THE OMAHA DAILY BKE : TUESDAY , JULY 3 , 1891. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS William Corning Moots a Horrible Death While Working for a Living. TEAMSTER CRUSHED BENEATH HIS WAGON III * Tcnm Took I'rlglit nml I'luiifjcil , Ho Tell Off nml n llnivy I.nml of Neil Hun Otcr HI * llri'imt , Alt Him 1'rlclitfully Wllllnm Corning , a tenmBter , 43 years of age , wng driving along at tlio corner of I'lt- tcenth street and Second nvenuo yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock , when Ills horse took fright at something nnd commenced to run. Corning was pitched , and just as lie fell to the ground the team wheeled In BUdi any Hint the wheel passed over the right side of his chest. The wagon was heavily loaded with sod which was being taken to the residence of W. C. Norrls , nnd the trcmendfius weight crushed Coming's chest , breaking several bones. lie bled In ternally In a profuse manner , and It was but n few seconds till he breathed his last. Corning was unmarried and lived at the residence of Mr. Dawson , on Fifteenth street between First and Second avenues. The re mains were token to Lunltlry's undertaking rooms. The only relatives the unfortunate man had , so fur as Is known , are n brother Jn Seattle , Wash. , and a sister in Minnesota. The former was notified of the accident and the time of the funeral will not be set until ho Is heard from. The sister's address is not known. Cr.itul I'lii/ii , l.utui Almmwii. Grand Plaza will 1-e open to free admls- lion every day up lo noon. From noon until midnight an admission fee of 10 cents Will be chargpd , which will admit to grounds and to concerts nnd all entertainments. No return checks will be given. No person of quciitlonnblo character will bo pci milted to enter the grounds. No admittance lo Grand I'laza will be charged to persons who desire lo rent boals or bathing suits. Ice cream nnd refreshments served In the pavilion of Grand Plaza. A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach , Lake Manuwa , Is the proper thing to take thcso hot days. Flro crackers are cheap ; only 3c a package - ago at Brown's C. O. D. Meyers-Durfeo Furniture company , 336-333 Broadway. Bargains In line furniture. Will ItulNii Cain. The following Is the line of march that has been fixed up by the committee on Kal- athumplan parade to be perpetrated on the community on the Fourth of July at 4:30 : p. m. : Platoon of cops. Hlzonncr and city Itouncll. Uand. Kompany A , Railroad Mag nates C. M. Depew , president. Kompany B , Kapltallstlc Aggragatlon O. F. Money bags , kashler. Kompany C , Kommonweal- crs J. S. Coxey , general. Kompany D , Kowboys Texas S. Teer , scout. Kompany > 3 , Indian Warriors Old-Man-Afrald-of-HIa Horse , chief. Kompany F , Woman's Rights League S. D. Anlhony , matron. Band. Kompany G , Continental Army G. W. Ash- Inglon , commander. Prospecllve. Counly cousins. Exhibitions of race horses , llag- muflln * on horseback. KuolliiK Iniliiruinciitg During such hot days are Just what most people are looking for , some more so than others , on certain lines , but It Is always made general when In want of cooling bar gains offered by the Boston Store , especially during their great Surplus Sale , which Is now going on. Big reductions In every department , and call your attention to the following Items , Which are going fast at sale prices : 40c a yard , all our 22-inch figured Habutl silks , sold for GDt , 76c. 31c a yard buys our regular BOc figured China silk and all-wool chains' . 33c Is the price of our Take It Easy corset. 19c will buy our 25c regular made hose. J5c , or 3 for $1.00 , now secures our regular tOo hose. Sale prices on ladles' white waist at 25c , BOc , GSc , C9c , S9c. Bargains In umbrellas at 75c , $1.25 , $1.50 , fl.DS. Ladles' mitts , special , at lOc , 17c , 25c , 33c. Don't miss wash goods bargains. Look at prices In show windows. FOTHEHINGHAM.WHITELAW & CO. . Council Bluffs , la. For cobs go ( o Coi , 10 1H. > jtieet. Tele phone 48. Fireworks. Davis , the druggist. - _ | ' Domestic eoap outlasts cheap soap , C'lirlntlllll Church itopnrt. The followlnc Is the semi-annual report of the Chrlstlan > church : Additions lo church , 75 ; average Sunday school attendance. 220 ; average Sunday school attendance Seven teenth Avenue Mission , 43 ; average Sunday ( school attendance Twenty-third Street MIs- plon , 39. Amount raised by church $ 910.00 Amount raised by Sunday school. . . . 401.00 Amount raised by King's Daughters. 23.00 Amount raised by Y. 1' . S. C. 13 64.2(1 ( Amount raised by Ladles' Aid 80.75 Total $1,175.01 Week to CHoliniti' . This Is one of them est Important weeks in the year , and looked forward to by young dnd old , and Is by no means overlooked by merchants , especially by the Boston Store , who arc making special effort to celebrate by big reductions In various lines , which will pay you to Investlgale. The following Hems are only a few of Iho many . Lql No. 1 , over 100 dozen children's hose , black and colors , cotton and lisle , sold from 25c to 42c , choice for IBc a pair ( center counter ) . Lot No. 2 , children's white embroidered and trimmed hats , sold from 7tic to $1.50 , choice for 50c ( slightly soiled ) . Lot No. 3 , our entire stock of gents' shirts , sold from $1.00 to $2.25 , Including silk mixed and French flannel , In two lats , 75c and 95c ( don't over look. ) Other specialties In mils , umbrellas , cor- ncnls , while waists and wash goods. FOTHUIUNGIIAM , WHITELAW & CO. . i Council BlUffs. la. See Palmer before purchasing your flre- jvorHs. No fake advertising or falsa promises at ricrco'a ihoe Eoro , but real bargains. Found Dead In lloomor Township. Coroner Jennings received a telegram last evening from 0. B. McBrlde of Lovcland no tifying him that C. F. Connoldy , a prominent and well-to-do farmer of Boomer township , had been found dead near his home. < lr ml I'Uni Tonight. Mr. and Mre. Spedden , the same thing over and over again. Don't miss It. Lost Gold watch and chain , yesterday about C p. m , , between Mueller's music house and the Boston store. Watch en- Craved on outside case. Initials A. J , Leave at Dee offlco or Belt & Son's and get re ward. The laundries use Domestic soap. Drowned In Iho lllvcr. George Davis and two of bis friends were ewlmmlng In the river at the head of Twenty-fourth street during the evening , when Peter Dlckerblll sank out of sight. Nothing more wax seen of him , and the body was undoubtedly carried pff by the current. At Palmer's , 12 South Main street. Real estate Is cheap In Council Bluffs. Wo can Bell you a home , a vacant lot , a fruit or garden farm cheaper than ever. Now Is the time to buy. Day & Hess , 39 1'earl street. _ Best all wool Ingrain carpets , 65c during July , to make room for new stock. COUNCIL BLUFFS CAHPET CO. Hough Mnilu 111Voril ( ioui | , William Garner came to the city yesterday afternoon from his residence east of the city. Cliff Hough had boasted that he do him up on eight , Quuer YUHed DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS , TABLES. The Celebrated Acrobats , in their laugh able Chinese performances , afternoon and evening , Take Union Pacific train. The Merry - Go - Round The Switchback is Take Sherman avenue cars something See time table on 8th page pleases everybody and the thing everyone enjoys. to Locust street. Parachute Jump this paper. children. Afternoon & Eve. OMAHA'S GREAT PLEASURE RESORT ! yjniK s jstai IS ADMISSION , Children accompanied by Children accompanied by their parents , FREK. their parents , FREE. the Mint saloon , and Hough followed him. Inside the place Hough stepped up to Garner , and , without giving him any notice , proceeded to do as ho had said ho would. Both of Garner's eyes were blacked , and ho sustained a number of bad cuts about the face. Hough was not arrested. DeWltt's Witch Hazel salvo cures piles. I.alit ! .11 iinnun Itiillnny Time Card , Commencing Saturday , June 0 , trains will leave Council Bluffs for Grand Plaza , BathIng - Ing Beach and Picnic Grounds at Lake Man awa as follows : No. 1 , 9 a. m. ; No. 3 , 10 a. m. ; No. 5 , 11 a. m. ; No. 7 , 12 m. ; No. 9. 1 p. m. ; No. 11 , 2 p. m. Trains will run every twenty-two minutes thereafter until 10 p. m. Heturn trains will leave Manawa on the half hours up to 10:30 : , when they will re turn every twenty-two minutes. For fireworks and flags go to DoHaven's Ills stock Is very complete and his prices very low. Kvunti Laundry Company. 620 Pearl streat. Telephone. 200. * I I I II * l ! ! * II I | - | - Domestic soap breaks hard water. ] A .MUllt Illcyclc. A young lady of this city met with a sad but not very serious mishap last Friday night while viewing the sights by electric light from the top of a bicycle belonging to her own or some ono olso's brother. She had been listening to popullstic eloquence at Bayllss park when the storm came up and she had to fly for refuge to a neighboring house. While she was In the act of flying , however , she had a collision with a buggy , and when she recovered from tljo shock and tried to get her wheel and herself to gether once more she found that the frame of the bicycle was badly bent and could not be used. A young man who was sup- poscd to know something about wheels was called in for consultation , and on being shown the Injured vehicle said It would have to be put into the hands of a blcyclo re pairer before It could bo used , While looking the wheel over ho suddenly made a dis covery , and with his e/es rlvlted on the bar that ran from the head of ttjo saddle post ho exclaimed , "How lo thunder did any girl over ride that wheel ? " "I don't know , " was the rather embar rassed reply of the proprietor of the house , and the girl In question has before this probably experienced the same feeling of embarrassment In explaining to the owner of the wheel just how the accident occurred , A Now Kind of Insurance. For 25 cents you can Insure yourself and family against any bad results from an at tack of bowel complaint during the summer. Ono or two dosee of Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy will cure any ordinary case. It never falls , and Is pleas ant and safe to take. No ono can afford to be without It. For sala at 25 cents per bottle tle , by all druggists. Miinlmttim llruch. Steamboat landing for Manhattan beach at Lake Manawa Is located at the foot of the street , just cast of the board fence. Parties not desiring to enter the grand plaza take the road to the left on alighting from tbo train. The steamers Liberty and Hespuo make ten-mlnuto trips to and from the beach. No other steamboat * land at Man hattan beach. Fare , 5 cents each way. FlrounrUn. Baleens all sizes , Roman candles , sky rockets , torpedoes , pistols , cannons , paper caps , nigger chasers , mines , colored fire , flags. Anything that Is wanted , at Pal mer's , 12 S. Main street. Don't let anybody fool you. Dell G. Morgan & Co. are the Broadway druggists. Everything 'cooling , everything health-giving , everything for a Fourth of July celebra tion , and everything at low prices , at both stores , 134 and 742 Broadway. There's only ono bargain shoe store In Council Bluffs , and It's Plcrce's. ClrcUH Diiy llouucrles. The circus which visited the city yester day carried the usual number of toughs and plug uglles In Its train. During the parade the residence of Colonel A. T. Whlttlesey , 140 Vine street , was entered during the few minutes that the family were nbtent. The house was thoroughly ransacked from collar to attic , trunks were broken open , valises and grips slashed with knives , and papers scattered hero and there. But little of any value Is so far fpuml missing. The burglar * got In by breaking open the rear door. The residence of Mrs. Pralor , corner of Seventh street and Washington avanue , was broken Into during too afternoon anil a pair of opera glasses , a gold watch , a re volver , and a gold dollar were stolen. Found n Cure for Mutlc Kheiimatlsin. Mrs. A. Inveen , residing at 720 Henry St. , Alton , 111. , suffered with static rheumatism for over elglit months. She doctored for It nearly the whole of this time , using various remedies recommended by friends , and was treated by the physicians , but recsivod no relief. She then used one and a half bottles of Chamberlain's Pain balm , which effected a complete cure. This Is published at her request , as she wants others similarly af flicted to know what cured her. For sale by all druggists. A Gr < > nt Fruit Crop. The splendid rains have made the fruit crop In the great fruit belt aroun > l Council Bluffs. All smalP fruits are In the pink of perfection , and are ripening under thn most favorable conditions. The headquarters of the Council Bluffs Orapo ( .rowers associa tion at 201 Broadway is the scuno of great activity , for the association Is handling all of the output , and shipping jtrect to cur-tom- ers the same day the fruit" Is picked. The supply Is great and the orJers are promptly filled. Prof. H. Do L. Mora , the wonder of the world , will surely appear at the Grand Plaza this afternoon , nnd night. Minor Mention. All High school cadets will meet at the High school at 9 a. in. today. The Ladles' Aid society of the Congre gational church will meet with Mrs. Ross this afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Ganymede Wheel club will make a run to Manawa this evening Instead of Wednesday evening , as announced on the run card. All members and friends of Clan Stewart No.23 going to Blair July 4 will meet at Wilson Graham & Co.'s office , 535 Broadway , at 7 a. m. sharp. Miss Anna Saunders , grand chief templar of the Good Templars of Nebraska , will de liver an address nt the Tabernacle tonight. Every ono welcomed. A marriage license was Issued by the county clerk yesterday to A , Harvey and Mary Buckner. Both live In this city , and their ages are 32 and 26 , respectively. A meeting of the Pottawattamle County Fruit Growers' association will be held next Saturday to arrange for the exhibit of the Southwestern Iowa Horticultural society next fall. fall.AH AH members of the Dodge Llgljt Guards are hereby ordered to report at their armory today for drill , to prepare to go Into camp on the 29th. W. E. Altchlson , captain com manding. The city council was to have had Its regu lar monthly meeting last evening , but the fact that each alderman had a circus ticket In his pocket led to an adjournment until this evening at 7:30 : o'clock. Petren , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jens Peterson , died of cholera. Infantum yester day , aged 1 year and 6 months. The funeral will take place tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock at the residence on Hubbard street. All members of the U. L. P. A. are re quested to be present at their hal | this evening at 8 o'clock for the transaction of Important business and to make preparations to turn out on the Fourth of July. George Hunter. All members of Washington camp. No. 12 , P. 0. 8. of A. , are requested to be at their hall at 9 o'clock , a. m. , on July 4 , to take part In the parade. By order of S. Stevenson , president ; George T. Laoy , record ing secretary. A house at 1623 Avenue B was broken Into eeveral days ago and' a lot of knives and forks and clothing \\ero token. Tlio detec tives have been going through their usual motions , with the usual result. No one has yet been arrested , however. There will bo a special meeting at Liberty hall , Bryant street , under the auspices of the American Railway union this evening at 8 o'clock , All labor organizations In sym pathy with the Pullman boycott are cor dially Invited. Per order committee. Kenneth Van Nostrand , aged 4 months , died at 8:45 : o'clock yesterday morning of cholera Infantum , after an Illness of three days. The funeral will take place at 8:30 : this morning from the residence , 1303 Sev enth avenue , Rev. Stephen Phclps , D.D. , officiating. All Odd Fellows and friends who con template going to Tabor on the Fourth of July are notified to bo at the hall nt 7 o'clock , or at the train at 7:30 : Wednesday morning , Preparations for the train and for a grand time have been made. By order of the committee , The Union Veteran Legion encampment No. 8 accepted the Invitation to join In the celebration and festivities of the Fourth of AUBERTA THE JUGGLER. , vy IH . Excellent Music All Day. July. Comrades arts requested to meet at the corner of the CJrarid hotel promptly at 0:15 : Wednesday morning. Bring baskets well filled. W. S. Paulson , commander. The mission workers of this city will hold an nil day meeting tomorrow at Falnnount park to celebrate the Fourth. Every ono is cordially Invited to bring his basket and be present. Rev. George1 , fuller will speak , and singing will form a prominent part of the ' " " " ' day's exercises. Lou Ungar accumulated a Jag of fighting proportions yesterday afternoon and visited the house of his stepfather , Satn Goldstein , on Lower I3road\vay. Ho found Goldstein's mother-in-law , Mrs. Brown , there , and smashed her in the face with his flat. He was not arrested. Judge McGce's court room was filled with the usual Monday crowd yesterday morning. C. B. Heed , a circus rider , was fined $5 and costs for drunkenness. During the day the police corralled about twenty vags and their cases will be disposed of this morning. They are supposed to bo crooks traveling with the circus. Isaac Dupuis , an engineer for the Rock Island , was bathing at Manawa Sunday when ho fell from a spring-board to the water In such a way as to partially stun him. He was picked up and carried to his home , 1028 Fifth avenue , and , although he was not thought to be seriously Injured , he was not able to go to work yesterday morning. Traveling men's special train for "Grand Plaza" leaves the depot at Broadway and Ninth street at 10 o'clock a. m. , July 4. Tickets for transportation to the lake and return to the city are now being delivered at traveling men's rooms In the Brown building. These tickets are good to return to the city on any train during the day or night , but will not bo honored after de parture of the special trains going to the lake for traveling men and their guests. For sale , cheap , two lots on Broadway near postofflce , 25 feet and 50 feet. Homes for men of moderate means at low prices , easy payments. Fire Insurance written In the best companies. Lougeo & Towle , 235 Pearl street. Grand Plaza telephone 45. | , , j , Grand Plaza bathing beach. ( 'i'tf < lt , Grand Plaza picnic grounds. Grand Plaza's cornet band beats them all. Grand Plaza's fine row boats are all the go. go.Grand Grand Plaza excursion accommodations can't bo beaten. Afternoon and night concerts at Grand Plaza , 2 to G and from 7 to 10. Manager of Grand Plaza can understand 22 languages. So all nations will feel at home. "Ho that does not visit Grand Plaza know- est nothing , and will be for all time to corns branded a traitor to enterprise. " Eugene. The Eagle laundry plant has been greatly prlarged and Improved , and we are now prepared - pared to turn out a largo amount of strictly first-data work , Neglige and colored shirts , ladles' waists , etc. , a specialty. Wo guar antee not to fade warranted colors. Tele phone , 157. 724 Broadway. A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach , Lake Manawa , IB the proper thing to take these hot days. How far will a $ gp7 .Long . ways at S. A. Plerco & Co.'s choe storp. Gas cooking stoves for rent and lae sola 3' fias Go's ofllce. Ics cream freezers at wholesale prices , Brown's C. 0. D. ' I'tirsmiul rurngrnpha. Harry Bowman Is In tile city. L. T. Genung of Hastings Is In the city. Mrs. H. I. Forsythe and child are In Den ver , , ( ' , Miss May Powell jofi Qlenwood Is In the city.Hon. Hon. Thomas Bowrnah" has returned from a trip to Washington. > ' Division Superintendent Harry Fox of the Hock Island Is In the city. Henry Van Brunt has gone to Madison lake , Minn. , to spend the Fourth , Mrs. M. D. Shaw will spend her vacation In Oskalooaa , la. , leaving this morning , Miss Carrie Selby of Alton will spend the summer with her brother , D. W. Selby. H. E. Dealer , assistant editor of the Stien- andoah Sentinel , was In the city yesterday. Miss Julia Coady of La Cronse , Wls , , Is visiting her cousins , the Misses Coady , on Sixth avenue. Mrs. H. 8. Hawllngs la suffering from an encounter with poison Ivy- Her face Is badly swollen , Ozra Blunchard. Will Marshal , Itathford Chllds and Matt Tlnley. lave returned ( rom Steam and Hot Water Heating for Residences and Buildings. J. C. B1XBY , 202 Main. 203 Pearl Streets , Council Bluffs , Iowa. HAVE oVOU SEEN THE UGHT THE KEW HOME DOG At 837 Broadway ? Ho is the prototype of Bowing Machine , the swiftest , lightest run ning and best thcro is on onrtli , thu winner of all first awards nt the World's fair. There nro no othom Just as good , itnd they uro the chcup- t'st In the uinrkut , ranging from 119.60 to $05.00 , on easy terms. THE -WEEKUY BEE fFEE for ono year with every machine. The bust iiuiuhlno and the best nuwsuapor no together. You got both cheapest of . / . T. J-M7Vr > r.,7iV. 037 Broadwty , Council HlulTs. Typewriter supplies and typewriter for sale or rent. a hunting and fishing trip along the Ellthorn river. river.Walter Walter and Emlen , sons of C. B. Bell , re turned last evening for a visit with relatives In Belleville , Kan. Mrs. E. E. Mayno and children , Nclllo and Don , left yesterday afternoon for a visit with friends In Jamesport , Mo. Mrs. Charles N. Fogg and daughter , Miss Lou , of Marshalltown , are In the city , guests of the family of the former's slster-ln-law , Mrs. C. H. Warren , on North Sixth street. Ex-Congressman Roswell G. Herr Is In the city , the guest of Dr. C. H. Plnney. He Is on his way to Beatrice , Neb. , where he Is to deliver a lecture before the Chautauqua assembly. Wo could not Improve the quality If wo paid double the price. DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo Is the best salvo that experience can produce , or money can buy , ( Irund I'lazu Tonight. Durkee Sisters , In their famous serpentine dance. Open air concert by the Grand Plaza band , Dathlnir , boating and other outdoor amusements. California new potatoes only 85o bushel at Brown's C. 0. D. Washerwomen use Domestic Boap. I . Idtlgn of I'cutiil Notes la ICnilril , WASHINGTON , July 2. The UBO of postal notes by the government ceased today and the now forms of money orders were put on nalo at the various postofllcea for the first time. A number of Important contracts made by the government took effect today , The principal postal contract Is for the Issuance of pontage stamps recently awarded by Postmaster General Hlssell to the bureau of engraving and printing. To Ilo lluuceil for Wife Murder. ST. LOUIS , July 2 , Gustavo Menkhaueen , the former police oillcer of Belleville , has been m-ntencecl by Judge Wall of the cir cuit court to bo hanged on Friday , October 12 , for the murder of Ills wife months UBO in .Mllkroth , U14 I ) IN HIS SLJDEX FOR LIFEX Hanging1 by his Teeth. The Inter-State Investment Co. OF BEATRICE , NEBRASKA , Offers for sale on the most favorable terms , as to prices and payments , the following described properties , all in the city of Omaha , Nebraska : 3,600 shares of the fully paid capital stock of the Omaha Street Railway company ( of the par value of $300,000. ) Also , lot 1 , block 122 , known as the Paddock block. Also , 41 lots in blocks 0 , 9 and 10 , .Tororno Park. Also , 21 lots in block 10 , Highland Place. Also , 4 lotsin block 5 , Paddock Place. Under conservative depression appraisements , recently made , tlio total valu ation of thcso properties has been placed at $4:25,000. : Proposals will bo received for any part , or for the entire property in bulk. These properties , each and all , are well known to qyory citizen of Omaha to bo among1 the very best , and to have taken as a whole a real and speculative valiio second to no other of corresponding1 variety and amount , in Omaha. No such opportunity for investment has over been offered anywhere. At least 100 percent profit could be safely guaranteed on the purchase of the whole block , inside of four years. Omaha is to have the greatest growth it has over experi enced in the coming five years. Long time and a low rate of interest on the larger part of the purchase money can bo given to a responsible party or syndicate taking a part or all of the offered property. Proposals invited by correspondence. Office of the Inter-State Investment Co. , BEATRICE , NEBRASKA. COUNCIL BLUFFS Paint , Oil and Glass Co. GLAZED SASH- Wo have I.OOO WMHowa M 8tO3' < . mvlo by t'u . A. Murphy Manufacturing ( Joiiip'iiiy. No luttor H ish cm bo rnudo , which wo will glue with any Kind of gtnsi that you want , uml soil you for lost nionuy tlrm you can buy tlio , sappy hush imulo In tlio east for. Ljt IH glvo you prlcjs uiU wo will ( jet your ordor. HIGH GRADE PREPARED PAINT. Our I'alntcan not bo excelled for durability , bo.iuty o finish or covering capacity by tinvoUiur iiilxod ptilnti In tli market. Our prlco U tl.-S pur Kullon. land 3Fourth St. , - MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDIiU. Don't Foal With Your Eyes Headaclio OausoQ by Eye Strain. Many perions wlioeo heads are constantly ach- Ir.a have no Idea what relief Bclontlllcolly nt. led Klussvs will 1'lve them. THU theory U not * unlvcrgully ratnLuilied. "Jmpiopem lit lea cl/Isi- , will Invariably Incrcasii the trouble and miy lead to TOTAL , ULINUNUSS. . Qdf ability to t < luit Rlaecua uafely and correctly la L yend QUM * lion. Consult u > . Uyei tented fra * ot oharcc. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. , W I. SnVMOUU OUAllUATK OPTICIAN Opposite Taxton Hotel , , B Ol'EKA AND UKADINQ OLA3SR1 LOOK FOJl THU GOLD LION. NEBRASKA NA.T1ONA.I , BA.NK V , S , Depository , Omaha , Kibraika , CAPITAL $400,000 SURPLUS $55.600 Ortlcen ani Dlrectorsi-Henry W. Tatet , prttldent ; John 8. Collln , vlce-picaldent : Lawii E. Ittfxl. Caohler. William II. B. Huglie. , u li | . nt mKw. . -j THE IRON BANK. DEO. P. SANFORD , A , W. RIGKMAS , President Uusnlor , Firsi National of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Capital , $100,000 Profits , 12,000 One of the oldcit banki In the date of Iowa , We ollclt your tiunlneu and collections. We pay C ptr cent on lima depoilii , W will be to ii * and. rv . you * ISUMMICIt JIUKOKT Ocean I-lotis © NKWl'ORT , H. I. OPENS JUNE23rd. The leading Senuliore Itcsort of America. IVAHKENF. LKLAND , I'ronnolor. WAItUKN LRL.ANU , Jr. , Mnnnjer. ALSO IIOTKI , AVINKL : , ixjNoiir.ANOii. Special COUNCIL OAIUIAOJ : HEMOVKD , CEHSI-OOLS. VAULTB. chimney * cleaned. LM itutke , ut Taylor1 tracery. MO Uruadway. _ _ LOHT , HMAU < WHITE POODLR DOd ! AN- Bwtra n.iiiiu of I'lck , Itvluin und receive re- ward. No , 203 1'urk uvenue. WANTI3D. MI3N TO iflO * WBM.H. WILL PAY onc'thlid In ruth and turn In u K3vd youos team In part payment. Apply to Leonard I3v > fell , FOH BALK , A WI3LL KflTAIILIBIIUn , GOOD- | > a > lng buslntrn for lunU or nooil ( rude ; In- \olco t2UOU.uo. Good rvumm for veiling. Ail- i\rtm \ M 3D. licit , Council Ulufta. _ _ _ fOll HUNT , M3 llltOAUWAY. AUDJll'.Lj ' Ml * . Key or II. U. 'Mcgce. KH' GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN. Owner ran tiute It by talllnir ut Uln Hag * dalo'g mllllutry nUire , 19 1'earl