r iHF OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE ] P , ] 871. OMAHA , FRIDAY MOVING , JULiT 0 , 189-1. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. GROVER IN COMMAND Answers a Long Letter Addressed to Him by Governor Altgold. ' WHY HE SENT FEDERAL TROOPS Local Federal Officials Unable to Euforoo the Federal Laws. ACTED IN ACCORD WITH THE LAWS T Altgcld Says the State Has Ample Power to Maintain Order , STATE TROuPS AS GOOD AS FEDERAL Maintains tlmt Itiid'tho Authorities Asked II I in for AMl.Miinco tlio Stuto Could ' null \Voulil Iluva Furnished All thu Trooi" Nt' Yesterday developed but one thing In the strike situation that the federal troops already at Chicago were not sufficiently numerous to overawe the mobs , nor to do any particular good In the way of reliev ing the embargo. While there were no clashes between the citizens and the sol di Si , there were many minor collisions , and in one or two Instances special officers used their revolvers. At every point where the troops came In contact with the mobs the latter gave way and reformed a little further on. ' Governor Altgcld wrote to President Cleveland asking by what authority United States troops were quartered In Chicago. The president answered to the effect that It was his will , acting within his consti tutional authority. Governor Walto sent a similar letter. In California the situation shows no change , except that the Southern Pacific Is tied up tighter than over. If possible. St. Louis experienced a llttlo relief , as did also tho. points nlong the Santa Fe. United States marshals , aided by federal troops , are moving trains In Colon-Jo. On the Union Pacific the trouble Is still confined to the Wyoming division. A pas senger train with one mall car nnd four Pullmans attached was sent out of Cheyenne and got as far ns Laramle , where the strikers took possession. It had a nonunion fireman. Efforts ot the Chicago Great Western nnd Milwaukee roads to get their Iowa employes to sign agreementa not to strike were fail ures. ures.At Sioux City the firemen on the Omaha line are still out and trains are movlnc with difficulty. The firemen are not inclined to call the strike off. As far as the strikers are concerned they ecm to have gained the day. for the events brcught more men Into Interest and added to the number of these already out. It Is more than probable that moro' fed eral troops * will be sent to Chicago today. ALTUKLI ) TO CI.TSV15LAND. Glalmn the Stnto Win Ileaily and Able to I'resorve Order. WASHINGTON , July 5. The president Is watching the deveiopmcnts of the situation t Chicago with deep concern. Ho Is ad- Tlsed of every movement as reported to the War department and the Department pt Justice. Apprehension Is not confined to Chicago alone , but the passage of the dls- * affection In the far west Is a source of great solicitude to the officials. Sacremento , Cal. , IB looked upon "as a particularly threatening point , but up to this time there hn3 been no warrant for military Inter ference , Inasmuch as the Judicial officers have not yet applied for troops. Prepara tions have been made , however , to meet pitch call without delay , probably by send ing troops from Presidio. This evening the president. Secretary Lament - mont , Attorney General Olney and Gen eral Schofiold discussed the situation , being Informed of the various phases from time to time by the Associated press bulletins. It was deemed expedient also to establish a means of speedy and direct communica tion with General Miles , and to that end the manager of the Western Union Telegraph company was called upon to connect the whlto house with one of the main wires to General Miles' headquarters In Chicago. At 11:40 : tho. conference broke up. Gen eral Schoficld was pressed to state whether or not the president , had been requested to , , , withdraw the troops at Chicago , but ho vVeplled os this touched a matter entirely " " within the president's province ho could not discuss It. Subsequently Secretary Lament - mont caused to bo prepared copies of the following telegraphic correspondence which had passed between the president and Gover nor Altgeld ot Illinois : "EXECUTIVE MANSION. WASHING TON , July 5 , 1S94. Hon. John P. Altgcld , Governor of Illinois , Springfield , III. : Fed eral troops were sent to Chicago In strict accordance with the constitution and the laws of the United States , upon the demand of the Postolllce department , that obstruc tion of malls should bo removed and upon representation ! ) of tlio Judicial officers of the United States that process of federal courts could not bo executed through the ordinary means , and upon abundant proof that con spiracies existed against commerce between the states. "To meet these conditions , which are clearly within the province of ifsdqral authority , the presence of federal troops In the city of Chicago was deemed not only proper , but. necessary , nnd there has been no Intention of thereby Interfering with the plain duty of the local authorities to preserve the peace of the city. " "GROVER CLEVELAND. " The following Is Governor Altgeld's tele gram : "EXECUTIVE OFFICE , State of Illinois , July 6 , 1804. Hon. Grover Cleveland , Presi dent of the United States , Washington , D. O. : Dear Sir I am advised you have or dered federal troops to go Into service In the state of Illinois. Surely the facts have not been correctly presented In this case or you would not have taken this step , for It la entirely unnecessary , and , as It seems to we , unjustifiable. Waiving all questions of courtesy , I will say that the state of Illinois la not only able to take care ot Itself , but It stands ready today to furnish the federal government any assistance It may need elsewhere. Our military force Is amplennd consists of as good soldiers as can bo found In the country. They have been ordered promptly whenever and wherever they were needed. Wo have stationed In Chicago lone three regiments ot Infantry , QUO bat tery and one troop of cavalry already , and no better soldiers can bo found. They have been ready every moment to gi ou duly , and have been and are now cap. or to go Into orvlce. Hut they have not been ordered because nobody In Cook county , whether an official or private citizen , asked to have tholr distance , or even Intimated In any way that thtlr assistance was desired or neccs- ary. 60 far as I have been advised , the local ofilolaU have been able to handle the illuatlon. Out It any assistance were eeded , the etat itood ready to furnish 100 men for very one man required and teed ready to do 10 at a moment's notice. STATE HAD AMPLE FOUCES. ' "Notwithstanding these facts , the federal government has been applied to by men who had political nnd selfish motives for wanting to Ignore the Btato government. We have Just gone through a long coal strike , moro extensive hero than tn- any other state , because our coal field Is larger than that of any other state. We hnvo now had ten days of railroad strike , and wo have promptly given military aid wherever the local officials needed It. "In two Instances the United States mar shal for the southern district of Illinois ap plied for assistance to enable him to enforce the processes of the United States court , and troops were promptly furnished him nnd ho was ( insisted In every way ho desired. The law has been thoroughly executed , and every man guilty of violating It during the strike has been brought to Justice. If the marshal for the northern district of Illinois , or the authorities of Cook county , needed military assistance , they had but to ask for It In order to. get It from the state. At present some of our railroads ore paralyzed , not by reason ot obstruction ! ! , but because they can not get men to operate their trains. For some reason they are anxious to keep this fact from the public , and for this purpose ' are making an 'outcry about obstructions In order to divert attention. Now I will cite to you two examples which Illustrate the situation : Some days ago I was advised the business of ono of our rail roads was obstructed at two centers that there was a condition bordering on anarchy there , and I was asked to furnish protec tion so as to enable the employes of the road to operate the trains. Troops were promptly ordered to both points. Then It transpired the company had not sufficient men on Its line to. operate one train. All the old hands were orderly , but refused to go. The company had largo shops In which worked a number of men who did not be long to the Hallway union and who could run an engine. They * were appealed to to run the train , but flatly refused. Wo were obliged to hunt up soldiers who could run an cnglno and operate a train. "Again , two days ago , appeals which were almost frantic , came from officials of another - ether road , stating that at an Important point on their line trains were forcibly obstructed , nnd that there was a reign of anarchy at that place , and they asked for protection so they could move their trains. Troops were put on the ground In a few hours' tlmo , when the officer In command telegraphed me there was no troubla and had been none at that point , but the road seemed to have no men to run trains , and the sheriff telegraphed ho did not need troops , but would himself move every train If the company would only furnish men to run trains. The result was that the troops were there fourteen hours before a single train was moved , though there was no at tempt at Interference by anybody. It Is true that w several Instances the road made efforts to work a few green men , and a crowd standing around Insulted them and tried to drive them away , and In a few other cases they cut off Pullman cars from trains. But all these troubles were local In character and could easily he handled by the state's authorities. Illinois has more railroad men than any other state In the union , but as a rule they are orderly and well behaved. This Is shown by the fact that so very little actual violence has been committed. Only a very small per cent of these men have been guilty of any Infractions of the law. The newspaper accounts have In many cases been pure fabrications , and In others wild exaggerations. MEN , NOT SOLDIERS WANTED. "I have gone thus Into details to show that It Is not soldiers that arc rqulrcd so much as men to operate trains , and the conditions do not exist here which bring the cause within the federal statute , a statute that passed In 18S1 and was In reality a war measure. This statute authorized the use of federal troops In a state whenever It shall bo Impracticable to enforce the laws of the United States within such state by the or dinary Judicial process. Such a condition does not'exist In Illinois. There have been a few local disturbances , but nothing seriously Interfered with the administration of Justice , for the federal troops can do nothing that the "state troops'Cannot do. I repeat that you have been imposed upon In this matter , but even if by a forced construction It were held that the 'conditions came within the letter of the statute , I submit that local self- government Is a fundamental principle of our constitution. Each community shall It self so long as it can , and Is ready and able to , enforce the law , and It Is in harmony with this fundamental principle that the statute authorizes the president to send troops with in states , and particularly Is this EO In the exercise of the police power and the pres ervation of law and order. "To absolutely Ignore a loral government In matters of this kind , when the local gov ernment Is ready to furnish assistance needed and Is amply able to enforce the law , not only Insults the people of this state by Im puting to them an Inability to govern them selves or an uwlllingness to enforce the law , but Is In violation of a basic principle of the constitution. The question of federal su premacy Is In no way Involved. No ono dis putes It for a moment , but under our con stitution federal supremacy and local self- government must go hand In hand , and to Ignore the latter Is to do violence to the constitution. "As governor of the state of Illinois. I protest against this and ask the Immediate withdrawal of the federal troops from active duty In this Etntc. Should the situation at any tlmo get so serious that wo cannot control It with the state forces , wo will piomptly ask for federal assistance , but until such tlmo I protest with all duo deference against this uncalled for reflec tion upon our people and again ask the Im mediate withdrawal of these troops. I have the honor to bo , "JOHN P. ALTGELD. "Governor of Illinois. " WAITE WRITES ALSO. DENVER , July B. Governor Walto has written letters to both President Cleve land and Judge Hullct of the United States district court protesting against the whole sale arrests being made by the deputy mar shals at turbulent points In Colorado. The governor charges Judge Hnllet with over riding the Btato constitution nnd'Ignoring civil processes , nnd wltlf arming bodies of men before calling upon the county nnd state authorities , nnd points to his Cripple Creek record as ovldonco that ho Is willing and nblo to suppress lawlessness. The mes sage to President Cleveland rehearses the acts of Judge Hnllet and concludes with the words : "Hy what authority does Mar shal Israel violate the constitution as to arrests and usurp our authority to suspend the writ of habeas corpus In Colorado ? " ' WAltNlNU TO THU UA1I.KUAU. Snn Franelsco Kxtimlncr Freely Kpratts Itg Ml nil on till ) .Situation. SAN FRANCISCO , July 5. The Examiner says editorially : "Tho Southern Pacific Railroad company has managed to get the state and national governments between It and Its workmen. A blow aimed at Its property or privilege to do as It chooses lands on the law and wounds public order. Doubtless the corporation felicitates Itself on the generalship by which It has brought this state ot things , about , but In the end It will pay dearly for Its cleverness. That society may avert from itself riot It Is forced to send for the pollco and soldiery to pro tect this undeserving railroad company. Hut society has been seduced Into no Illu sion ; the people of California understand the situation perfectly , and , when the occa sion Is gone for making tholr own and the corporation's Interest ono , there will be a reckoning. A heavy addition has been made to the debt which the company will sooner or later be called upon to settle. Ever since It came Into existence the corporation has done ( ts utmost to raise Itself above the laws of the state , whose guardianship It now evokes. Rather than yield a point of no creat practical moment to Its workmen , It has laid an Interdict on commerce , subjected thousands of citizens to > serious loss , shown measureless contempt for the conveniences of the public , thrown all California Into alarm , and brought It to the very edge of riot and anarchy. It demands expensive protec tion , even at the cost ot blood , from the municipalities and counties and state to which It la In arrears for taxes. Likewise It demands protection from , and even the con trol nnd UBO of tlio enormous debt to the federal government , which It has made no provision for paying. California has been very patient , but the Southern Pacific has gone too far. " itnuuLAiid CIIAHUI : TIIK HTHIKKKS. Striker * Giro Way , hut Troopi Are Nut Alilo to Cover Alt the drouml. CHICAGO , July C. Regulnr troops made their first charge on the strikers at the yards this morning. Ninety men of the Fifteenth regiment , under Major Hartz and Captains Chnpln of Company II and Mitchell of Company D , dispersed 3,000 men who wcro blocking the pastnge of a meat train near the main entrance of the yards. Swift & Company were starting a train for New York. It was ready to leave t ho yards , but the crowd prevented Us departure and refused to move from the tracks. Troops were sent for and the detachment under Major Hartz was on the ground. A short distance from the scene of the trouble the order to move on double-quick with fixed bayonets was given. Through the crowd the soldiers moved without resistance , and the strikers and their sympathizers fled without reforming. Matters opened briskly at the yards. Troops were marched to points of vantage , and the stock yards switching association was making an effort to clear Its tracks. Official ] wcro sanguine that , barring new obstacles , a hole out and one In would bo opened before nightfall. No mobs were apparently gathering , and though no stock was received at the yards , the outlook was moro hopeful than for several days past. The first move of the troops was toward guarding the meat train of Swift & Com pany. The company feared that an attempt to start the train would be defeated by the strikers , and a guard of regulars was asked for ! Lieutenant Bush and twenty men of Company D were sent to the train. They found the cars surrounded by a crowd ot men , but no violence had been threatened. Then they charged the crowd and the train was released. The rout of the strikers did not make all plain calling for the moat trnln , nnd nt 2 this nflcrnoon It had moved only as far as the Fort Wayne crossing , a short distance outside the yards. Through Its short Journey the men In charge had been harrassed by the strikers and a continually Increasing crowd made the situation serious. Several times the soldiers were compelled to drive the men from the tracks. At the Fort Wayne crossing the gates were closed and no ono would open them. The train was stalled at this point. Additions to the mob were being received continually and the crowd rapidly grew more excited. Threats of violence wcro loud , stones were thrown and the temper of the crowd was such that Unulted States Marshal Donnelly remarked that bloodshed seemed Imminent and that'a violent encounter was probable before night. After the troops scattered the crowd at the first charge the train started. Soldiers guarded the tracks and the cavalry preceded the train. Hooting and yelling on all sides , an Increasing mob tagged , calling the men scabs and tried to hinder the operation of switches. Many women were In the crowd and their voices Joined those of the men In deriding the troops and peace officers. Forty- first street viaduct , under which the train passed , was crowded with angry spectators , but at this time the opposition confined It self to noise. STONED DY THE MOD. At Wallace street the train was stopped while an attempt was made to replace a switch that had been thrown. Stone throwIng - Ing for the first time Interrupted the work. M. S. Wright , an officer for the packing company , was struck and knocked senseless by a roclt. He had been trying to throw a switch. His fall was the signal for an order to the cavalry In advance of tlio train. At the first move of the horsemen the rioters turned back and the railway men threw the switch. Without further trouble the train pro ceeded to Dolese and Shepard's stone yard. The command to close In by the cavalry did not restore order. The order to clear the tracks was given and the horsemen rode into the crowd. The rioters scattered without being harmed. From this point to the Fort Wayne crossIng - Ing the train made good headway. Closed gates at the crossing barred further progress and the train came to a standstill. No ono would open the gates and the delay was pro longed. Beyond tlio crossing the freight cars were dumped by the side of the track and It was Impossible to move them. Neither pollco nor soldiers would touch the cars. At other points along the line the earno blockade was made , and some tlmo was spent In an attempt to straighten up the roadway. About 10,000 pcoplo gathered around the stalled train , and any move by the railway officers , It was expected , would meet with violent op position. Leaving the meat train at the crossing the mob started down the tracks Intent on mischief. The rioters proceeded to the switch tower near Fortieth street and Stewart avenue. They drove the op- crating gang out , and when -the structure was deserted It was fired. A switch box controlling the Inter-locking system was fired , but In both case ; the flames were ex tinguished without causing the destruction of property. A dummy train on the Fort Wayne from East Chicago stopped near the crossing at which the meat train was standing. It was the object of an attack by ono section of the mob. The engineer and fireman were driven from the cab and the windows were smashed. The conductor and passengers abandoned the train and It was left to the mercy ot the strikers. When It seemed permanently abandoned the strikers stopped their attack and continued their march along the tracks. Other freight cars were dumped across the tracks. The regulars remained with the meat train. Intoxicated with success , the big crowd rolled back to the stock train where the soldiers were , under command of Major Hartzc. The Michigan Central officials wcro trying to get a wrecking train to remove the overturned cars. They failed , and nt 4 o'clock It was decided to take the train back to the stock yards. As the train backed Into the yards thousands followed It , exulting In the victory won after a hard day's battle. Several cars and switch shan ties at Forty-ninth street , the property of the Grand Trunk , were set on flro this even ing and destroyed. 1101'KINS TAKICS A IIANII , Mayor JKHIICB n Proclamation to the I'uopln. CHICAGO , July G. After a personal In spection of the scenes ot violence near For tieth street this afternoon , Mayor Hopkins returned to the city hall , and for a half hour was closeted with Corporation Counsel Rubens. At the expiration of this Inter view a letter was dispatched to Chief of Police Brennan and tbo following proclama tion Issued : "Tho events of the last twenty-four hours render It necessary that extraordinary meas ures bo taken to preserve public peace and order. "Tho mayor of the city of Chicago has the legal right to demand the services of every able bodied man In the city and to call out the militia. If necessary to suppress riots or other disorderly conduct , and he will cer tainly exercise every power vested In him by law far the protection of property and the preservation of the public peace. "He expects every citizen to do his duty In preserving the peace by avoiding all places where crowds are congregated , to at tend strictly to his own particular affairs and to see that all women and children are kept away from the public streets and rail way tracks. "The mayor Intends to enforce every law of the state and ordinance ot the city and ho confidently relies upon the people of Chicago cage to aid him In his efforts In this be half. "If the well disposed comply with this re quest as herein Indicated he will no 'doubt ' find a means ot preventing the evil disposed from violating the lavs. The police force Is hereby directed to disperse every assem blage of persons In the public streets and on or near railroad tracks and to promptly ar rest alt persona who refuse to disperse on demand. JOHN If. ( Ilbl'KlNS , Mayor. "July B , 1894. " The mayor has Instructed the chief of pollco to suspend all police officers who were In the Lake Shore & Michigan yards today and did not Interfere wltli the strikers who overturned freight cars'.py ' the score. "Tho Immediate causp of the Issuance ot my proclamation was the overturning of cars on the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern rail road this afternoon , " said Mayor Hopkins. "That sort of biUlncss must bo stopped. I desire that my letter to Chief Urennnn In reference to the .duty of the police be published so all officers may read It. They will hereafter perform their duty or receive their dismissal from the force. I desire that to be distinctly understood. " FiiiKAr : , TUOor.S 1IHIIAVK \ \ 121,1 , . Strll < nr Olvo Way Ileforn Them Only to Chuo Up Again In the Hour. CHICAGO , July C. The sun went down on by far the most turbulent and critical day thus far In the unparalleled railroad strike and boycott. When It opened there was a general feeling that Its passage would go far toward clearing the atmosphere , If Indeed It did not practically lift the embargo barge on commerce which has held this city In Its grip for the past week. That expectation was caused by the reliance on federal troops In the most dangerous dis tricts. The situation at the close of the day Is such that It must be admitted that the hope Indulged In this regard has not been justified. The troops were few in numbers at best , and when they were divided Into squads and distributed at points separated by considerable' distances , It soon became evident that their prestige as over awing bodies had been dissipated at the same time. Instead of fleeing In fear be fore the faces of the soldiers , as was ex pected they would do , the turbulent thou sands surged about the llttlo band , jeered and hooted at them , cast vile epithets nt them and literally played hide and seek with them , stopping trains at will and generally rendering the embargo } In the military dis trict more effective If possible than before. The throngs of strikers did not resist Uncle Sam's police. Again and again when there were thousands of them about a train which It was sought to move , they gave way like water before the leveled bayonets of a single company of Infantry or the trampling of a single squad of cavalry. Like water , too , they closed In ngaln at a point just beyond. They turned switches , derailed freight cars In front -of the slow moving trains and played all sorts of railroaders' tricks , with which the soldiers were un acquainted. Thus It was that the troops at the stock yards In perseverance nnd pa tience spent the entire- day In a vain en deavor to get one train load of dressed beef out of sight of the starting point. Another and pleasanter thing this ex perience showed , and that was the admira ble coolness , self-discipline nnd self-control of the troops throughout an exasperating twelve hours. Not'a | hot was fired ; not a man was pricked by a bayonet , which argues that with force enough the soldiers would have done the work expected of them. The quality was there' merely the quantity ' was lacking. FIRED ON THfe STRIKERS. Asldo from the Immediate neighborhood where the troops were operating there was plenty of excitement nnd disorder. Great mobs gathered on the "Lake Shore , Alton , West Shore and Rock Island tracks and pro ceeded to obstruct them "by overturning box cars , breaking switches , and the like. Atone ono time they set flrjer to a signal tower and an Interlocking box , though the flames were extinguished before Serious damage was done. In two Instances there was bloodshed. On the Western Indiana tracks a hard pressed special pollcenlan fired at his pur suers , wounding a striker In the leg. On the Lake Shore road an official of that com pany in charge of a train which he was endeavoring to force through , emptied his revolver point blank Into the massed strikers about him , wounding two or three , it la-be lieved. Ho was saved from the fury of the mob , as was his engineer , who put on steam and ran back to the point of starting. Shortly after noon a mob numbering 2,000 started north on the Lake Shore tracks at Thirty-seventh street , overturning cars and obstructing the line in every possible way. They were not checked until they reached Twenty-second street , where a heavy force of police was massed and succeeded In turnIng - Ing them back. During the afternoon Mayor Hopkins and Chief of Police Brennan went down to the Lake Shore road'wltlr- official of that road. Intending to RO ' to the stock yards. Their course was obstructed and they were compelled to finish the journey on foot. Of the striking men It may bo said the situation broadened' with today. On the Big Four , on which It was presumed traffic would hs resumed immediately , It Is prac tically tied up. At Jollot everything Is practically at a standstill because the yard men have gone out , and the city water works have shut down' for lack of coal. The night closes down with a very un easy feeling touching the developments be fore morning. STftIKE ON THE CALUMET TERMINALS. The Calumet terminals' employes have struck , and as a result the steel mills of South Chicago will "probably close down tomorrow. Every policeman on the south sldo was called Into service this afternoon when word was received that the-o- was a blockade on the Rack Island at Twenty- fifth street. A dozen- cars had been thrown off the track , and b'dhlnd the obstructions were three passenger trains trying to get Into the city. Thousands of people sur rounded the trains , and the aspect became threatening , so much so that the railroad of ficials sent In the call for policemen to dis perse the mob. When the mob first at tacked the train at Twenty-fifth street there were but few policemen there , and they could do nothing with the strikers. At Twenty-second street there was another gang which attempted 'to throw a freight car off the track. While trying to dis perse the mob or prevent the strikers from carrying out their purpose an ofllcsr was struck on the "head with a stone thrown by ono of the crowd and seriously hurt. Reinforcements arrived and the mob was dispersed. Over 200 policemen then pa trolled the tracks and crossings and pro tected the wrecking crew which was en gaged In replacing the derailed cars. This was not accomplished .until nearly 7 o'clock p. m. , when the first.train started for the city , The most urgc'qt call after the one from Twenty-fifth street and the Rock Island tracks was far men at Thirty-ninth street and the Chicago & Eastern Illinois tracks. This call.yas Bent out by Gen eral Manager Egan ; -who said a mob was In control at that place and the pollco were unable to handle It ; ' Mayor Hopkins said tonight that tbo out come of the conference between himself , Corporation Counsel Rubens and the officials of the American 1111 way union would prob ably end In a' ' request being made In the the name ot the people of Chicago to George M. Pullman that he return to Chicago and submit the difference ! ! between himself and employes for arbitration. The request , how ever , 'will not be sent to Mr. Pullman until another meeting between the city officials and Debs .taken place. The situation at the-stock yards and along the line of the Rock Island Is hourly grow ing moro serious. An attempt to take a train out to the stock yards this afternoon , although protected by United States 'troops , was abandoned , The mob on the line of the Rock Island road has been coming north west and has reached Thirtieth street , where the mob was overturning cars and destroy ing property , burring the trains of the Rock Island and Lake Shore roads. One hundred police have been sent to check the mob. At 9:30 : tonight the cavalry and artillery , under a still order from General Miles , are preparing to leave the stock yards on double quick , Al | the artillery stationed at the stock yards have arrived on the lake front , oppo site the Auditorium and went at once Into camp. " ' * The following pall was Issued tonight by the board ot directors of the A. R , U. : "To the Labor Public : All chief officers of all labor unions of Chicago are Invited to a meeting at Ulrlch's hall , at 10 o'clock , to Inquire why federal troops Invade the state of Illinois In tlmo of peace. " STIUKlMtS ST1I.L , IN CONTROL. Southern I'nclllo Utterly Unnlilo to Move Any of It * Train * . SAN FRANCISCO , July C. The seventh day of the great railroad strike closes with the blockade more complete In northern California than It has been at any tlmo slnco Debs ordered the A. R. U. to tlo up the Southern Pacific. At Oakland and Sac ramento the embargo enforced by the strikers Is absolute , not a wheel being al lowed to turn , nnd at no other point In the state Is the Southern Pacific doing any busi ness , Sacramento continues to be the center of Interest. After the conflict there on Tues day between the strikers and strong forces under the United States marshal nnd the chief of police , nnd on Wednesday between the strikers nnd the stnto militia , It wns feared there would be a serious outbreak there today. The conflict that scums ' > bo unavolablo hns been delayed , however , for at least another day. Early this morning the strikers wcro reinforced by H > 0 men from Truckco , who came Into Sacramento on a special train. Soon afterwards a train from Dunsinulr bearing over 100 heavily armed strikers assembled there. These men have created no trouble , however. They quietly joined the local strikers and as quietly expressed their determination to old the Sacramento men In preventing the rail road company from breaking the blockade under cover of the mllll'i. ' No attempt to bring out the mllltla was made , and tonight the determined A. It. U. men are still In possession of the Sacramento depot. General Dlmond , chagrined at the action of his troops yesterday In refusing to move upon the strikers , this morning loft Sacra mento and returned to San Francisco , lle- fore doing so , however , ho sent two com panies from Stockton home In disgrace , and issued an order depriving the Sacramento companies of their arms and uniforms. During the day the strikers established headquarters In the vicinity of the railroad yards and settled down for a long siege. It Is now believed the railroad will make no further move at Sacramento until fed eral troops can bo had there. At Oakland the strikers are In absolute control. There , too , the state mllltla proved of no avail , for the sympathy of the militiamen Is with the strikers. Com panies from Petaluma , San Rafael and Santa Rosa had been ordered to Oakland , but they were sent homo without being ordered against the strikers. This morning the company fired up .two switch engines on the Oakland mole. No sooner had this been done than a mob of 300 strikers bore down upon the yards , pushed past the un resisting deputy sheriffs and captured the locomotives. They ran the engines on the switches , blew the steam , raked out the fires nnd let out the water. The railroad of ficials made no further attempt to turn a wheel. ( While this riot was In progress on the Oakland mole , thousands of people who live on the Oakland side of the bay and do business In San Francisco stood on the shores waiting for transportation. All the regular ferry boats had been stopped , and to make the blockade more complete three big ferry boats that were temporarily run ning up Oakland creek grounded at low tide and stuck fast In the creek. From 6 to 10 o'clock this morning there wns no communication. The first Oakland boats lo reach San Francisco arrived at 10:30. : Traffic on the coast division running out of San Francisco Is also obstructed. At San Jose a large force of strikers stopped the passing of trains by throwing themselves on the track. Many Interior towns arc already running short of supplies and are complain ing bitterly. Fireman \Ying , whq was aq- cldently..shot by a militiaman at Sacramento yesterday , died today. Coastwise nnd even eastern mail Is now coining Into and going out of San Francisco on ocean steamers. The postal authorities no longer hope for the resumption of rail road traffic. The steamer AValla Walla sailed for Puget Sound this morning with tons of mall for Washington , Idaho , British Columbia and for the cast. Letters sent cast will go over the Great Northern. Malls for southern California were taken out on the steamer Santa Rosa. The Oregon mall was taken to Portland on the steamer Truckee. Malls also arrived by steamer from the north and south. There is talk of sending the incoming Australian steamer Monowal to Puget Sound , there "to discharge her eastern freight and malls. The Monowal was due today. The coastwise steamers ore unable to meet the demand for passenger transporta tion. HOYCOTT1NG DAILY PAPKRS. Milwaukee KniploycR HeR ntlng Wlmt They Itecnrd ns Unfair Trout incut , PERRY , la. , July 5. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) Over SOO railroad employes of the Milwaukee road held a union meeting hero today. The session was conducted with closed doors , nnd later on the proceed ings were made public. The Reporter this evening published a set of resolutions passed boycotting the Ct'tcago Herald. Tribune , Inter Ocean , News , Record and Des Molncs Register , and every business house In tlio city 'has been asked to join them In the boycott. They promise to ex tend It over the entire Milwaukee system. W. E. Glnn , an ex-conductor who recently lost both arms" and a leg , Is the leading news dealer and handles over 300 of these papers dally. They have promised to make his business good by purchasing other dallies. They endorsed the Omaha Bee as an Im partial journal , worthy of their support. They consider that the papers boycotted have been rank In the treatment of organ ized labor , and this new action ugnlnst newspapers Is considered as a most emphatic expression of sympathy for the A. it. U. These resolutions were signed Jointly by members from the Brotherhood ot Locomo tive Engineers , Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen , Order of Railway Conductors und Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen , Se\euil of the railroad men present are among the heaviest property holders In the city. Yesterday a paper was sent hero by Gen eral Manager Earling to the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers asking them to sign It. It was an agreement not to strike. Today they returned the paper with the statement that they would not work with nonunion men or under pollco protection. QUIET AT SIOUX CITY. With the Assistance of Mllltla Homo TriiliiH Are Moving , SIOUX CITY , July B. ( Special Telegram to The Bee , ) The strike situation today Is quiet. The arrival of the mllltla und tbo determined way they went about clearIng - Ing the yards last night brought this about. No attempt to block trains was made fur ther than at the bridges early this mornIng - Ing on the Illinois Central and Omaha roads. All passenger trains on the Illinois Central and Omaha roads went out on regu lar tlmo today for the first tlmoslnco Mon day morning under military escort , The firemen on the Chicago , St. Paul , Min neapolis & Omaha returned to work at 1 o'clock. As a result the company expects to resume freight business tomorrow. The engineers on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul still refuse to go out with any but regular firemen , aad as a result the road Is only getting out a portion of Its pas senger trains , There have been no serious conflicts be tween the mllltla and strikers , Two militiamen were struck with coupling pins and a couple of strikers were jabbed with bayonets. United States District Attorney Sells Is hero and has Instructions from Olney to got all mall trains through. He has caused twenty-one warrants to bo Is sued for persons charged with conspiracy to Interfere with malls by blocking trains and seven have been arrested. No freights are moving yet because of Inability ot the roads to get crows for them. Fort AVftyno In Had Shape. FORT WAYNE. Ind. , July 5. The strike situation In this city Is becoming very seri ous. Not o mall train has reached this city over the Wabash In two days , nnd only one passenger train has moved , Thli mornIng - Ing the Nickel Plato men quit , and not a wheel Is turning on that road between Fort Wnyno and Stony Island. Even the sec tion men are out. Westbound passenger train No. 1 was laid up at the depot hero for hours , and Traveling Engineer Work failed to find n crew to handle It. There Is no trouble reported on the Chicago , Pitts- burg & Fort Wnyno road , but a ttrlko Is hourly expected. SIMtlOUS SITUATION AT ST. I.OtllS. Sonic Train * Arn llcliig Moved , tint. I.Htlo HuftliieHM l Ilelng Iliiiullcil , ST. LOUIS , July fi. In the railroad yards and about the union depot n moro cheerful state of affairs exists nnd a brnvcr attempt Is being made to handle tralllc. More switch engines are at work than at any tlmo this week and moro freight cars being moved. The passenger service Is Improving and all roads report a better movement In that serv ice. In spite of nil this the situation Is still of n most serious character , for as one gain Is reported a loss Is to be found to balance It. St. Louis Is at present suffering as much from the strikes at outside points as at home. At present , though , the roads have practically no yard forces , yet thi'ro Is not enough traffic In or out to keep even the existing force busy. In fact St. Louis , the gateway , U suffering far moro than St. Louis , the originating point. The Iron Mountain , the St. Louis , Kcokuk & North western and the Missouri , Kansas & Texas , on the west side of the river , and the Toledo , St. Louis & Kansas City on the cast side , are operating their yards with their regular crews and arc experiencing no difficulty In handling such buslncs ns comes to them. The Improvement In the passenger service Is duo to the arrival of cars and engines from other points where they have-been tied up , thus renewing the equipment here. The Terminal association yard force remains largo enough to handle this service promptly so long as cars , etc. , can b3 had. FUEL SITUATION IMPROVES. The fuel situation Is Improving today. Some of the roads that had loaded coal cars sidetracked In their yards succeeded this morning In switching the cars to points where they could bo unloaded and the two terminal companies also succeeded In haulIng - Ing several trains of coal from the east side. There Is an Immense amount of coal on the tracks In East St. Louis and If this can be brought over there will be no fuel famine. The Ice men have sufficient Ice In sight to supply the city for at least two weeks. In St. Louis , however , the dealers are not entirely dependent upon the railroads , for many of their Ice houses are located on the banks of the river and supplies can be brought to the city In barges. The milkmen are experiencing considerable difficulty in supplying all customers , but unless the strike becomes very much worse than at present the city will get along. The fact that none of the 'Frisco or Missouri Pa cific suburban trains have suffered delay has helped the milk dealers. The only dairies that are seriously embarrassed by the strike are those that are wholly dependent on Illi nois towns for milk. FEDERAL AID MAY BE ASKED. During the forenoon It became evident that the railroad had determined to ask for federal aid In order to renew the movement of traffic at this point. Early this morn ing Samuel II. Priest , attorney for the Mis souri Pacific , was In conference with United States District Attorney Klopton and his as- blstnnt , Mr. Anthony. Ho also visited Judge Thnyer. That the matter In process ot evolution lution was Important was shown by the fact that n special train was sent to Trenton last night over the Iron Mountain road for Air. Klopton , who did no expect to bo In SU Louis fpr several class. The return trip was made In throe hours , ono hour less than Echc'dCfle time. When the federal officers reached the city they drove to Mr. Priest's residence , arriving there at mld- nlglit , and Mr. Klopton had a hnlf-hour conference with Mr. Priest. When the United States district court met today Mr. Priest was absent. Judge Thayer was about to order an adjournment when Mr. Klopton whispered to the judge , who an nounced n recess until 2 this afternoon. The district attorney admitted that some action touching the strike would be taken at that hour. OSI3 TH.UM OUT OJ ? 1H3NVKK. Orders of the United .States Marxhul Have DOIKI IIttlu ! O < H | . DENVER , July G. United States Marshal Israel has Issued orders to his deputies to arrest without warrants any man who , by speech or act attempts to Interfere with the operation of trains on railroads that arc In receiver's hands , und to make particular efforts to capture the strikers' leaders. Under the protection of the troops and depu ties the Santa Fo and Denver & Gulf are attempting to run freight as well as passen ger trains. The executive committee ot the strikers 1ms ordered a strike on the Colorado Midland , which will become effective today. The Denver & Rio Grande Is still prevented from sending trains west by the strike of firemen ut Sallda. President Jeffrey de clares ho will tto the road up for six months rather than break any contracts. The Union Pacific sent out a passenger train this fore noon , but will not attempt to run It beyond Cheyenne. Judge Hallett In the United States court announced very emphatically today that men arrested for violating the court's Injunctions who are awaiting Hearing for contempt of court will not be permitted to return to the places where they created dhsturbanco oven when bonds are furnished. The receiver of the Gulf system announces that the road is open for both passenger and freight business. The Rock Island now receives freight business of all kinds as well as passenger business. The Santa Fo road succeeded In starting a train for Chicago tonight , and announces that It in running In perfect order. Contrary to prophecy yesterday - day , the Midland was not tied up today. The Union Pacific road runs Its westbound trains as far as Cheyenne only. Whatever changes occurred In the situation of the Denver & Rte Grande are for the better. SICNT OUT 1-ito.M OHIYINXI ; . Union Tactile. OdtH u Train Started With I'ullimui ! ) iui < l Nonunion Flruincn. CHEYENNE , July 5. The Union Pacific sent a train west from IH.TO at 2:30 : this afternoon consisting ot mall car , day coach und four Pullmans. Two engines were used , nonunion firemen being on each engine , Tea a telegram from the local union to Senator Carey asking him to support the Kyle re solution In the senate the following answer was received : WASHINGTON. July 4 , ISU-Secrelnry A. It. U. No. IS : I shall not support the Kyle resolution. To supoprt It , you , on reflection , would condemn my action nny- wny , und I should lose my Moir-respcot , Your order does not advocate unurohy , nui do I. Labor's enemy In tlmen .of trouble la the professed friendship of deinuKiiKUea. JOSEPH M. PARKY. Only ono member of the Federated Board of Union Pacific employes has yet arrived Clark of the Brotherhood of Brakemcn. Vroman of the engineers and the flrcmcn'H representative are expected tonight. There la no change In the situation. No effort has yet been made to get a train west from here. Two mall trains nnd several passengers are now In the yards. Traffic east and south Is proceeding without much Interruption. LOOKS FOll NHOOTINQ TODAY. Dlurithul Arnold Think * the Troops Cannot Stand Many Moro Htonen. CHICAGO , July 5. Fourteen strikers nnd sympathizers were arrested at Illuo Inland for obstructing malls und contempt of In- Junction. They wcro arraigned tonight before - fore Commissioner Hoyno and held In { 1,000 ball each. Marshal Arnold said : "There will un doubtedly bo serious trouble at the stock yards , as the troops cannot submit to much moro stone throwing and defiance without shooting. When they do nothing can pru- ( Contlnucd on Second Page. ) MOBS STILL RULE . Turbulent Element of the Windy Olty's Population Greatly in Evidence. ASPECT IN CHICAGO VERY THREATENING Kiotcre Make Mnuy Demonstrations ia Various ParU of the Oity , CARS OVERTURNED AND OFFICERS STONED Crssins , Blockaded and Angry Crowds Do Everything to Hinder Trains. ONLY A FEW CASUALTIES REPORTED Uebs Declare * Unit Kvury Triulo In Chicago Ho Cull..l Out If Found NceesHary to .Mulct ) tlio Striken Winner. CHICAGO , July G. Instead of diminishing In force Die strike situation In Chicago has crown more icrlons apparently desplto tbo presence of tliq United States trcopa. Th General Managers association received word today of rioting In several parts of the city. A mob gathered at Thirty-fifth street on the Chicago & Illinois trucks nnd stoned all passenger trains , directing their attention particularly to passenger coaches. Th9 Chicago , Burlington & ( Jtilncy experienced trouble at Western avenue , nnd a detail of police was called to disperse the crowd. At Forty-third street In the Rock Island yards a largo crowd 'of ttrlkers became demonstrative , and a heavy detail of pollca wa's sent to that point. Fifteen freight cars were overturned on the Like Shore road near Thirty-ninth street „ nnd halted Just nt the entrance- tlio Union stock yards ut 1:30 : p. in. A number of cara belonging to thu Stock Yards Switching as sociation were- overturned n few moments before. Tlio mob , which numbered far up In the thousands , rushed by common Impulao at the cars and pitched them In the ditch. No troops were at the scene of the troubla at the time. . Ono thousand strikers congregated at Fortieth street and Wentworth street and tried to wreck the tower house on the Lake Shore and the Hock Island roads. Police men were dispatched to the sceno. Later the mob overturned about lUty freight cara on the Hock Island. The attack was made between Thirty-ninth and Rootfstreets , a point not covered by the troops nt the time. The yards at Fifty-fourth street are full 'Of strikers. Companies C and G of the Fif teenth Infantry have Just arrived from Blue Island to/ reinforce troops already there. The troops got out of the cars at Flfty-thlro street. Company C deployed nnd the troops marched through thef .yards . with charged bayonets. The mob disappeared before them. Large crowds were onthe - tops of freight cars , but jio stones were thrown. The yards have been"closed. . > FORCED MEJN TO QUIT. A train on the Lake Shore was stopped at Forty-fourth street at 11 o'clock this morning. The engineer and fireman were requested to leave the cnglno and refused , and then wore forcibly put off by the strikers. The en- glno was then cut nnd the train was moved back Into the yards by the strikers. The outlook Is not very pleasant. At ho Forty-seventh street crossing of the Rock Island an Immense crowd was gathered anticipating the arrival of an In coming Rock Island passenger train. The troops cleared the tracks , nnd , not with- starillng that there was stone throwing , the train proceeded to Chicago. At Dearborn station , the terminus of the Erla , Wabash , Santa Fe , Monon , Grand Trunk and Eastern Illinois , an effort was being made today to get through passenger trains on all these roads. Most of the trains were getting out of the station on time. It was said that no attempt to re new suburban service on any of the Dear born station lines would be made today. The Illinois Central road resumed 1U O suburban service today and a limited num ber of trains were running with the usual regularity. The olllcluls believe the com plete service will soon bo restored. Thera was no trouble In securing crews for the engines. All of the special police at Nelson Morris & Co.'s packing house at the stock yards , fourteen In number , struck today and gave up tholr stars. The city pollco were called upon to lalo their places. The order for a special grand Jury to In vestigate violations of" United Slates statutes by thu strike leaders was entered on th records today In accordance with the deci sion of Judge Grosicup. At Sioux City tlio blockade 1ms been partly raised so far as passenger trains are con cerned , but no' freights are yet moving. The Illinois Central got. out a train this morning which had boon stalled there three days. The burning of the Omaha bridge at Twelfth street there has Interfered with the running of trains on that road. It was thought the fire was the work ot an Incendiary. TUB militia Is still quartqrcd In the Union depot and all trains uro given a military escort out of the city. At' 10 o'clock all the yard men In the em ploy ot the Lake Shore nt Detroit quit work. Grand Haven men are doing the work , I'rctildent Ucb , In an Interview this afternoon - noon , declared that if It became necessary the chirrs of the various labor organiza tions would call cut qvcry trade In Chicago so that the strikers would win. STRIKER SHOT 11Y DEPUTIES. Deputy United States Marhhals Pick and McGann. on duty ut Grand Crossing , claimed tn see a striker approach a switch on the Illlnib Central track today with the evident purpose of derailing an approaching train. They called on him to stop , but he Ignored' the command and they tired at him. Ono shot took effect In the fcllow'K lug. Cltr policemen In tlio vicinity heard the shoot ing , came up and placed the deputy mar shals under arrest. Some conlllct of au thority Is likely to ensue , as Grand CrossIng - Ing Is within the city limits and the pollca have been Instructed that their authority la paramount. The wounded itrlkcr wa taken to a hospital. Thcra was hardly enough clamor or appearance of riot In Ulu iHlan.l this morning to disturb n sick room. The wholesale nrrentH , with the contlnuad presence of the federal troops , seemed to cxorclso an Inlinece on the striken ) , und the town teemed to bo rapidly falling back : Into Ita original desuetude , The only In cident occurring during the night wat , report that deputies guarding the pump at the west end yards had been attacked. Re inforcements were sent , and It proved to bo only a gang of lioys returning from * Fourth of July ilanco , who were itandlnff off at a distance calling the deputies every thing hut gentlemen. Tlio tralmi nd , yards hnvo all been cleared and are reidy for business. The itrlkcra Hay tiny will do nothing as long OR the soldiers aia hers , but will watt until they leave and then tl up the road again , Tie-Up Complntn nt Halt I.akd. SALT LAKE , July C , The passenger servIce - Ice between hero and Ogden today teemed to bo out of the question , Ono train rrif started for Ogdcn this morning , tut iru hnltcd at Syracuse , where It still tan4 . The eastern fast mall was not allowed to move a wheel. There la not a pound of freight entering the city. Dlspatchns froa Ogdvn say not a wheel moved In the Oe < J yard today ,