Glasgow , Anchorln , August 25. n m , flrrimnlii. Septemlier 1. 3 p , m. ; I'lty nf Rome , Heptrmber S , nixm ; Elhl'iplB. ' Si'ptem- l > er 15 , 2 | i. m. Saloon , secimd clas < nnd steer- nuelnKlf or r > timl trip tickets from New York or I'hlcniw nl tvluciM tnlej In the prlncl * pill Sr-ilrh. EiiRll < h , Irish and nil r * > nllnentnl | xlnts. For money orders , Jmfts. mit nnl or prtpnlit tickets npply to any of our local or t HeiidiMsm Urns , Chlciix" . SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN ANT-S souoo N , Y. Life. Omahn. Ask for circular. 713 HORSESHOEING. MRS. THOMAS JMLONnYTtH rVTToTH 231 TAXIDERMISTS. TAXIDEHMY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- loguc. George E. llrown , Jr. , & Co. , 709 8. Kill. 723 Till ! 1IKAI/TY MAKICKT. INSTRUMENTS placeel on record AiiRuat 15 , 1891 ; WARRANTY DEEDS. JUllus Trcltschke nnJ wife to J J Mllltn. se 8. aw II , Vi 10-14-12 S 1 Heirs of Cornelius Mermnnn to O H Mcr- tnnnti. w 16.1 ! nrrei of e 47.81 acres ntul s 6)87 acres of sw 3D-1B-12 2 Snnm lu A H MiTmami , c 31 acres of s CO.87 acres of sw li-10-12 2 Same to Martini Dlppel , o 32 acres of sw sc 2 8-15-U Hanifl to Anna Mermann , n 32 ncri-s of no M.V12 2 H.imn to O C Mernmnn. w 16 ncres of so sw 8-15-12 2 Haino to H P Mermann , w 8 ncres of sw se and e 21 ncres of sw 8-15-13 , 2 Hntnn to II L Mermiuin , s 8 neres of lie a and n 21 acres of He se 8-13-12 2 South Omaha Ijind company to O F King , lot 8 , block 131. South Omaha Wl Midway ImeMtmcnt company to J M Han son , lot 3 , block 2 , Potter K C's ndd 250 Frederick Metz. sr. , nnd wife t > Henry Neuhaus , w ' se nnd o H sw G-l'i-12. . . . 8.EOO llnuaul Iluteher and wife to F A McCoy. lot 3. block 3 , Halcyon Heights 1 O W Lex ( asilKnee ) to same , dame 250 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. O S Rogers nnd wlfito H E Rogers , lot 3 nnd 4. lleverly & R' subdlv 1 C O Lobeck. executor , to Maria .Stewart , n ' / , lot 1 , block 20I'4 , Omaha 1 HEEDS. Sheriff to Iron National bank of Platt tiirR , N Y , undivided 'A lots 2 to 15 nml 17 to 23 , block 1 , Schrlver Place 343 Total amount of transfers $10.801 BUUEAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitor * . Bee Building , OMAHA , Neb. Ativiuo FUEL RfULWRY TIME GRRD Leaves I CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N ( Arrives OmnhatJ.P.Dcpot ) _ _ , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha il:03am : Eastern Express. . . ? G:30pm : 4:00pm : Vt-stlbuled Limited 9-IOain 0:55,1111 : . ' .Mil. Valley lx > 10:30pm : R.4im..Om.iha | Chicago Spt'clal 2:15pm I/enves ICIIICAGO , I1U11LINGTON A IMArrlves _ Oniiliaj lepot 10th and Mason Sis. | Oimh.i l:45pm : Chicago Vestibule. . 9:50im : 9.15am Chk-ago i\piess : 4:25pii : 7:0ipm : Chicago nnd lo a Local S:00am : ll:33am : laclllc Junction Local G:53ptp : Lca\es ( UURLINC.TON MO. RIVER.Arrl\es | JOinaha ) _ Depnt 10th nnd MatonJ5ls. | _ Omnjja lOilTiam Denver Expicss. . . . . 9:3 : am 10:15am : Dcadxvood Expiesd. . . 4:10pm : 4:50pm : Denver E\prcH.i 4:10pm : C.rjOini | Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) . C:50pm 8l5aiii..Llncoln ! Local ( except Sunday.H:2am : Leaves I K. ' C. ' . ST. J. " & C. l TA'nlvcs Omahj ] Depot10th _ nnd Mason * Sis. jOmalm 9:4".im : Kansas City DayExpress CG5pm : 9:45pm.K. C' . Night Ex. via. U. P. Tiana. 650am Leaves I CHICAGO , II. I , & PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmaJiaU.l | _ Depot , 10th & Mahon " St3.Omalia ] _ " EAST. J" _ _ _ : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 6:05pm : 6:2'ipm : Night E\piess 6.40am l:4Cpm..Chicago Vcitlbuled Limited. . . . l25pm ; 11:35am.Oklahoma : Exp. ( to C. 11. cx Sun ) S3jim ; J\VEST7 _ " _ C:35nm.OKInhoma : & Texas Exp. ( ex. Sun)11.35pni ) 1 : J5pm Ooloiado Limited 4:10pm Loaves I UNIO'N PACIIMC. lArrlves Oniajiajt-Jnton .Depot. 10th & Mnsoji Sts. | _ Omalm foflOam..7r ; Kcntney' Expieis 3apm : 2l.ripm : Overland Flye.r r > :40pm 3:43pm.Ilcatrlce : & Stromsb'g Ex ( ex Sun.12ISpin ) : li:4upm : Pauinc Expresc 10:55am : C:30pm. : . . . . . . . . .Fast Mall. . 4:20pm Leaves I CHICAGO , MIL. & ST. PAUL.\irivcs | OmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha n:35pin. : , Chicago Limited 9:30am : ll'.lOnm..Chicago Expresa ( ex. Sun. ) D:00pm : Leaves ) F. . E. & MO. VALLEY. | Arrl\es * Omahal Depot 15lh nnd Webster Jits. | _ Omaha 9.0"am Deadwood Express..7 G:10pm : 9.0"nm.Ex. ( Sat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( Ex. Mon. ) . . D:10pm 5:00pm..Norfolk : Exprcsn ( Ex. Sunday.10M3.ini ) DiUpm : : St. Paul Express 9:40nm Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omahal Depot 15th and WcbglpiSis. . I Omaha 9:00,1 : m. . . St. Louis Express. . 6:00nm : tiiOpm : St. Louis Expiciis 6:53pm : Leaves I C. . ST. P. . M. .t O. ( Arrives Oinilial Depot 15th and Webster Sis. | Omaha ( > :10pm..Dally : ( ex. Sun. Nebraska Local. . 9:10am 8uoam. : Sioux City Accom. ( Ex. iiiin. ) . . . 8:0."pm : 10OOam..Sliiux : City Accom. ( Sun. Only ) . . 805pm ; 12:13 | > in..Sioux City Express ( Ex. Sun..ll.r : > 5un ! Jj-IWpjTi. St. Paul Limited. . . . 9MOam LtaTTsT " .SfOUX cm.lTPACIFlcr | Arrlve7 OmnhalUnlpn Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha . .7..SIOUX City Passenger lOiIOpm Leaves T SIOUX : CITY .t'PA'CIFIC. ( Arrives Din.ilia Depot " 15th and Webster Sts. _ | Omaha , : . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Limited 9:40am : JltOpm Chicago I.imiteiL _ . _ . . , i _ , _ , . . 9:10im : Leaves I WAIIASH RAILWAY "lAirlven Oinalin1 Union Depjl , 10th & Mnsnn Sts. I Omaha 4:10pm : St. Louis Cannon Hall 12:35pm : HIADY TO ixriMTia.iTK Oonpre slotial Conimlitno Tiilkn nf ISoRln- iilnR I IB Work Next Moniluy. WASHINOTON , Aug. 15. Members of the congressional cotninlttfo nppolnlcil to In vestigate the charges against Judge Hicks ot Cleveland are anxious to hcgln their work next week. If there Is a prospect that con gress will he In session some time longer the committee will take the Investigation up next Monday , otherwise they will postpone action until after the adjournment If that docs not mean n delay of more than n few days. The members of the subcommittee arc Representatives Bailey , democrat of Texas. Lore , democrat of Illinois and Ilroil- erlck , republican of Kansas , all of whom arei lawyers by profession , and two of whom have sat on the bench. No Investigation of the record of a judge of the United States looking to Impeach ment proceedings has been held for a year , although as a result of n sweeping Investi gation by the Fifty-first congress , action was taken agalnbt Judge Bowman of Louisiana. The Investigating committee will sit In the federal building In Cleveland , will summon witnesses nml take testimony after the man ner of a court , allowing the accusers of Judga Hicks to present the charges and the judge to make his defense. Judge ) Illrks will bo per mitted to have counsel to represent him In the Investigation If he desires. A report will bo made to the hotibo at the next session of the findings of the com mittees , and If the other charges should bo sustained , Impeachment proceedings will bo recommended. Oregon Kidney Ten cures all kidney Trlcl elze , 25 cents. All drugglsta. .sc7/.vr/.S7'.s .SK.S.S/O.V. . Convention of tlio American Amini-vitlnii for tlio Ailviinroiiii'iit of Tlnuro. nilOOKLYN , Aug. 15. The convention of the American Association for the Advance ment of Science opened here today. Several Important preliminary meetings were held yesterday at wnlch valuable pa pers wcru read. The American Mathemat ical Bocl ty mot and papers were rend by Dr. Kniery McCllntock o' Nmv York , Krank Morley of Harvard university , I'rof. B. Hastings Moore of the University of Chi. cage , I'rof. 0. I' . Holstcad of the University of Texas , Prof. H. S. Wooiluaril of Columbia college , I'rof. W. S. Seheglct of Ciermany , I'rof. Alexander MeFarlmio of tin Univer sity of Texas , Dr. ArtumuH Martin of Wash ington ami 1'rof. Henry Whlto of the Northwestern - western university. J'rof. N. S. S. Naler of Harvard presided at the meeting of the ( leo- logical soclity. Tapers were read by J. V , Kemp , C. II. Smith , jr. , HJiumid J. Hovey , Charles Half , William H. Storser and others. The Society for the I'rumollou of Scl < > iico aUo met. Theru nas n large attendance and neveral papers w ro read , Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervous head ache" . Trial ilze , 25 cents. All drugguti. A , R , U , STRIKE HISTORY Some Insitlo FUG'S Concerning the Denon- strntlou That Fallal. HOWARD BEFORE THE ARBITRATORS llrtm' LlriitriKinl ln NM Unit the . I'rimtluil tin- Trouble tintl Oil on to I'rn\i < It > . trnt * tlntt l.ctl In tinright. . CHICAGO , Aug. IB. The strike ) comitils- elon appointed by President Clovclniul to In- vcstlcnto tlio I'ullmnn nnil nillru.ul strike bvKiin Its work today. The ncuslons were held In tlio government bulltllng In n court room and attracted ninny spectators. Atlcr preliminary work Vice President O. \V. Howard of the American Hallway union was called as the first witness. Mr. Howard began his statement by expressing the hnpo that the commission would use every effort to gel to the bottom of the matter under con sideration. Commissioner ICcrnan assured him that the Investigation would bo thorough and asked the witness numerous questions as to his past and present occupations and the nature of his olllulnl position In tlio American Hallway union. "Now , " said the commissioner , "tell us what In your opinion caused the railroad strikes. " "Tho strikes were caused. " answered Mr. Howard , "by the statement of the general managers that they would back up Mr. Pull man during the strike. " "Who told you that ? " "The newspapers printed the statement , crediting It to General Mmiesors Egan and St. John. Mr. Howard then entered upon an ex haustive recital of tlio troubles luiillng up to the original Pullman strike. The. men had announced their Intention to strike , ho said , hut on being assured by the company's olll- clals that the employes' grievances would be Investigated he had urged the men to go b.ick to work This they did on the promise of the company that the commit tees , who handled the trouble , would not bo discharged or otherwise Injured because of the part they had taken In the matter. "And after that promise , " continued the witness , "three of those commlttccmcn were discharged. Then the men struck. Our union after having fulled to get any satis faction from the Pullman company , then endeavored by boycotting the company's cars to brine ; the matter to n satisfactory ter mination.Vo ordered no strike. We simply desired that the Pullman cars bo left off the trains. At this point wo were again met by the general managers association. They refused , to haul mall cars unless the Pullmans were attached to the trains. Such action was entirely uncalled for. The Pull mans were In no wise necessary for the transmission of the United Sttatcs malls. I can cite various cases when mall trains arc run without 1'nllniun coaches or other palace car equipment. " "Was the action of your union In the strlko , " asked Commissioner Wright , "merely for thu protection of the Interests of the Pullman employes ? " "No , not entirely , " said Mr. Howard. "Tho general managers had organized against us and wo had to pro oct ourselves. " 'In other words , " said Mr Wright , "you believed that the railroads had , on their side , an organization with exactly the sumo purposes In view as your union on your side. " "Yes , sir ; that Is just what they hail. " "Wero you aware , " asked Judge Worthington - ton , "that the railroads had contracts with the Pullman company ? " "Wo were : and wo were also aware that those contracts were a violation of the Interstate law. They allowed the carryIng - Ing of none but Pullman sleepers and were a direct discrimination against the Wagner cars. In other words , the railroads wore enforcing the same sort of a boycott on the Wagner cars that our union desired on the Pullmans. " Mr. Howard was closely examined as to the rules of the A. R. U. and promised to glvo the commltttec a copy of the by-laws and a constitution of the order. South I'nrk Men Appeal to the Court. DKNVEK. Aug. IB. The employes of the South Park railroad have petitioned Judge Hallett to forbid the reduction of wages pro posed by Receiver Trumbull. They clto the action of the court In preventing the Union Pacific receivers from enforcing a new schedule as a precedent. oran Till' : ait.niK ov A nun. Two Ilnj-B Futility Shot In a Qmirrol ami tlio rulliur of Onu Klllcil. MONTGOMERY , Ala. , Aug. ID. A year ago at Letochotoche , Ala. , Lamar Sander son , aged 19 , traded dogs with Robert Dick- son , aged 21 , and some dissatisfaction re sulted from the trade , which culminated yesterday In a quarrel between the two. After blows had been struck John Sanderson , aged 50 , father of Lamar , Interfered , tryIng - Ing to spparato the boys , but Dlckson , sup posing the two Sandersons were attacking him , shot , killing the elder Sanderson Elmost Instantly. Young Sanderson then pulled his gun and llred on Dlckson , the latter re turning 'he lire , and both foil. Young Sanderson was shot throi/gh / the abdomen and Dlckson through both lungs. Neither can recover. The elder man was a promi nent merchant. Remember n pint of Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Champagne "after a night of It" makes the new daj bright. inn SOT /.ir IIIH iniiTN. Court-Martini on O'ltpl.iin .loliiiHou ill l.cuv- riiMiirtli Tim i\iclcmT. ; LEAVRNWOIITII. Kan. , Aug. in. At the court-rnartlal of Captain W. S. Johnson , U. S. A. , retired , Captain E. II , Crowder sitting as Judge advocate , the evidence produced showed that Johnson , as far back as 1SS3 , violated army regulations ) by not liquidating his honest debts. A claim of $100 held by Dills ISros. of Denver has been pressed , but no attention was paid to it notwithstanding the War department had ordered him to liquidate. Captain Johnson was tried In 1880 for dtipllca'lng his pay account and again In 1S93 for the same oftV-nso. Ho was retired for wounds received during the war and now rejldea at Springfield , Mo. HK.IIIN f > .1I.IHIIItn TO A , IKI.l.r. Motlirriiml Chllil Mnrcli'rml liy Colil-Illooiluil ItolihiT * 1 hi ! 11 onto 1 Iriiil. SEATTLE , Wash. , Aug. 1C. Mrs. Miller , wife of John Miller , fnreman-malbter of the Ilayvlew brewery , ami her 18-months-old daughter were found In the Miller homo last night with their heads beaten to a Jelly. The house was also filed by the murderer. Tlio weapon used was .1 rj-scil-oT ( hammer. The pollco arrested three men , and they bcllovo that at least one of these men has. guilty knowledge of the crime. Tlio crlmu was oru of thu most cultl blooded and causeless ever commuted In the north west. The murderers had ransacked the house , breaking open drawers and If inks. I.I//U-H Din 'together. CHICAGO , Aug. 15. Lizzie McCarthy and L'/.zle DuEcnberg , known In the West sldo district as "Illondo Llzz'e" and "Illnck Liz- le , " sought death early this morning In each other's arms. They were found In their rooming apartments dying from a dose of carbolic add and sent to the county hcspltal. Doth will die. o. Oil mill Niitnral ( inn In Colorado , FLOUKNCn , Colo. , Aug. ID. Oil nml , natural gas In enormous quantities have been etruck in school land near Mineral creek , six miles southeast of this city , which has been leased from the state by the Florence Oil and Hcdnlng company. Vupur htotn Tnut Election , CLKVKLAND , AUK. J5.-The > tmnuu ! meeting of the United Vapor Htnvu Manu facture upHoclntlon WUH held today. The old olllcerH were re-elected nml no clmngu.1 were mudu In price M-lieiliilrn. Important Cuntcitril Lot I UNO Mittlril. Ol'THIUU , Okl. , Aug. 15-In the contested - tested lot cage of Tlnrne v Nemcomb , from thlii clly , the CMiiinlsidonor of the general Uml oftlco has rendered n decision of nreat Importance to nil settlers on government tovMislteii everywhere. It In to the effect that a settler must actually llvo upon lota or conduct active hiislnoas thereon In order to acquire tltln thereto , tnd cannrt live elsewhere - where and hold government lots through nn agent or by purchase cf another Bottler's tight. The decision will affect hundreds ot rase * In Oklahoma nnd g.vo many thou sands of dollars of vnluihln properly to actual settlers Instead of speculators. . Tronlilo Mi y Ho I'nnnil In Securing Wit- iie > M.x to I'roto Him ( Inllly. SAX KHANCISCO , Aug. 15. The Exam iner says : It may bo necessary to liixvs the case ngalnst Ezcta nnd his fellow-refugees tried In the federal court here. This would como about by reason of the fight that Mifsrs. Reubens and Dequesda will ho sura to maketo have their clients released. "You arc holding Iheso men on charges of murder , arson , robbery , etc. , " they will say. "These charges haw been trumped up against them. Can you provo the charges ? If not , wo demand the release of the pris " oners. Admitting the tenablllty of the position taken by the defendants' attorneys , the next step would ho the summoning of wit nesses from San Salvador. They might bo very hard to secure , nnd It might bo Just Ezcta's luck to walk smilingly out of prison. COXKIxi.iKi.r . „ ; / . / > . VlMtnl the Almost DcvrliMl I'linip to Fetch III * lloneiVmliTN Angry. HALTIMOHE , Aug. 15. A Fpeclal to the Sun from Hyattsvllle , Mil. , says : General Coxoy came near being mobbed at Camp Lost Liberty yesterday. Ilo eaino for the purpose of taking away seven of his horses and when questioned about the movement of his men became angry and said ho was dona with the scheme. This greatly Incensed ( ho dvo men left by the B.iltlmoro police to take care of the camp property nnd Coxey was obliged to beat a hasty retreat on ono ot the horses. The- other horses were driven around a back road nnd In this way he got possession of them. The men gave cliaso la Coxey , but ho escaped. Pnptillsl I'rlnmrles. The primaries of the people's Independent party will be hoid In this city , from 7 to 9 o'clock Thursday evening , August 16 , at the following places : First ward , i39 ; ! South Thirteenth street. Second ward , viictnt store. Eighteenth'and Dorcas streets. Third ward , Knights of Labor hall , 110-113 South Fourteenth street. Fourth word , Washington hall , corner Eighteenth and Harncy streets. Fifth ward , 1113 Sherman avenue. Sixth ward , Twenty-seventh and Lake streets. Seventh ward , 270S Leavcn\\orth street. Eighth ward , Rutherford's marble shop , 21MG Cuinlng stre.t. Ninth ward , Thirty-second nnd Hurt btreets. The country precincts nnd South Omaha wards will choose p'aces ' satisfactory to the local committees. The county convention will meet nt Knights or Labor hall Saturday af tot noon at 2 o'clock. Iti'piilillcim Reception ( ; oiiiiiiltt n. The republican clubs of Omaha have or ganized a reception committee to look after thu delegates attending tlio republican con vention in Omaha the 22(1. ( The Hamilton club rooms In the Patterson block , corner Srventecnth and Farnam streets have been designated headquarters for the committee where tney will bo glad to meet nil the deleeales. A list of hotels has been prepared , giving rates , location , etc. Parties desiring rooms convenient to res taurants will be furnished necessary In formation. No pains will ho spared by this committee to make the stay of the dele gates In Omaha pleasant. For the Information of delegates , will atato papers please copy. F. C. 0'IIOLLAREN , Chairman. C. F. noiJEHTSON. Secretary. Ill-Ill Uj > u Freight to Hot ) Ilia Crow. LA PORTE , Intl. , Aug. 15. A local freight westbound on the Lake Shore was held up laat night at Whiting. The train was run ning at a slow rale when three men climbed aboard. Two of them whoso faces were masked held cocked revolvers In their hands. The third man went through the pockets ot the trainmen and took everything of value. The men had just drawn their monthly sala ries. When the robbery had been completed the bandits disappeared in the woods. Presi dent Nowcll has authorized a reward of $500 for the apprehension of the robbers. Ills Wlf ' * llritns Ittllncd. J. M. O'Harn , a cook , gave his wife a nlco new dress Tuesday nnd was very proud of her stylish appearance. That night hemet met her at Fourteenth and Fanmm strpets , and being susplclcus that she was sharing her smiles with home other fellow ho bc- very jealous , and during his rage ho nearly toro the new garment from his wife , after which ho slugged her a couple of times In the jaw , knocking her down. Ho was arre&tcd , and yesterday Judge IJcrka , fined him { 25 and costs. \\iirmly Cimtestril Illvorcn Cusp , CHAMDERLAIN , S. D. , Aug. 16. ( Special Telegram to The Dee. ) In the Ilardln dl- vorco case today deposition of u number of Now York people were offered In evidence * by the plaintiff as corroborative of her state ment that she had used every means prior to marrying Dardln to discover the existence of her former husband , Osborn. This la the pivotal point nnd upon It practically depends whether or not the nmrrlago was a legal one. Every Inch of ground Is bjlng contented by both sides. IIUIiop hrannrll on the Miinil. Bishop Scanncll was on the stand most of yesterday In the ) Father Ryan will case In county court. The bishop was called by the proponents to show that thu deceased priest wits In the possession of his mental faculties when his will was mnilo , and that no undue pressure had been bn.ught to bear to Induce him to leave a portion of his prop erty to thu church. Judge Baldwin sub jected llio witness to n very severe cross- examination. Ncnv York rnllrn Nni-grimi * on Trial , NEW YORK. Aug. 15. Pollco Sergeants Jumus W. Gordon , Felix McKennu , Ueorgei C. Llbera , Charles A. Parlierson nnd Hugh Clark wore ) put on trial before the pollco commissioners yesterday afternoon. They are accused of extortion and accepting straw ball whllo nerving at ono tlmu or an other under Pnllcu Captain Doherty. who wlih two of hla ward iletecllv.H waa re cently found guilty on similar charges. Sent llui'k tit Oiiiirniitlnr. NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 15. Tlio llrltlsh steamer Architect , from Liverpool , arrived hero Saturday after a detention of seven days and fumigation at quarantine. Slnco reaching hero a suspicious case of sickness developed and Iho board of health declared the CIIHO suinclcntly Kiiaplclous to warrant the return ot the vessel , crew , and the Hick man to quarantine and the steamer was gent back. _ DrliiMiii ; I.rails to Siilolilii , NEW YORK , ' Aug. 15. William Hotta Lawrence , a prominent member of the ( Jen- tury club , uhut and killed himself with a re- \olver on the steps of the club IIOUHU at midnight. It was learned that Mr. Law- ri'i'cu ' had been drinking heavily for several tlayi and was on thu vcrgu of delirium trb- > niuns. Suing Undo Niini for Itlght .Millions. MADISON. WIs. , Aug. 15. The state of Wisconsin Is ubout to sue the United States government for $7,075,000 on a claim for munitions of war , etc. , furnished In 18C1 , which were paid for only In part by thu United States under act of July " 5 , 1801 , anil fur Interest on deferred payments , An u Mrmorliil to .Mr * , lloiilli. NEW YORK , Aug. 15. Thu Salvitlon armr laid the corner slono of the Mrs. General Booth Memorial building to bo erect-it on Fourteenth street near Sixth avenue , Tha building will bo uecd as the general held * quarters ot the army In America. U will cost { 350,000.