vim H THE OMAHA DAILY REE : SUN DAT * JULY 2 ) v 1891. 15 1 CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE Jobbers Report a Very Light Movement of Qco fl in All Lines. COLLECTIONS GOOD IN THE COUNTRY Crop Dntnngi' lleport from All 1'nrts of tlio Btiito Iriul to 'MuId ! llinlncBS In tlio Jobblni ; Iltin Very Dull Tlio I'rmlnro Trade , The past week has been very unsatisfac tory to the business men , Irrespective of the line of business or location In the state. The crop ( InmnRO reports have been so numerous from nil sections of the territory tributary to this market , and liavo all con tained virtually the same statement of facts , that business men have become thoroughly alarmed. Country merchants liavo been doing very llttlo buyltiR ami say that they will wait until It rains before placlnp. any orders of Importance. In the meanwhile they are buying goods Just as they are needed from week to week. Thin gives the jobbing house * a good many mall orders which keep the men employed , but do not foot up In the aggregate to any great sum. The Jobbers are following the same policy as the retail merchants , they arc waiting for rain before laying In any very largo ( locks of goods for future trade. Several houses nro known to have buyers In the cast who are waiting for orders from head quarters before making any move. Their future action depends largely upon whether It rains In the course of the next few days. The JobborH In other cities appear to be following the same policy , as the New York papers claim that that city Is full of buyers who are looking around nnd taking It easy , but not buying anything to speak of. , The feeling among the Jobbers appears to bo that the next few days will settle tho. future - turo of trade In this section of the country. Whllo there Is no doubt much cause for alarm , a business man elm rves that thcro Is nothing to bo gained by looking upon the dark side of the question and predicting that the worst Is about to happen. . It Is a well known fact that the first reports of crop damage are always over estimated. All places where there has been damage are note.d and the facts made known to the pub lic , Whllo sections where there has been no damage to speak of are overlooked. Then , too , the amount of damage that any certain crop In any locality may have suffered Is always exaggerated. Thus It was said that Uio oat and wheat crop was n complete fail ure. , and the farmers plowed up a good deal Of It. Wherever they were too busy to plow tip thcso crops .there has been quite a yield , and , moAt all the reports from the country express surprise. at these crops being so much better- than was oxpec'ed. ' Whllo the corn has' curled , up In many sections of the state , and wlillo most farmers arc ready to pay that It , la past help and will be a total failure , " a rain In the next few days would cliange the pnSspcct very materially. Grain buyers say .that even after the corn has withered nnd curled up so that an Inexperi enced man would gay that It was past help , a llttlo rain will cause It to revive and make a fair crop. Nebraska Is not the only sufferer from the dry weather , as , the drouth Is widespread and affects a good many largo cities besides Omaha. At St.- Joseph It Is claimed that a good many of the traveling men are In the city and- will not. start out again until there | s rain , as they claim that the merchants In 'their territory will not buy goods while there Is so , .much uncertainty as to the fu ' ture. conctl'tlon of trade. > Collections In the country are generally good , due , apparently , to the fact that the farmers have been selling a good deal of llvo stock and have not been using their money to buy as many feeding cattle as usual. The receipts of hogs have been un- UBunllylarge all the past- week , the heaviest being on Saturday , when all previous records were broken. This rapid .marketing would seem to Indicate that the farmers and stock men of the country are anticipating a short age of feed and are unloading tholr stock as rapidly as possible. A good many stock cattle are being sold , as there Is a shortage of grass nnd hay , and the farmers are buyIng - Ing very few cattle of that description. For tunately , beef cattle are bringing a very fair price , while hogs are high , and what the farmers have for sale Is bringing good prices. FINANCIAL. "Whllo , Omaha still shows a decrease In the matter of 'clearings , as compared with a year ago , ' her clearings compare very favorably with other cities In this section of the coun try. The decrease of 7 per cent Is less than tliq average decrease for the whole country , .which amounts to 13 per cent. The following will show the total clearings for the week at 'dmalm and other western cities : bmn'hn , Minneapolis . . 6t. ' 1'nul . , Milwaukee St. Joseph . I'iSHil Denver . . 2,2 > > .7-U -glnux City . . . . . . . . . . 3,872 It will bo noted that Omnlm leads all the lilies mentioned. During the past week the national banks have published statements of the condition Of business , In pursuance of the call Issued .by the comptroller of the currency. A cnroful examination of those statements would bring out some Interesting facts as to the effects of the depression of the past year on the banking business. A week ago It wa * stated 'in1 those columns that there was plenty or money to be had , and that It was only n question of pcnurllyi The banks were rep resented as anxious to loan money. This Is accounted for by the fact that while there has been an Increase In the deposits of the banks , there has been a falling off In the loans nnd discounts , owing to the lighter de mand for money consequent upon the stag nation In business. Toward the close of 1S90 the loans and dis counts amounted to over $12.000.01)0. ) In July. 189 } , It dropped below the $12,000.000 mark. nnd there has been n steady Khrlnkago ever since , as shown by the bank statements made at about this season of the year. The following will show the figures for fhv years past , taken from the statements for the months Indicated : LOANS AND DISCOUNTS. December , "iSW. . . . . 12.520,812.11 In the matter of deposits them has been n decided Increase over July of laat year , when the money panic Induced many timid people to draw their funds out of the banks and put them In the safety deposit vaults. The following will show the total deppslts of the national banks of Omaha , according to the statements mailo at the time Indicated : UUrOSITS. December. 14.879,731.13 AH DUN SKKS IT. Tbero In n llrlcht Nldo to tlio ( lenenil Cloud tlmt Now OlineurM llm Sky. Itr. W , II. Kobernon , locnl manager of U. O. Dun & Co.'s mercantile agency In thin city , speaking of local trnde. snyn : "I might make n very blnu talk If I were no disposed thin week , for the fact Is thnt everything- has seemingly gone wrong for the last seven iluyn , Crops Imve suffered terribly and a full-grown scnro U on among all classes. A grain llrm nt Hastings rtitl- niiitea that every diiy without ruin In that section U cutting off 100 cnrlondx of grain , nnd opinion It ) general tlmt lust Thursday cut down tbo prospects' fully CO per cent. "Ni'Vcrthclecs tlicru Is u bright sklo to tbo general ilnrknessi presenivMl. One of our leading local houses Ix nutlmrlty for the statement that the expi'iises have been reduced by 5 per cent nnd the Males Increased - creased per rent nt his establishment In thu last six mnntliH. us cuimmrcd with the preceding" period of six months. Nearly all the wholi-aulo denier * report nil Increase lu the uRgri'Kate of onliun , uiul it Is known tlmt expense : * have been greatly re duced. 'Omaha Is fairly prosperous as fur its wholesale business Is concerned , and tlio mMiBon , tnltcu altogether , ilnrs not look a- bad In detail nn It docs In bulk. The faot that all our country merchants UFA buylnir Debt Ueenn them close to this mar ket. nan ! hundreds are sending orders here which formerly went to other centers. Omaha In really In better condition than her nelRhbont , nnd can cotiitriUulaU1 herself ngnln over the fnct thnt , although bufllnesx In bad rnotiph , It might be a great deal worno. The chief unplcnxant fonttlre Is the fact thnt prospect * nhenJ nrn by no means encouraging , though It Is quite possible In deed tlmt n naif crop of corn will yield In cash fully ns much nit n full crop. "It Is no time to be pessimistic , The nea- nlmlst M never Imppy , no mntter how things KO. The man who has the grnces of hope nnd confidence Is the best citizen , An old citizen fell Into a place of business ycstrr- ilay and wns xtnrtleil when the proprietor accused him of neglecting his duty , upon Inquiry be found thnt the 'duty' referred to wns croaking. The biiflness mnn snld that from his observation the old citizens were devoting more time to crocking about hard times and heavy tnxcs than to anything else. Thi-re Is too much ground for thu charge , though It takes nn exceedingly cheerful nmn to keep tip bl pplrlts In the fact' of so many misfortunes. The stiff tipper lip and fuitli In the future nrc the only renditions which will work us out of the present commercial dilemma. " SNOW , CIIUIKMI & CO..S VIKWS. .Munt ninroiiniFTlncVroh In All Aupccm HUH llrrn Clo rd , Albert Amlrlnno , local superintendent for Snow , Church & Co.'s mercantile agency , writes : "It Is not fin exaggeration to characterize the week Just passed ns most unsatisfactory nnd dlHcourvglnK , both In locnl nnd general tniile , A long period of dry weather , sup- piemen ted by hot winds during the last few days , has worked serious nnd Irre deemable dnmngc to crops In Nebraska , Iowa nml adjoining states. A large number of orders romltiR1 In during the early part of the Wrek kept JobborH nt Omaha renson- nbly busy , but while tlio orders were large In number they weru smnll In quantity and amounts. A most depressing feature of the situation Is the fact that orders are so dlhcour.iRlngly small , and while they cause nlmost ns much work , bring con- Bldernbly Ions prollt. During the early part of the month orders showed Inclination of more liberality on the part of purchasers , brought iibout , no doubt , by the exceed ingly fnvorrible condition of the crops ; warm weather nnd the drouth , however , have gradually dispelled the hopes of coun try merchants. There Is no doubt , how ever , that the extent of loss to crops has been largely exaggerated , as Is usual on occasions of tlil.s kind. That the crop has been totally destroyed In some places nnd much damaged In others hnrdly ndmlts of doubt , but It will be found thnt nt many points the loss has not been near no severe as reported nt this time. The acreage of corn put In In this state wns unusually largo this year , and even a partial failure would only bring It down to the usual mark ; whereas , considerable damage would have to be- done to bring It down to a fair average. There Is very little consolation In the fact that In this Instance Nebraska Is not the only sufferer ; Kansas , Iowa , and parts of Illinois are receiving their share of the bad weather. "Carefully and conservatively reviewing the business situation , I cnnnot help ac knowledging that affairs look very gloomy. Congress seems to bo In a hopeless wrangle over the tariff question. Reports from the cast Indicate unsteady fluctuations In duti able goods , manufacturers and Importers are In a state of complete uncertainty as to the result of legislation , nnd it Is not an exaggeration 16 say that all lines directly or indirectly affected hy the tariff nro In a state of complete demoralization , "Tho gold reserve during the past week reached Its lowest ebb $00.000,000. The un favorable condition of weather In the west ern states threatens a .partial failure of crops' Reports ) from nil trade centers Indi cate a falling off In business- Not so much the present dullness , which Is natural at this season of the year , as the unfavorable prospects , are having their effect in unset tling affairs. "In the face of all this It Is encouraging to note that the' failures 'fpr the past week are considerably less than those of the corresponding week last year. Merchants are preparing for all emergencies nnd care fully arranging' their affairs FO us to meet the most unfavorable nnd adverse condi tions. Thoughtful business men , not easily Influenced , are. Inclined to take a more hope ful view of "the"situation. . This country Is so large and Its resources so manifold that business Is not dependent on any one sec tion or produce. The hopelessness of the situation Is not due srflely to the threat ened failure of crops , nor to any other one discouraging , feature , but to the generally unfavorable condition of affairs. " First resort 10 the west Courtland. ' ' COA i'ior 'JIIXR'HS sfurxxy. _ . . . , - * - > - A- < * * IJopiily Warden Nelson nnd Onn Convict Killed nnd Snvenil Wounded. NASHVILLE , July S. The convicts at Traccy City are In a state of mutiny , and as a result two men are dead and two others sijffe'rlng from wounds. Yesterday the convicts loaded a plpo with explosives , placed It In a coal car and attached a slow fuse to It. Deputy Warden Nelson nnd as sistants were passing along another entry to bring the convicts out for the night , and when they arrived opposite the bomb It exploded. Nelson was Instantly killed , nnd Guards Terrell nnd Thunnnn slightly wounded. A negro convict named Pete Hamilton was killed by a volley from the other guards. There were 115 convicts In the mines at the time , and all but seventy surrendered. These remain Inside nnd swear they will not come out. The state olflclals here were at once notified , and they In turn telegraphed Superintendent of Prisoners Kirk nt his home In Chester county to go at once to Tracey City. Telegrams say It will probably bo necessary to send troops. Escape - capo Is probably the object of the mutineers. The trouble emii.J today by the convicts sunenderlng and coining out of the mines. Tiny were con-noted to the ttockide. where all the convicts are now safely guarded. The fieo miners dU : : o ; I'ltorfera in any way In the affair. I'oto Hamilton , the convict who wag klllwl yesterday , iilmncd the mutiny ns we'I ' an the ona u year figo. When ho was. shot tha b.ickboin of the mu tiny was broken. WRTHtKl ) A WKtU.Tlll' t'lSCOUffT. Miss Caroline .lonrn Murrlml to tlio Via- ftinnt llcnolat il'A/.y of I'r.mco. NEW YORK , July _ S.Ilss Caroline Jones , daughter of Nathaniel S. Jones of this city , but formerly of Chlcigo , was married today to Viscount Benolst d'Azy of France. The ceremony took place In the church of St. Catherine of Genu.i In Harlfin. H v. Father Agnew of Cliljatj'J ' ofnuiatcd and wus ass.sted by Uev. Fut'icr ' SI Uteryrector of the church , and Ucv Fa her Kvars , assistant rector. The brldo vus .ittlr-id In white eutln with ruflllng and draperies o ; point Uco. and wore n superb tiara ( it dl.mmuU. the gift of the bridegroom , securing the folds of the lace veil to the coiffure. Charles Her bert Davis was the bos' ' nn.l AllM Al.unle Coolce of Chicago the maid of honor. The papal blessing was Ut-"ivvtJ upon tilt couple by Father Slattury : tb rit iw-i v.-celts iigo. After thu ceremuiij today .1 wedding break fast was served at the res'.lenoa of the bride's parents In Audubon park. This afternoon Viscount nnd Viscountess d'Azy will leave for the Adirondack's to stay for two weeks before s.uiilni ; for France. Few American girls h.ive become the bride of such a rich young of old family and title. The viscount's great grandfather was minister of tate n > Franco and nls grandfather was president of the Chamber of Deputies when that body met In Bor deaux in 1871. Two of Ins CkUslii * are mem bers of the lire Jen t uli.imbar. The lions and leopards give two perform ances this afternoon at CourUanJ , Dully ( lot the .Man of Hnr Choice. PRINCETON , Ky. , July 28. Dolly Jones of Trlgg county arranged to elope with her lover , Joseph Colton. Casslus Hicks , a rival , appointed , with a confederate carried Miss Jones to his own buggy and forcing her to enter , drove her to the house of a friend , where for ten days'she was kept a prisoner. Each day Hicks pleaded his cause and likewise each day Miss Jones refused him. Mean time notlcoyas conveyed to her father , who hastened with nn armed posse to release his daughter. Her captors Ignomlnlously lied and now Mlis Jones la to marry her old lover without an elopement. I'liHi Fuel tii l''ur < t thu I'lumen , WASIlht'RN , WIs. , July 28 , The saw mill of the Wlilto .Rlver Lumber company at Mnson was burned last night with forty million feet of lumber. The town was In great danger. An Omaha freight train with fifteen cars went throuuh a.trldto. flvti miles south of hero and all were burned. No llvev were lost. ' Thci camp of ' the Ashland Logging company was burned. Los * . $5,000 , The flro U now two miles jouth of here. Waahburn U In no danger , Coolest rid * hereabout to Courtland beach. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Prospective Bain in tbo Corn Bolt Dampened tbo Ardor of Bulls. WHEAT WAS RATHER QUIET ALL DAY Corn Wns KnMor nnil OfTnrlngit AVcro I\ln- \ totlntly Increased .Short * Evidently Covered Pretty 1'rroly Friday anil the DmimmlVm Not bo Urgent. CHICAGO , July 28. Prospective rnln In the Corn belt dampened the ardor of the bulls In corn today , nnd the other markets fol lowed that grain In the easiness which re sulted. There wns n rally from the low fig ures , however , nml corn and wheat finished but V&c lower each. Oats closet ! Vic lower and provisions nt n slight decline. Wheat was rather quiet all tlay , with fluc tuations covering narrow limits. The feel ing was somewhat easier. Initial transac tions were nt C2V4o for September , a Vic de cline , but soon afterwards advanced Vic. cased off another Vic , remained quiet and steady .and closed with September nt f > 2c. The easier tone at the start was attributed to a prospective decline In corn , but the downward course was checked , Influenced some by the Increase In the clearings for the week , but offerings Increased the Im pression prevailing that there would be a large Increase In the visible ns well ns local stocks Monday. Liberal receipts are looked for next week , and this also hail a weaken ing tendency. There was some rnln In the northwest nnd the temperature was cooler. Cables were lower. Corn was easier nnd offerings were ma terially Increased , Influenced altogether .on the prospect for rain In the corn belt today or tomorrow. Shorts evidently covered pretty freely yesterday , and there was not so urgent a demand , commission houses all having more selling orders , and local longs were Inclined to realize ami take profits. In itial trades were at from % c to V-C decline , with September at 44c , and after selling up Vic declined Vic for September and % c for May , rallied from % c to Vic , ruled steady and closed nt 44Vic for September. The rally at the close was the result of moderate buying. Oats were caster on the lack of demand. The range for September was V4c. Provisions were very dull. Pork was steady nt the start , but declined moderately later on the easiness In wheat nnd corn. Compared with last night , September pork Is 124c lower , September lard Is 2Vic higher anil September ribs 2Vic lower. Freights , Tic for wheat or corn to Buffalo or Port Huron. The leading futures ranged as follows : I 67'6ii. [ liigh. | Low. | ClQBoT Whwu.No. 2 July BOTH B1H Sept , sai fi'JH Dec 01 Corn No. 2. . July 43M 43M Sept 48T * 44H Get 4HJ * 44 May. OatH No. 2. . . - July 32 32 30 AIIR- BUM * -J7V Sept - ? -8W May 32H Pork tier bbl July IB ( WH font 12 12 OS 12 024 ' 18 U'Jfci I.niil.l001bi July n ran Sept 0 D7K 7 00 ,7 00 Short Ulbs- July fl 72to St'l't 0 70 iso U DTK Ca h quotations wore nfl follows : nOtIll Winter patents , 2.Sflff2.M : winter struIubtH. J2.402.6) } : uprlnR luitcnts. * .1.10fT3.iO ; sprlni ; stmlKbt.s , J2.20ft2.70 ; b.ikcra. JUMfJ-OO. WHI3AT No. 2 uprlnn. ClMrSSKo ; No. 3 spring , nominal : N'u. 2 red. OlUiJ.'iUic. CO11N No. 2 , 4l'.ic ' : No. 3 yellow. 44' < 4c. OATS No. 2. nominal ; No. S white , 32@34ie ; No. 3 wblte , 3HI330. 11 YE No. 2. HOC. 1IAHL13Y No.t 2 , nominal ! -No. I , nominal ; No. 4 , nominal. . . .4 ' . 11AX HBED-No. 1. J1.24. .TlMOTlIVHEED-I > rme..J5.00jir5.10. ) . . PROVISIONS * Pork , niMS , per bbl. , JI2.625J © 12.7214. > Lard , per 1O ) IDS. , } . 'J247.00. ! Short ribs sides ( loose ) . JG.77'tiiC.SO ' ; dry failed sboul ders ( boxed ) . JR.OOffCI.12V4 ; abort clear ( boxed ) . J7.005il7.23. WHISICy Distillers' finished goods , per givl. , J1.22. The followiui ; were the receipts ana Biilpineiits fcr today : , .i * Articles. Receipts. Shipments. t'lour , bbls. Wlit-at.bu. . . Corn , bu Oato. bu lty > > ; bu llarley , bu. . On tbo Produce cxcbiinio today tha butter , mar * hut was llrm : creamery , 14320e : dritry.1210Hc. ' OMAHA UKNKKAL MAKIUCTS. Condition of Trida nnd Quotations ou Stupid nnd Fancy Produce * . The week closed with the market"hbout steady nnd with about the usual Saturday's business. The following will show the recclpls of produce for thfe weeks ending on the dates Indicated at top of column : July 27. July 20. July 13. Eggs , cases 1,126 1,269 2,023 Duller , pkgs 80S 927 Poultry , coops 235 219 Potatoes , care 11 20 II will be noted that the receipts of both butler nnd egg * have been decreasing cmlte rapidly dur ing thu past three weeks. During the past week tills decrease became so noticeable that thn mar ket advanced Ic on eggs and the same on pack ing butter. At the same time Ihere has been an Increase' In thu receipts of poultry and a de cline In the market. UUTTEIl Packing stock , Oc ; good to choice country , 12fil3c ; separator creamery , solid packed , 17 18c. ECUS Per doz. . 3c. . LIVE POULT11Y Old hens , Co : spring chickens , DfflOc ; spilng ducks , lOc ; old full-feathered duck * , 7u : hen lurkeys , 7c : gobblers , BiGe. VEAL Choice fal nml small veals ore quoled nl fiftCc : coarse and large , 34c. CHEESE Wisconsin , full cream , new make , lOiillc : Nebraska nnd lawn , full cream , SWlOo ; Nebraska mid Iowa , part skims , Gj > 7o ; Llm- burger , No. 1 , 10 < . ; brick. No. 1 , lOc ; Swlsa , No. 1 , 13j14c. HAY Upland hay , $ S.CO ; midland , $7.iO ! ; ' low land , $8.60 ; rye straw. $3. Color makes the price on liny. Light bales sell thu best. Only lop grades bring lop prices. PIGEONS Old birds , per doz. , $1. Hecelpts of potatnvN Imve nol been very heavy ilurlim- the past week nnd the market Is not no well supplied aa It wns. As tbu xcngon Is ur- ilvlng when sweet potatoes will begin lo at tract some attention , the following report on the condition nf the crop may I * of Interest. The outlook seems favorable for n large crop nil ovrr tbo country , the acreagu bolng given us WJ.iil , ns compared to last season by the navel n- mem report , and the condition of lh i-roji July 1 , IIH compared to n full crop , Is given'an fol lows : New Jeiney , 95 per cent : Pcnimylviinlii , OS ; .Maryland , US ; Virginia , 87 ; North Care lina , 'Jl ; South Caiollna. 90 ; Georgia , t-1 ; Klorldn , 91 ; Alubnmn , 84 ; Mlu lKHlppI , hi , l/mlslaim , S'J ; Texas , 95 ; Arkansas , S4 ; Tennessee. 87 ; West Vlrglnln , 93 ; Kenlucky. 6i Ohio. S4 ; Indiana , 86 ; Illinois , 73 ; Iowa , SO ; .Mi. , smirl , 'J'l : Kansas , 97 ; Nobraakn , 40 ; Wyoming , 100 ; Cnllfornln. 100. POTATOES ( looil stock , on orders , 75. MEIXJNK Ooml stuck , crated. tU. CANTALOUPEH-Per doz. , J1.60. CUCUMHEIIS On orders , M SOo per doz. OLD 11KANS Hand-picked navy , $2.23 ; me- ilium , IZ.10U2.15 ; common white beam , J1.75 ipl.90. ONIONS On oidcrs. Zc per Ib. CAIUIAOK Ooocl thlpplnc itock , ' on orJera , : KO. TOMATOES Qnod stock , per 4-bagket' crate , tl ; per Ij-bu. to _ . COfliWc. CliLEUY Per doz. , 3S IOc. KHUITS. At the fruit auction held yesterday morning- 41' ' ) lxixe > of pears nnd ISO cratea of tomutnen wore Hold , The trull wns pretty softer ( hip ping , but brought fnlr prices for H Saturday. Tomatoes were very low. On Monday u ear of funey stock shipped by aeorge 1 > . Kellog of Newcnitle. Cnl. . will Ul offctcd. The car will contain ( M boxes of Crawford penchr . li'J boxes nf peurs and DO iHixes of plums. This will bo tlio first lot of Crawford peache * trf be offered on this market thin year. In addition to the iiliovu two cars of prnrs are reported to arrive. On Tuesday a mixed car of fruit la reported for Fnle. STHAWIlKUIUES-Nono. APPLKH < ! oed stork , per bid. , tJ. lll.ACK. HAHrill-ltllIiS-Nouc. : : linn IIASPIIEIIUIES None. lll.AC'KIIKHIUES-Pcr cas , tJ. I' AOIIES-fallfornln , 11.60. IM.L'.MH Native red plums , per Jlqt. cam , IT.U ) ; Cnllfornui peach plums , tl.75. < l'UUNKS-tl.75. KIOH-None. PKAHS-J2.75O1 APH1COTS Cullfoinnone. ! . cmKUIiS California , none. THOPICAL KllUITS. 11ANANA8 Cholca stock , t-.00 < Ji.W per bunch. L1JMONH Fancy lemons. SOO elltf , I6.00U0.50 ; fancy lemons. 360 size , > 6. OHANOKS Nona of any ci > ni | iience. PINEAPPLES None on tha market. MISCELLANEOUS. FinS-K ncy. per Ib. , ISKOISc. HONEV-C-llfoinla. lie ; dark honey , lotiUc. MAPLE HVJtrP tlallon oins. pur doa. . IIS. NUTS-Almoiuls. ) ! O17o : HiiKllnh- walnuts , 100 IZo ; illbertii. lie ; llmzll nuts. K'c. Clll-il-l'ure juice , p r bbl , , tij half bbl. . W.M , IIIUJ.'S No. 1 grun lilac * . : Ho ; No. 3 erc p hldm , l'iJ2c , No. 1 RQiIV 't'd ' hMp . 3c ; No. 2 cr n m Ile.l lililJH , J0tl * * { No , 1 un-en united hldeii , K to 40 Ib * . , 3oiNiv -2 Rrrcn failed hlden , y to 40 It * . , : U2Uei rffru , 'J vrRl cnlf , S to IS ll.5H 6 l No. } VCAl-rfllfr R to 13 Ib * . , 4MHCi No. 1 dry Hint hide * , &ANn. 2 dry Hint bides. 3c ! No. 1 dry saltml bllM ? 4c. Part cured 140 > er Ib. leiw limn fnllr.-riired. HIIKEP PELTS OrrWtfnltrd. tnch. grtrn nailed ihcarlliiKH YsbM wonled early skin * ) , encb , CfflBo ; dry sbcnrlliiKS ( short wii.iled e.Uly skln ) . No. 1 , rnch , W'ilry \ \ \ nhenrllngs ( Miorl wooled enrly nklns ) , No. 2 , rnch , fc ; dry Hint Kantian nnd NebranknT' niChcr wont pelts , per Ib , , actual weight , 5fl.v ! irturraln wool pelin , i > or Ib. , actual welKht. 4Uw ! dry Illnt Colorado butditr wool pelts , per Ib. ' , actual weight , 4ft fi'tc ; murrain wool pelts , ' per Hi. , nctiml welnlit , 45JO1. Havr fret cut off , ns It In usclera to pay freight ( in them. TALLOW AND ntttiAHK Tnllow. No. 1 , 4 $ 4lc ! ; tnllaw , No. 2. mniVo : grenne , white A , 4r4iio ; grrnse , wlilln Jl , , Jft < (3Vipj grense , yellow - low , 3c ; grrnse , dark. iS'.ioi ' i > ld bultcr , ! ft2'ic ; beeswax , prime , laQlSc ; rough tnllow , l',4U2c. M\V : voitic ( HMKAL : : M Vrstcrduy's Qiiiitntlon * n 1'loiir , drain nnd Priivlnloiin , .Mclul' , Kir. NEW YOUIC , July 2S. I-'Loril-llocelpti" , II- Oo ) libln. ; exportn. ,0 > bbln : sales , 7,0V ) pkg * . Mnrkct dull , buyers boldlng off for lower prlcea ; some deimind for KnnwiH pntents for exports ; city mill patents , t4.nOffl.30 ; winter imtonts , J3.00 3.2 ; ; city mill clears , t3.05)3.ft.winter ) ; straights , 12.1 2.8. , ; Minnesota patents , JJ.IOft 3.75 ; winter extras. J2.00,1C.W ; Minnesota bakers. tl.DOgj.OO ! Winter low grndcs , tl.G082.1.V "prlng low grndes. Jl.COfil.W ; rprlng extras. Jl.Snjf'.SD. Soulbein Hour , dull ; common to fnlr extras , S&OOtfMM ; giwd ta choice exlrat2.My3.30. . Hye , Hour , dull ; miperllne , t2.7.1ff2.8ri ; fancy , \lWn.V > . Uuckwhent Hour , nominal. Corn meal , quiet ; yellow western. 1 2. drift 2. 80 : Ilrnndywlne , t2.SO. Ilt'CKWIIIJAT Nominal. U VK Nominal ; mate , 6"ic ; Jersey. D2I3c. IIAULKV Nominal. IIAULEY MALT Nominal ; western , CSiJSOc : slx-mwed , 82j/S."jO. WHEAT Ilecelptfl. M.OOO bu. ; expsrtn , 75.000 Int. ; snlcH , CIS.Oin ) bu. futures , 61,000 bu. spot. Spot mnrkel ilull ; no expirl demand ; entiles weak ; No , 2 red. store nnd elevator , M'.ic alloat , 54Vi ; delivered ; No. 3. CSHe f. o. b. : No. 1 north ern , 62T4.C dellveied ; No. 1 Imi'd , KUc delivered. Options openeil dull nnd heavy , niled weak nnd InncllVQ under weak foreign advices nnd heavy receipts ; wesl closed dull ; May , CIVtWIVic , closed nl Cf > ic ; July , ul'ic. nominal : AugiiKt , C.mfiT.l'jic , closed at B4HC ; .Septembor , C31 5f"tic , closed nt Dj c ; December , WWSSftc , closed nt KlUc. COIIN Hecclptn , 6.000 bu. ; exports , 4WO ( bu. ; sales , 180.000 bu. futures. Spot market Inactive nnd nominal ; No. 2 , Mie. ; nnnilnnl ; elevator , Gl'ic dellverc.1. Optlsn market llrm on further reports of corn dinnuge through hoi weather , ensed oft later under llqulilnllon ; May , 4G ? fi'4GKc : September , 49rlSVSc , closed nt 43e ; October , 43H ifl'JXi' . closed nt 4'JVJc : December , 46ic , nominal. OAT8 Ilecelpts , 3o,000 bu. : exinirts , 1.000 bu. ; snlcs , D.I.OOO bu. futures , 11,000 bu. spot. Spdt market dull ; No. 2 , 40'4c asked ; No. 3. 3,5c ! ' ; No. 2 wblte , 41c ; No. 3 white. 33140 ; Imck , while weslern , 39JTS2V4C. Opllon market dull nnd fol lowing corn : July , 3.H'4e ; Heptember , J2 iV32 > ; o. closed nt 32ic ; October , M'dc. ' nominal. HAV Dull ; shipping , MSCOc ; good to choice , 7MfS3t' . HOPS Quiet ; stnte , common to choice , 7j13c ! Pnelllc coast , 1014c. HIDES Dull ; wet salted New Orleans selected. 45 to 6T. Ibs. . 4'iff4\c : Texas selected. 35 to CO Ibs. , 4@5c ; Duellos Ayies , dry , 20 to 24 Ibs. , S& 5140.LEATI1EH LEATI1EH Quiet ; hemlock sole , Iluenos Ayres , light to heavy welghtn , l.-iifflSc. WOOL " Steady ; domestic llcece , IOJT23C ; pulled , 20f2."ir. PIIOVISIONS Ilecf. steady ; fnmlly. 9c ; extm mess , tS.noW8.5fl ; beef hams , 21c ; city , extm India mess , ICSflSo. Cut menls , Blendy ; pickled shoulders. Co ! ; plckleil bams , ll'iBK'c. Lnrd , quiet and llrm ; western stentn closed nt t7.33 : sales , nominal ; July. t7.42 , nominal ; September , J7.32 , nominal ; reflnrd , quiet ; eontlnent , t7.C3 ; S. A. , t".S5 ; compound , CfWic. Pork , llrm ; sales. 700 bbln ; new mess , tH.OOffH.25 ; extra prime , tl2.50 T3.0fl ! ; fnmlly , H..Vi913.00. ) 11UTTKU firm ; western dairy , 12J14Vc : western creamery , 13@l3o ; western factory , 1214 01H4c ; Elglns. 19c. CHKKSIC-Steady ; part skims , 2'Hf.V,4c ; full skims , HifiLV. KG03 Kirm ; state and Pennsylvania , 15fJ13',5c ' : western fresh , HtfllHt.southern ; canes , 11.000 3.00 ; receipts , 3,000 pkgK ' t TALLOW Quiet ; 44c ! for city ( t2 per pkg. ) ; country ( pkgs. free ) . 45-lC < V-nl1 tn quality. I-ETUOLEITM Dull : SUnlled cloned nt Sllic ; Wnrblngton , bbls. , } 6 ; Wn.shlnglon , In bulk , 13.50 ; rellned New York , rKM'i 1'blladelplila nnd Ilaltlmorc , t5.10. , "iT , ROSIN Dull ; nt rallied , common to good , tl.230 ' . RICE Quiet ; domestic , fair to extra , 4'06'/4e : Japan , 4H043io. J Alt MOLASSES Dull ; Nfcvv7 Orleans open kettle , good to choice. 2W3GC. PIO IHQN Steady ; Scotcbl tlO.50022.50 ! A'mer. lean , tl.2ri6i.ra. * " " ' COPPEU-Slcady ; lake , 5.12 . LEAD Steady ; domestic , H.10. , TIN Ste'iuly ; Htralbt , tlS.RO bid : plates , quiet. SPELTER Dull : domestic , t3.37',4 , nominal. COTTON SEED OIL-Dull. Inactive ; prime crude , 29c ; off crude , 25i2Sc ; yellow buttei grades 31@33c : choice yellow , nominal ; prime yellow335't33c ! ' ; yellom ' * ff. grades , nfi2i33a ; SlW 'V' J > ! prime White. . V . . ! I a j ? < 'W4r5O ) ! BOSTON , Mass. , July 2S. The American Wool and Cotton Reporter says of the wool mnrket : The sales this week have been phenomenal. The nggregitte disposed of since our last review has can led tbo tolal soldslnco January 1 , 1804 , close up lo the amount SRI down for the first seven months of 1893. While the speculative Clements of the movemenfT Induced by the possible chances of the failure of the pending tariff bill , nre Riilllclcntly nppnrent , there Is beneath this evi dent cause for the Increased sales a consider able basis of demand for .several kinds of wool. particularly tat certain combing nnd clothing wools. There has be.en for some time a dimin ished stock of Worsted 'goods. ' The retail clotlHor has utterly failed to find enough to supply bis wants , nnd the worsted manufacturer- has come to feel thai he cannot wall nny longer without buying wool. The movement on their part wns eulllclent to give added firm ness to VI nnd ? t bloods , which nre nominally Ic a pound beller limn last week , although actual sales Imve not resulted In higher prices. Then , ns remarked last weelr , Hie stock of wool In sight Is below the average for IhU tlmo of tlio year. It l ascertained from Insurance men tlmt there Is a very small risk on the stock ( Inking Into account the decreased value of wool ) compared wlllj lasl year , which Indlcatea less wool In slorage. Consignors are advising dealers to hold wool. Several houses have received tele grams fiom the west advising such courxc. The conclusion of the whole matter Is thnt there la baldly any line of wool but Is selling more freel > than a. week ago. bill , ullhough Is would bo Bald generally that prices nre stronger , one would not be justified In marking up any grade or class. sales for the week In Iloston amount to 5.9S2.900 pounds domestic , and 372,500 pounds for eign , making a total of C.335,400 pounds , against n total of 1,952.535 for the previous week , nnd n tqtal of 1,913,00' ) for the corresponding week last year. The unles since January 1 , 1894 , amount In 73,000,333 pounds , ugnlnal 73,594,000 n year ago. Tlia fnim for the week 111 New Vorlc uggrogate 1,6.16.000 pounds. The sales for the week In Philadelphia 'ngsregate 1,042,700 pounds. ST. LOUIS , July 27. WOOL Active , firm. without quotable change. ht. I.ouls ( iennrul Market. ST. LOUIS , July 28. FLOUR Dull , heavy at recent decline. ' W11I&AT Lost Ho not' on generally bearish news ; No. 2 red , cash and July , 4751C.J August , 47Xc asked ; September , 48i4S ! > 4c ; December. CORN" Nervous , slightly lower ; No. 2 mixed. cash , 41Hc ; July. 4lfte ; 'August , 41ic ; Septem ber. 42' ' , e : May , „ ) ( . . OATS Weak , lower ; No. 2 , cash. 27ic ; July , 2S c ; August , 2Scr September. 2S'iSHc ' ; May , JlYE No. 2 regular , 41c asked. 1IARLEV No trading. I1RAN Stronger ; Clc , sacked , east track. FLAX SEED-lllghor ; 11.15. CLOVER SEED-tS.OOiffa.OO. TIMOTHY SIJED-tl.70 for August. HAY-'Klrmer ; cliulcct timothy , tl2.00012.50 , JHITTEH Klrm. unchanged. EOQS Firm , unchanged. LEAD Active , llrnij t.1.30. SPELTER-Dull ; tllnia CORN MEAL-52.20S2.23. WHI.SICY-tl.22. COTTON TlES 80c. , PROVISIONS Dull , weak. Pork , standard menu , Jobbing , $13.25. Lard , prime steam. $0.75 ; choice. t8.90. Dry salt meuls , loosa shoulders.'ri ; longs nnd ribs , tC.93 ; shorts. 17.10 , llacon , pai-Ued shoulders. $7.00 ; It'mgs , $7.73 ; ribs , $7.S7i ! ; shorts. $ S.12 ! { S.23. RECEIPTS-FJour. CjOOj ) ' bbls. ; wheat. 178.000 bu. : corn. SO.OOO bn. ; onisT ' 4H 000 bu. SHIPMENTSur. . 7M'1 bbls. ; wheat , 5,000 bu. ; corn , 70,000 bu. ; orftjJ , 10,000 bu. Mont on 8toc .lJ\otatlon \ | < . BOSTON. July SH. Cull loan * . 1WJ n r cent : lima loans , 2KttHH per- - rent.Cloalur prices for utockn.boiidnanil A.T.AS.F 3 1 * :11(1 : pfd , . " 77W Am. Sugar lO.'tw WnMlngh. Ktootrlo ! I3H Am. Smrur nfd 71W ! W. Klee. pfd. 61k llavStatofins Bi ! iVliuOcntral l ] lleil Telephone. . . . 107J fitrlllson 2ds 2ti ) < Uoston ; Albany. . 1,1 ! ( ) AlmtHon > 1 * . , . . . . . . 7UVs Iloston A.Maliio , . . . 147 8 ( jov Uleotrlo Os. . . 84M do pfd 150 * .Vis. font. iHls. . . . ss C. , II. &q 7:1 : AlluuezMlliInrCo. i'S Sift Fllchliurc flu Atlantic H , ' ( Sen. Kleotrlc. . . . . . SSJ l Uutlon & Montana 98 IlllliolH ati'ul 411 UnltiiA IlOHtou. . , , HI. Mexican Contra ) . . itfi C'alumat & llccla. . 275 Old Colony i7 OKUtimiilal 76 Orepim Stiorl Llr.e 4' ' < 1-YankUii 10 IttlDtMT 34 Kt'HrH.'irgu 4P ( San Diego , u f 1H Union Pacific 7M OiUncy 78 Went End 47ii } 'rnmaraclc 135 I'm 11 IJiiiitiitliiiiii. CHICAGO. July 28. Thr Earl Fiult company nold California fruit nt auction this morning , realizing prices ns follows : 1'e.un. llurtletis , ; Clnpp's fiivorlle , Jl.OOirl.O. , ; peacheii , I'rawford , $1.4.Wfl.C5i Fouler. $1.63 ; alrawbcrryu , $1.13 ; primes , Tragedy , only fair. $1.73 : OIOB , $ l. 5 fl.73. Slmonl , $2.05 : Ufrfiian. ! . . plums , egg , $ I.2S I1.IO ; Wiinhlngton. $1.1501.30 ; lluibnnk , $1.50 ; SiitHiiinu. $ I.C3 ; purple Dunne , $1.73 ; Quachen. bors , $175 ; gni | > c8 , Fontaliiebleau , tl.3i'1.35. Nina car load * sold here- , today , Porter llroo. company , Chicago , sold four cars Cnllfornln fruit nt auction today : HnrHeti pears. rlpo condition , Porter Urns , company. New York , sohj onu car Cjllfurnla fruit tp > liy at auction : linrllclt pear * . t3.OOQ3.lQ ; early Crawford pcacht * . MlliiinuioIUVnrul | .Mnrket. MINNEAPOLIS. July i8.-Jlecelpli of wheat were larger , being lM.i > 4 bu , . with shipment * of 30,0 < X > bu. These receipt * ranui on n weak markat nnd tha demand for I rack wheat was Ilichl. The market for ca h wlinilh ed ut nbout Uo lower thi'p ill * prectdln- day , unj ( uturr * wcr ul * > nliout 'Ic lower. The clew I July. 8lcj \ Peplem- l > er , Bl iCi Doceinl > or , U' , < c. On Irack : No. 1 lurd. r,7ic ; No. 1 northern , MHc ; No. t northern , Re. Trndlnir for the day nn * nt no time active. Flour wn * stendy but dull , and imlen wrrr re- IKirted mther Irsi than the production , which wns nbout M.OOO bbls , PntenU , I3.WU3.IO ; bakers. $ lpOB2.a ) . 8TOCKHANI ) IIONDS. Speciiliitlon Atom .Stngimnt Tlmn for Mnn- AlontlM nn 'ClniiiRp , NB\V YOIIK , July 28. There Is very llttlo to be said of today's stock market , which reached a point of stagnancy which a short time ago wottlil have been considered Impos sible of attainment. With total sales of less than 40,000 shares , the speculation could not have been very Interesting. In Stiyar , which was the leader In tlio market , only 9,200 shares changed hands and the fluctuations were confined within a range of 7 per cent , the highest point touched bring 10:1 : % nnd the lowest 102 % , the closing price going % per cent below the top nml n similar fraction above yesterday's closing. The grangers were slightly heavy and declined VI to % per cent , St. Paul nml Durllngton & Qulncy re covering Yi per cent. The group on the day shows a decline of from U to per cent , the latter northwest , the crop now being the moving Influence , London was a seller of Union Paclllc , causing n decline of % per cent , Distilling gained i& per cent nnd lost U per cent , Missouri Pacific advanced 1 per cent , but subsequently lost all but H Per cent of the Improvement. The trailing In the rest of the list was very trifling , ami the changes were In the smaller fractions and In a majority of cases on the declining side. Phoenix mining sold down 4 per cent to 10. The general market at the close wns fairly steady. Railway and nilsccllancous bonds were very dull today. The tone of the trailing was llrm , anil an ad vance was recorded of 21& per cent In Lake Shore seconds , registered. The Post says ; The Interesting feature of the bank statement was Its heavy re ported decrease In deposits. One-fifth of this $5,000,000 decrease Is accounted for by the $1,000,000 shrinkage In the lo.ins , anil the rest has Its obvious explanation In the week's gold exports. This Is n riithcr unusu- 'ally clear reflection of the fnct that the specie apportionments are going out against withdrawals of Idle foreign capital heretofore left on deposit balances. As has been often said , these funds nro going back to Europe for the simple reason that the money market gives them employment there. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York exchange - change today : bid. The total sales of utocle , today were 33.379 shares , Including : American .augur , 9,500 ; Utir- llngton. COO ; DiKtlllng. | ' 3.MO ; Missouri Pacific , 1,500 ; SI. P.iulM,000lfnlbn ; Paclllc , 1,800. Now York 'Money Miirkut. NEW YORK. July 28. MONEY ON CALL Easy nt 1 per cent ; lasl loan , 1 per cenl ; closed , 1 per cent. PIUME MERCANTILE PAPER 3@3 per cenl. STERLING- EXCHANGE Finn , with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.S844J'4.S8V4 for de mand , nnd at 34.87liR1.K7U for sixty days ; posted rates , $1.88 and $41M > 4J4.89ii ; commercial bills. $4.8GV4 < rrl.S6'i. ' ' SILVEIl CKHTIKK'ATKS GI T 5c. GOVEUNMENT IIONDS Stduly ; state bonds , dull. Closing -quotations on bonds wera as followi : U S. Bsrog- 117M D. A-E.G. 43 72 > < U. 8. fiHConp. . , . . 118M Erie 2nda 71 U.S. 4arei' . llSJi O. H. AS. A.Us. . . 00 U.S. 4scoup do 7n 100 U. S. L'sruz. 1)0 ) II. AT. C. Oa 103 PaclllcUaof'1)3. . 101 dollH lOHs Ala. Class A ion M.K. &T. I8t4s. . 78M Ala. Class U ion iio yd4H sow Ala. Clrm C 02 Mutual UnlonUs. IDS Currencies 02 ! < N.J.Ccnt.Geii.Ss. 113 La. Now Con. 4s. . 114 h , No , Pnc. l t . . . _ 108M MlHHourl UH 100 Nc Pac. L'nds 72K N.C.IlH 124 N. W. Consols. . . 141K do-lH Ofl | do S. F. Deb. Ss. S. C. nonfiind . .j'U. ' O. W. 1 18 Tenii. new sot 0 _ 78 | St. P Consols TH. . Tcnn. old ta 00 St.P.C.A-P. W.Sa. HIM Vn. Ccutnrl Sl.L.&I.M.Gen.5n , do deferred S. L.&S.F.Gon.O. KB AtchlBOn 4a Tex. Pac. lata. . . . 81K AlchtHOn 'Ja A. . . . do 2s ' 'IK Canada So. L'tidH. . 100 U. P. iHlaof 'OU. . Con. Pac. 1 His'115 100 Wt'fU Shoru 4s 11)4 D. & . U.G. 7 bid. Sun FnmclHco 'Mlnln ; Quotutlons. SAN FRANCISCO. July 28. The ofllclal closlnr duotallonB for mlniii ; Btoji-itoliy wjrj : n tel - town : Aim 1H Ilaln.V Norcross. . . 05 Ilulchor 711 Mexican 87 HcBtA Uolclier. . . . , UO Mono HI Uodlo Con OH Ophlr IDS lnl pr Ill Potosl 42 Chollar a.l Savinro 26 Con. Cal. A Va ItOO Sierra Nevada 54 Crown Point , Ul UnlonCon till Eui'OuaCon ' 'S Utah 7 Gould ACnrry. . . . 41 Ynllow Jacket. . . . 4o Nnir York Allnlni ; < Jimtutloni. NEW YORK. July 2R.-Tho followin ? aM th cloalngmininirquutalion.H : Cholor. VO I Plymouth 10 Crown Point 80 I Sierra Ne/vada BO Con.Ca ) . &V.1. . . . 27fi Stand.-inl 160 Duadwood CO Union Con CO Gould A Curry 40 Yellow Jackot. , . . 40 Halo A Norcrona. . 60 IronSllvor 10 HomcHtnko inon Qulcknilvor. . . . . . . . 220 Moxica 7A Uopruforrod 1400 Ontario 7. > o Ilulwvr 10 Opblr. 1.10 London Stock Muricot. LONROM , July ' _ 8 t nm. . closlmr : ConHola , moiuiy. . . 101W Mexican ordinary. 76 CoiiHOlH , ncu'nt. . . . IDliu St. Paul com 58H Cau'idlan Pacific. . UA N. Y. Central DDK Erlu HM PouiiHylvanl. ! DO Erlo''da.- . 7 Kradlnr HM Ilia. Central 03 Mux. Ceil. noiv4n. 54 l-'iliniirbll Notot. NEW ORLEANS , July 28. Clearings , $319,121. PARIS. July 28. Three per cenl rentes , lOlf lOc for tbu account. IIOSTON. July 2S , Clearings. $11,630.373 : bnl- nncca , tlM7a8 ! ) ; weekly. $07,303,933 and fJ.01J.4IO. HALTIMOHE , July 28. Clenrlneii , $1,798,078 ; balance. ! ) , $1J,7C4 ; weekly , tll,741,85 < and J1.W5- 443. 443.MEMPHIS MEMPHIS , July 28. New York exchange , selling ut tl. Clem luss , $171,945 ; balances , $37- 001. 001.PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA. July 23. Clearings. $8,283- 499 ; balances , $1,7',194 ; weekly , $53lt > 0,07' ) and $9.199,300. NEW YORK. July 28-CIoarlngs , $ C1,1M,430 ; balances , $3,943SiS ; weekly , $387,790,411 ; balances , $ M,737,13I. SAN FRANCISCO , July 28 , Drafts , sight. lOcj lelegrniihlc , ISc. Oliver ban , Ki ifiO Hc. Mex ican dollars , EH' f(51c. CINCINNATI. July 28. Money , 3fO per cent. New Ynrl ; cxchiuiKe , 2Sn dlHcount. Clearings , $ l,7bfl.2iii ) ; weekly , tlO.916.000 ; for week last year , $9oj.wa. : LONDON. July 28. The amount of bullion gone lulu the Hank of England on balanc today U (9,000. Thu prlcL of liold ut Ilia-nun Ayics today lu .T7. WAHHINUTON. July M. The ra h balance In the tieasury al the close nf huxInexH tmlay was JliO.lKl.i/J'i , nf which t5X,3 3.414 MHS gold n-Hvrvr , In this Ktati-ment thu $3,000UOO gold shipped today does not appear. CIIH'AOO , July 2 < -Clearlncs , til. 658.000 ; total for week. $71.790IXH ) ; c-nrreapondlnB > veek last year , i72.SST.oiW. Ni-w Yoik exchange , 15o pr . ml u m. l 'orelKli exchange , dull : actual , $ I.U7H UI.S.H'.i. Money iiiim , 4 | C per ot'iu. ST. IXM'IS , July -8.-Clearln6s. $3.06I.C-15 ; thli week. $19,2187 : jire | Kndlng week IS51. II'- 701.413 ; laul wecW , t15,7H1.4l3 ; biibmces twlay , $4C2,9CO ; IhU week , t'.HW. 17C ; oorrvrpondtnc week la l yeor , 1\SI \ * > .t'Jli last week , t,233,03l. Money dull , Mp7 iier cent- Exchange on New VoU | , ( Oo uremliim bid. NEW YORK , July JS.-Thu export * of specie fnun the port of New York for the week were : Gold. I5.3IG.040 ; silver , $550.041. 'fhu Import * were : Gold , $30,132 , silver , $6tl. ) The weekly slatemelit HIUWM the following rhnnaca ; lle rve , dccrcuw. $ ! , 'JiXI,875 ; loan * , drcrea , tl.OOU.OOiJ ; peclf , drcif-iif. WOl.SiW. K-u-al tfiidv.s , dccieasii , tJ.U7S.4W ; deiHiAUs. decrease , $5,081,700 ; circulation. dvre se , $109,600. llankn now hold $71.903,7:0 in vic * * ( lot rvqulretl ii per ci-nl nil * . OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Record Breaking Becoipte of HOSTS the F < m- lure of Saturday at the Yards. CATTLE TRADE SHOWS SOME IMPROVEMENT liuiutry for I'nt Cnttlo l lli-ttrr nml Prior * Higher I1 K Moll IlrNUly lit it Do- clloo of 10 lo in Cent * fr.ini I'rlilny , SATURDAY , July 23. Tlio receipts of hogs wore the largest today In tlio history of tlio yards , being 19,758 head , or 2C.1 cars. Tlio largest l > ro- vlcns day's receipts was on July 11 , when 10.86S hogs arrived. This brings tlio total for the week up to nbout 72,000 , or 32,000 In excess of the receipts for the previous week. The receipts of cattle were only about 2,000 head , and there was only one load of sheep In the yards , 105 lieatl. CATTIjK There was n fair demand for good ( ! roused beef steers , nnd the market was strong nt fully yesterday's prices. Ono bunch brought $1.10 , being the highest , price- touched In several days. There were other loads good enough to bring Jl and nbove. The grassy anil half fat steers brought J3.2G03.7G , There wore tinlto n good many cows on the market and the trailo had n little moro life. Prices were strong , especially on the bettor grades. Quite a string of western cows brought $2.75. Pretty fnlr native cows sold at $2.00@2.50 , whllo canncm went nt $1.00f1.75. The trailo In stockers and feeders did not show nny material change. Hoth do- maiul nnd supply wns short , and the mar ket quiet. Representative sales : DRESSED I1EEP. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Vr. No. Av. Pr. : > $2 DO 17..1312 $3 M : C..12-JO $3 M 1..10W ) 3 M M..IU.T.I 3 DO 49..Kit 3 95 & ) . . . .1113 3 10 19..1117 3 K 46..1201 4 00 : i 3 23 23..1012 3 70 2..1i:0 4 00 iorj 3 25 19..1121 ! 375 43..11 4 IS 1.122 3 (0 25..1014 375 21..1204 4 IS 933 3 M 41..1231 385 43..1447 4 40 MIXED. CO..1270 435 COWS. . 900 75 18. . . . 743 1 30 12. . . . SS3 1 90 .1010 1 00 1. . . . 670 1 45 1. . . . 910 2 00 .8SO 1 00 10. . , , 772 1 43 I. . . . 870 2 10 . S3 : i oo 1. . . . 930 1 SO IS. . . . DM 2 10 . 950 1 15 2. . . . 7CO 1 D5 4..1037 225 .1070 1 15 4. . . . 710 1 GO 19. SH 2 25 .800 1 15 2. . . .1150 1 CO 1. 950 2 35 . 78. ' , 1 15 1..1100 1 GO 2. S" , 2 40 1..1370 1 25 10. . . . 781 1 63 21. ! I 2 50 G. . . . 792 1 25 6. . . . 972 1 6 , 1. 900 2 DO 1. . . . 950 1 23 8. . . . 933 1 C5 1.IS. . 930 2 CO 10. . . . 810 1 23 15. . . . 771 1 73 DM 1 23 11. . . . Ml 1 40 12. . . . EIS 1 45 200 1 20 C. . . . KM 1 40 G. . . . COO 1 r.O 4S' ' 1 30 2 270 1 40 10. . . . COO 1 70 , 470 1 35 6. . . . C20 1 40 1. . . . 800 2 00 CALVES. 1. . . . 200 1 DO 2. . . . 210 2 25 0. . . . 220 2 75 3. . . . 120 200 1. . . . 130 2 CO 7. . . . 100 2 75 3. . . . 217 2 00 1. . . . ISO 2 75 1. . . . 1W 2 75 DULLS. 1..12SO 1 45 3. . . . SCO 1 C5 2..1115 1 75" 1..11W 1 65 1..13IO 1 C.- 1. . . . 910 1 75 3..12M 1 ST. 3..127G 1.70 1. . , . ! * > ) 1 SO 1. . . . 910 1 D5 STAGS. 1..1I20 300 STOCKERS AND 2. . . . SI , 1 DO 2. . . . ! W8 1 81 M. . . 7I11 " l * > 7. . . . 3 .S 1 CO 13. . . . 453 1 S5 61. . . . 730 2 15 r , . . . . 320 1 60 35. . . . 6S1 1 85 V. . . . ! ( 2 Si ) 13. . . . f.03 . 1 75 8. . . . 590 1 93 0. . . . 741 2 20 9. . . . 434 1 75 10. . . . fC8 2 00 61. , , . f > 70 2 30 2. . . . 515 1 85 47. . . . f,07 2 00 21. . . , 919 2 65 3. . . . D93 1 85 3. . . . D2C 200 17..1090 2 G2 > < . 7. . . . G32 1 85 8. . . . CS3 2 10 D2. , . . SG7 2 S3 1. . . . 730 1 85 85WYOMINO WYOMINO WESTERNS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 91 calves 187 $2 00 1 cow i" P > i SI " \ 7 feeders 1221 2 DO 277 cows 90S 2 75 1 con- . 810 2 75 1 cow , 760 2 75 HOGS The heavy receipts of liogs would naturally Indicate that the supply In the country was largo and thnt farmers were anxious to sell , but tha fact that > a good many light weight ? nnd pigs are coming , Is conclusive evidence that fectl Is becom ing scarce or that the growers are , afraid that It will be tiliort In the near future nnd nre taking advantage of the present good demand for hogs to clean up. The de mand .today wns active , every-one'-wanting hogs , nnd a good many nt thnt. Although the receipts were the largest on record , the bulk of the offerings had changed hands by 11 o'clock. The large offerings had a natural tendency to depress the market and buyers succeeded In getting a concession of from lOc to 15c from yesterday's prices. The prices paid ranged from $4.60 to $1.90 , with the bullc of the sales at from $4.70 to $4.SO. Yesterday the majority of the sales were made at from $4.85 to $4.90 , and at the close of last week nt from $4.75 to $1.80. Representative sales ; No. ' Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. G 230 . . . $4 CO 81 ,210 , 120 $4 75 G 223 120 4 CO 70. . . . . . . . 13 80 " 75 3 273 . . . 4 CO 70 230 SO 75 3 233 . . . CO l SOS K,0 ' 5 75 253 240 GO 71 201 1GO 75 1C1 192 410 G5 72 22S 100 75 75 202 80 65 74 201 ir,0 73 C7 201 SO C5 70 272 40 75 S5 191 160 65 72 225 40 75 W 1D2 240 G5 41 . .231 120 75 93 173 120 G5 181 . .211 80 75 10 233 . . . C5 7 ! ) 231 2SO 75 73 171 200 K5 70 216 80 75 84 182 1GO 05 DO 307 40 75 74 1SS 320 C5 M 205 120 75 96 189 320 65 10J , . , 227 120 75 126 131 240 63 ill 187 2CO 75 77 181 80 70 70 237ICO 75 147 209 200 70 72 238 SO 75 72 187 80 4 70 73 100 120 73 44 232 200 4 70 Dii 2.17 SO 75 73 1F8 200 4 70 S 190 . . . 75 f6 215 160 4 70 Cl 225 210 75 a 104 160 4 70 IX ! 212 12' ) 75r. SI 11)0 ) 200 4 70 72 22.1 210 75 S3 217 300 4 70 82 214 120 75 M 202 200 4 70 81 231 320 75 70 193 280 4 70 Cl 2.11 1SI tlVi 8i 2D8 SO 4 70 (57 ( 233 0 77'.4 72 1)9 ! ) 40 4 70 63 2,13 80 76 213 240 4 70 77 21.1 ICO 77W 90 1K : > 80 4 70 73 3.10 240 77K , 79 223 . . . 4 70 73 2'H ' 21) ) 7714 10 1H7 . . . 4 70 B 2IC . . . 77 V4 84 20 ? . . . 4 70 M 238 . . . 77 K , 72 211 86 4 70 K ) 231 210 77',4 61 267 200 4 70 SO 184 80 S5 211 120 4 70 8. ) 232 ICO 7714 63 22i ) 120 4 70 71. ICO 75 212 2SO 4 70 . . . . . ; . . > 2HO SB 101 153 230 4 70 81 221 100 SBW 6 < t 235 80 4 70 SO 213 20Q W 73 214 2SO 4 70 79 22IJ 120 7714 ; o 20t 40 70 KJ 2 2m ) KO 79 221 2SO 70 K , . > ' > ! 100 til 81 205 ICO 70 71 230 . . . SO 172 205 G20 70 f,2 L'- > 101 79 214 40 70 CO 3M ICO 80 90 173 280 70 VI 2i4 l-'l ' 80Ml 90 212 40 70 70 2.11 41 Ml Cl ) 205 320 70 88 200 40 SO 40W 07 21J 40 7214 CO ' . ' 11 W ) 80 81 213 120 68 2l > l 2 * ) 80 73 1U5 80 75 220 ICO 80 79 202 40 78 153 ICO 80 7.1 230 320 7.1 231 M 80 76 223 80 Cl 218 80 80 10 221 . . . C 211 160 1,0 62 277 40 C7 2r,2 . . . 80 70 261 160 W 255 40 FO 64 2U7 120 03 270 120 80 70 228 40 4 73 fil 263 2I 80 78 197 . . . 475 01 23 > 120 80M 75 220 . . . 475 Cii 233 120 SO 78 210 280 4 75 1)2 ) 23 I''l ) SOKO 73 230 160 4 75 13 2.H ! 40 80 81 211 200 4 75 Cl 2.V , 210 80 73 218 160 4 75 US 273 200 60 208 80 4 75 tfl Il7 ! 100 80 241 120 4 73 67 217 SO 80 81 218 200 4 73 Cl 229 80SO Tt 203 80 4 75 GG SCO SO 80 01 213 80 4 75 C7 22 ! ) fO 75 211 160 75 6J 215 44 811 80 203 40 75 73 211 80 811SO DO 2SI 80 73 64 Ut 57 1'JO 80 75 53 2.17 120 80 EG 227 120 75 71 2CI ICO 80 61 SOS 40 75 M 2G7 200 81) 73 J30 120 75 S3 2r.C . . . 80 90 Ifi'J 300 75 5'J 20) 160 80 C8 231 SO 75 CO 2J7 40 80 C5 240 120 75 75 2SO . . . 10 82 2IS 120 75 CD 213 80 80 7S 1S1 . . . 75 CO 279 kO SO 81 217 200 73 60 253 SO 80 79 Ml 120 75 C'l 25K 1)0 SO CS 246 160 75 70 OX SOStt 149 242 240 lit SI 1W Stt CO 265 ICO 75 Cl Z 2UJ 201) 7l > IMS 5g CS 212 80 75 S3 27H B2U SI IDG MO 75 S3 221 40 K f. 210 . . . 75 si 208 to 81 81 231 120 75 73 2M Id ) 85 VI S61 120 75 6.1. , 291 IM 79 150 2" ) 7i7R Bfl 21 ! ) 120 81 Kl 224 320 7R 05 VM 85 2U2 ICO 76 103. , SSI S5 HC 211 280 7iW 203. 85 4'J 217 40 W tt 29 120 85S3 C6 213 ICO 75 81 323 M 85 73 SIS 120 T3 70 241 80 83 178 120 75 40 85 72 201 210 75 78 . Kl 80 81 2W ISO 75 Cl . 271 80SO 85 60 3W 4f" ) 71 M . 27H ' 85SI 65 220 200 75 Cl ) . 271 'so B7V4 U > Kl 210 7i Kl . 2 > iO ' V4 64 215 160 75n M . lit 'si M 2tt 00 75n 71 . 164 4 > 0 CO 213 3CO n 1'IOH nouoii. 1U 1J8 240 4 25 ) . . . , . . . .I8S 40 4 (9 8UKRP There was a loail of mixed na tives which uolil at steady price * . Tito mar ket la without any now features of Im portance , Representative Bates : No. Wi. Pr. T native mixed Ill $2 W St. l.oui l.ivu MOCK .Market ST. LOIII8 , July a. CATTLU-lt c lpU , 10.0-fl JM" fhipn ln ' ' . 1.8W hf .l ! nmtkft .lull 1 i llv' ' " nnni T im itMti MO t ' . ' ! . " * " " / 30 ° ' " " " 'I ' * "iiipmenm , nonoi t quiet , mnuly. unrlmtmnl. I.r Tlmii Twenty LitiiU of ( Incut Natlvn Tallin Arrhnl Vritrnlny. ClttC.UlO. July J.I.-UM ttmn twenty . of KVHit ! unlive rnllle arrived for the market today. Tolrtl rerelitn | were nt int 1.50) ) head , but mom limn 1W ( lieu.l were Tcxims. IlRit | lef li'sn"rmjl.iwi" ! ! .K"'Hl llt' , mi"1 l ' " ' > IMC to ' " ' l > " 1'1"1" , , , iM , ' " " Plrlied in. Hie. eown nnd ' " 'j.TSl ' "lwk M fniin to JJ.7J. \\llh nrrlvnln Juat nlmut eqiml lo Hie run of " " " , " , ? ' ' " " .xvtlfv | < ' " ' ' llrt * ntkct Vtil l net ho nml nlronc Prime heavy nmt 1 K nnres. nn.l . the | hulk f ' RI > , , , | to cholcn ylilppliiK OIK nt from J.a > to H 30. A loud of fnnev 30.111iKf \ , SI , | , | , „ , , „ j.-.37' ' ( , . MIlEI-.P-Th. . ' firuli mipt'ly wn only l.fjv ) hend. Ooijil qimlltv n > hl at fnim 13 to J.1 , pv l IW-ll , . iiuilloii ! ! ncllmif nl the littler IlKiinninl fnlr fs-IK iiil\e.l lom nt . ' . Kiilr in K < m6'Mh. \ . nntlv * limlw * oM nt from J2.W lo J1.7.0. Pilmn lambs ar , ' iiunlntilo nt from tl to $1 21. Iteeelpti f'atll. ' . | , rrt , ) he111 ; ; i-nlven , 200 head : hnirn. U.Oi'O ' heml ; Rlu-vp , l.Wli ) head. The Kvenlnu Journnl inmrlii : UOlM-llrcrlpI * . | 4XX ( ) heid ; { oniclnl vmtontny , 24,104 he.iil ; Rlrlpinriitit yestenlay , lO.SSOl'iend ! IVt o\vr , iihout I,4iiO linnl ; iiuiillly fair : market nctlvs nnil llrm : piu-kern nml hlpiei | ImyliiK lien ! lol 60 others mielmnire-I ; mien rniwd from for "al"S(1 ( < . for rouuli . . ; day , BOO henil : market imctmnunl. linn * ! ! * City llStnnlc M trhnt. KANSAS PITY. Julv < . * -lATTIi : Receipts , 3.nn ) IIP.II ) ; shlpini.ils. 2.M ) henil. Market slenrtv ; TeMis steers , I.SO 3.V ) ; hei-f sleein. W.41ff4.70 ; n ; llvo eowB , l.2.1ii'3.CO ; stockers and feeders' IIOlW-Reeelpti. , 10 ) bend ; shipments , VI heml. Mnrkel r. inc lower : hulk nf mles , II.S5 I93 ; henvles , JLUOJiV. . ' . pnekeni , JI.WJ 1.n2H : im\eil , l4.k,1JM.9.1 ; Ushls. Jl.75ff3.00 ; plpn , * I.70IJ HIIKKP Reeelpls. 3,5iM hendj uhlpmenls , 109 head. Atnrkot flow nml xveak. Mock In Sight. necord of receipts of live stock nt the four principal markets Ritunlay , .Inly 2.1. K9l ! Cattle. HOSTS. Sheep. South Omalm . . . 2,000 19.0 > W 105 CThlciIKO . l.r.'JO ' 14.IVM 15,01 KnnMs City . 3,1110 lO.aXJ 3 , 19 tit. I ) uls . 10.0M 1.2W 300 Totals . 1 ,100 45.8J3 5,203 Ciiffri. tiirhrt * NH\V YORK , July ! . COPPKB-Oiitlnna otieneil dull and 5TPIO ( mints lower , reacted Mlmrply on near delivcrlei ; July Inactive ; dc- mnml to cover : closed nteaily at not , MflO iiolnln lower ; sales , 7.IXX ) hiitx , IncluilliiK : July , JIS.Mff 15.75 : Ainni't. JI4.wrt'14.05 ; Septemln-r , JI3.70 : De cember. J12.C5. Rput coffee , lllo , ilull ; No. 7 , JIG ; mllil. quiet ; Cordova , S19.0flri'li.25 ! ; wnrp- house dellvcrlvH fnim New York yes- tonl.iy , ' .i.iiSS h.itrs : New YoiU stock today , 101.601 hasn ; 1'nlteil .Stales mock , 13rtG03 b.iKa ; nllonl for I'niteil Htntos , 231,000 Kics ; vis ible for fnlted Hlates , nn.COJ hiiK , ngnlnsL 100- 2S3 bass 1,11 ynr. 1110 JANKIItO. Julv 2S.-Markel stendy ) 'No. 7. J17..K . ) ; c.trh.iiifff , srvl : receipts , 21,009 liars ; cli-n-r.,1 fur ITnlliil States , 4.0JO lines ; iltwck , 1CS.OOO hiKi. . ' SANTOS. July 2F. Weilt ; pond nveniK'e , Jllt.'OO ; reeelptn. ll.ttt ) bain ; stock , 12.1.00J IKIKS. IIAMIIPIUI. July g. Steady prices , unclmnfifl to 11 pftr. tilKhvr ; mles. i.i.Oivj IHIKS. ' I" 1IAVKI- : , July 2S. Opened bnrely Vlraily , f lower ; nt 12 noon iinchaniteil , eouiiaittl with ycatenkiy'H cloec ; mil , 13.00J MB ? . l.iindiiii ( ' ! ( > ; > llcvlrvv. I.ONPON. July 2 < . Tli weather , which h.iit been broken. Is nnee moro settled. The wheat market during the week wns llstlvcs anil tie- pressed. T.IPIO WIIB a IHXIP demand and Honia pressute to sell. ItiiH laii ali'l I. a I'lnla nft const were fieely offered.Vhlte wits were utrirtly. California July delivery was quoted nt i24 i per quarter nnd red winter , Hleamor , July .nml AUKIIM , 21s. Klour wns easy with n poor ile- manil. There wns n free supply. Corn" ! wa slnmK on bad news resardliitt the Ilanub'an crop. Prices were up fully Is and mixed Ameri can wns nut olTeied. Hailey was quietnnd In moderate ilcmand. Oats weru Kteiidy. > NKW YOHK. .Inly 2S.-StIOAH Haw , fnlr rennlmr. 2 IMBo : centrlfupil , 90 { rtt. , 34o ! : refined , fairly active ; come. sriuleH of soft' 'ovpr- wild ; No. G , 3 13-IGfJlr ; No. 7 , 3HW3 15-lCe ; No. 8 , 3X < i3 13-lCc ; No. 9.3 9-10T3 ic : No. 10. 3 9-163 3Xc ; No. 11 , 314TC3 ll-16cj No. 12 , 2 7-10tf3ic : No. 13 , Zc ; oil A , 3 .VIU'iMUe ; mould A , 4 O-lC-ffl-0 ; atnndurd A , I S-lOWf-ic ; cnufectluners' A. 4 l-16o ; cut loaf , 516W.1 3-1 c ; crushed , M4ST 11-16o ; pow dered. 4 a-lHfllic ; cmnul.'ited , 4 6-10ii > llto ; cubes. 4 9.inl > ic. LON1JON. Jnly.2-HtiaAU-Cane , very quiet ; centrifugal , Jnva , 13s 3d ; Muscovado , fnlr refin ing. Us Cd. ' _ ' KIIIMIIH City KANSAS C1TV , July 28. WHEAT He lower ; No. 2 hanl , 131c ; No. 2 red , 4lc. . * COItN Ufl'ViC hlKher ; No. t mixed. SSftSSo ; No. 2 while , UffKUc. OATS-Hc lilshcr ; No. 2 mixed , S01i 274a ! ; No. 2 white. 30o. HUTTKll FNrm : creamery , 14H16C ; dairy. 1 Mi , lie. KGC5S Firm ; strictly fresh , 8c. 'in ItKUIJllTS Wheat , 13,000 hu. ; corn , " none ; onts. none. .SHIPMBNTS Wheat , 0.000 bu. ; corn , none ; oats , none , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Liverpool iMnrkcts. I.lVUni'OOL , July 28. WIlEAT-Qtllet , 'but ' steady ; demand poor ; holders offer moderately ; , i No. 1 Callfoinla , 4s 7d ; red western winter , il 4s ldff4.i 2d ; led we.stern spring , 4s Gdrfls 7(1. ( ' ? | COltN Klrm ; demand poor ; new mixed' , soot. 4s iy.ii. ' KI.OIIH Sprlnir patent , Cs OU. IJAIILUY Cnllfoinla bicn-Inir. 23s tdff233 ) Gd. 1'UOVISION.S llcef , extra India ntss. Ms Sd. Pork , prime mess , GSt : ! ) d. ll.ic.on , 1'jnK ' nnd short clear , 65 Ilia. , 3lis ; IIIIIK clenr , 45 Iba. , 3Ca ' .Cd. Lard , prlmo we.stern , 3Gd 3d. - Ciitloii .Mlirliet. ' NEW OUL13ANS , July 28. COTTON .Duti , and easy ; sales. 15 bales ; receipts , 21 bales ; oijnirta , cciiitlin-nl , 400 bales ; co.islwlKe , 655 bales ; , slgck , by actual count. 47,607 bales. Kiiluivs quiet ; salca.l.SOO Ixiles ; July , $0.60 bid ; September. Jii.l4UG.l5 ; Oc tober. JG.4GHC.47 ; November. ! 6.63T(6.6I ( ; January , IC.68ifG.70 ; Kebrunry , W.74&G.7G ; March , J6.80 bid ; April , JC.bO hid. ST. LOUIS. July 28. COTTON MlddllnB , . 7o ; sales , nonu ; receipts. 100 bales ; Hhlpnients , " 0 baJes ; stuck , 27.60U bales. Dnliitli ( , niln Aliiricrt. nUMITir , July 2S. WIIBAT Cl'osc , dull and lower ; No. 1 bald , faith nml July , 67C ; No , 1 northern , cash and July , 6S'to ; September. UHc ; Ueeemlwr , Ki'iic No. 2 thorn. - . ' ; not . L-.IKII. 62',4a ; No. 3 , 441 i ! ; rejected , 4314o ; to arrive. No. 1 north- em , 5 Vic ; rye , 660 ; oats , No. 2 , Eto ; No. 3 while , 2So. _ 'r'rlsroVlicut ( JiuitiltliiiiH. SAN FHANCIBCO , July 2S. W11IWT Quiet anil steady ; December , 'J'jo ' ; new neller , 91'/4c. U'odl .tlnrUiit. ST. I.OUI8 , July 28. WOOL Active , firm. without change. _ _ _ _ , Set Flrii to 11 I.lttln Chilli. PAnKEIlSllURQ , W. Va. , July 28. A man named Valentine , married and. with a family , nnd Mrs. Jacob Trader , a widow living on Straight creek , ou the eastern eclne of ( Jal- houn county , liad arranged to clone , but a l-ycar-old daughttr of Mrs. Trader was an encumbrance. To get rid of the child the couple tied It to a tree , piled brush around It and set It on ( Ire. The ccrcamu of the olillil attracted attention and It nan released , but not until It was HO horribly burned that It cannot live. The couple escaped. Kino sandy bottom at Courtl.uul. AiiRlurx Drnwni'il at St. Paul. ST. PAUL. July 28. ChnrlCH If. Dana and P. M. Luther , two well known St. Paul men , liavo bt'cii drowned ut Isle Hoyul by tlio cap- sIzliiR nf their lulling boat. I'Icrue Duller , county attorney , was rescued after clinging to the boat several hours. LARGEST DIVIDENDS ON RECORD. Avuruso dlvldumlH first Mix munllm. 1HUI of tlio A < E ilCA. < SYN IJA.TE OVKK 01 I'KR OKNT BAOII MONTH ! Ouriueouiolmlcriviid from ciri : > riil Hpurnbttlon and Jiicllcloim luvi'Hlnu'nlH. DU'lilumln declared monlhly. K IHHIIIH | | | | IHH.I. Uoimurvallro man- airriiH.-nl. ivfuri'iiuu. Our uxport tlilnkH thiiruli ulili ; di'iiHinnvliiif , which Hhould mater- l.lllzudurlnv Anwiixt. Hit iloun uu liopu to pay onuof uiirold'llnii'dlvldinidN of 11)0 ) pur cent or inoru. HYNUIOATK rtl'Kl.ri.ATUIN. aHHiiU'Hlhi ! lar rut rutnrimvoin iillhliiwlthH.ifHy , Do not Ha v II l ImpoHslohi to , a Hiivli larKi dlvl < ilcndn until you liavn uiu- . . . .iiiual ol Inliiriuii- tiun. t'rt'i on appiif.itiou to A , u. HAMILTON A BO.MunnurH PAOIKIO AVKNUK , UIIIOAUO , I un inruluabluaiit lu Invimlorti. Mlncn January 1 HI Kl ) pur cunt , of our prutllulloiia hnvu buu'n ful' rilled. rilled.N1AILED FREE UPON REQUEST. OurCo-oporiitlvo Stock Oo.nblnatloiiM nrn pror * Ini ; liluhly proMUtilo , and am valuablu lu ibono nullu it pohlllon of maUliiKii IUIHIII | < HH of folluw- liiK the murkut. Hlneo Junu.iry lot , IxUl , 1UH per ccn.l II.IH IH-CII divided iimnutf uubHurlhorH , I'.lin- phluts Iron niwn rtiiieNt. HIOHtH oo.StacU Brokers , IHuiiiiMU .roaiii > .i > , iSi1'iirtt xiv/j Witt , LOUDOlfi Commission Merchant I'i'it-ia wire * to ( 'lucuuK anil .Vuw York. AU Lu lne ord n plncad ua 'j lloiurJ ul Trade. . Olfliv room 4. N w ITorLU * llJIIJIn. Ttl < iihon Ut.