Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Strikes and Other Bearish Nowi Forced
Wheat Down ,
Offering * In Whcnt Were Moderately Free
From the Start I'rlce Current Sum
mary 'Was ItiUlier Ilcarlsh
Stock * mid llondft.
CHICAGO , July 5. The strike and other
bearish nc\\s forced wheat down today , and
September closed lc lower. Corn closed
Uc lower , oats fell ' /4c for July and pro
visions closed at a slight advance.
Wheat today was weaker , the general
dullness , Indifferent cables , extension of the
strike and crop news , all tended to create
a bearish tone , and the offerings were mod
erately free from the start. The state and
weather bulletins were favorable and the
Prlco Current summary was rather bearish.
Opening tradej showed a % ® % o decline
from Monday's final figures , and soon sold
down % © ' /4o more , rallied ftc. eased off
lc , changed some and closed easy. Trade
was dull.
Corn was firm early on good demand , but
weakened later with wheat. The range was
% c.
Oats was were very strong early on the
prospects of a reduction In stock ? , but weak
ened later with wheat and corn. The range
for July was 3c.
Provisions were very dull , but steady on a
scarcity of offerings. Compared with Mon
day night September pork Is unchanged ,
September lard Co higher and September
ribs 2Vic higher.
Freights at Ic for wheat and corn to Buf
falo. , .
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
none ; corn , 4 cars ; oats , 4 cars ; hogs , un
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cash quotations were as follows :
WHEAT No. 2 sprlnc , 56'/ic : No. S spring ,
nominal ; No. 2 red , M'/ic. '
COUN-No. 2 , Gl'/ic ; No. 3 yellow , c.
OATS No. 2 , 48c ; No. 2 white , WQWc ; No.
I white , 47K > c.
IIYD N.I. 2 , KttKc.
( lAIlLKY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , nominal ;
No. 4 , nominal.
"FLAX Bii3D No. 1 , UO.
1'IIOVISIONS Moss pork , per Lbl. , $12.42140
12.45 ; lard , per 100 ll > 8. . J6.76ifC.77V4 : short ribs
lrles ( loosp ) . 5007(466.80 ( ; dry salted shoulders
( boxed ) , $ : .62 O5.87i4 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) ,
. . .
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
BljaAUS Unchanged.
The following wuru tlio receipt * ana shipments
for today :
Yesterday's Quotation ! on Flour , Grain and
Provisions , Metals , Etc.
NDW YOHK. July 6. FLOtm Receipts , B.700
bbls. ; exports. 3,500 bbls. ; sales , 10,000 pkgs.
Market dull and weak ; spring patents flat and
winter wheat neglected. Southern flour , dull.
Rye flour firm. Tluikwheat flour , nominal.
CORN MEAL Quiet ; sales 300 bbls. ; yellow
western , J2.5 < if2.SO ; Urandywlne , $2.80.
ItYn-Nomlnnl ; state , 65c.
HAHLEY Nominal.
MAULEY MALT Steady ; western , 68SOc ;
Canada , 909Dc ; six-rowed , 82S5c.
W1IRAT Ilecclpts , 144,000 bu. ; exports , 154,000
bu. ; sales , 1,600,000 bu. futures and 18,000 bu.
spot. Spot market weak ; No. 2 red In store and
tlovntor , CDVJc ; afloat , GOTtc. Options opened
weak under lower cables and big crop estimate
of the Cincinnati Price Current , and after a
very dull spell sold oft sharply In the afternoon
on lower late cables nnd heavy liquidation ;
closed USeiVio down. July. 60548003-160 ;
August , 60ViQCO4o. closed at 60c ; September ,
HUc ; December , 65UW6 5-16c , closed at 63Jic.
COUN Ilecelpts , 91,000 bu. ; exports , 18,000 bu. ;
salei , 19,000 bu. futures nnd 68,000 bu. spot.
Spot market quiet ; No. 2. 4Cc In elevator ; 46 > 4if
46'4c alloat. Option market opened firmer on
the August decrease In western receipts , but
later weakened with wheal ; close , He down.
July , 45K46c , closed at ? ic ; August. 4G'V3 >
46ic , closed at 46Mc ; September , 40i47c.
closed at 4Gic.
OATS necclpts , 112.000 bu. ; exports , 100 bu. ;
sales , 145.000 bu , futures and 1,000 bu , spot ,
ppot market firmer on mixed ; No. 2 , SOVic ; No.
i , delivered. OOIjOl c ; No. 3. 43fflOHc ; No. 2
white , 62o bid ; No. 3 wliite , 61c. nominal ; track
white , western. 52V Qi7c ! ; track white state ,
l2'/iO57c. Option market opened steady , but
teen turned weak on fall selling nnd closed
at UOHc net decline. July , 45K@ iVic , closed at
45io ; August. 3liI35Hc ( , closed at 31 c ; Sep
tember , 3.ff33c ! , closed nt 33c.
HAY Dull ; shipping , J6 ; good to choice , 17.00
HOPS Irregular ; state , common to choice ,
JfflUc ; Pacino coast , lOQllc.
IIIDHS Inactive ; wet nailed New Orleans se
lected. 45 to 63 Ins. , 4',4t4c ; Texas selected. 35
to M His. , 4Q5c ; Texas , dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. , DVfec.
LKAT1I1IU Dull ; hemlock sole , Buenos Ayres ,
light to heavy weights , IMYlSc.
WOOL Dull ; UomcsUo fleece. 1923o ; pulled ,
PROVISIONS Reef quiet. Cut meats steady ;
pickled bellies. 7 { f8c ; pickled shoulders , Bfii
to ; pickled hams , lOftiU'llc. Lard , nominal ,
higher ; western steam closed at (7.30 ; Julv ,
17,80 , nominal ; refined easier : continent , } 7.b5 ;
B. A. , S7.8S ; compound , Cc. Pork firmer : new
mess , I14.00014.2J : extra prime , I12.00R13.00
family. ll.f.OiJ15.00 ; short clear , J13.COfnn.00.
UUTl'RR Quiet ; 'western ' dairy , 10V414'/4c ' ;
western creamery , 14018o ; western factory. 9W ©
Ho ; iiglnn. ISc ; state dairy , 1217Kc ; state
creamery , IWlSe.
CHUUSi : I'lrmcr ; state , large. 7C8ic ; small
fancy , 7O8Hc ; part skims , 2JHJDe ; full skims ,
uaas Firmer ; state and Pennsylvania , Us ?
14Uo : western , fresh , 13 llc : southern , cases ,
| 1.75 3.00. Receipts , 10.271 pkgs.
TALIXMV Firmer ; 4 6-lOc for city ( | 2 per
pku. ) ; country ( pKgs. free ) , 4 7-lCc , as to quality.
1'L.TROLr.tJM-Dull ; United closed at 8Jc
Esked : Washington , bbls. , } 0 ; Waslilngton. In
tilk , I3.CO ; Philadelphia and Ilaltlmore. J3.10 ;
riilladelplil.i nnd Daltlmore , In bulk , 12,55.
ROSIN Quiet ; strained , common to good , $1.35
61.40. *
Tlini'UNTINC-Qulet at SOHfflSlc.
RICi : Hleady : domestic , fair to extra , 4'tC
l c ; Japan , 4 iO5'tc.
MOLAHSUS-Hleaily ; New Orleans , open ket
tle , good to choice , 23036e.
tUIJO ? 4"tMIUMi Bcotch' 13-w3-5 ( ' : Amerl-
can (
C'o6pl > kuFirm ; lake. JJ.50.
1-.KAD Strong ; domestic. J3.10.
TIN-Qulct ; Btralts , JU.W ; plates , market
SPKLTKR-Steady ; domestic. J3.37H bid ; sales
on 'change , 1 car spot lead. I3.42H , and 2 cars
July lead ut 13.45 ; 6 tons July tin , 119.35.
COTTON BUUO OIL-Dull and nominal.
CiilTco Miirkot.
NI3W YORK , July B. COFFnEOptlons
opened steady at unchanged prices to 5 points
Advance , ruled fairly active on Kuropran and
Ilaltlmore buying , and clcsed steady at 5 points
Up to 6 points decline ; sales , 12.000 bags. Includ
ing August , JI4.80JU4.95 ; September , $11,20 ; Octo
ber. $13.75 : December. $13.20W13.M. Spot coffee ,
Rio , quiet ; No , 7 , ICHc : mild , quiet ; Cordova ,
19U19UC. Warehouse deliveries , July 3 , 4.631
bags ; New York stock today , 97,120 bags ; United
States stock. 182.333 bags ; afloat for th United
Elates , 198.000 bags ; total visible for th United
Glates , 330.333 lags , against 465.107 bags last tear ,
( SANTOS , July C. Finn ; good average Santos.
$17 ; receipts , 8,000 bags ; stock. 4J.OOO bass
cleared , July 3. 8,000 bags.
MAMlll'lUl. July 6. Market , as compared with
July 3 , closed U prg. higher to U pfK. loner ;
ales , r.OOJ bags.
HAVRK. July 5. Closed yesterday at net adVance -
Vance at Ufi opened today steady at Wf decline ;
at 3 p. in. burely steady ; prices unchanged ns
compared with closing of Iht ? 3.1 ; closed without
further change : total sales , 13.0UO bag * .
RIO UK JANEIRO. July B.-Market Inactive :
rrlcrs nominal : exchange , 9 7-lCd ; receipts , 4,000
bci cleurnl for the United States , 4.000 bags ;
tock , 11I.OCK ) t > ag ; cleared July 3. 13.000 b e .
\Vool Murknt.
ItOHTON , Mais , , July ( . The American Wool
end Cotlun lt < rport r tars of tha wool market :
Ttier * U more wool sclllnir. Several large mills
b v purclM nl freely of X and above territory
wools on l-Jil of JOc to Ko scoured. A large
sal * of cnurr < ! I'ullfornla and Oregon In original
p4Lckct * h < s also been made and considerable
uniutitbajilaUc and XX Ohio has bten picked
UP , Tl > * prlnilpal sale , however , has b tn of
bxjtJV , U/J IU. of tight months' Texas. The
dux * ( .tout ilcaJy , will ) prlc < uu-
Ciiangeil. New wooli are pUnllfut , but the great
rallioad itrikc In the west has shut oft further
receipts , Pulled wools are moving : n little better
but f 01 den wool * of all kind * ore meeting ultli
n x ry narrow market For thr six montln
tndlnir this \\ttk there has been ( old In Ilwt.-n
.9 .300 lb . of wool , nn ngnlnsl t .e22,8SO I K
for the minf perlfNl in 1WJ. Thin In n ilcrrM < !
of S.TII.SM lb . The sales of the week have In
creased from l.CI.VW last eek to 4.JJIVO fi r
the wc k under review. Th unles for the week
In New York iiKftrcKatc 440,000 lb. . The sales
for the week In Philadelphia aggregate 13,8M
lb .
ST. IXtIIS , July 5.WOOISleady , quiet ; unchanged -
changed ,
UMAIIA ( JiNI'.lt.VL : MAItKBTi ) .
Condition of Tr do nnd O.m > tntlont on
fatupln mill 1'iincy I'rtiililcu.
The demand for mo t lines of produce , was
rather light anil the general market slow and
Thi ! market on both bultcr and eggs had the
appearance of being weak.
I1UTTI2R The mnlkct on packing stock Is
itlll quotable at lOc , but some buyers arc said
to bo weakening a little and not to be as anx
ious for It as they nere.
EaaS The CRR market has not shown much
change for th > > past week , 9c being the general
price. Commission men complain that shippers
are sending In a good many poor eggs , and that
the work of candling them out Is no small Item.
LIVH POULTRY The general poultry market
Is slow. Old hens lire not very plenty , and
ought to be In pretty good demand , but It Is not
safe to quote them at over otic. Spring chickens
are quite plenty ? nnd lOc Is the outside price.
The doninnd for geeic and ducks Is very light.
and what few nro arriving are mostly birds that
have been plucked , anil , In consequence , not
very desirable. Duclm , 7c ; hen turkeys , 70S > ! ;
gobblers , fiKCc ; geese , S'.iBCo.
VUAL The receipts arc not very heavy , but
the ueiithor In so warm t'.iat It would be Im
possible for the ri'colver to be \ ry Independent ,
Choice fat and email veals arc quoted ut 5',40Ce ;
coarvc nnd Lirgp , 3fTk' .
CIinnHi : Thi-rc l WHIP \ory choice Wiscon
sin cheese on thi > innikct. WlytonHn , full crrnm.
new mnl > < * . Hlfillo. .N'obnisl.ii and Io a , full
cream , ! ij10o , NcbrnMui nnd Iowa , part
iiklmii , CifTc , LlmbiiiKi-r. No. 1 , lOc ; brick. No. 1 ,
lOc. Hwlsn , No. 1 , 13trHc.
HAY Reci-'pts ' me much In excess of the ilr-
nmnil , but tinui" | < lblllty nf the railroad ! ) beliiK
tied up kcppi prlci-H up. Upland buy. t .W : mid
land , $ S , Innlnnd , J" 50 , r.\e Hlniw. JO. Demand
fair ; supply fn'i. ' Color mukc th best price on
liny Llxht balea sell the best. Only tcp grades
bring Inp prli'e" .
PlonoNS The gun clubs are not uilng n"
many since the neat'ier became BO warm. Old
birds , per doz. , tl 0001. 2" > .
It will be noted from the quotations below
that the potnto maiket Is firmer. The strikes
on the railroads west ha > e cut off the supply
from California and only southern slock Is to
be had nt the pictcnt lime. AB there Is no
great supply the maiket Is working upward.
The toinntoos that are now being received
from MfsBlpnlppI me very Hue.
The geni-inl maiKet on vegetables was not
much chanced yesterday.
POTATOES Tin- supply Is light and the mar
ket firm at SOfi'jOc.
MnLONS-C.ood slock , $20 00021.00.
CANTALOUPKS Cantaloupes are arriving on
the market. On orders , $1.50 per doz.
DinTS New beets , per doz. bunches , 20g25c ,
on order * .
CUCI.'MIinnS-On ciders , 40Mc per doz.
GREEN PHPPERS Texas gicen peppers , per
H bu , box , 75c.
OLD IJUANS Hand picked navy , $2.15S2.25 ;
medium naxy , $2.0032.10 ; common white beans ,
SQUASH Summer squash , on orders , 75c per
ONIONS On orders , California , 2c per Ib.
CAUBAGK Good shipping stock , on orders ,
ASPARAGUS Good home giown stock , scarce
at 40f.Vo ) per doz. , on orders.
TOMATOHS-Good shipping stock , per 4 basket
crate. $1.40.
NI1W UHANS Wax. per U bu. basket , 60c ;
string , pur U bu. basket , EOc.
PEAS Good stock , per bu. , $1.23.
CAULIFLOWER-Cholce stock , per doz. , $1.25
CARROTS New southern carrots , per doz.
buncheu , SOfiWc.
PARSLEY On orders , per doz. bunches , 50
TURNIPS New home grown , per bu. , 50c ;
homo grown , per doz. bunches , 2SJJ30c.
There were no fresh receipts of California
fruits yesterday , and consequently no auction
sale. Supplies of all kinds of California fruits
are running very low and the market will soon
be bare unless there are fiefh receipts.
The market was well supplied with black
berries nnd It was choice stock.
STRAWHCIIRIEH Nona reported received.
CHERRIES California choice stock , $1.
APPLES California , per DO-lb. crate , $1.25 ;
southern , per fc-bu. box , 60c.
APRICOTS Good shipping Block. $1.50.
BLACKHERRinS Good stock , $3.
IJLACK RASPllKRRIES Good stock , $3.
RED RASPtlERRIES-Shlpplng stock , per 24-
qt. case. $5.
PDACHUS California peaches , ' good stock ,
PLUMS Only a few Callfrnla plums are
coining as > et , and they range In price from
$1.5002.50 per box , according to size of the fruit
nnd variety.
PRUNKS A few boxes of prunes are arriving
from California , and are worth about $2.0002.23
per box.
FIGS A fc v California figs have arrived.
They are quoted at $1.50.
PEARS Callfoinla pears , good shipping stock ,
BANANAS An usual when berries nnd other
fruits are on the market the demand for bananas
Is not very heavy. Choice stock. $2.00@2.50.
LEMONS Fancy lemons , 300 size , $5 ; fancy
lemons , 3CO size , l f choice lemons , SCO size , } 4 50.
ORANGES California mediterranean Sweets
are to be had on the at $3.75.
PINEAPPLES There Is a fair supply of Flor
ida pineapples on the market nt $1.50 per doz. ,
or $7.00Q7.50 per crate of about six dozen.
FIGS Fancy , per Ib. , 12' < . il5c.
DATES llnllowees , 65 to 70-lb. boxes , per Ib. ,
HONEY California. lEc ; dark honey. 10ffll2c.
MAPLE SVIUIP Gallon cans , per doz. , $12.
NUTS Almonds , 1517c ; English walnuts , 100
12o ; fllbcrts. 12c ; Brazil nuts , lOc.
CIDEll Pure juice , per bbl. , $6 ; half bbl. ,
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 2Hc ; No. 1 green
salted hides , 3c ; No. 2 green salted hides. 2o ;
No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , Cc ; No. 2 veal
calf. 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. . 4c ; No. 1 dry flint hides.
60 ; No. 2 dry flint hides , 3c ; No. 1 dry salted
hides , 4c ; port cured hides , Uc per Ib. less than
fully cured. *
SHEEP PELTS-Oreen called , each. 23G60c ;
srecn salted shearlings ( shorl-wooled early skins ) ,
each , CQISc : dry shearlings ( short-woolcd early
skins ) , No. 1 , each , 610e ; dry shearlings ( nliort-
wooled early skins ) , No. 2 , each , 5c ; dry flint ,
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per
Ib. . actual weight , C8c ; dry flint , Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight , 4J6c ; dry flint , Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 47o ; dry flint.
Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight. 46c.
TALLOW AND GREASE Tallow. No. 1 , 4j )
4Hc ; tallow , No. 2 , 3U3Vic ; grease , white A.
4Wc ; grease , white n , 4c ; grease , yellow , 3o ;
grease , dark , 2V4c ; old butler. 2ffi2 ! c ; beeswax ,
prime , ISffllSo ; rough tallow , 2c.
St. I.oum Gviiorul Murknt.
ST. LOUIS , July B. FLOUR Slow but firm.
WHEAT Was raided down Tie early , ralllM
Uc , declined again and closed WitZc off ; No.
3 red. cash. 55Vic : July , BIKe ; August , 63Vic ;
September. B-Hi0ic. : ;
CORN Strong early , but wheat heaviness ulti
mately caused a loss of WSio ( In the day's
prices ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 40V4o ; July , 391Jc ;
September , 38ff39c.
OATS Firm early , weak later ; No. 2 cash ,
45o ; July. 34e ; August , 28ic : September , 23c.
RYH-No. 2. this side , B3',4c.
I1ARLEY No trading.
HRAN East track , Clc.
FLAX HIED : $1.15.
HAY Prlmo to choice timothy , $10.00011.00.
BUTTER Higher ; separator creamery , 15017c.
EflflS 74c.
SPlLTER3.17V4. : .
CORN MKA1/-.10S2.J5.
WHIKKY $1.18.
BAGOINfl flt jc.
PROVISIONH-PIrm , higher. Pork , standard
mean. Jobbing , $13.37H. Lnrd. prime steam , $6.55 ;
choice , J6.05. Dry salt meats , loose shoulders ,
$6.25 ; longs and ribs. $11.70 ; shorts. $0.81. Bacon ,
packed shoulders , $7 ; longs , $7,37V4i ribs , $7.50 ;
shorts. $7.62'i 7.75.
RECEIPTS Flour , 2,000 bbls. ; wheat , 64,000
bu. ; corn , CD.000 bu. ; oats , 31.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 5.UOO bu. ; wheat , 1,000 bu. ;
com , 5,000 bu. ; oats , 2.000 bu ,
< ; iilciin | 1'rult { juotiitlons.
CHICAGO , July B. Porter Bros , company.
Chicago , sold at auction today , four cars of
California fruit : Royul uprlcots , $1.45 ; Montga-
ineli , Jl.l'Jffl.W ' ; St. John peaches. $1.60 ; Hairs ,
too to $ I.BO ; Tragedy prunes. $1.03521.76 ; Royal
Hellve iilums , $1.1081,23 ; Blmonl prunes , $2.4) ;
peach plums. $1.23 S.SO ; Ilurbank plums , ' $1.83 ;
Rartlctt pears , J1.W2.M ; Astraclmn apples , $1.20
Porter Bros , company. New York , sold today
three cars of California fruit : Hales peaches ,
$2.03tf2.SO ; St. Catherine plums , $1.BOO1.B5 ; Royal
apri'ots , $ l,25ifl.65 ; poach plums , $2.35M2. ! > 0 ;
Tragedy prunes. $2.4002.75 ; Royal Anne cherries.
TOcJjJl.75. Three curs of fruit sold gross for
The Carl Fruit company , Chicago , sold Cali
fornia fruit at auction thU morning , rcallz ng
the following prices : Ilartlett pears , J1.M82.CO :
Astrnchan apples , JI.10fll.C5 ; Royal apricots ,
$1. Q1.40 ; Alexander peaches , $1.2301.43 ; St.
Catherine plums , $1.10.
Liverpool Mur'int * .
LIVERPOOL. July B.-WHKAT-Qultt ; de.
mand. moderate ; holders offer moderately : No.
!' .4" . 1 > M < { to 12Ji r 'l western spring ,
4s slid western , wlnttr , 4s 7)i ) ( *
JtCO N Firm ; demand fair ; new mlxtd spot.
PROVI8IONS-B f. extra India mess. M. d.
Pork , prime mess. 66s 3d. llacon. long and
short clear , 64 Ibs. , Us long clear , 45 Ibs. .
$ > . Lard , prime western , 85s.
Cotton Market.
S-jr ; 5 COTTON-Steadyj
receipts , 700 bal.s : exports to
, " , ock' .M'M1 t i * ! futurw ,
. i AU-
fl .9J. January , $ ,5Sa700i Febnmrr , $7.M07n ( ,
March , $7.10ft7JJ April. $7 ICff ? 18 ,
fit LOUIS , July t - COTTON-Stcady ; mlddllnjr.
7 1 16e , tales , 100 bales , receipts , nones shlpmcntu ,
none ) sleek , 33 , < WO tales.
NEW YORK , July t.-SUOAR-naw , flrm ;
sales , 11.740 bngs CUbn rcntrlftignl , S8 test , nt
3 Ho a. and f , and c. I. f. Port nt breakwater :
150 lilids. St. Crolx Muscovndi afloat at 2 11-lCo
ex-ship ; 4.300 bngs Cuba molamcs sugar , 2 7-tCc , "
c. I. f. Refined , quiet : No. 9 , 3HC3 9-lCci.No.
10. 1 C-16tJ3Vic : No. II , 3 J-lC 3Hc.
LONDON , July f.-SUGAR Cnnc , dull : ccn-
trlfunnl Java , 13s 3d ; Muscovado , fair rcilnlns ,
lls 9d.
Mlllllrilpdlls Whnlt
MINNEAPOLIS. July 6.-Wheat was dull
todny. Moit of the mills are closed , being una
ble to eet grain. Receipts Were 123,000 bu. ;
shipments , 5,000 bu. The market closed : July ,
B9o ; September , 5GTd067c ; December , B8Hc : on
track , No. 1 hard , Clc ; No. 1 northern , Mic ;
No. 2. 89Uc.
Flour veiy dull : product about 10,000 bbls. ;
shipments , 33.183 bbls. : prices ranged from 13.30
to $1.(0 for patents ; $2 to S2.M for bakers.
Diilntli ( Initn .Murttrt.
DULUTH , July B.-WHiAT-Close : I wer ;
No. 1 hard , cnsh and July , C2'.4o ' ; No. 1 northern ,
canh and July , Clc ; September , 69e ! December ,
60Hc ; No. 2 nurtltern , cash , 68c ; No. 8 , B2c ; re
jected , 49c ; to arrive : No. 1 northern , 61Uc.
Car' Inspection for three days Wheat , 130
oars ; oats , 4 cm p.
RECEIPTS Wheat , C0.500 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Whenl. 28.000 bu.
Kniiims City Mnrki > t .
2 hard , 48ff48ic ! ; No. 2 red , 4SCI9C ; No. 3 red ,
COIlN4o hlfher ; No. 2 mixed.6HW3651c : N >
2 white , 4uHflOiu. ! , . _
OATS lo to 2c higher ; No. 2 mixed , 3281
33c * No. 2 while , 3Jc. .
BUTTER Firm ; creamery , 14ei5c ; dairy , 12 ®
He.EGGSDull and weak ; Cc.
Oil .MurluiH.
OIL CITY , 1'n. , July B. National Transit cer-
tlllcates opened nt SSSJe ; hlKhest , 83T4c ; lowest ,
S14c ; closed nt 8Jc. Sales , 1,000 bbls. ; ship
ments. 3d and 4th , 13S,6SO bbls. ; runs , 3d and 4th ,
112,700 bblu.
PITTSHURO , July B.-Nntlonal Transit cer
tificates opened nt 8JHc : cloned at 83T4o ; hlghesl ,
S3I4P ; lowest , E3Sc. No sales.
New York llry 4nm < U Market.
NEW YORK. July 5. Them was no life to
the demand yet for some autumn specialties ,
some orders were placed for later delivery. The
shipments of goods was more contracted to. the
more distant points , but lo nearer points theip
was little Inlenupllons. Business was ofeiy
limited proportions. Nothing doing In print
cloths. _
Trlsco Wlicut niiotiilliiiis.
December , Jl.01'4 ; new selleis , OCc.
London Was Factor In Domestic Specu-
liitlon Yesterday.
NEW YORK , July 5. London was a large
factor In the share speculation today , the
strength of the marlcet for American se
curities In that city and the good buying
for the foreign account on the exchange
presenting a more healthy tone and Im
parting confidence to the trading. While
there was very llttlo of comfort In the general -
oral press dispatches as to the condition
of the strike , the traders had private ad
vices which gave much encouragement , and
the buying of the railway list was based
on the belief that the beginning of the end
of the strike was near. However , the deal
ings were not large , despite the very gen
eral feeling the strikers would hnvo to give
In. There Is no desire to accumulate lines
under existing circumstances. There was ,
perhaps , more covering of short contracts
than purchasing for the long account , but
London houses gathered In some good sized
blocks of stock of St. Paul and small lots
of Louisville & Nashville , Atchlson end
Missouri Pacific. At the opening the mar
ket was strong , and prices generally showed
advances on the closing llgures of Tues
day. Sugar was an exception , and under
tha Influence of a selling movement de
clined steadily all day , with only an oc
casional slight recovery , and closed at the
lowest point touched , 4 per cent below Tues
day's final sales. Houses with Washington
connections were among the heaviest sel
lers of the shares , the depression therein
being mainly due to the fact of the tacking
on to the tariff bill of an amendment pro
hibiting trusts from Importing merchandise
or products. It was rumored that a deter
mined effort would be made In the house
by the anti-trust party to cut out the pro
tective clause of the sugar schedule. The
general market was not effected In the early
dealings by the weariness of Sugar , but
moved upward an additional fraction. Pull
man broke 2 % per cent on sales of 200
share lots. The trading , whllo light In
volume , and with the exception of a de
cline of 1 per cent In Lead preferred , nar
row fluctuations , was flrm In tone up to 1
o'clock , at which tlmo Pullman had re
covered 1 per cent of Its early loss. In
the last half hour the speculation was weak
and prices reacted % © % per cent , except
Pullman , which .regained an additional 1 per
cent. At the close the tone of the mar
ket was rather easier , but a majority of
the shares traded In showed an Improve
ment ranging from % to 1 % Per cent.
Railroad bonds were dull , but generally
The Evening Post soys : Expectations
that the western laborers' revolt against the
business community would end before today
were disappointed. Dut proof that our gov
ernment has both the will and the power
to protect Its citizens against Insurrection
have meantime multiplied. As this display
of prompt resolution In repression of anarchy
and Industrial conspiracy Is a momentous
Incident In our government's history , so the
present course of prices Is a memorable
chapter In the market. What Is perhaps
most noteworthy Is the Immediate recogni
tion by foreign Investors of the reassuring
turn In events.
The following are the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
Now York Money Marltot.
Casy at 1 per cent ; last loan 1 per c nt ; closed
ut 1 per cent.
STEULINO nXCIIANOB Steady , with actual
business In bankers' bills at Jt.SS'4 for demand
and at JI.S7H ( or sixty days : posted rates ,
tl.88O4.89Vi ; commercial bills. I4.SCU.
GOVERNMENT 1IONDS Steady. State bonds ,
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows ;
Receipts Somowlm'j.Bottcr , but Still Far
Behind LaaliTWeck's Fignres.
a A ,
Active Demand nnil iVuiit Supply Send HMs
Up 1O tn 15 Ct'IIH-IIi > KS Also Score
Sotcrul 1'olntft Up Unilcr Sltul-
The total numbVr at cars received were
tlio largest of any day BO fur this week ,
There were , however , more cattle than hogs.
Thus far this week there has been n fulling
off In the receipts as compared with last
week of 0,000 hogs and 1,400 cattle.
There were In tlio yards today 153 cars
of fresh receipts of cattle , Including those
which arrived July 4. About one-half ol
this number , that Is , about 1,600 head , were
consigned direct to the pnckors , so that
the actual offerings on the market were
comparatively Email. The shippers did not
attempt to do much on account of the dif
ficulty of getting stock through to the cast.
Tlio packers , however , were good buyers
and were not very long In cleaning up the
yards at an advance of lOc to 16c over Tues
day's prices.
The offerings of butchers' stock were very
light , but what few there were brought
stronger prices.
Stackers and feeders were more plentiful ,
but the demand was not overly active. The
country demand from the east and north
has been cut off by the strikes , but still
yard buyers took hold pretty well at steady
to sttong prices. Representative sales :
Vo. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r No. Av Pr
IS. . . . 000 J3 00 75. . . .1274 14 45 77. . . .1231 II 70
1..IOOO 300 63. . . . 1095 4 43 1..1400 4 TO
2. . . . 765 323 39. . . .1214 445 IS. . .1396 470
1. . . . 950 3 CO 19. . . .1151 4 GO 40. . . .1043 470
17. . . . 093 425 80. . . .1251 460 61. . . .1235 470
2. . . . S10 425 C2..1215 455 18. . . .1533 470
1U0..1109 4 25 ES..136G 4 . ' .5 94. . . .1202 4 70
7. . . .1091 4 30 34. . . .1282 4 CO 35. . . .1593 4 75
2G..H10 4 30 C1..1073 4 60 35..1C6I 4 75
5. . . .1270 430 IS. . . .1351 4 CO 33. . . .13d 475
20. . . .1241 430 2J..10J7 4 CO 102. . . .1325 475
22. . . .1318 43' 21. . . .1301 4 C5 21..12C9 410
97..11CG 4 40
7. . . . 842 165 1. . . . 830 200 M. . . . 765 2 S3
1..1200 175 1..1030 220 21. . . . C77 235
1. . . . 960 175 9. . . . 912 225 2. . . . S85 C 35
1..1070 1 85 1. . . . 920 2 25 1. . . . 880 2 75
1. . . . 630 1 60 7. . . . 695 1 75
1. . . . 240 3 00 2. . . . 135 S 60 1. . . . 160 4 60
2. . . .1300 2 00 1. . . . 600 2 23 . . . .1535 2 76
1. . . . 940 2 10
2. . . . 690 185 S. . . . 630 265 11. . . . Col 2 5
2. . . . 880 200 4. . . . 430 265 133. . . . 605 300
17. . . . 610 265 10. . . . 774 2 85 44. . . . J78 320
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
27 feeders. . . . 969 J3 23 1 bull . 1630 2 10
1 bull . 1620 210 1 bull . 1430 210
1 bull . 17CO 210 S steers . 1320 275
1 cow . 1100 2 85 1 cow . 930 2 85
1 cow . 9SO 285 J cows . 1063 285
33 steers . 1373 310 1 steer . 14IX ) 365
8 steers . 1205 365 14 steers . 1067 365
1 steer . 1000 365 1 steer . 1160 365
8 steers . 1150 365 6 steers . 1192 S 65
1 steer . 1400 865 - - 1 steer . 1250 365
1 steer . 1230 3 65 if a 3 steers . 1070 365
ISEtccrs . 1152 3 65
HOGS There were itwenty-nlne cars , or
2,000 head of hogs In the yards. The ship-
pars , who have not been doing much slnco
the strike commenced , had urgent orders
and were the principal buyers. The mar
ket opened actlvp , and the hogs were all
sold before 7 o'clock In the morning. Boston
was the largest buyer. Prices took a Jump
upwards of IGc tp 20c at least , the close
being strong at the highest point. Repre
sentative sales : '
No. Av. Sh. Pr.V * < No. Av. Sh. Pr.
6 . 90 . . . $470 64 . 233 12054
10 234 120 470 ' 63 265 . .
7 252 40 4 70' J 72 221 80
9 266 . . . 470 67 236 160
65 184 40 4 70& 72 213 . . .
6 228 . . . 475 69 248 120
72 179 200 475 303 . . .
61 210 0 4SO , . , ' .C 62 , 262 200
85 209 200 4 60 67 MS 80
68 234 40 480. . 75 237 280
76 S21 200 4 80 78 216 80
64 227 . . . 4 80 72 233 160
3 373 . . . 4 80 65 235 40
81 214 ICO 4 80 C6 239 40
2 340 . . . 4 SO 77 235
4 350 „ . 4 SO 60 262 ICO 90
75 232 150 4 SSV4 8 201 . . . 90
70 223 160 4 85 6 218 . . . 90
75 239 . . . 4 85 74 224 160 4 90
07 210 SO 485 61 200 40 4 95
S 182 . . . 4 85
1 430 . . . 350 1 280 . . . 460
1 212 . . . 450 1 310 40 4 CO
SHEEP There Is not much doing In the
snoop market for the want of supplies. The
market Is strong. Fair to good natives
are quotable at $2.7E3.25 ; fair to good
westerns , ? 2.50@3.15 ; common and stock
sheep , ? 2.00@2.25 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lt )
lambs at $2.50@3.85.
Kansas City Llvo Stock Market.
KANSAS CITY , July 5.-CATTLE-Recelpts ,
11,100 head ; shipments , 600 head. Market opened
steady , closed dull , VXSKc lower ; Texas steers ,
(2.00 3.35 ; beef ulcers , J3.B5f4.95 ; native cows ,
tl.00ij3.35 : stackers and feeders , 12.7003.00 ; bulls ,
12.00 313.00.
HOGS Receipts , 4,200 head ; shipments. 400
head. Market opened 10i20c higher , closed lOo
lower than the opening.llulli of sales , J5.05 ®
6.16 ; heavies. i5.05Q5.20 ; packers , J5.10ffo.20 ;
mixed , t4.95Q5.15 ; lights , { 4.9005.10 ; Yorkers ,
J5.054T5.10 ; pigs , $4.7003.05.
8HEE1' Receipts , 400 head ; shipments , none.
Market steady.
No Live Stock Markvt In Chicago.
CHICAGO , July 5. Nothing In the shape of a
bullock reached the stock yards today. A few
loads of the cattle received Monday and still un
sold were scattered around In the different divi
sions , but there was no market ; not a quotable
one , at least.
In sheep quotations range from SI.50 to 13.75
for sheep , and from S3 to S3 for spring Iambs.
There were still about 2,000 hogs In
the rale pens , all In speculators' hands. Only a
small part of them were sold , as they were held
above the views of buyers. Quotations , nominal.
St. LoulH Live .Stork Miirknt
ST. LOUIS , July 6.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 1,800
head ; shipments , none. Market strong and
higher ; native cows and heifers , S2.303.00j Texas
steers , light. J2.Wg2.25.
HOGS Receipts , 1,200 head ; shipments , none.
Market lOWISc higher ; strong. No heavy hogs on
sale ; medium to fair light , S5.1005.30 ; pigs ,
S4.90 and below ,
BI1KEP Receipts , 500 head ; shipments , none.
Market higher ; common to fair native sheep ,
S3.1003.50 ; fair to good lambs , S4.25Qi.60.
Now York Ll\o Htoclc Miirkot.
NEW YORK , July 6.-BEEVES-Recelpts. 100
head ; market very quiet ; demand very moder-
atg ; prices sternly ; common to prime itlllcrs ,
S4.o005.12K , Inferior to medium natlv * crass
teers , I4.S504.75 ; prime corn fed , S5.60.
SHEEP AND LAMHS Receipts , 12,000 head ;
market demoralized ; sheep , lie lower ; lambs , It ®
Ko lower ; sheep , poor to prime , S2.7504.23 ; lambs ,
Inferior to choice , S4.5005.50.
HOGS Receipts , 900 head ; market very strong :
Inferior to good hogs , S5.7506.25.
the Dank of Ennlnnd show * the followlne
Total rttftvc , decrease , (1,1)1,004) ( ) circulation
Increase , fMS.OOO ; bullion , decrease , (412,13) , .
other Securities Increase , ( I.413.000 , other dr-
posllt , InctTatf , I36S.COO ; public drposlls , In-
cr se , tlJSS.ooO. notes reset ve , flccreasc , II f3 >
00) ; irovernmcnt secuiltlts , Incren'p. C3.000.0fl.
The proportion of the Hank -ot llnglnnd re-
nerve lo liability Is W.C3.
PARIS. July G. The wet lily statement of the
llnnlt or IMrU shows tin1 folloulilK changes
compared nidi lust neekl Notes In circulation
Increase , 73SMOOOf ; trcnmry nccounlK , do-
crt-are , 82.3i ,000f ; cold In hnnd , Incn-nso. 2t-
OVOOOf. blllf dlnrauntvd , decicano , M,139l 0f |
silver in hand , decrrane , l,075,000f.
Rin Kr.rirUuci 'Mliilii qnntiitlon. :
SAN PKANCISCO , July B.-Tho omchl clo InT
quotations for mlntu/ sto.'i'.n to I ly wjrj nt f ji
lOWH !
riimnrlal Notm.
MnMPHIS , July C. New York exchange sell
ing at | 1.SO.
IIOSTON. July B.-Clentlngs. J10T56.Sa3 ; bal
nncoj , } l,0(3,611. ( .
IUI/n.MOUn. July S.-Clearlngs. J3.233.4I4
balances , (467.0X
NRW YOltK. July B.-Clcarlngs , J110 MS.033
balances , J < J,721."GU.
LONDON , July 5. The price of Bold at Iluends
Ayres today la : C3.
PARIS , July S. Three per cent rente * , lWf (
SOc for the account ,
PIIILADRU'IIIA , July 5.-Ctcai-lng , IZ,1 1.-
835 ; balances , il,7i' > ti,31S.
CINCINNATI , July 6. New Vnrk exchange
UiSXc premium. Clciu Ink's , $2,237,00' ) .
LONDON , July 5. The Hank of England's
rate of rxImiiKe Is unchaiiKi'd nt 5 pur cent.
LONDON , July 5. The nnmimt of bullion
withdrawn from the Hank of Uugland on bal
ance today IH II..OO ) .
WASHINGTON , Julv 5. The co h balance
In the trcanury WHS $115.T09,3J,1 , of which JCI-
742,733as Kold leHervc.
HAN rilANt'IKCO , July S.-Drafli. liht ! ,
! 2Hc , tclPKinphlc , ir ; . Silver bars , OJ'iOCS'ic.
Mexican ( iollnia , DlfiJl'.tc.
CHICAMO , July C.-CleailnKS , JlC.OtC.OCKx ) -
channe , TOc pipntlum. Koieltfn exchange dull.
Money rales , 4if per cint.
ST. I.OIJ1H. July B. Clcnrlnm. I.7S5,10S ; bal
ances , ; SIMW. , Money dull , Bi7 per cent. 13x-
clmiiKi * on New York , 83c premium.
NI2W OULI3ANS , July B.-ClenrlnK3. U,81R,1G2.
New York exchange , coinmerclnl , Jl per $1WX
premium ; bank , Jl.M per (1,000 premium.
JILOll'X lf > 1U LlfTLK JUTS.
Fate of a Clnrliumti 'Man Who Was Some
thing of an AnurcllNt.
. CINCINNATI , July 5. At 10 o'clock UU
night Henry L. Drivers , son of n rich Cln-
d.nnatl lady , was torn to pieces by an ex
plosion of something In his pocket that must
have been dynamite. All the lower part
of his body was torn to pieces , his bones
being pulverized. Ills right hand was
thrown Into a dcor twenty feet away , while
the windows nnd doors of an adjacent etore
weio smashed , so strong was the explosion.
In his pocket was a postal card from the
United States Mutual Life Insurance ) com
pany of New York notifying him that his
life Insurance policy for $20,000 would ex
pire at midnight. Young Drivers was
lomewhat of an anarchist celebrity. Whether
ho Intended suicide or was Intent on some
errand of destruction Is not known.
1'rof. Jones Itlakcv Ills Last Itulloon Ascen
sion at 11 iToltct ricnic. .
JOLIET , 111. , July B. A terrible accident
occurred at the Fourth of July exercises
at Rlvervlew park , which will doubtless
coat a life. Prof. Jones of Dloomlngton
was to make a balloon ascension and a para
chute fall. The wind was blowing strong
and the ropes broke. Jones held to the
balloon , which went up , drugging him
through a tree and tearing his clothes off.
At a height of forty feet he was forced
to let go , owing to hurts , and fell to the
ground , breaking both arms and one leg ,
the bones protruding. A doctor was called
and pronounced Jones Injured internally.
Blood was running from his nose nnd mouth.
A lllR Cravlcc-r Uld It.
TILDEN , Neb. , July 5. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) W. H. Kercherfer , foreman of
the McCreary cattle ranch- was badly In
jured by the explosion of a largo firecracker
yesterday. His face was lacerated nnd
the right ear nearly severed.
Three Now York Alen Drowned.
BAST ROCKAWAY , N. Y. , July 5.
Three New York business men were drowned
at Hayes island Inlet yesterday. They were
on the sloop Gazelle , which capsized In a
sudden squall.
Hurled Twonty-Ulglit Workmen.
BUCHAREST , July B. An unfinished pa
vilion In the exhibition grounds In this city
collapsed , burying twenty-eight workmen ,
four being Injured fatally.
Fair Weather and Variable Winds for No.
branka Today.
WASHINGTON , July E. The Indications
for Friday are :
For Nebraska Fair ; variable winds.
For Missouri Fair ; variable winds ;
warmer In southern portion.
For Iowa Fair ; northerly winds.
For South Dakota Generally fair ; north
erly winds , shifting to southwest ; warmer
In the extreme western portion.
For Kansas Fair ; southerly winds.
Local Itocord.
OITICR OF Tim i.Vuvriimi BuiiEAn , OMAIJA.
July5. Omaha rocoitt of temperature ami
rainfallcomp.'ircd with ooiresponding day of
past four years :
1894. 1893. 1R92. 1891.
Maximum temperature 84O 84 = 7U = bic ,
Minimum tutnnuriituru. tiUa G J = > Glo nrjO
Avoraco temperature. . 73 = 763 703 733
Precipitation 00 T. .00 .00
Statement showing the condition of torn-
peraturonnd precipitation ut Omaha for the
day and slnco March 1 , 18'Jl :
Normal teninoriitura 70
Deficiency for thotlay 33
Deficiency slnco March 1 ( I. 429 =
Normal precipitation 20 Inch
Deficiency for tlio dav 20 Inch
Dollcloncy since Marcn 1 0.00 Inches
lleports from Other Stations at 8 1 . M.
- , 3
Omaha KO 84 .00 Part cloudy.
North 1'latto. , 84 .0(1 ( Pnrtcluudv ,
Valentine 84 .00 PaitelouUy.
Chicago 74 80 ,110 Cloudy.
St. Louis 78 84 . ( II ) Clear.
St. 1'iuii 74 84 .01 Cloudy ,
Davenport. . . 80 81 .00 Clear.
Kansas City. . 78 82 .0(1 ( cinir.
Denver , 08 71) ) .02 Clear.
Salt Lake City 70 82 .00 I'.irtoiomly.
ItatililClty f. 7U 70 .01 Part cloudy.
Blmnarck 82 81 .00 Clear.
St. Vincent 71) ) 70 .00 Clear.
Cheyenne A2 72 .08 Clear.
Mll s City 78 80 .on Cloudy.
aulveslon 81) .00 Part cloudy.
"i"Indicates tracoof rain.
CKOUOE E. HUNT , Local Forecast Official.
lilntv Up Thttlr Cav .
PRETORIA Transvaal , July 6. The war
between the Doers and the supporters of the
Zoutpansburt chief , Malaboch , continues.
Maluboch and his followers are hiding In
: avcs whore they cannot bo reached by the
Transvaal troops and refuse to yield. Com
mander Joubert , however , has decided to
ilow up the cavea If the rebels refuse to come
forth. Ho will first notify Malaboch of his
intention and will give tlmo for women and
children to eecape.
ISx-llosa t'riikor Conic * Hack.
NEW YORK , July C. Richard Crokcr and
two sons arrived yesterday aboard the Ma-
lostlo In the best ot health and spirits , Mr ,
broker stated that he was feeling well and
had , splendid time considering tils short
Visit abroad , Mr. Crokor was mot at quaran
tine by Commissioner Daly , Peter Myers and
another , who boarded the steamer with Dr.
Jenkins , From the pier Mr , Croker was
driven direct to Tammany hall. Ills ap
pearance there was erected by enthusiastic
'General llonluncfir's Mother Dead.
PARIS , July 6. The mother of the Ut
General Doulancer Is dead at the ago ot 92.
Every picture In our mammoth establishment , from the first
floor to the roof , has IICCM market ! in largo roil ( Inures at about
one-half of former prices , to sell them quick. Not a single picture
Is reserved , so this sale includes every picture from the cheapest
arlotype to the finest etching or steel engraving. This Is a chance
to furnish that hare wall of yours at a nominal cost. Remember
new , as we have tolil vou before , the time to btiv Is when the other
fellow wants to sell.
Tliis sale Is for this week only.
SI.SO pictures , this week only , for 75c
$2.00 pictures , this week only , for flOc
$3.00 pictures , this week only , for $1.05
$1.00 pictures , this week only , for $1.00
$5.00 pictures , this week only , for $2.50
$7.50 pictures , this week only , for $ ; Ui5
$10.00 pictures , this week only , for $5.00
$15.00 pictures , this week only , for $7.50
$20.00 pictures , this week only , for ' . $0.75
$25.00 pictures , this week only , for $12.50
Arfoiypas , Stool Engravings , Etchings , Oil Paintings ,
Photogravures , Etc.
$10.00 worth of poods , With $ C > worth of truixis , an Album ,
$1.00 u week or $4.00 a month.
125.00 north of goods , With $10 worth of Roods , a Pouvonlr Spoon
$1.00 a week or tO.OO a month.
150.00 worth of Koods , With J2.1 woithof Koocls , a HU < juo Orna-
J'.ou u week or 78.00 a month. niunt.
176.00 worth of KooiH With 150 worth of goods , a Trained Pic
J'J.&o a week or ? 10.00 a month. ture ,
1100,00 north of Roods , Wllli J75 worth of goods a , Con tor Tablo.
J3.0U u wcok or $12.00 a month.
1200.00 north of poods , With J100 worth goods , si pair Lace Cur
t4.00 it week or 115.00 a month. tains.
Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House.
fQ Close Evenings nt G:30 : , excepting Mondays and S.iturJitys. |
Send lOc for postage on big ' 94 Furniture Catalogue.
Baby Carriage and Refrigerator Catalogue Mulled Free. A
Fourth of July Oolebration Tinctured with
the Bitterness of Religious Dissension.
Riot Caused by Two Saloons Putting Out
' 1'rotcctlvo" Signs Troops Orclerod Out
to Suppress the Rioters Alore
1'roublo 1'curotl.
DENVER , July 5. A special to the News
from Butte , Mont. , says : An A. P. A. riot
broke out here yesterday. One man Is dead ,
one fatally and half a dozen more or less
wounded as the result of the out-break. The
militia has been called out and Is stationed
In one district of the city. All saloons have
been closed , as well as pawnshops ) and
places where ammunition Is sold.
The trouble was precipitated by two saloon
keepers decorating the fronts of their places
with bunting forming the letters A. P. A.
Tuesday night some one , presumably a Catho
lic , set off a stick of giant powder under
one of the windows , demolishing a largo
plate glass. This attracted a large crowd
of people to the scene which blocked the
street all day.
After the parade yesterday the police could
not disperse the crowd. Several fights oc
curred nnd the first shot was fired by William
Ferguson at William Page. This Intensified
the feeling and the crowds started to tear
down the buildings occupied by the saloon
men who had the A. P. A. signs out. Judge
McIIatton of the district court appeared In
a window and addressed the crowd , appealing
to them to commit no over act of violence
and gave assurance that the trouble would
end. The crowd could not bo calmed , but
was held at bay by wise counsel.
At 0:30 : the riot bells rang out and the
fire department rushed Into the crowd , turnIng -
Ing the water upon It. The hose was then
turned Into Simon Hauswlrth's saloon and
the A. P. A. signs torn down. Several men
Instdo the saloon began shooting. One man
stood at the door and fired six shots Into
the saloon. The sheriff and posse then
came upon the scene , some of whom were
roughly handled and barely escaped with
their lives.
The mayor then called upon the governor
for militia nnd several local companies were
ordered out. Ropes were drawn across the
street and the militia cleared the block of all
people. Quiet was restored nt the Imme
diate scene of the riot , hut at the other end
of the block largo crowds assembled and
more trouble was momentarily expected.
The excitement ran high and there wan a
lively Interchange of shots , with the fol
lowing results :
D. II. DALY , a special policeman , shot
.hroiiK'li thu heart and Inatautly killed by
Prank Munford , a baker.
William Page received a glance shot over
: he eye. >
Samuel Dunn was shot In the side and
was probably fatally hurt.
About fifty arrests were made and the
governor has been asked to send militia from
ilolena and other points In the state.
The block where the A. P. A. flags caused
ho riot was In charge of the mllltla all
light , no persons being allowed Inside the
Itios. The undercurrent of feeling on both
sides continues strong and hundreds of pco-
> le go armed. Last night In Centcrvllle , a
luburb , a Cornish saloon keeper shot a man
while wrangling about the A , P. A.
Blnlloii Aci-nt Klllcil liy IliUHllU.
COFFUYVILLC , Kan. , July 5. The Mis
souri Pacific station agent at Nowata , I. T. ,
was killed by supposed bandits last night.
The murdered man was A. L. Richards. Ho
was getting express onto the train and
carried hln revolver In his hand according
0 custom. Ho was ordered to throw up
il * hands and as a reply raised his revolver.
1 he leader of the supposed robbers fired ,
illllng htm Instantly , The attacking party
Killed IIU Wife and Illmielf.
WARRBNSnURO , Mo. , July 6. Near
Cnobnoster , ten mlleo from here , today
'olin Tttsworth , who has been separated
rota bla wife ( or some Uino , Kent to her
Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Grnln Tronlnient
fs sold under po ltlvo written guarantee , by author
ized agonta only , to euro Weak Menwry ; Loss of
of the Generative Organs in either BOX , caused b >
ovor-eiortlon ; Youthful irror3 : , or iicccBlvo : Use ot
Tobncco , Opium or Liquor , which coon load to
Allfory , Consumption. Insanity and Dcnth. By mall.
tl a box ; U for ? 3 ; nllh wrlltimtrunrnnteo to euro or
refund money. WEST'S COUOIIBYHUP. A certain
cure for Couch * . Colds , Acthnm , Bronchitis , Croup ,
Whooplnff Cough. Sere Throat. 1'lonfnnt to take !
Small flzo dlfconunucd ; old , COe. slip. now25e. : old
---r > . ! owNc. ) atJA"ANT''ES Irsuod Only by
Goodman Drug Co. , Omaha.
Commission Merchant
Private wires to Chicago and Now York. All
business orders placud on Ch'cago ' Board u
Correspondence solicited.
Office , room 4 , Now York Ltfo Building
Telephone 1308.
homo and shot her and then shot himself ,
both dying within twenty minutes.
i -
Union Minors Kill On Alan nnd Talcu Two
Mure dipt lCH. .
WALLACE , Idaho , July 6. Seventy-flvo
masked men from Diirko entered the town of
Gem and seized and bound Superintendent
Nell and Foreman Summers of the Gem
mine and Frank Hlgglns nnd West , non
union miners. Tlio mob started to the black
smith shop where John Ncbo was working.
Neho saw them coming and sprung through.
the back window. The mob fired , killing him
Instantly , and his body rolled down the hill.
The IcadcrH of the mob held a short con
sultation and gave the signal to close In
around the prisoners , who were then marched
over the range toward Montana. When word
reached Wallace many deputies were sworn
In and citizens joined their organization.
They are now in pursuit of the mob. Tha
trouble Is a revival of the fight of 1892.
Unldii men have made frequent threats to
drive out nil nonunion miners and a few
weeks ago fixed Juno 17 as the date nonunion
men must leave the Coetir d'Alcno region.
H'jsti'tr 31.1 it o.v jus
Engineer I'nnl of the Alton Stricken wltU
lljitropholila Wlillii on the Road.
ALTON , III. , July 5. Last evening as the
Kansas City express going south w below
East Alton Engineer Robert Paul was ob
served by Ills fireman to bo frothing at tba
mouth , and ho soon commenced barking Ilka
a doc. Realizing that his superior had
gone mad thu fireman slopped the englno
and threw himself upon Paul , at the same
time calling loudly for help. This soon
came In the persons of the conductor and
brakcman and Paul wnu bound hand and
foot , the fireman running the train Into
Venice , where Paul lives. Some tlmo ago
Mr. Paul was bitten by a dog , but paid no
attention to the matter , and this Is thought
to bo the result.
1'opulUt Mate Ticket.
LANSING , Mich. , July C. The populist
Btato committee finally completed Its ticket
early this morning as follows : Governor ,
Dr. A. W. Nichols of Mqntcall ; lieutenant
governor , Perry Muyo of Calhoun ; secretary ,
of state , Ellsha Pangborno of Grand Tra-
vera ; treasurer , IMwurd Ilrown of Clinton ;
auditor , General Robert McUougall of Hillsdale -
dale ; attorney general , James E. McMrldo of
Kent ; superintendent of public Instruction ,
M , O. Graves of Emmett ; member of State )
Hoard of Education , F. H. Olmstead of Isabelle -
belle ; United States senator , E. P. Qeldon of
Jackson and Henry I. Allen of Kalamazoo ,
i ' O
Killed III * C'hllilrcn and Committed Hulclila
IIUTLER , 8. D. , July G. It n. Quam , s ,
Norwegian farmer , became so worried over
crop prospects that he cut the throats of his
Lwo children , aged G and 8 , threw them In a
wall , cut his own throat and jumped In after
; hem ,
Ixml Handy Is ultli Us.
NEW YORK , July C. Lord and Lady
Randolph Churchill arrived on the Majestic ,
U > r < l HandoluU r ( us d to IMJ luU-rvlewcd. i