'THE OMAHA DAILY PER SATURDAY , JULY M , THE DAILY BEE. r * COUNCIL DLUFF3. 0FFICS . - NO. 12 PGAUU STUEDT I Ddlvered by carrier to snr part of the cllr. I II. W. TILTON , Lewee. otUce , No. 41 ! nIsM dltor , No. 13. .V/.VO/t .WK.VT/O.V. Ij. A. Casper has withdrawn hla resigna tion ns a member of the park commission. A number of the bon ton of the "younger eel" enjoyed a picnic at Manawa last even- fng. fng.J. . W. Pcregoy has taken out a permit to build a $5,000 residence on Second avenue , Juat below I'lghth street. N. McOco and D. W. Dobson , charged with cruelty to animals , were discharged by Judge McGco yesterday morning. The Young Men's Christian association base ball club will go to Missouri Valley today to play the club of that place * At the last meeting of Loyal council No. , Women's American Protective associa tion , resolutions of condolence were pabsed upon the death of Mrs. Mary Gates. D. H. Saunders of New York City and Emma Hughes of Lravonworlh , Kan. , were Elven a llcenso to wed yesterday. They . were 26 nnd 22 yeJra of ago respectively. The traveling men of Council Dluffs nnd Omaha will Indulge In a game of bane ball this afternoon nt 4 o'clock nt the Young Men's Christian association grounds In Omaha. The funeral Of Mrs. M. J. Shoemaker will take place thin morning at 9 o'clock nt the residence , 1918 Sixth avenue , Hcv. I'ntrlck Bmythe olllclatlr.g. Interment In the Cath olic cemetery. The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Porker died yesterday morning , and will bo burled this morning at 9:30 : o'clock , the funeral services being held at the house , 2730 Third nvonuo. Charles Driver , living at 2825 Maple avenue , Omaha , sent word to the police yesterday that his boy Arthur , 14 yearn of ago , had disappeared from home , and asked that a lookout be kept for him. Several members of council No. 1 , Com mercial Pilgrims of America , will go to Omaha this evening to visit council No. 2 nnd assist In conferring degrees on ten candidates. They will leave the traveling men's rooms In the Drown block nt 7:30 : o'clock. The mayor's annual message nnd the re ports of the city officials tor the year end ing March , ISO I , have been bound In n volume which has Just left the press. The volume Is of an eye-piercing red color on the outside , but Inside Is a very creditable piece of work. Deb Scott , the county Jail prisoner who got Into a flght In n Lower Main street saloon while serving out a sentence for larceny , was arrested yesterday on the c'large ' of assault and battery , which was preferred ngalnst him at the time , and will have a trial before Judge McGco this morning. The flre department was called out about midnight Thursday night by an alarm fiom box Bfl , at the corner of Avenue F and Ninth street. It was a barn at 1008 Ave nue J , belonging to George Fucrhauken , end was entirely consumed , with Its con tents , which consisted of a lot of old Junk. S. P. MacConnell was driving down Pearl street near The Dee office yesterday fore noon when his horse slipped and fell down. Ho landed upon one of the shafts and could not move until the rig \\as taken away from hlm. Marring a few slight Injuries to the buggy and harne&s , there was llttlo tiamago done. C. S. Colby , charged with using hard language toward one Mary Lelk at the St. 'Joo house , was discharged yesterday morn ing , It being Impossible to show that he had used any language harsher than the circumstances Justified. In n Justice bhop ho was fined $1 nnd costs for an assault upon a barber named Keep. Thursday night the following officers were installed by Council Dluffs lodge No. 49 , Independent Order of Odd Fellows : Noble grand , Ira Grayson ; vice grand , J. Pardey ; ttoasurer , G. Drown ; secretary , William Hlggeson ; II. S. N. G. , II. Klsscll ; L. S. N. G. , 13. F. Stlmson ; n. S. V. O. , J. F. Hunt ; L. S. V. G. , J. Smith ; I. G. , Charles Nicholson ; 0. G. , John Medley. Now Is the tlmo to buy real estate. We have several bargains to offer In business and resldenco property. Flro Insurance written ! n the best companies. Farm loans wanted. Lougee & Towle , 235 Dcarl street. General summer clearing out at Vavra's , 142 Droadway. _ _ _ Washerwomen use Domestic soap. Pick In flne laces and Insertlngs at 9c at iVavra's. risnsotfAt , i'.iit.iait.ii-jis. T. W. Ivory of Glonwood Is In the city. Charles P. Platt of Chicago mada the Bluffs a flying visit yesterday. Miss Mabel Wright will visit friends In David City , Nob. , for two weeks. Dr. J. F. Whlto leavfis next week for the West In the hope of regaining hla health. Hov. T. F. Thlckstun left last evening Tor a visit to the Spirit Lake Chautauqua. Mrs. F. S. Stelllng and llttlo son , Palmer , of Chicago , arc visiting Mrs. II. M. Palmer. Mrs. II. E. Grimm and children have re turned from a visit with relatives In Uoca , Neb. Neb.Miss Miss Alma Pfolffcr leaves next week for Portland , Ore. , to spend the rest of the summer. Mrs. Grace d'Urro anil niece , Miss Anita Dlerwlrth , have gene to Dlair , Neb. , to visit friends for n few days. Mlsa Mabel Thompson , one of the teach ers In the city schools , has returned from her summer vacation In the cast. Miss Clara Rohso , who visited her sister , Mrs. J. A. Gorliam , for several weeks , has returned to her homo In Nebraska City. Prof. L. Hlgglns of Drake university , DCS Molnea , Is In the city , the guest of his former classmate , C. G , Saunders. Mlsa Maude Hyer of Camden , N. J. , la the guest of Mr. and Mrs , II. L. McNItt , 910 Avenue E. She will remain hero for about four weeks. The many friends of Mrs. Patton , who formerly lived on South Sixth street , but Is now living In Milwaukee , will bo pained to hear that she Is suffering from n cancer , and her physician has given up all hopes of effecting a cure. She has been taken to a sanitarium , whcro everything possible Is being done for her comfort. Miss Grace Matthowa of Woodbine , who lias been spending the past two weeks In this city as the guest of the Misses Grace nnd Alice Foster of Second street , left last evening for Missouri Valley , where she will make a short stay with friends bcforo re turning to her home. Miss Matthews Is attending college at Hockford , 111. Pick In slightly soiled bed spreads at C9c nt Vavra'a dry goods store. The laundries use Domestic soap. A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach , Liiko Matiawn. Is the proper thing to take these hot days. l.iiiinilry L'ompuuy. 620 Pearl street. Tcltphot" . 290 .Mitroons i Vk'turloim. The Merchants' Maroona of tlili city are miking a tour of the state , and for the most part have succeeded In knocking out the base ball teams that have been unfortunate enough to run up against them. In the last two weeks they hnvo been defeated only three times. Last Tuesday they beat the Union club by a score of 8 to 17 , and on the following day they were defeated by the BHUIO club at Marshalltown by a score of 6 to 13. Their games are witnessed by large crowds In almost every town they have visaed. _ _ _ _ _ _ Pick In high grade ladles' hats , from $1.00 to $3.50 , at GOc , at Vavra's dry goods store , 142 Droadway. Now drug store , Deetken & Whalcy , 140 Uroadway ; also olllce of Dr. Charles Djetkcn , Gaa cooking stoves for rent and far ? ) is i fiaa Go's office. For cobs go to Coi. 10 .Mm itreet Telephone - phone 48. , Domestic icap breaks bard wattr.s NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Condition of Cedar Elok : Paving is Attract ing Much Public Attention , SOMETHING MUST BE DONE TO SAVE IT llcpulrs .Mndo So Far lliuo Arnllnd but l.ltllo Suggested tlmt the Clty'a Saiiilbiink ItuUicdln rilling the Unsightly Holes. Much dissatisfaction Is railed over the condition of the streets paved with cedar blocks. Many , Uch as Dryant , North Second end nnd Pearl and some of the alleys , like the one running past the city building from Dryant to North Main , arc In such condi tion ns to bo almost Impassable for teams. Another year or two , at most , will finish the work of destruction , and the streets will have to be repavcd or become unfit for travel. Ju < t what should be done Is a ques tion that Is perplexing some of the olHclats considerably. Much of this paving that Is so badly worn has not yet been paid for , nnd the property owners might reasonably bo expected to object strenuously to being compelled to pay for two sets of paving at the same time. In some cases the holes have been stuffed up with brick , but this lasts only a short time , and the second state of that street Is worse than the first. It Is suggested by some that the sand bank , which lies north of the city and which the city numbers among Its possea- clond , might be used to good advantage In patching the pavements. Much of this bank is said to be gravel of the best ( itiallty , nnd In * lieu oPany better paving nmtcr.nl the streets could bo patched with It so as to last a couple of years more at the expense of merely hauling the gravel to the city and paying the men to put It In place. It Is very likely that unles- the council gets ac tion BOOM and devises some way of dispos ing of the difficulty the property owners w.ll ralio such a roar that the city government will be compelled to take the matter In hand. TAMCII : > Atiorr crrMOIITINO. . Aldrrmrli T.onlclii Annul I for tlm Suc- cpiMir to tlin Council ll ! < ifT4iis Co nip my. At a special meeting of the city council last evening , nt which the mayor and all the members of the council were present , the matter of letting a contract for lighting the city came up for consideration. The contract with the Council Dluffs Gas and Electric Light company expires next fall , and It will bo remembered that an agitation was begun several months ago for the purpose of driving that company out of the field , or compelling It. to reduce its tolls. It being claimed that the latter were exorbitant. At that time a special committee of the council was ap pointed and Instructed to look Into the sub ject. ject.Aldenran Aldenran Nicholson , chairman of the com mittee , reported last evening that he had heard from n light expert who wanted the Job of making a survey of the city and drawIng - Ing a diagram of the lights , to be used In pre paring specifications. It might take him three or four days , and he wanted the modest little salary of ? 25 a day. Nicholson favored Icttini : him have the Job , but Keller , Ulsh- ton and some of the rest opposed It on the ground that the city engineer could do the work just as well without charging anything for It. After a long discussion It was de cided to add the city engineer and electrician to the committee and let them make the diagram. Several contracts for public Improvements were awarded. The city engineer reported that J. M. Ilardln was the lowest bidder on three and four-foot plank sidewalk , nnd he was given the contract. The council got Into a peck of trouble when the matter of six-foot brick sldcualk came up. The two lowest bidders wereJ. . M. Hardtn and a man named Doln ) , whom nobody seemed to know and who was represented by B. A. Wlckham. Hardln's bid was 334 cents for cosh and 34.49 cents for certificates , while Dolln's read 37 for cash and 34 for certifi cates. Wlckham , however , stated that Dollu's bid was erroneous ; that the prices for cash nnd certificates'should have been just re versed. Ho was willing to let them stand , however , so that ho was the lowest bidder on certificates. Then , as It was always In order for the lowest bidder to underbid him self , ho made a verbal agreement that he would do the work for 33 cents cash , thus underbidding Ilardln on both. This was a kind of Echcmc that a previous council had refused to allow , but after a long-winded discussion. In which It was first decided to reject all bids , and the decision Nvas after wards reversed on. Wlckham's request , Dolln was given the contract. A man named Con nor was the lowest bidder on artificial stone sidewalk , and was given the contract at $1.08 for certificates nnd $1.00 cash. The contract for grading Frank street was awarded to Isaac Doty. With regard to grad ing Twelfth nnd Thirteenth avenues , the city engineer btntcd that as the Chicago , DurlluKton & Qulncy Hallway company had the exclusive franchise on those avenues he was In some doubt as to whether the city could order , them Oiled , and the matter was laid over. On motion of Alderman White , who Is also proprietor of an express Hue , a resolution was adopted providing that the customary fco of $1.50 which Is commonly added to the $10 license fee for express wagons for filing of bonds and issuing certificates be done away with. The sum of $5,000 was ordered , transferred from the sewer fund to the police fund , and then the sum of $8,000 was taken from the police fund to be used In. redeeming bonds. 80-INCH SUN UMIIUKLLAS , ( IOC , Ilennlaoii Ilros. Satnrdiiy'a Greatest JSur- giilli fen I e. Our July clearing sale Is drawing crowds to our store dally. Read every Item care fully. It will pay you to keep posted on our low prices. COO fast black , sateen , 20-Inch sun um brellas , paragon frame , white Ivory handles ; Saturday , C9o each. ANOTHER GREAT IUDDON SALE. 1,000 yards of black blscado silk sash rib bon , Saturday , all you want , 9o yard. Think of It ! Did you over buy sash ribbon before at 9c yard ? DIG CORSET DARGAIN. 60 dozen ventilating summer corsets , 25c pair. 1,200 pairs gents' silk embroidered aus- pendcrs , worth 35c , at only 15o pair. SPECIAL NOTICE. Saturday evenlnc from 7 to 9 o'clock we offer 3,000 yards of figured Chliui silk at 12VJO yard. Just what you want for a nice silk waist lining , five yards to a customer. DBNNISON DUOS. Try n glass of Sulpho-Sallne or Soterlan mineral waters from the famous Excelsior springs at George Davis' , Paul Schneider's and O. H. Ilrowu's drug stores. John Li ri der , general agent. Triilnt for l.iiku Muimwu. Leave D road way : ' " 10 a. m. 2 p. m , ' 5 p. m. And every 22 minutes thereafter until 11:55 : p. m. Parties wishing to spend the day at Lake Manawa take the 10 a. m. train. SotTiiMt by Apology. Judge Lewis arrived In the city yesterday morning and opened an adjourned sesilon of the district court. Among other things taken up was the Union depot case , In which Leonard Everett and other members of the company are trying to have set aside the deed executed In favor of K , E , Hart by the receiver passing to htm the title of a considerable part of the property. While the speeches of the attorneys were being made L. W , Ross , the attorney .for Hart , madu a remark which Everett thought re flected upon him lomewhat , and he retorted that Item was a liar. Apologies were th.cn made and the trial proceeded w thnut any thing further to break In up < n the monotony Court adjourned until the 21th. ThU uTumt Vcro Dolnj. During our July bargain sale , read prices and bo convinced that the place to trade U at the Dost Store , Council Dluffs , la. Dig birgalni In gents' hose nt Cc , 7c , 10c ( new lot ) . Regular $1.25 whlto chsllc laundered shirts , 30c ( slightly soiled ) . Spe cial offering In slilrtt , tundras , silk m xcd nnd French flannels at 75c and 05c , told from $1.00 to $2.50. Our $1.33 silk glorln umbrella , acacli stick , now $1.00. Ladles' black taffetta silk gloves lOc , were 2 c. Our line of GOc all wool challls , 31c. Gents' Iml- brlggan underwear 19c , big bargain. Gents' gray underwear 25c , were 30c. $1.00 gents' Egyptian lisle underwear C2iSc. Fine white goods pold foi 19c and 25c , now 13',4c ( cen- tci- table ) . 32-Inch figured wash goods sold from lOc to ICc , now S c. Genl < * wash able neckwear worth 25c , now lOo each. Summer corset bargains 25c , regular 39c quality. For 60c we show the best summer corset In the market , every pair guaranteed. FOTIIERINGHAM , WH1TKLAW & CO. , Council Bluffs , In. P. 8. See reduced prices In our wall paper department. . Homo made bread , cakes nnd pics at C27 Droadway. C. D. RANDLUTT. John Llnder has been appointed the gen eral agent for the famous Regent , Sulpho- Sallno nnd Soterlan mineral waters and the Soterlan ginger ale , from the wonderful Ex celsior Springs. These waters wore awarded the highest prize at the World's fair , nnd have proven a specific for blood , stomach , kidney nnd rheumatic diseases. The Soterlan ale Is made from the same waters , and Is a most delightful summer drink. They are on sale at the general agency , 13 Main street , and nt Drown's , Davis' and Schnei der's drug stores. IMI'ltOVUMKNTS I'OIl TIIK INSTlTUm. Ilonrd of TriiAteca of tlin Selioot for the Di-iif lI einH Uujs unit .Means. John Deatty of Nevada , W. A. Delashmutt of Mount Ayr and A. T. Fllcklnger of this city have been In close communion for the past two days with reference to the ex penditure of the $11,000 appropriated for the propo ed Improvements at the School for the Deaf. These three gentlemen com pose the board of trustees of the Institution. The wind storm that visited the city during the Grand Army encampment and blew down the Manawa pavilion did a great deal of damage nt the school , much more than has ever before been made public , through the great dread of Manager Rothert of seeIng - Ing his name In print. Fully one-quarter of the t n roof of the boy's building was torn oft. Four chimneys on the main building were blown down , and the heavy masonry broke through the slate roof , rafters , and all , snapping off a timber 12x4 Inches In size , and depositing the dcbr.s on the floor of the hospital room below. One chimney on the Industrial school building was treated llkew so , and all the slate roof was blown off the chapel. The entire damage Is es timated at $2,000 , which would make a largo hole In the appropriation. The trus tees accordingly decided to go to Des Molnea on the 24th nnd see If some arrangements could not be made whereby the repairs could bo paid In some other way , Among the improvements contemplated , and upon which work Is to be commenced at once , are a $2,000 cold storage warehouse , bakery , cooking school and gymnasium , the latter three being In separate buildings and to cost about $5,000. The school house Is to be restated , the contract for the work having been awarded to Senator Hlpwell of Davenport. An appropriation of $1,000 Is also on hand to enlarge the electric light apparatus. Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney troubles. Trial size , 25 cents. All druggists. The Eagle laundry plant has been greatly enlarged and Improved , and we are now prepared - pared to turn out a large amount of strictly first-class work. Neglige and colored shirts ladies' waists , etc. , a specialty. Wo guar- arteo not to fade warranted colors. Tolo- phore , 1D7. 724 Droadway. Oriind riasn , l.iihu Manuwii. No admittance to Grand Plaza will bo charged to persons who destro to rent boats or bathing suits. Ice cream and refreshments served In the pavilion of Grand Plaza. Real estate Is cheap In Council Dluffs. We can sell you a home , a vacant lot , a fruit or garden farm cheaper than ever. Now Is the time to buy. Day & Hess , 39 Pearl street. No 31nnopoly nt lirowuTa C. O. I ) . Dut groceries at free trade prices. A car load of anti-trust crackers , and the finest on earth , will be received today and will be sold at such anti-trust - , monopoly-para lyzing prices as these : All kinds of soda crackers , 3c per Ib. Sweet crackers , 5c. Ginger snaps , 5c. Oyster crackers , Tim Ogduu .Sciimblilo. To the Editor of The Dee : Permit mete to correct nn Item In your paper of yester day. There Is no litigation over the Ogden house furniture. That 'belongs to the owner of the property , and neither Mr. Dentley nor myself have anything to do with It Mr. Dentley , when he sold out to me , claimed to have furniture on these premises to the value of $1,000 , and upon that assurance I paid him $350 , and agreed to pay a further sum when a bill of sale was produced. This has not been forth coming , and I find ho has no Interest in the furniture of the house. I not only owe him nothing , but shall institute pro ceedings to collect what has been paid al ready under misrepresentations. Thanking you In advance for giving this like publicity with the Item referred to , I am yours very truly , CHARLES B. HAMILTON , Proprietor. Sweet breath , sweet stomach , sweet tem per ? Then use DeWItt's Llttlo Early Risers. Pick In whlto hemstitched and printed handkerchiefs at 3c at Vavra's dry gocds store. Pick In flne lawns and pineapple tissues , wash goods , at 4c. Vavra's dry goods store. A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach , Lake Mnnawa , Is the proper thing to take these hot days. Pick In men's 35o suspenders for 15c at Vavra's dry goods store. Meyers-Durfeo Furniture company , 330-333 Droadway. Dargalns In line furniture. Pick In fine $2,50 parasols at $1.69 at Vavra's. Dcniocriitlo CongrrhHlumil Contention. The chairman of the congressional com- mltteo has Issued a call for the democratic convention , to bo held nt the court house In this city nt 11 a. m. , August 8 , for the purpose of placing In nomination a candi date for congress. Ire C'ro.ini , My Ice cream maker has had seventeen years' experience and will give you the very best creams , Including peach fruit and Ices of all kinds for your Sunday dinner. Order at 527 Droadway.C. C. D. RANDLBTT. For your Sunday dinner order your meats , fish and poultry at C23 Droadway. C. D. RANDLETT. Grand Plaza telephone 45. Grand Plaza bathing beach. Grand 1'liuu picnic grounds. Grand Plaza's cornet band beats them all , Grand Plaza's line row boats are all the co. co.Grand Grand Plaza excursion accommodations can't bo beaten. Afternoon and night concerts at Grand Plaza , 2 to 6 and from 7 to 10. Dcst all wool Ingrain carpets , C5o during July , to make room for now stock. COUNCIL DLUFFS CARPET Cv , . Headquarters. for hammocks , Davis , the druggist. Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap. o Choutcd liy tlio War. Trwo young men went to A. Anderson's house nt 1111 South Seventh street last night anil engaged a room from Mrs. An derson for $4 per month. They pave her a $10 confederate bill , which Him did not ex amine at the time , and she gave them $ Q In good change. On looking at the bill moro closely she saw that she had been tle- fruudixl ami notified the police. FED ON IIQSyiADE FARE ( Continued from Vint I'agc ) m.inufncturors to use , thv > gooJs tliat ore made from products near nt hand. Olio obstacle In ttie way o hfine industry was the Idea prevalent nitioau \\enUtiyclos ea that nothing good cnourv | , ir them could be1 secured nt home. H < | , | vTdlcte < l tlmt Ne braska City would have ti population of 25,000 In ten years , nM that Omaha , if disaster ami democratic , administration did not continue , would f > hv6' a population of 250,000 In ton years. ' ' Secretary Morton had 'demanded protection of the manufacturers' property. Mr. Hose- water would have thr * 'laborer and manu facturer : ! protected nllUO , and ptirsu.t of Impplties-i made possible for all cla = eos. Hon. Hobert Furnas , who was to have discussed Nebraska raw material products , was absent , but sent ft 'letter filled ullh peed cheer and encouragement. After the close of the speecli-tnildiiR the vMlors and citizens held a brief social session , three cheera were given for Nebraska City , and the audience dispersed. The Omaha excur sion left for home shortly before m.dnlght. \VINT : DOWN ruu.u OMAHA. I'lirtlat l.Ht of Onmliii MiimirnclurcrR mid ilolihci.H Iti'prrsrntril lit Nchnnkii City. A party of about 100 Omaha representa tives of so many Omaha manufactories , members of the Nebraska Manufacturer * and Consumers association , went on a spe cial train to Nebraska City. It was Im possible to obtain a full list of all the gen tlemen composing the party , owing to the fact that so many of them boarded the spe cial just as It was pulling out. The follow ing Is a partial list of the delegates : M. A. Page , president , nnd 0. C. Holmes , secretary of the Nebraska Manufacturers and Consumers association. J. L. Houston , manager of the shipping department of I'eycke Bros. , broken and commission merchants. J. C. Cunningham , with Vocgele & Din ning , manufacturers of confectionery. M. C. Peters , with the Demls Dag com pany. I. S. Prcssly , representing the Omaha Art Stained Glass company. A. M. Pinto of the Western Newspaper Union. C. V. Kevins of the Kntz-Nevlns company , manufacturers of shirts , pants nnd overalls. 13 , II. Morris of the Lever woolen mills of Fremont. W. C. Patterson of the Morse-Coo Shoe company. J. H. Evans of the Nebraska Shirt com pany. O. S. Wcgcner of the Santa Clara Manu facturing company. Messrs. Heed , Sterrlcker and Woodnith of the Omaha Merchants express. 0. 13. Qedney of the Oedney Pickle com pany. P. S. Gregory of McClelland & Co. D. C. Bradford and J. M. Mullen of the Newcomb Lumber company. W. T. Robinson of the G. A. Hoagland Lumber company. C. It. Grllllths of the United States Sup ply company. B. Ilosewater of The Omaha , Bee. v II. C. Uromo of the firm df Drome & Jones. W. H. Wade of the Omaha Dulldlng ex change. E. Benedict of the Omaha Dulldlng ex change. A. S. Cost of the Churchill Pump com pany. 'i ' Z. T. Llndsoy of the Omaha Rubber com pany. ' B W. G. Clark of the 'Oniiiha and Florence Loan and Trust compHny1. T. W. Blackburn of ( lip. Dun Commercial agency. ? ir H. T. Clarke of the * Lee-Clarke-An- dreesen Hradware comply. A. Chadwlck and C. ' T. Doudlnot of the Omaha Milling compdny. ' " " Samuel Hees of the tttfcs Printing com pany. J. J. Bliss , wholesale find retail millinery. 0. B. Anderson of- the Omaha Mattress company. , , E. C. Hulso of E. M , uulso & Co. , manu facturers of lounges jind folding beds. C. K. Blake. C. C. Clarke and B. E. Grif fith of E. E. Bruce & > CoV > J. B. Miles of tho' ? Consolidated Coffee company. - 'j Daniel Farrell , Jr. , of Farrell & Co. , man ufacturers of syrups , Jellies , preserves , etc. R. F. Hodgln of the Commercial l > ; hlbit. Henry Wilting of Murphy , Wasey & Co. , manufacturers of chairs , wire rnattre fees and spring beds. A. T. Hector of the Rector & Wllholmy company. Davis & Cowglll , manufacturers of Iron worka and cut gearings. J. H. Darnett of the HaarmannVinegar company. J. D. Rahm of the United States Supply company. 1. Kahn of the Omaha Drewlng associa tion. tion.Emil Emil Ganz of S. Heyn & Co. , manufac turers of photographers' supplies. M. Marks of the Marks Bros. Saddlery company. Neal fi Conrad , manufacturers of Jersey Lllv and Diamond flour. Melnrad Wulpl of the Omaha Casket com pany. 7. H. Glbbs of the Nebraska Hay com pany. E. M. Andreesen of the Lee-Clarke-Andree- sen Hardware company. Robert Unllg of the Omaha Stove Repair works. H. H. Jones of H. Hardy & Co. , Jobbers of toys and fancy goods. AV. L. Burgess of F. M. Russell & Co. , gas nnd electric fixtures. W. S. Wright of the Rector & Wllhelmy company. I. A. Medlar of the Omaha Hotel Reporter , Dean Durgess of the Nebraska Trade Journal. E. E. Miiflltt of the Alee & Penfold com pany. Jobbers of surgical Instruments and physicians' supplies. J. H. Evans of the Drummond Carriage company. W. S. Balduff , manufacturer of Ice cream. In addition to the nbovo list there were representatives of the Omaha Upholstering company , the Omaha Paper Box company , McCord & Brady , Consolidated Coffee com pany , United States Wind and Pump com pany , Max Meyer & Co. , the Churchill Pump company , Fairbanks , Morse & Co. , Omaha Paint company , American Hand Sewed Shoo company , the Charles Shlvcrlck Furniture company , and others. rinttsmmith 1'coplo I'rcgont. PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , July 13. ( Special Telegram to The Dee. ) The D. & M. special train bearing the Omaha members of the Nebraska Manufacturers and Consumers as- toclatlon to the banquet at Nebraska City reached Plattsmouth at 6 o'clock this evenIng - Ing and took aboard some twenty-five local merchants. Leaving Plattsmouth the train had over 150 people aboard. AVI1I Mci't In Oinnliii Jft-xt Year. MILWAUKEE , July 13. The supreme temple of the Patriotic Circle of America , at Its closing se-sion today , decided to meet Omaha next year. The following officers were chosen : Oracle , C. H. Lovewell , Chicago cage ; vice oracle , J. W. Henderson , Richmond mend , Iml.j secretary , C. C Ridings , Mor ris , 111. ; marshal , S. B. Carpenter , Elkhart , Saturday. 'We ' were 'marking ' down prices yesterday. Today the public will have the benefit of yesterday's labor. You have never seen such sacrifices made on desirable goods , We must lose money to close this business in a very short time. Every article in the store marked down. Ind treasurer 11 R Donning , Richmond , Itid , fctcrcv.ird. J. W lloudor , Omaha. JlllH'.tTlt'S sr tVKK VOXt'ICTl'.l ) . George Wccm * Sentenced to Uenth nt Hes .MV'MO * . DBS MOINB3 , July 13.-Spcdnl ( Tele gram to The 13ce. The Jury In the Cnse of George Weems , charged with the mur der of Conductor I < . U. KldpnUi on the night of Muy 18 ttist , after being out four hours brought In a verdict this afternoon of murder In the llnst degree nnd fixed the penalty of Ucntli. It Is probable the unuiit motion for n new trlnl will be made , nnd ir overruled the case Is likely to go to the supivmo court. The case ngnlnst John Hnmmlll , accom plice of Wecnis , wiis begun nt once. The verdict In the Weema ease wni no surprise to those who kept track of the evidence , nnd gives general satisfaction. Gem-rally fair nnd slightly Warmer for WASHINGTON , July 13. Tlio Indications for Saturday nrc : For Nebraska Generally fair ; slightly wanner ; winds shifting to southwest. For Missouri Fair ; north winds ; slightly cooler In the northern portion. For Iowa Fair ; west winds. For Kansas Fair ; northeast winds ; cooler In the southern portion. For South Dakota Generally fair ; warmer ; winds shifting to southwest. llohucd nn iviri' : | s Conip.tny. HELENA , July 13. Tlie Great Northern Express company was robbed of $11,600 at Wlckes , six tulles east of this city , this morning. The money belonged to Uaoh , Carey Ac Co. , wholesale grocers. The robbers overpowered the express wagon and took I lid \\holo outtlt. "WORTH A OUXBJHA A : TASTELESS-EFFECTUALi roii A. ( > \ \ Taken ns directed thi-io famous Pills "III , * prove mnrt ellous rmtorat ITOS to all onfeoblcd < > uy tlio ubovo ur kindred diseased. * | 25 Cents a Box. | 'but generally rococnlzcd In Iceland and. In J J , ( net throughout the world to ho "worth a X Xuuinnn a Imi ' for the roanon tlmt they , , , ) \VII.r. CUiCH wtilo ranco at com. a a pliilnl , and thst they hnro saved to many * i * Hiillororii not rneiely ooo but manu gulueaB , la P 'doctors'bills. ' ! i Covered with a Tasteless & Soluble ) Coating. | got a.I drucRlslB. Prloo S5 ci-ntur.bus % J- , Now Vi ' : n.M"1' " * ' ! 'niu.I l. S Saturday. All ladies' jackets divided into four lots : Up to $0.50 All tlmt sold for for 810.00 $2.90. at $5.00. All that sold for All that sold for 813.00 $18.00 at at 87.50. 810.00. Made a well Man of Me. IHDAPOV * . Till ! GI1K1T HINDOO REMEDY roi.Dfcrs Tlin ino E IICSI'I/IS In BO 1 > AVS. CiinJiTall Ntrtaua Dibi'.ihes , Falling itcuioryv 1'aie. l .81ee | > li < i , \\rul.nei.hcte. . , \ _ cauio Idj piutalniteaamtqcuf | , butsm JlTTcstorcs l.o t .V nlinnd III old or J oiinir. En lly carrft'd In vc t Bqu'JhyKulm.t Co .Cor. IBth nnd UouitmsaBts . niu J , A , I'uiler i Co . Car lllli fi Uou law St . . Oil AHA This estia- Constipation. ordinary Ho- ) JizzfnetB Jnvouator Is , Fulling Sen- - lho e 111 OR wonderful Efttionn.Nerv discovery of oustwltchlnK the ase. It of the eyes ami other lias been en dorsed by the ] nuts. leadinssclcn- Strengthens , tlflo meii of Invigorates Karopo ana anil tones the America. entire system. Hudjan U Hudian cures purely vcgo- Debility , table , Nervousness , lludyan Rtops Kmlaslons , Prematureness nmldevelopca and restores of the dls- charge In 1M weak organs. I'aiiis in the days. Cures back. Josses LOST by any or MANHOOD uightEtoppcO quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. Prematureaeaa means Impotenuy In tin Oral HtUKO. It Is a symptom of scmlual weakness and barrenness. It can tit etoppcd In lu days by tliu use of Hudyan. Tliu new discovery wus made by the apec > lalltits of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute. It Is the strongest vitullzer made. It Is very powerful , but hunnle ? ! ) . Sold for 11.00 a package or six packages for IZM ( plain sealed boxes ) . Written guarantee Riven for a cure. If you buy BX | boxes and are not entirely cured , a\s \ more will bo pent to you free of all charges. Bend for circulars and testimonials. Addrcas HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1032 Market St. , San Francisco , Cal. MEYERS' ' AUTOMATIC BOILER CLEANER Slu lichen ter MCg , Co. , No , .ll.nicliunter , I nil Mechanical devlco for rennvlnir all Irnpurltlo from teller ; preventing nc/illnt' . foaming , alia remove all old rcalevltliout the use of com pound or waihlng out. Bold strictly on guarantee to Klve ( attraction. Corrrrnonilcnce soltciidl. General Weatern Cltlce 105. li u Omabo. WE'RE NOT we'll quit July 23 , and that will be the end of our great "quitting businesssale. " Beginning this week we give a grand tableau of prices. ( There won't ' be any reel fire , we hope. Had enough of that already- ) But TJHR PRIORS WILL. BE SPEiOTAOUExAR MEN'S SUITS. All Men's Spring and Sum mer Suits cut right in half. PANTS. We sell a pair of pants for Si.oo and $1.50 that can't be made for twice the money in any factory in America. BOYS' SUITS. All of these cut right in the middle. There are several hundred leit. All good styles. SHIRTS. Wilson Bros. ' Negligee Shirts , imported Scotch Ging ham , collars attached , also de tached [ 2 collars ] , Only 75c. while they last. * Cor. 13tli and Fariiam. COUNCIL BLUFFS Paint , Oil and Glass Co , GLAZED SASH- .Wo hivo..l.OOO W | > lows IT stoo'x , made by tha . A.Miiiphy Manufacturing Uuinpiuiy , No bjttor msh can bo made , which \vo will ghuo with any Kind of glass that you want , mid sell you for luss money than you can buy the sappy susli made In the east for. Let IH glvo you "prlcos : uu wo will get your order. HIGH GRADE PREPARED PAINT. Our Paint can not bo excelled for durability , bo inty o finish or covering caiuclty by any other mlvsJ pilntilnt'i market. Our prlco Is $1.23 per gallon. 1 and 3 Fourth St' . , - MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDIN Con't Fool With Your Eyes Headache Caused by Eye Strain. Many persons \\liosc lienJn arc constantly nch- IIIB lia\e no IJea uliat relief sclcntlflcaly flt- teil Klus es will Kl < * tliPin , Tills tlicoiy la now universally rMaljIlsliecl. "Improperly flttcd glass es , will Invmlnlily Incrcam the trouble nnd may leinl to TOTAL IlMN'DNKSS. " Our ability to adjust classes Bafcly and correctly Is beyond question. Consult us. C > ea tested free of charge. THE ALOS & PENFOLD CO. , W. L. SEYMOUR , GnADITATn OPTICIAN Opposite Pnxton Hotel. OPERA AND READING GLASSES. LOOK ron THE GOLD LION. Qtoam and Hot Wntor Hontln ? for Roslcloncos and Buildings. J. C. B1XBY , 202 Main. 203 Pearl Streets , Council Bluffs , Iowa. HAVE YOU SEEN THE UGHT THE NEW HOME DOG At 337 Ilroiulwny ? Ho Is tlio prototype of Miicliluo , tlm hwlfiost , llKlitust run ning and bust them Is on earth , tliu wlimur of nil llrst insuids nt tliu World's fnlr. Thuru tire no otliur * Just as KOCH ! , itnil thuy uro tliuulic > uij- uht In tliu iniuldit , ranging from fit ) . 00 to JG5.00 , on IHIHV turnii. THE -WEEKLY BEE FREE for one ycur with ovury nmuhlnu. Tlio bint innulitnu anil tho. host iiinvsu iur | ) co togutliur. You KOI butli uliuuiiu.st ofr. , r. T. J'/tVWKV. 337 Ilroutlwuy , Council 1 Huffs. Typowrltor btipijllus unit typowrltora for sale or rout , QUICKLY AND t'EKMANENTbY WEAIC ruruf ot Nervutu UobllUy. l.uit VJUJUy. yurlmiioiu. Mro.ur | . , ' ' ' ' ItVl'oNligiTrati'li'ndottUcmtilr' Wrlltpn or ul . , rcurr. Moll br Kuhn A Co. Cor. I.MIi & lioiijlmst. . and J.A , VullorJt Co. Cor UtU JkOuuelMibt < . .OilAUA. Saturday Morning. Dr. Jaeger's celebrated un derwear for women , men and children. Drs. Peabodj' , Coff- man and all celebrated physi cians recommend iL and insist on their patients wearing it. We are agents for Omaha , For sale now at 30 per cent off price list. Sheetings 140 a yard. Calicos 3j. c. Lonsdale cambric 8c , Comforts 4gc and Ggc. All wool blankets $2.19 , $3-25. $9.oo. CEO. P. SANFOR3 , A. W. I'roxldoiit Uasiilor. First iaiiona of COUNCIL BLUFFS , town. Capital , $100,000 Profits , 12,000 Ono of the oldest banks In the state of Iowa. Wo solicit your business and collections. W pay S per cent nn tlmo deposits. We will ! > Pleased to gee ami ucrva you. COUNCIL iju , cuJuFuoui. VAuD w. chimneys cleaned , U < 1 Hurkv , ut Tuylor'j (4u ( Hi pad way. HAM : . A win < KBTAiiuHuno. GOOD. I'jylin ' ; lU , ni' 3 for cuHli or Kood trade ; In * tuUu J..iO'uo. Guud mi mm tor telllnc , A < 1 iliVKB M M , Hue , Council ItlufTi , FOR HAu-mcrcu : CIIUAP FOR CASH. Call fust National dank , LOST , I.ADY'H GOLD WATCH. HUNTING cahv , niarl.dl "H. " Return to Mctcalf llios. for renard. LOST. A Yii,1.0WIHH : IRIHH ' HI3TTKU 3- mitlu dnif , with whlto Hints on head , tax Nn. 217 , ulll pay lllieiul rev > urd for return to 221 } ITumam street , Onuihu.