6 THE OMAHA DAILY JDEK : TUESDAY , JULY 10 , 1801. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Bonoral Bullish News Firmed Wheat Up and September Closed Higher , THERE WAS MUCH BULLISH INFLUENCE Cron trim Generally Firm Within Uriel Ilnngc , tlio Action of Whent nnd the Vlilblo Snpply Ildluctlon Cam * Ing the .Strength. CHICAGO , July O.-Oeneral bullish newa i firmed wheat up today , and September closed MO higher. Corn closed Uo higher. Data .were unchanged and provisions higher all round. Wheat opened at from Uo to # c advance , nd attar selling down % o advanced from Me to % c , cased back from HO to HO , rallied again , changed some , and closed tcady. The decrease of the amount on ocean passage of 966,000 bu. , the firmer cables and unsettled weather In England , all acted as bullish Influences. The liberal short Interest here and the largo withdrawals from toro also had the same tendency. Corn was generally firm within % c range. The action of wheat nnd the reduction of the visible supply caused the strength. Oats were firm early with wheat and corn , weakening later on sales , the range lor September being % c. Provisions were dull but firm on the gtrencth In wheat and buying by packers. Compared with Saturday night September pork In ITAo higher , September lard Bo hlRlier and September ribs 7V4c higher. Freight rates steady at lo for wheat and corn for Uuffalo. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , none ; corn , 4 cars ; oats , 1 car ; hogs , none. The leading futures ranged as follows : * Articles" ; [ Topou ? High. | Low. VriicatNo. 2 July ft-pt BSHMIti 01HMH U1H Corn No. a. . July. 41K Sept. , 41 ft I'J 42 H Oct OalH No. 2. . . July 38 .18 33 A11 If SUM f-cpt 2U ( 80MCTU May Pork per bbl July 12 25 12 40 12 40 Sept 12 CO 12 70 12 OB Xjird.ionibn July , 0 80 6 BO 6 77H Sept 0 80 0 87H 6 SB Short RlUH- July 0 47M 0 35 e ss Sept e cu U 00 0 CO Cash quotations were an follows : KI.OUII Firm. WHEAT No. 2 fprlnff , 6CKo ; No. 3 prlnp , nomlnnl ; No. 2 red , CGc. COHN No. 2 , 41V5c : No. 3 yellow , 41ic. OATS No. 2. # c ; No. 2 white , ' ,4 ® c ; Ho. 3 white , 62(4c. ( IlYn No. 2. 4 > ICc. , . OAIUjBY No. 2 , nominal ; No , 3 , nominal ; No. 4 , nomlnnl. FLAX SCKD No. 1. 11.23. TIMOTHY BURD-I'rlme. lUOflUS. 1'UOVISIONS Mesi pork , per bbl. , I12.C2V4 © J2.C5. Lard , per 100 Ihs , J6.75ffl6.774. Short ribs Ides ( loose ) , t6.G7Hi8C.70. Dry salted shoulUers ( boxed ) , J6.00flC.12',4. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , 1C 87V4O7.00. W1I1HKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , 11.20. The following were the receims ana shipment * for today : On the Proiliico Qxchaniro tod.iy the biittor mir- kct was flrm : creamery. 14HWl8o ; diary , 11 ® lOo. Eet-s , steady at lldtl-'c. NEW YOJtK UHNUICAL 31AUKET. Ycitcrdny'H Quotation * ou Flour , Grain nnd Provisions , JllotnU , Ktc. NEW YOTUC , July 9. FLOUR Receipts , 12,000 bbls. ; exports , 20,000 bbls. ; Bales , 17,000 pkgs. ; market steadier , wllh fair demand for spring Wheat brands ; exporters Indifferent ; city mill patents , J4.0Cg4.30 ; winter patents. J3.SOS3.35 ; city mill clears , J3.55C3.C3 ; winter stratehts , 52.00 C2.75 ; Minnesota patents , J3.4003.85 ; winter xtras , J3.0002.CO ; Minnesota bakers , J2.1003.40 ; winter low grades , Jl.COff2.15 ; spring low grades , I1.C001.86 ; sprint ; extras , J1.S002.30 ; southern flour , quiet ; common to fnlr extras , J2.0002.70 ; rood to choice extras , J2.604f3.40 ; rye Hour , quiet ; kales , ISO bbls. ; superfine , J2.7502.SS ; fancy , J2.90 C3.05. aiUCKWHCAT-Nomlnal. CORN MEAL Quiet ; sales , 300 bbls. ; yellow Western , J2.Mfl2.EO ; Ilrandyvvlne , J2.SO. RYE Nominal : state , 05c , JtARLr.V Nominal. BAULKY MALT Steady ; western , 630SOc ; Canada. , 90095C ! six-rowed , 82085C. WHEAT Receipts , 142.000 bu. ; exports , 7.700 bu. ; sales , 3,900.000 bu. futures , 112,000 bu spot. Epot market steady ; No. 2 red. In store and Uvator , 69Jo ; afloat , 0c ; No. 1 northern , flHc delivered ; No. 1 hard , C9o delivered. Options epcned stronger on the Increase on passage , good buying ; far foreign account , higher cables , and kn expected blpr decrease In the visible dur- Inc the afternoon ; reacted Vie , but cloied He Saturday ; July closed at Wic ; Aucust , tbove , closed C0)ic ; September , 61 15-lG0i > 2 c. fclosed C2c ; December. 69 9-16ffGGc , closed C5g. CORN Receipts , 45,000 bu. : exports , 17,000 bu ; ( ales , 110,000 bu. futures , 65,000 bu. spot. Spot faiarkct steady ; No. 2. 43c tn el r.tor ; 47c afloat ; fellow , 4Sc delivered. Option market , stronger On llRht receipts nnd sympathy with wheat , re acted sharply , but recovered on stronger cable : ) ; Close , 9iW,4c up ; July , 4CfG'tc , closed 46c ; Au gust. 45 iff47o ( , closed 47c ; September , 47047HC , closed 47ic. ! OATS Receipts , 146,000 bu. : exports , 300 bu. : ales , 6,000 bu. futures , 63.000 bu. spot. Spot fnarket quiet : No. 2. 60M051'.4c : No. 2 delivered , | 2c ; No. 3 , 49Vic ; No. 2 white , 52052ic ; tiack. white western , & 2j5Sc ; track , white state , 52 ® (8c. ( Option market very dull and featureless , with no sales , nnd close lie advance : July closed lit 46'io ; Aueust , 'SlVic ; September , 32tic ; October , 2 ic. HAY Dull ; shlpplnff , COc ; good to choice , 70 GSOc. HOI'S Dull ; state , common to choice , SOUc ; foclflc coast , lOJfllc. HIDES Kcatuielees. LIJATlinil Slow ; hemlock sole , Buenos Ayres , llcht to heavy weights. UQlSc. WOOL Dull ; domestic tleecc , 1928c ; pulled , 1'ROVISIONS-llecf , steady ; beef hams , ieady. Cut meals , llrmor : pickled bellies , 7K@ > Vic ; pickled shoulders , GK0 7c ; pickled hams , 1V4W12C. Ijinl. tlrmcr ; western steam closed at 7.45 asked ; sales , 250 tierces at J7.40 ; July. J7.45 isked ; rellned , firmer ; continent , J7.C5 ; 8. A. , 1.00 ; compound , CfiCVlc. 1'ork , firmer. UUTTfiU Stronger ; western dairy , 10H@14Kc ; western creameiy , 14019c ; western factory , 10 ® I4c ; Kleins , 19o ; state dairy , 1201Sc ; state cream- ry. HMtOc. CHUUSK-Qulet ; state , large , 709c ; small fancy , 7t > bic ; part skims , 2Vi0ic ! ; full skims , lH 2o. HQaS Strong ; state nnd Pennsylvania , 15 ® ; western , fresh , HtflaKc ; southern , cases , UHc . . TALLOW Steady ; 4 5-1CC4J1C for city ( J3 per pkg. ) ; country ( pkgs. free ) , 4 7-1C04HC , as to Duality. rKTROLKUM Dull ; United closed at Jl bid. ROSIN Quiet ; strained , common to good , J1.35 B1.40. TUUVENTINi : Quiet ; S0030V4C. R1C1 > Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , 4HO IUc ; Japan. 4 % j4Hc. ! MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans , open kettle , Ijooil to choice , 2 < if3tc. ; 1'IQ IRON Steady ; lake , J9. LEAD Strudy ; domestic , J3.10. TIN-Qulet. CXJTTON SEKD OII Dull , nominal St. I.onls Ccnorul Sliirkct. BT. LOUIS. July 9. FLOUR. Caller ; patents , I2.SOO3.90 : others , unchanged. WHEAT Gained lo early , but dropped back lie , closing with a net gain of Ho on a belief ( hat the rnllroail strike > > ns nearlng the end. No. 2 red , rnsli and July , 64Hc ; August , 63Mc ; Beptunber. WKo ; December , 67'lc. CORN OaliuM UOVio with wheat ; No. 2 mixed , cash. UUc ; July , 39 > lc ; August , 39Hc ; September. W\c. OATS Firm early , turning weak ; No. 1 , cash , i5c ; July 34c. 11Y12-CO bid for No. 2. JIARLKY No trading. JIHAN Loner at mill ; (2 < % KIjAX 8I3RD J1.15 for ni'vr. CLOVER Siin-J7,60 : 8KI. TIMOTHY HKEO-J4.40. HAY Easier ; prlmu to choice timothy , J12.00 013.00. HUTTKIl Unchanged. IKIOH I iwcr ut 7c. LEAD J3.10 ; nominal. BIM3LTKU $ S.H'4jt nominal- C-ORN MiAIJ3.10 2.15. WHISKYJl.W. . rOTTCJN TIUH-Unchnnitedj OScCJI.OO. HAttOINa-Unchunifed ; 6'iJiCc. J'ltOVIHIKNH.Stron * nnd higher. Pork , standard mess , jobbing , J13. Lard , prime steam , I4.C2H ; cliilri10.71. . Dry salt ini-nts , loose ihouldcrs , JC.2S ; longs nnd ribs. J7.25 ; shnrts , I7.41U. llucon , pnckiMl shoulder * , J7.2S ; longs , l7.7e.rlUi , J7.S7H1 shorts , IS. HKCnUTB riour , 2.000 bbl . ; wheat. J5.000 bu i corn. 7.000 bu. ; oats. 33.000 bu. HIIII'MCNTH-Klour , 2.CWO bbls. ; wheat , nonoj orn , 4,000 bu. ; oats , Z.CMJ bu. L'orfru SlnrUct. NUW YORK , July . -COFFEB-Opllons tiintl l sltaily at unchanged prices ; ruled gen erally dull , peculatlon checked by strike In hr wist , cluwd steady at net unchanged , 6 wilnU lower , * ulr * , t > 7& butr . Including August , H.Ci l4.70 ; Hrplrmber. I13.SOO14.W ; October , II.W&1I.U , Ofct-intrr. J12.9SO13.00. Spot coffee , 1o. strady. No. 7 , Klio ; mild , quletj Cordova , t > I ' , i . alt . W tuns of Central American. V r l.ou d > llverle * from New York Saturday , , WS bnu . New Yolk stuck today , 113.414 bags ; tilalM sUck , : ,3W bavii aliatit for 111 * United males , 1M SCO bags , vlslhtft for th United Blatr * Hi ICO bngn , against 430,095 bug ! 1ml your flANTOfl , July 9. flat ) good nviragc Bantos , 117. recrlptd , 2,000 btigiii stock , 52,000 bag > . weekly i Qultt. Rood average , per 19 kilos J17 ; receipts during the week , 25,00) bags ; ship' m-nts to United States , 8.W3 hngsj itock , ll.W HAVRE. July 9-Qulct , unchanged to V4I loner ; total tn\tn \ , ( .000 bags. RIO 1)13 JANEIRO , July 9.-Qulet ! No. T , J15.J3 ; exchange , 9 S-ICd ; recelpls , t.OOO bags , lock , 112,000 bna * . Weekly : Flni , exchange standard , per 11 kllot , J15.M ; rxrhangp , y J-1M ; receipts Uurltu the week , 44,000 lings ; uhlpmenta to Unltet Slates , 41,000 bngi ; stock , 1I2.00 > ) bags. OMAHA UIMUVL : MAUKIITS. Condition of Triilo nnil ( Jnotntloni on 8tiipto anil I'nnoy 1'roiluco. The wtek opens rather quiet In produce. Thi receipts In most lines are only moderate , am the market Is lacking In life nnd strength. Tin rallrond blockade ban destroyed all the shlpplm business , which In really the life of a market , am all that Is left Is the local trade. The butter packers put down their price In thi country last neck , as noted at the time , and yes teiday morning they started out offering lowci prices here. The railroad situation Is responsible for the weak feeling. No one con predict with any degree of rcitnlnty how long the present labor troubles' will last , nnd packers do not care to load up lee heavily with the prospect thai there nil ! be a largr accumulation of stock tc be thrown upon the market when the trans portation linen arc open , uhlch would bo apt tc result In much lower prices. The fKK innrKi't did not show much change , The supply ami demand continue about equal. I'oultry was nlso steady ; In fact , there was no change In the ni.irkot on country produce of anj Importance , cxirpt In the case of butter. It Is claimed that then- are at present CO.OOC tubs of butter In storage nt Chicago. It Is nlsc estimated that nbutit half as much more wilt be put nwiiy Irefuiu the close of the season , making about 90,000 tulm all told. This Is considerably mole than was stored last year. For 1S93 Iloston I * estimated to luivu stored 108,0)0 ) packages , being r coKnl7.tl n the greatest market for late held butter In the country. The hay maikol here remains about steady , and U wllhuut Important feature. The condition of thif liny crop In the country Is b comlng a matlot of great Interest , ns It Is possible that theie may be nn export demand In the near future Last ytnr was the first In which American hay and forage clops were exported Iti large quanti ties to Europe , The ilrouth there made Imported hay nn expense necessity , and a great deal was shipped nbi oad. I'rom Zurich , Swltzeiland , n Slate ilciMtiiment report sasu that the diutilh preuillliiK last year In western Europe Is apt to repeal Itself. People In Switzerland predict a dry season , uud should this piovc true there Is n chance for American farmers to place con siderable hay In Switzerland. A law quantity of American hay found HH way Into Switzerland lnt reason , the muntrlp.illtleH of each town or village being the purchases. ! They bought large quantities nnd distributed It among Ihn people at cost , thus preventing nnsciupulous dealers from taking undue advantage of tha cilsls by raising the price of hay beyond the reach of the peeler classes. IH'TTER-rncklng stock , 70Sc ; good to choice countiy , 12013o ; creamery , solid packed , 1501Cc ; creameiy , bricks , ICIflSc. COOS Per do9c. . LIVE POfLTRY-Old hens , C0CJc ! : spring chlckcnii , l.013e. ! The demand for geese nnd ducks Is very light. Ducks , 7c ; hen turkeys , 7SSc , gobblers , CftCc , geese , D',40Gc. VEAL Choice fat nnd small veals are quoted at CffG'c ; coarse nnd large , 304c. CHEESE Wisconsin , full cream , new make , 10011c ; Nebraska and Iowa , full cream , 9010c ; Nebraska and Iowa , part skims , C07c ; Llm- burgcr. No. 1 , lOc ; brick , No. 1 , lOc ; Swiss , No. 'lIAY Upland hay , JS.50 ; midland , J8 ; lowland , J7.60 ; rye straw , JC. Demand fair ; supply fair. Color makes the best price on hay. Light bales sell the best. Only top gradis bring top prices. PIGEONS Old birds , per doz. , Jl. VEOETAIJLES. The arrival of several cars of potatoes nil In a bunch and tindllllculty of shipping them out caused the market to weaken somewhat. There Is a good demand for potatoes and all the houses report a , liberal receipt of shipping orders , but the trouble Is to get the stock out to the points required without there being too great loss from delays on the road. Some potatoes have been shipped out by express In urgent cases. Tomatoes arc nlso a little lower , owing to the very llbeial supply. Potato crop conditions are much Improved In Missouri and they are growing well In Kansas. Late showers benefited the crop giently In South Dakota. Michigan reports prospects good , excepting that IIUBH me troublesome. The pros pects iKive Impiovert in Ohio nnd the crop Is making good piOKivss In Indiana nnd In Illinois Is fair. The potatoes arc generally good In West Virginia. Many parts of Ion a report prospects very promising , ns the rains came In time to save them from the bad effects of the drouth In the "BettlnB" period. Nebraska also received rain In time lo save potatoes , although the growth was email before It. Most parts of Minnesota Fay the crop promises well. No gen eral complaint of this cropIs made anywhere and the presumption of a good ciop for the country seems supported by the appearance In all large sections. There ore small parts of many states where dry weather has retarded growth , but these are too restricted to diminish greatly the present condition. Even South Da- kola , where the drouth was so seveie , reports potatoes growing well since the rains , nnd In localities whcic wheat , oats and barley scarcely survived potatoes are looked In for fair results. POTATOES Good Block , 75ffSOe. MELONS-Good stock , J20.00023.00. CANTALOUPES Cantaloupes are arriving on the market , On urdcrs , J1.60 per doz. BEETS New beets , per doz. bunches , 20025C , on orders. CUCUMUERS-On orders , 40flEOa per doz. OREEN PEPPERS Texas green peppers , per J4 bu. box. 73c. OLD DEANS-Hand picked navy , J2.1502.25 ; medium navy , J2.0002.10 ; common white beans , J1.75. ONIONS On orders , California , 2e per Ib. CAHUAOC Good shipping stock , on orders , 2VS0W.C. TOMATOES Good shipping stock , per 4 basket crate , Jl. NEW UEANS-Wojc , per H bu. basket , 75c ; string , per ! 4 bu. basket , COc. PEAS Good stock , per bu. . J1.25. CAULIFLOWER Choice stock , per doz. , Jl.ft @ 1.CO. CARROTS New southern carrots , per doz. bunches , SOfflOc. PARSLEY On orders , per doz. bunches , 250 30c. TURNIPS New homo grown , per bu. , EOc ; home grown , per doz. bunches , 250300. FRUITS. The fruit market yesterdiy was very quiet nnd It seemed almost like a Sunday. Practically all the California fruit available for shipping out on orders will be cleaned up by tonight and quotations will be , only nominal. At the pres ent time It looks as If the market would be bare for some time to come. There Is no fruit on the way nnd even If the strike were to be declared off today it would he close to ten days before any fiult could be expected to arrive from the coast. Blackberries are plenty nnd of good quality. The market yesterday was the lowest that It has been. There Is no Important change In prices , which on some lines cannot be consldeied as any more than nomlnnl. STRAWHEllRIES-Nona reported received. CHKKRIES-Cnllfornla choice stock , Jl. AI'I'LES California , per 60-lb. crate , J1.25 ; southern , per ! Vbu. box , 600C5C. APRICOTS None. RLACKIlERRIES-aood stock. J2.60. BLACK RASPIIERRIES-Good stock. J3. RCD RASPHERRIES-ShlppIng stock , per 21- pt. case. J4.W05.00. PEACHES California peaches , good atock , Jl.DO. PLUMS No California , plums ; southern , per case , J2.60. PHUN139 None. riClH None. PEARS California pears , good shipping stock , J2.0002.2o. TROPICAL FRUITS. Just at the present time there are plenty of bananas on the market. If nothing else. Several cars have been diverted here that were Intended for other points , and this market Is now pre pared to supply the trade In bananas to almost any extent. It Is clalnvd that In the matter of lemons the market is not so well supplied and that It would not take a very heavy demand to make serious Inroads upon present stocks , 11ANANAS Choice stock , J2.0002.50 per bunch. LEMONS Fancy lemons , 300 size , J5 ; fancy lemons , SCO size , J5 ; choice lemons , 3GO size. J4 50. ORANGES California Mediterranean Sweets are to be had on the market at J3.75. PINEAPPLES None on the market. MISCELLANEOUS , FIGS Fancy , per Ib. . 12'4015c. ' DATES Hallonees. 65 to 70-lb. boxes , per Ib. , GHc.HONEY HONEY California , 15c ; dark honey , 1012c. MAPLE SYRUP Gallon cans , per doz. . J12. NUTS Almonds , 15017o ; English walnuts , 100 12c : filberts , 12c ; Brazil nuts. lOc. CIDER-Pure Juice , per bbl. , JO ; half bbl. , HIDES-No. 1 green hides. 2V5c : No. 1 green salted hides , 3o ; No. 2 green balled hides , 2c ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , Co ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 Ibs. tn 15 Ibs. , 4c ; No. I dry flint hides , 6c ; No , 2 dry Hint hides. 3c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , 4c ; part cured hides , > io per Ib. less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS-Oreen salted , each. 25 GOo ; green salted shearlings ( short-wooied early skins ) , each , 50150. dry shearlings ( short-jvooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 6T10c ; dry shearlings ( short- wooleil early skins ) , No. * 2 , each , 6c ; dry flint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 698e ; dry flint. Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 48Co ; dry flint. Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4f7c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual TALixW AND ORKASE-Tallow , No. 1. 4O 4Uo ; tallow , No. 2 , 3UO3Hc ; grease , white A , 4'ic ; grease , while B , 4c ; grease , yellow , 3c ; Krrine. dark , 24c ! ; old butter. 20 Hc ; beeswax , prlmo. 15flSc ; rough tallow , 2c. KuimiK city MiirkPlH , KANSAS CITY. July O.-WHEAT-Unchanged ; No. 2 hard. 47c ; No. 2 red , 48o ; No. 3 led. 4 ! i047c ; rejected. 4004lc. whlteJN30SoHc. [ ° - 3 m"ed' ! 6HO" ° ! N0 > 2 OATS-Unehanged ; No. 2 mixed. 34HOJ5o ; No. 2 white. 37c , "UTTER-Weak ; creamery , HOlSc ; dairy , EGG'S Very dull ; 5fl o. RECHIlTS-None. BHIPMENTS-None. MlnnvuimlU Whent Market. MINNEAPOLIS , July . Wheat closed about Ho higher than the clota of Saturday for futures , but ut the same price for cash. Re celpls , (0,1X10 bu. ; shipments. 79.000 bu. The strike continues to prevent wheat from coming lu. TIw cloi wtu ) July , UUc ; Beptcmber , t Mc ; December , tSHe ; on track , No. 1 hard , elite ) No. 1 northern , MHot No. 3 northern. MHO. The flour market wn nrm and quoted nt J335O3.50 for pntrntn. J2.05fl2. for bake . Production , estimated , 16,000 bbls , ; shipments , 15,000 bbl . NOIT Orlrnns General Market * . NEW ORLEANS. July . -PRODUCn-Scarc < and higher ; quotations entirely nominal. Pork , JI4.OOfll4.2A , Lard , refined tlrrce , 'iP'ic higher Boxed meats , dry salt shoulders , 6Hfl < > Hc ; sides 7O7UC. It.ieon , sides , 7c ; hams , choice Mlgni cured , llUQUMc. RYE Stendy ; better demand ; ordinary tt good. 43'fcdllKc. COI'TEE Steady ; Hlo , ordinary to low fair FLOUR-fjull ; extra fancy , JJ.S002.90 ; pat entn. J1.00473.10. CORN MEAL-Qulet ! J2. < 0. BRAN-80fl82 < tc. CORN-Scarcc nnd firm ; No. 2 , sacked , 57CSSC yellow , ( SlTi9c ; while , nominal , OATS-Stendy ; 6if65c. HAY Firmer , scarce ; prime , J15.C16.CO choice , JI7.00018.00. BUQAR-Flrm. . MOLA83U8 Notlilnnl. ClilniRd Fruit rinlol. CHICAGO. July 9. Porter Bros , company Chicago , sold four earn of California fruit tndn ; nt auction : llartlctt pears , over ripe , J1.8002.7U Peach plums. Jl. 9002.10 ; Royal Homo plum ? 11.4001.45. TrnKfdy prunes. JI.6502.20. Roya apricots. J1.45. Pouches , JI.25fl-I.OI. The Earl Fruit company told California frill at auction this morning , ns fallows : Cherries Royal Anne , JI.I50I.30 ; Illack Republican , J1.3H 1.45. Penchcx , Hole's Early , Jl.3001.CO ; tlrlggn May , J1.40 ; Alexander , J1.35 ; Early Crawford JI.45. Apricots , Royal , Jl.4)01.50 ) ; Moorpnrk 11.r . Plums. Washington , Jl.1501.30 ; Rurbnnk J2.55. Prunes. Tragedy , J1.7001.SO ; Almonl , J2.55 lllack figs. 90c. Ilnrllett pears , J2.4002.60. Rc < Astrachan apples , J1.45. Liverpool Miirkrt. LIVERPOOL. July 9 WHEAT Firm , demani moderate ; holders offer sparingly ; No. 1 Call fornla , 4s Ild05s ; red western winter , 4s Tilt 4s Mt red western spring , 4s Ild06s. CORN Firm , demand poor ; new mixed spot 3s lOVid. ' DARLEY California brewing. 23s 6d J:25s : 6d. FLOUR Spring patents. Gs Od. PROVISIONS Heef. extra India mess. CSs Bd Pork , prime mess , 60s 3d. Dacon , long nni short clear , 55 Ibs. , 37s ; long clear , 45 Ibs. , 3S3 Lard , prime western , 35s Cd. Cotton .Market. NEW ORLEANS , July D.-COTTON-Qulet ; sales , 8,400 bales ; stock , 53,420 bales ; futures , quiet ! sales , 800 bales ; July. JC.75 bid ; August. J7.0807.10. ST. LOUIS , July 9.-COTTON-Steady ; mid- dllng , 7 1-lCc ; sales , 100 bales ; receipts , none ; shipments , none ; stock , 33.400 bales. Sngnr .Market. NEW YORK , July 9-SUGAR-Raw , steady to firm ; fair refining , 2 IMCc ; centrifugal , 9 test. 3 c ; refined , quiet ; No. C , 3 9-lC03Mc ; No. 7. 3403 11-lCo ; No. 8. 3 7-lGW3c ; No. 9 , 3H0 3 9-lGo ; No. 10. 3 5-lC03Hc ; No. 11 , 3 3-lC03c ; No. 12 , 3V403 6-lCc ; No. 13 , 2404ic ! ; off A , 35JO 4c ; mould A , 4 5-lC04Kc ; standard A , 4Ho ; con fectioners' A , 3 15-lC01c ; cut loaf. C 7-lCc ; crushed , 4T 31-lCcj powdered , 4 5-lC04Uc ; gran ulated , 4 M6 < rIUc ; cubes , 4B-1C0I14C. Now York Ilry ( ioods .Market. NEW YORK , July 9. In dry goods more buyers were In the market nnd some business was done , nnd Chicago was not the least of pur- clmsers. Eastern nnd soulhern dealers were unobstructed - obstructed In shipments and did fairly well. The transportation of goods was more free , but by circuitous routes to the west. Printing cloths , dull. _ OH Markets. OIL CITY , Pa. , July 9. National Transit cer tificates opened nt 83',5 ' ; highest. 83K ; lowest , 83i ; closed at 83 ; sales , 1,000 bbls. ; shipments , 157.4SO bbls. ; runs. 172.C94 bbls. PrrTSDURG. Pa. , July 9.-Nntlonal Transit certificates opened at 83 > J ; closed at 83M ; high est , 83J4 ; lowest. 83H ; no sales. 'Frisco Whont .Market. SAN FRANCISCO. July 9. WHEAT Very dull ; December , Jl.OGTic ; May , Jl.lOHc. Klgin Hutter "Market. ELGIN , III. . July 9.-nUTTER-Steady ; sales , 20,400 Ibs. at IG&c ; 25,800 Ibs. at 17c. Wool Mnrkft. ST. LOUIS. July 9. WOOL-At a standstill ; prices unchanged. I'limnUal Notes. MEMPHIS , July 9.-New York exchange sellIng - Ing at Jl. MEMPHIS. July 9. Clearings , J202.346 ; bal ances , J41.S44. BALTIMORE. July 9. Clearings , J2OG7C16 ; bal ances , J35S.075. NEW YORK. July 9. Clearings , J i,202,208 ; bal ances , J6,054lli ; . BOSTON. July 9. Clearings , J12,413S01 ; bal ances. J1,3S3,5CC. PARIS. July 9. Three per cent rentes , lOOf 75o for Iho account. PHILADELPHIA , July 9.-Clearlngs , J7.207- 9G3 ; balances , Jl.203,574. LONDON , July 9.-The price of gold at Buenos Ayres today Is 205. LONDON , July 9.-Tho amount of bullion gone Into the Bank of England on balance today Is 8,000. " CINCINNATI. July 9.-Money , 31500 per cent. New York exchange , par to lOc premium. Clear- SAN FRANCISCO , July 9.-Drafts , sight , 75c ! ; telegraphic , 15c. Silver , C2H0C2c. Mexican dollars , G1051'ic. ST. LOUIS. July 9.-CIearlngs. J4.579.615 ; bal ances , J550.5W. Money dull , 607 per cent. Ex change on New York , 50c premium bid. NEW ORLEANS , July 9-Clearlngs , JS93.120. New \ork exchange , commercial , Jl per Jl.OOO premium ; bank , J1.50 per Jl.OOO premium. CHICAGO , July 9. Clearings , JH.2C3.000. New York exchange , steady at 60c premium. Foreign "Change , dull. Sterling exchange , actual , WASHINGTON. July 9.-The net cash bal ance In the treasury at the close of business today was J121.603.322. of which JC4.24I.406 was gold reserve. This Is an increase In the cash balance since June 27 of nearly J7DOO 000 and an Increase In the gold reserve since June 25 of nearly J2 , 250.000. The treasury officials are greatly encouraged at the seeming cessation of the gold export movement and the great Increase In Internal revenue receipts , and ore very confidant these conditions , added to the probable early passage of the new tariff -bill , will result In a large In crease of the cash balance and the gold reserve. STOCKS ANU BONUS , President's Proclamation Causes a Bettor FccliiiR on 'ClmiiKo. j EW YORK. July 0. The early dealings on the Stock exchange were weak under the Influence of a heavy tone for Amorlcan se curities In London , coupled with sales for foreign account. Tha depression In domestic securities abroad was due to an Impression that gained ground there , due to the presi dent's proclamation that the strike had reached proportions which seriously threat ened the peace of the country. The bears took advantage of the situation to make a general attack on the market , which was specially pronounced In Chicago Gas. This property was particularly sensitive In view of the disturbed state of affairs In Chicago , and there was talk to the effect that In vestments In that city were tinged with an element of Insecurity by reason of the .urbulent character of Its laboring classes. Chicago das , under free selling , broke 2 % ler cent , Pullman , 3 per cent ; Denver & Ulo Orando , % per cent ; St. Paul & Omaha preferred , 1V4 per cent ; Hock Island and Bal timore & Ohio , each 1 per cent After midday the beneficial effect of the irosldent's proclamation became apparent In -he advices from Chicago , which recorded , ho Increased movement of trains. This chocked the decline , causing the shortsto cover and induced the buying back of stocks parted with during the morning , ( jonfl- donco was being restored tn the resources of the government with a quick recovery n speculative values. During the after noon prices were rallied steadily with occa- ilonal reaction , due to the efforts of the loars to stem tha tldo which had set In strongly , Chicago das made the greatest recovery , selling up 2 } & per cent , and Kock Island 1 per cent. Sugar was quotably strong and avnnced 3H per dint , with a final reaction of % per cent , making a gain of % per cent on the day. St. Paul moved up . per cent. Burlington lost % per cent and advanced % per cent. Missouri Pacific , n which the decline was % per cent , moved up % per cent , with a final loss of U per cent. Pullman was bid up to 1C I at the close , a gain of 2 per cent from the low point of ; ho morning. Tha final dealings were qulto strong In tone , and with some very few ex ceptions In which fractional reactions wore made the market closed with an upward endonoy to prices. In many cases at an ad vance on Saturday's close. * In a majority of cases , however , the early losses wore not 'ully ' recovered and the list of declines Is argor , the losses ranging from U to 3 per cent. cent.Tho The railroad and miscellaneous bond mar- < et was generally weak all day. The Evening Post's London cablegram says ; All the stock .markets were flat today on ho Chicago troubles. Americans opened flat , St. Paul and Northern Pacific leading In the decline , but rallied slightly at tha close on .ho proclamation of President Cleveland. failures are expected at the settlement ntilch Begins tomorrow , but nothing really serious. The continental demand for gold Is Increas ing. ing.The The Evening Post lays : Early dispatches reported London oa frightened at the presi dent's proclamation , believing It to Indicate a desperate situation. But there Is not the slightest probability that such an Interpreta- .lon was eorlously placed on the document a London or any other place. There were ox-Olv. The total sales of stocks today were 1B7.073 shares , Incluillntr : American Sugar , 40,60(1 HurllnKton , 1S.GOU ; Chlcnio Oas , 7.1i : Delaware & Hiulson , ex-receipts , 3,300 ; UlstllllnB & Cattle Feeding , 3.600 ; Missouri Pacific , 3.000 ; Heading 6,100 ; Ilpclt Island , 6,100 ; St. Paul. 17,100. Now York Simmy Mi rlu't , NEW YOHK , July 9.-MONHY ON CALT.- Ensy at 1 per cent ; last loan 1 per cent , closed at 1 per cent. I'llIME MERCANTILE PAI'KIl-SflS per cent STUKMNU EXCHANOi : Steady , with noluii business In bankers' bills at ! < .8SVi for domam and tt.87 > J for CO days ; punted rates , | 4 8814 and 14.89 : commercial bills , } 4 fC',1. SILVER CEIlTIl.'ICATns-6l5TC5c. GOViilNMENT llONDS-Flrm. State bonds. Inactive. Closing quote lions on bonds were as follows ; SAN FRANCISCO. July O.-Tho offlclil closlnr quotations for inlnfiij'stojks tony vvcrj as fol - lows : Now York Mining Onotutloin. NEW YOIIK , July 0. The followlnff ara the closing mining quotations : TEXAS CATTLE. Omaha Secures Moro Tnvornble Untoi on Southwest Shipments. Fort Worth Live Stock Journal : Our readers are no doubt familiar with the con- Inuctl effort put forth by the management of the Union Stock Yards company of South Omaha to have that market thrown open to Texas cattle on equitable railroad rates. It affords us considerable Dleasuro to be able o state that their efforts have at last been crowned by partial success. Cattle from all Texas common points to South Omaha take ho same rate as to St. Louis. From points south and west of Fort Worth where the St. jouls rat a Is less than K cents oer 100 pounds over Kansas City , cattle to South Omaha will take a 5-cent rate higher than to Kan sas City. This rate Is not ns low as the Omaha people would llko to have been able o quote to Texas shippers , they believing hat the railroad companies would have sub served the best Interests of the cattlemen n Texas as well as their own by opening all ho market centers lo our cattle at a fair lasls of rates , and that Omaha's geographical ocatlon should have caused her to bo placed n the southern group of markets , Which vould liavo given the same rates to Omaha as to other markets from Texas In that di rection. The representative of South Omaha called on us this week and feels confident hat his market will bear him out In the assertion that although the railways compel ho Texas shippers to pay an addtlqnal rate o reach that market with their cattle over fansas City , the prices to bo obtained at Omaha will not only pay the differential , but considerable In excess when compared with irlccs obtained at other markets. The oon- entlon Is being made that Omaha receives a largo per cent of the cattle from the north and northwest ranges , more than they can consume. While It Is true that Omaha Is the favor- to market In the north , yet all cattlemen familiar with what U required to make a complete market know that Omaha needs southwest cattle to fill her requirements , and hcso contentions are * only made to delay the llvcrttng of some of the Texas business to ) maha in the fear that as soon as the Texas cattleman learns that he has been compelled o take , from lack of opposition , low prices or so long a tlmo unnecessarily , they will 10 compelled to ralso their prices to meet ho new competition. The following figures will show what Omaha did with her receipts of cattle during the year of 1893 : Out of a receipt of S52.C42 cattle , 654.101 were slaught ered at Omaha and over 200,000 were pur chased at Omaha and sent Into the country o feed , showing a sale of 9G per cent of he receipts of 1S93 at Omaha. It U also claimed as an advantage that ono of the principal buyers of Omaha , the Cudahy Packing company , are exclusively Omaha men , having no branch houses In other cities. The representative claims as a urther advantage for his market that the quality of beeves received there average nuch better than at other markets , and his alone would glvo the market a general > etter tone. Kates from points In the In dian territory to Omaha are only G cents ilgher psr hundred than to Kansas City. A lew market and addttonal competition can ) ut redound to the benefit of the seller , and he Journal would be pleased to BOO Omaha people elven a fair UlaJ by Texas stockmen. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipts for Yesterday Moro Than Double the First Day of Last Week , TRADE MUCH IMPROVED IN ALL BLANCHES Cnttlo Sell from Sternly to Ten C nt Higher , While Hogs o Up Twenty to Ttvriity-Plvo Cent * nt * Htnclo Jump. MONDAY July 0. The week opened with the receipts more than doulilo what they were on Monday o last week , the count for the day being 1,70 cattle and 4,200 hogs. The market on cattle was well supplied there being 201 loads all told , which In eluded twenty-four loads billed direct to tli packers. On Monday of last week ther were only 1,200 cattle In the yards. There \vns n good demand for light dressei beef steers , which were wanted by the packers ors to go with the heavy cattle that hav been In qulto largo supply of late. Any thing In this line that took the fancy of th buyer brought about lOc more than on Satur day. The heavy cattle did not share In the advance and the market on such could hardly bo quoted moro than steady and not overly active at that. The market closed firm on a ! grades and by midday there was very llttl left In the yards unsold. As has been the rule for a while back , th supply of butchers' stock was light , and wha llttlo dcslrablo stock was to bi > had brough good strong prices. The buyers were no long In cleaning up the offerings. The market on stockers and feeders wa If anything easier. There were quite a goo < many cattle In the yards of that description but owing apparently to the railroad trouble country buyers are afraid to come In , am with the demand from the country largely cut off the trading Is limited In a grea degree to yard buyers and speculators , lie fore the close of the market , however , quite a number of loads were worked off. Heprc sentative sales : DUKSSED nttEF. WESTERN CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. TV. 1 stag. 1400 J2 25 2 steers SS5 J3 05 18 steers 1000 3 05 3 steers 10SO 3 10 28 feeders. . . . SC2 2 SS HOGS Although there were sixty loads of hogs In the yards , which was a large In crease over the opening of last week , the market started out with a big advance and kept It up until the close. Prices were fully 2Qc to 25c higher than Saturday and the trading was active at the advance. The local packers practically did nothing , but eastern packers apparently wanted the hogs and wanted them badly. Boston was the heaviest buyer and took a large proportion of the offerings. The bulk of the receipts went at $5 nnd $5.05 , against $4.75 and $4.80 on Saturday. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 5 1C2 . . . J4 85 14 292 . . . J500 83 202 240 490 1 410 40 5 00 6 2SO . . . 490 76 231 40 B 00 71 181 ICO 490 71 220 240 600 1 310 . . . 490 C9 24S 40 B 00 3 270 . . . 495 45 317 . . . BOO 1 3SO . . . 493 C8 217 40 5 00 SI 200 240 95 78 191 16) 600 8J J89 200 95 77 214 fO 6 00 6 275 . . . 9" C7 232 120 BOO CO 240 120 9.- ci 211 120 r. no 91 207 ISO 9.- B4 SOO . . . B flfl $5 194 200 95 129 259 240 5 00 5 270 . . . M El. , 2J8 80 BOO 8 203 . . . 95 5 S)2 ) 120 B 00 8 203 SO ' , 15 2GO . . . BOO B 300 . . . 495 C4 2f9 ICO B O2'i 8 2S5 . . . BOO C9 23S 80 5 O2'i 12 240 40 B 00 71 237 120 50214 4 302 . . . BOO Co 2CS . . . BOS 3 270 . . . BOO CO 22G 40 BOS 4 240 SO 500 C5 23r SO B 03 B 200 . . . 500 70 191 120 605 2 350 . . . 500 75 193 3W B 0" 65 235 SO 6 00 309 191 280 505 150 217 SO 600 BC 272 80 603 C7 231 200 6 00 f.9 250 240 505 SO 224 ICO B 00 S8 1S5 ICO 605 B3 213 . . . BOO C9 24S ICO B 03 CO 280 200 B 00 73 213 ICO 605 CO 273 SO B 00 49 239 . . . 605 41 230 160 5 00 68 287 80 605 ' 6 218 200 6 00 75 221 ICO 610 Gl 223 ICO 6 00 Cl 218 200 610 2 230 120 BOO 70 240 . . . 610 C9 222 120 BOO 81 207 200 BIO PIGS AND ROUGH. 43 155 SO 4 75 SHEEP There were a few sheep the yards today , the flrst since Thursday of last week. The demand was good and about lOc : o 15c higher than last week. Pair to good natives are quotable at from $2.75 to $3.00 , 'air to good westerns at $2.50 to $3.40 , com mon and stock sheep at $2 to $2.25 and geode o choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs at from $2.50 to $4. Representative sales ; No. . Av. Pr. 223 western wethers 91 $3 40 231 western wethers 100 3 40 Itnnsnt City f.lvo Stoolc fnrlcct. KANSAS CITY. July 9. CATTLE Receipts , ' ,400 head ; shlprncnts , 2,300 head. Market steady o strong ; Texas steers , J2.BOfN.CO ; Texas cous , il.COn3.GO ; beef steers. J3.40j4.90 ; native cows , ; i.COj3.GO ; stockcrs and fcedcis , J2.35Q3.BO ; bulls , 12.10 3.00. HOOS Receipts , 2,600 ; shipments , none. Mar ket 1020e higher ; bulk of sales. J5.10 : heavies , .5.0085.15 ; packers , jr .00fl5.15 ; mixed , J4.95ft5.10 ; Ights , J4.SOi5.05 ; Yorkers , J5.00Q5.05 ; plga , J4.CO 66.00. SHEEP Receipts , COO head ; shipments , none. Market Bloody. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St. Louis I.lvo Stork Market. ST. LOUIS , July 9. CATTLE Receipts , 8.310 lead ; shipments , none. Market active , steady for natives , lower for Tcxans ; natlvo steers , ,20031,600 Ibs. , J4.12HOI.75 ; cows. J2.12'.iQ2.r ' , > 0 ; Texas steers. 900 n,000 Ibs. , J3.2083.C5 ; cows , J2 00 2.23. HOO8 Receipts , 3,200 head ; shipments , none. Market milel ; bent heavy , J5 ; common to fair iKht weights , J4 7004.80 ; pigs , J4.r,0. HHEEI' Receipts , 600 head ; shipments , none. Market fairly active ; natives , J2.00if2.75 ; lambs , I3.80ff4.00. ChlniKo Livestock LtinlU'il. CHICAGO , July 9. Not far from 0,000 shrep reached the stock yards during yesterday ami oday , none of them , however , by rail. About ,000 head came In nn canal boats nnd the rent were driven In. There were no receipts of cattle and hogs , The receipts for the week ending with Saturday Inrt , as ofllclally reported , were 6,418 cattle , 90 calves , 4,974 hugs and 4.C35 sheep a total of 45 carloads , against 4,167 cars for he previous week and 5,137 for Iho correspond * ni week last year. Thcru were no shipments , New York Llvo Htnclc Mitrlcot. NEW YORK , July 9.-llEEVES-Reeclpts , 147 cars. Market opened active at JQtilOo higher , cloud shade lower than opening figures ; natlvo gnus and corn fed steers. J4.0fli4.90 ; choice , ( .25 ; tiller * , common to prime , J3.75ii4B5. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpls. 7 cars ; sheep steady ; lambs , ' , ; tfHc lower. 40 cars un sold ; sh p , poor to prime , J3.00O4.25 ; lambs , common to choice , J3,75fi8.25. HOOS Receipts , 18 earn. Market He per Ib. ilKher ; choice hogs , J5.75. Cure Indigestion and bllliouincn wltb DeWltft. Llttlo Early Riser. . Boating at Courtland beach * To sell quick stock on hand. $12 Refrigerator for. . $6.00 $16 Refrigerator for.$7.25 $23 Refrigerator for.$11,20 SLAUGHTEBIKTG TO SELL QUICK STOCK ON HAND. $ o.C 0 Bnhy Ciirrlngos for $3.25 ' ' ' * ' ' ' ' ' ' * ' ' ' ' ' $10,1)0 ) Baby Ciifriiiffo for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S4.90 S15.00 Baby Ctirrla os for S7.25 rpTM E SMS TO SELL QUICK STOCK ON HAND. $3 Gasoline Stoves for. $1.25 $6 Gasoline Stoves for. $2.73 $8 Gasoline Stoves for.$3,75 COOLERS. 4-Gallon Store Water Coolers. . 88c 6-Galon ! Stora Water Collars. . $1.1O 8-Galon Store Water Coolers. . $1.50 Formerly People's Ftamath InstaSimenf House , Close evenings at GJO : : , except Saturday , dtirinj ; July and August. Send 10 cents in stamps to pay postage on large ' 1)4 ) catalogue. Baby Carriage and Kefrigerator Catalogues mailed free. SAILED O.IIKit TRIAL TKIl' . Provincial Kloctlom Fiivor tlio Government A Hlow at Vancouver. VICTORIA , D. C , , July 9. The results of the election of the legislature for the province of British Columbia to servo the next four years show that out of a total of thirty-three members Vancouver Island re turns fourteen government supporters. On the lower mainland eight scats went to the opposition , but from the upper mainland the government will get a safe working majority. The campaign was one of un usual bitterness , arising out of the agitation of last year for a separation of the main land from the Island of Vancouver , upon which the capital city , Victoria , Is situated. The mainland town of Vancouver , terminus of the Canadian Pacific railroad , being am bitious to become the capital and thus diminish the political , as it has the com mercial , Importance of Victoria , violently protested when the government voted $75,000 for a now legislative building now in course of construction here , and this was made one of the principal issues In mainland cities. Another argument used with great effect on the mainland was that the return of the present government would mean such further aid as would secure the construction of the British Pacific railway , a great trans continental scheme to rival the Canadian Pacific and have Us terminus at Victoria , and , by bridging Seymour narrows , run from Vancouver island across the rich northern district of the province. These sectional Issues made the light ono between the Island and the lower mainland , and the Eland has won. Latest Addition to tlio IlnmlHirg-Aniorlcnii I'lcct ArrUcs nt New York. NEW YORK , July 9. The steamer Prus sia. the latest addition to the Hamburg- American fleet , arrived here yesterday from Hamburg via Havre on her maiden voyage , bringing thirty-eight cabin passengers. She was built at the yard of Harland & Wolff at Belfast , builders of tlio White Star line. ler gross tonnage Is 5,937. Registered onnago 4.3GS ; has four pole-masts and ono unnol. She has twin screws and two sots of rlplo expansion engines , and Is fixed with all modern Improvements and appliances. 3he Is built expressly for tlio freight and steerage passenger trade , having accomo- datlons for over 2,000 steerage passengers and can carry 5,000 tons of cargo dead weight. She steams 13Vi- knots , with a coal consumption of seventy tons per day. Her sister ship , the Persia , which was also built at tlio same yard , will arrive here within the next three weeks. Captain , Karlowl , formerly with tlio White line , is commander of the Prussia. Three more steamers of llho construction , arc being built iy the Hamburg-American company at a German shipping point , and will probably to placed In commission toward thu end of ho present year. BAILK1) O.V llKIt .W.1/WB.V rOYAUK. Cruiser MlnneiipolU I. vo Port for the Olllrliil Tr/tt / of llrr .Spri-il , PHILADELPHIA , July 9. The cruiser Minneapolis sailed for Boston from Cramp's hlpyard at 3 o'clock this morning on her Illolal trial trip. She will lay to off quaran- Ino to have her compasses adjusted , and Tuesday morning she will bounder way for ho testing course. Thursday she will make a preliminary run over the course , which Is > otwecn Capo Ann and Capo Porpoise. To meet the requirement of four hours run under forced draft , the course must bo twice ailed. This will not bo done until Saturday. The contract for the building of the Mlnno- polls was signed August 31 , 1801. the stlpu- ated price being $2.090,000. The ship Is guaranteed to accomplish a speed of twenty- ono knots an hour , and for each quarter mot over this developed In the official trial , ho government will pay a premium of $50- 00. _ _ A cooling ride to Courtland fcacb. ) THE NEWBEHRY"BILL. tcport of iliiildo Iiro\vvr' Decision l'ro s to Iliivo llrfii rritmutnru. The report that Judge Brewer had already cached a conclusion In his own mind as to he validity of the maximum rule law passed > y the late session of the Nebraska legisla ture and that his decision .would establish WALI , STREET ! UpcriUoMiccuKsfiilly In Wiill htri-ot through our Co-Oponitlvo It. It. block Syndicate. DUMdcnds paid up to Juno IDlh , 1634 , as fol- Vcccinliri ; 1802 , " W 1'cr cent. Ifct , juy ii JO ii ii aiarrh , 37 < i it Atirtl , 1-1 ii ii May , IS ii ii June , 11 II II tliua mnklnu IOD per cent , earned and paid In six months. Prospectus slvlntf delallcd Informa- tlon of our plan mailed free on applicallon. Highest references. iVIOIJOl.AX.fc CO. , Stuck and Ornln llrokcrg. 41 Ilriiiiilvray , Now Yorlt WM. LOUD ON , Commission. Merchant GRAIN AND PROVISIONS- Private wires to Chicago nnd Now York. All business orders placed on Cli'cago Board al Trade. Correspondence solicited. Office , room 4. Now York Life DulIJIn * Telephone 130g. the unconstltutlonallty of that law seems to have been premature. Elmer Frank , cleric of the United States circuit court , stated yesterday that ho did not look for a decision for many weeks. Judge Drewer Is now on his summer vacation In Vermont. The papers In the case were sent to him during the middle of last week , so that ho has hardly hail them In his possession more than two or three days at the outside. In fact , they had hardly reached him when the report that he hail decided the case ob tained currency. Mr. Frank believes It la hardly probable that Judge Ilrewor would dechlo a case of so much Importance before ho had mailo a careful study of the evi dence and the numerous points of law ralssd by the attorneys on either side. Still , thora Is yet a probability that the decision maybe bo reached sooner than many peopla ex pect. pect.A A cooling ride to Courtland Ileacli. WKATHKK r 1'ulr anil Warmer , nlth Smith Winds , la NuliriiHkik. WASHINGTON , July 9. The Indlcatloni for Tuesday are : For Nebraska Fair ; south winds. For Missouri Fair ; winds shifting it south ; warmer In the southwest portion , For Iowa Fair ; south winds. For Kansas Fair ; south winds and warmer. For South Dakota Generally fair ; soutli to west winds. I. oriil Itucnrd. Orncit oi'TUB WKATIIKH HOIIEIU , QMIIU. July U Omaha record of toinnoriituro and ralufullcoininroil with corresponding day ol pabt four years ; 1 1BI. ! ) lflt)3. ) 1B92. 1801. Maximum tompnraturo H7 Hl = > 70 = 7ft = > Minimum UMiinnrutiiro. duo 0.1 = 62 = 67O Avuratro wmiioraturo. . 70 = 7-J = 70 = Goo I'reclpllntiim . 00 00 .01 .00 Statement shoxvltiR the condition of tern pciT.tuioJiiul pracipUnllon nt Omaha for tlio day nuil lnco Muruli 1 , Ib'Ul : Normal teniiHiraturo . 77- > Dolloli'iiey forlhuilnv KM-OSS lnco.Mirclt 1 Normal iiruclplUtlnn Dullulcnuy for tlio day . .10 IncU Dcllulfiiuy Unco Jlurcli 1 . 7.07 Inchut Itopuitx from Otlinr 81111111111 at H r. At , K. HUNT , Local Forocatl OfacUl. Hide on o Tt tcamtr , CgurtUnd beacTu .