THE OMAHA DAILY /WEDNESDAY , JULY 25 , 1894. SPEG1RL NOTICES. ' AdvertfAnenls for these column * will b taken until 12 34 p m. for thn ermine nnd until > :00 : 'pi m. for Hi8 morning nnd Sunday editions. Advertiser * , by requesting n numbered check. Iran hav * Answer * addremieil to n numbered letter In earn of Tin Il e , Aniwen no nddreiwd will be delivered upon presentation of tli check. Rates , Ifte n wool Driit Insertion , lo ft worJ ( thercfxftfT. Nothing taken for less tlnn KB. GRAIN MAN WANTS POSITION IN COUNtry - try ; iiri'li'rMnmli business tliuroUHbly ! refer * en < i s , H If , 11 oo , A I7D X * KNOINKKR AND MACHINIST DESIRES .I0n In country town running stationary engine. Address U. W. a. , IIox 277 , Missouri Valley , In. A-M1-30' _ _ A vot'NO LAinrMuwo TEAciiER DESIRES plcico to tin house work for room nml Intnl. AO'lreM ' Miss ( lertle Hmltli , 31 t nml OoIJ streets. A MM1 25 * WANTED MALE SOLICITORS , TEAMS FURNISHED ; INSTALL , ment pooiM. American Wringer CJ , IGOO How- rd street. II-47S _ TWO VOUNO MEN or noon ADDRESS CAN flnil Htrady employments call between 11 nnd 12 n. m. , nnd G nnd 6 p. in. , at 317 Unvtdwnjr , Council Bluffs. B-.M3W24 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED , GOOD HONEST GIRL FOR GEN. era ! housework. Apply evening * between 7 nnd 8 o'clock , . 2321 Mason. _ C 2 K * _ WANTED--OIRL TOR GENERAL HOUSEwork - work In family ndultK ; must be flrnt dim cook. C33 Georgia avenue. C 100-25 WANTEO-OOOn Al COOK ; WAOBH J3.00 per week. Apply HW So. 20th Ave. Ave.C 43 J 27 WANTED , nlitL rou GENERAL IIOUSE- worUi small fnnilly , cnn have afternoons off COS South 18th direct. C MM * 25 * WANTED , A DOMESTIC FOR GENERAL housework. German preferred. Inquire at oince People's Furnlluro nnd Carpet Co. C M500 27 _ FOB KENT HOUSEEL FOIIRENT. . ROOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM house , 2621 Capitol nvenue. II. H. Hob I ion , room 7. Commercial National. _ I > 850 HOUSES W. G. TEMPLETON , PAXTON 1ILK. TENTS FOIl HUNT 1311 FARNAM ST.D D 3S1 CLEAN. COMFORTABLE , CONVENIENT. moderate remain. best 3 and 4-room sultei for housekeeper ! on y , References inquired , Also ( room suite In tenement. 610 8. 2-M street. D-MO _ VERY FINK ROOM COTTAGE AT mT duccd price ; call at once. Fidelity Trust Com. pany , 1702 Famim street , U 119 FOn RENT WANTED , GOOD MEDIUM priced house * . List jour houses for rent With Ames. D M571 1225 I'KATT .ST. , IN GOOD REPAIR. JS-00. 3513 Seward st , 4-room cuttagc , as good as new , J10 09 , 9401 Jackson st. , a fine modern cottage , C rooma , nearly new. nnlv tK.OO. B. n. cor. 6th nnd Williams , a 9-room house with barn , InrKe yard , fruit trees , berries. etc. , paved st , only 52T.00. One of thoie beautiful LaFajettii Place houses cheap to right party. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam St.D834 D-834 FOII RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLINGS IN all parts of city. E. II. Sheafo tti r.ixtrm bile D-91SA6 FOII nnNT. MODERN IO-ROOM ri vT"ccN- trally located , will readily fill with roomers E. II. Shcafe , 2 Paxton blk. U 919A8 FOII RENT ! "MOST DESIRAIIM : nusimNci : . 2513 Farnam. II C. Patterson , llnmge. blk. D-927 HOUSES , F. K. UAItMNO , DARKEIt I1I/JCK. D-C75 HOUSES IN ALIj PARTS OF rnilTciTYTrilC O. F. Dai la company , I'M I'.mium. D 670 6-IIOOM COTTAOES , MODERN. CI1OICB IN Stanford Circle. C. S. Elguttcr , 201 Ilee bid ? . D-677 IlENTAL AQENCY , 607 IJUOWN 11I.OCK.D D78 KELKENNY&CO. , n. I. CONTINENTAL "llMC. D-679 FINE 7-nOOM COIINEH FLAT AT 701 S. 1CTII street ; ranuo nnd all other conveniences. George Clouser , room 2 , 1023 Farnam btieet. D 300 FOR 11ENT. NEW MODI1UN SEVKN-riooTt house. J2L'.00 per month ; 3Cth. north of Ii-aen- worth ; apply there. D IC9 15" FOH UENT IF SOME GENTLEMAN , AND his wife would like to rent n desirable modern house of nine rooms In a choice lur.illon. we have It. HOKKB & Hill. D 300-A20 FOR UENT AUGUST 1ST , FI.AT NO. 61G P. 17th St. All modern Impiovcments ; wati-r rent paid. 2843 Farnam St. D 375--20 * 10-ROOM HOUSE , MODERN CONVENIENCES. 621 South 15th street. D 333-27 * FOR RENT , 7-ROOM MODERN POTTAGE. 916 North 23th st. Apply nt Itlchnrd's cigar store , 1017 Farnam. D 477 * FOR RENT. FURNISHED IIOl'SE FOR RE- malnder of season ; prices reasonable Hi-fei- cncca required. 2549 Capllol nve. D 171 24 * SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. 637 NORTH 2TTII ST. .10.00 ; enaulic 2420H Cumlni ; or S.H S. ISth at. U 480 23 FOR RENT , CHEAP. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. S30 South 27111 atieet. D MI07 27 * FOB KENT FURNISHED BOOMS. VERY NICE ROOMS. 172J DAVENPORT. ' E-283-30 * FOR RENT. 3 NICELY for housekeeping ; 013 S. ICth 3d lloor. _ E 301-25 * FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HiMIMEKEUPINU and front Bleeping room , 1C11 lliAV.iul. , _ E M373 27 * FURNISHED ROOMS ; HOUSEKEKpiNG. 2025 Bt. Mary'n axenue. E MII22S * _ FIVE ROOMS , 1713 NORTH 14TH BTRE13T. E I3J SO * FUBN1SHED BOOMS AND BOABD. YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME , HNDE RCARE OP Women's Chrlatlnn association. Ill S. 17th st. _ F OS3 nOOMS AND BOARD , 2413 CAPITOL AVUNUE. F-GC3 S9 * _ ROOMS WITH BOARD. 2130 NICELY rUKNISIIEn ROOMS AND FIRST class bonnl.nil Dodge. F 315 _ _ ROOMS , WlTHliloARD. 1810 CHICAGO ST. F M3S1 A20 * _ DKS1R.V11LE SOUTH FRONT ROOM AND ALcove - cove , with board. 2310 Dodge ntiret. T MIC3 2S * _ WANTED. COMPETENT LATV TO T.UCr : ( lining room and Kitchen with 5 stcidy board ers. Call at 160J Honard stiect , 2d door. F 4f,2 21 * UNFUBNISHED BOOMS FOB KENT I NICE ROOMS ; WATER. 60S N. 13TH ST. 208-A13 * FOR BENT STOKES AND OFFICES CORNER SALOON , 924 DOUGLAS. INQUIRE 922. I MSM RENT. THE 4-BTORT7lRlClC BUILDING" IIS Fnrnam street. Tha building has u lire- proof cement bnsem > > nt , complete uleuin heat Ing 11lures , water on all floors , gas , etc. Apply - ply at tha nlllco of the Bee. I 010 AGENTS"WANTED. . WANTED , AGENTS TO SELL TO In Nehraskn , They all want It : no boiil ; can- \asslne ; lilu money maker. Addiess 2707 Q street. South Omaha. J MS , l . TO HANHLE Till : NIIW Imentlon of rack holdeiv. Just put ; It Is l.ugo pront nnd easy nelk-r ; will mnK J.1.00 to JlO.iW a day. Call at once nt 1IOJ sout'iwest coinei llth and Howard. J M4I327 * _ AGKNTS WANTED. OR SALESM"nN"lTlTsTir. Int ; side line , to tnka oiden by Minpht ; maplu cellcr , easily rallied. We pay VXIKMUCM mid salary , or lommlsalon and furnish wnipkn on Plipllcullon. Addresa IxicU llox 125 , New York CKy. AGENTS , ALWAYS SOMin'III NG NK\V AND best sellers In Indies' goods ; write today , It will pay you. Ladles' bupply Co. , 3118 I'm rut luenue , Chicago , J MID5 2J * WANTED TO BENT. WANTl'.D TO RENT-WANT TO LEASE FOR term of years tenement block or number of dwellings centrally located. AOdrvM P , tl. Hoi 7V2. K-I73 BTOBAGE. STORAGE. WILLIAMS & CROSS.KU HARNHY. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ „ M - II _ OU.VAN&3TORAGU CO.,150 , IXDGE. TEL. BTORAGEFOR iousniiOLn GOODS.-CI.EAN * > nd cheap rate. It. Well * . 1111 Purimm.MC1I M-C1I " WANTED TO BUX. * "lfKCOND-iIANU FURNlf U15Ur WEST FOR Till : MONEY.IIAVANA FRECKLE& i N-M367-A19 _ _ _ _ _ HIGHEST PRICK PAID FOR SECONDHAND furniture , ttuv.s. tic , I. lrun ! l. 710-711 N , letti N-SM WANTED TO BUY. Continued. WANTED , TO PtMirilASH TWO GOOD RES'- dent lots In Florence , Improxed or unimproved ; state description , full particulars nnd Innrst cash price to S 9 , Ilee oUlce. N-MttJ 2S FOB SALE FUKNITUBE. PAY.MEN1S EASY , YOU WON'T MtSS YOUR money. Ixjw prices on furniture ft hoiieholj foods. EnUrpriio Credit Co. , 613 US N , ICth ot. 0-517 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR PALE. IVRST MORTGAGES. OUARAN- teed per cent , sums of 1300 ( X ) to ll.O-MW Why tal.f 4 per cent when you cnn ( jet 8T Ames , 1C17 I'arnnm. q-MMI ICE TOR SALIU CAN SHIP OVER ANY ROAD out of Ormli.i nnd Oonnell Bluffs. Lnmorcaux Bros , 306 So. 16lh , Omnlm. Q-332-A17 roil SALE. ST. nCRNARD PUPS , FULL PEO. litreed. CM N. 15lh urteot Q-MI37 ST. IinitNARO DOG Pt'P 9 MONTHS OLD ; fine tiedlcree , fine markings and color. Room 3' ' ) , linker block , g-.M ) l ill I'OR SALE , TWO SMALL REAL ESTATIJ mortgages ( first ) bearing 8 and 10 per rent. Collection guaranteed. W. O. Templcton. 317-S Paxton block. Q-.M4GI 23 MISCELLANEOUS. KREI ! MUSEUM OF ANATOMY TO MEN only. Dr. Scarlcs ft Seatlcs , 1416 Farnam st. R-Hl-AlO CLAIHVOYANTSI MRS. UIl. It. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium ; 7th ) ear at 119 N. 16 _ _ _ _ _ S-6S9 CLAIRVOYANT PROFESfcOR WHITE CAN BB consulted on business , marriage , divorces nnd nil family affairs ; Ihc future plainly revealed , lovers united , troubles healed .names of friends nnd enemies ; also the one you will marry. Hour * from 9 a. m. to 9 p m. Bun- day , 9 to 5. 1617 Chicago street. S 103-A10 * MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. MADAME SMITH , G02 S. 13TII. 21) FLOOR , room 3 Massage , vapor , alcohol , steam , sul phur and j * a baths , T MI38 28 * MMfi. ANNA OP CIHCAGO GIVES ALCOHOL baths and massage. 303 N. ICth , room 11. T M437 28 * PEBSONAL. LADIES' AMBER JEWELEY TO ORDHR ; n 110 lepilrlng. 613 S. ICth street. U M150 LTEVElTYTTlING ALL RIG I IT. i ! U M30 > 27 TRY HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC SMOKlI U-M307 AU When you want HELP Let THE BEE HELP you get HELP 25c for seven teen words or less first time , and a penny a .word after that no matter how many words There are lots of folks needing HELP We will HELP you and you will get HELP. \VHHN OUT WITH YOUU LADY VISIT J. J. Mullens new ice cream parlors. 2802 Lea > en- worth street ; everythlUB Is new. Including tha bulldlns. Tel. 1039. Ice cream de"v f m8 VIAVI IIOMI5 TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation frw. Addresi or call , Vlav ! Co. , 3 Ileo blUe. Lady attendant. 6CHAUI3LI/S SHAMPOO. VAPOH , AND HOT air marlilne for BtenmlnB ladles faces ami heado ! cures dandtuK and headache. 16B Douglas - las stici't. _ _ U-MS5I S3 _ OR. W. I10SS MAHT/N. 1324 KARNAM ST. ; hours from 11 to 1. 3 to B. 7 to 8. Tel. 1310. U 958 A 5 iiNION lIllAND-GiNUINB. WHOLU nour. Whp.itcl New brrnltfnst food. Neal & Conind Wholesale Agents , Orrml , _ . ,85A15. WIIOLU WII13AT IIUIJAU TUOM UNHOI/rrJD Hour lit Imogen L. Hjmsey's , 217 . M ASS AC 13 DATH3. Mll oST. 3WV1 S. 15TH. U 395 UMimnLLAR MADK. UCCOVEnKD ANO Itn- Ii.ilreil. 103 South Sixteenth street. U 383 WIDOW I.ADY WISHHS ACQUAINTANCE OP of means who \\lll loan J300 on Eood security. Address 1' 01 , Bee ofllco. U-391-21 * _ CKKAV FOII WHIPPING : COTTAGE CHHESa Watetloo crcumrry , 1613 Howaid ; tel 1332. U-MllCull MASSAGG , MADAME ! linnNAUD , 111 ! ) DOIJOU U MS07 J8 _ IIAL.DU 1'F A iileasant nnd convenient place , 1520 Farnam ntrcet , l'a\ton blocU ; 'iihono 711. U-M335 _ MMI3. LA ItOOlC. MASSAOU , 1COD I.KAVIJN- worth St. , tlurd floor , front room. U 496 SO * SAMU13L I1UIINS INVITIM YOU TO 8IJI3 HIS new dlmifr evla at J'.75 ; funn rly J10.00. UT-SI303 27 MONEY/TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. ANTIfONY LOAN & THUST CO. , 31S N. Y. LI1B ' loltns at low rate * for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa far > " or Omaha city property. W 700 _ MONUY TO J.OAN ON IMPROVKD OMAHA real estate , llrennan , Love & Co. , 1'axtnn bile. _ _ } V 6I1. UNITED STATKS MOIITGAOH CO. OF NEW York. Capital J2.0W. W. Surplus JCOO.CW. Sub- mlt choice Inani to r , S. 1'usey , accnt , I'lrst National bank bull'llnv. W 701 _ LIFK INSUltANCi : I'DUCIKS I.OANKD ON or bouiiht. F. C. Chctiey , Kuntai City. Ma. CITY LOANS , I. AIlGl ) LOANS ON CIJNTUAL buslntss property ; b per cent. C. A. Starr , 615 N. Y. I.lfu bulldinir. W-li:53 MO.NKY TO LOAN ON CITY AND TAIlil vroptrty , Am < , 1C17 Farnam street. W-MSS1 _ LOANb ON IMl'IlOviD : & UNIMI'ilOVED CITY property. J3,0'W ' & upwards , 6 to 6'S ' per cent : no delu ) > . W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam. W C93 _ MUNI2Y TO LOAN ON TA11MS IN UOUGI.AS. lmpro\cil and unimproved Omaha real eitate. FKIHIIy Trui < eo. 1701 Farnam st. W-WI MONUY TO LOAN A'fT.OXv'EST RATES ON Impnived and unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to 6 icurs. Fidelity Tr * < t Co. , 1T02 rnrnsm. W-8J4 _ MUNCY TO LOAN ON OMAHA ITIOI'EUTY and Nelunska farms at from C to 7 per cent. W , Ik MclKlv , First Natlciut bank building- . O1IAHA LOAN & TUUST CO. . ICTH AND streets , Inan money on city and farm property ot Umrst rates of IntefMt. W 6 WONKY TO LOAN AT LOWUST HATES. TIIR O. P. Duvls Co. . IMS I'arnain t. \V-6M LOANS , i : . H. 8IIKAFE. < U PAXTON BLlt W-316A8 _ LOAN3-W. G. TUMI'LUTON. PAXTON 11LIC. W-M797 11 MONEY TO iOAN , CHATTELS. SHOUT TIMK LOANS APPLY AT IIOOM No. Mt I'aiton block. J. U. HADDOCK. ROOM 7. IIAMQU I3LOCK. X-73 ? _ WONIJV 1O LOAN ON HOUSKIIOLD FUHNI- lure , piano * , boines , \ > aon * . or any kind of chattel security , at Uncut possible rates , which > ou ran twiy twik at any time , and m nnjr mount. F1DKUTY LOAN GUAHANTBK CO . room 4 , Wlthnill block. X-701 " ' "L'K. UAI1UI8. 1100U 1. CONTINENTAL lll.ic MONEY TO LOAN ContlnueJ. MONKY TO LOAN ON FUUNITURB , PIANOS. horres , WSKOIII , etc. , at lowest rates In city : no removal of Roods ; strictly confidential : you can pay th * loan oft at any time or la any amount * . OMAHA MOimUfin LOAN CO. . lli Bouth Kth Mrcct. X-7M MONKY TO LOAN ON I'lHlBONAL trty. Harvln Loan Co. . .01 N. Y. Lit * billldlnc. X 707 _ CONPHtKNTIAtj LOANS MAtm ON CHATKL nccurlty. Address 1 * . O. llox 792. X 373 _ _ SHOUT TIMK LOANS , Ul 1'AXTON DLOCK. X 817A8 BUSINESS CHANCES. IP YOU WANT TO I1UY. SELL merchandise , Bet In or out of business. c.ul on or niMreni the Notional Information and nxclmnga Co. , 50J First National Imuk. Omahn. Neb. Y M030-JM KoifsALn , rtnocnnT BTOUE ; o6oo7ci.nAN stock , locnteil on the bent street In. tl' * city ; will Invoice nt about Jl.fOO.CO : will cll for cn h only : good reason for sclllnB Address 1' W Ilee. Y M13SAI3' HMOKK HAVANA FrtKCKLHS , W.OrtO.W STOCK OF aHNKRAL dlso ; mu t lie sold nt once for cnsli nml part trailc. I > . W. Hutler. Alliance , ! - _ , 2 ( . , 81 DIJ LINC-COMMnllCI I AL SALESMEN 1 lo curry 11 Kood lde line. C. U. . at the Stale hotel until July 26. Y M1W & * _ A GOOD. WF.LL "l-AYINO niJTCHKR nUS- Iness for cnlp. Adrcss iwstolllca box No. 403. \\V < t I'olnt Nti Y Mla4 21 uusfiNEaa CHANCE-WANTED , AN nxi-nitr. cnrcd. cnerBotlc solicitor for nru insurance , n-ntiil nnd brokcrnKP busmcsi.V. . Cl. n-inple. li > n , 307-8 raxlonjilock. _ ? I" " _ - FOH SAI.nT AT TTlAROAIN , IP TAKUN" once , only lumber nnd cent yard In thriving town of 800 Inhabitants on nnln line of Union raclfle ralluiiy In en-Hern Nclirnlka. Satisfactory - factory reasons for uelllni : . If desirable , ele vator property cnn be purchased In connection. If you hn\o nomi > cash nnd can slu ; Kcxjd se curity , mldnss S 7 , Ilee. _ _ _ SttCCKSSFlIL SPECULATION OPEN TO ALL ; try our syndicate Bvntem of speculation : In- cri-n ( - > your Income. Information free ; send for circular. Thompson & Derr Co. , 3 ? Avail street , New York. Incorporated umlT the laws of state of New York. Capital. J101.0M. FOB EXCHANGE. BARGAINS IN HOMC3.T11ADE.8ALE.1COS DodiB ; Z 841 A 10-CENTER FOR 5C , HAVANA FRECKLES. Z M3C7 A19 FOR TRADE. FOR OMAHA LV PROVED PROP- crtlcs worth Jl.000.00 to JlO.CvJ.OO , good farm lands In this state ; will assume teasanablc In- cumbrancc. What have you got ? Ames. 1617 Farnam street. " Z M3I7 F01t EXCHANGE. RESIDENCE PROPERTY nnd Improved farm for $1,000.00 to J3.W.00 ( stock Keneral merchandise. Box 33 , North Loup. Neb. Z M377 27 * FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE , NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE : GEL- lar. cistern , city water ; cor. 31th and Sahlcr ; tl.ZMOO ; long time. Enquire 1318 Farnam. bam'l Burns. RE M6I3 BARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS A VD FAIliTi sale or trade. F , K. Darling , U. * ker blk. R E-708 FOR SALE , 124 MILES FROM OMAHA. 430 acres well Improved ; 100 acres In hay , 170 In corn and oats , balance In timber. Will sell for $40 an aero on easy terms. It Mill pay tu Investigate this. Ames , 1C17 Farmm.RE RE M318 SNAP SMOOTH , RICH GARDEN LAND FIVE miles from postofllc , 5100 per acre ; might taUo some trade , a 10 N. Y. L. bids. R E 17C-A12 FOR SALE. 40 , CO OR 100 ACRES. JOINS FLoHl cnce. Splendid land for Investment. Only S60 an acre. Ames , 1017 Fainam street. RE-M318 BARGAIN A FINE 1CO-ACRE FARM , 73 MILES from Omaha , for t2.000.00 ; 5MO.O ) cash , balance In G yeais. C. R. Boatrlght , Ml N. Y. Life. RE-M323 A17 FARM LAND , C. F. HARRISON , 812 N Y LIFE. It E9Jly27' SOME CHEAP LOTS. A line GO-ft. lot at 43rd and Plnkncy streets , at smoo. fiO ft. grade , 3rd and Francis streets , at 1350.00. 35 ft. on 29th , near Dorcas street , east front , only JCOO.UO. East front on 27th , near Woolworth , trees , etc. , a veiy line lot for half value , 11,000.00. A most desirable residence , CO-ft. lot , on Georgia avenue , near Puclllc street , for t2.400.00. We Imve houses nt from $500.00 to J10.000.00 nt greatly reduced prlcrs , and on terms that will require little cash. Before buying , selling or cx- chanidng , bu sure nnd sea thu Fidelity Tiust company , 1702 Farnam street. RE M187 _ TOR SALE , CHOICE SECTION LAND NEAR Lexington , Dauuon county. No finer land In the elate. Ames. 1617 Karnom. RE-M318 LIST BARGAINS FOR"QuTcKTURNSI60rDodi5 RE-848 FARM , FINEST IN SHERIDAN COUNTY. W > omlng , ICO nori-j , Una spring , lirlgiitloii , 12,20000 ; don't inlos this. Pioneer Business Agency , Sheridan. Wyoming , ISII MW3 G * BARGAINa IN NEBRASKA FARM LAND SOO ACRES In central Nebraska , I mining water , timber , etc ? . , close to railroad ; 200 acres now In cultivation : E-00 acres can bo cultivated In n body , 115.00 jier neve. 8SO ACRES \alley nnd upland In Sherman county : SO acres now In cultivation ; pi Ice J12.00 per acre. 2,080 ACRES central Nebraska , close to rail road , a very cholt-r body of land for grazing nnd stock rnlslnp purpose * : J100J per acre , 1,360 ACREH near North I.nup. good water , tlmlier , frame hous > . > , etc. ; J10 W per acre , 1.7W ACRES near Loup City. 250 ucret now under cultivation , balance wild : good houio. Imrn , sheds , etc. , running water , etc. ; I12.0U per acre. 8,680 ACRES Sherman county , twrderlng on Loup river , about 700 acres In cultivation , good water , several houses , barns , windmills , wells , timber , etc. , cloao to good nurKnts and rail roads ; prlcu )1J.OO pt r acre , WO ACRES Orwley county , only two mile ) from railroad , good soil , waler , etc. , will mal > e good stock farm : tS.03 ] ir acre. HICKS' REAL ESTATE AGENCY. U05 N. Y. Llfs Bldg. HE-M507 81 BUSINESS NOTIOEa ! OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made now. 611 S. IClh. M 151 R. u CAIITER ! METAL CORNICE HICY. lights , smoka staclu , furnaces. 1617 Howard st. 428 DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED. 719 N. 11 at AS _ _ _ D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS CoTE offlco to 09 So. ICth , Blown blk. 1UIS ELECTBICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; electrical and gen. eral machinist * : superior work guirantoed. Omaha Electrical Works. 617 and 8U a , I6th st. XU ELKCTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTors - ors for electric light and motor plants and all klndi of electrical construction. Western Kleo trU Oupply Co. , US and HO a 15th t. W7 OMAHA OITICAL COf5'rvVDINO | OITICIANS ; J , F , Ponder , mnnairpr ; sclentlllo examina tion of the ryes free : tzt B. 16th street. Com' ! Nat'l Bk Bldg. , InKintier's drug store. IIS-A3 * THK ALOE & I'KNFOUWCO. , SCIENTIFIC OP- tlclnin , 14C3 Fsrnnm ft ucposllo Paxton hotel. Kyn examined free.I3 > 'T ' 717 EVES TESTED FllKBHiV A PRACTICAL OP- tlclnn. We Ruarnntee to nt the eyes perfectly , la jour entire wittfnMTl | : or money refunded. A. MANDELBl'RO , Jfwelcr nnJ optlclan _ corner Six teenth and Fnrnnm streets. 8CS BICYCLES. NEW AND./ OLD , 20 TO II2S ; easy payments : < ve re'nt nnd repair. Omaha Blocle Co. , W7 N. f6IUI ( street , Tel 129. UIOYCI.ES REPAIRED" AND REMODELED. Tims nnd sundries. Safes opened , repaired. C. R. Ileflln ocksmUh.llN. 16th street. OMA6 NE\V' wlWICIffo PATTERN , sRirtLY high grndr , adjustable lmnd ! < > nnd rear brnko , on no other wheel. Inquire Omnlia Conl , Coke & Lima Co. , 16th nnd Doualas st. 139 A10 MTTSIO , AItT AND LANGUAGE. G. F. GELLENBEClf , BANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California street. 914 roil HARGAIN-4 IN PIANOS AND ORGANS : easy payments ; Instruments tented ; rents npply on purchase. A. Hospe , Jr. 1185i MRS.JESSIE IIROWN-CROMMETT. THE ONLY liost graduate of Emerson College of Oratory. Boston. In Omaha who te.-irhcn elocution nnd physical culture. Wato building. Omaha.211AlJ 211-AlJ GERMAN LESSONS ItY WELL "EDUCATED Oerman , 15 ccnl for one , JIM for 12 lepsonc. Adilress 9 10 , Bee. 493-30 * UNDEBTAKEJta AND EM.BALMEB3 It. K. UURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND cmbalmer. 1618 Chicago. Tel. 90. 709 BWANSON & VALiEN , UNDERTAKERS AND embalmeis , 1701 Cumlng st. , tclephonp , 1000.82s 82s M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EM . tialiner , 1417 Farnam street. Telephone 223. 331 I1EAPEY & HEAFEY. 218 S. I4TH ST. TEL. ICTi ; else Zlth and N. sts. , So. Omaha. M437 HOTELS. THE MIDLAND HOTEL. Corner ICth nnd Chicago streets ; coolest hotel In Omaha ; new building , nen furniture , electric bells , bath , steam heat. American plan. 11.W to J2.00 per day : European plan. 50o to Jl.OO per day. M. J. Franck. proprietor. 836 AKTNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or neek. 108-A9 * TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT. SOLD , EXchanged - changed , rented nnd repaired. Typewriter and olllce sMpplles. Typewriters rented nt J4 per month. The Omaha T > pe rllcr Exchange , suc cessors to the typewriting department of the Mrgc.ith Stationary Co. , 214 South Thirteenth street. T > l.13jil. 930 SEE THE NEW DOUGHERTY TYPEWRITER. The Omaha Typewriter Exchange , tel. 13H1 , No. 214 8. 1.1th st. 091 PLUMBERS. FREE PLUMBING OF EVERY KIND. G.vrt stcum & hot water heating ; sewerage. 313 S. li M43X J. J. HAN1GAN. PLUMING. STEAM AND HOT water heating. 2705 Lcnven'vorth st. 155 JOHN ROU'E S. CO. , Pl.f MniNafsTEAM AND hot water heating , gns Ilxturtfl , globes , 421 S 15. ' 481 TENTS ANtTAWNINGS. WOLF BROS. & CO. . C MANUFACTURERS OF awnings , tents , flags , Vagrn , hay. stock covers , tarpaulins , banners , streamers. 703-703 S. ICth street. Tel. COI. Tents ifor rent. M3SC WHY DON'T YOU RKNT A TENT. TAKE A vacation and rest yourself ? The Omaha Tent nnd Awning Co. have tents of all klnda that they rent cheap. 1311iKninam st. 3S2-A17 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. HAMILTON BROS. , ENERAL CONTRACTors - ors nnd builders , carpenter vvoik , bilck laying and plastering. 414 S.Olgtli at. Tel. 1179. M338 C. E. MORRILL. CARPENjTER. OFFICE AND store fixtures a cpcclalty. 1513 Capitol ave. ? 437 HAY AND GRAIN. BUY YOUR HAY BY CAR-OR TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. fanydtr , 1S15 Burt St. , tel. 1107. NEBRASKA IIAY > \VHOLT3SALK HAY" grain and mill stuff. Wc are always on the market to buy or sell. 1513 Webster st. 15J STEN OGR APHERS. C. A. POTTER. C.6 N. Y. LIFE BUILDING , does all kinds ot stenographic work , lavy cases , depositions , chanceiy noik , copying , etc. , at reasonable prices. Call and see til- Duplex typewriter ; writes two letters nt 01 : . and the came time ; tha fastest typewriter ! the vvorld. 11311 All JOB PRINTING. QUICK PRINTERS. KRAMER , t CHANDLER. 1121 Fnrnam and 307-9 S. 12th. Phone 1650. Mall orders get quick action. SCO A4 REED JOB PRINTING CO. TINE PRINTING ot all kinds. 17th street. Bee building. M490 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. Ml N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. 710 LEARN PRACTICAL BUSINESS & SHORT- hand. Koose'a Omaha Bus. Col. , 15th & Fatnnm. 213-A13 GRINDING. SCISSORS , LAWN MOWERS. RAZORS. ETC. , ground. Mclch'.or Bros. , 1119 Farnam street.SGS SGS RAZORS. SHEARS. CLIPPERS. LAWN MOW- crs , etc. A. L. Undeiland. IOC N. 14th. 172 HARNESS. HARNESS , WHIPS , NETS , ETC. REPAIRING ft specialty. 113 N. 15th st. 203 GET MY PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY A HAR- ness. August Bohne. 711 8. 16th street. M I1C AID PAWNBROKERS. FRED MOHLE , 1517J4 FARNAM , JEWELRY. 819 IL MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 603 N. ICth St. DENTISTS ] DR. GEO. S. NASON , DENTIST , SUITE 200 Paxton block , 16th At Farnam sts. Tel. 712.MCS7 MCS7 DR. PAUL , DENTIST. 2020 BURT BT. 33 ? CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , GALVANIZED Iron cornices. 172. ! St. Mury'u uvunuc. 394 HAIRDRES3ING. MILLER , LADIES' HAIRDRESSINO , SHAM- poolng , steaming hot iiooda , 15U Douglas. 477 HORSESHOEING. MRS. THOMAS MALONEY. 812 N. 1CTH ST. 1MAH E. B. BURT. HORSESIIOER. 314 N. 16TH. , S3I-A5 ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY. ELOCUTION , ' PHYSICAL CULT- ure. Emvrson method. 'Summer pupils re ceived. Room 9 , Commercial Nat'l bank. MI03 DANCING. FOR PRIVATE LESSONS. STAGE OR society datices , call on iornnd , 1(10 Harney , or 2906 Dodge street ; terms reasonable.M964 M964 AT LIVERY STABLE. BOARDING STABLES , FINE LIVERY RIGS cheap , Ed llaumley , 17th and St. Mary's. M 456 I WHOLE3Alff COAL. JOHNSON BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN fl'l kinds of coal. Corfespondenca sollslted. ' " ' Fumam street. M46C EMPLOYMENT AGEN4JY. _ WHITE'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. THE ONLY l > Iuc to get help of all kinds In thu city. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING AT YOt'R HOME ; l DAY. Mis Ilurvvlck. 109 Ho. 17th stnet. 491 20 TAXIDERMISTS TAXIDERMY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- logue. George E. Ilo n , jr. , & Co. , 709 S. 16th. M27I - , UPHO"LSTEBING. UPIIOLS'RINCI CABINET MATTRESS WORKS. W. R. Bel. | R. A , McUachron. tut Luuvuiniirlh 157 LOST. TWO ST. BERNVlin PUPH ABOUT months old. Reward at 2101 Douglas. "Lunt-M U * CTOR 5EARLES & SEARLES SPECIALISTS Chronic WE Nervous Private CUKE Special , Diseases 1RFATMENT BY MAIL. LONSULTATIDN FRH- . Catarrh < AH Dlionsos of the Nose , Throat. Chos' , Stomach , Llvor , Dlootl Skin and Klelnoy Dlsoaoos , Lost Mnnhood nnd ALL PRIVATE DIS EASES OF MEN. Cation ornnilrena , Dr. Searles & Searles ( . , 1/ { / , { Notlco to Contnirtom. Ton are hereby notified that oenled pro posals will be received by the city council of the city of lllalr , Nebraska , until 7:30 : o'clock p. in. , of the 10th day of August. 1891 , nnd then opened In the presence of the attending bidders , for the furnishing ot all labor and materials nnd doing all neces sary Work for the construction of a brick pump house : furnishing one compound , < lu- lilcx non-condensing pump of one million gallons capacity per twenty-four hours , also for the furnishing of one tubular boiler , CG Inches In diameter by II feet In length. Said bids are to Include tlio setting of the pump and all connections , such as steam ami water connections , the founda tions for the same , nnd all bolts for the anchoring of said pump to said founda tion. ; also the foundations for the boiler and the setting of snld boiler In a good nnd workmanlike manner ; also all con nections of every kind nnd description for the securing of the boiler to the founda tions , and for the proper control and work ing of said boiler. IJIdsMil also be received for the removal of the present pump and boiler from the present pump houhu to the new house , and the building of the foundations for the said boiler and pump , and the securing of snld boiler and pump to the said foundations ; also for making all connections us shown In the plans and specifications. Also for the cutting of well pipes and the lowering of suction pipes and recon- nectlon of same In a good and workmanlike manner. Bids will also be received for one feed pump , which shall be capable of supplying feed water to two boilers of sixty and eighty horse power each , said pump to work against n maximum pressure of 120 pounds per square inch. All work to be done as described In the specifications or shown In the plans. The contractors are hereby notilled thnt they nro to make a caicful peisonnl ex amination of the ground , plans and specifi cations , which are on file with the city clerk of said City of Ulalr , Nebraska , and that they will be held rehpoiislble for nny and all eirors In their bids or work re- stilting from their fnltirc to do so. No proposal will be received unless ac companied bv n check In the sum ot $500 , properly certified nnd made payable to the treasurer of said city , as a guaiantec that , should the bid be accepted , the contractor will enter Into the required contract and glvo the required bonds within ten days of the awarding of said contract ; other wise to be forfeited to the said City of Blair as liquidated damages and not by wav of penalty. All proposals shall be emloised "Pro posals for Improvement of Pumping Plant and Station , " nnd shall be addressed to 13. A. Stewart , mayor , Ulalr , Neb. The right Is reset veil to add or deduct nt least ten per cent of the work shown In said plans and specifications ; also to re ject any or all bids or pails tbeieof , and to waive all informalities. K. A. STEWAIIT , Mayor. C. SCHMACHTENHEKG. City Cleik. P. U BUIUIELL , , Engineer. jy25 27 30 Or. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment M fold under positive written cuarnutcc , bynuthor- Izcd agents only , to euro \7cnk Memory ; Ixiis of Ilralnnnd Nerve Power ; IxistllnDhooiljQulrlcneBs ; Night LOSFCS ; Kvll Drdamn ; Tjick of Ciinflilpnce ; Xorvouimo n ; Lnssltudo ; all Drnlnn ; Loss o ! Tower ot ( ha UonertUho Ortrnnn In ellh r POT , ciui e < l bj iiTor-oxortlon ; Youthful Errors , or IJicc- " < lYe Use of Tobncco. Opium or I.lquor , which soon lend to . ( User/ , Consumption , In nnlty nnd Death. Uy mnll , tl n box ; I ) for (3j\tltn written cunrmitoo to euro or refund money. WEST'S COUUHHYItur. Acorlntn c-iro for Coi hf , Colds , Aslhmn , Uronchltli , Croup , T/hooplng Couch. Born Throat. Plon nnt to tnko flnmll clzo dJ'coiiflnuod ; old. Ho. ) dso , Jiow2.ic.old ? < -7r > . f wav O'lAnANTnr.SV uedonlyb Goodman Drug Co. , Omaha. QKICITull AM ) rKKMANKXTLY ruin : ut Kfivoua Duhlllly , Iu t Vtlellty. Vurlcuccit , Alroiuir , Pli7nltal W aklii--i , etc. by IN' ! t.AJ'tlle ! " " ' " ' "loo Humidv. Wrlltrn eiinratilfiofc uiu. Butt & Co. , Cor. Kvtli A lion ln > ! isio . iind J. A. Co.Cnr.llth r DoiiL'lniipRti..OMAHA. BUREAU. SUES' & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building , OMAHA , Nob. Adviuo FREIi , YOU CANNOT LOSE MONEY If you carry AMERICAN EXPRESS COMPANY TRAVELERS CHEQUES any w lii-re In Ilia world. Worth face alue every- vvhcre.Pald without personal Identification. RfflLWAYTlMKQHRD _ "Leaves IciilCAGO. BUIUjlNGlON & Q.Arrl\ea | Omalial Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha ' 4:45pm : . . .Chicago Vestibule . fKiam : C:45aii : . Chicago Express . 4:25pm : 7:02pm : . Chlcngu and Iowa Local . S:0oam : ll:31am : . Paclllo Junction Local . 5:53pra : Leaves IBURLINOTON & MO. RTvEllTArrTveT | Oinaliul Depot lotli snd MasonJits.L Omahs 10liam : ! . .Denver Expiess . 9:35am. : IDilCam . Dendwood Express . 4:10pm : 4:50pm. : . . . . . . . . .Denver Express . 4:10pm : 6:50pm : . .Nebraska Local ( except Sun. ) . . . 6:50pm : 8:15am. : . Lincoln Local ( except Sunday. ) . , Leaves K. C. , ST. J. & C. B. ( Arrives Omahal Depot 10th nnd Mason Sts. I Omaha 9M3iun . Kansas City Day Express . C.Sipin ; 8pm.K. C. Night Ex. via U. P. Trans. 6iOam ! Leaves I CHICAGO , R. I. & PACIFIC. ( Airlves Omalm lUnlon Depot 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha ' _ _ _ EABT. _ lOMSnm. .Atlantlo Exprvsu ( ex , SuTijay ) . . 6:03pm : 6:2ipm. : Night Express . C:49am : 4 :40pm. : . . . Chicago Vcstlbuled Limited. . . . lUpm : Il:56pm. : .OlilalioniaExp. _ ( to C. U ex Sun ) . t:3Jam : ' WPST. ; _ ( :35am. : Oklahoma & Texas Exp. ( ex riun.ll:35pm lS5pm : . Colorado Limited . 410pm ! leaves UNION PACIFIC. | Arrle OmahalUnlon Depot 10th & Mason Bls. | Qnialia 9:50am : . DcnviTr Express . 3:50pm : l:16pm : . Overland Flyer . C:20pm : S:45pm. : Beatrice & Stromsb'g Exex ( Bun.12:30am ) : t:40pm : . ,1'acino Express CSOpm . Fast Mall . 4:20jra : Leaves ICHICAGO. MIL. & ST. PAUL.iArrlves OmalmUnloripe | > ot10 _ 1i &JUason Sts. | Omnlia ( T3Spm Chicago Limited ! > :3)am : HilOam..Chicago Exprens tax. Bun. ) . . . . BoOpm : Leaves I F E. Mu. VALLEY. 'Arrives Omahal Depot 15th andJVebster Sis , f Omaha j I CHIC. . _ OmahaJU.P. Depot loth & Mason Bts.l Omaha fliKam 7T.Chicago Expiens 6lUpm : 4OSpm : Vestibule Limited : JO m :30pm.Ex. : ( Sat.Chic. ) PassEx. ( Mon. ) , 9:23pra : Teaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC fArrlves _ pmahaD | pot 15th and Webster Sts I Omaha t:00am. : , . . St. Ixmls Expre ; nOarri : JOpm St. I < oula Express < : Upni _ t10f ; > m.Dally ( ex. tiun. } _ Jebrasko _ Ij > cal. 8'lOjm Xiaves I " "C. , ST" . P. . U. 4 0. [ Arrives OmahejDcjxU _ 15th and Webster Bts. I Oiialu rS.OOamRloux City Accom lEx. Sun.L. slOSpin 10:00am.Sioux : City Accom ( Sun. Only. ) . . 8:03pm : IlilSpm..Sioux City Express ( Ex. Hun.HUam ) : . : , . . . , , . I'aul Llmtted . . . . . . . . . SMOain TS 7vc SIOllX CITY & PA CiFiC : | Airi7e7 _ OmahalU.P. Depot 10th ' _ & Mason tili. { _ Omaha tSSam : Sioux Clly'lhisienger 10lOpn : > _ : | ) . , . . . , . . , . . Paul Expreni IpiOftan ; Leaves I HIOUX CITY & I'SOlFfa TAiri7 _ Omalml Depot 15lh and VVebstt Uts. I Omapi C:30pra : St Paul Limited. 9VUm _ y30pm. . . Chicago Limited _ . . . . a'Our * ' .nvesl. ' * " . " TArFn JinabblU. I" , Depot latli & ilaion Sls.1 Onui " " 3.Cipra..sL""Louls Cannou Doll 1 AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Mr. Points Makes Report on the Bookkeep ing of Oily Cflioars. BAD MISTAKES AND GREAT NEGLIGENCE III * FliiillnirR nml Iteoonimrmlutlotis Re form ! for IntfHtlKiitlnii I'li Lrnguo nml thn Mnynr Drlmto tlin I.rvr for t'onihi ) ; Yriir. Mr. J. J. Points 1ms completed tils Inspec tion of the books of the city odlclnla nml tunipil tils reports over to tlio nnyor and council. In the city clerk's olHca tic Ins HOMO over tlio books nnd records for the last two years ending In April , 1SDI. Ho reports Hint ho Minis the warrant register In good shape nnd correct , but states that tlio Journal docs not contain any record of the business ilono during last January , I\l > rtmry and March. In fact , tic openly states Hint the ledger has not been written up In tlcttill slnco 1S91. In concluding Ills remarks In r < - g.trd to the city clerk's ofllco ( luring the period mentioned lie says Henry Ultzen , the ex-city clerk , still owes tha city $252. In regard to the city treasurer' * bioks , Mr , I'olnts says they are well and carefully kept. Ho recommends that the tax list bo footed up by the clerk and that no sums be paid out by the treasurer unless by for mal warrant. His figures show that within the last two yean the treasurer has paid out $175.81 on account of expense which \\iis not allowed by formal warrant. Ills Idc.i Is to hnvo tlio treasurer lUe n formal claim with the council for all bills. The figures submitted show that the treas urer tins drawn In salary and fees during the , two years ? 5IS5.4S. Mr. 1'olnti recom- mcndH that the treasurer's salary bo paid from the salary or some other stipulated fund and that It bo not taken from the fees. According to Mr. Points' figures the bonded Indebtedness of the city outstanding Is at follows : Kumllng bonds , $105,000 ; O street viaduct bonds , J33.000 ; L. street viaduct bonds , $13.- 000 ; sewer bonds. $ C2,000 ; alley Intersection paving bonds , $12,000 ; Intersection paving bonds , $50,000 ; total bonds under general taxation , $307,000. The special bonds supported by district taxation are as follows : 1'avlng bonds outstanding , $107,080 ; curbIng - Ing bonds outstanding , $17,020 ; grading bonds outstanding , $60,000 ; sewer bonds outstand ing , $11,500. This makes the total bonded Indebtedness of the city $594-150. Mr. I'olnts makes several recommendations In regard to the mode of keeping the books In the treasury department. Mr. Hector , however , has niado a thorough study of this work , and Inasmuch as his system la com plimented by tins expert It Is taken for granted by the average citizen that the pres ent system Is satisfactory. Mr. I'olnts states that the county treasurer overcharged the city several hundred dollars In 1S87 and 1888 for collecting taxes. Tlio whole report has been referred to the finance committee and will bo carefully looked Into. Ultc'ilsHod Ilia The Taxpayers' league held a meeting at the council chamber last night when Uava Anderson and Mayor Johnson had a lively debate. Anderson objected to the 41-mlll levy made by the council and gave It out cold that he would never pay his taxes on that levy. He said that the city wanants Is sued under the new levy weio not worth 25 cents on the dollar. Mayor Johnston explained that the levy was made blmply because the expenses of the city demanded It. In fact , the 41-111111 levy would not bo within several thousand dollars of being enough to pay the debts left by the former administration and to defray the run ning expenses of the present administration. Ho bald the members of the council had been advised by leading attorneys that the su preme court would likely decide thnt South Omaha was a city of the first-class , and the council had proceeded accordingly. Attorney Lane talked at length on what the present administration had done. Ho did not consider It fair to make a bad showing of the financial condition of the city , and accused Mayor Johnston of making a statement for thirteen months Instead of twelve. The mayor denied that any such statement had been published , that the figures only included twelve months. Mr. Lane and the mayor had a lively debate for a half hour. Judge Montgomery said he hoped the members would act cautiously and friendly In the matter. Mr. Ander son said ho would bo one of five citizens' to bear the expense of enjoining the mayor from Issuing warrants under the 41-mlll levy. There was no vis ible support for his proposition. The prin cipal entreaty of the league was to the effect that the adnilni-tration Issue as few war rants as possible and spend as little money as possible until after the supreme court had passed upon the class of the city. The mayor laid that nothing but the legitimate expenses of the city would bo paid. Mr. loud raised the point that the mcetnig had not been called by the president , and there fore was Illegal. The minutes of the last meeting were compiled by the secretary In language that was unfair , unjust and false. The * secretary , ho said , had only sent out notices of thti meeting to men who were favorable to his faction. Secretary O'Neill denied the charge. The leopards glvo two performances &t Courtland beach today. lOH'A-CHOI'S r.\ HAD CONDIVIOX. Piistnrim Iliirnod Up mill Corn In Hmlly DHiimgml. DRS MOINRS , July 21. The Jown crop bulletin , issued today , says : The drouth remains practically unbroken. The bhowers on the 13lh nnd 20th afforded tempoiary re lief In narrow belts nml spots , covering piobubly about one-third of the stute. A few scattered localities report rainfalls suf- llclent for present needs , but In tlio bulk of the state tlio nniount wuu too light to give nny appreciable benefit. The pastures nro bare and live Htock In Buffering for feed and water. All unhtirvestcd crops have icached a critical stngv , and uvury dny'fl continuance of the drouth adds to the ex tent of the Injury nliendy done. Within the past two weeks corn In the larger part of the state lia.s Hteudlly declined In condi tion , and tin ; extent ot the Injury cannot as yet be estimated. In the dilust of the burnt district the damage Is beyond recovery , but In many of tlio northern countloy the prospect IM better. Taking the state na a whole , the crop Is likely to l > u less than two-thirds of an average , and u pontlmmncc of present conditions will reduce it far be low that figure. Potatoes , flax , millet and grass have suffered great damage. ( JURAT VAKIAKCi : IN 1MJNOIS. KomoSections Iltivn flail Ilnlii ami ( ) thui MifTttr from Drouth. * SPIUNGFIULD , III. , July 21.-Tho Illinois weekly crop bulletin says : The temperature of the past seven duy has been below the seasonable average all over the Htato , The drouth which prevailed over the state for Home time wan to uome > extent broken by rain on tlio 13tU and 20th , which , while heavy In some sections , wan badly dis tributed. Wheie rain fell the corn haw been greatly benellted anil It In fine condition , In the counties where the drouth Htlll pie- vall.s Home tlcldH are damaged and In many localities the corn Is beginning to lite. Home corn wus laid liy the high wlndilileh pre vailed em the 0tli. Chinch bugs are re ported doing Injuty to this crop In many Beelloim. Wheat threshing l.s being rapidly pushed , The yield ivml quality are tlio best In years. The potato crop will bo light. Haying Is about over throughout the state and the crop lias been secured In good con dition. The oats and rye harvest Is practically completed , and In many sections the oats are > leldlng much better tlmn was ex pectcd. Itye will be a abort crop general ! } ' Oregon Kidney Tea euros nervous licud aches. Trial tlzc. 25coiiU. _ All drug Ut- See the performing lions aft. anil ew Ccurtland bcaoh today , N tifur ilie Army. WASHINGTON. July 2l.-(8p ( clnl Tcli gram to The Iice.--I.eiive ) of alwn granted KlrU Lieutenant Henry C. J > ; > m Third artillery. Department of the Ha ' In extended one month and nlno Jay * Leave or Mmnc * for three inunllm , tu tnlic rf-fff-ct on nr about August 1. 15M , U granted Hecoiul Lieutenant Humm-l IX Uook < cnlmeh , Tenth cuvalry. Leave of nbspncc granted Sccrtnil ijlcuteri * nnt 1 Inn ford I , , Thre > kold. Thirteenth ln fun try , Department of the Missouri , la ex * tended one month. Oregon Kldnov Tea cures all kidney ( roubles. Trial size , 25 cents.- All drugglsti .sor/r/f n.iifoi.i .irr.tntn. iludgo Dimity lo < \ M .t In lYilrrnl Court .Mutters nt Klimx fulls. SIOUX FALLS. S , I ) . , .Inly -Special ( to The Hee.-OwliiK ) lo the feehlo health of United Slntffi Judge Kdgcrlim , Judge ) Sanborn has designated Judge Dundy ot Omnlm to nsslst In the business of the federal court of South D.tkotn. Judge K < 1- gertoti will go south for tlio winter , but hopes before hr > goes to be able t6 hold the terms of United States court at Al.ortlcpn. Plerro and Hlottv PulK Judge Oundy will presldo at the Uemlwooil tl-rm. If no ml- JournmcntH am iiercuxiiry ( hit terms of cotllt will be hold u H followi : Al Deadwood - wood , the first Turnday In September ! at Pierre , the llntt Tnowiny In October : nt Sioux Falls , Hit- third Tui-.sdny In October ; nt Aberdeen , the third Tuesday In Novem ber. lIHiop Marty left yentenl.iy for Wntilmy , this Btnle. to blcs-s a J5.OH ) Catholic1 church JitHt completpil In a Polish settlement there. lie KOCH from there to the Hhick HUN to Inspect th" n-hooli nnd clnirchci of that region In ei i\or"ntir n with the bishop one would tonilib Infer that he expects at any time to nv ivvord fiom Homo of hN transfer to St. Cloud , but he declares that as yet lie him not received any otllclal notification of Ms transfer. A ilcciee of divorce IIIIH been granted to Washington Hurton finm Harriet tlurton. The plaintiff cnnie beic from llrooklyu nearly a year ago. and. together with u Sioux Knllt men bunt , started the Slinix Falls Kxtraet company , llln wife 1 trav eling on ( he roiKl for a bre.ikfust food house , nnd her husband charges that Bho has been uiucl to him and deserted him. g ! ! l.lcensrs. The following llccncs to wed wcro granted by the county Judge yeslorday ; Name nnd Addictx. Age. Andres C. Kgorgaanl , Omaha . 27 Hcnlhc Niane 1 loiiscn , Omnlm . . 28 Valentine Kozlcul , Omaha . 23 Anne Wrzodorsku , Omaha . IS Jacob Olonil ) , Omaha . 23 Hedwlgla Kedslor , Omaha . IS Leon J. Holland , St Ixml.H , Mo. . . . SO Ida O. IMnl , Ulalr , Neb . 25 Peter F. Kllnker , Dounlaa county , Neb. . . 31 Anna Carsten" , Oiimba . . 23 Try salt water taffy at Courtland beach. Kfu.inl for "lllff IM. " Captain Mostyn received a letter from Sheriff Matthews ot Knox county , Illinois , last night , offering a reward for the appre hension of "Hlg Ud1 * Hetmcssy nnd lila pal. who are wanted there for conlldcncltiB a farmer out of n , largo sum of money. "Ulir TJd" nml bis pal were nricstcd at Ne- brask.i. City yt'Pterd.iy and Captain Mostyn forwarded the letter to the olllcers at the latter place. _ _ SiiM-d liy n Mom.irli I'linip. Ot-orgla Hick , a woman who has been Hy ing In Mrs. Secnrd's bouse at 323 South Tenth street for s-omo time , attempted to com mit Milclde last night by swallowing n largo quantity of opium. Dr. Savlllc was sum moned , and with the aid of a stomach pump he succeeded In extracting all the poison from her sjslem. The woman 13 said to have been ill Inking hard of late. r 'll from " Nmffolil. Paul Delatwefkl , a plasterer , was badly bruised by falling fiom a scaffold on the Orchard & Wllliolm Imlldlng , 1I1G Douglas street , last evening. Thu man fell several feet , but bioko no bones. Try salt water taffy at Courtland beach. IMV.ll , ItltRl'lTlKS. 3. M. Smith has filed a bill of sale on his stock and saloon fixtures at 216 South Fourteenth street In favor of Fritz & Hcr- bertz. Mary Spauldlng has gone Into court to compel Peter Went to yield up the posses sion of two lots In Grand View ot which the plaintiff claims to be the. legal owner. She asserts that Peter has squatted on the premises and persists in occupying them to the entire exclusion of the rightful owner. The tcum of horses Which was stolen from August Koysor of Ilcnnlngton the other day was recovered by Sheriff Druxol Monday afternoon. The team was discov ered by some of the flreiten of No. S hose company In a stable In the north part of town and the tip given to the shorlft'3 office. Thepropelty is now In the hands of the sheriff waiting for the owner. Joseph Schmidt has brought an action In district court against Sophia Lowe and others to clear his tltlo to certain lots In Nelson's addition to tlio city ot Omaha. According to the petition the property In question was deeded by the original owner to Jesse Louo , the Into husband of the de fendant. He In turn deeded It to Archibald Finn and Charles llrldge , from whom the petitioner obtained his tltlo. For some reason the second deed was not witnessed and It Is for the purpose of correcting this omission that the action Is instituted. WK.i 'I' Partly Cloudy U'p llier nml South Wind * for NrlirnMiu. WASHINGTON , July 21. The Indications for Wednesday are : For Nebraska , South Dakota and Kansas Partly cloudv ; Bouth winds. For Iowa Fair ; winds shifting to the south * For Missouri Generally fair ; variable winds , shifting to the bouth. Local Kmiiinl. OFFICK or TUB WUVTIIRII HIJUKAI/ , OMAHA , July ' . ' 4 Omaha rucoru ot tcmnuraturo and r.itufallcoinp.ircil with corresponding day of past four years : IflOI. IRfT.l. 1R02. 1801. Maximum temuorattiro 90 = 02 = 08 = 71 = Minimum teinnoiatilie. 07 = 71 ° 75 = 503 \\eraso tomporituio. . 82 = > H23 bGO 04 = I'icclpltatloil 00 .01) ) .00 T. Statement showing the uomliU.m of torn- pcratuioand pmcipluUon : it Omi.lia for tha day nnd slnco Mirch I , 1831 : Normal toinuorntuto 77 = Kxcess for tin ) ihiv t > = KxcnsH bli.eoMuieli 1 3 ! l3 NniiiialpioclulUllmt 10 Inch Dellolcney lot llioilnv ID Inch Dellcloncy slnco M.iruti 1 10 22 Inchui ItitpoiU from ) thiir htutlou * . at 8 I * . M. aUH Ir.K'uor niln. Cl.OUOK E. HUNT , t.ioal Forecast OnicUl. Tin : UEALTY .M.\itivir ; , INSTHUMUNTS plnceil on reconl July 21 , WARRANTY DEEDS. Herman Kountza to 13 E Cannon , lots 14 and 11 , block U , Knumzo I'Ucu J 3,90t li T While uud vvlfe'lo F DVcad , lot 20 , block S. Orrhanl UIU 3,004 E \V Do.Witt In H E Ililiannon , s of lot 17 , block 3 , Plalnvk'H iidil 804 IJKEDS. Sheriff to Omaha FnvlnBH lunk. w 100 feet of n Mi u ( lot 'I , bluck li , Park I'lagi' . . , . 1.701 HnvtUl iiianler t L A Clttvcland , paU ( ax lot D , In il-15-13 , . . SOI HIIIIIU to W B Wnildell , lots 13 and 19 , lilucK 2 , Moninaiilli pirk 1,201 Snma lo L E Junu'ii , lot V , block 4 , Aibor Place , 331 _ Tutal amount of train fora , . , 112,31 ( v h 'iHnltf wan uftlc , vro n TO her C'astorlo. v'hni : Bli * wa * 4 Chllil , shu crlml for Castorla , * - , - . elm cluu to V--n bo lier.irno 3IUs , CVistorla. , -u she haJ C'UU'Jr'iu.sbo ftvotlieui Uutorte