THE OMAHA DAILY BEEj WEDNESDAY , JUNE 7 , 1891. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL It Was & Dull Day iu All Ttings Bpccu- lativo , WHEAT WAS NERVOUS AND UNSETTLED Strong Continental Cnblei , Small Kuroporin Suppllrn , Mini Crop hen-i anil Con- tlnucil lnln ) In the Winter Wheat licit Ucro 1'uctori , CHICAGO , June 26. II was a dull day In ill thlngi ipcculntlvc. The tmnll biulncss done wag principally on local account and consisted largely of changing over July con tract * Into September. The closing moments caught wheat at Its weakest , from % c to He below the close the dny before. Corn wound up with only He decline. Oats wcru firm and closed lo higher for June , % c higher for July and Uc higher for Septem ber. Provisions were u shade lowtr. Wheat was nervous and unsettled within a ran go of ? ic. The opening was quiet , but free selling by a prominent local operator and other professionals carried the prlco down. The offerings were all absorbed and a rally followed. The strong continental cables , small European supplies , bad crop ne\vs and continued heavy rains In part of tbo winter wheat belt whcro harvesting U In progress , combined to cause strong fluctu ations. The pool cables , however , were lower , and foreigners were credited with sell ing freely at the seaboard. The elevator In- tcrbsta , too , were said to bo offering July quite freely. The close was dull ; even Ilrad- street's statement showing a decrease of 4,618,000 bu. In the world's visible supply could not Inject life Into It. Corn opened unchanged for September , and with firm domestic markets advanced He. tased off He on cosier cables and light ex ports , rallied Vie on the decrease on ocean passage , cloning steady. Oats wore active and weaker on the early trading fh sympathy with corn , but later fears of a wet harvest caused shorts to cnvcr , sending prices up } ic , and the close was at the top figures , with a wiln over yesterday's last quotations of from % c to Ic for the various futures. Provisions were very dull throughout. The feeling was weak for a time In sympathy with the depression In live hogs , but a little buying later caused firmness , and the close was nlxut the outside figures for the day. Vessel rates were steady at Ic for corn to Buffalo. The leading futures ranged as follows : Articles ; . I Open. | High. | Low. | Close. Wlirnt.No. V Juno . BOK 60W July . COM .OSfi C''H < 3\H \ Corn No. 'J. . June . 41 40 July . 41 Sept . 41H O.i IK No. ! . . , Juno . July. . . . . . . . 30 > i 1'ork per bill Julv. . . . : . . , 12 OS 12 35 12 SO 12 85 Sept. . 11 ! Jtil ) 12 US 12 UO 12 U5 Lnrd.lOOlbs Jiiiy. . OC7M 0 07W 0 07H 0 07W 0 B2Ja 0 8'JJs U BO G 8'Jk thurl Jilly 0 BS 0 25 0 fiO 0 fi2M Bi-pt n < < il G7X 0 Cl ) G C5 ouolalloriH were ns folows : il Dull , unchanged. HAT-No. 3 sprlii ! , ' , M'.Sc ; No. 3 spring. E20 SSc ; No. 2 ted. S9V.C. rollN-N'o. 2 , 40Mc. . ' OATH No. 2. 45'ic ; No. 2 white , 4GO'l < > 1,5c ; No. 3 white , 4i',4ii74Ce. HYlS-Nii. 2. 43'e. ' ! , 11AIILKY No. 2-nomlnal ; No. 3 , t. o. b. , 4 o. PLAX SiiO : No. 1. JI.45. TIMOTHY iiin Prime , J4.S55j5.00. PIIOVISIONK Mess pork , per lbl. , J12.C5 < ( i J2.5715. IJird , per 100 ILs. . IG.C7U. Short rllia ildes ( loose ) . t6.C2'4flC.C5. ' Dry Baited shoulders ( boxed ) , unclmnKod : slioit clear sides ( boxed ) , " unchanged. WIUSIC.Y-UlstWors' llnlehcd eooda , per gal. , $1.15. SlJdAHS Cut lonf , unchanged. The fnliowinir were tlio rtcuuus ana shipment ! for today : Articles. Ilccelpta. Shipments. Flour , bbln. 0.000 4.000 Wheat , tni. . , 10.000 Corn. Ini ' 'HI. 0(10 ( 270.060 Oati. bu 240,000 181,000 llyo. bu 1,000 2,000 parley , bu. 4.000 On the Produce exchanjro todav tlio butter mar ket was Bteadyi creamery. n 17c ; diary , 11M ® 14 o. EfrifB , Bteiuly ut UKdlOo. NEW YOIIK UKNKUAL MARKET. Vestordny'H Quotations on Flour , Grain and Provisions , OIftil > , Etc.- , NKW YOIIIC , June 2l.-FLOUn-necelpt8. ( 85,000 bbls.j exports , 28,000 U > ls , ; nates , 12625 plcBH. ; market neglected , but fairly steady ; eprlnit wlieut held firm by mills ; exporters out of the market. Southern Jlour , dull. Ilyc ( lour , steady. Uuckwhent Hour , nominal. IiyCKWIlKAT Nnmlnnl. CXIN MIIAI , Dull : ycllnw western , 12.6532.50 : IlmiidywJne , J2.60 ! Bales. 300 bbls. JlYK nominal : slate , B685Sc ; Jersey , 62if53c. llAm.I'3Y Nominal. IIAHLUY MALT-Dull ; Canada , 00 95c ; six- rawpil , S2iiiSSc. T Receipts , ISS.OOO bu. ; exports. 100,000 bu. ; ealea. 3S25.W ) bu. futures. 10,000 bu. ppot. Spot market dull ; No. 2 red. In vtore nnd < ! ( - Valor , 6J(4c ( : nlloat , 63'4c : No. 1 northern. 69ljc dellverv < l ; No. 1 hard , 7 Ho delivered. Options opened weaker on rains In the northwest and foreign pellng , but soon rallied on expected higher cables on the 4SOi,000 Im. decrease In world stock , and a favorable crop report ; this advance was finally lost , and closing prices wcic We down ; June closed at C2$4e $ : July , 63 11-16W < c'0 ' * 1 C2K" : AiiKiut , 63H 64tc ! , closed , / , HePleml'er. 658C5 4c , closc-d 65c ; December , iCSc. clofccl CS tc. COKN Itecelpts , 162.50i ) bu. ; cx | irts. 21,000 bu. ; Bales , 310,000 bu. futures. 48.0i bu. iot. Kpot market dull ; No. 2. 45',4c In elcvatur , 45ic ! afloat. , Option marlict opened easier on rains west , but later rallied on local covering ; closetl unchanged : Jlinu closed at 45Xc ; July , 4-i'4ij45ilc. ) closed 1 J.AUKUBt' * ff < ( "lc. closed 40'-ic ; tSeplcmbcr , , -7mciw74p , clotted nj .r , OATH lti-c'c-lpl . 1110,000 bu. : exports. 7,000 bu. : enles , 705.000 Int. futuren , 221X0 hu. spot. Spot maiket Irregular ; No. 2. 50liic ; No. 3 , 60e ; No. 2 white , Me : No. 3 white. 53c ; track , mixed western , t.'jWo ; track , whlto western , 63j58c ; track , white tate , 6if(58c. Option miiikei HtroiiK ! "AV Hull ; shipping. tC.OOJfC.50 ; good to choice , . . : IIOPH AVrnlc : slate , common to choice. 8H14c- 1'aclflc const , 106 15o. . HIDES Dull : wet salted New Orleans , se- lSct.e < I > , 4lJ. ' " cr > , " ' " " < WO4Ko ; Texas selected. 85 to SO Ibs. , 4 Sc ; lleunos Ayres. dry. 20 to 21 . IbB. , lOliMlle ; Texas , dr > ' . 24 to 30 lb . , SHe I.KAT1I nil Inactive ; hemlock sole , IJucnos Ayr > > s , light to heavy weights , 15iJ18c. . WOOl -Innctlve ; domestic tleece , 195T25C- pulleil , 20fi2Se. PHOyiSlONB-ltecr. steady. Cut meats , steady ; pickled shoulders , GV4W5KC. I ird , nominal ; July rr.US nominal ; Keplember , J7.20 nominal ; refined : dull. Pork , quiet , but firm. > HUTl'KR Steady : western dairy , 10iI15c ; wejt. ein creamery , ll 184c ! : western factory , OV4W "tttte Onlry > 12wni'4e : Bt" ' ° 1 K O8 Steady ; stale and Pennsylvania , 120 > Mi 'Sf'1'1' ' .frc-sli. UOIJio ! ; noulhern , case , | 2.0flifi'2.75 : receipts , 'J.8C8 pkgH. rilUUSK-Diill ; stHte. largo. ' 7SJ8'Jc ; small. y. TMCSHo ; part skims , 2'.4 < 7Sv4i ; ! { ti , Btm" ! | ; . . , . . . . „ , V Miilki't dull ; city 2 tier nU , C4Wo ; country ( PUBB. frutfj , 4Sii ! < Hc ; n qunllly , POTUOLittM-null : United closed ut S0 o b'd ; WaiBhlngtoii , bids , , JO ; W.iahlngton. In bulk. 13.60 ; rellnedNBWYoik.J5.15 ; Phllndeliihhi and Philadelphia and Dalllmore. In bulk J ItOiJlN Steady ; strained , common to good. . Tl'Itl'KNTINK-Steady ; 3103114C. HICK Firm : domestic , fair to extra. 4fifiUc : Jaimn , MOl.AHHIC.H-Qulol : New Orleans , open kettle COCK ) to choice , 29 fJCp. ' 11 Scolchl COPPKR-Qulet : lake. $9. I.UAD Quiet ; domtmle. 13.10. TIN-Hteiuly : tralt . J19.7S asked. HPISI/rini-Kteady : domentU3.37'i ' bid ; rales c m 'rhaiiRp , 10 tons tin , July , at (19.40 , and 8 eng October , vpelter , at I3.M. COTTON HKKD Olllnaetlve ; prlmn crude. S9o asked ; off emde. 2CO:8c : yvllow butter Eradex , 35c asked ; choice yellow , sic ; prime yellow , JIMjC.W'yellow ; oft giudes , 31 > i j32c ; prime whltB , JSe. _ ' l.ivcr | xil Miirx ti. MVKRPOOI. . June 21-WirnAT-Close , firm : ' demand | u > or : No. 1 red winter , 4 SHJ. CORN Dull ; demand poor : n w mixed , ipot , S * 3HJ ; futures , dull ; demand moderate ; June , ts lltjd : July , Ss.8Ha ; August. 3 id. KLOUR-Kteadyi demand fair ; til. Louis , fancy winter , & 3'fcd. I'liaVlSlONB IJird , ca y ; demand poor : spot , Ka ; futures , no demand. Pork , steady ; demand Improving ; prime meu , wtitrrn , C7 * Cd ; ucslern niedlum , S7 7d. Clilcaco Fruit Sale * . CHICAGO , June St The Karl Krull company ( Old California , fruit ftt auction thin morning. r allilntf the following pl1ce : Cherrlei. l d order. a usnal recently , cn account ot ruin n damaire 40 < r70c ; few fancy , 75ctiJI.33. Clierry limmT SOGWoT Apricot. . Royal. WUVX ; peni-h o UprlcoU , II. Alexander iwaches. COJTWC. Buprty f tUl xc * il demand. Koijle U v net wuch m..n y for fnilt , notnrltlis'flnitini ; tnnr prlcc ; pr pecf howover. n ilttlf brighter 1'orler Jlros. company. ( Inrnirii , sold lodny ilx cart of California mill At nui'tiotti ll"'nl nprl- cnl . Mir ; > . Jlntrninrln , cr.t > ne peach nprlcuts , Atoxniidvr prachex , 4&U70C. 5oTJ1.05 : Tartarian cherfle * . 4Srf1.5S | ; Oregons , tie ; Illgxcrnur i& Itoyitl Anne * , S5 < - ( > ; pern-hen. 5dc9JI.1V Hoyal nprlcols , tOctf ; ttuntfumclf. WiTII.:0. OMAHA ( liNiHAL : : MAHKIIT. Coiulltlon of Trido nnd Qtmtatloni ou Staple nnd Fancy 1'roducc , The mnrket did not show much change In prlcts yrstonlay , values for Ilia mom part re maining nboul stationary. Spring chickens nro not quoted quite si strong. ChluiHD I * irported on earning as many ns 300,000 CH CS of cold storage eggs this year and New Yorlc Is nllnost equally loaded. HUTTEIl It Is staled In letters received from country merchants that buyer * In some earn are offering 100 for butter on truck nnd even 10lc. ! The general price here Is lee for/piichlng stock. Choice Country butter , KVHcj separator crenmery , IJfllCc ; bricks , ICftlSc. ' KOC1H The supply of cggj continues Inrgc on llilH mnrkvt. The proportion of Block showing Ihe effects of hot wralher Is very large , and the lots In candling heavy. Uood stock la selling Bcncrnlly at tic. LIVE POfLTIlY-Old hens nrn very nrm and scarce. Spring chickens an : very plentiful and do not rell quite as well as n few dnys ago. Spring chickens , 12/13c ; old hens , CfjC'.ic ; roosters , 30. The di-mnnd for geese and ducks Is very light , nnd whnl few are arriving are mostly birds that have been plucked , und In consequence not very desirable. Ducks. 7c ; hen turkeys , " 08c : goblileis , CftCc ; geese , SliWie. VEAIr Ilccdpls nt vutnmlKsion homes arc not largo , but there nro still n good many on tho' market. Choice fitt und small veals ure quoted at 6c ! ccmtse and Inrge , 3M4c. ClIEKSK There la some very choice Wiscon sin cheese on the market. Wisconsin , full rrenm , new make , lOiillc ; Nebraska nnd lown , full crenin , 9W10- ! ; Nebraska and Iowa , part klm , CI7c ; Llmburgcr , No. 1 , lOe : bilck. No. 1 , lOc ; Swiss , No. 1. 13K14C. HAY The market Is nWiut steady. Upland hay , J8.50 ; midland , J8 ; lowland , 17,50 ; rye straw , } 6. Demand fair ; supply fair. Color makes the best price on hny. Light bales sell the best. Only top wades bring toil prices. PIGEONS The pun clubs u c qulta n good many pigeons , and there Is n demand for old birds sltong on Ihe win ? . Old birds , per doz. , J1.4081.W. VKOETA11LE3. WATnilMr.LO.NS-Thc early Texas melons have been exhausted and Georgia dos not appear quite ready to commence shipping here. Just nt iircHcnl there are mme on the nuirket , so far as known , but there will be a cur In Ihe taller part of the werli. Per 1 < X ) . J20.00823.00. CANTALOUPES Texas cantaloupes ore arriv ing on Ihe market. On orders. Jl.25BI.50 per doz. MEETS Now beets , per doz. bunches , 20fj25c , on tudovK. SQUASH Texas summer squash on orders. "It : per doz. Cl'CfMllKnS-On orders , per crate , J1.50 , or 40I(50o ( per Joz. tlHEHN PEPPEnS Texas green peppers , per U l i. box , 7fic. OLD MEANS Hand plckfd navy , J2.10fl2.15 ; medium navy , J1.U05/2.00 / ; common whlto beans , Jl.50QI.Ci ) . ONIONS On orders. California , "c per Ib. CAIIHAOKTheie Is plenty of home grown calibiigo beltiB brought In by the locnl growers , nnd while thilicnd * nrimuall. . they me xery solid nnd good quallly. There Is also conslder- ablc California block on the roaikot. Good ship ping stork , ou order * . 2ff2'lc. ' ASPARAGUS Good home crown stock , S5O400 per doz. . nn orders. TOMATOES Florida stock Is pretty well es- hausleil , the season being ralher far advance * ! for shipments from Hint state. Mississippi stock Is In largo supply. Good bhlpplni ; stock , per 4 basket cnite , Jt.r > 1.40. NEW I1I3ANH The supply of wax nnd strltiR1 beans IB limited principally to home grown stock , which Is not overly plenty fn far , nnd which In held at llrm prices. Wax , per ' ,4 bu , basket , Jl : string , per < J bu. backet , 75c. PKAS The supply Is somewhat larger. Good stock , per bu. , 12. KOG PLANT 1'cr doz. , on orders. 75SJ1.00. OAUL1FLOWUH Choice stock , per doz. , J1.C03 1.75. - CAIIIIOTR New southern carrots , per doz. bunchtM. 3"W40c. Pin PLANT On orders , per Ib. , 2c. PARSLEY On orders , per doz. hunches 25'0130c. ' TURNIPS Ntw southern , per bu. , J1.25 ; home crown , per doz. bunches. 25Q30C. FHUITS. At the nucllon tale yeslerday morning the nffeilngH conilstcil of Ihe fullowlng : 200 crnlea cherries. z,094 peat-hen , 22S plums , 45 Konnh plums , 107 peach plums ! , 25 npplos , 23 penr , 90 apricots. The Bale , an usual , was largely at tended nnd the bidding spirited. On Wednesday the following will be offered : 541 crates apples , 2,049 cherries , besides peaches , nprlcnlR. prune * . llgH , plums , the numbers not I being nnnounecil. The monthly crop bullclln for Michigan , Just Issued , reports fts follows on apples : The out look for nppli-s Is promising. The figures Indicate nlne-tcnlhs of a full average crop. One yenr | iso..the crop In the poulliern counties wns esll- nmled ut 55 per rent , nnd In the central at 65 per cent of an average. The report gives the figures for this year ns $9 In the southern coun ties , 95 In the central nnd 80 In the northern counties , making a total of 90 per cent of on average- crop for Ihe entire state. The Upper Pennlsulnr Is estimated at 75. STHAWHEIUUES A car of Oregon berries came In Monday night and was offered on yes terday's market. They were too soft for ship ping stock. Good stock would bo worth J3.00 3.60. CHKItniKfi There are plenty of California cherries to be had on the market. Good stock , AI'PfilSR While there are not many Cali fornia apples the market Is full of southern and even home grown cooking apples , California , In crates , { 2 ; southern or homo grown , 75e per box. box.APRICOTS APRICOTS There were n few sold at the nuc- tlon , and wore taken by outside parties , so tha 1 the supply fh the hands of xifholesalers Is ver t " ' ' " tI luJ * . j MffiiiK18' Tar"llifiherr'a d'"shippins tt I GOOHKliEIliuES There have been none re- celved to amount to anything during the last t : iveek or more. Quotations are nominally J2.230 t t HLACKI3I2I111II3S Itccelptu moderate. Good C itock , J3. 11LACIC nARPBEltniES The receipts were lulte large. Osod stock , J3. t IlED IlASPllEniUES-Not enough have ar d rived to establish prices. PEACHES The supply of peaches was In 1 creased ycslenloy by the auction sale of a car 8 3f California slock. Good slock , JliOOOl.25. 8P 8P THOPICAL FHU1TS. P BANANAS As. usual , when berries are on 1 Ihe market the demand for bananas Is not very ' r icavy. Choice Block , J2.00t2.50. ? rd LEMONS The demand 1ms not been Increased rc o an extent sufllclent to' advance prices aa yet c ind the market remains steady. Fancy lemons C 100 size , J4.00ffl4.50 ; fancy lemons , SCO size , J3 75 2 T4.00 ; choice lemons , SCO size , $3.75. 2a OHANOES California Medltenunean Sweets 2b ire to bo had on the market at $3.75. _ riNRAI'l'LES . . There Is a fair supply of b florlda pineapples on tha market at Jl 50 ncr loz. , or J7.004f7.50 per crate of about six doz. \ \ MISCELLANEOUS. o Flfta Fonej , per lb.12',4inuc. _ n ( DATES Hallowccs , C5 lo 70-lb. boxes , par Ib , . HONKY Cidlfornla , 15c ; dark honey. 10ffll2c. P MAPLE SYHUP-anllon cans , , , per dbzt. Ill . " _ ° , NHT3 AImnil'V ' , wfllcEnglish walnuts. 10O 12e filberts , 12c ; ; Urazll nuts , lOc. tl CIDEK-Puro Julct , per bbl. , J8 ; half bbl. , tly inlted iildcs. Ic : No. 2 BrccnC > salt ° ed1Iud7s ? s ! Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ins. lo 15 Ibs. , 6c : No v veal calf. 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 4o ; No. 1 dry flint hides. 60 ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , 3e ; No. 1 dry lolled hides. 4o : part cured hides. Ho tier Ib ees than fully cured. HHEEP PELTS Green sa'ted , each. 25JJCOo- rrcen salted shearlings ( short-woolcd cutty skins ) ach , t > it5o ! : dry sheurllngs ( ehort-wooled enrly iklns ) . No. 1 , each , W' s : dry shearlings ( short .vooled early skins ) . No. 2 , each. 6c ; dry flint , . Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool , pelts , per b. . nUual weight , 6f8o ; dry ( lint , Kansas and Mebrnska murrain wool tielts , per Ib. , actual .veight. 406o ; dry Mint. Colorado butcher wool lts. per Ib. , actual weight , 407o ; dry flint , 'oloroclo murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual velght , 4B6c. TALLOW AND GREASK Tallow. No. 1 , 4 ® lUc ; tullow , No. 2 , 3U 3'.4c ; grease , whlto A , Uc ; grease , white II. 4c ; grense. yellow , Sc ; renie , dark , 2',4c ! old buter. 2Q2Jio ; beeswax , rlme , 15Q18c ; rouuli tallow , 2c. St. Louis ( iriipriil Mitrknt. ST. LOU IS. Juno 2C.-FLOUH Ilctter , but tc .t..9 0.5.l'lv..higher. ' . VviiKAT Y'luclunteil rapidly today , closing I'/jC n | IT on foreign news ; No. 2 red. cash , MTtc ; July , JTlc- July , 67c ; August.'cOHOJciic ! wSeirteinbi'r ; ! 7fl 571(0. COItX I < ort * to on Improving crops ; No. 2 nixed , rush. 40u ; June , 31l4c ; July , 3S'ic ; Scp- eniti'iSlv. . . TH-quiet but nrm ; No. 2 cash , June , 43J4c ; ly. S5',4o ; AiiRiml and September , 30c. . E-NiithliiB . . . , . . . „ . I1AULEV Nothing dolnir. . llltAN-Klrni ; cust tnick , 63e. KLAX SEKD-J1.25 for new m < ed. RLOVKIt-lllKlier at J7.50ffS.50. TIMOTHY Higher lit { 4.1W4.75. HAY Steady , WITTER Weak ; choice separator , 14JJ15C. I'.dGS Weak at 7c. LI-JAIV-Klrm at J3.10. SPELTEH-IIeld lit J3.20. COHN MKAL-J2.1002.15. WIHSKY-JI.15. UNO UnclmnKed 'nt 5V4ffo. ( ! hie change ' Ni , * 9i' , ( _ nna tufy > wh | | n ° < iuo1- In prlco. rtBCEUTH-Klmir. 4.000 _ . wheat , 12.000 - : 0iltB- ' * . > j bu. HIUPMKNT8 Klour , 6.000 btls. ; wheat , none ; orn. tiCW ( bu. ; oats. Ift.tW bu. City . KANSAS CITY. June 26.-WIICAT-H l ° jwer : No , t hard , 546Wc ; No. t rcd , imy 'ri.ffS1 J.1 * ' : M < " 'c ' ! rejected. 44fc4 c. CO11N Mixed , 440 lower ; whlt , Vie lower ; " mixed , 36iJ6io ! : No. 2 while , 38O33HC. inchaniied ; No. 2 mixed , .43C' ' ) io ; No. UUTT'KU-Wenlt ! creamery , Ugiso ; dairy , 1J , HKCK11TH None. SHIl'MUNTS-None. Sllnueiipolls Wlirat Market. MINNKAl'OLIB. June tt. Wheat opened with ome show of ( Innne/n , and altliough a , little jwer lh n the cloiw of Monday , there was con- Iderable dlinueltlon * fy | to byy on the break nd prlcts advanced He. Then the early urned sfllvn and prtceii sold down attain , clo - iibout HCVic lowtr than yestenlay fpr thn iiturr months , and about Uc lowerlh n for h wheat on the track. Therp were 196cars. . fr * h wheat that arrived from the country Qli mcralnr , and th * demand ( or it waa lh prices obtained being higher on the nvernse limn the prices obtained Te t < rdny fur the f.irn * crmrncttr of grain. Trading wns eJilerty local , nnd although not large , wn moderately active' moot of the dny. Close- Cash nnd July , C2'tc ; September , eosci December , filc. On tracki Nn , l hard , Kc ; No. 1 northern , Etc ; No , 2 northern. fcc. The deinnnd for flour was quiet , nnd Mies were estimated lo equal nearly the production , which wns estimated at 33,000 bbls. for the twenty-four hours. Rhlpmrnls wore 29,704 bbls. Prices were Mendy n.t J3.40fl4.SO for patents , J2.10fl2.40 for linkers. Wheat receipt * for the dny were 128.7M hu. , shlpnvnts. 1H.8M bu. Tli" locnl consumption by mills nnd Ihe shipments HindiDm distribution nbout 3tW bu. more limn the day's reci-lpts , CofTefl Mnrkrt. NEW YORK. Junr > -COFPEE-Optlons opened stend ) ' nt unchanged to 10 points up ; ruled fairly active on lornl nnd Ilnltlmoro buyIng - Ing ; closed sleady nt t > fIJ points up ; tales , 2l.f > 50 lings. Including July , JI5.lf15.CO. Spot coffee , Hlo firm ; No. 7 , JIC.50 ; tnlU , stendy , Cordova , J19.23 ; Mies. 1,500 bngi Ilmzll , c. nhd f. , p. t.t 1,000 bngs Hlo , spot , 17Hc ; nlffi Into yes- lerdny 1,000 bags Hlo , 7 lo 9 Elena basis. 13140 ; 1,000 bngs Mnrncnlbo , 900 bags C. A. , 700 bags Mexi can nnd 000 Imci Snvnnllln , p. t. ; wnrehoune deliveries yesterday , 6.6J3 bngs ; New York slock today , 10VJS7 I > NKS ; United Stales slock , 150.5S3 l < ag ; nllont for t'nlled Slnles , 142,000 1m K.I ; visible for United Stales , 292,588 bngs , against 433,192 Init year. SANTOS , Juno "G. Quiet ; good average , J17 ; recelpli , two days , 5,00u lings ; slock , 30,000 bngs. 11AMIIUIU1 , June 211. Steady ; pilces un- chan d to * i pf . higher ; snles , 11,00 } bngs , HAVRE , June 26. Steady ; opened If up ; nt 12 m. , June fell Ufl nt 3 p. m. July fell Uf nnd at 5:30 : p. m. again declined UfJ close , nut nd- vnnco of Uf. HIO JANEIRO , Junn JO. Firm ; No. 7 , J15.SO : cxchnnge , ! 6-Ifnl ; receipts , two days , 9,000 bags ; cleared for United States , 6,000 bngs ; slock , 120.- 000 bngs. Clnrlmmtl ( li-nur.l .Market , CINCINNATI , June 2C.-FLOUR-SIOW. WHEAT Stendy ; No. 2 red , nCVic ; receipts , 2,600 bu. ; shipments , 4,200 bu. COHN-FIrm ; No. 2 nilxcil , 43 43 < ic. OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 47US4Se. PROVISIONS Pork , llrm : JI2.75. Ijird ; easier. 10.CO. Hulk meats , etendy ; Jij.C2fc ! , llncon , fair do- mnnd ; JS. WHI8ICY Stendy ; sales , 012 bbls. , nt J1.15. HUTTEIl Quiet ; fancy Elgin crenmcry , 1S'S0 13c : Ohio , ISiflCe : choice dairy , lie. ( UUlAlt Rleiidy. EGOS Hcnvy. ! > c. CHEESE Moderate demand. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS , ' June 20. COTTON Easy ; snles , 750 bales ; receipts , gross , 1,187 bales ; ex port , contlnenl , 1.0C4 bales ; coastwise , 3.00) bnles ; stock , 80,592 'tulles. Futures , quiet : pales , 17,400 bales ; July , JG.85 bid ; July. JG.S.VifC.Sli : August , JC.MGG.82 : September. JG.78fiC.SO ; October , JC.S3 60.84 ; November , | f.88ifi.9 ! : December , JC.OJfl ) 6.96 : January , J7.01 bid ; Februnry , J7.02. ST. LOUIS. June 20. COTTON-Stendy ; mid dling , 7',4c ; sales , none ; receipts , 400 bales ; ship ment , 5CO bales ; slock , 33,700 bnlt-s. New Yorlc Dry ( ! OOIH Aliirkct. NEW YORK , June 26. With n good number of new buyers present , much shipping WIIB In dulged In , followed by selections of blenched cotton , prints , dress goods , ginghams , cotton dress goods , shirtings , nnd seasonable novelties. Including white goods. Printing cloth wns very dull nt 2 11-1 Co. in the dry goods market there was a sllll bclicr tone. 1'corla Cenenil Market. . June 20. COItN Steady ; No. 2 , 40c ; No. 3. Salic. OATS Firm ; No. 2 white , 4Gc ; No. 3 while , 4JP. 4JP.HYR Quiet and Irregular ; No. 2 , 4.155c. WHISKY Firm ; high wine basis , $1.15. IIUCEII'TS Corn , 30,000 bu. ; oats , 45,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , none ; coin , 11,000 bu. ; oats , 45,500 bu. - OII .Markets. Oil , CITY , Pa. , Juno to. National Transit cer tificates opened at SC',4 ' ; highest , EGlj ; lowest , Sl ; : closed , 81 % ; Kalon , 12.000 bbls. ; shipment ! ! , SO,473 bids. ; runs , 8G.272 bbU. P1TTSUUHO , Pa. , June 20. National Transit certificates opened at SGV& ; closed at 85 ; hlgiiust , SGH ; lowest , bo ; no sales. Dulntli Wheat .Market. DULUTII , June 20. WHEAT Close , lower ; No. 1 hard , cash , June nnd July , CJc ; No. 1 northern , cash , June and July , 63Vic ; Septembr , Clc ; December , Cl'.5e ; No. 2 nor them , cash , C0)4c ; No. 3 , C3i < , c ; rejected , COV4c ; to arrive. No. 2 northern , C4c. Sugar Alnrlu-t. NEW YOnif , June 2G.-SUnAn-Haw. Hrm ; fair refining , ctulct ; sales , 1,4GO bags ; cenlrl- fugal % test. 3'ic In store. NEW YORK. June 2G.-StiaAU-Cane. quiet ; centrifugal , Java , 14s 3d ; Muscovado , fair rc- llnlne , 12s Cd. Wool .Market. ST. LOUIS , June 2G. WOOL Firm , unchanged. STOCKS AND JJONUS. Speculation Very Dull irfnd the Volume of liuslncss : i/i.iKHl. - t NEW YOIIK , June26T _ Speculation , 'was very dull today andthe.volunie ; of business was lighter than on any day for weeks past , but the tone of the market AVOS firm and the trading was distributed. ' more 'gehe'raliy through the list tlmu .jisu'al. London was a buyer of most of the' arbitrage stocks , and the local commission houses did quite a little business on the bull side of , the market. American securities were In better demand on the London Stock exchange and there- was l general Improvement. The better tone was lue , perhaps , entirely to the statement made through the newspapers this morning by President Cleveland as to the condition of the national finances. The confident-manner n which the president spoke of the affairs of he Treasury department seemed to have he effect at homo and abroad of stimulating lurchases of American securities , and In Ills market it induced the covering ot short $ contracts. St. Paul led In point of activity and was ought for the foreign account quite freely luring the morning , advancing V/t per cent. Phe Improvement was well maintained , the reatest reaction of the afternoon being % icr cent , and the final sale was within H ier cent of the highest point touched , Btir- Ington & Qulncy open % percent higher , 'eactod Yt per cent , rose % per cent , sold - town % per cent , holding the gain to the lose. Considerable Missouri Pacific stock amo out during the day between 25 % and 6 % . The buying was good In the shares t the opening , and an advance of 1 per cent aa made on last night's closing figures , iut the offerings soon became heavier than fere readily absorbed , and all but % per ent of the improvement was lost before ildday. During the afternoon a partial ally took place , but the close was only % er cent higher than on yesterday. The re- rganlzatlon process In Atchlson goes on tcadlly , but the stock finds purchasers , and ho last price today Isi per cent above esterday. Colorado Coal & Iron developed udden weakness and on the sale of 200 . hares broke to 5 again , the 'last pro " tons sale rallying to 7 and closing at G % . The railway and miscellaneous bond inar- et was steady In the morning and weak In lie afternoon. The Evening Post's London cablegram lys : The settlement disclosed a small account nd very cheap money. Contangoes on .merlcans ore 2 per cent. There are no Igns of difficulty. The tone of the stock ' larket was generally better , though there as no business in Americans ; they Im- roved on the cessation of forced sales from .mstcrdam. Prices closed at the best. The liver market was distinctly weak and an ther fall Is anticipated. The Evening Post says : It Is possible . lat the prompt recovery of the foreign stock larkets after their recoil on the shock of unday's news had something to do with jday's Improvement here. It Is evident , Iso , that President Cleveland's statement gardlng the treasury's situation had a dls- nctly favorable Influence on sentiment here st nd abroad. The following are the closing quotations ; . ( shares , Inrluiling : Atrhlfton , 6 < XX > | American Fugar , § .7 < > . IhtrMiuton , 01.500 , ChKnfro , ll.WOi DlttlllltiR. livl ; ; rle , a.600 , ( lenernl Elee. trie. R.2MMl .uU .Vnelltc , 10,000 ; Bt. Paul , 12,000 , Western t'rrtrr. J.OflO. HAKSILVEIl-'JSWd per ounce. MONKY ) ( per cunt. Tim rate of discount In tliaopcn market tot botli nlicrt.iiiu llirrcMiioiilliR' blllH IH 11-lilotM pur cent. Tin ; prlcu of pohl at Iliit'iioi Ayrcs loilay Is V7.1. ! Tlio niuoiuit of hulllou ffouc Into the llank of England on balnnco todny IH A'M.UOI ) . Noir York MliilniOniitiitloiH. . NEW YOIIK. Juno i0.-Tlio ! followlnj ara tlio clOHliif nitnlni ; quotations : Cholor. in Plymouth HI Crown Point BO Slurra Nevada 65 Con. Cal. .t V.i. . . . 27S SMndard 100 Dondwood 6 ( > Union Con 4 ! > Oould .tdirry OU Yellow Jacket. . . . 40 Hale ft Norcrous. . ill ) Iron Silver 10 I lonicBtake 1 - ' . ' ( ) Quicksilver 2'5 Mexican r.O do preferred 1-10U Ontario 7S Dulwer ; I'J Ophlr 105 Sun Francisco Alinlu ; yimtiitloin. SAN FllANCISCO , June 21) ) . The offlcial clo lnr quotatlotiHfor nilnlnj HtujKatoliwjrj.ii rjl- lows : Financial Notes. NEW ORLnANS-June ; 20. Clearings , Jl,553,707. HOSTON , June 26-i-ClJ ; arlnKB , 12,8SI,1S8 ; bal ances , Jl,603,459. _ ' T ; HAL.TIMORI3. June I 16. Clearings , J1C43,75S ; balances , J2G7.S13. .1 NKW YORK , June .20. Clearings , $72,518,548 ; balances , , , . _ _ _ PARIS. June 20. Three per cent rentes , 103f , 70c for the accountg-'rj PHILADELPHIA , . June 20. Clearings , { 10 - ISS.OlGrbalnnces. Jl.22.m MEMPHIS. June & J > few York exchange. soil- Int nt Jl. Clearings. 1221(409 ; balances , J94.214. CINCINNATI , Juiiftfi. . Money , 2 ix-r cent. New York exchangejjDOCpOo prtmlum. Clearings , J,2C7,600. . _ . . . " _ SN "FRANCISCOJlJun. ! 29. ' Drafts , sight , 10c ; telegraphic , 12lieSllSr ; l > arsr. ( afJiSUW. Mcx- Icnn-dollarsrSHfSl'.lesrr- - - - ST. LOUIS. Junej ( Clearings ; J3.193.930 ; bal ances , l63l.tW. Money , dull , 507 per cent. Ex change on New York. 75c 'premium bid. BERLIN , June 25. The statement of the Im perial , Dank of Germany shows the following changes , as compared with the pievlous ac count : Cash In hand , Increase during the week , l,960.000Amarks ; tminury notes. 7.220.000 "marks ; notes In circulation , Increase. 40,910.000 marks. St. I.oulH l.ivo Stock Market ST. LOUIS. June 25.-CATTLE Receipts. 3.000 head ; shipments. SOO head ; market strong , lOa higher generally ; native steers , J3.8JSI4.25 ; stock- ers. J2.00JJ2.25 ; Texas steers , J2.60S3.03 ; cows , ? Jl.605T2.5i ) . HOGS Receipts , 4.300 head ; shipments , 1,800 head ; market 10j15c lower : heavy butchers , J5.15 , early declining to J5.00 ; rncdlum light , $4.70ff4.90 ; pigs nnd common light , J4. SHEEP RecelptH. 2.500 head ; shipments , 100 head : market 15J25c lower ; Iambs , all grades ! J3.00iff4.00. Stock In Sight. ' Record of receipts of live stock nt the four principal yards for Tuesday , June 26. 1894 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South , Omaha V B.1P9 12,079 Chicago 3,600 17,000 8,00) Kansas City 3.COO 13,200 1,000 -it. Louis 3,000 4,300 2.SOO Totals . . . . . 12,298 40,579 iT.SOO DeWltt's Witch Hazel Satvo cures ulcers. DoWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo cures piles. Popular music at Courtland Beach. Marriage LIcciiHcs. 7 ; 7 ( Tho- following marriage licenses wore 1s- Cj 4 mcd yesterday : 71 61 and Address. Age. 19 19CO Zimmerman , Omaha ! a CO Elizabeth M. Uaber , Omulia 22 58 fames Garner Omnlm 64C3 , 23 C3 1 Nellie Muck , Omahn 22 C3C7 .Vlllliun J. Carey , Omnha 30 94G7 1 lora McCarty , Omuhn ; 35 G7GO 7 "rank McNott , Omaha 33 71 GO 1 2mlly W. lirown , Omaha 31 7 ! 81 1 81M DeWltt's Witch Hazel salve cures piles. M 9 ) t 9CO CO ) Popular music at Courtland Beach. 59 1 90 ) 11'lS.lTUJHi JFOUKVAST , 73h7 1 h7 f 85 i 'rolmblo Thtindor Storms anil Cooler In 75 i Nubruska Today , 92 ! 58 1 WASHINGTON , Juno 20. The Indications 58C7 r or Wedncsdny ; 70 ) G9 ) For Nebraska Probably , thunder storms ; 6G i lightly cooler In northern portion In the 6GC5 i .fternoon ; southeast winds. 72Ml ! Ml 1 For loxva Probably thunder storms In the 56 i ifternoon ; slluhtly cooler In the western 10 1 ortlon ; southeast winds. 67 f For Missouri and Kansas Generally fair ; 55 i outh or southeast winds. 74 1 70 1 For South Dakota Probably thunder 07 terms In the nftcrnon ; variable winds. 53 I , Local Recoril. 26 1 , 52 ! , Oman OF TUB WttiTimn Uuitmo , OMXUI. 54 , uno 'JO. Omnlm recora of tcmporaturo and 62 : , ilnfulcompu-cil ! ; ivlljijoorrospondlng day of 70. 72. 1 list four years : u.a-e 06 , . . " . JB04. 18D3. 1802. 1801. 6 , IaxtmumtoinporatUfqzH ! ) = 84O 78 = 72 5. Iliilmumtcinporatoro : 70 = 08 = Oic CH = 1C. .vorairo toiiiporiuaco , HOO. 7C = . 70 = 70 = 72. rcclpltation , . - . ,00 , .67 2 , ' > 5 12G I ! StatementshowmsCtio coudltloa of tout- 64. 77. crr.tiifo nn J procinTtaton ) ut Omuha for tbo 83. ay niiU slnco Mmli.l1891 . ; : 74 , 84. lormnl tx-iuiinruturc..1 730 78. Ixcpssforthcdiiy./- ' ; . . . 70 61' . xcesHslncu MurcbltMI , 420 = 67. iriiuilpreclpltialpii / . 21 Inch 29. lullcloncy for the dh.r-.Vl 21 Inch 77 , ictlcluncy slnco Murcji-1 0.32 Indies GO. 80 , Reports from OtiicrSlat Ions ut 8 1' . M. 74. 74.G7. . , CO. , 64. 71 , , 74. 57. , 64. 1 , 80\ inr , sir 2. 3.0 B0 ( 3.7 [ 900 I 900S shi Indicate * trace/ . K. HUNT. Local Forecut OmclaU got OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKETS Second Da ; of tbo WoakSoss a Mora Liberal Supply of All Sorts. TRADE IN CATTLE STILL BADLY OFF Condition * Not Favorable , but Prices Well Maintained Under thn Circumstance- lroi ; n Ulinn hut Nell nt tlio llcrlliip. TUESDAY. Juno 2(5. ( Receipts of beet cattle were comparatively limited at all the principal markets today , and , as there was a fair Inquiry from all sources , the tone of the market was fairly good. Handy fat dry-fed beeves wore In good request at prices strong to a Olnio higher , the market ruling active at the ad vance. The supply of cows and helfcra was lim ited to a few loads and none of these were very good as to quality. Good fat stock was In demand nt strong prices , with very few desirable cows and heifers on ealc. The or dinary to fair stuff changed hands at about steady prlccc , and at the close of business few If any calves were left In first hands. There was a fair supply of stock entile on sale , and , while the better grades found ready sale at firm figures , there was n dis position among buyers to hold off on light and coarse grades. The movement was mod erately brisk and everything decent sold In reasonable season. Representative sales : DRESSED STOCKEHb AND FEEDERS. 3. . . . 4M 225 S. . . . OSS 285 18. . . . 798 310 3. . . . 7CO 2 40 1. . . . 740 3 00 22. . . . 742 3 10 27. . . . 392 24524. . . . 742 300 1. . . . 010 325 14. . . . 611 255 1..1010 300 3..1025 325 7. . . . 470 2 CO 2..1070 3(0 S. . . . M'5 .130 19. . . . 630 2 05 10. . . . 731 3 W 27..1037 335 9. . . . 501 275 4. . . . M7 300 10..1075 335 50. . . . S10 2 75 19. . . . 7C4 3 00 2. . . . i'30 ' 3 35 9. . . . C01 275 13. . . . 7(3 ( 305 120. . . . 9J2 3 ! 5 2. . . . S35 2 85 20. . . . 779 3 05 IDAHO CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. „ No. .Av. Pr. 1 steer. UK..1010 J2 00 4 tporp. Ue.llfW $2 M 31 fciilera. . . . 813 315 fcO ferderH. . . . 9SO 320 HOGS Receipts today were upwards of 12,000 , making an Increase for the two ( la > 'n of this week over last week of over 3,000 head. Conditions at the close yesterday were unfavorable , nndl with heavy receipts here and lower markets elsewhere buyers de manded heavy Concessions In prices. The opening of trade was slow at prices lOc to 15c lower , at which basis the bulk sold. Trading was not particularly brisk , but by noon the pens were practically cleared , only a few loads remaining In first hands. However , prices were at the low point of the day at th8 finish. Sales early were largely around $4.75 , with prime shippers as high as $4.S5 , but later the bulk of the trading was around 14.70 , with light stuff selling down to $4.GO and $4.Go. Extreme sales were at from $4.GO to $4.S5 and bulk from $4.70 to $4.75 , against a bulk yesterday at from $4.SO to $4.85 , and on last Tuesday from $4.70 to $4.75. Rep resentative sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 2 295 . . . 14 CO 73 219 SO M 70 33 201 120 4 GO C2 270 fO 4 72'J . . . . . . . . 200 4 CO C9 24ft Id ) 4 72' ' < . 5 JUS 120 4 CO IS 2J7 SO 4 72 ! | W 241 240 4 C6 79 2J5 2'0 4 72i ! il 201 40 4 C5 81 , . .274 4) ) 4 72'4 217 120 4 05 70 271 . . . 4 72H s6 204 SO 4 C5 GO 249 S ) 4 72V& 56 201 40 4 C5 75 ! .V ) M 4 75 i4 250 2SO 4 C5 C5..V..222 210 4 75 0 211 40 4 C5 C9 251 4) 4 75 7 241 ICO 4 C5 "C 234 80 4 75 il 240 SO 4 C5 73 247 ICO 4 75 8 224 40 4 C5 75 219 80 4 75 P7 237 200 4 C5 74 22li fO 4 75 5 2C4 . . . 4 C.5 277 40 4 75 . . . . . . . . 60 4 C5 M 21(1 ( ICO 4 75 2 192 . . . 4 C5 71 252 ICO 4 75 9 282 . . . 4 Co CD 23S kO 4 75 7 332 . . . 4 C5 74 , . .235 200 4 75 P 10 2iS . . . 4 C5 70 2 > 7 . . . 4 75 tl tlci 9 161 . . . 4 65 f.6 2.18 1M 4 75 ci 7 204 . . . 4 C5 78 205 200 4 75 ciCl 7 ' . . .171 . . . 4 65 C5 201 fcO 4 75 Cla IS 210 . . . 4 65 65 255 8) ) ) 75 ClA 0 264 . . . 4 C5 E7 271 40 4 75 A 5 220 . . . 4 C5 70 SSI 200 4 75 6 236 . . . 4 65 78 209 SO 4 75 , ci 6 336 . . . 4 C5 S7 2C9 200 4 75 II 3 393 . . . 4 65 CC 247 . . . 4 75 S. , 1W . . . 4 C5 E9 270 80 4 75 2 21S 120 4 C5 f.2 270 . . . 4 75 c < 6 22S 240 4 65 00 249 . . . 4 75 tl 23C 120 4 C7 09 210 SO 4 ' „ tle 7 230 200,46714 05 250 ICO 475 e ( 220 40 4 C7' < . r,2 245 120 475 sc 218 SO 4 67i ! M 275 120 4 75 In 234 40 4 67'.i 59 233 160 4 75 Indi 266 160 470 61 300 M ) 473 w 240 200 470 CO 310 ICO 475 di 274 40 4 70 10 2.17 SO 4 75 dibe 239 SO 4 70 C2 274 . . . 4 75 1S7 120 470 04 233 210 475 tli 241 SO 4 70 C1 231 ICO 4 75 tliai 233 120 4 70 7C 218 120 4 75 aim 244 120 4 70 SK 295 . . . 4 75 aiw 217 . . . 4 70 07 233 12) 4 75 w 221 40 4 70 S'l 213 100 4 75 In i 265 . . . 4 70 C9 226 . . . 4 75 In 264 . . . 4 70 C7 2.19 80 4 75 30 289 200 4 70 C2 274 80 4 75 30be 251 SO 4 70 r. $ MG 2.K ) 4 75 bem 2(13 ( 240 4 70 C8 271 ICO 4 75 m 222 200 4 70 04 250 SO 4 75 tli 212 240 4 70 C8 232 . . . 4 75 th 214 160 470 47 258 . . . 475 COI 216 12Q 4 70 75 25 ! ) SO 4 75 I 195 . . . 470 SS 301 40 475 CB 307 2 < W 4 70 OS 2i2 160 4 75 be ; 231 200 4 70 71 2ft ) SO 4 75 ou 2li4 ICO 470 S8 275 40 475 th 245 120 470 Cl 27i ( . . . 475 tli 242 120 4 70 ' 03 242 SO 4 75 258 2SO 4 70 SS 24S SO 4 75 enwl 229 40 4 70 S3 1S3 ! . . . 4 77'i ' wl 24C 320 470 72 232 120 477' ' . ' . BO 254 120 470 04 2C6 200 47714 217 . . . 470 M 181 40 47714 Btl 201 120 4 70 02 272 . . . 4 7714 cn 248 40 4 70 61 220 . . . 4 7714 pe 242 80-470 6 23 . . . 4 77 > 4 a 232 2110 4 70 10 313 . . . 4 77i4 us 227 . . . 470 11 314 40 477(4 ( dli ) . . . 470 70 241 200 4 SO tli 22 80 4 70 Cl Dill . . . 4 80 Is 2.V1 80 4 70 CO 235 210 4 M IsKT 215 SO 4 70 03 305 SO 480 KT- - 2S6 ICO 4 70 04 24 ! ' . . . 4 SO nrTli < 215 120 470 65 2SO 2 < > 0 4 SO Tli 231 40 4 70 08 2'0 ! ISO 4 $ i ) nt ! 255 120'470 05 2H8 120 4 KO by 195 40 4 70 57 20.1 160 4 S ) t'KI 272 . . . 470 05 214 ICO 4 SO to 322 . . . 470 79 244 2UO 4 SO tome 247 80 470 20 280 . . . 4 SO met 231 200 4 70 C4 243 200 4 SO In .247 40 4 70 02 208 KO 4 SO , .238 SO 4 70 04 261 SO 4 0 of .1112 ICO 470 Cl 23S 120 4 SO .240 ICO 4 70 f.7 203 ICO 4 EO ppi , .228 240 470 05 211 16' ) 480 arc , .255 160 470 79 241 200 480 of 211 120 470 20 2SO . . . 4 SO to 264 ICO 4 70 SI 246 ll.l ) 4 SO cot 2i8 . . . 4 70 ' 01 270 40 4 82'.4 ' AH 222 120 470 27 2W . . . 48214 SttJ 240 SO 4 70 25 2UO SO 48214 lot 243 ICO 470 27 < 0 . . . 4 S214 'or . . . . . . ,23J 200 4 70 25 290 SO 4 S2U lt ( i 240 120 470 C3 218 . . . 4M 2M SO 470 32 390 . . . 485 CBJ 253 ICO 470 SJ 296 CO 485 roa 231 SCO 4 70 CO 269 HO 4 85 eu ; 218 160 470 W 258 . . . 485 BE : 2CO (0 470 33 390 . . . 4 S5 he : 237 60 470 55 296 0 485 vh 1'IOa AND IIOUOII. sen 220 40 3 SO unj , SHEEP No Bhc p have been received for voral days , consequently there Is gome n qulry for good muttons ut prices nominally KOC rong. Fair to good natives are quotable at are > ,7603.25 ; fair to good westerns. $2.SO < Q > to i 10 ; common and stock nhfep. $2.00@2.2G ; od to choice 40 to 100-lb. lamba at IT 6. 03 New York Live BtocU Mnrliot. tal all I YORK. June K. IlKBVK8-IleclptB , win head ; nn marktl. jllUlCP AND I.AM1IH IlorcliiH. S.400 tieudj ftp. dull ; lumln. active , Uc hluher ; thrtp , or In fulr , J2.WOS.2S ; limits , Inferior to prlrat , 0005.7& . nd I rcclpti , 200 head ; market feigner ; o ) i.i'J. ' mlv Special Sale and . -IN . WE PLACE ON SALE THIS WEEK our entire stool : of brass tind Iron beds , wbitc uimmolod , brusi triminuU , at ixbout half UBimi nrtcub to clew ) "thorn quick. All our brass poods arc highly "Inc- qucrcu , " tluit Is to say , covered with nn iinnorislitiulo , transparent iH'opA * ration so they will never tnrnibli , but remain bright and clean , 'hodp- mand for brass and Iron beds bus been constantly growing durlnjr tlio ndst llvo ears. They nro wholesome , neal aud last a lifetime , llcro are a few prices : IRON BEDS In White Enamel and with Brass Trimmings. Former price S12..10 . Now S 7.50 Former price 20.00 . Now J1.50 Former prlco 22.W ) . X < nv 12.50 Former price 30.00 . , . Now lV.00 Former price 3J.OO . Now 10.50 BRASS BEDS H Cold Finished Fire Lacquered Goods. Former price 245.00 . Now 32-1.50 Former price 55.00 . t . Now 27 50 Former price 70.00 . Now 34.50 Former price 5.00 . Now 42.50 "Terms cash or easy payments. Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House , Close Evenings at GJO : ! , excepting Mondays and Saturdays. WHY EGGS ARE NOT EATEN 3no of the Secrets of a Great Trade in Hen Fruit. STRICTLY FRESH ONES CANNOT BE HAD July the Castoffs frnni the Storage HOU Are Offered tu the Itctnll Trade In the Summer It alight Ho Otherwise. A great deal of care Is token by business nen to handle the different lines of goods n whlifi they are dealing so as to make hem as pleasing as possible to consumers. L vast amount of money Is expended on icat packages and In putting an extra ollsh or llnlsh on > the goods so as to make hem attractive to the eye. It Is also a onstant study with the merchant how he an Improve the actual quality of his goods nd give the purchaser greater satisfaction. Jl this Is done for the sole purpose of In- reaslng the demand for the particular ne of goods In question. There H , however , a very noteworthy ex eptlon to this general rule of trade , am tat Is In the case of eggs. The nnnua ? g crop of the United States amounts U ; veral million dollars , eggs being a vcrj nportant product of the farm. The dealers ho handle eggs are , many of them , con uctlng the business In the very manner rat calculated to set the public ogalns icm and limit the consumption. Karly Ir ic spring , ns soon as CBBS become plenty nd cheap , speculators and dealers com- icnce to place them away In cold storage hero they will be held for the advance the market , which usually occurs dtir- IR the -winter months. Something like o.OOO cases , of thirty dozen each , htivi 'en stored this season In Chicago , and as any more in New York City. Jn addition to icse large holdings almost every city In IB country Is carrying more or less of ild storage eggs. The greatest care Is taken In selecting [ gs for this purpose , ns only the very st can be expected to keep well and come it of the cold storage In good shape. For lat resason the CBBS are all candled iat Is , placed so that the light of n indie or lamp will shine through them , hen the operator can tell at a glance the iod from the had , As the eggs are candled , those which are rlctly fresh and bright arc placed In new ses for storage , Those which ore not Tfectly clean , or give evidence of being little stale , are put by themselves and ually sold to the retail trade for Imine- ittc consumption , under a gunranlt-c that ey are fresh. Sometimes a third grade made and sold us seconds , I'nder this ado are Included all those eggs which e a little off , but not absolutely spoiled , a-sc eggs are sold for making pastry ami her delicacies. The cracked eggs are put themselves anil are the only kind of gs which the wholesale dealers sell direct > ithu consumers. The purchasers are Mtly children of poor families , who buy few dozen at a time and carry them homo baskets. n view of the fact that millions of dozens the best eggs are stored away In the ring and summer , strictly fresh laid eggs B not plenty In the stores at this season the year. The most of the eggs offered consumers are those which were not nsldered good cnoiiKh to keep In storuue. u remilt , people at this time of the year y that eggs are not good anil they ncl- iii serve them on the table , using them cooking purposes only. The public appe- > for eggs IH spoiled Just at a tlmu when { s would be an agreeable change from ist beef and pork , which by many am arded us too hearty for hot weather. K dealers are wont to lay the blame for light consumption of eggs on berries , Ich arrive on the market early In the ison. Kgif dealers , however , never wit f of their own eggs , and hence are In orance of the real cause for the aversion the public appetite. letall dealers can , If they want to , get nl , fresh rgen for their customers. Kggs worth only a certain price to put In rage , and If the dealer will pay that co he can get eggs now that arc Just good us any to lie * had during the win- monthn. As a rule , the fresh stock Is about Ic per dozen more than the lo eggs , hut u gri-Ht many re- merchants prefer to save that it , o that they ran cut the retail ce just BO much lower In hopeti of niuk- /llfe a. burden to their competitors , / hen the Hummer months have passed cold weather comes on one may hoptt get front ! egg * , hut no the price has ranccd and the cold ( storage CIUB ure WM. LOUD ON , Commission Merchant , GRAIN AND PROVISIONS- Private wires to Chicago and Xew York. All business orders placed on Chicago Board ot Trade. Correspondence solicited. Office , room 4. Now Vorlc Lift BullJIna Telephone 1308. being thrown upon the market and teed n fresh Inld , KBJTS. like manj- other perishable objects , deteriorate with age , and after belnK held In store for several monthn they lose their freshness and' llavor. A cold storage wtf for breakfast does not whet a man's appetite Into a desire for two- more. Under the present method of handling CKKS the consumer Is always eatlnff Btule < stock , summer and winter. Sometimes , In February or March , after the cold storage I/BBS have been exhausted , nnd before the , speculators commence putting CKRB Intb storage again , there Is a brief period when t consumers Bet fresh laid eggs , as nothing else Is to be had. CUICACiU I.IVU .STOCK. Texas Cattle In flood Uoiimnd for I'urpoxra. fHICAGO , June JO. So far as the riatlvo mar ket IH concerned Itnn simply a nominal one for cattlo. Thi'io was not i-nmiKh of them to Blve any clonr Idea of values. Of the 3.600 head ipcrlvvd 2W ( < ) head wi-ro cmllti-d to Texas. The latter wi-ie In K ' l demand fur dressed beef nnd cannlnK purposi-f , and were picked up at full prices , the 1,0111 city of natives helping the mar ket. Sales were on a lla ls Of from ll.M to J2.55 for poor to choice Texus cow and bulls , and fn > m $2 to J.1.75 for Bteers. The ranse f quo tations for natives WIIH from } 1 to J3 for cows mill liiillx , and from 3.25 to J4.95 for Bli-erp. with pales pilnclpnlly ut from J2 to J3 for cows and btillB. and at' from J3.8.1 to 4. 6.1 for slcoro. A further ilccllmof ' ,4o In the London inarkcV took exporters out of llio Held , and the demand for oaxiern account belnp vi-iy llmlled Bales- men had hard work to malio siUes nt Monday's In iiofrs , compared with yesterday's opening prices , today's cales show a drop of lee per lW-llm. ( Of that lo 8 fie was tnl < en off at the Btait this niornlnK. At the decline there waa fairly fico IniyliiB. and the tone of the later market waH steady and llrmer. The bent ( if the heuvv IIOKH brtniKht from J5.01 to $5.10. nnd there were snles of ifiwiirlrd IlKlit at 4.95. While a fett' tops sold an alnivo , Urn major part of the 85,000 heml un sale went out of first hands nt $4.00 for heavy and at from ) to $4.I ) for llKhts. The hogs were closely bought up and the clo n was llrm. . , , Then ; was no change of Importance In shec-p , but liiinlm inado a further advanco. Quotations for the former ndvariced to from $1.2'l ' to $3.7S , and for the latter to from $3 t" ) $ S. There wa a xnle of fiiney lambs at $ . ' . ) , mid Hoinelhlnir fancy In sheep mlRht po llily have brought itocelpts Cattle , 3.COO head ; hogs , 17,000 head ; sheen , 8,000 head. The KvenliiK Journal rejiorts : CATTLK ItecelplH , S.MI head : 2,000 were Tcx- ans ; natlvoH ; Texans lower ; prime la extiu ste . $ I.Go < j < 4.Ui ) ; medium , $ I.Kff4.W ; otheiH , $3.Wff4.10 , Texiins , $2.Mfi3.fiD. HOCiS HccrlplM , l"lio' ' lieail ; market lOo lower than at any tlmu yestonliiy , cloned dull ; niUKh , heavy , $4r < 74,7u ; | > nekerH nnd mixed. $4. 0f ; 4. MI ; prime heavy and hutcher weights , ll.t'Oij ' C.IKI ; axHiiited IlKhlH. $4 MlflS.QO , HIIKi : ! ' AND l.A.MHS Itecelpts , 8,000 head ; sheep lower : lambs higher ; top sheep , $3.23j3.GO ; top lambs , $5.10. Itnrnlpts and DlxpoOtldii nf Stock. Olllclul receipts nnd dlrposltlon of stock ai , thown by the books of the Union Stock Yard * company for tin ; twenty-four houiu ending at 6 o'clock p. m. , June 2U , mi : ItECEllTS. Cars. Head. Ciltlo . . . lid J.1W HOKU . 110 12,079 DISPOSITION. Duyers , Cattle. HOKS. Omaha 1'iicklm ; company . , . 2.C4S The t ) , H , Hammond company. , , , 10 $ 2,1X1) ) Snlft and I'umpany . 270 lfct The Cuilahy I'acklnx rompiiny . COO 2,651 lohn I' . Kipilres fe Co . , , , , , . 7CO C'lilniKu . CM Cast HI. Louis . 479 levelnnd . 277 A. IImi . 173 I. Decker It IH-K'-l . 16 , , . . ' . 1) . Armour . 3(3 ( , . Decker . 74 J. Ixihman . 1 9 . , , . Shippers nnd feederx. . . . . . . . . CM ) 1 A-ft over . . . . . . . . ITS 278 TotaU n f.'lty l.lvo Si ou It Mnrknt. KANSAS CITY , Juno 2C.-CATTLK-nccelpl . 3.COO bend ; lilpln.Tlla , 1,1(0 bend. Milrktt opened strong : ilonwl wmker ; Ti-xim ulcers , JI.D04/3.20 : Tnu * cows , I1.:04J2.M ; beef ill-en , J3.DO&4.75 : nallvn Town , Jl.35O3.4Q ; K ckrrii ana 1I1K1H Iti'iTlplK , ' 13,200 lifiid ; uhhimenU , 204 head , Miirkrl loftlto lower ; bulk of sales. 11,70 fCI.W ; licavli'B , II.WJ ; piu'ki-rn. It.fMfl.Wmixed , 11.711 .85 : lu-hts , ll.Miil.bO ; Yorkein. J4.75V4.80 ; Hlil'H ; ! ' Ili'cHpH. 1,000 bend : shipments , 709 ht-iid. Murkcl slow bill dcudy , ' ll'u cool aud rcfrcshluu at Courtland Beach ,