8 THE OMAHA DAILY BKE ; WEDNESDAY , JULY 4 , 1891. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Mr , Sdnum Appointed as Member of the Hoard of Public Works. DEFECT IN FORM POSTPONES ACTION Wllry CnntliiKdit Hllll Trying to ( lt l Ithccin 1'nlil Appointments of Now Mcinlicra of I.llirury lloiiril Am Con- llniKMlVlio Tliry Arc. Tlio expectation that the mnyor would nnino a successor to M.ijor Furay as a mom- her of the Hoard of 1'uhllc Works nnd that the appointment \vould causa an Interesting mti88 In the council drew a full lobby at the regular council meeting last night. The expectant crowd was disappointed In regard to the latter for the combine gave Im mediate evidence that It was their purpose not to waste any time on the appointment , but to consign It to the tender mercies of HdBcall's judiciary committee for Interment. The mayor communicated the nnmc of I.ovl K. h'chrum as street commissioner , designating Mr. Dalcombc as sewer com missioner and J. 11. Wliupear aa .chairman of the board. He also Inclosed petitions from thu bricklayers union and the build ers and traders union unanimously endorsing ing the appointment of Mr , Schrum. The cleric had not finished the last para graph of the communication before llcuhcl was on Ma feet with a motion to refer to the judiciary committee. At this point the clerk discovered that the mayor had omitted to sign the communication and this loop hole was eagerly seized and thu appointment referred back to the mayor. The mayor vetoed the ordinance redefining the wards of the city on account of some Inaccuracies In describing the boundaries of the precincts , and transmitted a substitute ordinance In which the errors were corrected. The veto was sustained , and the substitute ordinance was road and referred to a special committee. Ordinances declaring the necessity of grad ing Dodge street , from 'thirty-sixth street to Thirty-eighth avenue ; Seventeenth street , from Vlnton to Center ; Tenth street , from Center to Dorcas , and eighteenth street , from Center to Williams , wcro vetoed on the ground that the council had no right to take money from the road fund for original grading , and the vetoes were sustained In each Instance. The mayor's veto of the Hem In the Juno appropriation ordinance of $1GO for the salary of L. M. Hhecm brought the Wiley combine Into line. Hascall and Wheeler disputed the mayor's statement that the courts had de cided that the action of the council In ap pointing Mr. Hhecm acting city electrician was Illegal , and claimed that the Injunction was only temporary , pending the final de cision ot thu case. In the course of his re- murks Wheeler said that Mr. Hheem was entitled to his salary and would get It In time , whether he received It from the city or not. The vote showed that the combine was thirteen strong , and the veto was not sustained. The appointment by the mayor of Miss R. B. 1'oppleton to succeed herself as a mem ber of the library board was confirmed , as was that of Victor Hosewater to succeed William S. Curtis , while the appointment of Victor B. Bender was referred to the judiciary committee. A resolution was passed appropriating $2,250.03 to pay the Barber Asphalt com pany on Us celebrated bill for $14,250.68 , which was railroaded through the council " some time ago. The ' ' , ' ' . . , . the remaining $12,000 was to ba paid as soon as there was a sufficient fund available. The appropriation ordinance containing this and other Items was called up for passage under suspension of the rules , but about this time Hascall became anxious for fear tliat the mayor's secretary would return with Mr. Schrum's appointment properly signed , and the combine abruptly forced mi adjournment. If ycu decide to take Hood's Sarsaparllla do not be Induced to buy any substitute arti cle. Take Hood's and only Hood's. The ladles of the Central church will serve Ice cream at the High school grounds this evening. CONTEMPIUOUS SILENCE. Seymour IVilcox UuTuies to Answer iJiuljjo Hlnlr'H IjuvHtloits unil ( Joea to .lull. A refusal to answer the questions of a district Judge cost Seymour G. Wllcox his liberty yesterday , and unless sonic further action Is taken he will occupy a cull In the county jail until ho acquires a more definite Idea as to the privileges of a court. The trouble arose over a suit which has been hanging fire In district court for nearly a year. On September 2fl , 1893 , Harry Car- tan brought suit against J. C. Wllcox to re cover the value of a promlsory note for $1,062.93. The case was tried before Judge Bcott and was decided In favor of the plain tiff. Judgment was awarded and an execu tion was finally Issued on the property of the defendant. It was nt this point that Seymour Wllcox , the son of the defendant , began to figure In the case. There were beveral transfers of property between parent and son about the time the execution was Issued , and la'st week Seymour Wllcox was summoned to ap pear In court to answer certain questions In regard to the status of the property. He failed to appear nnd yesterday n capias was Issued. Ho appeared before Judge Blair to whom the case had been turned over yes terday afternoon , but firmly declined to bo Interrogated. Ho refused to bo sworn or to answer the questions of the court , and when reminded that this would bo considered a contempt , ho declared that the court had no right to catcchlso him. He peislsted In this course and Judge Blair finally called In Deputy Sheriff Hosenzwolg and ordered him to lock up the unwilling witness until such tlmo ns ho was willing to bo more tractable. Wllcox was still in jail at a late hour lust night. i\rur : < lc > n Aimotiiirrimmt , The Chicago & Northwestern ( city ticket offlco No. 1101 Farnam street ) announces that tie ) excursion tickets to the N K A ' meeting at Asbury 1'ark ( New York City ) the Y. 1' . S. C. B. meeting at Cleveland and the U. Y. I' . U. meeting at Toronto , nro now good returning to Omaha as late as September. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Clmrlty Committee Antliurfevil to Kxluml Aid lo I ho Hn uii Army. The petition of John Sclnipp , president of the Central Labor union , for aid for the Hognn army , which was referred to the county commissioners by the city council , was considered by the commissioners at their meeting yesterday ( Afternoon. 1'ad- dock expressed himself against acting on the petition until after It had been Investi gated by u committee , on the ground that he doubted whether the board had any legal right to appropriate money for that purpose. Jenkins contended that there was n warrant of necessity as well an of law and , as the other members of the board sided with him , thu petition was referred to the charity committee , with power to act. P Chairman Dean of the special committee appointed by thu union to look after the Cnininvnwealcra addressed the board i. briefly , Hinting that the men wcro all miners . \\lio were willing to work , but hail been forced nut of employment on account of the shutting down of the silver mines , Tljey had scarcely one blanket apiece and not . enough provision * for supper. They were ramped along the bank of the river In the Mln. vhcru they were In urgent need of fconio nsslKuuu'c , A communication from the register of dcrJs nuked that the salary of one cloik In MM flicf bo ralrcd from $ $0 to $100 per month , two fiom fUO to $75. and two from > V ) to $00. Thin way referred to the llnanco onnnlttc'c. The rontuct nml bond of A very | ) r.s. , for the construction of two bridges In Mlllnrd precinct , wcro approved and the frr 20,000 yard * 1 giadlng In Hen na wu I-1 lo Henry Hull ut 7 % cents l > tr ynrJ , DoWIU'i I.Utlo Hariy rtucri , Small fill ) , Ufu Pllli , bc t pIU. ) The Celebrated Acrobats , in their laugh able Chinese performances , afternoon and evening1. ALBERTA THE JUGGLL'R. Excellent Music All Day. - The Switchback is some thing everyone enjoys. A TALK ON PIANOS. Him87..00 Muy Ho &u\cil In lltijlnpr a I'lano. Up on the fourth floor of HoydenBros' , big establishment In the music room the otlier day were two ladles holding an ani mated conversation regarding the merits and demerits of certain pianos. "I don't see why you should buy your pianos In a department ttore , " said one. "You know you can buy everything under the sun here besides pianos. Why don't you go to a regular piano store , where they sell nothing but pianos think of nothing but pianos ? It seems to me that you would be better satisfied. " "You must remember , Ellen , " said her companion , "that In this department Is car ried as large a stock of pianos , organs and musical Instruments as can be found In Omaha. It Is under the management of a piano man second to none In Nebraska It Is closely looked after to the minutest de tail , and by paying spot cash for stocks , Instead of taking them on consignments , as Is the usual custom , they can sell cheaper yes , much cheaper than the average dealer , and they only handle the finest grades of pianos. " "What grades do they handle ? " was asked. "Tho Chlckerlng" for which Hayden Bros , ore the sole Omaha agents , "The Lester , " "tho Mathusctck , " "the Denning" and lots of others. " "How much cheaper do the'y sell than the average dealer ? " was the next question. "Ordinarily Hayden Bros , save about $75.00 on each piano bought from them. They buy for spot cash they have no canvassers they have no commissions to pay the rent and expenses are cheaper than In an ordi nary music store Hayden Bros , group all their departments all stores within them selves under one head one expense one management , and the customers reap the benefit. " The last speaker was right. Not only does the customer reap the benefit on pianos , organs and all kinds of musical Instruments , but every department In the store offers Its goods at prices that are never undersold. From a pound of butter to n suit of clothes from a package ot pins to a suit of cham ber furniture , Hayden Bros , offer the great est money's worth to be had In Omuha. The ladles of the Central church will serve Ice cream at the High school grounds this evening. Will . " " 00 Kniriipj'H Mill * . II D. Watson of Kearney Is nt HIP Paxton - ton with a party of prominent New Kng- Innd capitalist ! ' , who aio on their way to Kearney upon a trip of Inspection. They are nil laigcly Inti-iusted in cotton mami- factinlntf , nndlll give especial attention to tlio Keainey mills nnd the water power nffoulpd by the oinial , which Is to be Bioatly enlarged within a short time. The imity consists of O. W. I'armentur. D. CS. Kemp. W. II. llerrlok , i , . 8. Campbell , all of Montpellor , Vt. ; W. F. Hascall , W. Cl. Hnln anil Mrs. Haloh of Uo.ston ; Ira A. Chase of Bristol , Vt. ; A. P. Wilson.of Manchester , N. II. , and Fieil Young of Laconln , X. II. To Complete u II. & M. RAHO CITY. S. IX , July 3.-Speeiul ( Telegram to The Bee. ) President Coad of the Dakota & Wyoming railway , at a meet ing of the rltlzJna this afternoon , announced that he hud closed a contract with the Drakc-Strntton company of Now York nnd Philadelphia rccurlng ? J5.000 to complete the Hue to Myntlo on tln > 11. & M. l.oc.il crodltoisconsent to defer their claims until completion of the road by January 1. Work will also be commenced soon in other ill- rcptloiis to cuiry the road through to the Mlsbomt river. Cited the Mil ) or to Appcnr , Yesterday morning , In accordance with the statutes In such cases , Judge Keysor clteil Mayor llemls , against whom Impeachment charges have been filed , to appear In court at 10 o'clock , July 13 , and show cause h > he should not bo removed from ofUco. Nothing wa& up.10 lit regard to the demand of HaBciil ) and WhoiMcr that ho should bo suspended pending the hearing , and Mayor Bcmls will continue to perform the duties of his ofllce. Aru You OnliiK to Travel ? If BO , and In wlur direction , or by what ever route , have a ruflicleney of Hostettcr'w htomach Hitlers-Mill you. Then you may old defiance to sen. sickness , biavo the In- nuenco of u mnU-rlous climate or abrupt transitions of temperature , avoid dyspepsia , and tlia stomach paiiR * begotten of bad food and water , ami counteracts r. unexpectedly developed tendency to constipation , biliousness - ness nnd rheumatism. N The ladle * of the Central church will serve Ice cream at t'a ' HIEii school grounds ttiU evening. Take Sherman avenue cars to Locust street. A CIII : < VP iru OUTING. July -Hli Union I'uulllo Will Run 'through Trains to C.niirtlunil Ili-ncli ( Umnhii ) . Leave South Onuiha 0:30 : p. m. , 1:30 p. m. , 10:30 : a. m. Fare for round trip , 20c. Leave Sheely 6:37 : p. m. , 1:37 : p. m. , 10:37 : a. m. Fare for round Irlg. 20c. Leave Thirteenth strest70maha , 6:45 : p. ra. , 1:45 : p. m. , 10:45 : a. m. Fare for round trip , ICc. ICc.Leave Ninth and Jones , Omaha , 6:50 : p. m. , 1:50 : p. m. , 10:50 : a. m. Fare for round trip , 15c. 15c.Leave Ninth and Davenport , Omaha , 6:57 : p. m. , 1:57 : p. m. , 10:57 : a. m. Faro for round trip , 15c. Arrive Courtland Beach 7:10 : p. m. , 2:10 : p. m. , 11:10 a. m. Returning , leave Courtland Beach at 5:30 : p. m. , 10:45 : p. m. Leave Broadway , Council Bluffs , 10:15 : a. m. , 1:15 : p. m. , 6:15 : p. m. Returning , leave Courtland Beach 5:30 : p. m. , 10:45 : p. m. Through train service to the beach , 25o for round trip from Council Bluffs. Admission to Courtland Beach , Including steamer ride across the lake In both direc tions , lOc. _ _ little pills for great Ills : DeWltt's Llttla i-uriy Hlsurs. Two Union Taulllu Mr. Joseph S. Sykes , private secietary to General Manager Dickinson , Is enjoying the astonishment of many friends In nnd out of Union Pacific hendquoitera by his announcement caids , which state that Mr. Sjkes and Miss Anna L. Morris were inar- ilcd ThuiMlay , June 14 , ut Sharon , I'n. , antl that after July 15 they will be at home at 2'2lFurnuin \ street. It was truly thu unexpected that occutred In this case , but so gtiiioinl a iavoiltu is Joe Sykes among his associates that they have punlonud Ilia secrecy and have united In warm con gratulations o\er his joining the ranks ol the benedicks. Another matrimonial surprise , so for as Union Paclllc headquarters are concerned , occuried yesterday when Mr. J. li. Dur ham , chief rate cleric In the olllce of the general passenger agent , was united In mairlage to Miss Isabella Ross at the homo of the latter , 1312 South Eighteenth btreet. Mr. and Mis. LHulmin left on the last mall last evening for a tour of Colorado and the west. _ After the Strike Is Over. The executive committee of the Commer cial club held a brief session yesterday to take up the matter of another Jobbeis' ex cursion. The members of the committee were satisfied thut the piuctlcul icsults ot the last two exclusions justified several more , but at the present time any con sideration of the subject was useless. None of the railway managers of the city nru disposed to lend any encouragement to thu pioject until the existing anil threatening troubles with employes are adjusted. So all airungementH for fuither excursions will bo discontinued Indellnltely. The rallioad btilko on the several lines In the west also prevented a meeting ot Missouri river packers yesterday. None of the expected icpresentatlvcH or the pack ing Interests of wcsletn cities reached the city , nnd the proposed conference two been postponed for an Indeflnlle length of time' . Pills that euro sick Headache : DeWltt'i Llttlo Karly Risers. l.lcoust'S , The following licenses to > veil werot Issued by the county judge yesterday : Name and uddtcsH. . , Age. John li. Durham , Omaha . C Isabella 11. Uuss , Umaha . i Licit Schulzc , Soulh Omaha . 21 Nona Thompson , South Umaha . 22 Udwaid'J. Nelson , Omaha. a . 23 JiollllUy Johnson , Omuha . 23 Thomas Hulloran , Omaha . 7 Jane Connor , Omuha . 2U Wllllum R WcBtphuleii , Scrlbncr , Neb. . . 23 Anna M. Uledilcnsen , JJcnnlngton , Neb , . 17 James M. timlth , South Omaha. . . , . , . . . , . 27 U/ulo liungman , Omaha . 21 Martin J. Meliiuth , Omaha . , . 21 U , LUIKC , Omaha. , . . . . 21 Parashuie Jump Mternoon Eve , 'LOW HATKS TO T11U KAST YIu the ISurllnRton Itoutp. July 5 , 6 and 7 , round trip tickets , good to return , until September 1 , to Asbury Park , N. J. , will be on tale at the one way rate , plus $2.00. A special train , carrying sleepers and free reclining chair cars , will leave Omaha at 4:30 : p. in. , July 5 , and will run through to Asbury Park. Tickets and full Information upon applica tion to the Burlington's city ticket agent at 1321 Farnam sttcet , Omaha. Cheap Kcanldo Excursion. July 7 , 8 and 0 the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern railway will sell , account Na tional Teachers' convention , cheap excursion tickets to Asbury Park , N. J. , allowing par ties to visit other seaside resorts , good re turning until September 1 , under certain con ditions. For full particulars address A. C Goodrich , western passenger agent , P. 0 box 264 , Kansas City , Mo. Summrr School. At the Omaha Commercial college , In the Patterson block , 17th and Douglas , begins next Monday morning , 9 o'clock. It Is for public school children. Make arrangements this week. ROHRBOUGH BROS. Kxciiralon Itiitcs Kiist. For full information concerning summit excursions call at the Chicago , Milwaukee i St. Paul ticket office , 1504 Farnam street , or address F. A. NASH. General Agent. Fireworks and FJ.igg At the lowest prices at MAX MEYER & CO.'S , Corner Eleventh and Farnam streets. We have the largest and finest stock In the city. _ Special Kxrnrslon Knst. Via the Northwestern line to Asbury Park , Cleveland , Toronto and on a hundred other pleasant summer resorts. Call at the city ticket office , 1401 Farnam street. rxc'iirfiloii Itntus Knst The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. will sell round trip tickets to Asbury Park , N. J. , on July 5th , 6th and 7th for the ono way faro plus $2,00 For full Information about routes , etc. , call at the Milwaukee ticket office. 1501 Far nam st. Celebration I'ostponrd. The rallioad strike has played havoc with the ptoposcd excursion of prominent eastern people who wcro to visit the future metrop olis of the northwest on July 1. This fact will bo a disappointment to the Omaha people ple Intere.tcd In the new Kdgmont power canal and the various entci prises connected with It. The excursion had been planned by F. C. Grable and was to have left Chicago cage Monday nlgllt and arrive at Omaha yesterday. Hero 'the ' party of distinguished visitors , among 'whom ' were some of the prominent capltalltts of the New England states , was to hivo/been joined by Governor Crounse , 13. Rosewnter nnd others. The Fourth was to have been celebrated by the formal opening oft. the new canal end the event would ha ai been ono long remem bered. The EtrtldJ among the railway em ployes of Chicago necessitated the aban donment of the trlu for the present , and the Intention now Is to have It In Septem ber , on the occauloli ot the further develop ment of the rich. Ulack IIIHu country by the completion ot thu U. & M. railroad to Bil lings , Mont. rincd I'ounlliiiidri'd Dollar * . W. W. Wallace the colored man who was charged with mailing an assault upon four little gills rosilllnf In the vicinity of Twenty-sixth mfd Uecatur streets , was tried and convicted In police court ycstei- duy afternoon. Judge Uerka lined Wallace Jliw and costs on each of the lour churgts. v. truest rJonoia rjiir. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia ; No Alum. iJsed in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard- - - ' IfflgBglgilKMPiiiiar itirf-- Take Union Pacific train. See time table on 8th page this paper. Arm Chairs. Tables. Rockers. Dlvais. Lain Chairs JlorrisCliairs Tea Tables Sofas. Ottomans. 'Tete-a-Tctcs. Etc. , Etc. Now Btylos for 1891 An immense vurioty o pieces now on exhibi tion. We sell nothing but the finest quality of rattan nnd willow poods each piece guar anteed. Remember that our prices uro just a triilo lower than the figures charged in all other leading stores. Wo exhibit all the varieties and styles of stain and linish Imita tion Oak' Mahogany , white and gold , etc. Everything for sum mer comfort. Select ions should bo made no\v , wliilo our block is Inrso , and before tlis most attractive pieces are gone. CHARLES SHiViRIGK & GO , , Furniture of Every Description , Temporary Location , Ji0 ? lineJ'JUtt .Uoi/M JrinSf root. MILLAR ! ) HOTP.L IILOCK SEARLES SL SEARLES SPECIALISTS Chronic , WE Nervous Private AND CCJUE Special Diseases IRATYIEIIT BY MAIL. CONSULTAT OH FRH. Catarrh. All Dlsoasoa or tha Noao , Throat , ChosN Stomach , Ulvor. Blood Skin and Klclnoy Dlsonsos , Lost Manhood and ALL PRIVATE DIS EASES OF MEN , Call on oradiliesfi , Dr , Searles & Searles , l PERMANENTLY CURED NO PAY UNTIL CURED WE till * tCU TO 8,000 PMICNI8- WrltoforDanU References. , . _ EXAMINATION FREE. No Operation , No Detention from Business , SEND FOR CIRCULAR. THE O. E. MILLER CO. , 3s > 7-S08 N.Y.Llfo Elrttf. , OMAHA , NEE IN ins FOR LJREX Hanging by his Teeth. The Merry - Go - Round i pleases everybody and tha children. OMAHA'S GREAT PLEA SSION , I * Children accompanied by Children accompanied by their parents , FREE. their parents , FREE. Have a glorious day Have a barrel of fun or a barrel of tjoer Shoot your firecrackers shoot crabs shoot a snipe shoot your mouth off if you are big enough Do anything vour conscience bids you just so you celebrate the glorious 4th of July as a patriot should. Cost you nothing THE BEBRASKA FOOTS THE BILL. We've arranged a code of special values in onr furnish jng de partment | whereby you are getting your 4th of July fixm's with a good sized rebate enough saved to buy you a good day oflun You need a Cool Shift , White with linen bosom nro 50c ; the 31.00 kind wo sell nt GJC. NPR- ligeo shirts nro Hoc , 45o , OOc , ami- double that prlco don't buy any better tor ones laundered iiorailo ones wo almost { ; ivo nwny we liavo a load of 50o ones that nro precisely the same others gut $1.00 for ana flnor ones wo got 75is to $1,25 for are as line as they inuku 'em. You need Other Fixio's ' , Conjo right nlong you'll not bo dibappointed. Wo carry everything nnd at any price Neckwear , wash- ublo or bilk uc , lOo , 15c , 20o , 25o for washable tics--silk ones are Ifie , 25c)3c ! ) , 45c , OSo Ilobc u pile of 'cm Fast Ulitck uro 10o , others all the way from 5o up to the silk. Wo curry the cremo of fancy vests , both bilk and piquo-and don't charge you 100 per cent profit just because they're nrotty , either. Our prices are as cheap a ? we buy and tha wo buy cheap Is nn old established fact. You oeed Cool Underwear. . " " " " " " " * " tTT * IToro are some of cut' 4th of July values : Uulbi'lgtrnn are 23c worth at least fiOc. li-thrcud bulbriggan are ! )5e. ) Blue ulonded bulbrlggan are 40c others get 7Gc for 'om. Tjio genuine jersy rib in either white or drab are but poor 7fie's can't ' touch enino elhouhero at loss than $1.23. Llslo thread tlio ai1ist9 ratjo un der wean la $1.00 would rjotbo din- appointed if you paid as Ijjgh as S5 a suit for the very sarao kind. Don't foji With Your Eye * Ileudaclio Onsol by Ejo 8t.v.in. Huny v lin.n * wHc.no IitaJn ire crniUutl ) acl . U a li/ve 1.0 IcJi'tt wliut rUi f lelDUiincully m Ud lilatiwa v.lll ulvo ll.um. Tlila iho.jry Is iiuvo imlvtituily fu.ikic. "niiuop | ily mittl sU , , ti , will lii\uilally Incrcuio tin Iron tin unil may- Hud lo TOVAl. llUNUNKtUi. . Our aUllty loa-K IUK ' mf.My mil curirctly U Uyoml ( i Hon. li 1.1 Ijyo Umv4 dt of charge. THE ALO J & PINFOLD CO , , W I. SI.YMOril ( IIIAUUATK OPTICIAN Orp ll > I'axtca Ilutil Ol'KHA AND IIKAUI.SC < JIA33fiJ LOOK txm TUB COM )