THE OMAHA DAILY. BEfeTHUHPDAY , AUGUST 0 , 1804. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Cora Was the Feature in Speculative Circles Yesterday , WHEAT WAS ALSO ACTIVE AND UNSETTLED Corn Won Xorvnn * nnil I'ptcrluli All nnil All KlndH of 1'rlcr * I'rnvnlled at the Sumo TImn In IJKTcreut I'nrt of the Crowd. CHICAGO , Aug. 8. After a fight at the opening today to buy corn there followed In short order an equally urgent and much more general struggle to sell. No ordinary concessions on the break could Induce buy ers to como forward. September broke S'&c per bushel before a demand sufficient to arrest the decline developed Itself. The net decline at the close since yesterday was limited to 3-ic. May lost 2' ' c OB the result of the day's trading. Wheat followed corn nnd closed weak at I'/fcc below yesterday's latest quotation * Provisions and oats acted In sympathy with corn and wheat. Wheat was active and unsettled , wllh fluctu ations within a range of from 2V c to 2c. The opening was from ' /fcc to ? Jc higher at 574c for September , but Immediately Weakened and prices , with some fluctuations , declined 2c , then rallied le , again cafed off , declined from % c toic and closed with September at Me. The early advance and higher opening was due to the continuation of previous weather conditions namely , dry , hot weather nnd higher cables , but the heavy selling pressure In corn Influenced free sell ing In wheat and under liberal offerings and a general disposition to realize a reaction" followed. There were no reports of rain In the corn belt. The market , like that for several days past , wns Influenced by the corn market , There wns very good country buying reported today , which prevented a further decline. Shorts also bought modor- ntcly at the decline. There were very good export clearances , aggregating lft.1,000 bushels of wheat and flour , of which 104,000 bushels was of flour. Weather In England was re ported showery. Cables were higher , the closing at Liverpool being at from % d to IVfcd higher and London cargoes firm , ller- lln about H&d higher. Paris flour from 25 centimes to 75 centimes higher nnd wheat nt from 1 centime to 1 % centimes per bushel higher. Antwerp was unchanged. Corn wns again active and excited , with the fluctuations the wildest and most sudden in years. Prices covered a Co to 8c range. The feeling was nervous and feverish all day and all kinds of prices prevailed at 'the same'moment In different parts of the crowd. The opening was the scene of the wildest confusion nnd first trades were anywhere from V4c under to 2c over the final figures of yesterday , with September at GIVic , and Boon sold down V4c from the previous low figures , rallied % c , then from % c to l c , rallfod from Vic to % c , declined 2c and 3c , ruling Irregular , and closed at 55)4c : ) for Sep tember. There was heavy realizing from the start , but the demand was also brisk and during the first half hour the market held fairly steady. There were all kinds of orders In the market early , but they were soon filled at various prices. Later on the buying fever died out some and the selling Increased , some of the largest commission houses selling freely , a report being1 circulated that Iowa Avas selling liberally and ono concern was credited with disposing of 500,000 bu. from that state , which started local longs to real izing , and prizes declined suddenly , with from le to 2c difference between traders , until nn 8'/4c decline had taken place In Septem ber nnd 3o break In May. The sudden reac tion caught countless numbers of stop loss orders , the executing : of which only tended to Increase the panicky feeling and depress the market. At the decline fresh buying was enthused Into the market and values again turned up , advancing with little reaction 94c for Mny and 60 for September. As was the case yesterday , the Interest all centered In September and May ; October and December were also traded In freely and sustained ups and downs with the course of the leading deliveries. There was a perfect deluge of selling orders In the market , commission houses and brokers all endeavoring to dispose of long corn when the early break started , which was not checked until 51c was touched for May and 53c for September. There was no rain In the corn belt nnd advices from the wtst were about as bullish as heretofore. The Washington forecast was not very en couraging , Indicating no rain In the west , but cooler temperatures. The market today was not governed by ordinary Influences , they cutting but little figure. It was simply n matter of selling orders exceeding the buy- Jnc at different times and vice versa. It Vras nearly noon before the market had quieted down to any noticeable extent and even then the market was very nervous and ' unsullied. ft' Oats wcro active and unsettled. The market followed corn In Its fluctuations. The range for September was 2c. Provisions were unsettled , Influenced by the wild fluctuations of corn. Compared with last night , September pork Is 7 ,4c lower , September lard 2V4c lower and Sep tember ribs 5c lower. Frelehts slow at % e for wheat and corn and % c for oats to Buffalo , and 2'&c for wheat to Kingston. The leading futures ranged as follows : ' Arllck-H. | Open. | lIuTh. | Low. | Clon V'licat.No.'s Alic sepi' ; ; . ; . ; . f.HU Dec OluUlH 68i 61) ) Corn No. ! ! . . Aug 01U few ' 63 Gi > j < Ocl C7 57' 51 Mny f.5 C67 07 01 OnlH No. ' . ' . . . Auir 32 33 34Hi saw ' % May S8MCMU at ) ft'I I'ork per bbl Am- 13 : > n in 37 13 20 13 ' . ' 0 Scut 1:1 : SB ' 13JO IS ' . ' 0 Jan 13 a5 lii bo' 13 'JO 13 iUK ! Lmd.lunlbs Auir , . . , 7 35 7 37 K 7 25 ? 3K ? Sept ' 7 : ia 7 37K 7 ' . ' 5 Jan 7 17M 7 ' . ' 5 7 16 7 16 Eliort llibB- Atig. , 7 05 0 0'4 n n-'W ( 'till 7 05 0 S''W o f.'H Jan n tin 0 H5 0 78 U 70 Caah quotations were as follows : VI.OI1 It Steady , unchanged. WHEAT No. 2 Hprlng. 54XO56c ; No. 3 spring , nominal ; No. 2 red , 64KQ53'4c. ' COIIN No. 2 , Ki4c ! : No. 3 yellow , 63c. OATS No. 2 , 32c ; No. 2 white , 35 J6'c ; No. 3 While. 35W36C. llYB-No. 2. 49'4c. I1AUI.KY No. 2. nominal ; No. 3. 62c ; No. 4 , nominal. KI.AX HKBD No. 1 , J1.28. TIMOTHY HKKD-l'rlnw. $4.83. 1'KOVISIONS Mess milk , per bhl , , $13.2itrl3.30. Ijiul , per 10 > ) Ibs. , $7.2507.30. Short ribs , sides ( Ion * ? ) . $6.XiU7.iK > . Dry vailed shoulders ( hnxedl , J6.uoy6.124. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , $7.12i ! > I 'WHISKY DUllllers' finished goods , per gal. , 11.22. i HUOAHS-Unchanged. The following were the receipts and shipments for today : NKW YOIIK mCMMl.VL , .M Yc terdn ) > Quotation * uu riiiur , Urulii mul I'ruvlsloiiH , Aliitul * . Ktc. NKW YOHK , Aug. 8. KI.OUU Receipts , 18 , . 600 bbls. ; exports , 15,300 bbls. ; sales , 33,400 pkgs , Market Him ciuly , but a little unseltled at the dune. Kxportere and local Iroda wer bu > lng bakers. City mill patents , J4.03ff4.35 , Southern flour , more active ; sales , 1,060 Ibis , jlyo Hour , til in , Iluekwhrnt Hour , noinlnnl. COHN MKAIf-Klrmly held ; Ilrandywlne , $2,93 W3.20 ; yellow western. J2.S04J3.10. IlYKKlrm und active ; cnles. 600 bbls ; super- flue , $2.75tt2.83 ; fancy , $2..HVif3.10. IHfCKWHUAT Nominal. HAHMiY Niniilnnl. HAIU.KY MAUT-Qulet : weslern , 67 < f73c ; Iwi- row < Hl , 73c ; slx-n > we < l , Mi6S2c. WHI'JAT Itccdinr. 12J.3W ) bu. ; exjiorts , 210,300 1'U. i sales , illooii ) ) bu. fulurvs. I12ii < o bu. siHit , lj | > ot market quiet nnd lower. * ICxpurters holding off for lower prices. No , : rod , In stire and ele vator , o ; f. n. b. , 68Hc ; No. 1 narthern , 66c \ : Ko , 1 hard , 68V c. Options opened e.iler , teat'tid with the west , but declined later wllh the birok In ivrn. Active lUiuldatlon thmuKhout Ihe ses- flon nilllrd nt n-un , but again sold nrt and rl Kd uciik at ISttl'-jO dccllnr. No. 2 led , Muy , CSUiUfict cloMMl at 67c ; Auiruiit , closed at Me ; Srplember , UHfi Ue , cliwml nt 6fec ; OctoU > r , 69ti61f , closed at W c ; December , CJ'itJia ll-Kc , closed at HUc , CUHNItrcelpti , 1,000 bu. ; rxporla. 4.900 bu. ; suleM , 180,000 bu , futuu-s , C4.000 bu. spol. Spot market Inactive and lower ; No. 2 , do In eleva tor , CIHo a wu. Option tuir t active but d > cl l lly lowfr , wlplnr out most of Vfilrnlay' * ad' VAOce ; rloccil nrrnkj srlllnlt l > y country on tofi onlers council | lu > detllnr. Tlie clf wan nt 2Uf | S\4c \ declln * . _ , .Mny. t40t734eclosM At & ! iie ) , August , Sl'lOM'ic , cloned At ' 6140 ; Hoptrtnhtr , MSQG4C , cld.i'.il at lc , Octol > c"f , WflMe , closed at 60c ; December , C,5' ' , i5v , closed nt fU'lc. ' OAT8 Heoipls , W.9W l > ir. i exports , 690 bu.J rnlrtr 22Jmwdu. . futures fttut 6J.Or ) tin. spot. Siwt mnikrt fnlrly nctlve at decline. No. 2 , 3 Ii37c ; No. 2 while , 420 ; No. . 3 white , 4lcj trnek. mUnl western , 38ci irntk. white weMtrn. 41(7 K < " , trnrtt , wlilto stnle , 4Uf(2c. Otitlnn mnrkft nulrl , lint dccldcilly weaker Vrllh corn , closing nl l i < rSc nel decline. Align * ! . 33'i < ? l&'ic , closed nl 36'ie ' ; September , 33' < (17ic. ( ! cloned nt Wtc ; October , 8 > i < lWir. cloned nt 3 Kc. HAY Firm ; shipping , 6C Wc ; good to choice , 71U87V4C. IIOl'S- Dull : xtnlc , common to choice , CQtlc ; Pncllle rimrt , 4fil2c. IIIDHK-IJull ; wet fnllcil New Orlcnnn , o- Icctnl , 45 10 CJ Its. , 41i5 < ic ; TexnK , nelectnl. 33 to 50 Ilifl. . 4 < )5ci Dnonos Ayres , dry , 20 to 24 Its. , 1'Hic ' ; Teinn , dry , 24 In 40 Ibii. , 5Q5 < jc. I.KATIIHIlijnk'l ; hemlock unlit , Ilut-nos Ayres , llpht In henvy welKhK , UHlSc. WOOIFIrm ; doniPBlIc , 10M25C ! pulled , 200230. COAI < Dull. PHOVIHIONB llrcf , flrm ; hnm , J2.1. Cut monlB , nlrndj' ; hellli'H , 7 iJJ8Vie ; hnm , Ilini2c- . I inl , I ) nil i uenlern otenm pinned nl t7,72'iU ' < .73i miles , rlly , 130 tlcici''i option imlea , none : re- Onc.l , nrtn ; continent , 17.80 ; H. A. , $10. Pork , firm nnd ncllvr ; i > nlc > , 700 lihlx. CIllIKHK-Qiikl ; Ktnle , Inigc , "fl'Tic ; smnll , , I'XiOH I'lrms uliilc nnd Penn ylvnnln , TAUX\V IJnfotllnl ; couniry ( pkBS. free ) , 44 ! (74He. nx to rinnllty , JU'TTIJIl Klrini western dairy , 12'4flGo ' : weiil- ern creamery , 16(23o ( ; western factory , 12J13'5c ' ; KlKlnn , 23c : linllntlnn creamery , llftt'c ; ntatu dnlry , IKilIc ; mnto crenmery. 17f23c. I'KTIlOI.I-HlM-Dull ; Tnllc'l closed nt JS nulted- WnnhlnKlon , Mils. , | G : WnnhlnKton , In liulk , S.I 51 ; refined. New York. J..1S ; Plillndcliihla nnrt ll.iltl. morn , ) ; Phlludelphln nnd Ilnltlmorc , In bulk , 12. til. UOSIN Dull ; Ktralncd , common to BOW ) , $1.20 l.274. ! Iliri : Plrm ; domcntlc , fair to cxtrn , 4Ug4 ic ; Jniinn , 41 1f4'lic , JIOLASHra-Qiilet ; New Orlonns. open kettle , [ food to cliolcp. WSUc. Plfl IllO.V Dull ! Scotch , $19.00J22.00 ; Amerl- ciin. $ ld.noI13oo. COTTON SKKD nil -Nimlnal ; prime crude , 2Je ; prlnii- yellow , 32f32lie. t'OPPUH Htrnnn ; Inkn , 9 > ic. LKADHtmnc ; cloinestlr , J3.2" . TIN Kluneri lrnlt . $1865 ; platen , market dull. SPKLTKIl llnrely steady ; ilomestlc , J3.37I4. OMAHA UHNKKAL .MAKICKTS. ( 'MiKlltlon of Tr iln anil Quotation ) on Stiijilo anil I' ' ncy Prniliicn. ' CommlR ! < lrn men nre complaining n prcnt dcnl nlnjut the quality of the eKKS that nre coming to market nt the present time. Shippers nre not enreful cnouch to cnmlle out Hie poor eBgs , nnd n Kient many cni-cs run nlmosl 50 per cent loss. This puts n Kreat nmounl of work upon Iho re ceiver , which he niiKlit not to be required to do. It In u Kreal Ions lu the shipper lo pay freight upon rotten CKKS. The poultry matkct Is very wrnk and slow. owing to the Inrge receipts , which have over stocked the maiket. It would nppenr that the drimth In the country nnd scarcity of feed Is affecting the receipts of poultry In the same way that It Is live stock nt the stock yards In South Omaha. Poultry raisers appear to be anxious to unload , and arc ll. < ndlng the market. Ill'TTKU Packing stock , in.fair ; to Rood country , USI.'c ; choice lo fancy , ITfflSc ; gath ered creamery , 17i82'i ' : ; separator crannery , 21 { { doz. . 1IHJ12C LIVK POULTRY Old hens , 4fJ5c ; roosters , 2Wff3c ; spring chickens , 7c ; spring ducks , 6c ; old full-feathered ducks , 4 4'c ; hen turkeys , 5ft > Cc ; gobblers. 6QGc ; old gfcse , full-fethcred , 6'ftfJCr VKA1 Choice fal and small veals QIC quoted al Cu ; coarse and large , 34e. CHEESE Wisconsin , full cream , new hnke , lOSlllc ; Nebraska nnd Inwn , full cieiim , 9HflOc ; Nebraska anil lown , purl skims , C7c ; Llmburger. No. 1 , lOc ; brick , No. 1 , lOc ; Swiss , No. 1 , 13 14c. HAY Upland hay , J10 ; midland , J9 ; lowland , J8 ; rye' straw , JC. CoUr mnkes the price on 'hay. Llghl bales sell the best. Only lop grades bring lop prices. PIGEONS-OId birds , per doz. , SOc. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Round lots , C570c ; small lots , on orders , 75c , MELONS Good stock , crated. J20.00S21.00. CANTALOUPES Nevada ( Mo. ) Jems , per cnile. Jl.7.1. CUCt.'MHEUS-On orders , 3540c per doz. OLD HEANS Hand-picked navy , J2.25 ; me dium , J2.10iQ2.15 ; common white beans. 11.75 ffl.90. ONIONS-On orders. 2c per Ib. GARBAGE Good shipping stock , on orders. 2 c. TOMATOES Good stock , per 4-basket crate. 75085o : per ' /4-bu. box , SOffWc. CELERY Per doz. . 30f35e. SWEET POTATOES Per Ib. , EC. FRUITS. Owing to the trains - being late the regular morning aucllon sale had lo be postponed , uud did not lake place until 7'O'clock In the evening. STRAWIlERRIES-N.ine. APPLES-Good stock , per bbl. , J3.00@3.60. HLACIC RASPRERRIEK None. 11ED IlASlMIEniHES None. HI.ACKRERRIES-None. rEACHES-Cnllfornln. J1.2)ffl.3Q. ) ( PLUMS Native red plums , per 24-qt. case , J2.25'California ; Washington plums , Jl.CO ; large reil varieties. J1.60S1.75 ; small red , J1.50. PRUNES-J1.75. FIGS None. PEAHS-Uaillell's J1.75S2.90 ; olher varieties , Jl.6001.75. Al'P.ICOTS-Cnllfornln , none. CHKItniKK California , none. GRAl ES Southuin , 10-lb. baskets. Concords , SOc ; California , J1.75. TROPICAL FRUITS. HANANAS Choice stock , J2.00C2.50 per bunch. LEMONS Fancy lemons.- size , J7 ; fancy lemons. 3CO size. J7. ORANGES None. PINEAPPPLES None. MISCELLANEOUS. FIOS-Fnncy. per Ib. , 15c. HONEY California , 15c ; dark honey , 10@12c. MAPLE SYRUP Gallon cans , per doz. . J12. NUTS Almonds , 155)lie ; English walnuts , loffl 12c ; fllbeits , 12c ; Ilrazll nuts. lOc. C1IJER Pure lulce. per bbl. , JC ; half bbl. , J3.25. HIDES No. 1 giecn hides. 2Vic ; No. 2 green hides , IV&QZc ; No. 1 green Killed hides , 3ic ! ; No. 2 green sailed hides. 2j2'icNo. ; 1 green Balt-il hides , 25 Iff 40 Iba. . 3V4c ; No. 2 green salted hides. 25 to 40 Ibs , . 2ii2Vic ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , 6HH6c ; No. 2 veal calf. S to 15 Ibs. . 4@4l c ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , 5c ; No. 2 dry flint bides , 3c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 4c. Part cured hides lie per Ib , less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each. 25flCOc ; green salted uhcarllngs ( short wooled early xklns ) , each , 5815c ; dry shearlings ( sliorl wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5TD10c ; dry shearlings ( shoit wooled early skins ) , No. 2 , each , 6c ; do' Hint Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 5QSc ; murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 45JCc ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 40 Clio ; murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. UCc. Have feet cut off , us It Is useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND GREASE-Tallow , No. 1 , 4 ® 4'c ; tallow , No. 2. 3' . < iff3Hc ; grease , whlto A , 4il4Uc ; grease , white H , 3'ilu 31 c ; grease , yel low , 3c ; gieasc , dark , 214c ; old butter , 232 c ; beeswax , prime , 15Q18c ; rough tallow , UiS2c. STOCKS AN IHMS. .Speculation on 'Clniiisa WHS Alnrkotl l > y In- crciisod Activity. NEW YORK , Aug. 7. Speculation on the Stock exchange today was marked by In creased activity and the movement of prices resulted In the establishment of a higher range of sales In almost every stock traded In , the only notable exception In the active list being Sugar and In the Inactive shares , Ohio Southern. These two stocks were af fected by special causes. Sugar was In fluenced by the view which respective- oper ators took of the failure of yesterday's cau cus of democratic members of the liouso to take nny action recardlne the tariff bill. Ono section of the speculative community regarded this as meaning that the senate sugar schedule would have to bo chanced and sold the shares of the trust. Another party took It to Indicate that a disagree ment was assured and bought on a continu ance of the McKlnley tariff. The sellers were , however , more numerous " than the buyers , for there was n "very general feeling or disappointment among the Sugar operators that the caucus would Instruct the conferees to agree , or at least suggest a compromise on the senate amendments. * A good deal of stock was offered for sale at the opening , which put the prices down 1 % to 6 % per cent , but the shares were readily absorbed , causing a fractional rally. This caused a renewal of the selling and figures took an other downward turn , touching 101 % , the low point of the day. This was about 1 o'clock und shortly after that Sugar was bought freely , rallying to lOfl'/i , with a llnol reaction of ' , 'j per cent , making a decline on the day of 1 % per cent , the preferred losing ? i per cent. Of the grangers , Uur- llngton & Qulncy entered most largely Into the trading. It was attacked at the open ing on reports that the government corn crop report would show corn to bo In a bad way und was cold down I'.J per cent to 70 , The stock was well supported at the lower figures and becoming somewhat scarcer In the loan market the shorts thought best to cover. Their purchases caused a brisk ad vance of 1 % per cent , from which there was only a reaction of % per cent at the close. St. Paul opened ' /i per cent lower , mainly on small selling for the London ac count. During the rest of the- day the stock steadily appreciated , closing at the best figures touched and T4 per cent above yes terday's final figures. The preferred gained U pnr cent. Uock Island reacted V4 per cent In the early dealings , recovered the loss before midday and nuilo a further gain of ft per cent In the afternoon , closing U per cent below the highest recorded , an advance of K per cent on email transactions. The Lead locks , on reports of Improved business prospects , made a gain of % per cent on common and 1H per cent on preferred , which wu also In good damand , uwklug a net Improvement of H per cent. Tha markei closed strong. The bond mnrkct wns slronf all day. The Evening Post's London cablegram sny : The Improvement In stocks continues. . Purchases nre mainly confined to gllt-edgei ] stocks , but the Improvement li spreading ( c second nnd third class securities. Americans were strong , closing at about the best. II Now York supports this markei the dispo sition hero will bo to buy and August will probably bo a tnoro active month than wns anticipated. It Is believed that heavy ship ments of gold from America to Europe are near an end. The trade returns for July wcro disappointing , but were mainly due to decreased values and the delay over the American tariff "bill. Silver Is strong. The India council sold forty-two lahks today at rates ranging up to 13d. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York exchange - change today : The lotal Bales of stocks today were IDO.SM shares , Including ; Ain'erlcnn Tnbacco. 4,000 ; American Susar , 63,100 ; HurllnRton. 22.MO ; Chl- OIKI ) lias , 9,100 ; DlHtUlcrs and Calllefccdors , 3,3(10 ; Louisville < i Nashville , 8,100 ; lllnsourl Pa- clflc , 4,300 ; National Lead , 6.IKK ) ; Richmond & West Point certlllcato ? , ufscBMiient paid , 1,8M ; [ lock Inland , 8,100 ; SI. 1 uul , 21,000 ; Western Union , 5,700. _ _ _ _ _ Nitty York Money Market. NnW YORK , AUK. 8. MONEY ON CALL Rn.ry at I per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed 1 per cent. PIUMIO MERCANTILE PAPER 3 J5 per ccnl. STKRLING EXCHANGE Dull and ca ler , with actual bulncss In bankers' bills at S4.&SU for demand and J4.S7'i ' fur sixty days ; po.stcd rains , $4.S8'.5O4.89 > 4 ; commercial bills , $4.6Cii'j' ! ( ' 4.6C1J. SILVER CERTIFICATES ClOAKc. OOVERNMENT 1IONDS Steady ; stale bonds , lull ; rallicad bonds , Mroni ? . Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : Itoiton Stock Quotation * . BOSTON , Aiitf. 8. Call loans. lm pur cent ; tlmn loans. , 'JH613) per cent. Cloalnf prices for Blocks , bonds and uilnltii ; aharj * : Sun FmncUco Mlillne ; yi 'SAN FHANCISCO , Auir. 8. The oniclal cloilnr quotallons for inlnln ; stores to 11worj ; u fol lows : Alia 21 Mexican 110 Ilcluhcr 85 Mono 10 lleHtAIlelcher. . . . . 120 Ophlr 217 llodlo Con 105 I'oloal. . . 47 Ilulwcr 15 Savage 42 Con. Cal. A % 'a 3110 Sierra Nevada 08 Crown Point 75 Union Con 03 KureunCon 2f Utah . . . ( I tiould A Curry. . . . 57 Yellow Jacket. . . . 45 Elale A Norcrows. . . 74 Now York Mining ( Juot itloiu. NEW YOUK , Aiiff. B. The following1 arj the clOHlng1 iiiiiim ? iiuotalioim : London Stock Quotation ! ! . LONDON , All ! ? . 8. 4 p. in. closlnp ! Caii'iillm ; Puclllu. . 4f , ( j St. Paul com ( Ill'i Erlu 14 hi N. Y. Central 10IIJJ Krlo'Jdn 74 Pennsylvania 00 lllb. Central ill Kuadluif JIM Monlcan ordinary. 10 Mox. Cjn. nuw 4 . 6Hi CofTeu Alitrkot. NKW YOIIK , Aup. 8. COFKHn-Optlons opened steady , uncharted to 6 polnta lower under big receipts nt Siuitoti nnd lllo , lurnod llrmer on covcrlnh . nnd closed xteady at 5 to 10 points net advance : sales , 10,600 hags , IncludlnRi AUKiist , J1I.55 ; September. J13.705fl3.80 : October , J13.IOfl > 323 ; ; December , fl2..Tif12.GO ; March , J12.2.1. Spot coffee , nio , Hleady ; No. 7 , (16,2.1 ; Falex , 400 IHISH , C. A. ; warehouse dellverlis from New York yen- lerday , 7,7'J3 bans ; New York stock today , 113,625 IWKS ; United HtateH Block , 131,021 IIIIKM ; alloat for United Ktates. 233,000 bags ; total visible for L'nlted Hlates , 367,021 bags , ugulnat 420.S62 bags aat yfar. SANTOS , AUK , 8 , Steady : good average Santos , > 16 ; receipts , 1C , ( WO bags ; stock , 214 , ( Ky ) bugs. IIA.MIIUHG , Aug. 8.-quk't at UPfS hlliher to UpfK lower ; cales , 2,000 bags. HAVHi : , Aug. 8. Opened nulet , unchanged to tif lower ; at 12 noon , iiulcl , unehanged ; al 3 p. in. , sleady to'tfW \ advance ; at 6:30 : p. m. . chwil iiulet wlthoul further chanfro. HIO Dl'3 JANBIUO , Aug. S. Dull : No. 7 , Rio , Jl.1.55 ; exchange , 97-16d ; receipts. 111,000 bags ; clfiued for United States , 10,000 bags ; for Eu rope1 , 2.000 bags ; stock , W.OOO bags. .MlmieupollH Wlicuc Alarkiit. MINNKAI'OI.IS , Autr. 8. The grain markets opened ptrmig and higher this mornlnir , wllh wlit-ot nearly 1c higher llian lasl night's close. The market closed : August , 67Hc ; September , 64Hc ; December. 66' c ; old wheat on truck , No. 1 hard , 60'tc ' : No. 1 northern , SSftc ; No. 2 north ern , 67'ic. ' New wheat selling about 2o under jld wheat on the track. The movement In the couniry Increases from Ihe new crop and bids fair la be iiille | full In another week. Thera Is uil much diUntr In old wheat , ns Unit was ibotlt all moved a week ago. The yield from Ihe Ihri'shers Indicate larger relurns than had ii-en expecled. HecelptsI'J.Oo ) bu. ; shipments , 42,000 bu. Tin ; Hour inaiket was eaxlur , wllh fair sales al { 3.25(3,45 ( for patents , ! .00fi2.25 for inkers. I'rudiietlnii , about 29,000 bbl a. ; ship- menls , 24,733 bbls. Nntni. I'AHIS. Autr. 8. Three per cent rentes , 102f 60o fur the account. 1IM.TIMOUK , AUK. 8. Clearings , 2.042.2a3 ; balances , ' 1206,156. 1IOSTON , Aug. 8. Clearings , 111,278,169 ; bat- ancen. tl.609.fii6. NUW YOIIIC , AUK. 8. Clearings , $62,630,017 ; balances , J ( , ' . J-MM. 1'1I1IAUII.1'HIA : , Aug. 8. Clearings , J8.5M- IS'J ; balances , 11,421,250 , LONDON. Aug. 8 The price of gold nt Iluenos Ayrea twlay l 263. UOM13 , Aug. 8. The premium on gold U quoted at 111 lire 6 centimes 'for loot. CHICAGO , Aug. 8. SlerlliiB exchange , un changed ; uctunl , 11. 87',404. 8a'i. Money rales , 4ij5 per cent. CINCINNATI. Aug. 8. Money. 2H 0 per cent. N < -w York exchaniie , 25o discount to par. Clear- Ings. 11,739,800. KAN KUANCISCO. Aug. S. Drafts. Blghl , 12',4c ' ; leleKrnphlc , 15c. Silver bats , t2U36c. ! : ! ! Mexi can dollars. 61U61ic. HT. IXJU1S. Aug. 8. ClearlnK * . W.737,665 : bal- inevs , JC'J7CH. Money , dull , iO ? per cent. " ix- change on New Yurk , pur bid , NKAV YOItK. Aug. 8. ICMdcr. 1 ealwdy & Co. , lloslon , will ship the J H.W ) gold by tomorrow's nlramer which wits withdrawn front ihv ub- treasury on Monday , WAS1IINQTON , Aug. S. National bnhW notes recelyeil for redemption loday , (431,950 ; Kovern- ment receipts from Internal revenue , J 175.70 : ; OUJitomi , JW7lKli mlicellanMivu , I18.UJ. OMAHA LlpOCK 1IARRE1 Receipts at tho8tcov ; Yards Hnyo Aboui Benched Normal Porportions , ' BETTER FEELING IN DRSSED [ BEEF Btenrs tluit I'xcllo Competition Soil AVoll- Other ( Inulcs , Jlnt Hoc * Slutuii Ilnilly iintlClrtM ! Absolutely Mfc- Icss Sheep llurcly Htcnilj. WEDNESDAY , AMR. 8. Today's receipts footcil up nuout 2,300 cat- tit , 14,050 lioga and 854 sheep , as against 1,009 cattle , 9,747 hogs and 84 sheep on Wednesday of last week , * Kor the first tlirco days of this week the receipts arc 6,600 cat tle , 30,700 hogs nnd 2,728 sheep , ns against 5,821 cattle , 42,582 hogs and 1,183 sheep for the corresponding days of last week. CATTLE Among today's receipts of cat tle there were some very desirable dressed beef steers. There wns a very talr demand for the most desirable , and the market on such was qnito active. The more common grades were slow pale , no one appearing to want them. Prices were about steady with yesterday , there being no material cluingc. There was no change of Importance In the cow market. Desirable stock was wanted at fully steady prices. Undesirable stuff was slow and dull , which hns been the rule for some days past. The market on stackers and feeders was very dull , the demand being light , while supplies were quite liberal. Prices arc way down. Representative sales : DRKSSHD I1HBK. No. Av. Pr. No. Av , IT. No. Av. IT. 1..10IO J2 SO 31) ) . . . . 1272 ( I CO 32..12111 | 4 20 15..1W3 3 SO 18..12.-.G 403 39..1308 4 CO MIXKD. 10. . . . 734 1 (5 COWS. 4. . . . 890 So 1. . . . 000 1 30 4. . . . SSO 1 65 1. . . . 820 1 00 2. . . . SO 1 30 1. . . . 6TO 1 ( ' > .3..VJ3 110 7. . . . MO 130 4. . . , ! 'C2 ' 1 BO 11. . . , 721 110 2. . . , ElOu 130 3..1100 ICO 3. . . . 900 1 10 2. . . . 80) ) 1 SO 0. . . . SJd C1 9. . . . 93(1 ( 1 20 1. . . . MO 1 30 6. . . . ! > C3 73 1. , . , 840 1 20 2..1000 1 33 35. . . . Ml ! 75 6. . . . S24 1 20 4. . . . M > 8 1 35 1..1070 73 3. . . . 770 1 20 1. . . . f.00 1 40 7. . . . S02 SO 5. . . . S06 1 20 7. . . . 051 1 10 S : . . . . 815 S3' 4. . . . 795 1 20 3. . . . 873 1 10 1. . . . { SO 85 . 845 1 20 1..1090 1 40 4. . . . 000 95 4. . . . 732 123 5. . . . 810 140 9..90 } 90 4. . . . SC5 1 25 1..1010 1 40 S. . . . f > 22 90 2. . . . SCO 1 2.1 10. . . . 847 1 45 7. . . . 957 90 9. . . . 815 125 1. . . . 970 150 13..SOO 3. . . . 7CO 125 1..1020 160 1C..102 < 1 200 2. . . . 825 J 2.1 2. . . . 970 150 1..920 200 3. . . . SCO 125 1. . . . 960 160 31. . . . 901 201 3. , . . 9W 123 14. . . . SS2 160 11. . . . 871 210 17. . . . 841 130 9. . . . 921 160 1G..S7C 215 4. . . . 700 1 30 1. . . . 830 1 60 1..1000 2 23 10. . . . 702 I 30 29. . . . S03 1 60 24. . . . 974 2 25 1..1010 130 2C. . . . 901 150 8.837 233' HEIFERS. 1. . . . 200 1 00 13. . . . 53.1 123 3. . . . 520 160 2. . . . 363-100 - 10. . . . 506 125 1..CBO 1 50 1. . . . COO 1 00 10. . . . 520 1 30 3.620 1 CO 1. . . . 330 1 00 2. . . . 635 1 35 S. . . . d > 0 1 CO 1. . . , G70 1 00 2. . . . 625 1 40 3. . . . OSS 1 CO 10. . . . MO 1 15 3. . . . 5S3 1 10 5. . . . 5'.I4 1 C5 43. . . . 426 1 20 1. . . . 700 1 40 2. . . . B50 1 65 4. . . . 6C7 1 25 4. . . . 760 1'10 1. . . . 630 1 C5 5. . . . 636 1 21 17. . . . 7CI 1 90 2. . . . 770 2 OJ 15. . . . 540 1 23 , I CALVES. 1. . . . 290 123 1. . . . 230 200 G. . . . 166 250 1. . . . 2V ) 200 [ . . . . 210 2.25 1..2.W 275 1. . . . 130 200 ' 9. . . . 223 210 1. . . . 210 275 1. . . . 120 2 00 4 , . . . 172 3 00 BULLS. 1..1110 123 1..13.10 140 1..1270 ISO 1..1340 1 50 1..1310 1 40 . . . . : > 0 1 5' ) 1..1050 1 30 1-.1120 1 43 I..13.10 1 CO 1 14CO 1 35 1 HIM 1 60 1 1500 1 C3 1..1220 1 33 1..1010 1 50 1..J470 1 85 1..1330 140 1..1320 150 1. . . . 710 225 > STAGS. 1..10CO 1 75 t ' . I STOC'KERS AND FEEDERS. 1. . . . 590 130 21. . . . 781 190 1. . . . 690 215 1..1050 1 40 8. . . . 441 1 90 8. . . . C40 2 15 1. . . . 4CO 1 40 16. . . . G3S 1 90 1. . . . 730 2 15 1. . . . 430 1 4' ' ) 2. . . . 290 1 90 5. . . . 6SC 2 13 2..CCO 160 19. . . . 702 19.1 18. . . . 732 213 1. . . . 820 150 10. . . . 759 200 5. . . . 656 22) 9. . . . 411 160 S. . . . 8T2 200 4. . . . S07 220 1. . . . 470 160 7. . . . 5117 200 l..f GOO 220 9. . . . C2I ICO 14. , . . 777 2 00 1 , . . . 540 2 2- ) 7. . . . 493 1 C3 d..i ; 620' 2 00 27. . . . M2 225 i ; , . . 4CO 175 3. . . . 4S3 203 3. . . . SSO 225 3. . . . 613 1 75 19. . . . 651 2 05 1. . . . KW 2 25 C. . . . C50 1 75 " . „ . C30 2 05 7. . . . 932 2 25 7./4C4 175 12. . . . 554. 2 03 9. . . . JSJ 230 27. . . . 832 175 'J. . . ' . C25 203 33. . . . 817 230 13. . . . C23 175 17. . . . 663 210 23. . . . 74S 230 23. . . . 723 1 80 4 . . . 715 2 10 17. . . . SCI 2 60 17. . . . CS5 1 SO 2. . . . 840 2 10 6. . . . 995 2 50 6. . . . 271 185 5. . . . 796 210 1..1030 260 S9. . . . 403 185 6. . . . 8C2 215 IS..1077 2 CO * WYOMING CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 63 cows CC3 $1 40 4SCOW3 911 Jl 75 Cl calves 245 200 72 heifers. . . . 74) ) 22.1 116 cows U60 245 85 cows 9' < 5 245 21 feeders..1143 235 49 feeders. . . . 1026 240 C7 steers 1174 312 72 steels 1130 315 137 heifers. . . . 7S9 2 65 HOGS The market opened with a very fair demand , both from shippers and local packers , for good to choice heavy and butcher weight hogs. On such the market was about lOc higher , prices ranging from $4.90 to $5.15. The demand for the light and common mixed loads was very poor and the market on that class of hogs was only about steady at the opening. As the day advanced the market flattened out badly on tlie common and trashy stuff and at the close there were BO to GO loads still unsold. The bulk of the hogs sold wont at $4.70 to $5 , as against $4.75 to $1.80 yesterday. Represen tative sales : SHBBl1 The demand Is very light and there Is practically no market. Fair to good natives are quotable at $2.25 to $2.75 , fair to good westerns at $2.00 to $2.40 , common and stock sheep at $1,75 to $3.25 , good to - Choice 40 to 100-lb lambs at $2.25 to $3.CO , Now York I.lvo HlnoK Miirkot. NEW YOIIK , AWe , ! . IlKEVKS-Hccelpts , 7,100 head ; market opened lOo hlKhfr , closvil slow , nllh advoncn lost ; teed to prime rmtlvo leers , Jt.blK/I.Wi medium to fair , Ji.40-ttl.nij ; common to ordinary , li.tNVt.35 ; ttagi tuid oxen , l2.KOflJ.Mj bulls. 12.0003.40 , rlry rows , 2.JM3,10 Hllllin1 AND I , A MUSItrcrlptu , ! . ! > head sltpcp , slow nnd liarilr slendy , lutiilx. nctlvr nnil firm ; liprp , lHj < ir to prluiis J2,00a/3.62 > i , lambs , common to fair , O.K'j'BS.M. ' ' HOUS-HcCflpIs , 8,369 head ; mntkct llrm. OIIICAOO I.IVKMI'OUK ICxprrtn linn of Heavy HrrclptsVm Not Kcilllrrd Yontrnlujr. CltlCAUO , Aiip. 8. In cattle the cxp ctntlon of hrnvy recrlpls lotlay was not realized , t'ndcr n good Rcncral drmand the iniukct was tlfvtdy. It was steady for Tcxans , westrrni nnd com mon nnd medium natives , nnd wns rtronit for RIHM ! to choice cornfnl mule , which are scarce , The rcorlpts of nnlhcs were nboul 11,600 , Only n nmall porcpntncc of thrsu Rradi-d bi-llor Hum medium , and while prime ( . otn-fittlrd slpi-rn Nvi-re wanted nl fmm 11.80 to JI.'S. ' Ihere were v ry few trades al belter lhan M.6V Hteers went InrKcly at from flt.6o to 11.50 , nnd cnws nnd bulls at prices liolow S2.60 , the quality nvcnmlnit poor. Theli- were nlmut l.toi ) wesletn riiiiKets nnd 2,000 Texnns. The former were steady nt from 11,73 lu il.10 , nnd the latter nt from It. 2.1 to 11.60. Theic were many rnlcs uf thin cows nnil bulls at Ices than 11.75. The IIOK market wns 5c hlKher early nnd active. The ndviuifu was not IOIIK siLitnlned , however , nnd nlmiit the middle of the fnre- nixin Ihe demand fell off nnd prices receded to the point they nccupliil yrsliMdny , or In ( * > . 15 fur the bent heavy , and tu n basis of fiom > 5.23 lo (5.30 for assorted IlKhl. The close found the situation very weak nnd a few unsold. Arnurid the opening heavies sold ns high IIR > ' . .M. nnd there were sales nf IlKht wvlKhis nt S5..15 , with the Krcater part of the chilly trndlnir at fnun J-o in J5.IO , thiiilKh the iiuallty did nol nvt-rilRe nearly as good ns yesletday. Later snlcs were principally nt from 13.13 to J5.33. There was a Kond deal of poor stuff , It sold luidly , There wan no chnnRC In the sheep nnd lamb markets. There were buyers fur the S.OOO head on a basis of Tuesday's quotations , sherp beliiK salable nl from Jl to $3.60. and lambs at from tto JI.CO. I'Vw of the fin iner sold nUive J3 , nnd Hie pi-evalllnt ; prices for the latter were fl'iim (3.75 In $4,60. Iteeelpls I'altle. 15M ; calves , POO head ; IUIKB , 31,000 head ; Kheep , 9.0)0 bend. The Ilvcnlntt Journal repniiH : HOGS Itecelpts today , 31 OOi ) head ; receipts e tenlay , 11.H27 head ; shipments ycstftday , 802 heail ; left 'over , about 1,500 head ; quality Iltllo better ; market active and firm : brut Kindt's , 6flOc hlKher ; tales , H.fl.l'ff.'i.J ' , ' . for llxht ; $ I.SOM,03 for intmli IKU-KIIIR ; fi.OOii'i. ' 13 for mficeil ; 15.1005.60 for heavy parking nnd shin- lilmr lots ; pltts , 4.35W4.P3. OATTI.K llecelpts today , 15.0M bend : yesler- ilay , 1,810 head ; shipments yesteiday , 1.S30 li'Mil ; market falily actl\e and steady. SHKKI1 Ilecelpts today , 9,1)00 ) head ; receipts yesterday , 8,42.1 head ; shipments yesterday , l.Wi liead ; mnrkcl steady. WI.STiitN : l'A ( KINO INTIIltKSTi- . Alarkct'iii ; of Ilngx v ontlniies on u I.urKO Sr'ito During tint UYeU. CINCINNATI , AUK. 8. ( fipoclal TeleRram leThe The Iee. ! ) Tomoi row's I'rlcu Cuircnl will say : Thp niailtotlMK of IIOKS lia.s contlnueil on a la we wale , the wcstein packlnB retui ns for the week Indicating 32-1,000 , compared with 310,000 the pu- ixllnR week , and UO.inw Ihe corr'spondlnir time nst year , making a total of 6hMooo ! nlncu March I , nK.ilnst 4,4 < 0,0')0 ' ) n .year ago. I'romlnent places compare ns follows : Cities. isni. ' 1S03. 1'hlcaito . l.WS.OOfi 1,511,000 Kansas City . SIS.OOO 8SO.OOO Omaha . 703m)0 ) 422 'HK ) St. Louis . 330iKXJ Stl.v Cincinnati . KS.noo 12.1.000 Indliinnpolls . . ' . 215.01)0 1G7.000 Milwaukee . 2iii.iiOO : lOO.OOO CVdar IlapldB . 113.1100 13I.DOO St. Ji > si-ph . U'D.OiW ' IW.nOO Sioux City . 13i > , iW M.iMO Nebraska City . lno,3 ( ! , 109,0)0 Otlumwa . 140.0JO 10J.OOO St. I. mils Lin- Stork A ST. LOL'IS , AUB. 8.-CATTLi-Ilccclpts , 3,500 head ; maikct stroiifr. HOGS Ilecelpts. 4,000 head ; matkct strong nnd lOc hlKber ; heavy , $3.DOJ5.I5 ; mixed , 5.2.1 : Unlit , } 5.10 < iT3.30. SHEEP llecelpts , 1,500 bend ; marltcl weak. ht. I.ouls ( iiMiurul ST. LOUIS , AUK. 8. KLOUU Dull. un- chanKed. WHKAT Dropped with corn , clnslnir 'isfflc ' oT ( from yesterd.iy ; No. 2 red , raMi , 62c ; August , 51Uc ; September , 62c ; December , 55He ; May , Gl'AC. COIIN Dropped on doniestlo news nnd Chi cago's fall , closing EfH'iic ' off ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 63c ; August , 53' ' , c ; September , I3c ; May , 49'ic. OATS Lnwer ; No. 2 , cash , 32-lsc ; August , 32ic ! ; September , 32Jc ; May , Si'ic. HYB lllffber ; 60e bid for No. 2 regular. HAItLHY No trndlng- . I1IIAN HlKher ; CSc , cast track , sacked , for direct orders. FLAX SK1-D-$1.24. east slde.s - CLOVKK SI3KD Unchanged. TIMOTHY SKKD-HlRhur ; JI.SO for August. HAY Firm , uncbaiiKed. IIUTTKH Steady at recent advance. KRdS Klrm.11r. ; LKADHlghoi3.27',4. ; ' . Sl'KLTKH i3.13fi3.17ti. COItN MKAL J2.75H2.83. WHISKY Jl. 22. COTTON TlKS-l'nchansed. PROVISIONS Firm , quiet. Pork , stnndard mesa , Jobbing , f3.87'i. ! ' Laid , prime steam. $7.03 ; choice. J7.20. Dry salt meats , loose shoulders. 1C. 13 ; loliK'3 nnd rlbK , (7.10 ; shorts. J7.25. li.ioi.n . , packed shoulders , $7.25 ; longs , 57.75 ; libs , J7.87'i ; shorts , > 8.12 ! ( . . UECKIPTS Flour , 4.000 lihls. ; wheat , 80,000 bu. ; , 10.000 bu. ; oats , 48.0K ( > bu. 8HIPMKNTS- Flour , 0,000 bbls. ; wheat , 12,000 bu. ; corn , 22,000 bu. ; oats , 4,000 bu. Clilctign Fruit Ouotiitlom. CHICAGO. AUK. 8. The Kail Fruit company sold California fruit at auction today , rc.illzlng prices as follows : Ilaitlell pears , In reft Igerator cars , il.3om.45 ; 111 ventilator cars , ripe , J1.05. Peaches , Foster. SOe ; Crawford , SOc. Prunes , Hungarian , $1. 20411. 25 : Tragedy , J1.3W1.40 ; Giws , $1.45. KBB plums , ! i5c. Fonlalncbleau grapes , jl.40 ; Nectarlnnrs , Jl.00ffl.13. Pol ter llros. company , Chicago , old ten ears of ( 'allfni-nlii fruit today nt auction : Itaillett pears , tScGn.W ; Hellves , 70f75c. Hfiiianl pi-iiehes. 70'iik.V ; Fouler , E0fl90c ; Tiihcun cllnir. 4W75C. Tiigedy prunes , $1.30 ; German. il.lOij { > 1.50 ; Gross , $1.15J1.55 ; Silvers. SOjfi'Oc ; llaneoek , 05c ; Hungarian , $ 1.6.1 ; Columbia , Jl.bWI.30 ; llurbank plumi. Jl.lom.15 ; Diamond , JI.21fil.3Q ; Ila.ley , $1.30 ; WnsbiiiBton. tOBSSc ; CKK plumi ; , ri6cfiJ1.10 : Satsuma , $1 ; Olysler. il ; .lelferson , SOo ; Golden Drops. 'JOc ; Fallenbercs. J1.10 ; Qnnrli- enlmH , $1.23. Muscat Kriipes , fOeifl,7S , ; Hbick egg , Jl.15 ; Tokay. J1.C5 ; Funtnlnehlvnu , SOeTfJl.20. Porter llros. company , New York , sold today nt auction eight curs Cnllfotnln fruit : Crawford peaches , 60c@$1.7S ; Halea early , JI.SO : cIlnKS. eScffltl-lO ; Hlehmond , J2.45 ; Deckers. $2.50 ; Purple Du.ines. Jl.00mi.15 ; U'ashlngton plums , SOcff Jl.C.'i ; Columblai < , $1.15(7 1.23 ; Ilrndshaws , TOc-ft'fl.OJ ; Kelsey Japans , ? 3 : egg pluinii , $1.10K1.40. Gross piunes , il.C.lfl' OO ; Geimnn piiiues , $1.25 ; Fullenbergs , $1.10. lluillctt petirs , J1.20igl.i0. ; Porter Hi OH. company. lioston , sold today four cars of California fiult at auction : IlaitlPtl pears , 95cij7Jl. 13. KgK plums , Sl.10ffl.13. TniBeily prunes , tl.05bl.37U ; Purple Dunnes , 70cff1.37'i. Crawfoid peaches , E0c@tl.50. llradahaw plums , 90cQ1.37 ,5. _ l.lvei-jHiol 'Miii'lu'tH. LIVKnrOOI , , Aug. S. 12:30 : p. rn. WIinAT Quiet : demand poor ; holders offer moderately ; No. 1 California , 4s S'.fcdSfls ' KM ; red wesieni winter , 4s 4'idfJ4s 5'/jd ; red western spring , 4a COIIN Strong ; demand poor ; new mixed , spot , 4s llVjd. . 1IAHI.BY California brewing. 23s C.l r2.1s Cd. PUOVISIONS lleef. e\tia India iniss. C7K Cd. Poll ; , prime mess , 07s Cd. llacon , IOIIK and short clear , 65 Ibs. . 3.1s Cd ; K < m ; ilear , 45 Iba. , 3Cs. iMttt. prime , 3C.s ! hl. 1IUTTKII Finest. 70s ; good , COs. Kansas City Markets. KANSAS CITY. Aug. S.-AVIIHAT-IrrcKUlnr , but not higher : No. 2 hard , 4SVic ; No. 3 hard , 4GHf4le | ! : xo. 2 red , 4Szc ! ; No. 3 red , 47c ; rc- Jecleil. 43c. COIIN lo lower ; No. 2 mixed , 61'.tc ; No. 2 white , 6iU5l'ie. | OATS > { .e hlKher ; No. 2 mixed , 314W32ic ; No. 2 white , 34fl35e. WJTTKH-FIrm ; cienmery , lG020c ; dnlry , 14 ( flCe. HOGS Active nnd steady ; 9c. HECRIPTS Wheat , 10,300 bu. ; corn , 1,800 bu. ; oata , 6.COO bu. Cotton .Murltet. NEW OULEANS. Aug. 8.-COTTON-Qulet and steady ; sales , spot , 150 bales ; to airlve , SW bales ; receipts , 163 liaies ; exports , to Ihe continent f,90 bales ; coastw se , 4,1'0 bales ; stock , 31.215 bales. Futures , steady ; snips , a. SOO bales ; August , M. 10 bid ; September. J-l.34iiC.35 ; Orlober , $0.3SfC.3'J ; November. JH.43fjiO.46 ; December , $ < ; .54 < i6.5.1 ; Jnil- unry , J6.30fl.31 ; Februaiy. JC.CCSJii.C7 ; March , JC.7200.73 ; April , $0.7S C.I | ! ; May , JC.SIH6.8l ) , ST. LOl'IS. Aug. 8. COTTON Sli-nily ; mid dling , CUe ; sales , 4'X ' ) bales ; shipments , 200 bales ; rtock , 23.1KM baits , Nmv York Dry OooiU Alnrkot. NI3W YOIIK , Aug. 8. There was more bus- Ini'DH doing In all classes of cotlnn nnd woolen fabrics. thoiiKh for some kinds It was much bet ter than for others. Illeached cottons , dress goods nnil printed fabrics weie the inure prefeired articles , though wide sheeting shared In a good movement In consequence of agents having re duced New Yolk and Ullcn lo Ihe. basis of 22io ! fur 10-4 und Mohawk Vnlley in IDu for 10-4 bleached. PrlKng cloths quiet , at 2KQ , less 1 per cent , for Ct squares , ( Ml Mitrknls. OIL CITY , Pa. , AUK. 8. National Transit cer- tltlcute * opened nt kO'i ; highest , SOU ; lowest , Boyt ; closed , SOU ; shipments , 8,000 bbls. ; runs , ii,0.18 bbls. PITTSIIUIlO , Pa , , Aug. 8. National Tiniislt Cerllllcnlua opeiuM at SOU ; closed at SOU ; lilull- c l , 80Vi ; lowrsl , WU ; no Halts. LONDON. Aug.CALCUTTA L1NSEKD- Spot , CO 3il ; August nnd September , via Cape , 37n id. Llniccd oil , 20sii20s 3d. ulivit MurkvU. MILWAUKKH , Aug. 8.-FLOI Il-Steady. WIIIJAT Lower ; No , 2 sutlntr , Sthc ; No. 1 northurn , C3e ; September , 63T c. COItN-FIrm ; No , 3 , t Ue. OATS-Lower ; No. 2 white , 37c ; No. 3 white , 3Cc. 3Cc."IIAIH.KY Firm ; No. 2 September , 65 c ; sam ple , 62ff5C14C. UYK-Scaico ; No. 1 , 61c. Alurkut. NHW YOIIIC. Aug. 8.-SUOAH-Ilaw , dull ; fair rennlng , 2 11-lCo ; ccntrtfUKal , 00 tet , 3'tc. ' LONDON , AUK S.-HUOAIt-Cnne , slcudy ; lit tle dolnn ; centilfUKul , Java , 13s ; muLcuv.idu , fair rellnlntf , 1U , _ Duluth Wlu-iit Alnrknt. DULUTJI , Aug. f. Closing ! No. 1 hard , cash , Auruit , tS'.io ' ; No , i oorUitro , cosh , v/iffSAHTACLAU5. , jb jf1 apd MO ? ! ppoipial ( , C1AUS SOAP "S.T TIE NJLEURBANK COMPANY ' It furnishes a house complete , mul docs It up brown. We have another outfit for an even SI50 ; another for $ ! ) ! ! . ! > 5 ; another one for $500. Then we have a complete .schedule , with the prices op posite eacli article , and a blank space for you to ( ill in. Young man , in.irry your best girl at once , anJ establish a home. Vou can pay In a little down and the balance in small weekly or monthly payments. PARLOR. Parlor Caiiiet , Driifscls , . . . Pnrlor Bull , S-I | | > CCH. crushed plush. pprlnR edKe , oak frame . jc..10 1 I'arlor Table . $ 2.50 i Pairs IMCU Curtains . J 2.OT 1 Pair Clu-nlllu Curtains . I 4.00 1 Smyrna HUB . SSc 1 Banquet Lamp . J 3. CO I51.7J LIVING ROOM. Carpet (12x12) ( ) Incraln . J 6.37 Jjounue . . . j 6.73 iancy Ilockcr , oak frame , any color tnnottry . j 4.50 Rattan llocker . § 2.90 1 Antlfjuu Dookcase , adjustable shelves . j 5. 50 Anllque FewlriB Hockcr . J 2.00 1 Antique Chair . J I.OO 1 Center Table . j ] . ; , o 1 Pair Portieres . J .1.50 2 Pairs Curtains . J 1.90 \\lndow Curtains , Includlnc fixtures . JgQ ' ' 1 IJIsque Decorated Table Lamp. . . , i 2.15 KG. 5 ; DINING ROOM. All wool Inpraln Carpet (12x12) ( . . . . J10.40 ? fit xt'n8 ; ° " , Table , hardwood. . . . t C.OO 6 HlKh Hack Dlnlm ? Chairs . J c.UO Ilunltvootl Sideboard , bevel plale inlrrlr . Jifi 75 100-plcce English Hecoraled Dliiner Sol cutiery'and's'po'ons' ' . ' . ' . ' . . . . ' . ' ; . ' . ' ; ; ; ; ; ; ; I S'S ' Lamp . t. J i'jjj C2.SO FAMILY CHAMBER. Carpet(9.\12) ( ) Incialn . $ 4.87 Hardwood , 3-plece Chamber Set , bevel plate mlrrnr . J12.87 Springs. Malli esses. Pair Pillows , Com fort. Pair Hlankela. 2 Pairs Sheets. and Pillow Slips . S12.25 1 Table . j 1.50 1 Chair , 1 Hockcr . t 2.75 Window Curtains. Including flxtuies 38o 2 Pairs Lace Curtains . S 1.90 Toilet Set 10 pieces . $ 3.25 . .39.77 GUEST CHAMBER. Carpet (9x12) ( Insraln 14.87 3-plccc , hardwood , bevel plain mirror Chamber Set 112.87 Chair and Hocker J 2.7J 2 Window Curtains and fixtures. . . . 3So 2 Pairs Lace Cuitalns J 1.80 Toilet Set , 10 pieces $3.25 Sprint ; , Mattress , Pair Pillows. Comfort , Pair Illankcls , 2 Pairs Shecls nnd Pillow Slips 112.25 133.27 KITCHEN. Kitchen Chair 23o Kitchen Table | j.js Cook Stove , Mrst class J7.00 Kitchen Utlnslla , Including boiler , Tub , Winger , rial Irons , Clothes Horse , Wauh Hoard , VX' I > H , Tin Ware etc ' "i 1 , . t 7.00 Refrigerators J ' * ' / t 6.98 o , . > " , J21.48 HALL. Hall and Stair Carpets (15 ( yards. . . t G.CS Hall Rack with mirror I 2.00 Oak Hall Chair 11.25 Hanging Lamp ( decant ) t 2.25 Mat Mo I11.C3 Servants1 Bedroom , Bedstead and Sprint , ' t 3.CO Mattress , Pillow , Ulnnkct , Pair Sheets Pair Pillows Slips , etc 4.50 Bureau and Wush Stand } 3.50 Mirror W > o Chair 450 mm $12.45 I 1 otcil OUR BABY CABS Arc put together to stay. Buy a Feathurstono Cab und it IB good for the next getiei'iition. 100 patterns to choose Iroin. Price * 40 per cont. discount from former prices to close tnom out quick , us wo need the room. Formerly Peapta's Mammoth Inslallinsiil House. \ Close evening at (5:30 ( : , except Saturday. Seiul 10 cents for postage on big' ' ! ) ! catalogue. AiiKUst , r,6 ic ; September. CMtc ; Dccrmbcr , 6S'.iC- ; No. 2 notthiMn , ranh , Bill1. No. 3. 49c ; rr-Jei-lcd , 4Co ; In airlvf. No. 1 nnrtlioin , 6'lXc. Ilccpljits : Wheat , 46,000 bu. ; shipments , wheat. 61,000 bu. TrliM-ii Win-lit Al rki > t. RAN FRANCISCO , AUK. 8. WHI3AT Steady ; December , J1.0174 ; Mny , J1.07 > .i. Won ! Mill-left. ST. I..OUIS , AUB , 8 , WOOI > Strong , active al recent quotation * * . o 11'E.lTllKlt VOItKVAST. IiicronHliiGT C'loudliii'RH unit Ponnlblo HhowiTH for Ni'brilKUu. WASHINGTON , Aug. 8 Tlie Indlcatlona for Thursilny nre : For NebniBkn IncreasInK cloudiness ; pos- Blbly showerH In the western portion ; cooler ; south winds , becoming north. For Iowa Fair ; cooler ; south winds , be coming north. For Missouri Fnlr ; south winds. For South Dakota Fair ; cooler ; northeast For 'Kansas Fair ; cooler In the northern portions ; south winds. Lnciil Itiicoril. OmcKOFTnu WBATHBH HuiuiAti , OVUIIA. Auc. 8. Omaha rccora of tomnuraturo anil rainfullcoininircd wJtii corrospondlng day of past 1 four years : 1804. IR03. 1R02. 1801. Maximum temiieraturo 00 = 03 = 100 = 07 = Minimum tommiraliiro. r- ! ) = 73 = 8070 = Avisrasu tomuorniuru. . HJ = 83 = 00 = 80 = I'rcclpltatlon 00 .00 .00 .00 Suitomutit showing the ooiiililljii of tem perature ami precipitation at O.nalia for ttie clay nnil since March 1 , IS'Jl ' : Normal tcmuorature 74 Kxci'ss for thu day H = KNCO.SS slnco Mtirch 1 , , VJ ? Noniiulproololtatlon J.1,1"01 Ilcllolem'y furtlioiliiy .11 Incn Deficiency since .March 1 11.04 Inuhos llepiirtu from Utlinr HtutldiH at H 1 > . M. "T" liidlcntca trace of rain. GKOIIOK K. HUNT , Local Forecast Official. Coolest rldo hereabouta to Courtlantl beach , Stand at the Head. For thirty years DuebcrWntch Crises have been endorsed by every prominent < lca- IcrinthoUnltedHtatcs. The Inolior trade- murk In this country , Land the Hall mark In RUBY JEWELED I England arc n guaran- a ADJUS7EO (4 f ( coot jmro rnctal. 17- cl Itampdcn rnovo- incuts In Pucbcr cnsc * stand at the head , Ifyour dealer docs not keep our wnlclien mall us your nildrenn and wa will nenil yon the name of n rlraler wlin iloei. Tan JJUKacB WATCH WORKH , Canton , O. "GUPIDENE" Cures the cflucta ot mlKilons , imiiotuncy , vuilcuctlo ami cunatl- nation. Ono dullur a box , Blx for $5. For Bnicby Tina aooi ) . MAN DHUQ CO , Umaha. Neb. TO OPERATE SUCCESSFULLY IN WALL STREET BE GUIDED BY OUT MARKET LETTER. Book on Speculation nnil Loltor mail ed fruo on application. Hlulicst roferouc * WKINMAN ACO. . , //roui/ti'iiy - A'CMV Vorlr. WM. LOUD ON. Commission Merchant Grain a nil 1'rovlslon.s. 1'rlvate wires to Clilcneo and New York. All buglnoHB order * iiTucetl on Chicago liourd of Truile. C'orreHi > omlcnco Hollclled. Ufflce. room i. New York Lite Uulldliu& ; V. Xeleyjone 1318 , *