THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JUUDAY , JULY 13 , 189J. 8PE01RL NOTICES. Advertisement * for thess columns will lx > tnken until 12 M p. m. for the evening nml until 9W : p. m for thn morning Anil Hunday editions. Art vert l m , by reitiesllnic | n numbered ch ck , can have nn w m mlflrrmeil to n numbered letter In care of Tile lst. Answers no addreiwil will be delivered upon presentation of the check. Ratc i , I'.ic n word first Insertion , lo a word thereafter. Nothing taken for lemi than Sc. WANTEDSiarPATION. . DY FIRST ttAHS WATCHMAKnil. Al REP. Address , Hating salary , etc. , P It. care of llee. A MIK 18 * _ W ANTED MALE HELP. eoi.iriTons. TKAMS FURNIBIIID : ; INSTALL ment ( roods. American Wringer CJ. , 16M .How ard street. I > 871 AOENTST 8ALART OR COMMISSION ; greatest Invention of the nfre , The New Patenl Chemical Ink Kroslnc Pencil. Sells on ulcht. Work * Ilko mi ! lc. A ( ? nts are miklnic J2..W to J1M.OO per week. For furtlur pirtlculars wrlt th Monroe Knulna Mfg. Co. . X 5 . JA CrnsM. ' r Wli. _ _ WANTHD. I-AUORURfl. THAMsfnilS AND tracklayers on II. A. M. Ily. In Montana. I ree transportation. Krnmer * O " > ' ? ] ? ' ngency , llth and Tarnam streets. H Mtti 13 * HAMISMHN WANTED TO SKI.I. OUR cipops by pample to the wholesale nnd retail trade ; Bell nn Blcht to every business man or firms liberal rwitnry ; money advanced for advertising and expcnws ; permanent poilllon. AJureM , With stomp. King Mfg. Co. . Cmtt' . . ,4. WANTID , HAYMAKHR. TO CUT , runs AND tack 18 acre * grata. 13 N. 21th FIRST CLASS HAI.TWMIJN ON BAI.ARY. ALSO saleslady. Specialty Manufacturing Compjny. ( Incorporated ) , 1M1 Tarnam t. _ U 151 U' WA NTnt > T "X rmsT.c'LASs SION ono who can do nlco Kins * work. Apply to C. F. Shaw , Sioux City , la. _ H 167 13' IP HAVrNo"AND'lToAN AGBNTS WHO CAN Ki-t limlne will call on F. M CurtK at Merchants hotel. Friday or Saturday after A o'clock , they can secure a contract that will make them money II 103 14 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. LADIES MAKE $20 00 WEEKLY WRITING AT home. Addrcsi , with stamp , Louise Smith , Milwaukee , WIs , C-M906 1C' LADIES WANTING GIRLS APPLY AT THE Scandinavian Young Ladles' Home Exthange. 1520 Capitol avenue. Removed from 8301 Cum- WANTED-OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork - work , 2618 Charles street , C 111-12 * WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- * work. 2126 Hamey street. C M143 14' WANTED , LADY TO TRAVEL : J60 00 PER month and expenses. Call 1810 ChlcaRn street. WANTED. TWO COMPETENT LADIES TO travel In th * west for reliable house : salary and expenses. Addrcsa P K , Ilec. C-.M1C3 13" FOB BENT HOUSES. HOUSES , F. K. DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. HOUSES IN ALL , PAIIT3 OF THU CITY. THE O. F. Davis company. IMS Farnam. D 678 e-nooM COTTAGES , MODERN. CHOICE IN Stanford Circle. C. S. niguttcr , 204 llee bide. RENTAL AGENCY , W7 BROWN BLOCK.D D u7S KELKENNEYiCO. . K. 1. CONTINKNTAI IILK. On RENT , C100D DnTACHED NINK-ItOOM house , 2021 Capitol avenue. D. II. Iloblson. room 7 , Commercial National. - P 8M HOUSES-W. O. TE1IPLETON. PAXTpN HLK. TENTS FOIl RENT 1311 FARNAM FINE FLAT IN CLOUSEIl BLOCK AT 703 S. 10th St. ; rnnKO and all other conveniences ; 125. aeoige Clouscr , room 2 , 1C23 Farnarn Bt. CLEAN , COMFORTABLE , CONVENIENT , moderate rentals , best 3 and 4-room suites for liouseUeep"rs on.y. Hefcrences retjulred. Alao 6-room suite In tenement. 816 S. 22d street. D 690 VEHY FINE 7-ROOM COTTAGE AT IlE- duced price ; call at once. Fidelity Trust Com pany , 1702 Farn m street. _ I ) 41 FOR KENT WANTED , GOOD MEDIUM priced houses. List your homes /or rent with Ames. P M578 _ MODERN TEN ROOM HOUSE AND BARN , also cottage and barn , cheap. Rental agency. 310 N. Y. Life. D 740 _ _ _ FOR RENT. FLAT IN LINTON BLOCK ; -8 rooms , .water. Kas. all complete ; H7.W per month In advance. Inquire at 917 S. 13th. In block. John Hamlln. D-M800 _ " J225 PRATT ST. , "iN GOOD REPAIR. $800. 3313 6e ard Bt , 4-room cottage , as good as new. J10.00. 3401 Jackson St. , a fine modern cottage. 6 roonrn , nearly new. nnlv { 22.15. 8. 13. cor. 5th and Williams , a D-room house with barn , large yard , fruit trees , berries , etc. , paved st , only JJ5.00. One of those beautiful LuFayette Place houses cheap to right party. Fidelity Tiust Company , 1702 Tarnam St. P 834 _ TOR RENT , PESIRAHI.E DWELLINGS IN all parts of city. U. H. filieafo 422 1'axton bile. D 918A6 FOR RENT. MOOKRN 10-ROOM FLAT. trally located , will readily III ! with roomers. 13. II. Sheafe. < 12 Paxton blk. D 319A6 FOR RENT , MOST DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. 2313 Famam. R. C. Patterson , Itamge bile D 927 _ BIX ROOM COTTAGE , 917 N. 25TII ST. . MUM per month. Inquire 2O'/4 Cumins or S2S S. ISth st. D 98S-15 FOR RENT , | I5 PER MONTH , PRETTY COTtage - tage on Chicago street. 7 rooms , bath and fur nace , * south front , opposite Henry Yates * resi dence. Inquire room 609 , First Nat'l bank building. Nelherton Hall , P 132-15 HOB BENT FUBNISHEU BOOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS. 6M S. ISTH STREET. E-M5C3 J > 23 * FURNISHED ROOM. M17 IIARNEY STREET. E M ! 2 16 * ' FURNISHED ROOMS. 1418 PODGE. D M974 17 * FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. 1611 Howard. E M142 IS * 3TUBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME , UNDER CARE OF Women's Christian association. Ill S. 17th st. F 6S3 ROOMS & BOARD. 622 N. 1 . MRS. TUTTLE. F-M3J8 Jyl6 * NICE ROOMS AND BOARD. 2U 8 aTH. _ F 00-Jyl8 * ROOMS AND BOARD. JI13 CAPITOL AVENUE. F-C63 23 * HANDSOMELY FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM with strictly first class board. 2109 Douglas. F-9 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL COtT- violences : 2W5 at. Mary's ave. F 911-13 * rURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. 2S14 Famam street. F MS39 14 * FOB BENT STOBES AND OFFICES CORNER SALOON , 9,2,4 DOUGLAS. INQUIItn _ _ _ FOIl RENT. THE -SToTlY TlRICK BUILDING ilS Furnain street. The building has a fire proof cement basement , complete steam heat ing fixtures , water on all floors , goj , elc ; Apply - ply at the olHce of the Itee. I 810 _ ZGENTS WANTED. AGINT.I. DO YOU \VANT-THE BEST NICKEL slat machine mad T Just out ; U leads them all : the "new Ether dolldr" pay * out dollars ana nlckles. A big \\lnner and money maker , this Is your chance. Davis Ninclty Co. , Elmlra , N V. J M87I H * _ WANTED. AGENTS TO SELL TO FARMFJIS Mi Nebraska. They all want K : no book can- vussliiK , blx inunvy maker. Address 2707 Q ttrcol. South Omaha. J M8S6 _ WANTED TO"BE NT. WANTKIV 1IY A WIDOWER WITH 2 CHILdren - dren , | > lara In prlvuto family to board , would prefer place where no other children arc. Call on or address C. R Dakc , IIOS Jackson. 2nd flat. K 10 12 * N PRIVATE family for two young ladles. AuMrrsa P IS , live olllre. K US IS STOHAGE. tiTORAQE. WILLIAMS St CROSS , 1214 HARNEY STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD (1OODS ; CLEAN and ( .heap rale. R. Wells , 1111 Farnam. OM.VANiSTORAOB CO..1W ! DODQ& TEI.lSj WANTED TO HAVANA FRECKLES. A 10O CIGAR. FOR 6li WILL PAY CASH FOR A STANDARD TYPE writer If nearly new and In xuod condition ; must te cheap ; submit sample of work. Ad- dreu P IS. earn lice oltlce. N-1J3-13 WANTKD. TO IHJV SMALL HOU8K AND lot coawntent lo liet cars : will pay caih ; coal not to ureed tSOa.W. Adjrru P IS. Bee. N-M1M 13 * WANTED TO BUY. Continued. HIOtlBST PRICE PAID FOR SECOND-HAND furniture , stoves , tic. I. Urussell. 710-711 N. Kith . N 8SI _ SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. 120 B. J3TH ST. WAMTKD. TO INVEST K.WXUM IN BOMH buslneis which I shall hare H Interest or all. Must benr the ctosnit examination. State full particulars first by letter. P 23 , care Hc , Omaha. Neb. N M165 23 FOB SALE FUBNITUBE. PAYMENTS EASY , YOU WON'T llTSs YOUR money. Low prices on furniture & household goods. Enterprise Credit Co. , 61J-615 N. 16th U o g7 FOBSALEHOBSE3WAOO'Na'ETO. ; . FOR SALE. SADDLE PONY. ADDRESS P 27 , H' . -MI51 1 $ FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR BALE. FIRST MORTGAGES. OUARAN- twd I p r cent , sum * of JOOO 00 to 11,000.00. Why take 4 per cent when you can get 87 Ames , 1617 Farnam. Q M334 FOR SALE , JI23 BICYCLE , 'NEARLY NEW. for (60. Inquire 1406 Dodge at. Q 134-17 * ICE FOR SALE IN CAR LOTS. fllLRERT Bros. , Council Bluffs. Q-M6S3 Jy23 MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOUR OLD CARPET WOVEN INTO rugs. Smyrna rug > repaired , 1521 Leavenworth. R M21S Jyli TAXIDERMY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- logue. George D. Brown , Jr. . & Co. , 7uJ 8. 16th. R-M271 BIDS WANTED FOR TEARING DOWN THE Battle of Gcttjsburg building , corner of St. Mary's avenue and 18th street , nnd removing nil material from premises ; specifications at office of Nethcrtoti Hall , room D09 , First Nat'I bank building. Herman Kountze R 133-15 FREE MUSEUM OF ANATOMY TO MEN only Pr , Searlcs & Searlcs , 1416 Farnam st. R-m-alO CLAIIWOYANTS. MRS. DR. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. RE- llable business medium ; 7th > ear at 119 N. 16. S 89 ARRIVED. II. PETTIBONE. MEDIUM. MAIM- son hotel , for n few da > s only. S M903 13 * cTAmVOYANT PR6FESFOR WHITH AVnn consulted on business , marriage , divorces and all family affairs ; the future plainly revealed , lovers united , troubles healed .names of friends nnd enemies ; also the one you will marry. Houri from 9 a. m. to p m. Sun day , 9 to 6. 1617 Chicago street. S 109 17 * MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE Continued. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS Improved nd unimproved Omaha real estate FldelltyJTnist Co. . 1702 Farnam st , W 6 > l _ _ * MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms at from 6 to 7 per cent. W. B. Melkle , First National bank building. W-6M LOANS , E. II. SHEAFE , 432 PAXTON I1LK. W 916A8 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP erty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life building MONEY TO I/3AN ON HOUSEHOLD Ft'RNI- ture , pianos , hordes , wagons , or any kind o chattel security , at lowest possible rates , whlcl you can pay back at any lime , nnd in any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. room 4 , Wlthncll block. X-70I _ A. E. ILUtRIS , ROOM 1 , CONTINENTAL BLK " " "X " * v9 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horsed , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city no removal of goods : strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at any time or In any amoun g' ' MORTOAOE LOAN CO. . 306 South 16th street. X 703 J. B. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 , RAMGE "Jj-9 FOR SHORT TIMB LOANS APPLY AT No. 624. Paxton block. X ° = > SHORT TIME LOANS , 432 BUSINESS CHANCES. HAVANA FRECKLES. A IOC CIGAR , FOR 6C. Y-M268-Jy-15 IF YOU WANT TO RUY. SELL OR EXCHANGE merchandise , get In or out of huiIneM. call on or address the National Information and Exchange Co. , 503 First National 2.jiSwz SHERIFF'S SALE. THE TANGKMAN A Sons' llourlnR mill , near TalmaKC. Neb.vll be sold nt sheriffs sale July SO. 1834 ; capacity 80 bbls. For further particulars , o'ldrc'i Gears * Selmer. Talmnge , Neb. Y Mil ? > 4 A RESPONSIBLE CONCERN OR INDIVIDUAL wanted In every city to take the solo nKency for several Important staples of the typewriting business. Big cash commissions , exclusive rlBhta and uncqualed products. The InrccBt house of Us kind In the country hack of this. Address Clark , box 167 , Boston , Ma S. A WELL EQUIPPED BAKERY. WITH A good trade , for sale. 100 cash , balance in trade or terms to suit purchaser. Address C. Roth , Holdrcge , Neb. Y M121 13 A Room Without a Roomer\s LUCE A Home Without a Mother. THE BEE finds roomers for rooms , and it-finds rooms for roomers. Plenty of room on this page for .your room ad. "Wants made known cheap. MASSAGE. BATHS , ETC. MADAME SMITH. 002 S. 13TH , 2D FLOOK room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , steam. nl- phurlne nml sea baths. T 916 14 * MADAME DHOWN , 1311 CAPITOL AVENUE. 2d floor , room 4 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and sea batlia. T ilOJ ! ) 13 * MMC. ANNA OF CHICAGO GIVES AUCOHOU baths and massage. 308 N. 16th , room 13. T M9C3 14 * PERSONAL. CUEAM FOIl WIIIPI'INOi COTTAGE CHEnSE ! . Waterloo creamery , 1613 Howard ; ' tel 1332. U M14C nil WHEN OUT WITH YOUR LADY VISIT J. J. Multer'a nevr Ice cream parlors , 2S03 leaven- worth street ; everything Is new. Including thi bulldlne. Tel. 1030. lea cream delivered. U M218 LADIES' AMBE lUEWEUlY T OORDEU ; also repairing. 613 S. 16th street. U-M1M MASSAGE ELECTIlb-THEn- TREATMENT. - - baths. Scalp and hair treatment.manlcurc& chlpnxllst. lira 1'ost. 313JJ S 15th , Wlthnell 1)1 k. U-CM _ PROP. FRANK BROQLIN RESTORES HAIR to tha bald : cures dandruff ; stop * hair falling out : restores Bray hair to Its natural color : both sexes treated. References furnished of Omaha patients who are relieved. No curs , no pay. Room 424. Dee Building , Omah * . Neb. U 200-Jyl MASSAGE , MADAME I1ERNARD , 1419 DODGE. U M806 14' UAUDUFF A pleasant and convenient place , H20 Farnam street , Paxton block : 'phone , 711. V-M331 6AML BURNS INVITES YOU TO VISIT HIS new art room at any time. 1313 Farnnin. U-476 Jyil DR. MAXWELL. SPECIALIST. OF INTEIINA- tlonal Banltarluiu , removed to 40S 1'axton Mock. Tel. 1537. U M491-Jy2 : HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC CIGARTrOR 5C. U M2C7-Jy-15 VIAVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , 348 Bee bide. Lady attendant. U-C81 SCHADELL'S SHAMPOO. VAPOR AND HOT air machine for steaming ladles' fnces and heads , cures dandruff nnd headache. ID. . ' Doug las street. U .MS5I S3 _ DR , W. ROSS MARTIN. 1324 TARNAM STD hours from U to 1 , 3 to 5 , 7 to 8. Tel. 1310. U 918 A 5 I WILL CURB , FREE OF CHARGE , ALL sufferers from eczema , scrofula and private diseases ruisuerInK this up to July 2S. Ad dress , with stamp , P 7 , Bee olllci > . U M341 13 * INFORMATION AS TO WHERE HERT COOK Is will b * gratefully received ; Ilert. If vou see this , write or como horn * Inmifdlutely. Ida A. Cook. IMencoe. la. U M9S3 15 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LOANS ON IMPROVED A UNIMPROVED CITY property. tS.OW & upwards , 6 to Sft per cent ; no delays. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 133) 1'arnam. _ _ _ W CM MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to 8 years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1102 rnrnnm. W-O4 _ _ _ _ _ - MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love & Co , , Paxton blk. . W-6M _ _ MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davlijai. . IMS Farnam at. W 638 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST COM 31 ! N. Y. LIKE loans at low rates for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W 700 _ _ _ _ _ UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital t2.000.000. Surplus JCOO.IXW. Sub mit choice loans to K B. i'uiey , acvnt. First National bank building. W-701 _ LIFE INSURANCE FoLICIES LOANED ON or bought. tC. . ( Uirsney , Kansas City. Mo. CITY LOANS. LARGE IX > AN3 ON CENTRAL business property ; t per cent. C , A. Starr. i N. Y. Llf building. W-Mm MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY AND FARM property. Ames , let ? Famam street. \V MS8l _ LOANS W. G. TEMPLETON , PAXTON 11LK. W-M797 II LOANS WANTED. J. N. KRENZIiR. OPl'.Kd W-MUI Jyn _ _ _ OMAHA IXAN A TRUST CO. . UfH AND Douglas streets , loan money on city and farm property at lowest rates of IntersilV -CJ HAVANA FRECKLES. A IOC CIGAR. FOR BC. RtoCkSALWMl .EXCHANGE. MY l7iVERY stock. \\lll sell or rent building John Pohnny. Council Bluffs. Y-MI0223 STEAM SWING. rTRST-CLASS FOR 8ALP or trade , or will run In a pirk on i cr crnt Adaress H. Kunze. Elgin. Kan. V-M118 ll" FOR SALE. ROOK AND NEWS DEPOT IV county scat ; cheap for CBshf a bnrraln- wish to sel on account of sickness. AddesV P 20 uee oince. Y 136-13 * : COMPLETE OUTFIT ' " ? , ' ? " ? Wllh.ner . ot " ' "table " "ullalnB In town .f , ; i of SOO or more , where there Is no other Kallcry. Address P 23. Bee FOR EXCHANGE. HAVANA FRECKLES. A IOC CIGAR. FOR BC Z-J" IP Y1U WISH T0 EXCHANGE LAND FOR merchandise , or merchandise for land and cash , correspond with Neely & Klnney. Shel- ton. Neb. Z-M310 13 BARGAINS IN HOMES.TRADE.SALE.1C03 Dod ° . 2 841 FOR EXCHANGE. GOOD HOUSE IN MINNE- apolls for Improved or vacant property In Omaha. E. Smith. 300 McCague blilfr. Z-rM120 15 * BUSINESS NOTICES. CARRIAGE TRIMMING. GENERAL REPAIRS top 110 up. Louis Gutting , 114 S. 13th st. 253 Jyl4 OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. 613 & 16th. M 151 CHINA DECORATED TO ORDER AND MENDed - ed like new. 10u 8. llth street 173-J > 14 C. E. MORRILL. CARPENTER. OFFICE AND store llxtures a specialty , 1513.Capitol ave. 427 - CARTER. METAL CORNICE SKYlights - lights , smoke stacks , furnaces. 1617 Howard st. 426 DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED. 713 N. 16. 886 A5 D. T. MOt'NT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL oinee to 209 So. lull , Drown blk. M143 FOB SALE KEAL ESTATE. FARM LAND. C. F. HARRISON. 91 N Y LIFE. . R E-C4 JIy27 FOR SALE , NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; CELlar - lar , cistern , city water : cor. SOth and Saltier : $1.250.00 : long time. Enquire 1318 Farnam. Bam'l Burns. RE M54S DAROAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMs ! sale or trade. P. K. Darling. Darker blk. R E 7M LIST DAROAINS FOR QUICK TURNS.1W5 Dodge RE 842 TOR BALE. FARM LANDS. DAVENPORT & Waterman. 823 N. T. Life building. RE 152 18 FOR SALE , TWO FULL LOTS AND COTTAGE northwest of Hnnscom park ; must go quick. Address P 24 , IJee. RE 153 13 MTJSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. Q. F. GELLKNIinCK. RANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California street. 114 FOR UARGAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS ; easy payments ; Instruments rented ; rents npply on purchase. A. Hospe. jr. MS55 El.LA DAY. ELOCUTION , PHYSICAL CULTure - ure , Emerson method , Summer pupils re ceived. Room 9 , Commercial Nat'I brink.M1G3 M1G3 IS HAY AND GRAIN. HALED HAY FOIl SALE. THE STANDARD Cattle company. Ames , Neb. , have 2,040 tons of need l > arn-storcd hay for sale. All orders ( tiled promptly. Q-CSJ 1IUY YOUR HAT RY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE tujhay. . A. H. Snyder , 1515 Hurt it. , tel. 1107 , 833-S3 NEURASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAT. grain and mill stuff. We an > alvrarit on lha muiket to buy or sell. ISIS Webster st. 155 STENO GR APHERS. C. A. POTTER. tt N. Y. LIFE BUILDING. does all kinds ot stenographic vsork , law cases , depositions , chancery work , cop ) Ing , etc. , it reasonable prices. Call and see tha Duplex typewriter , writes two loiters at one ami th * sumo time ; the fastest typewriter In th worl < . M911 AS OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL co. . i.EADicr ? ? OPTICIANS J. F. Ponder , manner ) nfiifntiflo amtns tlon of the eres frre , 723 3. utli street. Com * Nat'I Ilk IJlJff. , In KlnalecU drug store. store.IIM5 IIM5 * THE ALOK A I'ENFOLD dJ4 SCIENTIFIC OP tlclani. 1101 Farnam ft. , opposite 1'axton hotel Eyes examined free , 717 EYES TESTED FREE RY A.J'ItACTJCAL OP tlclnn. Wo RUarantee to fit the eyes l > orf ctly to your rntlrn MMufnetlomtUr money refunded A. MANDEL11BHG. . Jeweler nnd optician , nWtlfcnst corner Six tecnth and I'arnam s , NEW AND 'OLD , M TO $123 tnsy pK > mchts : we rent hliil repair. Onmlm IllcyoJe Co. , C07 N. 16th street. Tel 129. $ ir .00 IIICYCI.US NOW JS7.SO , J100.M CUT TO JSS.23. JCO.OO cut to JI2.60. M. Trolel , 270J Lenvenworth street M21S Jyl3 _ IHCYCLES iTEPAIRED AND REMODELED Tlre nnd nundrlei. Pafed opened , rcpalrfd. C. R. Hcnin , locksmith. 311 X. IGth street. 9MA6 NEW WAIIV/ICK. IW4 hlKh Krnde , ndjuslnble ImnOlo and rrnr brake on no other wheel. Inqtilro Omaha C'onl , Coke & Lima Co. , ICth and D URlas st. 133 AID UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS II. K. DL'RKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embnlmer. 161S Chicago. Tel 90. 709 B\VANSON * VAl7lEN7 UNDERTTAKERS AID einluilmers , 1701 Cumlnir St. , telephone , 100) . M3 M. O. MAUL | , UNDERTAKER AND lEil" bnlmer , 1117 Fnrnam street. Telephone 223. 331 HEAFEY & HEAFEY , 21S S. 1ITII ST. THL 263 ; also 24th and N. fits. , Bo. Omaha. MI37 LOST. LOST , FROM WINDSOR HOTEL. A CANARY bird. Liberal rewunl to Under. MI4118 * LOST. LADY'S GOLD FILLED , HfNTINO cnse watch , with chain , tin Lnke , Ohio or 16th street. Pleoso leave nt 123 N. 9th Btree and receive reward. 161 13 * LOST , NEWFOUNDLAND DOG , 7 MONTHS old ; J5.1M reward If re I urn oil to 2923 Pacific street. Had collar nnd Uiif 1612. 164 14 * HOTELS. THE MIDLAND HOTEL. Corner 16th and Chicago streets ; coolest hotel In Omaha , new building , new furniture , electric bells , bath , steam heat , Amerlcnn plan , Jl.M to $2 00 per day : European plan , Mete to 11.00 per day. M. J. Franck , proprietor. 835 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. W. COR. 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or vteek. 10S-A9' ' TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS ItOUOHT , SOLD , EX- chanRed , rented nnd repaired. Tjpewrltcr nnd olllce suppllen. Typewriters rented at 14 per month. The Omaha Tjpewrlter Exchange , suc cessors to the typewriting ; department of the MpKPath Stationary Co. , 211 South Thirteenth street. Tel. 13C1. 990 SEE THE NEW DOUGHERTY TYPEWRITER. The Omaha TV pew liter Exchange , tel. 1361 , No. 214 S. 13th Bt. 991 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; and gen eral machinists ; superior work guaranteed. Omaha Electrical Works , 617 and 619 S. 16th st. 3J2 ELECTRICAL E NGINEnrWj , AND CONTRACT- ors for electric light aniV motor plants and all kind * Of electrical constiUcUon. Westein Elec tric Supply Co. , 41S and 43J S. 15th st. 837 TENTS ANlTSwNINGS. WHY DON'T YOU PUT UP'AN AWNING ON your home ; keeps out sunj boautlfles your resi dence , costs but little. Ortinh.1 Tent & Awning Co. , 1311 Tarnam st. Tol. 8S3. 3S2-Jyl7 WOLF RROS. & CO. , MANUFACTURERS OF awnings , tents , flags , wngnn , hay , stock covers , tariMtiltiiB , banners , streamers. 703-705 S. 16th street. Tel. 604. Tents for rxjnt. M3S6 GRINDING. 4- SCISSORS LAWN MOWJ2RSUAZORS , , ETC. fe-ruunJ. Melchlor Bros , , . fllS , Fai nain street. . I fC * S6SA4 RAZORS , SHEARS. CLirPJURS , , L.VWN MOW' era , etc. A. L. Undcrland.W N. I4th , 172 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND RE- paired. W. Iloehl , rear 512 < S. 16th. 256J14 JOB PRINTING. QUICK PRINTERS , KRAMER & CHANDLER , 1121 Tarnam and 307-9 S. 12th. Phone 1650. Mull orders get quick action. SG9 A4 REED JOB PRINTING CO. FINE PRINTING of nil kinds. 17tli street , Ueu building. M490 MERCHANT TAILORS. SUITS TO ORDER AT COST. S. LARSON , 515 N. 16th st. KbtablUhed 20 years. 231 J > 14 S. MORTBNSEN. THE OLD RELIAHLE TAILor - or , 404 N. 16th , has greatly reduced prices , bee Ills K pants and $20 butts ; all made In Omaha. 253 Jyl4 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING BY DAT AT HOME ; TERMS reasonable , cut and nt guaranteed. Inquire at 1724 Capitol avenue. C02--J * DRESSMAKING IN PRIVATE FAMILIES ; FIT and stvlp guaranteed. Address N 37 , llee M170 15 HORSESHOEING. MRS. THOMAS MALONEY , 912 N. ICTH ST. 155A11 E. B. HURT , IIORSESHOER , 314 N. 16TII. S35-A5 HARNESS. HARNESS. WHIPS. NETS. ETC. REPAIRING a specialty. 113 N. I5th St. 202 GET MY PRICES llErORE YOU BUY A HAR- ness. August Holme. 711 S. 16th street. M 11C A10 DANCING. FOR PRIVATE LESSONS , STAGE OR society dances , call on Morand , 1510 Harney , or 2906 Dodge street ; terms reasonable. M964 A7 DENTISTS. DR. GEO. S. NASON , DENTIST , SUITE 200 1'axton block , 16th & Farnum sts. Tel. 712MC57 MC57 WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROS. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of csal. Coriespondenco sollslled. 1003 rarnani street , M466 PAWNBROKERS. FRED MOHLE , 151714 FARNAM , JEWELRY. SIS II , MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY , DOS N. 16lh St. 171- PLUMBERS. FREE PLUMUINO OF BVERY KIND. G.\i steam & hot water heating : Mwemge. 313 S. 11 _ > K _ * J. J. HANIGAN , PLUMIIINGJ fcTEAM AND HOT water heating. 2703 Lvayen prth sU 153 UPHO LSTERING. UPHOLSTERING , CAlllNfTCSAND MATTRESS works. W. R. Bell & R. A. McEachron , 2703 Lcavtfnnortli. 157 a EMPLOYMENJ1 4GENOY. _ " WHITE'S EMPI/1Y1IENT 6K"lCnrTHR ? ONLY place to get help ot all kinds In the city. 151 All _ _ _ MARKET. . w. KURZ. cuoiai : MEATS. PRICES reasonable. Its S. 16th street , M217 Jyl3 HAIRDRESSING. M1LI < ER. LADIES' HAIRDREriSING , SHAM- poolne , iteamlng hair goods , 13U Douglas SHORTHAND AND TTPEWRITING. VAN BANTH SCHOOL OF SlToRTHATjD. B11 N. Y. Life. Omaha Auk for circular. Ttt TICKET BROKERS. " 4. lf. > AVtE8.ML'iUBU A. T II. AfaS'N ; llcketr tUugnt and 6ld. 1313 Fartiam Htinct. ' P. IC.1'HILBIN , CUT RATES. 1403 FAR.\AM. 293 JylJ U. SUES fc CO. , Solicitors. Dee Building : , OMAHA , Neb. Adviuo PREh CER.EBRINE ( HAMMOND. ) Extract or the llrnlii nl tlt Ux. In the treatment of LOCOMOTOR ATAXtA. N. Y. Neurological Society , Meeting. April 4. ISM "A rase was presented uf locomulor nlnxla "whlh had been treated with li > i > dcrmlc In- "Jectton * of CEREIIRINE. 8lx > enra ngu . . . "patient , n man nged tatty , had begun to suf "fer with douliln vision. This , alter ncvern 1 months of treatment , had disappeared , nnd fo "a lime lie Imd been quite well. The nplcn "nymplonn of locnmotor ntnxla then came on "completu loss of knec-lorks ; lOnrp piln < Ii "ihe leg * ; nlnxla gait well mnrkeil : Inability "lo viand with Ihe eyes cto ed , difficulty In "evacuating the bladder nnd towels ; iwxim "power loit ; n ens of con trlctlon around th "nnlMi Treatment was begun about < -n week "nun , nnd coniMcd rf n dally hyjxidermlfl In "Jetton of CEREI1RINE "Hnmmond ) nv "dnipi , aimhlned with n Ilko amount of witer "Improvement Very marked , sexual fun"tlnn "perfectly restored : complete control over bind "der nnd Imnels , nnd slmrp pnlns had illrap peareil : penernl health Improved : nMe tn nm up nnd down stnlrM , nnd rotild tlnnd teadj lth his ejei closed. No other treatment em "ployed. Improvement Rrndtml iind steady. ' EPILEPSY. Dosii rive Drnpl. I'rlcc , (2flnicliinsi ( , f2,60. Where local druggist * nro not Mipplled vvllh Ihe Hnmmimd Anlmnl Extrnctx they will be mailed , lordlier with nil ctMlnif Illcrnture on the subject , on receipt of price , by Till : COLinilllA CHEMICAL CO. , \ViiHliliiglrni , I * . C. KUHN & CO. . AGENTS FOR OMAHA can be I f ] 4 TO IU WEEKS Our Bond Guarantees no Pay until Cured. A 3STEW DISCOVERY. NO PAIN OR TRUSS , NO OPERATION OR DANGER , NO DETENTION FROM BUSINESS , Bond for our New Book. NATIONAL RUPTURE CO. II9 S. I4th St- Omaha , Neb. MEYERS' ' AUTOMATIC BOILER CLEANER Muitchrster Alfg. Co. , No. fllunoliestor , Inil Mechanical device for removing all Impurities from boiler ; preventing scaling , foamlnB , also remove nil old scale , without the use of com pound or washing out. Sold strictly on guarantee to give Fntlsfactlon. Correspondence hollclted. General Western Offlce 105 , llee Building , Omaha , N b. SEARLES . & SEARLES SPEGiaiiSTS Chronic , WE Kervous Private AND //ICUBE / . Special Diseases TREATMENT Bf MAIL. LOiSULTATIOH FRZ- , Catarrh. All Diseases or the Nose , Throat. Chos' , Stomach , Llvor , Blood Skin and Kltlnoy Diseases , Lost Manhood and ALL PRIVATE DIS EASES OF MEN- Call on or aildruHS , Dr. Searles & Searles , Notice to llnlliU-rH. Sealed proposnlB will lie received at the olllce of Stern & Slllllmnn , Logan , la. , for the bulldlne of nn Odd Fellows' hull In the town of Losran , la. , until C o'clock p. m. , on ThtirMlay , July 19 , 1S9I. Plans and bpcclflcatlons can be seen at the ollice of Stein & Milllman , Logan , In. , or : it the olllce of W. U. Findley , Architect , Sheely block , Omaha , Neb. The committee reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. C. n. BOLTER , Chairman of Committee. Jy 12 d 2t M1LWAY TlMfi CARD ICIllCAGO. UUKLINUIUN S"y | Ar7iv"eT Depot 10th and Mason Sts. | Omaha 4:45pm : Chicago Vestibule. . . .7. . . . . 9. Warn Chicago Express . 4:2opm : 7.02pm Chicago und Iowa Local . 8:0 Jam ll:35am : I'acltlo Junction Local. . . . . . aiSjiia S : Ma "RfVElUAirKeS" Omaha Deput 10th and Mason Sts. _ \ _ Omahs I0:15am Denver Expicsa.,7 . 9:35am. : 10lCam : Deadwood Express . 4.10pm 4.5Upm . Denver Express . 410pm ; C.DOpm . .Nebraska Local ( except tiim. ) . . . C:5upm ( .15am. Lincoln Local ( txcept Sunday. ) . .11. 2 jam Leaves I K. C. , ST. J. & C. LI. [ ArrUei Omahaf Depot loth and Mason Sts. I Omaha 9:4am. . . . Kansas City Day Express. . . , 6.6jpm 94opm.K. C. Night Ex. via U. P. Trans. C:50.i Leaves CHICAGO. R. I. & PACIFIC. ( Anlvej OmahalUnlon Depot 10th & Mason 8ts. | Omahi EAST. 10lSam..Atlantic : Expiess ( ex. Sunday ) . , 0:03nm : 6:25pm Night Express C:40am : 440pm..Chicago ; Vcstlhulrd Limited. , . . l:25pm : 11 ; 3tpm.Oklahoma Exp. ( to C.1. . ex Bun ) . 8j jiii ' WEST. 6:35am.Oklahoma : & Texas Exp. ( ex Sun.ll:35pm : Ii3tpm..Coloradn Ljmlted. , 4MOpin "Leaves ! UNION PACIFIO JArrlveT OmahalUnlon Depot 10th & Mason fits.I Om.ilia tW.-im. : . Denver Express 3:60pm : 2:15pm : Overland Flyer C20pin ; l:45pin.Beatrice : & Stntmsb'B Exex ( Sun ) 12:3iHm : C:40pm.- : I nclllc Express la.5Jam CiSOpm Fast Mall 42Qim | [ r\"esTCIIICAHC. MIU" " ST7 P'A'lIl.TSrrlTcs" OinahalUnion Depot 10th & Mason 8t . [ Omaha "c-.35pni Chlcaco Limited 7. . . 9:3inm : IMOam..Chicago Expren lex. Hun ) . . . 500um ; eaves ; r P * KT"iif iIi > 7' ' VALlHTT ArrlveT" Omahal.Depot _ 15th and Webster Sn. ( _ Omaha 9:0am : Ueadwood Express 5:10pm 9:05am.Ex. : ( Bat..Wyo. ) Ex.ii ( : . Man. ) . liPpm 6ODpm..Norfolk : Express ( Ex. Sunday. ) . 105iin JtSOpnui.uuitJ" . 13 > ul jxpress. : . . . . . . „ n 4Xim [ x-aves 1 CHICAGO & N6RTHWESTN ] Arrl j" Uinah.iU. | P. Depot 10th & Mason < ts.Jo"'ana l.dSaml. . ' Chicago Expreis d:10pm : 4-03pm Vestibule Limited 9:20am C.SOpm ( Ex. Bat..Chic. Pass.Ex. Mon. ) . UUpm $ , Mani.2..l..j..Ma. Valley Lncnl . . . . . . . .ii ) IJjini = = Leaves f MISSOURI PACIFIC | Anlves " Omahaj _ Depot 15lh and Webster Sis. | Omaha > : OOam..T St. Ixiuls Express . C00im ; 9:30pm : . , Bt. ! uls Express 6S5pm ; _ 610pm.Dalv ! | > ( ex. Hun , ) Nflirnsk.i I cul ! l I'lum ' reaves I e : , BT p . . 'M , .V. O fArfve * " Oinahal Dtpot Utli and Webuler Bis. I Oinln * ( City Accom ( Ex. Hun , ) . . k.Oipm O.OOainBloui City Accom ( Bun. Only ) . 'OJpm 2lpinSioux city Express ( Ex. Bun. ) llUim : : ; . , . . . , . . . . _ LlmllnL- . 4j > m Waves' 8fOTTX CITY i P A"ClKIcf lATrlveT OinahalU. 1' . Ht-pi.t loth ft llaiwii SJ3.J _ Oinalu " { Siam. , rsioux City Passenger" . . . . IO.Spm I'W [ > m si. rani Kxprra * IQi'klMjn aTeil SIOUX" OITV * I'ACIPfC. fAirlvw. " Oinahal Depot 15th and Webster His. 1 Om . _ t t:30 | > m . . . . . .St. Paul Limited 7 . . 9:4t.m. : 6 3upm. . . Chicago Llmll.'J 9 4 < ri "TJaveT ] OMA"HA" & " STTul'IS TArTvaf Omahi.lU. 1 * D iiot loth k Mannii Rt - < Omi' Ixjuli Cannon BallT. . . . . HAIL STORM DAMAGES CHOPS Greater Pott of Koya Paha County Alracst Devastated * VEGETATION BURIED UNDER BANKS OF HAIL Strip of Territory ilglit : Mile * I.miff uiul Two U'lilu Svvi'ptlino t Ulpitii ot CniMt'nrni | lliillilnik' .Sint.iln 'Much DIIIIIIIRO. NOHDKX , Neb. , July 12. ( Special to The nee. ) One of the most ilMtructlvo halt storms over cxperlciictl In this pmitny oc curred Tuesday. The strip of total destruc tion of crept was about ono and n linlt mile * wldo and clglit miles IODB. Hall lay six Inches en the level , nnd In many ) itacc In ravines tlicrc arc solid banks six feet blgli , washed there by the torrents of water that foil. The \\lnd blew a hurricane , overturn- ill ) ; all granaries , crlbt nud outbuilding. W. 13. BassL'tt U Iho firc.-itcst loser , haxliiR had over forty panes of glass broken , and other damage to the amount of } 100. four 'iithiillillng.i blown to pieces and a nlro orchard and licilgo rous stripped of bnrl ; from every limb from top to the giound. A number \slll have to bo helped by nulghborH to get tlirough the coming winter. tKITIt l.MIl ) Till : < > ( > Vr.ltMlt. Dm 111 City Prmi Nut. SullHllfil vilth tin- itfiMitl\n'H L'otiiliift. LINTOLX , July 12. ( Special to The neej A recent Issue of the David City Press contained an article criticising the action of Governor CrotinRO Jn p.irdonlng Uavo Cook of that city on July 4. Cook was convicted of criminal assault In February , 1S93 , und was sentenced to the penitentiary for three years. A thousand signers were becured lo a petition asking the governor to pinion the boy. This petition was signed by the judge who sentenced him , the prosecuting at torney and most of the membeis of the Jury which convicted him. Governor Cromiie refused to grant the pardon. The 1'ress states that about three weeKs ago , D.ixc's father was In that ofllce looking up the now law on paroles , but found that they did not apply In that case. At that time he re marked to the David City Press man that Mr. James Caldweil of Lincoln would get Cook out of the pen for $100 in time lo celebrate the Fourth of July. Governor Crounso explains that the law does not ad mit of a paro.o before the minimum time of the sentence has expired ; that after the pe tition was presented lie ln\obligated the case and dlsco\ered that It wab a meritorious one and when next called to his attention he signed the pardon lie saya that he known nothing of the Lincoln attorneys connection with It , but did what he considered right In the matter. \Vlllard aimm , treasurer of Logan county , came Into the auditor's ofllce and settled up his account. Ho resigned June 2.J , presum ably because somebody discovered that his accounts were not straight. The funeral of Major A. G. Hastings , which was held today , was one of the largest ever seen In Lincoln. In the procession were representative men from nearly evuiy portion tion of the state The procession was headed by fifty-six members of the Orand Army of the Republic , followed by the stale band , after which came the Knights Templar , six teen ladles of the Eastern Star and 122 mem bers of the Ulue lodge. President Uowo of the Western Dasp Hall association met with the stockholders of the Lincoln club last night and as a icsult of the conference- the Sunday game will be played in Omaha. The Llncolnltcs were somewhat aggrieved that lie refused to play two games next Saturday afternoon , but Manager Rowe gave them to distinctly un derstand that he was in It for the money , Owing to the funeral of Major Hastings this afternoon the asylum investigation was postponed until tomorrow and the state house was nearly deserted. Sumliiy .School iluhllrit Day. FREMONT , July 12. ( Special to The Dee. ) This has been truly a gala day at the Chautauqua grounds and In the form of beautiful weather nature seemed to smile upon the project of a Sunday school Jubilee day. During the morning hours the routine business of the assembly was pursued up to 11 o'clock , when Chancellor Sims began his lecture on the Old Testament miracles , which was entertaining to both old and young , followed by short speeches by T. L Mathews and others. Then an onslaught was made upon the lunch baskets. At I o'clock the 1,500 Sunday school children were drawn up In line , two abreast , and to the stirring music ot the Normal band marched around the bicycle track and were counted to enable the judges to award the banners , one to the largest country school and one to the largest Fremont school present. This evening Chancellor Sims delivered his list lecture of the season , "Home Making. " YOU Itusiu-rt Indian I-C.'IKCK. PENDnil. N b. , July 12. ( Special to The Dee. ) The town was wild with excitement last night owing to receipt of a telegram from Omaha to the effect that Judge Imily had made the injunction restraining Captain Deck from Interfering with the Flournoy company , which baa neveial thousand atres of Indian lands leased , perpetual. This news was the occasion of general rejoicing In Pender and there were bonfires nnd the cor net band played nnd champagne flowed freely. The First National bank lias been con solidated'with the Thurston County bank , of which W. G. Peebles was proprietor. The First National moved Into their elegant now quarters In the Peebles block yesterday alternoon. Drill MiiliMl Ijinrrr IntiTi-Kt. GRUNDY , Neb. . July 12. ( Special to The Dee. ) Logan county has a small band callIng - Ing themselves Industrials. They met July 7 and appointed a committee of two to wait upon the State bank and two loan brokers and demand that they lower the rate of in terest to 7 per cent. n. R. Smith , the cashier of the State- bank , gave them to un- dertsand that It would take more than two or three of their number to run his business. MirrlfTs' l'oii\otitloii AiljniiriH. HASTINGS , July 12. ( Special Telegram to The Dee. ) The State Sheriffs' assaclatlnn closed Its present adjourned session here oday , after discussing the matter of nnl- ormlty of blanks this morning This afler- noon the visitors took a carriage ride around ho city and visited the state asylum. . Much itulii in i.ogini Ciinnij. GRUNDY , Neb. , July 12. ( Special to The Bee. ) Logan county has had n large amount of rain fall since Juno II , the leavlest falling Saturday night. Corn Is doing well , there being an extra acreage planted. Small grain will prove a ccm- ilcte failure. Di'litji-il Ilin DIU'li IVnrk. FREMONT. July 12. ( Special to The Dee. ) After adopting a resolution lo release all the assessments for the construction of ho Reynolds ditch , excepting the petitioners , and placing the entire expense upon them , he board of supervisors adjourned to Au gust C. Mulclrn Ddiitli < if .MrV. . II. I hiunlicrliili ) . FA1RDURY , Neb. , July 12. ( Special Tclo- gram to The Dee. ) Mrs. W. II. Chamburlnln , vlfo of a prominent farmer living near thf city , fell dead Inst night. She was ono nf ho oldest settlers of thin county , having Iveil here over thirty years. Suit * K llniUonriu Orliplnil | , SUPERIOR , Neb. , July 12. ( Ppoclal Tele gram to The Dee ) J. H. Guernsey , a brake- nan for the Santa To , got his right arm so badly crushed while switching In the yards t this place thu morning that amputation vlll be necessary. Dftectlvn llnijliu1 l.imu Captiiru. LOOM IS , Neb. , July 12 ( Special Telegram o The Dee , ) United States Detective M. J. inities ; of Omal.a arrested a tramp at this dace this morning and relieved him of JIDO n counterfeit United Stairs notes , Dt-rlarcil llu < Orillimucr * Illogul , TQDIAS , Neb , July 12-spi-clal ( to The U'e.j The town board last night decided that the new onllnancen , n * revised ami com piled by V I ) . Doitlsthorpo of Gtnora. wro Illegal , nnd will have them ropubllshtd. Not surd u Stiililrn Atlurhinrnt PIERCi : , Neb. , July 13. ( Special to The Ilpo.J Your corresiKindcnt has Iramcd slnco sending the report of Iho romantic mar- rlago of Iho editor ot the pietco Call , K. L. Hramlo. nnd Mlis Idn Inheldcr , that about thrw > month * ago HIP editor wont to Mr Inhelder and asked concent lo marry hli daughter , but win rrfuHed , nnd MrVoeIz of Urnnd IMand wan sent for. The young lady w.i * coaxed and Influenced to go to Grand Island for a short vlilt. She had no part In planning Iho house , but rather , on the other hand. hr > was not consulted In the leiMt by her future husband , but scorned to bn a secondary person In the mat ter. Also thnt Mr Woelz named the day they should IH married. T.ikc It all In all the brklo did not apprnr to bt In It , so aim deulded t lake a hand In the game and bei'omo one of the principals. The > tiling couple arrived In t'kroo lodty from a visit nt Oimond und Slnn\ City , la. lli > iul Irrigation I'lirpixim. Oll\NT. Nob. , July 12. ( Special Tele gram lo The Dee.--The ) county romfiils- sloners submitted today a proposition to > ole $9i,000 In bands to the Perkins County n < tultnblo Irrigation and Power company , to aid In the construction of nn Irrigation canal to run from Julesburg , Colo. , through Perkins - kins county. It will be about sl.xty-llvn miles in length. U U generally believed lliut the bonds will OJIT > and U Is expected that work on the ditch will no In full blast by September 1. People arc enthusiastic o\or the prospects for u boom here. 1 Miilinril li.n . Pii'iimtiirr r\ilmlon. | tlKUTHAND , Neb. , July 12--Speclal ( to The llee. ) While a number of citizens were exploding powder In hope of bringing rnln last night H. II. Wllley was badly Injured by the premature discharge of a small can non which ho was loading. His face was painfully lacerated , one arm broken , thumb on right band torn off. nnd two fingers on tbo loft hind bad to bo pirtlilly nniputatptl. be sides oilier severe wounds. There has been nearly three weeks of dry weather here , nnd the prospect for a corn crop In this Im mediate vicinity Is verynlooiny. lluil mi Imputing I'mii-ml. CEDAR Cltr.EK. Neb. , July 12. ( Special to The Dee ) IMHC N. Horn was burled here under the nusplceB of the Modern Wood men of America. It was n moit Imposing funeral , ns there were 175 teams In the procession. The drouth In tills section Is becoming sc\cro. Corn needs rain badly. Could Not Mirtlxi- Opciiitlon LONG PI.N'i : , Neb. , July 12 ( Special Tele gram to The Hoe. ) Mrs. John G. Ulrlch. who recently underwent a severe surgical operation In Omaha , died yesterday at noon. Her husband and father , Mr. O J. Showers , left this morning , accompanying the remains - mains to Saglnaw , Mlch. , where the burial will take place. Hohliril of Nlnrl.v llollnm , NHURSKA CITY , July 12.-Speclal ( Tele gram to The Dee ) James Savage reported to the police this morning that some one had entered his roam last night and stolen $90. Kciiriicy { 'iimil Cl.ilmi u Victim. Ki\RNEY , Neb. . July 12. ( Special Tele gram lo The Dee. ) The S-year-old son of Louis Johnson fell Into the Kearney canal today and was drowned. Ride on ; cw steamer , Coin-Hand beach. Slugged li > III * WIN ; . Ed Tuttle , dressed in his Sunday clothes , went out to see the shady side of the city Wednesday night , rounding up In the establishment presided over by HUiol Hawkins , down In the ten derloin district , where he alleges to have been frisked of $13 In coin. Yester day ho Hied n complaint against the woman , charging her with larceny , but during the trial a different state of facts developed , the result of which was that the Hawkins woman was fined $1C > and costs , while Tuttle was mulcted to the tune of $5 and costs. While Tuttle was giving his testimony , detailing where he was spending the night , his wlfo walked Into the court rcom , and after listen ing for a time , walked over nnd struck.her husband a couple of severe blows In the face. The court allowed the mill to proceed , holdIng - Ing that the assault was justifiable under the circumstances. Omaha's great resort Courtland Dcach. The Chicago Lumber company tiled nrtt- clea of Incorporation with the county cleric yusteulny afternoon. The capital stock la plated nt $6uO.OOO. and the Incoiporators are Prank Colpetzt-r. Cliuilea H. Oulou nnd Tiyplipnu M. Culpotzer Artii-Iea of Iru'nrpor.ttlon have also been Illi'd 1 > > the Omaha Dliectory company. This conslHtK nf A. II. Comstock , 11. U. Uallinnn and Illrhanl J. Hnlin. The atoclt amounts to $10,000. A ccollng rldo to Courtlcnd Beach. Simply Too \\nrin The sultry condition of the weather and the surplu ! ) ot oalork- stowed away In Pat- U'lvon hull caused u speedy adjournment nf the regular bi-monthly meeting of the Young JHn s UopuMlrjin club lust evening. Pri'sUloiu Hroonif of the Hamilton club had been expected to deliver an address on the- silver question , but he excuesd himself on nriount of the extreme wivinith of the rvpiilnir. after -which the club adjourned for tw\j weeks. Datbing at CMtrtland beach. Miirrliin f.lrnniM The follow Inc marriage licenses were U * sued yesterday : Name and Address. Age. Oeorfip W Sti'plH'n" , Pouncll Dluffs 3.3 niln Junes , Cmincil ISIuff 23 Suien J. KviiDiholm , Omalm 41 Jijlmiuni M. Ncli-iin , Omaha 10 William J Cunningham , Omaha 2.1 l.enoru Simdci , Omaha 21 neWltl'8 Wltcli Hazel Snivo cures ulcers. UeWltt'a AVftcli Hazel Salve cures piles. I'd ular music at Courtland beach. Tin : RIIALTV tiAUJvirr. INSTKUMUNTS placed on iccord Juno 12 , IS'JI : WARRANTY DEEDS. M A Powell nnd hunlniid In J A Havvlcy , lut 7. 9 , lljimnim Plnce t 1 ciV Ami's und wlfo ti M E Eviinv , lot I" , him I. i , Aint'H I'lini- . . . . CO ) I' M Klnlxui iiml wife tn U F Outer , Iota ' , iiinl ii. lilKk 8 , Klulvt-r Plum- , . . . l.OOi ) M I' llnnun nnd liufluind In A Cl Ifnmm , l ls 17 and IS. lil > it k "F. " ttiuiidem At Il'H ndd < 2 < T I'll uli H omul und vita In W H Cuitls , unillv 'j Int S , lilnrk T. . Omnlin. . 2,003 J C Wrlylit lo r M Wilchi. w ( i lot 7 , blink 71. Omiihiiv ' - , t n C.J fed 10 Indies lut " 7 , llnrtiimii's ndd ; undlv Vi of II > 1 > ! W * 3 lot 3'J ' , llnilllian'H IKllJ , lot 1 , Mult 2 , liniiruviment iiHmcIalluli add. 5,0)0 qi'lT CLAIM DEEDB. S L Wiley t > Now ion I ml comp.iny , M 13 ? fe < t lulH ! 6 lei 12 , sulidlv of block "A" and oilier piupul } nilj'ilnlng , undlv " 4 n 12.1' ' ; feet lot 'J. mib'lh ' of block "A , " PninU 1'ilpdrcr nnd wife In t'illciigii Lllin- l > er comi'any ' * l > t ln. block 2 , Hlfnvi ! > > > d PMIU ; lut .1. AndnwH W iC TH Hiilidlv. . 1 nmo I i s.uilr. Int I , bliul : I. Hliehuiick N ndd ; lut I , blink I , Iln-l'H 3rd add : n : ° > fi-it lil "J nml K C ( eel \ > l - < tllm - liaiiuli Place , n - " ' fi'i > l , I it lr > . lilock 4 , HiilHllv of .1 I Jtrdlt'K'H mid. lot 10 , bluett 1 , Comi'r ; hit J , A II t-.umdcifl' nilil ; lot ' > , bi | l ( 111 , lut t , blntlc II , n in ; ice ; mv KW tw C-l" , U , lut 31 Paiilmn'H ndd , ' 3 lull-list In 1'H 2 In HiJl15l.l ; Iota 15 nml 10 , Mock 11 , Konnlzu 3rd ndd . t B.I in u t > tuinii' , hit K , Mm'lc ill ; lit 1 nnd i * % I'.l : M. . , I ; J6I ; part otv Vs lit S nnd imrt of lnt 3 nnd 4 , hlnck 'M : lei S In 8 Mm'U \ < 0 lut 4 , blui-k : 2I , Dmiiha , lut 10 , lil/rk 1. UKrhniuo l'l.ui > ; H K I it 0 , lili.l > IK > . lit Ki l.l.xlc 7 , Hllchcwk'H ndd ; l ls " 1 nnd 3D blufk I , Him. blllijh He P'v add , lit ) . blixk C. 1'iirkfr's nd.1 ; liitM I iiitil 3 , lilwk M. w U lr > t 7 , blwU "Kv Onmlm , lot I ) , block , Dwr ptirk ! lot 2 , I'l'-k 3X , llvncuii'ii U'ld , lut I. bliH-lc & I'nditivk I'ln'-i- . . . 1 O | l Oiiluii lo onmr. I'H It , lil.wk I , Muvni.i Add . . . 1 J H WlcMmm fHiliiilnlclmlnr ) tn II L Oliver , Inn 5 iinil B , blnek S , Slirlu-r I'lnus ' 01 hp0ofitl int"ler In PaMiiiintiU Hfivlng * Imnk , lots D and 6 ! ! ! < 3 , Muniiioutli iMIk 1104 feuini * tn llvinti Ren 1 ctmtjMn ) l > tn 3 nnd 4 , Hiul v > $ lot 6 , bliK'k 2 , C'Hpltal 1III1 add V < 77 Total u in ill nl of traniftm Orpqon Kidney Tea cures ll kidney trujbies Trial tlzc , 23 c-ents All druggists. I1 pular music at Courtland beach.