THE OMAHA DAILY RtRi FRlirAY , jVUGUST 10 , 191 , TP1E DAILY BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' PEAHL BTHBE On-'JCEJ - - NO 12 Delivered by cnrrl r to nny part of th cltjr. H. W. T1LTON , L ee.'tioNr.g-nu.incn : omco , No. nnti \ tilitor , No. tt. MIXUIt J/JJ.VT/OA. The ncholars of the Ilap'lnt ' Sunday echo enjoyed an outing at Falrmount park yostc day. day.Miss Miss Emma LcutzliiKcr entertained a Ian party of friends Tuesday afternoon at hi homo on Avenue E. "Moonlight on the Lake. " A dellghtfi place to cpend ( he evening , at Manhatta beach , Lake Manawa. A marriage llceiino was lnHiied ycstcrdn to L. H. Axtcll , aged 30 , and Elizabeth ; Goodchltd , aged 20 , both of Pottawattam county. The ladles of the W. A. P. A. will glvo lawn social at Mrs. Shane's , 34 Nort Kcventli street , this evening. A cordial li vltatlon IB extended to all. A pleasant entertainment was given lai evening at Grace Episcopal church undi the auspices of Grace guild. An attractlv musical and literary program was amor the features. T. B , McOulrc of New York City , a men licr of the general executive committee i the Knights of Labor , will talk to popullsi nnd democrats at Liberty hall this evcnln for the purpose of Inducing them to vole f ( General Weaver. Turvol , the 8-months-old son of Mr. an Mrs. Chris Egholm , died of lung fever yei terday morning nt 5 o'clock , after an Illnc ; of two weeks. The funeral will talte plat this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the resldenci 2,000 South Tenth street. J. H. Bradley nnd John Kclley were ai rested yesterday on the charge of pcddlln without a license. They each had n .pal ot gold rimmed glasses , which are suppose to have been stolen and Bradley had n skeli ton key. O. M. Bailey and M. Weatherbe are the complaining witnesses. John Custcr moved Into the bulldjng t 713 Broadway yesterday afternoon and tli first thing built a lire In a stove In tli kitchen. Something was wrong with tli Jluo and the roof caught flre. The flro di parttnent was called out , but the flames wei extinguished without laying a line of hose. The fire committee of the city council hn completed Its Investigation of the allege nhortcomlnRs of Henry McArdlc , who wa dismissed from the flre department by n quest of his wife , who was temporaril angry at him for spending the night ot li day off outside of the bosom of his fninll ; The committee found he had been rathe derelict In his duty and sentenced htm t work without pay for ten days , after whlc ho was given a lecture. The Misses Cora Keller and Lulu Lit entertained a large party of their friend last Wednesday evening at the home of tli former's parents , Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Kelle on North Second street. The lawn wo beautifully decorated with Chinese lanterr and a large dancing platform was erectet upon which the guests danced to the mus ! of Glen's orchestra. Dainty refrcshmen1 were served In the house. The youn hostesses won many compliments for the way of entertaining. Ira Shellhart and Mrs. A. H. Burton hav been causing Charles Gllmore , who lives c the corner of Main street and Willow avenui a lot of trouble by their actions. They llv In the second story of Gllmore's bulldln nnd all his efforts to dislodge them hav been of no avail. Yesterday morning at o'clock a warrant was served on the pal nt home , charging them with lewdness , an they will have a hearing In police court thl niornlnc. Mrs. Burton claims to have bee in the newspaper business , but lately sli lias been making dresses. , Samples of corn have been hung up aroun the Burlington ticket ofllce for the purpoe of showing what can be done by the farmer In the way of flying In the face of ba weather. Ono man who has a 300-acre fan nrar Farragut , In Fremont county , says li would not sell the crop on his farm to $10,000. His samples are very fine , bu 010 considerably better than they woul liavo been had they boon selected at ran dam. Another man In the cast end of till county sends In a dozen ears which are we formed , but about a month behind tlmo s far as growth Is concerned. Two desirable houses for rent. Good It cations. Bargain In Broadway property nen nostolllce. Farm loans wanted , lowest rate : Flre and tornado Insurance written in bet companies. Lougee & Towle , 235 Pcai Btreot. Iliittlo J'las ; Diiy At Des Moines August 10. The rate froi points In Iowa are one fare for the roun trip. Tickets sold August 8 , 9 and 10 , goo to return August 11. A. T. Elwell , C. , R. & P. , No. 16 Pearl street. Physicians' prescriptions and family rcc Ipes a specialty. Deitken & Whalcy's , 14 Broadway. Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sale a Gas Co.'s ofllce. Eagle laundry , 724 Broadway , for goo \vbrk. Tel. 157. I' I'AltAOIl.lI'IlN. Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Julius Coclu-an , son. son.Leo Lucas of Pierre , Neb. , Is vlslttn friends here. E. C. Baldy nnd family leave shortly fc Hockport , Mo. , to visit friends. Miss Nettle Morris has gone to Shcnandoa and Essex for a visit ot a few weeks. Wallace McFadden left for Des Molm yesterday to witness the Battle Flag day oxci clscs. N. P. Conant has returned from Evam ton. III. , where ho left his wife but lltt ! Improved. Mr. and Mrs , Will Benson are In the clt ; the guests of the tatter's parents , Mr. an Mrs. corgo F. Wright. Misses Lulu and Viola Otto have rcturne from a long visit with friends In Cllntoi la. , and Fret-port , III. Miss Mary Paschcl has returned homo froi Hartlngton , Neb. , accompanied by her slste Mrs. H. It. Suing , and family. Mrs. C. M. Trcphagen and mother , Mri Wlllum CJarner , left last evening for DC Moines to meet Mr. Trcphagen. Mrs. A. Nlcholl , Miss Maggie Nlcoll an Mrs. Frank Hahn left yesterday for Co fax , where they will spend n week. Patrick Joseph Burke and Muriel Dawsoi both of Omaha , wcro married by Rev. J. 1 Simpson at Grace church yesterday man Ing. Ing.Hon. Hon. J. H. Stlckcl , Hebron , Neb. , Is tli guest of W. O. Wlrt. Miss Ella will rctur homo with Mr. Stlckcl for a short visit i Hebron , Miss Nellie Weedner returned yesterda morning from the south , where she has uej the guest of Miss Edna Dean for the pai three months. M. Wolkor has gone to Des Moines , whei lie expects to make a short stay after whlc he will go to Illinois. Ho Is enjoying a t\v weeks' vacation , B. H. Odcll left last evening for DC Moines to advertise the Rock Island excui uloii next Sunday and the beauties of Lah Munuwa along the road , W. O. Wlrt and son Ncd left for DC Mulnea yesterday afternoon , but will retur again Saturday , when Mr. Wlrt expects t start for Cripple Creek , Colo. Mrs , George P. Sanford and her two soni Arthur and Raymond , started yrstcrd.i morning tor n two weeks' visit with rein lives In Kansas and Nebraska. Clarlbel , the 9-year-old daughter ot Ml and Mrs , H , J. Chambers , who has bee visiting friends In Omaha , had the ml ! fortune Wednesday to fall and break he arm , Chief diaries Nicholson and Captain H. V Bates ol the tower Main street hose houe left last evening for a trip to Montrea Canada , where they will attend Ihe unnu ; meeting of thu National Fire Chiefs' assoc-U tlon. They will be away about ten day or iwo weeki , and In that time will vlil among other places , the Thousand Island and Niagara Fulls. l-uuiulry Couiputiyi 20 Pearl street. Telephone 290. j NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFF DomocraB ! Just Beginning to Wake H from Their Pouulistio Trauco. SAMPLES OF THE DISGUST EXPRESSE Prominent Worker * Who l'nlllvrly Itufui to bit Down nt tlin ll.iniiirt of C'rou Hint * of Further Uo for Ilio llourlmm. The action ot the democratic Ilon calmly lying donn Inside the populUtlu Ian last Wednesday has opened up about all tl old sores thai had been In the act of hcalin The fact of twenty-six delegates out of tola ! ot ninety-six being opposed to the nor Ineo In Ihc convention would mean but lltt of Itself under ordinary Circumstances , b In the present case there Is a principle I volvcd and the dissatisfied ones are not dl posed lo cat their crow with the same a parent relish as If they had been dctcati by the supporters of a democrat In got fellowship. "I don't pee what they meant. " nalil 01 democrat who was carefully excluded fro a place on the congressional dclegallo "there Is nothing for us to gain from tl election of Weaver. He Isn't 11 democra and doesn't pretend to be. The proper thli for our people to have done would have bci to put up a candidate of our o\yi nnd the If wo had to , get whipped. Wo are simp making fools of ourselves by trailing 01 ll.ig In the dust before we have to. " And that Is the way scores of Count Bluffs democrats look at It. Men of tl Ftamp of Lucius Wells , John Schontgcn at Iia F. llcndrlcks have given It out cold th ; they do not like Weaver and that they she not vote ( or him ; they will stay at lion llrst. llrst.Out In Caps county the feeling again Weaver Is the strongest , and the bltternei at the treatment the delegation received , the hands of the convention Is unmlstakabl This delegation was eat down upon square no less than three times during the coi volition , and Its leader , Judge Wlllar one of the best men and best democrats : the district , was openly Insulted on tl platform of the opera house. "There arc COO democrats In Cass counl who will vote , for Ilager , " remarked a den oerat of that county Wednesday night what he thought was a brother dcmocra "And of the rest fully half will stay i home on election day. " Another delegate was talking with .1 r puhjlcan of this cty who had so many dem crattc symptoms that he rnUht bet lasl mistaken for a bourbonlte. " 1 was cpposi to nominating Weaver , " said the rpi'Ubllcai "for We can never elect him In the world , "I know that , " was the reply of tl Weaver man ; "but don't sny anything aboi It , don't say anything about It. " It In commonly understood by thorc c the outside that when Weaver's cndnrr.cmei by the democrats was determined upon was by virtue of an agreement between II democrats and populists that the litter , I consideration for the democratic support i their Idol , would not put up any eounl ticket In any of the counties of the dlslric but would come In and help the democra elect their candidates. This , It seems , not the understanding the populists ot Po tawattamle county have of the matter. Oi of the foremost of the party Is quoted i saying that his party would undoubted ! put up a ticket this fall , and do Its best I elect It , too. The populists now have a they want In the way of congressloni chances , and they are willing to let tl democrats shift for themselves In the counl as best they can. The democrats wink significantly whe the defection ot Editor Frank Allen of tl Audubon Advocate Is mentioned , and sa ; "Oh , he'll come around all right. " Thei Is a man named Carpenter living at Audi bon who has a newspaper outfit that b : been lying In a state of Innocuous desuetm for the past two years. He Is a dempcra and stands ready to start up a democrat paper In case Audubon flnds Itself wlthoi a democratic organ. This , of coun > e , woul break Editor Allen's present monopoly t the fountain head ot truth. That fact will I laid before him , and It Is claimed he enough of a prophet to see what will happe In case he refuses to come In out of tl wet. JMOHK 1UU UllUSSRS. lcMinI on Bros. Olvn the I.i\ll < ' of Counc lIluRt u Chance to ( int it Iliind. a mo Irv < for lOc. Several hundred ladles In this city ai wearing handsome dresses that only coi them 19c. There has been so many li qulrles and so many regrets from those wl could not be waited upon at the formi special sale that Bennlson Bros , have coi eluded to repeat It , making the time In tl cool of the morning Instead of the cvcnlni Consequently this ( Friday ) morning , Au ; 10 , between 8 nnd 10 o'clock , every lady wt wants a beautiful challle dress for 19c ca have It. Each pattern contains ten yard Como early , for the sale only lasts two hour We are selling everything In summer gooi at cost and under. Everything marked I plain figures and one price to all. BENNISON BROS. , Council Bluffs. Girls or women furnished situations of a kinds. 525 Broadway. For fine rooms stop at the Victoria hous 326 Broadway , corner Bryant street. Domestic soap breaks hard water. rrr | > nratlon for tha Wheel Meet. The Ganymcdes are making an effort i get some of the noted wheelmen of tl country here to take part In the bicycle me < that comes off at Union Dr.king park on tl 24th and 25th. Howard Tuttle of tl Stearns company was In the city yesterda and stated that In all probability Murpli and Callahan of the Stearns crmpany's leai would bo here and take part In the race There Is a poslblllly , also , of J. S. Johnsoi the famous rider , being seen here , althoug that cannot Jje told certainly , as he has n cently broken his contracl with the Stcarr people and Is no longer under their contra A letter was wr.tten last evening to Toi Eck ot Minneapolis , Johnson's manager , I find out If Johnson had an empty date ; that time , and If he has there Is but lltt ! doubt that he pctplo of this city will lia\ a chance to se the man who has broken E many of tlio world's rcccrds. An At-rliil Uomlrrut ( irnmt Plii7i . Wllhelm Block , tha man of Iron nerve , to glvo a thrilling aerial exhibition from o Grand Plaza , Lake Manawa , this afternoc at 5 o'clock and again at 9 o'clock this evei Ing. Domesllo > > oap outlasts cheap soap. Idi-ntlllfd thu lf > iimliin. Mrs , Mary Roper of Malvern yesterda Identified the remains of the man who wt killed by a Wabash freight train the oUi < morning as her eon. A broken front toot was the last link In the chain of tlio ev ilence. The remains were burled yeslerda by Undertaker Eatcp at the expense of tl conn y , Mrs. Roper having nothing wit which to provide a funeral. The Intermei look place at Falrvlew cemetery. Good stenographers , bookkeepers , clerks t house girls secured at 625 Broadway. lliiKt-r und Wriour Mill Meet. The local .Central Labor union has decide to Induce , It possible , Congressman A. 1 Hager and General Jumes 1) ) , Weaver to li ilulgo In a discussion of nonpartlsan sut jects on Labor day , Ihe nrst Monday I September. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ For cobs go to Cox , 10 Main itreeU Tell phone 48. Cloitu of the Conference. The annual conference ot the Epwort league of the Des Mcjlpes district close yesterday morning with a ihort buslnci ( tltton At the Broadway MethodUl churcl The following officers were choseh for th coming year : President , J. M. Klttletnaii c Indlanola ; tecrctnry , Rev. E. E , llsenfrlt ot Stuart : treasurer , H v. L. B. Wlckerrhar of Atlantic ; vice presidents , J. L. Klwclf c Bconc , John Gibson of Crcston , Flctche Drown of Indlanola nnd A. B , Adams c Malvern. Before adjourning resolutions were passe denouncing the mulct law nnd the prevallln tendency to Sabbath detccratlon. The al tendance at the conference was not nc.irl so large as had been hoped for. The gcr era ! hard time ! , hot weather and other draw backs doubtless kept many aw'ny , althoug the exercises were very Interesting In chai Hcter and generally speaking the confcrcni ! was very tuccesstul In'evcry point cxceptln attendance. _ STARTING r ll TIIKtll UKI.AY POST ! Oiiiiyincde ItlilrM llmten Aiviiy to Meet th McMitgn Ahrnd of Time. The news In the papers yesterday that tli bicycle riders In the relay race had su < cccdcd In gelling twenty hours and moi ahead of the schedule time caused a burr ) Ing among the Ganymcdes who expect I make the start. All the riders whose tcrr tory lies cast of Ncola left for Ihe easl b train last evening , and the others wilt Fen on this morning's freight , so as lo be sui lo arrive al Ihe spot In time to receive tli president's momentous mctsuge to the go\ ernor of Colorado. Some wheelmen are of Ihe opinion UK the riders will reach here early this aflei noun , but others claim that In view of th dusty and hilly condition of Ihc road Ihrough Iowa II will be Impossible for Ihei lo pile up the time as they have In Illlnol and Indian J , so that they do not look for th riders to strike Council Bluffs before aboi 7:30 : o'clock tills evening. U Is largely matter of guess work , however. The fo ! lowing Is a list of Ihc various relays lo b ridden by members of Ilia Ganymede Whe < club : Atlantic to Marne , elghl and ono-quarte miles : R. W. Blxby and H. E. Grimn 40 minutes. Marne to Walnut , eight and one-quarte miles : B. H. Lewis and B. Miller YOUIIE 44 minutes. Walnut lo Avoca , seven and one-quarte miles : R. P. Robinson and R. H. Nlchoh 37 minutes. Avoca lo fH tli relay , nine miles : E. I Duquette and Wld Galnes , 60 minutes. Fifth relay lo Neola , eight and one-quarte miles : O. T. Dahl nnd S. L. Etnyre , 4 minutes. Nt-ola lo Underwood , seven miles : R. C Peregoy nnd Don Beno , 31 minutes. Undorwood to Weston , six and three quarter miles : Richard Belt and George C Pullman , 33 minutes. Weston lo Council Bluffs , ten and one quarler miles : W. D. Currothcrs and W S. Rlgdon , 50 minutes. Council Bluffs lo Omaha , four and a hal miles : G. C. Williamson and H. P. Bar relt , 18 minutes. _ W ill Knd Saturday. WILL END SATURDAY. The most successful bargain sale ever con ducted In the dry goods business will en Saturday night. Those who have nol bee : fortunate enough to attend should consul the r own Interest and visit the Bosto store this week. READ A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS 5Sc all wcol French challlcs , 29c. 23c 40-ln. wool dress goods , 12' c. 45c all wool suitings , 25c. 50c printed China silks , 29c. 75c 24-in. figured habutl silks , 4Cc. LADIES' SILK MITTS. 2 ! > c grade , 17c ; 45o grade , 33c ; 58c grade 39c. WASH GOODS. 17c half wool challles , Co. 12 Vic pcngne , Canton cloth and salccne So figured precales , Sc. 12 < / c fast black sateens , 7c. Cloaks and capes half price. FOTHERINGIIAM , WHITELAW & CO. , Council Bluffffs. The laundries ucc Domestic soap. Imlt.trd the "Profession. " Rolla Shugart , a young man who Is we ! known lo all patrons of Manawn , had ralher embarrassing experhuce yesterda morning while pracllclng up on his par of understudy to the 'protossor"vlio 1 making dally exhibitions at the laKe. j wire Is stretched on an In-line akng th beach at Ihe Grand plaza for a d.'t-tanc ot about 300 feet , and down IhU wire th "professor" Is wont to make his "slide fo life , " by means of a strap , ono end of whlc ! is carried In his teelh and the other fnstcne lo a pully which slides down the wire Shugart mounted the strap yesterday morn ing and had Just gotten fairly starlcd 01 his slide for life when the pully In some wa ; gel caught and he was unable to gel ellhe down or up. He hung in midair , with hi legs and his vocal chords playtng a due on the atmosphere at Ihe rale of about & ,00 vlbrallons a mlnule. Andy Bowling flnoll saw the predicament his friend was In am ran nobly to the rescue with a long laddei with which Shugart was enabled to dim down from his thirty fool porch. Try a glass ot Sulpha-Saline or Soterlm mineral waters from the famous Excclslo springs at George Davis' , Paul Schneider' and 0. H. Brown's drug stores. John Lin der , general agent. A drop In the ocean does not amount t much , but the drop we have made * In ou furniture prices amounts to considerable Myers-Durfee Furniture Co. Candidates for thn Ilcnch. The democrals of Iho Fifteenth judlcla district will hold a convention In Ihls ell next Wednesday lo pul In nomination thrc candldales for Iho dlslrlcl bench. Th democrats wanted to nomlnalo E. W Mllchcll of Sidney , who would have mad as strong a fight as any man they could pu up , but the slale convenllon nomlnaled bin for Ihe supreme bencli lo run In opposllioi to Judge Decmcr. Judge E. Wlllard o Atlantic was also prominently mentioned fo the place , but the democrats of Cass count : gave him a nomination for county atlornej which , In a counly like Cass , Is almost equa lo an elecllon , and ho doesn't want anylhlni better. H Is now said Dial Ihe democrat have but four men In sight for the Hire positions. Judge E. E. Aylesworth and W H. Ware of this city , P. P. Kelley of Glen wood , and George W. Culllson of Ilarlan. Eyes tested free. C. B. Optical Co. , Schnol der's drug store. _ Hammocks cheap , Davis the druggist. Washerwomen use Domestic soap. EACH RECRUIT GOT A KISS. How tha Duchemi of Cordon Ilnlm-d u Heel nirnl Ono Hundred Ycurn ARO , Near Iho close of the last century rumor : of a French Invasion alarmed Great Brit aln and aroused military ardor to such ai extent as to lead to fresh regiments bclni raised. In one of a scries of Interesllni sketches by Hon. Mrs. Armytage of "Brills ! Mansions and the Mistresses Past and 1'res cut , " recently published In Tlnsley's Maga zinc , Iho raising by Ihe famous duchess o Gordon of Iho battalion of Gordon High landers , which has since held such a dlstin gutshed place In military annals. Is thin described : "Tho duchess of Gordon li said to have had a wager with Ihe prlnci regent ax to which cf them would first ralsi a bstlallon , and thai the fair lady reservci lo herself Iho power ot offering a rcwari even more attractive limn Ihe's shlll liiK. At all events the duchess and Lin Huntly started oft on their errand , and bo twcen them noon raised the required num ber of men , The mother and son fre qucnted every fair In the countryside , beg glng Iho fine young Highlanders to conn forth In support ot king and country am to enlist In her regiment , and , when at other arguments had failed , rumor said tha u kUs from the beautiful duchess won tin doubtful recruit. Site soon announced it headquarters the formation of a regiment and entered Into all Ihe negotiations wilt the mll'tary authorities In b most business like manner , reporting Ihat the whole regl mont were Highlanders save thirty-live Lord Huntly was given the flrsl command o this corps , then and ever since known ai the Ninety-second or Gordon Highlanders and wearing the tartan ot Ihe clan. " Ilimln Ili-foro Plfunuro. Somervllle Journal : Summer Youth Thei you do really love me- , darling ? Summer Girt Passionately , my own ! I an yours now until death I Summer Youth And have you any lefer dices from your Iut engagement ? THEIR LAST CRAXD ; RAH1 0 . Iowa Votornns Gathcrlug { tt D.n Molncs i Great NumbSrs , ; > SCME INTERESTING CfREMONIES TODA MIUIJ" nintliiculfttif-il VMtnrA fifi'mi All l' rl of tlio Country I'roieut Ono nf the Mott llrllllunt Iti'iinlnnit la thn Htutc , DBS MOINKS. Aug. j > . ( Special Tclcgrai to The Ilee. ) The Iowa veteran * of the Inl war have tnkcn the city. They nro ace on every side and arc arriving on all tralr from every direction. Several thousand i them will be present at the King 'lay exc clses tomorrow , and already the extra ai commoilatlons for entertaining them ai taxed to the utmost. Today has been take up very largely with regimental and othi reunions , nearly every regiment ilml con patiy In the state being represented. public reception was held at the state horn this evening. Among the distinguished visitors preset IB General John \V. N'oblo of St. Louis , wt was at the head of the Third Iowa cavalr ; This occasion promises to be an event enl second In point of magnitude and cnthuslnsi to the great review held In this city twent : two years ago , when the soldiers of low Hocked to Dea Moines by tens of thousand to greet Generals Grant , Sherman and other Since then many thousands of the old hcroi have Joined the silent majority. The city Is elaborately decorated tonlgh The present occasion will probably be tli last of a general character In which tli aging veterans of the war of the rebelllo will ever take part , and silently rocoj nlzliiK this while not remarking It , the ol soldiers are Hocking to lies Molncs In grei numbers to greet one another again un once more gaze with tender glance upo the battle torn banners which more tha generation ago they followed throng leaden hail at Donelson , Shlloh , Corlntl Wilson Creek , Ulchmond , Atlanta and score of other desperate conflicts which they In inortall/.ed and placed In the ImpcrUhabl pages of history. Exercises will be as follows : The line wl be formed for the parade promptly at o'clock p. m. In the following order : I'lntoon of Police. DCS Moines Union Hand. Governor niul Staff. P1HST DIVISION. Major John C. Loner Commanding. Company II , Third Regiment , Iowa Nc Uuaids. Company A , Third Heglment , Iowa 1st tlonal Guards. Hoys' KrlKude. Sons of Veterans. SECOND DIVISION. Koorge A. Newman , Department Cot mander. Commanding Department c Iowa , Grand Anny of the Uepubllc , Ir cluilliiK All Ex-Soldiers. Sailors nnd Ma Hues Other than Iowa Soldiers , Whotha Members of the Grand Army of the He public or Not. , Major Carper's Drum Corps. THIHD DIVISION. Colonel William T. Shuw Commanding. Iowa Soldiers , Satlois and Marines , wit U.ittle l-'lags. The column being formed , will proceed t the arsenal , where the battlei flags and bar ners will be delivered to the color bearer at the respective regiments ahd batteries b Lieutenant Governor Warren S. Dungan , lat lieutenant colonel of the Thirty-fourth low volunteer Infantry , and thence to the capl lol building , where the following exercise will be held : Called to order by Gcner.i J.V. . Noble as presiding officer ; music , De Moines Union band ; Invocation , Hev. A. \ Kendrlck ; original poem. Major S. II. N Byers ; address , "Returning , Flags to th State , " Major J. F. Lacey ; response by Governor ornor Frank D. Jackson jj ( martlal musl < Carpers drum corps ; song , "Star Spangle Banner , " Mrs.Jessie Cheek. WlillE HIOI1 KOLLEKS. Sioux City End ot the Uawkoyo Coinmlsaloi Coiiipiiny Mudille. SIOUX CITY , Aug. 9. ( Special Telegrar to The Bee. ) James F. Booge , of the dc funct Hawkeye and Frazec-Booge Commls ilon companies , the senior member of th Jld packing firm of Booge & Co. , was one c packers and engaged In th ; he pioneer pork business hero In a small way as long a twenty-flvo years ago. His business grei gradually , Improving , until six years ag iio had a national reputation as a packei ind operated one of the largest houses o the Missouri river under the title of th Booge Packing company , his sons , Gome ind Will , and nephew , II. D. Booge , Jr. , be ing associated with him. He was als [ ortunate In real estate speculations , and hi lESoclatos In business shared bis fortune with him. Four years ago ho was casll worth $1,000,000 , and his family was wort (200,000 ( at the least. Ho became Involve financially at that time , partially bscause c losses In real estate In San Francisco an here , but mostly because of reverses on th Chicago Board of Trade , and while ho pal Ills debts. It soon became known that th tortuno of the family was lost , for the boy lost heavily with him. Ills packing buslnes went to the Fowler company of Chicago at sacrifice , and large real estate Interest Held by the members of the old compan went to satisfy their debts. Probably $500 , )00 ) worth of their best holdings wcro trans terrcd to Mrs. James F. Boogo before th ira&h of 1893 came , which took down wit : , t the Sioux City & Northern road. In whlc the Booges were largely Interested , nnd I this way they retained control of some o the best tenement property In the cltj Much of the property Is alto hold In th : iame of tUe Booge Inte.stm < nt companj which Is a fairly well-to-do corporation. The Hawkeye Commission company an : he Frazee-Boogo Commission company wer irganlzed here by them , but never engage n buslnces at this point. They had head juarters In Chicago , with branches through iut Iowa and Nebraska. James F. Peavcj iBsoclated with them , Is a brother of Frani feavey , the great grain dealei Peavey made thousands here In the whole sale hardware and grain business , bu iVastcd his fortune of late years In specula .Ion. J. D. Yeomani ) , who was also Inter istcd In the business at Chicago , was for nerly state senator from this district. Is stll i heavy owner of farm property , and Is nevi i member of the Board of Ititerttuto Com nerco Commissioners , -appointed to succeei Fudge McDIIl. _ " ' * To Iiiipoiich Alord * . SIOUX CITY , Aug. ' ' 9 , . ( Special Tclcgran o The Bee. ) Petitions , , tn Impeachmon mils against Supervisor- * Walter Strange , A 3. Rpps and F. O. Hnnt/ng / , were ( lied today naklng tour similar ituea brought agalns nembers ot tlio county , ioanaccused o icing In the $200,000 tn | from the count ; ind who failed of lfujctinent ( before tli ; rand jury. Supervisor ' IJunn Is the enl ; mo against whom no 'impeachment pro icedlngs will bo brought. B < MIIO | to tlin Uhnrium CHAIUTON , la. , AMKJJ O. ( Special Tele ; ram to The Bee. ) Wj _ $ . Jenkins , the prln dpal actor In yesterday1' , tragedy , was burlei it Lacona this aftornooiu Mrs. Murph ; s conscious and thoroitaia bare posslblllt ; if her recovery. She either does not tall ir her story Is suppressed. Julia , tli vounded girl , Is dying. It Is now though hat jealousy was not the motive , as Jenkln vas engaged to a young lady In Indlanola riru .CM' Outllt llurn'cd. FORT DOUOB , la. , Aug. 9. ( Special Tele ; ram to The Bee. ) Fire last night two mile outh of town burned a barn and twenty-on lead ot stock belonging to Lawless Bros , he grudera. Loss , $2,600 : Insurance 1,200. _ Curium lluliy Killed , CAIISON , la. , Aug. 9. ( Special to Th child of Basil Oak- Joe. ) A C-months-iold VB8 killed yesterday by being thrown out o i buggy and the hone stepping upon It , Morelmiit I'ml" . OFIESTON. la. . Aug. 9. ( Special Telegran o The Ilee. ) The general store of A. AV ipydcr & Co. at Spauiaine was cloied toda ; on a chattel mortgage in favor ot II. I Hclnlcy & Ilro. , wholesale grocers of th city. Slow collections and poor crop on look caused the failure. I.IU.VKH.V turn vv Tin : r Illinois Striker * Drcldo to ( to linck to Wet llrpllllrn Itrmovi'd. MORRIS , III. , Aug. 9. The coal strll which begun April 21 and which has prevail ! In Grundy county up to the present Urn crippling alt Industries and branches ol Inn and drlvlng thousands to the verge of sta Vatlon , was officially declared off today. Da try Sheriff Alstlurf , who has boon statloiu at Carbon Hill with a large number of depi ties , telegraphed Sheriff Daniels that tl strike had been declared off and asked th ; conveyances be sent for the removal of h men , the situation belnt ; no longer dangcrou Last week a few hundred men broke rani and started to work. Half the usual nun ber resumed work yesterday under guard ar after a day of quiet the Idlers have at la been forced to surrender. Another Solitli-r I'lroit At. NEWCASTLE , Colo. , Aug. 9. The cxclt mcnt over the shooting of a United Stati soldier guarding the Midland bridge was li tcnslflcd lost night by the tiring of a sin by tome unknown person at First Sergcai McKnne. The bullet struck just In front him and glanced off. The soldiers were I arms at once , and a thorough search wi made , without finding the would-be mu dcrcr. The mllltla think they have located tt party that old the shooting. Thn ramnli dor of the company , consisting of flftcc men , have been ordered here to reinforce tl ' present command' . I.cixlrrs ( 'iiiitliiiilnt ; the Strike. CHICAGO , Aug. 9. The great Corliss ci glnc In the Pullman shops was operated ti day for the first time In three months. Tw more departments were opened , and uboi 950 men were at work. The strike leadei still hope for victory and have sent tel grams to almost every labor orniinlznUc In the country stating that the strike wl be won If It can be continued n while. Tl messages asked for money nnd stated that tl strikers are starving. lining llorxcs for rood. SIOUX CITY , Aug. 9. ( Special Telcgrai to The Bee. ) It was discovered here toda that a firm has been using the Strata Bros. ' slaughter house to slaughter clic.i ranch horses , the flesh of which Is made Inl dried beef. The product Is all shipped I Jersey City. The proprietors say that the will convert 1,000 horses Into dried bee They buy the'horses for less money on tl ranges than cattle can be had for. 1'rlrit of < orn at Moux ( Ity. SIOUX CITY , Aug. 9. ( Special Telegrai to The Bee. ) Old corn Is selling here toda at 67 cents , with prospects of from 50 to 1 per cent of n full crop In the surroundln country. No wheat is moving yet. Farmei are rushing live stock to the markets , so rte to not have to feed corn. Nearly the entli crop will be marketed this fall and winter i extraordinary prices. Strike lire-lured OIT at llenvcr. DENVER , Aug. 9. The Denver lodge < the American Railway union has declaic the Pullman boycott off on the Union Pf clflc nnd the Union Pacific , Denver & Gu roads. Some of the strikers have bee taken back. The strike Is not declared eon on the Satan Fe , as the receivers have n jectcd all overtures from the old employes. Withdrawing tlio TroopIn tlin Wi-st. DENVER , Aug. 9. General McCook ha withdrawn all troops from service along th line of the Southern Pacific railroad In Ar zona. In view of the firing upon soldiers o Newcastle , It Is not likely that the Colorad or New Mexico troops will bo withdraw soon. Tnbor liny Stiililtcd. TABOR , la. , Aug. 9. ( Special to Tli Bee. ) Allen Higgles , an 18-year-old boy , we assaulted and severely stabbed by a youn man named 'Hardy yesterday. The ItttU was jailed. ICowardcd for Not Striking. FREDERICKSBURG , Mil. , Aug. 9. Til Consolidated Coal company has notified a the miners who stuck to their posts durln the late protracted strike that they wl each receive nine months rent and fuel frci FREE FOB TWENTY-ONE YEARS An Kscnped Negro Convict liotrnyed an Sent Ilni-k ( o Jail In ( ii'orgln. On May 18. 1873 , Monroe Marshall , a co ! ored convict , made a daring escape froi the Fulton county chain gang , says the AI lanta Constitution. Yesterday morning , afte twenty-one years of uninterrupted frcedon he was captured and carried back to the coi : vlct camp In shackles. Twenty-one year ago , when be made his escape , he was youiif strong and robust strong enough to ovei power two guards and glvo the bloodhound n , futile chase for many miles. He was cai rled back old and decrepit almost too wea to up under the weight ot his shackle ! In 1873 Marshall was given a sentence I In the county chain gang , convicted upo the charge of assault and battery. Ho ha provoked a fight with another negro an was arrested and sentenced. He rcmalne three months In the chain gang , whei on account of good conduct , the fore man made him a trusty. Ono morn Ing , while the rest of the convicts wcro n breakfast , Marshall made n wild break to liberty. Two guards seized him , but h pushed them easily aside and made for th woods. Several shots were vainly fired at th fleeing man. Then the dogs were put o his track and gave him u good race. Bu the negro reached the river In good time t awlm across and escape. The chase wa given up and the guards returned to cam ) Years passed ) other convicts came and wcnl Marshall was lost sight of and his escap liad passed frcm memory. On Saturday a negro visited the convlc camps and volunteered the Information tha ho knew the whereabouts of an escape. II was questioned closely concerning the ma whom ho said had escaped and as tcr how h learned the fact. He said that the man wa named Monroe Marshall and lived on Deca tur street. Some time before he had tel several other negroes how ho escaped frri ; the chain gang twenty-one years ago. HI sense of security caused him to tell al ibout his flight. The negro making th report said that he was one of th Tien who heard Marshall's talc. None c the officers at the camp knew of the escap tnd were not Inclined to believe the fellow Hut the books for the year 1873 were exam ncd and the name ot Monroe Marshall' ecorded there as having escaped and neve recaptured. Yesterday morning one ot th ; ang guards came to Atlanta. Marshall wa > olnted out to him and the arrest was madt \t first the man denied that he was over 1 .he chain gang and Insisted that ho had al ways lived In Fulton county. But the iuar vas Inexorable , and the ex-convict acknowl idgcd that many years ago ho had escaped Then he gave a full account of his struggl .vlth . the guards and his run from the dog ! ID left Georgia the year of his escape an nado his way to Texas , where he rcmalne 'or ten years , coming buck to Atlanta afte bat time. Tlio negro who reported him , h mys , did It to satisfy on old grudge. Mai ihall was carried out yesterday and one nore put In stripes. < THIRTY YEARS BEDFAST , IHnuitroua ItcHiilt of u I'liyiilcliiu'g of Culoiuxl. On the 1st of August Andrew Dum > f Drums , Pa. , was 87 years of age. Althoug ils hair Is thin and white and a scant whit joard covers his checks , apparently ho Is a mlo and hearty as his son-in-law , Stjulr lllmure , who manages a largo farm and pro Mdes comfortably for his family , Includln : ho Invalid. The causes leading to his present condltlor t seems , were complicated , but according t .ho statement ot his relatives , a physician' gnorunco was the prlmo cause of It. It ap > ears that ho had been troubled with head icho and sleeplessness , in his earlier life ind to relieve himself used narcotics , inor ihla principally. Naturally the habit grei ipon him , and he purchased and adtnlnla ered the dose himself. ThU treatment evl lently dld'not tend to Improve his comlltloi jut , on the contrary , the necessity tor nai colics bvc.inic more pronounced , ami constl' tutionul ailment followed A doctor was called upon. He dlagnojcd tinman' * ailment according In bl own Idea ami In iu-e > crlblng for him administered cnl- omel.i Hullef tormcd to come to the pallcnl at once. The dosing ot calomel was con tinued. The effect of this poisonous drilR when Its use Is continued Is well known to medical science. Paralysis or tola ! proitrn- tlon U suri > to follow. If means ot removing It from the tyMcm are not resorted to. Thta , the friends of Mr. Durst cltlm , was neglected by the doctor. Whether II was Ignorance or negligence , the result was the virtual de struction of the man's life. Klckitpoo rrviitlon to lli < Tlicouii Open , WASHINGTON , Aug. 9. The Klckapoo Indian necrvutlon In Kansas wilt bo thrown open to settlement Within six weeks If the expectations of the Interior department otnclals are realized. The adjustment ol nllotmnita have been completed and Allotting - ting Agent Moses Ncal has submitted his report to the bureau of Indian affairs. It will be forwarded to Secretary Smith In a few days. The schedule of allotments shows about 2SO dilutees. KTATURAL AS NATURE And snmvtltm-8 n Rtcnt < U-nl pioltli-r. You nmy have tin- color of Imlr you mont ml ml re. It your own In nmy , or tpallcd by blcnclillitf utul In jurious iljtn , urc IMPERIAL HAIR REGENERATOR. tt l hair tonic nnil rolorliiR of pi-ifocl clrnnll- nesi" . which cnincn In e\t-rnl ulinilm. One ni-iilU callon will lint for montlis. It Is ntifolutcly ini. pos lt > lc to ilc'.pct 1t9 use. Dntlialll not nftict l' 85cm ! for free booklet , lMI'iitl\l : , OIIIMIICAI. MKU. CO. 292 Fifth Avenue , N. Y. old I/4 i urniuii A. McCiinnull , 1513 Dodge SJT t. Onuiliii , Nub. Stonm nnd Hot Wntor Hoatln- ? for Roslcloico3 and Buildings. J. C. B1XBY , 202 Muln. 203 Pearl Streets , Council BlulTs , Iowa. Teeth Without Plates. Tooth extracted In tlio morning , now teeth bcfoiu dark ; full et WOO : III uiisir- iinlL'fd ; cold tlllliixs , ti ! silver Jl ; painless extraction Me. Reliable Dentist Bailey , * Third Klo or , I'liMon Block , Irttli and Furnam Tulephutio 10V ) . Lady attendant. German .Spoken. \Vrllten a""rinlcn : of cure. BoL * V 'uSll. * Co. , Cor. IMh A. Uancln Sti > . nnd . J. A. 1 ' * Co-Cor. Utli it PuiiL'l.-ii'ht.OMAHA. B. B.-Barley Beer-B. The most wholesome nnd the ptrnviintcsl summer drink made. Guaranteed to meet the requirement ot Die Iowa nnd Ncbrniikn liquor IIXWB. 11 Is not it new drink , bin tins stood the test of years nnd ban Bteiullly grown In popularity. Head Ihe tumlysl * nnd lestlino. nlnl of n well known chemist : Office of Prof. Nell Johnson , Lincoln , Neb. , April Stli. IFSfl. Having made nn unnly.xls of a compoum ! known ns 1J. H. or Harley Hocr , I found II lo contain 0.014 per cent , of absolute alcohol , which Is n much loss per cent , limn foiuu ) In any temperance beverage on the market , There Is no more alcohol than In necessary to preserve the vcKCtnlilo mutter. It l per fectly liarmlcHx ns u drink , nnd Is no xcnso an iilcohollc beverage. PHOK. NEIL JOHNSON , Medical nnd Atialytlcil : Chemist. Invented nnd inaiuifneturcd solely by WllBBlBP Bottling Works. Council BlufTs , la , Wrlto for circulars nnd price list. REAL ESTATE , F1HK , TOHNADO AND ACCIDENT IN- SUUANCK. TI113 STUONGKST AND MOST POPULAR. COMPANIES IN TUB WOULD. CITY PHOPKUTY AND KAUM LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. JAMES & O'KERKB , 17 Pearl Street , James Block. GKO. P. SANKOHD. A. W. UICKMAN. President. Cashier. Firs ! National of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. ' Capital , - - $100,000 Profits , - - - 12.00U Ono of the oldest banks In tlio ptnte of Iowa. We Bollclt your business nnil colloclloni. W pay B per cunt on tlma deposits. We will b * Pleased to eo nnil serve you. TL Pnlnhrlrlnn vttorin y - t-iHw rr. o Simo a tiyillUIIUyi ] lluu In Hin .tut , , uii , | fiilpridoiirt . ItunniH MOI1-7-H-0 , Shugurt lilucK * Council Illuirri , In Nolicess --Special Coliicil Bluffs C11ANGINO LOCATION J. J. IIUOWN OP- fi'is for nale nil of tils rail estate and busl- n-83 piopcrty In Council HlurfM , Including his resilience , cor. of Mil uvenuu nnd "th street , with or without corner lot , wllli ItirKO burn nilJolnlnR. Also : Tlio llrown building , fronting on Main nnd I'carl streets , 3-al < iiy brick , steam licntcd , ule- Miter , etc. , nil In llmt-c.asa condition nnd oc cupied by K"od tenants. Ills four ImslncxH stores on South Main street , kmmn as lliown block nnd LVntial block , nil well innted to Ki'Oil tenants. And T\io most desirable lots on south corner ot 7th street and Dili nvemu- . Also 23 lots In IllKhland Place , West llroaduuy , nil In the city of Council Illurfs. Tor further particulars apply to J. J. Drown , 2oC South "tli street , city. FOU IUNT , ijAnau , PIUVATI : IJAIIN , NEAR Finii avenue nnd Tear ! stiect. Apply nt llua olllce. WANTED , SIX LADY AOENTB FOIl LOCAI. or out of town work. ( > 25 llinnduny. OAKIIAOC nrxfbvKr > T v7u'i/rs CUSANHD. Kil Iturko , nt W. S. Honu-r'H , 538 Drondwny. FOU SALK , 15 HEAD HOItSr.S AND MULES , draft nnd driving CunnliiKlmm hack and coupe , 2 biisxes rxprrxs nnd li.iKKaRC WIIKOIIB , 2 truck and ncenery "a i.llK , 10 nets doubla nnd RlnKlu harness , 2 fnrm waKona. Wm. l.ewlp , li > Main street , Council Illurfs. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM All Uln.laor Dyalnt nndOio tnln ; done In the likliQit sty I u ( the nrt. l < " a lei unl sl.Unod fabrlua muds to loot : : n now.VorK promptly done tin I dollvoro t In all parts of tbi country. rfjnJ for prluo Hit , C. A. MACHAN , Broiuhwiy , noitr Nor tli western Dojiot , Tel hone 22. & Co. Empkie-Shugart . , JOBBBRS IN SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE AND FIELD SEEDS BICYCLES A FULL LINE OP MEDIUM AND HIGH GUADB WHEELS. SEND KOIl CATALOGUE. 109 , 111,113 , 115 Main Street.Council Bluffs , la. MANHOOD RESTQRED "CUPIDEHE = etable * tlon ol n famoun 1'rrnch pliyitlclnn , will quickly euro von of nil i volis or dim uses ol tliu generative iircuns , ucli 111 LostMun. , , . Insomnia , I'nlnaln thu flurkSeminal KralsslwuNervous Debill'J- , Dimple * , unfltntss tfi Marry , Exhausting Er.tlna , Varlcoerle and Conntlpn'.lon. CUl'llHiNHelennsen thollvor.tho ktdncyu and the urlnajy I BEFORE AND AFTER org-misof all Impurities. < )01'llI5N15 BtrenRthonri nnd rcHtoron Bmnll wcnk orcnnn. Tlio nullcrcr nro not curi'il tiy UoctorH l Iwcnimn nlnoty per crnt nro troubled with. 1'rnntittltlH rrnBon C'lII'lDKNR In the only known rmr.i-dv lucnrii without nn operation. / > . ( > ( ) ( > lc - thnonliilH. A writtenBtmr.into < iKlvi > n and innnoy ri'ttirnu'l If ix IJOSI > H itoi-n not tteot a por- . tl.00 n tiox.dlx for S.I.0 ( ! . liv mall. Send fur ilroular and tcHtlmonliilH. mniiuntcnrn. AVOL MKI IOINi : CO. . P. O. Ilex ' . ' 0711 Frcii'llHeo. Kor Halo by Ooodmau Address Drur Co. . 1110 Farnain St. , Omaha ; Camu Uraa. . Couuull lllufra. lov.v. . Don't Fool With Your Eyes , Headache Caused by Eye Strain. Many po : on nlioia heudi ar * constantly act * . Ini ; have no Idcii wlmt relief nclentlllculy nt- ltd eluBiei Hill K've tlioin. This theory li nan unUtTBjIly eitaUltlicd , "Improperly lilted glau. n , will Invariably Inert-one Hut truubla nnd may lea < ) to TOTAL III.INDNCSS. " Our olilllty to aduit gln Fc tofcly and coneclly Is beyund question. Consult us. Uye * tested free of chars * . THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , BEYMOtm. OHADUATH OPTICIAN. Opposite I'uxton Hotel. OPHUA AND UIIADINQ OI.AHHHi LOOK FOll THU UOLU LION. "THERE IS SCIENCE IN NEATNESS. " BE WISE AND USE SAPOLI MANHOOD RESTORED ! V io.Vul . : toiuru all n rvuiui1ii > en > e , tuch ai Wt-ak Mi-iniirr l.nnmt llruln 'onur. Headache , Wukelulneii , l.uit ManlKioil. Nliilillr Kiiilfiliin , t riesi , llilralnsanillii > iif powcrlnicnemlituUr nm III VII It I - r rUit IttUkLlf bf OTurciitrllon , yuiilhrm crroii , cicuiilvoutouf InUuccn.uiilbci iirstlin ulariii. which leudto Inllrinltr , I'oniurnptlun ur Intaultr. Cun > ' " currleJ In ten pockel. Ul pur buz , O fur KG , brnall prepaid , wllhnS. nnltT no | T m written ( iiuruiiten la cure r rciuiiil ( tie money. Hold by all IdruKflili , Aik furlt. lake iKKilherVrltflfurfrcxMetlleal Hunk gntfeulid Inplalu wrsppvr. AUdrDlsNKUVKHKUU CO , , WnuulcTeuiple.Cllll Boia la Omaba , Nib. , fcy Bbtrtaaa A UcCuuatU. r Kuoa A Co. ami bYlck r A Utrchant ,