Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Damage to Spring Wheat by the Excessive
Hcat Vasa Factor ,
Corn Slartcil Under Some Incitement anil
the lc t I'rlciof the Ilay U'oro
ItrulUcil nt tlio Blurt-Stuck *
nntl llomM.
CHICAGO , July 13. Damage to spring
.wheat by the recent cxceislvo heat In the
northwest was tlio cause of an early gain of
J4o In the price here. The expectation that
.With the railroads again running regularly
B heavy movement hither of the winter
wheat was Inevitable , nnJ that , seeing It
could not be delivered upon speculative con
tracts , It would necessarily bo sold at Its
shipping value , caused weakness toward the
end , the close being ,4c below the previous
day's resting price. Corn opened firm and
closed easy at V&c decline. Provisions were
Cull and a shade lower.
The early strength In wheat was attribut
able partly to advances In liberal quantities
of cash wheat being taken In the northwest ,
250,000 bu. today and 1,300,000 bu. for the
. week. A bulge In corn had some Influence
In giving wheat lie Initial up
ward Impetus , and some rumors
early of the strlko having been de
clared oft by the strikers helped to keep
It steady for an hour or more. A prominent
trader unloaded 100,000 bu. nnd 200,000 bu.
lots , which Induced a great number of small
holders to unload , the effect of which waste
to force the prlco down , and the close was
.within V&o of the bottom for the day.
Corn started under some excitement nnd
at from % o to Vic improvement In the price
of the active option September. The best
prices of the clay , however , were realized
at the start. There did not appear to be any
tccond line of timid shorts to take the
place of the first after the latter discharged
their guns and ran away. Prices closed
With July unchanged , September down V4c
and May a shade higher.
There was a light trade In oats. The
market was stronger and prices advanced
from V&e to4c early , but later reacted In
sympathy with wheat , and closed easy nt
the bottom and from V o to % c below the
top , at about the same price a * yesterday.
I'rovhlons were again dull. Hog receipts
wcro considerably heavier nnd their price
wns from Cc to lOc lower. There were more
cash sales of lard reported than for some
time previous. Swift and company wcro free
sellers of ribs. Pork Is Tc lower and lard
declined 2'Ac. ' Ulbs unchanged.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
15 cars ; corn , 141 cars ; oats , CO cars ; hogs ,
13.000 head-
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
Articles. | Open. | High. | Low. I Cloae.
\VheatNo. 2
July MW fijM }
Sept f.8H fi8
Corn No. 2. .
July 4Ji | 4H
.Sept 42H
Oct 43 43 42H
0.1 in No. 2. . .
July now SO 30
An ? 3H ( HOU 20 ? {
( ( in 20WS1
Mny 32W
Tork per bbl
July 12 CO 12 no 12 47K 12
Sept. 12 02H IS 05 12 62H
Lard.lUOlbf )
July 0 75 0 7C 0 7fi 0 7fi
U SO 0 80 0 SU 0 SO
Chorl Illbs-
July 0 B2W
Sepl 0 6iH ! 0 30 0 62V
Cash quotations were ns follows ;
KI.OUIl Htemly , unclmnKcil.
WHKAT No. 2 spring. MUOSScj No. 3 spring ,
CCo ; No. 2 reel. CGUc.
COUN-No. 2 , 42o j No. 3 , ! &P.
OATS-No. 2 , no sales ; No. 2 white. 41c ; No.
S white , SSTflOo.
11YE No. 2 , 4Se.
HAIIM5V No. 2. nominal.
Pl.AX SKKD No. 1 , J1.28.
TIMOTHY SKKD rrlinc. 5.
I'llOVISIONS Mesa pork , per lib ] . , Ji2.52',4O '
I2.C5. I.afd , psr 100 Ibs. , S .72'i(3t5. ( ! Short riba ,
eldcs ( loose ) , JC.Ci't'SC.CS ; dry salted ohoulders
( boxed ) . 1H.OOOC.121J ; short clear. Hides ( boxed ) ,
WHISKY Distillers' nnlshed Roods , per enl. ,
Tlio following were tlio receipts ana slilptncnti
fcrtoilny :
On thd Produce exchange today the butter mar
ket wa Bteudy : creamery , I''ffllTc ; diary , . 11
OlOo. EKKB , H toady at U < 310c.
Coiulltlou of Tr < lo unit Quotntlons on
Stnplo unil Piiiiuy I'riiitnui ) .
The market was without feature of any Im
portance aside from the weaker CKB market.
{ rho general trade continues rather tjulet and
Without much life. Duller and poultry continue
tteady at previous quotations , though old fowls
fiavo not been Kolnff very fieely at the top price
quoted durlnit the past few days. The veal mar
ket Is tlrm and the demand quite good. The
receipts of hny were the IniKcst yesterday of
Any day for some time back and It Is doubtful
f present prices can be maintained much longer
under present conditions.
An authority nt ElRln estimates the stock of
Ki-u In storage In Chicago and UlKln at 320,0)0
jucs , aa compared with last year's stock of
85.000 at the eiunc date. Tattles In the buslnccs
Malm the quality this year Is better. The cool
feather , extending to about Juno 1 , enabled
hem to bo received and handled In better con-
llllon than In former years. The price nt which
hey were put away Is about 2o per doz. less
than last year.
1IUTTKU 1'acklnB stock , 8c ; peed to choice
country , 11 12c ; cnaint'ry , solid packed , 15lGc ;
creamery , bricks , 16fl8c.
IGGH i'er doz. , sc.
LlVK 1'OULTIIY Old hens , Co ; spring chick
ens , l12'e. ! The demand for eecsc and ducks
| s very light. Ducks , 7c ; hen turkeys , "IfSc ;
feoublers , 6 6c : ccese , 6V4O6c.
VKAI Choice fat and small veals ore quoted
at Cc ; coarse nnd lario , Sfllc.
CHKKSK Wisconsin , full cream , new make ,
lOITllc : Nebraska nnd Iowa , full cream , SSJlOc ;
Nebraska nnd Iowa , part skims , 6W7c ; I.lm-
LurKer , No. 1 , lOc ; brick , No. 1 , lOc ; Swiss , No.
'lIAY Upland hay , tS.GO ; midland. :
lowland , $7.60 ; rye straw , (6. Demand
fair ; supply fair. Color makes the best prlci on
hay. LlKht bales sell the best. Only top trades
bring top orlces.
I'lQEONS Old Mrds. per doz. , Jl.
POTATOES-Clood stock. 7SGSOc.
MKLONS ( lood stock , ilS.OOifU.OO.
11KKTS New beets , per doz. bunches , 20JJ25C.
on ordeis.
CUCUM11KUS On orders , 45f50c per doz.
OLD HKANS-Hund picked navy , J2.15O2.23 ;
nwlluin. Jilou..15 ; common white beans , J1.75
Ol.lK ) .
ONIONS On orders. l',4C2o per Ib.
CAIIIIAUK Good shipping stock , on orders ,
TOMATOES Oood shlw > lne stoclt , per 4-bnskct
orate. 73c < rjl.OO.
NKW IIKANS Wax. per H bu. basket , 5fl75c ;
itrlnK , per ' , i bu. basket , 60c.
1'KAS ( ioiol Block , per bu. , J1.23.
OAULIt'LOWKH-ChoIco stock , p r doz. , 11.25
OAUUOTS New southern carrots , per doi.
bunches. SOfflQc.
TUHN1PS New homo Brown , per bu. , DOc ,
The situation In the local fruit market Is un-
chanRed. The market Is almost baru and there
Is wry little business dplntr for the want of
Block to do U with. About all the fresh fruit
that was tu be had on the market ycsterdu )
nuirnliiB was blackberries nnd u fuw red plunu.
Repot U fiom Wisconsin Indicate that the cran
berry btislien are n-ttlnu and that the piospect
thus far Is favorable for a uood crop. The cum-
berry crop has come too lute to be one of the
Important fruit ciops In this country. Tnu
jarKcst crop of cranberries produced In the
United Htnl' > prior tn 1SW was that of 1SS5 ,
when 713 , bu , were harvested. Of this crop
Now KiiKlnnd produced 280,879 bu. , New Jereej
133,125 bu. , nnd the Wi'st 201,132 bu. , which was
by some 40WK ) bu. the largest crop ever Kiithert-'i
In the \\itai. The crops uf the west vary mole
from year tn year than those of either of the
Atlantic coast tlclils , being moro subject to tud-
den frosts during thn blooming nnd ripening
seasons. The crop pf 1S33 exceeded any preceding
crop by 100.0 bu. U contained 27,800,9)0 ) qtn.
Afmcli'lK let's than ono pint tn each Indlvldua
In the I'n'ted ' States , or uUiut : qis. to eucl
mmlly. At llrfct ono would not think tills an o\vr
cupply for domi'Htlo wtisumptlon , but , unlike
tiuwt fruits , the cianberry cannot be used ex-
cent as a tumce.
C1IKKIUKS Iowa home prawn , 11.50 per H bu
a , per M-lb. crate. > 1.W
outhern. per bbl , , IS.7MI3.W.
AI'lllCOTO None.
lILACKHUUHIKH-aood stock. j.50.
IILAC'IC HASI'llKUUins Qood slock. J3.
11KD IlABl'llKKHins None.
I'liAfllKH-None ,
1'I.UMS-Natlve red plums , per Zlqt. case
KUlS Nonf.
I'BAHS None.
llANANAS-C'liolec stock. JJ.OOl .50 per bunch
l.UMONH Funcy lemons , 900 ilie. | ( ; fancy
lemona , JiM ilse , (4 ; cholc * Umons , 340 die , 15. M.
OH VN- ' T o * ' "i " .f n B.t. <
air t t. . ' ii iJ ir. . l f ' ; *
1 INKAT1 . ,1 ' nn Hi n.i'i. t.
Jtlrfl KM.ANI Jf8.
no ? ; -i'\iii' y , \ ! r it ) . . U'.iiij.- .
IMTU&llnll'j i'e , W tu J'J-lh. boxes , per Ib. ,
I10NBY Cnllfornln , ISc ; ilnrk honey , \99llt. \
MAPI.K gVltl.'P Onllen cnn * . per an. , 112.
NUT Almonds , IfieiTe ; nn llin nnlnuts , 1 O
Jos nitH-rts , Uc ; llraill nuty , IOC.
C1DKII Pure juice , ixr bhl. , J6 ; half bbl. ,
3 38.
38.HIDESNO. . 1 crecn hliln , ! ' 4c : NV. 1 Br > en
No. 1 v il cnlf , Ihs. to IS lb . , cs No. 2 veal
cnlf , 8 llx. t > ) 15 Ib * . . , 4e ; No. 1 dry Hint hides ,
ci No. 2 dry Hint hld , 3c ; No. 1 dry milted
altcd hides , 3c ; Nn. 2 Rreen raited hi. I'd , 2c ;
iil' | , ( c ; port cured hides , He per Ib. Ies than
UFHRCKpe I'KI.TS-Oreen wiled , each , 2Sfl60c :
creen salted shearlings ( hort-woole < l eirly sklnn ) ,
nch , 6 16ci dry shenrllnKS ( short-wooled early
kln ) , No. 1 , ench. 6 10ci dry slienrlliiBS ( short.
voolwl ently skins ) , No. 2 , each , 6cj dry nint ,
< : nni iis nnd Nelimnka butiher wool pelts , per
b. . actual welnlit , OflSc ; dry Hint. Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib , , actual
wclKht , 4fl c ; dry Hint , Colorado butcher wool
. . Its. p'cr Ib. . . weight , 407c : dry Hint ,
: olnrnd3 murrain wixjl pelts , per to. , ftctunl
WTAlii.ow''AND ! nniAst-Tftiiow. : : No. i. w
Uc ; tallow , No. 2 , 3'it)3'.4c ' ) ' ; Bren c , white A
V c ; grease , white II , tt : qrcnnp , yellow , 3o :
grease , dark , 2V4C ; old lititler. 2CH40J beeswax
irlme , UWISc ; rniigli tallow. 2c.
M\V : voiuc UIMHAL ;
VcnteriliiQnotiitloin on Flour , Oniln nml
Frottrloii * , .Mcliilr. I'to.
NEW YORK. July 13.-FLOl'U-necelnts. 10.S01
bblK. ; exports. bbln. : rali ; * . M.MO pl < Ks ;
mnrhPt tint nnd wcnk ; buyers Indifferent : w _ liter
straights h.ivifnlr export Inquiry ; southern Hour ,
dull ; rye Il-Kir , dull and easy ; tales , 200 bbls. ;
buckuheat ( lour , wnulnnl.
HlK'KWItnAT Nominal. . . .
. , , , ,
CORN MEAISli'ndy ; sales 15" bM . ; yellow
western , f.2B3R2.V ) ; llrnmlywlne , | 2.iO.
HY1J Nominal : Btnte. f.Be.
IIAHI.IJY Nominal. , , - .
IIARLHY MALT Strailv ; wstorn , BSOSOc ;
Canndn , WflKif nix-rowed , 82fS5\
WIIKAT Receipt * . 41,301) bu. ; exports. 43.401
bu. futures anil 96.000 bu.
bu. ; Fnles. 2.1IO.IHW
spot. Spol ninrkct easy ; No. 2 red. In store and
Plevntor. tO'ic ; t. o , b. . eoyc ; No. 1 northern.
M"c. dcllvpred ; No. 1 hnnl. 70' ' < , c. Opllons opf n < !
tinner on dry weather , but noon reacted on for-
elan selling nnd easier rabies ; nftcnvnrd rallied ,
but losl nil tlio advance on reports of rnln , and
clviod weak nt Vc , decline ; rumors were current -
rent of a big export movement west ; August ,
5DM"iC , rinsing nt CDV e ; September. Biff
6111-lCc. cloning nt CHic ; December , G4t uCisC. }
* - ? . lOS.fOO bu. ! exports , S5.000 liu. ;
union. BlS.Ofli ) hu. futures nnd 75.000 bu. frnl.
Hpol market quid : No. 2. 47e. elevator ; 4V e
nllimt. Option market opened hlKhcr on dr >
wcnther , Init nflerwnrd renclril on rains nnd
larKcr reeelplB , nnd closed Vc drnvn : July , < ' . '
4sir eloHlnc nL 47'le ; AiiBUst. 47'H,5TISUc ' , closing
nt 47c ; September. 47'.i 47 15-lCc. closing at
' 'oATS-Recolpta. 21.000 bu. : exports , 100 bu. :
tnl-s. 43,000 bu. future * nnd 20,000 hu. spat , r-p-il
market dull ; No. 2 , Ml4 IC2e ; No. 3. B7c : No. 2
while , r,2c ; No. 3vh te. COc ; track , while weBt-
ern. fcWia'c ; Irnck. white state , B21TMC. Option
market tlrmer early , but soon weakened with
other market * , except Into close Uo higher. July
ic lower ; July closed nl 4le : AimuBt , 34'4Wnc ,
closlni ; at Slllc ; September , 32333V4C , closlni ? nt
- on light receipt * .
HOP.1 ? Slow ; Kinte , comnun to choice , iQlto ;
P.acltlc ennnt. lOfille.
I.HATIIKR Slow ; licmlock sole , nuenos Ayres ,
llBht lo heavy weights. llfflPc.
WOOIQulct ; domestic llcccc , 13 25c ; pulled ,
" " "pUOVIPlONR-llecf. dull ; family , J ; exlrn
mesa , J8.00fi8.W ; beef Imnn , J21 ; clly extra India
mess Jtn.OiKTIS.OO. Cut meals , easy ; pickled bel
lies , 7l4 Se : pickled uliouldem. C'ic ' : pickled hnms.
} 12 Lard , lower ; western Ftrnm crowed at27'i :
Jnles , BOO Heroes at * 7.27tt T7.3i ) ; July , J7.SO nsUcl ;
Seplember , J7.30 nikeil ; rellncd , quiet. Pork.
( UTTKR null ; western dairy. lO'.tilMc ; western
western factory , O'.ifillc ;
ern creamery , H018c ;
EiBlns" < ; ilnlo dairy. 12C17'ic ; slnlc crei.m-
"cilKIWK Klrm : slnle , larce.7l.'i7Iic ( ' : small ,
fancy , 7',4 ' < 39c ; part skims , -2tfl3lic ! ; full skims ,
'l-'cfo's Dull : state nnd Pennsylvania , Wyft
ISc" ; western fresh , 11012c ; southcin , cus s , 51.250
2 "JO
"TALLOW-Stcady : city < 2 per pl < B. ) . < Uc ;
country ( plica , free ) . 4'.4c , as to quality.
PHTROLKl'M Dull : tlnlted closed nt J4 bid.
ROHIN Quiet ; strained , common to good , Jl.Sj
gl 40.
TURPENTINE Quiet : 3030' c.
" " >
Riri3-Stenily : domcslle , fnlr to extra ,
'HSfaLlSfwi wiSl'v ' : New Orleans , open ket-
lie , KOod lo choice , 2Sffl3"c. ;
PIO IRON-Slcudy ; lake , J.
TjEAD Sleady : domestic , J3.11.
TIN Firmer for spot and July ; slralts. $12.30
bid ; plates , quiet. . , . . .
si'KLTKR Steady ; Bales on 'chance , 10 tons
AUKimt lln nt J19.20.
COTTON SEED OilInacllvc , nominal.
\\onl MiirUnt.
BOSTON , Masi. . July 13. The AmerlcnnVool
nnd Colton Iteporter says of Ihe wool market :
The undertone of the market Is rather slronp.
The effecl ot Ihe InlerrupHpn of transportallon
by Ihe Industrial illsturbaiica In Illinois and
elsewhere has lieen to Klve considerable nrmncas
to prices of domestic wools ; though receipts
have been less , the quantity of wool In this
mnrket before the mrike precluded any material
advance from that cnuse. Only In the event of
the railroad troubles belnu protracted wns there
likely to be nny upward movement In maiket
values. On the other hand , there was llttlo
likelihood of any reduction , ns prices have about
reached bollom. The spurt of activity last week
was of a speculative character ; It was largely
duo to Ihe tendency which we have to discount
the possible results of nn evenl some lime before -
fore It occurs , or nt nny rate before It Is com
pleted , as there hns been a Rood deal less wool
sold since the 6th of July llinn nny week pre-
ccdlni ? that date ; 11 may be Inferred Ihnl Ihe
markel Is quloler. There has , nevertheless , been
a fnlr amounl of business done. There hns been
a modernle Inquiry for washed Ohio and Mich
igan line -wools , nlso for medium and conrsa
grades at a certain price. The worsted men
are willing to make large contracts for staple
wool , but dealers , ns a. rule , arc unable to ac
cept Ihe offers made. Qulle n quanllly of Texns
lins arrived and been sold In considerable blocks.
It has come to n few holders , nnd Ihe bulk of
recelpls Imvo been pledged. Twelve monlhs'
Texas Is worlh from Ilo lo 13c ; wo hear of
some holding for lie. Combing wools are In
most active demand. Sales would probably be
lamer If more lots were opened up. Consider
able sales of terrllory wools have been made on
the basis of 30c ( clean ) for line nnd fine mjdlum
clothing , nnd for staple selections of lines of
wool of a specially good staple , n lltllc higher
30iT32c ; medium ( clean ) Is worlh 2Sff29c. The
sales for Ihe week In lioslon amount to 1,710,10)
Ibs. domestic nnd 105,000 Ihs. foreign , making a
total of 1,831,100 Its. The snlcs since January
1 , Ib94. amount to 64.788,400 Ihs. The sales for
the week In New York aggregate 003,000 Ibs.
The sales for Ihe week In Philadelphia aggre
gate 1,314,900 Ibs.
St. I.ouls ( icnornl JMnrltet.
ST. LOUIS , July 13. FLOUR-Unchansed ,
WHEAT Opened higher , but relapsed because
of a weak cash market , closing VIO'lc off ; No.
2 red , cash and July , B3c ; August , Me ; Septem
ber. BHlO51c ; December , Mc.
CORN Higher early on drought reports , but
lost the gnln on general news ; No. 2 mixed ,
cash , 4Uic ; July , 40lfcc ; August and Septem
ber , 33Tic.
OATS nosier ; No , 2 , cash , 31 > ,5c ; July , SOo ;
August , 2C ic ; September , 2Sc.
RYU No trading.
HARI.KY No Undlng.
HRAN Ixiwer ; COc. east trnck.
FLAX 8iHIS1.15 : for new.
CLOVER 8l-KI : > -7.GOlit8.r,0.
HAT Hauler : prime to choice llmolhy , I12.CO
CJ13.00 : fancy old , J12 ; new , ll.r,0ij > 12.00.
1IUTTER Unchanged.
KOOS Lower nt 7c.
TIMOTHY HEICD-IIlEhcr ; J4.C5 for July.
LEAH Firm ; J3.15.
Sl'ELTKR-Dull : J3.20.
CORN MEAL J3.10S2.15.
\VIIISKY 11.22.
I'llOVISIONS Weak , tending downward. Porlt ,
standard mess , Jobbing. JI3.23. Laid , prime
steam , J6.62',4 ' ; choice , J6.70. Dry rait meats ,
loose shoiililcis , JO ; longs nnd ribs. JO.87',4 ;
shorts , 57. llncon. packed shoulders , J7 ; longs ,
J7.S714 ; ribs , JS ; shorts , J8.12HtfS.25.
RECEIPTS Hour , 1.000 Mils. ; wheat , 112,000
bu. : corn , 42.000 bu. ; oats , fS 000 bu.
SHIPMENTS , Vlour. 2,000 bbls. ; wheat , 1.000
bu , ; corn , 83,000 bu. ; oats , 1,000 bu.
. MlnniMipolIn Wliriit Murkot.
MINNEAPOLIS , July 13. The wheat market
opened about Ho higher this morning on un
favorable reports from' abroad and bad crop re
ports from the Interior of the northwest. These
reports started shorts to buying. After the
buying had been patWIcd the small amount of
wheat that was offered was taken only at re.
duced prices. Cool weather In the northwcsi
was said to have been Important In reinstating
the condition of thn crop and prices recedi'i
about ViO lower , and closed llnally He lower than
yesterday for the enily futures , He higher for
cash wheat on track , while December sold under
the close of yesterday at July. D9e ; September.
6ciic ; December. BSMe ; on truck , No. 1 hard
6ie | ! ) : No. 1 northern. Wic ; No. 2 northern , H9Uc
Receipts were only 20.000 bu. : shipments , 1,3V
bu. Mills were gilndlne nt the late of about
eri.OOO bu. for the 24 hours. BO that there was a
reduction In local supplies equal lo about 40,000
bu. for the day. The production of Hour was
fktlmnteil nt nbout 35,000 bbls. ; rlilnmentg. 6.800
bbls , Prices were steady nt J3.351j3.50 for pat
ents ; J2.05S2.35 for bakers. _
Coffon Murliot.
NI3\V YORK , July U'-COFFEE Options
opened steady , unchanged , to It points down ,
ruled linn but quiet ; clnse. firm , unchanged , to
15 points up ; sales , 5.2SO bags. Including. Au
gust. HI.90W1I.W ; September. J14.UO ; December.
J13.15CI3.20. Spot coffffoc , Rio. steady : No. 7 ,
116.60 ; mild , quiet : Cordova , J19.00W 19.50 : ware
house deliveries yesterday from New York , 4.1W
bugs ; New York stock , 2OS5 bags : United States
stock. 127,637 bags ; allimt for United States ,
204.500 bags ; total visible for United Slates ,
332.157 bugs , against 418.5H9 bags last year.
SANTOS. July 13. Quiet ; good average , J17.10
receipts. 5.000 bags ; stock. 6,800 hags.
HAMIH'UO , July 13. Dull ; M l > 'tf. higher to
W pfg. lower ; sales , 10,000 bags.
HAVRE. July 13. Close , quiet : July , ' . * ' lower
olhers , 14 f no I lower ; tolal sales , 8,000 bags
stock , 314,000 bags.
RIO JANEIRO , July 13. Klrm : No. 7 , Rio
J15 ; exchange , 3UJ : receipts , 10,000 buir : cleared
for United States , 1,000 bags ; stock , 117,000 bags
ClilcaK" 1'riilt yiuitutliins.
CHIOAC10. July 13. Porter Itros. company
New York , sold six curs of California fruit u
auction today that were held by the striken In
Chicago for eleven days ; part of th fruit very
good order , other part worthies' : Tiugedy prunes
J2.ll O3.50 ; HI muni prunes , II. 0533.25. Abundance
tiluiua , Jl.WtiJ.55 ; Clj-muni , 7io ; Elinor * ( luuin
1 , r . . . IM ' ; T t II "
, ,5 , < , i\ i _ , ni l i I. v
rt , T , , , | .u AI x v'- ' ' I11 ' ' ' . " " . ' , '
J < H'iss 4. j ' 4 > K..I.U upri' ' " . Hi 'I' ' "J
i-ai Ii atlii".in , r , h"\nl An 10 iuri'l"
< i < Jl9i' ' . fent'imnls. Win , i . Itipul Ih nns , J13'
i"oclod | | Ji nis , J2.SO. Applet , small L"Xes.
I. * * .
Porter llros. etitnpnny , Ilorton , mid two cars
f CnlKornln fruit toflny t auction : Tr K < "ly
iruncs , .37ff3.M. Pcxch plums , tl.MOi.M :
loyal II ! lves , J2 , Halo's peaches , J1.62fl2.0J.
\prlcots , Wo. _ _
_ _ _ _ _
l.ivpi'p i > 1 Mur < iM ) ,
LlVnttPOOU July 18.-WHBAT-Qlll t , hut
tMdy ; ilemnnd iioor : holders offer moderately !
'o. f Callfornln , 4 lldflfis ; rnl western spring ,
9 lldffits ; reil western winter , 4s 7dfT4s 8\4d. \
CORN Firm ; dcnmnd modemte : new mixed ,
' '
'nAlt'l-nY-CBllfornln Irewlnp. 2J CJ02o M.
FLOUR Pprlng patents , 29 ltd.
PROVIStONS-llenf. extra India me s. * 0 > .
ork , prlmo mess , CSs 9d. llacon , Uns nnd short
clear , 65 Ihs. , 3 s ; long clear , 43 Ibs. , 40s. Lnrd ,
prime western , 36 * .
Receipts of wheat for three days were 293.000
centals , Including 160,000 cental * American ; re
ceipts of American corn for the past three days
verc 77,000 centals.
KIIIKIK City Murlii't" .
KANSAS CITY , July JS.-WHBAT-NO. 2 hard ,
Slici No , 2 red , 4S 40oj No. 3 red , 4CQ47c ; re-
ccted. 4WI2. ' .
CORN fhchnnged : No. 2 mixed , 3 ® 36 < ic ; No.
2 while. 39'Uil5c. '
OATS-2C lower : No. 2 mixed , 32c ; No. 2 while.
2c.IIUTTtmKIrm ; cieamery , 14fll5c ; dairy , 12
IJOOS Unchanged ; C86C.
IlKCEII TS Wheat , 24,000 bu. ; corn , none ;
oats , none.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , G.CKX ) bu. ; corn , none ;
oats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Suciir Mnrlirt. .
NEW YORK , July 13. SUOAR-Raw , nrm ;
fair refining. 2 11-lCo bid ; centrifugal. 96 lest ,
3'Jc bid ; renned. firm ; No. 6 > 3 13-16iTlc ; No. 7 ,
3H5T3 15-160 ! No. 8. 3 l < i3 13-lte ; No. 9 , 3 9-161 ?
3 c ; No. 10 , 3 9-16 3Hc : No. 11 , SHit-t ll-16c ; No.
12,3 7-16 J'3lXc : No. 13 , 2HtJi 13-16c ; off A. 3 15-16
iJIVlc ; mould A , 4 9-16fMjc ; standard A , 4 i.c ;
cOnfeclloners' A , 3 l-16Blc ; cut loaf , 6UIi6 11-60 :
crushed , B , TfS fi-Uc ; powderod. 4 9-16O4 > ic ; gran
ulated. 4 5-16W4'.ic ' ; cubes. 4 9-16ftlic.
LONDON , July 13. St'CJAR Cane , steady nnd
dull ; centrifugal , Java , 13s lit ; Muscovado , fair
refining , lls 9d. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Toli'ilo ( irnlii AlurUct.
TOLEDO. July 13. WHEAT Active ; No. 2 ,
cash nnd July , Mc ; August , 65ic ; Septem-
jer , Ii6 ic.
CORN Dull ; No. 2. cash , 4Cc ; No. 2 yellow ,
46',4c. "
OATS Steady : No. 2 mixed , 43c ; No. 2 white ,
IlYK Dull : cash. Me hid.
CLOVIIIl SEED Stenily ; prlmo cash , J4 93.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 9,000 bu. ; corn , WO bu. ;
oats , 6no tm.
Cotton .Murlu't.
NEW ORLEANS. July 13. COTTON-Qulct ;
sales , 1,400 bales ; receipts , M bales ; exports ,
coastwise , 613 bales ; stock , 41,831 hal > > s. Futures
steady ; sales , 9,100 hales ; July , J6.79 bid ; Au
gust. J6.0fri.7l ( ! ; September , J0.66fT6.G7 ; October.
$4.iOiG.7I ; November , $0.77tf6.79 ; December , JI.SJ
70.86 ; January , J6.915J0.92 : February , JC.9iGO.DS ;
March , J7.0JO7.0I ; April , J7.097.10.
Oil Miirltcls.
OIL CITY , Pa. . July 13. Natlnnnl Transit cer-
lincales opened nt 83 % ; highest , 83' * ; lowest. 83ji ;
closed , 83 ; ; shipments , 02,764 bbls. ; runs , 6S.U6I
PITTSIU'RO. Pa. , July I3.-Nallonnl Transit
certlllcates opened nt 83Ii ; closed nt S3i ! ; high
est , 83TJ ; lowest , S3 % .
Wool Mnrlctit.
ST. LOUIS , July 13. WOOI Shows better
feeling , with more doing , nl unchanged prices.
"I'rlHco Wliciit ( Jiuitiitlons.
SAN FRANCISCO , July 13. WHEAT Eaolcr ;
December. Jl.OC' ' ; May , Jl.ll'/j.
JMinclii : tstiT Textiles.
MANCHESTER , July 13.-Cloth and yarns
quiet and easier.
SImro Speculation Upcnoil lrlriu nml
Stronj ; Knrly.
NEW YORK , July 13. The share specula
tion opened flrm anil was strong during the
morning and early afternoon. The market
began to be unsettled soon after midday ,
and a small part of the list sagged oft , sub
sequently rallying , with a slight reaction
after delivery hour. The final dealings
wore , however , In good tone , and the market
closed strong , prices showing a very general
advance from > /l to 2 per cent. It was
[ iretty nearly taken for granted at the openIng -
Ing ot business that the collapse ot the
strike was near at hand , and when the an
nouncement reached the street that Presi
dent Debs had officially declared the strike
oft the news merely served to hurry the
shorts to cover more quickly. The usual dis
counting process had been done by the
street , but the buying became moro confi
dent , and holders of stock were- less anxious
to part with their securities except at ad
vances , and In this way the actual ending
of the strike helped prices to reach a higher
Sugar advanced 1 % per cent to 99HIn
the later dealing the stock moved back to
98 % , closing at a recovery of % per cent and
per cent higher on the day.
In the afternoon Washington advices were
received stating that the conferees of the
house on the tariff bill favored decreasing
the spirits tax from $1.10 to $1 and the
bonded period. The Whisky people have
been basing their calculations on the senate
bill going through , so far as regards the
spirit tax. There was a rush to sell qn the
unfavorable news , nnd a decline of 2 % per
cent from the high figure of the morning
was quickly effected , with a final recovery
of % per cent , making the loss from yes
terday's closing 1 % per cent. The bond
market was fairly active and generally
The Evening Post says : A quiet buying
movement , neither largo In volume nor sen
sational In methods , carried prices steadily
up today. It was chiefly made up , no doubt ,
from disappointed speculators for the de
The Post's London cable says : The stock
markets are Improving , particularly for
Americans , which closed at the best. South
American stocks were also better. No Im
provement or general sharp rise Is antici
pated , but Americans have , It Is thought
here , probably seen their worst prices , and a
steady advance In them will affect all the
markets. Silver was extremely weak today.
India cannot buy. China only buys , and
very little.
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today ;
Ncuv York Alonuy Slurkot.
Eosy at 1 per cent ! last loan , 1 per cent ; clojtil
ul 1 per cent.
STCnLIIfQ EXClIAN.aU-DuU anil iteddy
wil i n i M ! > i > Mi ' 1 > IH n * ! * ' '
f r d m .tul . imil II /fv t , < iM.f , posUJ rolcn ,
H itl'1. > ! " - " H Kii ,
Rll.vtm -4U-II..W
tl'ntatN.Mt.NT HONins Slr.'ivj . ' , State bond *
nnui : TOTALS.
of ttii ln < Trsui'iictpil liy the
Aivu'liilrd IliinliH Dnrliiir till ) \Vcrk.
NEW YORK , July 13. Tlio following tnblc.
compiled by Hrmlstrcel's , shows the totnl
clearances nt the principal cities and the
perccntiigc of Increase or decrease us com
pared with the corresponding week last
year :
CITIES. Clearings. Inc. J Dec.
New York . . , , 19.0
74,2Cr > ,92 l.G
llnslon SC.P99.UtG 2.7
i'hllnilelphla 08,790.870 40.5
St. Ixmlfl 23.S5S , If.S 12.8
inn Francisco 8r,73,845 27.4
lalll more 1G.253.MS
1'UlBburt ! 16 , ir.3,754 18.0
Cincinnati 14,093,400 2fi.l
Kansas City 9GI5.MS 7.0
lew Oilcnns 7G-JlG- 17.9
UilTulo 4,4.-il.l23 4S.7
Milwaukee 4,479,11(11 ( 21.0
Detroit G.OSI.M2 6.4
Loulrvlllc 17.9
Minneapolis 5.4C2.32I 1.5
) MAIIA 4 , 7IU.1 " 3 17.1
[ 'roxtdenco 4,500.00) 28.1
Cleveland 5,3:4.2ril : 9.9
loiiBton 3.G19.MM ) 10.9 ' '
St. Paul 3,3.,5.009 - ' 'ti',3
Denxer -2S.4
Columbus , O
llnrtfoid 2.6
Illrhniond 3 , IS 1.37 : : 11.9
\VaplihiKton Z.C37.IW9 10.U
Utllulh 2.139.GI1
Dall.-is 1.CO , 270 4.2
St. Joseph 1 , > 33MS 1.1
I'eorla 2,4SOt 65.4
Memphis 1,111CM 41.1
Portland , Ore 1,011,41:1 26.3
ItncheHter 1,701,627 2.3
! S'e\v Iluvcn 1.903 , IS" . 7.7
1,311 7i3 17.S '
d , Mass . 1.3S0.3.U ' ' ibio
Worcester . 1,328,710 , 'is. ;
Portland , Me . 1.421.4SG
Atlanta . . 1,014.407 2.9
Fort Worth . 1(4GS,5S5 S4.8
Waco . ] ,13 : > .1S ! 60.5
Syr.iciiso . . 935.922 5.9
DCS Molncs . . 1,052,200 21.4
Grand Rapids . S41.3G7
.Seattle . 477.701 32.3
Lowell . G41.19J 13. B
Wilmington , Del . 798,693 14. G
Norfolk . 98.1.140 3.8
Sioux City . GIG.GII G.I
1.03 Angeles . t,90.S7l 59.4
Tacoma . 3.rt.GI2 30.S
S'nRln.-i\v , Mich . .010 13. G
Spokane . .
Jacksonvlllu . 450.4S2 23. G
Lincoln . 421BSi 13.7
S'ew Bedford . 379,102 27.3
Wichita. . 2CC.221 47.0
Klrmlngham . 813.79 ? 9.0
Topelia . 327.0S3 2.1
[ .extngton , Ky. . , 473,420 SS.2
linghnmpton . 397,100 1G.3
Kmporla , Kan . 51,000 13.5
Hay City. Mich . „ . 311C32 4.6
Kail River . ! / . . ' . . . , SOO.S6C 2.4
Akron , O . 248,119 10.4
Springfield , O. . . . . 'KV..l , 149,375 25.1
Canton. O . . ' . . . . ' . . . , 15.S70 1.S
Sioux Falls . 127.201 9.2
Fremont , Neb . . , . . ; . ; , 93.423 3G.25.G
Hastings , Neb . ' . < ( , , ' . . . , SS.1C7 25.G
Chattanooga . i.l , 20C.OI7
Fargo . SS.CC1
Nashville . > > > 910.2J7 4.8
Galveston . / . . > . > . 13.1
-alt Lake . ri. . . . . . PI2 ,
Scranton . .T. . : : . ' . . CG0.57C
Helena . . .t BI.743 l.G
Kalamazoo . . . . , . . . . , . ' , 213,072
Totals United States , ! . . 1853.543,777 11.7
Exclusive of New York. . . 430,810,115
Not Included In
San FntitcUou .Hliitn ; ; Oitotittloni.
SAN FHANCISCO. July 13. The official closing
quotations for luliiluj otouKa tui.iy wjrj aj tjl
Iowa :
Alta 22 Gould & Curry. , . . 48
Ilclcher 70 Ilaloi Noreross. . . C9
Ueet tUelolier. . . . . 100 Mexican 80
Hodlo Con Hit Ophlr 105
Ilulwcr 22 Potosi 47
Chollar 20 Savage 32
Con. Cnl. A Va 2 5 Union Con 35
Crown Point 04 Yellow Jacket. . . . 40
Eurcua Con 25
I.omlon Stock Market.
LONDON. July 13. 4 p. m. closing :
ConsolH , acc'nt. . . *
Canadian Paclllc. .
Hrlo l dSi
Ills. Central. . . . . . .
DAR SILVER 2S rd per oz.
MONEY UlO",4 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for
both short nnd three months' bills Is % per
cent. _ _ _ _ _ _
Now York Mlnlnp Quotations.
NEW YORK , July 13. The followinj ara the
closing mmm ? quotatioua :
Con. Cal. cSc Va. . . . 283 Sierra Nevada BO
Uoadwood 60 Standard ICO
Gould & Curry 35 Union Con 30
Hale.t Norcross. . 40 Yellow Jacket. . . . 3B
IIomcHtako 1250 Iron Stiver 10
Mexican 40 Qulcktdlvcr 225
Ontario 750 do preferred 1300
Ophlr 160 Dulwer . ' . 20
Plymouth 10
I'lniiiH-lul Notes.
DOSTON , July 13. Clearings , $13,2 12,493 : bal-
ances , 11,002,386.
DALTIMOIIR. July 13. Clearings , J2.310OI7 ;
balances , $303,157.
NKW YOIIIC. July 13. Clearings , 174,855,521 ;
balances , (5,681,1178.
PAIUS , July 13. Three per cent rentes , lOOf
82Ho for the account.
PIIIIjADULPHIA , July ] 3.-Clearlng3 , J10.00I-
S45 ; balances , J1.1C7.JSS.
LONDON , July 13. The price of gold at
Ducnoa Ayres today Is 2C3.
MEMPHIS , July 13. New York exchange sellIng -
Ing at U. Clearings , 5170,402 ; balances , JsS.lliC.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 13. Drnfts , sight , lOc :
telegraphic , 15c , Silver bars , C2QC2V c. Mexican
dollars , Gl@5Uic.
NKW ORLEANS. July 13. Clearings , J07C.075.
New York exchange , commercial , Jl premium ;
bank , ll.EK ) premium.
ST. LOUIS , July 13. Clearings , J2.09D.024 ; bal
ances , J376.7S3. Money , quiet ; 5if7 per cent.
Exchange on New York , Tie discount bid.
A Cure for Chronic IJIurrliocn ,
I had been troubled with chronic diar
rhoea for over a year when I received a
Htnall botle of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy , which I used and It
gave mo great relief. I then procured a
50-cent bottle and took about two-thirds of
It , and was cured , I have taken some twlco
since when I had a loosncss come on and It
stopped It at once. .1 hope It will help
others as It helped me * < I feel very thankful
to Mr. Stearns , the druggist , for telling me
of lifts remedy and shall bo glad to have
this letter published. S. C. Weeks , Mclroso ,
Mass. For sale by druggists.
Colorado Hunting Trip for tlio President
unil Utliem HcliiR Arranged.
DENVER , July 13. General A. L. Now ,
collector of Internal revenue for this district ,
Is arranging for a hunting trip In Colorado
for President Clovelaiid , Attorney General
Qlney , Secretary of War Lament , Senator
Gorman , Collector ot Internal Revenue Miller ,
Chairman Harrltyand other distinguished
men , l
General New says President Cleveland Is
anxious to kill a bear.
The locality that' will bo selected for the
bunt will probably bo the mountains around
Glenwood Springs. General New will go to
Washington next week , and hopes to com
plete all arrangement ! * ( or the hunting trip
It that time. _ _
.v our o.v HAIL.
Judge Ilarrott ( ! runts an Order Lett luff
Him Out for S30OO.
NEW YORK , July 13. Judge Barrett baa
granted an order admitting Krastus Wlmai
to | 30,000 ball , The bond was signed by
Charles D. Ilausa , a dry goods merchant
and Mr. Wlman was released ,
DoWltt's Little Karly Risers , Small pills ,
safe Pill * * best pills.
Receipts Oontiuilo Fully Up to the Re
quirements of the Trade.
llunily Lights liidood Dcmnnil nntl Stronger
Oilier * .Morn or I.M Neglected
Hogs Suffer from Unauttlcil *
Shipping I'limlltloiitf
FUIDAY , July 13.
Receipts of both c.ittlo ntiil hogs were more
than double the receipts of yesterday , there
being 1,800 cattle , 10,200 hogs nml 221 sheep ,
na ncnlnst 391 c.ittlo ntul 5,819 hoga Thurs-
ilay. Kor the week up to tlnto 1 ,400 cattle ,
48,000 hogs it ml 1,021 sheep have been re
ceived , na against 9,710 cattle , 14,851 hogs
and 873 sheep for the corresponding days of
last week.
CATTL.1 ! Over oncihalt of the l.SOO cattle
reported received today were Tcxana billed
direct to packers , BO that the offerings of
fresh cattle were comparatively light. There
were , however , a grcut plenty to supply the
demand In the present condition of the
trade. Local packers were the principal
buyers , and as they wanted the handy , light
cattle , the market on such was n little
stronger than yesterday. The situation In
the east not being such as to cncottrngo the
shippers , there was n very limited demand
for the heavy cattle , and the market on
that class of stock wns slow and weak. The
nmrkct as n whole did not glvo evidence of
much life , and the pens were hardly cleared.
The market on butchers' stock did not
show much change , but was rather dull at
about yesterday's prices. Undesirable Block
was If anything a little weaker.
In the stocker and feeder market the de
mand was also limited and trading rather
slow. There wore , however , quite n num
ber of loads sold before the close. Repre
sentative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IT. No. Av. IT.
1..6SOI273 1..1140 Jl 00 3S..13C1 Jl 3.- >
1. . . . tOJ 351) < O..K"J7 40) 4 . . . .1.170 433
11..11CI 3M 18.11S1 4W D4..13.12 4 55
21. . . .1001 3 75 2..1315 425 C3..1MS 435
22. , . . 91 \ 3 75 IS..Hi ! 4 23 33..1201 4 45
39..1431 395
2..1010 1 25 17..1021 1 M 1. . . . 740 2 I2'4
3. . . . 845 1 S3 S.--lC'iO 1 75 63. . . . Ml 2 I2',3 '
3. . . . S. > 3 1 25 0. . . . SS.1 1 73 2..11SO 2 20
6. . . . 7SS 123 9..1141 18' ' ) 10..1000 225
l..ifO 140 2. . . . 913 190 2G. . . . 9J8 245
14. . . . 4S7 ICO 1 , . . . 7SO 200 1..12fiO 2 W
8. . . . 730 ICO 2. . . . 970 200 1..1270 300
6. . . . ! > SG 1 40 11. . . . 4Sii 1 73 2. . . . M5 1 73
12. . . . f-j 1 55 6. . . . M3 1 75 1C. . . . C$9 1 S5
11. . . . C20 1 70
14. . . . S < 7 ICO 1. . . . 7SO 20(1 ( 6. . . . 152 300
1. . . . 200 175 3. . . . 293 210 1. . . . ISO 300
1. . . . 120 175 3. . . . CC 210 2. . . . 220 321
1. . . . 2:0 2 00 4. . . . 195 2 75 1. . . . 210 3 DO
1. . . . 220 200 1. . . . ICO 300 7. . . . 211 3 GO
2..10CO 173 1..1070 200 1..1500 2 f,0
1..1170 190 1. . . . 710 200 1..1500 300
1..1310 1 90
1. . . . 7SO 2 25
2. . . . 475 2 CO 10. . . . M 2 40 12. . . . & ! > ( 2 CO
2. . . . 7SO 200 2. . . . 615 240 31. . . . 930 270
3. . . . 77C 20) 2. . . . CSO 250 2J. . . . 900 2 S3
7. . . . 470 220 3. . . . 750 250 18. . . . fM 290
IS. . . . G2C 325 31. . . . 591 250 13..920 290
5..1018 2 SO 28. . . . 725 255 20. . . . 917 300
No. Av. Fr. No. Av. Pr.
1 staff 1120 Jl C3 1 staff 1230 $1 C.5
1 bull 1310 1 C3 1 bull 1170 1 C" ,
14 cows 721 1 C5 30 steers 735 190
Meows OSS 235 2 cows 1035 235
3 feeders..1120 260 22 feeders..1015 310
2 feeders. . . S93 3 10
HOGS The market opened rather slow ,
with the shippers the only buyers. Doston
picked up a number of good loads early ,
paying as high as $4,90 for one lot. Later ,
when the buyers all got down to business ,
the market was fairly active , and the offer
ings were mostly all taken reasonably early.
While the buyers did not succeed In getting
all that they put on yesterday off today ,
the market could safely be called 15c to 20e
lower. On Wednesday the bulk of the hogs
brought $4.75 to $4.80 , while the popular
price today was $1.80. The unsettled con
dition of affairs at Chicago and other mar
ket points has made this market very un
even of late , and the fluctuations in prices
have been wldo from day to day. Hepresen-
tntivo sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
78 189 2SO M 70 71 237 SO J4 SO
76 20D 160 475 Cl 241 SO 480
S2 203 200 4 75 51 SCO 80 4 SO
73 221 210 4 75 71 240 ICO 4 80
50 208 ICO 4 75 CO 2uO SO 4 SO
9 293 . . . 4 75 78 253 SO 4 tO
S 2CI . . . 475 C3 234 SO 4 SO
59 231 120 4 75 62 241 . . . 4 80
95 178 ICO 4 75 107 1 2 2iO 4 SO
6 203 40 4 75 71 213 SO 4 SO
B 25' ' ) . . . 4 75 Cl 210 ICO 4 V )
4 357 . . . 4 75 C9 2li ( . . . 4 80
4 2C2 80 475 82 225 80 480
3 313 . . . 4 75 8 oili ) . . . 4 80
3 2D3 . . . 4 76 74 251 . . . 4 10
2 2C5 . . . 475 63 201 . . . 480
2 . .235 . . . 4 75 61 270 ISO 4 SO
2 250 . . . 4 75 Cfi SCO 40 4 8)
2 230 . . . 4 75 77 2 2 200 4 SO
1 2SO . . . 4 75 70 209 320 4 SO
1 300 . . . 475 72 241 40 4 SO
C3 238 200 4 76 65 250 230 4 80
9 201 200 4 75 Co 218 . . . 4 SO
d 2SO . . . 4 75 CO 251 SO 4 SO
. . . . . . . . . . . 4 75 " 2 23 ! ) . . . 4 SO
58 212 120 475 69 2t/J 320 480
C9 230 SO 475 83 170 ICO 48)
73 250 240 4 73 69 2J4 SO 4 SO
61 237 160 4 75 71 231 . . . 4 SO
71 223 80 4 75 73 201 120 4 SO
77 217 ICO 4 77',4 63 251 . . . 4 SO
C7 221 SO 47714 90 ISC 250 4 SO
m 229 120 4 77',4 119 207 120 4 SO
49 221 . . . 4 77'i 140 242 40 4 SO
CO 2rC . . . 4 7714 70 197 ICO 4 SO
C2 215 ICO 4 77i 74 203 ICO 480
80 190 240 4 77'-i ' 61 225 SO 4 SJ
Cl 22S . . . 4 7714 7C 231 40 4 SO
CS 255 ICO 4 774 ! 70 22i ) 2SO 4 SO
75 2JO 120 4 7714 72 230 160 4 SO
73 221 300 4 77',4 78 2JI 80 4 kO
82 240 2SO 4 77'/4 C2 195 . . . 4 85
82 207 ICO 4 7714 71 22S 281 4 SO
69 267 . . . 4 SO 70 27C 120 4 SO
C3 223 ICO 4 S' ) 64 2S3 120 4 80
C3 237 SO 4 80 S3 MO 160 4 80
74 243 120 4 SO 65 31.1 160 4 80
75 212 120 480 63 303 . . . 4821,4
C7 23S SO 4 SO 66 2CO 120 4 S2'-i
67 242 200 4 SO 71 218 SO 4 f5
60 233 60 480 74 22S . . . 4 S3
Cl 23t 40 4 SO 74 214 ICO 4 85
93 ISO 200 480 C > 2)4 ) 12) 4 85
72 235 SO 480 C4 2C1 SO 4 F5
6C 23B 160 480 C5 277 . . . 483
79 1S5 210 4 SO 60 322 . . . 4 S3
SO 227 160 4 SO 68 2-0 . . . 4 S3
61 217 240 480 64 195 80 485
C9 239 SO 4 SO 60 2S9 . . . 485
73 235 80 4 80 43 301 . . . 4 S5
69 2SO SO 480 Cfl 231 ICO 485
CO 217 160 480 65 217 . . . 485
102 197 200 4 SO 66 . .200 80 483
C6 271 . . . 4 SO 60 r,6 SO 4 85
71 204 80 480 75 214 120 485
62 241 SO 4 SO 62 2 t 20) 4 85
59 270 240 480 1C5 292 80 483
C3 223 200 4 SO 107 28'J SO 4 S3
C5 247 200 480 119 2S1 210 483
C5 215 80 4 SO C3 290 40 4 S5
61 227 . . . 460 139 321 80 4 HO
1 470 . . . 4 M 100 1C9 80 4 60
1 420 . . . 400 3 2'W . . . 460
SIIKKI' The receipts of sheep consisted
of two cars of grass westerns of only fair
quality. They sold at what were consid
ered good , strong prices. Fair to good na
tives ore quotable at $2.7G@3.CO ; fair to
good westerns , J2.COS3.40i common and
stock sheep , $2.0002.25 ; good to choice 40
to 100-lb. lambs at $2.50@00. Repre
sentative sales :
No. Wl. Pr.
112 Colorado wethers S3 $3 40
112 Colorado wallers 68 3 60
IturiilptH anil IMnpoilttdii of HtooU ,
Official receipts nml dl i > o lllon oC stock ns
shown by the hooks of tlio Union HtocU Yauln
company for thu twenty-four lioura ending at 3
o'clock p. in. , July 13 , 1S9I ;
Can. Head.
Cuttle , 73 1.918
IIORa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! 1 151 10,401
HlK-cp 2 224
Cattle. HOBS. Bhcep.
Omaha Pncklne company. . . . 6 311
O. II. Hammond company. . . 9 1.CC8 . . .
Swift and company 208 2,235 234
Cudahy Packlnir company. . . . 317 1,451
John P. fiaulro & Co 1.432 . . .
Clilcno P. & P. Co 1.015
J. Lotmun 40 . . . . . .
Parker & W. Co 11J . . .
Cuduhy Ili-os ' * . . .
A. liana 39
R. Decker & Degcn 114 . . .
Nllf Ilrcw 1JS . . .
Cleveland P , & I1. Co W . . .
Cudahy from 1C. C. 1 w > >
Swift from K. C 147
Q. II , II. from K. C 689
Shippers and feeders Ml .
Loft over 8W l.OOi . . .
Total 2.SC4 10,353 O-
Kilning City l.lvti Slock Murkot.
KANSAS CITY" . July H.-CATTI.i-Hec ll > ti.
4,309 hedd ; tlilymentt , 4CvO htad. Market slow ,
To sell quick
stock on hand.
$12 Refrigerator for.$6.00
$16 Refrigerator for. . $7 25
$23 Refrigerator foH,20
Sfi.GO Baby Ciirrlngos fo" ' ' . $3.25
S10.UO Baby C'tirriiigos for . . . . . $4.90
$15.00 Utxby Carriages for ; . $7.25
$3 Gasoline Stoves for.lt25
$6 Gasoline Stoves for. $2.73
$8 Gasoline Stoves for.$3.75
4-Gallon Store Water Coolers. . SSc
6-Galion Stora Water Coders. . $1.10
8-Ga'.lon Store Water Coolers. . $1.50
Formerly People's Manimoih Installment House ,
Close evenings at 0:5 : : ( ) , except Saturday , during July nnd
Send 10 cents in stamps to pay postage on large ' ! ) ' ( catalogue.
Baby Carriage and Refrigerator Catalogues mailed free.
Ao Jlotlrr. . .Vo Sleam. No Eiytnccr.
IIEST POWKIl for Corn anil Kocil .Mills ,
Huy , nuuiilngSupiirators , Crcaniorlos , Ac.
Stationary or Portable.
' ,1 to dO II. P. 8102011.1' .
'sond for Cntnlogiic1,1'rlops , etc. , < 1crrrlbln work to 1)0 donp.
o , 24S I lte St. * I OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS ,
OmnUa , 107 S. Mtti St I 33ll < lt\VauulSs. ( . I'lULAUELlMlIA. I'A.
barely steady ; Texas steers , J2.0iff3. < M ; bn f
steers , $3.00fj4.75 ; native cows , Jl.750J.uO ; 8t ick-
ers nnd fcoderH , J2.5.lT3,75t
HOGS Receipts , 7.MO bend ; shipments. 200
head. MnikPt weak , lOe lower ; bulk of pali-H ,
JI.85IJ4.90 ; heavies , J4.S3H5.00 ; packers , { 4.SJ5JI
S.OO : mixed , J4.dOiM.95 ; lights , $1.7001.9 } ; pigs ,
SHEEP Receipts , 1,200 head ; shipments , none ,
Market steady. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Situation In Cuttlo Wns Very Wcnk , as In
Other MarUrlH.
CHICAGO , July 13. The situation In cattle
was very weak. The liberal leeelptB , nn esti
mate of 13,0 * ) , the butchers' strike and the fact
that the eastern roads arc not yet In a position
to move the usual amount nf stock all combined
to cut down the demand nnd depress the mar
ket. Itutchora' stuff sold to bettor advantage
than did other descriptions , but tliinwas
nothing for which buyers wore willing to pay
Thursday's prices. Thn decline varied from 10n
to 20e. It was mostly taken by e-isli-rn uhlpp TB
and cxporli'is. Scarcely half of tin- supply was
bought and the closing prices wcio the
of the day. The > onVrlnRs had to be vciy gem !
to bring na much us Jl.2j , nnd although there
were few sales around H.60 , the greater part
of the day'B work WOH done below JI.23. The
receipts of Texas cattle were about 2,000 head.
Prices were lower.
Something like 18,001 head of hrga were un
loaded today and there wen- perhaps 3,000 stale
hogs In the pens. This wns pretty Hope to an
average supply for n Friday. As the machinery
fur getting the stuff Into Hie channelH of con
sumption Is not perfect In Its tunning , t'.ic mar
ket remained In a limp condition. Cmniuicd
with yesterday's prices , there wns an avi-nig"
reduction of loc. the best heavy gradus receding
from J5.10 to J3. Thcio wi'ie few trades at
over Jo.03 , and the range nt which the mot of
the hogs were weighed was from JI.SO to J5 , or
nt from JI.SO to JI.90 for averages of less than
200 Ibs. , nnd nt from JI.SO to J" for heavier
weights. Trade was very quiet tliroitghoul and
nearly all the offerings were placed.
Today's receipts of sheep were estimated nt
5,000 head , making 29,000 for the explu-d part of
Ihe week , ns against 23.GOO a week ago. Trade
was lifeless , owing to the slrlke of Ihe butchers.
Nominally prices were lower nl from Jl.W to
J3.IJO for poor to choice ; lambs , from J3.DO to J3.
St. I.oulH I.mi Stork Murltot
ST. LOflS. July 13.-CATTLE-Receipts , l.SOQ
head ; shipments , 2.000 bead. Market active ,
strong for natives : 'IVxans , 10fl5c luwcr ; native
steers , JI.lofN.35 ; Texas steers , light , $2.50ft3.10 ;
IIOOS Ilecelpls. 1.500 head ; shipments , 1,200
head. Maiket lOc lower ; best light and imillum
weights , Ji. !
KHKKP Hecelpts , 700 head ; shlpim-nts , none.
Market active , strong ; native mlxud , J2.75W3.00.
Nrw Ytirk l.lvn Stoclt Murliot.
NEW YOUK , July 13.-11EEVES-llecplpts ,
1.40) head : veiy dull ; 25fT35c lower ; no choice rnt-
tlioffeied ; pnnr ID prime native Meoi . J.COW
4.85 ; oxen , JJ.73&3.60 ; bulls nnd cows , J2.COuJ.3.
SI1EKP AND LAMIlS-Iti'colnts. 9.00J head ;
mniket demoralized , no demand ; sheep , bniely
Sto l ( III
Record of receipts of live stock at the four
principal maikula for FilJay , July 13 , iSai :
Cattle. Hogs. Hheep.
South Omaha . l. IS 10,467 221
Clilcago . . . . . . . . 13,000 18.100 B.UUO
Kanma City . 4.300 7.MO 1,210
HI ? Lo\il \ ! i ! ! . . . . . UQO l.COO _ 70) )
Total . 2I.OH 37,407 7.121
Hunk Wrecker dinvlrtrtl ,
TOI'EKA , July 13. Attorney Uttlo re
turned from OreensburK bringing the Information
mation that after a liurd fought trial C.
W. Meyers , president of the - Insolvent
bank of OreeiiHburK , had been convicted of
receiving deposits after he know that the in
stitution was In a falling condition. After
tlio failure of the bank Meyers fled to Cali
fornia , but was brought back to Kanaaa on a
requisition ,
N pen lir r Crl p Itriiiiinlnnlcil.
SAVANNAH , Ga. , July 13. Speaker Orlop
was renomlnated for congress In the Third
district at Hawklnsvllle. HoHoliitlons en
dorsing President Cleveland were adopted.
Pills that euro sick headache : DeWIU'a
Llttlo Early lUscra , ,
Extraordinary bar
gains in all clep'ts. For
people who can not
trade Saturday until af
ter 6 o'clock we will
put out goods at prices
that will keep our store
packed Saturday even
ing. This stock must
be closed out
Opcrulo .iiicci'mlully In Will I Street through
our ( 'o-Oporatlvo It. It. Stork Syndicate.
Dividends paid up to Juno IClh , 1601 , ua fol >
Iowa :
ia > i lief rent , Ifet.
liillinil'iIN'JI , '
t'thritari/ , " Ill'
Mill-Hi , " n
Mini , ' " 1 ! >
, /uiir , ' 11
thus making 109 per ci-nr. earned. ami paid In
MX months. I'rospi-'clHH KlvlHK detailed Informa
tion uf our plan mailed fieo on application ,
lllfhcst refeiencei ) . CO. , Slnrlt nml ( irnln
Iliolu'iK. 11 Ilri nl iiy , Now York
Commission Mercha-tit
Prlvalo wires to Chicago and New York. All
Luslni-MB orileri placed ua Chicago Uoartl U
C'-irreppondcnco Bollclted.
Office , room . Naw York Llf * Uulillo | <
Tcltphone 1308
irsi Goods Go
Saturday Moruing-
Gala Day In Chinaware.
Tin top jelly tumblers , per
dozen , iBc ,
Half gallon glass water pit
cher 13.
Large plain glass water bottle
tle 290.
$7.50 decorated china tea
sets for $3.48.
All Japanese goods of all
description at exactly half
marked price.
Every article marked away