Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1894, Image 9

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Promptly and Carefully Filled ,
If you cannot call In person , send
us a mail order , which will answer
the purpose just as well.
Now Is the dull season In millinery dull
everywhere except In the big store. We
arc literally forcing trade by our low prices
nd anyone who reads the following cannot
help admitting "somo great bargains are
here. "
Trimmed hats , In blacks and colors , neatly
trimmed In the latest styles , worth double
our asking price , $1.00
One lot CO trimmed hats , are dainty , neat
Hid nehslblc , trimmed after the latest Ideas
ind arc wejl worth $5.00 , $2.CO.
Flowers , Be , "lOc and up per bunch. We
ihow a pleasing variety of wreaths , chil
dren's wreaths Be , reduced from lOc.
Children's hats and bonnets ; the low prices
have struck these stocks In hard shape ,
prices were 7Gc , now 39c.
Grocery Items.
24 Pounds of Sugar for SI Cut
Prices Like These Can't Last
24 pounds of Sugar for SI.
We will sell you choice sugar corn ,
Choice Eollil packed tomatoes only
Early Juno peas only D c can.
Very flno preserved blackberries , lOo
can ,
Choice cut steak salmon , lOo can.
Very flno salmon for 8 Vic , 9V&0 and lOc
can.Oil *
Oil sardines , 8 < 4o can , *
Mustard sardines , 7c can.
Mixed pickles only Eo bottle.
Chow chow only So bottle.
500 bound books for Monday only lEc.
1,000 novels , such authors as Eliot , Cooper ,
Bcott , Irving , "Duchess , " "Ships That Pas *
In th Night" 80. 600 novels Be.
Second Week Second Week
Previous to Invoice Taking Has Set the Town
* i
' 'Oim .
Tomorrow sees greater values than ever prices were given an extra clipping- -if one fiofure won't sell another will
-this idea acts all over the store never was the time riper for bargain picking ,
Much could bo snitl about this gigantic stock. Its prices , its sales , nro
simply marvelous in thoselitird times ; and yet wo keep cutting prices until it
Booms us though the buttoin hud been reached ; but wo will give thorn another slash
bofora invoicing. *
30-inch fancy weaves , worth 2oc.35c , 39c , before-invoicing price | 5c
30-inch nil-wool checks , worth 48c , Me , before-invoicing price 25c
10 u'ml 44-inch novelty dross goods , worth 8Jc ( to $1.2o , boforo-iuvoicing price..59c
42-inch silk mixtures , the 32 quality , before-invoicing price 69c
41-inch beautiful English checks wo sold this season at 81.25 , before-invoicing
prico. 59c
40-indi all-wool serge , this season's price 50c , before-invoicing price .33c
40-inch all-wool bcdford cord , blues , browns and wines , sold for 75c , before-
invoicing price 39c
Linen Department.
7o-inch bleached table damask , the regular Sgc , to go now
at 490.
56-inch unbleached damask , the 490 quality , to go now at
. .
2QC. v.
81-inch bleached German linen , none better for wear ,
PI.50 quality , to go now at gSc.
56-inch turkey red damask , worth 220 , to go now at I2j c.
6o-mch turkey red , warrated fast , 6gc quality , to go now
at 4oc.
Innumerable remnants in all qaulities ; table linen at 500
on the dollar.
) ress
The nobbiest poods offered this sea-
ion. Sold right ulong for 30c ; now to go
qulelc at
at19G Yard.
To do this department justice we would need the entire
space of The Bee.
40-inch all wool Henrietta , worth 590 , before-invoicing
price , 3QC ,
40-inch storm serge , worth SQC , before-invoicing price , 35C.
46-inch Frederick Arnold's best Gorman Henrietta , worth
9Sc , before-invoicing price , SQC.
A magnificent line of black goods. A complete line of
black goods. .
Irish linen paper , 20c pound.
Linen paper. 5c quire.
Envelopes , 60 fur Se.
Tablets. 2c. Sc and lOc.
1 dozen pencils , 5c.
UuclUge , 3 bottle * , Co.
Furnishing Goods
Summer lamp shades , wins frames , 20c
each , worth 50c.
2-hoop water palls , 7c.
Fancy lamp shades , frames oyer 25 differ
ent styles , regular price $1.00 , our price
Monday , 45c each.
All copper tea kettles , 75c each , regular
sold at $1.50.
No. 8 nlckle tea kettles , 95c.
4-fjuart sprinkler , IGc.
C-quart sprinkler. 19c.
S-quart sprinkler , 25c.
No. 7 copper bottom wash boiler , 39c ; No.
8 , 45c.
10-pleco toilet sets , splendid decorations
and color , $2.05 ; regular sold at $5.00.
Dress Goods Department ,
The only place in Omaha where you can get every thing made in
wash goods , at prices lower than ever ,
Satin Stripe Japonnet , reduced to 12ic
Pongee lOc
Syrian Crep es 15c
French Organdies , 32 inch 15o
French Dimities , 32 inch 15c
Scotch Lawn , reduced 5c
French Ginghams , best made , former price 39c , now 19c
Apron Check Gingham , worth 8c , now Sic
Scotch Zephyr Gingham , handsome designs , worth 25c , price 121c ,
Outing Flannel , worth lOc , special price So
Furnishing ; Goods
Wash tubs 25c each. .
The Western Washer $2.25 ; you save $2.00
on this deal.
Sugar bowls , 3c each.
Butter dishes , 3V4c each.
Spoon holder , 3 > / c each.
Cream pitcher , 3V4c each.
Water glasses , l4c each.
Tin top Jelly glasses , 24c'per dozen.
Gold Uand china cups and 'saucers , 7c per
pair.Hotel baiters. 39c per.ddzen. "
Solid nlckle 3-plnt cotfee pot , C5c.
Solid nlckle , 4-pliit cbfTco not , 75c.
Solid nlckle , 5-plnt coffeepot , 85c.
Solid nlckle , 3-plnt tea'fyot , G5c.
Solid nlckle , 4-pInt ( ea pot , 7Cc.
A 2-burner stove , with steel cover over
burner , regular price $5.25 , wo offer now for
A 3-burner , rernlar price $7.25 , now $3.95.
But , look here , a large 2-burner vapor
stove with step shelve , Russia Iron oven and
lay-down tank , regular price $22 , we offer
now for $11.95.
A $2.50 oven for $1.45 ; a $3.50 oven for $2 ;
a largo Russia Iron oven , regular price $4.50 ,
now $3.25.
Earm Implements. Builders'Hardware
These Prices Will Bear a Looking 1,000 kegs of best wire "steel nails at
per pound. Think of It ! 1 % per pound for
ing Up. Consult Your Own best wire steel nails.
i If you are In want of builders' hardware
Interest and Buy flom Us- i don't fall to call on us. Wo" will save you
about 60 per cent on same.
Make a note of our prices on Farming Mortice locks. He.
Rim knob locks. He.
Implements. If you want anything In this 1 Hinges , Cc.
Door bolts , 3c. ,
line do not fall to sco or write us. In screen doors , window frames , screen
wire clnth and poultry wire netting at bottom
We save you $10.00 to $15.00 on a mower tom prices.
In carpenters' , blacksmiths' and mechanics'
and $20.00 to $30.00 on a binder. tools we can beat the world.
Note the following prices :
Wo have a largo stock of binders' twine , 2-foot boxwood rules , 3c.
2-foot boxwood rules , brass bound , ICc.
all grades , at 7c , 7 c and 8'/4c per pound. " Double Iron smooth planes , 39c.
Double Iron jack planes , 45c.
We carry a full line of scythes , swaths , 40c braces go at lOc.
75c braces go at 25c-
rakes , scythe stones and paddles , water kegs , Cflc hatchets go at 25c.
$1.09 handled axes , all sizes , Job lot , go
grain cradles , hay forks ; In fact , everything at 59c : no limit.
Rubber and cotton hose , 7c , So and lOc
used on a farm or in a harvest field. per foot.
Fine Music and Musical Instruments
SHEET MUSIC , aomprislngr such popular titles as "Ovor the Waves , " l > y
Ross ; "Fifth Nocturne , " by Lev ' bach ; "Minuoto , " by Pndorowdld , etc. , such us nro
rojjiilarly sold for 50o , 75u utul $1.00 , NOW (5c ( 1'EK COPY. Catuloguo upon ap
plication" . 5.000 copio3 of all tirades of Vucul Music , folio , 2oc , 35c and 50c. A full
and complete assortment.
MUSICIANS AND OTHERS arc invited to look ever our assortment of
pianos , ortrans , violins , guitars , mandolins , etc. We olTor as a leader , an olojjant
guitar at $ : ) .T5. Mandolins from $ ; i 73 upwards. Stewart banjos from $10 up. We
are agents for the celebrated Wash burn mandolins and guitars.
If you contemplate getting a piano , got our prices on ' 'The Ghlckorlnfj , " tha
standard piano of the world , and for which we are solo Omaha agents. We can
make a very material saving to our customers , a * wo undersell regular musiu
dealers. New pianos always on hand for rent. Prompt attention given to piano
tuning orders. Our piano cuso organ is the latest novelty In organs , in appear
ance resembling u handsome , upright planu wltii bovon full octavo keys.
Doforo buying a Piano , nu Organ , a Violin , a , a Mandolin or somo7
Shoot Music , look through our utook. L'jokora on Invtirinbly bo-
conio iiurclmsora.
E utter
Some prices which cannot be Improved
upon : Country butter , lOc , 12Vic , and best
country butler , lEc ; again our separator Is up
for 18c and 20c. There Is no butter made to
equal our creamery ; buy somp and be con
Jewelry Dep't
An elegant quadruple sllverplated tea pot ,
sugar bowl , cream pitcher , spoon holder ,
syrup pitcher and butter dish , all hand en
graved and new designs , complete set , $0.08 ,
worth $12.00. I
Rogers triple plated 12 dnt. knives , $1.25
per set.
Gold stiffened hunting case Elgin or Wal-
tham watch , $ G,49 up.
Gold plated watch chalrts , 45c. worth $1.00.
Gents' sterling sllverTcuff buttons , 49c ,
worth $2.00.
Solid coin silver thimbles , 13c. ' ,
Nickel alarm clocks , B5c.
Ladles' best rolled plate button sets , 35c ,
worth $1.00.
Fine watch and clock'repairing at reduced
Groc iesVV i
Finest Imported queen olive's , 35c quart.
I , „ , S
Savllle olives , 25c quart.
Arabian olives , 15c < q'tiar& '
/ ' "t '
French mustard only 2C bottle. '
Largo palls of Jelly , SOo poll.
Sweet chocolate , S c p'aclcago.
Condensed milk , lOo can. "
Corn starch , 3c paclcagef *
Holled vlicnt ( some' ' " cnrf1 It California
* S
breakfast food ) , EC pound ;
t * -
Q cod Japan rice , from Wnp.
UakliiK chocolate orlly 17V4o package.
1-lb. con flberlesa cocba'Quf , 7 He.
Soda crackers , So pound ,
Oyster crackers , S o. |
Tomato catsup only 7$4o $ bottle.
California sr.K r cure ? bams , 9c ; corned
beef , Be ; plcklj pork , . 7VScj. dried beef , lOc ,
12'/4 and ISc ; boneVeas' ham , lOc ; bolos"
head cheese and tirer sausage , Ee per-pound.
ALFRED THE CHEAT , in his famous sub.
division of time , gave 8 hours to sloop.
SANDOW , the Strong Man , says he sleeps
at least i ) or 10 hours out of the 24.
GLADSTONE attributes his wonderfully
prolonged powers in a measure to long sleeps.
Even the average man bo ho n professional or
business man , mechanic or laborer spends ut least
oiio-third of his time in Led. Considering this , why
not got the best mattress to sleep upon , mid wo can
lot you huvo the best at u very moderate figure.
Our nwUiCbtorf nro made by the Omaha Mattress Co. and Billow & Doup. Out-
figures cannot be undersold. Here nro some samples :
Cotton top mattress 9 2.00
Combinations $3.50 and 4.80
Wool $3.23 , $1.23 , 4.75
Hair $3.00 , 310.00 12.00
Wo can make ever any moss or hair mattress in whatever bi/.e you desire.
Feathers and pillows of the very best grades at the lowest possible priced.
Drugs and
Patent Medicines
Castorla , 25c.
Benson's capclne plaster , ICc.
Aycr's hair vigor , 65c.
Taskola , large , S5c.
Paskola , small , 45c.
Indian Sagwa , 75c.
I'ort wine , 35c per bottle.
Whisky , BOc per bottle.
Wo compound all prescription carefully and
Ladies Hats.
Ladles' trimmed hats , In blacks and col
ors , tastefully trimmed with bows , ( lowers
and pins , this reason's style , such as you
have been accustomed to paying $3.00 for ,
now y.25. <
.Children's . .Lrimjucd hats , . .In , blacks and
colors , we ordinarily would get BOc for , now
Lining Dept
Best English cambric , all colors ,
English twill silesia IDC.
Double-face silesia 150.
36-inch French percaline , worth IQC , special price IOG.
Everything in linings at greatly reduced prices before in
Sheeting Dept.
4-4 bleach sheeting , worth gAc , spec'al
9-4 brown sheeting , worth 2oc , special
42 inch pillow casing , worth i2c , for 7
An extra quality Sc cotton flannel for
Railroad and
Mining Supplies.
We carry a full stock of railroad and min
ing supplies at about 40 per cent under all
competitors , Including the following goods :
P'cks , mattocks , shovels , crowbars , claw-
bars , powder , dynamite , caps , fuse , wheel
barrows , scrapers , carts , plows , rope , sheaves ;
In fact , everything used In the construction
of a railroad or In a mine.
Railroad contractors should make a note
of the above. Wo will save you money.
Everything in odds and ends to be closed out at once re
gardless of cost.
Special value in men's negligee shirts at 750 and 980 , re
duced from $1.25 and $1.50.
100 dozen gents' white hemstitched handkerchiefs , SG
worth i2 c.
50 dozen gents' fast black cotton hose , only I2 c
worth 250 ,
Best quality linen collars , only I2 c each , worth 200.
100 dozen gents' Teck scarfs , 250 , reduced from 500.
An elegant line of .gents' suspenders , 250 , worth SQC.
" " i oo'dozen ladjes' corsets , broken sizes , worth $1.00 , re
duced to 350 ,
Boys' shirt waists , 250 each , a regular 400 quality.
Full crreaiu brick cheese , 5o per pound
Llmburger cheese , Uc , lie and 12Hc.
Swiss cheese , 12V6 , Ho and ICc.
Wisconsin full cream , 7 He , lOc and
All other cheese ayy down In price.
Free Coupon
Goes With Evary Purciiase ,
Call for them save them tnej
cost you nothing and are wortlf
To Intioduce Hnydcns1 best GX flour , wi
will for a short time put In every sack ona
of llio following articles. The Hour Is war
ranted to bo the best you ever used or money
Ono diamond ring.
Ono sold watch
Ono $5.00 bill.
Ono set solid allver plntcd teaspoons.
Ono ladles' rolled gold watch chain.
One ladles' cluster diamond Inco pin.
4X Minneapolis Stipcrlatlvo flour , $1.10.
Valley Lily flour , 95c.
Victor flour , 90c.
Snow Flalio flour , C5c.
A good flour , EOa.
Boys' and Children's Clothing ,
125 boys' long knee-pant suits , ages 12 to 10 , in dark and light shades , worth
$4.60 , special , $2.25-
Boys' knee-pant suits , ages 3 to 16 , go this week regardless of cost ; your ohoico
of $1.75 suits in double and singlo-breoated. worth $2 , 95c-
Strictly all-wool uJinblnution suits , with 2 pair pants and cap to match , sold in
any house for $5 and 50 ; with us the price in only $2-95.
NOTICE All summer suits in knee pants , strictly all wool , in the latest
shades , made as well as tailor-made , double or single-breasted : your choice oi
what wo have left for $2.F > 0. These are worth from $4.50 to $3.00.
Men's Light Clothing.
Men's all-wool light coats and vests , $1.75.
Men's light-colored serge coats and vests , worth $3 , $2-53 ,
Men's Odd Pants Sale.
Mon' , all-wool pants in cassimcrcs. and jhoviota in light and mixed colors , ro" >
ular prices from $4.00 to $5.00 , $2.75. °
Notice our Dodge street window for -prices of odd pants and thin clothing ;
for men.
Having secured the services of Mr. Claj >
once VoBslcr , late wltli the Esty Piano Co.
of New York , wo are now enabled to do
piano-tuning of the highest grade at a price
that will bo a surprise to many , viz. : $1.50.
Satisfaction guaranteed In every case.
. . . . . . . . .i. . I , . . . . . . , , , , ,
Our Special Attractions in Silks
For next week
Is a new line of
Cheney Bios !
24 Indies Wide. Per Yard ,
These arc all new designs of this season's httust productions , and
should not ho confounded with a lot of remnants of piaked over , unsala
ble styles of an inferior grade.
Yon never will get as good goods again for so little money.
Per Yard 59C Per Y u- ' .
Crackers , 3Ho per pound : fancy XXX soda
crackurt ) , EC ; ginger snaps , lOc ; sugar cookies ,
grandma's cookies , frosted creams , molasses
cake , oatmeal and city sodas , all at lOc ;
snowflake crackers , 7 ! c ; nice pound package
of oatmeal crackers , very best made , for
12V4C ,
Dried Fruits
We are headquarters cholco Callfornfs
dried fruits.
Choice rnlsln cured prunes , 7'/&o pound.
Very best sweet California prunes , 8V4o.
lOc and 12c pound.
California raisin grapes only 3c pound.
Flno London layer raisins Ko pound.
English currnntf ) , cleaned , GV&o ; 4 Ibs. for
Vfry cliolcn currants , 4 > c , Co and 60 Ib.
niackberrleu , evaporated , only OHo Ib.
White cherries , lie Ib.
lied cherries. 12V&C Ib.
Tartaran cherries , very best , 13o Ib.
White Parts soap , for the bath , toilet or
laundry , 7 bars for 2Sc ,
Climax soap , 7 bars for 25o.
Large bars of castlle soap , 19o per bar.
Mottled or white caitllo soap , 2 bars for
Coupons with every sale.
Tea and Coffee
Tea nibs , lEc and 19c Ib ,
Tea sittings , lOc , 12'/4c ' and IBo Ib.
llroken Java coffee , lEc and IT c Ib.
Fancy Golden Hla , 23o and 25o Ib ,
Old Oov. Java. 3Sc Ib.
Ilcst Java and Mocha , SCc , or 3 111.
11.00 ,