Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 16, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THIS OMAHA DAILY BBU . ' 1HU11SDAY , AUGUST 10 , 1891.
Connlo Strotlun' German Pitcher Bound to
Become Popular Hero.
Hit Him Any Tlmn During the Onmo nnd
Win In u Wiilk-Whltrhlll'ii Flno
Olvra ru
1'itlr Support.
Omaha , 11 ; Jacksonville , 3 ,
Rock Island , 8 ; St. Joseph , 4
Lincoln , 7 ; Pcorla , I.
DCS Molncs , 5 ; Uulncy , 2.
Bt. Louis , I ; New Vork , 3. . ,
Washington , 7 ; Cleveland , C ; 8 Innings.
Philadelphia , 11 : Louisville , 4.
Urooklyn , 9 ; Ohicn o , 6.
Ilaltlmorc , X ; Cincinnati , ° .
Hoston , C ; Plttsburg. 5 ; 11
Sioux City , 8 ; Kansas City , 7 : U Innings.
Indianapolis , 1C ; Grand Rnplih , f.
Toledo , 1) ) ; Detroit. 7.
Minneapolis ; 7 ; Milwaukee , ' > .
There Is one sign that doesn't fall , even
In dry weather. Whenever a crowd of pople
leave a base ball ground determined not to
go the next day , disgusted with the listless ,
Indifferent losing game , the succeeding name
Is always a hummer. That's the way It
was yesterday , and Omaha won one of tha
very prettiest contests of the season.
Connlo Strothers had a German phenom
enon , Count Sasle ! , In the box , and Omaha
made him dizzy before the first Inning was
over. Ulrich opened with a single , Langs-
ford followed with a double , Seery got a base
on balls , and then Georgle McVey , the boy
wonder , was paraded for Inspection. Time
was called while Umpire McKelvoy presented
the baiter with a.floral offering from ad
miring friends. The bouquet was one of the
kind that does not nesd Irrigation , the Mow
ers being the product of a tinted paper fac
tory at Beaver Dam. Congratulations were
hardly over when a nice , new ball was let
lose by Count Single and lost by the boy
wonder In the weeds over on the river bottom
tom , and three runs were scored , McVey
coming home un Hutchison's two-bugger
over right field fence. Hourke got a base
on halls , Pcdroes fanned and Fear doubled
Papa at second on a little drlv ? to Devlnnoy.
Jacksonville's drat three men were thrown
out at first by Mr. Lnngsford.
Omaha was satlalled with Its lead until the
fifth Inning , when Pa told the boys to add
a few more to the string. Langaford was
retired by Dummy Smith's throw to first , and
then Story folded his arms and watched
Sfagle slide four wide ones out of reach.
McVey rapped out a single , and scored with
Seery on Hutchison's second two-sackcr , a
lone drive Into right center. Hourke sin
gled , and Hutchison scored on Pedroas' two-
isacker over the left field fence. Fear and
Whltehlll Hew out.
Connie's men should never have seen the
homo plate In the game , but they did. After
Dovlnney had been retired by McVey , singles
were made by Snyder and Siagle. Uourke's
fumble ot Letcher's easy one to right let
Snyder to third , and he scored on a passed
'ball. ' Newman was lilt by the pitcher and
Smith drove a long one toward the barn
that looked so safe that Lstcher started for
homo. Uourke saved the fly by a splendid
catch , and retired the side by a splendid
throw which caught Letcher at second.
Omaha ntlded a run In the third on Ul-
'rlch's two-sacker and Langsford's single , and
made U more binding In the eighth when
three runs were made by Langsford's homer ,
Sqery's base by the pitcher's kindness , and
doublesby Hutchison and McVey. This
was- enough , and the boys let it go at that.
A single by Smith , a sacrifice by Strauss
and Strothers' double gave the Jaxs their
third and tlnal run. A glance at the score
will show how the job was done :
A.I5. R. IB. SB. PO. A. E.
Earned runs : Omaha , 9. Two-base hits :
Ulrich , Langsfortl , McVey , 2 ( , Hutchlnson ,
3 ; Pexlroes , Strothers. Home runs : Langs-
ford. Bases on balls : Uy Single , 7. Hit by
pitcher : By Whltehlll , 1 ; by Single , 2. Sac
rifice , hit : Strauss. Passed ball : Fear.
Struck out : By. Whltehlll. 2 ; by Single , 2.
Umpire : McICelvey. Time : One hour and
forty-five minutes.
Sago KcfUMns to Ho Chm'lcod.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo. , Aug. 15. ( Special Tele
gram' to Thu llee. ) Rock Island won today
by hitting Ilrlstow's curves very hard nnd
bunching the hits. The Saints could not
Ilnd Mauck , and the four hits f.ecured were
.too scattered to do any good. The game
was remarkable for the line fielding done
by both teams and fast play throughout.
Score :
St. Joe 0 4
Iloclc Island 100400300 8
Hntterles ; Brlstow nnd Armstrong ; Mauck
and Sage. Huse hits : St. Joe , 4 ; Rock
Island , 12. Errors : St. Joe. 3 ; Rock Island ,
2. Earned runs : St. Joe , - ' ; Rock Island , 5 ,
Two-base lilts : Marcum , Mohler , Krelg.
Sage , Lynch. Home runs : Katz , Sage.
Struck out : liy llrlstow. 1. Bases on balls :
Off Brlstow , 5 ; off Mmick , 3. Left on bases :
'St. ' Joe , 4 ; Hook Island , 2 , Double plays :
Preston to Mohler ; Mnuck to Cantllllon to
Krelg. Time : One hour and forty-two min
utes. Umpire : Cllne.
ItlICkVlllH Oil Itl-lim'ft WllllllK. ) ! ! ,
LINCOLN. Aug. 13.-Speclal ( Telegram to
The Bee. ) Beam acted today as though he
had never heard of such a thing ns a home
plate , and although but live hits were made
off him he lost the game by his phenome
nally wild twirling. Lincoln didn't earn a
slnglo run of her seven , but the game was
carefully packed away to her credit Just
the same. Barnes , who has been suffering
from Injuries received at Omaha , has re
covered and pitched well. Score :
Lincoln 3 00220000 7
Peorla 101101000 4
KarneU runs : Peorla. 2. Hase hltsr Lin
coln , 5 ; Peorla , 10. Errors ; Lincoln , 2 ;
Peorln , 3. Two-base hits ; Ebrlght ,
Carroll , Purvis , Delehanty , Terrlen.
Three-base hits : Kbrlght. Bases on
balls : Oft Beam. 7 ; off Barnes , 3.
Struck out : By Beam , 0 ; by Barnes , 3.
Hit by pitcher : Beam , I. Uouble plays :
Lincoln , 1. Batteries : Barnes and Speer ;
Beam nnd Terrlen. Time : One hour and
limy minutes. Umpire : Haskell.
< Jrncg Oiitpltchoil .tlcOrovnjr ,
DES MOIN'33 , Auf. 13.-Spcclal Tele-
4 200 Page * 250,000 , Wordi
A. Sinn of ICnoii'leittje and u Will of
Vtrfalnria ,
There are more tldutra Instructive , useful
and ontcrtahiliiir In Hut im-at boon , "Tho
American L'ucyclopedic Dictionary , " than hi
any olmllur publication uvur Iwiod.
Tnm I'ro.'il work , now for the tlrst tltua
placed within ihu roach ot tivoryimo , u u
unlquo piibllcittlou , ( or it In ut lliu naiuu Umo
a purtt-ct dictionary anil it compluio oucyclo-
Only that number ot thu book correspondIng -
Ing with the aerlos number o ( thu uuuuja
presented will be ilellver-xl.
ONE Sunday aiul Tliron Wuok-ilajr o.otipom.
with IS ccula In coin , will buy oiupirt
of Tim American KiicyulopoilU Illation *
017. Send orUora lo Tlio lloi O.lloJ.
W u order * nliould bu addnmcj 19
Brnm to The B e. ) U wns a pitcher's bat
tle today , nml a very prnty rjirtot
throughout. ( JUiney did not Ret a hit nor a
run nfter the ilr-U two Inning * . I'o.itr
made a phcnj.uctMl jMcli uf u hit fly ball.
Score :
Dos Molnes 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 1 0-5
Qiilney 200 DO 0000-2
Bape hlta ; Dea Molnei , ( I ; Qulncy , \ .
Krrora : Do * Molnes , 2 ; Qulney , 6. Karned
runn : Dc Muliujs , 1 ; Qulney , 1. Two-base
hits : Hoffman , Hume runs : Bolaml. Sacrifice
rificehltn : FHIier (2) ( ) . Struck out : Hy
ClraRff , 7 : by McOrcvey , 1.Vltil pitch :
( JrngK. Stolen bnn : Lawrence. Batter-
tea Ora.KK nml Trallley ; MoClrevey nml
Boland. Time : One hour uml thirty-live
minutes. Umpire : Ward. Attendance , 3X (
StuiidhiK ( if Ilin Truliiv
1'lnyeO. Won. Lost. Pr. Oi.
Hock Island 83 M 38 r.7.3
1'corin. no n u ci.i
Omaha S3 47 12 52.8
Jacksonville Ki -17 12 C,2.8
Ht. Jo&ph K > ! ' ! 4.1 tjl.7
Lincoln S7 44 B.C
DOS Mollies 83 40 13 41.3
ijulncy 84 3t 53 36.0
NATIONAL iiuui ; < JA.MIS. :
Tommy McCarthy riidniiM Illnnrlf to Hen-
Inn by having ; tlui < JIUIIP.
BOSTON , AUK. lu.-In the ninth Innlnir
Tommy .McCarthy ) by one oC his Kreat
plays , retired the I'lttsburt ? team In a triple
play. It was a wonderful feat , and , ns was
afterwards proven , was the only thins that
saved the day for Boston. Score :
Boston 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 ft
I'lttsburfr . . . . 5
Base hltsi Iloatnti , 12 ; Plttpburp , 7. Kr
rora : Boston. 1 ; PlttsburK , 6. Earned runs :
Boston , 2 : 1'lttsburyr , 2. Home nms : Sten-
zel (2) ( ) . Double plays : Smith to Merritt ;
Beokley to Itlerbauer. Triple play : Mc
Carthy to Lowe to Nash to Tuclcer. Banes
on ImllM : Tenny , Ilannon , Nash , Hartman.
Struck out : Conrmtifihton , Tenny , Nichols
(2) ( ) , Tnoker (2) ( ) , I3hret. Merrill , JJeckley ,
Hlcrbnuer. Time : Two hours and fifteen
minutes' . fmplrt-H : HoaRland and Emslle.
Attendance , 2.2UO. Hatterlen : Stlvutts and
Ganzel : Khret and Merritt.
OrlnloH Iliiiiulni ; On.
IIAI.TIMO1U3 , Aug. 13. The Orlolea won
the same In the Ilrst Inning. In the nevcnth
Inning McMahon pitched only three balls.
Score :
Baltimore 4 * 8
Cincinnati 0 2
Rise hits : Halttmoro , 12 ; Cincinnati , 12.
Errors : Baltimore , 2 ; Cincinnati , 2. Kanied
runs : Ualllmore , 0 ; Clnrlnnatl , 1. Two-
base lilts : itoblnson. Fisher , Hoy. Three-
base hits : Heltz. Double plays : Smith to
Mcl'hee to Comlskey. Struck out : Hy
McMahon , 1. Time : One hour and fifty
minutes. Umpire : Meets. B.uterios ; Mc
Mahon and Uu-blnson ; Fisher and Murphy.
llntiniial Thing for l.'dillr.
NEW YOriK , Aug. 15. 15ven with their
weak hitting the Giants would have won
but for a rniKjudgrd Hy by Hurke , which
gave the Hrowns two runs In the third In
ning. Score :
SU Louis * 102001000-4
New York 300000000-3
Hase hits : St. Louis , 10 : New York , 8.
Errors : St. I.ouls , 3 ; New York , 2. Earned
runs : St. I.ouH. 2 ; New York. 1. Struck
out : Hy Hreltenstoln , 5 ; by German , 2.
Three-b.ise hits : Miller , Doyle. Double
plays : Ward to Wilson. Umpire : Me-
Quuld. Time : One hour and Ilfty-elght
minutes. Batteries : Broltensteln and
Twlneham ; Wilson and German.
MeKvnii for the Spiders.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 15. The game was
called on account of darkness at the end
of the eighth Inning. The Senators profited
considerably by AlcKenri's errors. Score :
Washington 0 0321100 7
Cleveland 0 103200 0-6
Hase hits : Washington , 10 ; Cleveland , 12.
Errors : Washington , I ! ; Cleveland , 2.
Earned runs : Washington , 5 ; Cleveland , 4.
Two-base hits : Cartwrlght , McGarr , Bur-
kett. O'Connor. Three-base hits : Joyce ,
C5. Tcbeau. Double plnvs : Joyce to Itad-
forcl ; llassamaer to McGtilre ; McGnrr to G.
Tebeau. Struck out : Hy Cuppy , 1. Time :
Two hours and ten minutes. Umpire :
Hurst. Hatterles : Stockdale , McGuIre and
Selbach ; Cuppy and O'Connor.
rhlllU'ft Ni-eilcd It.
PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 15. The home
players pounded Hemming and won easily.
The game was uninteresting. Score :
Philadelphia 30002351 0-11
Louisville 1 20010000-4
Base hits : Philadelphia. ID : Louisville , C.
Errors : Philadelphia , 2 ; Louisville , 5.
Earned runs : Philadelphia. 9 : Louisville. 3.
Two-base hits : Hallman , Sullivan , Pfeffer.
Three-bate hits : Boyle , Thompson (2) , Tay
lor. Home runs : Hamilton , Ci'oss , Weaver.
Double plays : Hallman ( unassisted ) ; Sulli
van ( unassisted ) ; Richardson .to Pfeffer.
Struck out : Uy Taylor , fi ; by Hemming , 1.
Time : One hour and Ilfty-Ilve minutes.
Umpire : Keefe. Hatterles : Taylor and
Buckley ; Weaver , Hemming and Grim.
AIIHO V'uuldiift Pan * Couimy.
BHOOKLYN , Aug. 15. Anson's Colts
played an exciting game today , but lost on
their Inability to hit either bteln or Daub
when men were on bases. Hutchlnson was
as eaay mark for the Brooklyns. Score :
Brooklyn 3 3000021 * D
Chicago 0 10013000 6
Base hits : Urooklyn. 10 ; Chicago , 11. Er
rors : Brooklyn. I ; Chicago , 3. Earned runs :
Urooklyn , 3 ; Chicago , 2. Struck out : By
Daub , 2 ; by Hutchlnson , 4. Three-base lilts :
Decker , Treailway. Two-base hits : Dnh-
len. Double plays : Corcoran to Daly to
Lachance ; Schrlver to Dahlen. Time : One
hour anil HCty-onc minutes. Umpire :
Lynch. Batteries : Stein , Daub and Daly. ;
Hutchlnson and Schrlver.
btiuulinp of thn Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Pr.Ct.
Boston ! l fit 33 Cl.fl
Baltimore 92 f 9 33 G4.1
New York 91 57 37
Cleveland . . . . - 81 K ! 39 57.1
Philadelphia , .90 43 42 63.3
Plttsburg 03 60 45 52.6
Brooklyn 98 43 47 51.0
Cincinnati 93 43 50 4S.2
Chicago 96 41 52 45.8
St. Louis 95 31 53 3G.C
Washington 95 23 07 29.5
IV liSTHIlN l.UAC.Ui :
Sioux City Unices tip and Wins nil Eleven
Inning ( liiinn from tint Catvbojr * .
SIOUX CITY , Aug. 15.-SIoux City broke
her losing spell today , winning In an excit
ing eleven-Inning contest. Score :
Sioux City 21012001001 8
Kansas City. . 00004003000 7
Base hits : Sioux City , II ; Kansas City ,
9. Errors : Sioux City , 3 ; Kansas City , 0.
Earned runs : Sioux City , 6 ; Kansas City ,
I. Three-base hits : Marr. Home runs :
McCauley. Double plays : Donohue to
Talesman. Bases on balls : Off Cunning
ham , 8 ; off Darby , 5. Time : Two hours
and forty-live minutes. Umpire : Sheridan.
Batteries : Cunnlglmm and ICraua ; Darby
and Donohue.
Ono Krrur I.oit thn C.imo.
MILWAUKEE , Aug. 5. Taylor's error In
the fifth Inning , which allowed Minneapolis
to score three runs , lost the game for Mil
waukee. Attendance , j.500. Score :
Milwaukee 0 02110200 G
Minneapolis 0 02030110 7
Base hiTs ; Milwaukee , 8 ; Minneapolis , 10.
Errors : Milwaukee , 2 ; Minneapolis , 4.
Earned runs : Milwaukee , 2 ; Minneapolis ,
3. Three-base hits : nines (3) ) , Vlsnor (2) ( .
Bases an balls : 'By Baker , 4 ; by Hettger , 6.
Struck out : By Baker , 2 ; by Better , 3.
Batteries : liettger and Fields ; Baker nnd
Burrel. Time : Two hours und five min
utes. Umpire : McDonald.
OreaniH' Costly Krrori ,
DETROIT , Aug. 15. Poor support of
Oaylo In the sixth lost the game to Toledo.
Score :
Detroit 0 00331000 7
Toledo 0 0011700 * 9
Base hits : Detroit , 16 ; Toledo , 10. Errors :
Detroit , 1 ; Toledo , 4. Earned runs : Detroit ,
6 ; Toledo , 5. Two-base hits : Duncan. Kv-
crett , MeFarland. McUulckln. Homo runs :
MoFnrland. Double plays : Connor to Nl-
land to Peoord. Struck outr By Gayle , 2.
Time : Two hours and fifteen minutes. Um
pire : McQuald. Batteries ; Gayle und
Jantzcn ; Formuii and MeFarland ,
Ilooalem Uniting Wrnry.
INDIANAPOLIS , Aug. 15. Today's game
was nothing1 more than a comedy of errors.
Score :
Indianapolis 4 1G
Grand Rapids 8
Base hits ; Indianapolis , 13 ; Grand Rapids ,
9. Errors : Indianapolis , 9 ; Grand Rapids.
II. Earned runs ; Indianapolis , 2 ; Grand
Rapids , 2. Three-base hits : McCarthy.
Wright. George. Double plays : Wheelock
to McClellan to Camthers. Struck out :
Phillips , Carrol. Wheelock. Umpire : Pee
ples. Time : One hour und twenty min
utes. Batteries : Phillips and Murphy ;
Rhlnes and Spies ,
blniullii ) ; uf Ihn Tellns. ; ,
, , , Played. Won. Lost. Pr.Ct.
Sioux City 83 51 35 C0.7
Toledo 83 B3 37 68.4
Minneapolis , SO 60 39 60.3
Kansas City 90 48 42 53.3
Indianapolis , .93 45 48 48.4
Grand Rapids 91 43 51 45.7
Detroit , 91 37 54 40.7
Milwaukee . , . : . . . . , . 82 23 El 31.1
T\m Hundred Mil" Itvuori ! Ilrukrn.
BUFFALO. Ausr. 15. W. F. Stlmniel and
Fred C. Fuhrmnn of the Humbler Bicycle
club have broken thu MO-mlle record. Their
time over the course between Buffalo and
Erie and return Is fifteen hours , ( our uiln-
rnd fifteen seconds. The best time
previously made over the name course wan
seventeen hours and flvo minutes , and the
record over the Sprlngfleld-IJoaton course
was seventeen hours and twenty-eight min
utes. b _
Director I. < mor 1IU Murk , In .Spltn of ttin
Alitili Two SfcoinN.
THIIHH HAUTE , Ind. , Aug. 15-The
track was about two seconds slow today ,
but despite this fact five races were pulled
off , In nil hut the 2:50 : pace the outsider
u Inning. In the 2:50 : class the winner , Di
rector , lowered his record from .2:11 : % to
llt',4 ! : ' , The surprise ot the day came In the
Terre Haute stake , for foals of 1890 , valued
at } 2I,000. Mary Best was considered as
being In the best form , and was played n hot
favorite against nine good youngsters. The
Wilton filly , Silicon , driven by Hlckok , won
out , to the surprise ot everybody. Results :
2:10 : trot , pn'- ? $2,600 ( unfinished from yes
terday ) : 1'nmllro won second , third and
fifth heats nnd race. Time : 2:12V4. : 2:15 : ,
2:10. : Azote won first and fourth. Time :
2:11. : 2:09's. : ' Lord Clinton , William Penn
anil Muta Wilkes nlso started ,
2:30 : pace , purse $1,00) : Direction won first ,
third and fourth heats nnd race In 2:14lfc : ,
2:11 : 4 , 2ir : > . won second In 2:15'4- : '
Katie Greenlander also started. Walter
Wilkes , Hurley F nml Graphlne distanced.
2:2. : ) trot , purse J2.COO : Cocoon won third ,
fourth and fifth heats and race In 2:15U : ,
2:17 : , 2:17ii. : Bourbon Wilkes won Ilrst and
second In 2ljj ( , 2IWi. : Mary and Edith V
also started.
Terrc Haute purse , foals of 1S30 , stake
J2.40) : Silicon won In straight heats In 2:11 : ,
2:13U : | . 2:15 : , .Mary Best. Wistful , Dan Court
nnd Margrave also started. Greenlandcr
Girl , Anthella , Lea nnd Cythcrn. dlstuncfd.
Three-year-old pace , purse $1,000 : Be
Sure won. Time : 2:11 , 2:18. : Rokeby , Lena
Hill , Gllman , Bronnan. Sterling Rholl also
started. Buck Franklin distanced.
Opening Ihiy at Kdgiir.
EDGAR. Neb. , Aug. in. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) The Edgar races opened
today with the largest attendance ot any
first day In the history of the association ,
and while the time made In the various
races was not exceptionally fast , the -on-
tcats were so close as to make them very
exciting. This was especially true In the
2:40 : pace und the half mile nnd repeat run
ning race , unfinished , which kept everybody
gnosslntr from start to finish. Following arc
the summaries :
3:00 : class , trotting :
Tnrantellc Ill
Gus Fellows 222
Maud McGregor 333
Coudle H dls
Time : 2:23 : , 2:32 : , 2:35. :
2:40 : class , pacing :
HarrHolton 122348
Nellie M 12 G 4 2 8 4
Emma J 210 3425
St. Joe 4 5 8 G G G
Shiftless 3 8 G 7 G 7
Guss Tupper 11 31172
Thiuldeus 1C 10 45533
Nnpolls 6 7 dls
Rattler Jim . . . . -8 dls
Lenatler dls
Fofpstrlker , dls
Sam Luttrell dls
Time : 2:21 : , 2:22'fc : ' , 2:23 : , 2:4.'G'4 : , 2:28 : , 2:2G. :
In the race for horses L. W. Cook's horse
won , W. E. Bogey's second.
The running race Is unlinlshcd. York nnd
Moonlight each winning u heat. Time : 0-49i
and 0:49. :
I'iivoritcs Win at Grand ICnpldrt.
GRAND RAPIDS , Aug. 15. The races
were rather tame today , the favorites win
ning each race. Results :
First race , 2:10 : pace , 3-.year-olds , s-take
$1,000 : Harry G won In straight heats.
Time : 2:2.1 : % . 2:21 : , 2:30 : % . Silver Maker ,
Actuary and Harry Clay also started.
2:27 : trot , purse * SOO : Russel Mont won In
straight heats. Time : 2:25'S : 2:22Vi. : 2:21. :
Don L , Charlie Ellis , Blesmuth , Bismarck ,
No Remedy , Young Dauntless and Char-
union also started.
Third race , 2-year-old pace , purse J7CO :
Phenom won in straight heats. Time :
2:23H : , 2:24VJ. : Luella Shawlian , Regent's
I ast , Ambulator , Donna C and Eddie also
Closn Finishes lit ItnchnHtcr.
ROCHESTER , N. Y. . . Aug. 15. A series of
close finishes were witnessed today. Re
sults :
2:19 : trot : Cephas won third , fourth and
fifth heats and race. Time ; 2:2l'i : , 2:10'4 : ,
2:17V1. : Mahogany won first. Time : 2:15H- :
Dodgevllle won second. Time 2:15. : Over-
holt , Lora J , Mav Homer , Ilenssalaer
Wlllces , Captain Walbrldge and Raven
Wilkes also started. ,
2:21 : trot , 4-year-olds : Sallle Simmons
won in straight heats. Time : 2:19 : , 2:1G',4 : ' ,
2:1"U. : Rose Leaf , Nettle Wilkes and Elba
also started.
2:29 : trot : Pet won In straight heats :
Time : 2:19' : ' , . 2:3) ) % , 221Vj. ; King Barry.
Chrlstabel , J D L , Mary G and Urookle
also started. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Itoiirko.i Secure .McGlll nnd Mornniua Iliit-
tcry itml 1'repuro for Ilimlnesn.
It is very apparent that the local manage
ment wants to redeem Its promise of early
spring nnd give Omaha as good un article
of base ball as the most fastidious crank
could ask. There Is no better fielding team
In the league today , McVey , Hutchison ,
Ulrich and Liuigsford almost make a stone
wall nround the diamond. Their work has
been the delight of the patrons ot the game.
Pcdroes , Seery and Rourke have attended
to the outfield in first-class style. As to
hitting well , ask some of the pitchers who
have faced the Hourkes this season what
they think of it. In the box Omaha has
been weak all season. Mornn and .Fear
have done their part of the battery work
as well as any Flint or Ewlng , but the
pitchers there's where the trouble has
been , Whltehlll has done line work , even
when doing more than his share , but he
has been Omaha's standby. Boxendale and
McMackln were failures ; Camp's health
failed ; Claussen was jailed ; Nenl's arm
gave out , and Lookabaugh has not been In
form since he joined the. team. But Papa
Bill has made a move that will endear him
to the cranks. He has secured McGlll of
Chicago Willy Billy of Cincinnati fame-
through an especial deal with President Jim
Hart , nnd today will present him with
Moran as the battery. This being ladles'
day , there will doubtless be a splendid
turnout. It Is certain that If Captain Mac
doesn't make ? It two out of three the Jaxs
wilt wotk harder- than they ever did In
Douglas county. The teams ;
Omaha. Position. Jacksonville.
McVey First Strothers
Hutchison Second Crolty
Ulrich Third Smith
Langsford . . . . , Short Devtnney
Podroes Loft Strauss
Scery Middle Letcher
Rourke Right Newman
Moran Catch. . . , Snyder
McGlll Pitch Capllnger
Nrola Novcrriwruta 1'ut the I. line on un
Onmlm Aggrrgutlnn ,
NEOLA , la. , Aug. 15. ( Special to The
Bee. ) One of the best games of the season
was played here Sunday between Neola and
the Clean Clippers of Omaha. The game
was played in the rain , but nevertheless the
fielding was good. Mellvnlno pitched one of
his best games , only one hit being made
oft him In six Innings. Game was called
at the end of the sixth on account of ruin.
Neola pl'uys ' the Conventions next Sunday.
Uach have won a game , so the next game
promises to bo the best gf the season.
Score :
r. li. pn.n. e. | r. h. j > o.a. e.
Holmes , pa. . . 0 IClefner , p. . . 0 0 0 2 n
HelvcrtH. If. . 3210 OlWnod , ! u , . . . 00123
Hn\er , Ih. . . 0 102 OWtil-nry , 3b , 0 0 1 3 0
Sweeney , 2b. 0 012 I ) Irish , c . 0 1 8 0 0
CrelKhtoli , c. 2 1 5 1 1 llowl > s , 111. . 00000
Dlllln. rl 1 2 0 n 0 limwn , ss. . . 0 0020
Wats , 3b. . . . 0021 1 .Miller. Hi. . . . 00800
Downs , in. . . 0 IleiMl. rf . 0 0001
Mullvulnu , pO 0 2 0 O.IIunxon , If. . 00000
Totals . 7 1 il 7 1 ; Totals . . . .Jo llO 1 4
Neola . , . : 7
Glenn Clipper * . . . 00000 0 0
Double plays : Graver to Mcllvalne ; Holmca
to Sweeney to Oravcr. Struclr outr ly ( Mcll-
value , 6 ; by Klcfner , C , HnuM on luillx : Off
Mellvnlno , 2 ; otT Klcfnc-r , 3. Hit by pitcher :
Hy Klefner. 1. Time : Onu hour anil Iwentj-tlve
minutes. Umpire : Claili.
n'n Hutti-ry Work < Wonr'JV
AVOCA. In , , Aug. 15.-SpeclaI { .to The
Bee. ) The most exciting game of base
ball of the season for the local sports 'was
played on thu home , grounds , yesterday be
tween Neola and the home team. The fea
ture of the game was this work or the homo
buttery , Beymer and Rlley. Score ! '
Neola . 0 0 0 0" 0 1 1 3 2-7
Avoca . 3 11
Batteries : Jellen and Graver ; Beymer and
Rlley. Struck out : By Jellen , 4 ; by lley-
mer , 8. Hits : Neola , 4 ; Avoca , 8. Home
runs : SHverts , 2 ; Rlley , Beymer , Blake.
Errors : Neola , 8 ; Avoca. 3. Umpires : Clark
and Hagan. Attendance : 500 , Time : Two
hours nnd fifteen minutes.
Clmnrn for it ( iuiui with St. .foe.
The Noyes , Norman & Co. ball cltlb of
St. Joseph would like to come to Omaha to
arrange to play any amateur club In the
city Sunday , August 17. Parties wishing to
make agreement pleasa address Thomas
Shaffer , care Coy Book company , St. Jo
seph , Mo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'nt'lfla C'oimt TrnnU.
TAro.MA , Wash. , Aug. 15. The result of
the 11 rat day of the tennis tournament or
the northwest \vnn ns follows ! Fotilkrs
heat W. KulUWhite beat Atkinson : P.
Anderson bent II. Qrlggs ; T. Orlggs beat
Warner ; Purdon bent Cresson ; Hurtl beat
P. Franslolll ' 1-1 , Bull bent Sargent ; T ,
Fransloll hmt Hntnmlolli White nnd Pur-
don bent 'flhorwp nnd Bull : Foulkes nnd
Cuppage npnJtiiAnderson and Fransloll :
OrlffRs nnd 'Siirucnt beat Hamsdell and
MJTTO , ? } ' IIAIJ 1 > MJ SNAP.
Ik ' 1 J
Lincoln Si'iit , , -ver it Tram nnd tint Yolloiv
I'.nvm.At uln ( liiiiic of It ,
SUTTON , NeW. Auir. 15.-Speclal ( Tele
gram to Tll II e. ) Sutton's yellow suits
are a hoodoo1 ! io longer. Button played Fair-
Held Tuesday'a'i'Clay ' Cenlcr , winning by n
score of i to IS. ' Falrlleld had their Imported
colored pltchcfvho Is good , but not good
enough to win ( lie game alone. Stilton had
their old stnndby. Gray , In the box. Fnlt'-
lleld plays hen ! Monday. Lincoln came up
to do the boys today. This Is the way It
stood :
Lincoln 20000002 ! > -13
Button 2-25
The base hits , errors , etc. , are not re
ported , on account of tile last half of the
ninth Inning , when Sutton , nfter putting
two out , made Lincoln a present of nlhe
runs : Batteries : Lincoln , Thoys , Sidles.
Hear nnd Bcody ; Sutton , until the Inst half
of the ninth , Nlcnlnl nnd Reynolds ; bat
teries the last half , any one who got the
ball. The teams will piny at Harvard to
day. Sutton never had as easy a snap ,
I'mplrn U'IIH Wroni ; .
ANITA , la. . Aug. 13.-To the Sporting
Editor of The Bee : There Is some doubt
about the decision of an umpire hero lii li
game of base ball. The pitcher Is standing
In the box , In position. A base runner on
second bane steals third while the pitcher
Is delivering the ball. It Is n passed ball ,
but It passes the catcher before the runner
reaches third base. Runner then ran home
on the same passed ball. If the catcher
had caught the ball he could not throw It
In time to catch the runner at third. The
umpire sent the runner back to third base.
( Umpire was wrong. Unless expressly
stipulated and agreed upon between the
captains , a. base runner Is entitled to one
base on any passed ball that strikes an ob
struction within ninety feet of the home
plate , und ns mnny more ns he can get. )
Tire Ciimt-H 111 tint Tournament.
ALEXANDRIA , Neb. , Aug. 15.-Specinl (
Telegram to The Bee. ) The base ball tour
nament hero Is proving a great success ,
over 1,000 spectators being entertained to
day. This morning Hebron defeated Alex
andria ; score , 11 to 7. Batteries : Roper and
Nordyke ; Forsdlck und Brunlg.
This afternoon Ohlowa defeated Hebron ;
score , 5 to 7. Batteries : Wiser and Fowler ;
Roher and Jones. Umpire : Nate Holman.
Johnny VMM lli-rnt Whit.
ST. JOSEPH. Aug. If. . The fight tonight
between Johnny Van Heest and Kid Vance ,
the latter colored , was hot from the start ,
but was all Van IleoNt's way. Vance went
down four times In the first round. He was
unable to stand In the next three rounds ,
but did some good flhtlng while on his feet.
In the fifth round he went down twice , the
Inst time to stnv nnd was carried to his
corner. The fight was for a purse of $300.
Y. SI. C. A. Ten in Won.
VALPARAISO , Neb. , Aug. 15. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) The A'alparalso
High school nine playqd the Y. M. C. A.
of Lincoln here this afternoon. Score , 12 to
20 In favor of the Y. M. C. A. Batteries :
Harkness nnd Barnell for Y. M. C. A. ;
Johnson and Oebchger for Valparaiso. Um
pire : Richardson of Lincoln. His decisions
were of the rankest kind.
StitlitYonil Doing \V < > 11.
WESTFIELD , TN. Y. , Aug. 15. H. L.
Stanwood of the Illinois Cycling club , Chicago
cage , who IsUryjrig to lower the Chicago-
New York bicycle record of ten days , four
hours and thlrty-nlne minutes , passed
through liere'at 40:55 : today , lie reports
himself well , and expects to make the jour
ney in about lelghf days from the start.
Took Trn Inning * .
SURPRISE.Nebf. Aug. 13.-Spcclal ( Tele
gram to The Bue.j-In a game of ball here
today David City beat Surprise by one run
In ten Innings , Score , 7 to 8. David City's
battery. Cooper and Rlneheart In the box
and Maupin ueliliid the bat ; Surprise bat
tery , Reed mid -White.
SI urn Want Opponents.
The Tenth -'Street Stars challenge any
team In the city or 'state , 1C years of age.
As we can plaV"Saturday afternoon as well
as Sunday morning anil afternoon , we can
accommodate all. . Address George F. Cole ,
manager , Tenth Street Stars , 1622 South
Tenth street.
Kurl Uulmont Killed.
VERSAILLES , Ky. , Aug. 15. Lightning
struck n barn on Lister Weathcrspoon's
stock farm this morning , killing his trot
ting stallion Earl Belmont , for which he
had several times refused $5,000.
JiiHt I.lko u Jug Handle.
TECUMSEH , Neb. , Aug. 15.-Speclal (
Telegram to The Bee. ) The Lincoln Swifts
and the Cook ball team played an unin
teresting game here today. Score , 1C to 1
In favor of Cook.
Hind ? * Aftnr David City.
The Sandy Griswolds would like to hear
from the David City second team to make
a date for a game of ball as soon as possi
ble. Address Ambrose Ellington , Bee buildIng -
Ing , Omaha.
To Dr. il'rlcu'o Crriim linking I'owditr at
the Fnlr.
An envious New York competitor , who
trios to sell Inferior goods by labeling them
"absolutely pure , " seeks to belittle the award
of highest honors to Dr. Price's Cream
Baking Powder at the World's Columbian
exposition by denying that such honors were
Chief of Awards J. S. Browning writes :
"The records of this department ( agriculture )
show the executive committee on awards
officially announced some time ago that an
award had been granted the Price Baking
Powder company on Its exhibit of baking
powder. "
Hon. John Doyd Thacher , chairman of the
executive committee on awards , also writes
under the date of February 14 , 1834 : "I
herewith enclose you an olllclal copy of your
award , which In dim time will be inscribed
In the diploma and forwarded. "
Why did the New York competitor not ex
hibit ? Was It because his powder con
tained ammonia ?
The award of Dr. Price's was for strength ,
purity and general excellence.
II'K.I Til Kit FOJilic.lST.
Fair Wotithor unil S'onth AVInil * for No-
bnmkii Today.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 15 The Indications
for Thursday are :
For Nebraska .and Kansas Fair ; south
For Town and Missouri Warmer ; winds
becoming south.
For South Dakota Fair ; south winds.
l.onil Iti.'cnnl.
Aucr. 15. Omaha record of tomuonuuro and
rainfallcomparod jtittu porrojpoiidlnjj day of
past fouryearat ' 1
„ , i 1804. 1H)3. ! ) 1R92. 1801.
Maximumtomnoraturp 88 = 7& = > 87 = 7H = >
Minimum turnuofiituro. Ilio 070 cos 8 =
Avorairo tempomuirc74 = 71 = 78 = 7:1 : =
I'neolpltatlon 00 1.35 ,00 T.
Statement showing the condition of torn-
porr.turoniul precipitation at Omahu for thu
day and slnco Mjuuli.k IS'Jl ' :
Slock Yiirilx Abiiiiiloii Nwllchlni ; Churi ; ,
CHICAGO , Aug. 13.-The Chicago Slock
Yards company hus decided to abandon the
switching charge of { 3 per car which It
has been demanding of
Mnkcs a Tolling Speech Below the Mfs-
eouri llopublicaii Convention.
Coliicrvntlvo ComiKol I'rprcll i mid thn Itrso-
lutloiiK 'ItrportpilVrrii t'lmnlmiiunty '
AilnpttMl 1'lll.ry AildrrxMi'4
tlin Convention ,
Supreme Judge SI. W. IIOBINSON
Superintendent of Public Instruction
I. U. KII11C
Itallroad Commissioner..JOSEPH FLOIU
Before the convening of the republican state
convention this morning ths Kansas Cltj
delegation went Into caucus and adopted a
resolution declaring for Colonel L. II
Waters for temporary chairman , Major
Warner's name not being mentioned. He-
fore reaching an agrcsment , however , an ad
journment was taken to the convention hnll.
The hnll , which was profusely decorated ,
wns packed two hours In advance of the
mooting of the convention , which wns set
for 11 o'clock. Chauncsy I. Fllley and Major
William Warner were heartily cheered upon
entering the hall. Although both nssertct1
the convention would be harmonious , several
lights were known to b ; on the tapis , and a
lively time was anticipated.
Promptly nt noon Chairman Uothwcll of
the state central committee called the con
vention to order. There were DIG delegates
After much wrangling , Colonel Warner
was finally decided upon for temporary chair
man. The hour of convening the convention
having besn delayed , was re-set for noon on
account of the fight. Colonel Walters will bo
made permanent chairman.
With a few Introductory remarks , Chair
man Ilothwcll presented Major William War
ner of Kansas City , as temporary chairman.
Major Warner spoke as follows :
In the political tidal wave that swept over
the country two years ago we In Missouri
were defeated , but we kept our powder
dry and today with renewed energy nnd In
creased confidence we are "standing up for
Missouri. " The republican states that
went after false gods In IS'JL' , after the bit
ter experiences of two years of bouibon ,
popullstlc and anarchistic misrule , while
feeding upon the husks of financial ruin
and living amidst prostrated Industries
blighted by the mildew of democracy , now
realize that In leaving the republican party
they sinned against light and reason ,
against their homes and the republic and
are anxiously awaiting the opening of the
ballot box In November to bring forth fruit
meet for repentance. They will return to
the republican party the secure haven of
Amcilcun Industries , American dlnnnces ,
American prosperity , American homes and
American public schools.
That tidal wave brought to the surface an
Incongruous crew of democratic statesmen.
They seized upon the olllces and manned
the old ship of state , throwing overboard
the republican chart and compass under
which It had weathered many a storm.
The old ship drifted aimlessly about on the
troubled waters of democracy. Its Incon
gruous crew have been and are still in a
state oC mutiny , while the ship Is hope
lessly floundering in the trough of political
discord. The success of the democracy In
running the ship of state has only been
equalled by that of the 'traditional bull
running a china shop. That party has
demonstrated that its capacity for blunder
ing is greater than its bitterest enemy ever
dared to predict. Democracy ns a theory
may In ; tolerated , but as a condition is hard
to endure.
As surely as the tidal wave of democracy
passed over this country In November , ISO : ; ,
so surely will a cyclone of republicanism
sweep the country In November , 1891. For
the Ilrst time since 1SG1 the people in 1SC !
Intrusted to the democratic party the exec
utive nnd legislative departments of the
government. Instead ot managing thesu
two great department ! ) In union for the
common good , they have been waging war
each against the other ; Instead of being
friends , they arc Implacable enemies. The
power with which the people clothed the
democracy for good ban been used only
for evil and that continually. The power
intrusted to Its hands luiH been used with
less wisdom than was the strength given to
the blind Sampson of old.
Kvery promise made by that party two
years ago has been broken. It went Into
power pledged to the free coinage of silver
nnd death to the "robber tariff. " Its
first legislative act at the command of
Wall street was to blast nil hopes of placing
silver nnd gold on a parity. Instead of
giving to the people free coinage , as
pledged , it established a gold standard as
the only measure of values. Its president
was no sooner elected than he became the
champion of monometallism and the Im
placable enemy of bimetallism.
The democratic party In Its puerile at
tempts at tariff reform has been governed
by a spirit of sectionalism and Incompe-
tency. As clay In the hands of the potter ,
It has been the pliant tool of gigantic trusts ,
corporations and monopolies.
' Its foreign policy has brought a blush of
shame to the cheek of every true American.
Wo have seen an accredited minister of
this country to n friendly power present his
credentials with oily words of friendship
while he wns the bearer of secret instruc
tions to aid In the overthrow of that gov
ernment to the end that an effete and cor
rupt monarchy might be restored. Wo have
seen the chief executive turn his back upon
a brave people struggling toward a repub
lican form of government while he showed
his sympathy for the discarded monarchy.
The conduct of the State department has
made this people , irrespective of party , long
for thf return of that spirit of American
ism that characterized our foreign policy
under the genius of that greatest of Amer
icans , James G. Blainc.
We hi've fcoen the party In power attempt
to dishonor the brave men who placed their
bodies a living wall between the Hag of our
country nnd those who would tear It down.
Tens of thousands of honest pensioners ,
whose claims have been adjudicated In the
tribunal provided by the government , have
been arbitrarily stricken from the pension
list , the nation' " roll of honor , without the
poor privilege of a hearing , a privilege
granted to the lowest criminal In the land.
This arbitrary action , this crime against
fair play , aroused the sense of justice of
the American people , compelling the com
missioner of pensions to restore to the roll ,
with few exceptions , the names he had ar
bitrarily and wrongfully stricken there
from. But this was not done unlll they
had undergone the cheese-paring process of
the Boldler-hatlng knife.
The Inability of the democratic party to
solve the problem of government Is what
might have been expected from Its past
history. For n score or more years , before
it came Into power. In 1892 , It had been a
party of negation , a party of obstruction.
There Is not a law upon thu statute books
of the nation enacted since 1801 which has
contributed to the wondrous growth nnd
prosperity ot the republic that did not at
the time of Its enactment meet the blind
opposition of the democratic party. To the
cur of national prosperity It has always
been n brake and never a propelling force.
The. control of the legislative und execu
tive 'departments ) of the government brought
their attendant responsibilities , responsibili
ties that the democratic party was unable
to meet. la had no creative genius for
legislation. lit ) old habits of negation anil
obstruction clung to It. The people , ever
quick to detect Imbecility and Incompeteney
In their servants , have long since lost con
fidence In the dominant party. This \aia \ at
confidence has produced a paralysis of bus
iness , a stringency of the currency und a
shrinkage of values heretofore unknown In
the history of this country. The democratic
party has been welshed In the balance of
public opinion and has been found wanting.
The verdict of the people Is made up. That
verdict will bo placi'd In the ballot box
next November. When read , It will bo no
tice to tin- democratic party that Tom
Reed will be the next speaker of the house
of representatives and that the next presi
dent oC the United State. ! will be a repub
What the people , Irieuptetlvo of party ,
demand lu a llxed. Intelligent American pol
icy on financial nnd tariff legislation , . " - liability
bility anil not change I what they wrint.
The only hope for a revival of builnos-i llos
In the restoration of the republican party.
Then , and not until then , will the l.u ly
hum of Industry , mingling with tin * HIKIK of
prosperity , bo heard In the land ; then , and
not until then , will an honctit day'H labor
demand an lioiu-ht day'H wage : then , nnd
not until then , fhnll every Hag except "Old
Glory" bu fuiled thioughoiit the length and
breadth of Hiland ; then. and
not until Ihen , idiHll the gates of r.iHtle
Garden swing nutwnrd to the nnnrchlHt
und the pauper labor of Eurcpi * ; then , nnd
not until then , will the dignity uf labor and
the nobility of toll be rrro'jnlz'd ; then , nnd
not unlll tht'ii , shall mlvi-r b r-iiiu-d In our
mints and i-c tur.- ! t > U * tirupi'i plm-p sl'lo
by slilo with gold HH Ir.-nfiitlii 11 Hum ;
then , and not until then , ahull iti-ry duliur
or Issued by the government , whether
gold , silver or paper , lo ; equal to every
other dollar ; then , and not until then , ahnll
Ihn revenue IIP so levied ns to furnish our.
flclent revenue for the economical manage *
input of the government while gilnrantre-
Ing protection to American Indu.itrlcx with
out the resort to the Issue of bonds In time
of pence.
Thu republican * of Missouri should be
flharora In the coming victory. Let us so
conduct the coming i > attle or ballots that
when the result Is proclaimed wi tuny be
able to exrlnlm , "We have fought the bat
tle ; wo have gained the victory. Missouri ,
our Missouri , the brightest star In tha gal
axy of states , Is redeemed , regenerated and
dlsonthrnlled from the blight of democ
racy. "
A resolution wns Introduced by Colonel
t""ii of St. Louis on the A. P. A. as fol
lows :
m inlvotl , That the republican party of
Missouri , speaking for Us tlmo-honorod
principles , Uti tolerance , Its genius and the
Institutions of the American people as laid
down by the framers of the constitution ,
deplores and condemns any attempt made
under whatever guise or secret organiza
tions , that has for Its purpose the Inaugu
ration of religious bitterness nnd dlsson-
Hlon In the political affairs of our country.
Resolved , That the democratic party em
phatically declares against the Importation
of such fornlqn doctrines to our midst ; and
such oath-bound organizations under what
ever name , whoso secret professions nro
hostile to the religious beliefs of any to-
llglous denomination nr church organisation
and we declare that no such secret organi
zation shall have the- countenance of the
republican party. Be It further , *
Resolved , That the republican parly of
Missouri repudiates the participation or af
filiation or religion with thu politics of this
country. The constitution of the United
Stntes , the supreme law of our country ,
utult'r which we have become the greatest
nation of the world , forbldw the Inter
ference with any man In his worship of
God , according to the dictates of his con
After the selection of committees the
convention adjourned until 4 o'clock.
During the recess the real work of the
convention was done. The committee on
credentials had a light to decide a contest
from the Thirteenth wurd In St. Louis , but
It did not take long to settle It , nnd Dr.
Stark nnd his delegation were seated. The
committeeon permanent organization agreed
on Colonel L. II. Waters of Kansas City
for permanent chairman und William Ilobha
of St. Louis for permanent secretary.
With the committee on resolutions , however -
over , all did not go so smoothly. First
the silver plank caused untold trouble. The
chairman of tlio committee , Nathan Frank
of St. Louis , was said to be opposed to the
silver clement , but a majority of the com
mittee was composed of silver men , nnd
they carried the day.
Another stumbling block was met In the
shape of a 'resolution Introduced by Hlchard
C. Kerens of St. Louis tacitly condemning
the A. P. A. Then a long-continued fight
was waged. The A. P. A. had representa
tives on the resolutions committee , and as
soon as the Kerens resolution was presented
the combat began. Inasmuch as Mr. Kerens
declared that ho would hold out Indefinitely
for the adoption of his resolution the pros
pect of an early report was not good.
The convention reassembled at 1 p. in.
nnd the report of tlio committees on cre
dentials and permanent organization were
presented anil adopted. Nominations : For
supreme judge , Hen. W. M. Robinson of
Jasper county ; for superintendent of public
instruction , J. R. Kirk of Jackson county ;
for railroad commlsoliner , Joseph Flory of
St. Louis. Then c.ime the selection of a
chairman of the state central committee , and
Chaimccy I. Fllloy of St. Louis wns unanl-
innuslv nominated with a hurrah.
At 8:20 : the committee on resolutions sent
word to tlic convention that they would not
be ready to rcrort for three hours. The dfl-
egates became tired of waiting and n motion
to adjourn until S:30 o'clock was carried.
After sitting In continuous session seven
hours the committee on resolutions could
reach no agreement on the American Pro
tective association question. The religious
Question would not down until in despera
tion the committee sat down on both the
American Protective associalion members
nnd those who wanted to insert a plank con
demning that organization. At 10:30 : Chair
man Frank appeared with the platform.
He was greeted with cheers as he proceeded
to read It. Knell plank was well received.
At the last moment Colonel Kerens wns pre
vailed upon to permit tlio American Protec
tive association question to remain In the
shade nnd did not carry out his purpose to
bring war Into tlic convention. After the
adoption of the platform Ch.iuncey I. Fllley
of St. Louis addressed the convention. A
the conclusion of Mr. Filley'si remarks the
convention adjourned sine dlo.
The report of the committee on resolutions ,
which was unanimously adopted , declares :
The democratic party has been In con
trol of this government for a period of the
past eighteen months , nnd during that time
a condition confronts the country that beg-
ifars description nnd causes the people to
look to the future of our nation witli dis
trust and undisguised alarm. Therefore ,
the republicans of the state of Missouri
present the following declaration of prin
ciples :
Wo again declare , for a syrtem of pro
tective duties , adjusted so that every Amer-
can resource can be developed by American
labor , receiving American w.ifes , and we
nslst. upon n tariff that will accomplish
these ends. We have but to mention the
llsnstrous results that have followed the
mere mennco of free trade ns conclusive
evidence of the wisdom of the republican
policy In the past upon this subject.
Wo favor the enactment of laws that will
iruhlhlt the immigration of anarchists anil
Ipinand the strict enforcement of the Im
mlcratlon laws.
We rcafllrm the unswerving devotion of
Missouri republicans to the supreme , sov
ereign right of every qualified volcr , richer
or poor , native or foreign born , black 01
white , to cast the free ballot In the public
election , and to have that ballot counted
ns cast , nnd wo condemn nil Impediments ,
under cover of law , preventing qualified
voters from depositing their ballots nnd
laving them counted.
We extend to the people of Hawaii In
; holr struggle to establish and maintain
Iberal and free Institutions for tholr gov
ernment our hearty sympathy , and we as
sure them that the conduct of the present
idmlriistratlnn In Its endeavors to force
upon them by hostllo means a corrupt and
semi-barbarous monarchy doM not meet
with the approval of the American people.
Wo declare that the Interests of nil the
> eoplo demand that every dollar , paper or
coin. Issued by the eovi'riunent , shall be as
good as any other dollar.
Wo favor the largest possible colnago of
silver that Is consistent with the permanent
malntonanco of pqiml mirohn-dng rind ilcbt-
iivlnu powf-r of nil dollars In circulation.
Wo do nnt want monometallism of ollhor
gold or silver , nnd wo pledge ourselves to
continue the work for. bimetallism , to bo
irought nhiuit bv all moans within the
Kiwer of the government.
The republican party , over mindful of the
ifitrlotlc porvlcos nnd nticrlflcos of the vet
eran soldier" of Iho renubllo. renlllnns Its
noHlilo" In fnvor of llbernlltv to the nn-
tlnn'dofondorH. . Wo fnvor th" granting of
ipni'niiM ' to nil Imnnrnblv discharged union
'nldlors mvl " 'illorn ' whrse dlxnbllltles or
leopFflllos ln ilv onlltl" thPin thorplo. And
wo nnqnnllflpillv conilcnm the Illegal action
of the pension department of the party In
Kxprndrd In Tolling Indiana Di-mncnitii to
Korp Up the Tight.
INDIANAPOLIS , Aug. 15. The largest
convention In Hie history of the democratic
> arty In Indiana convened nt 10 o'clock In
romllnson hall tills morning. There were
,747 accredited delegates Heated on the
naln floor. Although the weather was In-
ensely warm the great hall was filled
with spectators , wh : > fanned themselves Into
a state of comparative comfort. The hall
vas elaborately decorated with bunting nnd
American lines. The only pictures to be
eon were those cf Governor Claude Mathews -
hews of Indiana , President Cleveland and
he late Thomas HondrlcIfH. They were
II steel engravings , ami the president's ,
vhlch was the largest of tlio three , hung
niinedlately above the presiding nfllcor's
lead. The large flag which was wrapped
round the llendrlcks monument nt Its un-
olllug hung from the cell ng In the center
f the hall. Tlio Slate band , located In
ho rear gallery , played on the slllileit ) ;
revocation nnd served to keep the audl-
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfo1
Pitcher's Oastoria.
Children Cryfon ,
loner's Castoria.
once In An cntliualnstlo mod until tlio con
vention got down t ) biulnran.
The committee * on permanent organization
reported nnd n.imed Governor Mnttliows for
permanent clinlrinnn of the convention , nmld
ft Kreat outburst of npplnuse , fallowing thn
mention of ( lovernor Mntthows * name. In
his remarks Mr. TngRart expressed confl *
deuce In n ilcinocrntlo victory In Novem
ber. The rule cominlltecp wns announced
nnd th rules of the present congress ns
far us pr.ictlCiihle governed the meeting ,
Chairman T.iRB-.irt of the slate central
committee called the convention lo order
and Introduced Governor Matthews , the per-
mnnent chairman , who w > s reco.vcd with
loud phcura. Governor Matthews sp > ko us
follows :
Your enthusiasm gives hopeful signs of
Coming sucoss. Surely the gloomy foro-
bodlngs and PI-OIWKOM of defeat heralded
lu the opposition PIUHI-M has had but lit-
tie olToot.
. } , V ° . , " ' ' ' . niet under peculiar conditions ,
still UglitliiK the battle of the people to
relieve them from the burdens of u sys
tem of taxation created a Kcncrntlnn ngo
through the noconilllos of war- burdens
then placed under tin ; promise that so
mum as peace reigned relief should come.
Wo came Into possession of the govern
ment , but with ii dnplotod and empty
treasury , nml crippled and embarrassed also
through the ontulluro of uxtriivagant ap
propriations leitohlmt beyond the close of
republican control cif public affairs and
forcing upon tholr successors the passngo
of dellcloncy bills ami IsMtianci- bonds
to maintain the credit and honor of the
government. Decoptlvo and corrupt poli
cies and reckless extravagance In the administration -
ministration of government through publlo
olllclnls seriously niTt'ot the morals
and Integrity of n peuplo nnd encourage
like conditions In the iiiun.igrmciit of the
private affairs ) of the citizens. The result ! )
have been witnessed In ( ho widespread
financial and commercial depression that
swept over the country. An.l now wo
see n once great party socking to escape
public condcmimtlnn for Its mischievous
policy , and still deceiving a long suffering
people by charging those results to thu
accession of the democratic party.
One by one the democratic pledge * nro
being redeemed through the heroic effortH
of our rcpri'seiilnllvcH In congress. The
iniquitous and unjust federal election law
has fallen benmth our sturdy blows , the
promise to repeal the silver purchasing
clause of the Sherman act IIIIH been ful
filled , ami the belief rnneted Into law that
no special or prlvllcind class of property
shall escape Its just share of the burden
of tnx. The struggle must bo brave and
earnest , for the lIcrciMt opposition Is to bo
encountered along the lino. Siege has
been laid to the sltonghnld of republican
ism Its protective ttirllf mid the day of
a broad commercial freedom Is surely dawn
ing upon us. Step by step wo light our
way , camping un cvory vantage ground ,
until we shall stand amid thu purpling
heights of victory won and succes ; )
achieved. Wo may nut In the present
measure and through the present congress )
secure nil that may bo desired , but It IH
just as sure ud night shall follow the day
all legislation that may give relief In thu
direction of true tarlir u-form Is to re
main upon the statutes fixed nnd secure.
It may bo added to ami advanced , but It
will never more bo tak"ii from or moved
backward , it matters nnt whether ( ho re
publican or the democratic party may bo
In the ascendancy. True tariff foform.
a broad commercial frtedum , a rovenuu
taxation based upon oiconomic oxiwncll-
turc has como lo sot IN heal upon nil
future legislation of the government.
No grander opportunity was ever pre
sented to n political party than that
placed within the roach of the demo
cratic party. We Mini ! earnestly oppose
and bravely meet mi open , honest foe ,
who , by Inheritance and teachings , may
never have been with or for us. Jtnt
those who are nu'rchliu : undur the banners
of democracy almnlonlng democratic prin
ciples and forgetting the sacred cause of
the people , would place obstacles In the
way of localizing tlio great national truths
of government , let th > m bcwaro of the In
dignation of an amused and outraged
party. Where President Cleveland , trusted
lender , shall lead wo shall bo brnvo enough
to follow. The democratic party has nt
times suffered doiVat lu the past , and may
meet temporary defeat in the ! future , but
it never surrender. The line marked
out by President Cleveland In his mes-
K.igo of 1SS7 end Ills recent letter to Con
gressman \Vllson , th" platform In 1891' .
will be strictly mlhc-ied to and followed
until a complete tevlslon and reform In
national taxation Is attained' The ninsPuH
of the democratic party are honest and de
mand that their leaders shall be honest
and faithful to the trust Imposr-d upon
thorn. Through storm and through sun-
slilno the democratic party has been the
poMlstent friend , able advocate nnd bravo
defender of silver. I do not hcllevij the
day has come when we propose or .can
afford , In the Interest of the people , to
turn our backs upon this metal. H la
an Important product of the country , and
from the days of uur fathorH down through
all the wondrous and amazing growth of
our country wo luivo found it a useful ,
safe , valuable medium of circulation ,
At the conclusion of Oovernor Mntthows'
speech the platform was read nnd ndopted.
It endorses the record of the democratic
party In Indiana , .anil continues : "Wo iimrre
our opposition to the vicious system of clnsfj
legislation miscalled protection nnd pledge
ourselves to continue tlio battle against It
until eviry species of extortion and robbery
fostered by the McKlnley act slnll bo ob
literated from our rcvntie system , and Hie
people enjoy nil the blessings of commercial
liberty. We denounce- tariff protection of
cvory kind ns a fraud end robbery of the
great American people for the b'neflt of
a few. We maintain that no tariff * tnx
should bo levied except for purposes of
revenue , und that such tnxts should bo lim
ited to the necessities of the government ,
honestly nnd economically administered.
The following ticket was nnmlnated : Judges
of Supreme Court F'rst ' district , Oeorgo F.
Itelnluird , Spencer county ; Fourth , Joseph S.
Dallcy , Wells county ; secretary of state ,
Wlldam It. Myers , renoinln.itcd ; auditor nt
stilt ? , Joseph T. Fanning , Mnrlon ; treasurer ,
of Htate , Morgan Clinmllcr , Hancock county ;
attorney general , Francis M. Orllllth , Switz
erland ; cleric of supreme court , C. A. Well-
innn , Sullivan county ; superintendent of pub
lic Instruction , Charles ; state statla.
tlclan , Alexander Fulton.
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Syrup of Figs is for salt ) by ( ill druggist -
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