TITK OMAHA DAILY BEK : MONDAY , AUGUST G , 1P91. JJPBPJRLJJOT10K8. . A < lTi > rll * . > mnH for these columns will ' " ' " ' [ JS until H JO p. m t r Hi * i-vnr-mnic nnd until .W p. m for lh morning nml Sunday " ' " " " "v. . , . Advertiser * liv ri-puesllnif n numl r check , can have nmwrn addressed to n numbered lellj-r In mrn of TheHep. . An wer m iiddrtMPd will I ) ' il llvorrtl upon presentation "I th rnccljvvi. , llAlro. l < ie n word ftr t Insertion , le n word ttmonfter Nothing taken for lew than 25o for Ifiirrtlon , . . i I. i * n < lvfril > pmi-nt must run consecutively. SITUAT10NS"WANTtD. i CAN ro OFFICE \\OIIK. I can travel i.r retail groceries. I must do something iiulrk llcut reference * from lastb. . * Addn-sa H M , Ilcc ollloc. ASI2-10 ACTIVIJ IIOY OF II WANTS STEADY EMI - I > Iiym nt , with Iwanl , wages no object. S67 , llei * . " * " " WANTED M ALE HELP. BOL1CITORS , TEAMS FUHHD-INSTALLMENT goods American Wringer Co. . 1613 Howrard. WANTED. HARTENDER. SPm-llIIAN TOWN Onn whd can furnish rccoinmpndiillons nml talk American , ( lermnn nnd Danish given prefer ence. Address , enclosing ph itograph , H 48 , lice. Photograph will be returned. IJ .VioJu n A HUITAHLE MAN. WITH SMALL CAPITAL , . cnn secure good situation anil minnKemenl of business nf it corpomtlon In thin city. The omit Co. wiuitB resident manager In ex-pry rlly In Neil , nnd Iowa , having population nf S.WW and upwards Give former < -xiierJence nnd reference llux 730 , Omnh.i. H 810-7 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED. GOODHUT. roil GENERAL housework In Hinnll family at IIS N zcih , reference required. L 31882 6 WANTED A"NEAT mm. roil GENERAL housework. 1117 I'nrk avenue. C M 81 6 | WANTED , A GOOD , RELIAIJLE , INIU'STRI- HUB woman to cook nml do our home work , niiill fnmlly , Hlendy cripo ! > menl ; pleas- nnt position for a writable iwmon. Apply to W. H. Bcavi > y. chief of police. C Mali 7 LADI'IIS WANTING"Fi7tsTtTL ASS O IRLS apply Scandinavian V. I. Home exchange.20 , FOB RENT HOUSES. TOUTS FOR RENT , mi FARNAM ST. D-663 VHIIY KINK 7-llOOM COTTAGE AT REduced - duced price , cull lit once , fidelity Trust Com- pnny. 170. ! Fnrniim street. D 661 WANTED-OOOD MEDIUM PRICED IIOUSKS. List your houses for rent with Amen. I ) CC5 FOR IlKNT. DESIRAHLE DWELLINGS IN nil part * of city. E. 11. Sheafe , 52 Paxtun blk. lJvl8A6 IIOUSKS. K. K. DARLING , DARKER HLOCK. I ) ItGC "roil RENT , MOUKItN 10-ROOM FL.VT. CENtrally - trally locait d , will readily 1111 with roomer * . II , II. Bin-life , 43J I'uxton block. U 'Jl'J-AC IIOUSKS IN AM , PARTS OK TIIK C1TV. Till : O. I * . Dal Is company , 1503 Farnam. U < iC7 6-HOOM "COTTAGES. MODERN , ( 'HOICK IN Stanford Circle. C. S. Elgutter. 201 lieu bldg. D 6G8 RENTAL ACIKNCV. G07 1IHOWN DI.OCK. I ) 66V A17 KELKENNY ft CO. , It. 1. CONTINENTAL UIX. FINK 7-llOOM CORNKR FLAT AT 701 S. 1CTII street ; langf mid oil other conveniences. George Clotiser , room S , 16il Kiiinntn stiei't. D 300 rou RENT IF SO ME" TIENTLEMANAND III * wlfu would UKu to rent n deslrnbl" modern house of nine looms In a choice locution , we baviII. . Hoggs & Hill. 1 > Ml-ASl CAII. ; AT orrici : roit rui.i. UKSCRIITION and pliotoRraph of these hou cs : 322T 1'rnlt ctnet , 4 rooms , $ S.OO. 3513 Hvard Hlieet , 1 rcHjniH , ne\v. $10.00. i 2113 ItrUtoi street , 7-room cottuKe. everything In It , bouml to suit , t" : oo. OIIQ ul tha llnest 7-iiKim houses In city , HO. 1'hkllty Trust Co. , 17th ami Karnain sis. D-572 IlKNT. MODHIIN 6-ROOM COTTAGK ; call forenoons 1521 Hherman nvenue. D M62I C ROOMS. MODKRN CONVKNIKNCKS ; 82S S. ISth st. D 740-0 FOll ItKNT lIOlTSf : OV TIIRKK ROOMB IN pond repair ; welt and cistern. Kmiulre nt 351G Webster Street. D 767-6 * C3 HOUSES. P , D. WKAD. 16T1I & DOUGLAS. U 772-7 FOR UKNT , LAltar. TWO-BTORY nl' formerly used byUio Marliorr Tiunk 1'nctory. .2430 BewnrU st. _ U-7X ) si 8014 MASON ST. , 8 IIOOMR. LAWN , DARN ; ele nnt location , J30.0U. S. K. HumphieU2S New York Life. D 7SI C 10-ROOM HOt'SK , MODKRN CONVKNIKNCKS. 621 S. 1'Jlli nil eel. U-841-C * FOR IlKNT. MOHT DKSIRAIiLK IIOUBK , 2513 Farmim. R. C. I'attersun , It.unKe block. 1 > M9Q1 MODKIIN SKVKN-ROOSI COTTAOn , $21.00 ; jilx-ropm cotinge , J.M.OO ; each having b.uns , line locations ; Kofnl neighborhood. Aildiest S ) , Il.-e. D-M9S3 7 * FOR RUNT. NICKLY FfRNISIIlID ROOMS. 1814 D lgc , Reference required. D M31I 7 * FOR RENT. NK'AT O-UOOM COTTAGE , sis.w month. 819 S. lillh at. D-791 4 * FOB. BENT FURNISHEU ROOMS. A LAROK KAST I'RONT 1'ARLOR , NICKLY furnished , very desirable , at icasunable talcs. 321 N. 15th street. K M620 FOR RKNT , I'OIl 2 MONTHS. I NICKLY FUR- nlshed rooms for housekeeping , llrst Moor ; modern. 2115 Kisklne street , N. 24lh. references required ; Jtr..OO. K M723 6 * NirKLY rriiNisTriTrfbT'Tii ; FIONT ROOM In private family , nil conveniences ; gentleman preferred. Reference renulred. C14 N. HHt st. i-750-0 ROOMS ri'RNMSHKD OR UNI-'L'RNI.SIIKD. 1619 Dodge St. i : 7SS S 3 NICK I'TRNISIIKI ) ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping , tin S. llth. E MiOO FURNISHED SOUTH FRONT rooms , modem conveniences , same lloor. 1S.J2 Chicago. U M911 10 ROOM FOR LIGHT IIOI'.SKKKKI'INO 119 N. 15th. K-M930 * FURNISHKU ROOMS , CJ < J SOfTH 10TH ST. K MU3J 2i ) FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME UNDER CARE OF Women's Christian association. Ill S. 17th t. F-671 ROOMS WITH HOARD. 2130 UAllNEY. F-17J-A12 * HOOMB WITH HOARD 1316 CHICAGO ST. F-M&1-A20 * NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AND FIRST class boa id , 1721 Dodge. F 215-A14 SOUTH ROOMS RKAPONAIILK. 2103 1XHJO- las street. 1' M73S 6 > THRKK ITRNISIIKD ROOMS FUR LIGHT houBukeepliii ; to paitUu without ihlldren. 1003 llomiid , 2d llo.ii' . K-MbM I , * _ WHAT is 'THAT ON THK s K. COR. OF ISTH ninl Howard * Why. the Webster hotel , where > ou can get elegant , rooms , with or without board , nt leasonable latei ; etenm hvut nnd u\eij thing drift-class , F M3J3 U * KOUTH FOUNT ROOM FOR A GKNTLKM AN , \\-illl llrat-ilpa boutd. Call nt IT''J Dodgu BtreeU F MS)7 ) 7 * _ _ NICKLY Ft'ltNMSHKD ROOMS WITH IIOAlll ) . 013 N. 20th. F-Sm 7 in : ROOM , WITH HOARD. for two ; line location ; all modtrn contenl- encea. Addreis T 1. I lee. FM'ljj 11 _ GOOD ilOARD AND ROOMS , JI.OO TO 6.r I'KR week , 2018 Davenport. F MWl 6 * FLRNISHKD ROOMS WITH HOARD. 2019 California it. F3S4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR KENT I NICK ROOMS. WATKli. 603 N. ISTH ST. I I'Nl'l'RNISHKD CHAMIIKRS FOR HOltSK- keeplng to man und wife : no children. 319 No. Jllh M. U-8U TIlKr.U PLKASANT ROOMS , CI.OSKTS. COAL house , city nuur ; housekeeping. 2U2I Howard gtreet. O M'JIS 6 111 FOl'll I.ARGK , rNFl'UNlSIIKD ROOMS for housekeeping , or more If detlred 2011 St. Mary'a n\eim < > . G MMI 6 * FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES roil IlKNT. THK 4-STORY 1IIUCU III II.DING 910 Furnam ( tfin-t. 't'liu building has a the- proofcttmenl I'asement , complete steam h < * at- me irxtumi. u.U'T on ull floors , u.is , etc. Ap ply ut .ttio v lc at The HOB , l-w CORNKlt 8TOIIH , (50.00. . > ! DOUGLAS. IN- ciulru 3 i. l-n\S,3 ( AOENTa WANTED. AGKNTH. DOTH SIJXKS. TO TAKK I'ON. truvt for reiutlc firm. 415 rnxtcn blk , Omaha , J-7II.A30' AUKNTS. MKX ANP WOMKN. 9H I'KR CKNT nioilt on iicceMiiiry huumtliul t article. I cents in .Maimis fur ixutlculnrn. I'N ' K6. Anhland , N l - J Mltttti * d TAKK oTuJKl'tTnTY"SAMl'LB AT home or Inivtl.Vt > | u > liberal sal.iry und ex > primr * or good iMinmUslon und furnish .imi.f { a rliiht u.'pllcaiil. Addrvs * Luck Jlox 1K4. Ntw York tlty. WANTED TO RENT. _ " _ _ WANT "TO LKASB FOR TKRM OF YKARS tenement Mock or number of dwellings cen trally located. Addresn 1' . O. llox 7M. K-37I WANTKI ) , TO RUNT A ONIM1ORHK , LIGHT. Iwo-niMiUil surrey. Address S 66 , H e. FUIINIHIIKD ROOMC KI7 DODGK ; STORAGE. STORAGB , WILLIAMS & CllO.S8.litl HARNKY. M 672 STORAOK FOR HOl'SKHOLD GOODS ; CLKAN and chrap late. It. Wells , till Kurmiin.M . M 67J FARNAM. Tcl.1559 M 674 IIKST 8TORAGK ntilLDING IN OMAHA. U. S. ROV. Ixmded warehouse. Household goods stored. Lowest rales. 1013-1015 Lca\enworth. M-II5 WANTED TO BUY. I1K8T POn T1II1 .MONKV.IIAVANA inoiirsT : pitiri : PAID rcm . furniture. lo\es. cle. 1. Urusscll , " 10-,12 N. Iflth N G. 8-A8 I 1IAVB HnVnitAI. I'AUTIIIH WHO WIHH to buy chrnp home * . Wlmlnf \ you to offer * D. F. HUTCH IKON. 108 N' . 15th st. Ni87 4 WANTHU TO IIUY , 40 Oil M ACIIKH NKAIl Omnha or Council Dluffs , Improved or iinlm- provpil ; pirt timber nml running water pre ferred. Aildresi S 44 , Ifee olllcc. POK SALE FURNITURE. I'AVMIJNTH IJA8V" ! YOU WON'T MISS YOUn money. Low prices on furniture & household goods. inlerirls- : | Credit Co. . 013-013 N. 16th st. O ia FOR SALE HORSES , WAUONS.ETO KOIt HAI.U , TWO OOOD KAM1I.Y HOIlHiS , cheap for rush ; safe nnd reliable. II. I. . Ilurkct , undertulcer , 23d and CumlnR streets. I' M840 P1NI3 HUCOND HAND PIIAirrON'S AND CA11 - HuKOH. A. J. Hlmpson's Repository , 1411 Dodne. I1--014-AUt 2 TOI' IIUaOICStH & JW.MIATIIKIt TOP C'AIl- rlaBe I" " ' . Urummond Carriage Co. 1' eel KOH HAW ! OR TUADIJ-2 IIORSHS WBHHl- Intr 1,00) llis. encli. 6 nnd 7 year old. Kr J Terry. 430 IlnniKe block. P "Ct PINI : IIOHHI : . uuuav AND IIAUNUSS. AD- dieis S 40 , llee. 1' 766-7 * WANTii > 7 IinAHONAIILH OPKHR TOR FA Si lly horse , phaeton and harness. 024 B. 2T > th st , cor. Jones. P-MS07 6' FAMILY HOIWn CHEAP. G ! GHOROIA AVK. IIOIISK , WAOON AND HAIINKSS FOU SAfn cheap at 171)3 ) Hurt street. P MS3I C FOR SALE , HORSES , WAGONS. ETC Continued. Hi : IIKST I.UATHnilTOP IJt'OflY IN OMAHA for JW.OO. Drummond , ISth and Harney. 1 * 5V ) FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. TOR SALi : . Killol JIOKTGAGi:3. GUARANteed - teed 8 per ceil , unni ot I3W.UO to $1,000.00. Why tnlt > 4 per tent whin you cnn Ret 8- ' AniP-i. 1C17 KiriiJin. q-MOai ici : KOII RAM : , CAN snrr ovuit ANY ROAD out of Oiniibn and Conn. U LJIulfs. I.amorcaux Ilros . 20i ( Ko. IClli , Omiilia. Q 333-A17 icn KOR KAI.K"IN CAR LOTS oiMinnr Urns. . Council lllurfs. Q M62I-A23 CIIIAPIST : CIIICKIN AND ORNAMIINTAI. , fence made. C. It. I.ce , 1W1 Douglas. Q-774 RANK AND PLATTi : VALLEY SAND TOR tale. C. W. Hull Company. 2Uth & Izurd gts. Q 775 WAGON UMIIIUILLAS. Sl.MPtiON , 1111 DODGI : . Q 51.1-A2I MISCELLANEOUS. unij MU.SP.UM ov ANATOMY TO MEN only. Dr. tiearles & Hfrulea , 141G Fnrmim st R 131-A10 YOUR OLD CARPKT WOVEN INTO rugs. Smyrna lugs repaired , 1321 Leavemvorth. R-M542 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. H. WARRKN , CLAIRVOYANT. RE"- llnblc business mtdlum ; 7th jear ut 119 N. 1C. S7ii CLAIRVOYANT PROFHSSOn WHITE CAN KIJ consulted on business , marriage , dlvore"a nml all family affairs ; the filtuie plainly lovealetl , loverx united , troubles helptd , names of friends and enemies ; also the one you will marry. Hours from 9 a. in. to 9 p. m. . Sun day , 9 to 0. 1017 Chicago street. S 103-A10 * MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. MADAMU SMITH , W2 S. 13TII , 2D PLOOll. roam 3. Massage , Mipor , alcohol , steam , sul phur anil sc.i bulbs. T MS93 11 * MASSAGE , MADAM UKRNARD , 1413 DODGR T MC5I-12 * PERSONAL. LADIES' AMI1ER JHWIILRY TO OllDIilT ; also repairing. 613 S. 10th btri'et. U M077 TRY HAVANA PUKCKLEg , A IOC SMOKE. U M3C7-A19 WHEN OUT WITH YOUR LADY VISIT J. J. Muller's new Ice cream imrlois , 2802 Leu\en- NNOith street ; everything Is new. Including the building. Tel. 10JO. Ice eienm delivered. U-CT8 VIAVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free. Addiess or call Vlavl Co. , 340 lice bldg. Lady attendant. U 619 UNION"IIRANDGENUINH WHOLE WHEAT Hour.VheatelNew breakfast food. Neal & Com ad. Wholesale Agents , Omaha.U U ai-A15 WHOLE WHEAT 11UEAD 1'ROM UNHOLTED lloui ut Imogen L. HaniM'y's , 217 N. liith st. i-21J-A19 MASAGE PATHS. MME. POST , 319& S. 15TH. U 3'j ; UMIIRELLAS MADE. R ECO V E R10 D AND 11R. paired. 105 South Sixteenth stieet. U-isS CREAM FOII WI HPPING.COTTA G E CHEESE , Waterloo creamery , 1013 Huwnid ; tcl. 1JJJ. U Stllli-All SAMUEL 11URNS INVITES YOU TO SEE HIS neu dinner eels at JJ.7S , formerly JH'.OO. U Mi A24 lULVU'FF A pleafimt itnd convenient place , 1120 1't.innm street , I'll\ton block ; 'phone 711.UCSQ U-CSQ THE WOMAN'S 11AKERY SUPPLIES VA- rlety of tholco goods , besides five Muds of the best luead In market ; whole wheat bread a specl.ilu ; gojds delivered ; telephone 451. Mrs. C. RaUlle , managir , 1104 N. 24th St. U-633-A-25 STRAW HATS CLEANED , RESHAPED AND m.ule new. SOS N. 20th St. U 623-A-23 WANTED FOR UNION CO. FAIR , AT ELK Point , > t D. , ono merry-go-round nnd one bal loon ascension man. Apply to secretary. Elk Point , S. I ) . , fair , Sept. 18 , 19 , 20 und SI. H. Miiiphcy , secretary. U 60S 10 MME. L\T lioblv , MASSAGE , 1609 LEVEV - worth st. , third lloor , front rooms to left I' : sa s TAKE Youu "FRIEND ; TINTYPES. 4 VciTi _ jgc. 1'pjclor. fd6 H. 10th street. U M83I KIND HEARTED. SENSII1LE ENGLISH LADY (37) ( ) . trmeled , reltnod , well Informed and agree , able , would like to conespondlth a middle- aged gentleman of comfortable Income , with n view to matrimony. Is fair , of medium height , stlsh ! ilnuru. No Irltlcm need apply. Addieas Yerltus , ISO East llth street , New York. U MS30 C WANTED , HY AN KI.DERLY PENTLEMAN of mealls , tha aeiiuulntaneo of petite young lady , brunette prefeired. AddicaB S C3 , Dee. U M833 C' INFORMATION WANTED OF ANY TRACE of minion A Wilson , natlva < if Now York C ly , of Scotch parents , IOIIR n resident of I/juUvllle. Ky.llelo be learned thu trade of copper- mnUh , HUH a member of thu order of Odd Felljus In sam city , blue eyes , light com plexion ; If tills nicou the notice of any one who ran Klve tiaeo of him they will do n favor by snullnif word to Ills ulster. Agnes Wlls m , who Is alone among stningeiti with out means , txdtlrrss J. II. llosi , secretary Odd Fell IMS' temple. Elm and "ill street. Cin cinnati , Ohio. Ui91 & LAD Y ( . ' L A1119 y ANT ; H EAl7Fn AND HUsF- neas especially . 1026 S. 2'Hh stieet. Omaha. l'-MiH ) U WANTED. THE ADDRESS OF HENRY . Pott or Polls , xtho In istx ) was nt or near Onmhn , Ni-li. ; J10.Wlll be iiUcn for post- olllce mUlress , E. It , UUIs , box SI. CriHton In. U M9W 11 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POU ( 7E3 LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chetney , Kuniaj City. Mo. _ _ ANTHONY LOAN & Tlll'.ST CO , , 1IJN.Y. LIPE loans nt law ruUs for cholco icrurlty on Ne braska and Iowa farmi or Omaha city property W CS1 IAANH , U. H. 8HEAFE. 4 PAXTON HLlci W-8H-A6 _ _ _ _ _ MONEV TO LOAN ON FARM IN DoUtlLAB Improved and unlmprovnl Omaha real t stair ndtllly Trmt Co. . 17U3 Farnnni st. W- MONEY TO TOAN ON IMPROVED" OMAHA real tutatr. Uranium , LaCo. . , Paxton Ilk ' \f iat MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE Continued. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY properly ; $3,000 A upwards , G to 654 per cvnl ! no delays. W. Farnani Smith & Co , , 1320 Farnnni. W-687 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY nnd Nebraska farms at from 6 tn 7 l"r cent. W. II. Mrlkle , First National bank building. 1X3AN8 WANTED. J. N. FRENV.ER , OPP. P.O. W-.76g.3l _ MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORE , 501 N.Y.LIFE. W taiui4' _ MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1 J Pnmnm st. W Cll OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. . 18TII AND ' Douglas etrft'tj" . loan money nn city nnd farm property nt lowest rates of Interest. W 6M UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital (2Oun.ouO. Surplus IMO.OOO , Sub mit cholco loans to F , 8. Pusey. agent. First National bank building. W-6M _ MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST UATRtt ON Improvnl and unlmproted Omalm real estate , 1 to 6 years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Furnim. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Ilrennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W M _ SEU V. D ] WEAD FOR ANY MORTGAGE loan you wnnt to nmko or s II. W 771-7 FIRST MORTGAGES DOUOHT ON DO1K1LAH or Sarpy county farms. Reed & Sellijr , 131 loard ot Trade bulldlnif. W 815 _ LOANS ON DOUGLAS OR HARPY COUNTY farmt. Write us. Reed & Selby , 331 Chamber of Commerce bldg. W 8S1 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. J. U. HADDOCK , ROOM 427 IIAMGE IlLOflC. X-C92 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURN1TUUE. I'lANOlT horses , wagons , elc. , nt lowest rates In city ; no removal of goodi : strictly confidential ; > ou can pay the loan off at any time or In any amounts. amounts.OMAHA OMAHA SIORTOAOE LOAN CO 30ti South 16th street. X 693 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD PURNI- ture , pianos , horses , waK ns , or nny kind of chattel security , nt lowest | i lble rates , which you can pay back nt any lime , and In nny amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . room 4 , Wlthnell block. X CM SHORT TIME LOANS , 432 PAXTON IILOCK. X-917-AO MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP crty. Har\ln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y , Life build- Ing. X Mi ) CONFIDENTIAL LOANS MADE ON CHATEL secuiltles. Address I1. O. IJox 752. X 373 When you want HELP Let THE..BEE . . HELP you get HELP 25c for.seven- teen words or less first timej and a t penny a word after that no matter how many words There arellpts oF folks needing HELP We wilKHELP " you and you will get HELP. ri a BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE. ALL FURNITURE NOW IN USE in conducting a nrst-class hotel. Hotel build- Inr can be leased for any number of years. Mn > . A ? II. RayValentIne _ , Neb. Y-MS63 SMOKE IlIvANTrimECKLES. FOR SALE , GROCERY STORE , GOOD CLEAN stock , located on the best street In the city ; will Invoice at ubout $1.800.00 : will sell for cash only ; good icason for selling. Address * P 29 Hee. M198 A13 IF YOU WANT TO HUY.SELL OR EXCHANGE merchandise , get In or out of the business , call on or address the National Information and Exchange Co. , 203 First National banls , Omaha , Neb. x W3 A.4 FOR RENT A DEPARTMENT ON SECOND floor. SOx'JO , In one of the largest .houses In Council muffs. 13 , care Ucc , Council Bluffs. Y M63j A DOCTOR IN A GOOD COUNTY SEAT TOWN In Neb. desires to sell his dwelling , household furniture , olllce building nnd practice at n gieat sacilllce. Oldest established doctor In the county ; a grcal snap. Address ; S M Hee , Omaha. 1 M872 0 * FOR SALE. HAKERY AND RESTAURANT IN a good live town of l.OOu to 1,10 ( ) population. Address Hee olllce. Lincoln. Y M927 7' FOR SALE , DIG PAYING HUSINESS ; NO competition. JI.SOO cash takes It. Address S CO , this olllce. Y-SI9-A3' FOR EXCHANGE. UARGA1NS IN HOMESTRADESALE,1.01 ( Dodio K C'J7 " " FOR TRADE" . FOR OMAHA IMPROVED PROP- eitles woith tt.UOO.IJO to tlO.000.00 , good farm lands In tills stale ; will as umo reasonable In- cumhrnnce. What have > ou got ? Ames. 1817 Fainam street. Z M317 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR MERCHAN- dlue of eveiy kind , a small livery In Unit class shape. Inquire at drug store , 3014 Ame _ ave. WANTED , MISSOURI LAND. CLEAR , IN EX- chaiiKo for good Inside Income bearing propelty , clc.u. Addiess llox 121 , Sioux City , la. 2-M796 G WAER-l'OWER FEED MILL. DWELLING house ami 8 acres of land , t i miles from Council muffs. F. C. Lougee , Council lllurfs , Iowa. /-lil4-9 A 10-CENTER FOR 50 , HAVANA FRECKLES. 7. M3C7 A19 FOR EXCHANGE. FINE LANDS , WELL LO calfil , ptoduct e and some cash , for stock of general merchandise. Address lock Hov 30 , llrn\vr ICey , Neb. Z M904 H WANTED , STOCK OF CLOTHING , OHOCER- Ics nnd hardwaie In exchange for ImpioM-d Omaha ically. R. C. Patterson , Rnnige block. H-M903 FOR TRADE , A HORSE FOR GOOD IH'GGY or n good drl\er ; will pay difference , St. Mary's A\enuc Ll\ery stable. K M933 7 * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SNAP-SMOOTH. RICH GARDEN LAND FIVE miles from postoillee , 1100 per nei'e , might take tome Irudo. 'JOI N. Y. L. building. building.R E-176.A13 . FOR SALE 40. 60 OR 100 ACRES , JOINS FLOR- ence. Splendid land for InvestiiK'iit. Only $60 ul acre , Ames , 1617 Farnam street. R E-M3H FOR SALE , CHOICE SECTION LAND NEAR Lexington , Daw son county. No liner land In the stale. Ames , 1617 Fiirnam , It K M31S CHOICE GARDEN LANDS , 5 MILES FROM iratolllce , In tracts from 10 to 160 lu-irx. A great bargain. Will take some trade. N. D. Keyes. 617 Paxton bloik. RE-M7c LIBT HAROAINH FOR QUICK TURNS. 0"i Dodge. H lv-700 ' " ' A 'HAHGAIN-I R SALE , to ACRES 'LAND. 70 In cultivation , 10 In Umber ; rll Impioird crop , stock and linplements , new house , with 6 rooms and well furnished : cash , $ . ' . 001)0 ) ; two miles from railway station. For pnrtlcu- lara apply to O. A. Heberer , 1'hllHpshure- , l iclede county , Mo. RIM7i37. ' FOR SALE , 4.460 ACRES OF LAND 60 MILES iiorthncut of Oinolm. Addivss Thuniaa Kerl , Oakland. Neb. RE-M777 81' HARGAIN , A FINE 430-ACRE FAIUI. 12 miles from Omaha , only 140.00 per aero. C. R , HoatrUhl. 801 N. Y , Lite. RF.-3a > ul7 I' . ' D. HUTCHINSON. Je5 FARN.VM. HAS rash cu < toinern to buy cheap lots , I'Uilomrr tor lot near 31st und IVxlKe , liorsn and cnrrlaxn for chrap lot , ( -room house for vacant prop- ort ) groceries and hardware fj rauli ul it real ratiite , tenant for furnUhc.1 IIOUIK- , inn lent nice collage * . HE- ! > J 7 FOR BALE-HAL ESTATE. $ C.W PER ACRE WlHU Ht'Y A3 FINE A stock nml hay ranch as there Is In the Elkhorn - horn tnllryi only tJ o"rt" ' } cash rniulred ; Iml- nnce on long tlnnT D acres In n bunch , Correspond with Clarence Sflah , O'Neill. Neb. tj ) il HE M82S 7 FOR SALE. NEW 4OifcM COTTAGE : CEL. l.ir , cistern , city w uteri cor. 13th nnd fabler ; tl.260.00 ! long time. llmriilre 131S Pnrn.nn. Samuel Uurin. R E-693 HARGAINST HOT-SES. tSTfs" AND FARMS , tale or Iradc. F. K. Darling , Harker block. FOR HALE , 1S',4 MIUES , f'ROM OMAHA. 430 acres well Improved ? W'acres In hay. 1.0 In corn and onts , balanoe ln limber. Will sell nr $10 an ncrc on cgsy terms. II will pay to Investigate this. AmJ . "K17 | ' _ WE CAN GIVE A DISCOUNT OF $2,0 > > TlN A Hanscom Placeresldenre , every conv. A lln 6 r. house ( cellar iihilerrd ) , city vvaler. well nnd cistern. $1.300. 6 r. house rn ni ? nt $1 ) .W for $1,500. $ WO lash buys n $ I,2 > M lot In N. \ \ . parl of city. F. D. Wead , 16th nnd Doughis. 10 ACRES ( CLOSE IN ) . $2.000. 5 acies well Improved , $ liOO. 610 , Johnson Co. , $30 nn ncrc. 200 , Hurt Co. , $37 an acre. . . 40 ( close In ) , $ -,000. 200 near Omaha , $8.000. 160 near Onialn , $10.000. 440 near Omaha. $10 nn acre. C67 , Snrpy Co , $30 nn acre. 200 near Nebraska Cltv , $8.000. Wanted 80 In Sarpy Co. Wanted 160 In Washington Co. Wanted G nnd 10 acre lots. Wanted San Diego for Omaha property. Wanted Omaha for Chicago property. C. F. Harrison , 812 N. Y. Life , Omaha. BICYCLES. 11ICYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tires und sundries. Safes opened , repaired. C. II. Hellln , locksmith. JHN. 16th street. P2i-A6 llCYCLEs ] NEW ANDOLD2o TO J125 easy pa > ments ; c lent and repair. Omalcx lllcycle Co. , 323 N. 16th street. Telephone12J. _ NEW WARWICK , 1M4 PATTERN. STRICTLY hUh grade , adjustable handle and rear brake on no other wheel. Inquire Omaha Coal , Coke & Lime Co. , 16th and Douglas st. 13J-A10 U1CYCLES-ALL STYLES. Send for our list of second hand and shop worn bicycles. Repairs and cycle sundries of all kinds. M. O. Daxiin , 402 N. IClll st. Ml SHORTHAND ANI ) TYPEWRITINQ. VAN RANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND , M3 N. Y. Life , Omaha.Aslt for circular. 718 LEARN PRACTICAL ItUSINESS & SHORT- hanil. Roote's Omaha Rus. Col , IJtli & Fainam 213 A13 UNDERTAKERS AN D EMB ALMER3 II. K. nURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND eiiibalmer. l618Clilcago _ st , , telephone SO. 703 SWANSON & VALIEN.'UNDERTAKERS'AND cmbalmers. 1701 Cumlng st. , telepliono 1060 _ 706 'l ' ' UND13IITAKEU AND EM- balmcr , 1417 Farnnni at. , telephone 223. 707 & HEAVKY , 218 S. 14TlFsT. TEL. 20o ; also 24th and N sts. , So. Omaha ! 708 A21 _ _ _ _ JOB PRINTING. _ QUICK PRINTERS , KRAMER & CHANDLER 1121 Farnam and 307-9 S. 12th. 16 6 Mall orders gel quick action. _ 603-A4 REED JOB PRINTING CQ. FINE PRINTING of all kinds. 17th st. , JJeo building. 716 MAIL ORDER COMMERCIAL TlUNTINO A specialty. Douglas Printing Co. , 419 S. 15th street , blicelcy bldg. Tel. 641 for prompt service. _ M733 LOST. STOLEN. ONE DELIVERY WAGON. EAGLE Cornice works. Painted on sides. ! reward C ? . , , fr rcluln of same to John Epencter. 103 N. Hth st. LOST 8J4-6 LOST 13 REWARD A IIROWN HORSE weight 900 pounds. Han a Mimll white spot on ; ! lt'"ii ! "usl"p. ! . < 1' At'Cut 7 1C"1M "ld- ' ' 'fnnk i Heine , 3120 So. 17th St. , near Spring st. , Om.iha. . 8M-0 MUSIC , AItT AND G. V. GELLENIimfi DANJOIST AND teacher. liilO California stieet. 914 FOR HAROAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS : easy payments ; Instiurnents rented , rents apply on purchase. A. Hospe , Jr. 701 MRS. JESSJE RROVVN-CROMMETT. THE only post graduate of Emerson College of Ora tory. Hoston In Omaha , who teaches elocution and phjslcal culture. Ware building , Omaha. 211 A13 BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. 613 S. Itilh. 709 ii. L. CARTER ] METAL CORNICE SKY lights , smoke stacks , fuinacts. 1617 Howard st. _ HL D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL OF- llce to 20 B. 16th bt. . Drown block. M163 DAMAGED MlHROHS'ltKBILVERED ' , 7l9 N.IF. _ THE MIDLAND Coiner 16th and CliloSgo sis. ; coolest hotel In Onulia , new hulWox.anew furniture , elcc- irle bells , bath. BlraiiL.Jinat American plan. II.M to lioo per dav lJUropean iilan. Wo lo JI.OO per day. M. J1. ' rrank , proprietor. " ' 714 .AETNA IIOUHi : ( EUlibi'L'AN ' ) N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. lloonrby day or week. j"a'- 108 A9 TYPEWRITERS TYPEWRITERS HQlIOIIiT. SOLD. T.X- changed. rented and repaired. Tjpewrller and olllce supplies. Typ nets | rented at tl per month. The Omaha Tyi wfrlter Exchange , suc cessors to Iho typewTluiiK department of the Megeath Slatlonaiv VlliOS. . 13th , tel. 1361. SEE TilE NEW DOuTwWHTY TYPEWRITER J " 2 ° ! " ijm'.iwail''t ' | Uxc""nKe' tcl' $ ' PLUM ERST FREE-PLUM111NG OF 'EVERY KIND , GAS steam & hot water heating , revverniie. 313 S. 16 , J J. HANIOAN. PLGMIIING. STEAM AND hot water healing , 2703 I/cuvenwoith t. ) Si JOHN HOWE & co. , PLUM H i NO STE A M A N D hot water heating , gas llxturvs , globes , 421 S. 13. 4SI EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. WHITE'S EMPIX5YMENT OFFICE. TUB ONLY Place to eel help of oil , kinds In the city. 154 All CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS. GALVANISED Iron cornices. 17 t Ht. Mary'a ave , 391 " L'AGLE CORNICE WORKS. JOHN El'E neier , l > rt > i > , , 10i , lie , in N. luu. Enub , IM Sil ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATl'llEH AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage balterles Irchnrgcd , flectrlcnl snd sen- mil mnehlnlsts , superior work KUtranleod. Omaha Eletlrh.nl Works. C17 nnd 61) a 16th St. 711 ELECTRICAL I'.NGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for eli'drlc light and motor plants nnd nit kinds of electrical oonstruetlonestern Elec- I'lO Supply Co. , 413 nnd 490 H. ISth st. 713 TENTS AND AWNINGS. WOLF IIROS A CO. . MANt'FACTUtr.llS OP .wnliiKs , tents , I1.1K8 , wagon , liny , stuck covers , tarpaulins , banners , streamers. 703-700 S. 16th St. , telephone GUI. Tents for rent , 713 WHY DON'T RENT A TENT , TAKE A \neallon nnd rest > ourselt ? Thn Onmhn Tent nnd Awning Co. h.ivn tents ot nil kinds that they rent cheap , 1311 Farnam st. SS3 A17 "CARPENTERS AND BUILDERST C. E. MORRILL , CARPENTER. OFFICE AND store fixtures n specialty. Patching and postering. 1313 Capitol n\e , tcl. 40S 532 HAMILTON IIROS. . GENERAL CONTUAC- tors nnd builders , caipenter work , tirlck la > lnE and plastering. 411 S. ISlh si. , lei. 1ITJ.M333 M333 OPTICIANS. THE ALOE A PENFOLD CO . SCIENTIFIC opticians. 1103 Farnam st. , opposite Paxton hotel. Eyes examined free. 701 OMAHA OlTICAlj CO. , LEADING OPTICIANS , J. F. I'onder , manager. Eyes tested free 222 South 16th , In Klnsler'a drug store. 813-17' EYES TESTED FREE HY A PRACTICAL OP- llclan. We guarantee to fit the eyes perfectly to your entire satisfaction or money refunded A. MANDELI1ERG , Jeweler nnd optician , northeast corner Six teenth and Farnam sticeta. S63-A4 * HAY AND GRAIN. IIUY YOUR HAY RY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. Sn > dcr , 1015 Hurt at , , lei. 1101. NERRASKA"HAY" Fo w7ioLESALE HAY. grain and mill stuff. We are always on the market to buy or sell. IMS Webster st. 138 STBN O GR APHERS. C. A. POTTER , 626 N. Y. LIFE HU1LD1NG. does all kinds of stenographic work , law cases , depositions , chancery work , copying etc. , nt reasonable prices. Call nnd see the Duplex typewriter , writes two letters at one and the satna time , the fastest tjpewrttcr In the world. M9I1 A6 HARNESS. HARNESS. WHIPS. NETS , ETC. REPAIRING a kpeclally. 113 N. 1Mb si. 717 GET MY PRICES Iir.FORE YOtr IIUY A HAR- ness. August llohne , 711 S , 16th st.MIIC M-IIC A10 GRINDING. RAZORS , SHEARS , CLIPPERS. LAWN MOWers - ers , etc. A. I. . Underlain ! . 106 N. 14th. 720 HORSESHOEING. MRS. THOMAS MALONEY , 912 N. 16TII ST. 1S3 All PAW NBROKERS. FRED MOHLE , 1617' ' " FARNAM , JEWELRY. 721 II. MAROW1T7. LOANS MONEY , 508 N. 16th st. 722 STEAM COOKERS. THE ItEVERIDOE AUTOMATIC COOKER. NO odor , does not burn , saxes V& fuel , Hts any stove , coal , gasoline or gas ; send for circular. Milton Rogers & Sons , sole agts , Karnain ,114th. 740-A30 DENTISTS. DR. GEORGE S. NASON. DENTIST. SUITE 200 Faxton block , 16th and Farnam st * * . , tel. 712. 721 DR. PAUL. DENTIST , 2020 HURT ST. 335 ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY. ELOCUTION PHYSICAL CUL- ture. Emerson method. Summer pupils re ceived. Room 9 , Commercial Nut't bank. M163 al2 FURNACES. BEST FURNACE MADE.SOIT COAL SMOKE consuming and bald coal furnaces. Eagle Cor nice works , 103-112 N. llth St. 832 DANCiNG. FOR PRIVATE LESSONS. STAGE OR iclety dances , call on Morand. 1310 Harney , Or 2UtJ Dodge st. .terms reasonable. M96IA7 WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON RROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited. 1003 Farnam st. U23 TAXIDERMISTS. TAXIDERMY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- loguc. George E. Drown , Jr. , Ac Co. , 709 S. 16th. 72 > DYE WORKS. SCHOEDSACK. TWIN CITY DYE WORICP. 1521 Farnam street Dyeing of every descrip tion and dry cleaning. M752 LIVERY STABLE. HOARDING STA11LES , FINE LIVERY RIGS cheap. Ed Uaumley , 17th and St. Mary's u\e M 486 HAIRDRESSING MILLER. LADIES' HAIRDRESSINO , SHAM- poolng , Btenmlng hair goods , 1513 Douglas. 726 ROHERT STEIN , THE OLD REI.IAIILE HAIR cutter. 10th lloor , N. Y. Life bldg MS37-S3 UPHOLSTERING. UPHOL'RINO CAHINET MATTRESS WORKS. W. II. Hell , U. A. McEadiron. 2717 Leavenw'th. 167 WANTED TO BORROW. $300.00 TO J3.KK.00 ( ON CHOICE INSIDE property. Addiesa S 66 , llee olllce. M909 8 1JURKAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Dec Building , OMAHA , Nob. Aclvluo FREb CARD Luives | CHICAGO iV NORTHWEoT'N lAirlvia OnubalU. P. Depot 10th & Mason Sts. | Oinalu llWam : Chicago Express , . . UilOpTn i:0 : m Vestibule Limited 920am ; U-U | > m ( Ex. Sat. ) . Cnit. Pabs.dJx. Mon ) U.J-iam G.jO.im .Mo. Valley Local ID.JUum 6JOpm ; Thu Oveilaud Flyer 2.15pm Leaves .CHICAGO. UURLINGTON i" 77\iFives | _ Oinaha | _ Depot 10th and Mason tits. I Oinalu 4l5pm Chlcjgo \eutlbula..7.7. . . 9.50am IMDani Chicago Express. , 4:25pm : 7:02pm. : . . . Chicago anil lowu Local 8:0uam : lljSiam Pacll'.c Junction Ixicul. . . . . . 6:05pm : Li-aves ItlURLINGlON * MO. RlVER-IAfrTveT" Omahal Depot 10th and Mason sts. I Onmni 10:15am : Denver Express 9 : 3tam. 1016am ; Deadwood Express 4:10pm : 4COpm : Denver Express 4:10ptn : CiWpr.i . .Nebraska Local ( except Sun. ) . . . 6:60pm : _ 8lium..LlncoUi Local ( except Sunday..ll:2Jam : Leaves T if. O. , " T. J. & < Z iT. ( Arrlvei jDnmhal Depot IQlli and tlason Hts. I Omaha ' t:4Jam Kaunas'City Day Expiuiis 6.5ipm :45pmIC. : C Night Ex. vlaU. _ P. Trans. 6iMim Lea\ea I CHICAGO , ff l. aTpACIPIC. lAirlvej OmulialUnli.il Depot loth & Mason Sts I Omalm ' * EAST. _ _ _ ' _ IO:15am..Atlantlo : Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . 6o3pm : 6Upni : Night Express. , 6:40am : 4140pm..Chicago Vestlbuled Limited. . . . liiUpm UWpro.Oklahoma : Ezp. ( to C. U. ex boa ) . 6:3Jura : ' ' _ 2 WEST. 6Mam.Oklahoma : ft Texas K\ji. ( ex rianj ll:3Jpm : IjSopm , Colorado Limited 4:10pm Leaves I UNION PACIFIC. | Ariir OnittliaUnlon | Dtpot loth & Ma on 81s. | Oma.ia lWam : Dcntri Express. J50pra ; ! : Upm Overland Flyer 62)pm ; ) tUSpm.Heatrlce & Btromib'g Excx Sun.12:30om ) : ( :40 : | > ni..i Paclflo Exprcu ioC5am : ttiOpni . . . . . .Fait M . . . . . . . . . , _ : m ' " teTTCeT rOl IIOA OOT MTnr a'lV "PAT JG.jA rilTvVj OmahalUnlun Depot JOlh & Mason Hti | Oiiialu " " 6:3Spm : Chicago Limited" . . . . . . . . U:33aie JljlOatn. . . .Chkiigo Expi e Jvj. _ Hun J. . . . SiOOpm t av T VK. M. < 7 . 'ATTiTkr Arrived OmahaJJDepot 15th and Webster &t . _ ( Oinalu t.OIani Drndnood Eipienj . . . . S.lOpm lOEam.Ex. : ( Sal.j.Wyo. Er.Kx. Mon ) . 6lopm : 6.00pm Norfolk Express ( Ex. Hunda > . ) 10 4iim C:30 : ] > m St , Haul Exureit. n 4 Mm Leaves i Mlri.-DUIll PACIFIC | Anlve Omahal DfpotlSlh and Web ter Sli lOmam _ _ cooam St. Ixiuls Express ii:00irn : 8:30pm : . .St , Ixjuls Express 6:53pm : 6'lOpm.Dally i x. Sun , < Nebraska I Kal 9 tn.m , 'Leave * I C. , ST. P. . M. & O. lAr act Omaha ! Depot ISlh and Webster Sti. J On.iht S OOum. Sioux City Accom ( Ex. Sun.t.T 8.0prr. )0:00am..Sioux ) : City Accom ( Sun. Only. ) . 8. < > ! [ ini 12Upm : .Hloux city Exures * ( Ex. Sun. ) .llis.im : 6MpmfJ..St. : Paul Llmltyd _ u-4)ani T. 7vS aiODX CITY & "PA"CHIC. iAirtvTT OnmhaU. | _ P. Ueput loth A Mn unSU.J _ Oinalu : Mom Sioux City Pa neef. . . . . . . 10,20pm > : Mpiii. . . . , Ut. Paul Exprtiri. T.'eaveu'i SfGOX I'lTV At I'ACII''IC , Omahal D * | it ISlh nnd U'ebsUr Hu. E-30im SI , Paul Limited y\im \ . .Chicago Llmlud T r | OM"ATlA . "A'f XTillfS iirahilUJ DfpU Utli & Maw-i rtts. UpmUt. Ixiul * Cannon Hull . . . U.Jipw CDSTER'S ' DISCOVERY OF COLD It Led to the Inva-ion ff the Black Hills Wiiilo Still nn Indian Hosorvntiou , GOLD SEEKERS A LITTLE "TOO PREVIOUS" t ) > rrliilii-n by Tronjn Tlipy Arc Hiiininnrlly 1 Jcctrcl nnd Alcm < Tliiin I'lfty I.onilpil UiiRiintVcro Conlls- cutcd unit Itnrncil. There nro atlll scattorcil throuRhout South UnUota R number of the men who partici pated In the rush to the lllnck IIIIU luuno- illntoly after anil durltiK tlio year followhiR the discovery of gold In that section by General Custcr , who cominniukul tlio govern- iiiont cxpcilltlon that vlaltcd tlio Illlla In the summer of 1874. As the tllnck Hills uoro not ceded by the Indiana until 1876 , nil who entered that gold-saturated paradise previous to that time took their lives tn their hands and ran the constant risk of being waylaid nnd killed by Indians , or captured by the troops of Uncln Bant and escorted out of the country , after having all their effects confiscated by the federal authorities. Among the men who entered the Dlack Hills In 1S7E > was John lllslilre , now n resi dent of Chamberlain , S , D. Himself nnd four companions made the utart from the present location of Fort 1'lerro In April of that year. The land now embraced In the town alto WHS at that tlmo Included In a largo ranch owned by a man named John Frasor. Ono of the party of gold hunters \\as u man named Swurangcr , and as ho claimed to be an old California miner , the other members of the party depended upon him to IIml the gold after they reached the distant Kldorado. Another of the party , William Trnynor , was a civil engineer. The other two were Frenchmen , \\lioso natural love of adven ture , and the possibility of gain , Induced them to Join the little cavalcade. They crossed to thu west side of the Mis souri river In the steamer Key West , a boat famous In the history of early days on the upper Missouri. The supplies for the party were transported In n wagon , \\hlch was drawn by two horses. The ranchman , John Krascr , was engaged to guide them across the dangsrous and practically un known country , ICO miles In width , which beparuted them from their de&tlmitlun. For about sixty miles the party followed Had river , and from there drifted over to the Hail Lands , whera the men went Into camp on the north branch of the Whlto river and remained a coup.o of days. In thu D.id Lands it was necessary more than once to take the wagon apart and carry It down tlio precipices. While In the Had Lands Fraser , the guide , was discharged on ac count of his Inability to guide the party properly. H'-'iwtcn the forks of the Cheyenne river the men frequently saw large herds of buf falo. Many bones were found scattered about over the prairie , which were ascer tained to be those of Indians , who had proba bly been killed In battle with other bavage tribes and allowed to lie where they hud fallen. Elslilre secured a perfect Indian skeleton , but afterwards had the misfortune to lose It. The llrst view of the Illack llllis was obtained soon aftur crossing the Chey enne river , thirteen days having been con sumed In making the trip Irani the Missouri river to the foot hills. A remarkable feature of the journey was the fact that dur ing the entire thirteen days not a single Indian was seen , although the country was fairly teeming with the red men. After the first view of the Hills the party headed btralght for them. Knowing that General Custer had entered the Hills the year previous , Elahire and his comrades de cided to strike If possible the route traveled by Custcr and Ills expedition , and enter tlio hills by the same route , as It would save them days of fruitless scrambling among the well-nigh Impassable canyons and creeks , whose Bolltuda so far as known had not yet been disturbed by the presence of the pale face. After traveling northward for two days along the foot hills the party succeeded in btriMng the Custer trail , which entered the Black Hills from the north. Uouil makers had gone ahead of the Cus ter expedition and made a road , which at the time of the visit of IClshlro and his com panions was still plainly to be seen , being as well beaten as any old established east ern highway. Elshlre"s party followed the Custer trail nearly to the southern extremity of the Black Hills , nnd Dually concluded to halt near Harney's Peak. Helow this moun tain on French creek two Sioux City men. Gordon and Whltcher , had located the fall previous with a party of gold hunters , and for their protection had constructed n huge stockade which was designed as a safeguard against assaults by Indians. The stockade proper was constructed of logs with the unds burled In the ground , rendering It ax Impregnable as a fortress. Inside tills enclosure eight houses were built , pine logs furnishing the building material. They made comfortable dwellings , being provided with fire places and other conveniences. The stockade did not have block houses on the corners from which sentries could overlook the surrounding country , but holes had been cut all around the stockade , through which rifles could bo fired In all directions in the event of an Indian attack. About two weeks prior to the arrival In that region of Klshlre and his companions United States troops from Camp Slierldun , Neb. , raided the stockade to the consterna tion of Its Inmates. Whltcher had left early that spring for Sioux City after supplies , and had not yet returned , but Gordon and the balance of his party wcro made prison ers nnd taken to Camp Sheridan. On Whltclicr's return from Sioux City with fifty or sixty wagonloads of supplies , the caravan was stopped near Camp Sheridan when about to head northward , and Captain Walker , who was In command of the troops , ordered the supply train to go no further. While tlio vigilance of the troops was tem porarily relaxed Whltcher and his men at tempted to escape v/lth all the wagons. In preparation for an attack by the troops , the wagons were drawn up In a elrele on the pralrlo , the men at first undoubtedly Intending to make a desperate resistance to any attempt on the part of the military au thorities to recapture them. Hut when the troops arrived on the ground the next morning and ordered them to throw up their hands and submit to tlio authority ut the United States , the men considered that dis cretion was the better part of valor and compiled with as good grace ns the circum stances would permit. The men wcro then placed under arrest and the wagons with all their contents wcro burned. Tlio men wcro held as prisoners for n time , when they were released nnd many of them returned to Sioux City. When last heard of Whltchor lived In the Hello Fourcho region of the Illack Hills , whcro ho had a stock ranch. Klalilre's party thought they were very fortunate when they arrived at the de serted stockade and found that everything belonging to Us former occupants , xuch ns picks , gold pans , shovels , cooking utensils , etc. , had been left behind. Without hesita tion they took possession of the stockade nnd prepared to make themselves comfort able , but within a few dnyu ran out of provisions. A eearch through the build- IngH faIIoil to develop anything of an edible nature , but finding a barrel of salt In one of the'buildings the men managed , by killing u deer now und then , to licup from ularv- Ing. Finally becoming tired of subsisting on nothing but venison flavored with salt , Swarangcr , the old California miner , volun tccrcd to taka KlHhlru'H hoi'bu und go to Sidney , Neb. , nflcr supplies. In the menu time the men had been dili gently prospecting for gold In the surround ing country with very good success , and finally engaged In placer mining along Ca lamity bar , on French creek , In the vicinity of the Blockade. It was at this plucu that General Custer'n party had llr t discovered gold while on the expedition the year pre vious. Klulilro stiiUH that ho saw the cavity , about seven or eight feet deep , from which CiiKter'a party took tbulr first gold. I'rof. Jenny , at present dean of the State School of Mines at SpearfUh , was with General Custer , and hu In generally credited with having bijen the first to find gold. During , the absence of Swaranger nn his trip for supplies eight troops of ca\alry that had been detailed by General Crook arrived on the kcuno and went Into camp about 200 yards from the storkade Colonel Dodge , who wan in command , told the min ers thnt ho hnd no orders regarding ( heir ramavat , but that ho expected such orders In n few dny , Some llmq In Jino a < jnernl Crook arrived on the ground from Port Ixirnmlo. nnd Immediately npott hla nrtlvAl orders were given the miners to letvo the country without delay. So gr-at had been the Influx of gold ncckcrs during the past f w weeks that by tills tlmo the number of miner * had Increased to fully J.r > 00 , the men lUtvltiR com * from all sections of HIP union and en tered tlto Hills by the various routes , When their oppratloni were BO summarily checked by the troop * , thu principal mining was being done on French creek , although con siderable prospecting was under way on Spring , Casllo and Hot Kldor creeks , which were probably seven or eight miles distant from each other. All but nine nf the l.ROO men left tha "diggings" when ordered to do so , These nine , by pcrmlaslnn of General Crook , wcro Irft there to represent the intercuts of the miner * , until the negotiations by the govern * nienl for the purchase of the Illack 111113 from the Sioux had been brought tn n suc cessful Issue. The small army of minors thPn scattered In nil direction * . . Ktshlra re turned to Fort Hnli' . north of Chamhrrliiln. on thn Missouri river , but now abandoned , which at that tlmo was strongly garrisoned by troops under Captain Oiireusey During Klshlrc'a sojourn In the Illack Hills hu wlt- ncsitd OIIQ dllllctilty with the Sioux. Ono day while some of ( ho miners were passing through a gulch on llox Klder creek n num ber of Indians suddenly appeared on top of the adjacent hills. Hcforo the miners un derstood their purpose the Sioux fired a volley of about twenty shots , killing ono man. AIF HUKKHOL.DKH. Ti > Cli'iiiK tlm Sjstrin. niTectually yet gently , when costlvo or bil ious , or when the blood is Impure or slug gish , to permanently euro habitual consti pation , to awaken the kidneys and liver tea a healthy activity , without Irritating or weakening them , to dispel headaches , colds or fevers , use Syrup of Figs. Flno sandy bottom nt Courtlantl. .1 u JEIUIY'S INSTINCT. Thu Good Old Ituck llorso Know Ho Ought Not Moto. An Incident which portrayed the wonderful Instinct of a horse occurred on Clinton street , says the Cincinnati Enquirer. Tho- equine in question IB the property of Johnny Ryan , the well known hackman. The ani mal Is decidedly , the best known of all the horses that nightly stand on Vine street ready for duly , and when addressed as "Jerry" he pricks up his oars Instantly. Ho Is a largj bay horse , and Is very fond ct sweetmeats. Children often stop nt Fourth and Vine streets , where Jerry Is In the habit of standing , and feed him cindy and bonbons , lie Is frlndly with everybody , but especially fond of children. Aside from his cxtremo good nature , Jerry Is also a thorough busi ness animal. He knows his master's voice , and never "soldiers" when out on a trip. As soon ns Jerry hears his master climb up to his seat ho starts out on ills journey without waiting to be hit with the whip or "clucked" at. Last evening Hackman Ityan took a pas senger , whom ho know welt , to hl.s home on Clinton street. Johnny was Invited Into the house to have a cigar and accepted the Invi tation. He remained lit the house for qulto a time and then returned to Ills hack. I To climbed tip to his scat , but Jerry did not move , as was hla custom. The horse stood stock still and his ga e was fixed downward. The owner of the horse thought something was wrong and looked around at the side of tlio animal to sec what was the cause of tha delay. Imagine Ills astonishment when ho saw n little babe with both arms clasped around ono of Jt rry's fcrclegs. The Infant , In Its childish glee , was smiling at Jerry and th brute seemed to understand the situation exactly. The child patted Jerry's ponderous hoofs and the animal seemed rather amused nt the unties of the little one. Jerry knew that one move of bis heavy hoofs meant certain death to the little one , nml he dlil not budge until his master got down from his seat nnd picked up the babe. The hackman then allowed the baby to play with Jerry's mane until Its arms were Xlrcd. out. Hy that tlmo the mother of the babe had discovered that her precious ons hail crawled from the front yard to the street. The little one had got to the gutter unnotlo.il by all save Jerry. When the mother of the child was told that the big horse had refused to move from his tracks lest ho would Injttro her little one she went out to Jerry and Im printed a kiss on his forehead. Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney troubles. Trlnl sls-.o , 25 cents. All druggists. MAKING POSTAGE STAMPS. . ITneln Sum ColnR Into the ItnslneHI nil Ills On n Hook. On the 1st of July the government of the United States began printing Its own postatja stamps at the bureau of engraving ( Tml printing. There will bo now designs adopted soon , but for the present the old ones will bo iibed for tlio common stamp the 2-cont stamp with the head of Washington prlnt'd in carmine Ink , and the 1-ccnt , which bcara tlio head of Franklin , and Is printed in ul tramarine blue. In order to distinguish those printed by the government a little ornament will bo placed In the blank space In the upper corners. This Is a fact of Interest to collectors. There Is quite a quantity of the old stamps on hand , and the now ones will not bo Issued until they are needed , although It la necessary to keep a largo stock In the dis tributing ofllces , as about 7,000,000 2-cent stamps are used dally , and about 3,500,000 of 1-ccnt denomination. Postage stamps arc printed by engraved cylinders In slircts of100. . A dlo Is first cut In a black of steel about three Indies square , like an intaglio , The steel Is then hardened by what Is known as the decarbonl/.ing process that Is , all the carbon la burned out of the metal by subjecting It to Intense heat , and then the Impression Is transferred to a roll or cylinder of soft hleol , llko a cameo. From this the working plates or rolls ara made , which nro afterward hardened by the same pioccsa. This method WUH invented by a Vermont Yankee named 1'erklns , about half a ccntmy ngo. Ho took the Invention to London nnd tried to sell It to the llrltlsh government , but the olllclnls over there \ver opposed to Innovations , as usual , anil Mr. Perkins brought It back homo and Fold the patent to his own government. Tlio stamp collectors have cornered the $1 stamps of Columbian Issue , and uncan- celed ones are now worth $10. Captain Sweeney , U. S. A. , San DICgo , Cal. , nays : "Shlloli's Catarrh llemody Is tha llrst mcdlcltio I have over found that would do mo any good. " I'rlco Me. Boating and bathing at Courtland beach. WIIHII'I hcurrd it lilt. A well known New Hnglandcr was south soon after the war anil vlxlted Murfrcexboro , Tenn. , says the Hoston Herald. Whllo lookIng - Ing about ho met an old colored man who looked ax though hu wax Indigenous to the soil. The following conversation resulted : "Well , uncle , wcitt you raised about hero ? " "Yea , niassa ; I'sc allera lived right hero , " "Then you inuut have HCCM the big battle here ; do you icmembvr much about It ? " "Oh , yes , masxa ; I 'members ull abuut tha big battle ; I was right hero. " "Well , then , tell mo Komcthlng about It ; how did you feel ? Wero'nt you beared"i "Oh. no , imiBsn ; I warn't Beared a rnlt'e. I was where 1 could BCO do fiojcrx nil about imircliln' ' ami slicotln' , nml I jess dumb up on top nf u rail fence nn' sot tliero and BCD the fight go on. JOSH then along cumo a b'g ' boom , an' It knocked out about forty reds o' that fence out u' sight , an * next I knowcd was three weeka after wben I was 100 mllea up In the country , workln' for my boa'd : but I wasn't Kkart , no sad ! " Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervoux head * aches. Trial vlze , 25 centx. All druggl-iu , Flno sandy bottom at Courtland. U hen Hitby was ulclr , uo E ? o her CVutorfa. Whun slia wai u Child , nho crlixl for 3utorU. When 8ho bocmno JlKi , ulio clung to Cuaiorio. / Vu ( ho liad Children , ilie B VO them OutorUi