14 THE OMAHA DAILY HETS SUNDAY , JULY 8 , 1801. 8PEQ1HL NOTICES. Ad > frll emTitii for Ihepe columni will be l k n until I234 p. m. for th evening nnd until 1:09 : p. m. for the morning find Sunday cdltloni. Advertiser * . by reiU | iitlnif n numbereil check , can hove nnswrrn nddreraeii to n numbered letter In cnrn of Thn lie * . Amuvern M nddre ed will be delivered upon presentation of the check. Rate * , l'4o n word lint Inm-rtlon. le n word thercnfttr. Nothing taken for lewi than Ka. WANTED-81TUATION. SITUATION AS COACHMAN. HEVKHAL years' experience , handled hnrwa for ycnrs : Rood reference * . 1503 Ynles street A M9M 9 * WANTED MALE HELP. BOLIC1TOH8 , TBAMfl FURNISHED ; INRTALI.- rnenl Rood * . American Wringer Co. , W * How ard street. 11-6.3 . AGENTS. "SALARY OR COMMISSION : THE Itrenteit Invention of the ng > . The New I'ntent Chemical Ink Erasing Pencil. Belli on ulRlit. Works like inatclc. Agents nre m.ikhiK J21.00 to JI25.no per week. For further particulars writ * the Monroe Krnslne Mfg. Co. , X 30. I.n Crn ; * e. \flt , H-C7I JylS TO TAKB ORDERS FOR OLD ettabllMied houtej salary paid. n-MlT9Jyl2 } Dounlas. - _ WANTED , A PIANO PLAYER ; GERMAN preferred. 108 N. 9th. H M412 INT'ELLIOENT iTmusTinors AND TIIOR. oughly rel'nble Knlei-man cnn secure prolltible employment. Call In the forenoon. O. D. H'ln'l. ' ' room 8. 218 8. 15ll ! street. 11-MKS.i 8 . WANTED. LABORERS , TEAMSTERS AND s tracklayers nn II. * M. Ry. In Mnnlnnn. I-ree transportation. Kramer & O Henin labor agency , lllh nnd Fnrnam streets. H-M903 10 * MEN TO msTifmf'Ti : CIRCULARS ; t M rnu l.rxx ) . Enclose rtanip ; iefcrenc < . National Dial. Ass'n. , ClilrnRrt. _ _ _ _ _ " BALESMEN" WANTED , TO SELL own 00008 by sample to the wholesale nnd retail tiaile , ell nn sight to cxery business nun or nrm. liberal salary ; money advanced for I e.rl1l" " " nnd expenses : permanent position. Add re M. with stamp , King Mfg. Co. . C 41 , Chicago. 111. _ " - MEN TO SELL HAKINO POWDER TO THE grocery Irade. Steady employment , experience unnecessary. J75.00 monthly i-nlniy nnd cx- ptntea or com. If offer satlsf.ictnry ndtress nt once .with particular * , ronccrnlnn yomHelf. * V. S. Chemical Winks , Clileago. H-015 8 STATE AND LOCAL AGENTS WANTED FOR Lllllenmllch or Snpon.iled Glycerine. l int ; conlrnct. No capital lenulied. bill good ref erences. New Jersey Manfg. Co. . Incnri' . , Jersey City. N. J. H-'JII 8 * WANTED. MEN SELLING TO SCHOOL boards write- for Information that w I d ; . you Diamond Lltho-PubllxhlnK good. Address The company , Minneapolis Minn. H-93'i 8 * WANTI'.D. BY LEADING MANUFACTURER of silk fabrics , salesman on commission , to retail dry Roods trade. Apply , stating terri tory traxeled. Alex. Hartlleld. box 2,3,4 , O. P. P. . New York City. " - " ' ' 8 . WANTED , COMIMTENT OROANIXER AND manager for reliable sick benellt Hoelcty. re turning money periodically to members ; ex cellent opportunity. Address , with references , box 68 , Richmond. Vn. 1 930 8 * A COMPANY JUST FORMED WITH CAPITAL of Jino.OOO.OO to manufacture n specialty that Id destined to command lmmen e sales In cities , toxvns nnd farming districts , wants icspDnsbe parlies In the dlfferenl sections of the United States to represent them ; the goods create en thusiastic attention nt once among all classes of property owners ; r.,000.00 to JD.000.00 easily made where parties have ability to handle sub- -igents ; full particulars with lllcrature on np- illcatlon. Address with lefeinces , Manurnc- luring Company , ofllccs 416-418 , No. 108 I iiltim Itreet. New York City. H Oil S * WANTED A FEW ENERGETIC SOLICITORS to work In the city nnd western Iowa. En quire today nt 109 South 17th. J. F. .Smllh WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED , A FIRST-CLASS COOK , AT IOM Georgia avenue. Mrs. W. S. PoppleUm. LADIES MAKE $20.00 WEEKLY WRITING AT home. Address , with stamp , Loulye Smith , Milwaukee. Win. _ C-.M906 1C' DELSARTE CORSET WAISTS AND IIHACER : the most popular iroods n lady can sell : easy sales : laice commission * . Write for terms. Dclsnrte Mrs. Co. , Ill State street , Chicago. 111. _ _ _ _ LADIES WHO WILL DO WRITING FOR ME at their homes will make poml wanes. Reply , with self-addr.'mHd. stamped envelope. Miss Mildred Miller. South Ucnd , Ind. C M939 8 WANTED. LADIES AND GIRLS FOR HOME employment ; 14.00 to J10.00 easily made ; nny woman who can use n needle can do the work. Send telf-nddressed envelope to Atlas Needle work company , 153 West Twenty-third street , New YoiU City. _ C 917 8 I HAVE LETTERS TO COPY. CIRCULARS to fold nnd nddresH. for which I will pay Rood wacca. Position permanent to ilRht party. I Work ready to send. Esther Allan , South llenil. Ind. _ C-943 8 * A PERMANENT POSITION AT J18 WEEKLY Is Buarnnteed nny lady who will work for us quietly nt home. All material free. Reply with stnmpeil envelope. Woman's Mutual Hene- 01 Co. . _ Juliet. Ilh _ C-938 8 WANTED. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Mrs. G. N. Clayton , KO S. 26th avenue. O 92i > s WANTED. IMMEDIATELY , LADY FOR posi tion vacated account of Illness ; experience ! f not required. Applicant must bo Intellluent and educated : one with city references pre ferred. J10.00 weekly and semi-monthly Increase - crease to suitable lady. Apply to W. T. I Marshal , 12 Crelghton block , Monday after 9 n. m. C-9:8 8 _ ANY LADY WISHING TO MAKE J20.00 PER week , quietly nt her own home , address , with Ii stamped envelope , Miss Lucille H. Logan. Jollet , III. This offer la bonnflde. Do nnt fall to Investigate. _ C 957 S * LADIES WHO DO WRITING FOR ME AT homo maka from J12.00 to J18.00 weekly. i Ileply. with stamp , Llddle M. Taylor , South llend. Ind. C-95C 8 I _ * FOB BENT HOUSES. HOUSES , P , K. DARLING , BARKER IILOCK. P D C75 f HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE * O. F. Davis company , IMS 1'qinam. D CTC e-ROOM COTTAGES , MODERN. CHOICE IN Stanford Circle. C. S. Elguttcr. 204 Hec bids. D U77 RENTAL AGENCY , GOT HHOWN HLOCK. D-C73 _ KELKENNEY&CO. , R. 1. CONTINENTAL HLK. D 679 FOR RENT. OOOD DETACH HD NINE-ROOM house. 2G21 Capitol avenue. H. H. Hoblion , room 7. Commercial National. _ D 850 HOUSES W. G. TEMPLETON. PAXTON I1LIC. D M736 31 _ THREE-ROOM FLATS , Jf.CO. 1418 N. 17TH. D-M837 Jy8 _ TENTS FOR RENT 1311 FARNAM ST. D-331 _ FOH RENT. MODERN HOUSE ; REASONAULE terms. Enquire )9I9 Dodge. _ D Ml 40 FINE FLAT IN CLOUSER HLOCK AT 703 S. 16th St. ; range nnd all other conveniences ; 125 , George Ciouser , mom 2 , 1623 Fnrnam st. D-911 _ CLEAN. COMFOHTAIILE. CONVENIENT. moderate rentals , best 3 and 4-ronrn milieu for housekeepers on.y. References rvqulml. Also e-room suite In tenement. 11C S , 2.M street , D MJ _ _ VERY PINE 7-nOOM COTTAGE AT REduced - duced prlcoj call nt once. Fidelity Tiust Cum- pany , 17u2 Fnrnim street. D 419 FOR RENT , TWO 10-HOOM MODERN FLATS. cheap. J. W. Squire , ili Hee bldg. D-323 RENT , HOUSES , BTOHE3 , FLATS. Amei. 1817 Fnrnam. D MHO FOR RENT- A NTED. GOOD MEDIUM priced houses. Llit your houses fur rent with Ames. D M578 _ FURNISHED HOUSE. 2509 FARNAM ST near 25th. Call ut (07 Urwon block. D-6C4-Jly27 _ TOR RENT. 3. 4 AND S ROOMS. AT C3I B. mil. between Jackson and Leavcnworlh. D-M65S JyM _ _ MODERN TEN ROOM HOUSE AND HAHN. also collate nnd barn , cheap. Rental agency , 110 N. Y. Life. _ D-74a ron P.ENT Tan CAPITOL AVENUE. HE- c illy occupied l > y Cnpt. Ajrrei. U. B. A. Henry W. Yatea. _ D-M813 10 FOII IlKNT. 1'LAT IN LINTON HUX'K ; 6 rcwmn. nlcr. Ba . nil complete ; inoo per month In advance. Inquire at 917 8. 13th. In Humlln. D M8CO block John , _ _ _ _ ii7 > DERN"Fl'RNisifEI ) FLAT. REFEHENCES Wlttlnd and given. AIT * 6M S. J h. Flat . -MISO I 8 . . _ aft rj p. m. _ _ KINIJ io-HOOM MODERN IIIHCK HOUSE. full lot. motor llnt > < 1100 for ono year. Cheapest rrnt In Omalm.V , Q. Tcmplelon. Pajtmi block. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * im I'llATT ST , . IN OOOD REPAIR , 18.00. MIJ Hewiml l , 4-room cottage , as B o < l ni ll * ' Jnckcon t. . n One modern cottnsc , 0 rtiurni , nearly new , only J22.W. H , K. cor. till und Williams , an m housa wllh burn. lur yard , fruit Ireen. berrlc . He I'fivnl nl. "illy tu.0 < i. On * of lh "n beniitlful Lnl'nyvtle Place houses flie fi In iluhl { rly. Wk'Jll * T u t Company , 170 ! Farnam 5/bit HUNT , "VoVii"NiiwfcY I-APEHED fwnn rlly wntir , iileo yards It I * a * nup ; UW ur month , lit Nu , SM ulrtsU _ „ , , FOR31ENTHOU3ES , _ Continued. FOH HENT , MODERN S-HOOM HOt'SE NEAIl Hanicum pnik ; moderate tenlnl. imiuln * of IHcks. 3o5 NT. Life lildlf. D MM1 8 FOR HENT.ESlHAIILn fill part * of city. E. H. Sheafo 43 ; Puxton blk. D-JII8A6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR HENT , MODERN 10-HOOM FLAT. CKN- trnlly located , will readily nil with rmnnern. E. H. Shenfe , 4M Pnxton blk. D-9I9A8 FOH IlKNT. MOST HEMIHAHLE RESIDENCE. 2511 Farnnm. H , C. Patterson , lininghilt. . -3.7 _ 7ni8T.crABS NIME-HOO.M HOUSE , MOMEIIN. etc. , Knunlzc Place ; S2J.W to gixul tin int. IlnrnV rhlnn. stoic. I ) MOM ! ) 70t7)OM tODElTN 'lIOfSE , 3H6 CHICAGO I-UX1 nioiilli. Apply same mldicm. D S'l-5 * FOR RENT , NEW MtOO.M COTTAGE , 3)TJI ) nnd Pnlilur streels. Cellar. cIMun , city wale.1 ! 17.00. Iniulrc 1318 Farinm. D M8 1 8 N fi o8 room house , 2S12 Seuaid. Inqulic 2S11 Sr\v.ini. D-9C1 8 FOR , HENT FUB.NISHEU ROOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS. C28 H. 19TH BTItr.ET. > E-M563 Jy2J FURNISIHD : n6oM . 2oTfTtAMNiy STREET. E-MS.'S 9 3 Ft'RNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP- In ? for man nnd wife. Rent taken In Inutd. 319 N. 17th. E-S10 _ _ AETNA HOUSE , t767miVVEST c6TtNElf : 13TH and Dodge. Rooms by the day or wejk. E 958 Jy9 _ FURNISHED ROOMS , 1S1C CHICAGO STREET. E-M977 Jj _ _ NICE ri'RNIKIIED SOUTH FRONT ROOM TO one or I wo young men ; reasonable price. 2415 Cans St. E M794 IN ruiiNtsitnn HOUSE : CEN. trill. Address O CO. Ilee olllcc. E MSI * 10 housekeeping. 1112 S. llth. E SCC-lls SMALL PRIVATE FAMILY. LIVING DOWN timn. has r-wm suitable fur two ladles nr centlemen ; terms leasonnble. Address P 12. Hee. E-9C7 S FURNISHED ROOMS. 1118 DODGE. DODGE.E E M974 17 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. YOUNG WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER CARE OF Women's Christian association. Ill S. 17th st. _ . _ F CS3 RO OMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED , with first class board. 1906 Capitol nvc. Inquire _ 1910 CnpUol n\e. F C8I ItOOMS & HOARD. 622 N. 19. MRS. TUTTLu ! F M33S JylO' _ _ _ MCE ROOMS AND BOARD. 211 S. 20TII. F 4D6-J > 18 VERY DESIRAHLE ROOMS , FURNTsHED OR unfurnished. Good location. 210 and 212 S. 25th street. F M483 ROOMS AND BOARD , 2413"cAPITOL AVENUE. F era 29 HANDSOMELY FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM with strictly first class board. 2109 Douglas. F-965 ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT HOARD ; pleisantest location In Kountze Place. Ref- ercnccs. O 45 , Hce. F S70-S * TWO COOL ROOMS. SINGLE OR ENSUITE. with or without boaid ; terms moderate ; refci- ( nccs. 1709 Dodge. F M913 S SOUTH FRONT" ROOM \\nii FIRST * CLASS board ; 1722 Dodge street. F 913-9 * NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , ALL CON- vcnlences ; 2003 St. Mary's av.e. F 914-13 * PARLOR , HEDHOOM AND CONNECTING room , suitable for four Kentl men or man nnd wife , with or without boaid. 1118 Howard street. F DM S * FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARIX 2214 Furnam street. F MD19 14 * AN ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM AND board , with nil home comforts : no other bcaidcrs ; nt 2215 Webster. F M9SO 10' TOR RENT-UNrURNlSH'D ROOMS. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SU1TAHLE FOR housekeeping , city water , etc. . low rent : northwest - west corner 17th nnd Webster sts. O 635 4 ROOMS , MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. LIGHT housekeeping , J12.00. CIO N. 17th street. Refer ences required. Omalui Real Estate nnd Trust company , Room 4 , lice building. G M876 8 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES fc CORNER SALOON , 924 DOUGLAS. INQUIRE 822. I M868 FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY DRICK BUILDING , 016 Farnam street. The building has n fire proof cement basement , complete steam heat Ing fixtures , water on all floors , gas , etc. ApPly - Ply at the ollice ot the Hee. 1 910 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED , AGENT TO-SELL J4.00 PANTS ; DIO money. Address , with reference. Model Pants CO. , 173 Madison .street , Chicago , III.J . J M884 S HRECKINRIDGE HOOK. 150,000 hOLD. AGENTS wanted. Outfit free. Ferguson , Cincinnati , O. J M830 S * WANTED , AGENTS TO SELL TO FARMERS In Nclnaska. They all want It ; no book ci\n- vasslng ; big money maker. Address 2707 Q street , South Omaha. J MSSC 11 AGENTS , WE IAVE JUST PLACED ON THE market a new nickel slot machine , called A Full House. The best machine ever made. Heller than the Jack Pot. This machine Is entirely new and wilt be a big winner nnd n good seller. Automatic nnd no noise. AH territory new. Now Is your chance. Price low ; machine fhst-clas.s. Circulars , etc Empire Mfg. Co.f Elmlra , N. Y. J M903 8 WANTED , AGENTS. SAMPLE SASH LOCK ficc by mall for 2c. stamp. Immense. Un rivalled. Only good one ever Invented. Heats weights. Bales unparalleled. J12 a day. Uro- liard ( llox SO ) , Philadelphia. J LADY AGENTS THE EASIEST AND MOST profitable thing lo do Is lo sell the Hygela cor set. Send for terms nnd Information to Hi Western Corset Co. , St. Louts. Mo. J AGENTS WANTED ; NO HARD TIMES ; SELL Aluminum Novelties ; fast sellers ; 200 per cent profit. Secure teirltory. Sample In velvet lined case with full Information , by return mall , 10 cents. Aluminum Novelty Co. . 333 Urondnny , New York. J 927 8 * WANTED. AGENTS ; NO HARD TIMES ; SELL Aluminum novelties ; fnht seller ; 20J per cent pioflt ; secure territory ; sample In velvet-lined case , with full Information by return mall , 10 cents. Aluminum No\elty Co. , SS5 Hroadwny , New York , J 048 8 AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE FOR electric door ( name ) platci , slgnes , etc. ; lead- able In the dark. Sample with any name free. New Ern Plato Co. , 107 Deaiborn street. Chi- cago. 111. J-842 8 * AGENTS , OUR WAR PORTFOLIO. THE greatest seller : commission paid dally ; the money maker r > r the times ; agents tnKIng from 10 to IS orders dally. Stanley Hradley , 5 E ICth stieet , New York , J 932 8 * WANTED. SALESMEN ON COMMISSION FOR high-grade specialty ; Is now selling readily , ami hustlers making big money ; gn-xl agenU Investigate , Lock box 563 , Des Molnes , In. J7f7 k * WANTED. HOOK , INSURANCE AND OTHER canvassers to write for special offer : side line paying big. Van Clcve , Ul E. 17th street , New York. J 93 > 8 * WANTED. TWO THOUSAND MEN "AND women to net ns county managem nnd or- Kanlze local agencies ; will p.iy from JTG to WOO per month ; full particulars free. Address J. M. Longdan , Bewaid , Neb. J 929 8 AGENTS , DO YOU WANT THE HEST NICKEL slot machine made ? Just out : It leuds Hum all ; the "new tllver dollar" pays out dollnis and nlckles. A big winner nnd money imker ; this Is your chance , Davis No > clty Co. , E'm'ra , N. Y. J-M97J 14 > STORAGE. STORAGE , WILLIAMS & CROSS , 1211 1IARNEY M-6SO STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN nnd cheap rate. H. Wells , 1111 Furnam.M . M 687 OM.VANS.STORAGB CO.,150fl LWDGE. TEL.15W. WANTED TO BlTS. HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC CIGAR. FOR 6C. N M270-Jy-15 SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. S20 B. 13TH ST. N-6JO HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR SECOND-HAND furniture. Moves , tie. I , Urussell. 710-712 N 16th . N fH WANTED , GOOD SECOND-HAND TYPE- " " ' * P'tlikind nnd Inwext price. Address Droveri Journal , 24ZO M street. South O-imlm. N 065 8 WANTUD , HOUSE. OR HORSE AND HUOGY , cheap. Addr ta l H , lice ollice. N-963 8 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY. YOU WON'T MISS YOUR money. Low in Ices on furniture .V household eoods. Enterprise Crt-dll Co. , C13-6U N , 16lh si _ O Si7 FOR BALU HARD COAL 8TOVE. "GRAND Unltrial. . " Ml Bo , 3U ( iireet. O M9W iq * Fl'HNlTl'IlB OP * 4.HOOM"MODEFlN FI VT _ complete . _ . . . for hounck tulng. Cull tU S. SJnd juom j _ o sw S FOR S ALE--HORSESWAOONSETO. FOR 8AtR.Anan YOfNO nl o broke for tnddti > t Cheap. 1603 DmtgU.s Mreel. P-MR13 8" _ _ _ HOR8EH. CAIIRIAOKS AND HAllNESS. NEW nnd necoml hand. If you wnnl to buy or ell onll on Jlllchell A Snlunrl , cimmli sion mer- clinnln , 1214 nnd 1219 Dodge , corner 13th. _ FOR BALE. 2 IIOHSEfl. 2 8ET3 HAllNESS nnd 1 office bupcv. ridellty Ixran nnd Guaran tee company , Wlthnell block. P--970 8 FoiriuLE I''INE FAMILY TlOIlSE. "WITH htine'K and plmtlnn , reimuliuble , 211 IViard of Trade. P-.M362 I0 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 6T. BERNARD PUPS , 2101 DOUGLAS STREET. Q-M050 JyJ _ FOR SALE. Ffl.L HI.OOD HOLBTKN 'OW. registered ; also bull calf , full blood , 2SM Weti- ster. Ml 11 * SUPPLIES FOR AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHEHH Sole agent * for the NIGHT HAWK CAMERA , IJ. B. llejnCo. . , photo upillcs. 1003 Farnam st. Q-903-JyJ HALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARD Cntllc company , Ames , Neb. , have 2 OH tons nf ( , 'iiod burn-stored hay for rale. All orders filled promptly. QS8 * " ICE rOR"sALE IN CAR LOTS. O1LHEHT Urns. . Council Illuffs. Q M583 JyS3 FOH HA r.l3 FIN E TtH-NO 8T. " UK UNA RD dog. rnlKvd with children , Htimdnrd pedigree , perfectly marked , weighs over 100 ixninds. Call 2912 Ersklnu street. Q-:31 : 8 * FOH SALE. A VICTOR HICYCLE , ALL nickel , handsomesl machine made ; coat SI60.IK ) ; will sell for > SO ; little used. Enquhn nt 2:0' Douglas street. Q 977 8 * MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOUR OLD CARPET WOVEN INTO rugs. Smyrna rugs repalied. 1521 Leavenworth. R M21S Jyl3 TAXIDERJIY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- loBUe. George E. Brown , Jr. . & Co. , 703 S. ICth R-M27I PASTURAGE FOR CATTLE AND HORSES ; best grass , water , nnd phndc In the country. Inquire 1S06 Leu\cm\orlh street. Clmrlog Child * . H MS47 10 * CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DU , II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium ; 7th year at 119 N 16. S S3 ARRIVED , H. PETTIHONE. MEDII'M. MAMt- son hotel , for n few days only. S M003 13 * CLAIRVOYANT PROFESSOR WHITE. THE Bi cutest cliilr\oyant of his age , has arrived In Oriaha. He will read your future life without a mistake. Gives valuable Information on nil matters. Will give you truthful advice on all business , law. money matters , and all family affairs , being gifted with a rnre and wonderful Insight Into such matters , and never known to maka a mistake. The future plainly revealed , lovers united. Troubles healed , reunites the separated , fiom whatever cause , and causes happy marriages. Gives names of friends nnd enemies , also the one you will marry. Tells what to do and where to go to be lucky. All In trouble call. Those desiring reliable Informa tion onall affair ? of life or business are Invited to call. All counsel strictly confidential. Ho can be found at 1617 Chicago street. Hour * from 0 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays. 9 to E. S-M-180-Jy 11 MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. MADAME SMITH , 602 S. 13TH , 2D FLOOR room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , steam , snl- phurlne nnd Bea'bnths. T 946 14 * MADAME BROWN. 1314 CAPITOL AVENUE. 2d floor , room 4 , massage , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. T M90. ! 13 * MISS DEVOL. FROM NEW YORK. HAS taken charge of Madam La Rook's massage parlors. 12 and 13 , 322 North 16th.TM877 T-M877 12 * MME. ANNA OF CHICAGO GIVES ALCOHOL baths and massage. 308 N. 16th , rosin 13. T M96S 14 * PERSONAL. CREAM FOR WHIPPING ; COTTAGE CHEKSE. Waterloo creamery , 1013 Howard : tel 1332. _ U M1IS Jyll " WHEN OUT WITH YOUR LADY"VIS1T J. J. Mullcr's new Ice cream parlors , 2802 I euven- worth street ; everything Is new. Including the building. Tel. 1030. Ice cream delivered. U-M210 _ LADIES' AMHE RJEWELRY T OORDER ; also repairing. 613 8. 16th street. U M160 MASSAGE TREATMENT , ELECTRO-THER- mal baths. Sculp and Imlr treatment , mancure& ! chlprodlst. Mrs Post , 319V& S 15th , Wlthnell blk. U-690 _ , TAKE YOUR FRIEND ; TINTYPES , 4 FOR 25c. Proctor. 616 8. 16th street. U M961-Jy9 PROF. FRANK BROGLIN RESTORES HAIR lo the bald : cures dandiufl ; stops hair falling out ; icstores gray hair to Its natural color ; both sexes treated. References furnished of Omaha patients who are relle\ed. Na cure , DO pay. Room 414 , Bee Bulldlnv , Omaha. Neb. _ U -JyU > ATTENTION LADIES EMMA BUST DEVELoper - oper will enlarge your bust 5 Inches. Guaran teed. Sealed Instructions , 2c , or 24-pnge Il lustrated catalogue 6c , by mall. Emma Toilet Haznr. Boston. Mass. U WANTED. SOME RESPECTABLE PERSON to adopt n little girl 2 years old ; she Is healthy , never been sick ; do not want nn ) body who cannot properly educate her. Address P 10. Hce. U-M940 9 * _ MASSAGE , MADAME BERNARD , 1419 DODGE. U MSM 14 * _ BALUUrF- A pleasant and convenient place. 1520 Famam itreet. 'Paxton block ; "phone , 71L U M33 > _ 8AML HURNS INVITES YOU TO VISIT HIS new art room at any time. 1318 Farnnm. U 47 Jy3l _ DR. MAXWELL. SPECIALIST. OF INTKHNA. tlonal mnltuilum. removed to 40S I'.ixton block. Tel. 1527. U M491-Jy2. _ WHEN ON FARNAM STREET STOP IN AT 1410 nnd aee our new china. M. II. Illlss. HAVANA FRECKLES. A IOC CIGAR. FOII SC. U M267-Jy-l5 _ VIAVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health honk and consultation free. Address or call Vluvl Co. , 340 Ilee bldg. Lady attendant. WIFE OR Ht'SHAND. WHICH DO YOU WA ST T My marriage paper mulled. Healed , for stump. W. H. Hurbeck. Den - r. Colo. U M58 < 3 SCIIADELL'S BHAMPOO. VAPOR AND HOT air machine for steaming ladles' faces nd head * ; cures dandiuff nnd headache. 1522 Doug las street. U MSil S3 _ _ _ DR. W. ROSS MARTIN. 1321 FARNAM ST. ; hours from 11 to 1 , I la C , 7 la 8 , Tel. 1S10. U-953 At _ THE CELEBRATED COOK REMEDY IS NOW reduced In price In J1C.W for full niurno uf treatment , first , second and third stages ; It cures In 30 to 60 days , without full ; treat ycairselvei nt home : em on receipts of price ; full printed direction" . Dr. A. J. Cook. Annrx Grand Imtel , Council Bluffs , lu. IT M 18 WANTED. OOOD LOCATION FOIl DHESH- milking establishment la small town. Address - dress O 62. Be * . U-U901 k C < mtlna d. I WILL Cflli : . KHUIt 01' ' rilAWlK. Al.t sufferers f n m ecttma. . rcrofuln nnd prUal * illfKiftra nnKWcrlnit.ttilf up lo July K. Ad dress , with stampJP r. Bee office. - IT-M9I1 13 * MONEY TO LOArftf-REAL ESTATE. LOANS ON IMPIlO\'pI ) ' * UNIMPROVED Cm properly. | 3noipwfirds. . u ly6 % per cent ; no d layt. W. Fiunntn Smilll A Co. , I'Jt'n \ nnm . : w wi2 MONEY "Tb i.OAN"rTvT ill3\VEST TtATiH : ON Impnrtoil and tinlhipwVed Omaha real estate 1 to S years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Fiirnum. W 634 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MONEY TO LOAN AT .LOWEST HATES. Till O. F. Da\ls Co. . I COS Farnam si. W CM MONEY TO LOAN qN "lMI'ROVED OMAHA mil estate. Hrennan , l.ove & Co , Pnxton blk " ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , L _ . loans nl low rales fcr choice fecuilty on Nc- lirankn nnd Iowa farms or Omaha city propelty. W 7i * " " UNITED STATES MORTlA"a"E CO. OF NEW York. Capital J2Mil.OW. ( .Surplus tfiOXOM. Sub- mil choice loans lo F. S. I'usey , agent. Flist National bank building. W 701 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES "LOANED ON or bought. F. C : Chesney , Kansas City. Mo. W Cjj _ CITY LOANS , LARGE LOANS ON CENTRAL business property ; C per cent. C. A. Hlnrr , 515 N. Y. Llfo lldlnit. W-M25J MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORE. t.OI N. Y. Life W -'It 1" * MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY AND I'AUil property. Ames. 1617 Farnam street. LOANS-W. O. TEMPLETON. PAXTON HLK , \V-M797 I LOANS WANTED. J. N. rRENXETlfoPpT pTo ! W-MI91 J)22 OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO.r'lBTH AND Douglas streets , loon money on city nnd farm properly nt lowest rates of Inleieat. W CM MONEY TO LOAN ON T'AHM's "fNlSoUOLAS. Improved nnd unlmproxed Omahn real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 17 2 Fninnm St. W C'J4 * MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebinska farms al from 6 lo 7 per cent. W. 1) . Melklc , First National bank building. W-C33 DAVENPORT V WATERMAN. FARM LANDS , 822 N , Y. Life building , Omaha , Neb. W M907 11 LOANS , D. II. BHEAFE. 432 PAXTON HLK. W-910A6 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. A. E. HARRIS , ROOM J , CONTINENTAL HLK X M79C Is there anything' You Want ? -1 i-af Have you anything- - - * ' You Don't Want ? Tt ADVERTISE IT ON THIS PAGE 3 To Trade It. To Sell It To Buy It. To Rent It. 3 u trorcf first time. 1C a iron ! after the l\mt \ time. 31 fi'o ail. In ! ; en for - less than US flu. ftttllmc. ' vfl $1.1 > O H Una per inuntli , ] ofiat- ) self fa X „ t , PAY AT THE WINDOW. MONEY TO LOAN OK HOUSEHOLD FUIINI- ture , pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind of chattel security , nt lowest possible rates , which > ou cnn pay back nt any time , nnd in nny amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , room 4. Wlthnell block. X 704 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE 'IANDS , horses , wagons , etc. , nt lowest rates In city : no removal of goods ; strictly confidential : you can pay the loan oK at nny time or In any amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 30G South ICth street. X 703 J. D. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 , RAMGE IILOCK. X-737 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL I'ROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life building. X-707 FOR SHORT TIME LOANS APPLY AT ROOM No. 624 , Paxton block. , XG23-Jy25 SHORT TIME LOANS , 432 PAXTON HLOCK. X 917A6 BUSINESS CHANCES. IP YOU WANT TO BUY. BELL OR K.\- change merchandise , get In or out of Inislr.isj. call on or addiess the National Information and Exchange Co. , 103 Firit National 'vii'k , Omaha , Neb. Y MC3JJy2 HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC CIGAR. FOR 6C. Y-M26S-Jy-15 t.200.00 MONTHLY : MANUFACTURING CONcern - cern wants nn Omaha representative ( or nny city not taken ) ; must have few hundred dollars each to pay for goods on delivery , after orders are secured , F. E. Vail , Mono Hlclg. , New York. Y MS49 9 * WANTED. A GOOD HONEST MAN TO TAKE half Interest In a light manufacturing busi ness ; only $200 rcqulicd. This business will clear J2.000 this summer. I am compelled to go east la my reason for selling. For Investt- gutlon address P. 6 , Hoe. Y 892 8 * FOR SALE , A WELL ESTABLISHED PRO- dilce nnd commission business , with best cold storage plant In Omaha , splendid location , nt very low figure. Ill health of proprietors family necessitates removal from Omaha. For terms and particulars address O 37 , Hoe. Y 921-9 * FOR SALE , PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY , COM- plcte ; Lest of appliances : must be sold at onca ; parties lenvlnir town. W , II , Green , 217 Knr- Lach block. Y M851 8 FOR SALE , DRUG STOCK IN OOOD TOWN In western Nebraska ; sales In ' 93 , tS.lS6.45 ; terms , ' 6 cash , balance notes or clenr leal estate ; store building for sale , rent or trade ; no saloons In town : don't write unless you mean business. AdilrCK.4 P 9 , care Hee. li , ; Y-M952 9 * January 2. , " " < 1Z PC cent. ' ' " February iV.V.V.V.V/tV..V.T..V.V.V.i.V. / 11 " " 15 . ' . . . . . . . ' . ' , 15 March 1 . ' # . . . . : ! " 15 A. . . ' . , ' 8 " April 2 . .of' ' ' U " " 16 8'4 " May 1 . ' ) P.V ( 8 " " 15 /-.I'ft 8 " June 1 l..i./.y ' ' .i " " 15 /A ! . . . : ! 7'4 " Juy | ' ! { [ "rf ! ! * " Total . ( . . . . . ; ll " We huvo luilil our customers In 1I2 ! ilnxs. Profits paid twte each month ; money cnn he withdrawn nny llln ; 'J20 to Jl.fiO ) cnn be Invented - vented ; wrlto for'llnformatlon. ' Market letter free. IFISHKir CO. . Stock Hrol.crs. 18 and 20 > Broadway , New York. * 4 Y 933 8 * A RESPONSniLEsCPMIERN OR INDIVIDUAL wanted In every-clty- take the sole agency for sexeial lmp < * ianf staples of the type writing business ; big cash conunlKs'oni" , ex- cluslvn rights and unequalled products ; the largest house of Its | < lnd In the country hack of tills. Address Clurk , box 1C7 , HOHIOII , Mas' . Y 934 8 * BUCCESSFUL HPECt'LATION OPEN TO ALL ; try our syndicate syrtem of speculation ; Increase - crease your Income ; Information free ; rend for circular. Thompson & Derr Co. , S8ull street. New York ; InoorjxinitiU under thu luw of the > tnt of New York ; rap'lul , tlW-OOOAO. Y-97S 8 * FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE IMPROVED ICO ACHES , 414 mllei west city limits ; mvnrr dmlrut cheaper lan-l within 123 mile * from Omul.a. Anus. 1017 Fainam itr t. _ Z M577 HAVANA FRECKLES. A'IOC CIGAR. FOR 5C. Mtcj.Jy.li IF YOU WISH TO EXCHANGE LAND FOH merchandise , or merchandise for land and cush , correspond wth | Necly & Klnney , Shel- ton. Neb. Z-M910 13 * BARGAINS IN HOMC8THADEaAI.ElCOJ Dod < Z 441 FOR EXCHANGE. _ Continued , TO HXHIANOT : ! IrNH Ntt\v"n"AHV "fUtAND piano for lot. Address O 03. lie * . ? .ns-S i-'oii KXCIIANUK. noon TOP itrooY surety Me ) fie. Addtns K. A. It. . Hoiith ' _ _ _ _ JMpnoviD : KvHM. ct-8Tiii : rofxrv. roil clenr. rnciint lut . . It.VulKtr , M Iturker b ' - TO nxritANtit : , ri.rAit I.OT IN OMAHA or Koiith om.iha fur f iulty In 7 In 1 < * riuiu house , ivltli lul in. Atlil.cnn P 8 , lleo < ) llli- > > . K-MW 10 * _ _ TO i\riiANcn : : , OMAHA piioi'tniTV ron farm , ranch or wild lands , /ddiess I' 1.1. Ili > > > . / 976 S JTORSALE KEAL ESTATE. N Y Y.fvH It i--6l3Jly27 : * HAI.I : , NIJWiioo.M . lar , cistern , city water ; cor , ! ilh ) and ! -ahl > r ; tl.I.Vi.W ; IOIIR time. Enquire 13IS rnrnam Sam'l Hums. Ill : M5H Ml'ST III : BOM ) AT OXfi : ; Till : UI.KOANT modem built hause. corner 31st nnd Puclllc , \\lth catpcti * , window shades , IMS , raiiK > v. etc. ; cnn If seen at nnv time ; call at 113) ) S mill Slst foi keys after 6 o'clock 11 , m. or Bunday. Hicks , 3M N. Y. I.lfilildK. . 917 S IIAHdAIXB , IIOfSiS : , LOTS AN'TT FAIIMS , sale ur trade. P. K. DarllUK , Marker blk , U i-70S : isTATn-itAVi : : T\VOCUSTOMIHH : for medium priced residences. If you have n bargain. 1. 1st with Ames , 1G17 1'ain.im. _ HE MS ; _ _ FOII BAM : on nxcitAxnu , IM-OANT : : bilck I'loik ' 111 Omaha , } ' > ' , OvW.W ; cnn sell nnd take one-lnilf purchase price In K < HH ! land. Hicks , 3 5 N. Y. Life MdK. HH-974S LIST UAUQAIX8 FOII QUICK TUIINS.1W , Undice Un-812 MANITOtT , COI.OIIAIK ) A MODIMtN KI.KVnX- looin house , hatd wood llnlsh , city wale' . steam lieat nml se er ; I'enullfully located near sida sprliiR ; will lie sold cheap by owner. 12. A. Ollbeit , 1W9 Colfax a\cnue , Denver. FO t's 1 unrT.soo"AFiIii ! ; TNviTsT itivnit- siilc will be eold nt n liarculn ; all under cul tivation nnd well lmpio\ed ; suitable for rub- division ; seven miles from county seat. Fm p.irtlcUlaiH Inquire of A. J. Stabler. Ilher- side , Cal. Dox 431. _ A 1IAKOAIK ; UIO Al'IinS OF OOOD I.ANM > In easlein Colorailo ; 0,111 sell at t..RO per acre and take half In stock of Roods or entile. Addrecs Oca N. Hiclis , 305 N. Y. Ilf < - bids. lti-9M S I'OIt HAL.H AT AN IMMIINHK SACUIFIfi : Flvp (5) ( ) CO loot lots ( one or nil ) they must be sold at once nt panic price or some pi Ice. Now Is the time to buy n ivsldencc lot cheap In the loveliest residence locution In Oiniiha. These lit * ate nil' across the stteet from Ilanscom park : 2 of them face the pavilion and 3 me houlh front on Shliley stieet. Any terms you want will be made. Also for sale , DO feet front on Pn i It nvcnuc In next block north of the pnik , only JL'.OKI.OO tor tills lot ; one-h.ilf the money can lay for five years ; be quick If you want this. Address the owner , J. II. Sullivan. Drovers Journal ollice. ChlcaRO , or call on The Uryon Heed Co. , Omaha , Neb. Hi : CHOICI : lo-AC'iin THACTS IN SUHUHHS OF North 1'latte for (9) . 04 ; $1.00 down and U.04 a month ; will loan money to Improve. City and Suburban Investment company , room 613 Se- curlty Illdg. , St. Louis. _ ice A cans FOH si.noo.oo ON MONTHLY PAY- mcnU. Williams & Mlttan , room 313 McCuirue block. HE M9'l 10 _ 7..0.00 CASH -WILLi IH'Y A FINi : LOT ON South :0h : ; stieet. woith $2,00.1.00. H. S. Mar- loon , 1701 Fainam street. KB 9Ca 8 * _ \VU IIAVi : USTUU FOH QUICK SAM : 100 acres near He > mour park , onlj * live miles fiom P. O. . nt J1G3.W per acre. Hicks , 305 N. Y. Life bide. HK-U74 8 BUSINESS NOTICES. HUY YOUH HAY I1Y CAH OH TON LOTS.VH buy hay. A. II. Snjder , 1513 Hurt St. , lei. 1107. 8.1.1-S3 CAHRIAGH TRIMMING. OHNKHAL ItHPAIHS , top (10 up. Louis Gutting. Ill S. 13th st. 251 Jyl I c. n. MouniLL. cAnpnxTKH. OFFICI ? AND store llxtuics a specialty. 1513 C.ipltol live. 4 7 CHINA DECOHATED TO OHDHH AND MENDed - ed like new. 10 J S. llth street. 173-JjH OMAHA MEERSCHAl'M PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. C13 S. ICth. M-151 n. L. CMITER"METAL CORNICE SIJY lights , smoke stacks , furnaces. 1617 Howaid st , 42t ! E. D. HURT , HORSESHOER. 314 N. 16TII.W3A5 W3-A5 DAMAGED MIRRORS RES1LVEHED. 713 N. 1C. S C AS OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. , LEADING OPTICIANS ; J. F. Ponder , manaRcr ; scliMitlllc examina tion of the eyes free : 222 S. 16th stieet. Com'l Nat'l Ilk lilds. , In Klnsler's drug store. 818-15 THE ALOE & TENFOLD CO. , SCIENTIFIC OP- tlclans , 140S Fnrnam St. , opposite Puxton hotel. Eyes examined free. 717 EYES TESTED FREE UY A PRACTICAL OP- tlclan. W RUarnntee to nt the eyes perfectly , to your entile satisfaction or money refunded. A. MANDELHERG. Jewclci and optician , northeast corner Six teenth and Fnrnam streets. SG3 HOTELS. HOTEL BRUNSWICK. 16TH AND JACKSON , changed hand ? . European plnn. llrst class. Special attention to looms by monlli. nooins , tll'.OO to (33 00. Including baths , light and ele- vatcr. M143 Jyll TUB MIDLAND HOTEL. Corner ICth nnd Chicago streets ; coolest hotel In Omaha ; new building , new furniture , electric bells ; bath , steam heat. Ame.lc.in plan , tl.GO to (2.00 per day : European plan , We to $1.00 per day. M. J , Fianck , proprietor. 835 UNDERTAKERS AN1 > EMBALMERS II. K. nURKET. FUNERAL DIHECTOH AND embalmer. 1618 Chicago , Tel. M. 709 BWANSON & VALICN , UNDERTAKERS ANLI embulmers. 1701 Curnlne St. . telephone 10CO. M. 5 ! MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND EM. balmer. 1U7 Farnam street ; telephone , 223. | 334 HEAFEY & HEAFEY. 218 S. 14TH ST. TEL. ZG3 ; also , 24th and N sts. . So. Omaha. M437 ' MERCHANT TAILORS" SUITS TO ORDER AT COST. S. LARSr.N. 515 N. ICth st. Established 20 years. 251 Jyll S. MORTENSKN , THE OLD RELIAULE TAILor - or , 404 N. IC'.li , has cre.itlv reduced prices. See bis (5 pants and (20 suits ; all made In Omaha. KJ Jill GRINDING. SCISSORS , LAWN MOWERS. RAZORS , ETC. , ground. Melchlor llros. , 1119 Furnum st.86SA4 86S-A4 RAZORS. SHEARS .CLIPPERS , LAWN MOW- crs , etc. A. L. Underland. 106 N. 14th. 172 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND HE- paired. W. Hot-Ill , rear 61J S. 16th. 256 Jyll TENTS AND AWNINGS. WHY DON'T YOU PUT UP AN AWNINO ON your home ; keeps out sun , beautifies your resi dence , costs hut little. Omaha Tent & Awning Co. , 1311 Farnam St. Tel. 8S3. 3S2-Jyl7 WOLF liltOiT & CO. , MANUFACTURERS OF awnings , tents. Hags , wagon , hay. stock cuveru , tarpaulins , banners , streamers. 7U3-703 S. ICth street , Tel. 604. Tents for rent. M3SG HARNESS. HARNESS , WHIPS. SADDLES , ETC. ; NEAT repairing. B. U. Cusacl. (24 S. ) lh street. * GET MY PRICES BEFORE YOU HUY A IIAR- nes * August Uohne , 111 8. ICth street. M tilt Jr HARNESS. WHIPS. NETS , ETC. REPAIRING a specialty. 111 N. I5th st. 203 MEAT MARKET. NEATEST MARKET. UEST OF MEATS. K. A. Marih's Washington market , (14 N. 16th. IMJylO FiilE IIKST CHOICI3 CUT OF MEAT AT llelntnian' market. 705 N. 16th st. 2JylO QEO. % V. KUHZ. CHOICE MEATS. PRICKS reasonable. 722 8. 16th street. MZ17 Jyl3 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS HEWOLT.t storage batteiles rechareed ; electrical and t'.n cral machinists ; superior work guarantMH. Omaha Llectrlcul Works. C17 and 1 8. Iblh 8L T | M.ECTHir'AL EN01NEEH8 AND CONTRACT- 01 s for vlecrlo light and motor plants nnd ull kinds of eleetrlca construction. Western Elec tric Supply Co. . 418 and 4M H. ISIIl t. 897 JOB PRINTING. QUICK PRINTERS KRAMER & PIIANDI.BH. 1121 Fu ilia Ml A : 307-9 S. 12lh. Phone 1630. orders get qulek tC8-A4 Mull _ jKtlon _ _ joTT puiN'iNa ; a , FINE PIUNTINO of all kinds. 17lh street , lce building. M4M _ HAIBDREBBINO , tn.j.iit , LADIES' HAIHDHESSINO , SHAM- poolng , ittumliiB hair tooJs , 1513 Douglas. BIOYCLJS. _ _ " " ' " im < vcM : . > r Ntw" : AND "oi.nrnico' IIM ; insy pij nunts , nn n-nl nnd lepalr Omalm Illoycle Co. , W N. IMIi street. Tel 1 . JIB.IK ) lltl'VCMW NOW 5o IOO ciJT TO ! . , KAM mi to JIJ.30. M. Triilel. 2700 Lmvenworth sliert M2I9 Jyll iis IUPAIIUD : , . . Kimdrlp * . Hafe * npeneil , irptlrnl. C. H. Hollln , locksmith , 311 N , ICth street , MOA6 LOST. LOST , Slt.VCU MATCH SAFE. ADOUT JUNE nth ; tenard. Addrcis O 47 , Hce itfllce. 30' I.OPT-OOI.D WATCH ON JUI.Y 2 ; CHAIN HAH Roll cmi-s ; leturn to Hec otllco and receive liberal rewaril. Mt ; S" LOST JI'LY 4TlT. NIIAH Mll.l.AIH ) . NElC lady's blue blaaer jacket. Llbernl reward for rctutn to this uillce. fGJ-7 * DRESSMAKING. DHESSMAKINO- DAY AT IUME ; TERMS ri'iisonable , cut and lit guaranteed. In uilru at 1721 Capitol nxi'iuie. Cil'--J * nitBHCMAKIXO ? N PRIVATi : FAMILIES ; FIT anil style guaranteed. Addiesa N 37 , lie" M-978 J < STBNO3RAPHEUS. C. A. POTTER. C.'f , N. Y. MFC ItlllMMNO , does all km.ls ol slenoRrnphlo woik. law- eases , depositions , chan.'eiyvtiik , e.ip > lnit , etc. . ut u-asonnblc piloes. Call nnd see the Duplex typewiller. wiltes two letteiw at nne and the same time ; the fastest oprnrlter In the \\oild. Mini A6 " MTUSICT ART ANiJ"LANGU VCrET" a. F. OELHNIH-CK : : , DANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California street. Oil FOR HAROAINS IN PIANOS AND ORGANS ; easy pa > ments ; Instimnents rcnlid , lents apply on puiehiise. A. llnspc. Jr. M ! > 53 PAWNBROKERS. FRED MOHLE. KKft FARNAM , JEWELH Y. II. MAHOWIT7 LOANS MONEY S N. l lli St. M DANCING. FOH PRIVATE LESSONS. STAGE OH society dances , call on M land , 1310 Hnmey , or yjM Dodgu street ; teiins leax.innble. | MM I AT _ DENTI = T3. DR. GEO. S. NASON , DENTIST , SPITE W PaMon block , ICth & F.irn.im sts. Tel. 71i. si 157 WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON HHOS. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal. Correspondence sollsllcd IPOS Fnrnnm htiect. M4wi PLUMBERS. I'HEE PLUMHINO OF EVERY KIND. GA.-i steam & hot water heating ; scweinge. 313 S. li. M41I SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHCOL OF SHORTHAND. Si : N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask tor clicular. 710 TICKET BROKERsT J. H. DAVIES , MESHIER A. . T. II. ASS'N. tickets bought and Bold. 1312 Farnam street. 291 Jyl6 P. H. PHILBIN , CUT HATES. 1403 .FAHNAM 292 JylC BUREAU. SUES & CO. . Solicitors , lice liuildiiiff , OMAHA , Neb. Advice MONEY MAY BE LOST. TRAVELERS CHEQUES AMERICAN EXPHESS COMPANY arc refunded If lost nnd nre as nvallnblc na rnsh anywhere In the woild. When travellne always entry them. RHILWflY TIME CHRP Leaves ICIIICAOO. llUHl7lNairoN _ Depot luth and Masun StK. | Omaha 4:45j > m . Chicago Vestibule. . . . . . . . . . 9:50ain ' 7:02pm : . Chlcueo and Iowa Local . ! > :00ain : ll:3oain . racilic Junction Local . Leaves ( UURLINOTON & MO. HlVER.Arrlvcs | Onmhol Depot10tlipnil _ _ : Mason Sts. \ _ Oma.ia 10lSam Din\er ! Uxiuesn 9:35um. : lOMCam Deadwood K.\pies9 4:10pm : 40pm : Denver Express 4:10pni : CMpin . .Nebraska Local ( except Sun. ) . , . CJ''pm : ' SUam..Lincoln : Local ( except Sunday.l:20uni ) : Leaves I K. C. , ST. J. & C. li. ( Arrives Oinahal Depot loth and Mason Sts. I Omaha 9:4. : > am. . . . Kansas City Day Express & ; Gmn 9:4ipm.K. : C. Night Ex. via U. I > . Trans. C:50.im : Leaves 1 CHICAQO , It. I. & 1'ACIFIC. ( Airives OinahalUnlon Depot 10th & Mason Kt.i.l Omaha _ EAST. " " 10lSam."Allnntlc Exptets ( ex. Sunday ) , . 0i)5pm : C:25pm : Night Express C:40am : 4:40pm..Chicago Vestlbulcd Limited. . . . lKpm ll:3tpm.Olilalioma : Exp. ( to C. VI. ex Sun ) , " WEST. 6:35am. : Oklahoma & Texaj Exp. ( ex Sun.ll:3jpm ) : J 35pm..li.i.J..Coloindo Limited . 'jL ilOpJ ! ! } Leaves T UNION PACIFIC. l nKcT OniahalUnlon Depot 10th & jlason Sis. I Omaha 9GO.im : . Den\cr Express . 3&bpm : 2lGpm : . Oveilnnd Flyer . C:2)pm : 3:4ripm.lleatrlce : & Stromsb'g Exex Sun.12:30am ) : C:40pm : . 1'nelllc ExpreEa . 10:5am : 6:30pm . Fast _ M nil. . . . . _ Leaves ICI I ICAC3 O7"M I L & ST. I'A l I LTiA ff I ves Omahnlynlon JJepot 10th & Mason SU. | Omaha C:3.'pm : . Clilcnco Limited . f 9:3)om : llin.im. ! . .Chicago KxuteKA IPX. Kun.i. . . . r > : uopm Leaves I i'1 li. > v : Alu. VAI.1.L.V Airlvrs Omaha ] Depot 13th and Webster St . jOmaha 9OCnm Deadwood Express C:10pm 9:03nm.Ex. : ( Sal.KWyo. Ex..lEx , Mon. ) . BilOpm 500pm. ; Norfolk Express ( Ex. Sunday..lOHi.nn ) .jjj t' ' - Haul llipjvsi. . . . . i.iJ :4Jam : Leaves" ! CHICAGO & NORTH WEST'N lArrlvcs' ' OmalialU. P. Depot 10th & Mason Sla. | Omaha ll:05am. : . . Chicago Express 6:10pm : 40jpm ; Vestibule Limited 9:20am : 6:30pm.Ex. : ( Sat..Chic. ) Pass.Ex. ( Mon. ) . 0:2pm : 6:55am : Mo. _ Vallcy Ix > cal lQ2Jpni ; ( Llnves" ) MISSOURI PACIFIC "lAnlvca _ pinahoj _ Depot 15th und Webster Sta. | Omaha "sloOam.TiT SI. Louis Express 6:00am : 9:30pm : St. Louis Express GS3pm : JilOpin.Datly.ex. ! ( Sun. ) .Nebraska Local. 9'10am Tleuxea , ST. ' ! ' " . , "M. " " ' & "O. fArrlxes" Omuhaj Depot 15th ' nnd Webster Sts.Jp'naha 8:00am.7sioux : Clty'Accom ( Ex. Sun.Ju. 8:0pm : I0:00am..Sioux : City Accom ( Sun. Only. ) . . 8OJpui : 12:15pm..Sioux City Express ( Ex. Sun..ll:55.im 6:30iim..Sl. : Paul Limited 0:4lain : EcavcS SIOTTX CfT Y & I'AClFIC" [ AirlveV OmahnlU. 1' . Depot 10th & Mason St3. | Omaha :55am : Sioux City Passenger 10:20pm : 3Mpm ! St. Paul Express. . . . . IQijMain Depot 15th and Webster Sis. I Omal''i 6:30pm : St. Paul Limited 9:41.lli : | BjSOpm . . _ . Chicago Limited 940im ; leaves I OMAHA & ST. LOUIS ( Arrives OmahulU. P. Depot 10th & Mason Sts.I Omaha St. Louis Cannon Hall 12:3& : m AT LINCOLN'S STATUE. Hun-Pecked HuHlmiul Appcullni ; for Kiniincl. patio < . About 8 o'clock last evening , the CIilcnRQ Itcconl relates , one of the Lincoln park po- Icoinen , walking tils beat near the south end if the park , saw a man kneeling before the statue of Abraham Lincoln. II.'s hands were folded and ho seemed pleading for > ome favor from the bronze form of the ; reat man which towered above him. The jlllccr concealed himself behind a saplliiR .wo Inches In circumference and walled. Die man remained on his knees for a few : noments and then rising started for Clnrk iireet. The vigilant ofllcer was upon him n a moment. "Say , yez , hello there ! What do ye bo nitthi' under the statue , dlnnymlte ? " and le grabbed the stranger by the shoulder ind shook him as he spoke. . The man said nothing. "Come now , tell me ycr blzness or I'll run ro In , " and giving him another shako the ilg policeman started to drag his victim owaril the station. "Walt a minute and I will tell you why I im here , " said the prisoner slowly , "You see , It Is Just this way : I have been marled - led seven years seven years tonight and ny wife has jawed the life out of me every light and morning. I could stand It no onger and I determined to come hero to ) ld Abe and see If I couldn't get an email- ilpatlon proclamation , " The Irish bluecoat saw the point , and , ihaklng the suppliant's hand , he bade him ; ood-by and sought the soft side of a bench in which to snooze until the sun came over ho lake and glittered on his brass buttons. A cooling rldo to CourtUnd Deach. A OREAT DITOH , Tlio J'rco * Irrigation Cuiml Iho Ijirgritt In thp U orlil. The niAgnltinlo of some of the IrrlRntlon \wrks In this country In Imrdly appreciated nnd but few persons renllxo whnt grcnt gums have been spent In reclaiming our nrld reslons. It will probably bo news to most pcoplo that the largest Irrigation icservolr In this country , nnd ono of the largest tit the world , han lately been compl-tcd In New Mexico by the 1'eoos Irrigation nnd Improve ment company ; moreover , this reservoir la but one of three great nrtmcl.il basins In which enough wntor la stored to Irrigate 250- 000 acres of land , nnd works now under con struction nnd proposed will raise this nrea to 400.000 ncres. The land extends nbng'tho j'ecos river valley for 170 mllos.nnd Is watered by n network of c.timls having already nn aggregate length of 1,200 miles , while to render Its products accessible to the largu markets the owners of the property have built n rallw.iy 170 mllus long up the valley from I'icos City. Tin- great reservoir , called Lake McMllhn , has been formed by build ing u dam l , 8tl feet long across the I'ecos river. This dam | g Ci feet high , 20 feet wide on lop und I'flO feel wide nt the base. Its upstream portion Is a built of earth having a slope of ono foot vertical In thrco and n h.ilf f ct horizontal , while the down stream part Is of rough rock dumped In place. The earth keeps out the water , whllo the rock gives stability to the structure. The waste weirs have a capacity of 220,000 cubic feet n second , nnd have been given this unusual size In order to prevent a repe tition of the washout which occurred some months ago on aiutlicr reservoir belonging to the company. Over fltt.OOO cubic yards of rock and 107,000 cubic yards of earth were used In mak'ng the dam. nnd Us cost was $17fi,000. The reservoir formed In this way IB about nine miles long , and Its great est width Is three miles. K ght thousand ncrca nf land nre submerged , In places to n depth of fifty feet , and G.000,000.000 cubic feet of water can be stored , enough to Irrigate 80,000 acres from ono lining. The Hood waters from the river are mitllclent to fill the lake twice during the year , without counting the normal ( low of the stie.un. which Is about 230 cubic feet a second. The capacity of Irrigating reservoirs Is usually expressed In ncre feet , one acre foot being equal toI3CCO cubic feet of water. Impressed In this unit , the capacity of Lake McMillan Is 138,000 acre feet ; the Merced icservolr holds 15,000 acre feet , the Swectwatcr reservoir 18,000 acre feet , the Hear Valley reservoir 40,550 acre feet and the Long Valley reservoir 32- 910 aero fiot , all of them In California. When the Ilemct Valley dam , In the same slate. Is raised to the maximum height for which Its foundation courses are designed , It will store a supply ccjual to Lake McMillan , but at present probably the only artificial reservoir for Irrigation In the world which equals the latter Is across the 1'erlar river. In India , where a storage of 160,000 aero feet Is provided. The next largest Indian reser voir , Ilhatgiir , has u storage capacity of 12B , ' 500 acre feet. Everybody goes to Courtland today. BOSS CHOKER'S SAIL. .Summer I'ncm Hun In , ! mt for Con- irnlomT. Hoston Adtcitlxcr. Up from the streets at break of day , bring ing to Tammany fresh dismay , the affrighted air with a uhuddir bore , like a herald of woo to the wigwam's door , n terrible grumble and rumble and roar , telling the steamer had sailed from shore and Crolter was sailIng - Ing down Now York bay. The Tammany heelers turned white with fear. The Tam many sachems refused their beer. The cap tains , patrolmen and ward men , too , grow cold with fright and with rage turned blue , and oven the justices In their courts grew nervous , and 111 and out ( if sorts , ns they thought of themselves all brought to bay with Crokcr 100 good miles away. Tim Lcxow committee still sat In state , and kept asking questions from early till late. And the men who paid hush money mounted the stand and told of the blackmailer's out stretched hand. The list of the leeches was still unrolled like n serpent outstretching Its length of cold and glittering body from off Its prey : and Croker was 200 miles away. Still panted the steamer that , breasted the wave , and Croker was gone with no other to save , so the Lcxow committee kept dragging Its net nnd the roll of the black mailers grew longer yet. First , ward men were caught and then captains appeared and Tammany blustered , then shuddered and feared that at last It had como to the reckoning day and Croker 1,000 good miles away , Then the hearts of the rascals grew cold and dead , and the wigwam grow hopeless without Its head. The sachems grim terror began to feel and wondered who would bo the next to "tqueal ; " and the question fal tered on every lip : "Who next will go for a foreign trip ? " And the well-dyed hair of the bosses grow gray , and Croker was 3,000 miles away. But the pcoplo took courage and rose at last. They captured the black mailers hard and fast. They even laid hands upon Tammany hall and the wigwam fell with a mighty fall , and the Justices. ward men and captains , pale , were tried and were landed at last In jail. So the friends of good government blessed the day that Croker went sailing down Now York bay. Bathing at Courtland beach. HE WAS WILLING. A Fatigued IIunliiui'1'H Anxiety to Itnluce Diiini'Htlc Kxpt'nHCH. A portly Northslder , well known In politi cal and mercantile circles , says the Chicago cage Times , has a habit of lingering away from his homo until what the society re porter always calls "the wee sma' hours.V greatly to the chagrin of a pretty and loving wife. Although she has repeatedly up braided him for this dlsagrceablo habit ho Invariably listens with respect and beaming uood nature to her nightly curtain lectures and then rolls over and goes to sleep. Ono morning last week his night key was In serted In the front door keyhole at pre cisely 4:13 : o'clock , central tlmo. The wlfo lieard him kick a chair on his way to the stairs and she met him on the landing. rhero was blood In her eye. "Lok liero. sir , " she said , seriously. "I Mnnot stand this any longer. I should Ilko to know where you have bcon until .his hour In the morning ? You certainly mve not remained away for any good pur- ) oso. I shall lilro a 1'lnkorton detective ifter this and have you tracked , sir. " "My dear , " said the portly man sooth- ngly , "do you know what a I'lnkerton do- .ectlvo costs ? "No , and I don't care , " snapped the Irate wife. "I'll have one. " "A I'lnkerton detective will cost you $15 ; ier day , " ho said. "Now , I have a propo- iltlon to make to you , darling. Don't hlro i I'inkerton man to watch me. You glvo no $7.50 and I'll confess all. " Popular music at Courtland beach. IN A TRANCE STATE. V KunaiiH Woman Hlio Attfiidn to HrrCor- ri-Hpiilliliiiicii U'lilli ) A lc-i > | i. The medical profession In much Interested n the singular case of Mrs. Kdlth Morford. ho wife of George Morford , a grain Insptc- or who lives at 1208 North Twelfth Htroet. Kansas City , Kan. Mrs. Morfonl went InteL L trancu on the evening of thu 7th and all ifforts to arouse hci havu failed. Mrs. Mor- oril has been studying Christian science for ibout a year , and this mental exorcise , the lectors say , probably produced a peculiar lervous condition , The most peculiar fcaturo of Mrs. Mor- ord's case IB that she occasionally rises from ur bed and walks about thu house while In ler prolonged sleep. One afternoon she vent to the table and ate a few morsels ot oed , and then went to thu pump and drew , glass of water. No heed wan paid by her o members of Iho family , and not a word iapassed her lips. On another occasion .Irs. . Morford arose , and after arranging her mlr attired herself In a black dress and vent to the parlor. She gcatpd herself at ler writing table with a lilblu open before. ter , and begun writing , and though her eyes emalned closed , the lines she pcnnod wera M straight and the words as correctly formed is though written by a good penman' with loth eyeit open , Dr. Richards and Dr. .lartln . are among the oldest practitioners In he city , and they assert that this Is the nest singular case of Its nature that bau ivcr been brought to their attention , Rldo on new ntcamcr , Courtland beach ,