Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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amendment appropriating $275,000 for Im
proving the deep water harbor nt Snhlno
rain. Tax. This Is a mailer In which Ne
braska , Iowa and Missouri congressmen have
Ixjcn very much Interested.
Edwin Huron has been appolnlcd post-
mauler at Ilurch , Maraliall counly , 8. D. ,
vlco D. J. Stokes , removed.
Conforcncfl Ciiiiitnltlcn Dlnnmulm ; a Sub-
Rtlluln for Ilin Hrii'ito rrovlmotm.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. The understand
ing among the tariff conferees when they ad
journed this afternoon was that Iho session
lomorrow should bring about either on agrce-
ment on the migar schedule or a decision to
report a disagreement. Today was devoted
by the conference to a discussion of the sugar
question. The schedule In detail provides for
a duty of 40 per cent ad valorem on sugar
below 1C Dutch standard and 45 per
cent on sugar above this grade , the duty on
the refined sugar to bo collected on the basis
of the saccharine strength of the raw sugar
used In It , with one-fifth of a cent differ
ential on the refined and a discriminating
duty equal to the export duty levied by such
sugar-producing countries as pay a bounty on
sugar production. This schedule was sub
mitted to the conference as the ultimatum of
tiio conservative senators , coming through
Senator Smith of New Jersey , and the house
conferees were given to undrstand that the
schcdulo was the nearest approach to the
requirements that the senate could make
with any assurance that the bill would pass
Uio senate. Some of the house conferees
are favorably Inclined towards the schedule ,
for they believe It defines exactly the extra
duty to ba paid on refined sugars and Is free
from the objection urged against the senate
schedule that owing to the wording of the
schedule It was Impossible to tell , beyond
the ono-olghth of a cent differential , what the
duty would be on the refined article. They are
of the opinion that the duty In the schedule
presented today will be confined to the one-
flfth of a cent differential. It Is understood ,
however , that whllo Inclined to accept these
figures as the best they can get , and while
considering' that In this they secure an ad
vantage over the senate schedule , they Indi
cated a desire to consider the question over
night and that It was on this account that
the decision , which It was hoped would be
reached today , would be postponed until to
Vftcrnim of the I.ntc W'ir Itmnnmbcreil by
tin ! ( Intiorul Govurmnunt.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. ( Special to The
Bee. ) Pensions granted , issue of July 23 ,
were : NcbraHka : Original James Bennett ,
I'ender , Thurston. Original widows Mary
A. Peeney , Lincoln , Lancaster. Mexican
war survlvora Increase Thomas W. II.
Miller , TcctimHoh , Johnson.
Iowa : Original Frederick Uohlman , Dos
Molne.H. Polk ; Edward F. I'lnney , Marshall-
town , Marshall. Hestonitlon Harrison T.
"Wheeler , Grlnnoll , Poweshlck. Original
widows , etc. Kebecca Smith , Derby , Lucas ;
Jacob ! ne Spccht , Slierrlll , Dubuqtiu.
Colorado : Additional Abraham Ilhodes ,
I.amnr , Prowers. Inciease James A.
Cowan , Berkeley , Arapahoc. Original
widows , etc. SInah A. House , Kvans , Weld.
Htiitchootl IllllH K i ( irtiMl.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. The New Mexico
ice and Arizona admission bills were re
ported to the senate today. In the case of
Now Mexico a constitutional convention Is
provided for , the delegates to which are
to ba chosen at an election to be held on
the second Tuesday in June , 1895 , and the
convention is to meet on the second Tues
day in the following July. In case they
adopt a constitution It Is to be submitted
to 'the people for ratification at an election
to be held on the Tuesday after' the first
Monday In November , 1895. The time of
residence necessary to become a voter Is
fixed at six months instead of sixty days
as in the house bill. Arizona/ / has already
adopted a coiibtltullon , and the bill In her
case provides for admission Iho 1st of
August , 189 ; " , and the election of a dele-
Bate to the Fifty-fourth congress.
Hill for Irrigation Itrsrvvnlre.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. Senator PeJTer
today Introduced a bill directing the sec
retary of agriculture to construct reser
voirs for the storage of , water in the semiarid -
' arid states , and appropriating $500,000 for
this purpose.
Representative Baker of Kansas has In
troduced a bill to authorize the secretary of
agriculture to establish reservoirs for the
'storage ' of rainwater for the tillable lands
west of the ninety-sixth meridian. Chan
nels for distributing the water are also con
templated in the plan and an appropriation
'of $500,000 is proposed.
Htomt'H Immigrant Inspection Hill.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. Secretary Car
lisle , to whom was referred the house bill ,
or Stone bill , providing for the inspection
of Immigrants by United States consuls at
the point of embarkation has made a report
In opposition to the bill. Ho says the law
of 1893 , under which the department is now
acting. Is dally becoming more useful and
efficacious and should not be hampered by a
dual administration of the State and Treas
ury departments , as would necessarily ba
'tho case under the Stone bill.
Will Itcproxunt .Sulvuclor Also.
WASHINGTON , ( Aug. 3. Dr. Guzman ,
who for a long time past has been Nlcara-
guan minister to the United States , has been
presented to the president ns the accredited
minister of Salvador to ( he United States.
Salvador has no minister to this country ,
and because of his full and accurate knowl
edge of diplomatic affairs Salvador requested
Dr. Guzman to serve as Its minister and to
represent her in the Uzeta case.
Ilacolvors for National
WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. The comptroller
of the currency appointed A. Edgar Burton
of Portland , Ore. , receiver of the Baker
City National bank of Baker City , Ore. ,
which suspended payment on the 1st lust. ,
and Hlcharil T. Fox of Pemlleton , Ore. , re-
The Book of the Builders
J BY" CD- Burnbam
1THE MBM Chief of Construction ,
\VI.10 AND
\ D. Millet
Director of Decoration.
' I BRING 6 coupons with 25 rents , or , sent
by mall , 5 cents extra , in coin ( stamps
not accepted ) . Address ,
Memorial Department ,
4 200 Pages. 250,000 , Worth
iKi < Tit VCTI n : . i .v/ < i.s- / : FI// ;
4 Mine of Knu > eteili ( uiul a Jfdil of
There tire more thliiEd Itinlructlvo , uspful
, ! iil I'uturmtuliitr In tlutt treat liook , "Tho
AiiiiTk-iui line elojH'dlu Dictionary. " thaulu
liny nliiillar imbllrntloii over IHSULM ! .
Thin uri'-il vviirlt , now for tliu llrat tlmo
pluced wltliUi iho rcuch ot everyone , la u
liiitiliio luilillcullou , fur It la at tlio IMIIIU tlmo
Bjicrlect Ulclloimry niul a complutu oneynlu-
Ouly that number of the book corrusuoud-
lue wllh Ihu uerlim iitluitHir of the o'jilpua
pruHenli'il will lx > ilollvor.'il.
ONKSiiutliiy and Thrx-o Wuok-day conimtn ,
with IB coins lu coin , will liny 0110 o rl
of Tim Amcrlcnn Knuyolopoilla Dlinlou-
ury , Soutl ontora to Tlio lloi OBljj.
Man ordcra should bo uJJmssoJ U
colver of the Flrnf , National bonk of Arling
ton , Ore. , which was closed lo business July
Urro lCpit | Itimy.
WASIItNOTOM , Aug. 3. Reports to the
director of the mint show thnt since orders
were issue ; ! to resume the coinage of silver
dollars the mint at New Orleans has turned
out $20.1,000 and that at San Francisco J1CO-
000 , making In all ' $423,000 , The seigniorage
on this amount Is about $127,000.
Jtiiko Off.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 3. Hy unanimous
rote of the houno .today the secretary of the
Interior xvas Instructed to pay Representa
tive John T , Heard of Missouri $10,000 for
services rendered the old settlers of the
western Cherokee Indian reservation.
M'lil.LMtlA JIOTHIUllih Jl10K. .
Ills ViM rl Criinlird Itctui'cn 'l' o I'luni anil
'iolally Wrerlcnl ,
THOMSOK , Norway , Aug. 3. News of the
Wellman polar expedition has been received
here. U was brought by the sealer Malygen ,
Caplaln Pcderscn , which arrived at Tromsoo
last night with news dispatches from the
expedition and also with Captain Hottolfacn
and three sailors of the steamer Hagnvald
Jarl which carried the Wellman party to the
Arctic but which 1ms since been wrecked.
Captain Uotlolfsen furnished the fol
lowing narrative of the expedition :
After several battles with Ice , young and
winter Ice , the Hagnvald Jarl arrived on
May 12 at Table Island , one of the Seven
Island group. The Ice , however , compelled
a return to Waldcn Island , whore Mr. Well-
man left the ship on May 24 with thirteen
men , forty dogs and 110 days' provisions.
After the party had established a depot they
proceeded eastward a distance of sixty miles ,
thence northeast , hoping to reach the land
that la believed to exist In that direction. Up
to the day ot the departure of Ihe sledge
party the expedition liad had good weather ,
the worst being only 20 degrees below zero.
The members of the party were In good
health when they left the ship. They In
tended to return over the same route by
which they had advanced. On May 28 , four
days after Wellman and his companions left ,
the llaguvald Jarl was hemmed In by a
great Held of pack Ice and dcaplte every ef
fort lo save her she was crushed to pieces
and totally lost. The men In charge of her
had time to transfer the greater portion of
their provisions , scientific Instruments , dogs
and aluminium boats to the Ice before the
boat was destroyed.
A message was sent to Wellman Informing
him of the catastrophe and It reached him
at Marten's Island. Mr. Wellman , Charles
O. JJodno and two others then returned to
Walden's Island. Wllh material taken from
the wreck of the ship Ihey built a good
house lo accommodate the crew and as a
precaution in case Ihe expedition were com
pelled to winter on Walden's island. Well-
man left again to join the sledge party on
May 31. lie writes on the same date : "I
have decided to proceed as previously
planned , except that I intend to return to
Walden's Island nol later than September 1
and to be at Dane's Island by Seplemher 15. "
The latest news received from Mr. Well
man was of June 17 date , when Mr. Win-
ship , a member of the party , left the ex
pedition at a spot six miles cast of Cape
Platen , when the explorers had met Impass
able Ice and were waiting for open water.
All were well. On the return of Wlnshlp to
Walden island , Captain Uollolfsen and three
of the crew of the Hagnvald Jarl started on
a journey south In aluminium boats , seeking
sealers. They met the Malygen and Captain
Pedcrsen consented to carry Ihem to Trom-
soe. Hero Captain Dottolfsen will charter a
new vessel and will return as soon as pos
sible to Dane's island. In the meantime the
Wellman party has gone north over the Ice.
Captain I'edersen expects Wellman will
reach Glllcl Island. Hyerdahl , a ski runner
and sportsman from the university of
Christiana and a member of the Wellman
parly , has been sent to Dane's Island to
join Prof. Oyen.
Qimnintriio AKiilmt Xow Mi-xlcan Sheep
DENVER , Aug. 3. The state veterinar
ian and sanitary board decided to quar
antine New Jlexlco and Texas sheep. Gov
ernor Walte immediately issued a proclama
tion prohibiting sheep from those states
from entering the state without a clean
bill of health from State Veterinarian
Arrrstoil for Kllll'if ; J1U Flanco.
COLUMBUS , Ind. , Aug. 3. At noon today
Dr. T. B. Condon , who on Saturday last
shot Grace B. Coe , his fiance , was rearrested -
rested , she having died from the wound.
He was placed under $ . " ,000 bond ,
The companies of the Second Infantry ,
Fort Omaha , that went to liutto returned
lust evening.
Carroll S. Montgomery was appointed
guardian for Eugene Montgomery by Judge
Baxter yesterday.
The remains of Mrs. Sarah Hoffman , the
milliner who died Wednesday from the ef
fects of nn overdose of chloral and hydrate ,
were taken to Washington , 111. , for Inler-
ment Thursday.
The wlirof Hlchard Hodder was admitted
to probate In county court yesterday. Je
mima n. Hodder was named as administra
trix. The will of Horace B. Burnham was
also admitted to probate.
The .Board of Public Works mot yesterday
afternoon lo open bids on a number of small
contracts. These wore referred to the city
engineer -for tabulation and tlio contracts will
be awarded at the next meeting.
The semi-annual schopl apportionment of
state funds for the district of Omaha was
received by the 'county treasurer yesterday
and lurnod over to the city treasurer. The
amount was between $3,000 and $1,000.
A gasoline stove exploded In the Ironing
room of tlo ) Bclmoni steam laundry , owned
and operated by C. B. Balm , nt 923 North
Sixteenth * street , yesterday. The loss on
building and contents will aggregate $1,000.
There was no Insurance.
The clerk of the police court has cast up
hlH accounts for the , month of July , discover
ing that 'lie .collected $1,392 , $1.154 of which
amount goes to the city school fund , while
$ f 2 ! goes Into the county general fund , and
the balance to the state.
It was erroneously stated In The Bee yes
terday thai the remains of Will Waki-ley
would ba Interred nt Forest Lawn. Burial
will be at I'rospccl Hill. All the city olllcus
will bo cltosed at noon loday , the funeral being
at 3 this afternoon at the family residence ,
607 North Nineteenth stroel.
Yeslerday all of Ihe conductors on the
Omaha Street Hallway company's lines
canto out In new badges. Heretofore the
cons have worn their badges , nickel affairs ,
several Inches long , upon the front of their
caps. Thrso badges have been discarded
and In their places the collectors of fares
have circular badges , which Ihey fasten to
Die lapel of tlio coat.
1' I'.Ul.lUH.ll'lIfi.
Tobias Castor Is again In the city.
State Treasurer Bartlcy was In the city
last evening ,
Euclid Martin was called to Chicago yes
terday by the Illness of his son.
K. Q. Slinmons , editor of the Seward Ile-
porter , was In town yesterday afternoon ,
E. W. Slmeral has left the city for a three
wcoks' vacation. While absent ho will sail
along the Atlantic coast and take In some
clam bakes on the sand beaches of HIioJo
W. P. Wapplch returned yesterday
from an extended trip through the lake
region of Minnesota. 'While absent Mr.
Wapplch devoted his time to hunting and
fishing , coming homo strong and vigorous ,
BO much BO that at the next meeting of the
Jacksanlan club ho will drive the knife to
the hilt and Into the vitals ot the free sll-
verltea. _
There maybe some on In this vicinity
who U afflicted with a stomach trouble.
If to , the experience of A. O. Eppley , a
carpenter , and con true tor of Newman , 111. ,
will Interest him. For acouplo of years ho
was at Units troubled with a pain in the
stomach , that he saya , "seemed to go through
me from front to back. I began taking
Chamborlaln'B Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. Whenever any pain appeared I
took a dose of the Ilemedy. It gave m
prompt relief and has effected a complete
cure. " It la for nsle by druggists.
Omaha Defeated in the First Qnmo on the
Athenian Diamond ,
Wliltrhlll I'lti'lii'il Wildly , Too , nml Thus
Allied In tlio | li < iitilt M. Jon lllld Mil-
coin AUu I , < no hror - of
thn Omni' * .
Jacksonville , IS ; Omaha , 9.
Pcorln , 17 ; St. Joseph , 7.
Hock Island , 14 ; Lincoln , 7.
Washington , 8 ; lloston , I.
St. txjuls , 8 ; PlttsbtiriT , C.
Louisville , a ; Chicago , 0 ; forfeit.
Cleveland , 11 ; Cincinnati , 5 ,
Philadelphia , 11-3 ; Baltimore , 1-10.
New York , 17 0 ; Brooklyn , 0 7.
Grand Jlnplds , a ; Sioux City , IS.
Toledo , 15 ; Kansas City , 14 : 10 Innings.
Minneapolis , 10 ; Indianapolis , 7.
Detroit , 8 ; Milwaukee , S.
JACKSONVILLE } . III. , Aug. 3. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) Omaha lost a well-
contested game today to Jacksonville , though
It was through no fault of the visitors.
Whltehlll did good work in the box , as did
Carish for Jacksonville , though the home
team hit the former hard and the hits hap
pened timely. The only error made by Jack
sonville was Scery's lilt to Strauss , which
the latter fumbled , letting the batter to
second. Sharp fielding on both sides was
characteristic of the game all the way
through. Eddie Hogan , the umpire , was sick
and a Jacksonville man did the work satis
factorily. Score :
AH. It. IB. PO. A. B.
Newman , rf .
Smith , 3b .
Strauss , If . fi 3 3 1 0 1
Strouthern , Ib . 4 3 1 11 0 0
Crotty , 2b . 5 1 0 4 4 0
Letcher , cf . 4 4 " 2 1 0 0
Devlnney , ss . 5
Bell , c . 5 3 3 C 0 0
Carish , p . 5 . 0 1 0 2 0
Toial . 41 15 15 27 11 1
An. R. IB. PO. A. E.
Ulrlch. cf . 5 1-2 3 0 0
Lnngsford , ss . & 1' 2 1 3 ( I
Seery , If .
McVcy , Ib . 3 1 1 C 0 0
Hutchison , 2b .
llonrke , 31) .
Pedroes. rf . fi 0-0 4 0 0
Fear , c . 3 1 2 11 0 0
Whltelilll , p .
Total . 39 8 14 " 27 9 3
Jacksonville . 0-15
Omaha . 1 0210 0-0 4 0 8
Earned runs : Jacksonville , 7 ; Omaha , 4.
Two-base hits : Beery. l > nr , LanKfford ,
Letcher , Devlnney , licit. Strauss. Three-
base hits : Strouthefs. Home runs : Mo-
Vcy. Fear , Smith , Boll , HtrausM , Letchor.
Double plays : Crotv to Stniuthers. First
base on balls : Whllehlll. 4 ; Carish , 5.
Struck out : By CarlHli , C : bv Whltehlll. 8.
Wild pitches : Carlnh , 1 ; Whltuhlll , 2. Um
pire : Hay Hill. '
l > uclc 3Iud ( * a Humor and I.o-tt.
ROCK ISLAND. III. . Aup. 3. ( Special {
Teleeram to The Bee. ) Lincoln to the I
homo team today. The features of UIP j
were the home runs of Ebrlght and
Hughes of the vlsltois. Score :
Rock Island . 0 0004015 2-14 ,
Llm-olli . 0 1 1 0 3 0 2 0 0 7.
Batteries : Sonler. Andrews and Sage ;
Unrnos and Spear. Hits : Rock Island. 17 ;
Lincoln , 12 Errors : Rock Island , 4 ; Lin
coln , 3. Home urns : Ebrlght and Hughes.
Dlstlllrri Ko p tlin SalntH Cown.
PKOIUA. 111. , Aus. 3. The Distillers went
after Brlstow In the third and fourth in
nings and knocked him silly. After that
the only effort made was to hold tnc lead
already safe. Score :
Pcorla . 10572002 0-17
St. Joseph . 0 1 3 0 .1 0 1 0 1 7
Hits : Teorla , 21 ; St. Joseph , C. JSrrorn : j
Peorln , 7 : St. Joseph. 1. Batteries : Dillon
and Terrlen ; .BHstow and Armstrong.
Standliiof Iho Tennis. , '
Rock'Islnnd . : : ' . .7. . " . 77 ' 43' SI' Ki.S
Omaha . . . . 79 .42 37 , 53.2
St. Joseph . . . . 79 42 . 37. S3.2
Pcorla . 78 41 37 . 52.G
Jacksonville . 78 41 37 52.C
Lincoln . 75 39 3 ( ! 62.0
DCS Molnes . 77 38 41 46.8
Quincy . 73 25 CO 33.3
Taylor'n Flno Pitching Setn the Orioles Hank
u Coupla < if I'olnts.
PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 3. The Phillies
downed the Daltlmoros In the first game
today. They batted Esper freely and the
visitors did not make much off Taylor's j
curves. Score : '
Philadelphia 2 0 1 0 4 1 1 5 * -14 j
Baltimore 0 00011 , 010- : : i
Hits : Philadelphia , 17 ; Baltimore , 11. Errors -
rors : Philadelphia , 3 : Baltimore , 0. Earned
runs : Philadelphia , S ; Baltimore , 1. Two-
base hits : Graily , 2 ; Taylor , MeGraw ,
lleltz. Three-base bits : Brouthers , Thomp
son. Struck out : By Taylor , 1 ; by Esper ,
2. Time : Two hours and ten minutes.
Umpire : Campbell. Batteries : Taylor and
Grady ; Esper and Robinson.
The second game was one of the- biggest
fiascos played this season on the local
grounds. Score :
Philadelphia 0 000021 1
Baltimore 4 2. 3 2 4 1 0 10
Hits : Philadelphia , 7 ; Baltimore , 18. Er
rors : Philadelphia , 2. Earned runs : Phil
adelphia , 3 ; Baltimore , 4. Two-base hits :
Cross , 2 ; Hallman. Hrouthers. Three-base
lilts : Reitz. Double plays : Jennings to
Brouthers. Struck out : By Hniper. 1 ; by
MeMabon , 1. Time : One hour and forty
minutes. Umpire : Campbell * Batteries :
Cross , Weyhlng and Harper ; McMahon and
Jonah'H T.ooso Work I.oil.
PITTSBUHG , Aug. 3. Pittsburg lost
today's game through stupid base running
and poor coaching In the ninth. Score :
Plttslnn-K 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 , 1 2-G
St. Louis 3 01021001 8
Hits : Plttsburg , 11 ; St. Louis , 13. Errors :
Pittsburgh 4 ; St. Louis , 4. Earned runs :
Pittsburgh 3 ; St. Louis. 4. hits :
Bleibauer , 2 ; Merrill , Bhugarf. Three-base
hits : Stenzol. Dowd , Ely , Connor , 2. Home !
runs : Ely. Struck out : By Gurobert. 3 ; I
by Hawley , 1. Time : Two lioius and ten
mlnules. Umpire : Gaffney. Batteries :
Gumbert and Muck ; Hawley and Twine-
ham. I
SpldcM Oiitlmt thn lirilft , >
CLKVELVND , Aug. 3.-Cleveland defeated
the Clnclnnatls this afternoon by better bat
ting. Score :
Cleveland - ! !
Cincinnati 0 00000005 5
Hits : Cleveland , 1C ; Cincinnati , 0. Errors :
Cleveland , 3 ; Cincinnati , 2. Earned runs :
Cleveland. 8. Home runs : MoKean , Mc-
Garr. Three-basn hits : MoKean , Young.
Mcl'hee. Two-base hits : Blake , dimmer ,
Parrott. Struck out : By Younfr , 1 ; by
Cross , 4. Double plays : Smith to Latham
to McPhee. I'mplre : Hurst. Time : One
hour and forty-live minutes. Batteries :
Young and Dimmer ; Cioss and lurphy.
i\cn Hi-rule at Itroolilju.
BROOKLYN. AUKT. n. Nearly 8.000 per
sons saw thn Now York Giants and Brook
lyn's Bridegrooms play two names at East
ern Paris this afternoon. The ( list game
resulted In a walkover for tie ) Giants.
Brooklyn won the second game , mainly
through timely hitting when men were on
bases. Score , first game :
Brooklyn 2 000100-3
Now York 2 1 0 G 2 0 6-17
Hits : Brooklyn , 8 ; New York , 15. Errors :
Brooklyn , G ; New Yoik. 3. Earned runs :
Brooklyn , 2 ; New York , 3. Three-base hits :
Corcoran , Burke. Two-base hits ; Tread-
way , Fuller , Davis , Murphy , Westervelt ,
Doyle , 2. Umpires ; HoaKlund and Emslle.
Time ; Two hours and fouileen minutes.
Batteries : Daubnnd , Gastrlght and Kins-
low Westervelt and Parrel ,
Second game ;
Brooklyn 13002010' 7
New York 0 10400010 6
Hlls : Brooklyn , 13 ; New York , 10. Er
rors ; Brooklyn , 1 ; New York. 5. Earned
runs : Brooklyn. 4 ; New York , 4 , Struck put :
By Clark , a ; by Kennedy , 3. Three-base
hits : Treadway. Two-base hits : Murphy ,
Clark. Dalley , LaChnncc , Shlndle , Double
playa : Corcoran ( unassisted ) . Time : Two
hours and six minutes. Umplrcu : Emsllo
and Hoaeland. Attendance , 7,802. Bat
teries ; Kennedy and Dalley ; Clark and
Wilson ,
Iloiton Loam at Homo ,
BOSTON , Aug. 3. The "Champions" must
have been tired todu , for a poorer exhibi
tion they have never t'lvcn on the homo
grounds. Score ;
Washington . . , 2 00200301 8
Boston 2 01000001 4
Hits ; Washington , 8 ; Boston. 4 , Errors :
Washington , 7 ; Boston , 3. Earned runs ;
Washington , 3. Two-bane hits : Abbey ,
llannon. Three-base hits ; Hassamaer.
Double plays ; Duffy to Lowe to Lonir to
- jrTff
Bannnn ; L03J3 ! Ti ) Lowe lo Tucker , Time :
Two hours and three minutes. Umpire }
Tim Keefe.UiitIc-rle | ! McOulrc and Mercer ;
Ilyan , ComiwigTiion , Nichols and Stlvetla.
A nun HIM ( liiinn to ( live Awiiy.
LOUIBVIIJ R , AUK , 3. Today's gamf was
declared fo-Qj > ltcd to Louisville , 0 to 0 , by
Umpire Lynch , on account of Captain
Anson refusing to piny with HIP balls fur
nished by Manager Bnrnie. claiming that
they were some of an inferior lot left over
from last year.
of the Trumn.
Boston . . . . . { ? . . ! [ . . . . 84 fit 30 CI.3
Baltimore . SI HI 30 (3.0 (
New York . 8 ! 51 32 CM
Cleveland . gj 31 53.5
Philadelphia . 81 41 37 51.3
Plttsbtirg . S 4li 10 52.l !
Brooklyn . . . .rj.p. . . . . K\ \ 43 10 51.8
Cincinnati .Vf , * . ' . } . . . . 83 40 4.1 48.2
Chicago . 81 ir 4S 42.9
St. Louis . 87 37 50 42.5
Louisville . 84 29 55 34.5
Washington . ST . - > GO 2U.I
WISTIUN : : 1.1 : AC in : UAMIS. :
Toledo Dofciitn Ki n mCllylii n Ten Inning
KANSAS CITY , Aug. 3. Kansna Clly got
a batting streak In the ninth and tied the
score , but lost the game In the tenth on n
wild play by Klusman , Daniels was
knocked out of the box in the fifth. Both
teams were in good form and fought hard.
Attendance , 3,000. Score :
Kansas Clly . . . . 1 14
Toledo 2 15
Hlls : Kansas City. IS ; Toledo , 19 , Errors :
Kansas City , , i > ; Toledo , 4. Earned runs :
Kansas City , 10 ; Toledo , C. Two-base hits :
Daniels , Nlchol1 , Beard. Nlles , Donahue ,
Ntland , Hughey , 2 ; Miller , Carney , Gllks ,
3. Three-base bltw : Slnlllngs , 2 ; McKnr-
land. liases on balls : Off Daniels , 1 ; oft
KUt\K \ , 3 ; oft Hughey , 3. Struck out : By
Daniels , 2 ; by Kllng. 1 ; by Hughey , 1. First
on errors : Kansas Clly , 4 ; Toledo , 3. Time :
Two bourx and forly mlnules. Umpire :
Kerlns. Ballerlcs : Kllng , Daniels and
Donahue ; Hughey and McKnrland.
Millrra Unfit to Third 1'hirn ,
MINNEAPOLIS , Aug. 3. The Millers won
today's game , which was well played
throughout , by hits at opportune times , anil
clean , sharp Holding. Score :
Minneapolis 20 402101 0 10
Indianapolis 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 3 1 7
Hits : Minneapolis , 9 ; Indianapolis , 9. Er-
fors. Minneapolis' , C ; Indianapolis , 6. Earned
runs : Minneapolis , C ; Indianapolis , 2. Two-
base hits : Murphy , McCarthy , Gray , Motz.
Homo runs : Hlncs , Vlsner , 2 ; Hums , Henry.
Double plays : Crooks to Huien to Werden ;
Motz ( unasslslcd ) ; Koat lo Motz. Slruck
out : Dy Baker , . 2 ; by Pepper , 3. Time :
Two hours. Umpire : People * . Batteries :
Baker and Burrel ; Pepper and Murphy.
dind Mohlrr for tlio Oilier Mile.
MILWAUKEE. AUtf. 3.-I5akcr , In mls-
Judglm ? three fly balls In Ihe llilrd , while
playing in left for Lonp , who was Injured ,
practically lost the same for Milwaukee.
Score :
Milwaukee 001000002 3
Detroit 2 0 C 0 1 0 0 0 0 8
Hits : Milwaukee. 7 ; Detroit , 18. Errors :
Milwaukee , 1 ; Detroit , 2. Earned runs :
Detroit , fi ; Milwaukee , 2. Two-base lilts :
Everett , 15rtk r. " Three-base hlls : Raymond
mend , Yoik , Jnntzen. Carey , Taylor. Double
plays : Taylor lo Bhnrpe to Carey ; York
to Everett : Jlaj moml to Olenalvln to Earle ;
narle to Kuj-inuiul. Struck out : Jantzen
(2) ( ) , Oart-y , HoKVr , Lohmnn , Stevens. Time :
Two hours. Umplie : McDonald. Batteries :
Stephens and Lohmnn ; liorchers and
IliiskorH on the Slliln AKHM. !
SIOUX CITYlAilR. 3. Can oil's home
run In the elcljlhfiniilncr with two men on
Imsej won ' tb'o' "tramo for Gland Ilnplds.
Score :
Grand Ilaplds 2 2200003' 9
Sioux City i , . 0 8
Hlls : Grand Qdplds , 9 : Sioux City , 11.
Errors : Grri d Jtapld ? , ? ; Sioux City , 2.
Earned Huns : i < 3rand Uapldn , 3 ; Mloux
City , C. Twij-basc' lilts : Carroll , Cnllopy ,
Wheelock , Math Home run : Carroll.
Struck out : By Jones. G ; by Parker , 3.
Time : Two hours and ten minutes. I'm-
of the . IliHlHilpjil Vitlloy Ainntour
ST. LOUIS , Aug. S. Everything Is In
readiness for the icgatta of the Mississippi
Valley Amalcur Rowlnir 'association at
Cllftori Tc'n-ace , three miles abore here on
the Mississippi. The entries for today's
races follow :
First race , Junior pair oared shells
Westerns * , Frederick ? , Lenip ; Motlocs , crew
1 , Arenclt , Stuetzer ; crew 2 , Jlusun , Joene-
Second race , junior single sculls Modocs ,
Ue'nta ' ; Westerns , Hoessler and Molinkorn ;
North Ends , Vr.n Ueek , Illankeninoister ;
Lurllnes , Minneapolis , Uromley ; Mlnnosotu ,
St. I'uul , AVnnn.
Third nice , senior olnsle ecullB , quarter
mllQ dash , free-for-all , entries close live
minutes before race Westerns , KoenlK ;
Jlodocs , pnstrelch ! North Knds , Van lieok.
Fourth race , Junior double sculls Minnesota
seta , St. Paul , Uangford , Bend ; llodocs ,
Miller , Peterson ; Western ? , Koessler , Ilcsse-
Fifth race , Junior four-oared shells-
Westerns , Fredericks , bow ; Lamp 2. Blatt-
ner 3 , Shulte 3 , stroke : St. I ouls , Wlt-nian ,
bow ; Reid 2 , GaerJsh 3 , Meisel blroke ;
Modocs , Voertr , bow ; Andreas 2 , Johnson 3 ,
Hnrrer stroke ; North Ends , Stuerman , bow ;
Welsenborn " , Grubbllz 3 , Herman Klrtmuu
stroke. _
IHiicIc Ullts rirrnifii'H ItnrrH
DEADWOOD , S. D. , Augr. 3. ( Special
TelcRmm to The Ilee. ) The second day's
raclnff under the auspices of the Black
Hills Firemen's asspclntlon was a Klltter-
ing success. In Ihe wet Iiub and bub con
test the Dead wood , Lead City and Foun
tain City teams were the winners , and
tomorrow will run off the race. The best
time made wai * slxly-nlnc seconds. The
hook and ladder lace was n tie between
the Deadwood and Central team. In the
Juvenile race the McDonalds of Deadwood
won In the fast llmu of twenty-Mix sec
CyrllHtH an I Colnr.iild
COLORADO SPRINGS , Colo. , Aug. 3.
The Colorado Spilngs Wheel club , Hie
Chamber of Commerce and the Suullower
Carnival club have Joined forces Ihls year
to offer the Leagui ! Of American Wheelmen
tourists every qliance and inducement to
visit the Pike's poik ; region , and to have
an Immensely Rood time while there. They
have arranged programs covering four days
Immediately after the Denver meet , and
every wheelman Is cordially Invited to take
advantngf of the hospitality extended by
Colorado Springs , _
MrCook I.oit on Krrors.
M'COOK , Neb. , Aug. 3. ( Special Tele
gram to The Uce. ) The JlcCoolc and Ilold-
rcge teams playotl on the McCook grounds
todaythe1 game * resulting In a victory for
Iho visitors byrnl wJoru of 13 lo 8. Fielding
errors In. the eighth inning lost the game
for MeCook. [ I'jie battery work of both
teams was faultless
.Stnto T jiiil CliiiinploiiBhlps.
The tennis nu h Between Delloy AiiHtln
and C. S. Ciillhiuli iii ( finals In stall ! singles
championship ) jiyj § , been postponed until
the first day qf tlff/i Interstate tournament ,
viz : Monday , , AJlKiisl 'JO , on account of
Culllnghnin'8 hand .being still In an unlit
condition to plaf ? 3 y _
York \ < llM'4l Tight ( luino.
YORK , Neb.'AiiB'i ' 3-Speclal ( Telegram
lo The HeeJ-JH feftft game of ball was
played here thii 'afternoon between York
unit Utlca , The 'cttlne ' was close from be
ginning to endtBsY/uiJk / llnlshlng one In the
lead. Score : Yiirkt > ) l9 > Utlca , IS.
tlail -
1'llE * Oril' ' ' > V/ . " 'It ' of Chicago.
CHICAGO , Atitf. 3r-Solly Smith and Jack
Flonery , the pugilists , were In court here
today chargeU with , vagrancy. They were
lined JM each , BUjmenUeU on condition that
they leave town lu wenty-four hours. They
promised to leave. _
IIutt tril lllue Hill.
FAIRFIELD , Neb. , Augr , 3.-Spcclal ( Tele
gram to The Bee. ) The largest crowd of
the season saw the game hero today be
tween lilue Hill and FalrlleUl , the latter
club winning the game by a ecoro of II
to 8.
Vulkyrlu Hold to u Ulmgntr Iron aiercliunt.
GLASGOW , Aug. 3. John Younger , an
Iron merchant , has paid fCSO for the Valky
rie , formerly the property of Lonl Dun-
raven , which was sunk In the collision with
the Satanlta and subsequently raised ,
lfuniou llurn ilortu Iloail.
LONDON. Aujr. 1 The duke of West-
mlnster'u treat racer , llullnjjford , la dead
from the Injuries received In his stall ft
fortnight .
ago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Itiu-lng nt llrlgliton llcucli Losing Inlrri-Kt
ni thn Clotn lni\r < Nrnr.
NRW YORK , Aug. 3. The iittcndanco
today was light nt Brighton Ilpnch , and
IIH there arc but three days more of the
meeting the classes of home * are getting
steadily worse. The most promising ince
on the card was the handicap for 3-year-
olils , at n mile. Ham Wpllcr look up HIP
running , wllh Our Mngglc beside him , in
Iho htat quarter , while Tom Tough lay
close up In case of accidents. Then Snm
Woller guvo way and Little Mat joined Our
Maggie , running that way to Iho end , while
Tom Tough Mnlxhed third. Resulls :
First race , srven furlongs : Shadow (4 ( to
B ) won , Saunter (4 ( to C ) second , Runyon (4
to 1) ) third. Time : 1:30(4. : (
Second met' . Mix furlongs : Solllnlre ( I to
B ) won , Sjprnno (5 ( lo 1) ) second , Waller
Rlggs (12 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:1G. :
Third race , llvp furlongs : liiinwelt (0 ( leD
D ) won , Jessie Taral (8 ( to I ) second , t lla
Reed (0 ( lo G ) third. Time : l:02'/j. : '
Fourth raci1 , one mile : Our Maggie ( .1 to
1) ) won , Llltlu Mat ( fi to 1) ) second , Tom
Tough (8 ( lo D ) third. Time : 1I3'4. : '
Fifth race. Hlx furlongs : Drum Major ( t
to G ) won , Mclntyre ( I to 1) ) second , liuslrs
(1(1 ( ( lo 1) ) Ihlrd. Time : lUCU.
Sixth nice , mile and a sixteenth : Jack
Rose (12 ( to 5) ) won. Trouble (12 ( to 1) ) second ,
Wist (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1BOU. :
Dud rrnrlc lit I
SARATOGA. N. Y. , Aug. 3. A bad track
caused a postponement of the match race
between Pierre Lorlllard'H Redowa and
Rossmore , the owners deciding not to have
the rnce until the condition ! ] Hlmll be righl
for a good race , Saragossn-'B defeat In the
handicap at a mile and n slxtecnlh , the
third race , was n disastrous upset for the
tnlenl , who willingly accepted odds of 3 to
5 on. Llzelg ran a good race , opening up a
big gap nt the very start , and holding a
clear lead light up to the finish. Results :
First raqe , six furlongs : Senela (4 ( to 1) )
won , Innocent (20 ( to 1) ) second , U'est Park
( l.r to 1) ) third. Time : l:10Vi. :
Second race , four and a half furlongs :
Fnvoru , roll , (4 ( lo 1) ) won , Phoebus ( B to 2) )
second , Robsmorc (8 ( to 1) ) third. Time :
0:67V4. :
Third race , mile and a sixteenth : Llzelg
(5 ( to 2) ) won. Illume (5 ( lo 1) second , Sarn-
gossa (3 ( to fi ) third. Time : 1:62. :
Fourth race , fix furlongs : Mistral (5 ( to 1) )
won , AraiKihoe (0 to 2) ) second , Flirt ( U to
3) ) third. Time : 1:17 : % .
Fifth race , one mile : Saildowne (7 ( to fi )
won , Semper Lex (10 ( to 1) ) .second , Ske
daddle (5 ( to 1) ) tlilnl. Time : 1:43 : > ,4.
Slxlh race , one mile : Prlgg (7 ( to 1) ) won ,
Atirellan (3 ( to 6) ) second , Galilee (5 ( to 1) )
third. Time : 1:44. :
KUultf Meet Again lit IlufTnlo nnil tlin Tcn-
BUFFALO , Aug. 3. During Ihe afternoon
sixteen heats were paced and trotted. De
spite the heavy wind Ihe average time wan
2ll : > i. In Ihe opening rnce , Ihe 2:33 : , for 4-
yenr olds , the two rivals. Red Bud and Ex
pressive , camp togelher , and the Tennessee
colt Clearly proved his superiority , although
In Ihe last heat the California lllly forced
lied Butl lo lower his record lo 2:15V4. : In
the 2:20 : trot John Goldsmith spram ; a sur
prise on the talent with his good mare ,
Alar , by Allpntnra , the fnvoilte Hullona
not giving nearly as good a race as she did
at the1 Cleveland track. Results :
2.33 class3-yoiir-olUs aiicl under , trotting ,
purse $1,000 , divided : Red Bud , Nashville.
Tcnn. , won HIP race In Ihree straight heats.
Llmonro , Medina farm ; Expressive , Pleas-
anlon , Cnl. : Ona'ntia , Independence , la. ;
Charming Chimes , East Aurora , N. Y. ;
Chide. Bradford , Pa. ; Sunup , Muncle , Ind. ,
also started. Time : 2-19H' , 2:19 : , 2:15 : < , i.
2:20 : class , trottlnpr. purse $3,000 , divided :
Alar , Wnshlnglonvillo , N. Y. , won In three
straight hp.alH. Miss McGregor , Glen Falls ,
N. Y. ; Ballona , Chicago ; Grelchen , North
Attlcboro , Mass. : Punt de LIUi , Kansas
City ; Stronlla , Chicago ; Babrlel. Philadel
phia ; Elsie S , Denver : Seaside , Evansvllle ;
Ind. ; Mllvcera , Rochester , N. Y. , also
Mlnrleil. Time : 2:141' : , , 2:13V : ( . 2:1GT : , .
2l : > > class , pacing , purse $2.000 , divided : Ed
Easton , EKMI Aurora , N. Y , , won the llrsl ,
second and sixth heals and race ; S. R.
Terrc Haute , won the third and fourth
heats ; Bulmont , St , Louis , JIo. , won the
fifth. II. J. Rockwell , Washliigtonvllle , N.
Y. ; Allle , Tonawnndu , N. Y. : Russel B ,
Ashtabula , O. ; Dolly Spanker , Ravenswood ,
W. Va. ; Jacko , Buffalo : Ramon , Plcasanton ,
Cnl.v also started. Time : 2:14'4 : , 2ir./4 : ,
" ' ' ' '
"V'lS' class , Irottliifr , purse $2.000 : Pnmlico.
Oreendale , Ky. , won the third , fourth and
Iltth heats and jace ; Ryland T , Kansas
Clly , won the liral , and Nightingale. East
: \ urorrt.von the second. Walter E , St.
Louis ; Lord Clinton , Marshall. Mich. ; Nuta
Wllkes , Washlnstonvllle. N. Y. ; Mambrlno
Chief , Freeport , III. , also started. Time :
2:10',4 , 2:11'A : SilV/t , 2nYi : , 2:11 : Vi-
NOM'AKiiI.S Ki : UJAM7.Lo. :
Coiivoiitliins ) | | ) ! | uiul tlin South Side
rut * to nourish Oncn Asiln.
The Convention club has disbanded , and
a new club , to be known as the Nonpareils ,
organized. It will contain the following
well known players : Blttlnger , Dolan , Brad
ford , Davis , McAullffe , Adams , Jpllen , Bow
man , Crulghton. J. Kelly will lie sec
retary and Fred Bradford captain. It was
decided to secure the Nonpareil park , at
Fifteenth and Vlnton streets , and put the
giounds In llrst-class shape , as of yoie ,
where the new team can give all ( list-class
clubs fn the state a chance to wrestle with
them for the amateur championship. Po
sitions of the teams that play Sunday.
Game called at 3:15 : o'clock :
Nonpareil. Posll'on. ' Cleun Clippers.
Bowman First Woods
McAullff Second Miller
Dolan Thlid Whlling
Bradford Short Bartow
Adams Left Clausen
Davis Middle Lowry
Flynn Right Hanson
nittlnqrer Catch Reed
Jellen Pitch Kleftner
Itrsillts of Ch'mgo Wlic-c'l KULTH.
CHICAGO , Aug. 3. Results of today's
races nt the National circuit bicycle meet :
One mile , novice : C. Hageman , Chicago ,
won ; time , 2:59 : 4-5.
One-third mile , open , class B : J. P. Bliss ,
Chicago , won ; time , 0:15. :
Two miles , open , class A : A. Gardiner ,
Chicago , won ; time , 5:013-5. :
One-half mile , handicap : First heat , 13.
C. Bald , Buffalo , 'won ; time , 1:052-5. : Second
end bent , R. J. Leacock , St. Louis , won ;
time , lrt3-5. : ! Third bent , G. Steele , Chicago
cage , won ; time , 1:022-fi. :
One mile , open , class A : F. C. Van do
Sande , Chicago , won ; time , 2:13. :
One mile , unpaced , Hying start : F. J.
Titus , New York , won ; time , 2:402-5. :
Ohe mile hnmlicaj ) , class A : A. Gardiner ,
Chicago , won ; time , 2lfi. :
Final brat , one mile , handicap : A. Mc
Donald , New York , won ; time , 2:02. : Bliss
did not # tuit In llmil heat.
One-third mile , heats , open , class A :
G. 15. 'Bicker , Chicago , won ; time , 0:501-5. :
One mile , handicap , class B : U. J. Lea-
cock , St. Louis , won ; time , 2:192-5. :
Two mile lap race : A. Gut diner , Chicago
cage , won ; time , G.OS 1-5.
Fiilroiii-rx Dcfuut the MorxcH.i
The Kalconom and Morse Dry Goods
CQinnany base ball learns played a game
of ball Thursday evening al Young Men's
Chrlsllx.i association park. The Falconers
won by a hcoie of 1C lo 4. Score :
Falconers . . . . , S G 0 * 10
Morse ' . 1 0 0 3-4
Batteries : Edwards and Hopper ; Mn-
lioney and Lehman. Base lilts : Falconers ,
18 ; Morses , 2. Ei rors : Falconers , 2 ;
Morses , 1C. Struck out : Falconeis , 7 ;
Moises , 2.
Trkuinuh Won In tint inil. :
LYONS , Neb. , Aug. 3. ( Special to The
Bee. ) The Tekamah and Lyons base ball
teams played their second game yesterday
on the Lyons' grounds. This was one of
the most exciting gomes ever played In
the Logan valley. At the close of the
second Inning the score slood 19 lo 2 In
favor of Lyonn , but Tekamuh won the game
by a hcoie of 23 to 22. There was u largo
crowd present.
Anita' * Hot Kid Mnn.
ANITA , la. , Aug. 3. ( Special lo The Bee. )
Wlola's second nine cumu heio to play
ball today wllh Englcman's nine. It was
a good game all through , but at HIP end
of the ninth Inning the tcore stood 18 lo
26 In favor of Kiiglemuii's nine , Englo-
inan's nine has played six games and xvou
live , and can hold any nine Us size -level.
Ratlcrles : Miles and Blood ; Ingram and
KchuyliirVirn In \Vnllr. .
SCIIUYLER , Neb. , Aug. 3-Speclul ( Tcle-
jjrum lo The Bee. ) Schujler defeated Co
lumbus hero today. Score :
Schuyler 10 0 3 0 I 4 3 E29
Columbus 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 4-7
Miller and Murphy , pitchers , and Buffoti ,
catcher , for Columbus. Bchuyler buttery ,
Hrubesky and Dunkcl. Umpire : John
I'etpr Jucloon' * Mother.
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 3.-The dispatch
from Richmond , today Baying that the
mother of Peter Juckson , the pugilist , has
been found there Is not credlled hero.
Jackson left here for the east today , but
persons who know film Intimately say
that his mother died u , number ot years
Attempt Being Matlo to Revive the Trans
continental Passenger Ar.sociation ,
California Jlutr Allrgcil to llnvo llrrn
hlnurd fO.f.Olo 1'hlrngotind S > K,5I )
to Now York Itnolt iilnnd'n Ito-
port of .Inly
CHICAGO , Aug. 3. The plan which was
evolved from the strike to organize all west
ern roads In one association was given an
Impetus today by a proposition from the
Soulhern Pacific to revive the old Trans-
cct.tlnctilal Passenger association. The
wcslern lines to which the proposition \\as
made will take some tlmo to consider the
matter , and no Immediate action Is looked
for. The principal objection to the revival
of the association Is that of Increased ex
pense , some of the lines believing the asso
ciation will cost them moro than they will
realize from It.
The Union Pacific , which thrco months
ago was accused of demoralizing the Pacific
ccast passenger trade , Is again charged wllh
the same thing. Rates from San Francisco ,
San Diego and Los Angeles lo Chicago and
Now York are being freely cut and no Information
mation received hero has shown that any
of the other lines have made any reduc
tions. The competitors of the Union Pacific
have taken no steps to meet the reductions
It has put in , which are about $13.50 to
Now York and $9.50 lo Chicago , but will
probably do so In a very short time. There
Is a very small passenger business coming
out of Callfornli now , and the lines can
have a lively little row and reduce the rates
without hurting anybody to any extent.
The gross Djrnlngs of the Hock Island for
July arc $1,108,436 , a decrease , compared
with the estimated earnings of July , 1S93 , of
iMcosi'icT.s : .MUCH IIKICII MK. :
Itullruad Mnimgrr * bro ( ! oed IliiHliu-nq In
Sight for ThlH Fall.
"Of course , everylhlng now depends on
the crop outlook , " said General Passenger
Agent 1'rancls yesterday. " .And It Is en
couraging to note that the damage done to
the corn , especially along the line of the
B. & M. , is not nearly so serious as re
ported. The lerrible heat and the long ab
sence of rain in the different corn bells of
course gave a bad outlook for the growing
crop , still my experience has always been
that the first reports received are usually
exaggerations , and they have boon no ex
ception to the rule this year. "
Regarding the railroad situation Mr. Fran
cis takes a most hopeful view. He predicts a
good tonnage this fall , and while he docs not
look for any phenomenal business , lie expects
a good deal more than as warranted a few
days slnco the calamity howl \vas at Its
highest pilch.
1.allies' Kldliig Tourney lit Ilin Sprlngx.
The Ellthorn paople are most enthusiastic
over Hot Springs , S. D. , and Its Incompara
ble atlractlons. General Passenger Agent
Munn was telling a party yesterday about
the great ladies' riding tournament held
there Thursday. There were not less than
2,000 people gathered In front of the Evans
to see the display. The names of the con
testants were Miss Helen Bennett of Deadwood -
wood , Misses Avis II. and May Blodgctt ,
Misses Julia and Lulu Caldwcll , Miss God
frey and Misses May and Annie Walt , all of
Chicago , and Miss Kittle Stabler of Hot
Springs. They were all neatly atlired In
bloomers and llowlng waists with Jaunty rid
ing caps , and as the grand review was made
they rode single file In front of the large
crowd , sitting their saddles as gracefully
and comfortably as equestriennes of years of
experience. They were cheered lustily by
the onlookers.
The ladles were all called to beats on the
veranda and after the judges , Major Ander
son , R. W. Patrick and A. D. Wood , had
announced their decision and the prizes were
awarded In a neat speech by Mr. Caldwell ,
Miss Helen Bennett of Deadwood received
the first prize , a handsome riding
bridle , and Miss Lulu Caldwell the second
prize , an Ivory mounted riding whip.
Clmiign In ' 1 ruin Survlco.
General Manager Dickinson and the North
western ofllclals have arranged for changes
In train service on their joint passenger
service. Commencing Sunday , August 12 ,
trains Nos. 6 and G will run between Chicago
and Kearney. Trains Nos. 1 and 3 will do
the through Chicago-Denver business In as
quick time as has been made. Train No.
305 , leaving Denver , will double up at Jules-
burg with the overland train , arriving at
Omaha about G p. m. , making practically
the s > ame time between Denver and Chicago
as at present. The usual complement of
chair cars , diners and sleepers will bo car
ried on the Denver trains. The changes
are both for convenience and save about
10,000 miles a month between Kearney and
ICncIc iH'iiiul Komi Washed Out.
ST. JOSHPII , Aug. 3 , The Itoclt Island
road has stopped running trains into Atchl-
son as a result of the river washing several
miles of Its track away. The through trains
which formerly started from Atchisun now
start from here.
The Burlington company has notified nil
the lines using Its tracks between tills cily
and Atclilson to build branches connecting
their lines , as the line Is too much crowded
with live roads running trains over It.
A bplfcu Hero and Thnrn.
Traveling Passenger Agent II. A. Branch
of the Erie Is In the city.
J , Y..Callahan , general agent of the Is'ickcl
Plate , Chicago , arrived this morning.
J. 0. Phllllppl , assistant general freight
and passenger agent of the Missouri Pacific ,
is In St. Louis.
John M. Thurston of the Union Pacific's
law department Is making a trip of Inspec
tion over the western brandies.
The receivers of the Atchlson , Topeka &
Santa Fe railroad announce through a circu
lar the completion of the Midland Terminal
railroad , for passenger tralllc lo Cripple
Creek , Colo.
S. Sanborn , general superlnlendent , W. II.
Newmm , vice president , P. Hallenbeck ,
and U. T. Stewart , division superintendents
of- the Chicago & Northwestern of Chicago
were cullers at the different railway head
quarters yesterday.
8 Boils at Once
Afflicted mc-ln fact I think no ono ever suf
fered more from Impure blood. Kvery phnplo of
scratch would gnrcad. sometimes making , wirei
us Urge as a dollar. I'ourboltlesof HocxTihai.
apirflla have thoroughly purified iny blood and
myiklnUimoolhasan infant's. I never felt
belter. L , O. TIXKIIAM , Newhall , California.
Hood's r'fr Cures
Hood's Pills ro prompt and ctllcleut
'I 111 * Ninntiirr Woitllirr Trutu tlin llrnoiirrci
nf Working < llrl Muni Kcppont nnt
Well lit .Smalt Kjpciiup I'uluo'n Cplorj
( ' 0111)1111111(1. ) (
One , two , three , four crisp dollar bills-
pay for a whole week's tiresome work be
hind counters or In homo factory.
Imagine It your own daughter.
It shocks one to think that lace and rib
bans fcmo so dear and human life so cheap
Trying to c.irn a living at this rate sooi
brings out nil Ihoorklng girl's \\omntilj
resouives to l cc | > neatly diessed , plrasati' '
faced and well , Finv days IMII bo spared fol
sickness and strength must not nag null
past closing time.
The best friend the working girl has PVOI
Imd Is I'alnu's celary compound. It kccpl
her well and full of strength ami couraga
It restores vitality to tired nerves ; It fecdi
every tissue ct the body when unusual wasli
has reduced the u eight anil strength of tin
body , as Is frequently the rase In the heat
cd roflgon It gives new appetite , and keopi
every part of the body , nerves and blood , 51
\\ull nourished that the nervous , exhaust *
cd tired , "run down" feeling from lmr <
work soon disappears.
In headaches , the head Is net alone tin
ouVndlng part The br.iln In the center o [ '
the /rent nervous system , and there Is u con
tinual coiuniunieul.on from every pirt o {
the body to It. Henra a dorangemenl of tin
glonui'.h liver or kidneys produces hcadi
riitit though the head be in a healthy con-
dlH n
Nervous hfadachc , neuralgia , rhcl
nutlar.t , mid heart tmib ! i arc duo to Moot
liuufTiclcnt In quantity and lacking In rich-
n ss. Wony and long hnurn of milliter ,
rupte : ! work , especially In the summer , ox1
haust tlu iH-rvous KUh&tAiiio us surely m
walking exli.ujsts the muscles. To qulckl )
fiHiils'i a liesh and abundant supply of nu <
Ulmonl for c\cry tissue of tlui body Is tin
purpose for which I'uino's celery com.
pound wye llrht prepared. This rapid pro
duction of frcih IKTVCUS energy and ptir <
blood \\.is thi ! one cnedavor of Prof. I3d-
vard K I'lflps * lung study of the causes o |
nervous exliauttlon The result of his llf <
w ) rk AJS Palne's celery compound , Jhat rei
inarkahlc remedy Hut permanently anl
s | . < -e.llly cures diseases of the kidney and
stomach. It Is the greatest nerve regulatot
and blood purltlcr of Hits present century.
IN 4 TO (0 ( WEEKS
Our Bond
Guarantees no
Pay until Curocl.
Send for our Now Book.
119 S. 14th St- Omaha , Neb.
At a good restaurant
yon oftc'n onlor thosndclIcatiiillHliPB wlthde-
llelnim Manci'H. which you do nut hnvo at
home. Hut illil It ever occur to you that with
IIH n Block or basis , you eoulil have these very
tllnhtn nuulo In your own kltuhon ?
Miss Marie Parloa
tells you how.
100 of her routpi'B Hi-lit postpaid
by D.iuchy A Co. , U7 Park
1'lnco , Now York.
roi urcrs TITK AHDMJ
Ifl'M'l/IH I , , ! ) PAVH.
NervauH IHttuaaud , i'ulliutr Memory , \
I'illO. llt.SUM'lilt'bMlPSH.WtHkm'kh.l.te. ,
cntut' UiypaxtnljiiM'i < nniliiiU'Ur | InitBiii
BOi.1) liy Knlin it Co. , Cor 15tli anil DoUKinaaHln. . nnu
J. A. 1 ulhT A-C'n. . Ciirltin . l > c.UL"ln-.HUt . . ( JMAHA
livery house Iliul IK pluMrrod on wood
lath INII llro ( nil ) , and cuiirtciiiciitly ] a
tlcntli lra | > . Thi ) IntiTlnrvooil work
11 ml or tht ) drying ollVrls of urllllclul
lioilt iM't'oiiK'it is * Inllainnblo aw llndrr ,
iircillii ; ; only a spurk lo llisli the llro
Irom icllar lo roof ivllli fr < Miiriit ]
rt'hultluc lo.N < > ( ' 1IIV.
Expanded Mi'lal Htecl I.ath wliru covorril
wllh ilsroatiiiKuf morlurdlir bi > < tUiuivn IIto
moot mati'i-luli liisuies bafrly .mil , jli Imt
illtloln ovoviof wood. It prevents fiat-k
ing and falling of piaster.
Adopted for all 1' S. ( liminmiont lliilUlliiKS
and llsusu , ohllgltory In H lluii-U. Thimiuw ,
Ah.vliuiH , lli > M > ltalb and Hc'houl llmiu-i In
Uhh''iKo anil oilier IIIIHO titles. Wrlto for
catalog-Hour lathing , ri'm-lnc ulr.
400 E. 20th Street , .CHICAGO.
ancl a
YOU ? Largo Stook
The Aloe & Penfold C .
1408 FarDCim St. , Opposite Piuton Hot )
3harlne Termi j A'lilutlil for