Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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bullish News Was Largely a Feature in
Yesterday's ' Market.
Opening Trn < ( e In Wheat Were nt Sntur-
ilny' * CloiliiB I'rlce * anil ( Iraitn-
nlly Advnncnl One Cent
for July drain.
CHICAGO , July 2. Dullish news was
largely In evidence today and wheat , though
dull , closed % c higher for September. Corn
Closed > /tC higher , oats 2Uc higher and op
tlcna practically Unchanged.
Opening trades In wheat were at Satur
( lay'n closing prices and gradually advanced
Jc for July and % e for September , worked
back from % c to lie , changed some and
closed firm. Trading after the early ad
vance was very small , there being a notlce-
nblc absence of offerings. The strength was
pttrlbutcd mainly to tho. decrease on ocean
passage , the moderate deliveries , rather
firmer cables and strength of outside mar
kets. Some selling , at the advance caused
a reaction from the top figures.
Corn was dull within % c range , but gen
erally firm. The strength came from wheat.
Oats were stronger on small receipts and
firm demand. Tito range for July was 21ic.
Provisions were weak at the start on the
etrlkc , but firmed up later on a shortage for
July delivery. Compared with Saturday
night September pork Is unchanged , Septem
ber lard 2' ' , c lower and September ribs 2V c
Freights slow at Ic for wheat , corn and
Cnnh quotations were na follows :
FIX ) lilt Unchanged.
WIinAT No. 2 spring , t8c ; No. 3 sprlne , nom
inal ; No. 2 red. CSc.
fOKN No. 2 , l'ic ; No. 3 yellow ,
OATS No. 2 , 45c ; No. 2 white , 434) ) c ; No. 3
While. W4Gc.
HYK No. 2 , 4Sc.
IIAIU.UY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 4Sc ; No. 4 ,
PHOVIHIONK Mess porl < , per bhl. , $12.47H'3 '
I2.M. I.-ml , per 100 Ibs. , J6.708G.721i. Short ribs
( Idea ( loose ) , JG.r,55IG.57' , , $ . Dry rolled Bhonldera
( tioxed ) . J3.G2' ijf3.7V4 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) ,
WIIISKV Distillers' finished goods , per eal. ,
The following were the receipts ana Biilpmenti
lor today :
Articles. Ucccipta. Shipment * .
rionr. bbls. 2.000
Wheat , bit. . . 1U7.000
Corn , bu 31(1.000 (
Oatw. bu 251,000
llye. bu
On the Produce exchanco today the butter mar
ket was Hloady. unchanged : creamery , 14317e ;
Olary. llGlJKc. EBKB , men. ly , unchanged ;
NEW YOItlt ( iiNiilAL : JlAKKET.
yesterday's Quotation * on Flour , Grain anil
Provisions , Motalp , ICtc.
NEW YOniC , July 2.-FIOUn-Hecclpts. 81.300
bblB. ; exports. 2.SOO bbls. : tales. 8.200 pkus , ; mar
ket steadier , but demand falls to Improve ; trade
fan car lots Is wanted. Southern Hour , dull. llye
Hour , firm , liuckwhcat flour , nominal.
COIIN MKALr-QUIet ; sales , 300 Lbls. ; yellow
western , > 2.C5 < ff2.8' ) ; Hrandywlne , J2.SO.
IIYI3 Nominal ; state , 5Sc.
JIAHI.KV Nominal.
liAKLKV MAI/r Steady ; western , GSSSOc ;
Canada , 90fla5o ; six-rowed , 12QS5C.
' WHEAT Hecelpls. SO.COO bu. ; exports , none ;
rales , 7,923,000 bu. futures nnil 01,000 bu. fpot.
Bpot market firm ; No. 2 red , store nnd elevator ,
flcjaftoat. G2e ; f.o.b. , C2aNo. ; 1 noithein. G7 ic. de
livered ; No. 1 hard , C8ic , dellveied. Options were
llrm nil day , contrary to earls' expectations. The
bdvnnce Was based on better advices and laifc-u
decrease on i > as. atre , light deliveries and small
Liverpool demand ; closed iiifWo up ; No. 2 red ,
July. G7iQ70'Sc , closed Glc ; August. 015TG2iic.
closed C2',4c ; September , 62JC2 ! ( 11-lGe , closed
C3o ; October , 61 G45ic , closed Glc ; December ,
66Jifn7 3-lGc.
COilN HecelptH , 03,000 bu. ; sales , 480,000 bu.
futures nnd H6.000 bu. spot. Spot market llrm ;
No. 2 , 43ic In elevator ; 4G4JJ43Slc ! afloat. Option
market steady durlnc th * morning , but nd-
vnnced sharply on tlie llsht ear lots west nnd
tlnscd USHe up ; July , 44 13-16if45c ( , closed
IMio ; August , 4Ctf40'tc , closed 4Gsc ! ; September ,
46 { f4GT4e. closed 46He.
OATS HeceJplK , H0.400 bu. ; exports. 14 , COO bu. ;
Bales , 1SO.OOO bu. futures nnd 74.COO bu. spot.
Bpot market unrettled ; No. 2 , 60c ; No. 2 , deliv
ered , W , o ; No. 3 , 4Dc ; No. 2 white. 6H5e ; No. 3
white. DOV4c ; ti ack. white western , C2H67c , track ,
White 'state , 62Jf37c. Option market quiet but
firm nil day on light receipts west. July closed
Uo up , later months He up ; July , J ic ; August ,
(3r35c , cloned 3IT4c ; September , 32f33ic ,
closed 33V4c ; October , closed 33Uc.
HAY Quiet ; shipping , JO.OOWti.CO ; good to
choice. 7.00 8.CO.
HOI'S Dull ; tnte , common to choice , OKO'.ic :
1'aclflc coast , 10lBc.
11IDKS Inactive ; wet salted , New Orleans , sc- '
lected , 45 to G5 Ibs. , 4U < Hc : Texas selected , 3S
to 60 Ibs. . 48. > c ; Texas , drv , 21 to 30 Ibs. . 6'4e.
LKATHEU Dull ; hemlock sole , llucnos Ayre.- .
Jlght to heavy WflghtB , 15 lSc.
WOOL Steady ; domestic tltece , 19(23c ; pulled ,
- . nrm. Cut meats , nrm ;
pickled bellies , 7 8c ; pickled shoulders , oyc ;
pickled hams , 10 > 40105c. Lard , llrm ; western
western steam closed nt $7.13 ? 7.33 ; refined , llrm ;
continent , J7.05 ; S. A. , J7.85 ; compound. Gc.
1'ork , steady.
s Finn ; state and Pennsylvania , 13013ic ! ;
western fresh , Ill&612Mc : fouthern , per case ,
TALLOW Steady ; 4J4 ! B-lo ( ! for city ( J2 per
pltg. ) ; country ( pUgs. free ) , 444 7-lGo.
CHKESK-Qulet ; slute. large , 78 > ic : small
foncn 7CSHc ; part skims , 2iGc ! ; full skims ,
I'irrnOLBUM Dull ; ITnlted closed nt S3o
iiKked ; Washington , bbls , , } 6 ; Washington , In
bulk , 13.60 ; Philadelphia and Hnltlmore , J5.ll ) ;
1'hllndelphln and llaltlmore , In bulk , 1S.15.
ItOSlN Quiet ; strained , common to good , 1,33
TUUPKNTINK-Qulet nt 30VJ 31c.
UlfU Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , 4Hff
6'ic ; Japan. 4 JTHtc. !
MOLASSUS Steady : New Orleans , open ket
tle , good to choice , SDflSilc.
PIQ IltON-Dull ; Scotch , J19.600:2.10 ! ; Amer-
Icnn. 111.00 11,00.
COPPKIl-KInn ; lake. J9.50.
LKAD Slrcng ; domestic. J3.10.
TIN Quiet ; strnlts. J19.30 bid ; plates , dull.
1XJTTON SI3HD OIL-lnnctlvc ; no pressure to
cell ; prlmo crude. 29c. nominal ; oft crude. 25C2Se ;
yellow butter grades , 33c ; choice yellow , 34e ,
nominal ; yellow oil grades , 31'f32c : prime
white , 3GO37c.
Nu\v Orleiiim ( lenenil MiirKxt.
Steady. Pork , 13ic. ! I ird , rellne'd , tierces , 6V.c.
lloxcd inentB. dry salt shouhleia , CUc ; slilts ,
6Uc. Ilncon , Hides , 7He. Hams , choice sugar
cuied , 10Vi 10e.
lllOISriiily ( ; ordinary to good. 34CWc.
lOKKEK Steady ; Hlo , ordinary to low fair ,
1'LOUil-Q.ulet ; extra fancy , J2.S302.93 ; pat-
Jnt . J3.101l3.2H.
COHN-Hteady : No. 3 sacked , mixed. Me ; yel-
Vow , 82cr while , K032HC.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 wicked , 6(05t'.4c. ( '
lIUAN-Dull at J7.77' < s 7.W.
HAY-FIrm ; prime , 13.Wffn.M : choice , J1C.5' ' ) .
Sl'OAH ' Finn ; open kettle , prime to strictly
prime , 3e ; vommon to fully fair , 2 S-10O2 13-lCu-
Inferior , 2Uc ; crnlrlfiiKnl , choice white , 3Uo ;
off white , 3 ll-16fWc ; choice yellow clarllled ,
S 9-16o ; prime yellow rlarltlcd , 3ifi3 > 4c ; off yellow
cltirllled. SCi3lic ; seconds , HjiJ 1-lGo.
MOLA8SK3 Nomlnnl.
lliiltlmoro < lrulu .
IIAI.TIUOUB , July 2. KLOUIl Dull ; re
ceipts , 5.&GO bbls.
W11KAT Firmer ; spot. 69UC59Uo ; Augunt ,
W'dOGOUc ' ; September , 61',4flClio ; mrnmer , ND.
2 nil. WKffmto ; receipts , 7ZOoi ) bu.j uillllng
wheat , by mimple , 60UCOic. )
COltN-Steudy ; eixjt , 4Gf40Ha ; month , 4o
tusked ; August , 43 a anked : recelptu , 10,000 bu.
( ) ATS-yuU > t , but llrm : No , 2 while western ,
UCf30o ; No , 2 mixed , 47O4SC ,
HYItDull ; No. Z. B ! 50c.
HAY Stciuly ; gootl to choice timothy , II. ICO
tlllAlN FltBlOHa-S-Steady.
lU'TTKIl-Oulet , dull.
KnClH-UVilk ; fienh. IMio.
CllKEHE-8t a < ly } fancy New York. SliOSKc.
Clili'UK" fruit Uuotutluiif ,
CIHCAOO. July 2.-O\vlnif to railroad striken ,
the Karl I'nilt compiuiy could sell this inornln *
wily one car Ciillfornln clirrrlr * . for which thuy
rmllied the follrwlng prices : lllgerniua. (6i/90o ;
Itoynl Anne. tX-OJI.IO ; Turtarlan. 700DOo ; Re
publican , JI.WO1.10 ; expect to sell another cur
of cherrlfH thin nflrrnoon ; outlet nleo llmlteil
on account of rullroiul strikes.
J'orttr Uro * . oomiuiuy ; Chicago , oia today ttt
auction Hie cut * of California fiult It ynl
prlratu , tKkfilltt , Unit' * punched , po ir nriKr ,
60 $ IV. good order , . II OOffl JO , Itry | Hellve
plmnt TOcQII 44 , pr f h plum * , $5 < Otl.CJ , Irnc. d/
prunes , II Kit i 7 ( ' , Ai'UfidAiKC plum * . $22 fJJ' ' .
Him. . nl piune * . fJ.05M3.10 , Hnrtlelt pear * , $2 Sot
J.9i. , Ci'Urro ( I iff oil pen , half rrnlen , M.40 ; cun
mjft fienVil , half ante ? , 11.43 ; Itoynl Anna cher
ries , COcfltl.ftj Centchnlnls. SOr ,
Porter llros. company , Nei\ York , nold tivlny nf
auction iievcn cars of California fruit ! Iloyn
Anns chtrrl i. 3S.'fl$1.90 ; Hlgncrnun , 90o8l-30
Republicans , II.Nfil.M ; Alexander peachw , 7 < 'cf
I2.O ) ; Halt's , 4i > c < i 2IO ; Hoyal nprlcot , Mcflll.35
pench nprlcotn , 11.30 ; Momgninifli" , 9UcflI.I5
Royal llcllve plums , SOcflll.r. : KoenlK Clnimi
plum * , Wo ; pencil plum * , $2.3003.1J'4 ; Ahundnnce
plum * , I2.40t73.2i ) ; Dunn plum * . $2..i : > f2.95 ; fly-
mnnr $1.21 : Tragedy * . f2.ocrflt.7Jf Hlmanln , 12.95
(73. ? : ; Ilnrtfflt * . } 3.C2'4 ; half boxes , 12.50. Flg ,
J1.W02.I- | < plc . I3.10S3.30.
Condition of Trulo mill Quotation * on
Htuphv mill I'niicy Produce ,
The week opened with n jirclly steady market
on most nil linen of produce.
While the hay crop In this mte has Improved
since Die drouth wn broken , the crop In lown
promises to he short. ( 'lover and timothy
meadows linvn suffcreil from fhe combined ef
fects uf n dtfiuthy nututnn , ulnicr killing , zi-rd
temperature the lasl of March , following n
period of unusual warmth , and the unpre
cedented drouth In May. In many portions of
Iowa on the 1st of June the meadow * were
brown nnd dry enough to burn , the fields pre
senting the appearance of autumn rather than
of spring time. 1'naturen readily revive with n
copious rainfall , hill lifter such n sethacli the
enily hay crop Is past recovery , Under the cir
cumstances farmers will he obliged to make the
most of all lh 'lr resources lo secure forage for
their stock , lly cutting meadows early , n fair
second ciop of hay may ho secured If the bat
once nf the seas m Is favornhlc.
RUTTKR The puckiTH nre still paying lOo for
packing Mock , and that appears lo be the stand-
aid price with nil buyer * . The price In the
counlry has been pretty generally lowered to
9c on track. Choice country butter , 12ftl4c ; Kcp-
arntor civamery , solid packed , HQlGu ; bricks ,
EOOS The egg market has not shown much
change for Hie punt we.-k , 9c being the general
price. C' men complain thai shippers
nre sending In n guod many poor eggs , nnd Hint
the work of candling Ihcm out Is no small Item.
LIVE POPLTHV-OM hens sold ycsteidny
very largely at CHc , and It wns hard woik lo
get over lOc for sprlm ? chickens. The dressers
are offering only 9c , The demand for Keen1 nnd
ilucks Is very light , nnd what few nre arriving
are moHlly hlrds that have been plucked , nnd In
consequence not very desliahle. Ducks. 7c ; hen
turkeys , 74(8e ( ; Rolibleis , Cfifie ; geese , CH6GC.
VBAI < The receipts are not Very heavy , but
the weather Is ro warm lhal It would he Im
possible for the lacelvtr lo be very Independent.
Choice fat ami small veals ate quoted nt C'.iflGc ;
coarse nnd large , 3f4c.
CHEESE There U some very choice Wiscon
sin oicea-3 on the market. Wisconsin , full
cream , new iiinki > , NKfllc ; Ncbrnskn nnd Iowa ,
full cream , MUi'c ; Nebraska nnd lown , part
skim , CtfTc ; Llmliurger , No. 1 , lOc ; brick , No. 1 ,
lOc ; Swlfx. No. 1. ISSHc.
HAY The receipts continue liberal nnd
the market Is weak , although not duotablv
lower. Upland hay , SS.W ; midland , IS ; lowland ,
$7.00 ; rye straw , $0. Demand fair ; supply
fair. Color makes the be l price on liny.
Light bales sell the beet. Only top cradea bring
top prices.
PIGEONS The Klin clubs use quite a good
many pigeons , nnd there U n demand far old
birds stront' en the wing. Old birds , per doz. ,
A few changes will be noted In Ihe market
on vegetables. Potatoes nre showing more
strength , while tomatoes , pens and bcuns ore
not quite so high na last week.
Watermelons nre commencing to arrive more
freely. Advlcos from Pelhnm , n heavy shipping
point In Georgia. sayH that watermelons , so far ,
have been small , owing to the drouth. It It
hoped thai the recenl rains will benefit the bal
ance of Ihc crop. There Is no doubt but what
the crop In some sections of that stale has
been cut short.
POTATOES The supply Is light nnd Ihc mar-
kel firm , al 80jS5c.
MELONS About four cars arrived yesterday.
Good stock , $20.0 < ) { (2.00.
CANTALOUPES Cantaloupes nre arriving on
the markel. On orders , Jl.DO per doz.
)1EHT8 New bccls , per uoz. Lunches , 20G23c ,
on orders.
SQUASH Texas summer squash on orders.
75c per doz.
CUCUMllERS-On orders. 4050o per doz.
GREEN PRPPKHS Texas green peppers , per
U hu. box , 7oc.
OLD UBANS Hand picked navy , 12.1002.15 ;
medium navy , J1.90Q2.00 ; common white beans ,
ONIONS On orders. California , 2c per Ib.
CABUAGE There la plenty of home crown
cabbage hclne brought In by the locpl growers ,
and while Ihe heads nre small , they are very
solid and good quality. There Is also consider
able California stock on the market. Good ship
ping stock , on orders. 2 432V&c.
ASPARAGUS Good home grown stock , 43S50C
per doz. , on orders.
TOMATOES There Is n large business doing
In tomnloes , nnd Ihe stock now being handled
here Is very choice. Mississippi stock consti
tutes the bulk of the offerings. Good shipping
stock , per 4 basket Crate , $1.25.
NEW 11EANS---The supply of wnjc nnd string
beans Is limited principally to home grown
slock , which Is not overly plenty so far , and
which Is held fit firm prices. Wax , per > 4 bu.
basket , 75c ; string , per 4 bu. basket , 75c.
PEAS The supply Is somewhat larger. Good
stock , per bu. . $1.60.
EGG PLANT Per doz. , on orders. 755JJ1.00.
CAULIFLOWER Choice stock , per doz. . $1.503
1.75. -
1.75.CAnitOTS New southern carrots , per ooz.
Lunches. 30f)0c.
PARSLEY On orders , per doz. bunches. 2530c.
TURNIPS New home growh. per bu. , 60c ;
home grown , per doz. bunches , 23Q30C.
At the auction sale of fruit yesterday morn-
lngr. Ihe offerings conslpfed of two nnd a half
cars , divided as follows : Apples , 320 boxes ;
pcachcB , 510 ; pears , CS7 ; prunes , CO ,
At the afternoon sale there were 608 boxes
peaches , 243 plums nnd prunes , 287 nprlcotB.
Owing to Ihe good demand nnd Ihe llghl re
ceipts , logelher wllh Ihc possibility of receipts
being cut off entirely by the strikes , prices took
a sharp turn upwards.
STRAWI1ERRIES None reported received.
CHERRIES The market la practically bare
of California cherries.
APPLES California apples nre becoming quite
plentiful. Per CO-lb. crate , $1.23.
APRICOTR There nre n few apricots coming
every day , but they arc gelling scarcer and
higher. Good shipping stock , $1.50. '
UOOSEHEIUUKS There have been none re
ceived to nmounl lo nnythlng during the last
week or more. Quotations are nominally $2.23 ®
2. CO.
I1LACKDERRIES The receipts were heavier
yesterday. Good stock. $2.7C03.00.
IILACK RASP1IERRIES The receipts were up largely of home-grown stock , Good
stock. $3.
RED RASPI1ERRIES There were none re
ported In.
PEACHES The supply of peaches was light
yesterday. Good stock , $1,50.
PLUMS Only a few California plums nre
coming ns yet , and they range In price from
Jl.wy2.M per box , according to size of the frull
and variety.
PRUNES A few boxes of prunes nre arriving
from California , and arc worth about $2.0002.25
per box ,
PIGS A few California figs have arrived.
They nro quoted nt $1.CO.
PEARS California pears , good shipping stock.
RANANAR As usual when berries are on the
market the demand for bananas Is not very
heavy. Choice stock , $2.00GS.W ) .
LEMONS Fnncy lemons , 300 size. $5 ; fancy
lemons , 300 tdze , $3 ; choice lemons , 300 size. 14.CO.
ORANGES California Mediterranean Sweets
are to ho had on the markel nl $3.75.
PINEAPPLES There la n fair supply of FlorIda -
Ida pineapples on the mnrkel ot $1.CO per doz. ,
or $7.00f7.CO per crnlo of about six doz.
FIGS Fancy , per Ib. . 12'ifiic.
DATES-Hnllowces , 03 lo 70-lh. boxes , per Ib. ,
HONEY California. 15c ; ilaih honey. 10ffil2a.
MAPLE SYRUP Gallon cans , per doz. , $12.
NUTS Almonds , 15ffl7c ; English walnuts , 10 ®
12c ; niherts. 12c ; llrazll nuts. lOc.
CIDER Pure Juice , per hhl , , $6 ; half bbl. ,
HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 2'4c ' ; No. 1 green
salted hides , 3c ; No. 2 green salted hides , 2c ;
No. 1 veal calf. 6 Iba. to IS Ihs. . Cc ; No. 2 veal
calf , Ilia , to 15 Ihs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry Illnl hides.
CLNo. ; . 2 dry Mint hides. 3 ; No. 1 dry salted
hides , 4c ; parl cured hldea , ' , ic ppr jo. less than
fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each , 23flCOc ;
green salted shearllngr ( short-wooled early skin * ) . "
each , Cfl5c ; dry shearllnga ehmt-wooled early
skins ) . No. 1. each , WlOc ; dry shearllnga ( shnrl.
wooled early skins ) . No , 2 , ouch , Cc ; dry Mint.
Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per
Ib. . actual weight. CflSc ; dry Mini , Kansas nnd
Ncbratkn muiraln wool pell * , per Ib , nclual
weight , 40Cc ; dry Mint , Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per Ib. . actual weight , 407o ; dry Mint.
Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual
wrlKht. 4fJ6c.
TALLOW AND OREASE-Tallow. No. 1. 4f ?
4V5c ; tallow , No. 2 , 3UW3jc ! ; grease , white A ,
415c ; grease , white 11. 4e ; grea i > , yellow , 3c ;
grease , dark , 2'/jc ; old butter. 2SiSo ! ; beeswax ,
prime , llWlSc ; rough lallnw , 2c.
St. I.IIIIIH ( ii'iinrnl .Murluit.
BT. LOUIS. July 2.-FLOUR-Qulet. firm.
WHEAT Opened strong , gaining % c , relnpuril
HP. but regained It , closing 9io higher than Sal-
urdny on IlKhl lecelpls and Mrm cables ; No. 2
red , cush , f > 3Wo ; July , B6lic ; August , C44c ; Kep-
lemtwr. C6Uc ; December , M4c. !
CORN On strike nnd crop news gained & { ? \e ;
No. 2 mixed , cash , 41c ; July , 33J4c ; September ,
35 h C.
OATrt Stronir , higher ; No. 2 cash , 41Hc :
July , 35'te ' ; Augusl , 28ic ; September , 2Sc.
RYE No. 2. f > 2e ,
HAKLUY-No trading.
HKAN l.m\iT ; vail track , ( lie
FLAX SEED-No market.
CLOVER HEED-l'ncbanged.
TIMOTHY-$4.40 for AUgUHl.
HAY Firm ; fancy timothy. IJ3. , unchanged , neparator cream-
try , Util6e ; choice dairy , ISGHc. a
E0(18-Flrmer. 7VjC.
LEAD Hrld at $3.10.
SPELTER-Dull. $ I.U > i.
CORN MEAL-Unclmnged.
PROVISIONS Lifeless , without change , except
Urd. $6.50 for prime steam , $ .C21i for choice.
RECEHTS Flour , 3.000 bills. ; wheat. 21.000
bu. : corn , 73.UOO bu , ; oats , 27 , < X ) bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat. 42.000
bu. ; corn , 06,000 bu. ; outs , 7,000 bu.
Mlimru | > ollit 11 ruin Murker.
MINNEAPOLIS. July S.-TII * only wrnkntM In
wheat today was m-or the opening. Condition *
favored an advance , even the strike being con
strued hire IIH bulllrh. Short * came In quite
fmly u the uncertainty cf two-day holiday
wn * too Brent to ell iw mnll shorts to
out July held unclmngcd fr mi Pnfurdny , hut
September rallied. Thenwns n fair trndf. Cusli
wheat cut nlmod no ngu.c , offering * bclnrr the
( mnllrst for monlh * Only cv < n car * of No. :
northern were reprrted mid ami thre * mr * of No
2 northern. The closing of the mill * shut * off
the demand largely. Itoclpt * hcte > wrre 181 cms
and nt Duluth nnd Eup < nor93 car * . The markel
closed wllh July nt Wic ; September , MViWMJic ,
December , COc. On trnrk : No. 1 hnnl , 63c ,
Nn. 1 northern , Cl'ic ; No , 2 northern , OOo.
The flour market was < iulct ; I'litents , $3.003.53
bakers , I2.C803.JO.
Coffee A
NEW YORK. July ! . -COFFEE-Optlons
opened dull nt unchanged prices to C points up ,
ruled quiet nnd fentiirelosfl , with trade local ,
close , barely steady , 51fM points decline ; rales ,
lO.ion bags , Including ; September , $11.10014.18 ;
October , JI3.fM 13.75 ; December , $ l3,15ftl3,2i ;
March , $12.73. Spot coffee , Rio , dull ; No , 7.
JI6.50 ; mild , quiet nnd steady ; Cardovn. J19.04fT
19.2i > ; sales , * UO bags United stutes , mixed rpot
bnsls , ! G',4c for No. 7 ; wnMiouap deliveries Sat
urday nl New York , 22,551 bags ; New York
stock , C9.2S3 bags ; Unltcil Stnles stock , 101 , IG1
bags ; nllont for United States. ITD.O'rt Ings ; lolnl
vlnllile for the United Stnte < , 250,261 bags ,
ngnlnut < .TMS bng last year.
SANTOS , July 2.--JuIet ; g.xxl average Hantof ,
$17 ; stjck , 29.W ) bags ; cleated , June 20 , 10H ( :
lmg ( . Weekly i ( Julet ; good nvenige , per 10
kilos , $17 ; receipts during the week , 21,000 bags ;
shipments to United States , 1,000 bags ; stock ,
29,000 bags.
IIAMIIL'HO , July 2.-Qulet ! > i57'4 pfg. higher ;
snleH , 3.001) bags ; stock , 25 ,00' ' ) lings , Including
55.0UO bags llinrlllnn , ngnliiKt 2il , < KJO bags , In
eluding 65,000 bags Itrnzlllan , last week.
HAVRE , July 2. Opened barely Mendyi Bales ,
6,000 bags ; prices ' .if higher ; nt 12 in. unchanged ;
further sales. 1,0V ) bngs ; nt 3 p. m , barely
steady , ViW&f tower ; further sales , B.OOO bags ;
Closed Uff'/4f ndviuien ; total tales , 13,010 hags.
RIO JANEIRO , July 2. Firm ; No. 7 , Rio ,
$10.10 ; exchnnge , 9 5-lGd ; receipts , 4,000 lings ;
slock , 102,000 bags. Weekly ; Firm ; Rio ,
per 10 kilos , $10 ; exchnnge , ! t 5-1C.1 ; receipts dur
ing the week , 270,000 bags ; shipment ! ) to United
Stnles , none ; stock , 102,000 bag * .
MlhriiuUri ! ( Irnenil .Market.
MILWAUKEE , July 2.-FLOUR-Dull nnd
WHEAT Stronger ; No. 2 pprlng , C7c ; No. 1
northern , G3c ; September , B7e.
CORN Sli-nily ; No. 3 , 4114C.
OATS-Stendlly held ; No. 2 while , 41c ; No. 3
while. 38fn2'c.
1IARLEY Nomlnnl ; No. 2 , 64c ; sample , scarce
and nominal.
RYE Scarce nnd wanted , Mo.
PROVlSIONS-Stcady. Pork , J12.40. Lnrd ,
RECEIPTS Flour , G.40D bbls. ; wheat. C.COO bu. ;
barley , SOU bu.
SIIIPMENTS-FIour , 900 bbls. ; wheat , none ;
barley , none. _
Toledo ( iriiln MurUnt.
TOLEDO. July 2.-WIIEAT-Hlglier. steady ;
No. 2 , cash and July , 57Uc ; Angus ! , 5S'ic ' ; Scp-
tember. 59H"B59ic " ? ; December , 42ic. !
CORN Steady ; No. 2 , cash , 43c ; No. 2 yellow ,
< lc.
OATS Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , 43c ; No. 2 white ,
RYB Firm ; cash , 51ic bid.
CLOVER SEED Dull , steady ; prime cash , neg
lected ; October. J3.
REOEII'TS-Whent , 31.500 bu. ; corn. 1.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 1,600 bbls. ; wheat , 75,500
bu. ; corn , 500 bu.i onts , 1,500 bu.
LIVERPOOL , July 2.-WIIRAT-Stcm1y : poor
demand ; holders offer moderately ; No. 1 Cal
ifornia , 4a HJdRSs ' ,4d ; red weslern spring , 4s
H'.WHBs Ud ; red western winter , 4s Sdi(4s 9d.
CORN Firm ; demand moderate ; mixed spot ,
3s M.
FLOUR Spring patents , Ca 9d.
PROVISIONS Iteef , extra India mess , CSs 9d.
Pork , prime mess , GGs 3d. Hacon , long and
short clear. 55 Ibs. , 35s ; long clear , 4 ! Ibs. , 3Cs.
Lard , prime western , 35s.
iMiuur ninrkct.
NEW YORK , July 2. SUOAR-Dull ; sales.
none ; refined , quiet ; No. C , 3 9-lG < ! T3ic ; No. 7 ,
3483 ll-lSc ; No. 8 , 3 7-lGfi354c ; off A. .l iJUc ;
mould A , 4 5-lGf4',4c ; standard A , 3 IS-lGffilHc ;
confeclloners' A , 4 13-16Ti4Hcj ( cut loaf , 4ii
4 15-16c ; cnished , 4T45 l-16c ; powdered. 4 5-lCJ >
4',4e ; granulated , 4 l-16Q4'lc ; cubes , 4 5-1GS4V.C.
LONDON. July 2. SUOAR-Cane , quiet ; Cen
tral American , 10 3d ; fair refining , 12s ; beet
sugar , rather weak , lls ' , fcd.
Kimoiit City 3lnrkets.
KANSAS CITY , July 2.-WHEAT-Flrmer ; No.
3 hard. 49Hc ; No. 2 rtd , 49J4c ; No. 3 red , 4Gtf
4Sc , rejected , 42ff43c.
CORN Firm ; No. 2 white , 39'AJ40o ; No. 2
mixed. 35V4S3GC.
OATS No. 2 mixed , 30f31'Sc ; No. 2 white ,
nUTTER Firmer ; creamery , 14fflGc ; dairy ,
EGOS Dull and unchanged ; C'.Jc.
Oil Markets.
OIL CITY , Pa. , July 2. National Trnnsil cer-
llflcnlcs opened at 83 ; highest , 8414 ; lowest , 83 ;
closed , 83 % ; pales , 1,000 bbls. : shipments Satur
day , 80.SGS Mils. : runs , 117.774 hhls. ; Sunday ,
shipments , 39,783 bbls. ; runs , 21,350 bbls.
PITTSUURtl , Pa. , July 2. National Transit
certlMcnlcs opened al 83 ; closed al 8414 ; highest ,
85 ; lowest , S3 ; r.o sales.
Visible Supply of Craln.
NEW YORK. July 2. The visible supply of
grain Saturday , June 30 , ns compiled by the
Now York Produce exchange , Is ns follows :
Wheat , C4.C57.000 bu. , decrease , 1,190,000 bu. ; corn
0,411,000 bu. , decrease , 743,000 bu. ; oats , 2C77WW
bu. . Increase , 221,000 bu. : rye , 237,000 bu. , In-
-crcase , 11,000 bu. ; barley , 80,000 bu. . Increase , 7,000
Duluth Wheat Market.
DULUTH , July 2. WHEAT Close , dull : No.
1 hard , cash nnd July. C44c ! ; No. 1 northern ,
cash nnd July , C2ic : ! ; September , COlic ; Decem
ber. OlVic ; No. 2 northern , cnpli , CSHc : No. 3 ,
63Hc ; rejccled , COlic ; lo arrive , No. I norlhern
Now York Dry ( .onils Market.
NEW YORK. July 2. A moderale demand nnd
fair sales by local dealers was Been. For the
west there wns lltlle doing , because of Ihe big
railroad strike. Printing cloths dull nt 2 11-lCc.
Huttcr Market.
ELGIN , III. . July 2. 1IUTTBR Quiet ; sales.
25,000 Ibs. nt IGlje , subject to shipment on or be
fore July 5. _ _ _ _ '
_ _ _ _ _ _
Wool 'Market.
ST. LOUIS , July 2. WOOL Unchanged.
London Stock M : rku .
LONDON. July L1. 4 p. in. closing :
Now York Mining Quotation ! .
NEW JOUK. July 2.-Tho followln ? BM the
closing mining quotalloiis ! . ,
Crown Point 60 Plymouth r,0
Con.Cal. , t Vn. . . . 205 Sierra Nevada Kid
Ucadwood co Stnndanl so
Gould JkCurry 30 Yellow Jacket. . . . 30
Halo& Norcroaa. . 61) ) Iron silver 10
Homeatatto 1260 Quicksilver. . 215 !
Mexican 60 do preferred 1400
North Star 750 Bulwer
Ontario. . . . iao
Proportions of the Pullman Strike Affected
the Market.
NEW YORK , July 2. The proportions
which the railway strike has assumed af-
'ected the stock market today very unfavora
bly , and , as a result , a majority of the
shares traded In show a decline on the day's
: radlng. The speculation was heaviest In
the opening trades , when Pullman was sold
lown 3 % per cent , Sugar 2tf per cent , Dis
tilling iyt per cent , and the grangers % per
cent , and the general list H@ % per cent , [
the latter In Missouri Pacific. Prices contin
ued to decline during the first half hour of
business , Pullman losing an addi ;
tional \i \ per cent , bringing It
down to 155V4 against 169V4 at the close
on Saturday. Toledo & Ohio Central lost 1V .
per cent. These declines were effected with
out the putting ; out of a great deal of Block ,
and when the market was relieved of the
pressure of offerings a rally took place which
did not extend beyond a fraction , and which
was only temporary In Ita character , an
other reaction setting In before 11 o'clock
under a bear raid , In which the Industrials
were the chief sufferers. The depression
continued until about noon , when a steadier
tone prevailed , except for Chicago Gas , which
was attacked by the bears and forced down
to 77V4 , a decline of 1 % per cent from Sat '
urday , The general market was not affected
by the weakness of Gas and the stock scare. :
Many buyers came Into the market
at the lower range of prices , whoso purchases
caused on appreciation of values which was
most marked In the shares which were weak
early. Pullman rallied l'i per cent , Chicago
Gas 1 % per cent , and the general list \i@ \ %
per cent shortly before 2 o'clock , Manhattan
declined 1 % per cent , and there waa a frac
tional reaction In the rest of the market , but
sharp rally took place , and most of the
dealings were decidedly strong In tone , the
speculation showing a decided upward ten
dency at the close.
The bond market was firm In the morning ,
but became easier during the afternoon and
closed slightly heavy.
Tlu ( BvcnlnK Post's London cablegram a
says ; Business was barely resumed today
after the holiday , Americans were heavy on
accountof the strikes. If the passage of
the tariff bill was not imminent a bear raid
might be predicted. As It Is the great un
certainty of the outlook merely produces a
deadlock. The Dank of England Is about to
Issuu { 2,000,000 of fresh capital , guaranteed
by the Now Zealand government. U It ) be-
N * iv Vork Motiitv Miirkof.
Easy nt 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent : closed ,
1 p'r cent.
KTERLINO EXCHANGE Heavy , with actual
ImsliiftH In luinkfrx' bills nt M.tSVi for demaml
nnd lit Js".4 ; ' fur sixty days ; posted rates , } 4.8SfJ
4.8014 : conilnerrlnl LIllK , J4.Hi.
GOVERNMENT llONDSSteady. . State bondf.
Cloning quotnllons on bonds were as follows :
Financial Notes.
MEMPHIS. July > ' 2Clearings. . } 2I3,447 ; bal
ances , $ ! > 5lrriO. ii '
ISOSTON. July 2. .Qlifarlnss , $1COSC,133 ; bal
ances , J2.619,3C8. ; / i
I1ALTIMORE. July S.-Clcarlngs , ? 3,028,8C ;
balances , f904,27G.
NEW YORIC'rjffly" 1. Clentlnss , $72,343.308 ;
balances , JG,43S,4S8. , F " *
PHILADELPHIA , July 2. Clearings , $3,003,105 ;
balances , $1,007.070.
LONDON , July 2. The price of gold nt lluenos
Ayres today Is " 06.
PARIS , July 2. Three per cent rentes , lOOf
CS'.lc for the account ,
CINCINNATI , July 2. Money , 21J.0G per cent.
New York exchange , COc premium. Clearings ,
U 25 , SCO.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 2. Drafts , sight , lOc ;
telegraphic. 12',4c. ' Silver bars , C2K&C2T1C. Mex
ican dollars , f l $ 5P,4c *
ST. LOUIS. July 2. Clearings. $3,750,477 ; bal
ances i , $538,717. Money , dull ; 5fJ7 per cent. Ex
change on" New York , 83c premium bid.
NEW ORLEANS , July 2. Clenrlnss , $1,223,3SS ;
New York exchange , commeiclal , $1 per $1,003
premium ; bank , $1.CO per $1,000 premium.
CHICAGO. July 2. Clearings , $17,053,000. For
eign exchange , dull ; sterling exchange , nctunl ,
$4.74.9. New York exchange , 75c premium.
Money ] , steady ; 4fC per cent.
Cook's Extra Dry Champagne is the wine
for Americans. Its purity anil boquct com
mends It to them.
Just Ono-Ilulf.
the regular faro will bo charged 4th of July
excursionists on Union Pacific lines. See
your nearest U. P. agent for dates of Bale
and limits on tickets.
On Trial for Itc-fuRlng to Shoot at Tin-got
on Sunday.
The court martial'for the trial of Private
Cederaulst , who refused to obey orders to
shoot at target practice at the Dollevue
range on Sunday , Juno 17 , on account of
religious scruples , convened nt Fort Omaha
yesterday morning. It consisted of Cap
tain Ullo , president ; Dr. Robertson , Captain
Turner , Lieutenant Abercromble , Lieutenant
Wilson , Lieutenant Arrasmlth and Lieu
tenant 1 Seay. Lieutenant Hlnes olllclatcd
as judge advocate.
The counsel for the defendant , Lieutenant
VanLleu of the Second regiment and At
torney Strickler , offered a plea in bar , rais
ing the points that the order alleged to
lave been disobeyed was unlawful , and that
It was In direct conflict with the military
regulations of the army. The general orders
of President Washington and of President
Lincoln were read nt length , forbidding
any work In the army and navy on Sunday
except such as was absolutely necessary ,
n addition to these orders the later orders
ay President Harrison abolishing Inspection
on Sunday and forbidding work In the mill-
ary prisons on Sunday were appealed to.
Finally the defense contended that the rlllo
range at Hellevue had never been ceded
.o the United States by the state of Nc-
araska , and that 'therefore the state laws
wore In full force and effect , and that the
iccused was liable mjcler the state law for
shooting on Sunday. .
The plea In bar was overruled and the
taking of testlmortjr begun.
The judge adVQcate called as witnesses
Lieutenant BooUmlller , the ofllcer who or
dered Cedeniulstf .fo : shoot on Juno 17 ;
Major Worth.commander of the First battal-
on at the range , a'nd Sergeant Thackaberry of
company A , of which * Cederqulst Is a mem-
jer. These oltlccrs 'testified ' to the direct
'acts In connection -with the disobedience
of the orders. Lieutenant Ilookmlller stated
hat ho had ordered , the accused twice to
uUe his gun nml.shaot. Upon his refusal
ie ordered him into , confinement. Major
Worth testified to0the details of a conversa
tion held with the pflsoner on the day before -
fore , In which tiie' , latter had stated that ho
did not want to. shoot on Sunday. The
major advised the accused to obey orders ,
whatever they might bo , Sergeant Thacka
berry corroborated the testimony of the other
officers , and stated that Cederqulst was very
respectful In disobeying the command to
shoot and seemed to bo acting under a con
viction of duty.
The prosecution then rested until after
luncheon , and the' defense then took the
stand. At 3 o'clock the court martial took
DeWltt'a Witch Hazel salvo cures piles.
Not Unusual.
Tne Union Pacific wilt sell tickets to 4th
of July excursionists at ono fare for the
round trip.
See your nearest U. P. agent for full par
Week Ofons with Hoeolpts Hardly Up
the Monilay Average
Slack Supply IcBponlbto ( for Ilia I.lfclc *
Triule , but Prices Were u I.lttlo llct-
U r Hog * iie.ll 11 Illmu Higher
Than on iSatiiril.iy.
, . MONDAY , July 2.
The week opened with about the nverngt
Momlny's receipts of cattle , but the offerings
were made up largely of stackers and feed
ers. Really desirable beef cattle were
In light receipt , and for that reason the njar
kot on tlmt class of stock was devoid of nil )
great activity. The prospects , however
being unfavorable for much of a run during
the next few days , owing to the rallroai
strikes , there waa naturally a stronger feel
Ing. Then , too , dressed beef men had to
h.avo a few , and In some cases were wllllnr
to pay a little better prices for what thej
The market on butchers' stock did no
show much change , prices roir.dlnlng abou
where they \vcro at the close of last week
Only a few calves were offered and they
brought good , firm prices.
The stockcr and feeder market was with
out any material change. While the offer
Ings were liberal the buyers took hol <
freely and paid fully steady prices. Hcpre
sentatlvo sales :
uHEssno unnr.
N'o. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. P-
13. . . . SCO 12 43 03..1011 41 10 51..1I20 J4 45
SI..1014 4 ID G4..1377 4 3 ! )
2..1110 i cr , 12. . . . : so 200 i. . . . 010 210
0. . . . C6S 175 1 SM ) 200 1..I02) ) 2 M
1. . . . S30 I 75 21. . . . 7CS 2 li ! 3..1110 2 00
1..101H 175 1 1170 22. " , J..1330 2 C : ,
1 ( .GO 173 21. . . . 1183 230 2..103' ' ! 2 75
7. . . . 040 100 1..1(110 ( V 3j 1. . . . 800 300
1. . . . COO 1 CO 3. . . . 400 1 75 1. . . . HO 2 75
1. . . . CM 175 3. . . . 4SO 183 6. . . . 6SO 363
6. . . . 702 1 75
1. . . . 120 220 1. . . . 110 275 3. . . . 100 400
l..lir,0 200 1..1210 215 3..1020 225
1..1490 200 1..12V ) 215 I. . . . 8.10 223
2..1315 200 3. . . . 910 215 1..1170 240
2..1175 205
1..15IO 2 15
1..1300 2 23
L. . . 0.0 200 3. . . . 9S3 275 1..1000 310
1..1420 200 23. . . . 994 275 33..Su3 310
C. . . . 471 223 37. . . . 751 275 62. . . . 91 ( ! 315
2..10S5 225 5. . . . 714 275 8. . . . 910 315
13. . . . D12 2 30 45. . . . 910 2 75 . . . . MO 3 13
31. . . . f,90 233 4..1040 275 K3..10SI 330
1. . . . C40 250 23. . . . 913-2 15 221..104(1 ( 330
8. . . . 7S5 2 CO 9. . . . 712 300 20. . . . 998 3 DO
2. . . . 720 2 CO
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
20 feeders. . . . B.-l J2 90
HOGS The receipts were the lightest that
they have been In weeks. The market
opened with quite an active demand anil
about lOe above Saturday's prices. The
more urgent orders being filled , the market
soon dropped back to last week's closing
prices. The bulk of the early sales were made
at $1.70 to $4.75 , and two heavy loads
brought ? 4.SO. Uepresentatlve sales :
No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
5 2.14 . . . Jl ( Ti n 233 . . . J4 70
60 203 280 4 05 41 2SC . . . 4 70
. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 G" K5 242 200 4 70
3 340 . . . 4 G : 57 233 200 4 70
3 17li . . . 405 05 22i 120 470
54 233 2UO 4 CT'.fc 49 'ill 80 4 73
80 177 SO 4 70 70 227 100 4 75
53 219 40 4 70 28 ' . . .211 . . . 4 75
56 2CO 120 470 03 193 . . . 473
9 173 . . . 4 70 r,3 238 100 4 75
3 SOO . . . 4 70 Cl 237 . . . 4 73
5 238 SO 4 70 48 213 100 4 75
6 25'i . . . 4 70 63 234 40 4 73
76 213 120 4 70 SO 193 40 4 73
CO 210 SO 4 70 4l ) 2.VJ 80 4 75
84 211 SO 470 GO 2SS ISO 480
50 239 200 470 C2 200 . . . 480
7 257 SO 4 70
SHEEP What few fresh sheep were of
fered sold quite readily at satisfactory prices.
Some Mexican stackers brought $1.75. Itcpre-
sentatlve sales :
No. Av. Pr.
398 Mexican wethers 90 { 2.75
IlurlliiBton Muiiagrri to Hrlng In Seven
Thousand Cattlo.
CHICAGO , .Tilly 2. Today's receipts of cattle
were estimated at 7,000 head. They nil camp via
the Iturllnglon. I rices were Kenernlly higher.
There were two or three Bales at J5 nnd the bulk
of the steers sold for more than $3.75. Ihitcheis'
stuff sold correspondingly well , the bulk i > f the
COWH nnd hulls changing hands at from J2.50 to
J3.CO. No Texus enltle arrived.
The hoff market was unsettled , hut an average
of prices was not greatly different from last
week's close. Prices were very uneven , but
the bulk of the stuff wns weighed nt fiom
J4.S5 to $ . " > .
Sheep prices were about steady. There wns n
llKht demand at from J1.23 to $3.75 for poor to
choice , with pales principally at from (2.25 to
(3.23. Sprint , " lambs were quoted at fiom { 3 to
J5. according to quality.
Receipts : Cattle , 7,000 head : calves , 200 head ;
hogs , 7,000 head ; sheep. 2,000 head.
Ilerolpt * nnil Disposition of Stock.
Official receipts nnd disposition of stock ns
shown by the books of the Union Block Yards
company for tlio forty-eight hours ending nt 5
o'clock p. m. , July 2 , U94 :
Cora. Head.
Cntlle 49 1.2J7
Hogs 32 2.014
Sheep 4 393
Ruyers. Cattle Hogs. Sheep.
The O. H. Hanim nd company 12 4)2 )
Swift nnd company 313 077 SUS
The Cndnhy Packing company 38
R. Decker & Degen 440
Chicago Packing company 310
J. Lobman 43
O. H. H. from K. C 113
Shippers nnd feeders 391 . . . . . 1,193
Left over CO' ' )
Total 1,42' ' ) 1.M9 1,511
Now York Live Stork Muriuit.
NEW YORIC , July 2. REEVES Receipts ,
4,300 head ; market excited ; demand very strong ;
steerH , 75cS7$1.00 higher ; rough butcher offerings
nt higher prices ; native corn fed SIP.-MH , choice ,
$ C.05(6.10 ; good to prime. $5.8530.00 ; KNIKH fed ,
medium to fair , $5.45fii.SO | ; Inferior to ordinary ,
$5.00415.10 ; common , t4.Mff4.7S.
HIIEEP AND LAMIIS Receipts , 21SO ) head ;
strong and active , W o higher ; nlH-ep , poor to
prime , $2.7SWI.OO ; lambs , commin lo choice , $1.5)
© C.CO.
HOOS RecelplH , two days , 9,300 head ;
higher ; Inferior to good hogs , $5.35(35.60. (
HiinsiiH City I.lvo Ktoelt Market
KANSAS CITV , July 2. CATTI.E-ltecelpts ,
0,200 head ; shipments , 1,3'M ' head ; nmiket Irn-x n
ular ; closed Blow nnd steady ; Texas steers , J2.50
( S3.S5 ; Texas cows. Sl.25R2.7l ) ; beef steers. J3.Wtf [
1.85 ; native cows , Sl.BQfr2.SO ; stockers and feeder * , -
t3.00 3.75 : bllllH. Sl.23n2.GO.
1IOC1S HecelptH , l,90i ) head : shipments. SiiO '
lead ; market steady ; bulk of sales , Sl.7 * > f < 4.8.1 ; a
leavles , Jl.80ff4.90 ; packers. J4.SOt4.i ) : mixed , :
:4.7H-4.h5 : ; lights , J4.7U 4.S > ) ; Yoikers , JI.73WI.S5 ;
> lgs , J4.5f4.SO. )
KIIKKI' Ilecelpts , 1,200 head ; shipments , 200
head ; mniket III in.
St. Loiilx Imi Stork J
ST. LOUIK. July 2. CATTLE Receipts. 400
head ; shlpmenlx , COO head ; market dull ; choice
natlvu Klporp , H.70 ; stocked , | 1.7Sj2.4'l ' ; CO H ,
$2.25 ; Texim section not rrpn-nenled.
lUHlK Receipts , &UO head ; KhlpmcntH , 3,4Vj , (
hc.acl ; inatket strong , higher ; nsxoflcil bulcheiV
weights , $5.10 ; lights , $5.iKJj5.05 ; for four loads of
choice $5.15 WIIH refused ,
SHEEP HecHplH. 2UO head ; shipments , 400
bend ; market nominal.
Nlofk In Bight. 1
Record of receipts of llvo stock nt the four ' '
principal yards for Monday. July 2 , 1891 : u
Callle. Hogs. Sheen
South Omaha 1.297 2,014 3U3
Chicago 7,000 7,000 2.0)0
KanwiB City 0,200 1,900 1,20. . )
St. . LoulH 400 kOO 2M )
Totals 1U87 11.714 3,753
DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve cures ulcers. }
PeWltt'a Witch Hazel Salvo cures piles.
No\v You ( uu Slay All Hummer. :
Chicago , Hock Island & Paclflo Hallway. ,
Limits extended on tickets to ABbtiry Park
III September 1. Cleveland and return , ono
uro for round trip , return limit September
15. For full particulars call at Hock la.
and ticket ofllce , 1C02 Furnam street.
] 'xcur lnii ICiitr * ICuit
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Hy.
will sell round trip tickets to Anbury Park ,
I. J. , on July Cth , Cth and 7th for the ono
way faro plus | 2.00
Kor full Information about routes , etc. ,
call at the Milwaukee ticket ofilcv , 15H ( Far-
naui BU
Kvcrv picture In our tnatniuotli establishment , from the first
floor to the roof , has beuit market ! in lari < e roil figures at about
one-half of former prices , to soil them quick , Not a single picture
is reserved , so this sale includes every picture from the cheapest
artotype to the finest etching or steel engraving. This is a chance f )
to furnish that bare wall of yours at a nominal cost. Remember
now , as we Imve told von before , the time to buy is when the other
fellow wants to sell. @
This s.ile is for this week only.
$1.50 pictures , this wejk only , for 75c
S'2.00 pictures , this week only , for OOc *
Stt.OO pictures , this week only , for SI.,15
( © $1.00 pictures , this week only , for $1.90
$5.00 plcftires , this week only , for $ ' 2.50
$7.50 pictures , this week only , for $ I5.i5
$10.00 pictures , this Week only , for $5.00
$15.00 pictures , this week only , for $7.50
$20.00 pictures , this week only , for SO.75
$25.00 pictures , tliis week only , for $12.50
Moiypes , Steel Engraving ; ; , Boilings , Oil Paintings ,
Photogravures ; Etc ,
J10.00 worth of goods , With $ 5 worth of foods , an Album. n wi'i-k or $ 1.00 u month.
525.00 worth of goods , With $10 worth of jjoods , it Souvenir Spoon
M.MJ \vuuk or $0.00 n month.
J50.00 worth of goods , With J25 worth of goods , n Ills-quo Orn.i-
JJ.Ol ) u wuok or J8.00 a month. IIH'llt.
$70.00 worth of goods With } .M ) worth of jiood.i , n l-'ramcil I'lc-
i'J.50 n week or J 10.00 a month. tiiro.
? 100.00 worth of goods , With J7G worth of ootlx , n Center Tablo.
* : i.OO u week or $1'J.OO u month.
{ 200.00 worth of goods , Wltli J100 worth goods , a pair Lace Our-
M.UU u weuk or $15.00 n mouth. talns.
Formerly People's amniolh Instalment Houss ,
Close Evenings at ( iJO ; , excepting MonUays aiul SittirJ.iys. :
Send 10e for postage on big lriirniturc Catalogue ,
llaby Carriage and Refrigerator Catalogue Mailed Free.
Serious Cliiirgci Antnst | Ht-Olllcpr Wnllccr
( 'OinphlllllH ARIllllHt SlllllOII1) .
Mayor Bcmis notified the Doard of Flro
and Police Commissioners that ho had ap
pointed Hugh M. Carpenter as special police
man at the new public library building
The mayor also appointed Balloy Davis as
special policeman for the district bounded by
Izard , Charles , Sixteenth and Tenth streets
Doth appointments were confirmed.
Ex-Olllcer Charles Bloom addressed a
brief communication to the board asking for
pay for .tho time ho was suspended pend
ing his hearing upon charges that he had
written a threatening letter to the mayor.
The matter was referred to the finance com
Joseph Michael , clerk of the police court ,
presented a matter of more Importance. It
seems that there Is still duo to ex-Officer
Walker something like twenty days' pay ,
Clerk Michael asked the board to hold out
$15 of the amount due Walker for the reason
that during his service as court officer at
the police court ho Issued two receipts , one
for $3.50 and the other for ? 7.BO , and kept
the money , instead of turning It over to the
city. Ho also borrowed $4 of Michael , which
the latter Is still longing for.
Mayor Bemls presented an anonymous
communication , to which Commissioner Co-
burn ' objected. After some little discussion
the letter was read. It charged that sa
loons were running all night and Sundays
at Sixteenth and Cumlng streets and on
Burt and Cumlng streets , and that houses
of prostitution were flourishing "all along
Sixteenth street. " The letter was referred
to the chief of police.
Captain Mostyn returned to the board
some ten or fifteen police reports concern
ing alleged violations of the lltmor ordi
nances , with the report that ho had sub
mitted them to the city prosecutor , who de
clined to commence any action for the rea
son S that the reports failed to furnish suffi
cient evidence.
Commlbsloner Strlckler wanted the matter
referred to the committee on laws , ordi
nances and regulations , but Smith objected.
Ho believed that something should be done
In regard to the matter. In spite of the
opinion of the city prosecutor ,
Coburn wanted to know who was to fur
nish an attorney for the board when the city
> rosecutor declined to act.
Strlckler was quite certain that no attor-
icy was necessary.
Chief Seavey volunteered the Information
that Judge Berka would entertain no com
plaint not O. K.'il by the city prosecutor.
Che matter wns referred to the mayor.
The board then went Into executive ses
sion. As n result of Its deliberations It was
finally decided to lay off twenty-two firemen
jvery twenty days , commencing July 0 , until
urther notice. The chief , assistant chiefs ,
-aptalns , superintendent of fire and police
ilarms , engine drivers , engineers , BtokcrH
Hid driver of the chief's wagon , nro not In-
luded In the order , but all will suffer a
iroportlonato reduction of salary.
Mr. K. Itofowatcr was Invited to be prcs-
2iit nt the meeting of the hoard next Mon-
lay night to furnish any additional Informa-
Ion In his possession concerning the charges
igalnst ineniburu of the police force.
Whooping Couch.
There Is no danger from this disease when
Chamberlain's Cough remedy Is freely given ,
t liquefies the tough mucus and aids ex-
lectoratlon. It also lessens the severity
ind frequency of the paroxysms of cough-
ng , and Insures a upcedv recovery. There
s not the least danger In giving It to chll-
Iren or babies , an U contains no Injurious
ubstanct. 25 and 50-cent bottles for sale by
ill druggists.
4th of iluly Itntoi.
July 3 and ) , the Burlington Route will
ell round-trip tlcktts at the one way rate
o points In Nebraska within 200 miles of
maha. City ticket ofilco , 1321 Farnam
U. , St. P. , M. O. K. It.
xcurslon tickets will be on sale July 3 and
good to return on or before July C ,
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Gastoria.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cry for
Ichor's Castoria.
Operate MicccfKlully InVnll Street through
our COi | ratlve It. It. Stock Sjudic.ito.
Dividends puld up to June Kth , 1894 , 03 fol
lows :
December , im > V , JJifJi per rent.
Januurn , ltt'J-1 , l./'j
Feliruut-H , " 3 < l "
March , 17
.liirll , " 14
MIIU , ' la >
Jinn ; 11 <
thus making 109 per cent , earned nnd paid In
six month ! ) . Prospectus Riving detailed Informa
tion of our plan mailed frco on application.
Highest references.
WEINMAN & CO. , Stock anil Ornln
llrokcrg , 11 Broadway , Now York.
Commission Merchant
Prlvala wires to Chicago and Netr Yorlc. All
business orders placed on Chicago Uoard < V
Corrcspondenco solicited.
Office , room 4 , New York Llfa Dulldlng
Telephone 1303.
Tlio Union 1'aclflc Hallway Company.
To Whom It JIuy Concern : Take notice
that on the 21st day of June , 1894 , the Hon
orable Walter H. Snnborn. United States
circuit Judge for the Eighth Judicial cir
cuit , made an order , of which following Is a
copy :
In the Circuit Court of the United States
for the Klghth Judicial Circuit and Dis
trict of Nebraska , Oliver Ames , second ,
et al , complainants , VH , the Union Paclflo
Rnliwny company and others , defendants.
The petition of the receivers herein pray
ing for Instructions as to the continuance
by them of the opcratlonH of the lines of
railway owned by certain of the defendants
herein nnd included In the Union Pacific
system , whose earnings nro represented in
said petition to be Insufllclcnt to pay their
operating expensed nnd taxes , ntundy : The
Carbon Cut-Oft railway , the IlrlKhton Si
Houlder branch , the Junction City & Fort
Kearney railway , -the Omaha & Republican
Valley railway , the Snllna & Southwestern
railway , the Denver , I.eadvllle & Qunnlson
railway , the KnnniiH Central railroad , the
KniiKaH City & Omaha , railroad , the Atchl-
son , Colorado & I'aclllc railroad , the Atchl-
Bon , Jewell County & Western railroad , the
Washington & Idaho railroad , the Oregon
Railway Extension company ; and for au
thority to uo the money derived by said
receivers from the operation of the lines
of the Union Pacific Hallway company , or
other of the defendant herein , to make up
the deficiency arising from the operation of
.said lints of railway described In said peti
tion as unable to pay expenses and taxes ,
and for an order ratifying the acts of Bald
receivers In making advances for such pur
poses has been presented to this court , and
upon an Inspection thereof
It la ordered that said petition bo filed
In paid rause forthwith , and that said peti
tion be brought on for hearing before mo
at the United States court room In St.
Paul , Minn. , on Thursday , the 19th day of
July , 1S94 , at 10 o'clock In the forenoon.
And It IB further ordered that notlco of
the filing of said petition and of the hear
ing thereon nnd of a hearing ut the tlmo
and place aforesaid , upon the question
whether or not the receivers herein shall
not forthwith Htirrcnder po enslon of nnd
cease to operate all of said lines of rail
road where carnlngH are , or arc likely to
Lie , ItiKUlllclent to pay thulr operating ex
penses , be given by the delivery of n copy
of tlilH order to each of the parties to thU
milt , to the attorney Kcnerul of thu United
States , to the Oregon Hallway & Navigation
company , and to the trtisteeH under the
several existing mortuugeH and trust Instru
ments securing debts owing by the several
IcfcndantH heroin , and by publication here
of In the New York World , the New York
Tribune , the Iloston Journal , and Tim
Omaha lice , In the dally ISSUCH thereof , for
ten times prior to July 11 , 1891.
And It Is further ordered that the United
3tnti > ti ami any of thu other parties to
whom It In ordered that notice of the flllnir
of thu said petition be given may Intervene
lereln uml bo heard upon the questions
raised by said | > utltlon or by. this order.
Dated , Ht , Paul. Minn. , Juno 21 , 1891.
Unltod States Circuit Judge.
Flloil June 20 , Ifc9l.
Now , pursuant to the above order , notice
s hereby given that the said petition will
to brought on for hearing ut 8t Paul , Minn. ,
on Thursday , July 19. 1891. at 10 o'clock
a. in. , an In mild order specified.
Juno 2C , IbOI.
.lvew ,
Of Counsel for Receiver * .
. _ . . Jy2 dralOt