THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , AUGUST 10 , -EOT SPECIRL NOTICES. ArtvprtlneinontB for theao columin will be t Uon until 12:30 : p. m. for tlie evnonlns nncl until 9W : p. m for the morning anil Sunday eii lloni. Adxertlnera by repueatlnff a numlicr cliPCK. can hn\o nnnwern ndclrewie.1 lo n number * . ! letter In cure of The B < ? . Anwern ta , uJilrMieil will bo dnllver t ujnn prespntntlon of the check. Ilnti-H , IVic n. woirt Hrit ln crtlon , Ic w" therenftrr. Nothlno ; taken for less limn 2.x : tor nr t Insertion. . . . , , i..i . These nclvcrtlscmcnts must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTi-D , I CAN DO oi'ricn wonK. I can trn\el or rctnll Rroccrlcs. I must do Bomcthln ? quick. ref < "icnces from last Job. S 53 , Ilee otTlce. A8IMO * A MECHANICAL DHAITSMAN DESmr.S EM- playmrnti BlemmruiTlur , slilppor , ilerli br helper In nny cnpiclly ; wasvs modern I * . Aa- dress T 4. Bee iilllce. A Ml'IS ' 11 * SITUATION y rinsr-CLASs jr. . three yours vxperlencc In .Inn ; Btore. Audresi , Jeweler , cure llrolhcrs & KeHl , Mnl\cin. Iowa. " A YOUNO.HEALTHY WOMAN V ANTS A ixjsltlon as wet nurse. Inquire 2116 " "V1 ? ? . A 126 11 WANTED. AT ONCE. I1Y AN EXPEIUKNCED slnughlrr house man. n ch.incf to woik In 11 remit market ; UOKCS no oliject. Aililn'y T3 , jlv > AMill 11 * WANTED MALE HELP. SOLICITOUS. TEAMS rUUHDINSTALLMENT ; goods American Wringer Co. . 1019 Hownrt. AVANTBD-A PUACTICAL MARBLE CUTTER and itnlcsm m. ito tnke Intel eat In ImnliefiH : no 'capital muilicd. Acldieaa P. O. Box 372. Lln- li IICj-13 WANTHn. AT ONCE. 20 COOPERS TO WOIIK on clcrccs and pork barrel i. fur pnrticuliirH * tall on or mldieaa Western Manufacturing Co. . Lincoln , Neb. B-MH1J.3 _ SALESMEN ( KNEIIGETIO WANT MEN OF iruod iiiMri'sa on alary for retail trndo. Apply 1510 DoiiKlai. II Mill SJ WANTJ5I ) . .SALESMEN TO SELL TEAR , coffuc , etc. ; iooil Hilary ; cxpeilenci- not nc-ies- wiry. AiMrc'8. ullh btamp , the lIiipklns-Hi-r- rlck Co. , Seattle , Wash. 1J-M1IJ 10 * "WANTED. TEN INDUSTRIOUS MEN : Meftdy cmploMiient ; small bond n-tiulred. ! ! ITenzer block. H-MUS 11 * 3D , BRIGHT. INTELLK1ENT BOY TO till ! inUslo linslness.Max Mrver * Bro. Co. , llth nnc.1 I'nrnnm. 15 M107 12 WANTED FEMALE HELP. LADIES WANTING FIUSf-CLASS OIRLS apply Scandinavian Y. L Homo excbanie , . 203 N. 16tli. C-MJ18 19 * WANTED-BH1OHT. ACTIVE WOMAN FOR A line .paying business. Add , , T 14 , Doe. rou QENKRAL IIOUSE- work. Mrs. W. M. Fuller , 1313 South 2'Jth St. C S33-5 * WANTED. 2J GIRLfJ FOR CATALOGUE WORK. Apply Nebraska ClothlnB Co. C 127 10 WANTED. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- workt ; must hnte references. Call at C27 S. iSlh street , between 9 and 11 a. in. C 130 12 * FOR BENT HOUSES. T13NTS FOR RENT. 1311 FARNAM ST.DC53 D-C53 VEHY FINE 7-llOOM COTTAOK AT RE- ducctl price ; cnll at once. Fidelity Trust Com pany , 1703 Furnam street. D C61 WANTED-GOOD MEDIUM PRICED HOUSES. List your hoUves for rent with Ames. D-tCS HOUSES , F. K. DARLING , BARKHR BLOCK. D-WXJ HOUSUS IN ALL PARTS OF THi : CITY. THU O. P. fln\ls cumpaliy. 1W3 Fnriiiiin. 1) CijT RENTAL AOKNC'Y. 007 UHOWN BLOCIC. D CI > 3-AI7 KELKENNY & CO. , R.'l. CONTINENTAL BLK. D 670 FINE 7-ROOM CORNER FLAT AT 701 S. 16TH stivct ; lange nncl all other conveniences. Oeoruo Cloufi-r , room 2. 1623 1'itrnrtlii sliegt. D 300 FOR RENT IF SOME GENTLEMAN AND his wlfo would like to rent a deslt.ible modem house ot nine looms In" a choice locution , wo ha\n It. BOSKS & . Hill. D 3JO-A2) _ CALL AT ori'lCE FOR FULL DESCRIPTION and photogiaph of these houses : 322-5 Pratt klioct , 4 looms , IS. 00. 3513 Howard street , 4 rooms , new , $10,00. 2IU Bristol street. 7-room cottage , everything In U. bound lo suit , r. 00. Onu of the finest 7-room houses In city , l > 30. Fidelity Trust Co. , 17th and Fainum uts. U-573 _ TOR RENT. MODERN C-ROOM COTTAOE ; call forenoons 1521 Slivrimm a\cnuc. U M62I I'OR RENT. LAlTflll TWO-STORY BUILDING , formerly used by the Marhoft Tiunk 1'uctory. 2130 ScwarJ si. D 790 si _ FOR RENT. MOST DESIRABLE HOUSE , 2513 I'nrnniii. R C. Patterson. Itaingu block. 1 > HM1 RKNT .TWO HIX-ROOM FLATS IN OOOIJ oondltlou at Nos , 413 unit 419 South 11th sired. A. J. Popplcton , 314 First National Bank lilili ; . D 972-13 _ _ TOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLmOS IN all parts of city. U. 11. Shrnfc , 32 Puxtrm blk. 1) 1I17.H8 _ Ft ) 1 1 RENT. t-UOOM COTTAGE , } 15 0b9 ) ! hO. 13th street. U M977 10 * IIOUBK.S. VKIJY RKASONABLE. WELL LO- inled. , I2 N , Y. Life. D--JJ9-14 * HOt.'fiE. MODERNCONVENIENCKs" . 621 8. lath street. 1) IU-1U * _ FOR RENT. Al'll. U. ClinAI'IWT AND BEST built G-rooni cottuKe , Kith bull. In city ; only 115.W. J03S California _ D MliH IS > "oit RKNT , 3 THHET ROOM UoTTAGKS. Owen McCaflrcy , 111 a. IClh niucl. n-Miit n * _ _ _ FOR RENT. A DI&UUAIII.U Ft'RNIlSIlEU fmn Soplcmbcr let ; referrnti-s reT - T 21 , Bee. U-MI31 13 * FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. DESIUAHLE FURNISHED SOl'TH FRONT rooms , motlern conenlcnccs , KAIIIU llnor. liJJ Clitcuxu. E-MSll 18 * HOOM FOR LIC11IT HOUSKKlUPINa113 : N Jtth. K Mill 11 * FRONT ROOM TOR ONU OR TWO men. C0 8. 15th > lrc.-t , i : MV13 11 * KURNISHUI ) ItOOMH : MODEHN ; 8UITAI1LI5 for one or l o , 191K lixlno. i ; st ! NICELY Fl'RNlHIIUD ROOMS Foil" mm or Utht luiUK'kcepliiK. 6 ( North 17ih nt. -103-14' Kl-RNISHEI ) ROOM. HATH. I * . 1'ju F.MINAM. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. yoU.NO WOMEN'S IIOMR I'NDlJR C.\HU 0 ? Women' * Christian tssoclatlon. Ill a 17th su F-CTl UOOMS WITH IIOAIIU. H.VUNKV. _ uooii F-MMl AS ) * _ NlfKI.Y Fl'RMMlUO HOOMil AND FIRHT Cl board. 17U F-Jli All FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. Continued. LAROB FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BOARD , fnr two ; line location ; all modern conveni ences. Aililress T 1 , Bee. F M932 11 GOOD BOARD AND ROOMS , $4 00 TO JB.OO PEt : week. 2U18 Da\cnport. F MWl 11 * NICELY rUIlNISHKD ROOMS WITH BOARD. 613 N. 2Dth. F W7-1I * IF TWENTY YOUNG ML'N WILL FORM A club , the * Berlin Kitchen , loth and Capitol air , offers board nml room for S3 DO per week , with club room , piano , llbinry , etc. Lluht , ulry rooms ; best meals In city. First come , l > rtt rcxims F 123 12 * ROOMS , C20 SOl'TH 19TH ST. F M933 0 * VERY DESIRABLE UNFI'liNISIIKU FRONT nml back riKims , also fuiiiMioil rDomf ; ( > > er < - thing llrst-clasa. 210 anil 712 South 23th stievt. F M131 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 3 NICE ROOMS ; WATER COS N. 13TH ST. O-208-A13 * B UNl'URNinilED CUAMBERS TOR 1IOUSD- kei'plnir to man and wife ; no children. 3PJ No 171 h > > t G S43 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES FOR HKNT , THU 4-STORY BRICK BUILDINl , ! I16 Fainnm street. The building has H tlf'- proof cement littsement , cotnpletu sterm hil Ing flxtuics , nnter on nil Moors , ga ? , cto Ap ply at tlic office of Tl e Bee. 1-Slv CORNER STORE , 30 00. 824 DOUGLAS. IN- qulio 922. . I FOR RENT. ROOM. K BV j. . 2ND FLOOR OF my stoic , KtiltJblc for and Milts ; good light and ck'Mitor service. Mrs. J. Benson. I MDM FOR RENT THREE-STORY AND BASEMENT store building at No. 1011 Farnam St. ; Htnrt * with ROM basement nt No 413 S. llth St. ; hall suitable for lodge or other purposes nt No. 1001 Farnam St. ; nnd small store In Kxposltlpn bullclln ? . ailjulntn ? Fifteenth Street theater. All In gooit condition. A J. Poppleton , .114 First National Bank building. I 971-13 AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS. BOTH SEXES. TO TAKE CON- tracls for reliable lirni. 433 Paxton blk , Omaha. J 741-A30' AGENTS TO TAKE ORDERS BY SAMPLE AT home or travel. Wo my liberal salary nnd es pouses or KooOL commUjlon ami fiunlsh samples to right applicant. Addiess Lock llox 1J3I. ' Ne v Y6rkUtty. WANTED TO RENT. WANT TO LEASE FOR TERM OF YEARS Tenement block or number of dwellings fpn Irally located. Address P. O. Bux 792. K37JAW WANTED , 'FURNISHED ItOOM FOR OEN- tleman In prUatn family. Inside nf two miles from iKwloillce. Apply 323 N. 16 st. WANTED , S OR 6-ROOM COrTAOE. BE- twecn now and August "i > . with oomo conven iences.rtthln walking distance of paitotllcc Stale price. Artdrcsi T. 20. BeK 12l ! a * STORAGE. STORAGE. WILLIAMS & CROdS.1214 ILVRNBY. \ M 073. _ _ STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and rhcaji rate. II. Wells , 1111 furnaln.M M 673 OM.VAN&STORAGE CO..1C02 FARNAM. Tcl.1539 BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA. U. S. BOV. bonded warehousp. Household goodi stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1013 Leu\enworth. 11 713 WANTED TO BUY. BEST FOR THE MONEY,1IAVANA FRECKLES _ _ _ _ CASH FOR LUMBER BUSINESS IN LIVE town , give full particulars. T 8 , Bee onice. WANTED , SF.COND-IIAND HANOI : , MUST BE In good condition. A. . Eberhail. Columbus. Neb. N M138 10 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY , YOU WON'T MISS YOUR money. Low- prices on furniture & Household goods. Enterprise Credit Co. , C1J-615 N. 10th st. O G73 FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETC FOR SALE. TWO GOOD FAMILY HORSES ; cheap ( or cash ; safe and reliable. II L. Bui kit , undertaker , 2Jd and Cumins streets. P MS10 FINE SECOND HAND PJIAKTON.S AND CAR- rliisos. A. J. Sjlinpson'a Repository , 1411 Dodge , P 514-AJ4 2 TOP BUGGIKSJ35 & JSS.LEATHER TOP OAR- rlagn | tj3. Drummoncl Carilage CC I1 551 FOR MALI ; OR TRADEHORSKS WEKIH- Ing 1,000 Ibs. e.uh. 6 and 7 year old Fred Teny , 430 lUmgo , block. I' 7C4 THE BE.ST LEATHER TOP BUGGY IN OMAHA fnr (55.00. Druinmond , ISlh and HainVy , 1' 550 J1W.OO HORSE AND PHAirfON FOR 173.00 cash , ovvntr leaving ell ) und llintt be ol'l. 3041 Cnllfuinln. ! M1QJ U FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ICE FOR SALE ; CAN SHIP OVER ANY ROAD out of Om.ihu and Council Bluffs. Uunoreaux Bros. , 3M So. ICth , Omaha. Q-3-U-A17 ICU FOR SALE IN CAR LOTS. GILBERT Bros. , Cuumll ; Blurts. Q-M523-A2J CHEAPEST CH1CKKN AND ORNAMENTAL fence made. C. R. LCD , ( XH Douglas , Q-774 BANK A"ND PLATTI ! VALLEY SAND FOR sulc. C. W. Hull Compuii ) , 2Uth & Izard tts. Q-775 WAGON UMBRELLAS. SIMPSON. 1111 DOIK1K. THK BEVERIDGi : AUTOMATIC COOKEIl , NO odor , does not burn , ive4 H fuel , llu nny stove , coal , gasoline or Kas ; send for clrculai. Mlltou Roger * i ! < Sons , sole agta. Furnam & 14th. g 743-A30 _ FOR SALE-JIS5.W BICYCLE. FINE CONDI- lion , Cheap. 463 B. iltli aye. q 63-'j * _ FOR HALE. FIIKSH JKHSKV COW AND GOOD fiimlly hoi so. AuolpliMeier , lllh nml Farnam. Q-M10 * 12 _ 1XR HALK , NF.W SKT NORTHWESTERN txpi > rt , U. Frntick , atoeKvllle , Neb , 14 * A PAYING OIL WAGON AND OUTFIT FOR sale. Addr < 7i T 16. I lee. Q MI3 12 * MISOELLANEO US. FRE12 MUSKUM OF ANATOMY TO MEN only , Dr. ticarlef & Svarles , 1416 Farnam st , R-131-A10 IIAVU YOUR OLD CARI'irT WOVEN INTO ruesHmyrtm rugs ropulrnl , 15S1 l nvrnworlh. R-MM3 Cl.AlRVOYANT-PllOKiaSOR : W1IITK CAN 1313 cotuulteU on business , marrluxe. Ulvorcjs nd fell family alTnlrs ; thu futuie plainly reviMlod. luvun united , troubles helped * names at frlonds and vntmles ; also Ihi ; one you will marry , lloum from 9 a. m , to S p. m. . Bun- _ aay. _ to 6. 1617 ChleuEO street tt 109-AIO * MRS. lilt. II. WAllRHN , CLAIRVOYANT/RE lutle Lutlnts * lucdiumi Till l ur at 1U N , I * . MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. it AD AMU SMITH. Wl 8. ISTll.'iD FIXXR. room 3. Mnraain * , % > per , alcohol , utenm. sul * phur and ten bat tin , T 1I89S11 * MASaAQR , MADAM BHUhf7\RD , lll > DODOIJ ! T-Mf5l-12' ' MME. LA HUB.411 FOUTII IJTII. TM911 S7 * PERSONAL. LADIKS1 AMBER JEWELRY TO ORDER ; Qlso repairing. 613 S. ICth street. , U Mr77 TRY HAVANA FltECKLEsT X "ioC 8MOK E. U-M367-AU WHEN OUT WITH YOUR IDY VISIT j ] ] T Mullcr's new Ice cream parlors , 2802 Leaven- north street ; everything Is new. Including the building. Tel. 1030. Ice cream .delivered. VIAVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIEd. Health book nnd consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , 346 Bee bldg. Lady attendant. U 679 UNION URAND-ClENUINn WHOLU WHKAT Hour. Wheatfl New breakfast food. Neul ft Com ad , Wholesale Agents , Omaha.U U K5-AIS * WHOLE WHEAT BREAD FROM UNBOLTED flour at Imogen L. Ramsey's , 217 N. ICJh st. U S12-AH MASAGB BATHS. MME , POST. J194 } 8. 15TH ! U I05 UMBRELLAS MADE. RECOVERED AND RE" paired. 103 South jlxleenth streetf U 3S3 CREAM Fo"R WHlPFlNOCOTTAan ! CHEBSE. Walerloo creamery , 1613 Honanl ; tel. 133J. U lllia-AU BAMUEL BURNS INVITES YOU TO HEK HI3 new dinner sets at J5.7S , formerly SIP 00. ( J 003 A5I BALDUFF- A pleasant and convenient place , 1520 Ffcrnam street. Paxton block ; 'phone ill.U . U CSO THE WOMAN'S BAKERY BUPPIIIES VA- rlety of choice goodsbesldrs live kinds of the Ix-sl bread In mnrket ; whole wheat bread a specially ; goads delivered ; tolfphond 451. Mrs. C. Savllle. manager. 1104 N. 24th St. U 5n-A-2. > STRAW HATS CLEANED. RESHAPED AND made new. S03 N. 20th St. U 523-A-23 WANTED FOR UNION CO. FAIR. AT ELK Point , 8. D. , one merry-go-round and one bal loon ascension man. Apply to Bccietary. Elk Point. 8. 1) . , fair. Sept. IS , 19 , 20 and 21 , II. Mnrphey , sccrelary. _ U 008 10 TAKE YOUR FIUENO : TINTYPES. 4 FOR 25c. Proctor , 61C H. Kith street. U MS34 LADY CLAIRVOYANT ; HEALTH AND BUSIness - ness especially . 1026 S. 20lh street. Omaha. WANTED , THE ADDRKSS OF HENRY II. Pott or Potts , who In 1S90 was at or near Omaha. Neb , 10i will be given for post- olllce address. 13. II * Ickls. box 84. Creston , In. U M926 U * HAVE YOUR MONEY AND CALL ON MAX Meyer & Bro. Co , lllh and Farnam. for plnno or organ and get pi Ices before miicliiwlng , pianos for rent , 12.00 and up ; oigans fnr rent , Jl.UO and up. U-M109 12 MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. LIFK INSURANCE POLICIES LOANKD ON or bought. F. C. Chesney , Kansaa Clly. , Mo. \\-C84 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N.Y. LIFE loins at Ion rates for choice secuilty bn Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha clly property MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM IN. DOUOLAS improved nncl Omahareal estate Fidelity Trust Co. . 17UJ Fninnm st. W-6 < H MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real citato. Urciman. Love & Co. . 1'a-clon Mk W-t99 CANS WANTED. J. N. FRENtfER. Ol'P P.O LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITV pluner : JI.ODU & upwards , G to 6',4 per cent , no delays . W. F.irnatu bmltli & Co. , 1320 Farnani 637 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY nnd Nebraska faims nt front C to , 7 per re' W. B. Mclkle , Flint National bank -building. W 60 y MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORE. Ml N.Y.'LIFE. W C09a4 > MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES , THK ! O. F. . Day Is Co. , ItiOj Fainam stt . W 631 OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. . .16TII ANLi Douglas streets , loon mnncy on city and farm property at lowest rates of Interest. W 603 UNITED STATES MORTGAQE CO. OF NEW York. Capital } 2,000,000. Suiplus $600.000. Sub mit choice loans to F , S. Pusey. "agent. First National bank building. _ W 683 MONEY TO .LOAN AT LOWEST RATfW ON Improved und unlmpioved Omaha real , estate , 1 to B years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170J Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVKD OMAHA leal estate. Brcnmm. Love ft Co. , Paxton blk. W 682 FIRST MORTGAGES BOUGHT ON DOUGLAS nr Satpy county farms. Reed & ' Selby , 334 Board of Trade bulMlng. W 848 LOANS ON DOUGLAS OR SARPY COUNTY farms. Write us. Reed & Selby , 334 Chamber of Commerce bldg. , W SS-I LOANS. E. .H. SllEAFE , 4SS PAXTON BLIC. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. J. B. HADDOCK , ROOM 427 J'.AMCIE I1LOCK. X 692 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rales In city ; no removal of goods ; stilctly confidential ; you can pay the loan on' at any time or In any amounts. i OMAHA MORTGAGE IXDAN CO. , 30C South ICth street. X 695 CONFIDENTIAL LOANS MADE ON CIIATTBL securities. A-Mrem P. O. Box 79. . X 37J-A11 SHORT TIME I.OANS. 432 I'AXTON IlLOClC. X957 S6 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- tuie. pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind of chattel security , nt lowest po slble rates , which > ou can pay back nt nny time , and In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO . room 4. Wltlmell block. X 633 MONKY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL P.ROP- eity. Hurvln Ixmit Co. , 701 N. Y. Life build ing. X-696 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE. ALL FURNITURE NOW IN USE In conducting a Hint-class hotel. Hotel build- In * ; ' can lie leased.for any number of sc.irs. Mrs. A. R. Ray ; Valentine , Neb. Y MM 11 * bltOKC llXvANA FRECKLrS. A IOC CIOAR. Y-M3i > 7 A19 FOR SALE , GROCERY STORE. GOOD CLEAN stuck , * located on the best street In the clly. will invoke nt about 1.800 00 : will kell for cash only ; good reason for selling Addiess P 29. Beg. Y--M193 A1.J * IF YOU WANT TO BUY.SELL OR EXCHANGE merchandise , get In or oul of the business , call on or acldrcrs the Nation il Information and Exchange Co. , 203 Flrvt National bank. Omaha , Neb. Y SOT A31 FOR RENT A DBPARTMENT ON SECOND lloor , 3UxIO , In one of the largest tinuses In Council Bluffs. 13 , care Bee , Council Bluffs. Y MC3J FOR SALE , A BIO PAYING BUSINKSS : NO competition ; II.SUO cash takes It. Address S CD. Bee. Y-M1M S 8 * BA K KIIY N D RE.STA U R A NT 1XR BALE IN town 1,500 people ; ono bakery In cown , good trade ; u bnigntn If taken soon , tri * l icasomi for sclllni , ' . Address T 15 , Bee , Omnha. Y-MI13 11 * PARTNER WANTED WITH $20000 IN iirsu int.H niiMni ; tXI.Oi ) per vut-k pnult ; must be wiling lo tiu'.cl. Addre T 2. , lire.Y . Y M13J 10 * 1-pH SAl.i : . AN F.8TABL1SHKI ) PIU NT iNU and stutionei ) business , price U.Mm.OO , will pay to Investigate. Address UjxM.3H. Llnniln , Neb. Y-M1U 11 * FOR EXCHANGE. BARGAINS IN IIOMiS.TRADl < : .SALElUU Dodge K-697 _ FOR SA1.K OR EXCHANGE FOR MKRCHAN- dUo of every kind , a small livery In lint class ihuuc. Iniiulre ut cliug stole , 3014 Ames aye. Z-M789 10 _ WAER-POWER FEKD MILL. DWELLING house and 8 acres ot land , ten miles from Council IllufTs. F. C. Lougee , Council Blulls , Iowa. K-M4-9 _ A lO-CBNTER FOR 6C , HAVANA FRECKLES ? Z MK67 A19 _ FOR EXCHANGE. FINE LANDS. WELL LO- cnted , productive und some cash , for stock of general merchandise. Address Lock Box a ) , Homer ICey , Neb. K-MM4 H _ WANTED , STOCK OF CLOTHING. GROCKIV les and hardware In exchange for Improved Omahu realty. R , C. Puttcmon , Ramxe block , TO KXPIIANGE. 960 ACRK RANCH IN NR- braika for good horses and one-third cash. S. W. Bo > d. I'lemnit , Nebrnnka. X-M535 20 WILL KXCHANOH ONK-HALF INTEREST IN u DO-bbl. roller Hour mill und elevator for Im proved farm land. Particulars on application. Address Box : 1153 , Brvcktnrtdge , III. /-M8i ; 13 * _ TO EXCHANGE-LOTS AND FARM LANDS for stocks of general merchandise * ami grivor- les. Addrtm P. O. Box 241 / q.i3 _ TO UXCHANaB , 3 ACUEs"GOOD. . iTT- proved bottom land. Mitchell Co. . Kan , . orchards ; running water ; VO acres acljolnlnx Iowa Clly , In , 1W ] Nance Co. , Neb. , standard bred brootl nmrea and cosh ; want merchandise , will taka other prupeity for home * . It , W , Newell. lonu City , U. Z-M1M U * FOR EXCHANGE. AN IMPROVHI ) FARM/Off ACRIW , CLEAR. pnce III , 40i ) , for will assume encumbrances. F , U mqad , 16th and Dmigln * . y.-10Ml _ _ _ _ WANT TO U.Nf HAf6i | : OMAIIA FOR DENver - ver property. Polle &jpoorge Ci > [ X MI1J It * 13 000 CLEAR PROPl-Uftrf , "TWO HOUSES , " IN Council BluffK. for jUrg ! In eastern Nibrnskn. F I ) . Wead , Kill aiiji.U1oiglna. | V5-12 ! ) 11 A POLK COUNTY' lkIlM TO TRAD1J FOl'l mcrrhnndl'i * or towiVijiVYP rlv In eastern Nc braskn or lo a.Ajfftfi T 17 , lire _ I' I _ Z-.M137 11 * SOME OOOD SECO.Nfli ' ORTOAOi : PAPERS for exchange fnr M or ' 100 ncro fnrm ; would n iime llxht rncumbrnnce ; m > fancy prices rntcrlalneil. I , C. IMtiMm , Council ItlnlTn Z MI33 13 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BNAP-SMOOTII. RICH GARDEN LAND FIVE miles from po > "lollce ! , tlOO per acre , might lake tome trade. 901 N. Y. L. bulldlnK. II B-176 All FARM LANDS. C.P.ItARRISONTslJ N.Y.I.ITH UK 96 > l-si * ACRES AT PIUCE OF 1X5TS. HARRISON" ' R. K 123 9 * FOR HALE , 4.4CO ACRES OF LAND CO It I LES northwest of Omalia. Address Thomas Kerl , Oakland , Neb. UK MH7 81 * ACRES AT PRICE OF LOTS. HARRISON. It E-123 8 * CHOICE "GARDEN LANDS , s MILES FROM postolllce , In tracts from 10 la 160 acres. A great bargain. Will take some trade. N. I ) . Keyes. 617 Paxton block. RE-M738 BARGAINS , HOUSES. IXJTS AND FARMS , tale or trade. F. 1C Darling. Barker block. R K 699 ACRK3 AT PIUCi : OF LOTS. HARRISON ! U E-lii 9 * WE CAN DELIVER 7 it. HOUSE AND BATHroom - room , rest J2.100 , on most sightly lot for J2.5W , HOc ) viuth A beautiful south front cottage , clly water nnd well , for 11.300 . House and lot , 4 blocks from court house , J3 COO. 5 acres G ml. N. W. , J1.373.'a line tract. 1900 buys cottage on sightly lot. } S < ImjK cottage 26th st. , north. tfM few blocks from Hnnsomn Park. F. D. We.ul. 16th nnd Douglas. II E 101-11 BARGAIN. A FINE 430-Aciu : FARM. 12 miles from Omaha , only (10.00 per acre. C. It. Bontrlght , 301 N. Y. Lite. Jin 32S n7 ACRES'AT PRICE OF LOTS. HARRISON. R K 123 9' FOR A FEW DAYS WE ARK AUTHORI'/KD to offer n beautiful home north of Himscom Park , 8 rooms , bath , etc. , cast front , sightly lot , for J.3.UOO ; a grand opijortunlty. F. D. Wead. 16th nnd Douglas. R K 101-11 FOR SALE. NEW 4-UOOM COTTAGE ; CELlar - lar , cistern , city water ; cor. 13th nnd Sahler ; 51,230 00 ; lonu time. Enquire 13IS Farnam. Samuel Burns. R E 693 160 ACRES NEAR OMAHA , J6.4W. 200 near Omaha. SOUO. 200 near Neb Clly. J8.000. 160 near Omaha , MO.OOO. 40 near Omaha , $10.001. 10 near Oniiha , $2,000 , 2 < ) near Omaha , $7. < MO C. F. Harrison , 91Z N. Y. LifeOmaha. . U E-l.000-10 * ACUES AT PRICE OF * LOTS * . HARRISON. , , R E-123 9 * FOR SALE AT COST.'THE ' CHOICEST TWO acies ( adjoining ) In.Burnhnm Plnce ; all fenced and cultivated , half block southwest from the end of Benson motor. Address T 18 , lice olllce. , n. . RE-M1JJ WANTED. JGOO. 8 PKIiS ClSNT , 5 YEARS. \Vnntcd , J10.000 placiv ( or cash. Wunled. 2 Irtts for'c.'i lf. Wnntcd , 5-jenr teiium , ifor house. Wanted , small farm iivr town. Wanted. California ! fnr.jOm inn ncreafre. C. F. Harilson. 912'N.'Y , Life. Omaha. * - ' R E 1,00'MO ' * LIST BARGAINS KOIf QUICK TURNS. 1603 Dodge. " 'nt' R E-700 FARMK FOR HALI7-t 11lACRES. 50 ACRES IN cultivation. $2.40000 ; ICO ncrei 2"i In culllvntlnn. Jl.000.00 ; 200 nrres , JOiJn culllviition. 11,8000) ; 16) acres. 2"i In puljlv illon. tWOOO ; nlher Inncl In inoiwrtlun. WllltanV Mullen , RIonntain View , Mo. . 1115 M1W 11 * BIOYCLTZS. BICYCLES REPAIIUlir AND REMODELED. > Tires and undrlca. S > f * opened , repaired. O. , R. jlpjlln. loikEmllli , Sllff * . 16th st. HCO ) BICYCLEsT NI V ANDT OLD. ' $2b TO tl2 ; easy pnjments ; iv'e : jrcat-iJiud repair. OmahA - c7Q3. NEW > WARWICK. < n884''PATTERN. STRICTLY high grnde'aclju3Ljble handle and rear brake on no other wheel , lityiulre Omaha Coal , Coke & Lime Co. , 16th nnd Douglas at 13J-A10 BICYCLES ALL STYLES. ALL PRICES. Send for our list of second hand nn < ! shop worn bicycles. Repairs and cycle sundries ot all kinds. M. O. Duxon. 402 N. 16th St. 531 HOTELS. THE MIDLAND HOTEL. Corner 16th and Chicago Eta. ; coolest hotel In Omaha ; new building , new furniture , elec tric bells , hath , steam heat. American plan , $1.50 to $2.00 Tier dayj European plan , Wo to $1.00 per day. M. J. Frank , proprietor. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. W. COR. Uth and Dodge. Room by day or week. 103 A9 * TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT. SOLD , Ex changed , Tented nnd repaired. Typewriter and olllre supplies. Tjpewrlters rented nt $1 per month. The Omaha Typewriter Exchange , suc cessors to the typewriting department of the Megeath Stationary Co. , 214 S. 13th , tel. 1361. t 990 SEE THE NBW DOUGHERTY TYPEWRITER. The Omaha- Typewriter Exchange , tel. 13C1 , No. 214 S. 13th t. . 991 PLUMBERS. FREE-PLUMBING OP EVERY KIND. GAS steam & hot water heating ; sewerage. 313 8. 16. 715 J. J. IIANIGAN , PLUMBING , STEAM AND hot water heating. 2703 Leavenworth st. 155 JOHN ROWE * CO. , PLUMBING , STEAM AND hot water heiitlng , gas fixtures , globes , 421 8. 15. 481 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN HANTS SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND , 613 N , Y" Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. 713 LEARN PRACTICAL BUSINESS & SHORT- hand. Roose's Omaha Bus. Col , 15th & Fainam . 213A13 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. n. MORRILL , CARPENTER. OFFICE AND slore fixtures a specialty. Patching und plastering. 1513 Capitol ave , tcl. 40S (52 HAMILTON DRO3.7 "aENERA ToNTRAC- tors and builders , carpenter work , brick laying and plastering. 41 PS. 18th st. , tel. 1179M333 M333 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURKB AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; eluctrlcal and gen ual machinists ; supdilor work guaranteed. Omaha Electrical Wor& , 617 and 619 S. 16th st. ELECTRICAL ENOlNfiBRS AND CONTRAC- lors for electric llghuunil motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Western Klrc- trio Supply Co. , 418 .qj&.rKO 8. 13th si. 712 UNDERTAKERS > AJjrD EMBALMER3 II. K. BURKirr. FUJtlTRAI' DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1618 ChlcbK 1 > t telciihone 90. 703 BWANSON & VALtllN/TuNDERTA ICER3 AND embalmer , 1701 Cuinmg1 St. , telephone 1UCO. 1) aJ 7M _ M. o. MAUL , uNbTTi.v'rAKi'n "AND KM- bnlmer. 1417 ' ' ' , ' 22j. 707 J.IEAFEY & HKAVEYf ) 218 8. 14TH ST. TEL. 2Cj ; aUa ZUh and WJUts. , So. Omaha. _ _ . 70S A2l BUSINESS OTIOES. OMAHA MBERSCIIAPJWJ 'IPE FACTORY ; OLD pll > es made new. fllJUH. 16th. 709 . L. CARTER. M HV All. CORNICE SKY- lleuts , smoke stackslcfurix < JCes. , 1617 Howard st. 710 D. T. MOUNT HAS ; REMOVED HIS COAL OF. lice to 209 8. 16th t. , > BriMli block. M970 DAMAOEI ) MIHHOUsTuUHrLVEItUD , 719 N. 16. 931 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. O. F. GELLENBIXJK , BANJ01ST AND teacher. 1810 California street , H FOR BARGAINH IN PIANOS AND ORGANS ; easy payments , Instruments rented ; rents apply on purchase A. Hospe , Jr. 701 MRS. JUSSIB BROWN-CROMMETT , THK only post graduate of Emerson College ot Ora tory , Boston In Omahu , who leaches elocution and phtslcal culture. i.\Varo building , Omaha. Sit A13 IIAIRDRESSINQ. MILLKR. LADIES' IIAIRDRESS1NG. 8IIAM. poolng , steuminc half goods , 1513 Douglas 72t IIOIIERTSTEIN. . Tim OLD RELIABLE HAIR culler. 10th floor , N. Y. Life bide , MW7-BJ TENTS AND AWNINGS. _ _ WOUMMttOS. * C0.7 MANIJFACTURKR8 OF utrnlnn. tents. H.IKS , wagon , hay , clock corrr * . tarpntilln * . banners , streamer * . 703-75 8. Kth t. , telephone CO I. Tents tor rent. 7H WHY DON-TyoRENT A TKCT. TAKIJ A vacation n l rest roumclt ? The Omnlm Tent and Awnltiir Co. hnvp tents nf all klndj that they rent cheap. 1111 Fnrnam st. AI7 JOB PRINTING. nUEl ) JOll PRINTING CO. FINE PRINTINO ot all kinds. 17th St. , Bee _ building. 716 MAIL "oRDnR COMMiiU'IAL PRINTTNO A pecHlty. Douglas Prlnllng Co. , 419 H. ISlh slrcct , Slicclcy bldg , Tel ( II for prompt service. UPHOLSTERING ; " UPHOL'RINO CABINET MATTRESS WORKS. W. II. Bell , R. A. McKachron 2717 Lcavenw'th. 157 UPHOLR1HIUNO VERY CHEAP Tlllrf MONTH. M. S. Walklln , 2111 Cttmlng , Tel. 0)2. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. WHITE'S EMPLOYMHNT OFFICE. THE ONLY pUce to get help ot all kinds In the city. 1SI All CORNICE. WKSTKttN COUNICB WOUKS. dAI.VANIZKO Iron Cornices. 17U Ut. Mary's nve. 331 COHNICI : WOIIKH , JOHN II B. nuttr. prup. , IDS. 110 , 111 N. lllh. KMnl ) . 1861. 831 OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. . IiAniNO OPTICIANS , J. 11'ondpr , indnuHcr. t'.yvn tcitccl trtt K3 Suutli ICtli , In Kinsler's drug note.1M7 1M7 Tim Aixi : tc. niNroi.u co. , scuNTinc nptlrtatis. 1IOS Fnnmni t. , oppodte 1'arton hotel. Ke < exHinlnisi free. 701 HAY AND GRAIN. 1JUV YOtm HAY 11V CAH Oil TON U > TB Wi : buy h.ty. A. II. Hnydor. 1515 Hurt at. , tcl 1107 8GJ83 NCrtRASiCA HAY CO. , WIIOI.HSAI.K II VY cmln nncl mill ntulT. Wo me nlrniya on the market lo bur or sell. 1118 Webster t. 158 HARNESS. HAUNKSS. WHira , NHTS , HTa nni'AIIUNO a specialty. - 113 N. Kill U 717 OKT MY I'KICES UHKOIIR YOU BUY A HAIV ness. August Uohno. 711 & 16th nt. M-11C All ) MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS. IA'A j. anovun. MATHEMATICAL AND BimeyiiiB inntrnmrnts , enBlneers' nncl nrclil- trctii' Huppllva , trncliiR cloth , blue process impers. 318 South ISth ; nmll onlcrs. 987 GRINDING. SHRARS. Cr.lPPEHS , LAWN MOW- era. cte. A. L. UnJcrlJtiJ. IOC N. Hill. 720 HORSESHOEING. M 3. THOMAS MAI.ONEY. 91J N. 1GTH ST. 1J5 Alt PAWNBROKERS. HIED MOIILE. 1017i4 FAUNAM , JKWULIIY. 751 II. MAHOWITZ LOANS MONEY. SOS N. 16th st. 722 DENTISTS. DH. oEouan s. NASON , DENTIST. SUITE 200 I'axtun block , ICth nncl 1'arnam ats. , tcl. 71 ! 721 OH PAUL. .DENTIST , 2020 UUIIT ST. 333 ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY. ELOCUTION PHYSICAL CUL- ture. Emerson nuthod. Summer pupils re ceived. Room 9 , Commercial Nat'l M1W nl2 FURNACES. run.VACK MADn.sorr COAL SMOKE consuming nncl liinl cuat furnaces. IJaglc Cor nice works. 10-1-112 N' . lltli st. Si2 WHOLESALE COAL. JOIINSON 1IHOS. . WHOLESALU DUALRRB IN \ftt\l \ IcfnclSt of coal. Corrcsputiclence flollLtted. Jiwii. Fnrnam t. . . f. a23 TAXIDERMISTS. TAXIDEHMY AND fUItS. SEND TOU CATA- locue. Georee B. Ilrown , jr. , & Co. , 709 S. 16th. 723 DYE WORKS. " " SCHOEDSACK. TWIN CITY DYE 15S1 Farnam direct. Dyeing of every descrip tion and dry cleaning. 11752 LIVERY STABLE. nOAHDINO STABLES. TIND LIVEHY UIOS cheap. Ed llaumley , 17th and St. MUO'B ave M-480 SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building , OMAHA , Neb. Adviuo FREli RKILWKYT1MEGRRD I CHICAGO . NORTIIWEST'N , OnialiaU. | 1' . Depol. 10th A. Mason Sts 1 Oninhu 11.03im."i Chicago Express 6.10im | 4.0Jpm Vestibule Limited. . . 9.20am 6.30pmEx. ( Sat ) , Chic. ( Ex Mon. ) . 9:2Jam : C:5"am : Mo Valley Local 10:30pm : G:30pm. : . . . . . . .The .Overland Flyer. . . 2.15pm Lea\e 1Cim'Aao. BURLINGTON At Q.IArrlves Omaha ) Depot 10th and Mason Sts. | Oinnln 4:45pm : r.Chlciigo Veatfbulo . . . . . . . 3:30cm : : Chicago Expiess 4:2. : > pri 7.0.'pm , . . .Chicago and Ion a Local 8.00am ll:35am Paclllc Junction Local 5.55pm Leaves IWURLINGTON & MO. RIVER.Arrl\e | Omalial pepyt 10th and Mason Sts. | Om ilia > am D'cnver i\piesa : 9.3Jam Deadwood Express 4llpm ( 4:50pm. : . . . , Denver Kxprem 4:10pm C : Opni.Nebr.ipUa Local ( except Sunday ) . 6:50pln S'.lSam .Lincoln Local ( except Sunday ) , ll:25qm Leaves I K. C. . ST. J. & C. B | Arrives" " _ Oinnhi ] Depot 10th ami Mason Sts. | Omahn 9l5am. . .Kansas dty Day ExpicAs 5.53pm 9l5pin : 1CC. . Night Ex. via. U. P. Trans. 6:50am : I.eiues fcaiCAaO Il."I. A = PACIFIC. ( Airlvea OiiialiaU. | I' . Depot , 10th & Mason Mb. , Omaha . E/\S1\ lO.'ISam .Atlantic Express ( ex. Sunday ) . 6.05pm 6:2'pm : NlKhf l.'xpivss. . G Wain 4.40pm.Chlcagj Vestlbulcd Limited. . . 1.25pm miaul.Oklahoma Exp. ( to C. B. ex. Sun ) 5.35am WIMT. G.35am.Oklahoma & Texas Exp , ( ex. Sun)11.3 ) pm l.3pm j..Colorado Limited 4.10pm Leaves I UNTON PACIFIC JArrlves _ OiiiahaUnlon | Jjppo.l. IQtji ft.Muson . Sts.f Omaha 'J.SO nn Deliver Express 3COpm : 2:15pm : Overland Flyer 6:20pm : : :45pm.Beutrluc : & Strombb'g Ex ( ux Sunl2JOam : G:40pm : Paclllc Express 10.55nm 630pm. ; Fast Mall 4:20pm : Leaves I CHICAGO , MILT& ST. PAUL.Arrlves | OmaliaiUnkm Depot , 10th Ac Mason tils , | Omaha G:33pfn : Chicago Limited . , .TD.30am 11,10nil , .Chicago Express ( ex. hull. ) . . . , . S.OOpm Leaves I V. . K. & Mt ) . VALLEY. ( Arrives Unmlul Depot 15th nnd Webster Bta. I Omaha * 903am ; Dendnnod Kxprras 6'10pm 9OJam.Ex. : Sat. ) Wo. Ex ( Ex. Mon ) . C.lOpm S.OUpm .Norfolk Kxpi.-ss ( Ex. Kuhda ) ) . lOHJani JitlVlini. . . . . .Ht P uIExpress _ _ . . . , 0.10am Leuves 1 MISSOURI PACIFIC ( Arrives Omaha ! Depot ISth and Webster Sl . I Omaha , .9:00ani. : , Bt. I uls Express 600am ; :30pm : .St. Louis Expiess b.CSpm Leaves I C , , ST. P. , M. & O , ( Arrives ' Omalial Depot 15th nnd Webster Sis. | Omaha 510pm.pally ; ( ex. Sun , Nebraska : Lrical , . 9l.iin : ( ) gOOaniir.Hloux ; City Accom. ( Ex. Sun. ) . . . 8.05pm 10 ) am..Kloux City Accom. ( Bun. Only ) . . 8.05pm 1215pm..Bloux. ; C'lty Kxpresa ( Ex. Sun.llS5am : B:30pm..i. : . Bt. Paul Llmlteil. ± 8:40am Leaves I BTOTX ) L'ftY ; & PXClFlC ; TATrlvei" * OinahalUnion Depot , 10th & _ MasunSts _ _ fOmiUi- 655nm ; Hloux City Passenger. . . . ,10,20pm tSpm. . . . . . . . . . St. .I'aulKJCprf M. . . . IQ.-noam av cs.I . I _ fetO'K ( ? ? 7 ' ! ' ? ri7.V ' JAjrrlvei' Oinahal Depol 15th nnclWehster _ Sts.J Omuha B30pm. ; . . . . . Ht Paul "Limited 4s40am JI'.JOJMii. . . . , Chicago Limited . . . I ) 40am riiivesp" OMAHA & ST LOTHF. TXirTver OnmlialUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts I Omaha J, Louis Cannon Bull 12Slpra : DRUNKENNESS Or ( he Liquor llmblt Pwlllvelr Cured by uiluiluUlerluff Dr. llulur * ' tloldrii N | > pIHc. . II o a b tlf a In cup of ooutt or Its. or IB food. Uhouttb kqowUdzeftb i * llnt. ItUibioluujF h rmlo4 . sod will et ol permsnial and ip * dr cure , whether the patltul U a madorsu drlnkoror u foobollo wttok. K bu btta Bl o In tbouisnds of o o , snd in ev rr lnlt nto pot foot cure CM fol- 'owed. UNe M-K ll . TbtirilamODot Imprcf n > lkl witbtba b oem s an ultor lopoiclbllltr r too liquor ppatlto toallil. UOL1IBM SI'KDIKIU Oil. . PropVs. CU.ID..II. C. 48 > civc book or pxUuiUrt Irei , To b bui o' For ( ale br Kuhn & Co. , DruggliU , Coroa 16th and Douglai streoti , Omaha. RECOGNIZED THE REPUBLIC State Dopirtmont Endorses tbo Action Taken by Minister Willis. QUEEN LIL'S ' CLAIMS FINALLY SET ASIDE .Socro urr ( ! ro lmm linn WrUtnit lit Minister WIIIU KiHlorMiit ; lilt Artlmi In Ito- e ril to tint Nnvv llovrrmiirnt In HiUMilli WASHINGTON , Aiift. 0. A story Is pub lished today to the crfuct ( lint tin1 republic ot Hawaii lias been foriu.illy rocoRnlzctl by tlio United States. tliroURli the nectelury ot state. The republican Kovcrmiiont In Hawaii , It will be remembered , uus set up July -I. Un the following ilay Minister Willis ex truded recognition , so far an It was within his power , to the new republic. Mr. Willis' action has been discussed , but no decision was reached until yesterday , when Secretary Orislmtn , under Ilia direction of the presi dent , sent a formal note to the minister approving his course. Although the text of Mr. Grcsliam's letter has not been made public , It Is underaiood that the president extends to the new re public the hearty good wishes n ? the United States. Envoys of the dethroned queen started for Washington as soon as the new republic was procl.ilmed , and as they have \iien \ hero for several days endeavoring to Induce the State de partment to withhold recognition : uid to In sist that Lllluokalanl bo extended the as sistance of the government In her ffToits to regain power. The action now taken dis poses of the whole question , and closes thu unfortunate diplomatic "Incident. " Secretary Orusliam , It Is announced , \ ! sIted - Ited the capital lut night and Informed Senator Gray of the M'lutc foreign relations committee and Chairman McCreary of the house committee on foreign .iIT.iir.s ( Iat the president had formally recognized the Ha waiian republic. No olHclal announcement was given out for publication , and for this ron&on neither Senator Gray nor Mr. Mc- Crenry would dlsrim the subject. Confirmation of the story ax published was obtained today. A letter of congratula tion and greeting from President Cleveland in the name of the United States Is now on the way from Washington to President Dole. The recognition of the new republic waa de cided upon this week , and was mailed yes terday through the legular channels Al though the customary secrecy which attends diplomatic matters lias smroumlcd the re lations of the United States with the Hawaiian republic since that country as sumed Its new farm of KOVeminent , It Is learned on the best authority that there has never been any dotibl of President Cleve land's course in the matter and of Ills rec ognition of the nuiv government of Hawaii as a de facto government. A few ( lav.s ago a letter was received from President Dole con veying the formal announcement of the proclamation of the republic and the In auguration of the new government. This letter was laid before the cabinet , and has been under consideration while the house committee on foreign affairs was debating whether it should report a resolution for recognition. Mr. Frank P. Hastings , who In the ab sence of Minister Thnrston Is charge d'affaires at the Hawaiian legation here , has had an Interview with Secretary nresham. and was told that he had been formally rec ognized as the representative of the now uovcrnment. Chairman McCrenry says It Is not cus tomary to give publicity to diplomatic cor- ren > oiiJciiee until It has reached Its desti nation. Consequently the letter to President Dole will not bo made public until sultlclent time has passed for its reception , when a copy will be sent to congress , with the copy of the message received from him. This Is the usual course of diplomatic proceedings , but the fact that the diplomatic corre spondence has become known may Induce the president to make It public. There Is a parallel between Brazil and Hawaii on these latest developments. Soon after Brazil had changed to a republican form of government a resolution was Intro duced In the house by Mr. McCreary , now chairman of the foreign affairs committee , for recognition , the democrats thinking that President Harrison delayed action unreason ably. Before the committee could take action on the resolution , however , congress was notified that the president had recog nized the new government. It is stated by friends of the administra tion that the president has not entertained any thought of withholding recognition be yond n reasonable time nor has ho had any desire to leave President Dole and the other members of the administration long In doubt as to his views and. purposes with respect to the now Government. When the committee on foreign affairs met today Representative McCreary announced the Intention of the president. This an nouncement did not have the effect , how ever , of withdrawing Mr. Iloutelle's resolu tion. The republican members of" the com mittee maintained that the president's action did not affect the status of the resolution , and It was still lu order and desirable for congress to extend Its greetings to the re public. Speeches were made by Mcxsrs. Van Voorhls , Illalr. Hltt and Draper of the re publicans , and by Mr. Geary , who continued to support the resolution. Mr. Tucker , democrat of Virginia , made a motion to lay the resolution on the table , and Mr. Hooker , democrat of Mississippi , moved to adjourn. The motion to adjourn was carried. Messrs. McCreary , Hooker , Tucker , Price , Everett , Maney and Olnsmore voted fpr if , and Messrs. Hlalr , Illtt , Van Voorhls , Draper and Geary against It. This action Is thought to end the matter , so that no more meetings of the committee arc ex pected this session. The proceedings as to the legations were simple and formal. Minister Thurston , on starting for Hawaii , had left Secretary Hastings as charge d'affaires , ad Interim , for the provisional Government of Hawaii , lly the same mall which conveyed to the State department Willis' notice that ho had recognized the new republic of Hawaii Mr. Hastings received his credentials of charge d'affaires , ad Interim , for the republic. These were from Mr. Hatch , the Hawaiian minister of foreign affairs , directed to Sec retary Gresham. Mr. Hastings laid his cre dentials before the State department and day before yesterday received the usual notice stating that the department had re ceived his credentials and recognized him as the ad Interim representative of the Hawaiian republic. ItiinUh Curu. But do It consistently , wisely , and not with alcoholic stimulants , but by the reinforce ment of energy , the renewal ot appctlto and the ability to digest , which Hostetter'H .Stom ach Hitters , foremost among tonics , produces. Malaria , rheumatism , kidney complaints , constipation and nenousness are conquered by this victor over many ailments. Ride on the steamer at Courtland , CLAN GORDON EXCURSION TO DLAIR. August 11 , 1894. Special trains from Web ster street union station at 8:30 : a. m. and 12:30 : p. m. _ CASllIKlt tiKll'S OUT. Took with Him n Wiinmn nncl S3O.OOO of thu Huiik'H Kiindn. ALTOONA , I'a. , AUR. 9. Harry A. Gard- ncr , cashier of the Second National bank of this city , left on Monday night In com pany with Mrs , Gordon , who is said to have lived In Philadelphia , and to whom Gardner has been so attentive during the past year as to excite much unfavorable comment. A director ot the bank Is authority for the statement that Gardner has also taken with him a largo mini of money belonging to the bank. Tha books Imvo not been fully ex amined , but the same director estimates the amount ) taken , to 'be. about $20,000. Gardner had held a prominent place In busi ness and social circles for ninny years and loft behind him a wife and four young children , CLAN GORDON EXCURSION TO DLAIR , August 11 , 1894. Special trains from Web ster street union station at 8,30 a. m. anil 12,30 p. m , * 1'ntll Hasn't funeral. CHICAGO , AUK. 9. Funeral services over the body of Mrs. John W. Dunne , or , a nhe ivn * known ( o Iho public nt Inrjrr. I'Attt Hewn , were hold nt the Church of the As cension this afternoon. The church was crowded , ami nftcr the cereinhny n largo number of cnrrlimcH followed the lienrno to Ho e Hill , wlirro the ronmlnn were tem porarily placed in the vault Thrntrlcnl people mid ooolnl Unlit * \\rra present from fnr mid ticnr , mxl nolioOf the largo companies * playing In tbo city nt the present time wcio without full rrpre- sentiitlon , _ _ To ClrniK Ilia SjMrm , Ii'ffcctunlly yet gently , when ctntlve or bil ious , or when the blood Is Impure or slug- glsh , to permanently euro hnbltiml consti pation. to awaken the kldnos nml liver- tea a healthy activity , without Irritating or weakening them , to dispel headaches , coldi or fevers , use Syrup of Klgs. Fine sandy bottom nt Courtland. : trotii : i.v Miilllvnii TntiKfpr Coiiipinr * iiiul Ihrro Duellings i t Lincoln Iturtiril. LINCOLN , Aug. 9. ( Spvclul Telegram to The IIcc.-At nn early hour this mornlnir the bli. barn mid atnblo of tlic > Hiilllvnu Transfer company wns destroyetl by fire. Three niljiicont dwelling housrtt wcro Ig nited by nparks nml nl o destroyed. There wore sixteen liend of horses In the bum nt the time. Klvo horse * , two mules nml a i-ow were burned. All the tinniest , wagons. liny and grain In the barn wore lost. Homo men sleoplng In the buildings hnil a narrow o onpo. The nggrogntc loss Is J10.000 , pnr- tlnlly Insured. _ Wl ronlii Vlllugn lludly llurncil. OSHKOSH , WIs. , Aug. 9. The village of Wlnnecono , twelve miles west of hero , was badly burned list night. The flames started In the business colter mid destroyed about one-half of the business houses and dwell ings , and worked rapidly toward the lumber district. A strong wind was blowing. Wlnnecono has n population of about 2,000 and contains a number of largo plants. llllnoU Town Swept hjr million. RANTOUL , III. , Aug. 9. The town of Clifford , ten miles east of hero , was almost swept nwny by flro which started nt 3 o'clock this morning. Two grain elevators , the Illinois Control depot and almost the ' cntlro business portion of the town Is In ashes. As communication by telegraph and telephone Is cut off the entire facts cannot bo learned. _ Three In Onn Night. ANOKA , Minn. , Aug. 9. Last night was ono of horror. Three Incendiary Ilrca wcro sot and the city turned out on guard. A Micnnt house was burned and a $15,000 flro In Page's lumber yard was put out after a struggle from midnight to daylight1. AW was called from Minneapolis and a train sent with two companies. Third of n Town DcKtrojcd. DAWSON , Minn. , Aug. 9. At nn early hour today over one-third of this place rwas burned , and the hardest kind of 'work itlono saved the rest of the town. Loss about J35.000. _ _ Popular music at Cnurtland beach" . I'KAiti. * ix Tin : , Many Hundreds of Dollars Worth Oiitliored III n Tlirro Months Criilnc * * CIIICAOO , AUK. 9. For n number ot years It lins been known thnt1 pearls of a small variety existed In tliu Wnlraiih river , but of such n diminutive size thnt they were generally nccepte < ( n worthless. Three months ago Thomas llliifr of Wash ington , D. C. , came to this city with 'tdb Intention of penrchhiR the river In a. thorough manner , anil hus demonstrated that they can be found of a quality that makes them worth searching for. " With a boat und dlKKlni ; material Blair iniiilo tlip trip alone from this city to Lafayette , llfty- slx miles , the total tltni' belnti three inontliH. Today he reunited from his till ) . Illtf ol- lecllon consists of eighteen Infirc ones , riinKlnjr In value from $25 to $ M , which will bo larRely Increased In the eastern markets , llu also hns n large number uf Hniullcr ones , many of them of a pure , clear qual ity , the whole axurciWtliiK many liUii- clreds of dollars. The pear ) ? are found In mussle shells and generally In the mlddlu of the river. Mr. Hlalr is a practical man In the busi ness , having spent the best part of his Ufa In ( lirfetcnt conn tiles. He states thnt the Wabash river elves better results than uny Htieam that he has ever walked In. An other trip will bo made this fall. Coolest rlclo hereabouts to Courtlnnd hoacli. TKXAH if A vie noMKir.inn HOC/A o. Wending Tlioir Wny from \Vii8hliiKion. KANSAS CITY , Aug. 9.OenernlBen - nett's standard bearer , who led the Colo.- rude contingent of Coxey's army toVttsh - Ington two months ago , has arrived here , traveling' hometo Denver by slovstqgcs. . Ills name Is W. II. Taylor , but ho waa known to his comrades as Texas Jack. Ho started homeward a month ago , he said , and had traveled in all sorts of ways. Ho still carried the standard that he sturtcll east with , and was proud'of tils' trip , thought ho was emaciated to a frightful degree , and lookca more like a skeleton than a human being. Ho was extremely sevete In speaking of Bennett , umlffflild that ho stood good chances of being lynched If ever located by the 'Wualers. Itiiiuuuiit Ioili ' < l tip ui VagrantHi BALTIMORE , Aug. 9. Marshal Frriy dl- patched forty policemen by special irnln to Hyattsvllle at 3 o'clock this morning , and arrested the remainder of Co'xey'a army , eighty-eight In number , on the charge of vagrancy , and they are now captives In th'o Maryland house of correction. Flailing and bathing , Courtland Iloach. 1110 ail.l.\lK MAKttlt .1 KICK. Cuiixcs Trunhlo for IlouiU VhlvhViuit to Sell IlurvcNt KxcnrMon TIcUulH. CHICAGO , Aug. 9. The meeting ot the Western I'atscngcr association was taken up by the consideration of ronl'mo business , a largo amount of which was put nut oC the way. The matter of harvest e - curslona Is not as bright as It was twenty-four hours ago. The Denver & Rio Grande Is now thu obstacle In the way. It declaiol In the meeting that the association had been neglectful of the interests of thu Rio ( Ir.iihU on bi veral occasions and It Is prnpnM',1 to gel cvi-r. by knocking out the propound excur sions. If the Rio Grande persists in i'a ' in- fusal to agree to the excursions that wl'J ' dually end the thing and in the negative. Picnic at Courtland beaca. U ItlwU.'lV INSTRUMENTS placed on record August D , 181)1 ) : WARRANT ? DEEDH. Union Pacific Hallway company to A M J Mix , part lot S , Mode , PlnltA Vnl- Dunlsh I .a led und BulldlnR association to Christ Hanson , lot 11 , block 7 , IMiUrr'a mid 1 II J Olsen lo L C 1'Plrrsen , lot 4 , bloik 5 , CnnnlnKlium's subdlv ( ex u 12i fv > t ) . 2.WO PuMon Jticves nnd ulfe to J II Qnlnn und vvlle , nvv IJ-lt 10 4,000 L S Mole nnd wife to A Cl Chiillon , u i' ' ) feet lot 1C , block Ei , DenlsuV add . , 1.C09 L II Kent nnd IC lo 11 F Cody , undlv U lot 1 , block M. Onl.lh.l , . 70,009 II F Cady anil wife to L II Kent , lot 1. . block 31. . U and 17 , block 33 ; lot 0 , block 12 , Ambler Plnie . 10,00 Buinu to H.IIIIU , tola 11 nnd U , Windsor Place , uxl. . 1.7W Hainilo Mine , lot 3 nncl H U lot 2 , block 1 , Ciesctnl park . . 15,004 QUIT CLAIM liiiH. : T A Fisher am ) wife to M L Tnnnrcn'l. lots 'i and 6. block 9. Plnlnvlew , lots U and 26 , block 1 , lot 27 , block C. Oichiid Hill. lolH 3 ami I Piitmenter Plucc : lot 2 , block 2 , llavrlhoriic ; lot 1 , block 2 , Muync Place 1.000 Special masttr lo C W Hayes , lot 22 , block ' . ' , Patterson's Mindly wO Bnme to J A Reynolds , n H lot 10 , Plir- bon's subdlv , . . , , . . . , , . . , . , . . , 491 Total amount of transfers WTicn Uaby WM nick , ira cave her Castorla. When she wai a Cullcl , ( ho cried for CafctorU. eho became Mtu , ho clung lo CastorU. When iho had CUUdron , ho ga 0 thorn Gutorto