THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JULY 11 , 1891. I SPEB1RL NOTICES. tor lhn columns will bo until 12 * ) p. in. tor th evening and until : W p. m. for th morning nnJ Similar lltlon . Adv rtl < T . by resuming i numbered check. can haw nntvten aiMrm ni tn a numb r d letter In cam of Th < * 1 1" * . Annwrs IK > mMres'ol will lit il'llvcreil upon lircnrntntlon of the check. IlAtMi , l',4c a word flnrt Inncrtlon , la a won ! thereafter. Nothing taken ( or less than Kc. UY 1'IIIHT CLASS WATCHMAKKtt. Al IlEF. AdrtreM. stating salary , tic. , I * 24 , enro of life. A-M1M 16' _ _ _ WANTKD-BITUATION I1Y HESPONSini.E girl n n cnnil ( rtrl or iten ral hou * work. Caller or aildri-an Kil California t. A 1R-U * _ YOUNO LADY , KAIll HINOCtl AND OUOAN- l t , willing tn travel , desiring situation , write It. Norrli ) , Defiance , la. A-183 H * WANTED MALE HELP. BOLICITOnS , TEAMH rtmNISHEI ) ; INBTAT.,1 , . tnnil Korxl * . American Wringer Ca. . 1603 How ard street. H71 _ AOENTB. BAt/ATlY OH COMMISSION ; TUB ftrcaleit Invention of Ihe age. The Now Patent Chemical Ink Kraalng I'encll. Hflla on slKht. Work * llko magic. Aiffnts are miklnif 2 > .W to 1123.00 per week. For further pirtlcularn writ * the Monroe Erasing Mfg. Co. . X 36. Ln Croito , WIs. 11-874 Jyl8 * _ _ BALESMnN WANTED TO SELL Ot'U GOODS l > r sample to the wholesale and retail trade ; nell on night to every bualn M man or firm ; liberal salary ; money advanced for advertising and cxpen c ; permanent position. Address , with stamp , Klne Mfg. Co. , C' " ' . . ' . 14. CLASS SALESMEN ON SAI.AUY ; ALSO saleslady. Specialty MnnufacturlnB Company. ( Incorporated ) , 1204 Farnam st. 11 151 13 * WANTED , LAItOitnilS. TEAMSTEH8 AND tracklayers on IJ. & M. Hy. In Montana. tre < i transporlntlon. Kramer A ° 'tlrnrn. . . } T wrcncy , llth nnd Farnam streets. II M188 17 * WANTED , A FIIIST-CLASS SIGN PAINTER : one who can do nlc ulas * work. Apply to C. F. Shaw. Sioux Clly.Ja. n 167 13 * IF BAVN70 AND LOAN AGENTS WHO CAN cct Imxlness will call on F. M. Curt In. at Merchants hotel , Friday or Saturday after 4 o'clock , they can secure a contract that will make them money. 11 16314 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. LADIES MAKE JIO.W WEEKLY WHITING AT home. Address , with stamp. Loulao Smith , Milwaukee , Wl * . C MOM 16 * LADIES WANTING GUILS APPLY AT THE Scandinavian Young Ladles' Home Exchange , 15W Capitol avenue. Hemovcd from 3304 Cum- Ing. C Ml 03 17 * WANTED. OIHL FOH GENERAL HOUSE- work. 2120 Ilamey street. C MUS It * A amL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK wanted at 31M Woolworth avenue ; Herman or Danish preferred. C M135 II * WANTED. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework ; German preferred ; Inquire M6 S. 13th street , at grocery store. C M191 14 FOB BENT HOUSES. HOUSES , F. 1C DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. D 75 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE ' O. F , Davis company. IMS Farnam. D 678 8-ROOM COTTAGES , MODERN , CHOICE IN Stanford Circle. C. 8. Elgulter. 204 lice bldf. D 677 RENTAL AGENCY , 007 BROWN DLOCK. KELKENNEY&CO. , R. 1 , CONTINENTAL BLK. FOR RENT , GOOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM house , 2C21 Capitol avenue. B. II. Roblnon. room 7. Commercial National. D 850 IIOUSCS-W. O. TEMPLETON , PAXTON ULK. D M736 31 TENTS FOR RENT 1311 FARNAM ST.D D 351 FINE FLAT IN CLOUSER BLOCK AT 703 S. ICth at. ; ranee and nil other conveniences ; 125. George Clouser , room 2 , 1C23 Farnam St. P-911 CLEAN , COMFORTABLE. CONVENIENT , moderate rentals , best 3 and 4-room suites for housekeepers on.y. References required. Also 6-room sulto In tenement. 81G S. EM street. D-WO VERY FINE 7-ROOM COTTAGE AT REduced - duced price ; call at once. Fidelity Trust Com pany , 1702 Farnam street. D 119 FOR RENT WANTED. GOOD MEDIUM priced houses. List your bouses for rent with Ames. D M57 MODERN TEN ROOM HOUSE AND BARN , nlao cottage nnd bam , cheap. Rental agency , 310 N. Y. Life. D 740 FOR RENT. FLAT IN LINTON BLOCK ; 6 looms , water , gas , all complete ; J17.00 per month In advance. Inqulra at 917 B. 13th. In block. John Hamlln. D M860 IS2J I'll ATT ST. . IN GOOD REPAIR , JS.OO. 3513 Scward st , 4-room cottage , as good as new , 110.00. 3401 Jackson St. , a fine modern cottage , 6 rooms , nearly new. r > nlv J22.00. 8. E. cor. 5th nnd Williams , a D-room house with bnrn. large yard , fruit trees , berries , etc. , paved st. only 125.00. One of those beautiful LnFayette Place houses cheap to right party. Fidelity Trust Company , 1702 Farnam St.D834 D-834 FOR RENT. DESIRABLE DWELLINGS IN all parts of city. E. II. Sheafe 432 Paxton blk. D-818A6 FOR RENT. MODERN 10-ROOM FLAT , CEN - trally located , will readily fill with roomers. E. II. Shcufe. 43 ! Paxton blk. D 019A8 FOR RENT , MOST DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. 2513 Fnrnara. R. C. Patterson , Ramgo blk. D-92T BIX ROOM COTTAGE , 937 N. 25T1I ST. , Jll.OO per month. Inqulro 2IWJ4 Cumlng or 823 8. 18th st. D 083-15 FOR RENT. J25 PER MONTH. PRETTY COTtage - tage on Chicago street , 7 rooms , bath and fur nace , south front , opposite Henry Yules' resi dence. Inquire room tM. First Nat'l bank building. Ncthcrton Hall. D 132-15 FOB KENT FURNISHED BOOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS. C26 S. 1DTII STREET. E M5C3 Jyt3 * FURNISHED ROOM. 2017 HARNEY STREET. E M9JI 16 * FURNISHED ROOMS. 1413 DODGE. DODGE.E E M974 17 * FI'RNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. 1611 Howard. E M143 IS * ilOOMS SEVERAL NICE , CLEAN ROOMS far runt cheap ; good locution. Room S , With- ni'll block. K ISO-IS VERY NICE ROOMS. 1723 DAVENPORT. E 173-16 * A WIDOW. WITH FURNISHED HOUSE , whoso children attend High school , would like tci sublet to elderly couple or parties who would allow her the use of three rooms for use of furniture. If necessary would assume cure of house. Steam heat. Central. Address P 23. Ili-c. E-177-15 * FURNISHED BOOMS AND BOARIX , YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME , UNDER CARE OF Women's Christian association. Ill 8. 17th st. IlOOMS & BOARD. Kl N. 19. MRS. TUTTLU. F-M358 JylS * _ NICE ROOMS AND BOARD. 211 8. 20TH. _ F 100 JylS * IlOOMS AND BOARD , 2U3 CAPITOL AVENUE. F CO 23 * _ _ HANDSOMELY FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM with strictly Drst clasa board. 210 } Douglas. F-9H _ NICELY Fl'RNlSHED ROOMS. ALL CON- venlenccs ; 21/03 / at. Mary'l ave. F 314-13 * Fl'RNlSHED ROOMS AND BOARD. 2214 1'ainain Bit col. F M9U 14 * IlOOMS WITH BOARD. 21M HAHNEY. HAHNEY.172A11 I -172-A11 * 1'RIVATB ' FAMILY. PLEASANTLY LOCATED. wishes few boarders ; use of piano ; terms mod erate , references. 1709 Dodge. F M304 14 * NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH HOARD at 1711 D dge street. F-M134 lii TJ NFUBNISHED ROOMS FOB BENT A VERY NICE 3 OR 4-ROOM FLArT MODERN Impr cm nts , 610 N. Kill street ; references rvquu I Omaha Real I.'st. & T. Co. , room 4 , 11. ' Bldg. O-.MIW 14 FOR RENT -STOBE3 ANDJUFFIOES CORNER SALOON , DOUQUVS. INQUIKU 22. I-M863 FOR RENT , THE 4-STORY BRIClVilUlLDINai 91 < 1' atrvcu Th bulldlnu has a ftr - proof cement bnntment , complete steam h at Ins fixtures , water on all Moors , gas , to. Ap ply at the otnca of the Reo. 1 910 * FOR RFNT NIOK RESTAl'RANT AND 19 rooms , furnlthed , I1W.OO ; 20-nmm hotel fur- nmhiit , TJO.OI ) , one of th lineal cigar stores In thtf . > Hats fiirnlvh > Hl nnd unfurnUhed , ricnii an.l houses In all rurls of the city. W U. TcinpWton. > W Paston BIU. I-M KJ 15 WANTED. AGENTS. DO YOU WANT THE RB8T NTcKEL slot nm.'liln * mndeT Juit out ; It iMd * Ilium all ; the "new silver dollar' * pay * out dollars and nukles , A bin winner and money maker ; this Is your chatK . Diivls No\clly Co. , Kim Ira , WANTFU. AQENTS TO SEUU TO FAUUEKS In fi lrntka. Thty all want It ; no book can Yuumg bis mnrey maker AiUrcu 2707 Q South Omatia. J UIM "WANTED TO BENT. LIST YOUR PROPERTY FOR RENT , HTORE3 , hmj e , flatii , rooms , at one * nnd receive ben efit of my new published tut to appear In n few days. W. O. Templeton , J07-8 Paxton ' " * K-M 1 IS STOUAOE. STORAGE. WILLIAMS A CROSS , 1214 HARNBY , _ _ _ _ M 8 _ _ STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. . _ M87 _ OM.VAN&STORAGB CO..1U4 DODGE. TF.ufsSI. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M Ml WANTED TO BITS. WILL PAY CASH FOR A STANDARD TYPE writer If nearly new and In good condition ; must be cheap ; submit sample of work. Address - dress 1' 19 , core Bee office. N-13I-U _ HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC CIGAR. FOR SC. N-M370-Jy-15 _ HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR SECOND-HAND furniture , stoves , etc. I. Brussell , 710-712 N. Uth _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BF.COND-HAND FURNITURE. SM s. IJTH ST. WANTED , TO INVEST 13,000.00 KJ FOMB business which I shall have H Interest or all. Must bf > nr the closest examination. State full particulars first by letter , P 25 , cure Be , _ pmahaNeb. _ N M1W 22 WANTED. TO BUY. I HAVE CUSTOMER for U section of good land In eastern half of Nebniska ; want 100 to 140 acres of some good hay land ; must IK- cheap ; Klve price and terms ; also nent cottage In Omaha uorth about JJ.000.00 ; small cosh payment , balance monthly ; owners only. W. O. Templeton , Paxton block. N MM3 IS PAYMENTS EASY YOU WON'T MISS YOUR money. Low prices on furniture & household goods. Enterprise Credit Co. , 613-615 N. 16th t , 0-857 _ FOR SALE. A BARGAIN. A HANDSOMELY decorated steel book case with adjustable metal rollers , 7 ft. high , &W ft. wide , 16 Incliei deep , Yale locks ; suitable for county offlccs. Address Midland G. & T. Co. . 310 N. Y. Life. O-181-15 * FOB SALE HOBSE3.WAGONS.ETO. FOR SALE. SADDLE PONY. ADDRESS P 27 , Bee. P M162 15 FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE. FIRST MORTGAGES , GUARANteed - teed 8 per cent , sums of JiOO.OO to 11,000.00. Why take 4 per cent when jou can get 87 -Ames. 1617 Farnam. Q M93I FOR HALE. J125 BICYCLE. NEARLY NEW , for 160. Inquire 1406 Dodge st. Q-134-17 * A Room Without a Roomer'vS LUCE A Home Without a Mother. THE BEE finds roomers for rooms , and it finds rooms for roomers. Plenty of room on this page for your room ad. "Wants made known cheap. ICE FOR SALE IN CAR LOTS. GILBERT Bros. , Council Bluffs. Q M583 Jy23 TEAM , 175.00 ; CONCORD HARNESS , JIO.OO ; 3V4 wagon , J10.00J organ. $30.00. 905 N. Y. Life. Q-M192 A13 MISOEI/LANEOTJS. TAXIDERMY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- loEUe. George E. Brown , } r , , & Co. , 7U9 S. 16th. R-M2T1 BIDS WANTED FOR TEARINO DOWN THE Battle of Gettysburg building , corner of St. Mary's avenue and 18th street , and removing all material from premises ; specifications at olllco of Nethcrton Hall , room 009 , First Nat'l bank building. Herman Kountze R 133-15 FREE MUSEUM OF ANATOMY TO MEN only Dr. Scarles & Scarlcs. 1416 Farnam st. R 131-alO BOYS AND GIRLS RECEIVE FREE , PNEU- matlc tire bicycles , price $30.00 ; write to 1'nuematlc Tire Bicycle depot , P. O. box 886 , Chicago. B M1DO 15 CLAllWOYANTS. MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. RE- llable business medium : 7th year at 119 N. 16. S-CS3 CLAIRVOYANT PROFESSOR WHITE CAN BE consulted on business , marriage , divorces and nil family affairs ; the future plainly revealed , lovers united , troubles healed , names of friends and enemies ; also the one you will marry. Hours from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Sun day , 9 to B. 1617 Chicago street. S 103 17 * ARRIVED. H. PETTIBONE. MEDIUM. MADI- Hon hotel , for a few days only. S Ml'JG 20 * MASSAGE , BATH3. ETC. MADAME SMITH , 602 S. 13TH. 2D FLOOR room 3. Mnssage , vapor , alcohol , steam , snl * phurlne and sen baths. T 916 14 * MADAME BROWN. 1314 CAPITOL AVENUe ! 2d tloor , room 4 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. T MD3 13 MME. ANNA OF CHICAGO GIVES ALCOHOL baths and massage. 333 N. 16th , room 13. T M56S 14" PERSONAL. CREAM FOR WHIPPING ; COTTAGE CHEESE. Waterloo creamery , I61J Howard , tel 1332. U-M14S all WHEN OUT WITH YOUR LADY VISIT J. J , Mullet's new Ice cream parlors , : S02 Leuven- north street ; everything Is new , Including th building. Tel. 1030. lea cream delivered. U-MS1J LADIES' AMBE RJEWELRY T OORDER ; also repairing. CI3 s. 16th street. U M1M MASSAGE TREATMENT. ELECTRO-THER- mat baths. Scalp and ha'r treatment.mancurc& ! chlprodlst. Mrs Post , 313(4 ( B 15th. Wlthndl blk. U-6W MASSAGE , MADAMU BERNARD , 1419 DODGE. U-MSO 14" BALOUFF- A nnd convenient place , 1530 Famam street , I'axton block ; 'phone 711.UM33S U-M33S 8AML BURNS INVITES YOU TO VISIT HIS new art room at any lima. 131 ! Farnam. U-47 Jyll DR. MAXWELL. SPECIALIST. OF INTEIINA. tlonal unltarlum , removed to 408 Paxton block. Tel. 15.7. U-MWl-Jy2 : HAVANA FRECKLES. A IOC CIGAR FOR 5(1 U MK7.Jy.lJ VIAVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , 34t Ue bide. Lady attendant. _ _ U 691 _ _ _ _ BCHADELL'S SHAMPOO. VAPOR AND HOT air machln * tar steaming ladles' faces nnd htads ; cure * dandruff and headache. 1U3 Doug' U ' * 1 _ U-MSSI SJ RT'W. ROSS MARTIN. 13i4 FARNAM ST7J hours from 11 to 1 , 3 to 5 , I to 8. Tel. 1S10. U 9M Ai INFORMATION AS TQ WHERE BERT COOK U will L gratefully' ' received ; Bert. If you sea this , write or coma homo Immediately , Ida A. Cock. . Blcncoe. la. U M5SS U * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY prcptrty. 13,000 & upwards , 6 to CS , p r cent ; no delays. W. Kurnam Smith & Co. , lit ) rninam. MONKY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha r al esUte , 1 to 8 rears. Ftd lUy Tru t Co. , ins Fairjm. MONKY TO IX3AN AT LOWEST R.VTE3. O. V. DuvU Co. . 1U3 Faruuu st. W-W1 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE Continued. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estaU. Brennan , Lov < & Co. , raxtnn blk. ANTHONY LOAN A TRUST CO. , 31 * N. Y. LIFE loans it low rales for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W 700 UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. Of"NEW York. Capital J2.OW.OiW. Surplus J600.000. Sub- mil choice loans lo F. B. Pusey , agent. First NaMonal bank building. w lIL ? " ' ' LlFE "lNSURANCE Po'LICini' LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chesney , Kansas City , Mo. W 6M CITY LOAN3 , LARGE I/JANS ON CENTRAL business property ; b per cent , C. A. Starr , 615 N. Y. Llf bulldlnif. W-M2SJ MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY AND FARM property. Arats. 1617 Farnam street. LOANS W. G. TEMPLETON , PAXTON RLK. W M797 31 LOANS WANTED. J. N. FRENZER , OPP. P.O. OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. . 16T1I AND Douglas streets , loan money on city and f.irm property nt lowest rates of Interest. W 633 MONEY TO LOAN ON SutiTs IN DOUGLAS , Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust OX.J7JI2 Farnam st. W91 HONEY TO LOAN ON OMAIIA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms at from 6 to 7 per cent. W. B. Melkle , First National bank building. W 9J LOANS , E. H. SHEAFE , 433 PAXTON BLK. W 916A8 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Horvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life building. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FUUM ; lure , plnnos , homes , wnirons , or any kind of chattel security , at lowest possible rnli-s , which you cnn pay buck ot ony time , nnd In any amount FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . room 4 , WIthnell block. _ ? T'L. A. E. HAlRlsloMcNTINENTAL BLK J WlUt > MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. horses , wagons , etc. , nt lowest rates In city , no removal of goods' strictly confidential ; > ou can pay the loan off at any time or In any amounU' OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 306 South 16th : ? ' ; J. B. HADDOCK. R OOiT"427rRAMGE nLO.CK- FOR SHORT TIME LOANS APPLY AT ROOM No. 624. Paxton block. X629-Jy25 SHORT TIME LOANS , 432 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE. BOOK AND NEWS DEl'OT IV " "rift oTiirSl" " " for c s : a bargain : wish ° " ' ' , , S'CkneSI- ' { : ! - ' S'CkneSI'v y - T0 ? UV' SEI'L OR EXCHANGE e , get In or out of business call css4heiNatlonnl Information Snd , , Co. , 203 First National bank. Omaha _ Y-MC30-J2a l ° R , , CXCHANGE. MY LIVERY feli , J rent bul'lllnS ' John Council Bluffs. Y M102 23 STEAM SWING FIRST-CLASS. FOR S ALE or trade , or will run In a park on per cent. _ Adcircs3 H. Kunze Elgln. Kan. Y-M11S 14 * SHERIFF'S SALE. THE TANGEMAN & Sons nourlng mill , near Talmagc. Neb. , will be Bold nt sheriffs sale July 30. 1894 ; capacity. SO bbls. For further particulars , address George Selmer , Talmnge , Neb. Y M119 21 A REhlONSIBLE CONCERN OR INDIVIDUAL wanted In every city to take the sole agency for several Important staples of the typewi Itlng business. lllg cash commissions , exclusive rlRhU and unequiile , ! products. The largest house of Its kind In the country back of this Address Clark , box 167 , Boston. Mass. Y M160 13 HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC CIGAR , FOR 5C Y M ! S JylS HAVANA FRECKLES. A IOC CIGAR. FOR 5C Y M26S-Jy-15 PHOTOGRAPHER WITH COMPLETE OUTFIT wants to correspond with owner of suitable room or building In town of EOO or more , where there Is no other gallery. Address P 23. llee ° 'lee. ' Y _ 150 21 FOR SALE. GROCERY STORE ; GOOD. stock , located on the best street in the city ; will Invoice at about Jl.SOO.CO ; will sell for rash only , good reason for selling. Address 1 2 > . I'- Y-M19S A13- bUCCESSFUL SPECULATION OPEN TO ALL ; try our ayndlrnte system of ( peculation : In- crcaso your Income ; Information free ; si-nd for circular. Thompson & Ijerr Co. , 38 Wall street. New York ; Incorporated under the laws of the state of New York ; capital , $100,000.00. Y-M1SJ 11 * WANTED. A PARTNER IN GOOD PAYING business ; only$300 00 ; this Is for a good , trusty man ; experience not necessary , Address P 31 , " _ Y M183 15 Jj.000.00 and MAN permanent Income as manager by organizing company In Omaha for a business that Is dl established In other cities ami Is owned hv prominent men ; will pay good proflla anil will bear the closest investigation. Ad dress , The American Eucrasy Co. . agency > pt 4 ± 3 to 426. Society for Savings building. Cluvelnnil , O. _ Y M18I 13 * * MILLINERY FOR SALE ; GOOD BUSINESS ; county seat town ; a bargain far you. at 7i ) ner cent ; liui'itlratf. P 30. Bee. Y MIST. 15 FOH EXCHANGE. HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC CIGAR. FOR 5C. M2CJ.Jy.lJ BARGAINS IN HOMES.TRADE.SALE.1603 Dodse 2-H1 FOR EXCHANOE. GOOD HOUSE IN MINNE- npolls for Improved or vacant piopcrty In Omaha. E. Smith , 300 McCagua bldg. SJ-M120 1S WANTED TO EXCHANGE GOOD PNEU- m.itlu bicycle for a young horse. Call ut 21S South 16th st. 2 179-1 $ * FOR EXCHANGETjlO.000.00 STOCK GENERAL hardware , established ( en > ears ago and dolns line buslneus , for good Iowa farm or fruit farm : also lint. modern residence for mer chandise or good land. W. U , Temulfton. 3s Paxtun Blk. 2-MWJ 15 WANTED. TO TRADE A GOOD DRIVING her for diamond ring or stud. Addtvtw I > 32 , Bee. 2-M187 U BUSINESS NOTIOKS. CARRIAGE TRIMMING. GENERAL REPAIRS top tlO up. LouU Gutting , 111 S. 13th st. _ . _ 253 Jyl4 OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pllH-s mad * n w. ill S. Hth. Jl-151 CHINA DECORATED TO ORDER AND MEND. ed. ime niiw. 1IH 8. 14th street. in-Jyll C. B. MORRILU CARPBNTKR. OFFICE AND storu dxturcs a specialty. UU Capitol ave. _ _ 4H R. L. CARTER. METAL COIINICK SKY. lights , tmoka sucks , furnaces. U17 lljward st. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 7 N. it _ _ _ K * A8 D. T , MOl'NT HAS REMOVED HIS I'OAL oIHco to (09 Bo. Kth , Brrwn blk. M143 FOR SALE REAL , ESTATE. FARM LAND , C. F. HARIHaOX , SIJ N Y LIFB. } ' It E 4 Jlyn FOR BALE , NEW 4-ROOit' COTTAGBi CKL- lar. cistern , city water ; ton * toth and fnliler ; Si.2SO.00 ; long time. Eaquirt UK eam'linirns. . RE Mill _ BARG'UNS , iiot's 37 iloTH % "AND FARMS , sale or trade. F. K. Darling- , BarKer blk. 1 . - i-7CS FOR SALE , FARM LANDC. ' DAVKNPORT Waterman , US N. Y. Llfi building. IIB-15J 16 FOR flAU : , TWOFt'LL northwest of Hanscom pink ; must go quick. Address P 21. Bee. c "t. UK-1M 13 WANTED. FOR CASH. 110.CJPLACE. . Wnnlnl , for canli. t4.J ) Wanlwl , fr > r ca h. J''W ' pHcc. Wanted. Omaha for OilcoKu properly. Wnnteil. lni > er fet eottaKw J2.7W , value 13.200. Wanted , 116.0m ; plnce for lots nnd cash. Wanted , to loan rm > . Wantwl to limn > 2OO ) . Wanted. SO acres In Iowa. Wanted. Snn Ilgo for Omaha properly. Wanted , land for dnig store. Wanted , hnntwim * stock for part cash. Wnntisl , rn > t front curnur lot for cash. Wanted , to borrow J4.01 * ! on 321 nrres. C. F. Harrison , 912 N. Y. Life , Omaha. R E-171-13 * SNAP-SMOOTH , RICH GARDEN LAND FIVE miles from pontollle , tlOO p r acre ; might take some trade. 910 N. Y. L. bldg. R IV17A12 FOR SALE 7-ROOM FRAME HOUSE. BATH , hot and cold water , S. E. corner Cnrby ami roth sis. , ulll ! > < mild nt n sacrifice. Apply W. II. Wrlilcy , The Morse Dry QooiM Co. R E 173-17 * SOME CHEAP LOTS. A line W-ft. lot at 43rd and Pinkney streets , at JiOO.OO. W ft. grade , 3rd and Francis streets , at J3W 00. 3,1 ft. on 23th , near Dorcaa street , east front , only 1600.00. East front on 27th , near Woolwnrth , trees , etc. , a very line lot for half value. It ooo 00. A most desirable residence , DO-ft. _ lot , on Georgia avenue , near Pacific street , for 5. . 400.00. We have houses at from JSOO 00 to J10.000.00 at greatly reduced prices , nnd on terms that will require little cash. Before buying , selling or ex chamrlng , be sure nnd see the Fidelity Trust company , 17W Farnam street. OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. . LEADING OPTICIANS ; J. F. Ponder , manager ; scientific examina tion of the eyes flee , 212 S. 16th street. fom'l Nat'l Bk Blilg. , In Klnsler's drug store. 818-A2 * THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. . SCIENTIFIC OP- tlclarn. 1IOS Farnam St. , opposite I'axton hotel , Eyes examined free. 717 EVEil TESTED TREE BY A PRACTICAL OP- tlclan. Wc < guarantee to fit the eyes perfectly , to your entlri- satisfaction or money refunded. A. MANDELBI'RO , Jpweler nnd optician , northeast corner Six teenth and Farnam streets. SC5 BICYCLES. BICYCLES. NEW AND OLD. $ M TO J125 ; easy payments : we rent nnd repair. Omaha Bicycle Co. . C.07 . N. 16th street. Tel 129. HJCYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tires nnd sundries. Safes opened , repaired. C. R. Hellln. locksmith. 311 N. 16lh street. 9MA6 _ NEW WARWICK. 1334 PATTERN. STRICKLY high grade , adjustable handle nnd rear brake , on no other wheel. Inquire Omaha Coal , Coke & Lime Co. , 16th and Douglas st. 133 A10 UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS H. K. BURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND cmbalmer. 1613 Chicago. Tel. 90. 709 SWANSON & VALIEN. UNDERTAKERS AND cmbalmers , 1701 Cumlng. St. . telephone , 1060.S28 S28 M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EMbalmer - balmer , 1417 Farnam street. Telephone 223. 331 HEAFEY & HEAFEY , 213 S. 14TII ST. TEL. 263 ; also 24th and N. sts. , So. Omaha. M437 LOST. LOST. FROM WINDSOR HOTEL. A CANARY bird. Liberal reward to Under. Il4i.1S * LOST , NEWFOUNDLAND HOG. 7 MONTHS old ; J3.00 reward If returned to 2923 Pacific street. Had collar and tug 1612. 164 14 * LOST ON EVENING JULY 13 ON LEAVEN- worth or Park avenue a wooden box contain ing valuable Jewelry- Liberal reward If re turned to Mrs. Moore , 2130 Ilarncy.Lost Lost 174-15 * LOST A RED COW WITH SPLIT EARS. REturn - turn 913 Jackson St. " Lost 178-14 * MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. G. F. GELLENBECK , BANJOIST AND teacher 1810 California street. 914 FOR BARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS : easy payments ; Instruments rented ; rents apply on purchase. A. Hospc , Jr. M855 ELLA DAY. ELOCUTION , PHYSICAL CULT- ure. Emerson method. Summer pupils re ceived. Room 9 , Commercial Nat'l bank.M163 M163 18 HAY AND GRAIN. BALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD Cattle company , Ames , Neb. , have 2,000 tons of good barn-stored hay for sale. All ordeis filled promptly. _ Q S3 BUY YOUR HAY BY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. Snyder , 1515 Burt St. . tel. HOT. J33-S3 NEBRASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAY , grain and mill stuff. We nre alwajs on the market to buy or sell. 1518 Webster St. 15S HOTELS. THE MIDLAND HOTEL. Corner 16th and Chicago streets ; coolest hotel In Omaha ; new building , new furniture , electric bells , bath , steam heat American plan , Jl.M to 52.00 per day ; European plan. Mete to Jl.OO per day. M. J. Franck , proprietor. 835 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. IDS A9 * TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS BOL'GHT. SOLD. Ex changed , rented nnd repaired. Typewriter and office supplies. Typewriters rented at J4 per month. The Omnlm Typewriter Exchange , suc- COSSDIS to the typewriling department of the Megenth Stationary Co. , 214 South Thirteenth street. Tel. 1M1. OM SEE THE NEW DOUGHERTY TYPEWRITER , The Omaha Tjpewrlter Exchange , tel. 1361. No. 214 S. 13th t. 9J1 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage butteries recharged ; electrical and gen eral machinists ; superior work guaranteed. Omnlm Electrical Woiks , 617 and C19 S. Kth st , i 3J2 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTors - ors for electric light nnd motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Western Elec tric Supply Co. , 41S and 420 S. ISth st. S97 TENTS AND AWNINGS. WOLF BROS. & CO. . MANUFACTURERS OF awnings , tents , flags , wagon , hay , stock covers , tarpaulins , banners , stieamers. 703-703 S. 16th btrect. Tel. CO I. Tents for rent. M3S6 WHY DON'T YOU RENT A TENT , TAKE A vacation und jourself ? The Omaha Tent and Awning Co. have tonu of all kinds that they rent cheap. 1311 Farriam st. 3S2-A17 GRINDING. SCISSORS. LAWN MOWJ'.RH , RAZORS , ETC. , ground. Melchlor Brus. ; . 11JJ Farnam stieet. ' [ IA7.ORS , SHEARS. CLIPPKRS. LAWN MOW- ers. etc. A. L. UnderttmA'- N. 14th. 173 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND RE paired. W. Boehl , retirl-H * S. Kth , 2SCJ14 JOB PRINTING. QUICK PRINTERS. KR.\M 17R & CHANDLER , Fiirnam and 207-U U. ith. Phone 16SO. Mall orders get quick actlpn. S6J A4 ICED JOB PRINTING CO. * . FINE PRINTING ot all kinds. 17lh street. Bee building. BTJSNOQBAPHERa O. A. POTTER. 6 N. V. tlFE BUILDING , " docs all kinds ot stenographic work , law cases , depositions , chancery work , copying. tie. , at reasonable prices. Call and see tli Duplex typewriter ; writes two letters at or and the lame time , the fastest typewriter ' tha world. Mill All HORSESHOEING MRS. THOMAS MALONEY. S12 N. 16TH ST. 132A11 " E. B. BUHT. HORSESHOER. 314 N. 16TH.W3A5 W3-A5 HARNESS. HARNESS. WHIPS. NETS. ETC1 REPAIRING . a specialty. 113 N. 15th st. 203 OET MY PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY A HAR. ness. August Bohne , 711 b. Klh street. M-11G A10 DANCING. " 'OR PRIVATE LESSON'S. BTAOE OR "Uty d.ui' csall on M rani , 1319 Harney. or 2JC4 Dodt * street , Urnu raaonab'e. l A7 STEAMSHIP LINE. ANCHOR LINK M1 L STli/UI SII IP SS A11. TOjularly c ry Pntunlay from New Y > rk for Ixind.imlfrry and Glangnw Anchorl * . July 21. 4 p. m. ; fircsMln , July as. Z p. nt.i Ethi opia , AUxust 11 , 1 p. m. , KurnrMtn. Atmiut 14 , 7 JO p. m. S > Hl on. * * ptind class and Mwrnfw. 'nolf or.round trip tickets fr-im New York or r.ilcngo nt rmluciHl ralm to the principal Bcut h , Enitllsh , Irish nml all continental IKdtita. For money order * , drafts , outward or prepaid tickets apply to Any of our local agents or tu Henderson llro . , Clilcngrt. MERCHANT TAILORS. SUITS TO ORDER AT COST. S. LARCON. M5 N. 16th st. Eetnhll'hMl 20 years , l Jyll S. MORTENSEN. THE OLD RELIAlflii : TAli7 or , 401 N. 161)1 ) , has greatly reduced prices. See his (2 pants and 120 Biiltn , all made In Omaha. 25 * Jyll DRESSMAKING. DRE8SMAKINO-BY DAY AT HOME ; TERMS reanonable. cut and tit guaranteed. Inquire nl 1721 Capitol avenue. ew-iTJ * DRESSMAKING IN PRIVATE FAMILIES. FIT and style guaranteed. Address N 37 , lle M170 13 * DENTISTS. DR. OKO. S. TfASON. DE.VnST , HUITE 200 I'axton block , 16th & Fnrnam sts. Tel. 712. 712.MCS7 MCS7 WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROS. . WHOLESALE DEALERS l.i all kinds of C3al. Correspondence sollslte > l. l' ' S Fnrnnm street. M46C PAWNBROKERS. FRED MOULD , 1517H FARNAM , JEWELRY. SI ) H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 50S N. 16th St. 171 PLUMBERS. FREE-PLUMBING OF EVERY KIND. G.t steam hot water heating , sowernge. 313 S. lit M4W J. J. IIANIGAN , PLUMBING. STEAM AND HOT water heating. 2703 Leavcn-vorth si. 153 MEAT MARKET. UEO. W. KURZ. CHOICE MEATS. PRICES reasonable. 723 3. 16th street. M217 Jyll EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. WHITE'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. THE ONLY place to get help of all kinds In thu city. 154 All T7PHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING , CABINET AND MATTRESS woik * W. R. Bell & R. A. McEachron. 2703 IxMVenw orth. 137 HAIRDRESSING MILLER , LADIES' IIAIRDRESS1NG. SHAM- poolng , steaming hair goods , 1513 Douglas. SHORTHAND AJJD TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. Gil N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. 7"iO TICKET BROKERS. J. II. DAVIES , MEMBER A. T. B. ASS'N. tlcketi1 bought and sold. H12 Farnam s'n-cL 2JI WJ P. H. PHILBIN , CUT RATES. 1403 FARNAM. 235 JyH Till : REALTY MARK1U' . INSTRUMENTS placed on record July 13 , 1S94 : WARRANTY DEEDS. Fred Kudrna to Jucoh Slegl , nVi lot 10 , block II. Brown park % 310 Peter Anderson to Robert Major , lot 15 , block 3 , QuIck'H park (00 J M Hwetnom nnd wlft to same. lots 3 to 8 , block 1 , Thirteenth Street add 1,500 II E Nyman tu J C Thomas , lot 2J , block J. Portland Place 1,500 Sarah Alnscow to O W Oarlcan , middle Vi of s < 4 of a tract JWxW rods and 5ti feet In sV4 lie 12-11-12 1 Edward Alnscow to same , middle tt of s' , of m tract I20\51 rods and 5'i feet In sVi nf 12-11-12 lfl J M Chambers and wlfo to Alice and Wll- lard Chambers , lot 1. block 2 , Noithfleld add 225 Daniel Llnahan to Omnlm MortsaKP. Invest ment and Realty company , lot 22. Rcdlck Grove , lot 4. block 10 , Shlnn's 3rd add , lot 5. block 6 , BOBKS & H's add , n SO feet lot 3 , block 12. McCoimlck's add , aub lots 1 and 2 of lot 11-In 3MG-13 3.800 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. Edmund Burlt und wlfo to M A Lln.ihan , w 100 feet of n 150 feet lot 4 , block C , Park Pl.ics 6,100 Julius Nagl to M A Nag ) , nW lot 1 , block 7 , Kountze 3rd add 330 Total amount of transfers J15.SGO Saturday. All ladies' capes divided into four lots : All that sold for All that sold for 37.50 S10.00 at at S3.75. $5.00. All that sold for All that sold for $15.00 $18.00 at at 47.50. S10.00. BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitor * . Bee Building , OMAHA , Neb. Adviuo REL isfAvta IcifiCAOO , utfltiTTS'TT'iON"y ' Airuuj _ pmahaDcput | 10th und Mason Sts. | Omaha 4:45imi : . Chicago Vestibule. . . . . 7 7-T 0 .Warn C : < 5.un . Chicago Express . 4.23pm 7.02pm . . . Chicago and louu Local . . I'uciila Junction Local . G.-SIpm TTeave ? lUURLlTs'GTON & MO. RlVEUTlAirlveT Omahal _ Depot luth and Mason 8ts. _ I Onm.ia . Dun\er lixprest . T..79:30ain. 10:15am . Dcadwood Express . 4:10pm 4SOim : . Denver Express . 4:10pm : G:50pm : * . Nebraska Local ( except Sun. ) . . . 0:5Cpin : S:15am. . Lincoln Local ( txcept Sunday. ) . . 11 .23am Leaves I K , C , ST. J. & ( , ' . B. | Arrives Omahal Depot 10th and Mason Bta. I Om.illa > ; 43am . Kotis.ia City Day Express . S.Wprn 8:45pm.K. : c. N'Kl'LEx. ' vlaJJ. 1' . Trans. 6M.ira : Leaves CH1CAOO. R. I. At PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omaha Union Depot 10th & Mason Hts.l Omaha EAST. IOISnm. : . Atlantic Express ( e.i. Sunday ) . . 6:03pm : SJ5pm : . Night Express . : 4:40pm..Chleagj Vestlbuled Limited. . . . l:23pm : n:33pm.OUuhaiiuiJ2xp. : ( to C. M. ex Bun ) . 6J ; am _ H _ W EST. _ ( : J3am. Oklahoma & Texas Exp. ( ex tun.ll:3)pm : _ ljjpm. ; . . . . . . . . . Colorado Limited. . . . . . . . . -ClOpm Leases I "UNION PACIFIC. " " " | Arrl\cs" OmahalUnlon Depot 10th & Mason Sla.l Oma la 9 : Warn . Denver Express . 30pm : 2Upm : . Overland 1'lyor . Cl'.pni : l:45pm. Beatrice & Stromsb'c Exex ( ) G:40pm : . I aclllo Kiprees . 10Snm : 6 ! 30pm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fast _ Mall. . . . . . . . . . „ _ . 42uj ; m * " L avesTCHICAOOTMIU & ST. I'AttLr.Yrflves' _ Onuhalynlon Depot 10th & Mason His. | Omalu 6:3Spm . 7. . .Chicago Limited . 93'am llilCitm. . . Chlrpso Ex prej- i _ tex.Sun. _ . . . aiiMu m Leaves" I f E. . > lu. .ALLi ! " ArrlveV" Omahaj _ Depot 13th and Webster Sts. _ f Oinalu 9OCam ; . Ufadnood Express . 6:10pm : 8:05nm : ( Ex. baU.Wyo. Ex.E ( * . Man. ) . tH : > pm 6:00pm. : . Norfolk Express ( Ex. Sunday. ) . .MMSam 1'aul ExpieM . l.4mjn ) " " "LeavesT"CHICAOC5" & NORTIIWEST'N lArrJves" OluahttU.I' | _ . _ Depot 10th St. Mason 81s. | Omaha llC5arn : . Chicago Express. . . . . ' , . , , . 6Upiri : 4OSpm : . Vestibule Limited . 9:20am : Copm.Ex. : ( Sat. ) Chic. Pass. ( Ex. Man. ) . 5-ipm : SiSiam . . . . . M < J. Valley Local . . . . . . . . . .ig 3Jpm Veaves'l MISSOURI I'AC1FIC ( Arrives _ pmaho ] _ Depot 15th and Webster Sts. | Omatu l:00am : . HI. Louis Express. . . .7 . C:00im : : Mpm . Kt , Ixiuls Express . 8S3pm rtIOcm.DalJyi.X. : Hiiii.Nebraik.i _ Ixxal. 9 lOum "Leaves I C , , ST. "P. . M. & O. | . \r-lici Omahuf Depot Uth and Webster 81s. I Oiiglu ; OOum..Slcux Clty Accom ( Ex , Bun. ) . . A:03pm : IOWnm : , . Sioux City Aocom ( Sun. Onlj.i. S U'pm 12Hpm. : . Sioux City Exprrvs ( IJx. Sun..lfUam .taopm. . . , . , , . ; . St. l'aulLJm ted . . _ . . 9Jorg leaves SfoVx "ClTY i PACIFIC. " " | A. > fveT OnmlialU. J' . l > pot loth & Mason Hl > . _ Omaha . . .Sioux City I'a m-nz r. . . . . . . ID Wpm . HI. 1'uuJ Kxpr . . . . . . IO.ii.iMm fitOUX CJTV * 1-AriKlC lAiriy r iOmah [ Depot ISth and Wrbsttr Sts. l _ Qm * . , . . . fit , I'aul Limited . . . . S.4Uin Chlcaxu Limit , d 0 4' r _ wTeiT ] OMSIIA "STTTXitfl Arm nahlJU I' Dtpi-t 1 Hi ft M > u Bis. _ Cm _ " ' .Xpta . , St7 Louis "Cannon Ball. . IJ.Jipw HE PAID DOUBLE LOCALS How Tom Godfroy Got Out of Tratiblo Ovir Ticket Snloi. WAS OVER A PARTY OF FIVE TO TEXAS Uncertainty in to U lint \VII1 lln Dunn A limit Orcpini Short I.lnc Itullrtmila Hullcvu the IIiul of tlid MrlUc Is llrrr. Tlioro were targe patches of grief visible In the tmial mobllu face of Tlionma F. God frey , city passenger anil ticket agent of the Missouri I'.iclllc , yesterday , and solicitous friends were anxious to know tiio cause of nil llio gloom which iiiantled his fcaturca. To city ticket ngenta the CAUSO was easily explainable , but to the large number of Tom Godfrey's frlcntli It was llko n pJKO from the Talnuul. A call tor n meet ng of the local passenger association was Issued yesterday by Secretary Davidson on the ground that ono member of tliu association hail made complaint of another member , and the matter was to bo settled at 2 o'clock at the secretary's office In Durllng- ton headquarter ; . The call [ or the local passenger association following closely upon the settlement of the strike brought the city ticket agents together to Inquire the causa of the call. As near as can be learned , for there Is a good deal of Freemasonry nmong passen ger men , Mr. Godfrey sold flvo tickets to Houston , Tex. , Thursday at a rate of $27.23. against the regular tariff of $53.70 each. It was the oM-tlmo story. Five parties wanted to go to Houston , and they Hhopped about for a rate until they ran ngalnst Mr. I'almer of the Santa Fe. While he could not do anything for them , lie thought that ho might be able to get flvo ticket * from the Missouri Pacific , and ho did. It Is asserted that he sold these tickets to the prospective Texans for $27 50 each , and shortly after , by some strange feat of leger demain , they fell Into the hands of a com peting line , and aflldavlts fell with them that the tickets were purchased for $27.25. A complaint was at once filed with the sec retary , and yesterday Mr. Davidson called upon the Missouri Pacific to redeem the tickets at tariff rates , which was done At the session ot the "low joints" yesterday afternoon , called to pass upon the unprofessional action of the Mis souri I'aclllc , Mr. Godfrey sprung a mild sensation by offering In evidence a prepaid order for the tickets delivered to Mr. I'al mer of the Santa Fe , and Mr. Godfrey sup plemented the order by remarking that under rule 28 of the association lie was powerle-8 to control the sale of the tickets , they having passed entirely out of his hands. The members were not satisfied , however , and the session promised to be a long one in view of the technicalities which the case presented , when Mr. Godfrey offered , on behalf of his company , to pay the associa tion double locali on the tickets. Thlt seemed to solve the problem , and on mo tion of one of the members Mr. Godfrey's tender was accepted. The amount of double locals on the five tickets sold amounted to $132.50 , and this will be turned over to tire secretary , thereby rel evlng Mr. Godfrey of the fine which would have been undoubtedly Imposed had there been a clear case , but the members took into consideration the Integrity of the city passenger nnd ticket agent of the Missouri I'aclllc and said noth ing about the fine. So frightened were the Swedes who worked the cheap ticket racket that four ot them rushed to the nearest barber shop and had their bears removed , one of .them going so far as tc buy a false moustache so that "even Palmer could not recognize me , " as ho explained. Oregon Mmrt f.lnu Affair' ' * . A telegram from New York announces that the agreement of the first mortgage bond holders ot the Oregon Short Line Railway company , under which Joint action is pio- poscd to be taken with a view to enforcing the lien of the mortgage and guarantee thereof of the Union Pacific , has been com pleted and filed with the Central Tr-ist com pany of New York and the Old Colony Trust company ot Boston. The committee is com posed of n. C. Martin , John Dlg lov , C. J. Lawrence , Bernhard Malnger nnd Ocrdon Abbott. They arc vested with all t'lo powers usually conferred on such committees to ne gotiate a settlement , to buy in the ran ( gaged property in case of its tale under foreclosure , and to apply the funds deposited In payment for the purchase. The expenses of the com mittee In all the work Intrusted to It are not to exceed $10 a bond. There Is a. great'deal of uncertainty about Union Pacific headquarters as to what the committee will do in relation to the Oregon Short line , whether to move for a separate receiver or to allow the road to drift along as at present. It Is , however , nbsolulel } certain that the financial lights ot the Union Pacific will not spend any great amount of time mourning over the defection of the Short line should It come to that. The Short line was ono of Charles Francis Adams' acquirements , and Is Inown as a C per cent road , which , under the most advantageous circumstances could not earn moro than 4 per cent on tht capital Invested. The history of Charles Francis Adams' financial schemes In con nection with the Union Pacific would make mighty Interesting rending could the abso lute facts be obtainable from those Interested with him In the management ot the propel ty and possibly Jay Gould would shine In i- much more enviable light In contrast with the theorist and sago of Massachusetts. After tlin Strike. Nothing but good can bo written of the railroad situation at this point yesterday. There was a very pronounced change in the atmosphere and the railroads were settling back Into their old ruts. Thursday No. 5 on the Hock Island ran through to Denver , the first train west bound for a week , and No. C left Denver Thursday night on time and Jeft Omaha last night with full equipment. The Northern Pacific has telegraphed Its connections that Its road was open as far as Mandan and branches , but west of that point the blockade was completo. Mr. Phlllippl announced that the .Mis souri Pacific was entirely open from end to end end that the freight department \vas now giving clean bills of lading on nil classes of freight. Everything was bright nnd hopeful about ChHdrenGryfof Pitcher's Gastoria. Children © ryfc * Pitcher's Gastoria. Children -cher's ; Gastoria. iorse Ory Ooods Saturday , Toilet Articles. Calder's tooth powder iac. Perfumery , per oz. , 70. Root beer (5 ( gallons ) for 150. Bay rum , large bottle , 120. A lot of combs ( all high price ) 90. Tetlow's powder isc. Almond meal 130. Swan Down face powder Gc. the t'unlon P/icine , telegrams from Super intendents Duel , Hanrroft , Ilrmkerhoff , Molloy , Colvln. IndlcrttlnR that the whole system was open and many of the Mrlkers going back to work. The * who failed to re port for duty yesterday will find their places filled by strangers. Shops that were closed down becmiae of tlio blockade \vlll be opened - - as tlio business warrants. Uiilhvuy Nuti-K , Superintendent C. M , Italhbiirn 6f the sourl I'flcino U In town. OeorRe K. MeNlitt of the "Kniy" looked In on the i ssetiKPr boy Tliurmlay. TnivellnR l'.ii etiKer Agent Clmrlc K. Owen of the Vaml.ilU line , with liendiiunrterJ at Kansas City. U In Omnlm. Mr. J. 1 * . Rowley , city ticket spent of the Sanla Kc nt Topekn , Kan , quietly came Into Omaha Thursday from the north nnd yei- lerday In just as quiet and unostentatious a manner wan united In marriage- Mm. Mar- R.tret Hnblnjon of St. Louis , at the deanery of Trinity cathedral. Very Itev. C. II. Onrd- nur omclalliiK. Mr. C. T. Uleed. one of tlio beat known of Kamana nil.I . a forinldablu cantlldato In the last senatorial fl lit In that state , was present at the ceremony. Mr and Mrs. llowley nnd Mr. diced left for Topcka last evening. _ There may bo some on In this vicinity who Is ainiirtod with n ntonmch trouble. If so , the experience ot A. C. Kppley. a , carpenter , and contractor of Newman , 111. " , will Interest him. For acoilplo of years ho wus nt tliura troubled with n pain In the stomach , that ho says , "seemed tn go through mo from front to baek. I ltau ) taking Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera anil Dlarrlmen Remedy. Whenever any pain appeared I took a dose ot the Remedy. It g.tva mo prompt relief and has effected a complete cure. " It Is for sale by druggists. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA. I Iflcpn llutrhrr * Sent lo t'hli'ngo to Take 1'lnrri of Ntrllicr * . . "Kid" Mullen left last night for Chicago with fifteen butchers , who will bo given places In Swlfl & Co.'s packing housu Im mediately upon their arrival. Mr. Million has been employed in the house hero nnd has lakcn Iho men lo the Windy city to supply the places of men who nro out on it strike. Strok Yiird * IVnntVon The Fourth of July committee met List night and closnl up Its business , allowing nil bills that were endorsed by the various committees. The hose cart race was de clared by the Judges to have been won by the stock yards team , with the Cudahy team second. The Hammond team Is out with a challenge to race cither of the winners for cash. M on by < > Inch. A. C. Denny and Harry Marling ran off the 100-yard foot race that was protested on the Fourth at Twenty-slxlh and C slreela last night. A largo crowd witnessed the con test. Denny won by an Inch and was given first money , $10. Hororil It-f.ikllic Day ut Ho ? Scute * . . On Wednesday Charles Marsh at scale No. 1 nt the stock yards weighed 11.113 hogs. This is the largest number of porkers ever weighed by ono man In a day on any scales In the country. J. M. Cameron of Raymond , Neb. , la visiting Reed Hake. Services will b ; held morning and evening at St. Martin's church Sunday. Deacon Daniel S. Curfman will address the Fourth ward mission ut 2:30 : o'clock ne-xt Sunday. Adah chapter No. 52 , Order of Iho Eastern Star , will Install tbelr newly elected olllcera tonight. Quito a number of South Omaha people will go on an excursion lo Toronlo , Can. , leaving here Tuesday. An Important meeting of the members of. the Young Men's Institute will bo held at their hall next Tuesday night. Miss Mao Sill , one of Hastings' leading soclely ladles , returned homo Thursday after n pleasant visit with friends In the Maglo City. Fred Green of Atlantic , la. , Is In town. Ho Is on his way homo from a trip to Den ver , but has many friends hero whom he will visit for a few days. The ladles of the I'resbytcrlan church will entertain friends und visiting strangers at a lawn social at the residence o ! Mrs. II. L. Wheeler next Tutsday evening. Ths Magic City Federal Labor union No. 6335 will meet next Tuesday night at Kout- sky's hall , corner of Twentieth and Q streets. All members are requested lo bo present. Rev. R. L. Wheeler's topic for Sunday morning will be "Humanity With God Be hind It. " In the evening he will talk on "The Scriptural Philosophy of Uurden Uear- Ine. " At the July meeting of the deaconata of the Presbyterian church Mr. Harry NIcMIn , Mrs. Josephine Rich und Mrs. Laura IJ. Klser were elected ns visiting board to the South Omaha hospital. Division No. S , Ancient Order of Hi bernians , has elected the following ofllcers : W. M. Ryan , president ; W. II. Quecnan , vlco president ; C. S. Ryan , financial secre tary ; J. McKcenan , recording secretary ; J. J. Larkln , treasurer ; M. Donohoe , sergeant- at-arms ; M. Harrlgan , sentinel. Tom Maher , a man who has been before Judge Chrlstmann before , was sentenced to twenly days In the county Jail , with the first fifteen days on broad nnd water. Maher Is booked ns a vagrJnt , nnd the police say that he spends a greater portion of lila time In houses of 111 rcpulc , and that ho will not work. An Interest In ; ; l. < < ttcrlilch hpoaKs for Itself. LOVRVILLE. St. Mary's Co. , Md. , June 15 , 189L I have handled Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for the pabt year. It gives the bust of satis faction to my customers. I reculvud nn oner last week for four bottles of the tonicdy from a man residing sixteen mllus from my place. Today I received n letter from him , staling lhat It has saved thu lives of two mem bers of his family. An old gentleman lie re , who has suffered two years with diarrhoea , was permaiiEnlly cured by this remedy. Ho can now do as much work ns any man of Ills ago. I could mention other remarkable cures , but the Renu-dy will show for Itstelf If tried. IJ. Love. 25 and 50-cent bottles for sale by druggists. I'crry for lowu i-'uriiinri , A new and substantial ferryboat Is now carrying passengers and learns across tlie Missouri river al the north end of Sixteenth street , or Sherman avenue , Omaha , lo Iowa. This now ulfordi a short and straight route from Omaha to Cruncint City , Honey Crct-k , Honey Creek lake , Loveland. Missouri Vul- 1 ley and points in tht direction of Sioux C'lty , Id. Ten to fifteen miles la saved In dla- tancf. Farmers can now market tliolr pro ducts In the besl market Iho country afford * | and return homo the sanui day , within a . $ radius of ( Kloen miles. The town of ill- bonrl Valley Is Just fourteen miles north of Omalia city limits and mm mile cast of the Omaha poatodlce. Marshal's ferry ls nltu- ati l about one and u half mllei down Iho river , below Florence. This will be a great convenience lo the public and brlrg to Omaha a largo amount of tradu that now gu.'H cUo- where. Ifalct Kint. For "full Informal.on . concerning suivmer excursions cull at tlio Chicago , Md\vaukne & St. Paul ticket ollloe , 1501 Farnam street , or address F. A. NASH General Agent , \ : ult < i < l III * I'riMpfi'thn JlHllii-r-ln-l.iiw , Charles Farmer 18 In the clutches of the law for having assaulted u lady , one who If the trouble had not occurred , might ncu day have \tien \ bin mother-in-law. All "f the partKi to the trannactlon are colors.1 Thu complaining witness Is Mary Kobli - son. the mother of a dusky young lady , to whom ClmrloH lias been paying hla dl tr i eti for a coupro of yearn. Thcii at tentions have been objectionable to the mother , and Tnumday h met Charles upon tha Mreet. telling him that hu mutt not \llt the Robliuon domlrllo any rumv. Ctiarln asked for nn explanation , but in he could got nothing of the kind , be picked up it board and commvncwl chaulng the old lady around the block. They ( printed for a tlnm and until Charlta fell Into the hands of nn officer , hence liln presence tn the municipal court Or Ron Kt Irry Ten ' urea bar-kacba , TrlaJ size , iJ cents. All drugs U