Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1894, Page 6, Image 8

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    n\n.v nir.\ .Tirr.v 1L
Damage to Sprint ? Wheat by the Excessive
Heat Woa a Factor ,
Corn Started Under Some Incitement anil
the Ilcut I'rlcn of the Day U'ere
Itcnlltcd at tlio Sturt-Htocb *
ntul lloiiiM ,
CIHCAaO , July 13. Damasc to spring
iWhcat by the recent cxco-slvo heat In tlio
northwest was the cause ot an early pain of
iic In the price here. The expectation that
, ttlth the railroads again running regularly
n heavy movement hither of the winter
wheat was Inevitable , and that , seeing It
could not bo delivered upon speculative con
tracts , It would necessarily be sold at Its
Btilpplng value , caused weakness toward the
end , the close being ' .do below the previous
day's resting price. Corn opened flrm and
closed easy at % c decline. Provisions were
Hull and a shade lower.
The early strength In wheat was attribut
able partly to advances In liberal quantities
of cash wheat being taken In the northwest ,
250,000 bu. today and 1,300.000 bu. for the
. week. A bulge In corn had some Influence
In giving wheat Us Initial up
ward Impetus , and sotno rumors
early of the strike having been de
clared off by the strikers helped to keep
It steady for an hour or more. A prominent
trader unloaded 100,000 bu. and 200,000 bu.
lots , which Induced n great number of small
holders to unload , the effect of which waste
to force the price down , and the close was
.within HO of the bottom for the day.
Corn started under seine excitement and
nt from % o toic Improvement In the price
of the active option September. The best
prices of the day , however , were realized
nt the start. There did not appear to bo nny
tcconJ line of timid shorts to take the
place of the first after the latter discharged
their guns and ran away. 1'rlccs closed
With July unchanged , September down V&c
and May a shade higher.
There was a light trade In oats. The
market was stronger and prices advanced
from % o to Vic early , but later reacted In
sympathy with wheat , and closed easy at
the bottom and from Uo to % o below the
top , at about the same price a * yesterday.
I'rovlilons wcro again dull. Hog receipts
were considerably heavier and their price
.was from Co to lOc lower. There wcro tnoro
cash sales of lard reported than for some
time previous. Swift and company were free
nellers of ribs. Pork Is T'/fcc lower and lard
declined 2'.c. ' Itlbs unchanged.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
15 cars ; corn , 141 cars ; oats , CC cars ; hogs.
13.000 head-
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. | Open. | High. | Low. I Close.
July. .
Fcpt .
Corn >
July. .
Sept. ,
CntH I
fpt. . .
July. ,
Sept. ,
July. .
Sept. .
Short I
July. .
Cash quotations were ns follows :
FI.Ol'R Steady , unchanged.
\VHI3AT-No. 2 sprlns , 6C'i3Sc ; No. 3 sprlns ,
Kc : No. 2 rid , SG'.ic.
CORN No. 2 , 42c ; No. 3 , 41T4C.
OATS No. 2. no sales ; No. 2 white , 41c ; No.
S while , SSfftOc.
UYR No. 2. 4Sc.
HARLHV No. 2 , nominal.
FLAX SEED No. 1. J1.2S.
TIMOTHY snED-I'rlme. J5.
PROVIHIONB Mes- ) pork , per bbl. . J12.52V4W
12.6.1. I ird , pr 100 Ibs. , J6.72'iiifi.76. ! ! Short ribs ,
eldeu ( loose ) , J6.G2'/t6.C5 ; dry salted shoulders
( boxed ) , JQ.OOtfG.12li ; short clear , sides ( boxed ) ,
{ G.8714O7.00.
WHISKY Distillers' finished poods , per gal. .
The following1 were the receipts ana shipment1 *
( cr today :
On the Produce exchange today the butter mar
ket was atundy : creamery , l'-(317c ( ; diary , . 11
CSlBc. KtiiB , Hteady at 031 Do.
Condition of Tr ilo unit Quotations on
Stuplo and I'iincy 1'roiluco.
The market was without feature of any Im
portance aside from the weaker egg market ,
ft'he general trade continues rather quiet and
without much life , Ituttcr nnd poultry continue
ttcady at previous quotations , though old fowls
have not been gointr very freely at the top price.
Quoted during the past few days. The veal mar
ket Is firm and the demand quite good. The
receipts of hay were the larKCst yesterday of
ny day for some time back and It Is doubtful
if present prices can be maintained much longer
under present conditions.
An authority at Elgin estimates the stock of
eg-g-s In storage In Chicago nnd Elgin at 320,000
; ases , as compared with last year's stock at
S5.000 nt the name date. I'artlra In the business
; hUm the quality this year Is better. The cool
vcathcr , extending to about Juno 1 , enabled
hem to bo received and handled In better coa
lition than In former years. Tlio price nt which
hey were put away Is about 2c per doz. less
, han last year.
11UTTER Packing stock , Sc ; good to choice
country , llffllV ; creamery , solid packed , ISQlGc ;
Creamery , bricks , 1618c.
JSaOS I'cr doz. , Sc ,
LIVE I'OULTRY-Old hens , Co ; spring chick
ens , 12$12',4c. The demand for gecae nnd ducks
is very light. Ducks , 7c ; hen turkeys , 7tfSc ;
cobblers , 05/Gc ; geese , ttViQGc.
VEAL Choice fat and small veals are quoted
at Co ; coarse and larne , 3Jlc.
CHEESE Wisconsin , full cream , new make ,
10rllc ; Nebraska nnd lown , full cream , SIflOc ;
Nebraska and Iowa , part skims , CO7c ; 1,1m-
burger. No. 1 , lOc ; brick , No. 1 , lOc ; awlss , No.
'lIAY Upland hay , JS.SO ; midland. J ;
lowland , I7.DO ; rye straw , $6. Demand
; supply fnlr. Color makes the best prlcon
filr . Light bales sell the best. Only top grades
rlnir top prices.
1'IUEONS-Old birds , per doz. , Jl.
I'OTATOES-Oood slock. 75 SOc.
MELONS-aood stock , I18.1WU2J.CO.
REETH New beets , per doz. bunches , 0325c ,
on ordeis.
CUCL'MIIERS On orders. 45ff50c per doz.
OLD UEANS Hand picked navy , JS.15ffi2.23
medium , Ji.lOif-MS ; common white beans , J1.75
ONIONS On orders. I'.4ff2o ' per Ib.
CAIUIAC1E Oood shipping stock , on orders ,
TO&IATOE8 Oood shipping stock , per 4-basket
crate. 75c J1.00.
NEW 11EANS Wax , per H bu , basket , 65J75c
itrlng , per U bu. basket , 60c.
1'EAS ( food utock , per bu , , J1.23.
OAULU'LOWER-Cholcu stock , p r doz. , J1.25
CARROTS New southern carrots , per doz.
bunches. SOJJIOe.
TURNIPS New home grown , per bu , , GOc.
The situation In thn local fruit market Is tin
changed , maiket Is almost baru nnd then
Is very little business doing for the want o
stock to d It with. About all the fresh frul
that was to be had on the market yeslerda )
mornliiK was blackberrU'H and a fuw red plunu.
Reporls front Wisconsin Indicate that the crnn
berry bushes arc ( telling uud Hint the pioapec
thus far Is favorable far a good eiop. The cum
berry crop II.IM como tot ) lain to bo one ot tin
Important fruit ciops In this country. Tin.
largest crop of cranberries produced In Iho
I'nlted Slab's prior to 1SW was that ot 1SS1
when 7 . bu. were harvested. Of this crop
New England produced SSO.S'O bu. . New Jerse ;
15S.i : & bu. , anil the west 201,432 bu. , which wu
by some 49.1XW bu. the largest crop ever gulherei
In the weal. The crops of the west vary mou
from year to year than those of either of th
AtUintlo const tlflds , btllii ; inoro subject to tud
den frosts durlnic thu blonmlni ; and rlpenlnir
seasons. The crop of 1S93 exccedeil nny preccdlni ,
cr crop by 100,000 bu. It contained ! f,8iXi , 'iO iitu.
fs" Vmcli'l * lers than one pint In melt Indlvlilun
In the United Slates , or ntxuit S qts. to eacl
family. At lira one would not think this an ov
EUPnly for doini-stlo txitisumptlon , but , unllK
moat fruits , tha erimbeiTy cannot bu used ex
cept as a miuce.
CHERRIES lown homo grown , J1.60 per M
A I'l'i.KSCalifornia , per M-lb , crate , 11.00
southern , per bbl. . IS.7WI3.00.
A I'RlfOTS None.
llI.ACIvllURRIES OIKK ! slock , 13.50.
lll.AfK RASrilERRIES-Oood stock , J3.
I'tlAl'HBS None.
1'LUMS-Nntlvo red plums , per ZlqL case
KlllS None ,
1'EARS Nonf ,
IJANANAS-Cliolce stock , li.OOUS.W per bunch
LEMONS Funcy lemons , 900 site. } S ; func
lemons , 3W size , l ! cliolct Icuions , 3W slie , JJ.M
ol , N ' "i V i 11 ' f rt S . > ' 1
} C | . I li i ' t ! U' II. ' i ' .I * I ! , j.
I p.r.At'i . ' ' ' " " ' ' t
Mint I M AMut : rf.'i. . Ji-i tl > . K'ulil/ ' " .
IiATE Hnll'iMffii , W to M-ln , bo ts , per Ib. ,
'lIoNKY rnlifornln , iSr ; dnrk honey , IDffUe.
MAPLE SYRri'-Oflllen can * , per doz. , JI2.
NUTS Almond * , IBOlie ; Knitllnh wdlnuts , 10 ®
Sc : fllbeiu , lie ; Braill nul * . lOc. .
, . , , ,
CIDHIl Pure juice , p r bbl. , JSj half bbl. ,
ill DBA No. I Rr n hMw. i'4c ' : No. 1 cr n
o. 1 veal calf , lb , to 111 Ib * . , < ( No. 2
calf , llw. 10 15 Ib * . , 4c : Nn. 1 dry flint hides ,
l No. 2 dry Hint hldf . Jc ; No. 1 dry united
aRcd hldM , 3e ; No. 2 Rreen mlted hide * , tc ;
\ \ < \ " , 4 j port cured hides , je per Ib. lens limn
"sHEEP PBI.TS-Orwn wiled , rnch , S8 0c :
rten iwlled nhenrllnm ruhorl-woolnJ y ihln * ) ,
flch , 6 15ci dry shearlings ( Miort-wooled early
kln ) , No. 1 , each , MIlOc ; dry MiwirllnM ( sbort-
vooleil ently nkliu. ) . No. 2 , eticl ) , Be ; ilry flint.
Canwn and Nebrnskft bulther wool pelts , per
I. . flctunl weight. 5 9c ; dry flint , Kansas and
Nebraska murrnln wool pelt" , per Ib. , actua
weight , 4flCc ; dry flint , Colorado butcher wool
per II , . . actuiil weUIH , 4 Ic : dry flint.
d3 murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight ,
irlme , 15ftl8c ; rough tallow. 2c.
Yrstcntny's Quotation * mi Hour , Oruln nnil
I'rotlnlon * , Mctiilf. Illr.
NEW YORK. July 13.-ri.Ol'R-Recelnl . Ifl.MI
bbls. ; export * . ir.f < M bbls. ; fale * . 10,010 pkK ;
nnrkr-t Mat nnd weak ! buyers Indifferent ; winter
( mights have fnlr export Inquiry ; southern Hour ,
lull ; rye Iliur , dull and easy ; sales , 200 bbls. .
luckuhent Hour , nominal.
CORN MEAt Steady ; sales 1-Vl bbls. ; yellow
vestrrn , 2.Ki 2.Wj llrnndvwliu * , J2.SO.
RYE Nfimlnnl : Etnli1 , f,5c.
IIAIII.KY Nnmlnnl. , - . .
I1ARI.EY MALT Slomlv ; western , CSSSOc ;
Canada , HOflO.V ; six-rowed , 82fS5.\
WHEAT-Rcrelpts. 41.3'rt ' bu. ; "norls. 4S.400
Ml. ; pales , 2,110.000 bu. futures nnd 0 < i,000 bu.
spot. Spot market easy ; No. 2 red , In storp nnd
oevntnr , M'jc : f. o. > > C0e ; No. 1 northern ,
M'ic. delivered ; No. 1 hard , T0' ' < , r. Options opili'd
Irmer on dry weather , but soon reacted on for
eign selling and easier rabies ; afterward rallied ,
iut lost all the ndvanco on reports of rain , nn < l
cl > .e.l weak nt Vc decline ; rumors were cur
rent of a bit. export movement west ; August ,
flXfiiWic. vl-wlnir nt G3'ie ; September' . Wt
II 11-Kc. cloning nt ClUc ; December. C4hfiG.i * c ,
( "OIIN Rcrf-lptH , IDS.fOO bu. : cxportR , S5,000 bu. ;
union , Gl" < " > ) I' " , futures nnd 7.VWO bu. spit.
Spot mark.-t quint ; No. 2 , 4714c. elevator ; 4Sc
nlloat. Option market opened higher on dry
weather , but afterward rpnclfd on rains nnil
nrg.-r ri-pi-lpti < , nnd closeil V.c ' 'own ' ; July. 4iUW
ISc olnslnir nL < 7 < 4o ; Auitunt , 4S4ff48'lc ! , clo.-ln *
it 47o ; Kcplember , 47',4W47 ' 15-lCc , closing nt
- . 2I.OO bu. ; exports , 100 bu. :
sal'-s. 4.-I.OOO bu. futures nnd I0ni bu. v > t. hp t
nnrket lull ; No. 2 , 5W < I52c ; No. 3. 67c : No. 2
wh to. r,2e ; No. 3 white. We ; track , wlilte west
ern. C2WWC ; track , white state , KffMe. Opt Inn
narkct llrmer i-nrly , but soon weakened wltli
other markets , except tale Uc lilglicr , July
'c lower ; July cl.wcd at 41c : August , 34'4 73c.
oloBlng at 3IHc ; .September , 32Jf33c , closing at
" 1c
HAY-Steadlcr on light receipts.
HOI'S Slow : state , comnun to choice , il
I'.acine cnast , lOJIllc.
' < '
LEATHEil'-Sll' v : l'licnilock sole , Buenos Ayrcs.
light to heavy weight ? , lUrlPe. _ , , ,
„ „
WOOL-CJulct ; domestic llcccc , 19ffl25c ; pulled ,
) nf7o < > rt
I'fioVlBIONK-Tlecf , dull ; fnmlly , J5i extra
mess , J9.OoVlS.50 : beet liann. J21 ; city extra India
mess motfi IS.OO. Tut meats , easy ; pickled bel
les. 7i ! Sc ; pickled shoulders. C'c ; pickled hams.
[ 12 Lnrd , lower ; western Btnnm closed nt J7.27H.
Sales , 600 tlcices nt J7.27V4iff7.30 : July. 7.M nskot :
September , J7.30 tulced ; redncd , quiet. Pork ,
"llUTTER-Dull : western dnlrj' . 10V5 T14c : west
ern creamery. l4Si1Sc ; western factory. 9'.jfHci ' ,
Blglns. Wo : state dairy , 12017V4c ; state cream-
' '
C'cilEE ! - - ' : state , Inrce. 7'.fiT7'ic ' : email ,
fancy. 7',4t'9o ' ; part skims , -2'ifl3'.ic ; full skims ,
-T ull : Plate and Pennsylvania , 12'JW '
13c ; western fresb , llG12c ; soutbein , cas s , Jl if
2"TALLOW-Steady : city ( J2 per nice. ) , 4Hc ;
country ( pkcs. free ) . 4'4c. as to quality.
I'ETROLEl'M-Diill : United closed nt J4 bill. _
ROSIN tjulet ; strained , common to good , Jl.Sj
WTIRPENTINE-Qulcl ? : 3)jj > 30'/ic.
RICE Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , 4'iQ ( >
6lie ; Japan. 4W4ic.
jtbjjAWES Steady : New Orleans , open ket
tle , good to choice , 2 { t3'Jc. '
I'Kl IRON-Steady ; lake , J ! ) .
LEAD-Stcndy ; domestic. J3.11.
TIN Firmer for rpot and July : straits , J12.30
bid : plates , quiet.
SPELTER Steady ; Bales on 'change. 10 tons
AUKtint tin nt J19.20.
COTTON SEED OIL Inactive , nominal.
Wool Murker.
BOSTON. Masi. . July ' 13. The Amerlcnn yool
nnd Cotton Reporter says of the wool market :
The undertone of the market Is rather strong.
The effect of the Interruption of trnnsportatlon
by the minimum disturbance In Illinois nnd
elsewhere lias been to give considerable firmness
to prices of domestic wools ; though receipts
have been less , the quantity of wool In tills
market before the strike precluded nny material
advance from that cause. Only In the event of
the railroad troubles ! being protracted was there
likely to bo nny upward movement in maiket
Values. On Die other hand , there was little
likelihood of nny reduction , ns prices have about
reached bottom. The fpurt of activity last week
was of a speculative character ; It was largely
duo to the tendency which we have to discount
the possible results of nn event some time be
fore It occurs , or at any rate before U Is com-
iileled. aa there has been n good deal less wool
sold since Ihe 6th of July than nny week prc-
cedlnif that date ; It may be Inferred that the
market Is quieter. There has , nevertheless , been
a fnlr amount of business done. There has been
a moderate Inquiry for washed Ohio and Mich
igan line -wools , also for medium nnd coarse
grades nt a certain price. The worsted men
are willing to make large contracts for staple
wool , but dealers. IIH < i. rule , nro unable to ac
cept the offers made. QuUe n quanllly of Texas
lias nrrlvcd nnd been sold In considerable blocks.
It has come to n few holders , nnd the bulk of
receipts have been pledged. Twelve months'
Texas Is worth from Ho to 13c ; we hear of
some holding for He. Combing wools nre In
most active demand. Sales would probably be
larger If more lots were opened up. Consider
able sales of territory wools have been made on
the basis of 30c ( clean ) for line nnd fine mjdlum
clothing , and for staple selections of lines of
wool of u specially good staple , a little higher
30fi32c : medium ( clean ) Is worth 2Sf29c. The
Bales for Ihe week In Boslon amount to 1,710,10)
Ibs. domesllc nnd 105,000 Ibs. foreign , making a
total of 1,881,100 Ibs. The sales since January
1 , 1894. amount to 61.788,400 IbH. The sales for
tlio week In New York aggregate 609,000 IbB.
The sales for the week In Philadelphia aggre
gate 1,311,900 Ibs.
St. I.iiulH < ifiicril Market.
ST. LOUIS , July 13. FLOUR Unchanged.
WHEAT Opened higher , but relapsed because
of n weak cash market , closing UKc off ; No.
2 red , cash and July. 63c ; August , CL'a ; Scptem
ber. 61W651c ; December , CGc.
CORN Higher early on drought reports , but
lost the gain on general news ; No. 1 mixed ,
cash , 41Vic ; July , 40Vfccj AugUbt and Septcin
ber , 3D4c.
OATS Easier ; No. 2 , cash , 3l',4o ; July , SOc ;
August , 2C4c ; September , SS ic.
RYE No trading.
I1ARLEY No tindlng.
IIRAN Lower ; COc , east track.
KLAX HEED $1.15 for new.
HAY Hauler ; prims to choice timothy , J12.00
CJ13.00 ; fancy old , $12 ; new , Jll.GOffl2.00.
HUTTER Unchanged.
EOOS Lower nt 7c.
TIMOTHY SEED-Hlgher ; J4.C5 for July.
LEAD firm ; J3.I5.
SPELTER Dull : J3.20.
CORN MEAI. J2.10eS.15.
1'ROVISIONS Weak , tendlnu downward. Pork ,
standnnl mess. Jobbing. J13.JS. Ijtrd. prime
sleain , JO.C214 ; choice , J6.70. Dry rait meals ,
loose shoulders , 10 ; longs nnd ribs. JG.STld-
Rhorts , J7. Ilncon. packed shoulders , J7 ; longs ,
J7.S7 > 4 : ribs , ) S ; shoitH , J8.12UiUS.2o.
RECEI1TS Klour , 1.000 bbls. ; wheat , 112,000
bu. ; corn , 42.HOO bu. ; oats , ? 8 000 bu.
SHIPMENTS , Flour. 2.000 bbls.J wheat , 1,000
bu. ; corn , 83.000 bu. ; oats. 1,000 bu.
AllniifiipiillHVlirui Miirltet.
MINNEAPOLIS. July 13. The wheat markel
opened about " ,5o higher this morning on un
favorable reports front nbrond nnd bad crop re
ports front the Interior of the northwest. Them
reports started shorts to buying. After the
buying had been patlHllcd the small amount o
wheat that was offered was taken only nt re
duced pi Ices. Cool weather In the northwes
was said to hnvo been Important In reinstall ) ! )
the condition of the crop and prices recedei
alHiut ! io lower , nnd closed finally ' .4c lower than
yesterday for thn enily futures , HO hlKher for
cauli wheat on track , while December sold undo
the close of yesterday at July , DOe ; September
564e ; December , r > 8Uc ; on truck , No , 1 hard
Glllc ; No. 1 northern , iv e ; No. 2 northern , WUc
Receipts wcro only 20.000 bu. ; shipment" , 1.3W
bu. Mills were grinding nt the rate of nbou
65 000 bu. for the 24 hours , so that there wns n
reduction In local supplies equal to alioia 45,000
bu. for tinday. . Thu production of llour wns
estimated at about 35.000 bbls. ; shipments , 6SW
bbls. 1'rlci's were steady nt J3.3503.00 for pat
ents ; J2.05i2.Dj for bakers.
Cnffctt .Mlirlict.
NEW YORK , July 13. COFFEE Options
opened steady , unchanged , to 6 points down
ruled Hrm but quiet ; close , Hrm , unchanged , to
15 points up : miles. 6.250 bags. Includlnir. Au
gusl. tll.9UUH.95 ; September. J14.90 ; December
J13.15C13.20. Spol coffffce , Rio. steady : No. 7
116.60 ; mild , quiet : Cordova. J19.WOia.60 : ware
bouse deliveries yesterday from New York , 4,100
b.igs ; New York stock , S2.0S5 bass ; United States
stock , 127,627 bugs ; ulloat for United Slates
204,500 ; vlrlbio for United States
332.157 bags , ngalimt 418,699 bags last year.
SANTOS. July 13. Quiet ; good average , J17.10
receipts. 5.000 bags ; Block. 5bOO bags.
IIAMIU'RO , July 13.-lull ; U pfg. higher t
U Pfg. lower ; s.lles , 10,000 bags.
HAVRE. July 13.-Close , quiet ; July. Uf lower
others , H' net lower ; total vales , 8,000 bates
stock , 344,000 Imgs.
RIO JANEIRO. July 13. Firm : No. 7 , Rio
J15 ; exchange , 9 > id ; receipts. 10.000 bug * : clear.ii
for United States. 1.000 bagu ; Block. 117,000 bags
Chicago 1'ruH 4Juot tlon * .
CHICAGO , July 13. Porter Bros , company
New York , sold six cars of California fruit u
auction today that were held by the strikers In
Chicago for eleven days ; part of the fruit ver
Kixxl order , other part worthless : Tragedy prunen
J2.10O3-50 : Hlinnnl prunes , Jl.0583.25. Abundanc
pluuu , II.W& 3.35 ; C'lymani , 7gj JUlmoca
t I ( ' . ! 'l K j I II -
i „ , . , , ,1 , ! ' . ! I .11 ! i I. . >
i i > i. i . - I -i At x „ ! \ ' i i " * ,
' nil urn. I- > ' . l' < ' I : nil An > til. > ! '
. < / $ ! ( ' . C-cnt'-nn ills. ( XHit , < . It'pill III nns , Jl 3 >
U roilKnud pars , J2.i:0. : AppltM. Will b"X-9 ,
Porter lro . compnny. Boston , mid two tnrs
f California fnill today nt auction : Traced-
runes. Peach plums , Jl.ftMM.M ;
loyal HiU"08 ! ! * Halo's peaches , (1.0)2.0 ( } .
\prlcots ,
lilvi'rp > il Miir (
UVnttl'OOt. . Inlt
. July 13.-WIIKAT-Qulet.
tMdy ; demand poor ; holders on > r mwlwatHyj
Va. 1 Cnllfornln , < lldflts ; ml wwlrrn > prlng ,
5 II tiff fa ; r l wpatcrn winter , 4s 7ilV4 8Hd.
COHN Finn ; demand moderate ; new mixed ,
'RAIU.nV-rallfornla IrewlnR. Ms MJfJS * M.
KI.OUR PprlriR patents. 28 IM.
PROVISIONS llcof. cxtm Imlln me" . 'if-
'ork , prime mess , 6S Od. llnenn , bns and short
lenr , 55 II * . , # * ; lone clear , 45 tbs. , < 0 . Lard ,
western , Sfls.
Receipts of wlienl for three day * were MS.OOO
entail. Including 160,000 cental * American ; ro-
elpts of Am rlcnn corn for tlie past three days
vero 77,000 centals.
IVIIIKIM City .Mnrlcot" .
KANSAS CITY , July 13.-WIIEAT-NO. 2 hard ,
H4c : No. 2 red , 4S 4c ; No. 3 led , 46C47c ; re-
COIIN Unchanged ; No. 2 mixed , 36ffi3G(5c ( ; No.
while , 39'ir40c.
OATS-2o lower ; No. 2 mixed , 32o ; Ni ) . 2 white ,
'liUTTER-FIrm ; cteamery , 14ffl5c ; dairy , 12
O1 Ic.
Efinf UnchnnKPd ; C06c.
RECEIITS Wheat , 24,000 bu. ; corn , none ;
.its , none.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , G.OOO bu. ; corn , none ;
rats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _
S n cur Miirlirt. .
NEW YOIHf. July 13.-SUOAR-Raw , nrm ;
' refining. 2 11-lCc bid ; cenlrlftiRal. 96 test ,
bid ; refined , nrm : No. 6 3 13-16JT1c ; No. 1 ,
13-lCe . _ ; No. . . . 8 , . Slltf-l . _ 13-lo . ( ! : No. 0 , 3 9-lfff
in n .on. ' v * .1 ItLif t fl.Krt. f.t
nnieii , 4 o-ici/iHic ; cut > es. i ; i-iujii4c.
LONDON , July 13. HUflAR Cane , steady nnd
dull ; centrlfUKnf , Java , 13s Id ; Muscovado , fair
Tiilrdo ( iriiln .
TOI.KDO. July 1J. WIIEAT-Acllve : No. 2 ,
an'.i anil July , DJHo ; August. B5ic ; Seplcrn-
cbUN " Dull ; No. 2 , cnnh , 43c ; No. 2 yellow.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 45c ; No. 2 white ,
IlYtf Dull : canh. Me bid.
CI.OVKK SB13D Steady ; prime cash , < 4 93.
linCCIPTS Wheat , 9,000 bu. ; corn , WO bu.J
oats. 6no bu.
( . niton .Murlirt.
NHW OIIMJANS , July 13. COTTON-Oulet ;
sales. 1,400 bales ; receipts , 50 bales ; exports.
coastwise , G13 balen ; stock , 4I.S31 linl.'H. Kuturefl
steady : cnlcs , 9,100 bnles ; July , J .79 bid ; Au-
KUst , tC.70iTii.71 ( ; .September , JC.GCfjG.G7 ; October ,
JC.701TC.71 ; November. SC.770C.79 ; December , Jl.SJ
flC.EG ; January. tG.91S6.S2 ; February , J.C.97SC.1)S ) ;
March , ti.OJ0f.OI ; April , 7.03g7.10.
Oil Murlci-ts.
OU , CITY. Pa. , July 13. National Transit eer-
Iflcatcs opened nt 83 % ; lilRhest , M't ; lowent f Ti :
: losed , 83i ; ; ebliments | , G2.7G4 bbls. ; runs , 03,004
PITTSnt'IlO , Pa. , July 13. Natlonnl Transit
ccrtlllcnles opened nt S3"j ; closed at S3Ii ; lilgli-
est , S3T4 ; lowest. t3Tj.
Woiil .Mtirlcnt.
ST. LOUIB , July 13. WOO I- Shows better
feeling , with more doing , at unchanged prices.
' 'rlxcci Wlinit Qiioliitliim.
SAN FUANflsCO , July 13. WHEAT Easier ;
December , fl.OGlfc ; May , J1.11V4.
. Mini-li : ( htiT Textiles.
MANCHESTER , July 13.-CIoth and yarns
quiet and easier.
Slmro Speculation Upciictl Finn and \\nn
Strong ICiirly.
NEW YOUK , July 13. The share specula
tion opened firm and was strong during the
morning and early afternoon. The market
jegan to be unsettled scon after midday ,
ind a small part of the list sagged off , sub
sequently rallying , with a slight reaction
after delivery hour. The final dealings
wore , however , In good tone , and the market
closed strong , prices showing a very general
advance from V4 to 2 per cent. It was
iretty nearly taken for granted at the open
ing of business that the collapse of the
strike was near at hand , and when the an
nouncement reached the street that Presi
dent Debs had officially declared the strike
off the news merely served to hurry the
shorts to cover more quickly. The usual dis
counting process had been done by the
street , but the buying became more confi
dent , and holders of stock were less anxious
to part with their securities except at ad
vances , and in this way the actual ending
of the strike helped prices to reach a higher
Sugar advanced 176 per cent to 99V& . In
the later dealing the stock moved back to
98 % , closing at a recovery of % per cent and
1T4 per cent higher on the day.
In the afternoon Washington advices were
received stating that the conferees of the
house on the tariff bill favored decreasing
the spirits tax from $1.10 to } 1 and the
bonded period. The Whisky people have
been basing their calculations on the senate
bill going through , so far as regards the
spirit tax. There was a rush to sell qn. the
unfavorable news , and a decline of 2 % per
cent from the high figure of the morning
was quickly effected , with a final recovery
of % per cent , making the losa from yes
terday's closing 1 % per cent. The bond
market was fairly active and generally
The Evening Post says : A quiet buying
movement , neither largo in volume nor sen
satlonal In methods , carried prices steadily
up today. It was chiefly made up , no doubt ,
from disappointed speculators for the de
The Post's London cable says : The stock
markets arc Improving , particularly for
Americans , which closed at the best. South
American stocks were also better. No Im
provement or general sharp rise Is antici
pated , but Americans have , It Is thought
hero , probably seen their worst prices , and a
steady advance In them will nUect all the
markets. Silver was extremely weak today.
India cannot buy. China only buys , and
very little.
The following wcro the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
Atchlson BW Northern Pacific ,
Adams Express. . . 147 No. Pae. pfd 14
AltonT. U 31 ! U. P. D. .t 0 ! ii t
do pfd 108 Northwestern. . . . _ 1454
Am. Express 100 do pfd HO
ttnltlinoro&Ohlo. 78 N. Y. Central . 07
CanadaI'aclllo . . . ( U N. Y. AN. Enc. . , . S
Canada Southern. 411 Ontario .t W . 14J1
Central Pacltlc. . . 11W Oregon Imp . 11
Chcn.&Ohlo 17 Oregon Nav . 12
Chicago Alton. . . . ISO O , S. L. Si U. N. . . . 4
C. , U. .VQ 70 Pacific Mull . 14
Chlensro Gas 70W p. D. .t E . : t
Con olldatcd 1'JO Plttshurs . 160
C.C. C. . .t St. L . . . S6 Pullman Palace . . lfil >
Colo. Ji Iron OH Reading . 17
Cotton Oil Cort. . . 27 Richmond Turin. . lli-f
Dol. Hudson ] ' . ' do pM . 10
Dol. Lnck. .V W. . . IfiOM U. O. W . MM
D. Alt. O. pfd " .DM 11 , G. W. pfd . 42
D.&O. F. Co aa Rock , Island . 07
East Tumi 0 St. Paul . - CflJi
Erlo . . . . . . . . . . . . . * SI. 1'aul pfd . 110
donfd 27 St. P. fi Oinnn.i. . . H&
PortWayiio 160 do pfd . 11:1 :
G. Northern pfd. . 100 Southern Pao . 17 ? (
O. JkK. I. pfd 1IOM Sugar llellnory. . . 08J <
Rockln ? Valley. . IS Teun. Coal , v Iron 1M {
III , Central RI > K Texas Pacltlo. . . . 81
St. P. .tDuliith. . . . S2K T. .to. Cunt. pfd. . fd )
K.A T.pfd 20 Union I'aclllo . 10 ! {
LakoErlu& W. . . Ifi i U. S. Express . CO
do pfd OBfc W.St. L..VP . 6
Lake Shore 120 } { do pfd . 14 W
Uwl TniHt . ' 18 Wells Fargo Ex. . 108
LoulHvlllo.t N. . . . 44U Western Union. . . R4 ! {
LoulHVlllo&N. A. U W. * L. E . 10
Manhattan Cou. , , US do pfd . 41
MpmlllllH.t O fi M.VSt. L. . . . .
Mlchliraii Cunt. . . . 04 1) . &R.U .
Mo. Pnclllo 211 } O. E . S
Mobilo.t Ohio. . . . 1H N.L . lUJi
NashvllloChnt. . . 70 C. F. .t 1 . 24
National Corduyo. 22 do nfd
do jfd H. &T. o . a
N. J. T. A. A. .tN. M. . . 3
N. &W. pfd 14 T. St. L. AK.O. . , . 1
North Am. Co ' 'U do pfd . 7H
The total rales of stocks today were 138.93 !
shares. Including : Amerlcnn Sugar. 46,100 ; Bur
llngton , 7,800 ; Chlcngo Oas , 21,900 ; Distilling nnd
Catllefcedlng , 13.SOO ; Oeneral Electric. 7.7W
Reading : , 3,100 ; Rock Island , 3,000 ; St. Paul
llontnn Stoclc Oiiututloin.
nOSTON , July 13-Call loans , 1M32 purcentt
time loans , l'H''i3.Lj ' per cent , Uloblni ; prlcoii lor
fitocks , bonds and nilulii ; nli.'inu :
A'.T.A S.F . 3 W. End pfd . 77
Am. suear . 08H Win. Central . _ 4i
Am , Hucarnfd . tiiM : Atchluoii 2da .
liar State Gas . 7 > i AtchlHOn 4s .
IloUTolephouo. . . . 101 ( ion. Electric Os. . .
llonlou .V Albany. . 20S Win. Cent. IHIS. . . . 84
Hoston iMalnu. . . . 14(3 ( AllouezMlntiuCo. 23
O. . II. Jtli . 74H Atlantic. . 4
Fllchburc . 10 llOBtou , V Montam 22 ! .
Gen. Electric. . . . . . 37&a & Ilulto& lloaton. . . . h )
Mexican Central. . 7 Calumet .V Hccla. . 27U
Old Colony . 180 Centennial . . . . 7"
Oreiron Short Llt.o 6 Fraukllu . H
Rubber. . SU
San Uleeo . U Oaceol.1
Union 1'aclQo . inli Qulncy . . . .
Weal Eiul . 47 Tamarnck . 1S4
Nmv York Money Market.
Easy at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; clo id
at 1 per cent.
PlUMi : MERCANTILE PAl'ER 386 per cunt
STURUtfO UXClIANaU-Dull SJid stelr
' w.h . n I .1 1 0 > i in 1 .i > lll nt $1 'J' '
f i il n id . , n < l Jl ptnl J rates ,
H 4 'i4 v i mn i H '
811. f Cl -
| Stale bonds
ul I.
Cl ilne quotations were followi !
1 nrssroir. " HOrP. & . R. O. 7s Il2 ? (
J.8. Oscoup. . . . ' I ) , .t H. O. 49 illi
Brie ! ! mls 7lM
S3 , 4icotip. . ! . . . O , ! ' . .V9. A.08. . . IQO
do 7s 01
aclOeflsof'oj. . . 1(1 In II. , tT. C. C9 lul
Ala. Class A 0(1 ( 1(13. (
Ma. CHss II Kill M. K. AT. 1st I * . . 784
\Ia. Claw c lr2' ' do 2d4s 414
Mutual Unlontli. . 110
, t. Ni'WCott. 41. . P5 N. J. Coill. Oon. Bs
" ' ' No. Pao. Ists. . . . . .
f.c.os ! . ! . ! NC Pnc. 'Jndi
do4s IW N. W. COUHOlH . . . . 141
i. U. nonfuud , do S. K. Deb. Bs. 111
'enii. new set 0.1. U , O. W. iRts '
' 01111. now set 3s , St. P Consols 7s. , 12 §
[ Vmi.old HH St. P. C. fil' , '
Va. Centurion 70'
ilodeforrcd ( I f ! * . I * .vs.F.Oen.Us l > 'J
AlchlHou4s 74i ! Ti-x. Pnc. 181s. . . .
Mchlson 2s A. . . . - ' > ilo''s
Canada So. 2wls. . II. P. lHf of 1W. . 10.IH
Ccn. Pac. IBIB ' 03. Kink \VcRlShoro-ls. .
CI.I.MI.NO imu.ii : TOTALS.
of llii < lni' Trnii'iictpil by tlio
AMtirltt : < Ml Itiuiltn During tli UVrk.
NEW YOHK , July 13-Tbo following table ,
complied by llrndstrcet's , shows the totnl
clearances nt the principal cities and the
lerccntugo of Increase or decrease ns coni-
inred with tlio corresponding week last
rear :
CITIES. Clearings. Inc. ] Dee.
New York $151,701,132 19.0
Chicago 74,26.1,926 l.C
'loMon . . f6.P93.15C 2.7
'hllndolphla C8,7iO.i70 ! ! 40.5
St. Ixnils . . . 23.SSS.IGS 12. S
inn Francisco 8,573,845 27.1
lalll more 16,252,938
tUburK . . . . 16,163,751 18.0
Cincinnati 14,693,100 26.1
vanni : ! < City 9GI5MS ) 7.0
New Oilcnns 7,621.629 17.9
Uirfnlo i 4.411.U' " 48.7
Milwaukee ( .Cli.liiJ.I 2J.O
Detroit c.nsi.w" 5.4
' '
Minneapolis B'.tw'.MI 1.5
KMA1IA 4,"3 17.1
I'rovldenca 4SOO.(10) 28.1
Cleveland 5,3S.2M ! 9.9
Houston 3CWf0 10.9
Kt. Paul 3,3i5,003 - '
> enver : . , - . : , . -28.4
Indlnuapolls Mil.1.210
'olumbua , O 3WI.70I :
lartford ZS2IU1 2.6
tlehmnml 3.1S1.372 11.9
WnphltiKton 2.C37.M3 10.0
Duluth 2,13:1.011 :
l.C.10.270 4.2
St. Joseph l , 33.0rS 1.1
'Yorln 2,480,12- ! 69.4
Memphis 1,111. CM 41.1
'ortlnnd , Ore I.OII.IO.'i 26.3
ItochoHtpr 1.70I.C2I 2.9
S'ew Hnvcn 1.003 , IS' . 7.7
avnnnah 1.311 7 ! > : > 17.8 '
Springfield , Mass 'ito
Worcester 1,328,710
Porllnnd , Me 1.421.4S6
Atlanta 1,014.407 2.9
' ( irt Worth 1.4GS.6S1 E4.8
Waco 1,132,181 CO.6
Syracuse 933,9 : ' " 6.9
lies Molncs 1,052,209 21.4 " '
Ornnd Rapids 841.367 7.9
Seattle 477,701 32.3
Lowell 641,195 1.1.5
Wilmington , Del 79S.693 11.6
Norfolk 983.110 3.S
Sioux City 616.611 6.1
.03 Angeles 690,871 69.4
Tacom.i 376.612 30.S
.ilnaw , Mich 361.010 13.6
Spokane 159,615
Jacksonvlllu 4M.
Lincoln [ 421.W3 13.7
New Bedford 379,102 27.3
Wlchitn 20,0,221 47.0
[ Itrmlngham SI.1.79S 9.0
Topeka 327,080 2.1
Lexington , Ky. 470,4:0
Jlughanipton 397,100 16.3
Einporla , Kan 61,000 13.5
-Ray City. Mich . ' . . . . 311C32 4.6
rail River I/.1. ' . . 2.4
Akron , O 10.1
Springncld , O. . . . . Ul.l.t 149,375 23.1
Canton , O J. . . . ' . ' . . 135.870 4.S
Sioux Falls 127,201 9.2
Fremont , Neb { > < 03,423 SC.
Hatting * , Neb ' . < ' . . . . . SS.1C7 25.C
Chattanooga ' > 200,017 25.3
Kargo DS.CC1
'Nashville , , 010.2J7 4.S
Galvostun , ' . . . ; . t ' ' 13.1
Salt Lake C. ( il2',4-,7
"cranton . : : . . 660,676
Helena i 51,713 l.G
Kalamazoo , . . . . . . " , 243,672
Totals United States. . , JS53.o43,777 11.7
Exclusive of Nuw York. . . 430,810,113
Montreal J 10,797.436 C.9
Toronto 6,513,262 6.7
Halifax . . . . 1,649,731 9.7
Hamilton . ' . . . > . 663,245 15.0
Winnipeg J. . . . . . . SG9.G92
Totals J 19.653.C74
Not Included In t9fnle.
San FriincUcu .Ulnln ? Ouotiitloin.
SAN FHANCISCO , July 13. The official closlnqr
quotations for mlnttij aiooK3 tui y wjrj ai f'jl ' -
lows :
Alia 22 Gould & Curry. . . . 48
llolcher 70 Halo&Noreross. . . 69
Uest.t lieloher. . . . . 100 Mexican 80
liodlo Con 11.1 Ophlr 105
Ilulwcr 22 Potosl 47
Chollar 20 Savage ! )2 )
Con. Cal. , t Va 2115 Union Con 35
Crown Point 04 Yellow Jacket. . . . 40
EurcKiiCon 25
London Stock .lliir.'cot.
LONDON. July 13. 4 p. in. closing :
Consolsmoney. . . . Mexican ordinary. 16W
ConsolH. ncc'nt. . . . St. Paul com . OlHi
Canadian Paclllc. . OCXS N. Y. Central . 00
Krio Pennsylvania . SO
Erlo-Jds SO8H
Ills. Central 02 Mex. Con. now 4s.
BAR SILVER 2SWd per oz.
MONEY Vifi'lt per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for
both short nnd three months' bills Is % per
Now York Mining Quotation * .
NEW YORK , July 13. The followlnj ara the
closing nunm ? quotations :
Con. Gal. & Va. . . . 285 Sierra Nevada 60
Deadwood 60 Standard ICO
Gould & Curry ! IO Union Con 30
llnle.t Norcross. . 40 Yellow Jacket. . . . 36
IIomeHtnko 12fiO Iron Silver 10
Mexican 40 Quicksilver 22D
Ontario 750 do preferred 1300
Ophlr ICO Dulwcr . ' . 20
Plymouth 10
I'lniincliil .Noten.
BOSTON , July 13. Clearings , J13,222,493 ; bal
ances , J1.502.3S6.
BALTIMORE. July 13. Clearings , J2.319.0I7 ;
balances , J303.167.
NEW YORK. July 13. Clearings , t'4,955,521 ;
balances , J5.CS1.978.
PARIS , July 13. Three per cent rentes , lOOf
82&c for the account.
PHILADELPHIA , July 13. Clearings , J10.90I ,
545 ; balances , J1.467.2S8.
LONDON , July 13. The price of gold at
Buenos Ayrcs today Is 2C3.
MEMPHIS , July 13. New York exchange sell
Ing at 51. Clearings , J176.402 ; balances , JS5.196.
SAN FRANCISCO , July 13. Drnfls , sight. lOc ;
telegraphic , 15c , Silver bars , C2S62V c. Mexican
dollars , 61G51 < c.
NEW ORLEANS , July 13. Clearings , J976.C75.
New York exchange , commercial , Jl premium !
bunk , J1.60 premium.
ST. LOUIS , July 13. Clearings , J2.999.024 ; bal
ances J376.7S3. Money , quiet ; 6lf7 per cent.
Exchange on New York , 75o discount bid.
A Cure /or Chronic Diarrhoea.
I had been troubled with chronic diar
rhoea for over a year when I received n
small botle ot Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy , which I used nnd It
gave mo great relief. I then procured a
50-cent bottle and took about two-thirds of
It , and was cured. I have taken some twlco
since when I had a loosncss coma on and It
stopped It at once. . I hope It will help
others as It helped me ' I feel very thankful
to Mr. Stearns , tho' druggist , for telling mo
of tlris remedy and nhall bo glad to have
this letter published. S. C. Weeks , Melrose ,
Mass. For sale by druggists.
Colorado IIuntliiB Trip for the Pntitlilent
unit Others UcliiR Arranged.
DENVER , July 13. General A. L. New ,
collector of Internal reyonuo for this district ,
Is arranging for a hunting trip In Colorado
for President Clovclarid , Attorney Genera
Olney , Secretary of War Lament , Senator
Gorman , Collector of Internal Revenue Miller
Chairman Harrltyand other distinguished
men. ' '
General Now says President Cleveland Is
anxious to kill a bear.
The locality that'will bo selected for the
bunt will probably bo the mountains arounc
Olonwood Springs , General Now will go to
Washington next week , and hopes to complete -
pleto all arrangements for the hunting trip
it that time.
ir/JM.v our o.v JI.HL.
Judge llarrctt Crunts tin Order I.ottlnp ;
Him Out for 830,000.
NEW YORK , July 13. Judge Darrott has
granted an order admitting Erastus Wlman
to (30,000 ball. The bond was signed Ly
Charles D. Jlousa , a dry goods merchant ,
tud Mr. Wlman was relea ed.
DoWltt's Little Early UUers. Small pills ,
safe pills , beat pills.
Receipts Oontinuo Fully Up to the Re
quirements of the Trade ,
tiimly Mfrlitft luCootl Demand anil Stronger
Other * Moro or I.os * Nrelrcteit
1I ( > CS SunVr from Umi-ttlcd
Shipping 1'oinlltliitn.
FtUDAY , July 13.
Receipts of both cattle nnd hogs were more
: lian double the receipts of yesterday , there
being l.SOO cattle , 10,200 hogs and 221 sheep ,
as against 391 cattle nnd 5,819 hogs Thurs
day , l-'or the week up to date 15,100 cattle.
43,000 hogs and 1,024 sheep have been re
ceived , as against 9,716 cattle , 1-1,851 hogs
and 873 sheep for the corresponding days of
last week.
OATTLK Over one-half , of the l.SOO cattle
reported received today wcro Tcxans billed
direct to packers , so that the offerings of
fresh cattle wcro comparatively light. There
were , however , a great plenty to supply the
demand In the present condition of the
trade. Local packers wcro the principal
buyers , nnd as they wanted the handy , light
cattle , the market on such was n little
stronger than yesterday. The situation In
the cast not being such as to encourage the
shippers , there was n very limited demand
for the heavy cattle , nnd the market on
that class of stock was slow and weak. The
market us a whole did not glvo evidence of
much life , nnd the pens were hardly cleared.
The market on butchers' stock did not
show much change , but was rather dull at
about yesterday's prices. Undesirable stock
was If anything a little weaker.
In the stacker and feeder market the de
mand was also limited nnd trading rstther
slow. There were , however , qulto n num
ber of loads sold before the close. Kcpru-
sentatlvo sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. . . . SSO J2 75 1..1140 51 00 38..1363 Jl r >
1. . . . tOJ 350 40..K'97 40) 4C..1J7G 433
11..1IM 3 M 1S..11SI 4 20 04..13.12 4 S5
21..1001 3 7.1 2..1313 4 S3 G3..133S 4 33
22. . . . 871 373 IS..1151 425 3S..120I 445
39..1431 3 95
2..1010 1 2.1 17..1021 1 M 1. . . . 740 2 12'4
3. . , . 8(5 125 3. . . .10M ) 175 63..Ml 2 12' , : ,
3. . . . S.VJ 125 6. . . . 88.1 173 2..11SO 220
6. . . . 7SS 125 9..1141 1 f.0 :0..1000 225
1..12CI ) 110 2. . . . ! M5 190 20. . . . 92S 2 4i !
14. . . . ! , S7 ICO 1. . . . "SO 200 1..12GO 2 CO
8. . . . 730 ICO 2. . . . 970 200 1..1270 300
C. . . . ! > SG 1 40 11. . . . 4Sii 1 75 2. . . . M5 I 75
12. . . . Ki 1 55 6. . . . 535 1 75 1C. . . . G&9 1 85
11. . . . C20 1 70
14. . . . 8S7 1 GO 1. . . . "SO 200 6. . . . 192 300
1. . . . 200 1 73 3. . . . 2W 2 10 1. . . . 1"0 3 00
1. , . . 120 1 75 3. . . . GG 2 10 2. . . . 220 3 21
1. . . . 2:0 2 00 4. . . . 193 2 75 1. . . . 210 3 50
1. . . . 220 200 1. . . . 1GO 300 7. . . . 211 3 GO
2..10CO 175 1..1070 200 1..1500 250
1..1170 190 1. . . . 710 200 1..1550 300
1..1310 1 90
1. . . . 750 2 25
sTocicnrts AND FEEDERS.
2. . . . 475 200 10. . . . D5B 240 12..f,9C SCO
2. . . . 7SO 200 2. . . . 015 210 31. . . . 930 270
3. . . . 776 200 2. . . . GSO 250 2J..900 2 S3
7. . . . 470 220 3. . . . 750 260 18..S33 290
IS. . . . 62C 225 31 Ml 260 13. . . . 920 293
5..1018 2 SO 28. . . . 725 265 20..917 300
\'o. Av. Pr. No. Av. IV.
1 staff 1120 } 1 C5 1 staff 12.10 SI fi.1
1 bull 1310 1 C3 1 bull 1170 161
14 cows 721 1 C5 36 sti'cra 733 190
26 CO\VH 95S 233 2 cuu'8 1055 235
3 feeders..1120 260 22 feeders..1013 310
2 feeders. . . Sl > 5 3 10
HOGS The market opened rather slow ,
with the shippers the only buyers. Boston
picked up a number of good loads early ,
paying as high as $4.90 for one lot. Later ,
when the buyers all got down to business ,
the market was fairly active , and the otter-
Ings were mostly all taken reasonably early.
While the buyers did not succeed In getting
all that they put on yesterday off today ,
the market could safely be called ICc to 20c
lower. On Wednesday the bulk of the hogs
brought $4.75 to $4.SO , while the popular
price today was $1.80. The unsettled con
dition of affairs at Chicago and other mar
ket points has made this market very un
even of late , and the fluctuations In prices
have been wide from day to day. Hepresen-
tntivo sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
78 189 2SO J4 70 71 2.17 SO J4 SO
75 .209 1GO 4 75 61 241 SO 4 SO
82 233 200 4 76 Cl 2CO 80 4 SO
73 221 210 4 75 71 210 ICO 4 80
56 20 $ ICO 4 75 CO 26l ! SO 4 SO
9 29.1 . . . 475 78 253 10 4 kO
& 2GI . . . 4 73 69 231 80 1 SO
59 231 120 4 75 62 241 . . . 4 80
95 178 1GO 4 75 107 1 2 250 4 SO
. . . . . . . . 40 4 75 71 213 SO 4 SO
6 250 . . . 4 75 61 240 ICO 4 80
4 357 . . . 4 75 69 211 ! . . . 4 80
4 202 80 475 E2 2J5 SO 4 M )
3 313 . . . 4 75 8 300 . . . 4 SO
3 293 . . . 4 75 74 231 . . . 4 > 0
2 2C5 . . . 4 75 63 2CI . . . 4 80
2 2.15 . . . 4 75 6.1 270 120 4 SO
2 25 < ) . . . 4 75 CS 2CO 40 4 8)
2 230 . . . 473 77 2S2 200 4 SO
1 2SO . . . 4 75 "C 209 320 4 SO
1 300 . . . 475 72 241 40 4 SO
C3 258 ZOO 475 65 250 230 480
S9 201 200 475 Go 238 . . . 480
6 280 . . . 4 75 Cl ! 2.11 SO 4 SO
14 207 . . . 475 72 239 . . . 4 SO
68 212 120 4 75 69 202 320 4 SO
69 236 SO 4 75 S3 170 ICO 4 SI
73 23G 240 4 73 69 214 80 4 SO
61 237 160 4 75 71 221 . . . 4 SO
71 223 SO 4 75 73 2iil 120 4 SO
77 217 1GO 4 77',4 GS 251 . . . 4 SO
67 221 SO 477'J 90 ISO 2SO 4 SO
61 229 120 4 77H 119 207 120 4 SO
49 221 . . . 47714 140 242 40 480
60 23G . . . 4 7714 70 197 160 4 SO
62 215 160 477V4 74 203 160 4 SO
SO 190 240 4 771-i 61 221 SO 4 SJ
Gl 22S . . . 4 771 * 76 2.11 40 4 SO
CS 2.13 ICO 47714 70 220 2SO 480
75 , . ,2JO 120 4 77Vj 72 230 1GO 480
73 221 360 47714 78 231 SO 4 SO
82 240 2SO 4 77V4 C2 15 . . . 4 83
82 2')7 ' ) 160 47714 71 22S 280 480
69 267 . . . 4 80 70 270 120 4 EO
63 229 1GO 4 SO 61 2S3 120 4 SO
C5 237 SO 4 SO S3 2:10 : ICO 4 fcO
74 243 120 4 SO Ki 313 ICO 4 80
75 212 120 480 63 303 . . . 4 S2U
67 23S 80 4 KO 66 26G 120 4 S2L.
67 212 200 4 SO 71 218 10 4 f5
66 233 SO 4 SO 74 22f . . . 4 S3
61 231 40 4 SO 74 214 16) 48.1
93 ISO 200 4 SO Cl 24 ! 12) 4 S5
72 2.1.1 80 4 SO C4 261 SO 4 F5
66 296 160 480 C5 277 . . . 485
79 1S5 210 4 SO 60 322 . . . ,4 S3
SO 227 160 4 SO 68 20 . . . 4 85
Cl 217 210 480 G4 195 80 483
69 239 SO 4 K > 60 2S9 . . . 4 85
73 233 SO 4 80 4S 301 . . . 4 S5
69 2M ) SO 480 Cli 231 ICO 4 S5
60 217 ICO 480 65 217 . . . 483
102 197 200 4 SO CO . ' .200 80 4 85
C6 271 . . . 4 80 CO SIC SO 4 85
71 264 80 480 76 211 120 485
62 241 SO 4 SO C2 2t 20) 4 85
59 270 240 4 SO 1C5 292 SO 4 8.1
63 223 200 460 107 28'J ' SO 4 S3
C5 247 200 4 SO 119 2U 210 4 83
65 215 80 4 SO C3 290 40 4 fc5
61 227 . . . 4 SO 159 321 80 4 W )
1 470 . . . 4 00 100 1G9 80 4 50
1 420 . . . 400 3 260 . . . 460
SHEEP The receipts of sheep consisted
of two cars of grass westerns of only fair
quality. They sold at what were consld
erc < l good , strong prices. Fair to good na
tives are quotable at $2.75@3.GO ; fair to
good westerns , $2.GOJ3.40 ; common and
stock sheep , $2.00@2.25 ; good to choice 40
to 100-lb. lambs at f2.GO@4.00. Repre
sentative sales :
No. Wt. Pr.
112 Colorado wethers S3 $3 40
112 Colorado wethera 18 3 60
ItuculptK mill DIsptMltlnil of Stock ,
Olllclnl receipts nnd disposition of Btork ns
shown by the books of Iho Union Ktoclc YaidH
company for the twenty-four hours tudlnn at 3
o'clock p. in. , July 13 , IS'JI ;
Car * . Head.
Cattle 72 1,918
HOBS 151 J0.407
Klicop 2 2.
Cattle. HOBS , fihccp
Omaha Packing company. . . . 6 3il
Q. II. Hammond company. . . 9 1H !
Bwlft and company 206 2,235 22
Cudahy Packing company. . . . 317 1,461
John P. Squire & Co J.432
Chlcao P. & P. Co 1,01 !
J. Lobmnn 40 . . . . .
Porker & W. Co 117
Cudahy Hros. . , * >
A. Haa 39
II. Ilecker & DcKcn 114 . . . . .
Nllf Hron I"
Cleveland P. & P. Co . . . 6i . .
Cudtthy from 1C. C. 1S2 w
Swift from 1C. C 147 . . . . ,
O. II. H. from 1C. C W )
Shlppera nnd feeders 231 . . .
Left over 8QQ 1.00 *
Total . 2.801 10,352 22
KuiKim ( 'lty Live StueU Markot.
KANHAH CITY. July ll.-CATTI.H-Recelpti
4,300 head ; uUimcnt , 4,000 Iliad , Market ( low
To sell quick
stock on hand.
$12 Refrigerator for. . $6.00 *
" * '
$16 Refrigerator for. . $7.25
$23 Refrigerator for. . . . $11,20
$5.50 Buby Currlngos fo- $3.25
. '
S10.UO Huby C'litTliitfm for S4.9O
$15.00 Huby Cnrrliigos for . ; . . } p7.25
m ®
$3 Gasoline Stoves for.lt25
$6 Gasoline Stoves for. $2.73
$8 Gasoline Stoves for.$3,75
4-GalIon Store Water Coolers. . SSc
6-Galion Slora Water Cojlers. . $1.10
8-GallOD Store Water Coolers.$1.50
Formerly People's fflanimDih foslallfsisnf Houss
Close evenings at ( > : SO , except Saturday , during July ntul
Send 10 cents in stumps to pay postage on large ' ! ) < ! catalogue.
Uaby Carriage and Refrigerator Catalogues mailed free.
A'o Hotter , ffo fit tain. No
HliST POWKU for Corn nnil Kccil .Mills , Ilnllng
lluy , lluunlns St'pnralors , Creameries , Ac.
Stationary or Portable.
vl , to TO II. I * . 8 to 20 II. 1' .
'Pond for Catalogue , Prices , etc. , describing work to bo done ,
Qmalu , 107 S. 14tU St S3il & , Waluui. Ss. . 1'lIILAl ) ELIMI1A , 1'A.
barely steady : Texas steers , J2.0iff3.60 ; beef
steers , J3.005j4.75 ; native cows , J1.7.10J. 0 ; Et"ek-
era and feeders , J2.6.1i3.75.
HOGS Receipts , 7,500 head ; chlpmentg , 200
head. Maiket weak , lOe lower ; bulk of pales.
Jt.S5S4.90 ; heavies. J4.85Ji5.00 ; packers , J4.S > 5 j >
6.00 : mixed , J4.80W4.93 ; lights , Jl.70ffl.93 ; pigs ,
SHEKP Receipts , 1,200 head : shipments , none.
Market steady.
Situation In Cuttlci U'us Very Wculc , ns In
Other Aliirlcrtx.
CHICAGO , July 13. The situation In caltlo
was very weak. The liberal lecelpts. nn esti
mate of 13,000 , the butchers' Htrlko ami the fact
that the enstein mails arc not yet hi .1 po ltlon
to move the usual u mount of Block nil cumblned
to cut down the demand and depress the mar
ket , llutchera' stuff gold to better advantnKe
than did oilier description but thenW.IH
nothing for which buyers were willing to pay
Thursday's prleea. The decline varied from 100
to 20c. It was innslly taken by eaxtern hhlpp Tit
and cxporteiB. Scaicely half of the supply wan
bought and the closing prices were thu lowest
of the day. This off.'rliiKS had to be vciy ROOI !
to brlnu as much as Jl.2.1 , and althnuuh then ;
were fuiv pales around JI.CO , thu creater part
of the day'H work was done below J4.23. The
receipts uf Texas cattle were about 2,500' head.
Prices were lower.
SomelliliiK like 18.000 head of Imifa were un
loaded today and there wcro perhaps ! 3,000 stole
IIOBS 111 the pens. This was preltv elm's to an
nverngn supply for a Friday. As the machinery
for Bellini ; Ihe sluff Into the chaiinelH of con
sumption Is not perfect In Us limning , mar
ket remained In a limp condition. Cimip.ucd
with yesterday'D prices , there was an aveini ; "
reduction of inc. the best heavy gradm reecdhiB
from J5.10 to J5. Thoio weio few trades nt
over J5.03. and Ihe innKu at which the rnott uf
( he boss were weighed was from JI.SO lo J5 , or
at from J1.80 to JI.90 for nveuiBcs of less than
200 His. , and at from JI.SO to J1 for heavier
welBhts. Trade was very quiet thinughoul and
nearly all the offering were placed.
Today's receipts of sheep were estimated nt
5,000 head , milking 29.000 for the explied part of
Iho week , ns amilnst 23.600 a week IIRO. Trade
was lifeless , owlnc lo Ihu plrlke of the hulcheis.
Nominally prices were lower nt from J1.60 to
J3.60 for poor to choice ; lambs , from J3.50 to J3 ,
St. I.nub * l.ivo Stuck
ST. LOfLS. July 13.-CATTLK-Receipts. I.M1
head ; shipments , 2.0UO brad. Market active ,
strong for natives ; 'IVxnns , HWJlSe luwcr ; nntivo
slcera , SI.Mfil.M ; Texas utcctv , light , ) ;
lions Reci'lp'ls , 1,50' ' ) head ; shipments , 1,200
bend. Maiket 10o lower ; best light nnd medium
weights , 15. . . .
KIIKI3P Receipts , 700 head : shipment * , none.
Market active , strong ; native mixed , J2.75W3.00.
Ncn- York Llvn Stouic .Mnrl it.
NKW YORK , July 13. lIBKVKS-llccelpts ,
1,40) licndj veiy dull ; 23f33c lower ; no choice cat-
tl offered : piMir l prime native SICCIH , J3.r,0'ij )
4.85 ; OX.MI , l75if3.CO ; bulls and COWH , : .r,0if3.25.
HIIIOKI' AND I.AMIIS Roei-liils , , UO ) hind ;
maiket demoiallzed , ii'i di'iniiini ; cheep , Imit-ly
steady ; lambs , Uo lower ; sheep , poor to prime , ; lambs , comnion to prlini' , } lUO5.ri. |
lloilS Receipts , 3.ICJ bead ; maikft ouady ;
ordinary to good , J3.2.W5.W ; choice , J0.75.
Stnelt In
Record of receipts of live Uock at the four
principal maikutu for FilUay , July 13 , 7SJI :
Cattle. lloBK. Hheep.
South Omaha . 1.918 10.4 7 221
riilcaeo . 13,00 * 18,100 BWO (
ICiinwia City . < ,3 0 7.500 1,210
Ht. iMUla. . . . UOT 1.500 7i
Total . 21.0H 37,467 7,121
KIIIISIIH Hunk \1 reciter Convlrteil.
TOPEKA , July 13. Attorney Uttlo ro-
turneJ from Qrecnsburs lirliiRliif ; tlio Information
mation that after a hard fought trial C.
W , Meyers , president of the ' Insolvent
bank of GrocnsburK , l" 'l ' been convicted of
receiving deposits after lie know that the In
stitution was In a falling condition. After
ttio failure of tlio bank Meyers lied to Cali
fornia , but was brought buck to Kansas on a
rciul | ltlon. _
Kpeitkcr C'rlip HeMiiiiilniileil.
SAVANNAH , Qa. , July 13. Speaker Crlep
was renotnlnnted for congress In the Tlilrd
district at Ilawklnsvlllo. Hosolutlons en
dorsing President Cleveland were adopted.
Pills that euro sick headache : UeNVItt's
Llttlo Early Ulacrs.
Extraordinary bar
gains in all dep'ts. For
people who can not
trade Saturday until af
ter 6 o'clock we will
put out goods at prices
that will keep our store
packed Saturday even
ing. This stock must
be closed out.
OponilofiiuicrHiluIly In Wall Street Iliroiich
our < ; o-Op < irntlvii It. R. i Stock Syndicate.
Dlildenda paid up to Juno 15lh , 1834 , as fol
lows : .
itiHi l > er ffitl. ffet ,
In ntlit I'll , I Nit I ,
1'flintttrui "
, liirll. " J'l
Miill , " Jf >
. /line , < < / '
thus making 109 per crnt. earned. and paid In
Klx months. Prospectus Kit INK detailed Informa
tion ot our plan mailed free on application.
Highest refei dices.
\VI.I.NaiAN.V CO. , Mori ! mill Crnln
llmlioiM. II llrii.iiMviiy , Ninv Yctrlc
WM ,
Commission Merchant
Private wires to Chicago and New York. AU
busmcsi orders pluced im Ch'cago Hoard U
Correspondence Hollelled.
Office , ruom 4 , Nuw York Llfd Uulldlnf
Tvleuhone 130S _
030(15 ( CO
Saturday Morning.
Gala Day in Chlnaware.
Tin top jelly tumblers , per
dozen , iSc ,
Half gallon glass water pit
cher 13.
Large plain glass water bottle
tle 290.
$7.50 decorated china tea
sets for § 3.48.
All Japanese goods of all
description at exactly half
marked price.
Every article marked away