THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; apnUKSDAf , AUGUST 2 , 189.1. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. Advertisement * for thesj column * will ! * taken until 12:90 p. in. for HIP i > vnrnln nml until 9W : Vm. . for the m irnmg and Sunday i-rliiioiu. Advertliwrn by reptiesllnB n iiiimlxr rheek , con Jinvc nnnwirx nildmwd to n numbered Mler In euro nf Tim llee. Answer * in inMrriivil will ! delivered uixm presentation of the check. Rales , me n won ! ftrrl Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lew limn 25c for flrsl Insertion. These hdvcrlliiemrntH must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. - PERMANENT CHRISTIAN HOJti : WANTED tar KlH of. lt ( rofrrenci-n given. AiMrm * 8 41 , llec oftlFA AM776 t * WANTED. Ynt'NO' MAN OK" ) DESIRES poiiltloii In niipectiiMe bu lnem ; bent of refer- enros ; work rbrap. AJJrem II. O. S. , l x 1S8 , Ilrokfn I low , Neli. A M7S1 2 _ } Tl Nn7nfoAriTMifl > r7HiRiH : A POSITION us one In charge of n prlvnlf klndprgarlcn , or mi nn nlmljilanl. I'or reference , nadre-ia Klmlericartiirr , Ilex III , Chniitaunun , New York. A-M782 4 * WANTED MALE HELP. OOLICITORH. TIAMH FURIIDINHTALLMENT ; Roods. Amcrlcnii Wringer Co. , HID llnwnnl. II Wl CAPABLE. RELIABLE AND IIAUU WOUK- Inc Balotirum can olilnln profitable employ ment ; cnll In ( he forenoon. O. D. Ilonil. roirn * , 218 H. Jtli Jitreet. II-M7M & HOUSEl ] FOR RENT. GOOD DKTACHKD NINE-ROOM house , 2C21 Capitol avenue. II. II. Iloblnon. room 7 , Commercial Nnt. Hank lild'g. D tfli TKNTH KOlKBNT. 1311 FARNAM ST. D(3 ( _ VERY FINE 7-ltOOlI COTTAGE AT RE- duccil price ; call at once. Fidelity Trust Com- puny , 1702 Fnrimm street. D 061 wANTED-oooirMEDiUM PRICED HOUSES. List ruur houses for rent with Ames. D 5 UKNT. DESIRAHLE DWELLINGS IN all part * of city E. II. Bheaf * 4M Paxton blk. D-918A8 - _ _ _ HOUSES. F. K. DARLING , MARKER HLOCIt. I ) CGfi _ _ FOR HUNT. MODERN 10-nOOM FLAT , CEN- trolly locnted , will readily llll wltli roomers. B. 11. Bhcafe. OZ Paxton blk. D-I19A > HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF TJIIJ C1TV. THE O. F. Davis Mimpnny , 1505 Fnrnnm. D C67 HOUSES IN AM , I'AUTS OF THE CITV. THE O. F. Duvla company , 1505 Fnrnnm. D C7D C-HOOM COTTAGES , MODERN , CHOICE IN Stanford Circle. C. B. ElgulU'r. 204 lira bldi ; . D C8 71UNTAL AOKNCV , 507 UROWN 1II.OCK.UCCS U-CCS KKI.KINNV & co. , a. i , CONTJNKNTAI. III.K. D-670 _ FINK 7-UOOM COHNHH FLAT AT 7ul S. 1CTU ntrect ; raiiKu nml nil other corucnlencea. Gcnrge Cldllser. room 2 , ] C.2 Farnam tip"t. ] ) 2'X ' ) FOU III7NT IF KO.MC aKNTMlMAN AND Ilia wlfp would Ilku to rent a dexliable mmlprn house n ( nlni > "fonins In a choice local Ion. we hail ! It. llOKKH & HIM. 1J 390-A20 j-noo.M norsi : NIAII HIOH scnooi.t : . jso.oo per inotuli , Kuqulru 'MS Cupllol AM- . U-C53-1 * _ _ CAM , AT OFFtm FOU KUM , DKHCKII'TION nnd photograph of the5c houm'K : 322T , I'ratt stri'ot. 4 lonma , ) S.i . S l.T Heward Httt-et , 4 rooniM. uo\\ , $10.00. 2113 llrlHtn ! Hlri-el , 7-room cottage , uvurj IhliiB In It , Jjuund to Hiilt , S2..i . Onu nf the lln Kt 7-rciom IIOURCH In city , $30. Fldrllty Trust Co. , 17th and Farnam Kta. IJ57S _ FOIl HUNT , MODnilN C-HOOM COTTAniJ ; call foicnoon IG''l Hlierman iivcnui * . D JIC2I 2 ] 2 CAP. AVK. , 210 N. 20TH ST. INCJl'IHi : AT 2518 Capitol mcnue. L > 741-2' ROOMS , MOIMIHN CONVlINlnNCtS ; iJS S. 18th at. D 7)0-0 10-ROOM IIOUHi : . MODUUN CO.N'VKNIKNCF.S. 21 a. 131M street. 1) 7C3-3 * HUNT IIOIISK OF 'rnni ! IIOOMS IN Rood repair ; well nnd cistern. Knqlllrf at S. > 16 Webster lri-ct. II 7G7-6' C8 HOUSES. F. D. WUA.D. 1CTH & DOUCit.AS. I-772,7 FOH HINT ciioicij COTTAOIJ , I.AP.OK crounda and trees , JtS.OO. It. U. r.iUurs.iri. D-773 FOR 'BENT FTTKWISHEU ROOMS. 'prtONT- ' ROOMS , FURNISHED. FOR HOUSE , Jceeplng and Bleeping rooms. 1C11 Howard. ' E-Mlil ? 4 X LAh'GE EAST FRONT PARLO11. , N1 CELY furnished'very ik-slrublc , at reu oniihle 324 N. * 15th nlr cot. IV- FUHNIS11I2D ItOOMS. 2227 K-K7-4 * FOR HKNT , FOR 2 MONTHS , 4 NICKL.Y FUR- nlshcd rooms for hotisekeeplm ; : llrst tloor ; modern. 2115 KrBklnc Etreet , N. 21th : refrrpnces required ; J15.0U. 1 M72S 0 FtIRNISHiU ROOM , I1ATJI ; JO.OO MONTH. 1311 Faniuin. K 74i-2 ( NICELY FUHNISIinn SOUTH FI1ONT IIOOM In prlvatq family , all convenlunci'M ! K < > ntliMiian pieferred. Reference iciiulred. til N. 21st Hi. K-750-C UNFintNlSlICD AND FURNISIIPD ROOMS for housekeeping. I o ' ] > rlccs. 2tll St. Mary's avenue. 10 M701 2 * NICtH.Y FUHNI8HT.D HAST FRONT ROOM , modern eoru'cnleticcs ; Ko l locality ; references. 454 North 17th , corner Cans. 13-M778 4 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. YOUNG "n'OMCN'S HOMK UNl > Kl ! OAHI3 OF Women's Chilsllap association. Ill S. 17th t. F-C71 IIOOMSVITII HOARD. 2130 HAHNIIY. F 172-AIS * 'ROOMS ' WITH HOARD isio CHICAOO ST. ! M381-A20 * DKSIRAHM3 COOl , ROOMS WITH HOARD AT i215 ! Howaid all cet. F 570-3 * N1CELY F ROOMS AND FIRST class board. 721-Dodue. F 215-A14 NICELY FURN1HHED ROOMS , WITH HOARD ; 613N. . 20th. F CIS l NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AND FIRST clans IKIIIII ) . 2SII Limden court , near cnrner 2llh , or H29 N. Y. Life bhlg. F-.Mii.1M * FURNISIini ) ROOMS WITH HOARD. 2019 Callfuinl.i si. F-CM-I * SOUTH ROOMS RHASONA1IM ; . 2103 DOl'O- lus lieul. F M75S C * UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 3 WCU ROOMS : WAT13H. COS N. 13TH ST. (1 3A-A13 * _ ROOM FOIl MCIHT HOUSKKnU'llINa l9 N ! FOlRENT- STORES AND OFYlCES CORNUH SALOON , 1124 DOl'OI.AS. INCJl'lltR 'Mi. 1MkOS FOR RUNT. THK 4-STOUY IllilCIC 1UI1I.DINO 01C Piirnum ntieet. The liullillni ; him n lho proof cement basement , complete h > * nt- int ! U Ui i IB.tnter on all Iliuirn , Km. etc. Ap ply at the illkv of The Hee. 1 U10 AGENTS WANTED. SAI.CSMIIN. Wo BUND SAMPI.HS , AMAJW llbcnit fc.ilniy nnd expenni-n or commlsBlon to proper uppllrmitu. Stupla Bi'llvr. thieo stores out of ll\ nlll order. AdOrena with Ihix 4M , New Yuik city. j\GlSNTS. 1IOTH SEXES. TO TAK.E CON- trnctN fur reliable firm. 133 Puxtun blk. Omaha. , J-7II-A50 * ' * "WANTED TO BENTT WANT iTQ LEASE FOR TE11M OF YEARS leni'ment block or number of duellings rcn- trolly lucuted. Addrrm P. O. Hot l\ri. \ K-y,3 STORAGE. LIAMS & citossiii HARNUY. M 072 > -BTOllAnE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN unJ cJinip rate. R. Yells , llll Fanuim. ' M-C73 OM.VANSSTOHAOE CO.,1505 FARNAM. Tel.IKO M-C74 IIH.ST BTOItAim IIUILDINQ IN OMAHA , U U ) . RUV. bonded warehoimp. HouHehuU ROOI | > utored. Luwenl rates. 1013-1015 lenv < Muorth. M-74S _ WANTED TO BUY. _ MUST > X > U TIU : MONUY.HAVANA FJtlCKIKS N-MSCT-A19 _ _ HIOHICHT rilK-n PAID t-OU mCCOND-HAND furniture , aline * , etc. 1 , llrussi'll , 710-712 N. ICth N65iiA8 _ WANTID. : TO prnciiABu 6 OH e-itoou tiounf , with miHlern convenlenceit. A cottatre with nice in-ouinU at Kountie PUrr. llsn com ptrk or Wmt Hurney , Farnum , DoucUa or Doditv vtrvrt preferml. State full particulars ml loweut canh prlca to 8 U lira otlloa. VANTED TO DUY-A FIRST CLASS TWO. cntrj carriage ; um l lw a bjlvatn. Addre B 39. ll . N-78J.J * FOR SALE -FURNITURS. PAYMENTS Ii\SY. YOU WON'T iU8S YOl'Il money , IMVT prlee * on furnliuru A ImumolioM Ku d * . Kntorprlu * Cmllt Co. , ( U-lli N. isih it. FOR SALE HORaEB.WAOONS.ETO PINK BBCOND HAND PHAnTOMB AND CAIU A. J , ttlmp on' Hfi Hon' , 1411 Dmtev. P-8H-A2I HAI.K , A HOOD FAMILY IIOU8K , it , 1 , ) pound * , naf nnrt rellnble ; two- nurrey Kood as'new nml linrnpua chenpi strictly cns.i. II. L. llurkrt , undertakpr , 23rd and Cumlng utrcpts. P 574 2 rin-HiciAN I'UAtrroNS AT COST. NO OK- c-ptlon. Drumm md Carriage Co. , IS & llamp > , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * P-5SO 2 TOP llt'OOIKS JM A t < i.iLKATIIinTUP : CAR- rlaKe fA. Druimnond Carrlngc Co. I' SZl FOH SAM : . OOOD FAMILY PONIT ixm children. 2112 Hurt. 1' 6:6-3 * roil HAI.K OH THADB-2 ItOIlflKS WEinH- ln > ? | , OJD lb . rach , 6 nnd 7 year old Fml Terry , 4M Ramite block. ! 7 4 FINK IIORHK , IIUUQY AND HARNr..SS. AD- dresn S H HP < , 1' 767 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOIl.SAI.K , FIH..I MOHTaAOnS , OtfARAN- II-P < | 8 per cent , mini * of I3HI.OOto - II.WO.O ) . Why takn 4 per icnl when you can KPI 87 Amea. 1C17 Fariuin. _ Cl-.Ma ? ! ICH FOR HAM : IN CAH LOTS. OILIIIHT : _ Hros. , Councl Illuffit. ( J 1CK FOH KAMI ; CAN SHIP OVI2II ANY ROAD out of Omnlia and t.'ouncll muffs. Lnmoreaux Hnis. , SOC So. 10th , Omulm. Q 332-A17 CI I E A PKST CHICKKN AND ORNAMENTAL fence made. C. H. Lee , 901 Douclaa. _ Q 774 limit aiiAOK 'ENGLISH OAK PIANO. AL- nen , nt a eacrlllce. Addrcs * H 33. Tire . bldt ; . _ _ _ Q-M729 2' _ NKV , ' SASIPLi : PIANO AT MANIIKAcfuil. em' cone. Addresi S 31. Hep bldg. 'J M7M i * HANK AND PLATTK VALI.KY SAND FOH ale. C. W. JIuIl Company , * Jth & Izard Bin. , _ q 77s WAGON UMIIRKLLAS. SIMPSON , llll DODGK. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C1-513.A2I MISCELLANEOUS. FHKK MUSKUM OF ANATOMY TO MEN only. Dr. Bourlca & Seurles , ] 4lii Fiirnam t. It I31-A10 - _ _ _ _ _ HAVE YOUR OLD CAHPKT WOVKN INTO TUBS. Km > rna rugii rcpalrciC 1J21 Leavenworth. H-11542 _ _ _ _ - CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. II. WARHEN , CLA1HVOVANT , RI3- lluble business medium ; 7th > eur ut 119 N. 16. _ _ _ _ B-67IJ CLAIHVOYANT-PROFiSSOH WHITE CANUB consulteil on business , marriage , divorces and nil family attain ; the future plainly revealed. lovers united. troubles healed .names of filpnds nnd enemies ; also the one you will marry. Hours from 9 a. m. lo V p. m. Ban- day , 9 to f. 1617 Chicago street. S 109-A10 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE Continued. UONDT TO LOAN Ort IMPROVED OMAHA- real tiUt * . Hrennan , JUw * A Co. , 1'axton blk. t'NITEO STATES MOHTGAGH CO. OF NRW York. Cnpltnl t2KM.OW. yurphu tOM.iW. Hub- mil choice linns to F. 8. Pusey , agent. I'lrst National bank building. W-t OMAHA LOA N & rHr8T CO. . KTIt ANU Dnuslm Mrrets , loan money on city nnd farm pn > | > erty at lowest rules of Interest. W-C33 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , liornes , waRon * , etc. , nt lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at tiny lima or In nny amounts. amounts.OMAHA MORTGAGE I.OAN CO. , 306 South 16th street. JC-633 _ MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FUHNI- lure , pianos , horses , wagons , or nny kind of chattel security , nl lowrwt poralblo rntos , which you can pay back nt nny time , nnd In nny ninount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . room 4 , Wlthnell block. X-633 _ CONFIDENTIAL LOANS MADE ON CHATEL securltlcH. Address P. O. Hex 7P2. X 373 J. 11. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 RAMGE IILOTIC X < i32 A , E. HARRIS , ROOM 1 , CONTINENTAL 11LK X S3 1 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PHOP- erty , Han In Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life build ing. X W6 B1IOHT TIME LOANS. 4M PAXTON IIIXJCK. X 9 17 A 6 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE. GROCERY STORE. GOOD CLEAN stock , located on the best street In the dtyj will Invoice at about JI.800.00 : will wJI for rah only ; Rood reason for ncllliiB. Address V 29 , Bee. Y MISS A13 * IF YOU WANT TO HUY.SELL OR EXCHANGE merchandise. Bet 1n or out of the buslnesn , cnll on or nddrcra the National Information nnd Exchange Co. , 203 Flrat National bunk. Omnha , Neb. _ _ Y MS A21 E HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC CICIAII. j M C7 A 10 FOR SALE , ALL FURNITURE NOW IN USE In conducting a first-class hotel. Hotel build- Intr can be leased for nny number or years. Mre. A. It. Ray , Valentine. Neb. Y-M5C3 n * AVANTED. 5,000.00 TO JIO.OOO.OO TO PROMOTE manufacturing Interest of article In Kcnernl UHO In one of the most Imprtant munches of trade. Millions sold nnnunlly In the United _ Blaltnlone. . Address S 38. Hee. < I3-1 FOR RENT A DEPARTMENT ON SECOND floor. 30x80. In one of the lareesl houses In Council Uluffs. 13 , core Hee , Council Hluffj. Y MG3j When you want HELP Let THE BEE HELP you get HELP 25c for seven teen words or less first time , and a penny a word after that no matter how many words There are lots of folks needing- HELP We will HELP you and you will get HELP. IIT7T D VATTOQIU'T ' 17 HJiJLlr lUUKoJiJLr. MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. MADAME SMITH. 003 S. 13TH , 2D FLOOR , ulcohol , gleam , sulphur room 3. Massage , vapor , a iinis 4' phur nnd sea batha. MASSAGliTMADAM BERNARD. PEBSONAL. LADIES' AMr.EU JEWELHY TO OROKR ; aim iep.ilrlng. CIS H. lUth atrocl. U-M6.7 ScTllDELL'H SHAMPOO , VAPOR .AND HOT nlr machine for Htenmlnir ladles faces nnfl hendHj cures dandrulT and headache. l. ) Oouelus street. L M8j-A3 THY HAVANA FIUJCKLCa , A W WHEN OUT WITH YOUll LADY VISIT J. J. Miilloi'H new Ice cream parlors. 2s . ' Le vcn. worlli ureel ; everything Is new. Including the building. Tel. 103U. Ice cream delivered. U"oi 8 VIAVI 1IOM13 THEATMENT TOH LADIES. Ilp.illli bixik nnd consultation free. Address or call Vl.iv ! Co. , 310 llc bl.lg. Lady ulUn mt. on. w. HOSB MAHTIN. 1321 FAIINAM ST. j hours from U lo 1. 3 to 6. T to 8. BRAND-GENUINE WHOLE . UNION - - - Hour. Whoiitfl New liiuakfusl food. Jseul & Com ad , Wholesale Agents , Oniahn. , WHOLE WHEAT BREAD FROM UNIIOLTED Hour at Imogen L. Ramsey , 21 , N. ICth st. MASAGE 11ATHS. MME. POST , 319H B. 15TII. U xJj UMIIIinLLAK MADE. P.ECOVEIIED AND JIG- palrpd. 105 South Sixteenth Hlreut. b 8 8 CllEAM rOIl llll'I'lNairorfTciE CHEKSE. Wateiloo cicamery , 1C13 Howuidj tel WU IIALIU'VT- - , . . A pleiiKint nnd convenient place , 152) Faiiiaiii fctiect , Pnxton block ; 'phone TU.U . U MO THE WOMAN'S 11AKEHY SU'I'I'MES VA- rlety of choice poods , besldra l\ve \ kinds of the best bread In miitlcrl ; wh lB wheal bread n mipcliilty ; Knyta ilellvered ; telephone 4jl. Mrs. C. Sa\llle , malinger , 1101 N. SUli HU U W3-A-S5 BTUAW HATS CLEANED , HESHAPEO AND niiulu new. 603 N. .Mill St. U Sa-A i WANTED VOIl UNION CO. FA HI. AT ELK Point , S. U. , one merry-go-round nnd one l u- loon ni > i Fusion mini. Apply lo eecrotary. Elk I'ulul. H , D. , fair. Bept , 18 , 1111) ) nml 21. H. Muiphey. secretary. U U)8 10 KAMT'EiT'uT'nNS lNVlTI'.S YOU TO SEE HIS new dinner Beta at J5.73 , fotmerly 110.00. HAVE YOl' SEEN THE IUIITUT THK I1EST imilrlmonlul | wwr In the world ; 5-llne iieiEonal fretY for one month ; Biimiilu cujiietf luc each. P SI. Ilvu ollice. Onwlia , Neb. U MIT ! ) 2 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LIKE INHt'HAKCn I'OLltTEa LOANED ON or bought. V. C , Chesney , Kan ib City. Mo. W-6SI _ _ _ ANTHONY IX5AN & TllUST CO. . 318 N.Y. LIKE loan * ut low rates fur choice security on Ne braska unil Iowa farms vr Omutiu clt > pujpoity. W-C-il _ _ MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATKM ON Improveil nnd unlniprovwl Omaha real eotatt , 1 lu 6 > rnrs. Fidelity Tru t Co. , 1703 Karnam. wess ; - _ _ _ HONEY TO LOAN ON IMPIIOVEH OMAHA roil estate. Uiennan , Love & Co. , PaxKm blk. W 6S3 X.UAN8 ON IMPHOVnn & I'NIMPIIOVED CITY lniiH | > rly : U.twa & upisiirils. S to6J4 ircent ; no Oeia > n. W , 1'Vrnam Smith & Co. , 13.M Knrnam. W Ob ? _ MONEY TO LOAN ON FAIlil IN 1WUOLA8. Improved ami unlm ) > reed Omaha real entattt. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Turnam si. AY-6S8 LOANS. TJT II. BHISAFE. 432 PAXTON HLIC W ( KAI MONEY TO IX1AN "ON OMAHA and Nebranka firins at from lo 7 per cent. W. U. Melkle , FInt National bank bulldlnir. LOANH WANTED. J. N. FHENZEIl , Ol'P. P.O. _ _ _ _ 8KB F. D. WEAtt FOH > Jounyouwanl lo inaka iir sell. _ W 771-7 MOIITCIAOK'LOANS. A. wooni : , sot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ati ; MONEY TO I.OAN AT IAJ\VEST IIATKS. THE O. F. Davit Co. , 1WJ Fariuin it. W-C31 KOll KENT , BUTCHER SHOP. TOOLS slaughtering hotibe nnd rendnrlnK house com plete. Hcnt. JSO.OO n month If taken al once. Only one shop In town l.DOO people. Address M. H. Hegarly , Neola , lu. Y M783 3 FOB EXCHANGE. UAUOAINS IN UOMI 5.TRADESALE,1CO.- e . . Z C37 FOR TUADn. FOU OMAHA IMPROVED PROP- ertlea woitli H.000.00 to J10.000.00 , good farm Innili In this state : will assume reasonable In- cumbrnnce. What have sou got7 Amei , 1C17 Fnrnam street. Z M3I7 A 10-CENTER l OU 5C , HAVANA FRECKLES. 2-M3C7 A19 FOR SALE. FIRST-CLASS AND WELL LcT cated drug store ; half cash , balance real estate. H ' 6. Dee. JZ-MGJ04 NICE B-R. H. , WALNUT HILL. Jl.SOO.OO. WHAT have you to offer ? C. D. Hutclilnmin. 103 Farnnm. Z-M737 2 FOR EXCHANOE-I WILL EXCHANGE 3 iinnrter Heetlons of land , free of Ineumbrancea. for gooil mock of merchandise , about Jl.OM.OO. W. C. Ritchie , Pender , Neb. Z-7C3-5 FOB SALE KEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; GEL- lar. cistern , city water ; cor. J3th and Sahler ; Jl.2M.OOj long time. Enquire 1318 Farnam. Hnmucl IJurns. R E C93 nAllQAINS , HOUSES. LOTS AND I'-'ARMS ' , tale or trade. F. K , Daillng , llarker block. R E C9J FOU SALE , 124 ! MILES FROM OMAHA. 430 acres well Improved ; 160 acres In has' . 170 In corn nnd oats , balance In timber. Will seller or > IO an acre on fiisy terms. It will p.iy to Investigate this. Ames , 1617 Farnam. Farnam.REM318 RE-M318 SNAP-SMOOTH. IHCH OARPEN LAND FIVE miles from poMoillce , J100 per nne ; might tnltu ome tiade. 1104 N. Y. L. building. building.R R E 178 A13 FOR SALE 40 , CO OR 1W ACRES , JOINS FLOR- cncc , Hplcnilld land for Investment. Only SCO a i acre. Ames , 1617 Fjrmim ulicet. U E M31S IJAROAIN-A FINE 1CO-ACRE FARM 73 MILES from Omaha , for Jl'.OOO.OO ; JSOO cash , balunco In D jeurs. c. It. iloatrlKlit , 301 N. Y. Llf. % U E-M328 A17 FOR SALE , CHOICE SECTION LAND J 'EAU LeNlngton , Dawson counts' . No flnet 'land In the mate. Ames. 1C17 Farnnm. R E Mats LIST 'lIAIUJAiNSTofTQUICIf TURNS. T5S DoOge. It E 700 CHOICE GARDEN LANDS , B JIII.E3 FROM postnincc. in tracts from 10 to 1C ) acres , A Krent bargain. Will laka some trade. N. D. Kes-cs , C17 Paxton block. ' UE M736 A IJAUOAIN-FOR SALE. 80 ACRES LAND. 70 In cultivation. 10 In timber ; well Improved crop. Block nnd Implements ; new house , with G rooms nnd well fuinlshed ; caxb , $3.SOO.W ; two miles from mllw.iy mutlun. For particu lars apply to O. A. Hiiberer , Phllllpsburif. Lnclede county. Mo. RE M7537- WE CAN O1VE A DISCOUNT OF J2.IXX ) IN A llnnscom Place resldem * . every c nv. A line 0 r. IIOIUM ( cellar pl tere < l ) , city water , well and cistern. ! ,3'X ' > . 6 r. housa renting nt I1SO.OO for Jl.CUO. JWO cash Uuysu J1.2.U lot In N. W. part of city. F. D. Wead , ICtli und DouKlua. . n E--770-4 FOR HALE. 4.460 ACRES OF LAND -3IILEH northwest of Omaha. Address Tlinmaa Kerl , Oakland. Neb. 11E-M777 Bl BIOYOLT-S. BICYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED Tires and sundries. Baf opened , repaired. C. _ R. HcOln , lockimllh. Ill N , Hth street , 8MA1 BICYCLES , NEW AND OLD , J30 TO I IK easy imymeniw ; vie n-nl and rennlr. Omaha lllCCli > Co. , 323 X. 16th street. Telephone 129. 703 NEW WARWICK. 1WI PATTERN. STRICTLY high jrradf , adjustabel handle and riur l > rnku on no ottier wheel. Inquire Omitha Coal , Cuke & LI ins Co. , 10th and Douglas st. st.ISO ISO A10 STYLES. jVLL TRICES. Send for our list of second hand and shop worn bicycles. Repairs nnd cycle sundries iif II kinds. M. O. Dnxon , HK N , lOlh nt , KU JOB PH1NTINO. QUICK PRINTERS. KRAMER & CHANDLER. llll Parnam and 307-9 8. Ulh. Phone 1UO. Mall orders gel quick action. ( O A4 REED JOII PRINTING CO. FINE PRINTING f all k J 1'tli * L. IJee bulkllin. 714 ORDER COMMERCIAL pRINTINQ A peclally , Douglas Printing Co , , 419 B , 15th itrcel , ELeclry bld . Tel. ( | 1 tor promnl service. MTIJ MUSIC , ART AND LANOTTAOE. o. F. ciKiLKNnr.rK. .3 IIANJOIBT AND teacher. IMP California slreeL li _ FOR IIAROA1N8 IN l JLNOS AND GROANS ! rasr payments ; Iniitrumenls rented ; rtnts npply on purcliaae. A. J loupe , Jr. "PI ' MRS JESSIE iJitovf-rioMMim1 , THK only jHwt gra'lunte of lm rson College of Ora tory , Iloston In Omaha , who tenches elocution and pli)8lcal culture. _ _ iVnro liulldlng , Omnlm. 211 All OMAHA OPTICAL CO. . LEADING OPTICIANS ; ) . F. Ponder , manuani scientific exnmlna * lion of Ihe eyes free ; 223 S. 16th street. Com' I Nat'l Ilk lldg.In KWiWr'i drug Btnrn. THE ALOE A PKKWf.U CO. . SCIENTIFIC nptleluns. 1103 Farnnm St. . opposite 1'utton lintel , Kje.i examined frrr. 701 KYE3 TESTED FirEE llY A PRACTICAL OP- tlclnn. We gimrnntee to III the eyes perfectly lo your entire tmtlsfactlon or money refunded , A. MANDELUEIUI , Jeweler optician , northeast corner Six teenth nnd Fnrnnm street * . 86J-A4 * UNDERTAKERS AND EOLB AL.HER3 II. K. IIUIIKKT , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embulmer. 1C18 Chicago t. , telephone 00. 701 BWANSON & VAL1EN , UNDERTAKERS AND cmbalmers , 1701 Cumins U , telephone 1UOO. 7W _ M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EM - balmer. 1117 Fnrnam lit. , telephone 222. 707 HBAFEY & HEAVEY. 21 S. 14TH BT. TEL , 265 ; ulso : ith and N sts. , So. Omnlm.70S 70S A51 BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. C13 t ) . ICth. 709 n. L. CARTER. METAL CORNICE SICY- llghta , smoke stacks , furnaces. 1617 Howard st. 710 DAMAGED MIRRORS IlESILVERED. 719 N. 16. KX M D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL OF- flee to 20U S. 16th St. , Itrown block. MIPS PIjUMBEBS. FREE PLUMIIING OF EVERY KIND. GAS steam & hot water licattng ; tiewerage. 313 B. 1C. t 715 J. J. HANIOAN. PLUMIIINO , STEAM AND hot water licntlng. 2703 Leaicnworth st. IS ! JOHN ROWE & CO. , PLUMIlINoTsTHAM AND hot water heating , gas tlxlurcs , globes , 4 1 S. 1C. STEAMSHIP ANCHOR LINE MAIL STEAMSHIPS-SAIL regularly every Saturday from New York for Londonderry nnd Glasgow. Ethiopia , August 11 , 2 p. m. ; Furncssla , August IS , 7:30 : n. in. ; Anchurla , August 25 , noon ; ClrcasHlii , Septem ber 1 , 3 p. m , Saloon , second class and Fteeinge single or round trip tickets from Nc\r York or Chicago at reduced raten to the principal Scotch , English , Irish und all continental points. For money orders , drafts , outward or prepaid tickets apply to nny of our local agents or to Henderson llros. , Chicago. CABPENTEBS AND BUILDEBS. HAMILTON BROS. . GENERAL CONTRACtors - tors and builders , carpenter work , bilck laying nnd plastcilng. 411. S | ISth St. , tcl. 11711.M33S M33S C. E. MORRILL , CARPENTER. OFFICE AND Btore fixtures u Rpeclalts' . Patching and plastering. 1513 CnplUU ave. , tel. 403 552 ELECTRICAL' SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; electifcnl and gen- einl machinists ; mnterlor wmk guaiunteed. Omaha Electrical IVuiJ.a. C17 und 019 S. ICth at. 711 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants nnd all kinds of electrical conslitictlon. Wectcrn Elec tric Supply Co. , 418 and , 40 S. 15th st. 712 TENTS AND AWNINGS. WOLF BROS. & CO..MANUFACTURERS OF aunlngH , tents , lings. wa ( rti , has' , stock covcis , tnriJ.iulIn , bnnneis. streamers. 703-705 S. IClh at. , lelrnlione" CQI. Tentir fiir rent , 713 WlIY DON'T YOU RENTyV TENT. TAKE A Mtcatlon nnd lest j'tnirsclP ? The Omaha Tent nnd Awning Co. have tcrfls of all kinds that they rent cheap. 1311 Fuinam Bt. SS. A17 HOTELS. ' " ' ' " ' > J1" " ' THE MIDLAND HttTEU , - Corner ICth and Chlrtfeo sts. ; coolest hotel In Omaha' ! new building , now furniture , elec tric bells , bath , fctaam liraU American plan , Jl.M to J2.00 per day ; European l > lan. 50c to 11.00 per das' . "M. J. I'rank , proprietor. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. Vf. COR. 13th and Dodge. Itoom by day or week.OSAS : OSAS * T YP E WB1TEBS. TYPEWRITERS IIOUGHT. SOLD. RX- changed , Tenled and repaired. Tj'pewrltor and olllee Bupplles. Tyix-wrltera rented nt Jl per month. The Omaha Typewriter Exchange , BUC- cesuoiH to the typewriting department of the Mcgeath Stutlonuty Co. , 214 S. ,13th , tel. 13C1. 990 SEE THE NEW DOUGHERTY TYPEWRITER. The Omaha Ts'pewrlter Exchange , lei. 13C1 , No. 214 S. 13th st. 931 HABNESS. HARNESS , WHIPS , NETS , ETC. REPAIRING a specialty. 113 N. 15th st. 717 GET MY PRICES I1EFORE YOU BUY A IIAR- ness. August Benne , 711 S. ICth Bt. Ill 116 A10 SHOBTHAND AND TYPEWBITINO. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND , 513 N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. 718 LEARN PRACTICAL BUSINESS & SHORT- hand. Kaumj's Omaha lius. Col , 15th & Farruim 213 A13 HAT AND GBAIN. BUY YOUR HAY BY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. Sns'der , 1515 IJurt St. , tel. 1107. 833 S3 NEBRASKA HAY TO , , WHOLESALE HAY , grain and mill stuff. We nre ulwas'S on the market to buy or sell , 1518 Webster st. 158 STEN O GB APHEBS. C. A. POTTER. 620 N. Y. LIFE BUILDING , does all kinds of xtcnographlc work , law cnseii , depositions , chancery work , copying , etc. , nt reasonable prices. Cull nnd see Ihe Duplex tspewiller ; writes two letters nt one and the name time ; the fastest tspewrltcr In the world. MS11 AC G BINDING. SCISSORS , LAWN MOWERS. RAZORS. ETC. , ground. Melchlor Kios. , 1119 Farnam Bt. 719-5 RAZORS , SHEARS. CLIPPERS , LAWN MOW- cm , etc. A. L. Underland , 100 K. Hth. 720 HOBSESHOEING. MRS. THOMAS MALONEY. 012 N. ICTH ST. 15 > All E. D. IJURT. HORSESHOER. > 14 N. ICTH. SS5-AS PAWNBBO&EBS. FRED MOIILE , U174 ! FA UN AM. JEWELRY. iv 721 H. IIAROWITZ LOANS'MONEY , MS N , ICth st. 1 lil'Jfl 722 STEAM COtiteEBS. THI5 HEVERIDGE AUEOBIATIC COO1CER. NO odor , does not burn , Affw-9 fupMs \ any move , coal , gasoline nr # itn ; send for circular , Milton Rogers & Sons' , ' UIL' nets , Farnnm & Hth. 7W-A30 TR. GEORQE B. NASCXNfl/ENTIST. SUITE 200 Paxton block , 16th anit iT/ynium ntc. , tel. 712. IHvliJ 7 | w _ t rjt DR. PAUL. DENTISTPSOMI HURT ST. 333 ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY. EI-OCL'TJON PHYSICAL CUI lure. Kmerson nielhntr. Summer pupils re ceived. Room 9 , Commercial Nat'l bank. ' M1C1 _ DANCING. PRIVATE LESSONS. STAGE OR eoclcty dances , call nn Murnnd , 1MO Harnur , or 2300 Dodge Bt. .terms rctmonuble. MU8I A7 WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON I1ROH. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN nil kinds ot coal. Coirti | mdcnce solicited , low Farnnm Bt. D23 TAXIDEBMISTS. TAXIDERMY AND FURS. SEND FOIl TATA- Oeorge K. llrowi ) , jr. , & Co. , 7W B , 111 It. 72i DYE WOBKS. BCHOED8AOIC. TWIN' ' CITY OYE WORKB" , 1(21 Farnam street. DJrlnc rf every descrip tion and dry cleaning. M76I LIVEBY STABLE. HOARDING STAIII.IvS. FINE I.1VHHY RIGS cheap. Ed llAtimley , 17th and Bt. Mnrjr'n r . UPHOLSTERING. ui'iior.'iuNO CAiiiNirr MATTIIKHS WOIIKH. W. 11. Hell , 11. A. MrKuchron , ZT1I l.ea\emv'ti. ! .nit , iAnnsHAinniuisuKvn , SHAM- Kilnn , stenmliiR hnlr KooOs , 1513 Doughy CORNICE. WKSTKIIN COIINHT5 WOIIKH , OAI.VANl'/.KI ) Iron cornices. 17M BU Mary's ve. 3)1 EMPLOYMENT ACJENOY. WHITE'S CMl'LOYMKNT OFFICE. Till' ONLY place to get help Ot all kinds In the city. 13UR15AU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Boo Bulldliifir , OMAHA , Nob. Advitio TO Eli , RHILWAYT1MBGHRD "Leaves | CHICAGO i NORTHWK.-iT'N ( Arrives UiuaualU. 1' . DciKt 10th & Mason tfls.j Omaha il:03ani. . . . . Chicago Kxpiet > a..T. 6lupm 4.-06pm Vntlbula Limited 8:20am : Bsuim.Ex. : Bat. ) . Para.Kx. Mou. ) . Kixjam C:55ani , . Mo. Valley Local , lUMUpm C30pm..Tho Overland Flyer 2l : ! > piu L ive 101ITUAOO. UUllKlNQTOnt q.Arrir | T Oinalial Depot IQtla and Maaun BU. I Onutui 4Miln. . . . . .Cufcaito Vestibule : " 50 i"ra 945am. ; . . . . ' IRJ Kxpress 4:25pm : 7OZpm..Chicago and Iowa Local VOJam : U&am : Pacll'.o Junction LocalL. . . . . CUin : > ves l Omalml Depot 10th and Maaon His. | Omalia lOiHani Denver Bxpreju JJiam. : 10:16am Deadwood Express 4IOpro : < : 9pm , .Denver Express 4:10pm C:80U..KebraKka : | Local ( except Sun. ) . . . CSOpm tilEam.iLlncoln Local ( except gunday..ll:2imii ) : Leaves I K. a. ST. J. .t C , H. ( Arrives r Omaha ) Depot 10th and Mason Sta. I Omalia n Kansas City Day Express 6&ipm : ; 4ipm.lC. C. NlghlJix. via U. P. Trans. OlSftim Lca\C3 I CHICAGO , 1C. L & PACIFIC. lAirlves QmahalUnlon Depot 10th ft Mason Sts.I Omaha , EAST. 10:15nm. .Atlantlc Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . :05pm : tUSpm Night Express 6:40am : 4:40pm..Chicago : Vesllbuled Limited. . . . l:20pm : U:85pm.Oklahoma : Exp. ( to C. M. ex Bug ) . 63iam WE3T. C:35am.Oklahoma ft Texas Exp. < ex riun.ll:35pm l:36lim . . .Colorado Limited 4:10pm : TIeaies \ UNION J'ACIFIC. | Anl\e7 OmahalUnlon Depol 10th & Mason Sts.I Omaha 8:50am. : . . < Denver Express 3:50pm : 2l5pm : Orerlnnd 1'lyer G:20pm : l:4tpm.Beatrice : & Strnmsb't ; Exex Sun.12:30am : :40pm. : . . I'nclflc Kxprcea . . . . .10:55am : J:30pm. . .Fasl Mall. . . . . . . 4:20im : l aCes iCineAOO7'Minr& 'hTr'lVflTE.iArrliei OmahalUnloji Depot lOth & Mason Sla. | Omalu 6:35pm : . . . .Chicago Limited T. . BiSliir lliliL-un..Chicago Kxprei. < "X. Sun. ) . . . . r.oQum : Leaves I If J' . . * iu * Al.ui.i Arrives OmahalDepot _ 15tti anil Webster sts. iOinaln _ : Dendwood K.\pc m > 6:10pm 3OCam.Gx. : ( Sat.l.Wyo. Ex.Ex. ( Mon.l. C:10pm : 6:0flpm. Norfolk Express ( Ex. Sunday. ) . . jyaopm.- . . . . . . . . . I'nul Kxoresi ! ) :4' : ' .im Temea I MISSOthll KACIFIC " lArriveT Omahal Depot Mth and Webster Sta. I Omaha s7oOam . . . . . .7.St. Louis Express C:00ara : 8:30pm : St. Louis Kxpress GS3pm : 6:10pm.Daily : ( ex. Hun. ) Nelirnskn Ijpcnl. 9'Vlain Leaves I C7 , ST. P. , M. i "O. " TArrlvei Omaha' Depot ICtti and Webster Sts. I Oiinlia S:00am..Sioux City Accom ( Ex. Sun. ) . . S:0jpra : 10:00am..Sioux City Accom ( Sun. Only. ) . . 8:05pra : U:15nm..Sioux City Express ( Ex. Sun..ll:55am ) : 6:80Dm. . . at. Paul Limited P:40am : Leaves BIOUX ITY & " "lrACIFlO. lAinvei OmahnUl' | _ _ . Depot luth & Maaon SI3.1 Oinnlu 6:55am..7i : . .Bloux City Passenger ib:20pm : 3Mini : | .81. Paul Exprem. . . . . . . .10n.iam : . "neaxes" ! icTD5i CITY"t l ACTi > uS | Aiiiv- Omahnl Depot 15lh and Webster Sts. I Oinnh . f.:30pm. . . . St. Paul Limited ! ) : lotn ' ; yim Chicago Limited 9-O-ir . \es I OMAHA Ac ST. LOUIS lAiriv > inahilU. ! P. 10th & Mason Sls.1 Om - T.55pm . . .Bt. I.ouls Cannon nail 12:35m Always Keliable , Purely Vegetable. Perfectly tasteless , elegantly coated , puree , regulate , purify , cleanse nnd strcncthcn. IIAD- WAY'S 1'II.T.S for the cure of all disorders of the Ftomach , bowels , kidneys , bladder , nervous diseases , -dizziness , vertigo , costlveness. plies. SICK HEADADHE , FEMALE COMPLAINTS , BILIOUSNESS , INDIGESTION , DYEPEPSIA , CONSTIPATION AH Disorders of the LIVER. Observe the following symptoms , resultlntt from diseases of the digestive organs : Constipa tion. Imvnrd piles , fullness of blood In the head , acidity of the stomach , nausea , heartburn , tils- gust of food , fullness of weight of the btornach. sour eructations. Kinking or fluttering of the heart , choklnit or suffocating sensations when In a lying posture , dimness of vision , dots or webs before the sight , fever nnd dull pain In the licnd. deficiency of perspiration , yellowness of tlio skin and eyes , puln In thu side , chest. limbs , nnd sudden Hushes of heat , burning In the Ilcsli. A few doses of TIADWAT'S PILLS will free thn Bystem of all the above named disorders. Prlcu US CHIIIM u Itnx. hiilil by llriivul.Htn IIP mint by Mnil. Send to DIl. UADWAY & CO. . Lock Box 365 ; New Yotk , for Uoolc of Ad\lce. SEARLES & SEARLES SPECIALISTS CliroiiU WE Prlvata CURE Spaclal Diseases , IRFATMEKT Of MAtl. CONSULTATID1 FRi. Cntarrh. All Dlsonsos of the Hos ? . Throat , Chos' , Stomach , Llvor , Blood Skin and ICIclnoy DiBonaos , Lost Manhood and ALL PRIVATE DIS- tASES OF M N. Cnll on or nddroHg , Dr , Searlfls & Searlas , DOES WE HAVE YOUB A ROOM FOB FITTING TBTJSS TRUSSES and a YOU ? Largo Stock The Aloe & Penfold C ? . 1408 Farcam St. , Opposite Faxton Hji ) THE LION DRUG HOU33. "CUPIDENE. " Cures the e fleet a ol ftelf-Hbuse , vxceiiaeiL mhnloiu , ImiiotcilC ) ' , vartcocele and cimatl- nation. Onu dollar a Lax , elx for Jj. For Eule by THIS GOOD MAN DIIUC CO. Omaha. Neb. . AMI i'riMAM-STl.Y : : rui i4 I' Nrr ou | lfullu >' Vlullly. Vurlruttiu , Alru.i r M'rjtbnt'ptf , tc , ) > y IN , u rjulriof < urc. Bol 'jr iii ' ft Co. . Cor. 1Mb A UnuelniiHU anil J A. . ' -utrct Co.dor.mli * loujiaiiBti. . OMAHA , PONY POSED AS A PREACHER Tnrnod Up In Ormlm tbo Othot Day nnd Wont to Jail , SCHEME OF A WELL KNOWN CARD SHARP Ho Is In DIP HI. , To rpli .lull Now Iiul Ha 11 in n Itcroril Unit ItcuiU I.llio n Ktitiinnco I'miyVrlch I'litvltiti ! for lllili iiy llolibcrr. Wlicn " 1'ony" Welch \vn culleil Into tlio presence of the Judge of the police court yesterday he labored under the Idea that ho wits soon to brt'nth the nlr of the free , but this was where "Pony" made the mistake of his life , for lie was not to have any such good luck , "Pony" Welch Is one of the old timers and Is well known In this city ns a danger ous crook and n confidence man who would not hesitate to take n life If lie found It necessary to carry out his plans. One day last week Detective Savage was riding Into the city on one of the South Omaha cars and nt the Vlnton street Inter section "Pony" boarded the train. Savage knew him at n glance and concluded that ho was a goud man to have behind the bars , consequently he placed him under urrest and sent him to the station , where ho was locked up to axvalt developments. Nothing cnmo of the matter for a day or two , but subsequently H telegram came from St. Joseph , stating that one night last week "Pony" Welch met a man In that city , held him up and robbed him of somothltig over $100 , bound and gagged him , nfter which ho dragged him Into the weeds which grew beside the str.cct. There the man ro- malucd until morning , when hu attracted the attention of the passcrsby by his groans. Upon being released lie went to the police station ami reported the robbery , giving n description of his assailant , the same Indicating to tlio minds of the oinccrs that Welch was the guilty party and the man who was wanted. All of the detectives were placed upon the trail and the town was scoured , It being learned during the day that Welch had boarded a freight and had paid his passngo to a small town n few miles north of St. Joseph. That night the chief wired to the olllclals In this city and from that time on the detective ! ) \\ero on tin- lookout for their man. Yesterday the St. Joseph ofllcers arrived and last night returned , Welch going with out requisition papers. TURNED A DIG THICK. "Pony" Welch Is a man who lias reached the BO's , has a clerical air and would be taken for a well-to-do person. Ho Is a good talker and has a way that wins the confi dence of strangers. It Is stated that upon his first visit to this city , some time during 1S77 , he turned a trick that netted him $25- 000 and for which he was never arrested. As the story ioei , Hubert J. Godfrey was one of thu pioneers of the Black Illlla coun try , having gone there In the fall of 1874 , where he dodged Indians until the treaty of the winter of 1875 and 1S7C. During this tlmo he had been prospecting for gold and had struck a rich lead In the vicinity of Hill City , though he could not work It , owing to Interference of the Indians. After the treaty with the Sioux ho went to work and during the summer of 187G and the spring of 1S77 he Is said to have taken out over $35,000 In gold , mostly in good-sized nuggets. Thinking that ho had enough wealth to run him during the balance of his natural life , Godfrey sold the half-worked claim for $10- 000 and started cast , going first to Cheyenne , where for some weeks lie laid around gam bling houses and palaces of sin , spending money like n prince. Tiring of the little town , Godfrey came to Omaha nnd at once commenced to give the residents of this , then a frontier town , a touch of high life. Nothing was too good for him and his money flew , his desire for wine and women being his weakness. As time rolled on a. new star appeared In the firmament In the shape of a young man , wearing fine clothes and sporting diamonds as large as walnuts. This fellow claimed that he was a student from one of the eastern colleges , where ho had been studying for the ministry and was out west to spend his vacation , gathering Ideas to be used later on in his , career In his soul-saving business. Ho did not mix In the whirl of the mpld side of life , having a holy horror for fast women , lluor | nnd carde. He boarded at the same hotel with Godfrey and soon be- cama his boon companion In everything ex cept his expeditions to the disreputable part of the city. In fact the young man expostu lated with Godfrey and tried to have htm .mend his ways and reform. This , of course , he would not do and many of the old settlers recall the many times that they have seen the young man In tears as he was speaking of Ihe downward course of his friend. At last the young man stepped over the dividing line between right and wrong and now and then would take a small glass of beer , which caused him to be called "Pony , " which title was prefixed to his father's name , which he said was Welch. From that time tlio down ward road was a swift one for the lad and not once did he Iry to apply the brake. This fact seemed to please Godfrey amazingly and time and again he referred to "Pony Welch as nis protege , n .man to whom he was ping to leave his wealth when he cashed his checks. Upon such occasions Welch wou d bmllo and lell those who were standing orouna that he had been adopted by the miner and that they were going to travel for a few would settle down years , after which they In the cast. TOOK TO POK1SR. After the apparent downfall of young Welch , he suddenly took to playing cards , nnd in a short time ho became one of the shrewdest poker players In the town , the limit never being too high when he had his guardian for a backer. Godfrey was wonder fully pleased with the proficiency of his ward , and pointed him out as one of the brightest young men In the city , n thing that no person denied. About tills time young AVclcb seemed to buddcnly develop the Idea that ho could throw monte , n game that was In favor In those days , nnd one day lie induced God frey to go against the three cards , The old minor bit , nnd In less than an hour he had lost every dollar of his wealth , HM game having boon played In an old frame building that then stood on lower Douglas street , on the Kilo now occupied by Bradford's lumber onice. Godfrey thought that this was a good joke , and laughed when he told the old-time gamblers how "tho kid" had won hlH money , a trlllo over $25,000. Several bottles of wine were cracked , and during the balance of the day the two intn strolled about the streets , "Pony" telling his friend that they would settle tip all of the accounts whsn they reached ths roam at night , and that at that time ho would return tlio money. As they wandered from saloon to saloon It was noticed , and frenMently re marked , that th ? men were drinking heav ily , but nothing was thought of the mutter. Along toward night Godfrey bfcrtine beastly Intoxicated , and was taken to Ills room , Welch going along and appearing to bo nearly as drunk. Doth men were put to bsd l > y friends , where for two duyit God frey remained In a drunken stupor. Welch suddenly sobered up , and within nn hour after ho had been put to bed ho wax out on the street , mid that night crosssd the river In a boat , going east , and never having been sc'cn In this country again until many years later. After having slept off the drunk Godfrey again appeared the street , and us soon as he learned that \\Vlch and Ills moiifty had departed ho declared that hu had been worked for a sucker by u man who was a professional. He staid around Omulm fur a few months , and then struck out for thu west again , gettlne as far as Valentine , where lie wai killed In a drunken row In dance hall , Sli nrt I'olltn Stories. For Interfering with Officer flyun while making an arrest Frank Grace nnd Charles Hoyer weru lined $25 and costs each. W. F. Garrlty , arreatert on I ho charge of ttalliiR u gold Ting from Klla Mitchell , has been convicted and fined $25 and the costs. Charles U. Minefield , convicted df selling milk without first securing a city license , wan lined $5 and coats. He uppvaUd to the district court , John Draclley wax trying to work a drunk Tuesday night. I * . A. O'oldsralth Interfered and wn assaulted. Totlar Drmtlcr wa convicted and fined $25 nnd costs. The case against CharlM O. UUIofl ld nnd l-rank 0. Patrick. In which they were charged with maintaining n barb xvlro fcnc within the city limits , was illsmlMed ycstor- u n y yA A warrant Is out for the arrest of the mem- bora of the Doolcy family , residing nt 3917 North Thirtieth street. Mrs. Urnma Thorp , the complaining witness , charges them with disorderly conduct. The residence of Mrs. Catherine Ilurrowa , nt ICI3 Hurt strret , wna burglarized Tuesday night and $19 stolen , Thu money was under a mattress on which Mrs. Ilurrows and her sister were sleeping nnd was taken without either of the women being aroused or dis turbed. The last chapter In the Polish church fight was read In- the police court yes- today , the judge llndlng Anton I lull guilty of disorderly conduct nnd lin ing him $1 nnd costs. The other defendant , John Haualnwskl , was discharged The complaining witness was Hnv. Tlrch- garz , the pastor , who chargnl that thcso two men , members of the church , railed ut tbo parsonage and assaulted him , The defend ants charge that they went to tlio place for the purpose of settling some nf the church debts and that while they were there the priest drew a rrvohor and drove them from the house. Krjrlpeii4 | nml Kliciimttlim , UNION , Neb. , July 13 , 1S ! 4. In March of last year 1 was nllllcted wltli erysipelas In my face and eyes , which spread to my ( ace nnd neck , and afterwards with rheu matism. I was advised by my druggist to try Hood's Sari.iparllla. I have taken three bottles nnd t nm now perfectly free from t'rj-Rlpolas and rhennmtlam. I api looking and feeling better. Alice Hughes. Hood's Pills cure Indigestion. Vine sandy bottjm nt Courtland. THREATENS THE STREET. Tropcrty Owners Object to tli Action of llrlrlc Van I Owner , Property owners out on Fifteenth street , between Corby and Locust streets , are getting - ting a crop of disgust which they assert same of the city olllclals will have to harvest unless some action Is taken soon , to protect that street from being further damaged by private property owners. The trouble all comes from the operation of the brick yard of Dclss & Co. , which Is looited east of Fifteenth street and under the hill some thirty feet below the grade nnd on a line with the railroad tracks. Fifteenth street Is on grade with Sherman avciiuo and Is as level as a floor and ono ot the nlccat streets In the north end ot the city. When Locust street was graded down to glvo an outlet to ICast Omaha and Court- land beach Deles and some other property owners wanted Fifteenth street cut down nlso. This would have put the property below the bluffs on n grade with Locust street and would have furnished an outlet by the way of Corby street to Sherman avenue , but It would have badly damaged the Fifteenth street property owners , whoso lotH are already on grade and whose Im provements have been made wltli the Idea that the grade would not bo disturbed. These property owners opposed the proposed cutting down of Corby and Fifteenth streets In the council and succeeded In killing the ordinance prepared for that purpose. Since that time Dclss & Co. , have been at worlc cutthiK their property away for the purpose of making brick , and have now cut several feet beyond the property line and into the street. Interested property owners reported the matter to tlio Hoard of Public Works some time atro and had stakes set marking the street line. These stakes have gone over the embankment as the work of cut ting has advanced nnd all efforts of tlio property owners to get any relief from the Board of Public Works have been futile. The street Is now in a very dangerous condition. From Corby lo Locust the cast side of the street faces Dclas & Oo.'s prop- in ty which Is fully thirty feet belo.W , .the grade , down a perpendicular embankment that Is wholly unprotected. Mothers liv ing In the vicinity live In hourly dread that some of their children may bo killed by fallIng - Ing down this embankment , while teamsters and drivers shun the place like a pestilence. H was within n block of this embankment that John Halter lost his life by driving over an embankment that was neither so steep nor so deep as the one In question. Property owners have become very much aroused over the situation and propose -to carry the matter Into the council and fallIng - Ing of satisfaction thcro will take It Into tlio courts. South of Corby street on Fifteenth and ex tending to Ohio the property owners on the east side of the street have fenced In eighteen feet ot the street and those on the west side of the street propose to have that evil remedied also before they get through with the matter. An Iiitcrrntliif ; Letter Ulilch Speaks for Itsulf. LOVKV1LLK , St. Mary's Co. . Md. , Juno 15 , 1S91. I have handled Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for the past year. It gives the best of Balls- faction to my customers. I received on order last week for four bottles of the remedy from a man residing sixteen miles from my place. Today I received a letter from him , stating that It has saved the lives of two mem bers of his family. An old gcnlloman hero , who has suffered two years with diarrhoea , was permanently cured by this remedy. Ho can now do as much work as any man of his ace. I could mention other remarkable cures , but the Remedy will show for ItstelC If tried. D. Love. 25 and 50-cent bottles for ealo by druggists. Popular music at Courtland beach. A WARM INTERVIEW. Aim. tlmrlcx lliiilinmu Called Upon Jtidca .Scott YcKtflriluy , Mr. Charles Darhinan Is now fervlng a term In the county jail on d scries rf cnarges representing -various exhibitions of dishonesty and Immorality. Since her liuslund 1'ua been in jail Mrs , Ilachman 1ms lietn living with her mother nnd us times -ira liard In that family she has been subject to a gieut deal of anxiety as to how she was to be nbla to ruu > for her two children , vlio ivoro if ft without any other protector. Yesterday she visited Judge Krott at his oHoe if Ilio New York Life building to ECO if sunn w&y could not be arranged by which IJachmau could give ball nnd be relciiisi'd to malio some provision for their children. Alter Etutlni ; her errand she wan l.'iform-d t'-at nothing of the hart would be roiiM leri'd. Aa to what followed Mrs. Ilachman vUtl. "Judge Scott said that ho was very ssrry on acenmt of the position In which I was placed but could do nothing to hulp mu. I then said that I thought It van very pe culiar that It ho hud so much sympathy for mo ho had been GO careful to sen that my husband should provide $20 n month for the maintenance of Bailie Kcllar'p child whllo my own children were allowed to xturvc , " 'Do you mem that for me , ' lip I oared. "I replied that I meant It for anyone and then he said , 'Then you get out of this offlco immediately. Got out , I say ; I don't want you around hero ut all. ' "IJy this t me ho was In a fury and as t started to go out nf the door he grabbed mu by the shoulder and shoved mo out of the door and Into the corridor , He wax raglnir mad and I hurried uway before he could get hold of mo again. " ICn'umliiii llaU'N ICiiHt , For full Information concerning BUtnmmor excursions call at the Chicago , Milwaukee Ss St. Paul ticket olllce , 1501 Farnam Hlrust , 01 address F. A. NASH , General Agent. Plcnlo at Courtland beach. TIIK It I ! A I/I V MA11UKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record August 1. 1891 : WAIIHANTV DKUDR , I. ! ' Pcnnls lo J A H rbacli. n ' 4 lot 13 , lilock "U , " llurlmcli'i niiMlv of llor l > uch's 1st lulu I II J Dennis 't nl to runic , mime. . . tuo Jnnie * L'oiKTHVi' mill wlfu til W A Ilullurn lot 1 , Muck 1. llrlvttlere l.Wt Home In\v tinent company In H C L'hane 175 feet ( it lux lot SI , In 10-IS-13 12.000 G H I'nyne ami wife tu U H Haii'lbcr ' ? lot II , lilork 18. Orrlmnl Hill . , , . . . 1,409 M M Tilliter unil hunlunil lu A ! ' Keith lot IK. Archer 1'l.u-e . . . . 1,009 O K C-luim to K H Howlcy , Inl i , block 17 Hinilli'i mill , . , 11,009 Total utnuunt of Iritiiiferi , , . , , , . ,131.121