THE OMAHA JDATLY BEE ; sAfrllllDAY , AUGUST 11 , 180JL COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL JJcaid of'Trade Operators .Were Anxlonrto Ecalize TcSenlay. ' " i START IN WHEAT WAS NOT VERY' RAPID Corn Vfnt ( .e Active , hut Jfcrvnui and All Day , with Fluctuatloat Covering it llrlcf ' Htncki and lloniU. CHICAGO , Aug. 10. Hoard of Trade oper ators wcro anxious to rcnllze today , and as a result all the grain markets closed with a loss. September wheat finished Vic lower , September corn was Ic lower , and September oats IVic lower. Provisions wore stronger and closed at an advance all or ( i und. In wheat there was not a great deal doing at the start , but later the market became quite active. The feeling was on the whole weaker and lower prices ruled. There was very little news at hand that had nny par ticular effect on values , the principal weaken ing Inlliicnce being the withdrawal of the support which corn has had on the market , that cereal selling down , and wheat sold off In sympathy. There was a temporary ad vance lifter the first decline , due to the covering by I'ordrldKe , who purchased prob- nbly 71.0,000 bu. The market was sur rounded by a Rood many bearish Influences , the liberal receipts , lower outside markets , less demand and the break In com , all com bined to make the situation easier. Initial trades were nt the same price to ' ,4c over the final figures of yesterday nt GC'XsC for September , nnd sold elf from 8c to % c , rallied ftom % c to % c , cased elf Ic , ad vanced from Vic toTic , changed some , ruled eteady and closed with Septembsr at 6G',4c. ' Corn was less ac Ivc , but nervous and feverish all day , with fluctuations covering IVic to lc range. The feeling was rather easier with more disposition on- the part of longs to realize. The country was moder ately active on both sides of the market , Borne realizing and others Increasing their holdings. There were strong efforts ai the start on the part of the local professionals to depress prices , but there were many buy ing ordefs on hand , the continued drouth causing Interior longs to adhere more firmly to their position , and the market did no' respond to the selling pressure for some time. There were light showers around the edge ' of the western und northwestern part of the ; corn belt , but none In the principal sta'es. The Washington forecast did not predict any rain for the west , though cooler weather was prophesied. Outside markets were steady and Liverpool firm. The market opened more settled than for some days l > acl , wl'h the Initial transactions Vi < 3 > % e under the final figures of yesterday , Septem ber starting at BG'/jC , and sold oft % c for May , and then rallied Ic , eased off lc , ad vanced lV4c , declined % c , changed some , and closed with Septtmber at C5lc. Oats were active and easier with corn , anil on free selling. September , after a range of lV4c , closed Ic lower nt 31 % c. Liberal buying orders and free buying by local operators gave the provision market o flrm tone. An active business was transacted. . Compared with last night September pork Is Go and January 32V4c higher ; September lard 12 > , ic higher and September ribs 7V4c higher. Freights slow at T4@lc for wheat , and % c for corn to Buffalo , and 2c for wheat to Kingston. The leading futures ranged as follows : "Articles : fjJPcliTj jHHjT | L'OWI I U1 ° HC- Vviieal.Ko. ' . ' Auir dm 611 Coin No. U. . All ? Ecpl Oct Wny Gl C1J ! < On IB No. 'J. . . 31' * AIIIT 31W Kept 31K 37 Perk per bbl Auir 1.1 30 1312W 1.1 30 13 35 Sent. 1:1 : : tu 13t''M 13 30 13 ' C Jan 13 30 13 75 13 30 13 U1H ! Laid. 101) ) Ibs Auir 7 30 7 42v ! 7 30 7 40 ' . ' 7 30 7 4V Sept : 7 HO 7t''W Jan 7 US 7 40 7 B 7 40 Short Ribs Aug. . . . . . . 0 1)5 ) 7 05 0 05 7 05 fctpt 0 1)5 ) 7 05 U 05 7 05 Jan li 85 7 00 U 85 7 00 Cash quotations were ns follows : I-'I.OUll Khm nnd lOe higher. WHEAT No. 2 spring. t > 4Hft Uc ; No. 3 rprlns , nominal ; No. 2 rtd. MliGSSUc. CORN-No. 2 , M'ieK.c ; No. 3 yellow. W e. OATH-No. 2. SlWe ; No. 2 white , SSV&GSClic ; No. 3 white. 35JTSGC. UAltTuY No. 2. nominal ; No. 3 , He ; No. 4 , nomlnnl. I--I VX SKBD No. 1 , 11.2' . TIMOTHY HEED-I-rlme. * 5.W. . , . „ . , , , . PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bid. , tl3.3jffl3.40 ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , 7.37V-jfrJ.40 ; short ribs , sides ( lo-ise ) . JT.OOSf7.10 ; dry nailed shoulders ( boxed ) , t < i.37',4iffG.50 ; short clear sides , ( boxed ) , Ji.37V4W WHISKY Distillers' fllnlshed goods , per Enl. . SI 22 The followlnc were the receipts nnd shipments ( or today : On the. Product ! oxeh.iniro today the butter urir - kot.uotUln ? doluitj emrs , unchanged. OMAHA ( JENKHAI , MAKICr.TS. Condition of Tr.ilo iinil Quotation * on Stiiplo nnil Tiiney I'roilucn , The market on butter and eggs remains about steady und there arc no new features to thu trade. Poultry continues very dull and la plow sale even at the IDW prices quoted below. Ducks arc especially neglected , and although nn occasional salt ) Is icportrd at mure money. It Is not t-'ife to nntlclpiito mo 10 than the iiutilatluiis given bl-Uw , mul It Is necessary sometimes tn hold till-in several days before they can bu sold. IIUTTEll Packing slock , lOc ; fair to good country , 14015c ; choice In fancy , 17 < iflSc ; gath. cri'd creamery , 17f20c | ; separator creamery , 22c. EdOS-Per doz. , ll12c. LIVE rotJLTHY Old hens. 4 5c ; roosters , 2i03c ! ; spring chickens , 6'4ft7c ' : rjirlng ducks. Cc : old fiill'ffathernl ducks , 4in'4c ' ; hen tuikeys , itt'ia ; gobblcis , 5fiCo ; old geese , full'feathcred , VI'JAIy Choice fat and small veals are quoted at 5'iSiGc ' ; coarse ami large , 3R4c , CHEESE Wisconsin , full cream , now make , lOfillc : NehraskD. and Iowa , full cream , 9 ) IOc ; Nebraska and lawn , part skims , 6S7c ; l.lniburger. No. 1 , lOci brick , No. 1 , lOc ; Swiss , No. 1 , HAY Upland hay , $10 ; midland , 13 ; lowland , 18 ; rye straw. JO. Color makes the price on hay. Llxht bales sell the best. Only top Bnides bring top prices. PlUEONS-Old blnls , per dot. & 0c. VEQETAULEa. Thi ) market Is oveistocketl with watermelons and they arc slow sale , tfomo Georgia iiH'lons lire HcllInK at barely enough to cover freight ° POTATOES Hound lols , C5O70C ) small lots , on orders , 75c. MEU5NOood ptock , crated. 20. CANTALOUPES Nevada ( Mo. ) Jems , per cm Ic , 11.75. OLD 11EANH Hand-picked navy , J.25j me dium , S.loalS ; common white beans , J1.75 tn.90. ONIONS On cmlern. to per Ib. CA1HIAOE Oiw.1 shipping stock , home grown , on orders , 2 > ic ; southern , 2c , TOMATOES-flood stock , per ( -banket crate. 7C1W5C ! per > ,4-bu. Iwx , 60 60c. t'EI.EKY Per doi. , S54I40C. SWEET POTATOES Per Ib , , 5c. KIIUITS. The last auction ealo for tha week WHS held yesterday morning , when four earn nf peaclus , iieaiH und plums wcro disposed of , The pilot's on California fruits nro now very Innus will bn nottM from quotations given below , HTHA WI1EHIU E8 Noiie. APPLEB < lood stock , per bbl , , 1X00413.10. 1ILACK IIABPIIEHHIES None. KEI ) HAHl'IlEllllIl'.S None. 1ILACIC llEltltl EH None. PiJACllES-Cullfornla , Jl.S'iil.50. ' PLUMS Native rnl plums , per 24-nt. cave , ti ; California Wanhlnglon plums. 11.29 ; large red Varieties. 1. 1.W ; small red , 1.:3 , Plll'NES-11,50. PIGS None. I'EAHKHiirtlett's , (1.73 , APHICOTH California , none , rllKllIUBH California , none. O11A1 ES-8outhern. 10-lu. baskets , Concord * , 8iO40c ; California , 11.60. TIIOPICAIPKIMT8. . A California authority claims that one of the latest Invention ! nf Interest to fruit grower * Is a machine for polishing oranges. It consists uf two cylinder * covured with Illu very best of sherp. kin. rare telntr taken to get only those skins very heavily covered with wool. Tim cylinders revolVK In u | > | Hwlle Utrcctlons. thus turning- the orange over und ever , so that every panicle uf the Hurfaco gfls well polished. The oranges ale fed through a hopper , and the polisher can be 10 arranged that the oranges will pass on the slier without extra huidllnc. It U cl lint4 that lh michln * Uuprort * Uio np | > nrnnce of all gradrs of ornnftoi" so iruirh tlml "lirlcht" ornnc will , fnln for ' 'fnncj" Krndc , nnd'thoit * of worsr nppmrnnce b eqnnllt Impruvnl In looks. One nmclitnc will polish thirty IMIXMI p r hour , or n cnrltwd n day H IB clnlmed thnt tbr polisher tlowr no Injury to Hie ilrlirate oil cfllMit the pe ls , n In llwrHse where arnnitrs. nre brtuhed to the /lrtrnctit nf their kerlilntf llANANAH-Cholce stock , J100C2.50 per bunch : LEMONK Knnry Ifinont , WD slic , ' 7 ; fnncr Irmoru , 36t ) t\i" \ , 17 , OHANOEH-Nonc. PINKAPITLUS None. FiaS-Fi ncy. per Ib. , 15s. IIONIJr Calllorti.a. IVi dark honey , 10O12C. MAPLE BYHiri'-anllnn cnns. per doz. , J12. Ml'T * Almonds , Ifl17c ; English nalnuts , 103 IJc : fllherls. 12o ; Ilrnill nuts , lOc. . CIOEH Pure Juice , per bbl. , ! t ! ; half bbl. , J3.25. IIIDBH Nit , 1 gru'n hldt-s , 2Jic ; Nu. 2 gii" n hides , I'4ft2c ; No. 1 green sallnl hides , 3'ic ' ; Nn. 2 green salted hides. iflZV lNo. 1 giren liilt-it hides , 25 ( t > 40 Ibs. . 3\i < - , No. 2 gricn sallc.l lildrk. 25 to 40 II * . . 21i2'/c ' ; Nn. 1 vcnl rnlf , 8 tn 15 His , 6l4J16c : No. 2 venl calf. 8 to 15 Ihi" . , 4 IV4c ; No. 1 dry Hint bides , Cc ; No. 2 dry ( lint hides , Jo ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 4e , 1'nrt cured hides 1.40 ii-r Ib. lesi Hum fully cured. HIIEEP PELTS Orrrn sailed , nach. KQtfle ; grt'cn snlti-d shcnrllnKS ( short wooled early skins ) . each , t , 15c ; dr > ' sipnrlliiK ! ! ( short wtnh-tl i-aily skins ) , No. I. each. MilOc ; dry rhearllnits ( sluut wooled enrly skins ) , No. 2 , eneh , Cc ; dry flint Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool p lls. per Ib , , acltml weight , MjSe ; muirnln wotd pflls , per Ih. . actual weight , 4S6c ; dry flint Colorado butcher wosl plts , per lli > . actual weight. 4ft 64o ! ; niunnln wool pelts , per Ib. , nctual weight , 4QCc. Havr > fret cut off. as It Is useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW ANI ) OUEASE Tallow , No. 1. 43 4'Jc ' ; tnlHw , Nti. 2 , S'iflS'ir ' ; iticase , while A , 4 4'c ' ; grease , while II , 3'4ff3'Jc ' ; greace , yel low , 3c ; grease , dark , 2'4c ' ; old butter. 2f2'ic ' ; beeswax , prime , 15lSc ; roiisti tallow , I'.4fl2c. NI\V voitic < JIMUAL : : . YMt rtliiy's 4iiiitiitliinx _ on I'lonr , Oritln nnil Priivislonx , .tletith1. I'tc. NEW YOItlv , AUIT. 10. PLOL'n Itccelpt ! " , 13.8iiO bbl.i. : cxtioit * , 25,000 bbls. ; sales , 22,700 pkga. ; tnaiket llrm und slow , except for winter slrnlKhts. of which Homo lines were taken fur export , fiiiiitlu-m llnur , dull. Ilye flour , dull , but Him. llucl > vlicit : Hour , nominal. COIIN MKAI < Klrinly ln-ld ; llrandywlnc , 12.05 { I.I.JO ; yellow weslfin , 2.80f3.10. | ItYE-Hrm and active ; sales , COO bbls. ; super fine. } 2.75fi2.S5 ; fancy. J2.W/3.10. / Ilt'i'K WHEAT Nominal. 1IAHLEY Niiinlnnl. IIAItl.EY MAI.T-'Mlot : western , 67C75c ; two- rowrtl. 73c ; slx-rowe < l , 80'rS2c. ? WHEAT lliri'lplM , 1211.400 bu. ; exports , G2.40) bu. ; fairs. 2.77'i.O'W ' bu. futureH , 12S.WO bu. spot. HK't | ' maiket utt-atly anil mnru netlvo ; No. 2 io l Inl"ic nnil t > leviitnr. r.SU-ci alliint , "S"c ; f. o. b. , fili c ; No. 1 nmtliem , CC'.lo tlollvered ; No. 1 hind , U'Jc delivered. Optlor.H opt-nutl Ilimer en belli r fables und a llltlicnerlng , sold olT at midday , inllliil on protllcUon of showers again. rlim-d about steady , at unchanged prices ; May , C7TiiJiG7 13-lGc , chisfil 07 ? ; AugiiKt clusetl 3 'ic ' : M'ptrnibvr , f > U l-liiSiSiri ! e , climdl & 9lic ; Octobt-r , CO'/4jrOH. ' , closed GO'.tc ; December , G2U8G3lio. closed KMv. COKN Uecclpts , 28,500 bu. : p.iports , 30,000 bu. ; sales , IK.'I.IHWI bu. futures. 2.I.Di i Im. rput. Sput maiki't dull and un i-ltl-il ; No. 2. Gic hi clevntnr ; 63c afloat. Option market quieter tnday , with n weaker time , closing UOlUc decline ; crop III-WF bullish , but shnwcis were prodlcletl nnd country IKIUKPS were selling ; May , fiG'.ii57c. ' chwetl DS c ; August chiMctl 6iykc ; Septenu-br , 60'AfiGI'ic ' , clnsftl 6u5 c : Octnbcr. 6lH4ftBi'4c , closed 4 ? ic ; Uec.-nibtr. 571Afi57:14C. : closed 67jc. ! OATH Ilecelpts. 250,800 bu. ; exports , 5.100 bu. ; hiile.i , 2X.H ) > K ) bu , futures , 6.1. 0 bu. spot. Spot market dull and Ic lower ; Nn. 2 dellveied , 3Hc , No. 3 , 3lc ; No. 2 white. 41c ; No. 3 white , 40. ; track , mixed western , 35V4Jf36t- ; track , white statu , 39 54c. Option mntkft was weaker under free local sales , closed KfflVlc net loss for thf iliiy ; August cliist-d nt 3l > ir ; S < * pti > mber , 35fi3Ge. cliwftl 35c ; October. 3Cif37c. closctl 37c. HAY Klrm ; Khlpplng , 55QGOc ; good to choice , 75fiS7l4c. HOI'S Pull ; state , common to choice , D@llc ; Paclflc coast , S012c. HIDES Dull ; wet salted New Orleans fe- lectetl. 45 to G' Ibs. , . 4flG'4c ; Texas , selected. 35 to SO Ibs. , 4Q5c ; Ileunos Ayrns , diy. 20 to 21 Ibs. . lO'.Acj Texas , dry , 24 to 40 Ihfl. . 51 > 5'4c. LEATHEU Quiet ; hemlock sole , Buenos Ayrrs , light to heavy wclghta. 15S1SC. WOOL Kll m ; domestic , 1Dff23c ; pulled , 20ff J5c. J5c.COAI COAI Dull. PHOVISIONS Ilecf. steady. Cut meats. steady ; pickled shoulders. 6'4c. Lard , higher ; westein stpani closed nt f7.73 ; pales , 250 tleice * ut 7.G04J7.70 ; city , 7',6 ' < fi7'ic ; rales , 200 Hcrccs ; ritlon | pales , 250 tierces ; Si'iitfinber , J7.75 nom inal ; rclhu-il , llrm ; continent. JS.70 ; S. A. . JS.35 ; compound. 60GU. Pork , Him ; sales , 100 bills. IlllTTKK-gulet : wesletn dairy , 12i.lGc ! ; western factory , 12C1SHC. CHEESE Quiet ; state , largo , 7I'c. ! BOOS I-'Irm ; state and Pennsylvania , IS'.feff IGo ; western , fresh , 14U15c. TALLOW Steady ; city. VtftWc ( 2 per pkg. ) ; country ( pkgs. free ) , 4/4JIc , as to finality. ItoSIN Dull ; stialned , common to good , J1.2) W1.27'.tc. PETnOLElTM Dull : t'nlted closed nt JS asked ; Washington , bbls. , $6 ; Washington , In bulk. } 3..r,0 ; rcllned. Now York. $5.15 ; Philadelphia , and Ilaltlmoro , $5.10 ; Philadelphia nnd llaltlmorc , In bulk , { 2.60. IUCI3 I < 'lrm ; domestic , fair to extra , 4'Jfln ' ; Japan , 4sWI4c. MOLASSES Quiet : New Oilcans , open kettle , good to choice , iSffSCc. . P1Q IKON Dull ; Scotch , J19.00ffl22.00 ; Amer ican. JlO.OOijin.W. COTTON SEED OIL Nominal ; prime crude. 2 o ; prime yellow , " 2f < 32tic. TIN Strong ; straits , $19.05 bid ; plates , market steadier. SPELTEIl Steady ; domestic. J3.60 nsknl ; sains on 'change , 45 tons August tin , SlD.OOfi 10.05 ; JO tons September tin , $19.10. Wool 'Miirkiit. BOSTON , Aug. 10. The American Wool nnd Cotton Reporter says of the wool market : The market today continues to be strong ut nn ad vance of about 2c above the rates of three weeks ago. 'There have been some good-sized sales made since the 31st lilt. The demand Is quite equal to. anil similar In character to that noted a week ngo. New faces have appeared among the buyers who nre coming In since last writing. The sales would have been even larger If stocks hail been offered ; dealers west nre out of sight ; dealers In fleeces nre very flrm and stock Is scarce. Very few wools are coming from Ohio ; they are holding out there for higher prices. The demand for all sorts of fleeces Is ns good. If not better , than during the imme diately previous week ; XX wools with delaine In are worth 22c , and XX Is largely taken nt 21c. The character of the demand continues to be quite vnrletl ; unwashed and unmerchantable hnve been taken In considerable quantities at 144ilGc. ! A comparatively large quantity of one- quarter , three-eighths nnd one-half blood has been purchased at llffl'Jc. nnd n large quantity In the aggregate of miscellaneous fleece , com prising a number of sorts of washed and un washed combing , ut 12'.4f22'.ic. ' Altogether , the sales of fleece wool since the 31st lilt , exceetl SOO.O.X ) Ibs. The demand for Texas has been falily good , also for California. Eastern Oregon has been In good request. Terrltlorles have been In active demand. Transactions In those wools during the pant week have been generally made 'on the scoured basis of from 30c to 33'ic ' for medium : 33c to 35c for tine ; possibly half a cent better for choice wool of thli grade. The pales of the week amount to 4,933,000 Ibs. do mestlc nnd 311,000 Ihs. foreign , maulnu a total of 5,324.000 Ibs. , against a lotM of 4,937,850 Ibs. for the previous week , and against a total of 1120,050 Ibs. for the corresponding week last year. The sales since January 1 , IS'JI. amount to 83.- 3:8,185 Ihs. . asnlnst 75.540.JOO Ibs. a year ago. The sales In New-York for the week amount to 83'J.WO Ibs. The sales In Philadelphia for the week amount to I,4o9.i > 00 Ibs. ST. LOUIS , Aug. IQ.-WQOL-Dull ; unchanged. St. LoulH ( irnrriil .Murkot. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 10.-PLOUa-Steady ; un changed. WHEAT Nervous , pending the monthly gov ernment report , closing ' .WiC off ; No. 2 red , cash , &njc ; August , Sl'ic ; September , 52'ic ' ; De cember , fi5 ic ; May , Glc. COIIN Uneasy over possible rains and the gov ernment report ; declined U/lVlc ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 5r > 'ic ' ; August , 55c ; September , WU'.c ; May , &Hi S.Hi- . . OATS Dull ; No. 2. cash 'nnd August , 31'io : September , 32c ; May , 3G'.c. ' IIYH 3o privately hid for No. 2 and rejected. I1AHLEY No trading. 1IIIAN Strong ; GSc bid for east track , sacked. FLAX SEE1 > Higher ; Jl.3.1. east vide. CI.OVEH SEED Unchanged ; JS.OOftD.lM. TIMOTHY HEED-nrm ; I4.W bid for August. HAY Klrin , unchanged. IIUTTEll Unchanged. EOaS-Hlghcr ; imc. LEAD-Klim : J3.17'i. SPELTEH-lllghi-r : J3.20. COHN MEAL 2.75 2.15. WHISKY ILK. HAUOINCI-II ; u > 2U ibs. , 6osc. COTTON T1ES-65C. PHOVIHIONH-Kirrn , higher. I'oik , standard mess , jobbing , } 13.S7',4 , I -ml. prime , (4.70 ; choice , 17.35. Dry salt meats , lousj shoulders , 10. i ) ; Inngx ami rlbn , t7.124 ! ; shorts , S7.SO. Hacon , pncki-tl shouldeis. J7.M ; longs , 57.75 ; ribs , J7.s > 7'i ( X.I ; tOiorts , U.12',4J8,25. ' HECEIPTS Flour , 6l bhls. ; wheat , 110,000 bu. : corn. ' 'S.onO bu. ; cats , Cl.ooi ) I'll. SHIPMENTS l-'lour , 6,000 bbls. ; wheat , 9.0JO bu.i corn , 23,000 bu. ; oatH , S.D bu. Ciittini .A LIVEHPOOL , Aug. 10.-4 p. m.-COTTON-Clos- Ing ; S | > ot , quiet ; vMnerlciin , 3t'l. ! The sales of thti tlay were S.inW bales , of which l.OO1) wcro for speculation and export , nnd Included 7V"J American , HecelptH , 1,000 bales ; no Aineilcan. I'ntnifs epentd quiet , with the demand fivily supplli'd , and clascil quiet ; American , middling. L. M. C. , August , 3 46-6103 47-64d ; August nnd September. 3 6-64173 7-64d ; September ami Oc tober , 3 46-641T3 4I-64d ; Octotxr'nnd November. 4 7-6ld , buyers , There we.e no tenders at today's dellveiles. I 1IOSTON , Aug. 10-COTTON-Qulet ; middling , 6 15-10c ; low middling , 6 6-lGc ; good ordinary , 5 7 > lGc ; net receipts , none ; gross , 110 Uiles ; ex ports to ( Irent llllliilll. none. NEW OIILEANS. Aug. 10. COTTON Dull an.l easy ; middling , CSc ; low middling. 6c ; good ortlinnry , CV > c ; net receipts , SOS bales ; grjss , 3SS tuib > s. Including 635 new ; sales. 1,500 bales ; slock , 3\.K'J \ bnles. Weekly : Net receipts. 849 bales ; gniss , it'J bales ; exi > orls to ( Irent llrlluln , 6,777 lialesi lii Fninre , 1.319 bales ) to the continent. &W bales ; coastwise , 1,2)3 bales ; sales , ! .35i ) bales. Futures , dull but steady ; sales , 26.830 bales ; August , I6.44fi6.45 ; Scptfrnlwr. > .30 i6.i ; Octo ber. Sd.3l1j6.Ji ; November. 16.4106.42 ; Utcember. JC.MKiC.51 ; January. JO.MC6.i7 : Fi-bruary , > .61 ( iHCI : March , JS.C3UtJ6.70 ; April , 16.7866.77 ; May , J .k3 6.fcl. KT. LOl'IS ' , AUB10 , COTTON Middling , GKo ; salvs , nonv : r celit , none ; shipments , 4W bales ; stock , 13,000 bales. o 1'rult ( Juntutloin. CHICADO , Aur , 10. The Eurl Fruit company void California fruit at auction this morning , r alling | prces | as fallows ; Tlartlett pean , re * frlcerator cars , Jl.i l 35 ; ventilator cars , UO ISo , reaches , Early Crawford , 7iOScj Tuscan cling , " 5c , Strawberry. MflWc ; Fonlrr , 55JIMC Mnjr'ji chnlcp. SV , Tokny ginpos , Jl.4jf(2 13 ; MIIS- rftts , il.K01.-40 , ' 11..SO . of' IVrU , JI.W , Konfalnc1- blmu. S1.4I. Porier Urns , nmlpnny lUiflon , inld today at anclljn flK > earn of Cajifn/nln fruit : . Crnwfmd ranches , ; Crawfonl cllnpn , JI.50 ; whltl freestone. Jl.12'4 : tleriii'in prun ' < . 1.A. llrmlMmwi" . tl ; dross | ininc. , ILfJilfl. ? : , ; Danletl pram , GOcflll.Otl. I'orler llii . c.imuiny | , riilladelphln. sold nnc cnr nf Cnllfurnla fruit Imlny nt nurtlnnHart - 1'ilt iH-nu. | l.35fll.4i ) ; Orris * prunr * . t1.SOQ2.05- Japan | > lums , J1.21 ; egg plums , JI.I51C1 35. STtlOKN AM ) IIO.ND.M. Them \\tin Lens Animation on the Kxclmnsc than INinil. NEW YORK , Aug. 10. There was less animation on the Stock exchange today than on the prcccillnR days of the wcclc. Trading was rcstrlc cd hy the unfavorable turn of affairs nt Washington regarding the tariff , which coining on top of a reported agreement between the senate and house gave the traders a setback which Induced many of them to dispose of their holdings , and which made others cautious ahout ex tending their lines of long stock. London was In the market both as a buyer and seller , hut did not largely enter Into the transactions. Another unsettling factor of the specula Ivc situation was the uncertainty prevailing as to the government crop re port , to ho Issued late In the afternoon. This report was looked forward to with more than the usual Interest , In view of the many rumors which had been afloat of serious crop damage , chiefly to corn. At Hie openIng - Ing of the exchange this morning prices showed a fractional decline from the closing figures of yesterday , hut ( julckly recovered the greater part of the losses. The Im provement , however , was merely temporary , and the market became unsettled , the tone ol the dealings gradually becoming heavy under moderate selling. Shortly before noon the market showed signs of Improvement anil prices moved up a fraction , but at about 12:15 : o'clock a drive was made upon Chicago das , which sunt that stock down nnd caused a symp.-ithe'lc decline In the general list. During the rest of the day the speculation was equally unsettled , hut was dull and with pressure to sell. During the last quar ter hour the trading was fairly active and the tendency of the figures was upward , the mar ket closing steady to firm In the main. The bond market was strong. The IJvenlng Post says : The stock mar ket enjoyed a further mild stimulus to- con jecture In the senate parliamentary Eiiuabblc. the day's only novel scene In the Washlng'on ' panorama. Hut no one on Wall street had the least Idea of what this signified ; hence It could hardly be said to have Influenced prices. Generally , despite the early profit taking , prices were firm , with some rather Interesting advances. The sentiment ex hibited now for several days was again the ruling force. The Evening Post's London cablegram says : Stock markets become quieter as the settlement approaches , but the tone remains good throughout. In Americans there was a further Improvement today , but the close was nearly V a point under the best on profit taking. There was a flrm under tone , however , and stocks are believed to be scarce. Atchlsons were strong. It Is be lieved here Mr. Little's report discloses the worst , and President llelnhart's reported res ignation outweighs the bad feeling created hy Mr. Little's figures. Official statistics In Indian finance arc more favorable than anticipated. The council Is selling drafts freely. The financial position causes much less disquietude. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York ex change today : Receipts Ooutinuj Libbral ard Dectddlj in Fico s of the R qniremonts. i" i TRADE IN CATTLE 'REMAINS STEADY / * Mil to or No Change S'utril from Diiy to Day 11 OKU Still Iflut , with .Many Itnugli unit ; lniic ) lriililu Aul- Left ( ' ) < r. FRIDAY , Aug. 10. The receipts today footed up about li)0 ) cattle , S.I50 hogs and 113 sheep as against 7S3 cattle , 5,771 hogs and 405 sheep on the corresponding day of last week. For the week thus far there have been rccclvci ll.COO cattle , GG.OOO hogs and 2.9C2 sheep , as against 7,000 cattle , & 9.2U hogs and 1.G78 sheep , for the correFpondlng days of last week. From this U will be noted that while there has been a gain In cattle receipts there has been a falling off In the arrivals of IIOES. The decrease In the receipts of hogs would appear to be due to the fact that the packers have not been buying very much the past week owing to the strike , and that the unfavorable reports have caused shippers to hold back their hogs. CATTLI2 The offerings of corn fed cattle were not large , but there were a few right good steers amoui : them. The market dii not show much change n compared with yesterday. Iloth packers and shippers wcro In the market for n few cattle. One hunch of good 1-IIH-lb. steers brought $1.70. There was a moderate demand for good butchers stock and the market on such was fully steady at yesterday's prices. Common am ! trashy stuff continues to be In light demand and prices are as low as nt any time. There was very little doing In the line of stockers and feeders. There arc a good many cattle of that description In the yards , but the de mand Is extremely light. The country ap pears to have stopped buying almost en tirely , due to the continued dry weather ami the scarcity of feed. Prices are very low , $2.25 to $2.50 buying good feeders. Repre sentative sales : DR12SSCD HKCF1. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Ay. I'r. SO. . . . S10 (3 00 32..1ir.l Jl TO SH11TINO AND EXI'OIIT. 06..12 0 3 G5 COWS. NEHRASKA WESTERNS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 15 steers 948 J2 00 198 cows 7SO J2 23 HOGS In addition to the fresh receipts there were about 5,000 hogs held over from yesterday , making a total of not far from 14,000 on sale. A good many of the hnld- overs were extremely light and rough stuff that no one appears , to want , and some of these hogs have been In tlm yards two or three days at the least. The packers were doing a little more than on yesterday , which helped out the market somewhat. The gen eral market , however , was a shade lower than yesterday. Good to choice hogs sold mostly at from $4.75 to $5 , while the fslr to good m'.xed loads brought all the way from $4.50 to $4.70 , with the common trashy stuff from $4.25 down , and had to sell. At the SHKBI1 The market did not show and ma terial change so far as prices were con cerned. The demand Is light and the mar ket dull. Only one load was received and sold. Fair to good natives are quotable at { 2.2502.76 ; fair to good westerns , $2.00 < 0 > 2.40 ; common and stock sheep , $1.7502.25 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lli. Iambs , $2.25Q > 3.50. llepresentatlve sales : No. YVt. Pr. 74 stock ewrs kj } 1 25 4C lambs 44 300 St. l.uills Live Ntock BT. LOl'IS , AUB. 10.-CArri.B-Ilecel | > ts , J.701 iritil ; slilpnu-nis , 1,100 hcatl ; nuiiki't stt'iuly ; im- Ihc strriH , l.SX ) Its. , W.75 ; cows. JJ.WiJ.S5 ; Texas st rs , M to IVJ Ibs. . JZ.Wffi.TS ; cows untl ivlfvrs , > l.SKt.96. ( . , < , XM ItNuli stil | > m nls , J.SW leatl ; mitrkrt uctive , ( C10 lowrr ; cliulce me dium. J5.JOUt.32H , gtxxl tnlxcd , Ji.lCUjS.M , rouch ml d. JS.W'dS.W ; common , Ji.tiS4.Ci. BllLIEl' lUctlpti , 1.099 bead ; ililpment * , ) , U9 i , nintkot tnilfi nml NttaJy ; native ihrrp , i.i VK .sr av. MAIUCKT. Thrrc IViin Lurk of I'Jrniucm In tha Cut tin Mitrknt. ClIIOAnO,1 AUR. 10. Th'rc wns n luck of firm- news In the cattle nuikri. The tVniniul wns loss netlvo thnn t.irller In the week , onsti-rn onliT * linvlng In'i'n pri-tty well nllnt , unit liuycru were little Inrllnnl tn | my former prices. Tlint win r\en true of the choicer " ( trntlcs , Whllr for nny- thine not answering to the drrcrlpttim of "m 'd" they lunsletl uium concesjlnns. And they li'ljtrnlly got llicin , for the offering * were In i-iress of the nvcrngc for n Krlthiy , nml there l n prospect of n full supply for Miniiliiy next. The freuli receipt * conslsleil of nlHiut 7,000 un lives nml l.OnO each of Texnns nml western rnngrm. ftile * of natives were on a Imsls of from Jl. : ! . ' . tn JI.35 for Inferior to exlrn , with inoft of the trmllMR nt from Jl.7. > to j.r > 0 for cntvs nml bull * , nml fiiun J3.M to 11.54 xvns the pievnlllUK price for steers. Texti * cnttlc were limited nil tlie wny from ! l.2 ! > to W.r.0 , nml cili'rn nt tl.fiO lo JI.IO. Tlic slocker trnile re- mnlnvil ilull , nml the ilemnml for cnlves was Ilk-lit nt fnim Jl.7.1 to Jl.r. . The hue market ilioppetl ilo n iinother notch tmlay , pales Indicating u ilecllne nf Be. With "tie or tun exceptions nothing " ! < ! nlmve ) 'iK , nml It took Fonu'tliliiK very cliolee to lillliK thnt IlKUie. The ranKe nt which the bulk of the stuff soUl U'liS from $ .1.10 to jr,30 , IlKlitelKlitH sellliig at a discount nf lOc. Today's run wn r < t : inn tint nt Sl.itX ) head , nmi ns there were several thoili- nnd stnlo IIOKS In the fens , holders wete weak- kneed from the slnrt. The close was dull at from JI.75 t" $ " > .SO for common tfi choice luts avnncliii ; under M ) His. , nml nt frum ! l. * . " > to 15. 10 for henvy nml medium weights. Culls sold nnywliere frum t3 ti > 11.50. I.lttle thnt Is new can be said of the sheep market. It seems to hnvc gotten Into n nil. 1'or the Inst three weeks there has been but slight vnrlntlnn 111 the iiunntlty or quality of the arilvals , nor have there been any radical Hue- tiutlons In vnlucs. l alr to choice mutton * nte sllll In fnlr ilemnml , for nccmmt nf loonl slaiiBhteri'is. l-'ulr to choice sell from J-.SO to J3.4D per 100 Ibs. l-'nr poorer grades the demand continues veiy limited nt unsatisfactory prices. It Is nlmnst Impossible to Und place * for puor stuff , even nt from Jl to JI.W ) . The bulk of the sli ep offered within the last week sold at from > 2 to J3. LnmlM have mo\ed up nml dmvn with nmisual fie < iut-ncy. It In now no uncom mon thing tn cee n change of from UK.1 In 2'c utthlii an hour. The gieater part of last weeli's offeilug * changed hand * nt from tl to | l.3i. At one time ) WIIH the top nf the miitket , but the range of < | iintatm ! > i tndav Is from J2 In tt.r.0 , showing tittle chatiKe from the prices cur rent a week ago. Hccelpis Cattle. II. 000 head ; calves , 400 head ; hogs , XliX ) heail ; vheep , r > ,000 head. The livening Joiiinnl leports ; IIOOS Estimated receipts for today , SO.OH ) head ; lecelptM yesleitlay , 30,147 head ; shipments yepteidny , 10.70J head ; left over , nliitit Il.uiK ) head : quality rather poor ; mnrkot i-lo\v , wllli pi Ires rc lower ; Hnl < mnKinl at $ l.0ifi.30 for light ; $ I.70M.)0 ! ) for rough paeklng ; J1. 0ii,10 for mixed : tj.ooii.vto for henvy packing nnd ship ping lots ; pigs , JJ.4 < > fi4.90. t'ATTI.H KMtlmntetl leeelpts today , 9,000 head : receipt * yesterday , 13,183 head ; shipments yes terday , D.499 head ; nmiket slow , but prices Ktcady. Hllin- : ! ' Estimated receipts today , 5,000 head ; receipts yesterday , ID , OSS head ; shipments yes terday , I,3.i3 head ; maiket steady. Itt-c-elpts mul DIspiiHllloii nf Stuck. Olllchd receipts nnd dlspoxlllon of stock ns shown by the bo iks of the I'nlon Stock Ynrds compnny for the twenty-four hours , ending nt 3 o'clock p. m. , August 10 , 1S91 : IlKCUU'TS. Cars. Head. Cntllc . . . 71 1.940 Hogs . 114 8,4:0 Sheep . 1 113 DISPOSITION. Huyeis. Cattle , lloss. Sheep. Omaha 1'ackhiff Co . 21 6VJ . . . . The O , II. Hammond Co. . . 337 1,011 Swift nnd compnny . 131 2.MZ . . . . The Cudaliy I'acklng Co . . U3 2,0:12 : John 1' . Squires He Co . 4(1.1 ( . . . . C. HI-OB . Mo Klngan & Co . 1.04S . . . . Chicago 1 * . Co . S'iS . . . . Nelson Morils . . 432 . . . . Speiry & It . , . ID ; . . . . It. Iltfckcr & Degen . . .03 . 1' . I ) . At moil r . 37 . Vansant & Carey . 12 . . . . . . . . Mlnnes-ota 1' . Co . 1,020 . . . . Wilson . 171 Johnson . . . 37 . . . . Shlppois nnd fecdcis . 34 413 74 l.uft over . 400 . . . SO Total . 1,931 13.4QO 113 Kimxim City < i Mork Murkot. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 10. CATTM' ! ltec lptr > . C.OfiO head ; shipments , 3.SOI ) hend ; market steady to lower ; Texas Htecm , } 2.rr,4f3.2i ) ; Ijeef steer ? , t3. OfH.m ; native cows , $1.251)3.00 ) ; htockcrs and fefder * . > 2 10ff3.23. HOGS KrcelptH , 12.0 < K ) henil ; shipments , 3.100 heail ; market wenk antl 5c InwtM * ; bulk of sales , JI.'S'iH.SS ; hcavleB , } 4.s.fii.l ( ) ; paclic-rs. JI.SOjJ 5.10 ; mixed , Jj4.75U4.9r > ; lights , { , ; plga , l.6flf4.liS. SHi'jKI1 Receipts , 70) ) head ; shlpm-nts , nnnc ; niniket steady. Now York I.lvo .Sloek .Murftct. NKW YOKK , Auff. 10. IIKBVIW Ilecelpts , 2,800 head ; market nlow , but steady : fnlr to good , $4.MfT4.7i ( ) ; ordinary to medium , $1.15 1,45 ; Texnns , $3.1)0 ) ; Colorado , $1.20. SHUIJP AND I.AMIiS Itecelpts , 640 head ; sheep , dull ; lambs , shade llrmer , but slow ; sheep , ordinary to fnlr , $2.G2' , ® 3.12'i. ' ; lambu , ordinary to fnlr , $3.SOJj.SO. ) | HOGS llccelpts. 400 bend ; market steady ; or dinary to cootl , $3.DU&5.73. Slock In Sight. Record of receipts of live stock nt the four principal maikcts for Frldny , August 10. 1891 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha , 1'JID , S.470 113 .ulcago t 9OiK ) 31iH ) ) 6,000 Knnsas City C.OtH 12 000 7W St. Louis 2,70-1 C.3W 1,000 Total 19,010 57,770 C , ! > 13 C'offre .Market. NEW YOIIK , Aug. 10. COKFBK Options openetl steady nnd unchnngt-tl to 5 p < > nts Itjwcr , leaded on local covering , aga'n turned weak on anlval of steamer with 4I.000 bag , clo. l bniely stently nt unchanged to 10 points lower. Sales 12,250 lings , Including : August , JH.WUf15.00 ; Sep tember , J13..i5 14.05 ; October , J13.25fil3.30 ; De cember , $12.65012.75 ; March , $12.40. Spot coffee , Rio , dull ; No. 7 , J1C.25 ; mild , quiet ; Cordova , $19.UOifn9.2S ; pnlr-H , 2,500 bng * Marncalbo , p. t. ; wareliouse tleliverles from New York yesterday , 9,877 bat's ; New York Htock today , 114SCO bags ; t'nlted States stock. 142,578 bag * ; a Hunt for the t'nlted SInted , 2SO.OOO bags ; total visible for the United Stntes , 402,578 bags , against 403,234 bags last year. SANTOS , Aug. 10. Firm ; good average. Snntos , $16 ; receipts. 17,000 bags ; stock , 2)3,001) ) ) bass. IIAMIIUUO , Aug. 10. Market quiet ; prices unchanged to VJ pfg. higher ; sales , 5,0i > 0 bags , HAVHR , Aug. 10. Market openetl dull ; prices unchnnged to ' .if higher ; at 12 noon wn * iiulet , 'if lower ; nt 3 p. in. . Irregular , Vif higher ; clim-il ulct nnil unchatiBed to ' .if lower ; total sale * , 19,000 bags ; stock , August 111 , 322,0 K ) bags , In cluding S , CK liags Ilrazll'nn. ' against 33i,000 ( bags anil 91,000 bag * respectively last month. KIIIISIIH City Market * . v KANSAS CITY , Aug. 10. WHRAT , e lower ; No. 2 hard , 4Sc ; No. 3 hard , 47e ; No. a rtd , 4SVCINt : > . 3 letl , 47H-W4SC ; rejecled , 43c. CORN Slow nnd 1e lower ; No. 2 mixed , Cl'.i B'33c ' ; Nt > . 2 white. 62 ! < .f < 5lc. OATS Fraction lower ; No. 2 mixed , 3132c ; No. 2 white , 34 35c. lIUTTKR-FInn ; creamery , ldS20o ; dairy , 14 Sice. ICGOS-Qulet ; 9c. UKCKII'TS Whcnt , 262,100 bu. ; com , none ; oatH. 4.SOO bn. SI ! 11'MKNTK None. .Mlhviinkctt Miirkrts. MII.WAl'KUn. Aug. 10. KI.OIIR-Oulet. WIIBAT Steady ; No. 2 red , 53c ; No. 1 north ern , C3c ; September , 53ic. COIIN Scarce ; No. 3 , 63c. OATS Uc lower ; No. 2 white , 3Cc ; No. 3 white , 35 35'ic. 11ARI.MY Lower ; No. 2 September , Me ; sam ple. 62 < if57c. UYKc higher ; No. 1 , 52c. hllgur Murkol. NHW YORK , Aug. 10. SUOAR Itaw. steady ; 'air refining , centrifugal , SO lest , 3ic | ; tnlcs , 7,410 wgs ; 30 < ) tons Mubcovado , DO test , ( Hie ; 230 bags nolasses sugar , 8'J test , nt 5 1-lCc ; rellncd , dull , unchangcil. I-ONDON , Aug. 10. SUOAR-Cnue. quiet ; prlccu steady ; centrifugal .lava , 13s 3d ; Musco vado , fair refining , 11 * 3d. I Nmv York Dry i-ooiln .Market. NKW YORK. Aug. 10. The movement of goods im pitivlous purchases has been very -ood , but the new demand wn * less general him nl previous icpmt * . For some fpcclaltleH hn trade has tlono well , hut the larger buyers lave gune home or retired from the market for hu week , I'rlntlntr cluths , dull nt 2u. lexs 1 icr cent , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Oil Miirkntn. OIL C1TV , Pa. , Aug. 10. Nntlonal Trnnslt cer- Illciites openetl nt Hl'i ' ; hlKhest , 6JTt ; lowest , 80V1 ; clusetl , kO % ; shipments , S3.SS3 bbls. ; runs , 82,241 bblP. Prrrsill'Rfl , I'n. . Aug. 10. National Trnnilt cerllllcitcs upcned nt kO',1 ' ; closed at ! > U % ; lillill- cst , 80i ! ; lowest , SO'.i ' ; no sales , Dulutli Win-Hi .Market. DULl'TII , Auc 10. WH HAT Close ! No. 1 hard , 5101 e ; August , Wie ; No. 1 norlhern , f,7ic ; August , 67lje ; September , MTlc ; December , M'.jc ; May , C3Hc ; No. 2 northein , cimb , 59c ; Nn. 3 , i'J'.ic ' ; rejected , 4G'ie ' ; tu arrive , Nu , 1 northern , Mc. Munehester Tiutlltn. MANCIir..STKU , Aug. lO.-Cloth steadier , with n fair demand. The production uf yuins Is being curtulled slouly. 'I'rUcnVlieat .Market , HAN FRANCISCO. Aug. lO.-WIIIIAT-nnucr ; DvcrmUr , Jl.Ol ? ; ; May. $1.07. t'nllo rroniptly Curnil. A few days ace when I hud an attack ot : ollc In the bowels , I tool : a dose of Chain- jerlaln's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea temedy , and within ten minutes all of my cello pains had disappeared , I am highly ileaied with the remedy and take pleasure n recommending It. ' . Hearse , Chatham , .Ian. 25 and CO cent bottles for sale by IrugglstE. The lions and leopards u'vo ' tholr last pcr- orrnanca on Sunday. TUej- are worth seeing. DUN'S ' AND BRADSTREET'S ' fopotts of Tamngo to Corn Effect tlio fanr- 1 ot in Alt Lines , IRON AND STEEL OUTPUT INCREASING CoiiKiiinptlun Not lip to the Output i\nd l'rlrc ArnVrnkrr llriiiuoil for Wool ( loud , hut the Supply In Largely Ili-lil In First lliiiidn. NKW YORK , Aug. 10.-H. U. Dun K Co.'s weekly review of trade tomorrow will cay : The advance In corn discloses n general be lief that the Injury to this most Importniit crop has been so great as to affect materi ally the tratllc nf railroads , the demand for manufactured products and the cost of meats for the coming year , t'nless the markets deceive and arts entirely deceived our country will have to face n real calam ity In the loss of something like u'JO.duu.UiO ' bushels of corn , and this loss consumers have to share through the advance of 14 cents In two weeks and 0 cents since Fri day of last week. Neither olllrlal nor uu- ofllclal statements as yet preclude the hope that the loss may prove less set Ions , but nt current prices lCMtHX ) > , OUO bushels would cost as much us 2UOJ,000,000 would have cost a fortnight ago. Wheat has risen 314 cents In the two weeks and 2Vi cents during the week , al though western receipts have been o,2a,12S bushels , against 3,103,091 Inst yenr. At lantic exports are still about half as large as a year ngo , 1,39,1 , ISo bushels , against L',7 : < ISS4 bushels last year. 1'ork products arc a little stronger , as Is natural. Cotton has twice risen and again declined a sl.xtcuith with Increasing pros pects of a very large yield , closing without change for the week. The Iron and steel manufactures record a ireat Increase of nearly 30Ki ( ) tons in weekly output In July , and the production Is 115"Cii tons weekly , about ll.lMKi tons less than In April , but \ltKi tons more than a year ago , when the prostration had nearly reached Its worst. The decrease In unsold stocks was only C.137 tons for the month , showing a consumption In manufacture nut quite eijual to the present output. Prices sustain this view , having been changed only In the direction of weakness , the dis appointing demand for llulshed products being still the main factor. The business In boots and shoes Is strong and healthy , though conspicuously confined to medium and low priced articles , such as 75-cent shoes for men and Cb to IK ) cents for women. Hut shipments from Hostou have been. In two weeks , IGO.OUJ cases , against 122.S2G last year. The sales of wool would have been large , according to the reports from the different markets. If there had been sulllelent stocks available , but amounted to T.fil'.JIOD pounds at the three eastern markets , against 9,2M- 700 pounds two years ngo. Country holders of wool do not nt present appear anxious to let somebody else speculate on Its price and are said to be keeping back supplies quite generally. The failures for the five weeks ending Au gust 1 showed liabilities of Jll',111,713 , of which J5,62fiSDI were of manufacturing and $ r > ,220,217 of trading concerns. The failures during1 the past week have been 251 In the United Stntes , against 31)1 ) last year , and fifty-four In Canada , against twenty-live last year , CLKAKING IIUU.SK TOTALS. Aggregate of Hil-IlM' * * Triinxac cd Last Wrek by thu Apftorlalcd l anKH. NEW YOIIK , Aug. 10. The following table , compiled by liradstreet's , ( -hows the total clearances nt the principal cities anil the percentage of Increase or decrease , as compared with the corresponding week last year : IIUADSTItKKT'S Tlt.VDi ; ICKVMCW. lliislnrss In AIiiniifiK'tiirlni ; l.lnoi Klunrs n Tciuli-nt-y In Imprcivu. NRW YOUIC , Aug. 10. HrndHtrcet'8 to morrow will my : Evidence contlnucB to accumulate thnt the earlier portion of July wltnt'Hscd the lowest point In the ebb of the commercial tide In the reaction tifter the moderate revival In the uprlng. The prnc- tlcul ce.s.sntlon of various Imluxtr' ' disturb ances of the yenr linn emphasised the tend ency to Improvement reported hy tulegruph from lending manufacturing and commercial ccntera this week. A further Indication of the tendency to Improvement IH Keen In the week's ndvunce of CO ccntM per ton for steel billets und the fact thnt the domi'Htlo wool nmrki-tH today arc miiru In favor nf the Keller than they hnvo been for a year und that wool IH llrm lit tilt 2 cvntR iidvuncu scored In the hiHt few weekH. Itellncil Htigiir Is ' , t cent hlKher , possllily fur rcnHOUH not dlri'Ctly connected with questions of demand und Hupply , but prlcex of pig Iron ut Bt. Louis uru higher und for cotton arc 1-10 cent up on reportx nf damage tn the crop nnil thu Improved feeling In commercial clrclfH south. Leaf tobacco nil ( I leather arc both llrm , with nn active demand , the tend ency of prlceH tielnc upward , and the recent destruction of lumber by llru ut Chicago IIIIH steadied quotation.1 * . 1'anlc anil unrea soning Hpeculatlvo IntWHt In Indian corn IIOH put thu price up nearly 8 ccntu u hu h l this week. 23 ceutu uhuve low water murk for the yenr. MrmlBtreet'H telegrams from those In u position to know no much nn can he learned In the gri > iit corn growing Heotlnns nrr ud- vcrop to the moru Henxntlonut dispatcher bearing on the damage to the corn crop , und Indicate that most of the extreme hull view * ) ni to that utuple are exaggerated , thu Increased corn ucivait ; ! noutli and went pointing to a probable crop ax large an In either of the two preceding yearn , In each of which the outturn wan not more than G per cent below the average for two yriirs pawl. Wheut lias Jumped 2 % ceiitH thlx week In Hymputhy with corn , anil oatx IH ccntn. While hay IH no higher In New York. It und other feed HtuffM have advanced briskly nt the went because of the aliened scarcity of corn. Thin lias mipplled the home und cuttlo und hog murkelH with In ferior Dtuck , reuniting In depressed quota tions. Lard has advanced sharply , the < U- nil nt home having expanded AmriiJiin Ami lituirnn total nvnllnhlo fuipiille * ofvhcnt decreased 4loo,00i ) bushel * . l.ZtiiW ) hushels (11 ( July n yenr RRo iml 671.- I ! 000 luishHs In Jtriy. IS'Ji I.nst month' * ) slmrp fnliliij ( off In the wurld'n Mucks IH uiio to nn unusually henvy July ilecTeuoo In Miropenn nipti'lcn , and tliose niloiit thtrc- fur. liccnuiic atoelis nt homo IncrouMed rx- cci > ltonn.y | | inst month. KgiiorlM of whrnt r" " thp fniti-d sums und C'nii'Mn , both const ! " , thin week UKKicuulc 3,41f > , WO Implicit. , * i51W0 liuMielH hm wi'clc ami o.OOS- i % 000 bushels In the snine week n yenr rRO. AIUIU8T OltOI' III Ill-purl * frum thti Corn llrll Mnko n. Very I'nor Slum Ini ; . WASHINGTON. AUKlO.The AURltst ro- IHirt of the stntlstlclun of the AKrloulturul depiirtinent shows u dec-line In coin of nenrly M points since July 1 , the nvcrnRo for the entire hrcmlth beliiR 0.1 , ui.'iilnst ! > 5 for' ' the month of July. The condition for AiiRimt , ISM , \vns 87. The Rront decline I * duo v.-holly to the extensive und uniiri-ceilentetlly sivero drouth Hint cot In Him the last report mil to the hot , dry winds thnt swept over the states of Nolirn ka , Kunt-iis nnil lowu nml parts of other \\estorn itutcs. In mime lo- culltles the crop has boon Injured beyond recovery , whllo In othfis tltnolv ruins would ( ? o fur towanl nssuriuK fair yloltls. The nveniKC'S for the prlnclpul states nre : Ohio , 79 ; Kentucky , Ml ; Intllann , ! > 8 ; 111) ) , mils , 7" > : Iowa , 15 ; Mli-S'iurl , S. ; Kansas , 43 ; Ni'hruskn , S3 ; South Uakotn. LU The comlltlon of sprlui ; wheat bus fnllcn since the last rop'UU ' l.ll points , holliK < > 7 1 , iiKiilnnt CS. I for the month of July. The cnntlltlon by states Is us follows : Wis consin , 79 ; Minnesota. 7i ( ; town , 82 ; Kansas , SO ; Nebraska. II ; Si-nth Pukotii , l j North Dakotu , 75 ; WnshlnKtoii , S.'l ; Oroiron , ! ) . ' > . The r.dvloos us tn winter wheat from conospimdenlH niut threshers Indicate a Bootl yield of excellent itmltty. | The condition of t.ats has dccllnetl 1.2 points since the date of the last report , liflnir "ii.7 , tiKulnst 77. ! ) In July. The condi tion for AtiRiixt , isi. : ) : was 7S.t. : The comlltlon of spring rye Is 79.8 , UKutnst 81.71 last month nml 78.5 last year. I'niiiiii lal Miit' < . 1IOSTON. AHB. 10.-l'lfiiilnss , J11.7S9.1..7 ; bal- niu'i's. | l,4li ) , 731. ll.\I < 'n.MOItl < : . AUK. lO.-CliMirltiK-i. l.693.i20 : li.ilnmvM , $21 ,569. NII\V YOIIK. Alii ? . 10.-C'lfarln H , JG3.144.767 ; Ij.'il.'iliffs . , M,461.IU. 1'AHIH , AUK. 10. Three i > fr cent n-nles , 102f 7c for the account , LONDON' , AUK. I0.-Clolil nt lluenos Ayies to- tlay Is itmtfil | lit 2C1. rilll.ADni.l'lIlA , AUK. W.-Clenrlnnii , IS.5SI- 2911 ; iMlnnros , (1,361,113,1. ItO.Mi : , AUK. lO.-Colil Is tiuotPtl today nt 111 llu12c per 100 finm.- ! . CI.M'IX.VATI. AIIR. 10. .Mont-y. 2Hfl6 P T cent. Now Yoik i-xcliaiige , 30ft lOo tllscuunl. C'k-arliiKS , H.5S2.H1J. MCMI'IIIB , AUK. 10. Now Yoik rxi-liiiiiKe sell- ins at J1.50 pmiiluin. CK-arliiKs , J1G2.G34 ; 1ml- am-rs , Ji',7.318. J'AItiS. AUK. ID. Three per cent rentrs , 102f 75c for the account. lOxohange on lAimlon , 25f 19o for elici-ks. NKW Ulll.KANR. AUK. lO.-riearhiKS. JSM.CKW. Nt-w York exclianKt' , commercial , par ; bank , 73o per } 1.0oO premium. SAN KUANC1SCO. AUK. lO.-Prafts , slKht , 10e ; tt-li-Bniplile , 12'ic. Sliver liars , C2-\Jt2Tc. ; ( Mex ican tlollars , Sllfiiril c. ST. l.Ol'IS. AUK. lO.-nearlnifs , J3.563,2 a ; lial- nci'H. J610.62S. Money , tlull lit 6M7 per cent. xctmiiKe on Nuw Yoik , 25u ill scon nt bid. WKATIIRlt MHtKV.lST. Local Slinwera anil Cooler In ICiintorn Nclirn Nil Today. WASIIINC.TON , AIIR. 10. The Indlcntlona for Saturday are : For Nebraska Local showers ; cooler In the eastern portion ; north winds. For Iowa and Missouri Light local show ers ; cooler In the western portion ; south winds. For South Dakota Fair ; cooler In the eastern portion ; north winds. For Kansas and Colorado Fair ; south winds , becoming northwest. l.m'lll Itl'cnlM. OrFlCIC OF TUG Wr.ATHGIl UUIIBXU. OMAHA. Auc. 10. Omaha record of tcmnuruturo nnil nilnt'allcomparuJ with corrospondlug day of past four years : 180-1. 1803. 1BQ2. IflOl. Miixlniuin tomuoraturo 00 = 84 = 82 = 04 = Mliiliniini 77 = T2 = 02 = 71 = Avurairo tomuuniture. . HH = 78 = 72 = 823 I'rcolpltutlon 00 .22 .00 .00 Statement showing the condition ot totu- pcfr.turoiiti-1 prauipttiitluii at O.naha for tha day and since .March 1 , IS.ll : Normal teninorature 74 Kxcess for the day 14- > Rxcuss sluuo Muroli 1 4li7& Normal proolultatlon } . , | ? Dellclency forthodav .11 liicU nellolency slnoo March 1 12.1G luchos Ht-lioi-lH from Other StiitlniH nt 8 1' . M. "T" liullcatea Iraco of rain. G1'.O1 ; K K. HUNT , Local Forecast OfflclaU The lions and leopards glvo their last per * formanco on Sunday. They are worth soelns Dueber = Hampden 17 = Jewel Watches arc known by rail 17 road men and other RUBY JEWELED experts to be unequalled 01 ADJUSTED equalled for wear and accuracy. Tbc Ducber Watch Works , Canton , 0. Made a well Man of Me : TUX ( IKEIT HINDOO REMEDY roiuivcrs TIIK JLUU\K iiEifi.'iniii oo IIAVH NtTViin llliuni > iKnlllliK Memorr. l'iir . l .SIrt'lri | > nei , Wfaknf , tt ( ' . , - * ' * * r cauii-l < ri > iitabu > riinniliulrklr | Lutioirrly leitoroi l.o.t Xtnliaotl In old ur Juuiiir. Ka lly rmrfril 111 vnt puckct. rrlfu4il.OOaiint-l.iiKe. KU rnrt.VOOultli nrlUrnirunrniili-rlupiircuriiianrrri-ritMilrd. Don't < > uu an imllnilun but Inilkt on ImtlnK I.MIAI'O. 1 ( roiirilriupl : . KOI It n | il iriitlU iircnnld. llrlfnlnl Mrdlrnl fa. , CHICICO , ILU , or Ihtlr i t.l . BOl'.l ) ( ) /Kiilm A Co.Cur 1'ilh and DouiiiiiiNtii. , ni1 J. A. Fuller * Co. . Cor IHn A liuijiilaii Hi * . . UIU1I A/ W wilt nrt rnn th nmriloas rrriicb rrepiraiioa CALTIIOB frrr. > nd * I K I Kuartntiw thu HAl/rilU.S will Ilntore your IlrultU , Mtronktb aud Vigor. t'tr ( land fay ifiatiijl < t , AdrlroBO VON P/iOML CO. , S l ImtrlUM IfWh , OeUull , QUt , WM , LOTTDON. Commission Merchant Grain aiul I'rovl.sloiiH. Private wires to ChlciiKO and New York. All buslneHs order a placed on Ctilcuto Hoard of Trade. CorreHpundencu Kollclted. Office , room 1 , New York Wfe Uulldlnir. Telephone 1303. TO OPERATE SUCCESSFULLY IN WALL STREET BE GUIDED BY OU < MARKET LETTER , Ituok on Bpccuhitian nnd Letter inulU Ctl ffvo on application. Highest reference- WKINMAN & CO. , 41 Vrouflway , Row Vorltj