THE OMAHA DAILY DIlDAY JirTjY 21 1PIH. SPEG1RL NOTICES. entJi fir thcM column * will t > " tnj < n ontll 1J JO r > . in. for the rvrnlnc nml until 9:00 : p. m. for the morning nn < l Hunrtur wHInn * . Ailvprtlmm. hy rriiicatln * a mimlcn-J oh k. cnn have nniwrrn mldrmM to n. numbirnl letter In rnro of The nee. An wrs tn wMtntA will be dfllrereil upon prp ntntlon of the cherk. lintel" . 1'iC a wonl firm Incorllon. Ic iworJ thereafter. NHIilng tnki-n for le > i than 23c. "WANTED-SiTUATION. WANTlI ; > A POSITION AH ntpnoKrnnhor. Mil rlork rr ftthtr nfflco work. OooJ City rcf'ienceii. Adilreni P < l II-J. A" S4 - 22 WANTii > , POSITION AS HALHSLADY OH cashier , cnn furnl'h h'-nl of 'efpii-n'o'i Ad- drew Ilex W , Lincoln , Neb. A M2M 81 * WANTED MAI/E HELP. soMcrrons. TRAMH KmiTTiHifiTi'IKSTAI.L - m nl KO < , H. American Wrlncur C > . 10 9 Ilnw- ar < 1 . . WANTJ'.I ) , LAltOHKHH , THAMBTP.UH AND tracklnyrm on 11. & M. Ily. In Montana , I-reo trani-portatlon. Kramrr ft O'"l > ( " . , . ? ! ? BB ncy , lllli nn < l l-'iirnam utrcctit. It MBI " ADVKItTIftlNcTnXI'KHTH TO KOMCIT COUNtry - try merchant * . Ilex BSO , Sidney , ' " , , . , . i. WANTED , A TOOK AT NOnTII PI.ATTP. NISB. Ilex soi. _ _ _ _ I'-:3. ' ' ? ? ! . KOMI : i.iAHN : r.u8 POH Ni'\v8PAPiii : IMN drawlm ; . Provost , 1' . O. Ilex 251 , ' "J " 1 WANTKIl. PlIlHT OLAKH7AtlI PA'THIt. NOSIJ other n ? < - < \ upply. AddrrmV. . II. Miller , contractor - tractor , Nilinmkii City. * Nob. _ II M3I 2I _ WANT13D , TWO MiN TO HKU. IN- Ktallmont Kmxlt ; vviiKon furnlMicd. It. I' , lc- Neal , 137 N. 12th street , Lincoln , ; ' ' „ . . . . . 1 -JVitll 1 TWO YOt'NO MCN OF flOOD AIMlliSJ : ! CAN nml ulriidy i.nplo | > mcnl , mil hi'tvvp 11 nml 12 n. m , nml 5 nml C p. m. , nt 317 llrjyiilwny. Council lllllirn. 11-M .ft ) 2C WANTIJiT "PATNTIJIIS. THOMAS MrilUAY. ' * Hlh nml Ilnrney Ht. H-3'71-20 WANTin , riusT-rr.ASH HOI.I'-ITOISS. TIIOHIJ Imvlnit hail i-xpcrlNiro linmlllrti ; p" ni'um KOIIUS preferred , opportunity ti > ninko frmn JJ , W to JW.OO per vvci'lc Apply In lhi > fori-iUMin. p. * U. llciml , room , 213 S. trp t. II MJ33 22 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTii > 7 WOUKINO IIOl'MRKIJUPKIl IN wlclowrr'a family. Ilex 373 , K earney , jiouBnKilpfH : : : , iiisi'ONHtnLi : : ; OKWNAIIY housuwork , no oliji-ctlon to young clilH : Bond home , Aildrt-iH _ ! V > , Hi-e. _ C * LADY WANTIJI ) ; BALAIIY AND lIXPUNrtttS. pleasant cmiiloyment. lliovvn Ilrus. O ) . . unity ClileiiKn. C-il..7li SI' _ FOB. BENT HOUSES. FOU IICNT. GOOD DHTACHIID NINK-KOOM houne , 2C21 Cnpltol nvcnuc. 11. II. Ilobl on , room 7 , Commercial Nnllonal. D a Q ua-iv. a. TUJU-LUTON. TENTS roil ilUNT 1311 PAItNAM ST.D531 D-531 CI.KAN. COMFOHTAIILn , CONVfiNIKNT , modeiate rentals , best .1 anil 4-ronm suites for lioucokeepers nn y. Kefercnce.i lequlred. AIio 6-loorn gullo In tincmunt. 811 ! 8. 2Zd utrcct. I ) 550 VI3HY P1NP 7-IIOOM COTTAOn AT IIP.- duced piSci ? ; cnll at once , FldtJHy Tiust Com pany , 17P2 Knmim slicct. D 1H FOIl ItliNT WANTUD , OOOO priced houBeu. List > our houses for rent with Amen. D M5' _ JIODKIIN TEN WXm IIOIJSH AND HAIIN. also cottnKe and Imrn , cheap. Hental agency , 310 N. Y. Life. _ D-740 1225 PllAl-r ST. , IN GOOD Hin'AIH. JS.OO. 3S13 Howard at , 1-room roltage , as Bood a new , J10.0U. 3401 JacUnon Rt. , a flno modern cottage , 6 rooms , nearly new. nnlv 122.00. B. E. cor. Kth and Wllllamc. a 1-room house with barn. InfKO ynnl. fruit trees , berries , etc. , paved st , only J2'i.OO. One of those beautiful LaFnyctte Place hou ea cheap to rlcht party. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Parnam Rt.D . D SS4 pen HUNT. DEaniAiiLn mviiUNO3 : IN nil parts of city. K , II. Slieafo 132 1'axton Mt. ! D-018A6 _ ton nnNT , jionnnN IO-IIOOM T.'LAT , CKN- trally locnted , will readily till with roomers. E. II. Sheafe , .J2 1'nxton blk. D S13A6 FOU IinNT , MOST DUHIUAHia UHHIDUNCC. Z513 rarnnm. II. C. 1'attcrson , ItninBtf blk. IO-HOOM IIOUHU , MODI3HN CONViNIiNCES. C21 South 13tli street. P 209.20 * _ SIOUSKS , P. 1C. DA11LINO. 11AHKI2H 11LOC1C. 1) 073 _ _ HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF Tilt : C1TV. THE O. F. Davis company , 1503 D 076 6-nooM COTTAGE'S ] MODEIIN , CIIOICK IN Stanfoid Circle. U. 8. ElRUtter , Ml lira hid ? . D-C77 _ _ _ RENTAL AGENCY , 607 UIIOWN 11LOCIC. _ _ _ _ IJ-078 KELKENNY&CO. , n. 1 , CONTINENTAL IILIC pr3 ; E 7-UOOM COUNER FLAT AT 701 8. 1CTII Blrect ; ranRo and all other convenience. Gmrse Clotiser , room 2 , 1C23 Fainam street. D 350 ( ROOM IIOUSE NEAR HIOH SCHOOL , J20.W per month. Enquire 2C16 Capitol u\e. D-310-21 * )22.00 , NICE 7-UOOM RESIDENCE. Pl'LL LOT , barn , bath , etc. No. 2217 Spiuco St. . Jiri.OO , ramo without barn , No. ilil N. 23th st. (10.00 , live-Mom Hat. No. 1411 , N. 21th st. C. A. Stan , 513 N. Y. Life building.D D 3553 HOUSE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED , will take rent In board ; 9IJ N. Y. Life bldK. D-3G2-21 * HOUSES POR RENT. IIIOKH , 3' ' N. Y. LIFE. D M3TO 24 FOR IlKNT AIJCHI8T 1ST , FLAT NO. C16 S. 17th St. All modern ImpioM'iucntx ; water n-nt paid. MI2 Farnam St. D-375--2C * FOR RENT. EXCELLENT SIUDERN HOPSE , 6 rooms , JH.W ; 2H2 ! Keumvl , Innuhe 2 < P ) n--M37i ! 22 * FOR BENT FUKN1SHEU BOOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS. C2U 3. MTH STREET. K-MSW JyS * VERY NICE ROOMS. 17.M DAVENPORT. E-283-30- YOUNO MEN'S HOME ; NICELY Fl RN1SHED lirge. airy loom * for > OUIIR men only nt Ilerlln Kitchen. 122 N. ICth Htreet. Library and music room ; ttiriiu reasonable. E ! 5S 22 * FURNISHED ROOM. 2017 HARNEY _ _ H MJ01 13 * _ _ _ _ FOR RENT. 3 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for houscKcepIng ; CI3 8 , ICth 3.1 lUxir. K-J61-23 * FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOl'SEIvEEPING and front slcojilngnioni. . 1Q11 Himaid.M370 E -M370 27 * ITIIINISHED HOOM3 AND BOARD. vbi'Na woMn.vs IIOMI : . PNM : iiCAitn ar \Vonicn'o ClirlKlinn nssoclntlon. HI H. Kill nt. IM < HOO11U AND I1OAHD. 2113 CAPITOL AVP.NUU. F-603 23 * ' IIOO5IB WITH 11OAIID. 21M lIAHNnv ! -IM-A12 * _ NICKLY KUitNiBiiiTn HOOMS AND"FIHST elms boanl. 1721 PoilEO. F 215 Ninn.Y i-'fiixisiinn FRONT HOOM WITH Imault coolrHl ami ino l iU.Hhahlo location in Oinnhn ; NV corner 15th und I.cavonvvortli , Jlocoiii honicutead. K M.76 21 * * WANTUD. roM pnrnNT LADY TO TATCR dlnlui ; room and kitchen with 5 titendy hoaid- CIH. Cull at 1C)3 ) Huvvnid Btrcnt , M lh ir P 813 21 * ROOMS , M'lTII ItOAHD. ISll ClTlC'ArtO RT ! M3vl AM * TJNFUBNISHED BOOMS FOB BENT i NicifnooM 8 ; WATER. cos Nr O-20S-AU * FOB BENT STOBES" CORNER SALOON. > : i DOUQLA8. IKQUIRR to. I-MS53 TOR IlKNT , THE 4-STORY 11RICIC IHHLDINO. IK Farnam mrr t. The bulldlnK Ins a tire- proof cemrnt bnsement , complete cteum heat Inr Dxturvtcr on all lloori. gas , etc. Apply - ply nt the oflloa of the Hee. I HO KOR RENT. h.VROH UESIRAIILU 81OIIE room and l srment. J021 rarpain utreet. Iw rent to Eooil parly. Inquire S03 N. Y. Lift * . _ I-M323 S < " AGENTS WANTED. WANTED. AGENTS TO BUM. TO r.MlMERB In Ncbrask * . They all want It ; no book can- vanltur : blK money maker. Addreis 2707 Q Hreul. South. Onmlrn. J AQKNT8 , ALWAYS HOMETHINO NEW AND bent ell r In Indies' xoods. Write to > lny , It will pay you. Iadic ' tiupply Co. . 311S Purest avenuo. Chlcogo. J WANTED TO BENT. WANTUU TO IlKNT , SIX-ROOM COTTAOB with city water and hath , near bunlnau portion tion of city. AJdrcu 1' 66 , lire olilce. K-35S-i * _ _ _ WANTED TO HBNT WANT TO LEASK FOR term of yean tenement block or number ot dwelling * centrally located. AdJreM P. O. Dot W. K-J73 STOBAOE. BTORAaB. WILLIAMS & CROS3.UH HARNBY. OM.VAN&STORAOi : CO..I5W DODOB. TEL. 1SW. MM1 _ _ 8TORAC1B POR HOPSKHOI.D OOODSj Ct.B.VN and cheat' rate. R. Welli , 1111 Farnam. M-W7 _ WANTED TO BUY ] BECOND-HAND PURN1TURB , J20 8. 13TH 8T. N-6M _ _ _ HiailEMT PRICE PAID FOR SECOND-HAND furniture , ttovo , etc. I. Uruwell , 710-713 N. Kth N-S31 WANTED. TO 1NVESV JS ' "V.OO IN HOME hiiiOnPM whlrli I shall hnvo ' 4 Intercut or nil. Must hnr tlio closest examination , 8tnto full pnrtlrulnrn Ilr t by letter. P 55 , care lies , _ 0mnhn. Neb. N-MI85J3 CASH PAID TOR MEIirHANDISB STOCKS IF sold at a Ion price. Addtcss P 33 , lire. N-M23721 * _ _ _ _ IIEST FOR THE MONEY.HAVANA FRECKLK3. N M207 A19 WILL OIVK Mf ON THE DOLLAR FOR RTOCIC of dry Roods or Kenernl milvv , from JMfl.W to r > .l > ' .W. In K * > d tonn ; will take all fixtures In store ; payable ciih. Write the ( 'n h Store , Trenton Neb. NM8I 21 * FOB SALE FUBNITUBE. PAYMENTS EASY , YOU WON'T MIS3 YOUR moniy. Low prices on furniture & household eoods. BntcrpHie Cndlt Co. , CI3-O5 N. BUit 0-337 FOB SALE HOBSES.WAOONSETC 111 . I1PY.4 AN EXf'P.LLENT FAMILY HORSE , harm sd and phaeton. Address P M. I top. P-3W 10 * FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE , FIRST MORTGAGES , GUARANteed - teed 8 per cent , sums of I3GO.OO to $1,000 00. Why take 4 per cent when you can cet 8 ? Ames , IC17 Fnrrmm. Q M33I IC'E POR fiALF. IN CAR LOTS , GILBERT Ilioii. , Council Bluffs. Q M5S3 J)23 ICE FOIl SALE ; CAN SHIP OVER ANY ROAD out of Omaha nnd Council IHurf * . Lamoreiux Uroa. , COO 80. ICth. Omaha. Q-332-A17 JERSEY COW ; PRESH. RICH MILKER ; A great pet ; \cry handsome. Addicss P 57 , llee. Jl * Q-M3S2 FRESH 1IOLSTEIN COW. EXTRA LARGE milker ; kind and Rcntte. Addrcsn P 0.1 llec. Q-M3S2 SI * MISCELLANEOUS. FREE MUSEUM OF ANATOMY TO MEN only. Dr. Scarles & Scailes , 1I1G Fninam st. R-131-A10 CLAIP.VOYANTS. CLAIRVOYANT-PROFESSOR WHITE CAN DK consulted on business , marriage , divorces and all family affairs ; the future plainly luvcaled. lovers united , troubles healed .names of filends and enemies ; also the. one you will marry. Hours from 9 n. in. to 9 p m. Sun day , 9 to 5. 1C17 ChlciiRo street. S 109.21 * MRS. im.MI. WARREN. CLAHIVOYANT. RE- llablc business medium ; 7th year at 119 N. 10. s csu THE WHITE QUEEN. CLAIRVOYANT , prophetess and trance medium lias just arilvcd from Den\er nnd ha Inoatrd for n fortnight at tliu Pullman house , 1310 Dodse street , parlors 2 , 3 and 4. This lady Is the me Hum that locatrd eo many mlncx In Colotndo and \\ho received sa many favorable notices In the public press. The queen Is Klfted with bccond slKhl , a natuinl bom clairvoyant , a true Chilstlan HClenllst ; heals nil manner of dis eases. The sick and euffcrliiR are ontnitcd to come. All niu welcome. Your life truly ro- venled. This lady has traveled from const to con t nnd hai given entire Kallafnctlon where - e > er R'.IO ha been , and onu visit to her will convince the moat skeptical. All truth seekers an1 Implored to come , nnd skeptics are wel come. Come early nnd be convinced. You m.i > never Imvu buch nn opportunity again. I'rlci-H reasonable. SittlnKS by trull. JI.OO. Hums. 9 to 13 H. in. , 1 f > 7 p. m . Parlors 2. 3 nnd 4 , rullman houuo , 1310 Dodge street. S-M2C1 31 * MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. MADAME SMITH. 602 8. 13TH. 2D FLOOR room 3. Mnssigenpor , alcohol , steam , rnl- phiitlno and s a baths. T M2S1 21 * MME."ANN.V"OF cmcAOo CIIVHS ALCOHOL baths and nmasagc. 303 N. loth , room 1.1. T M27I 21 * PEBSONAL. LADIES' AMRER JEWELRY TO ORDER ; also ieporlnB.,13 H.Klh utreet. U M150 CREAM oiOVHIPPINO , COTTAGE Wateiloo creumery , 1C13 Hov'ard ; tel 1332. U Mllinll _ WHKN OUT WITH YOUR LADY VISIT J. j ! Muller's new Ice cream pailoia , 2SOJ Leaven- worth street ; everything Is nuw. Including tin building. Tel. 1030. Ice cream delivered. U M2B _ MASSAGE TREATMENT. ELKCTRO-TIIER nml baths. Scalp and ha'r treatment , mincurc& ! chiropodist. Mrs Post , 31'Jli 8 15th , Wlthnfll blk. MASSAaEiIADAME UERNARD. 1U9 DODGE. U MM7 M * _ HALDUPF- A pleasant nnd convenient place. 1&21 Fnrnnm street , Paxton block ; 'phone 711. U-M33S _ SAML 11U11N8 INVITES YOU TO VISIT HIS new ntt loom nt any time. 1313 Fainnm. U 478 Jy _ _ _ _ _ _ DR. MAXWELL. SPECIALIST , OF 1NTKRNA. tloiul kanllarluin. removed to lOt I'axton block. Tel. 1527. VIAVI HOMR TREATMENT FOR LADIES. llrnlth book und c"n iiltnlon ; fu-o. Addrem or call Vlavl Co. , 34G Ileo bldg. I idy attendant. UM _ _ ISCHAUELL'S SHAMPOO , VAPOR AND HOT Air machine for steaming ladles' faces and brads , cures dandiuff und headache. 1522 Doug las treet. U-MUI 83 _ _ _ _ " DIt. W. ROSS MAUYlN. 132i FAllN A M ST. : houra from H to 1 , 3 to 6 , 7 to 8. Tel. 1S1D. _ _ _ U-9M A5 UNION RRANIV-OP.NniNE. WHOLE WHEAT Hour. Whenlel New fcwd. Ncal & Conuul , Wholesale AfenU , Omnhn. _ U-2S5-A15 * U KVERYTHINO ALL RIGHT. 8 , U-M30J 27 _ _ _ _ _ _ TRY" HAVANA FRECKLES , A 1W SMOIvE. _ I'-Mili A19 WHOLU WHBAT HHKAO PROM PNROLTED Hour at Imogen L. Ramsey's , V17 N. ICth st. U-2IJ-A-19 MONEY TO LOAN BEAli ESTATE. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. S3.000 & upward * . 5 to 6ij per cent ; no delays. W. Farnnm Smith & Co. , 1JJJ I'nrnam. W-C93 _ _ _ _ _ MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Uivli Co. . IMS Farnam t. W 69i LOAN8-W. Q. TKMprUTON. I'AXTON RLK. W M79I Jl _ _ MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED" OMAHA real tiut * . llrtnnaa. Lov A l a. I'm ton blk. MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE Continued , _ " _ _ MONEY TO I.OAN"AT ho\VK8T RATES ON lmpro\e < l nnd unimproved Omaha renl cslnt . 1 to E year * . Fidelity Tr-tt Co. , 1701 ANTHONY'LOAN . TRUST co . 3 N Y. LIKE loans at low rules for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa far " or Omaha city property. UNITED BTATElTMOIlfoAaE CO. OF NEW York. Capital tZ.OW 009. Surplus JOW.OOO. Sub. mil choice lonns lo F. 8. Pusey , agent. First National bntilc building. _ W-701 _ LI > E" INSURANCE POMOIES LOANED ON or boueht. F. C. Chesney , Kansas CHy. Mo. CITY I.OAN8 , LAROtr"LOA"N3 ON cTNTRA"L business iiibiterty ; b per cent. C. A. Starr , 61S N. Y. Lltn bunding. _ W-M151 MONEY TO IXMN ON CITY AND FARM property , Amt . 1C17 Farnam street. _ VM581 OMAHA"IJAN A TRUST co.7 T5TH AND Douglas utrects , loan money on city nnd farm property nMo > vestn\lcsjof jnlejfe > _ " T-'i. " L67NB "WANTBb. J. N. FRBNZER. OPPr l'.O. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DolJOLAS. Improved mid unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1703 Pnrnain tit. \S-69I MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY nnd Nebraska farms at from C to 7 per cent. W. It. Mtlklc , First Nat.onal bank building. \ > 635 LOANS. B. irillBAFE , 432 ' ' MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL srty. Harvlii Loan Co. . 701 N. Y. Life MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FUHNL lure , pianos , horfcs. wngons , or any Kind of chattel secuilty. at lowest poislblu rates , which > ou cnn pay back nl any time , and m any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . block. XJ room 4 , Wlthnell _ _ _ ATE. HARIlisTROOM SHORT TIME LOANS. 431 I'AXT J. 1J. HADD6CKT"RO"6M 427. RAMGE 1 > LOCK. _ _ _ _ _ _ " _ _ MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS hortis , wagons , etc. . nt lowest rates n city , ho reiuovnl of ; ood. ; strictly conlldcntlal ; you can pay the loan off ut any time or In any amounts. HORTGAOP. LOAN CO. . 80 South IClh ftrect. FOR SHORT TIME LOANS APPLY AT ROOM No. E.2I I'axton block. X fi9JJ _ CONFIDENTIAL LOANS MADE ON CHATEL security. Address P. O. Ilex 792. _ j72 r\ A Room Without a Roomer's LIKE A Home Without a Mother. THE BEE finds roomers for rooms , and it finds rooms for roomers. Plenty of room on this page for your room ad. "Wants made known cheap. \J BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED , TO RUY AN INTEREST IN A good paying business that will bear Investiga tion ; also money to loan. Address P .1C Hee Y M22C 21 * IF YOU WANT TO 11UY. SELL OR EXCHANGE merchandise , get In or out of business , call on or address the National Information and Exchange Co. . 203 First National bank. Omaha. _ Neb. Y M030-J26 SHERIFF'S SALE. THE TANGKMAN & boils' llourlng mill , near Tnlmage. Neb. , will be Bold at sheriffs sale July 30 , 1SQI ; capacity , 80 bbls. For further particulars , address George Selnur , Talmage , Neb. Y M110 24 PHOTO > .RAiTmirwmT"cOMrLETE OUTOTr wants to correspond with owner of suitable loom or building In town of EOO or more , wheie there Is no other gallery. Address I1 23 Ree _ ollice. Y 150 21 * FOR SALE , GROCERY STORE ; GOOD , cTnAN Block , locnted on the best ulrcet In the city ; will Invoice at about Jl.SOtf.UO ; v.111 sell for cash only ; good I canon for eelllnx. Address P 2 ? . llee. Y-M1M A13 * FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE , MY LIVERY fctock. Will cell or rent building. John Ponnny , Council muffs. Y M102 23 POR SALE , A110UT Jl.000.00 STOCK. CON- slstlng of Jewelry , ullvernnre , clocks , hooks nnd utatloneiy , wall piper and picture mold ing ; will tell nt it b.irunln If sold BOOH. Ad- dieaa Ilex H. Horton. Kan. Y MJ47 24 * S.MOKE HAVANA KUL'CKI.BB. A 10O CIGAR. Y-MS67 A1J SUCCEKSFPL hf'ECPLATION OPEN TO ALL. try our B > inlliatc xyMem of Hpeculitlon , In- eiciiso youi Income ; Information frr < - ; sen < l for clirulnr. Thompson . i Derr Co. , 3S Wall trfet , No\v YuiK. Inrorporateil under the inwa of slnto of New York ; capital , $100,00000. V 383 22 PARTIES WISHING TO LOCATE PEltMA- m-ntly nnd help t build n new town In the mountain irglon , write us. J. Menech & Co. , Illuku , Utah. Y M347 21 * FOB EXCHANGE. DARGAINS IN HOME3TRADU.SALE,1W.- Z-S41 IMPROVED OMAHA RUSINESS LOT. HESS denco lots , nnd Iowa farm ; will exchange all or any part for merchandise or Nebraska land ; will make liberal deal. Owner , P. O. Rex t > 5l. ia 234 2J * FOR SALE , 11.000.00 BTOCIC OF GENERAL merchandise , nil staples , for Jim.OD cash. He quirk. W. C. Ritchie , Prude' Neb. H MJDJ 21 FOR TRADE , FOR OMAHA IMPROVED PROP - eitles worth Jl.MO.OO tc10.000 d ) , good farm lands In thht stale ; will oBjuine rcniinublo In- rumbinncu. What have jou got ? Ames , HU7 rauuin stieet. Z M317 POR SALE OR TRADE , A GOOD. SOUND , with buggy und Imriicsu. Address P 51 lire. /-M3I2SO * A'IO-CIINTER Foiric. HAVAN FRTCKLES ! Z M337 A1 ! ) FOR EXCHANGE. 170 ACRES FINEST REl7. wood In California , land suitable for fruit. E. H Kunborn , South Omaha , Nrb. / Mi * } i'2 * POR EXCHANGE , RESIDENC'E PI PliRTY and linpruved faun for Jl.WO.W to J3.i ) DO stock general menhandUe , Ilex 33 North Loup , Neb. tfsi ; ; ; jj. FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. FARM LAND , C F. HARRISON , > 13 N Y LIFE. It E-tUJIy27 * POR BALD. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAQB ; CEL. lar. rlstern. city water ; cor , JJth und Sahler ; tlM.OOi long time. Enquire Hit Farnam ! bam'l liurni. RE M5I3 I1ARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND 'pARilS. lalo or trade , F. K. Darling- , Darker blk , U E-708 2M ACRES 11 MILES FROM OMAHA , 100 AS level as n lloor , produces bO bushels corn to the acre , HO nn acre ; { 3,000 cash , C iior cent. & > euis. C. F. Harrison. 813 N , Y. Life , Omaha , R E 337-21 * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TOR SALE. KM MILES FROM OMAHA. 430 acres well Improved ; 160 acres In hay , 170 In com nnd oals , balance In timber. Will sell for II' ' ) an acre on easy terms. It will pay tu Investigate this. Ames , 1017 Parnam. - RB-M31 * . SNAP SMOOTH. RICH OARDBN LAND FIVK miles from postoille , 1100 per acre ; might taWa name trade. 910 N Y. U tldg , R B-m-All I1UY LAND UNDER TUB ELKHORN IRIH- entlon company' * ditch whlla It l cheap : e.iiy terms , 44 acres make n good farm , no waiting for It to lain , crap vure. This la excellent farm land ; 3 crops will pay out. Addreis C , SdUh. O'Neill. Neb. RE--M38J 23 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CoiiliiiuilT SOME CHEAP LOTS. A nn W-fu lot nt MJrd and Plnkncy streets , nt J20')01. ' M ft , prnde , 3rd [ ohIt * Francis rtreets , nt J1M.W. K ft on Mill , near TVvtiyis itreet , cnst front , only JCOO.W. t1 Enst front . . . . . ? 7th. nsw. Woolworth.treM _ , etc. , a very line lot for hairvnine. fl,0 > M.M. ( A must deslrnbio , rrj9ldence , W-It. lot , on Georgia avenue , neir I'Jillllc iitrwt , for $2.101 Of We have houses nt frmn HMO1) lo I10.W.W nt Krently reilucetl prlce j-mid on terms will require little larh. lleforn Mijlim , selling or ex changing , ht < nuro nnilir > Mith Fidelity Tiust conipani , ,1703 Fainam street. LL _ ! ! ! R1'M I1AROAIN A PINE lji-At'Hi : FARM. 73 MILR8 from Omaha , for IS.Omlfrvj tym.m cn h , b lanci > In 5 years. C. R. Iloatilght. 3JI N. Y. Life RE-M321 A17 POR SALE. CHOICE SECTION LAND NEAR Lexington. DnwiMin rotinly. No liner land In _ the state. Ames , 1C17 Farnam. UB M3 l Onl RE-842 FOR SALE , 4) , M OR 100 ACRES JOINS PLOI1- enco. Hplendld land for Investment. Only 15) an ncre. Ames , 1017 Fnrnnm street. street.RBM31 ! 8APNDER8 .1 HI.MEIIAt'OlPS HlKhlnnd Pnik. JI50CO per Ipt. HOW cash. J3.00 n month , no Interest. Onmh.i Real Estate A Trust C i. . rnnin 4 , llee hldg. Hi-M3W ( 2 BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM P1PB FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. C13 8 , ICth. M 131 R. L. CARTER METAL CORNICE SKY- llghls , emoko stacks , fuumccs. 1017 Howard st. 426 DAMAGED MIRRORS RE8ILVERED , 713 N. Id. 8'J8 AS D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL office to 209 So. ICth , Drown blk. MII3 1 > . L. FORGAN. ill H. 17TH 8RTEET , INspects - spects nnd icpoits on farms , city property , etc. References. M29I 22 * OPTICIA'NS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. . LEADING OPTICIANS : J. F. Ponder , manager , scientific examlm- tlon of the eyis free , 221 8 16th street. ComI Nnt'l Ilk Rldg. , In Klntler's drug store 818-A2 * THE ALOE A PENFOLD CO. . SCIENTIFIC OP- tlclans , 1108 Pnrnnm st. , opposite I'axton hotel. Eyes examined free. 717 EYES TESTED FREE I1Y A PRACTICAL OP- tlclan. We guarantee tu lit the eyes perfectly , to your entire satisfaction or money refunded. A. MANDKLHURO , Jeweler and optician , northeast corner Six teenth nnd Fninam streets. SC3 BICYCLHS. IJICYCLES. NEW AND OLD. $20 TO $125 ; easy payments : we rent and repair. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 007 N. ICth street. Tel 129. RICYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tires and sundries. Safes opened , repaired. C. R. Hcnin , locksmith , 311 N. 16th street. 920A6 NEW WARWICK , 1S94 PATTERN. STRICICLY high grade , adjustable handle and rear brake , on no other.Vheel. Inquire Omaha Coal , Coke & Lime Co. , ICth nnd Douglas st. 139 A10 UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS II. K. HURKKT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer. 1C1S Chicago. Tel. SO. 709 SWANSON & VALIEN , "UNDERTAKERS AND embaljiieis , 1701 Cumlnt ; st , , telephone , ICoO. 823 M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EMbalmer - balmer , 1117 Farnam street. Telephone 225. HEAFKY & HEAFEY , 213 8. 14TH ST. TEL. 265 ; also 21th and N. . fit * . . 80. Omaha. M437 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. G. F. GELLENI1ECK. I1ANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California street. 914 FOR HAROAINS IN 1'IANOS AND ORGANS ; easy payments ; Instrifmynts rented ; rents apply on pui chase. A. Hpspe. jr. MS55 " " MR3.JESSrB""RROWN-CllOMMETT. THE ONLY post graduate of Emerson College of Oiatory. lloston. In Omaha who teaches elocution and physical culture. Ware building , Omaha. 1 i 211-A13 HAY AND GRAIN. HALED HAY FOR SALIli THE STANDARD Cattle company. Allies' Nek , have 2,000 ton * of good bnrn-aturcd bay for sale. All orders filled promptly. T Q 633 BUY YOUR HAY I1Y CAR Oil TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. Snyder , 151J Ruit St. , tel. 1107. 833-35 NEHRASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAY. grain and mill stuff. We arc always on the market to buy or Bell. 1518 Wcbater St. 153 STEAMSHIP LINE. ANCHOR LINE MAIL STEAMSHIPS SAIL regularly every Saturday from New York for Londonderry nnd Glasgow. ClreassH , July 28 , 2 p. tn. ; Kthlopln , August II , 2 p. m , ; Fur- nessla , August 18 , 7:30 : n in , Anchoria. Aug ust 25 , noon. Saloon , second class and steerage Blnglo or round trip tlcketH from New York or Cnlcngo nt reduced rates to the principal Scotch , English , Irish and all continental points. For money oidcrs , drafts , outward or prepaid tickets npply to any of our local agents or to Henderson Ilros. , Chicago. HOTELS ! THE MIDLAND HOTEU .Corner ICth and Chicago streets ; coolest hotel In Omaha ; new building , new furniture , electric bells , bath , etenm heat. American plan , Jl.W to $2.00 per day ; European plan , 60s lo $1.00 per day , M. J. Franck , proprietor. 838 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day ur week , 10S-A9 * TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS I SOUGHT , SOLD , EXchanged - changed , rented nnd repaired. Typewriter and cilice supplies. Typewriters rented at St per month. The Omaha Tjpewrlter Exchange , BUC- cessois to the typewriting department of the Megenth Stationary Co. , 214 South Thlitcenth etieet. Tel. 1301. 890 SEE TUB NEW DOUGHERTY TYPEWRITER ] The Omaha T > pew liter Exchange , tel. 1M1 , No. 211 8. 13th st. 931 TENTS AND AWNINGS. WOLF DROS. & CO. . MANUFACTURERS OF awnlngu , tents , flags , wngrn , hay , stock covers , tarpaulins , bannera , streamers. 70J-70J s. IGth tlioet. Tel. COI. Tenta for rent. M3SC WHY DON'T YOU RENT A TENT , TAKE A vacation and rest yournelf ? The Ornnlia Tent nnd Awning Co. have tents of all kinds that they lent cheap. 1311 Fainam st. SS2-A17 GRINDING. SCISSORS , LAWN MOWERS. RAZORS , ETC. , ground. Mclclilor llios. , 1119 Parnam street. street.SOS SOS RAZORS. SHEARS , CLIPPERS. LAWN MOW - era. etc. A. 1 , . Underland , 100 N. UUi. 17. ! ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND Btoiage batteiles recharged ; electrical and gen eral machinists ; superior work guaranteed. Omaha Electrical Wctlls , > 'C17 ' and C1U S. ICtli at. > . ' 33. ELECTRICAL ENGIN'riBllis AND CONTRACTors - ors for electric light allil motor plants nnd all kinds of electrical coimmulon. Western Elec * trie Supply Co. , 418 avdt iV 8 , 15th bt. 897 JOB PRINTING. QUICK PRINTERS. KJUMlTR A CHANDLER , 1121 Farnum und 307-f".S. 12th. Phone 1C50. Mall orders get quick 'iiijilon. H9A4 REED JO11 PlllNTINOjCO. FINE PIUNTINO ot all kinds. 17th strfcLllee bullJInf. MI90 STENOORAPHERB. C. A. POTTKR. C20 V.Y , , LIFE I1UILDINO. does all kinds ot .sleripgrnphla work , law cases , depositions , clnincery ftork , copying , etc. , at reasonable ill let-Si Call and see tli- Duplex typewriter : wrlen | two lettcra ut or3 and the same time ; ' itba { uilcst typewriter ' the world. V. , MJU All " ' " HORSEs"5bEiNO. MRS. THOMAS MALONEY , 812 N , 1CTII ST. B. U. HURT , HORSiSHOBR. 3HN. ICTIl S03-AB SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN 8ANTB SCHOOL OF RIloTmiAND , SU N. Y , Life , Omaha , A k for circular. 710 LKARN PRACTICAL I1U8INES3 & SHORT- hand. Roose'a Omatu llu . Col. , 10th & . Fnrnnm. 213.A13 LOST. LOST-LADY'S LACE HANDKERCHIEF AT Uourtland beach last Sunday , reward will bo paid for return to 1823 'Corby itreet. Ixnt350 20 * UPHOLSTERING. cAiiiNirr MATTRFHS WORKS , W. II. Hell , R. A. McBuchron , I'M Leu veil worth. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. _ _ HAMILTON RRoisT tUNimAt7 : CONTRA"cT nrs nnd ! mlMor. cnrpmter NViiik. brick U > lng jvndjdanterimc. 411 8. Hth t. Tel. 1179. MMi C. E. MOlflttLL. CARPKNTER. OPPICB AND tore futures a irtclnlty. 1511 Capitol HVP. HA11NES3. ilAHNrclT Wllll'iJj NITS7 ! iTC. : mPAIHtNO : n ppfi.lnlly , 113 N. 15th nt. ! _ airr MY plifna : itnpoiin YOP IIPY A HAHn - n s . AiiKiut Uuluif , ill S , 16th street. M-116 AW TAXIDERMISTS. TAXiniMtMY AND WHS. BHNt > POll ( . 'ATA- louue. OcorKo U llrown , Jr , & Co . 709 S 16th. DANCING. POll PlllVATU LiS. : ONH. STACII ! Oil society dance : ) , call on Mimiid , 1510 Homey , or 900 DiHliic street ; terms i insatiable. MJCI A7 ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY , ELOCUTION , PHYSICAL CULT- ui . Emerson method. Summer pupils re- colvid. Room 9 , Commercial Nul'l bank.Mid Mid DENTISTS. Oil. aiO. 8. NASON. UHNTI8T , SUITU 200 P.ixton block , ICtli ft l-'urnam sis. Tel. 712. 11637 Dll PAUL , DENTIST , 2020 11PRT 8T 335 WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON IIIIOO.VHOl.P,3ALI2 UHALP.ItB In' VI klnd of conl. Correspondence vollslted. vs Pnrimtn slU'et. M4GC PAWNBROKERS. l-'llUD MOHLn , l17'j FAHNAM , JUWnLIU" . H. MAIIOW1T2 LOANS JIONUY , SOS N. 16th St. PLUMBERS. I'lllJR PLUMIIINO OP IJVnilY KIND. O.v.- tcum & hot water healing ; uuvvornfft. 313 B. It J. J. UAN10AN. PLUMTilNO , STIIAM AND HOT vvatrr heating. 2703 Ifavell'vortli 8t. 155 HAIRDRESSING. MILLER , LADIES' HAIRDRESSINO , SHAMpoo - pee hit" , steamlnc hair goods , 151.1 Douglas. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. WHITE'S IMPIX : > YMINT OPI.MCB , THE ONLY placa to get help of all Kinds In the city. 154 All Till : UEALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record July 20 , 1891 : AVARRANTY DEEDS. New Knrland Loan nnd Trust c > mpany to H D I'rice. lot 18. block 05 , Dinid-e Plnce $ 800 Same to sitne , lot 19 , block 111 Hinip . SOJ B.imc to came , lot II , block 117. same . 800 Same to ame , lot 19 , block I' " , , name . 800 Same to fiune , lot U , bluck 117 , H.IIIIO . SOO S.imo to same , lot 15 , block 113 , name . SO ) Same to same , H 41 feet lot 2 , block 101 , Omaha . 6,000 J E Mnikel to .1 E Damn , w " . lot 7 , block 3. Ileed'H 1st add . 2,700 Edmund llurki > and wife to Funk Hrnnden , lots 13 nnd 14 , block B , Kountzc Place. . . . 12,000 II E Gray ami wlfo to S O Cady , lot 1 , block 3 , Wise & P's add . CW DEEDS. G vr HolJrge ( trustpp ) to city of Omaha , part lots 1 nnd 2 , block 3 , Ciedll Foncler. and pirt lot 5 , Mock CS , Omaha . Sheriff to C L Saunders. n 112 feet lots 5 nnd G. block 20Vcxt Knd add . 4,916 Special master to J W Ilrock , lot 7 , block , Lincoln Place . 1,100 Same to M G MyerH , lot 20 , block 98 , Dun dee Place . . 40" > Total amount of transfeis . . . $32.323 SEARLE3 & SEARLES SPEG93USTS Chronic nervous Private AND Special , Diseases TREATMENT DMAIL. . LQN3ULTATIQN FREE. Cotnrrh. All Olsoasos of the Nos3 , Throat. Choa1 , Stomach , Ulvor , Blood Skin and Kldnoy Dlsonooa , Lost Manhood and ALL PRIVATE DIS EASES OF MEN , Cull on ur addrosn , Dr. Searles & Searles , s Rplondld cnrntlro o nnt for Nervous or Slo ! lloailfichu , KxbniiEtlon , Hleti.Mu | _ , , I el l or fer.crtl NoiiralKlc ; alf.ofoKh < m niutUni , Gout , KiJury Ii > ord > > ra , Acid Drs- I > ei4ia. ] Ana > mifi , Antliloto for Alcoholic nnd otlinr oicokww. 1'rlco , 10 , SaudCOcenta. KllervoacouL THE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1D1 S. Western Av nim. CHIOSGfV For sale by all druggglsta , Omaha. 13URKAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Bulldiiifr , OMAHA , Nob. Advice I "Li-avta ICHIUACU , tlLtltLINillON Ac g.Anlvc3 | _ Oinalm | Depot 10th und iluscin Sin. [ _ Omulia 4:45pm : Ciilt-.igo Vestibule 9.50.1R ) P : < Jiini ChlcaKO Cxpicis 4.25pm 7:02pm : Chlc.iKu and lovvu Loom Sounm : : ; > . . . . .Vaultla Junction Local. . . . . . 6:55 : m "Le.ivei IlillALlNUTUN * c'MO. UlVIJH.ArrIver | Omaha [ _ Depot 10th and Motion Bin. J _ Olimiia 10:15am : Denver Uxfircao 9:3jam : , I0:15am : Ueadwood Kxpresa 4:10pra : 4.WIHH Uenver nxpresa 4:10pm ClMpin . .Nebrimlia Local ( except Hun. ) , . . 6:50pm : t.15am..Lincoln I/jcal ( except tiumlay.ll:25um ) : Leaves I K. C. . 8T. J. & C. 11. I Ai rives Omaha ) Depot 10th and Maaon tile. I Omaha SM3am Kannia City Day Kxprcsu & :55pm 8:45pm.IC. C Nluht llx. via U. 1' . Trana. 6iOam : Leaves I CHICAQO , 11. I. & 1'ACIFIC. { Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot 10 111 & Mason Sts. I Omahiv _ _ _ _ _ _ ! 0Enm..AtllTntla Bxprest ( ex. Sunday ) . . 6:03pm : C:26pm : . Night Express . 6:40 : < im 4:40pm..Clilcneo : Vcstlbuled Limited. . . , l:25pra : HSIpm. : Oklahoma Exp. ( to C. M. ex Sun ) . _ WEST. , C:3am.Oklahoma : & Tex a Bxp. ( ex Bun.H:3Jpm : Coloinilo Limited. . . . . . . 4llpm ! ) Leaves UNION PACIPK' . lArrlvti n Depot 10th. & Mason Bta | Onmtia t:50am. : . . . Denver Uxnn-Hs 3 : opni Zlpm : Overland Fl > ei C:2)pni : ) S:45pm.Ileatrlce : ft Klromab'g Kxex Sun ) 12-.30nm C:40pm : Pacific lixprets 10B5ani : JjjOpm. t-Kaat _ MaU. .CHICAOO. MinriT TrVAtTIZTArn r Omalia Unloji _ Depot lO th & Ma on Hta. ( Qnialu * ( T35pm ChlcMRO Llmllcd il-lOain Jl:10un. : . . Chicago ixpryn tex. Bun ) . . . Biiiiim LeaveiT l'TT02 lu. VALuilT. Arrlvci Oinnhu ] Depot 15th andWcbatcr _ Sti. _ J _ Omaha ( : OCnm Drndwood Uxprc BilOnm :05am.Kr. : ( S t.Wyo. ) ( lion ) . BtlOpni CiOOpm..Norfolk Kxpreaa ( ix ; , Sunday. ) . lO.lSum _ 6:5C'pnr.s.i.Bt. : Paul Uxprms . . . . 3-i.ijn "Leaves I CHICAGO & NOIlTHWn.ST'N lArrlvo" OmnhalU r. Depot lOlh & Mnion StuJ Oinali * ItiOSum ChlciiRO ixpicf3.r. . OilOpm 4:02pm Vpntlbulo Limited 9:24am : 6:3Cpm.Hx. : ( 8nt l.Chlc. Pau.ix. ( Man , ) . 9:23pm : .Ho. Valley Ixicul , . , , , . . . .H > 30pm Leaves I MI8SOUUI PACII-'IC fAnlve OmahaJ _ P/pot 15th nnd Wcbiter StiL | jOmaha 9:00um : St. Louis I xpreHs 6:00jra : 930i ; > m Bt. 1,0ills Kxprcm 655pm ; _ 6:10pm : Dally ( ex. Kun. } Nebniskn Local 9 lu-iin = Leaves I " " C. , HT. P. , M. A 0 | Arrlves _ Omahai Depot 15th ami Webster Hta. | Omaha " " 8 00am Bloux City Accom ( U . "Bun. ) . . HsOIpra lOiOOain..Sioux City Accom ( Hun , Only. ) . . 8.03pm 12l5pm : .Bloux City Uxnreii * ( ix. Hun..ll(5um ) : JlJOpmi.tji. : t , Poul _ J.lmlti'd . . . . . . . ijMTam " " " " Le5ves BIOUX CITY & lrA"dIl'lcr."TAirlvei" OmahalU. I * . Depot Itrth & Muaon Hta.j Omaha lCam : Sioux City Passeiuror lO.Wpm _ : / , . . . . . . . . . . . I'aul Hxpreaj . .10:00ain : UavesT HItJUX CITY A PACIFIC. TArrTv > 7" OinaliaDeiOt | _ 15th and Webster Sts. I Omal'l " "b:30pm : Ht , Paul Limited J.SCpm.i..Chlcafu : ( Limited. _ 1 j . 'T 'MATlA & HT. IXJUIB | ArrU .1,1 . LT. P Depot 10th A Mason Hts.1 Om " , , St. Cunuon UalL , , . , U:35pu > t > titntni\ti.n. : "Cadet Days , " by Contain Charles King , Is a f.iscltmUtiK mllllnr ) " novel for boys , It lays Its scenes nt West Point nnd a young follow from the "wild nnd woolly" west U licro of tlio story. Vlio book lo Illustrated by ZoRlmum. Cloth , 2U ! JURCS , J1.25. Har per & llrotliers , Nc\v York. Bold by Me- Kcatli Stationery Company , Oinnhn. "O.illery of Players" Is the mime ot a now porlmlleal , the first number of which com prises a choice album of Blnii ; > celebrities , containing as many ns twenty-two full p.tfW portraits , besliles n ltr o number of minor pictorials Illustrating the leading players ns they appear In various roles upon the stage. Tin * whole Is n unliiti | > publication nml Is bound tovln the popular hc.irt. The Illustrated American I'ubllsliltiK Company , 5 nnd 7 Unsl Tenth Street , Now York. 1'rnctlcnl penmanship Is very Intelligently treated In Prof. John Jnrltsiiu' * "Tho Theory and Practice of IlandwrltltiK. " The tiuthor prefers vertical strokes to the slopes In the provallliiK system and shows Hint both from the standpoint of legibility nnd hygiene It Is superior. The Idea Is new In this coun try , but In Germany nud some Utiropenn countries Iho system has been adopted by the government and Introduced In the schools. Cloth. ICO pages. $1.25. William IJoverly Harrison , New York. A brilliant coterie of clover women In the July Ladles' Home Journal discuss "What " Frank U. Comitltntes n Good Husband. " ' " ' Stoekton gives two moro ot "Pomona's" characteristic letters to her old "Uuilder Grange" mlstrcsH und Mr , lion ell's literary reminiscences under the title , "My Literary Passions , " grows In Interest and charm. Miss ScovlU'H paper on "Feeding n llaby In Summer" will be found especially valuable to mothers. The Curtis Publishing Com pany. Philadelphia. "Efforts Toward Clear Alms In Lduca- tlon" arc discussed In the July Korum under three distinct captions : "Hesenrrh the Vital Spirit of Teaching. " by President O. S. Hall ; "Tho Ideal Training of an American Hoy. " by Thomas Davidson , and "Will the Co-Kdticatcd Co-lMucale Their Children ? by Prof. Martha K. Crow. A very able contribution and ono of moro than ordinary Interest Is Krcderlc Harrison's paper on "Carl > le's Place In History. " K. II. Coudert discusses "The- American Protec tive Association. " and J. II. McMsmter touches on "The Riotous Career of the Know-Nothlngs. " The forum Publishing Company. Union Square , New York. "Kossuth In New Kngland. by Hon. George S. Uoutelle , la n conspii'tioin af.lcle appearing In the current number "f Pie Niw Kngland Magazine. Mr. Houlwll w\s gov ernor of Massachusetts nt the nxcltlu time of Kossuth's visit and riw much ft Iho i-rcat Hungarian. The a tlulo , hovvevf. Is ilovoted mainly to a discussion of Kossuth < alms and Ideas and .in iliempt f estimate his place In history. "Tiio Life if the Lcn- don Working Classes" U described by 'Vlll- lam Clarke , the vmlno'it IJniill.sli soolalii'l. Samuel C. Williams i-intrlbutes nn I'llercst- Ing paper on "The HrEt Abolition Jou-nua. " Warren f. Kollogs , 5 Park 3nuare , Huston. The thin veil ot sup.'rileialis n Is In the story of t.conard Uond as told by Will- lam Henry IJIshop n \ PouiiO of Cure. " This weak persontlltv , tint In rudely could blare like .notal of th ilrat ranlc , ii slowly fused under the fire of temptation Into the basest scum. Gambling at Monte Carlo , tills greedy passion Is fanned by the al lurement of u former llaitie and he goes down into the wreck In hplte of the love of u wife worthier far than he. The descrip tions and character delineations are good. Cloth , 200 pages , $1. Charles Scrlbner's Sons , New York. Sold by Mtgeath Sta tionery Company , Omaha , The Annals of the American Academy be gins with the July number Its fifth year and volume. This number contains "The Future Problem of Charity and the Unemployed , " by Rev. Dr. John Graham Hrooks of Cam bridge , Mass ; "Peaceabla Boycotting. " by Chester A. Hoed of lloston ; "The Significance of a Decreasing Ilirth-Hate , " by J. L. llrovv- nell , A. * ! . , of Hryn Mnwr college ; "Kent and Profit , " by C. W. Macfarlano , Ph. D. ; Per sonal Notes and Book Department. As a supplement to tills number Is scut a mono graph on "Tho Theory of Sociology , " by Prof. F. H. Glddlngs of Columbia college , Philadelphia. American Academy of Polit ical and Social Science , Philadelphia. "The Way of Our Letters , " by Octavln Dockery , Is a vivid description of the disposi tion of our mall appearing In Iho July Hluo and Gray. The article In question Is very learned nnd rich In Information on Uncle Sam's wonderful system and dispatch In dis posing of the millions of messages dally dropped Into the mall box , Uudor Iho head , "Facts and Fallacies of Finance , " William Pcnn , jr. , asks "Can We Demonetize Gold ? " ad/anclng some very able arguments for paper currency. William L. Sheppard fur nishes n papsr on "The First Gun In Vir ginia In 1S01 , " and Captain John McAnally tells us "How the IClth New York Lost Us Colors. " Other equally Interesting features In abundant variety are presented. The Patriotic American Publishing company , Philadelphia. Ex-Speaker Heed's discussion of "Tho Present Administration of National Affairs , " appearing In the July North American Re view , will be read with much zest by those suffering under the yoke of its blundering power. Superintendent Ilyrnos of the New V'ork police department tells us "How to Protect a City from Crime , " concluding that educational and other Bteps tending toward prevention are the most practical and ef fective measures toward its repression. Prof. Goldvvln Smith ventilates the political uncer tainties of the future England and W. J. H. Traynor , president of the American Protec tive association , gives n timely nnd authori tative statement of "Tho Alms and Methods of the 'A. P. A. ' " The North American Review , 3 East Fourteenth Street , New York. Some beautiful portraits of fair women are Interspersed with Mr. n. W. Sherwood's con tribution , "nenuty , " appearing In the July Cosmopolitan. A rather Interesting nnd fan ciful article showing some di'llrato penciling IB "Training a Ilutterlly , " by Mrs. P , M. Goulco , drawings by Hamilton Gibson , In "An Uncomiuered People" Elizabeth T. Spring describes the Unique's of Spain. Gen eral A. W. Gtcelcy carries tlio reader away to "Antarctica. " Vnldos1 "Origin of Thought" M anils Its eccentric course another peg forward nnd W , I ) . How ells' altrurlan illbrouraes of "Selling and Giving of Din ners. " Tlio nttrartlvo features ot the num ber wind up with the "Art and Letters" de partment , signed by Lang , Sarcoy , Hoyeson , Znhgwcll and Miss llcppller. Tlio Cosmopol itan Magazine , New York. The Illustrated Nebrnskan comes to the frnnt ns a model of western talent nnd en- let prise , nnd both artistically nnd In n liter ary sense de&prves rank with the more pre tentious eastern periodicals , "June , the Month ot Hoses , " Iho tltlo of Its frontispiece , Is an elegint phoioyravtire ro | resenting n bevy of fair women ah.sorhcd In gathering roses. Hon I. A. Fort contributes a paper on "Ne braska and Irrigation. " Hev , Charles W. Savldgo enlightens the reader on "Modern Christianity , " und Edmund E. Strode dis cusses "Methods of Georgolsm. " A liberal bprlnklliu ; of Illustrations brighten the pages , among them portraits of Hon. J , M. Thurs- ton and H. M. Grlllln , the latter labeled us "a coming man. " Illustrated Ncbrnslcan Co. , Hraco Illock , LlncMn , Neb. A pleasing Innovation In the July Quarterly Illustrator In the Introduction of a serial fctory adapted to the style and theme of the Journal lUclf. It Is entitled " .Manila. " and conies from the pen ot George Parsons La- Ihrop. It Is light , artistic and beautifully garnished with a wliolo army of living little skelchcH that talk tn the eya while the printed words convey an ngrfcable chatter to Hie eat. Henry Mil ford Stecle contributes a puper on "The Artlutlc Side ot Photog raphy. " "A Renaissance of an Eighteenth Cfiitury Art , " by Cromwell Chllde Is ac companied with original illustrations by J. Wells Chompncy. Thn number ccms to bo ( ncrrtm wltb a surfeit of good material con taining as It does 302 Illustrations by over 150 well known artists. Harry C. Jones , UJ-01 Fifth avenue. New York. The Hevlow of Ilevlews fires off its Fourth- b-July ( rocket In the form of a thoughtful dissertation relative to the "new sectional- Ism" that Is developing between cast and west. Several pages In this number arc given to letters from western men describing western economic conditions and movements , this publicity being given to promote n bet ter understanding of the western situation In the cast. Nebraska renders will be par ticularly Interested In Dr. Albert Shane's description of the personality of their Junior senator , William V. Allen , "a man who never Kaw New York. " The writer regards Sena tor Allen as a typical , home-grown , self-re liant American , the product of our Missis sippi valley life. The ukeich Is bas"d np"ii a persona ) Interview , the details ot which throw many aid * llflita on the present populist poiltlon nt Washington. The Ho- view of llevlfws. IS Astor Place , Now York. While the nred of | K > reform In this country Is everywhere admitted , nny ono who has given the mailer serious study nnd In vestigation Is well worthy n. hearing. In view of which the small volume. "I'olltleil lleform by the Iteprenentnllon of Minorities , " by Mathlns N Forney , Is very timely and commendable. The author contends that our present system of electing by a majority or plurality of votes single representatives from each dlstrlet to our national , state and municipal legislative bodies Is the great ob stacle In the way of pMltlcal reform nnd that If It were madu possible for nny con siderable body of voters le s than a minority to elect one or more representatives In pro portion to their number It would do moro tn promote good government than nny other measure that Is now within reach. Pub- llthed by the author at 45 Cedar street. Now York. The spiritual Christ , the Ide.ttlml man. n a power nnd force In human nffalrx occupies a station at once exalted and Immutable , beyond the reach of assault or danger from conllllct with either reason or the most In scrutable research. The latest version ot the eareer of Ji-stis , whclher or not In whole- or part authentic , rannot nffect the potency of this mighty factor In human lite. "Tlio Unknown Life of JCMIS Christ , " n curious nnd altogether now narrative comes to us through a Russian traveler supported solely by his own word. The writer claims to have made n visit In the. Into fall of Ih87 to Thibet nml Ladak The Journey Into this reg'on , describing Its mountains and Its pee ple. Is porlrn > cd III vivid rolors. At Leh , the capital , he found an ancient inniuiscrlpt , which , after much solicitation , was read to him , and from the thoughts contained In Its lines he has constructed the present volume. It comprises the llfo nnd deeds of Saint Issn , who was born In the land of the Hebrews , nnd after rcneli'tig ' the years of early boy hood dlsappcaicd at the age ot II from his mtlve land and traveled and taught and studied through the lands of the east Finally In after years he went back to the land ot Judnh. suffered nnd died. Paper , 191 pages , r > 0 cents. Hind. MrN'nlly & Co. , Chicago. Idlers love company and the Idler In this midsummer month has put nn extra shine on rlls smile to make Itself agreeable company to the world of niimmcr Idlers. So among Its attempts at soothing the weary brows of Its summer patrons It eonjntes up n dream ot Oriental notion , "Tho Vl/lcr's Doom. " by II , N. Crellln , In which weird magic Is wtought by cunning Jugglers , and harems and high mogulit are Intermingled In the dice box ofeastern fatalism. Then "A Horrid Sus picion" Is convoyed In the shape of n sketch In a light vein , by Harry C. Marllllcr , Il lustrated by H. Jack , and the Impression loft Is anything but horrid , or even n suspicion of being horrid. "Johnny , Hey , " Is the unln.uo title of the opening' sketch from the pen ot llrel Harte. Illustrations by A. S. lloytl. The International News Company , 83-SG Diiano street. New York. "Footpt Ints of the Jesuits , " by Hon. H. W. Thompson , ex-secretary of the navy , en deavors to bring to light the history , tcneU and operations of the Society of Jesus , to gether with Its relations to civil govern ment. The conclusions of the author array the organization as n menace to civil liberty In whatever land it gains a foothold. That It Is a possible menace at all times thcro can bo no doubt , but that It Is a probabla danger Is quite doubtful , It being rather the chest of n dim and distant past than a newly created living force belonging to onr day. Nor may It be Inferred that among the great dangers menacing society today this stand : ) so pre-eminent ns to deserve the monopoly of attention. An excellent portrait trait of the honored author forms the frontis piece , nnd the book Is n line specimen ot typographical art. Cloth , GOO pages , $1.75. Cranston & Curtis , Cincinnati. Some remarkable features and facts re lating to n remote and as yet almost un known section of the world arc described by Hclnrlch Hensoldt , Ph. D. , writing In the July Arena under the caption "Occult Sci ence in Thibet. " Another contribution touch ing affairs on the other side of the glebe la from the pen of O. II. Flower , entitled "Justice for Jnpi'ii " A very Inspiring ad dress Is Henry Wood's "The Hlglirst Evolu tion of Man. " C S. Thomas In "Monometal- ism nnd Protection" seems to oppose the former ns n future obstacle toward the ad vancement of the cause of tariff reform. Helen II. Gardener contributes a paper on "Environment:1 : Cnn Hereditary be Modi- fled ? " In which she argues very forcibly , present - sent Inc the subject In a style clever and In cisive. "Tlio Last Protest Against Woman's Enfranchisement" attacks the ground taken by Prof. Goldvvln Smith in n recent essay on "Woman Suffrage. " The Arena Publish ing Company , Uoston , Mass. So imposing an event as the late Colum bian fair rannot wholly pass away without frequent echoes repeating Its glorious Imago. The latest epitome of the great event Is con tained In "The Graphic History of the Fair , " n concNc , richly Illustrated volume present ing in popular fornv a description ot the events It was to commemorate , nnd the sto of the enterprise from its inception to tta triumphant conclusion. It Includes pictorial descriptions of tlio architectural , the natural and tlio mechanical features of the oxposl- ' tlon , nanatlng fully the account ot Its ex hibits and life , and giving due recognition to the pieaence and woik of the men and women who created It. The quality of paper nnd letter press are ndmlrable , and nearly 1,000 plclorlals imiko a veritable art gallery of Its 240 extra latge pages. The cxterlorMs hnndiioniely dressed , making It well adapted as a parlor ornament. Cloth , $4,00 ; full morocco , $0.00 ; edition do luxe , $10.00. The Graphic Company , 1185 Dearborn street , Chi cago. The world has probably never yet beheld n dollar as honest as honest can be , and no doubt n perfectly honest dollar would bo a greater marvel than the combined wonders of the world , ancient nnd modern. Whllo a really honest dollar Is altogether above such a thing ns mingling with the debased condi tions of modern society nnd we cannot liopo to form Its acquaintance , we are all In'er csted in learning what this "honest dollar" ought to be like. "An Honest Dollar , " by E. Henjamln Andrews , president ot Drown university , comes therefore very timely to our assistance In presenting in the pages of this book his views ot the slippery subject. Dr , Andrews possesses unusual advantages In dealing with the subject , having been a member of the International monetary con ference In Ilrttsscls and lecturer on econo mics for many ycats. The style In which his thoughts am presented Is very plain nml free from abstruse and ambiguous phrases , mich nx lend to contuse nnd mys tify , and the argument favors bimetallism , making both gold und silver legal tender , each at n certain relation In value to the other. The book Is divided Into eight papers upon the following topics"An Honest Dollar , " "Hlmetalllsm , " "Money as an International Question , " "Tim Monetary Expetlment In India , I'arlff Reform and Monetuty Reform , " "Tim Futnro of Silver Production , " "Tho Monetary Conference ot 1802" and "Glffcn on Hlmetalllsm. " For future lisa the author belltivea a ratio of 20 to 1 free coinage would bo aafc , but that to make a ratio of 1C to 1 Hafo It wore dcslruhlo that International action bo sought. Ila gives un iii-connt of the Inlet national mone tary conference ot isaa , now for the first time written by ono of Its members. Cloth , $1 ; paper , 75 cento. The Student Publish ing Co. , Hartford , Conn. HOOKS RECEIVED. PASTIME STORIES. Ily Thomas Nelson Page. Cloth , MO pages , $ l.2G , Harper A III others , New York. Sold by the Mcgcath Stationery Co. , Onmh.i. THE SORROWS OF WERTHER , Iy ) Jaliann Wolfgang Goothu. Paper. 219 pages , GO cents. The Mascot Publishing Co. , 1C9 Sixth avenue , New York. NEW ROADS AND HOAD LAWS. Ily Roy Stone. Cloth , 100 pages , $1 GO U. Van Nostrand Company , New York. OARLOTTA'S INTENDED AND OTHER STORIES. Hy Ruth McEnery Stuart. Cloth , 227 pages. Hut per & Brothers , Now York. Sold by Mcgeath Stationery Company , Omaha. THE POTTER'S THUMll. A novel. Iy ) Flora Annlo Steel. Cloth , 351 pages. Harper & Urothcr , Now York. Sold by Mcgeath Stationery Co. , Omaha. MAGAZINES RECEIVED , OUTDOOIl SPOUTS AND AMERICAN AN GLER. Outdoor ' Sports Company , Bt. Louis , Mo. YOUNG MEN'S JOURNAL. Young Meh' Journal Company , McCague llulldlntr , Omaha. HISTORIA. The HUtorld Company , 148- 1G2 Monroo-street , Chicago. THE PUItWANO Grand Island Neb , WOMAN'S WORK. Athens , GH. Ol'TING The Outing Co. . Ltd. , 239-211 fifth avenue , New York DOANE OWL. Doatm Collcgg , Crete , Neb