Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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OFFICE - - NO. 12 i > iAnL BTIIEUT
Delivered by earrkr to nnr purl of lh eltr
It. W. TIL/ION , Lctsse.
Tni.ri'IION'ES BuilacM otr.ce , No. 43 : nlgM
< Jltcr , No. 23 ,
J J , OTonncll , n former member of Die
pcllfo force , now of Minneapolis , la In the
city.Alden II. Ncwlln ami Miss Cora II. Udell ,
botli rf Omnha , were marricil yesterday by
Itcv. Dr. Askln
Uert II , Brotz of Omalm nnd Lllllo
IlonnUm of Missouri Vnlley were married
yesterday by Justice Vlcn.
The funcnil of William CornltiR took place
jesttrday aflenuon nt 3 o'clock from the
late res.donce , Fifteenth street and Second
The sham battle between the High School
cadets and the Dodge Light Guards will takti
place this evening at tlio corner of Twelfth
street and Avcnuo .
The usual \Vodticndny evening prayer
meeting of the Tlrst Congregational church
will bo postponed until tomorrow evening
on account of today being the fourth.
Articles of Incorporation were filed yes
terday by the Central Investment company ,
with a capital stcck of J50.000. The Incor-
jnrators are II. Morrlll and Joseph r.
Members of Abe Lincoln post , Grand Army
of the Republic , will nsscmblo nt headquar
ters at 0:30 : this morning , preparatory to
participating In the celebration of the na
tion's birthday.
About twenty vagrants who have been fol
lowing the circus , nnd who were gathered In
Sunday for safe keeping , were discharged
yesterday by Judge McGco and ordered to
[ cave town at once.
A \try pleasant lawn party was given nt
the residence ot Mr. nnd Mrs. W F. Sapp ,
evening. Hammocks
on Oakland avenue , Monday
mocks were swung between the trees , and
the grounds were lighted with Japanese
Charles West and William Plner , two col
ored men , were arrested yesterday while try
ing to dispose of some property which Is
supposed to have been stolen. They arc
thought to have been Implicated In the
Pralor robbery.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Van Ness nnd their llttlo
daughter , who live on First street , were put
for n drive ncnr homo yesterday morning
iv hen the horse- gave a lunge and pitched
the child out of the buggy , landing her on her
head on the pavement. She Is thought to
be seriously Injured.
Minnie Reed and Mrs. Dutch Boynton.
the latter n bride of n week , were arrested
at the Instance of nd Martin for Indecent
conduct on last Saturday evening. Mr. Mar
tin had several witnesses who corroborated
his testimony , but the girls said they could
prove an alibi , and Judge McGee ordered
the case continued until Thursday morning.
Wednesday , July 4 , carriers will make
ono delivery. Residence carriers leave the
office at 8 a. in. ; business carriers at 10 a.
m. Iluslness collections will be made In
ir J the nftcrnoon , carriers leaving office nt 2
o'clock. Stamp window , general delivery
and money division will be open from 920
n. mv to 12 m. Thomas How man , post
A tailor In the employ of n. Drier , on
South Main street , who sleeps In the store ,
was awakened from his slumbers Monday
night by some one trying to force open the
rear door. Ho opened the door only to get
a fist push In the face from ono of the three
men standing In the yard. The trio took n
linsty departure , and the tailor Is nursing
a black eye or two.
Sheriff Ilazen and Constable Baker re
turned > esterday morning from Fort Madl-
Bon , where they went to take Adolph
Ilachwltz , Charles Miller nnd Frank Jones.
When Ilachwltz left the Jail he was some
what obstreperous , but by the tlmo ho
rcnched the penitentiary ho had become a
most exemplary joung man , nnd had gone
to making good time nt a great rate.
For sale , cheap , two lots on Broadway
near postoffice , 25 feet and DO feet. Homes
for men of moderate means nt low prices ,
easy payments. Flro Insurance written In
the best companies. Lougeo & Towle , 233
Pearl street. .
annul 1'luzn , I.nko Mnnnvrn.
Grand Plaza will be open to free admls-
slori every day up to noon. From noon
until midnight nn ndmlsslon fee of 10 cents
will be charged , which will admit to grounds
and to concerts nnd all entertainments. No
return checks will bo given.
No person of questionable character will
bo permitted to enter the grounds.
No admittance to Grand Plaza will be
charged to persons who deslro " to rent boats
or bathing suits. * " *
Ice cream and refreshments served In the
pavilion of Grand Plaza.
A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach ,
Lake Manawa , Is the proper thing to take
tbeso hot dajs.
Flro crackers nro cheap ; only 3c a package -
l * * ' * ago at Brown's C. O. D.
rrocriim of the. Celebration.
The following Is the outline of the program
for today's celebration :
Procession will form nt 9:30 : a. m. on
Sixth street , right resting on First avenue.
First march to Main , thence to Broadway ,
on Broadway to First street , thence to Fair-
mount park. John Templcton , marshal.
Order of exercises :
Muslo by Seventh Ward Military band ,
Prayer , by Rev , J. H. Simpson.
Singing , "America , " by audience.
Reading of Declaration of Independence ,
by Prof. W. S. Paulson.
Music by band.
Address by W. S. Prouty.
Address by Rev. T. W. Williams.
Music by band.
Address by Rev. Patrick Smyth.
Address by Uncle Sam.
Music by band.
A basket dinner and barbecue.
Beginning at 2 p. m. , a scries of sports ,
lasting until 4:30 : p. m. , when the komlk
liallthumplan kavulkade will kongregite and
Unni to town to see the sham battle between
tlio guards and cadets and the magnificent
display of flfeworks.
Miner of ceremonies , George M. Wilson.
The Commercial Pilgrims will celebrate
thoday In the style for which they nro
noted nt Lake Mannvra. A grand picnic ,
with visitor * , here from outside places , will
1)0 the feature of the day , which v\lll bo
spent In fishing , swimming , having races ,
and last , but not lenst , eating.
Miinlmttiiii llnieli.
Steamboat landing for Manhattan beach at
Lake Manawa Is located at the foot of the
street , Just cast of the board fence. Parties
not desiring to enter the grand plaza tike
the road to the left on alighting from the
train , The steamers Liberty and Rescue
make ten-minute trips to and from the
beach. No other steamboats land ut Man
hattan beach. Fate , 5 cents each way.
Don't let anybody fool jou. Dell G.
Morgan & Co. nro the Broadway druggists.
Uverjthing cooling , ovcrything health-giving ,
every thing for < i Fourth of July celebra
tion , and everything at low prices , at both
stores , 131 and 742 Broadway.
A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach ,
Lake Manawa , Is the proper thing to taKe
these hot days.
Domestic tonp breaks hard water.
I'roKiM'cU nt u'lie-Up.
The following marriage licences were Is-
BUed yesterday ;
Name and Address. Ago.
Henry Allen. Council Bluffs. . . 21
Nunnte Judon , Council Bluffs is
Deri II. HioU. Oinulm 21
Lllllo lieimton , Missouri Vnlley , 19
Alden It , N'owlln. Omalm 25
Cora U , Udell. Omaha 21
A. i : . RlngberK , Onmlm 21
Kmma U. Chllson , Omaha 18
Meyeri'Durfco Furniture company , 330-33S
Broadway. Bargains In fine furniture.
For cobi go to Cox. 10 llv. itreeU Telj
phone _ _ _ _ _ _
Fireworks. Davln , the druggist.
Domestic ioap outlasts cheap soap.
Quick Returns Secured by a Grocer from His'
Ingenious Alarm.
I. . ( ) . Iliirtlrtt llu < n Illnntly I'lRlit , hut He
Oterpcmrrx Mln AnliiKiinlMlio
I'rutcn ti > Mi * nVrll Knouti
13. 0. Uartlctt. vvlio keeps n Krocery utoro
nt 711V < st Droailvvay and lives across the
street , was awnkencd ycetcnlay morning nt
1 o'clock liy a rather violent remark from
an Ingenious burglar alarm , which he has
rigged up botvvren the store and the house.
Uartlet dressed and went over to the store ,
armed with a revolver. While he was recon-
noltcrlng around the back door a fellow getup
up from among a pile or boxes and ran
away. IJartlcU emptied his revolver In the
direction of the fugitive , but the latter out
ran the bullets and none of them took effect.
Dartlctt went back homo after more cart
ridges , but was unable to find them. He re
turned to the store , opened the front door
and went In to look for the other burglar ,
who had struck a match while Uartlett was
across the street. Uartlctt had walked some
little distance toward the back end. of the
store when he glanced around and saw the
figure of a man Just about to slide out of the
front door. He ran back and grappled with
the fellow , striking him repeatedly with his
revolver until he had him down on the floor.
The burglar was armed with a big cheese
knife , with the back of which he struck
Dartlett hard blows that drew blood. About
this time Ofllcer Martin appeared and the
fellow was taken to the c.ty Jail , where It
was found that ho was Lee Torman , a well
known character about town.
An effort was made to Induce him to name
his pal , and he Eald his name was L2d Walker.
He had been seen with Cd Uakcr , a drug
gist's son , during the evening up until 12
o'clock , and two olllcers were Immediately
sent to Baker's house to arrest him. He was
In bed , but was covered with perspiration
as though ho had had a hard run of It.
Uoth Dnrtlett and Porman were covered
with blood , most of which came from For-
man. The city physician was summoned
to care for Forman , whose condition was
such jesterelay morning that ho could not
have a preliminary hearing In police court.
A search warrant was sworn out during
the afternoon for the residence of liaker
and rormnn. 1216 Avenue C. and the search
for stolen goods was made by Constable
Baker. A bottle of morphine was found ,
which was Identified as having been stolen
from George S. Davis' drug store last week.
At the same time eight razors were stolen ,
but none of them were found. It Is also
claimed that the two men broke Into Win
chester's saloon not long ago and stole n
lot of liquors and cigars , together with a
small amount of cash.
City I'hyslc'an Macrae stated last evenIng -
Ing that Forman was badly battered up by
the repeated collisions of his head with Dart-
lett's revolver , but he hardly thought he
would prove seriously hurt.
INDID : unit i.iri : .
Mrs I.jncli of Unrolii Commit * Ru'ilclo In
a Council lllufN Ilixpltiil.
Mrs. Sarah Lynch , one of the Inmates of
St. Bernard's hospital committed suicide
yesterday morning some time between
G and S o'clock. She was In a deli
cate condition when she arrived at the
hospital on April 25 from L'ncoln , Neb.
Since she arrived at the hospital she has
been in the habit of taking a walk about the
grounds each night and morning. Yesterday
morning she started out about 6 o'clock and
nothing more was tven of her for a long
time. No uneasiness was felt until 9 o'clock ,
when word was brought In that her body
was hanging to a tree In the
rear of the hospital.
Dr. Macrae , who was performing an opera
tion In the Institution at the time , went out
and cut the body down , and found life ex
tinct. Among her possessions two letters
were found , one of which was directed to the
sister superior of the hospital. It told vvhero
her burial dress was to be found and among
other things said : "Telegraph Mr. N. Ikes
of IMeasantdale , Seward county , Neb. , that
his daughter Sadie Is dead. "
The other letter was sealed ana directed
to bo delivered to whoever should como for
her remains.
While the Inquest was being held In the
afternoon at Lunkley's undertaking rooms
rather an Interesting episode took place.
Coroner Jennings was out of the city In
the morning and Justice Fox was asked by
some of the sisters at the hospital to offi
ciate In his place. The coroner came. In
shortly after the holding of the inquest had
commenced , and seeing the justice seated at
the table , remarked : "You'ro a little ahead
of the game , aren't you ? "
Justice Fox Immediately flared up and re
plied : "I'll have you understand , joung
man , that I'll not bo dictated to by any
such pup as you are. "
"And I want it understood , Mr. Fox. "
rejoined Jennings , "that If It were not for
your gray hairs I'd teach jou how to talk
like a gentleman. "
"You get out of hero and mind your own
business , " yelled Fox ; "I've a notion to
mop up the Moor with you. "
Jennings went , but ho was not In any
particular hurry about It , and Fox wna at
length left monarch of all he surveyed. The
Jury , which consisted of M. Abel , Thomas
Pilling and M. Goodwin , then proceeded to
use up three hours In ascertaining whether
Mrs. Lynch committed suicide or not. A
verdict of suicide by hanging was finally
In talking upon the matter Coroner Jen
nings said : "No Inquest was needed In the
case , and I do not recognize this as being
an Inquest , for It was held without my ordl rs
when I was In a condition to give orders.
I shall charge up the regular fee for view
ing the body , and I hardly think the Hoard
of Supervisors will bo so foolish as to pay
Justice Fox fees for the Inquest. "
The Justice Kept no record of the testi
Week to Celebrate.
This Is ono of them est Important weeks
In the year , and looked forward to by young
and old , and is by no means overlooked by
merchants , especially by the lioston Store ,
who tire making special effort to celebrate
by big reductions In various lines , which
will pay you to Investigate. The following
Items nro only a few of the many . Lot
No. 1 , over 100 dozen children's hose , black
and colors , cotton and lisle , bold from 25c
to 42c , choice for IBc a pair ( center counter ) .
Lot No. 2 , children' ; ! white ombroldoied and
trimmed hats , sold from 75c to $1.50 , choice
for f > 0c ( slightly coiled ) . Lot No. 3 , our
entire stock of gents' shirts , sold from $1.00
to $2.25 , Including silk mixed and French
flannel , lu two lulu , 7Sc and 'J5c ( don't over
look )
Other specialties In mils , umbrellas , cor-
sents , white waists and wash goods ,
Council Illuffs , la.
The Eagle laundry plant has been greatly
enlarged and Improved , and we are now pru-
pared to turn out a largo amount of strictly
first-class work. Neglige and colored sUrls
ladles' waists , etc. , n specialty. Wo guar-
nrteo not to fade warranted colors. Tola-
phone , 157 , 721 Ilroadwny.
Lost Gold watch and chain , yesterday
about C p. m. , between Mueller's inuslo
house and the Boston store. Watch engraved -
graved on outside case , Initials A. J. Leave
at Dee olllco or Bell & Son's and get re
ward. _ _ _
The laundries UBO Domestic soap.
S polio Out In .Mri'tln' .
Perclval Perdue filed an Information charg
ing his daughter , Nina McDonald , and her
husband , Alexander McDonald , with ma n-
talnlng a nuisance In the shape of a house
which stands directly across Fourteenth
street between First and Second avenues.
Both defendants were having a hearing In
police court yesterday morning when Mrsr
McDonald created a sensation by leaping to
her feet and shouting out : "Judge , I want
to file an Information charging that old ,
gray-headed rascal there with seduction ,
committed fifteen years ago. " Bystanders
relate that I'erdue turned several shades
paler than usual , as he beheld the lone , quiv
finger of hl daughter pointed * t him.
He wns relieved from his Immediate nnxlcty
by the Judge who Informal the Irate woman
that she would have plenty of tmo ! t fll"
an Information after the present case was
dlipoed of.
Another batch of evidence against Mr.
and Mrs. McDonald will be brought In Sat
urday. _ .
Monthly MntltiRttrniU to < omo
I'riliiR Itotitlnii Mutter * .
The city council h ld Its regular monthly
meeting last evening with Major Cleaver In
the chair , and Aldermen Brewlck , Oleaion ,
Onihl , Keller , Nicholson , lUshton , Spetman
anil White present. After allowing the usual
monthly bills the petition of N , U. Law
rence for remission of taxes 'was granted
according to the recommendation of the
Judiciary committee.
The report of the water committee ad
versely to putting water fountains In the
market yard In the rear of the Jail buildIng -
Ing was concurred In.
The sum of $2,000 waa ordered transferred
from the police fund to the special sewer
High street from Tenth to Twelfth ave
nue was ordered brought to grade.
An ordinance providing that Benton street
from Fleming avenue to Cross street bo
brought to grade was read and laid over one
An amendment to the ordinances providing
for licensing striking Jicks , ball throning
and other similar exhibitions of skill on the
streets was read and laid over.
Contracts for grading were let to John M
Hardln. The bids for grading Frank street
were all rejected and the clerk was In
structed to readvertlse.
L. C. Besley was awarded the contract for
sewer building.
L A. Casper's positive resignation as park
commissioner was presented , and , on mo
tion of Alderman Killer , was not accepted ,
In spite of a protest from City Attorney
Hazolton and the negative votes of the two
republican councllmcn , Brewick and Gleason.
A committee , consisting of Aldermen Keller ,
Oleason and Hlshton , was appointed to en
deavor to Induce Mr. Casper to reconsider.
A number of the common carriers of the
city presented a remonstrance against the
proposed reduction In the $10 license fee
prescribed for common carriers , and their
petition was granted. The ordinance pro
viding n $5 fee was then read and laid over
until next meeting.
A petition for opening up South Twentieth
street from Broadway to Fifth avenue
through Midland addition was referred to
the committee of the whole
The council adjourned until Thursday
morning at 10 o'clock , when a meeting of the
committee of the whole will be held.
KTcmslou tit the lllufN.
The Burlington route has arranged a spe
cial excursion from Creston and Intermedi
ate points to Council Bluffs and return , Sun
day , July 22. The rates for the round trip
are hardly one-third of the regular rates.
From Creston only $1.50 , Red Oak , $1.00 ;
Glenwood , f.Oc. and from other points In
proportion. The train will leave Creston at
C 15 a m. , and will reach Council Bluffs
about 10 o'clock. Returning , the train will
leave Council Bluffs at C p. m. The excur
sionists can thus , at a nominal expense , have
practically an entire day to put In at the
Lake Manawa Grand I'laza , or Manhattan
beach , boating , bathing , etc. Concerts In
the parks , picnicking , and numerous other
entertaining features await those who take
advantage of these excursion rates.
The Boston store will be closed all day
today ( Fourth of July ) .
Council Bluffs , la.
Real estate Is cheap In Council Bluffs.
We can sell you a home , a vacant lot , a
fruit or garden farm cheaper than ever.
Now Is the time to buy. Day & Hess , 3 ! )
Pearl street.
Best all wool Ingrain carpets , C3c during
July , to make room for new stock.
There's only one bargain shoe store In
Council Bluffs , and It's Plerco's.
IlMncHtlc CInsli.
Dora Belle IllUci * and her father , Joseph
Huntley , a farmer living two miles cast of
the city in Garner township , were arrested
yesterday on information filed by tht
woman's husband , Charles M. Rlker. There
Has been trouble between the two for some
time past , and on the 27th of last March
Rlker claims his father-in-law fired him
from the premises , promising to "smash his
red-headed brains out" If he ever set foot
on the place again. He left , but last Sunday
went back again. He claims that his wife
threatened to burn down the house and all
Its contents If he persisted In staying there.
Both defendants are charged with making ,
malicious threats , and the case will bo tried
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock before
Justice Fox. _
Grand Plaza telephone .
Grand Plaza bathing beach ,
Grand Plaza picnic grounds.
Grand Pla7a's cornet band beats them all
Grand Plaza's fine row boats are all the
Grand Plaza excursion accommodations
can't bo beaten.
Afternoon and night concerts at Grand
Plaza , 2 to C and from 7 to 10.
Manager of Grand Plaza can understand.
22 languages. So all nations will feel at
"Ho that does not visit Grand Plaza know-
est nothing , and will bo for all time to corns
branded a traitor to enterprise. " Eugene.
Trui tiers' Itcvlew.
Superintendent Burton says that those who
prefer to do so may attend this review and
bo examined August 24 and 23.
Bookkeeping , shorthand , typewriting and
grade work will iccelve careful attention.
Term of seven weeks begins July 9 at West
ern Iowa college. Council Biiiffs. la.
W. S. PAULSON , Principal.
The Umatllla Medicine company , the big
aggregation that has been giving very enter
taining and wholesome free exhibitions
nightly at their camp on Broadway , btween
Eighth 'and Ninth streets , will remain in
town two weeks longer. Dr. G. W. Pnrdy
and his assistants have treated no less than
2.000 people , and the simple herbal remedies
have wrought some marvelous cures.
No fake advertising or false promises at
Plerce'a ihoe store , but real bargains.
Itorlc iHland Mm In the StrlUc.
The Rock Island yards got a taste of the
strike In earnest yesterday morning. Presi
dent Warren , acting under specific Instruc
tions from Debs , ordered all American Rail
way union men employed on that road to
strike at 10 o'clock , and all other railway
men not members of the union , but In sym
pathy with the movement , were Invited to
Join them , All the car repairers , switching
crews and yard men generally Joined In the
strike , with the exception of ono crew of
five switchmen , and It Is claimed that the
five will all be In line today , so- that not a
wheel will be turning In the yards.
Luke Miintuui Itiillwii ) rime Cunt.
Commencing Saturday , June 9 , trains will
leave Council I ) luff 3 for Grand Plaza , Bath
ing Beach and Picnic Grounds at Lake Man
awa as follows : No , 1 , 9 a. m. ; No. 3 , 10 a.
m. ; No. 6. 11 a. m. ; No. 7. 12 m. ; No. 9 , 1
p. m. ; No. 11 , 2 p. m.
Trains will run every twenty-two minutes
thereafter until 10 p. m.
Return trains will leave Manawa on the
half hours up to 10:30 : , when they will re
turn every twenty-two minutes.
Oilil IVlloHH , Attention.
Owing to trn n uncertainties , the trip to
Taboi Is abandoned. By order of the com
mittee , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Grand ball and sociable at Grand Army
hall tonight by Lincoln commandery. Ad
mission , Including refreshments , 25c.
ivuriH : Laundry Company.
620 Pearl streat. iVkpliotv. 290.
How far will a $ go ? Long wa > s at S. A.
Pierce & Co.'s thee store.
Oas cooking itovei for rent and he * ) ! s *
Gas Co'tt office.
JtiTelvrra for nn Invent incut Cnmpimjr.
CHICAGO , July 3. A bill for a receiver
for the North American Deposit and Investment -
vestment company , with chief ofticen at
Dubuque , In. , was filed today by F. F
Trey , a stockholder , He claims that tne
payment on lila Interest coupons has been
rofu i < ] , Unit $0.000 vvortlfef/Tlie corporation '
not" ' arc past due , thnt-tt lion nn Indebted-
IU53 tif $ ; , < ) tn tiuii ) and not enough
fmi'ls In jmnil to meet them The original
tnpltul Mock VVHH ! 3GoOiM ) . Hut It was sub
sequently reduced to $1 , WW > ) .
( Continued from Second Page. )
employed by the WabasU In St. Louis have
been la d off.
Six thousand people met i T-'nbasli tra.n
at Springfield and Induced the engineer to
leave his cab.
Governor Rich of Michigan hns ordered
the Fotirth regiment to bo In readiness to
move to Battle Creek.
Wabash switchmen left their work at
Fort Wayne this morning. Thu com
pany's shopu arc closed.
Delated Union Pacific trains cast and west
paused Evanston , Wyo. , last evening with
Pullmans and full trains.
Engineers on the Louisville , New Albany ,
& Chicago at Indianapolis have refused to
take out passenger trains.
At Elroy , WIs. , the brotherhood firemen
on the Omaha road dropped their charter ,
Joined the A. R U. and went out.
Engineers , conductors and brakcmcn on the
Michigan Central held a meeting nt Michi
gan City and decided not to strike.
All switchmen In the union station nt De
troit have struck. The Wabash Is the only
road nt that point serlouslv affected.
United States Marshal Dastirnd of Dit-
btique has been ordered to be In readiness to
take a body of deputies to Sioux City
Repair shops belonging to the Wabash ,
with the exception of a few small ones , nro
being clcsed until the strike Is settled.
No freight tin ns on the Iron Mountain
toad arrived or departed from Memphis jes-
terdav. Other roads are having no trouble.
Chicago's city council has decided to take
a hand In the boycott and has appointed the
ma > or and four members to confer with
Railroad nttornejs at St. Louis are prepar
ing to present petition * for Injunctions
against the strikers to the United States
Some ono stole a large quantity of powder
from a powder house at Lansing , Mich , ves-
terday' Railroad officials are greatly
At Leadvllle the A. R U men will go out
tomorrow It Is rumored that there will bo
n complete tie-up on the Midland tomorrow
The Chicago & Eastern Illinois road raised
the blockade at Terre Haute yesterday. The
strikers offered no resistance to the starting
ol the trains.
Engineers , firemen , brakemcn and switch
men on the Grand Trunk at Port Huron are
ill out. The yards at that point are com
pletely tied up.
United States marshals have gone to
Trinidad , Colo. , with warrants for the arrest
of strikers who participated In the disarm
ing of deputies Sunday.
Business on the northwe tern is at a com
plete standstill at Rockford , 111. , and traffic
Is also badly crippled on the Milwaukee
and the Illinois Central.
There Is but one day's supply of Ice In
rhlcago , and an Ice famine Is I mm nant.
Fruitu , vegetables , butter and epgs are sim
ilarly noticeable by tl.clr scarcity.
The Northern Pacific sent cut Its overland
nlns from Tacoma last evening , with
Un ted States marshals as guards. All en
gines were In charge of nonunion men.
Wabafch shops at Toledo have besn closed
down Indefinitely on ? ccount of the Inter
ference of the strikers with the read trains ,
and 450 men are tin own out , of employment.
The A. R. U. haj threatened to extend
the boycott to the Great Northern road If It
doas not cease to allow the Wisconsin Cen
tral and Burllngtoji roads switching priv
ileges. !
On the St. Louis Southwestern a strike
has been declared by the local A. II. U. at
Pine Bluffs , Ark. , In which thirteen labor
organ zatlons with a membership of 1,800
men are affected.
Cincinnati roads are proposing to start
with new men , but thotiUltude of the fire
men Is > causing them" much uneasiness , for
the reason that the engineers refuse to work
wit'i scab firemen.
Marshal Prlnton and deputies have been
sent to East St. Louis by Judge Allen at
Springfield In order to protect the property
of the Clover Leaf line , which is In the
possession of the court.
Five Alton passenger trains are tied up
at Bloomlngton , III. Every train Is stopped
is It pulls In and none allowed to proceed.
Phelon , the A. R. M. , arrested at Cincinnati ,
'ias been released on bonds.
Montpeller , O , the Junction point of
various Wabash branches , and the key to the
situation on that road , is completely In the
'lands of the strikers. The switches are
spiked and details of men guard them.
A train bearing United States troops is
stalled at Las Vegas by the desert on of
the train crew , and one bearing deputy
marshals Is stopped at Dillon , N. M. , by de
railed car3 on the track ahead of them.
At Helena , Judge Knowles In the federal
court granted an order discharging from the
service of the receivers of the Northern Pa
cific the men who have quit the service
of the company in order to enforce the boy
cott of Pullmans.
At Slater , Mo. , the strikers are more tie-
let mined than ever. J. F. Bowman , the A.
R. U. leadsr at that point , has been ar
rested and taken to Kansas City. Th s
caused great Indignation among strikers.
Firemen at that point have a ked Chief
Sargent for permission to strike.
l'JlK\ T MUltT 7M.VO.
Mnor Harrison's Mnjer Derlitrcil to Ho
Siine n Sttoml Time
CHICAGO , July 3. PienderrnBt , the ns-
snssln of Mayor Carter II , llaulson , vvua
declnied "not Insane" by a Jury In Judgu
Payne's court this afternoon , nnd under I
sentence of the court must be hanged Fri
day , July 13. The Jury was out just two
hours nnd five minutes. '
There wns much confusion In the court '
room among the waiting lawyers nnd bpecI I
tatois just befoie the Jury came In , when a I
movement was noticed among the ImlliffH.
In a few moments Prenderenst was brought
In. With him were six bailiffs , who Blood .
along the passageway bock of which the
prisoner pat to the door leading to the .
bildge connecting to the Jail. Then a hush
fill upon the court room Every one seemed
Impressed with the- solemnity of the oc
casion. Judge Payne took his place on the
bunch and the juiors tiled Into their seats
In the box.
"Gentlemen of the Jury , " said Judge
Pajno , "have you agreed upon > our ver
dict ? "
"Yes , your honor , " said Foreman Charles
U. Schneck.
"Head the verdict , " "aid the court.
The cleik unfolded the paper and lead In
a distinct voice the liooio or Prendergast In
these words : , . ,
"We , the Jury , llnd ' Patrick Eugene
Prendergnst not insane nor a lunatic "
The paper wan , slifiied by Foreman
Schneck nnd all the jurors.
Attninev Gregoiy'iifked that the Jury be
polled , nnd as the name of each juior WIIH
called they alllrmcii thnt It was their vei-
Then addressing tile Jury Judge Payne
said. "Gentlemen , I , , v > , ant very much to
thank vou for the attention you have given
this difficult caff rthtt ( < he faithful manner
In which jou have ipeifoimcd your duty.
I want you to know that I appreciate the
deprivation ! ) \ou- have undcigono during
your confinement. Gentlemen , > ou are ills-
charged , " I ' >
Prendergast sat ' unmoved during the
whole proceeding- < mnado no outcry , and
was nt once remove | h his cell In the Jail.
His counsel will nihvp , tor a new trial , and
ir this be not granted , they have expressed
their Intention of crtirylnK the mutter to
the supreme rourt. MWWS. U.irrow , llarlln ,
Gregory nnd Hetron.i who have mudo such
a stubborn light for PrenderKast , were all
In court when the verdict was rendered.
Assistant Stnte'H Attorneys Morrison and
Todd were there , but neither the assassin's
mother nor brother were present.
rievilile. ( JliiKH.
A new and wonderful substitute for com
mon brittle glass Is announced by a Vienna
Journal devoted to the glass and porcelain
trade. The substitute Is said to have all
the properties of common glass , except that
It U flexible. It Is niai'e of collodion wool ,
whatever that may be ,
in Kit.
Notice of five line * or lci under this head , ( lit *
cent * ; each ailJttlinal line , ten centi.
HUMPHUnY-Aiina Humphrey , nged 53
ycare. Funeral from residence , 3520
Hamilton street , Thursday , U p , in. , to
Forest Lawn cemetery ,
Wo.ld Will Bo Notified tint This is tb
Fourt'j of Julj.
Unfurled 1'liRH , .Marching Column * nnd UIII ( live tlio City
u l.hely Appearance Pi
llousen I. ijnu l > fTMen
Almost everybody In South Omnhu will
be up bright nnd early this morning , nnd
If the weather Is favorable the Magic Cliy
will have the satisfaction of cnrr > lng out
one of the most extensive Fourth of July
programs It has ever prepared. In the
foienoon the streets will be full of pagean
try nnd nolpe , and In the afternoon a grand
out-of-door entertainment will bo hfforded
at Syndicate park
The various committees In charge of the
arrangements have left nothing undone to
complete all detail1' . I Surly last evening a
detachment of icgutnt soldiers from Fort
Omaha cnmo down with two large cannon ,
which will be used fur nil they aie worth
from daylight until evening. Frank Broad-
well and George Uote put In the afte-rnoon
je tcrdny lauding shells for the cannon
The Industrial display will be extensive
nnd gorgeous. The girls who will
represent the different states will occupy
a tloat that Is simply exquisite.
Clmiley Scarr's Dutch band , which Is
made up of well known joting men about
town , lian prepared an exceptlonallv line
program , and will bo one of ( he bands en
gaged for the day.
George Doie has organized a calltliumplati
paiade that will knock out all predtceisor *
Other prominent features will lie n com
petitive drill by the Thutston Kllles , Omaha
Guaids and the Council lllulTs Light
Guards. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
All ( lot lire id mill \Vntrr.
D. A. Phclps , Ed nonohoe nnd nick
Smith , the three beggars and sneak thieves
who were captured yesterday , were all
given n hi end and water sentence. Smith
will do thlrtv davs , Phelps twenty nnd
Donahue llftwn
Smith Is well known In Omaha Ills gag
was to tie his arm In a sling and KO beg
ging from house * Atome of the places
he would hand out a slip of p ipci which
stated that ho was deaf and dumb Otheis
he would tell that he was Injured In a
railroad vvrock and others that he was pot-
Foiled He had a frightful looking arm ,
caused moie from d cnse and dissipation
than anv thing else , He has made ro effort
to heal It up. as It has proven quite a s > m-
pathetlc card while out begging. He Is a
thief , and will not be tolerated In South
Omaha in the future.
Off Men.
All of the packing houses In the c'ty began
laying off men vesterdny. Swift and com
pany reduced their force seventy-fh e , Hammond
mend seventy-live nnd Cudnhy about 125
The Omaha also has let about thirty men go.
This Is only a starter , and In case the
strike Is not settled within a few days the
packing houses are liable to shut down
entirely. The cause foi laying the men off
Is the fact that the packers cannot get the
railroad companies to ship their stuff out
Noneof the lallroad men had quit work
at noon , but ns nearly all the switchmen
and trainmen tire members of the union ,
they are liable to be culled out at any time
Miiglo < Ity CosNlp.
The Infant son or Mr. nnd Mrs. M
Hodovy will be burled at 1:30 : o'clock today
A suit of clothes was stolen from the
residence of II. Uurkman at Thirty-second
and Li streets.
Mrs. Mejers of Albright swore out n
complaint against S. A. Piirdy , accusing
him of disturbing the peace.
All old soldiers and sailors are requested
to meet at the Grand Annv of the Republic
hull this mmnlng at 8 o'clock.
AH members of the Young Men's Institute
me tequested to be present at their hall
at 9 o'elock this morning1 to take part in
the parade.
Miss Mary Devltte gave a dinner at the
Delmonico hotel Monday evening to a paily
of lady friends from Omaha l < li > rar >
association , which was very much enjoyed
by the little company. The guests were
Mrs. M. A. Huck , Margniet G. O'Urlen ,
Blanche A. Allen , Edith Tobltt , Theodore
Burstull , Annette L. Smiley and Blanche
Hammond. _ _ _
ItlUllllIf , ' .
In the mathematics class one day at Wil
liams college , says Harper's Bazar , Prof.
S - , who was rarely made the subject of
college Jests , was excessively annoyed by
some man "squeaking" a small rubber blad
der. The noise seemed to come from near
a ceitain Jack Hollis , and after querying
each of his neighbors , and receiving a nega
tive answer , Prof. S - said sternly :
"Hollis , do jou know who Is making that
unbearable noise ? "
Hollis , who had been the guilty person all
along , assumed an air of stoical bravery and
said calmly , "I know sir , but I prefer not
to tell. "
Prof. S - 's angry face grew calmer , and
with evident pleasure he replied : "I re
spect your scruples , Hollis. They do you
credit , and should shame the guilty man ,
sir ! "
The Demure Mun.
A demure looking llttlo man approached
the haughty clerk in a grocer's shop and
meekly asked If he had any coffee to sell.
"We have ground coffee , " said the young
"No other kind ? "
"None. This Is the best ground coffee on
the market. "
" 'But I don't want It , " the llttlo man
braced up. "I got some Migar here the other
day with sand In It , and I don't want coffee
with ground In It. You must think I want
the earth. "
but o llvo town thnt'i rapidly bccomlne a
fo ° u don't believe UT Then let ui nd rpu
our l' uih'etrrlco | ' l.lit.nad Plat Thar will
show you that n uood mniiT i nopleirewl ! ,
brlKht men , too-don't nuree with jou Tho/
know that _ .
Edgemont , S. D.
Cnn't lulp but grow , that EiUemnnt r nl oitito
ejn t lulp but advance ! lint l.ditomont In-
ventord i Jii't hilp but laaka loonej anil tnor
act accord ! nRlr . . . .
Iot8 $11X1 and upward ! Lair montliljr pay
The Cdgcmont Company , Omaha , Neb ,
In charge of the Slstors of Moroy ,
This renowned Institution Is slluiito'l nn tin
hlch bluirs bnu < of an J overlooking tl.o oily ot
Con neil Illuira. The miuloiii rfraunli. Its
hlirh lee itlon nnil up undid view , in iko It u
most pleuelnz retro it for tliu ulH.etod. AstilT
of urn nent phyalol nn und u lur o eorp * nt ut
pcrluiaod r.urses minister to the comfort * ot
hopitlunts. Epuolul euro slvou to lady pa-
For partloul.tra uoply ti
Frank StrastCoujll BliTi , Ini
° lmo Z Pnlnhrlrlna ; VtloriieJr't'lHW I'r---
Ollllo U rJUIIIUIHJyO llro In I tin ntHte uiiil
reitnral court * . Itooins 00-7-a-U , bhURart
buck" Couucit IJ luffs , l
World's Fair Medal and Diploma.
Mmo. Yale heioby gives notice thnt her gonuina Complexion Romcdioa can
bo had only of Druggists. She hns no ngonts in this city nt the present titno
nnd will not have in the future. Any ono representing thomslvcn ns such make
false statements nnd should bo reported to Mine. Ynlo , All llrst-clnso druggists
sell and endorse Mme , Ynlo's remedies. All mail orders should bo sent direct to
YAL-'S TEMPLE OF BEAUTY , 140 State St. , Chicago.
MME. M. YALi : .thc Pioneer of HEAUTY CULTURE.
Tlio vv hole vv orM bow H down to her inanuloui lio-uitv and superior lntcllp t At II she tlora no-
look niori' tlnn 1 .1 HVMi't i-lilldlHh fnuof rematkntili' bilplitncss nml r.ixclii.itlntr expression , liquid
i-voHof a fntliomksHili'iitli fasioit tlion itnruotimiit'Hmutiiorr for all time for once POOH HIPV can IIUVPP
1 1 forBOtlpii It would tin linpoHHlblu foi llioprn Hi HI artist tint over llu-d to ilujit tlc to Mme. Ynlo's
cxnulHlli'coiiuili'Xlon and llK-nloiloiiH shitnof liui ( 'oldcn h.tlr Such tlnta exist In iiittiro only and
c iniHil In * Iniinlt itiil
Mini" M Y.ilr H Kxci'lRlor foiiiiiloxloii HrinrdliH nii > the only mentis by which nitural beauty can
lie cultivated , l.ultun onod ncMliiHt Inilt it Ion n
Mtno. Ynlo H Hln Food fi'tilx lln > iliv nnil Imiiovuislicit Mtln and nnurlhhrs flnbhy flesh until It bc-
icnipH firm , hi-.iltliv and .vouthfiil It will rtninviuim cii < of wrlnklon It in illi r not how old tlio per
son IB ui ( f 1 ivv Icl ( - ttt.i Lli c il i will Met II < ( n i K In l\\u Bind l rlcOl f Uaml S. ) DO.
A rtnrantrtMl cure foranv oaM-of FruckloH in < xlttluico Ktorvbody IIIH liranl of the wonderful La
Krccltl i lliDonlv i uiu foi I'li-okli's In tin- world One bollln In flufflcluiit lit mont MHCH. It tikes ( rotn
/iltvHtoono vvrtlt A few npplleitloimvvlll remove tan nnd minbiini completely. It
, ih\ujn KMVCB brilliant nnd beautiful I'rltujl 00 ,
fiii.irantocil to cute moth pitches , H.illovvnc8H , nnd mihouuy complexion natm.illy beautiful. Prloo
* 'J per bottle It for S3.
To OIOHP mulcted with I'linplrn nitcfchendB ornn > Skin Ulftcnnn Mme Yule cuaraiilcoa a perma
nent emu In her Lotion No 1 and ttpcclil ointment No ' - ' . 1'rico $1 00 each
Is the best blood purifier H nun on the liver , ( .learn the complexion and brightens the cyca
YALE S FERTILIZER cures Constipation Price $1 BO ,
Develops .ibciutlfitl Ulist , in iltjs tin arm J'i 1 ii"ct plunp. Coius In uvj slzai I'rbo $1.30 nml
* .l 00
CreitcB a luxuilaiil llilih provvth of cvebrows nml labhcs , strcnetheim and beautifies the oyer
makes the eBgrovv low and eiirllnir I'rlcu + 1.1)0. )
Makes thf liandH lllj whlln , Eoft and lovely 1'rlce $1.00 pcrboltle.
ncmovcsMolCH and Warn In a fuw applications n.trmlc3s nnd wonderful. Pilcu $3 00.
The only permanent cure of BiipcrlliiotiH Imli In existence , taken Itil live irlnnliH to do the work
Does not Irritate 01 leave a tiaeo ol ever having Imil nny bofuru UK application. I'lJcoSS 00.
A distinct remedy ind n never falling cure for any kind of fennlo weakness The bent tonic over
compounded for biilldlni , ' up t wt.ik jnteiii Price * ! 00 , ( I for S3 00
Ladles m iv oln iln ono of Mine. Yale a Heauly Journals frco of charge by calling for ono at any
tlrst-el.tHS drug store.
The Hair ' Its Mighty
Conquered. _ , Ruler.
For the first time In the history of the world
eras hair Is turned back to Its original color
ulthnut du- . Mme , M. Yale's UxcolMor Hair
Tonic has the marvelous power of Riling the
nitural coloring matter circulation , consequently
ustorlng the gray hairs to their oilglnal color.
Its complete mistoiy over the human Imlr IIIR
ciented a seniMtlon nil over the world tint will
never be foi gotten , as Its dlscoviry has been
hailed with imlless Jo > no moiu gniy Inlr to
nony ovir nnd no more necessity of using In-
jurloun hair d > es Mme Yale's pklll na a chem
ist has never bien uiinled by man or woman
she Etinils nlone a queen nnd n conquerer. The
whole world bows down to hir as a. pioneer and
Eckntl t. Excelilor Hnlr Tonic will stop any ciso
of falling hair In from twuiy-four hours to ono
week. It Is ti guaranteed cure for pny ailment
of the hair or dlseacc ot the scalp.
SLaLe SLreot , Chicago , ill.
KUIlff V CO. . Ifi 7i nntl J7oi/tr/ Sin , . MERCHANT & \'ICIflSR9. lOtli uncl
/ / ovviriKIXSLEK IJKUd CO. , JUtii innl Pitrziaini 11 * . .7. IIVGIIILS , SUtJ )
nntl Fiirnnmi GKO. S. It AVIS. ComicUlnfta. . and by /Jrufr/f ts. tiy
\\-liotoaitlo hy V , IS. JillVOB & CO , , nntl KICIIAKDSON UKUG
15th and Douglas Streets ,
fuaiunu eel to i uru n , I ncrviiii dlhcu > u .i > ucli ax VVtuk tit morr. J.omof Drai
owcr. lUniilucbe , Wakeful neri. LOM Manhood , NlKlilly Kull'rloos. Nervou.
tsMiIUInlnsaml lofsof power In UcncrallvoUriinim of either poncauic
IIT orcreiertlon , ynuthfnl error * , cjceeMVH nfo of totmcco. opl&m oritltft
ulauix. nhkh lend to Infirmity , Cnimiraptlonor Inrnnlir Can ho carried In
ve t pocket. Ul per box , O for S ( , bj nmll prepaid.VUhn81 order wt
Klve a vv rlllen ciiurnntt o ( o cure of refund the tuuncy , Hold br a'J
_ rtniKBlftf A k forlt. tnkonnmlipr WrlioIorfrooMedlciil ( loot , tent tealiJ
I.KIMI I-IHI i SIM. in nl Uii wrapper. Address NEKVKHKKU CO..Mii oiilcflcmp'-.ClllCAaff
Bold In Omaha , Neb , bj Shcrnmn & . McConncll , by Uulm & Co. und by Vlckers & Merchant , Orui
All Ulnlsot Oyolm
nntl U.o iiiiii t tluusln
tlm hUlioit stylrt of
tlio ark K.i lei uoj
stalnoil fabric mada
tu loot : in gooj tit
now , U'orn promptly
( louu un l dollvord I
In nil paru of tag
cotiiitry. djtiJ for
ptluj luk
T rl C. A. MAOHl.r ,
II roadway , nuar N'urtU
w ( 'Stern DopoU
Tel honoi2. .
Impkie-Shugart & Co. ,
BICYCLES A full line of medium and hiff'.i ' gradi wheels
Send for c italogue ,
109 , 111,113 , 115 Main Street.Counci ! Bluffs , la
First National Bank
Capital , $ ioo , < ) t ) : >
l rollts , 12,001)
Ono of the oldeit banks In the Btato of Iowa.
We ollclt > our builneu and collections. U'
pay & per cent on lima depoilts. We Will b
to ici and tno you.
E. I. ME
A Woman
Destined ! o Lead. Mer
Beauty is a Living"
Tnbvte to Her Own
, nnd can be taken
Internally without Injuiy. It contains nothing
greasy or sticky. Ins n delightful Ocllcnte odor ,
nnd mikes the most perfect hair dressing known
for general use. It will keep the lm < r In curl for
clnjH nnil creates n luxuriant , glossy growth and
presence Its natural color until the end of your
dajs. After the hair lint been restored to Its
natural color It Is not neccssiry to continue Us
use except for general use , n the hair grows out
ltd natural color from the roots the same as
when a child I2very l > ottlc In guaranteed genu
ine. tiuvvAnn or IMITATION * ! . Make ur
that cveiy bottle Is labeled Mnic. M. Ytle'a Kx-
celslor llnlr Tonic. Price , 11.UO per bottle ; 6 ( or
7S/olic23 / !
' . " . M ' Is
s HIMOVUU : , , ,
clilmne } * cleanrd. LM iluiKv , ut 'lujlor *
1 1i 1 try , 119 | liuud ay ,
one-third In cn h nnd turn In n K-xid youns
team In purt imyrninl. Apply tu I < cunurU Uv-
_ _ _ _
rait HAM ; , Avnt.i. . KHTAiirfHiii : ! ) , GOOD *
p.iylnK IiuilnoH fur ruth cir K < K I trade , In *
\olcu 1lWl 00 Good reiiHoii for veiling. Ad *
jlrtijii M SO. jtuC'liuntH HliiR * . _
Kiy or II , U , McUen ,