, - gvgyfrt&f + * l * > ' * - * - # * 1M * * - - > -y THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; THURSDAY , .TONE 28 IPO I. fcOJIHERCIAl AND FINANCIAL WeaUier Wai Fine and the Market Weak " x- " ' aud Declining , . WHEAT GREW HEAVIER LATER IN THE DAY * X Corn Wn * Firm After nn Carl ? Spell of WanlitioM In Pjrinpntliy with the Drop In U'lient Stocks nnil ' * ? ? ? Homli. " I $ - " " " , . ff a- CHICAGO , June 27. Weather fine , market ircak and declining , was the news by cable from every foreign market toJay. Wheat here started at Me , a drop of ' ,4c per bu. , and cold heavy at tbc decline during the first hour of the tcsslon. The attempted tic uji of Pullman cars was also given as a reason , Tim trade was. Unlit during the forenoon. N. D. Hoani was said to bo a buyer of wheat against pui * he had secured , although be was openly a seller. Pardrldgc was a seller ol mcderatc quantities. July opened at from GOc to t)9'c ) ( , nnd touched 58c during the fluctuations of the first hour. September started at from Glc to Gl'iC and worked gradually down to Clc. The heaviness wltb which the market opened Increased and did not reach Its fullest expression until after July had sold off to from GSo to C8c and September to from GOftc to COTic. The price at the close for July was 59Hc and for Sep tember from 01 He to Cl'/lc. The corn market was firm alter an early spell of weakness In sympathy with the drop In wheat. It was Influenced , also , at the opening by the most favorable accounts regarding ? the growing plant everywhere. The succcdlng firmness was due to the pres ent good demand for the moderate quantity In sight. The trading was light and largely against privileges. July opened atIO'C ' , a decline of Vic , the lowest price of the day , the closing price being from 40c to 40c. The oats crop Is reported to , have derived considerable benefit from the late rains , ami , with a good amount of long stuff offered , lower prices were scored. July started stead ily at 39 lc , an advance of % c , sold down to 88540 * and shortly before the close rallied to 39c. 39c.Pork Pork and lard were neglected and changed very little In value , nibs were traded In sparingly and to their disadvantage , closing at n decline of Be for July , September re maining at yesterday's value. The leading futures ranged as follows : Articles' . I Open. | High. | Low. I Clone WheatNo. 2 Juno 68K July G03MIH GUH GUHK Sept UWSM K Corn No. 2. . Juno July Sept 41H.SU OntB No. 2. . . Juno July Sept 2-JJ4 20K Pork pur bbl July 12 67M 12 67K 1 , . Sent 12 626 12 02)4 ) Lard.100Ibs Junu 0 (17M ( July 0 05 0 G7 } < G lff ! 0 07i ! Sent U 80 GbO 0 77K 0 80 Short IllbH- July 0 47M G SO 0 47K n no Sept G CO 0 SO C 62M Cash quotations were as follows : Fl.OtJH Slow nnd tlade sm.ill. WHEAT No. 2 spring , C8-Hc ; No. 3 spring , B2ffi3Sc : No. 2 red , M-ic. COHN No. 2 , 40Hc ; No. 3 yellow , 41UiS'41Xc. ! OATH-No. 2. 43'ic ; No. 2 white , 4G'.4OlSc ' ; No. S while , 42JT45 c. HYE No. 2. I7'ic. MAULEY No. 2. nominal. FLAX SUED No. 1. $1.40. TIMOTHY HKED-Prlme , $3.2304.63. PROVISIONS Mum pork , per bbl. , $12.C5 ® 12.C7' ! , . Iard. per 100 His. , $ G.G5HG.G7i . Short ribs Bldot ( loose ) , $ G.C7',4fG.GO. ' ( Dry salted shoul ders ( iKixed ) , $ ri.C2Vi'D5.k7 ; shoit clear sides ( boxed ) , JG.R05IC.no. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. , The following were the receipts nnn shipments lor today : On the Produce exchange todav the butter mar * kct was Btcnily : crunmery. 14 ! < 317o ; diary , 11 © Eggs , weak , flrm0 ; < aiOc. OMAHA OKNIJRAL .MARKET. Condition of Tr.nlo unit Quotations on Staple nnd Fancy Produce. Butter and eggs remained steady yesterday , but poultry Is quoted lower. There la a pretty fair demand for old pigeons , as the gun clubs use a good many In their "shoots. " Later In the season , when game Is abundant , sportsmen spend their time hunting , and there Is very lit tle demand for pigeons. The gun clubs want old birds that arc good , strong flyers. HOTTER The market Is steady nnd without feature. The general price , here Is lOo for packing stock. Choice country butter , I2@14c ; separator creamery , 15fl6c ; bricks , ICJUSc. EGGS The supply of eggs continues large on this market. The proportion of stock showing the effects of hot weather Is very large , and the loss In candling heavy. Good stock Is selllnir generally at 9c , LIVE POULTRY The poultry market was lower yesterday , owing to the heavier receipts. Old hens , which have been In light supply for the past Week or more , and which sold at GiffGVSe the first of the weekwere very plentiful yesterday , and 60 was nn outside price. A good many holders were glad to clean up at 5io. ! As to spring chickens , the market Is glutted , and sales were reported at 10i12c. The demand for geese nnd ducks Is very light , and what few are arriv ing are mostly birds that have been pluckid , nnd in consequence not very desirable. Ducks , 7e ; hen turkeys , 7BSc ; gobblers , 5ftc ! ; geese , VEAL Receipts at commission houses are not large , but there are still n good many on the market. Choice fat nnd small veals are quoted t Cc ; coarse nnd large , 3T4c. CHEESE There Is some very choice Wiscon sin cheese on the market. Wisconsin , full cream , new make , lOQllc ; Nebraska and Iowa , full cream , 9O10c ; Nebraska and Iowa , part skim , 6j7c : Llmburger , No. 1 , lOo : brick. No. 1. 10c ; Swlbs , No. 1 , 13M14C. HAY The receipts are more liberal and the market Is not so firm , although not quotnbly lower. Upland hay , $8.Wj midland , $8 ; lowland , $7.50 ; rye straw , $6. Demand fair ; supply fnir. Color makes the best price on hay. Light bales sell the best. Only top grades bring top prices. PIGEONS The gun clubs use quite a good many pigeons , and there is a demand for old birds strong on the wing. Old birds , per doi. , 11.4001.60. VEGETABLES. The market on vegetables did not show any material change. Wax beans are unusually scarce and high for tills season of the year. The locnl growers ore supplying what few there nre on the market. Peas are also scarce and high.WATERMELONSThe WATERMELONS-The early Texas melons have been exhausted ami Georgia does not appear quite ready to commence shipping here. Just nt present there are none on the market , so far as known , but there will be a car In the latter part of the week. Per 100 , $20.00 25.00. CANTALOUPES Texas cantaloupes ore arriv ing on the market. On orders , Jl.25tfl.50 per do : IIEETS New bcpts , per doz. bunches , 20O2ic , on orders. SQUASH Texas summer squash on orderj. 76c per iloz. CUCUMIIERS On orders , per crate , $1,60. or 404f50e per doi. GREEN PEPPERS Texas green peppers , per H tin. box , 75c. OLD DEANS Hand picked navy. $2.102.15 ; medium navy , $ l.Wti2.00 ; common whlto beans , ONIONS-On orders. California , Zo per Ib CA1IIIAC1E There Is plenty of homo grown cablxiRQ being brought In by the local growers , and while the heads are small , they are 'very solid and good quality. There ls also consider able California stock on the market. Good ship ping stock , on orders. 2C2'tc. ASPARAGUS Oood home grown stock , 8J040a per dot. , on orders. TOMATOES Florida stock Is pretty well ex hausted , the season being rather far advanced for uhlpiiients from that state. Ml-sls-lpnl stock la In large supply. Good shipping stock , per 4 basket crate , $1.2501.40. NEW IIEANS The supply of wax and strtnt beans U limited principally to home grown stock , which In not overly plenty so far , and which Is held at firm prices. Wax , per U bu basket , $1 ; btrlng , per U bu. ba-ket , 75c. PEAS The supply Is somewhat larger. Good tovk , per bu. . $2. EGO. PLANT Per dor. , on ordtrs. 75S$1.00 CAULIFLOWER-CholCB stock , per doi , $1.600 1.73. CARROTS New southern carrots , nodox. . bunchm. SOfilOc. PIE PLANT On orders , ptr lb. . Zc. PARSLEY On orders , per doc , bunches. ! SQ30c TURNIPS New southi-rn. per bu , , J1.Z5 ; horn * crown , per dox. bunches. ZC030c , FRUITS. At the auction sale yesterday morning the- At the auction sale yesterday morning there were sold 699 crates apricots. 11 plums , 21 prunes , IS4 peaches , and 4 figs. On ThuisJay the cffvrlngs will consist of a car of cherries and a part of a car of apples. Advice * from California say that the AlameJa county cherry crop has fallen upon hard times this year , and the growers ore not taking the trouble to pick certain varieties of the fruit. The cherry yield In Alum-dn county was un usually large last year , * nd under the- most ordinary clrctim-tanc-i every man who hud an acre of cherries could count upon from JWO to 1700 profit upon that amount of ground. This year the profit will be about half the foinur amount. If the ch-rrlts htpptn to be of the rliht variety , and If they happen to b canning cherries the tlitur-s ntll be on the other side < > ( th ledger , bvd time * and an \ rttaek of good * fr .m . ln f J'tnt prerentln * the cflfi. " ' " * , lfm \ lik. Int . * < " ' 'n. ' ihrmcU , . ? OUC.lik. ijccdUi. PH.-M ftt which chriT" " OM t'lUnff liJ.J11 ! J1 ' ' -futrrn m.ukelIt M dlllk'tiU to tit 'ig\7 ' , , ' Kroner * ran Kit nnrtliir.it ftt all out nf ti , fiult , aftrr t-nylng freight rntet nnd ether CM . .MIIKEVlhou | e of Fairmont , who control the IniK'-t o | pie orrhnrd In Kanrn- , has re cc'vcd report * from nearly c ery tccjlvn Of u' -lute rfsnrd.n . * th * fruit croi. | lit ft > Ui npple crop will be above average , yet It wl | not be na liUfto as It n- four years ago. Uci Davis , pippin and jennntin tr < v- and most of th nummer va > lctl"3 nr loaded down with fruits while the wlnrraps and other IP'S hardy vnrlc tics arc falinn : rn account of blight. The frill l developing rapidly ulncc the recent rain * The crop In the West will greatly exceed that o the rnttein i-I.Mes Ihta J'cnr. ' jrniA\VUlUims- ; : fresh arrival- were r < - KfllV "IC " " "ket. Oood stock , nominal ! 'tJ.H.tuitBB ThJro are plenty of Cailfornii cherries to bo had en the market. Oood itock fl.MHI.25. APPLES \Vhllc there are not many Call fornla apples the market Is full of southern am even home grown cooking apples. California M-lb. crate12 ; southern or home grown , 75 Pr M bu. Iiox. APRICOTS There are n few apricots comlni every day , but they arc Retting scarcer a IK higher , flood shipping stock , $1,2591,5' ' ) . liOOSEIIEItniES There , Imvo bicn none re celved to amount to anything during the la * w-pk or more. Quotations'aro nominally I2.2JJ 2.60. 2.60.HLACKllEItninSItcrclpts moderate. Ooo < stock , M. DLACK HASPnr.rmiEH Thc receipts wer quite large. Gaoil clock. J.I. RED HASPIIEimiES There were n fenli yesterday , which Bold Ht H.0005.00 for 24-qt cases. PEACHE3 The supply of peaches was In creased yesterday by the auction sale of a par of n _ car ot California slock. Uood stock , Jl.O PLUMS Only n few California plums nr conilnK OF yet , nnd they range In price fron J1.25 to II.75 per box , according toIze of th fnm nnd varltty. pntJNES A few boxen of prunes are nrrlvlni from California , und arc worth nbout I3.CO PC box. box.FICJS A few California figs have arrived They are ciuoli-d at J1.21. TIIOP1OAL FIlt'ITS. nANAN'AR As usual , when berries are 01 the market the demand for bananas Is not vcr : heavy. Choice stock. JZ.OOftS.W. LEMONS The demand has not been Incieasei to an extent sufficient to advance prices as yet and the maiket runalns steady. Fancy lemons 300 size , 14.00 4.50 ; fancy l mon , 3CO size , $3.7 34.00 : choice Itinons , 360 ( duo , IJ.73. OHANOES California Mcdllcintnran Sweet are to bo had on the market at J3.75. PINEAPPL15S There la a fair supply o Florida pineapples on HIP mnikpt nt Jl.SO pe doz. , or (7.Q007.S4 per crate of nbout six doz. MISCELLANEOUS. FIOS-FaniT. Pr lb. . ISliOUc. DATES Hallow ces , 05 to 70-lb. boxes , per Ib. , &HC 'HON.nV Collfotnla , 15c ; dark honey , 103120. MAPLE SYIUJP Uallon cans , per doz , , J12. Nl'TS Alniondfl. 15if/lTc : Ensllsh walnuts , 10JJ 12c ; Illbcrt * , 12c : Itiazil nuts , lOc. CIDEH Pure juice , per i.'bi , , 13 ; half bbl. , 13.25. HIDES No. 1 creen hides , -lie ; No. 1 greer ailed hides. Sc : No. 2 green salted hides , 2c'No. . 1 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , Go ; No 2 veal calf. 8 Ihs. to 15 lb4c ; No.,1 dry flln hides , 6c : No. 2 dry Hint hides , 3c ; No. 1 dr ] salted hides. 4c ; part cured hides , V4o per lb le s thnn fully curcd ; SHEEP PELTS-U ea'ted , each , 25860o Kanean nnd Nebraska butcher wool , pelts , pel lb. , actual weight , 6 TSe : dry Hint , Kansas nm Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , ectua weight. 4fGo ? : dry flint , Colorado butcher woo pelts , per lb. , actual welBht , 4 J7c ; dry flint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , nctua WTAI'LOWC'AND onEARE-Taiiow , NO. i , 4i 4'ic ; tallow. No. 2. 3Wfc3',4c ; grease , white A 4jc grease , white U. 4c ; grenBC , yellow , 3c Krease" < 1ark , 2'.4c ' ; old butcr. 2S2',4c ; beeswai , Prime , 15@18c ; rough tallow , 2c. NKW YOHK OENEUAL .UARKBT. Yesterilny's Quotiitlons on Flour , Grain anil 1-rovlnliMis , 91i-ti > li > . Etc. NEW YOHK , Juno 27. FLOUR-Hecelpts , 23,000 bbls. ; exports , 24,000 bbls. ; sales , SCO ( pkRS. ; market nominal on absence of demand ; spring wheat held firmly because of high casl markets west : southern flour , dull ; ryp flour , steady : naif" . 3M bbls. ; buckwheat flour , nominal. UUCKWll EAT Nominal. COUN MEAL Dull ; yellow western , $2.C5Q ( 2.SO : llrandywlne , J2.f > 0 ; sales , 800 bbls. HYK Nominal ; state , CG < aJ8c ; Jersey , 520j3c. UAHLBY N imlnal. nAHLEV _ M ALT Dull ; Canada , 00fl93c ; six- r0WHEAT Receipts , 13,000 bu. ; exports , G3 , l ( bu. ; sales. 5,9MOWO bu. futures nnil 4S.OW bu. snot. .Spot maiket , weaker ; No. 2 red , in store and elevator. Glide ; allow , G2 ? c ; f. o. b. . cannl , No. 1 , northern , CS c , delivered ; No. 1 , hard , G9HC , delivered. Options opened weak on easlei cables , better weather In Europe , rains north west and western labor troubles. Trade was locnl all day and excessively dull , owlns to a lack ol outside business , and the tone Is bearish ; closed at ? i iTtc ) net decline : June , closed at G15tc ; July. 1 H.lGca02aC : closed at Clo ; AuRiist. C ! ISG3 C , closed at G3c : September. G4SGI 9-lCc , closed at G4Uc ; DecemberG7SG74C ( , closed at COHN necelpts , IC.OOO bu. ; exports , CO.OOO bu. ; sales , 170,000 bu. futures and 21,000 bu. fpot. Spot market , nulet ; No. 2 , 45140 In elevator nnd 45140 afloat. Option market opened weak on rains , good crop proepects and smmpathy with wheat , ruled dull all day , closing at a slight rally at prices fsc down ; Juno closed at 45Uc ; July , 45Ui&4. > HSc , closed at 45'So : AuKiist , 4G e 4CV4C. closed at 46'.4c ' ; September. 4G , ciS4Gic. closed at 4G ? c ; Decembar , 44Hlff45ic , closed at 44 ic. OATS Kecelpts , 27,000 bu. ; exports , none ; sales , 50,000 bu. futures nnd 73 , 000 bu. spot. Spot mar ket Irregular , closing firmer ; Nn. 2. Clf52c ; No. 2 delivered , 62C3c ; No. 3 , 6051c ; No. 2 white , C2 f53Hc ; No. 3 white , 510G2ic ! ; track , mixed wcstein , 524J53c ; track , whlto western , 52',45JC3c ; track , white state. 62'45iSSc. Option market. steady early on fears of damnso by too much rain , but later reacted wllli other markets nnd closed US'Xo down ; Juno closed at C09Jc ; July closed at 48Jc ; August. 35H'53Gc ' , closed at 30)lc ; September , 34i34'.4c ' , closed nt 3l'c. HAY Dull ; shipping , JG.OOSG.CO ; good to choice , 7.00f(8.90. HOI'S Weak ; state , common to choice , 9fll4cv Pncinc coast , 10ilEo. ? IIIDEH Dull : wet salted New Orleans , se lected , 45 to 65 Ibs. , 4',14tc ' ; Texas , selected. 35 to CO Ibs. , 4ff6c ; Ilnenos Ayres , dry , 20 to 24 Ibs. , lOMJfllc ; Texas , dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. , 5 > , ic. LEATHEH Inactive ; hemlock sole , Buenos Ayrss. light to heavy welshts , ICKlSc. WOOI Inactive ; domcet c lltecc , 19 f ej pullcJ , 20 2SC. PllO VISIONS Heef , dull ; beef hams , $21. Cut meats , firm ; pickled bellies , 7T7ic ; pickled shoul ders , iHO Ho.Lnril , dull ; western steam closed at 17.05 ; July , closed at f7.05 , nominal ; Septem ber closed at J7.20 , nominal ; refined , steady ; continent , 17.40 ; B. A. , { 7.80 ; compound , CftG'ic. ' Pork , better Inquiry nnd firm. nUTTEU Dull : western dairy , 10015'tc. CHEESE-Steady ; palt skims , 2V44l5 .c. EQOS Quiet ; receipts , 9.821 pkgs. PETHOL13UM Dull : United closed at B9ic bid ; WnshlnKton , bbls , , 56 ; Washington , In bulk , I3.f,0 ; refined. New Yolk , J5.15 ; I'hlladclphln and Baltimore , (5.15 ; Philadelphia and Baltimore , In bulk , S2.CO. HOS1N Steady ; strained , common to good , * 1.3M1.40. Tl'HI'KNTINn Strnily ; 31fj31"4c. ' HICK Fhm ; domestic , fulr to extra , 43G'/ic ; Japun. 4H 5'ic , MOLASSES Quiet ; New Oilcans , open kettle , good to choice , 29ift3ik ! . PIG IHON-Uullj Scotch , ? 19.COjJ22.M ; Ameri can , I10.00&J14.WO. COPl'KU Quiet : lake , J9. LEAD Quiet ; domestic , $3.10. TIN Easy ; Straits , Jl'J.25 , bid ; plates , market quiet. Sl'ELTEU Quiet ; domestic , nominal ; sales on chance , 25 tons July tin at J19.30. COTTON SEED Ollr-Inactlve ; prime crude , 25o oskfd ; off crude , 2C52'lc ; yellow butter grades , 35c : choice yellow , S4c ; prime yellow , 32' iff3c ! > ; yellow , oft grades , 3H&U32C ; prlmo white , 2G W37c. St. Loins ( ifiiiirul ST. LOUIS. June 27-FI.OUn-Easler , but not nuotnbly changed. WHEAT Sold oft Tic early nnd staid down on isnerally bearish news from nil quarters , clos- ng % c below yestenlny. No. 2 .red , cash and June , C5Hc ; July , CGlic ; August , C5',4c ; Septem ber , CG iy."iGTic. COHN On line crop reports lost IWHo ; No. 2 mixed , cash. 40c ; June , 39'4c : July , SSc ; Sep tember. 3S > ,4c. OATS Weak , dull ; No. 2 cash and June. ilgher nt 45c ; July , 45c ; August , 29o ; Septem ber , 29c. . UYE No. 2 , fpot , C0',4o bid. IJAHLEY-Notlilni ? doing. 11HAN 63c. enst truck. FLAX SEEI > UnchanKed. CLOVEH HEHD-J7.60'fi8.CO. TIMOTHY SEED-JI.COiji4.75. HAY nrm ; strictly choice to extra fancy , ih'TTEH ' Steady : separator creamery , 14 ? c ; choice dairy. I3O14C. nans-Quiet at 7c. LEAD Firm at $3.10. to dciivery- WHISKY $1.15. , COTTON TIES SOc. PllOVIrtlONK-ExtK-mely dull ; pork unchanged - changed , I.aul , prime steam , S8.45 ; clioloo J .67i ! , Hacon , packed shoulders , JC.754O.S74. ( ! Uthrr ineniB unchanged. HECEIPTM-Flour. 2,000 bbls. ; wheat , 13.000 bu. : corn , C4.00Obu. . ; oats , 14,000. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 5,0)0 ) bbls. ; whrat , none ; ' corn , 61,000 bu. ; oatu , 2,000 bu. IIONU.S. Chief IVuturo of Interest \Va tlio Goail NliuwliiK Miiilit by Kt. I'llIII. NEW YQHK , . Juno 27. The cblef feature of Interest ot tbe speculative situation today was the unexpectedly good showing made by St. Paul for the month of May , tbo net earn ings being only $73,053 less than for the corresponding month of 1S93. It "was thought the May report would show a loss ot over 1100,000 and when the figures were pub. llshed the effect on the market was quite pronounced , and caused purchases not ilone of St. Paul and the other grangers , but also of the list generally. Another fa * vorable factor of the speculation was the very email withdrawal of gold for shipment tomorrow , only $500,000. and this , together with the reduction | u the rates of sterling . . . . 19 & fion ( , , ejow the flgures at t which the exportation of gold U profitable Irndrti to Impart n moro confident tone K ( he trailing on the Lull side of the mnrke BIKj Mlmiilate'ii trading on the part of tin short ? . JtlP J'OQdpil cables came In with i report of n go6U market * nbroaJ for < \mjr' Icnn eccurltlfs , nhd there 'wflu il7l.n8 9.1 ' 2 K ? ( ft ttrelR" med entirely . 'ft- vorable to an upward movement In the rail ways , nnd some of the Industrial,1) ) Came In under Jlic rulCj Sugnr was Jiotablv strong on Lils ( < buying : tile bulK o ? ( lie p'uT chnncs being credited to a heavy operator who had covered bis shorts and taken the otlior side of the market. Washington buyIng - Ing orders wcro also In the board , and a report was In circulation to the effect Mjjl ( lie sugnf tchcdulo wgj.s.af ? TJj" sljares rose ST ? per cJm to loiy4 nnd closed within ,4 per cent of the highest point tguchjd. On the Improvement In Its business St. Paul sold up V per cent and retained the Improvement to the end , The other grangers were strong In sympathy with the leaders , Northwestern moving up 1 per cent and Uurllngton & Qulncy und Hock Island each % per cent. The general market opened firm and a frac tion higher , and on good buying recorded an advance which was not checked materially until about 11:30 : o'clock , when a fractional reaction took place In the active shares , whllo Minneapolis & St. Paul preferred broke 2 per cent , Cordage 2H per cent nnd Iowa Central preferred 3 per cent on sales of 100 shares each. Hefore noon the market had recovered Its tone , and swung Into the after noon strong and moderately active , the Im proving tendency continuing up to the close , the last prices being made at nn advance of from Vt to 2 per cent on yesterday's closing figures. The railway and miscellaneous bond mar ket was strong all day. The Evening Post's London cable says ! The Improvement In stocks continues. The statement of President Cleveland had a good effect hero and Americans are rising steadily today and closing at the best. It Is be lieved that the worst of the trade depres sion In America Is over.- but only a slow recovery Is expected. The other markets partly responded to the Improvement In Americans , but business Is still Insignificant. The India council sold C5 lakhs of rupees nt rates ranging up to 13 3-32d. The amount to bo offered next wek was reduced to 40 lakhs. The following are the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York ex change today : The total sales of stock today were 151,112 shares , Including : American Tobacco , 3.300 ; Atchlson , 4,200 ; American Sunnr. C5.400 ; Hurling- ton , 8,300 ; ChlciiRO Gas , 13,100 : Erie , 3.100 ; Mis souri Pacific , 3,000 ; National Lead , 3,700 ; HeadIng - Ing , 3.800 ; St. Paul , 23,300. Now York Money Murlcct. NEW YOIIK. June 27.-MONEY ON CALL- Easy nt 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed , 1 per cent. PHIME MERCANTILE PAPEU-25J@4'i ' per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Dull nnd easier , with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.bSH for demand nnd nt $4.87'4ff4.874 ! for sixty day bills ; " posted rates , $4.8SHOI.90 ; commercial bil.s.$4 SGi. ! SILVER C-ERTIK1CATKS SISMc. GOVERNMENT UONDS Steady ; state bunds , steady. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : Stock Quotations. UOSTON. June 27. Call loins. IXa-J pur cent ; tlmo loans. 'JMtcHC per cent. Closing prices for Blocksbonda . Kiniinclul Notes. BOSTON. June 27. Clearings , Jll , 108,205 ; bal- nccs , JlU5,2i . RALT1MORE. Juno 27. Clearings , 11,711,154 ; balances , 1301 , W. NEW YORK , June 27. Clearings , 106,155,671 ; alances. J , S8,378. PARIS , June 27. Three per cent rentes , lOOf 2V4c for the account. PHILADELPHIA. June 27. Clearings' , Jll,678- M ; balances , 12,307,357 , LONDON. June 27. The price of gold at Ilucnos Ayres today Is 2SO. MEMPHIS , June 27-Ncw York exchange , sell- ng ut II premium ; clearings , (230,850 ; balances , S5.634. CINCINNATI , June 27. Money , 2HflO per cent. New Yorlt exchange , SO&Cic premium. Clear * ngs , t2.098.650. SAN TRANCISCO. June 27-Drnfls. sight , lOc ; elegraphlc , 12Uc. Silver bars , C2'iiiC.Hc ' , Mt > x- can dollan , 61ii5Uic. NEW ORLEANS. June 27. Clearings. 1779,601. New York exchange , commercial , )1 premium ; > ankl.M premium. ST. LOUIS , June 27. Clearings , 4.119OS5j Iml- ajici'K , J6SS.VC8. Money , dull at J.7 per cent. : xchange on New York , We premium bid ; We sked. CHICAOO. June 27.-Clrarlngs , JI2,195JU ; bal. ances , H,4ISt04. Foreign exchange , dull , fur- Ing exchange , actual , Jt.Bliitjt.t'J'.i. Money , tuny at Uti } per cent. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKE1 Receipts Show ft § ) jght Increase Over th ( Snine Three- Days of Lwt Weak , ' " ' . " " - - 1. . - --i-- , * - - ' / " -Ail ' , > ' "w CATTLE TRADEV . RY UNSATISFACTORY * . ' ' ' ' , T , " * " ' * Til JtOnu | e-J , Only tlio Choicest Offerings Sell Stonily , While OtlierfT-'Ar * Slo v and Lowe-- " Hogs Acfltcauil Stcmly-Sliccp In Hft r Request. .WEDNESDAY , Juno 27. ItecelptB so far this week comparca with last show very little Increase all around. Tlicrc wcro hardly as many cattle on sale today as were hero a week ago , and the receipts Included a ( air sprinkling ol very desirable cattle , both heavy and light , Tha demand was not at all urgent from any quarter , and the. market dull and un satisfactory throughout. lad reports from Chicago and across the water paralyzed the shipping and export demands and as sup plies were ample , buyers for' the dressed beef houses took advantage of the situa tion to depress values as much as possible , The light , handy cattle , on which local kllhrs all came In competition , brought very nearly steady prices , but salesmen had to take off anywhere from 5c to IBc In order tc effect gales of the heavier grades and the commoner light grades. It was about as slow and unsatisfactory n market as the trade has experienced In some time and there were quite n few cattle still unsold at the close. The market for cow stuff was generally Unchanged. There were very few on sale and buyers soon picked them up. Good veal calves were In active demand and firmer and fat bulls , stags , etc. , also sold stronger. Common stuff of all kinds was In Indifferent request and lower. The stocker and feeder trade was not particularly brisk , but prices were firmly held on all suitable grades. Offerings were tolerably liberal and regular dealers bought quite a few. Country buyers , however , were shy. The fat cattle market does not suit them. Good to choice feeders are quotable at $3.1G@3.BO ; fair to good at ? 2.SO @ 3.10 ; common to poor at from $2.75 down. Representative sales : DRESSED BEEF. HOGS Uecelpt6"Wcre' ' hardly as heavy as dealers wore anticipating , and this liad a steadying Influence on the market. There was' fair demand for shipping account , and local packers exhibited th'elr usual willing ness to take all the hogs they could get when prices were favorable. Compared with yesterday's uneven market , prices ruled weaker than the opening and stronger than the close. The general average of prices paid was just about steady with Tuesday. Heavy and butcher weight hogs sold largely at $4.75 to $4.80 , and the light and light mixed grades at from $4.65 to $4.75. The close was easy with a few unsold. The bulk of the trading was at $4.70Q ( > 4.75 , the same aa on Tuesday , or lOc to 15c better than on last Wednesday , when $4.55 to $4,05 bought the bulk of the offerings. Repre sentative sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr. 4 . 215 . . . $455 G4 . 311 . . . $475 92 . 184 2SO 4 C5 73 . 234 120 4 75 4 . 210 . . . 445 GO . 2G9 120 4 7B 11.1 . 152 280 4 CO 6fi . 314 80 475 4 . 177 . . . 4 GO G7 . 222 40 4 75 6 . 238 . . . 4 Gi ! GS , . 222 40 475 80 . 1G2 120 4 G : DO . 271 80 4 75 8 . 197 . . . 4 G5 M . 279 80 4 75 4 . 3CO . . . 4 C5 12 . 300 80 4 75 5 . 2SG . . . 4 G5 16 . 215 80 4 75 4 . 330 . . . 4 G5 24 . 249 . . . 4 73 82 . ISO 540 4 63 76 . 251 240 4 75 20 . 223 80 4 65 80 . 251 200 4 75 GO . 232 320 4 G5 C7 . 228 120 4 75 86 . 213 1GO 4 Go 62 . 230 . . . 4 75 85 . 188 200 4 Co 72 . 237 240 4 75 70 . 210 1GO 4 G5 D2 . 278 40 475 Gl . 211 120 4 C5 66 . 251 120 4 75 3 . 312 M ) 4 G714 62 . 236 320 4 75 76 . 232 320 4 07 ' ,4 139 . 232 160 473 63 . ; .243 160 4 70 71 . 210 120 4 75 5 . 314 . . . 4 70 G5 . 248 . . . 4 75 64 . 225 . . . 4 70 G7 . 250 160 4 75 68 . 237 160 4 'iO Gf > . 240 40 4 75 63 . 232 160 470 ' 71 . 252 SO 475 70 . 201 80 470 Cl . 233 40 475 7G . 211 tsO 4 70 67 . 211 K'O 4 75 SS . 1C8 210 4 70 Gl . 302 120 4 75 76 . 235 40 4 70 ! > 2 . 1'JO 200 4 75 77 . 220 120 4 70 68 . 242 160 4 75 204 . 221 4SO 470 C4 . 248 160 475 62 . 214 160 470 70 . 210 80 475 G9 . 235 80 4 70 D9 . 2.12 120 475 65 . 2CO SO 470 65 . 243 . . . 475 72 . J.,249 fcO 470 73 . U7 40 475 64 . 2IS 120 4 70 . 60 . 276 120 4 75 72 . 224 120 4 70 CO . 343 120 4 75 60 . 225 170 470 46 . 340 ICO 475 20 . 2SG . . . 4 70 D7 . 249 . . . 4 75 74 . 206 1GO 470 61 . . .224 40 475 G7 . 216 120 4 70 78 . 249 40 4 75 37 . 225 . . . 4 70 . 48 . 241 (0 4 75 30. , . 171 80 4 70 E5 . 315 . . . 4 75 25 . ,256 200 4 70 G9 . 217 SO 4 75 78 . 2GO 120 4 70 63 . 274 CO 4 75 84 . 210 40 4 70 76 . 22G . . . 4 75 78 . 189 120 4 70 - 65 . 2118 40 4 75 73.229 ICO 470 f,5 . -.228 40 475 C5 . 243 8 ] 470 65 . 267 120 475 66 . 251 80 4 70 65 . 226 320 4 73 C6 . 220 160 470 64 . 00 200 475 G2 . 235 SO 470 71 . . .241 120 475 37 . 23G 80 4 70 69 . 238 160 4 75 82 . US 240 4 70 63 . ' 2G2 80 4 75 6 . 268 . . . 4 70 68. . 230 80 4 77' 58 . 245 120 4 70 70 . 247 40 4 77' < i B2 . 230 0 4 70 82 . 235 80 4 77i ! 2 . 2H5 . . . 4 70 63 . 294 60 4 80 71 . 230 120 4 70 65 . 276 . . . 4 M 79 . 238 320 4-M. G2 . 299 . . . 4 80 4 . 290 . . . - 4-tOn , G4 . 254 SO 4 SO 62 . 196 2SO 4W'1' ' 65. , . 314 . . . 4 fcO W . 173 SO 47QT ' 69 . 241 . . . 4 fcO 2 . 19S 120 4 7pf,9 | . 278 . , , 4 SO i3 . 210 320 4W-1 68 . 274 . . . 480 . . . . . . . . 120 4 70 82 . 238 . . . 4 SO 15 . 217 SO 4Tlr ) * Gl . 316 80 4 80 B5 . 222 . . . 4.72U ' 65 . 272 120 4 SO 16 . 234 SO 4 IS 1 64 . W9 40 4 SO T2 . 265 40 4r75 - . 47 . 281 . . . 4 $0 54. . , „ , . . 259 ICO 435n ; 62 . 267 60 4 80 ROUGH ! . 1 . 330 . . . 2frV1 ; . 400 . . . 460 1 . 310 . . . 4W ' 1 . 390 . . . 460 SHEBP The ijrpufh was broken so far as receipts were concerned. Two of the eleven oada were consigned direct to packers , and the others \veroj , mostly on the common or feeder order. The demand for desirable nuttons and lambs was fair with prices luotablo ( Inn. iFalr to good natives are luotnblo at $2.7503.25 ; fair to good west erns , $2.5003.00 ; ' , common and stock aheep , f 2.0002.25 ; Rood to choice 40 to 100-11) . lambs U $2.0003.75. _ Nmv York Live hlnck Murket. NEW YORK , June 27. BBEVES-Reeelpts , ) ,300 head ; market active ; good cattle , lo tCa ) ilKher ; others , thade lower ; common to ordinary , I3.75S4.25 ; good to prlma corn fed und grass fed native eteera , I4.7CQI.90 : medium to fair corn Ted and emt tn\ native Uer , H.4084.47H ; common to ordinary corn fed and uru-a fed na tive ntpers , | 4.tt > & 4.25. yilKKI- AND LAURS-Recelpt. . 6.300 head ; > heep , more active- ana steady ; lumps , UvKc higher : sheep , poor to prime , J2.KljJ.50 ; lambs , rommon to prime , H. 606 6. 00. HOC3B Receipts , t.400 head ; market llrm ; In terior to fair bog. , Kuntai City Live Htock Market. KANSAS CITY. June 27. CATTLE Receipts , i.eoO htiul ; slilpmenta , bOO head : market weak tel l Do lower ; Texas sttcrs , il.7Ci3.49i Texan cows , | ] .25 fI.SOitrt ; strers. JS.004i4.C5 : native cows , H , WU 3.40 ; Btw.kiT. and feeders , I2.00&3.60 ; bulls , 11.7062.60. HOUS-lUCCIptB. 11,200 head ; ililpmtnti , 1,600 hfad , market npfnfd ittronsr , tlivdt weak bill of nli' , $4'SC , - : , lienvios , fl S0lf4 93. packer ! M.SOR4 95. ml-Kl , J4.7004.S5. light * , 4.WUI.U Yorkern , M.7J 4.W. pl t > . $1.4004.70. SHEEP--Receipts , 2.1W lifnilj shlpmtnls , 31 head ; market slow and weak. Itccolpts nnil Dl-pixltlou of Stock. Official receipts nnd disposition of stock ai shown by the books of the Union Slock Yardi company for the twenty-four houis ending nt I o'clock p. m. , June 27 , 1894 : T" THECEI1T8. . " ' 'v"'rt3 ' i Cnr § . Head Cattle .Jr.f. 103 J , S ! Hog , 119 M ! Sheep H 2,781 to .T ) DISPOSITION. nuycr . ' Cattle. HOICK. Sheep Omnlm racking Co 21 1,316 . . . . The a. It , Hammond Co. . . 250 1,716 . . . Hwlft and company. . . . . . . . . . MS 1,601 GO ! The Cudahy Packlne Co. . . . GS5 1,021 , John P. Squire & Co./ , . . . * . . . . . 0 . . . , Chicago V , 1 * . Co 'IG < CudaliV Ylnifl. . . . 274 . . . , R. neckcr & D-goti. . , . , . . . . 115 " , " ! . ' . . .i Cudahy from K. C ; . . . . l" O , II. H. from K. C 14- > J. Lobman 37 L. HecUer US , Hnrr & Ilroxvn 1 Shippers aiid feeders 221 Left over 200 300 2,18. Total Zaii 8 437 2,78 < CHICAGO LIVi : STOCK. Interruption of Tronic by the Strike n 1'riituro of Yc-ti-rdiiy. CHICAOO , June 27. Today's cattle market was weak. The arrivals were barely 14,000 hi-nd and the total for the lant three days falls u llttli short of 27,000 head. The chief trouble todaj wan the Interruption to the freight movement , re suiting from the utrlkc , thotiKli the vnry Hal condition of the ca-tern nnd foreign maikcti nun n drprrn-lnK Inlluence. Shlppera to the cai were Indlffeient. Dressed beet firms nnd cannen wore the principal buyers , nnd there waa nothlni rcFctnbllng activity In the dnnnnd from tho- ( -ourecs. Prices underwent no very radlca change. They were wrak for ftccis , and It some Intmiroluwir. . henvy gt-rr | being c pe dally ueak , Cows nnd hcifeiu were scarce am firm , RecelpiB of boss were lower than a majority o the trade had looked for , the ntrlvut ! ) imKrcsatln ; about 25ni)0 ) head , Inntead of IS 000 to SO.OK ) an hud been expected. However , thoic wcri hogs tiimiuli to KO around , and tlu-io wai no Improvement In prices. On the contrary , Ihi market leaned to vo-aknf.-s. gales beliiR slow a yesterday's iiuotntlonn. .Shippers weie uncer tain reKardlnir the ability of the railroads to no commod.iti- them , and the demand for ea-tert account , theieforc , wan limited. Local packer botiKht moderately , nnd nlthouKh trading ; wai prolonged till n later hour than usual , a KOOC many IIOKB were Htlll In the p.ns at the clo e. Yery little change was apparent In the uheri market. The supply was about the name as foi yesterday , nnd so was the di-mand nnd the ranpi of values. Local dressed meat concerns wen practically the only buyers , n feiv lots onlj belim taken for feeding puinosps. Receipts : t'nttle , 14,000 head ; cnlvts , 600 head hogs , 2..0 < K > head ; sheep , 8,000 head. The Evening Journal reports : CATTLE Receipts , 14.000 head ; 4,000 Texans market slow and 6fflOc lower ; prime to extrt native steers , JI.255T4.M ; medium , $3.SOS4.1S others. J3.35S3.75 ; Texans , J2.10S3.C5. HOGS Receipts , 25,000 head ; market openci weak and finished steady ; rough heavy. J4.706 4.SO ; packers and mixed , $4.70fl4.90 ; prime heavj and butcher weights , J4.Wfl'5.00 ; assoited light , J4.90fiB.OO. SHEEP AND LAMDS Receipts , 8,000 head market weak , and lambs lOc lower ; top sheep , (3.75 ; top Iambs , J5.10. WESTERN 1'ACIUNO INI lORKbTS. railing Off of 80,000 In the Output the Onlj Feature of the Wei-U. CINCINNATI , June 27. ( Special Telegram tc The lice. ) Tomorrow's Price Current will Bay ; Quite a decrease In marketing of hogs Is shown for the past week , western packing Indicating 280.000 , against 360,000 the preceding week and 250,000 last year , making 4,450,000 since Marcl 1 , against 3H.-OCO n year HBO. Prominent place ! compare as follows : 1S93. 1S14. Chicago. . . . * 1,495,000 I.OM.O'X ' Kansas City 643,000 472,00 < Omaha HO WiO Kli.OO ; St. Louis 278.0(10 ( 192,00 ( Cincinnati 150,000 9S.W Indianapolis ICfl.OOU 117.00C Milwaukee 1C5 0)0 ) S7.0K Cedar Hnplds 7C.OOO fS.OOi St. Joseph 139,000 6S.OO- - : Slonx City 102,000 M.OIC Nebraska Clly SO.Oi'O 73.00C Oltumwa 101,003 Sl.OOC St. I.oillH LIVII Stock Mnrlci-t. ST. LOUIS , June 27. CATTLE llccelpts , 4,100 head ; shipments , 2,300 bend : maiket film , active generally ; native steers , 1.2'W ' to 1,400 Ibs. , SI.35J ? 4.40 ; below 1,000 Ibs. , $3.7r,5T4.00 ; stockers und feeders , $1.50 3.10 ; cows , $2.30 ; Texas Htcers , 1,000 Ibs. , $3.00 ? 3.2.'i ; coWs , } 2.nr2.40. | HOGS Hecelpts , C.800 head ; shipments , 100 head ; market offlOo lower ; pneklncr nnd butcher grades , $ r > ; medium nnd light , $4. 04.93 ; pigs and common light , J4.OlfT4.G5. SHEEP Kecelpts. 2,300 head ; shipments , COO head ; maiket dull , stonily ; natives , mixed , $2.8 ! 4fS.OO ; Iambs , { 3.75G3.90. Stock In SlRiit. Record of receipts of live stock nt the four principal yards for Wednesday , June 27 , 1894 : Cattle , lloss. Sheep. South Omaha 2,388 8.1CS 2,784 Chicago 14,000 25,000 8.000 Kansas City 2,600 11.200 2,100 St. Louis 4,100 0,800 2,300 Totals 23,058 51,108 15,184 Fruit Quotations. CHICAGO , June 27. Porter Uros. company , Chicago , sold eight cars of California fruit at auction today. Tragedy plums , $2.i > riff3.0J : Hoynl Hellve plums. 80c < B 1.2U ; Clyman plums. $1 $ ; peach plums , $1,20 ; Abundance plums , $2.S5 ; Japan plums , $2 : Alexander peaches , KWiSOo ; littles peaches , 75c ; Hoynl apricots , 50f < " 7o3 ; Montgnmels , 70J(85c ( ; Hoynl Anne cherries , WffiSOc ; Tartarlans , poDr condition , 2570c. Porter Uros. company , New Yoik , sold today at auction live curs of California fruit. Washing ton plums , $3.35 ; Slrnonl , prunes , $5.2. > ; fancy peach plums , $3.75 ; small , S5c < Il.t ; ' ) ; Kicnig Claude plums. 70cfil.35 : Tragedy prunes , J2.M ® 2.C6 ; small , tl.CO ; lloyal Hellve , TOcfffl.15 ; cher ries , C0995c ; apples , $ l,95f'2.10 ' ; Itnynl Anne cher ries , 55c < Bl.l.V republicans , tt.00ifl.10 ; Alexander peaches , Mc1.40 ; Hales , KiSSSc ; Iloynt rprlcots , 45ff76c : Montgnmels , 55fiSrc ; peach apricots , 75c < 3 > $1.15 ; New Castles , 49c ; Moore Parks , 90c. The Earl Fruit company , Chicago , sold Cali fornia fruit nt auction today , realizing the fol lowing prices : Cherries , lllack Tartarian , 75cfj > $1.15 ; Napoleon , Hlgncmu , UOciffJl.OO ; Hoyal Anne , CSS&Oc ; good many showing rain damage brought less ; apricots , , lloyal , C3ff8."c | ; peaches , 7'ilinoc ; plums , purple Dunnes , $2 ; peach , S2.0002.45 ; Mi kado. $2,15 ; lloyal Hellve , $1.0'ri,25 ) ; Clyman , } \ ; Trndedy prunes , $2.50f ( < 3.00 ; Slmonl , $1.25 ; llart- lett pears , $2 ; supply large , weather hot. Minneapolis Wlirat Miirllct. MINNEAPOLIS , June 27. Wheat was weak and lower , chiefly due to numerous reports of rains ftom drouth sections. The maiket de clined gradually from the Opening to the close , which wan " liT'Slc ' lower than yesteiday for the future months , and % c lower for cash wheat. Hales of the latter were nearly Ic lower before the close of the day than the nveiagu of sales yesterday. The demand was good , how ever , from millers , nnd all the track offerings sold well nt the decline. Hecelpts were 103,000 bu. ; slilpinenls , 12,600 bu. , leaving some 40,000 bu. of deerease III the local Mippllcs , the coun try supplying the local mills. The market closed : July Cl CTClTic ; September , 5'1JjfT59c ' ; December , . GHi5Gl'c ; cash wheat on track. No. 1 bird. C4'.4c ' ; No. 1 noithern , C3'ic ' ; No. 2 northern. C'-'c. Flour was slow nnd some of the mills began closing down today. The output of Hour this week , It Is supposed , will be considerably smaller than hist week. The output last week mis 201,541 bbls. , with 71,990 bbls. expolted. Shipments of Hour were 25,0.17 bbls. The out put estimated nt about SO.OOO bbls. for the twenty-four hours. The mniket was easier at about $3.35 to $3.CO for patents , from $ -.03 to $2.40 for bakers. Coffee Market , NEW YORK , June 27. COFFEE-Optlons opened barely steady , 5O10 points decline ; some buylne for Ilaltlmore , Chicago and New York ; closed steady , CSplS points down : sales , 33,750 bags , Including ; July , $15.3.'Jj 15.40 ; August , $14.93J15.0 ( ) ; September , $14.2Vijl4.30 : Ottuber , $13.80ijfl3.8.1 ; December , $13.25 I3.30. Spot coffee , Illo , steady ; No , 7 , $16.50 ; mild , steady ; Cordova , $19.00Q'19.25 ' ; fales , 1,100 bags Maracnlho , iWO bags C , A. , nnd dw mats Jamaica , p. t. ; warehouse deliveries yesterday , 7K6 ! hags ; New YoiU stock today , 95,910 Imics ; United Stales stock , 141CIS bags ; nlloat for United States. 138,000 bags ; total visible for Unlled States , 279,610 bags , acalnst 434,321 bags last year. SANTOS , June 27 , Firm ; good average Santos , (17 ( : receipts , 3,000 bags ; stock , 3,300 IMIKH. HAMHUIttl , June 27. Ilurvly steady ; rales , 1,000 bags ; price unchanged toi pfk' . lower. HAVHE. June 27. Opened barely steady ; sales , 7,000 bags ; prices ' , if higher , nt 12 m. ; advance lost further ; sales , 1,000 bntts ; lit 3f. barely steady ; net decline of Vif further ; sales , 3,000 bags ; close , IHGl if down. HIO JANE1HO. June 27. Firm | No. 7 , $15.90 : exchange , 4 5-lCc ; receipts , 5,00) ) biiES ; cleared [ or United State * , 6.000 bags ; stock , 120,000 bags. New Orleium ( ienonil . 'Miiruot. * > NEW OULEANS , Juno 27. PHOVISIONB- Julet and steady ; pork , $13.50. Lard , rellned , lerce , $5.50 , lloxed meats , dry eult shoulders , C.12'i ' ; sides , $0.75 ; bacon , sides , 7Hc. Hams , : holce sugar cured , lOViflWic , HICE Firm ; ordinary to good , 3HQ4.KC , COFFEE Hteady ; ordinary to low fulr , 17i ! J19c , FLOUH Quiet ; extra fancy , $2.60fl2.90 ; pat * : nt . $3,10 i3.20. COIIN MEAL-Stendy ; $2.30. COHN Dull : No. 2 , sucked , mixed , SlU-ilKc ; cllow und white , f,2c. OATS No. 2 , sacked , 67c , lilt AN " 60c HAY Firm ; prime , $14.00&16,50 ; choice , $16. BUQAH Firm ; open kttlle. prime to elrlctly > rlmc , Sc : common to fully fair , 2 5-ICif. I3-lCe ; nferlor. .Vie ; centrifugal , choice yvlluw , clarl- led , 39-lCc ; prime clarified , 3Ht Hci off dull * led , SOJHc ; seconds , I'.iifl 3-lov , MOLASaES-Nomlnal. ( 'otton Murknt. NEW OrtLBANH , June 27 , COTTON Futures. iul t and stnuly ; salts , 18.4W bal > > > ; June , $ ( .U ild ; July , J5.l3S6.fc5 ; Auirust , l * . 7 C.e8 ; Kt-ptem * > i > r , 8.7JfiC.77 ; October , 0.82Ji9.fc3 ; Hovt-inbcr , il.H7tiC.6S ; December , $6.94& .D5 ; January , ! 7WiP ,01 i Kcbruu-y , $7.0737.08. Soles. si < ot , l.itO balm ; to arrive , 100 bales ; irdlnary , 5 ID-He ; Kuod ordinary , ' 7-ltc ; low nlddllnv , C H-lCfl ; mlddllUK , H-ltc ; good mld- Illnif , 7 t-Kcj tulddllnic , fair , 7 13-lCc ; nominal , Boys and Girls Eat tjx QUAKER CHALK TALKS. Child : ( Molding out its saucer ) Mamma , please give me some more Quaker Oats ? Mamma : My dear child I This is your fifth saucer. Child : Please , Mamma , I lovu them. Sold a-ib. Only In Quaker Oats.aib. . WE PLACE ON SALE THIS" WEEK our entire stock of brass nncl iron boils , white onamolfid. brass trimmed , at about hall usual prices to close them quiuk. All our brjiss goods are highly "lac quered , " that is to say , covered witli au imperishable , transparent prepa ration so they will never tarnish , but remain bright and clean. The de mand foi- brass and iron beets 1ms been constantly " 'rowing diirluy the past five years. They arc wholesome , neat and last a lifetime- . Hero are ti IoV prices : IRON BE In White Enamel and with Brass Trimmings. Former price $12.50 Now S 7.50 Former pi-ice 20.00 No'w 11.60 Former pi-ico 22.50 Noiv iS.CO Former price M.OO , Now 17.00 Former price 35.00 , Now 10.60 BRASS BEDS Cold Finished Fire Lacquered Goods. Former price $45.00 Now 524.50 Former price 55. uO Now 27 50 Former price 70.00 Now 34.50 Former price 85.00 : Now 42.50 * Terms cash or easy payments. Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House. Close Evenings at 0:30 , excepting Mondays and Saturdays. fair. Do ; receipts , G53 hales ; exports , continent , 5,041 bales ; stock. 76,204 bales. ST. LOUIS. June 27. COTTON Easy ; mid- dllnff , 74c ! ; receipts , 100 bales ; shipments , 103 bales ; stock , 33,900 bales ; salei , 700 baits. Toledo < ir ln Miitknt , TOLEDO , O. , June 27. WHEAT Lower , steady ; No. 2 , casli nnd June , CSc ; July , CS'.sc1 ' ! August. C3Sc ; September , 60',4c. ' CORN Quiet ; No. 2 cash , 4Sl4c ; No. 2 yellow , 44c. OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 45c ; No. 2 white , 6c. 6c.II YB Dull : cash , Clc. CLOVER SEED-Stendy ; prlmo cash , $ ! .SO ; October , $5.10 Mil ; $5.15 naked. RECEIPTS Flour , 1,000 bbls. ; wheat , 5,000 bu. : oats. COO bu. SHIPMENTS Hour , B.OOO bills. ; wheat , 33,000 bu. ; corn , l.COO bu. ; rye , COO bu. Ultima * City MiirkiitJ. KANSAS CITY , June 27-WIIEAT-lo lower ; ts'o. 2 hard , CSc ; No. 2 red , 51tC3c ; No. 3 red , c. CORN Fair demand ; No. 2 mixed , SGflSG'.fcc ' ; No. 2 white. 30J3H4c. ! OATS Ixiwer ; No , 2 mixed , 43c ; No. 2 while , MUTTER Stradyj creamery , HfilCc : dairy , . EGOS UnchaiiKod , 7c. RECEIPTS Wheat , 4,100 bu , ; corn , none ; oats , "elllPMBNTS Wheat , none ; corn , none ; oats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Liverpool Miirltrlx. LIVERPOOL. June 27.-WlEAT-Ftendy ] : do. No. ] , Cull. mand pear ; holders offer modi-rntely ; fornla. Cs ii'UlS * 1'i'l ' ' ; fed w.'uUMn . , syrlnB. 4s 7d 4s fc'idlM"Hid. ' . f4s 8d : red weKli-rn , winter , - CORN Quiet ; demand moderate ; low mixed. 8'nAIlLEY California lircwlnp. 23s CdjjJSs Gd. FLOUR SprlnB patent , Cu ! ld. PHOVISIONW-llM-r. extra India rni > F . 70s. Pork , prime mem. C7x M. Huron , lorn ? ami short clear , CG Ibs. , 84a ; IOIIK clear , 45 Ibs. , 30s W. Ijird , prime western , 3s. MUTTER Fine new , 7U i K" " < 1. nominal , Duliith Oriilu MurlU't. DULUTH , June 27.-\VIIEAT-Dull ; No. 1 hard , cash nnd July. 65c ; No. 1 northern , cnjli , 83Uc ; June and July , e3' c ; Ht-ptember , OlUc : Decembiir. GSVSc ; No. 2 northrrn , cash , GOllo ; No. 3 , M'4c ; rejected , COHc ; to arrive , No. 1 northern. G3 ! > c , HY13 45r. FLAX 8EED-J1.4Z. OATH No. 2. 4ic ; No. 3. wlilli1. 42iiif , CAR INSPECTION TO1/AY Wheat , 02 core ; oati. 10 curs ; bnrley , 1 cur. HECKIIT8 Whi-nt. 17,001 hu , SHIPMENTS Wheat , Ib5i00 bu. .MurUi'l. NEW YORK. Juno 27. HIJOAR Raw , etendy ; fair reflnlnif , 2 H-lGc ; cenlrtruKul , W int. 3 ! ' o ; Bales. 8,600 tiaK c ntrlfUKul , % teat , ut 3 > ic. fx- ship : 2.700 tonn Muiicovudo. 8'J tent , ut 4 H-lGc ex-nhlp nnd n-wlmrf , und W ) I > IIKH mblnxnc'H > UK r , it lent , 27 1-lCc , rx-nhlp ; rvllned , iUlet | ; powdered , 4 C-lSiit'.ic ; graifuluted , 4 l-Ctj4Uc ; cuben , 4 C-lCCiHc. IXJNDON. June 27. 8UOAR Cane. quirt ; prices barely maintained ; centrifugal Jnvu , Ha ; Muicuviulo , fair rellnlntf , 12 > 3d , M'oul Miirknl. ST. IXIII8 , JUIIK 27 WOOb-gliowi no clinnK"- . excfiit tub waihid , tic hluhrr , ut 2Hic. Tlio it- c lptB of. bright wools ur lltht. due to the fact LOUDON , Commission Merchant GRAIN AND PROVISIONS- Private wires to Chicago and New York. All business orden placed on Chicago Uoard a. Trade. Correspondence eollclted. Office , room 4 , Now York Llfo Dulldlna Telephone 1308. WALL ST. OPERATIONS Can bu cunlea on with large proms und llttlt rlek by joining our Co-Opcratlva Railroad Stock Syndicate. Averted I'rnllr ( if HO per omit u Inontli eumeil Him ( mill to tliu KiilMorlhor * for p.nc g x month * . Highest references. Prospectus , giving detail ed Information of oour perfect system , molIsJ free. | WEINMAN & CO. , Stock nnil Grain Proker3 , o. 41 Hroiiilivuy - Wuw York City "GUP.DENE. " . . 'Cures the effects ot et-lf-abuvc , oxcessea. emlKalons , Impoteiicy , varlcocolo anil c.nstl- tiatlon. One dollar a' box , ulx for $5. For sale by TUB QOOD- JIAN DUUO CO. . Omaha. Neb. that most of the small clipped have already been marketed. Rrlxht , medium and coars * wooU are conslderrd safe property at present prlcts , but , Una wool U not regarded with so much favor. IVorlu ( jnilii Murliut , PEORIA. June 27. CORN-Scarcej No. t , 40o } No. 3 , 3'J 4c. OATS Active , Irregular ; No. 2 white , nftQ < Cc ; No , 3 white , 4l'l ' lH'ic. ' RVE Scarce ; wunted , WHISKY Firm : hlxliwlne basis. 11.15. RECEIITS-Corn , 16iiH ( ) bu.j onts , 88,200 bu , SHIPMENTS-Corn , 10,000 bu. ; oate. B , ( X ) bu Oil 'Miirltet- . OIL CITY , Pa. , June 27-Natlonal Transit Cfr. tlllciiteH opened ui tO ; hlKhent , bO ; lownt , li' : , ' ; clnsed , h'H ; vales , lO.iiUO lilils , ; clearances , 78.000 bbls. : shlpnu-nli * , Cgx ) bbls. ; rumi , U0.707 bbts. PITTHIIURC ) , I'n. , June S7. NatlonalTranilt certificates opened at M ; doted ut 85 % ; hiijlim , 80 ; lowest , K ; Miles , ll.CK/l bills. Cnllfornhi Dried Aprioot- . ' BAN KRANCISCO , Juno 27. The first curload ; of Cullfornht dried apilcoU of the H'upon ot HIM was -hlppcil east from Fresno today. It goeii Hi Mlnneu ) > ell > . frl.roVlii < itt Market. BAN KRANCIHCO , June 27.-WHEAT-Weakt December , > 1.0& % ; new n-llers. l/'Jlic ; May , | ll Topular music at CourtlanU lleach.