Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 TITR OMAITA DAILY BRIfr. aWfrUKPAY , AUGUST 13 , 1891.
Pavorito Candidates as Shown bj Las
Night's Caucus Preferences.
Vlrifltlng Ciillnl for Monday KvrnliiR of Coin
nilttco on iiilcrtiiliiini'iit : of W
to tlio Htnto Convention Other
I.nrnl I'olltltR.
Republicans of Douglan county In thel
respective wards and precincts made caucu
nominations of delegates lo the county con
Ventlons to be held next Saturday for the
selection of delegates to the state and con
greftslonal conventions. The primaries a
which the caucus nominations will bo votei
on will be held next Friday.
So far as preferences were expressed las
night , MacColl seemed to bo the favorite fo
governor and Mercer for congressman.
The result of the I'lrst ward caucus was
State C. 3 , Klgultcr , Joslili Kent , R. K
Taxton , Jonathan Edwards , John Iloslcky
W. II. Hunchctt. II. C. Colo. John II Duller
T. C. Gordon. Congressional Charles Abriey
John Houza , David Cole , Sam llurgstrom
W. n. Kelly , John Mathlcson , W. F. Hates
M. I'onl , A. H. Walkup , . This delegation Is
solid for Mercer.
' After the state ticket had been selectee :
nt the Second ward caucus a man moved
that the delegation bo Instructed for Majors
No ono seconded the motion and the In
dividual was hissed down. While the dele
gation Is unpledged , It Is understood that It
1s solid for MacColl. The tickets arc
Slate II. II Uaylex , Charles Kesslcr , Otis
Andrecn , N. Nlday , John Rush , W. C.
Cloud , A. I Houck , Ous Trancel. Con-
Krosslorial William Alstead , Charles Hoye ,
Frank Dworak , P H. Johnson. I' . Krum-
mlo , William Rockford , 13 L Lcves , Oscar
Johnson , J. Van I.ran. This delegation Is
instructed for Mercer.
Third ward republicans decided to make
no caucus nominations. Candidates will
announce thenihelves by petition filed with
the county central committee.
The result In the Fourth ward was :
State W r. Ilechel. U II Robison. R.
Smith , D. II. Wheeler , J. T. Wertz , n Rosewater -
water , Gus Anderson , Hd Haney , O. II.
Leslie. Congressional T. K Smlborough ,
Qeorgo S. Smith , W. J. Ilroatch , C. F.
Turncy , n. II. Jenness , II. D. Duncan , A H.
Lockner , W. P. Gurloy , C J Greene. Ma
jority of the state ticket favorable to Mac-
Coll.No caucus nominations made In the Fifth
At the Sixth ward caucus the following
resolution was unanimously passed :
"Whereas , Thp republicans of the Sixth
wnrd , in cauLtis assembled , tucognlze the
ability of 11 distinguished public servant ,
who IKIH fnltlifully and conscientiously
served bis constituents In and foi the bec-
onil congressional district , therefore , be It
Itesolvcd , That the delegates selected to
the Second district cangicsxlonal conven
tion be and they are hereby Instructed to
cost their ballots first , last and all the Hint
for the renomlnatlon of Hon. David H
The following tickets were nominated'
Congressional II. C. Smith , 13. D. Wlrt ,
Gus Sedln , Carter Duncan , D. S. Lowrle , U
n. Uall. George Klllott , II. T. L ° avltt , George
13. Wilson.
State John W. McDonald , M. L. Hook ,
John McLearlo , John W. Long , John N
"Wcstberg , II. M Waring , James L Collins ,
Carr Axford , George G. Wllfcon.
In the Seventh ward the caucus
ticket nominated for the congres
sional delegate convention was : J
W. I31lor , Louis I'cteison , Jerry B.
Sedgwlck , John Grant , Andrew Stoncdalc. C
L. Chalfce , lien S. Maker , George W. Sablno
and 13. Yates. These arc Instructed If elected
to vote- for a delegation that will favor the
renomlnatlon of Congressman Mercer.
Thomas D. Crane , candidate for lieutenant
governor , and S. A. Churchill , candidate for
attorney general , were allowed to name the
ticket for the convention that 1s to choose
delegates to the state convention. They se
lected : Hen S. Dakar , II. n. Palmer , Peter
SChwcnk , C. L. Chaffce , J C. Thompson , II.
II. naldrldgo , Carl IJjorkman , I. O. Rhodes
and Sam Macleod.
The Klghth ward congressional ticket was
nude up of men favorable to Mercer.
In the Ninth ward the sta'e list was In
structed to work In the Interests of Mac-
Cell for goveinor and the congressional Is
favorable to Mercer. The tickets are : Con
gressional J. n. VunGllder , Trcd Goerne , W.
"W. SUbaugh , J. L. Livescy , George IPugh ,
M. O. Maul , Andrew Gibson , Jesse Carroll ,
S. Trcstler.
State 13. P. Davis , C. 13. Winter , J. II
Chapman , J. L. Carr , W..R. Smith. A. C
Powers , W. W. Cox , J. A. Lovgreen and
II. C. AUn.
Caucus nominations at South Omaha were
State Dave Anderson , J C. Trenton , C.
C. Stanley , Henry C. Murphy , Samuel
Christie , Jerry Howard , IJruco McCullough ,
T. J. O'Neill , J. II. Van Dusen , A. H. Mur-
doclc , J. O. Dnstman , John Condon , Fred
Smith and A. L. Button. Congressional
T. F. Elliott. Dan McGuckln , P. H. Con-
roy , O. D. Bruce , W. J. Slate , F. E. Hart ,
Samuel Davis , A. J. McOougal , Martin
Tlghe , 13. D. . Dsrllng. W. S. Cook , NQS !
Poterton , Mark Boiikel and II. D. F.Hher.
Those men art for Mercer.
llrtrptlim Vnniniltti'O Meeting.
A joint meeting of the reception com
mittees of the Hamilton club and Young
Men's Republican club will be held at the
Hamilton club hcailqtnrtors , Patterson block ,
on Monday evening , August 13 , at S o'clock.
It Is urgently requested that every inembrr
bo present as matters of Importance relative
to the entertainment of delegates to the state
convention will be considered
Chairman Hamilton Club Committee.
Chairman Young Men's Republican Club
MxthVunt Uriiiilillriius.
There Mill bo a meeting of the Sixth
Ward Republican club at Us club room ,
Twenty-sixth and Lake streets , every Satur
day night , commencing Saturday evening ,
August 11. unless otherwise ordered All
members ore earnestly requested to he pres
J. A. TUCKI3R , Secretary.
A G'uru fur Clmmlr Dliirrlineii ,
I had been troubled with chronic diar
rhoea for over a year when I received a
Binall botlo of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy , which I used and It
gave me great relief. I then procured a
CO-ccnt bottle and took about two-thirds of
Iti and was cured. I have taken some twice
since when I had a loosncss coiuo on and It
stopped It at oure. I hope It will help
others as It helped mo. I feel very thankful
to Mr. Stearns , the druggist , for telling me
of tula remedy and t > hatl be glad to have
this letter published. S. C. Weeks , Mel rose ,
Mass. For Ealo by druggists.
Currlo U Itiinilrr.
Yesterday afternoon while the patrol con
ductor was taking some prtsoueis to the
county jail , Carrie Hurt , a young glil , gave
him "tho hot f-ot" In great stvle and
nearly escaped. The officer was putting
the prUoners into tlio pitrol wagon when
Carrie slipped behind him and made u break
for liberty at an uston shlnp ; speed. It
took three officers and a con pin cf citizens
to catch her after a chasu of about six
block * .
Tl'cro may bo come on in this vicinity
who U aflllctcd with a stomach tioublc ,
H so , the experience of A. C. 13ppley , n
carpenter , ami contractor of Newman , ill. ,
v\lll Interest htm. Par acouplc of jcars ho
vas at times tioubled with a pain In the
stomach , tint he says , "stcmed to go through
mo from front to back. I began taking
Ohamberlaln'b Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. Whenever any pain appeared I
tuok a dote of the Remedy. It gave me
I'loiiipt relief and 1ms effected a complete
curtIt In for * ale by druggists.
Cltn 1 * . M. ut Oiimlm. Hll.t V. M.ut rhlntKO.
The now veitlbuled train now running on
the "Norlhwejtern" cast dally.
Oimilm Aim Honored.
The eleventh annual convention of the Mli-
sUslppl and Missouri Valley Hardware asso
ciation , held la MInue iK > lli , closed Iti itssloa
with a banquet nt the Hotel Lafnyctto a
Mlnnctonka , at which place tin election o
officem for the enautiiK year wan held , J
number of the Omaha dealers , nccornp.inlei
by their wives , attended the banquet ,
In selecting officri the following mmct
Omaha gentlemen drew prizes : W. S
Wright , manager of the Rcctor-Wllheltny
company , secretary , and W. M. Gloss , necrc
tary of the Lee-Clarke-Andrcenen Hardwar
company , member of the executive commit
_ _
The lions and leopards give their last per
formance on Sunday. They are worth seeing
August 11 , ISO I. Special trains from Web
filer street union station at 8 30 a. in. and
12 30 i > . m.
Wo Unto Seine Splriidlil Shoo IlarRitln * to
In the face of orders not to buy , our cast
orn shoo buyer has shipped us a lot of tan
shoes. However , the bargain was such a bit
one and the qualities and styles being up to
date , wo have forgiven him for not following
our Instructions.
This Is a. great opportunity to buy fine
shoes very cheap.
Children's fine tan goat $1.45 oxfords , 9Sc
Misses' fine tan goat $1 95 oxfords , $1.23.
Children's fine- tan goat $1.75 button shoes
(1 13.
Misses' fine tan goat $2 25 button shoes
Ladles' fine tan goat $1.50 oxford tics , OSc
Ladles' fine vlcl tan kid $1 CO Prince Al
berts , $2 75.
Ladles' fine vlcl tan kid button $4.50 Juli
ette , $335.
Hoys' line tan goit lace $2.50 shoes , $1 75
Youths' fine tan calf lace $1 75 shoes , $1.25
' Dry goods and shoes.
Lions and leopards at Courtland beach.
August 11 , ISO I. Special trains fioni Web
ster street union station at S 20 a. m. ant !
12 30 p. m.
A. O. II. Kvcmslon.
To Coftman's park , Aug 12th , ISO I. Special
tialns 3 a. m. , 1 30 p. m. Prom Wthstcr
street union station.
Dollirs in Pollut-H.
To Denver and return.
To Colorada Springs and return.
To Pueblo and return.
Via the Union Pacific.
Tickets on sale Aug. 10 and 11.
Account League of Amcilcan Wheumen
Per further particular call on H. P.
Deuel , C. T A. , U. P. system , 1302 Farnam
street , Omaha.
Noli * fioin the Station.
A. W. Lander was arrested yesterday ,
charged with having attempted a criminal
assault upon Clara Anderson.
Officers Mitchell and Plskc. who were as
saulted and badly beaten by a gang of toughs
In the Third ward Thursday afternoon , were
not able to report for duty yesterday , but they
managed to come down and file complaints
against their assailants , two of whom have
been arrested. Warrants are out for several
more of the gang , but It is thought that they
have left town.
Cadet Tiylor has been appointed
guardian for the llttlo Doveo children who
were taken away from their mother a few
weeks ago on account of her not being the
proper person to care for them. The
woman Is all"ged to be living "with n negro
and consorts with the lowest of characters.
When tlio children were taken away from
thflrmother It.Is . said that they had been
forced to drink" enough Hquor to get drunk.
Judge Bcrka was "given a thorough lesson
on dogs yesterday while trying the case
against Alfred Sorenscn , charged with keepIng -
Ing a vicious dog at COOS North Forly-spc-
end street. The dog , which seemed to b * a
good natured shepherd , was offered In evi
dence , and "Judge" Julius Cooley , who rep
resented the defense , fondled the animal to
show the court that he was not Melons.
Cooley's argument and discussion- the
breeds of thoroughbred dogs filled the court
and city attorney full of dogsology. Sorensen -
sen was fined (9 and costs.
All IntviuHtlng letter Uhli.ll SpeitUs for
LOVKVILLn , St. Mary's Co , Md. . June
15 , 1S94. I have handled Chamberlain's
Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
the past year. It gives th < > best of satis
faction to my customers. I received an otder
last week for four bottles of the remedy from
a man residing sixteen miles from my place.
Today I received a letter from him , stating
that It has saved the lives of two mem
bers of his family. An old gentleman here ,
who has suffered two jears with diarrhoea ,
was permanently cured by this remedy. He
can now do as much work as any man of his
ace. I could mention other remarkable
cures , but the Remedy will show for Itstelf
If tried. D. Lnve. 25 and 50-cent bottles for
ealc by druggists.
Oregon Ktdnc ) Tea cures nervous head-
ucheo. Trial Mze , 25 cents. All druggists.
A. G. I napp received \\enty-f f our cars of
Kansas hay ovet the Missouri Pacific road
yesterday. This is the largest shipment of
.his kind of commodl y ever received In
The park commissioners are rapidly ac-
inlrlng the title to th sections of lots va
cated by the construction of the north boule
vard. They are employing as many teams
and men as possible In grading the road bed
and will soon be ready to bogln the con
struction of the bridge at Grand avenue.
The boulcvaid will be completed early In
G C. Pnco of Lincoln Is a Dellono guest.
F. H. Ilentley of Klmball Is at the Mlllard.
Al Uowlo of Chugwater , Wjo , Is a Paxton
William Pamllton of Donnlson , la , Is at the
William Monci elite of Sheridan , Wjo. , Is at
ho Paxton.
Phil M Crockett of Coin , la. , Is an Ar
cade guest.
John Ilulson of Loup City was at the Mer
cer jestetday.
Hon. A. K. Goudy of Lincoln registered
ut I ho Dellono last evening
H. D. Walker and G A. Grau. Of Mount
Measant , la. , are at the Arcade.
W A. Scott of Dsnver , staff correspondent
of the United States Investor , Is In the city.
Mrs. W J Il > rno and her bro'ljcr , Albert
Joyce , of Columbus , 0. , are In the city ,
guests of J. G. Gllmore.
Mr. Prank L. Gregory has been appointed
gent of the Philadelphia and Reading Coal
nd Iron company at this city.
G , Jamleson , 0 J. Isensea and J. A.
Iwanson , buyers for Hoyden tiros' , big de-
mrtment store , went east list evening on a
lurclmslnt ; trip In the manufacturing centers ,
Judge Dundy was busy jesterday signing
up orders In the federal court and getting
eady for a trip to the mountains. Ho will
eove tomorrow or Monday for an extended
John Duller has returned from a month's
outing at Michigan points. Ho reports that
10 matter how bad the crops are In Ne-
iraska they ran bo no worse than they are
n Michigan , Iowa and Illinois.
Noliriixkimo ut tlm Hotel * .
At thf MlllardV. . A. Gilbert , Cedar
At the Mercer H H Wallace , Tokamahj
n. P. Dunkln. NellKh.
At the Arrndo .1. F SUCnrtnoy , Geneva ;
Maruruve , Gordon ; F A. Patterson ,
Stockliam : John Wilkinson , Avoc.i ; A. C.
lull , Hasting * ; J. r. Mann , Albion.
At the Delimit-- L Mutton. Wakefleld ;
C C Crovvi'll. IMali. W N Dillon , Hast-
IIK ; Plunk II , Yountr , Uroken How. W. A
itvw irt , LexliiKton ; W 1 W illnce , Norfolk.
At the MerclmntHThonns Mortmor ,
Mmllson ; GeoiRi' llcrry. Untile Creek , J ,
C. Mortis , Carroll , F. O. I'lillli-H. Wayne ;
f S Moit , I'lattmiiouth. U. J , Valid ) ke ,
Ihelton ; A. J , Adams , llrudsbavv ; K. 8.
'otter , Cr te ; Q. W. Waiuwrlb'ht , DUIr.
4 r i ivp'p TIII onpri \ i TMV
Twentieth Street Property Owners ( Jo Into
Court for an Injunction.
Ilhiinn City Council for Not Having I'lplug
none ll < fern llrlckn Were l-nld I'ault
round with llaterliilVliolo
doll H Hutch ,
About a score of the property owners on
Twentieth street between Izard and Lake
have applied to the district court for an
Injunction to prevent the county treasurer
from levying the special tax for paving the
section of street represented , The amount
Involved Is $31SOG.13 , and the principal
reason urged against the levy Is the alleged
failure of the council to have the sewer , gae
and water connections put In before the
pavement was laid.
On July 1 , 1800 , petitioners representing
4CSS feet frontage on the street asked the
council to pave the street with Galesburg
vitrified brick or vitrified brick of equal
quality. The paving was accordingly ordered
two weeks later , and on July 18 the water
works and gas companies were ordered to
put In their street connections. Later on
un ordinance was , passed ordering all con
nections to be made within fourteen days ,
but notwithstanding a petition from the
property owners that the street should not
be paved until this work had been done the
council went ahead and paved the street.
Now the petitioners claim that the brick
used was not of good quality and on account
of the failure of the council to see that con
nections were made before paving the street
Is being continually torn up and ruined.
The } also claim that while the law requires
that the cost of the paving between the
strctt railway tracks and for a foot on each
side shall bo paid by the street railway
compiny , not n cent has been charged to
the company , the entire cost being levied
against the property owners.
For these reasons they ask that the county
treasurer shall be enjoined from selling cr
advertlsng for sale any of the abutting
property for the nonpiyment of the special
tax , that the levy shall be declared void
and that tne council shall be required to
replace the present paving with Galesburg
brick , as was designated In tfie original
petition. The following property owners
are plalnttfts In the case : William Dough-
ton , Charles Gardner , William White , John
11 Srrenson , Fred Zwelful , Richard Rowley ,
Maria Eltner , Michael Swift , Harry Jones ,
Jeremiah O'Hern , Andrew C. Busk , A. L
Reed , Ann Campbell , Margaret A. Murphy ,
Marlus Screnson , C. 0. Lobeck , Otto Lo-
beck , John Sjolln , James Neville.
Homo neil Abroiul ,
It Is the duty of everyone , whether at homo
or traveling for pleasure or business , to
equip himself with the remedy that will keep
up strength and prevent Illness , and cure
such ills as are liable to come upon all in
everjduy life. Per Instance , Hood's Sarsa-
parllla as a gcneial tonic , and to keep the
blood pure and less liable to absorb the germs
of disease , will be well nigh Invaluable.
Change of drinking water often causes ser
ious trouble , especially If ono has baen used
to spring water In the countiy. From a
few drops to a teaspoonful of Hood's Sars > a-
parllla in a tumbler of water will prevent
the water having any Injurious effect.
Hood's Vegetable Pills , as a cathartic ,
cause no discomfort , no dlstui banco , no loss
of sleep , but assist the digestive organs , so
that satisfactory results are effected In a
natural and regular manner.
The lions and leopards give tholr last per
formance on Sunday. They arc worth seeing.
August 11 , 1894. Special trains from Web
ster street union station at 8 30 a. m. and
12 30 p. m.
A. O. II. iiirnlo'i. : .
To Coffman's park , Aug. 12th , 1S94. Special
trains 9 a. m , 1 30 p. m. From Webster
street union station.
A. O , H. IA < nrslon.
To Coffman's park , Aug 12th , ISO I. Special
trains 9 a. m. , 1 30 p. m. From Webster
street union station.
Lions and leopards at Courtland beach.
A t'onrtl Ifeneo OUCH Aroiinil iho rarnam
Street Theiitur Corner.
At the meeting of the Board of Public
Works yesterday a resolution was pabsed
directing the street commissioner to con
struct a hog tight fence around the sidewalk
on the northeast corner of Fifteenth and
Farnam streets. The entire walk around
the old Farnam Street theater site will be
fenced off so that pedestrians will be com
pelled to take the other sldo of
tlio street. This action was taken
after a conference between the mcmb rs
of the board and the major , In which the
jest way to remedy the dangerous condition
was discussed. The sidewalk was condemned
> y the board by a resolution passed June 5 ,
mt the resolution was promptly plgeon-hoted
> y the city council. In the meantime the
joard and the mayor were besieged with
comphlnts on account of the condition of the
walk , hut the board was powerless to order
a sidewalk constructed as long as the pull of
the owners with certain members of the
council continued In force.
At the meeting yesterday the fencing
off of the walk was suggested as the best
way to bring the council to time. The mayor
irehenlcd a communication to the board call-
ng attention to the fact that damage suits
against the city were liable to accrue at any
time on account of the dangerous condition
of the walk and requested that the public be
> rc\intcd from traveling over It.until It was
repilrid. The icsolutlnn ordering the fence
coiibtiucted was then passed by the board
and the street commissioner will fence off
the walk the first thing this morning.
I.oNxes Turned Ills llrnln.
A man named King from Sioux City stag-
BCied into the health office yesterday
or assistance. He was evidently out of his
icad and from what llttlo Information he
vas able to give the officials It was con
cluded he had been ono of the losers by the
allure of the Hawkcye Commission coin-
) iny and that his reverses had affected hla
According to his story ho had a family
n Sioux City , but' bad coma' to Omaha two
nonths ago to take some sort of a position
n the office of the commission company
le had put all his money In corn and when
ho members of the firm shook the dust of
Omaha from tholr shoes he was left with
lelther work nor money. Ho was fierce In
ils denunciation of the members of the
Inn , especially Doogo , whom he seemed to
onslder responsible for all his troubles ,
le was taken into Chief of Police Seavey's
Illco , where the patrol wagon was called
o take him to the Methodist hlspltal. It
s not thought that his mental trouble Is per-
Tournament Postponed.
The city tournament which was to begin
at Young Men's Christian Association park
oday has been postponed until next
week , August 1C , 17 t.tnd IS , on account of
the fact that the txftsMvc hcnt has pre
vented many fronv gntherltiR who would' '
otherwise have donet HO It Is desired that
nil entries be In bytwxt Tuesday noon. Send
them to 13. 13. Thonus 212 Omaha National
Bank building.
( Irrntl InroiuU.
To bo made In oun stocks at tomorrow's
( Saturday ) sale. Only three more Sattir-
davs , and they musti all ba great moving
days , moving otiti ilargo portions of our
stocks nt such sacrificing prices. We are
very busy , but not reducing stock as fast ns
wo had hoped.
And wo will do It foV tomorrow. We have
the goods and they must bo sold , If not nt
one price another price certainly will do It.
The largest and most complete stocks , 33
In number , will make grand efforts to un
load a big lot of goods. Our prices are
tempting , so como with your purses full.
Dress goods for from IHo a yard to the
finest of weaves , wash dress goods and ,
white goods. Will sell men's furnishings ;
will glvo great values. The values In
notions and toilet articles wilt bo grand
there. A kid glove that Is valued at $2.00
a pair for 98c Lidles' and boys' stcck-
Ings , also underwear ( cay ladles' undcrvcsts
at So ) must be sold. Rlbbons ( all silk ones
at 2c ) will give grand values. Dress silks
and velvet that cannot help pie\slni ; loth
} ou and your purse. Cloaks , China , cm pet
and rugs all make special offerings fpr Sat
Lions and leopards at Courtland beach.
A. O. It. I xciirsloii.
To Coffman's park , Aug 12th , 1S9I. Special
trains 9 a in. , 1 30 p. m. From Webster
street union station.
August 11 , 1804 Special trains from Web
ster street union station at S:30 : a. m. and
12 30 p. m.
i. . A. n.
$1600 to Denver and return via the Union
Pacific Aug. 10 and 11. Account League of
American Wheelmen meeting.
See me. H. P. D ucl , C. T. A. , U. P.
Ejstcm , 1302 Farnam street , Omaha.
Tor full Information concerning summmor
excursions call at the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul ticket office , 1501 Farnam street , or
address p. A. NASH ,
General Agent.
August 11 , 1891. Special trains from Web
ster street union station at 8 30 a. m. and
12 30 p. m
The lions and leopards give their last per
formance on Sunday. They are worth seeing.
Uninvited ( Juoitft Join In Mukliif ; tlio tero-
inonj n rieiimint AfTnlr. '
The county court room was the scene'of a
wedding ceremony ) of considerable preten
sions one evenlng-tlils week , and the mos > t
remarkable thing about the affair was that
It was an entlr < surprise both to the brlda
couple and to the guestb. The groom wa
Peter V. Schnltler of Council Bluffs , who I
emplojcd In the establishment of Dewey &
Stone In this city , and the bride was Miss
Mailo L. Dohrer , who resides In Omaha
Mr. SchnltKr came after his license earl'
In the day and asked Judge- Baxter to per
form the wedding ceremony. He said that he
could not get back before evening , and the
judge accordingly consented to come down to
his office at 8 o'clock : and tl the nuptla
It happened tht Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nott
the former of whom Is one of the clerks It
Judge Baxter's office , had company that eve
ning and at about the time appointed for the
wedding they all went over to thecouri
house for the purpose of admiring the now
carpets and otlur furnishings with which the
county court room had been decorated during
the vacation. Judge Baxter arrived at the
same time with Mrs. Baxter , whom he hae
biought as a witness to the ceremony , ane
the bridal couple w .re only a few minutes
As soon ns It was explained that a wed
ding was on hand the whole pirty remained
and the ceremony was performed In the
presence of quite an assemblage of guests.
The bride and groom were somewhat sur
prised at first at the unexpected number ol
guests , but the words that united them for
life were quickly spoken and then Introduc
tions were the order of the occasion and an
hour was spent very pleasantly In congratu
lations and general conversation. All present
exerted themselves to be entertaining and the
Impromptu party was pronounced a flattering
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney
troubles. Trbl size , 25 cents. All druggists.
Misleading IlcportH Ite nrdliiff the Aetlou
of tlio 1'upll Delegate. .
The reports published In Omaha and Lin
coln and widely telegraphed concerning the
action of Msr. Sutolll In the case of the
priests of the Lincoln diocese against Bishop
Bonacum , are misleading and untrue. The
Bee Is Informed on reliable authority that
nothing has transpired recently to justify the
publication made.
About a month ago the complaining priests
received a loiter from Mgr. Satolli , an
nouncing that the report of the Investigation
made by Archbishop Henlicssy In April last
was adverse to the complainants. The
substance of the report was that a majority
of the laity and of the priests of the dlotcse
sustained Bishop Bonacum. The letter
further contradicted several statements al
leged to have been made by the delegate
when In Omaha In June , 1893. These facts
were published at the time and the present
report Is a rehash of them.
The pile&ts replied to the letter and are
about to forward documents called for ,
which were Introduced as evidence In the
Bonacum-Corbett tilal In Nebraska City
While there Is some ground for the Im
pression that Bishop Bonacum will come out
victorious , the final decision has not been
The priests do not Intend sending one of
their number to Home with an appeal ,
should an adverse decision be rendered The
present feeling Is that an appeal from Sa-
tolll to Rome would ba useless.
Ileport * < f rout NulmisUii TIMVIIH
I. nut Mclit's Mi-otlir.
The Celtic-American league , at Its regu
lar meeting last I'renlng , considered sev-
eial reports from branch organizations
throughout the stuteu Reports from Lin
coln , Grand Island,1 Nlobrara , North Platte ,
Hastings , Plattsmotlthj Beatrice and other
places Indicate an aggressive activity which
bids fair to accomplish gratifying results.
The elimination < < otr all religious questions
from consideration bytthe league Is proving
wholesome and cfOaaolous. Only the same
doctrines that actuated O'Connell and Par-
ncll control , and hoiiimrule Is the goal which
Is almost reached. . I Rfcports as to the com
ing reception weroo fcatlsfactory. Liberal
minded people arav willing , by uniting , to
inuko- great state and local event of It.
Several addresses were made lust night , and
many new members were enrolled.
M. F. CARROLL , Secretary.
01 all m Leavening Power. .uatcst U. S. Gov't Report
. © ag ® ®
Several Shots Exchanged with a Numbar
of Desperate Character * ,
Tulior I'oMofllco the Hcrno itf Heavy rirlnir
Ullli ITUViro Uniting liulilr , but
Jtunlicd Out lee Noon unit the
Mholo tliuif ; K tnUR.
TAHOIt , In. , Aug. 10 ( Special Telegram to
Tlic llco. ) An attempt to rob the postofllco
ixnil juttclry store nt tills plico last night
was successfully folleil by Deputy United
Slates Marshal Hlclmrtls , ChUf if I'ollca S an-
Ian , Chief lctcctl\c ) Murphy ami t\\o deputies ,
all of Council IllulTs. 1'or some time past
the olllccrs have been on the track of n gang
of professional burglars operating In this sec
tion. The officers succeeded In working a
detective Into the gootl graces of the gang
when the plan to rob the Tabor office was
worked up and the officers notified. They at
once came to Tnbor and planned for their
capture , In which they would undoubtedly
Imo been successful but for the mistake of
ono of the officers , who mistook the breaking
In of the front door for the breaking open
of the safe and gave the alarm. About
twenty shots were fired In all. completely
riddling the front of the store adjacent to the
office , but no one was hit and the burglars
made a successful escape.
The Council Bluffs officers altogether had
an exciting night of It. Hlclmrds posted
himself In a drug store across the street
from the postoffice , while Scanlan , Eller and
Murphy hid In a store about forty feet In
the rear. The officsrs had good reason for
thinking that when the attempt at robbery
was made It would be by the rear door , but
this was where the robbers fooled them
With a chisel , a couple of hammers and
other tools stolen from a neighboring black
smith shop , they broke In the front door
The noise they made resembled an explo
sion , and the three watchers In the
thought the safe had been blown open They
jvere waiting for a whistle from Richards ,
but it did not come. A light flashed up In-
sldo the building , and Uller rushed around
from the rear to the front , discharging his
rovohcr as ho went. A second later
three men rushed out of the
front firing revohers. Richards was
standing not more than twenty-five feet from
them and he was the target for .ill their
shots. His escape from being killed Is a
miracle. When the firing commenced Scan-
Ian and Murphy followed filler to the front
and In the next minute or so there must have
been thirty shots fired on both sides.
The encounter ended by the robbers getting
away. They had laid all their plans with a
great deal of forethought. They had broken
Into a hand car shed Just nt the end of town.
Intending to put the car on the track and
pull themselves up to Malvcrn In case their
venture was successful , there to take the
first train that came along and get away
They were traced for 300 yards fiom tin
postolfice In a northeily direction , but be
yond that no trace of them could be obtained
There Is not clew as to the'r Identity. Ii
Is evident that they were desperate charac
ters and preferred to sell their lives as dcarl >
as possible.
Marshal Richards claims the gang Is one o :
the toughest ever operating In this section
Two of the men have served long terms a
Jollet , sent up from Chicago.
Try It. Once used It takes the precedent
of all other ! , Cook's Extra Dry Imperial
Champagne. It has a most delicious boimut.
The lions and ledparda give their last per
formance on Sunday. They are worth seeing
Tin-so Will limp ct Blent.
Some months ago the civil service commis
sion held an examination of all who
were applicants for the position of meat
Inspector under the provisions of the new In
spection law. At that time thirty veterl
nary surgeons took the examination , Includ
ing Drs. Richard Ubbltt and John Forbes of
this city
Yestprday the Omaha gentlemen were
notified that their" examination had been
satisfactory and that they had passed
They were also notified that their
commissions weie on the way. Dotli
of these gentlemen were born in
Scotland and have been residents of this city
for a number of joars. It Is more than
likely that they will be stationed at South
Omaha , as their duties are to Inspect all
cattle slaughtered where the meat Is intended
for export.
Advices from Washington are to the effect
that tliebc two Omaha gentlemen and another
party are the only ones out of the thirty
who were able to reach a percentage suf
ficiently high to allow them appointments.
Inilltirstlnn , Wantof Appetite , l illnrga
lifter Mrali. 1'ntnltlilf/s , S/rAnrvu of
tlte Stomach , Jlllliitis at- Lit er Cutn-
plalnts , SMi ITcailorhf.VtM
its , and All JTcrioi'in Affection *
To cure these compliiIntB v < n mut remote ,
th cjuse. The principal cntuo l ir ntrallv i
to bo found In IIin tlnimicli unit llvfrj. | IJ
Ihtwlira ory lai rli/ll unit nil will lit utll From
twotofoiir IMIli iwlcea day for hort tlmo
will rcmoTO the aril. And reilora the ufferar
toionndand laitlnit henllh
| Of nil drugclAts. Price 2H cents a box.
New York Doixit. )03 ) Cnur.l bt.
Hero Is a chair which han been cspcclallj
designed for summer comfort. There urc
chairs for every month of the year ; this U
tor the summer of your discontent , when
upholstered furniture IB as hot as an oven ,
mid the human body craves comfort.
The chair Is built on the lines of ono of
the "Old Comfoil" rockers of a century ago.
rho back Is high and the armrests very
uroad. The Beat Is shaped to the body , and
Iho whole framework U a veritable dream
if comfort.
The rockers are of the "long roll" pat-
icrn , giving the easy , slow , continuous mo-
Jon to much desired for a luxurious chair
Iho wood Is elm which U hard and takes
i very rich finish The head frame Is hand-
iomely carved and theru are decorative
notmtlngs of brass. Our price Is f3 00.
Ciias. Shiverick & Co.
FURNITURE of Ever y Dcscrlpt on
TiMuporiry location
JJJOO IIIMI r UH JJuiiiflm Stra tt ,
gmmmmmmmmmmmmti m
THE FsfAMPEO mm" ] 3
Has by heavy the cloim on uurity a litind-cl - dol-
laistoa peanut that our shoes arc thorough ami thorough
leather , sole leather counters , which prevent a shoe
from a dose of blind stivers , sole leather inner and
outer soles , which makes a shoe flexile ( forming a
light and unpinchel step ) , and a pure , full stock leather
upper for service for retaining : shape
That we cheerfully refund your money for your old
shoes , or replace them with a new pair any shoe
that'll wear out too soon , prove defective , 01 does not
wear ica onably well and this guarantee bars none ,
whether you purchase a low or high price shoe1.
And here is a pair of brand new shoes , to the man who
can prove the existence of a retailer ot shoes , under the
canopy of heaven , who has this much confidence in his
shoes , to offer a guarantee like ours Tnat's why the Ne
braska keeps 2 large slios factories hustling the year round .
o- Our fall catalogues will bo ready for mailing by Aug. 18th.
Direct From The Tea Gardens.
Fragrant ! Rich ! Delicious !
Genuine only when supplied in "Original" Patent Airtight -
tight Canisters bearing grower's name :
These delicious Teas are used in almost every home
In the Old Country. Lipton's "No. i" is unanimously de
clared to be The Finest Tea The World Can Produce.
Sold by N. B. FALCONER , wholesale and Retail Agent far Omalu
For Tounc Laillci
* Oldest Military School In iho Missouri River Valley
Sii Department * 18 Officers rut Teichrr * MUMCb/ l Thorough Inttructlo. Flim but
HttllhM Influence
ArtUU. < 7inmulutnrt , Flueullvu Mtvlern * P kind d mor unenelle I Terms to mit
) tdi , 6th. I Catalogued iclphne Appointments
( ointments tirout.tiout \ i year Sept or lletlmei mutinied itBln uc I 1 t
d Iren ArcMbiild A. Jonc * . I'rMt. Lcilugtuu. Mo. SandforU Sellers , M. A . Bugt. Leilngton Mo.
'reslyterlan Home School for Younr I arffes One pf th I uellfnt c..iif o ( t .lr Mu * All , Ulerlture. Llocu
lo. ! , Butlntli * r I ucillui lieallliful in.l rlcj t. ' > ,
tc i" Missouri , lern ) ,
ildestaxl " Appoint * its m > )1 ut lean . lath 1B01.
Art. TeachersSi ) cUtim lllumilr 1 Catalogue AiMrrs * il < r , ( icaim licit aotli juxr opeus Sept.
iO'J.tlieT. T. T. VTnUon , I rft I rilnctiiii , Sin REV. W. A. WILSON , A. HI. , Prealdent.
" * --J M g
'PUT OIinAT MIMI'MIV Si IIODI ( OK rll < WBU" lluiUi sncoml ntti3 !
W , HoiVtmnift , . . . s-liwN of Hi , ( 'into ' I Hi'cH 1'
r C'Dili-ifo. II.imus . , Wou 1' . or Ann i > .11- Sir i u K'ulty in o
' TO KDUCATi : ?
Ilia West Is 111 H-linl you w lilt Rimou
mini ITI AN fill I FRF ol' ' U.-rnrnNliml . II . . . Uo , .o , , U l > uu UluaUM-
tca.UUci.-uo Oiiuin"iituinl.r *
COLUMBIA , MISSOURI. Mrs. Luella Wllcox 3t. Clalr , President-
; Ono Mile West of Nutro Dime UnKimlty )
llivT.ltlt tciitlrtiilp In in II III Ojitn Miniilny ,
.Siyi/ . ' ( / . / ,
Tlic Acndemlc Course In tlmrouxli In tlic I'rop
irutiiry him u nnd t'lnsmiul dunlin Munli He-
uutment on the plan of the licit t'lmsfrvutorln
if nuiope. Is under the ili.iiuu of " niinpUio
: oii3 u ( ttiuhi.i iiluillu iiiuiMiil en the cunt
ut nclioola of Uuroptf Drnulnu- und imlmlMK
nun llfu and thii ( inllqui IMianuiti iphy nnd
I'jpi'-Wrlllnx tnuslit llulldlni.1 niulppwl with
Ire < mtipc A nijiviiilu dfpiiilniint fur ililldrin
mdcr U Appl > fui culalo uu to l > iriciu 3 uf
ho Academy ,
Sotre llnino I' , O. ht. .Iniriti | Co. , I ml.
IIOTriOl | IT-I'ltl.NCih , MIKil.MA.
Tor IMIIIK l.ildli . llml > rK t > nlinnitritenil l/
aui | > prd In Virginia bilrclli Liiuittt In Amlriit
piiil.iliiilernl.iiiifiiiiiurx l.llrlnliiri- . ili ni i > .
tliHir.rl nlid lli'iullnii. iMntlrrriiml tmheu.
bilunodlil vtllejffjfy ne r ICntiii Le .llnnnliilii
ionir > Mlnrrnl > t > r > nilul rlnui. rim > lr. tM
tmiionuponhept 13 1s * ! Forllliii O tiliiii eiilflitu
< IIAs , I. , t ( ICM.'t Supi , llnlllnn. .
riir . I'AIIK. U.I.IXOIH
ha mo < t Lctutlful and lie < illliful lucition on
, jk MIchlKHn TiiuraUKh ( lawkal Acadtnilo
nij Conimi iMI I'oume * l.icij Inniiuitor 4
piunliil In hl brunchu Kndurncd l > y the leu.
l tor of Illlnpu and annually Imie'-tel by
fflclal repr mjnl li\e uf th tlnt Sejiion
peni BtplcintMr 10th. Ilmlralt | < l catalogue tent
n [ ipHciU a.
DeparliiLiit of the Unlveislly of a
A Home for Young I/ulies.
With modem cltj nccuinniQiliitloiiB and parental / .
rental ovomlKlit YUIIIIK mui aiu liclpud
KOilullj , phjHlcallj. Intill.ctutill } , moiully.
Kxpelisu Kinilitlltucil , JI OW per } utr.
BUKP sbi'i-ouT UUI > AUTMINT. :
cLUECE ; BolOVUO | ( No | , .
r/in M/ < l/-/4iit Vfin Hill OJIPH
Pull courtim In clnnslen lettym , ncHonce , law ,
clxll ami nuclmnluil friKlntcrlnif riiornutfh
preparatory ami commi'ri.lil COUIK'X. Nt l.J-
UHH ! hull ffli l" > yn under 13 U unique ) In lh > or ItH ciiuljunTt CatnloKuen.nelit .
free on upplliullun to ! U-\ Andrew Morrl y.
C. H , C. , Notru llumt , Ind.
WEBER Music Hall.Chicago.nbr.rwirMw.i
nllil.lrumeiilil Muilr llmniillo All I I u'lon ' IMxilg Nor.
mil I > > | I. f Irnut n lii ii t l > ItimUjrlui 8 | .L
COIb vtar , I'lfiuintu Miiile rurllluitiat.aUV All .
rlUforWclU Ij
tluKU . f. > . A. U. jMkivBTlU ii4 >