THE OMAHA DAILY IJKE : FRIDAY , JULY 0 , 1891. TllEOMAHA DAILY BEE. nTnoamvATnn. Editor. _ ' MqiwiNaT THItMS OK BlWSCmiTlON. Dfllljr IU ( without Burvlay ) , One Tear. . . . ! ' W nmir n < - nml EunJnr , On Year . 10 M FIX Mrtnth . . . . BM Thru Mnntln . " 2 Rundar life. On < > Ycnr. . . . . . . . . * M Kslunlay lire. Oni > Ymtr . 1 55 M'ftktr n e , Ono Year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K orncna Omnh.i , Tim ttr HiilMlng. South Onmlm , Corner N ami Twenty-fourth Bin. Ontmdll tilum. 11 IVurl itriM-t. fhlcapn onirn. ail Chnmbcr of Commerce. J * w York , Hnom * 1J , 14 nnil 15. Tribune Hid * . WMhlngton , Mor F tr t , N. W. All commtmtrnttoni rf Inline to new * ami dl- orlal matter lioulil be aiMremcilt To lh Editor. jiitHiNKss i.irrrnitB. All bunlnemi tellers rtiul remittances houM t > ddrm-ied to The lleo 1'uUlnlilni ? company , Oimrm. Drnflu , cliorku nml txiitnmco onlem to u mnd < ! nivnliln In the nnler of the company. Tin ; iui ; 1'uiu.isniNQ COMPANY. _ HTATKMHNT OF CIRCULATION. aoorice II. Tricliiiek , secretary of The Ileo I'ub- llililiiR company. twin * iliily nworn , cnyn that tlio vctiial number of full nnil cnmplrlt ; copies of Tie : Pally Morning. i\-enlnff : nn < I Hunday tiff printed during tlio month of June , 1SDI , wns n follow * ! IXM ! deduction * for tmxoM anil returned copl 8 11.076 Total nold 051,787 Dally nvrmKe net circulation 2l,82i ! Sunday. ononora n. TZSCHUCIC. Sworn to before me anil nulmcrlbed In my presence lhl Sd day of July. ISM. ( Seal. ) N. I' . riJIUNotnry Public. Nol It la a base calumny to say that Mr. Bryan staid away from Nebraska City because Mr. Morton went there. What Is that wo see ? A prohibition state ticket without Mrs. Blttenbonder's name on III Has the millennium arrived ? That mayoralty Impeachment bomb seems to have exploded prematurely before It left the hands of the men who lighted the fuse. Omaha democrats ought to emulate the example of Omaha republicans and secure the location of their state convention In this city. The railroads that are openly defying the order of the Nebraska State Board of Transportation In the transfer switch cases ara peculiarly fitted to depreciate the dis regard for law manifested by some of the strikers. The Nebraska prohibitionists succeeded In Inducing three women to accept places on their state ticket. No one would bo more surprised to hear of their election than these thrco women. But there Is no Im minent danger of such event. Richard Croker and Mayor Ollroy , two of Tammany's richest beneficiaries , appear on the now tax list of New York , each as ownIng - Ing no taxable property whatever. Will their consciences servo them as well when the federal Income tax collector comes around ? When the canal promoters-and the citizens committee shall have agreed upon a satis factory bond proposition , so that the people will know what they are asked to do , there will be plenty of discussion on that subject. Until then It Is useless to discuss anything that presents so hazy an outline. The name Debs uttered within hearing of a railroad manager acts like a red flag flaunted before an Infuriated bull. There can be no rational conference between rail road managers and their employes until managers recover from the spasm Into which they have been thrown by that awful namo. The Chicago Record , which Is admiring the audacity of the warden of the Kansas state penitentiary In acknowledging that he lias saddled five members of his family upon the public In positions within his gift , ought lo bo furnished with the list of Omaha ward assessors and their deputies. The Kansas , penitentiary only supports ono fam ily. The Omaha assossorshlps keep a fam ily employed In almost every ward. An amusing case of mistaken Identity Is found In an article going the rounds of the prccs which had Us origin In the Now York Sun , purporting to tell about the Americans who carry the largest life In surance policies. It says that "John M. Thurstfln , who halls from Omaha , and who was prominent In the Hawaiian troubles , was wise enough before he went to Hawaii to take out a policy of $100,000 on his life In favor of his wife. " Mr. Thurston must feel that his fame has boon established and that ho need aspire to no further honors when such an intelligent account of him Is the property of the public. It will take an export to unravel the two Thurstons after this Interesting episode. The dedication of the soldiers' and sailors' monument at Cleveland was flttlngly pe'r- fonned on the anniversary of Independ ence day. The soldiers and sailors In com memoration of whom the monument Is erected gave their lives to their country In order to maintain the union founded upon the Independence won from dreat Britain by the revolution. Their deaths were the assurance of a surviving patriotIsm - Ism as strong as that which animated the mon ot 177C , and liberty was as much" to them as It was to the signers of the Declara tion ot Independence. The handsome shaft and memorial tablet room on the most con spicuous public , square In Cleveland will recall to each successive generation what It owes to the men who put down the great rebellion. _ _ The principals of the various schools are not very enthusiastic oyor the suggestion that they bo required to teach at least ono class In addition to performing the other duties pertaining to their positions. Ono ot the chief arguments that has been advanced In support ot the retention of woman prin cipals and ot promotion from the ranks Is that the principal should have Imd practical experience In teaching. All the high-priced principals have taught different grades and would doubtless resent the Imputation that they are no longer competent to do so "again. Furthermore , until only a taw years ago the principals In all the schools had charge of a room containing two or more classes anil acted as principal at the iamo time. They receive from $200 to $000 moro than the bent teacher under them , and for this sum ought to bo willing to de- vota a Ilttlt ) moro time and energy to the Interest * of the schools , lly Insisting upon the principals doing some ot the work of teaching tbo Hoard of Education can effect * material economy. . AXU THK STRIKE. According to the most reliable reports from Washington , President Cleveland , with lila customary self-assertion , hns himself personally assumed the conduct of the fed eral forces that have been summoned to cope with the pending strike. Having Ig nored the proceedings that led up to the precipitation ot the present labor troubles , he has at the last mlnuto been convinced ot the seriousness ot the situation and has jumped Into the arena with the cry that the strike must bo put down. But how put down ? Evidently by the same old methods that have been employed on pre vious occasions to stamp out with military force every vcstlgo of resistance which labor may offer to capital. President Cleveland's policy Is to put down the strike , not to settle the strike. ' Ono of the most Important duties Im posed upon the president by the constitu tion Is that contained In the clause which reads that "ho shall from tlmo to time give to the congress Information of the state of the union and recommend to their con sideration aiich measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient. " President Cleve land called congress together In extraor dinary session last September to apprlso It of the general distress caused by the financial panic and recommended to It the repeal of the Sherman silver purchase law. On the assembling of congress In regular session ho gave a review of the foreign and Internal relations of the United States since his return to the presidential chair and Imparted much sago advlco on topics of common Interest , although without speci fic suggestions on any Important point. Later , after ho had bccotno hopelessly en tangled In the meshes ot his Hawaiian policy , ho endeavored to relieve himself of his unpopular task by referring the whole matter to congress and leaving further action to be guided by Its pleasure In the matter. Now , however , when the country Is confronted with a crisis more threaten ing than any In recent years , when by the stoppage of railway traffic Industries In various parts of the country are forced to shut down , when the United States malls are Interrupted and tralllc generally made precarious , the president has not a ward of advlco to offer to the people. Congress Is In session at his very doors , ready and anxious to co-operato with any rational planet ot solution which ho may propose , but ho goes on without , consulting the chosen rep resentatives of the people. A message to congress , apprising It of the situation and embodying his recommenda tions on the subject"would not only be appropriate , but Is clearly demanded by the constitution. For President Cleveland to personally volunteer to put down the strike without any effort at compromise , conciliation or settlement and without ask ing the assistance of the legislative depart ment is a stop towards the ono man power that must arouse the serious attention of all thinking people. SOVEREIGN'S FOURTH OF JULY SPEECH. Mr. Sovereign's Fourth of July oration was a frenzied bombardment of accumulated capital , but ho suggests no remedy by which the relations ot capital and labor can be made mutually beneficial. Property is not robbery ; it Is simply the unused surplus of the product of toll. When honestly gotten It represents Industry and frugality. Capital is the tool without which labor cannot sub sist under modern conditions. The great problem Is how to curb the greed of con centrated wealth and -at the same time make wealth" subservient to the satisfaction of the wants and comforts of the producers. Mr. Sovereign simply wants to destroy wealth because capital concentrated under corporate control has exacted more than Its duo share from labor. His doctrine carried Into effect would result In killing the goose that laid the golden egg. What all patriotic Americans should strive for Is the abolition of monopoly , except when it Is created for public uses and controlled by municipal , state and national authority. They should endeavor to protect capital In Its rights to earn fair returns when employed In legitimate enterprises , and at the same time protect the wage workers from oppres sive treatment. When a man occupying the position of Mr. Sovereign In the labor ranks makes asser tions ho should endeavor to conflno himself to facts instead of Imposing on credulity and presuming on Ignorance. The condition of the working classes Is bad enough , but there Is no warrant for exaggeration or misInformation - Information , Mr. Sovereign declares that this country is burdened with 30,000 million aires and 3,000,000 of tramps. As a matter ot fact the list of millionaires collected in detail for each state two years ago shows that there were a fraction over 4,000 persons In this country whoso wealth Is estimated at over $1,000,000. It Is safe to say that fully one-half of these alleged millionaires are either Insolvent or on the verge of bank ruptcy today. The terrible shrinkage In prop erty values and smash-up of business con cerns has thinned out the ranks of the mil lionaires and knocked a big hole Into the estimated fortunes of the multi-mllllonalres. It would have been just as easy for 'Mr. ' Sovereign to assert that there are 30,000,000 tramps In this country as that they number 3.000.000. Among the 65,000.000 of population at least 33,000,000 are females and very few women are tramps. Of the 32,000,000 males fully 12,000,000 are under 18 years of ago. That would leave 20,000,000 from which the ranks of trampdom are presumed to bo re cruited. Docs It stand to reason that ono out of every seven men In this country Is a tramp ? Take Nebraska , for Instance. We have about 250,000 males over 18 years old. That would make Nebraska's quota of the tramp army over 35,000 , when In fact Ne braska's actual tramp population does not excocd 1,000. Thq same proportions prevail In all the agricultural states. Wo make bold to assert that there are not 30,000 ac tual tramps In this country at present. All the Industrial armies could not muster over 12,000 men on the tramp. There are un doubtedly between 2,000.000 and 3,000,000 wage workers , male and female , out of em ployment , either because they cannot got work or are on a strike , but are not tramps. Mr. Sovereign's figures on homeless bread winners are equally misleading. He declares that only 2 per cent of the population of New York City live In homos pf their own. Two per cent of the population of New York Is 30,000. Now If there are 30,000 home owners In Now York there are 30,000 families living In their own houses. Taking llvo per sons for each family , that would mean that ton out ot every 100 families live In homes of their own. It must bo remembered , however , that thousands of hankers , mer chants and men of moderate wealth In New York prefer to pay rent because they can Invest their money better In speculative en terprises than la real estate. It should not be forgotten also that the majority of the wage workers employed In Now York live In Brooklyn , Jersey City and suburban towns , while the tenements of the city , proper are occupied by Immigrant floaters who stop oY r'ln Now York merely for a few months on their war to the Interior ot the continent. The trouble with Mr. Sovereign Is that he deals In florid fiction And catchy phrases rather than In substantial facts and Bound argument. This class of oratory tend * to Inflame the minds of the most orderly and sober worklngmen and makes them smart under what they conscientiously bollevo to be Insufferable wrongs. What the workingmen - men need at this hour Is brave , cool-headed guidance and a truthful portrayal ot the con ditions and dangers with which the country Is confronted Instead ot wild assertions and visionary schemes ot redress that lead up to revolution and anarchy. The worklngmen ot America outnumber all other classes. They have It within thnlr power to achieve all legitimate reforms peaceably. This Is a government of majorities. AN IMI'ORTAXT COXORESS. A congress or conference of very consider able Importance Is being held In Ottawa , the capital of Canada. It Is composed of delegates from colonies of Great Britain , and Its object Is to promote intercolonial trade and to bring these colonies Into closer com mercial relations. The British government Imposes certain restrictions upon Its colonies In connection with their revcnno systems and their trade with other countries , and an effort Is to bo made to obtain at least a modification of these restrictions. If this can bo accomplished the plan Is to form a reciprocal Intercolonial trade union. This scheme , It Is easy to see , might have far- reaching effects , and It possesses a par ticular Interest for these Americans who believe that the tlmo is not rctnoto when Canada will become a part ot the union. It suggests that the party now In control of the affairs oftlio Dominion not only has no sympathy , as everybody Is aware , with the Idea that any part of the country Is likely to be annexed to the Unltod States , but that It Is bent upon a policy calculated to defeat such a possibility. An Intercolonial trade union such as Is proposed , entered Into with the full concurrence of the British government , would undoubtedly have the ef fect to bind these colonies more closely , and perhaps also to Increase ther | loyalty to the Imperial government , to which they must still look for protection. There Is no doubt that tlio dominant element In the Dominion Is Immovably loyal to the British govern ment , but it realizes the necessity ot doing something that will build up the material Interests of Canada and thereby quiet the un rest and discontent which proceed from a comparison of conditions In that country and the United States. The proposed union of the colonies in a reciprocal trade arrange ment would bo a great help to the upbuild ing of Canada and would do much to kill off the sentiment for separation from Grout Britain , either by annexation to the United States or by declaring Independence. Tliero Is a phase of the question , however , that may cause , the British government to hesitate before conceding to the several colonies discriminating power In tariff matters - tors , even as regards Intercolonial trade , and that Is the existing treaties between Great Britain and foreign powers under which the products of the latter are to bo admitted to the markets of the dependencies of the former under the most favored na tions' clause and the minimum rate of duty. The British government has before refused to permit Canada to enter Into a reciprocal trade arrangement with some of the col onies by which other colonies would bo dis criminated against , and as all the colonies are not represented in the congress it is possible the Imperial authorities will want to hear what their wishes are before as senting to any arrangement from which they might bo excluded. " Still the effort Is to be made to have the restrictions re moved which stand In the way of the pro posed reciprocal trade union , with the prob abilities In favor of its success. Should it be successful Canada will careless loss oven than now about reciprocity with the United States , and may go farther than she has done In imposing discriminating duties against the manufactured products of this country. A reciprocal Intercolonial trade union would enable her people to be more Independent of the American market than they now are , and with the realization of this there would como a decline of the sentiment favorable to throwing off con nection with Great Britain and becoming a part ot the American republic. AMERICAN RAILWAY INTERESTS. The annual report of the statistician of the Interstate Commerce commission , giving statistics ot the railroads of the country for the year ended Juno 30 , 1893 , Is of rather more than ordinary Interest at this time. Very few people have any conception of the vastness ot the railway Interests of the United States. The railroad mileage of this country ono year ago was over 176,000 miles , exceeding by 70,000 miles the total mlleago of Great Britain and Ireland , Germany , France , Russia and Austria-Hungary , ) and being nearly half ot the total mileage of the world. Railroad construction in the United States has been very slow for several years , and It seems probable that It will continue to bo for some years to come. That It has outrun the demand is admitted by all who have given Intelligent attention to the matter - tor , and It Is to be expected that hereafter capital will not bo so easily drawn Into this form of Investment as It was a few years ' ago. During the last three years the total railroad construction has not much exceeded 10,000 miles , a large part ot which was in extensions necessary to the completion ot systems. The era of greatest railroad development in this country was the decade between 1880 and 1890 , when the mllo- ngo Increased from 93,000 miles In the former year to 161,000 in the latter , an average annual Increase of 6,800 miles , while during the last tour years the average an nual Increase has been less than 4,000 miles. The construction ot 68,000 miles ot railroad In ten years was In excess ot the require ments of the country , and there can be no doubt that It would have been batter for railroad Investors and all others If the ad vance In this respect had been less rapd | , But a still bettor Impression of the vastness - ness of this Interest can bo obtained when It Is known that the aggregate property properly classified as railway capital was on Juno SO , 1893 , In round numbers $10,600,000,000 , equal to over $63,000 per mile ot lino. Granting that a considerable part of this is fictitious , there will still remain , after deducting a reasonable amount as Inflation , an enormous capital Invested in the railroads of the coun try. The national debt at Its highest point was $2,773,000,000. The bonded debt ot the railroads of the country approximates five billions , and they are stocked for over five billions. In other words , the rail roads are capitalized for four times as much as the national debt at Its maximum , and about twelve times the amount of that debt at present. On this colossal overcapitalization tion It would bo impossible to earn fixed charges and pay dividends under the moat favorable conditions. It Is not surprising to find that more than 61 per cent of the total stock outstanding pays no dividends. The earnings of the railroads lor tbo year ended Juno 30 , 1SM | l/tro somewhat In ex cess of those of ifiri Jirecoillng year , but there was also an jjjj uo In operating ex penses , and the surplus was less than that of the preceding J IF. When It ! re membered that the irWod from July 1 , 1892 , to Juno 30 , 1893 , wnjija very favorable ono for the railroads l jL.easy to ticllovo that during the past twelve months of general depression the rallrRliWhave not only made no money , but In Urov-iggrcgato have been largo losers. A heavy decrease In business la shown by all the roads whose statements for the past year have been mndo public , and whllo most of ) { liq'4i have practiced a rigid economy few have been able to keep their expenses below thplr receipts. Now conditions , resulting from a change In the economic policy of the govern ment , must affect the railroad Interest In common with all others , and will probably tend to complicate the problem of railway management. That has been anything but simple and easy In times of great general prosperity , and now that there Is required a readjustment of business to now condi tions the difficulties ot the railroads are likely to bo Increased , or at any rate will not bo less troublesome than they have been. Ono thing the statistics Impressively suggest , and that Is that the country has all the railway mileage It will need for at least the remaining years of the present century. VOOnilKES IN HETIRUMEXT. Nothing connected with the management of the tariff bill In the senate has been so noticeable and noted as the remarkable re tirement of Senator Voorhees from active participation In the proceedings. Senator Voorhees has been In Washington right along and has retained the position of chairman of the finance committee , to which he was elevated by his fellow democrats when they found themselves In control of the senate upon Its convening In extra session last summer. During the extra session Voorhees was head and front of the administration forces In their contest for the repeal of the Sherman silver purchase act. He was per sonally In command of the fight on the floor of the senate and directed the campaign that finally overcame the frea coinage fill- busters. He was the go-between between the white house and the recalcitrant demo cratic senators and made himself the most conspicuous man on the democratic side. In the tariff debate , In which the chair man of the finance committee- would very naturally assume the leading place. Senator Voorliees has been heard from only at In tervals , and then In his Individual capacity and not as representative ot the sentiment of his party associates In that body. The parliamentary manipulation was early handed over to Senator Harris of Tennessee , the supervision of the work of amendment was assigned to Senator Vest of Missouri , and the task of reconciling members and deciding upon reques'U for further changes was undertaken by Sehator Jones of Ar kansas. All these senators are members of the finance committee , but they are all out ranked by Voorhees and would ordinarily have yielded to the chairman of the commit tee. But In this case thei chairman has been In a position even .worsd than that of the regular member of the committee. Not only has the leadershtp-"been | taken away from him , but no has been kept in Ignorance of what was actually going on within the committee and subcommittees. His Ignorance has led him Into several humiliating mistakes , notably when ho dented on the floor of the senate the allegation tliat o'vef 300 amendments to the senate bill hadj already been agreed upon by members of the committee , only to have the amendments reported to the senate a few days later. Since having been caught In that exhibition of his helplessness ho has been very careful In making statements as to what the democrats proposed to do. The most surprising part of this perform ance Is that Voorhees has silently submitted to these Indignities and has continued to hold the name , though not the substance , of the finance committee chairmanship. Per haps ho may hope to assume his rightful duties once more when other measures are In question , but the revenue Is the most Important topic with which that committee has to deal , and It Is unlikely that It will be called upon to engineer the passage of any other revenue measures for some con siderable tlmo. Voorliees' chairmanship has therefore already practically proved a fail ure. It was really too bad that Congressman Bryan could not bo In attendance at the Fourth of July celebration at Nebraska City. He might have explained why ho and Secretary Morton did not make their pilgrimages to the shrine of Jefferson at Montlcollo together. Adlal Is letting no grass grow beneath his feet. It Is as hard for him to decline an Invitation to make a public address as It Is to play the figure-head presiding over the upper house of congress. A I'roslilvntlal Spurt. Washington Post. The vigorous manner In which Senator Sherman attucka the Pullman car leads to the suspicion that he has not given up all hopes of the presidency. mid to Spare. Knnfas City Star. The analysis of the senate vote on the tariff bill Hhowa that the democrats had votes to throw at the birds. Even the de fection of the two IjOuMuno. senators could not have affected the result , even with the kindly assistance of Hill and Porter. The knowledge ot thta may be useful during- the conference. OrtlnrH Ilnnori'il In the llroach. Springfield Republican. Postmaster General iflsscll has ordered all postmnsterH to uttuii'hto their business and let political conventions' alone. What he wants to do now Is 'to ' 'enforce the order. Then the postoinces wllltnot bo BO attrac tive Jo local party UOSSPS who want the place chlelly because pf the vantage ground It Klvea for the dlrectlor ) of the party af fairs. , , Denver Jlepuwlcan. The silver resolution , adopted by the league convention demands the restora tion of silver to itrffUUest and highest use. This means thi > establishment of bi metallism at a ratio not of 18 to 1 , but of 154 to 1. The frk-mla of silver In the United States should 'stand ' for the latter ratio , for It Is the one upon which the silver ot the Latin untou has been coined. Made Tin-in lliUtM for Hlmro. . ChlcnROiJTorftM. Twenty-four meml > i.'rd o'f General Hainan's Commonweal navy have been given un In voluntary bath by the upsetting of a boat at Omaha. It will bo Inturestlnu to watch the effect of thin Immersion. None of the ImhiHtilals has l > i > roro been charged with taking a bath , and It la within the bounds of probability that the ducklni ; may re vive early recollections and Insplro the Cuxeyltcs with an awakened desire to go lo work. _ 1'liylilff tlm Pnpcloin Ciircl. New Yoilc Bun. The popdems are not succeeding In the true nopiioin spirit when they tax playlnir cards at 2 cunts a pack. The wealth of the puck should be made to pay Its pro portionate shuru of the expensvH of the Kovernment. Every face card should bo taxed 2 per cent. or. at any rate , noth UK below an elt'ht spot should be taxed.Vhy are'tho plutocrats nf the pack not Until ua they should be ? Why this failure to dls- crlmluate against the dudes .of tuu Ueck ? rim'H otirjt nn.txtnt. Denver Republican : It appear * that n bettor fcellnit between Oormnny and Franco I * developing. U hat bean stimu lated by events connected with the as aa < elnatlon ot Cnrnot It U possible Hint the two nations vlll again become trlemU and that the wounds caused by the war and the loss nf Alsnce and Lorraine will bo healed , It would be expecting too much , however , tc look for this at an early day. New York" Tribune ! That the blow whlcli has fallen upon Franco has knit closer the bonds of sympathy between the European nations Is apparent from the Rettulno sorrow and sympathy excited by the assassination of Carnot. Additional and most gratifying ovlilonco thereof Is furnished by the action of Rmperor William In pardoning recently the two French officers who were arrcstril as spies near Kiel last year and condemned to Imprisonment. This creditable act on the part of the emperor of Germany can scarcely fall to have a marked effect In bringing about a better state of feeling be tween the republic and the empire. The em peror has done n graceful thing at the right moment. Now York World : The liberation of the two French spies by the German emperor was an act of grace and of wisdom. It was an expression of sympathy awakened by the calamity which has saddened France. It was courtly and chivalrous , and It was replete with significance , for It said In deeds more expressive than words that at such a tlmo the German emperor cannot recognize the possibility of hostile sentiments between the two nations. Nothing that William could have done could no greatly mitigate the asperity of French feeling toward Ger many , for the tlmo at least. No single act of his since the beginning of his reign has made so much for peace. It was a little thing perhaps , and left alone would not bo enduring , but many of such little courtesies would In the end wear out all hatred. If the rulers of the world only realized how much moro powerful sentiment Is than Bis marck's "blood and Iron" the outlook for the future would bo very much brighter. Armies would bo smaller and taxes lighter. 1'KOl'KU .1X1) The cannon crockcr established Its repu tation as an armless contrivance. So far Coxeyl'm has cost the government $52,000. Several good roads could have been made with this money. Kelr Hardlc Is the only member of the House of Commons who over declared an equality between undressed kids. Owing to the debilitated condition of the tiger , Governor Hogg's reception in New York resembles the soft side of a Manitoba blizzard. The table upon which President Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation Is now the property of United States Treasurer Morgan. The discovery of the ossified remains of a pre-hlstorlc American In California tends to confirm the ancient lineage ot the modern mossback. Sir Edwin Arnold said the other day that ho heartily endorsed a remark once made by Chauncey M. Depew "Fame depends on be ing civil to interviewers. " Two additional canals have been observed on Mars at the Flagstaff ( Ariz. ) observa tory , making seven or eight In all , but not the sign of a mule driver has yet been dis covered. William Walsh , the last but ono of these who defended Baltimore against the British Invasion In 1814 , Is dead. Ho was 14 years old at the time , and was pressed Into service to mould bullets. Stuart B. Reed of Harrison county , West Virginia , was Introduced to the republican league convention at Falrmount , W. Va. , the other day as the oldest republican In the United States. Ho Is 103 years old and Is still in good health. Thomas B. Brecklnrldge , who crossed the plains with Fremont's expedition In 1845 , Is living at Tcllurlde , Colo. , In destitute cir cumstances. Petitions praying for the fed eral government to grant him a pension are circulating In Colorado and California. A bill now bcforo the Massachusetts legis lature prohibits the use of the word color or colored , as applied to persons , In any official record of birth , death or marriage , when so requested by the applicant. The Intention Is' to wipe out every shade of difference be tween the races. The rotund harmony of the New York con stitutional convention Is seriously menaced by an obstreperous member , who Insists on a provision prohibiting public officials from accepting railroad passes. Members who enjoy the freedom of the trains are loudest In resenting the clause as a personal reflec tion. 'Twas ever thus. Of the many explanations offered for the senate's delay in passing the tariff bill , there U ono whose reactionary Influence Is over looked. Since the debate began six quart bottles of apolllnarls , a box of lemons and the usual accessories were consumed every day by the senators. Accessories cover a multitude of dilatory tactics. Sam Houston's grave In the little cemetery at Huntsvtlle , Tex. , Is In so shabby a condi tion of neglect as to excite regret on the part of many Texans. There have been propositions before the legislature to re move the patriot's remains to Austin , the Etato capital , and to erect a monument over them , but nothing definite has over been done. "Uncle Dick" Thompson , tha halo old vet eran of the Wabash , has been a great lover of tobacco all his lifetime , and now , in his age , ho smokes from ten to twenty cigars a day and fills In the odd moments with an old pipe , In which ho Inserts perlquo and plug tobacco. His favorite brands of the weed , are "Wabash stogies , " which ore be lieved to bo a little worse than Plttsburg stogies. The orator's eagle eye swept the vast , pul sating multitude , whllo a wreath of joy ab sorbed the combing waves of applause set In motion by his appearance. "Fellow citi zens , " ho began , as soon as peace was re stored , "the times demand action , not word ; , Tyranny stalks abroad. Oppression's ghastly front overshadows the land. Wo are face to 'facj with the fees ot blood-bought freedom. Hence , I say , this Is not the time for sil very tongues " A mlghtly wave of protest cut short the orator's periods , and a mas terly maneuver of his friends enabled him to escape to the brush. The distinguished editor of the Phlladol- ' phla Record and democratic candidate for governor of Pennsylvania opens the cam paign of reform with a juicy assortment of striking mottoes , ot which tlio following are choice selections : "A man that Is often sat upon ottoman. " "It doesn't make a room any cooler to put a frieze around the walls. " "It Isn't every man who has plenty to say that gets a chance to say It. " "A downtown man who owns a hornless goat calls It oleo margarine because It Is no butter. " "Tho architect asked Mrs. Nowrich If she wanteu on electrolier In her parlor , whereupon the lady replied : 'No ; I don't think my daughter knows how to play It. ' " Walter Aldrlch , the bibliographer , of Prov idence , 11. I. , has In his possoislon a unique bandana handkerchief , ono yard square , made of silk of red body , with portraits of Davis , Boauregard , Semmes , Leo , Mason , Slldell , Morgan , Jackson and Johnson , printed In black , encircled with wreaths of characteristic southern leaves , with ferns and the cotton plant on white ground. It Is tald to bo the only one extant of the twelve ordered for the confederate government In England by Judah P. Benjamin , and was rescued , when on his way to this country , from the Alabama when she sunk. It subse quently became the property of General Klrby Smith , but Mr. Aldrlch now owns It and ban It framed and glazed and values It at $1,000. c lYcleral Intorrcrciiro In Striken. Now York World. The World holds that all violent Interfer ? cnco with the railway companies In per forming their dutlps as public carriers should 1m pi evented If possible , and pun ished If It cannot l > o prevented. This should be done , however , Hirmmti the local authorities In the murmur provided by law. That the fi'denil government could be called upon to Intervene In such a matter would not have liucu dreamed of tun years ago. Through the encroachment of thu federal courts It Is now bolnu drnKKcd m on all possible occasions , but tlm effort to maku a federal question of quarrels be tween employers anil employes should be ruxlHttil with the whole force of enlight ened public opinion , Hiich an Injunction as that drawn \ > y two corporation attorneys anil granted yesterday by Juige | Urussoup anil Woods Is u monstrous Invasion of the [ itoplo'n rlt > hts. If this doctrine prevails and federal In terference Is Insisted upon , on the ground that railroads are performing a suml-publiu service , and that consequently railroad em ployes arc quasi-public servants , Uicn tbe Interference ! nhmitd lint lie by n lRnl quilt b'p. 'I lie B v inmcnt slouul net frnnkly nm strnlKhtforwnrlly nn < l accept HIP full eon eequences of the position It nsaumi- . \Vlil ltr Trttnt. Cincinnati fVitithWti > t ( ilrni ) , The stiRar scnmlnl hn.i lately monopolize ! public attention to surli ntt extent that an other trust not les-i udlotiK tliini HIP Biiea trust 1ms felt pretty safe of securing , with out the deserved public coiuUiinuitlon ; , ni enactment as nbomlnnbly corrupt an tlm ppnate miRar schedule. Wo refer to the Whisky trust and lln ttohcmo to hnvo the tax on whisky Im-rensed. The nenate bll provides for un Increngo of 20 cents per cnl Ion , to take effect on the llrat day of the 5pconil calendar month after the cnnctinrii of tlio Mil. The Whisky trust ami other pplrlt illHtlllcrlPX , which fnr the time lielng make common cause with It , hnvo onor tnoiiH quantities of spirits stored away , al at which are Immediately available as they are ready for use. With the gigantic pro duclng capacity at their command they can make easily during the folly-five days the avernKU tlmo between tinpassace o the bill and the ( lain of Its taking effect a three months' supply , which , added t ( what Is now on hand , would probably no lp lethan a six months' supply , or nliou 25OW,0X ( ) gallons , on which the trust am Its followers would scoop In an extra profl of Jj.OOrt.OOO before the treasury would KO a smell of the Increased tax. If the demo cratlc members of congress believe tha this scheme can l > o consummated wltlioii creating a scandal fully as malodorous as the sugar scandal they arc mightily mis taken. The fact thnt half a dozen members from Kentucky ask for this legislation on i different plea and tinder great dlcplny of Whisky trust animosity makes no differ ence. They speak for a coterie of specu lators who are , like the trust Itself , In des perate straits. The country Is not in a mood to deal leniently with thn demo cratic party , and wo warn the majority o congress to bcwaro of the Whisky trust and those who co-operate with It. Whlsk > pays now a United States tax which Is more than equal to 450 per cent nd valorem and , besides this , Immense municipal nm state taxes In the shape of licence. It the manufacturers of such an article ask for an additional tax of over 100 per cent thorp Is something wrong , and the democrats wll hear of It In the next campaign from cvcrj stump In the land If the house does not kill the Infamous scheme of legislating $3.009,000 Into the pockets of the tiust and Its confederates , and perhaps as much more Into the pockets of whisky speculators. The Increase of the whisky tax Is demanded by private Interests only , and If the major ity In congress has the welfare of the demo cratic party at heart It will let the present whisky tax laws severely alone , because they produce a satisfactory revenue the greatest revenue obtainable. In the belle : of David A. Wells and they spem to suit the whole trade , with the exception ot a few speculators and the Whisky trust. rtillmiin nnd Hli Stiirvullnga. Chicago Herald. At a safe distance from the scene ol operations. George M. Pullman has thought It advisable to talk to the eastern news paper1 reporters concerning the existing railroad tioublcs in the west. Mr. Pullman believes , or affects to be lieve , that the development of the strike or the boycott lufi carried It to a point where It no longer concerns either him personally or the company of which ho Is the head , di rectly or Indirectly. He believes that the Issue between himself and his employes has been submerged and lost sight of In the trouble between the railroads and their em ployes. He believes , In short , that the pub lic hns no further concern In the dispute which led to the present paralysis ot trans portation and trade west of the Ohio liver. Mr. Pullman Is altogether mistaken. He mistakes the significance of the presenl situation and lie mistakes the feeling of the public toward him and his company. He mistakes the American support of law and order for support of George M. Pull man and the Pullman company. He mis takes hostility to lawbreakers and riot ers for hostility to his Ill-fed , underpaid employes. Ho Is mistaken in every one of his assumptions nnd he will realize his mistake when the present emergency ceases to exist. Sop to the MlvorltcH. New York Sun. The Income tax now In the tariff bill Is founded solidly on the principle of taxation without representation. Is this bewildering eccentricity In our government , this Im measurable violation of every American rule , the threat of blind socialistic fanat icism ? Not a bit of It. It Is a self-absorbed and coldly calculated scheme to make Grover Cleveland solid with the silver men , and to lay a griping southern hand upon northern flesh. lovfft I.almr FjO t. ' Washington Post. Senator Hill has made many changes In the tariff bill , but he Is making it rather uncomfortable for those of his colleagues who are making an effort to stand by that measure and the Chicago platform with out losing their balance. JtKI lTKD CUACKKUS. Harvard Lampoon : Clerk Are you going to discharge , me , then ? Druggist Yes ; I think wo can dispense without you. Detroit Free Press : Judge What Is the prisoner charged with ? Clerk Drunkenness , your honor. Judge Hub It out ; It's a bad debt. Browning , King & Co.'s Monthly : "Do you believe In woman's rights ? " she asked the shoe dealer. "You bet I do ! " was the reply. "And In woman's lefts , too ; and I've got 'em for $2.GO a pair. " Arknnsaw Traveler : The first thing a man does when he finds that a counterfeit dollar has been passed on him Is to study out something to spend It for Immediately. Somervllle Journal : When It comes to packing a trunk , the average woman can do a good deal better alone than she can If her husband Is around , but the husband comes In handy to sit on the trunk lid , after she has got everything Inside. Buffalo Courier : Jllson says ho thinks a good many women are demanding the bal lot with the Idea , that they are going to get curlpapers at the expense of the state. Chicago Tribune : The stately steamer plowed Its way through the blue waves of Lake Michigan. "O Horace ! " moaned the young brldo who a moment bcforo had paced the deck with smiling face nnd lovollt eye. the hap piest of the happy , "I feel so queerl Let me lean on your shoulder. " "No , dearest , don't do that ! " exclaimed Horace hastily. "Lean over the Hide of the sfeamer. " WE'VE ALL BEEN THERE. Cleveland Plain Dealer. He fished , and wished , And wished , and fished But not a bite got ho ; Ho swore , and tore , . And tore , and swore At river , lake and sea. He bent , nnd went , And went nnd bent Ills homeward way , and then- He lied , with pride , With prldo he lled- Llko other fishermen. ' AliOUT THIS TIMU. Now York Press. The youtlt is leaving college. With his head crammed full of knowledge , And thinking In his heart he knows it all , all , all ; And to thosu > who do not know It , At some curly day he'll show it , When ho comes to show his skill In playIng - Ing ball , ball , ball. The maid Is graduated , All her thirst for learning sated , No longer over sums abstruse she pores , pores , pores ; But she finds moro dear employment , And a. livelier enjoyment , In shopping tours among the dry goods stores , stores , stores , The boy who'a been In swimming , Denies , with tears bedlnimlng Ills eyes , that such u thing lie's been about , 'bout , 'bout ; But finds a deal of bother In explaining1 to his mother How It happens that his Blilrt'u inside out , out , out. FRESH AIR FOR LAWMAKERS Not Enough to Sustain Unppy Lifo is Now Fumishutl Thorn , SENATOR HANSBRUUGII ON SANITATION Hn Complnlii * tlnit the Countnietlou of tli Cnpltol llulhllnir U Such un to Kit- danger thu l.lvrn nf Mon In llalln. WASHINGTON I1UHKAU OF THK UKR. 1407 F Street. N.V. . WASHINGTON , July 5. "Too much cannot be said In condemna tion of the condition of thu cnpllol , " said Senator Hansbrough of North Dakota. ' .The senate chamber and the linll ot the house are built InMdo the outer walls of the cap- Hoi building. Around each legislative hall largo corridors extend , which Intervene bo- twuon the air and the pure ponncd-up states men who would bo glad to brcutho It. Th architect ot the cnpltol Is n very old man , who receives a stipend of $4KOO per annum ; but I do nut understand that he does any thing to enhance the sanitary condition ot the big building , nnd whllo ho Is the In cumbent of that olllco nobody vise can do anything for us. Circumstances are such that the mortality ot congress Is greater than It aim-lit to bo , and It Is a matter of fact that senators and representatives have been killed by the Impure air of thu capital building. There ought to bo some method devised for supplying these legislative halls with sufficient pure air to m.iHo life endur able If not enjoyable all of the time. "All around the capltol building , and throughout the entire city , the surface ot the earth Is covered with concrete pavements , which absorb all heat by day and radiate It at night. The national capltol Is beauti ful to look at , nnd It Is creditable to the artistic desires and pride ot our people ; but It Is not at the same tlmo creditable to our knowledge of the laws of health. I think that during this era of reform which pervades the legislative and executive de partments ot the government It Is particu larly necessary that some reformation should bo mudo In our hygienic methods. " WANT TO FINISH THIS MONTH. Senator Allison of Iowa , late chairman ot the senate committee on appropriations , spent the Fourth of July in the room of the com mittee with Senator Cockrcll of Missouri , who Is now chairman ot that committee , and Senator Call of Florida , these thrco constituting a subcommittee of the senate commjlteu onappropriations , , for the consid eration ot the legislative , executive and Ju dicial appropriation bill. Senator Cockroll said to The lieu correspondent that In addition to the legislative bill ( .life subcommittee oti.ho , committee on appropriations Is considering the Indian and naval appropriation bills , and will have them ready to report to the sen ate early next week. The senator says that so far as the senate Is concerned every thing will bo done to facilitate action on appropriation bills , so that an adjourn ment may bo had not later than August 1 , The senate committee on commerce today took up the river and harbor appropriation bill , and will have that ready to report about the middle of next week. Whllo the sena tors nro now diligently endeavoring to con clude the session of congress It seems likely that many and vexatious delays will occur In the house of representatives by reason of difficulties arising out of Intense dif ferences of opinion concerning the various schedules of the tariff bill , which will to morrow bo taken up for consideration by the conference committee. SOMD LAND OFFICE DECISIONS. The secretary of the Interior has rendered decisions on appeals from the decisions ot the commissioner of the general land office In the following contests in Nebraska and South Dakota : Nebraska Thomas C. Kelly against Albert R. Barnes , r 40 w McCook district , motions for review denied and Barnes * entry to stand ; Gerard A. Vanderveen against Robert Thompson , r 19 w Nellgh district , decision affirmed and Thompson's entry held for cancellation ; Ella M. Hughes against John II. Goffctt , r 61 w Sidney district , decision affirmed and Goffett's entry hold for cancellation - collation ; C. H. M'ortcr against F. Mo- Given , r 2 o Nellgh district , decision hold ing McGlven's entry for cancellation af firmed ; Mark Burke against John M. Barnoi. r 41 North Platte district , decision affirmed and Burke's application for entry rejected ; Robert B. Branch against Robert J. Mc Donald , r 1C Bloomlngton district , affirmed and McDonald's entry allowed to stand. South Dakota George Navholz against V. D. Chaanlng , r GO Watertown district , do- ctslon affirmed and contest dismissed ; Charles E. Ady against Zlphorlah H. Doyla , r 73 Aberdeen district , motion for review overruled ; Irene M. Forgers , r 53 Water- town district , decision affirmed and entry held for cancellation ; William H. Seeker against Granvlllo B. Henley , r 52 Ynnkton district , appeal dismissed and Henley's entry Is to stand ; Charles N. Daley against Lot Lee Barton , r 63 w Huron district , motion for review denied and Barton's entry to stand. REFORMS IN THE PRINTING BUREAU. Contemplated reforms In the methods of printing work for the government ara pointed out In a communication forwarded by Public Printer Benedict to the hoadl of departments. Ho says : "Tho practice that various departments and bureau offi cials have fallen Into In furnishing hasty or Imperfect copy to the public printer , with the purpose ot revising It In proof , hai grown Into a most serious abuse. During late years certain departments have depleted their allotments for printing by tens of thousands of dollars merely for the revision of proofs. Frequently the original cost ot composition has been doubled and quadrupled. Nor Is that the only evil. Typo has often boon required to bo hold for months , await ing the return of proofs , encumbering ; the office , and the typographical appearanca of the work Is seriously marred by free editing after the work Is In type. " Congressman Bryan has secured the passage - sago of his bill compelling the recording ot United States courts' Judgments In a county where the property is situated , except where the court keeps In the county a permanent record ot the United States judgments open 'or ' inspection. This bill affects Lancaster , Adams and Madison counties , which now mve to send to Omaha to examine for Jnltcd States court judgments. Postmasters have been appointed as fol- ows ; Iowa Lodyard , Kossuth county , A. H. Graves , vlco W. A. Wright , removed ; Llttlo- on , Buchanan county , E. B. Barclay , vlc E. M. Smith , removed. South Dakota Sutloy , Campbell county , A. 0. Borroth , vlco J. J. Hummlngs , resigned. The comptroller of the currency has ap proved the selection of the National Bank of St. Joseph ot St. Joseph , Mo , , as a re- orvo agent of the First National bank of ' 'alrbury , Neb. , and the Lincoln National iank of Chicago of the Kearney National lank of Kearney , Nob. A pension has been granted to Colonel D. R. Scott of Sioux Falls. 3. D. AVliUlty unit thu Tariff. CHICAGO , July 5. The managers of th * Vhlsky trust met today to consider the new arlft bill and the probable effects of the Irn roased tax on spirits. It was said the trust will make an effort to get possession of all ho supply of spirits In the market In antlcl- ) atlon of the rise which will follow the pa * . ago of the tariff bill. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Powder ABSOLUTE ! * PURE