THE OMAHA DA FLY BEE : FRIDAY , JUNE 20 , 1891. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Labor Trembles aud Other Bearish Hews Bent Wheat Down , TRADING IN WHEAT WAS QUITE MODERATE Com Wn ( Icncrully rlrmVHhlnj One- llnlf Crnt Itiitlffc Out * \\'n Weak In Hjinpitliy vtllli Wheat Htork * nn < l HouiU , CHICAGO , June 28. The labor troubles tnd an aggregation of other bearish news lent wheat Uoun today , July closing "Ao lower and Scpttmber 1C lower. July corn closed ' ,4o higher , July oats 2'/to lower and provisions at a slight advance. Trading In wheat was moderate , the range for the day being % c , with operations In the main of a local character. Opening trades were at from Uc to % c loss , and , under fair offtrlnga and general lack of sup port declined % c more , reacted a little , changed some and closed steady. The news was almost exclusively bearish , the lower cables , strike situation , rains In the north west , where It was much nefdcd , the fine weather for harvesting In the winter wheat belt nnd July liquidation all combining to depress values and create a weak market. Otistldo markets were also correspondingly weak. Corn was generally firm within HO rantc. Coverings by shorts caused the firmness. OatB were weak In sympathy with wheat and on Improved crop reports and free offer ings. The range for July was 2V4c. 1'rovloloni were steady at the start on the steady live hog market. Good buying held prices up. Compared with last night Sep tember pork IB 7'4c higher , September lard 2H higher and ribs 2'&c higher. Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , 25 cars ; corn , 360 cars ; oats , 106 cars ; hogs , 15,000 to 20,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows ! I Cash quolnllons were na follows : n.OUH-Mendy. WlirJAT No 2 pprlng , 67e ; No 3 spring , nominal ; No. 2 rid , r,7"c. COUN No. 2 , 415f Uc ; No. 3 > ellow , 41V4W ' ' O'A'TS-NO. 2 , 4lc ; No 3 white , 4304CC. HH No 2 47'ic. IIAULIY No 2. nominal ; No. 4. 4d4C47iic. riA.\ Hinn-No i , si 45 TIMOTHY SIHD Prime , $4 sr I'HOVlSIONMess pork , $12 COG12 C2 < 6 per ibl Lard $ C 70 per 100 Ibs. Short rllm chlen > 3se ) , $ CCOCCJli ) ; dry salted shoulders ( bxed ) M'iJiSS1 ! ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , JO S)0 ) > SO WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal , HI'OAIl Ornnulaled , $4 74 ; standird "A , " $1 93 The follow ins vvcro thu recoipiH au.i stilpminu fcrlod.iy. "Artlclos Ilccclpts Shipments Flour. bblB 5000 Wheat , bu. . . 10,00(1 ( Com. bu 168 000 Oils.bu. . . . 140 000 IIjo bn 1,000 Harlej , bu . 2,000 On the Produce exclnnire todiv the butter mar ket wna tlrm : creamery , 14817c ; diary , 11O YORK QINIUAI < M.XKKBT. Yesterday's Quotations on Flour , Grain and Provision * , Jlotul" , itc. ; NUW YOUIC , Juno 28 rLOtlll Receipts. 42- ) < W bbld. ; exports. 41.COO bbls. ; Bales , 1,600 pkgs i market neglected nnd nominal ; to sell , loner prices would have to be accepted Ilyc flour. dull ; 8.ile , 200 bbls. Iluckwhent flour , nominal. JUJClCWHIJAT Nominal ( XJllN MI1AI < Dull ; jellow western , | 2.03'5' ' ' 280 ; Ilrnndjvvlne , 12 SO ; sal300 bbl a. IIYJ3 Nomlnil ; state , CCCGSo ; Jirscy , 62fl53c. HAHI.nY Nominal HAHIiY MAI.T-DUH ; Cnnnila , 90095c ; slx- row l. 82RS5c. WII13AT Hccolpts , 311,000 bu ; exports , 40 000 bu. ; sales. 7,021000 bu futuies nnd 144000 bu. pot. Spot market vveiker : No. 2 led. In stgri' nnd elevator. eoWClftc : f o. b , Cl'ic ; No. 1 northern , C7 ; c , delivered ; No 1 hard , GSHc , de livered. Options opened wcnk under lower ca bles , line weather for crops at home nnd abroad , heavy local pilling nnd labor troubles ; later there was n further decline : closing luavy , Ti © Ic down ; June closed nt C0c : July , Mll-165'f 61 % e , cloned at C0c : August , ClQ62'Sc , close 1 nt C2c ; Deccmbir , 6GHi67c , cloxad at CCHc CO11N necelpm 238,000 bu. ; exports. 93000 bu. ; sales , 370000 bu. futures and 87,0000 bu spot. Bpot market Bteady ; No. 2. 45c In ele vator ; 455tf ! ( I' Ho afloat. Option mnikit opened weak on line weather , but noon rallied on feats that the Chicago strike will cut down receipts ; Juno closed at 45Vfe ; July , 43'iiNMic , cloxtd at 45nc ; AURimt. 46 3-1C1J4CHC , closed at 4CHc ; Beptcmbcr , 40i1T4ti'4c ! closed at 4CHc OATa-llecelnts , 116.900 bu. ; exports , 205 bu ; sales , 110 000 bu futures nnd 23 000 bu spot. Bpot market dull ; closed weak ; No. 2 , 61031Hc ; No 2 , delivered , 62eJiV5c ; No 2 white. 63"c arked ; trnck mixed western , 625Sc , track white slate , 526Sc. Option market weak all dav under liquidation ; closed % c dovvn ; June closed nt 4C4DISV ( c , close > l nt 4GHc ; AuRiist , 34435c. cloned at 3IHc ; September , S3',4ff34lic. closed at 33Uc. HAY Dull ; shipping , JGOOOCCO ; good to choice , 17 OOC8 90. HOPS Weak ; stnte , common to choice , SGHc , Pacific const , 10ffl5c. HIDES Dull ; wet wilted New Orleans , se- lectid. 45 to 65 Ibs , 6'W4'4c ; Texas belected , 35 to SO Ibs , 4i1c ; lIucnoH Ajris. dry. 20 to 24 Ibs , lOWllc : Texas , dry , 21 to 30 Ibs , &V > c. LKAI Hint-Inactive ; hemlock sole , Buenos Ayres. light to heavy wclKhtH , 15ifl8c. VVOOIj Inactive ; domestic llecce , 19@25c ; pulled , 20f28c. ? ' PUOV1RIONS Ueof. dull. Cut meats , firm I ird , stendy ; western steam closed nt 1710 asked ; sales , 250 lite > c tcrday at I702H ; July , clo td at 1710 , nominal ; September , 17,25 , noni- Innl ; rellned. stindy. Pork , firm. IllITTnit VV'inKir ; western dairy. 10l5c. riiunsij Stiiid ) : imrt sklmi. 2 > 3ir5Hc. IIOflH-Qulft : receipts , 9.SJI pkKS. PKTUOLiUM Dull ; United closed at Mftc bid , WnshliiKlon. lihls , } 6 ; WushlnKton , In bulk 13 M ; rellnul , Niw York , ' 15 ; I'hllndelphln nnd Hnltlmnre. Jj 15 ; Philadelphia nnd Ilnltlmorc , In bulk. ! 2 CO HO1IN Steady ; strained , common to good , II Udl.40 TllllPKNTINn-Stendy ; 31 3Pic. ItlCt : rirmj domestic , fair to extra , 4SCWc ; Japan , 4) > ( fMir. MOI.AbSIIS-Qulet ; New Orleans , open kettle , good to choue , .SlfiSGe. ri ° . , ni9iS'7l"U : Scolc . "J19 S0ff22 60 ; Amerl ; " . . cnn. HOOWH 00. COPPKll-Qulet : lake , | 9 I.UAD-Qllleti donustlc. 1310 TIN-nrmir : slniltB. | U 30 bid ; plates , steady. HPIII.TnH rirm ; domestic. 1335 bid. COTTON SUED -Contlnues Inactive and nominal. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St , Loiiu ( Sriiprnl Murknt. ST. LOUIS. June -ri.OUn-UnchanRed. . WIII3AT llenrlnh on the threntened effect on business of the Pullman railway strike , lonlnR Mo. No , 2 red , cash and June , t5'5c , July , MVc ; Aumint , 64 4c ; Septimbir , 66'ic. COUN Hluher on the railroad strlkp Inter- ferlnK with the movement of the crop , KnlnlnK yRHc ; No 2 mixed , cash , 404c ; June. 39'4c ! July. ssuwsHc ; HtpitmlMr , 3 vVb. OAT.S-\\'enk. lowir : No 2 , rush and June. 43c ; July. 44'4o ; AUKUKI , Wiic ; Sentember , J9Uc. ItYIJ-No. i. spot. 60'io bid. Altl.CY Nothing dolnif. TI.AX snnD t'nchimBed cuivnit siKii-t7ro < i8 to TIMOTHY Hiii- : : l C0ff4 75. HAY rlrm ; strictly choice to extra fancv til OUOll 00 , prlml to choice tlmolhj. I 5J. > HtJTTKU Hluiriy. separator creamery , 14 © I6o ; choice dalrj , ! 3Hc. iriIS : Quiet nt 7c. l.HAl.steiicly nt 13 10. bI'iiTiil-li20 : COUN WHIHKY-tl 15. IIACIUINa-1 * . tn Si Ibs . 5MC6HC. CX1TTON TIUS Wc. PHOVISIONS-rirm : tendency upward. Pork. tanriiml m iw. Joblilnir , I13.12U. i.nrd. prlmo Blenm.Ki.46j tholce. JO CH. Dry Bait meats. loose- shoulders , 16 ; longs and ribs. It 62 ; snorts. It.K Ilacon. packed shoulders. 16 75t)6.67H ; longs . 1725 ; ribs. 1737'i , shortB , 17.2714. liBCUIPTH-riour , S.OOO bhl > , wheat , 9,000 bu. : corn. 66IY10 bu.j oats , 36,000 1m. BIMI'MUNlK-riour , 2.SOO libls. ; wheat , 7,000 bu. | lorn. 39.000 bu. ; o t . ? r.HX ) bu. Mliiil 'ui < ill Wtiriit Slnrket. MINNUAPOI.1H , Juno IS. The wheat market opened a little easier today on weak cibleg nnd mini In the northwmt , und prkis BetllvU Kind- ually from that time until about the middle of th session , after there was a smull re action. but prices vverc weak at the end , and cloKinl Ho loner for June und July and about lUc lower ( or the new crop futuns. Th < ca > h wlient on track cloml Uc lower than yntenUyt Juno nnd July , Wftc ; Bepcmbr. ( SSHc ; December , KBtc On track ; No. 1 nurd , fcjc ; No. 1 north- trn. 62o ; No. 2 northern , COUo. The uillllng demand for track wheat waa KOOU nd'all the offrrlnKD sold readily ut the reduc tion noted , from yeatcnlay'n market. Ilecelpts w ro f"lW tu. ; ibljpiutnta , 1 , IW bu. Th | ocal mlllB vctrf jtHndfny Ifr * flour thnn usunl c * > tiinnlc.l lit C ? nm Mils , for th twrnt ) fnur hours , nnd HUB , with th * shipments , would ninke n ilccrrn c In Hi * local mppliM The fnimers arc till solllra wheat In llm country , nltliouRli rr relpls r * rtporlrri to be very light , still nearly ctiouKh t > f fnrm vrhent I ns como from country elinatori to supplj the shipments to termini ) pnlnlp The llnur shlpmenlii were Jl ICO bbU. Mlllrr * were nuklne II1103 SI for pattnti and I2.OJ02.31 foi bakers OMAHA < Ii.Niit.\t. : : .VIAHUKT. Condition of Tr do nnd Qttojntloni on 8liiilo | mul I'uiicy I'roilnco. The prcutire market wna without feature. rrlc on nil lines remained itcady , tinil _ Ilicrc wai piAcllcallv no cliinc In coutitty produce. IlUTTtnt The ninil.rt In slra < l > and without feature. The general price lure li lOo for packing slock. Choice couutrj butter , KOHc ; separator creamery , lS < ? ICc , brliKs , ICfflSc. EQQ.S 'Thc ruppl ) of CBKS continues fair on this mirket The proportion of flock showing the effects of hot weather Is Very targe , and th loss In candling henv > . Oood sloik In sellhiR Benernlly nt 9r MVU I'01'I.TIlY-Thp poulliy market Is lower , onlnit to the heavier tecdpls. Old hens , which havu bun In Unlit rupply fur the pact wiek or more , and which sold at GfiC.'ic ' the lir > t of the weekwere vir > plentiful jcjlerdny , nnd Cc was nn uiilKdle price. A Rood many holdirx were Kind to clian up nt 5'4c. ' As t < > rprlnK chlckms , the market In uliiltcil , nnd sales werp nporled nt lofjllc. The ileninml for seesu nnd ducks Is ver > llRlit , nnd what few are ntrlv- Intr arc nim-tlv birds that have boil ) plucked , and In consequence not vir > dc'lrable. Dutkn , 7c : 'hen turl.e > s , 7HJ8c ; xoLbUtr , We ; giesc , 6Va Cc. \ KAI.-Ilecdpls nt comm'fslciii houtes ore not larup , but tin 10 are still n peed many on the tnirkel. Choice fat and email veals arc quoted at Gc : coarse ntid large , 3flc. CIinHi ! : : There Is some very choice Wlscon tin checce on the market. Wisconsin , full crenm , new nuil < e , lunilc , Nibinskn nnd Iowa full cieani , 'Jl/IOc ; Nebrnnkn nnd lena , purl tklm , Cli'c , I.linhurk'er. No. 1 , Ue. bilik , No. 1 , lOc ; MwlBS. No 1 , I301IC. HAY The receipts continue llbenl nnd the market In wiak although not duotinlv loud. 1'pland liny , 18 60 , midland > 3 ; lowland , 17.60 , r > e strnvv , 10. liomlid fair ; supply fnlr. Color mnkes the bri < l price on hny. Light bales sell the best. Onl/ top grales bring top prlris I'lonoN' ' The gun clubs use quite a good many plgions , and Ilierj Is n demand for old birds strong on the wing. Old birds , per doz , I1.40S1.60. vnaiJTAiii.i : WATKIlMin.ONS A frmh mr IIIB nrrlvcd nnd IB being sold out nt 12) ) U0if23 Oi ) l > er 100 CANTALOUPES TCXIH inntnloupeii are nrrly- Ing on the mniket On oiJcip , | l 60 pir doz linl'.TS N'eu beets , pel aoz. uumncs , 20t23c , on ( iiliiK SQUASH Texas summer squash on orden. 75c pir doz CUCI'.MIinitS On ordcra 405iio per doz oninN : PUPPEHS Tcxis gnen peppers , per ' 4 bit box , 7Cc OM > HUA.NS Hand picked navy , 12100215 , medium tiavv , $1 ! )1200 | , common white beans , 11 V > 01 D. ONIONS On orders California , 2c per ! b. CAUllAGi : T heie Is plenty of home giown cabbiB' ' being biought In by the local growers , nnd while the heidB are small , the > are vor > solid nnd good quality There Is nlpo comddci- able Cnllfornli stock on the tmrk t. Good ship ping stock , on ciders , 2't2'ic. ' | ' ASPAItAdUS Good home giown stock , 330103 pel doz , on ordi rs TOMATOKS I'iorlda stock Is pretty well ei haunted , the Benson being rather far advance' for elilpmentti fiom tlint stale Mississippi B'ock Is In I irgc supply. Good khlppmg stock , per 4 banket citile. II 2M4U NI3VV IIIJANS The pupplv of wax and str.n& beans Is limited principally to homo grown slock , which Is not overly pleiit ) so far , and which Is hi Id nt firm prices Wax , per ' .4 bu. basket , tl. string , per 'i bu Insket , 75e. I'CAS The suplv | Is somewhat larger. Good stock per bu . Jl 75 HOC ! PLANT Pir doz , on orders 76311 00 CAULU'LOVVCll-Cliolce stock , per doz , 11508 I 75 75CAnnOT1 ? New southern carrots , per doz , bunchm 30if4nc PAlfl.nY On orders , per doz bunches 25tf30c TUHNll'iv New Foiithein. per bu , 1125 : homegrown grown , per doz bunehos 2"S30c. riturrs. At the auction file vestudiiy there were sold 20S9 boxes of cherilcs , 3. ! IJjrtlctt peaii ) and 243 apples At i'rul.ij'B ? ile thire will bo a half car of apples and n mixed car of peaches , apricots ami plums A thlid car Is hilled to arrive , but the contints mo not lepoitid About sixty prnpe ferovvtrs recently met at Mnrblehend Junction , O , nnd organized the Danbuij branch of the Northern Ohio Grnpc company The branch now him enrollri about siventj mcmbeis npiesinthu about 1,100 niuo \liujnnl8 and irclmrds , and on the basis of last je.n's crop 1,100 tons of gmpes The mem bership Is ntlll Incicfislng , nnd before the ship ping teijon opins expect to emoll 100 members , with 2 Ohl neirn of fiult. SrilA\\lliitKlis A few beirlfs "vvere re ceived , nnd gowl Block Is quoted nt II OOR1 TO CHiilUIis : : Thorp arc plenty of Callfornli chert les to be had on the market. Good Block. II OOffl . ' , APPLI7S California apples are becoming quite plentv IM 50 Hi crnte , JI.73. APIlICOrS There are a few apricots coming every diy , but they nre Kitting scarcer and higher , fiood shipping stock , II 2J01 60 aOOSCUEUIUUb There have been non re ceived to amount to an > thing during the last tveek or more Quotations nre nominally | 2 23j > 260 ULACKIinRUIES-ncccIpts modcrale. Good stock , J3 I1I.ACIC nASPBnUHIKS The receipts were made up largcl ) of homigrown stock. Good stock | 3 RED nASPIinnninS Theie were a few In Sesterday , which sold at 14 OOQ5 00 for 24-qt cases. PCACIinS The supply of peaches was In creased > esterdn > by the auction sale of a pirt of a car of California atocrf. Good stock , II 00 1 2i PLUMS Only a few California plums are coming ns * et , nnd they range In price from tl 23 to II75 per box , according to size of the fruit and variety. PIIUNES A few boxes of prunes are arriving from California , nnd arc worth about 1260 pel boxTIGS TIGS A few California figs have arrived They are quoted at 11 23 TROPICAL rnUlTS , A writer In the Tampa Tribune of Tlorlda eays : "Close on the hceln of the Orange Growcis union comes the serious fact of a failure of the orange crop In Ilorldn I have taken special pains to asceitaln the extent of the disaster , and regret to announce the result us most lamentn- ble The failure Is confined principally to seed ling gioves budded trees show Ing "much better. A few budded groves In the lake region give promise of nn cxtnordlnary yield. I hear from other localities of like results , especially among the best Utpt of the thrifty buds ; but the stand ards , or seedlings , m they are called , are three- fourths of them fruitless In manv localities where the liugest slslds are usually found Tor a scar or more the gloves nt Thonotnsassa hive been more or less affected by Ihc red spider. Its ravages arc this > car extended to neighboring groves , nnd glowers nre feirful of wldetpreid Injuries. Kiom authentic Information I learn that In many pnrls of the mate tbo same condi tions are recognized , from which It Is eafe to predict n great failure In the orange crop of 1894 I do not think It wise to raise nn unnec- efKary alarm , but the fncts arc serious , nnfl we must make the best of the situation Of course , there uro mnnv > OUIIK groves which will bear for the first time this season , but this excess will not compensate for our great loss In this season's oiange ciop" HANANAS As usual , when Berries nra on the market the demand for bananas Is not very heavy. Choice stock , | 2 OOQ2 60. LEMONS The demand his not been Increiscd to an extent sulllclent to advance prices as jet , and the maiket remains gtend > . 1'aticj lemons , 300 size , II ,0 ; fancy lemons , SCO size , 14 23 , choice lemons , SCO Blze , tl OllANGlIh California Mediterranean Sweets arc to he had on the imrlcet nt 13 75 , PINEAPPLES There Is n fair supply of Tiorlda pineapples on the market ut II 6) per doz , or 17.006750 per crntc of about six doz. MISCELLANEOUS. Fins-rnncy , per Ib , 12'ifllic. DATES-Hnllovvees. 65 to 70-lb. boxes , per Ib. , HONEY California , 15c ; dark honey , 1012c. MAPLE SIRUP Oillon cans , per doz. , | 12 NUTS Almonds , 15M7c ; English vvamuts , 10O lie , filberts. 12a , ilrazll nuts , lOc. CIDEIt Pure lulct. per ibl , 16 ; half bbl. , HIDES-No. 1 green hlde , ' 4c ; No. 1 green Baited hides , 3c ; No 2 green salted hides , 2c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ilia , to 15 Ibs , Cc , No. Z veal calf , 8 Its to 15 Ibs . 4c ; No. 1 dry flint hides. Cc : No. 2- dry flint hides. 3c , No 1 dry salted hides. 4e ; part cured hides. He per Ib. less thnn fully cur d bHEEP PELTS-Green sa'led , each , ! 58COc ; creen salted ( heat-lings ( short-vvoolcd eanty skins ) , each , tOlCc , dry shearlings ( Bhort-wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , WT. dry Bhenrllngs ( short vvooled iarly Bklns ) , No. 2 , tnch , 60 ; dry Hint , Kanias and Nebraska butcher wool , pelts , pel Ib , actual weight. 6fl8c ; dry flint. Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 4 Gc ; dry flint , Colorado butcher wool pelm , pel Ib , actual weight , 407c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib , actual- ' weight. 4 IT Co. TALLOW AND GREASE Tallow , No 1 , 40 4Vic ; tallow. No. 2 , 3' < & 3'ic ; gr a > e , white A , < Uc ; grease , white II. 4c ; grease , yellow , 3c ; create , dark , 2'ic ; old buter. 2Q2Hc ; beeBirax , prime , UQlSc ; rough tallow , 2c. I'rult Oiiotntlons , CHICAGO. June 28 Porter Ilros. company , Chicago , fold seven cars of California fiult at auction todaj : Peach plums , | 1.60ft235 ; Tragidy prunes , ll.261200 ; Ito > ul Hcllve plunu , SOTiS5c ; Clymnn plums , 60eJll 05 ; nprlcols , 40 { > 70c , Alex ander p ach s , I30c < ( ll 00 , Hales Early , 70ii73c ; Early Mnj , 7 c ; Hartlut peius. 3 Mil a 03 ; apples , 51.40Cl.Ci ; Illggeraus cherrleH , 20)Glc. ( Ro > al Anna chin lex , 40cii 11,10 ; Tnrlnrlans , 30fibOc. Porter Itroa. company. New York , sold to day six cars of California fruit at nuctlon ; Peach plums , 13 t& ; Trugcd ) prunes , Jl 600100 , Slmonl prunes , { I OS ; figs. Jl.Oil 1.70 : apples , II 10 (11.70 , Itoul Anne cherrlis. 7Sc i l 35 ; Illggeraus. SScfill 4) ; Centennial , Colik-'c. liirtnrlans , Ukfl ) HIM ; Origons , 75c ; Ilojal apricots , COcOJl.05 ; MontgHinelii. t > OcCj1.25 ; puih nprlcots , 6rti. ll 00 ; Alexander pcaihis. UXfjIllO ; Hales. Mciijl.15 ; Ro > al Hellve plums , 65c ( l ( ) ; Koenlg Clutide , frk- < ( | 1.15 ; Sundance plums , I330O3C5 , lei rlutns , 1325 , Ongon plums , 1X70 , Cl > mun plums , 1170 ; one cur load of choice > oM grons far ovir 12000. The E rl I'rult company suld California fruit at auction thin morning , nallzlng prlctB as fol lows : Cherries , Hluck Tartarian , H > ti 0o : fancy , 95cOll 15 , Ito > ul Anne cherries In bad order , eiitill.OO. fancy. 11.65 , lllgKeiaim , ( Ofi76o. Repub lican , 650SSc , soma churrki In bad nider did not bring an much. Apricots , Royal , 11.85 , peuph , iOQUc. Monie Pork , Me ; Montgamel , II 05. I'tuchm , Alexander. 65OtOo : Hales Early. 8 0 ; Mikado plums , J2.M ; Trugeily phines , | 2 3002 60 , ngs , } i,7ycather ! > very hot.T Nuvv York Dry tiourit .llnrket. NKW YORK , June . -Therc were many buy- tn la tna mukel who did much iliouylnir , tut V lather sparingly nnd mostly of seasonable ipecmltle * Of staple * the movrmenl f > r the month hns l > ctn very large and the thief Mocks are well In hand Printed cloths werp very riul nnd the prices are pegged at 2 H ICc nt Iiait for the ptesent . _ _ _ _ _ Coffer Alnrkct , NEW YORK , June -COrFKE-Ontlrtn * opened flrm at & { J15 ( Kilnts ndvnnre. ruled fnlrl ) active on Iccnl ntul continued bctler bujlng clotcd barely strndy , unchanged tn 10 points up Sale * , 1,2W bags , Includlngi July , 111 l..f IS 60. August II4W1H50S , September , I14.'ii 1140 ; October , tUDOIrllM Spot coffee , RIO flrmer. No. 7 , I16.7S , mllJ quiet , Cordova 119 00013 M Fnles , (00 bngs , C. A. p. I. rumored snles , Rio , c nml f but no pitrlcu lars. Wnrehousc deliveries > c tcriliy , 6.J24 bngs New York slock totlay , 83,16 ? bags , tlnltetl Slnte Block , 13.1,658 briRs , nlbnt for the United State' 14",000 bng , total visible for the United Stntcs 27 ,6iS bngs , ngalnst 42r,5.1o lings last > car. HANI OS. June 28 rirtnf K < io < l nvcrngr17 Rr-telpts. 4 ( X ) lags , slock , 3 , noc ) bngs. HAMKUlia , Junr 2S gulet , prices unclmnfd Mies , 12,000 l.ings , cliared for New York , 6,5 ( bleu nrnilllnn. HAVRE , June 28-Opened barely steady nt "tf advance Sales , 2 ( M ) bngs ; nt noon shnvvei n further ndvnncp of 'if ' and further rales of 3000 bngs ; nt 3 p. m was quiet nt > f n action , and further pales of 1,000 bags ; clofc 'if down , . RIO I > i : JANEIRO , Juno M.-l'Irm ; No. Rio , 116 , exchungp * J2 , receipts , 4ou0 baps floated for Ihc United Stntis , 6,000 bags ; Block , 116,000 bags. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cot ton .tlnrkpt. NEW ORLEANS , June -COTTON-Slraily. . sales , 600 Imles , to nrrlve , 2M biles , nrdlnnrv lo good oidlnnry , G'.c. low middling , b , c , mid dling , CTic. good middling , 7'iC. mlildllng fair , 7 ? c ; fair , S lirc. l . Rccelpis , 1,076 bales , ix | irls lo Grcit llrltaln. 3.9S4 balia , cmstwlje , 1.41U bales , slock , 71.8SC bale. ! . Tulurcs quiet , slcndy , tales , 9,400 bales ; Juno 1680 nominal. Inly , ! COf3C.81 ; Augunl , I6.7t < i 675 , September. ! t)73JI674 , Oclob < r , 16.780079 ; November , | C84j ! f6 , Deceinlx-r. I611G692 ; Jan unr > , | 697J C ! > J , IVbrtiarv. 1703 bid. OALVr.STON , June 28 COTTON Middling , sales , 24 halts ; stock , 12 3.12 lml s. ST. I/5U1S , June W COTION-Steady ; mld- rlllng , 7'if ' , sites , ICO bales , lecclpls , 100 baits ; shlpmcnls , ' none slock , 33,900 bales. HIIIIKHS City .Iliirlintt. KANSAS CITY. June -\VHEAT-lc Inwer : No 2 hard , SlfrWUc , tin 2 red , 60/51c / ; No. 3 ted , 49S50C , rejetled , 4lJI"c. CORN linchntiRctl ; No. 2 mlxid , JCflSG'ic ; No. 2 white , 39 39 > 5c\ 1'LAX SEL'U-Slendy nl II 31 IIHAN 1'nsler nt CSfttKc HAY Dull , llmolhj , IS 50fi9 CO , prnlrle , 17 COO 7 60 , DUTTER-Qulct , cremicry , HiJlSc ; dairy , 12 ( [ I14c. EGOS Unchanneil nt 7c. RECEIPT riV hctt , GOi ) bu ; corn , none ; oals , none SHIPMENTS-Whinl. 9,400 bu ; corn , none : oals , none. Liverpool Alurxctv. LIVERPOOL June 28 WHEAT Dull : lie- mind poor. No. 2 ted wlntir , 4 Sd , No. 2 ml spring , 4s 5d CORN Dull , demand modeinlc : new mixed fpol , 3 Sd , fuluiii dull , modcrne dimand , new mixed spol , 3s Sd , futures dull , demand moderate June , 3s 7yd , July. 3s Sd , August. Its S'4d. TLOUR Klindj , demand poor , St. Louis fancy u I liter , 5s lid PROVISIONS I'Jrk slendj , dcmnnd moderale prlmo mess , weMein , C7B til , medium , 67s Cd Lard , easy , 113 demand , tpot , 35s , futures , n' demand. Pcortn ( Sriiln PEORIA , Juno -CORN-rirm ; higher ; No. 2 , 41V4c , No 3 , 41c. OATS Active : llrm ; No. 2 white , 451 J < 3)ic : No 3 white , 4l4T45c. RYE Nothlmr doing WHIHKY-I II m. high wine basis II 15 RECEIPTS Wheat , none , corn , 22,750 bu ; oats , 33 000 bu. fiHIP lENTb Wheat , none , corn , 1C 900 bu , oats , 43,400 bu. Suciir Mnrlcnt. NEW YORK. June -SUGAR-Raw flrm. sales , 2000 tons Muscovado , 83 test , 2 11-lCc , ex shin , 7,447 baRB centrifugal , 90 test , 3'fcc , ex ship ; 293S bigs molasses sugar , 89 test 2 l-16c. ex ship Rellnid stendj. LONDON , June -SUGAR-Cnne dull , cen- Ijlfucai jtnj , n3i Muscovado , fair refining , 12s ou * Oil . . OIL CITY , Pi. . June -Nntlonil Transit cer- llllcales upcnul nt fcG. highest , SB , lowest , H" , . closed , 84 , fulis. n OOD bbls. , chnnnces. 6 OJO bbls , Bhlpmenls , 10.C3J bbls , runs 103 , SOO hid * PITTbllURO. Pn. June 28-Nallonnl Transit certificates opened nt 84 > 4 , closed at i > 5 i ; highest , Ki , lowest , S4Vi , no siles Dulutli Wliciit Mnrkpt. DULUTH , June 28 - WHEATClose : No 1 hard , cash , June nnd July , r3' > , c. No 1 northc n cash , June nnd Jul > , t , . ' . heptimber , rilUc , pecemlicr , CS Jo ; No 2 northern , cish. fii.p ! ' ' Trlspo Whpat ( JuotutloiiH. SAN TRANCISCO. Jurte -WHEAT-E.isiei December , U 07U ; Mn ) . tl.ljnew ; sillers , isc. Wool Markt't. ST. LOUIS , June -WQOL-Qnlet ; receipts running lleht , quolatlons show no clunge. faTOC'KH AMJ IJONUS. .Spcculutlvo Viilnos Received n Sctbick Yes terday on Account of the btrlku. NEW YORK , June 28 Speculative values received a setback today , for which the ex tension of the Pullman strike to the St. Paul railway was largely responsible. There was little else to account for the reactionary movement In prices. It was the Influencing motive which led to the selling for the Lon don account , which swelled the volume of business during the morning. Trade was light in all but three stocks Sugar , St. Paul and Burlington & Qulncy. Sugar opened steady , reacted U per cent , advanced % per cent and then on brisk selling for the Washington , as well as the local account , broke 2 % per cent , ralljing % per cent and closing at a reaction of % per cent , or a de- cllno of % per cent on the day. The de- 'prossion In the stock was due to reports that the majority counted on passing the sugaj schedule In the senate Is rather small. Senator Sherman was quoted In the Wasli- Intpft dispatches as making a statement to this effect. There was some selling of St. Paul at the opening on the strike on the road , but thora were some good supporting orders In the shares and the declines were resisted. The depreciation , however , con tinued steadily and about 2 o'clock a decline of 1 per cent from last night was recorded. A later recovery of % per cent from last night was made and a final reaction of Vi per cent , the last sale being at a loss of % per cent on the day. Burlington was sympathetically disposed , declining Vt per cent and selling up % per cent during the morning and declining grad ually In the afternoon , closing 1 % per cent below the highest point touched and scoring a loss of % per cent from yesterday. North western declined 1 per cent on sales of 400 shares. Rock Island was moderately active , losing % per cent at the opening and quickly gaining V4 per cent , then with the others of the group It declined l't per cent , clos ing U per cent above the lowest figures made. Lake Shore and Union Pacific de clined 1 per cent and Louisville & New Al bany preferred 1 % per cent ; General-Electric lost % Pr cent and Pullman % per cent ; Michigan Central and Iowa Central preferred each advanced ! ' , per cent. Arrangements , It Is said , are nearly completed by the re ceivers of the Atchlson road and the New York , London and Amsterdam committee by which all three of the committee shall jointly purchase the January coupons of the general mortgage bonds , thereby avoiding the Issue of receivers' certificates. J. Plerpont Morgan lias been conferring with his associates re garding the Union Pacific reorganization since his return from Europe and a move ment toward getting affairs In'o shape Is likely to occur soon. The bond market was steady early In the day , but became Irregular In the afternoon and closed easier. The action of the govern ing committee of the Stock exchange In au thorizing the committee on the stock list to place the Northern Pacific consolidated fives certificates on the list when the re organization committee has received the as sent of the majority of the bonds has caused some activity In the shares , 2,000 of which sold today at 25 Va to "C. The reorganiza tion lacks assent of about $4,000,000 to have a riajorlty and until It obtains them the certificates cannot be listed , The Post bays : Prices wavered today from the start , and then yielded under free professional selling , the evident basis for ivhlch was the progress of extraordinary Pullman strike. The financial community docs not , of course , look on this uprising as a danger because of Its probable success. N'o one has yet been able to discover hew Its success U possible , but It Is a more or less discouraging Influence , The Evening Post's London cable says ; The reserve In the Hank of England shows a small decrease this week , because of notes gone Into circulation In view of the holiday requirements. The coin and bullion In creased 436,000 , 160,000 coming from Aus tralia , 13.000 from Lisbon , 64,000 from Egypt , and 28,000 In bars. Tbo remainder probably cajiie from Scotland. The total coin and bullion Is 39.313,896. There waa a general Improvement. In South American stocks , owing to a scarcity of supply ot such stocks and a fall ot 7 points In the Argentine gold premiums. The follow lug are tbo cloilng quotation * The tolnl union of utoiks todnv wore H3.fl * slmren , Includliic. Atclilmn , 12,800 , America ! KiiKiir , 41too , Iliirllncton , 10,900 , Chlcnjtn Ona 3.5 > io : DlfllllliiK , 4 C ( ) , ( Ifiieiiil nicctrlc , 2,50' ) Mlwjurl Pni'lllr. 2fii)0 ) ; Hock Inland , 2,900s St Paul , 1SH ( . Union PnclHc , 3,700. New lork Slonpy .Murltot. Ni\V YOIIK , June 28. MONHY ON CALIr- Hcny nt 1 per cent , Inst loin closed at 1 pir cent. cent.PitiMi : Mr.ncANTiu : PAPKU 2'UC4'4 ' ' per cent STintUNO nxrilANOB Dull nnd enfler. wltli nctunl buolness In bnnkeis' Mils nl 14 8S'4 for denintid and nt II 87(1 ( for sixty dnvs , posted rntea , 14 fSH nnd 14 'JO. commercial bills , 14 SC'i sn.vnit fiitTiriCATis-C4geic. ( KViilN.Mi.NT : noNUS Steady , stnte bondH Innctlvc. CloflnR quotations on bonds were as follows ; HAU SILVER -28' < d per ounce. MONEV-Mi n r cent. ' f Thnrateof dlbCOUiiUn the open market for both hhortand time mcmtW'blllB IB IL-ldWK ppreunt. The amount of million cone lntt > the Ilink of England on b ilnncu tbiny Is ilOO DUO. I Financial > otos. KANSAS CITY , June ! -Clearings , 1 , 265/21. NHW Oni.UANS , June 28 Clearing , 12,10V 092'BOSTON. BOSTON. lune 28. Clearings , } 11 , 630,919 ; bil- ances , } 1,324 .IH HAIvTIJIOIli : . June -Clearings , $1.C40,319 , balances , jJl,311. Nnw YOIIK. June 28 Clearings , tC5,730,3SO. balances , } lHr > .CM. PAHIS , June 28 Three per cent rentes , lOOf 44c for Ihe account. I'HILADnU'IUA. June 28. Clenrlngi , $8,193- 1C1 , balances , J1.WC.7I3 CALCUTTA , June K The Hmk of Ilombiy'B rale of discount Is 4 per c nt MKMI'IUH , June 28 New YorK exchange , Jl , Clenrlnts , J164 C98 , balincis , $70,900 CINCINNATI. June 23. Money 2'jjjfi per icnt. Ntw tork txthnngc , Wi/C5c premium Clurlngs , $1,867,300. SAN rilANClSCO , , June 28 niafts , sight , lOc ; telegraphic , 12'c Silver burs , 62tfC.9ic Mexican dollarv , 51 rlijc. ST. LOUIS. lunc 28 Clearings , $2tl4,717 ; bnl- nnces , $4W2. ! Mone > dull , Wi7 per cent , IIx- change on Niw YorK , nol quolid. CHICAOO. Juno 28 dealings. $15.212.000 Ne\v fork exchange , 75c premium foreign exchange , * quiet , sterling exchange , nilual , $1 S7\W4 S9 I'AHIS , June 2 < i The slaliimnl of the Ilink of Trance Hhrjwa Ihe follotvlm ; ehangis. Notts n circulation , Inermnp during the wiek , 10.2T- OOOf , treasury nccounts , curivnt. Increase , CW)0- ) OOOf. gold In hand , Increiife , 2 . OO.OOOf , bills dlx counted , Inirenee , C,60QOOOf , silver In hand , In cnnse , CO.OOOf. LONDON , June 2i. The weekly statement of he Hank of nnKland shown Ihe following changes ns compnvd with the previous nciount Tolnl resi-rvr , dicriune , 174 , 000 , circulation , In cruise , { CQI.iKjO , bullion , Incirams 4Vi 2JJ , otlur seiurltlCH. dicrintie , 3i'S lux ) , other di posits. In crinxp , 1171,1X10 , public depoxllH , d.'irc.m , CCSI.OM , nolcs reKirvt1 , deutnsf. 178,0HI ( ; Kovtrnminl se curities , Inciew , 436,000. The pinportlon nf he Ilunlt of KiiKhind'H reseivp to llabtlll > Is 087 per c. nt. Thu fntu. of discount nmaliiH nt per cinl. _ DeWltt's \VJtch salve cures piles. It's cool and refreshing at Courtland Ucach. INSTRUMENTS placed ' on record Juno 28 , 1894 : \VAHHANTY niiia ; : A P Ilendrlikmin ( VJii\niH llrndrlikson , lot 4 , block 3 , ClltAh Till ) . . . . f 400 Moses Tort to J I' Rinik. lot 13 , Mock | i , nil t l U of J I Hrdlt-VN ndd . 1 O \V Kumlir nnd vtifu to O A ntrmnihl , lot 17 , block 2 , Htivii ! > 1'liu-i' . C2V J A WillH nnd wir ( . I' A Wells , M'4 lot 10 Corllaml (7) ( ) I'lui- . , . , , , . . . . . . ( ,000 llchnrd Stibbens UOAInry J Htebbeni , lot 17. arlllln Si 1's mid . . - A I > Kvvoboda to Anna HvvnlKXla , lulu 12 nnd 13. block IS. lUni > ooni I'lace ( ex u 100 fid of raid lots ) . . . . .It. . . 1 Linvltt llurnham nnd vvlfa lo .Vllllam Illoomqiilut , lot 'f/S-tloik 3. lluinhnm 1'lnce . , JJ. . C23 A \V Jones and husband lo Krneit Klrimer , e 100 feet of 6' ! , lot 7 , block 5 , Oixhard 11111 . 3,000 Krmst BKngir tu K J Htentcr , lot 10 , block 96 , Koulll Omaha : lols 1 lo D. SlenEtr'a 1st subdlv of lots 1 and 2 , block 110 , Houth Omaha . . . , . . . 1,000 Thomas Orary et ul to Ihomaa I'lUrson , lot 9. and u 4 feet lot 6 , I lock 7 , Corrl- gan riace , , . . . . . . . , . SOO QUIT CLAIM DRUUS. Omaha MortKiifre , Invitmint und Iteallx comtiany to HdmUnd llurke , undlv U lot * 13 and 14 block 9 , Kounlze Place . 1 Maurice CHnry to Thomas Oeary , loll 6 and 0 , block 7 , CorrlK" " Place . l.JOO DEinH. Emma Ooodhard. . cuardlan , to Edward IximhoJer , pan no Be 12-15-10 . (00 Total amount 'of transfer ! . , . 114,053 Bco IL3 Glide ( or life at Courtland Dcach. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Another Thursday Sees Another Off Day in the Wny of Supplies. TIE-UP ON RAILROADS AFFECTS TRADING Offering * Too Snmlt to IXnbllnh n Tone to Cnttln Trntlc HORI Jump n Dlma Umlcr the Slack Supply Sheep bUnily. THUIISDAY , June 2R , Thursday Is getting to be an off day for receipts , ami the run today , but 113 cars all told , was very little Improvement over the Insignificant run of it week ago today. So far this week , compared with li t , cattle supplies show nn Incrvaco of 1,000 head , while hogs hnve decreased about that much. In sheep there has bicn 11 slight gain. There was \cry little to the cattle mar ket today , supplies being most too small to establish the tone to the trade. Less than fifty cars of cattle arrived and not much over a third of these wuic suitable for beef. There was a little better tone to advices from Chicago , but on account of the threatened tie-up In the rallroadu , and , as Is usually the case on n Thur day , there was practically no dhlppltig or speculative demand. Dressed beef men , however , read ily paid steady to stronger prices for the handy fat cattle , while the heavier grades ruled dull at the recent decline and there was no Improvement In the market for the common half finished and grassy fctock There were a few loads still unsold at the close. Cow stuff waa In poor supply , both as to quantity and quallt > . Trade was stow , with prices Just about bteady. There was a mod- crate demand for veal calves at firm prices , but the market for rough stock was slow and dull. dull.There There was no material change In the situ ation as far as feeders were concerned Out side bujers vverf scarce nnd most of the trading was done by the regular dealers 1'rlces were firmly held , but the volume of business was comparatively light Good to choice feeders art. quotiblo at $3 1C3 60 , fair to good , $2.SOJ310 ( ? ; common to poor at from $275 down Representative sales DIUIfcSCD 11DEF. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IT No. Av I'r 17 .1117 M 60 IS 1031 SI II ) 22 1120 ( I 2fl 23 1010 3 65 1 . Ml 4 10 12 . 1112 4 2fl 1 1010 3 7i 33 12T.4 4 20 20..1217 4 ! 0 25 . 9S7 3 15 41 UTS 4 i.0 15..1158 4 30 1 . 1C20 4 00 4G 1211 4 20 COWS. 1. . . S10 1 01 1 . S50 1 75 24 . . . 023 2 21 1. . . . 830 123 3 1013 200 2..1140 2 2i 1 . . . SCO 1 25 2 920 2 M 1C . . SCO 2 35 1 . . . 950 1 CO 1 1050 2 00 HEITEIIS. 8 . . 301 1 70 1 . 720 1 80 1..1030 2 S5 2 . . 665 1 75 1. . . 910 2 30 CALVES. 1. . . . 110 300 30. . . ICO 373 2 . . . 140 373 HULLS. 1 . . . MO 190 2 1170 200 1 . .157(1 ( 225 1 . .1210 1 ! " 1 20 . 1141 2 00 1. . . . fclO 2 1 ! > 1. . . . MO 2 00 STAGS. 1. . . . 900 2 10 BTOcKcns AND rnnocns 1. . . . 470 1 25 8 . . . 410 2 71) 11 . . . 7S6 3 T. 1. . . . G20 1 73 23. . . 4V > 2 71 4 . . S42 3 20 8 . . . 712 200 43. f > 'il 200 1. . . . ilk ) 323 1. . 7s ) 2 00 8 701 3 00 24 . . . iici 3 21 2 .481 2 ( VI 10. . 7.3 ! 310 Jj. . . 1)37 ) 330 1. . .400 2 55 55WYOMING WYOMING CATTLi : . No. Av. I'r No Av. Pr. 24 steers . . .1212 J3 < T 21 fccdori. .1135 $3 40 IDAHO 1 cow . 1070 1 1 2 cow * . . . fSI 1 SI 2 COVVB UHO 2 40 14 Ftr tig 1117 2 23 41 filers FJ6 3 0) 44 fecilcrs 910 3 00 HOGS Dealers were disappointed at the light run of hogs today , and In consequence the market opened out prettj brash. Ship pers and packers were both after supplies , but particularly the former and the fresh meat men. Trade started In active with bids and sales 5c to lOc higher than Wednes day. The heavy and butcher weight hogs sold largely At $4.SOI 85 , and the light and light mixed grades mostly at ? 1.754 SO. After the first round or two , however , the market lost Its wire edge , and by the close a fair share of the early advance had dls appeared , and a few loads were left. The trading was largely at from $4.75 to $4 85 , as against $4 70 to $4.75 Wednesday , and $4.65 to $4.70 one week ago today. Repre sentative sales : No. Av. Eh. Pr. No. Av. S'l. Pr. S 200 . . . J4 C5 71 2S7 210 $1 SO 3 41C . . 4 IT , M 291 210 4 60 5 2JC . . . 4 70 51 241 . . . 4 (0 14 250 . . 4 70 f,2 2rO . . . 4 SO 83 1)6 ! ) 240 4 70 CO 210 12) 4 8) 6 320 . 4 72'a 112 . . 2S9 12) 4 8" " ) C4 20) ) 240 4 75 H 200 SO 4 SO 71 179 1W 4 71 C5 . . . 21)0 2X ) 4 SO 4 ! 67 8) 4 75 f2. . . . 2f2 U ) 4 80 CO 217 200 4 75 72 255 80 4 SO 8 214 200 4 75 C7 210 SO 4 fO C 190 . . 4 7i ' tl . . . . 201 . . 4 80 6 2SO . . . 471 fO .14 40 480 8 1C3 40 4 75 CC 2SI . . . 4 SO 4 327 80 4 7 > 41 214 . . 4 SO CO 221 2)0 475 SO 21S . . . 48) 65 221 200 4 75 7. J38 . . 4 81 9 .MO . 4 71 7. 21) SO 4 fO 54 238 M 4 75 74 JC5 12) ) 4 S ) 1 221 SO 4 75 74 . . . .227 UO 4 ! > 0 7 107 . . . 4 7- fO LOS . . . 4 S214 11 100 . . . 473 70 17 ! > . . . 4 k2 51 212 200 473 M 103 . . 4 SJ S3 231 SO 4 73 1 T30 , . 4 S2'4 60 220 40 475 CO 211 40 4 S2'i 65 218 120 473 71 230 BO 4 S2Vj 48 280 203 4 75 71 JJ5 SO 4 S3 103 220 .00 475 6S 311 40 4 Si Cl 223 120 471 54 257 . . . 4 85 30 242 . . 4 75 fil 212 SI 4 85 57 247 200 4 77H Cl CO 80 4 85 C4 J3C 2UO 477 > 4 74 237 . . . 4 S5 C3 294 ICO 480 75 'CO SO 481 ro 270 200 4 so ro .rro 120 4 M C2 195 200 4 SO 78 218 110 4 S > r , < ! 200 kO 4 SO 05 250 120 4 * 5 CO 201 . . . 4 SO 51 .113 . . 4 S5 -0 J3J ICO 4 SO 74 : C2 40 4 S5 59 212 1.0 4 SO rics AND nouaii. 1 . . . 250 . . . 4 50 SHUni' None were received. There was a very fair demand for desirable muttons and lambs , and prices were quotably firm , ? alr to good natives are quotable at $2.75 ® 3.25 ; fair to good westerns , $2 B03.00 , com- iion and stock sheep , $200@225 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb. Iambs at $2.50@3.75. Representative sites : No. Wt Pr. J4U Mexican wothcrB 71) fJ ' . ' 3 Hocelpto anil Dlsponltlon of Stock. Official receipts nnd disposition of stock HI shonn hy the books of the Union Brock Yards compnn > for tlio tucntj-foiir houis ( .inline at 5 o'clock p. m , Juno 28 , ISM : itccnii'is. Cam llpart CnttlP 41 1081 logu C9 4,672 DISPOSITION. TUijor * HoRs Cnttlo Sheep Oiniihu Packing company . 703 I'hc G H. Hammond Co . . rS9 21 hvvlft nnd compinj . . 1,231 231 The Cuilnliy PnckliiK Co . . 910 218 John P. MI ll I r. .t A. l'i > . 651 . . G H. II. , fiom KnnwiH City . . . 171 Sulft , from Knniuis City ni > I llxku .1 1) < ten Si J , Lobmnn 124 hlinKO P P. Co 307 . . . , . nihiliy llroa 83 . . . . , Ilrckei 9 hhlpptm uml ffeilu- 134 Total 4751 1,003 61 uiiiOAdo I.IM : trfouii. Cuttle 81ovv In Kriuhlnir tlm Market on Ariount ot the Mrllii1. CHICAGO , June 28 Thcn > WIIH scarcely more Utility In llu > iltnmml for cattle toJny tlmn mtinln ) nnd TuiBilii ) , hut ! > ) virtue of the mnnll mimlxr of talon , nttlmatul ut (00 , thin- a feiint' sin nKtlKnlMK of vnlura tVtful lr ' xril lit of ami uhlpplhK vlccm KUicinllv Hold it nn ndvnnro of lOi , und fitt IOUH .ind htlfrra vrri1 nlmiiK at Ihu iiUvnncv of the du > lufoic omiiuin Hrnim inltlH win * MK.iln dull , nobodv vuntliiK Hum at IntKr pilcm lliun NMTU pulil mlrrilu ) . Tixnn vallli * , of vvlilc1 ! them were ri > sh n-iilpln of nhout lKx > In ml. vvuu tlrm at oHtinho'H prUi * Nullvm wno qiiotod ut from 1 to MHO A ftw old "oklnn" v\ut * piddled > ut nt from Jl to II M and extra dry lot nteira ire quoted at from 14 75 to Jl W. CHUB nnd bulls wild principal ! ) nt from 12 to > 3 15 , nnd from 360 to H CO look modi of the Mien ) Touu cuttle vver > > quoted nt from II S3 to H , with ealea chit Hy ul f rum II 75 In 13 23 Tno reuilpti ( if hops wtio comparatively llxht. Thr ) vverc intimated nl 21,000 hiad , which IH marly t.OOO l" than for hint Ihureda ) , nnd ,000 lepi thun a > rnr UKO The dncrenue wn attributed partly t < > the n'.mn > decline In prices at the lieKlnnlnK of the week and pirtly to the trlke. Tin roult of the IlKhl rtcvlptB ms an idvnnce of &o In the vnlua of nnlnmlu. No loubt the rain would have bun more pro nounced but for the Influence- the ilrlke , ihlpprra were timid , and the companion rom that quarter belim ubnent , local imcktrn were ilow to pay higher prlcev. The clone vva > low. but nearly all the offerlnK * were Uken nt rom 14 K ) to 14 5 for uvtmire of lens than 100 b > . , and at from 14 90 to It W for iiudlum. few lock trains arrived en time , and , therefore , alei were ttrung out till a later hour than muni * Tha ihctD marktt wai firm for lair to choice P-e-a-r-1-i-n-e. ' - - - - - - - . This is the way we spell it. It's necessary to mention it , because some women don't seem to know. We find so many who say they use Pearline , and then , upon cxamina * tion , find that what they are using ia mly some imitation of it. See if your package is marked as above , here is only one Pearline. It makes white things whiter bright things brighter eco nomical and saves at every point. For wash ing and cleaning , nothing under any other name can equal it , CIcki1 I'eiMlcrs and some unscrupulous grocers will tell \ou " this is as good nV * OCllU. or11,0 , Mnc . „ iVarline,1' IT'S FAl.SU I'cirtltic is never peddled , if T" > _ - 1- . and if vour tnoicr sends you something In nlnco o { IVarline , be -DECK lionul-ttnJ it tat * . 4U JAMES 1'YLE , N , Y , WE PLACE ON SALE THIS WEEK one entire stock of btass and iron beds , white oimmnlntl , brass trimmed , at about nail usual prices to close them quick. All our brass poods arc hiplily "lac quered1 that is to siiv , covered with an imnorlshablc , transparent prepa ration so they will never tarnish , but remain bright and clean. 1 ho de mand for bro > s and iron beds has boon constantly jjrowlng during the post five years. They arc wholesome , neat and Uut a lifetime. Hero uro u few prices : IRON BEDS In White Enamel and with Brass Trimmings. Former price 812.50 . Now S 7.50 Former price 20.00 . Now 11.50 Former pi ice 2J..10 . Now 12.50 Former pi ice IJO.OO . Now 17.00 Former price 33.00 . Now 19.80 Cold Finished Fire Lacquered Goods. Former price $15.00 . Now $24.60 Former price 55 UO . ' 1SOW 27 5 Former price 70.00 Now ,14.5' ' Former jirico 85.00 Now 42.CO Terms cash or easy payments. Formerly People's Mammoth Instalment House. Close Evenings at 0:30 : , excepting Mondays and Saturdays. MANHOOD RESTORED ! VS Mtt. " 1'1- ' " ' , ' . "JWB'rnJcnoriltvoOriKMia' | cither ( .pjjcomjfl rors , oxccnlYO u o of lobuccu , onluoi or etlm nil ' " ' ' " - . „ TEiiTbiW iii pram wrapper' Sold In Omaha. Neb , by Sherman & Kulm . Co. nn < l by Vlclters & Merchant , dru mutlnns , while poor stuff Fold ns mean as nt any time. The fact that the recplptu wcio mill .lid not lm\e much wclKht. the dermiml 1-cliiB - especially roKtrUtc.l There wa ' " 'nis ' . ' " laubs of the belter nualltl. but the oft fcrndcH erc almoet unnalal.lo Quntntlona for jeil > ratio d from II to J3 75 , and foi sprint' lambs ! : , 7.500 hn.l. . cnliw. COO head ; hOKS , 21 000 head , sluip , 5 MO hind The i\cnliiff Jouinol niort : CATTI.IJ-Hicoliiti" " , 7roo hoad. Bummer welKht steers In better , U mand , hlBlur. i.rln.o to o : iclrn nathe Ftr , J4WIIS ) . inwlluin. ( t Mlt M , others 13 7GG4 10. T. xaim. J ! < V' ' J ° " , . . , lloaB-IlrtHpti. Sl.ngtl head ; rnarliet openi.l 5c IHBlVtr. c o e.l 'lower , many c.irrl . l o or. louRh liea"i )2'.04W. picklnK and mixed. ' ! > 0) ) : prime lu a\y and butchei weights. { SOOQ510 , as- * 0sl'il'1f'"tANnK)0lAMnS-Hecelp.B. ! ' ) ! . D 000 head In better d.mand. mile llrmtr. tcp Bhup , J3 J , ® 3 C5 , top lambs. MS5 00 _ St. I.oula I.i Stork -\Iurkct. \ ST I OUIS June -CATTI.n-Hecelpts , 3 100 head. Vhlpme'nts. 1,300 Lead malKet MimiB jen- -rails. M > od native butchir Mici . MJ.fi4 < 0 , farto mtdluni 1 70W4 00. TeMis steers , 800 to l,00 < ) Ibs , I225 T317'4. ' co . flfflVSN HOGH-Hecelptfl. 6.000 head , milpinonm. 1,100 hcud jnnrket Be lowir. chcrfce heavy J5 , M"d | luaw. tl IW < 5 , mixed. l COffllW. Kood llfilit , "BUnVlf'-necelpU , l.COO head , pnlpmentn. 1 40J head , market xlow. liiiBiilar mlxeil HtoU < er tlOOiilSO , native mlx.d , l.37'i. Iambi , JJ U'iO 4 00 _ _ ICUI18HI City I.lvo bt i k Miirlict. KANSAS CITV , .luni- -CATTUI-ItccelptB. . 3,700 head. BhlpmenlB noni . market flow mid weak , lexax mierH. IS2MJ320. cows. 1 J5 3 3J , beef Welt ) llMlfilCA , natlvn CDUH , II SO'ii. ) S5. HtorkeVs ana feeders. KWOSW. biilli. . H'WtW HOGH-Hecelptd. 1C.100 head ; KlilpniintH , l.tOO head , market opened stroni ; to to lilghn < l "w w ak , bulk of rnl.H. 14 ; < 44 | R1 ; litn l < ' . 14 Wi 19" paekerH , II.7UW4 65 ; mixed , II ( > Ofc4Sl5 , IlKht , _ " " ' Itecilpts , SCO bend ; shipments , SOO hiud"niurkit sliady. Now York Llvo htotk Miirknt. NHW YOUIC. Juno 23. IIKIJVKS nccclptg , " " " "blini""AND ? LAMHB Receipts , 4860 henil ; maiket Inactive ; she.p shade nrmer , liimbs , 'So higher , sheep , poor lo prime , K Will 1 $ , lambs , very common to good , HWfitt' > 1IOOS lti > lpti > 1,73. ! head , market weak ; good hog" , $3 30H5 40. Muck In bight. Itecord of receipts of live stock nt tha four principal > orda for Thursday June 28 , 1894 ; Cattle. HOKI Bheep. South Omaha 1JJ > .JifJ * ; . . ; . Chicago . . . . , , 7.0) 21,00 * ) 6,000 Kanta * City , 3,700 6,1'XI SOO HI ? LoulB 3.100 C.OOO l.MO Hide tbo switchback at Courtland Beach. Krlccion Still Ili'liiK Toucil. DAVENrORT , la. , June 28. The United Blatca torpedo boat Erlccson left here towed by a raft tug bound for St. Louis , a was expected that aha would make her Drat run under Btcam from here , but the falling stage of the river gives warnlnn that It may teen be Irapotilble to l > asa thoals below here. She WM , LOUDON , Commission Merchant GRAIN AND PROVISIONS' Prlvato wires to Chicago and New York. All bUBlnma orders placed on Chicago Board ot Trade. . . Correspondcnco solicited. Office , room 4 , New York Lira Dutldlns Telephone 1308. will probably make no stops between hen and St. Louis. Vn\r \ , with Contlniinl filch Temperature , I ? , NrliriiHlcit. WASHINGTON , Juno 28. The Indication ! for Friday are : For Nebraska , lovvn and Kansas Falri continued lilKli tempernturoj variable winds. Tor Missouri I'alr ; continued high tun peraturo ; southwcBtorly winds. Tor South Dakota Pair ; \arlablo winds. I.IK ul Kucoril. Orrioi : OPTIIB WEArnuii UuiiRAn. OMAHA. Juno 28 Omnlin record of temperature nno ) r.Uiifullcompuudvltlirorrospomllng day of past fourycius : 1804. 1B03 1802. 1801. Maximum tomporixtiiro 00 = 83 ? BIG e&o Mlntmiinitfninor.ituro. 1.0 = 073 Oils 083 Avcrnui ) tempornturo. 7B = 70 = 72 = 70S 1'reclpltatloti . . .00 ,00 .02 ,00 Stitomunt Bhowlntf tlio condition of torn- pornturonnJ prociplutlon ut Om.iha for tlio ilny mul since March 1 , Ib'JI : Normal tciiiixiriituru . . . , , . , 7-O Kxii'hafortlioduy . 43 Kxc-OMnlnco Murcli 1 . 423O Nnrinul precipitation . 21 Inch Dollcloney for the ilnv . 31 Inch. Dulltlency blncu Murcu 1 . 0.74 Inclioi ItrporU from Other Htiitluna nt H P. St. " \ tOKiJB V""mMT Locul t'orecut OfflcUl. It'fl cool aud refftshlnK at Courllana Deacb ,