n " V THE OMAHA * DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JUNE 27 , 181H. 1 THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL DLOFFS. OFFICE ) - - NO. 12 PEAIU. . STREET Dtllvered br carrier to any purl of th dtr. It. W. T1LTON , Lessee. omce. No. 41 ; night editor , No. 23. MIXOH M1ST1O.\ . R. C. Coulter , H , A. Reynolds and Chnrlcs Locke , the transcontinental bicycle tourists , litartcd on their wheels for Fremont yester day. day.W. W. C. Unthank was fined $25.10 In police court yesterday on the charge ) of disturbing the peace In the vicinity of thn Cromcr res idence Sunday night , Charles Brown and Mollle Sldcncr , both of Silver City , la. , were married yesterday afternoon In the parlors of Kiel's hotel , 'Justice Fox officiating. The Ladles Aid society of St. John's English Lutheran church meets Thursday Afternoon at the residence of Mrs. G. W. Bnyder , 217 South Seventh street. Mrs. L. I. Flnlcy of Sioux City will In stitute a lodge of the Degree of Honor. Ancient Order United Workmen , at Grand Army hall , Friday evening , Juno 20. The now lodge will start out with fifty charter members. The annual conference of the Methodists of the Des MolncB district will bo held at Bhcnandoah on September 5 , Illshop Fowler presiding. At this meeting the appoint ments of the ministers to their various Churches will be made. George Johnson , the farm hand who was accused of burglarizing the residence of 8. B. Wymoro near the School for the deaf , was discharged In police court yesterday morning , the evidence not being strong enough to convict him , Klon's Rcllgo-Lltcrary society of the Re organized Church of Latter Day Saints will hold their second "summer social" at the homo of Thomas Rlley , one door west of the Congregational church , next Friday even ing. Everybody Invited. The Mutual Protective association of Hazel Dell township will have a basket picnic at the Parish grove July 4. Speeches will be ttiada In the afternoon and there will be n ball In the. evening. The .Tegular annual crop of candidates will undoubtedly be a largo and picturesque feature ot the cele bration. A motor train that hail , Just been made up In the car house yesterday afternoon collided as It came out with an Omaha train In charge of Fred Smith , motorman. Tho'Omaha train was somewhat battered up In the vicinity of the front platform , and the other train was knocked off the track. No serious damage was done. Miss Carrie Stlmson , a teacher In Ihe public schools and a daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. 'P. Stlrnson , will bo married at the homo of her parents , 221 Tenth avenue , this evening to Mr. Gcorgo Alllngham , manager of the Fruit Growers association. The In vitations arc limited to the relatives 'and a very few Intimate friends. A Norwegian woman with her two chil dren was handed over to the authorities last evening by the depot policeman nt the transfer on the supposition that she was Insane. She claimed to be on her way tc Rawllns , Wyo. , where she expected to find her husband. She was taken to the county jail for sufo keeping. Olive DeVcro , a young lady whose reputa tion and garments were of the same scarlet liuo , was arralnged In police court yesterday morning on the charge of creating a dis turbance on Pierce street nbjht before last. She confessed to having been full en.iugh for utterance , and a number of dizzy acllone were proved up against her so that a linn ol $25.70 was assessed against her by Judge McGee. The city council was to have held a meet ing yesterday morning for the purpose ol opening paving and sewer bids and award ing contracts , but about the time the alder men got together and got their feet nicely ensconced on the tables It was discovered that only about fifteen hours notice had been given , In place of the statutory twenty- four for special meetings. An adjournment was consequently taken until this evening. One of the prettiest and most largely at tended weddings of the season took place at the homo of the brldo , In Harden town ship , nlno miles cast of town , on Monday evening. About 100 guests were present when Elder T. W. Williams of this city pro nounced Mr. John Clark and Miss Carrie Hansen ono. The wedding feast was neatly arranged In a largo tent In the yard. Many costly and .useful presents were placed upon the reception table , as tokens of the high esteem In which , the happy pair are held. Mrs , Q. H. Baker and Mrs. Means were walking along Mynster street , near the cor ner of Eighth , last evening , when they mel a colored man who made an Insulting re mark and -foliowed them. They were verj much frightened and hurried home. A col ored man who Is employed In a Lowei Broadway saloon was pointed out by thf ladles as the guilty person , and Baker wcnl after him. For a time It looked as thougl there might be trouble , and quite a crowi Katheroi at the corner of Scott street ani Uroadway to see what the outcome mlghl be. The darkey denied having anything , t ( do with the matter , and Baker finally lei lilm go. _ , Good times are coming. Buy n home while you , can get It cheap. Wo write fire Insurance In the best companies. Also loan money for local Investors. Lougeo & Towle , 235 Pearl street. _ The third piece of new and Improved ma chinery for the season has been put In place In the Eagle laundry. Tel. 157. 1,000 pigeons wanted. 717 Washington avenue , Council Bluffs. T. C. Moxley. Important Notice Is hereby given to the citizens ot Councl Bluffs and vicinity that If Interested In an ] kind of merchandise- carried by the Bostor Store , now Is the tlmo to purchase while thi great Surplus. Sale Is In progress. 'Finding that wo are overloaded In thi various departments , wo take the only wa ] of reducing our stock , that Is , by maklnf low prices , as quoted below , For further references wo call special at tcntlon to show windows , In which wo dls play a tew of the many bargains offered dur ing this sale. 17o and 19o ribbons , all colors , lOc a yard Sc and lOc toilet soap , Co n cake. Florida water , 12V4c a bottle , worth 25c. Ladles' mitts , reduced prices , lOc , 17c am 33o a pair. Gents' shirts , nice , neat patterns ( see shov 'windows ) . COo all wool challls , 31c a yard. 7Co and 69c figured Halentl silk , 49c a yard COc quality , 31c. So apron gingham , 5c ; canton cloth , 8 c Be challls , 10 yards for lOc. 60c summer corset ( "Take It Easy" brand ) 33c. Special Inducements In 'all departments Bo sure and visit store during sale. FOTHEIUNGHAM , W1HTELAW & CO. , _ Council Bluffs , Iowa Krini * I.iuindrjr Compuny. 520 Pearl strcat. T l > phn290. . For cobs go to Coi , 10 1KJ ttrcct. Tdls phone 48. _ Paris green , 30c. Davis , the druggist. Lively Kuimwiiy. A horse belonging to Dr. A. T. . Everett o South Omaha Indulged In a little frco-for-al race with himself yesterday afternoon a the driving park , and kept everybody think Ing at a lively gait for a few minutes. H was standing hitched to a tree until a po llwmun came along and unhitched him While he was leading him to another tre he took fright ai something and cantcrei wildly up the park back of the grand stand The buggy was smashed Into bits before h had gone very far , and the horse , with - portion of the buggy clinging to him , rushei la and out among the buggies and the pee pie standing around. He made two or thrc ctrcuRii before he finally ran himself Into i "pocket" and was captured. Strange ) ; enough , no ono was hurt and the pr'nclpa damage was to the buggy. 1 Ice cream freezers at wholesale prices Brown's C , 0. D. California new potatoes only 85c bushel a Drosvn'8 C. O , D. Fir a crackers are cheap ; only 3o a pack KO at Brown's C. 0 , P. . , NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Offered for Perrons Who Destroy the Electric Light Company's ' Property ! * TWO ARC LAMPS RUINED LAST WEEK Kavnnil llnvo Hern I'retlniuiljr llrokcn nnit liiM OIolion Without Niunlipr lluvo llccil Ilcitrojcd Conip.iny Propone * to Hunt Down tin ; For years the electric light company has suffered to the extent of many hundred dol- ars annually by the wanton destruction of ts property by mischievously Inclined men and boy : * . Hundreds of glass globes that cost 75 cents each hive been broken by joys with "nigger shooters , " entire lamps mve been smashed by missiles , and ropes ised to lower the lamps at street Intersec tions have been cut , letting the lamps fall o the pavement to their entire destruction. This has been going on with painful rcgu- arlty ever since the plant wag established , and all efforts to detect the miscreants have joen fruitless. The company has ( mletfy of fered liberal rewards to the policemen as an extra Incentive to catch the offenders , but Lho work has always been done In thq absence of the officers , and HO secretly that detection has been Impos sible. Now , however , the company purposes to offer a standing reward to any boy , man or woman who will furnish any Information leading to the detection and arrest of any lierson who molests In any way the com pany's property. It Is believed the work Is mostly done by mischievous boys , and this reward will make every boy and girl In town a special detective , who will be promptly paid $25 for thf facts necessary to convict an offender. Saturday night the ropes were cut on two lamps on Lower Broadway , and both lamps dropped to the street and were broken , Indicting loss of over 5CO upon the company , besides dropping a live wire on the pavement and endangering the lives of people passing. The penalty for such a crime as this Is Imprisonment In the penitentiary. A ( Iroat Fruit Crop. The splendid rains have made the fruit crop In the great fruit belt around Council Bluffs. All small fruits arc In the pink of perfection , and are ripening under th ° most favorable conditions. The heiJimartors of the Council Dluffs Orape ( 'rowers nrsocla- tlon at 201 Broadway Is the sceiio of threat activity , for the association Is handling all of the output , and thlpplng Jlrect to custom ers the same day the fruit ts pick-id. The supply Is great and the orders are promptly filled. New billiard and pool room , .c'gars , to bacco and card room. Everything first-class. Just opened for business. Call and see us. M. Stadlelmann , 535 Broadway. Illbtiirieul Lfctureri. In order to have something specially at tractive and Interesting during the summer months , Elder T. W. Williams of the Re organized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has concluded to give a series of Sunday evening lectures on the "Origin and History of the Latter Day Saint Church , " "Tho Hook of Mormons , a Romance or a Truth , Examined In the Light of Facts , " anil "The Aborigines cf America , Their Origin , Religion and Habits. " These subjects will be treated In an unprejudiced way and will be replete with Incidents In the life and charac ter of Joseph Smith , the doctrines and his tory of the Book of Mormon , the travels and findings of many of the explorers , of Central and South America. The tlrst of'the series will bo given at the church on Pierce street , three doors west of Glen avenue , next Sunday evening. Grant ! I'lnzn , L. kc .Mnnnwn. Grand Plaza will be open to free admis sion every day up to noon. From noon until midnight an admission fee of 10 cents will be charged , which will admit to grounds and to concerts and all entertainments. No return checks will be given. No person of questionable- character will be permitted to enter the grounds. No admittance to Grand Plaza will be charged to persons who desire to rent boats or bathing suits. Ice cream and refreshments served In the pavilion of Grand Plaza. Mcyers-Durfee Furniture company , 336-33S Uroadway. Bargains In fine furniture. There's only one bargain shoo store In Council Bluffs , and It's Plerce'a. Wctldlng Anniversary. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simp son celebrated the fortieth anniversary ol their marriage at their home , 614 Washing ton avenue , which was very handsomely dec orated with cut flowers. Tlfo , guests were Immediate relatives. All their children , one son and flve daughters , were present. The guests were : Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rain , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Proctor , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matthal , Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Whit ney , Mr. and Mrs. B. Hagg , Mr. R. F. Rain , Mrs. M. L. Irvln , Mr. Charles Rain , Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lacy , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bar- nctt , Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Irvln , Mrs. and Mrs. T. C. Westcrdahl , Miss Genevleve Simp son and Mr. A. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson were the recipients of some elegant mementoes of the occasion. Grand .Plaza telephone 45. , { .Grand Plaza bathing beach. ' " " ! i Grand Plaza picnic ground's. Grand Plaza's cornet band beats them all. Grand Plaza's fine row boats are- all the go. go.Grand Grand Plaza excursion accommodations can't bo beaten. Afternoon and night concerts at Grand Plaza , 2 to C and from 7 to 10. Manager of Grand Plaza can understand 22 languages. So all nations will feel at home. "Ho that does not visit Grand Plaza know- est nothing , and will bo for all time to come branded a traitor to enterprise. " Eugene. Civil Service. The Civil Service commission takes this opportunity of stating that the examinations arc open to all reputable citizens who may desire to enter the postal service , without regard to their political affiliations. All sucli citizens , whether democrats or republicans , or neither , arc Invited to apply. They will bo examined , graded and certified with entire Impartiality , and wholly without regard tc their political views , or to any consideration except their efficiency as shown by the grades they obtain In the examination. Foi application blank's , full Instructions and In formation relative to the duties and salaries of the dlfferentvposUlons , apply at the post- office to Fred Johnson , secretary of the board. Cole & Ccle will put on sale In a fen days the biggest lot of granlto Ironware over offered at just one-halt customarj prlco. 41 Main street. A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach Lake Manawa , Is the proper thing to take these hot days. Kpwortli l.t'iiffiio Confurenco. Council Bluffs will have the honoi of entertaining about COO or mon of the members of the Epwortl leagues of the Des Molnes district durlni three days , commencing August 7 , Thl : district comprises all the counties In thi southwestern quarter of the state , and con tains about 300 churches. Bach church hu : Its league , and each league will In all prob ability be .represented by one or two dele gates. The people of the three Methodls churches of this city are making great prep orations for the entertainment of the visitors A nice , cool awlm at Manhattan beach Lake Manuwn , Is the proper thing to take these hot days. Domestic toap outlasts cheap soap. ' No fa lie. advertising or falsa promises ai Plerce'o hoe store , but real bargains. "Skat " Skntril IllRlit Alunff. Among the horses that appeared at thi Driving park yesterday afternoon was on < owned by Fred Johnson and Lawrence Hols of thU city. Ills naiuo was "Skates. " Hi s C years old. and this w the first tlmo le took part in a liouo race , ilj } made a rood record , however , coming out X COSH ! bird In ? rac where llje word was 2:1Gt4. : le covered the mile In 2 18. His owners were considerably pleated at the way In vhlch ho more than Justified their cxpecta- Ions. lYrmnitl 1'iirrfBriipttft. Harry Imnan In seriously 111. Dr. A. J. Carter has returned from a north ern fishing trip. E. B. Hart Is expected homo Thursday torn a Chicago visit , Sm ftli Mcl'herson of Red Oak took In the races at the driving park yesterday , Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams have re turned from a two weeks' visit to Colfax , F. Wles and family expected to sail from New York yesterday for their European tour. C. H. Murray , one of the old Pullman com missary clerks , will leave for Salt Lake July 1. Mrs. M. J , Alworth and daughter returned yesterday from n trip to the central part of the state. John R. Illack Cf Wright township , chair man of the Board of Supervisors , was In the city yesterday. Mlsj Mame Hill leaves tomorrow for Richmond mend , Ind. , to visit her parents. She will return here In September. John W. Ferrler Is home from the Uni versity of Michigan , where he has been studying medicine the past year. Thomas Hyslinm , H. N. Moore. J. F. King. O. J. GlbBon , H. S. Rogers. B. E. Powell and George A Isold of Red Oak were at the Ogdcn hotel yesterday. L. W. Ross has returned from a visit to Oxford , O. , where ho delivered the annual nddresj to the graduating class of Mlama college , his alma mater. Miss Urownle Virgin of Burlington ar rived In the city yesterday , and for the next week will be the guest of Mies Josephine Vincent on Willow avenue. Miss Louise Mehls of Dloomlngton , 111. , who Is to be married to J. Alvln Huster thU evening , has arrived In the city and Is stopping at Neumcycr's hotel. L. C. Dale has secured the agency _ for flve counties In the southwestern corner of Iowa for the Co-Operative Bank of Iowa , whose headquarters Is In DCS Molnes. J. W. Laiiig returned last week from a business trip through 'Texas and other southern ( tales , and yesterday he left for another trip through Montana and Wash ington. Rev. H. P. Dudley. Rev. J. Indus Farley , Rev. Alfred Knoll , Rev. Albert Luring , Rev. Henry Delong and Rev. C. Hover left yes terday for Dunlap to attend the district con ference of the Methodist church , which began yesterday and will last three days. W. T. Lalng Is expected to arrive home next Tuesday. He has been studying at Andovcr , Mass. , during the past year , and recently has made quite a record In the athletic line. His latest feat was to run a mile In four minutes , thirty-two and one- fifths seconds , thus breaking , It Is claimed , the Intercollegiate record. He has accepted an offer from the Harvard Athletic club to go to Harvard next year and have his ex penses paid by the club. Thimbu from the Women. COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. , June 23. To the Editor of The Bee : The memcrs of the de partment of Iowa , Women's Relief corps , In convention assembled , unanimously adopted the following resolutions : Ilesolved , That our thanks be extended to the citizens' committee of Council Blurts for the many comforts jxnd'courtesies pro vided. Resolved , That our thanks be extended to corps No. 180 of Council Bluffs for their thoughtful attention to many pleasant de tails. Resolved , That we extend thanks to the proprietor and attaches of the OKden house for prompt and untiring attention during the Itme of the convention. Ilesolved , That we extend hearty thanks to the citizens of Council Bluffs , who so Benerously opened their homes for enter taining members of the convention. Resolved , That the thanks of the conven tion be extended to the press of Council Bluffs and Omaha for generous space al lotted to the Woman's Relief corps and for many journalistic favors conferred upon the odlcers anil members of the convention. Resolved , That a copy of these resolutions be spread on the minutes and also be fur nished the dally papers of Council Bluffs and Omaha for publication. ALTHKA OAKKS CONABLE. Department Secretary , AV. It. C. Ito.istcd the I'ollcc. The trial of Frank Jones on the charge of burglarizing two shoe stores was completed before Judge Lewis yesterday afternoon and submitted to the Jury about 5 o'clock- . Dur ing his closing speech to the jury the attor ney for the defense took occasion to use a great deal of violent language against the police force In general and Officers Murphy and Weir In particular , who conducted the work of hunting up evidence. After the Jury had retired the father of the defendant recited some of the Indignities to which he and his family had been subjected by the officers In question , and Intimated In unmls- takaUe language that If they ever crossed his path again they would regret It. The Jury stayed out until 0:30 : o'clock last evening , and then came In with a verdict finding the defendant guilty as charged In the Indictment. Washerwomen use Domestic soap. J.iilto Mnmnui Itiillniiy Time Card. Commencing Saturday , June 9 , trains will leave Council Bluffs for Grand Plaza , BathIng - Ing Beach and Picnic Grounds at Lake Man awa as follows : No. 1 , 9 a. m. ; No. 3 , 10 a. m. ; No. 5 , 11 a. m. ; No. 7 , 12 m. ; No. 9 , 1 p. m. ; No. 11 , 2 p. m. Trains will run every twenty-two minutes thereafter until 10 p. m. Return trains will leave Manawa on the half hours up to 10:30 : , when they will re turn every twenty-two minutes. St. Fnxncls1 Commencement. The annual commencement exercises at St. Francis' academy will take place this evening - ing In the chapel , and the event has been looked forward to with a great deal of In terest by the friends of the Institution. A program of essays , declamations and musical selections will be presented. A number of persons have already arrived In the city for the p'urposo of witnessing the performance of the graduates , among them Miss Mary Clark of Imogene , Misses Mary and Margaret Murphy of Onawa , Miss Aggie Murray of Llttlo Sioux , Miss Mable Chenney of Creigh- toti , Mr. Farl of Colorado , Miss Carrie Ker- rlhard and Mr. and Mrs. Muldoon of Green wood , Neb , The exhibit of art and fancy work will bo open for the Inspection of the public all afternoon and evening. Munliuttnii llfucli , Steamboat landing for Manhattan beach at Lake Manawa Is located at the foot of the street , Just east of the board fence. Parties not desiring to enter the grand plaza take thp road to the left on alighting from the train. The ) steamers Liberty and Rescue make ten-minute trips to and from the beach. No other steamboats land at Man hattan beach. Fare , 5 cents each way. > 'utlco to Societies , To all civic and military organizations ot Council Bluffs : You and each of you are hereby Invited most cordially to take part In the exercises on the Fourth ot July , and especially the- morning parade front Iaylls ) to Falrmount park. Wo dcslro to make the , coming celebration the most complete ami Imposing over held In this city , and to thai end ask the co-operation of all organizations and all other people. By order of committee on Invitations. AlnrrtugD I.turnscn. The following parties were granted licenses to marry yesterday by the county clerk : Name and Address. Age. C. C. lloss. DeSoto , la 2 Anna M. Fisher , Underwood , la. . . , . " ( ' Charles Brown , Silver City , la 2 ! Mollle Sidener , Silver City , la 2 The laundries use Domestic soap. Prosecution llitckvil Out. The prosecution of Wlllard James and Burt Luke on the charge of abduction and all sorts of things vanished In smoke yester day afternoon. Mrs. Hoffman , said she did not care to prosecute , and on the advice el County Attorney Organ the case was dropped. How far will a ? go ? Long ways at S. A. Pierce & Co.'a choc store. Gas cooking Btovei ( or rent and for i , ' > Gas Co's office. Domestic zoap breaks hard water. ( Continued front V rst Page. ) Thomas II. Heed of Maine , Hon. Robert T. .Incoln of Chicago , lion. Henry M. Teller , Ion. J. C. llurrows of Michigan , John Paten - on , Jr. , the newly appointed senator frjnj Michigan , who succccMB * ro the place of the ate Senator Stockbrid&oir Thomas H. Reed wrote ! "I appreciate the loner of your Invlta'tToiito mo to be present and address the National , Republican league convention at Denver , And regret that It will not be possible.to-fiet away from my lutlcs here to do so. I do appreciate the niportance of the convention at this time , and b llevo Its deliberations will be wise and results soon. " i , , , „ Th3 league was then Invited by the chair man of the Minneapolis'delegation ! to hold Its next convention lit Minneapolis , and a similar Invitation from Cleveland , O. , was read. After an extended address by ex- Congressman Moore on republicanism In the south the convention adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow. L. P. Ooodcll cf Texas preicntcd the re port of the committee of nine appointed at Loulsvlllo last year to consider the question of negro representation In southern state league conventions. The committee recom mended that those states which dfeilrc to dose so be allowed to adopt the following basis of representation : One white and one colored delegate for each county , and one additional delegate for each 200 votes and fraction of one-half over for Harrison , apportioned on the basis of the census of 1SOO. The report was adopted without dlsculslon. rir.UKI.M ! 1 OH SKNATOIE. IllliiulH IJoinocnitH StriiRRlliii ; for the Honor of Hrlng Pcrruteil. SPRINGFIELD , 111. , June 20. The boom for Franklin MacVeagh for United States senator took a solid form today and there Is almost no question that both Mayor Hop kins and Governor AHgeld are preparing to see the Chicago man through If the demo cratic state convention decide to make a nomination. In addition to this MacVeagh himself will bo. actively on Ihe ground this afternoon to look after his Interests. Black Is apparpntly losing strength tea a laigo extent , and the predictions are that If any vote Is taken ho cannot poll over the 200 votes already pledged to him , and that these will not hold together for any length of time. Probably one-third of the delegates are already on the ground. Upon the sentiments of the delegates who are to arrive tonight and tomorrow mornIng - Ing will depend thc question of a nomina tion for senator. Tonight there seems little doubt that the convention will "nominate a candidate for United States senator and that Franklin MacVeagh will be the man. The Hunter and Black men are still confident , how ever. Congressman Springer made n speech tonight for the candidacy of General Black. .MllKi Mcrtllig nt Ilcnvrr. DENVER , June 26. The mass meeting given at the Broadway theater tonight under the auspices of the league was a mammoth affair. Not a seat from parquette to gal lery was vacant. Many ladies were present. President Tracy Introduced as the first speaker Hon. A. B. Cuinmlngs of Iowa , who produced applause by prophesying that Cleveland's name would go down to history as the "great democratic grass protector. " Hon. John M. Thurston of Nebraska was followed by Hon. F. Ji Cannon of Utah , Hon. Chauncey I. Filjey of Missouri , Mrs. J. Ellen Foster , General Cyrus Bussey , E. S. Ashcraft and M.-.F. ' Baylor. Will Slcct In IJIi * Jriili en Next Yonr. DENVER , June I C.The committee on location decided tonlghtnto recommend that the next conventlor ) bej'held at Des Molnes , la. The Tlnal vote wa " : De Molnes , 15 ; Minneapolis , 12. The committee on .rules will report tomor row In favor of allowing ach state to cast , the full vote to whjqh jl ; Is entitled , regardless - | less of the number , 'delegates present , A minority repprt opposing thJs plan wlllbe presented. , % _ , \vijnt Money Does. Take a silver" dullar Jsti It 'fait ' on n coun-i tor and It will ring. tGlve the ring to your best girl and put the'"dollar back In1 your Ipockct. Take a paper dollar , fold It once and it creases at the fold. Then make several folds and It Increases. Then put the dollar back in your pocket and you have Whatever Increase you want. But the best of all ways to make the most of your money Is to go to Hayden Bros' big department store and there buy your neces sities. With the hard times Hayden Bros' prices come down to meet the conditions , and In everything you or your family or household might want they can give you the biggest money's worth in Omaha. In ladles' and gentlemen's light weight clothing , straw hats and furnishing goods their bargains are of the best. In groceries and kitchen supplies the name of Hayden Bros. Is a synonyum for strong values. In the various lines of furniture , carpets , dra peries , dry goods , etc. , etc. , Hayden Bros. is a proverb for "good bargains" all over Nebraska. . _ _ SIOUX CITY'S XEir Tux to Assist the Wtructuro Voted by a Largo Majority. SIOUX CITY , -June 26. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) The special election to ascertain \vhether or not n tax amounting to J340.000 to aid Jn the construction of a " combination rallro"ad and wagon bridge across the Missouri hero carried today In favor of the tax by a vote of over 3 to 1. Work on the bridge * will commence tomor row. It will be flvo spans long , with two draws , and will cost $1,200,000. Upon the announcement of the result of the election J. C. Coombs of Boston , representing the creditors of the Pacific Short Line , stated that the road will be extended from O'Neill , Neb. , to Julesburg , Colo. , a distance of 150 miles , where It will connect with the Union Pacific. W. C. McNamara of the Eastern Ncbrabka & Gulf road also stated that his company will build fifty miles of road south west from this city toward Lincoln this season , to connect with the B. & M. . The bridge company will build the bridge Inde pendent of any road , and tarlff rates over It are subject to the aprpoval of the city council. _ Inma I'rohllin In Contention. DES MOINES , June 26. ( Special Tele gram to The Bee. ) A considerable number ot prohibitionists were In the city tqday In attendance upon the Junior Prohibition league of Iowa , Polk county convention and state convention. The latter continues to morrow. The county convention did nothing but make speeches and decide to call a nom inating conventlon--JW 11 , The Junior Prohibition league a < lopted resolutions In favor of aiding tll ! 'Hilrd party , and con demning the republican I and democratic par ties for tlulr position-nil the liquor question. These state offic-qrsl/iwere elected : Pres ident ; S. P. MarMr ; College Springs ; vice president , Ilessle McKarland , Des Molncs ; treasurer , J. C. Burlelgh , Mount Ayr. The state convcnittoji ; met this afternoon with small attendance and listened tc speeches by TempMany Chairman Bennet Mitchell , B. F. Wright and others. State Chairman Isaac Qlbsdh raid to a reporter that It was doubttfjl a ticket would be placed In the fieldd & , 'sio far they had been unahlo to secure the consent of any ono tc accept the nonilnallqjVi : It Is probable , how ever , that some sort of a ticket will be fixed , The mulct law , enqct d by the last legisla ture , came In for severe denunciation by the speaker. ' . ' ' . lowun I-ynclird In Trim. ELDORA , la. , Juno 20 , Word has jusl been received that William Slaccy of lowt Falls had been hanged by a mob In Texas Ho was formerly a prominent citizen am : manufacturer In this county and went tc Texas and engaged In a land swindling scheme. Saturday morning a vigilance corn- inlttee waited upon Staccy and left his dead body dangling from a tree. Stacey'a famtlj reside at Iowa Falls. Accldcut Inn Mine. FORT DODOR , la. , Juno 26. ( Special Telegram to Thu Bee. ) Marlon Jones was killed and John Maxwell fatally crushed by an explosion In a mine at Gustanla. They were drying a fuse by their lamps when t jjpsrli flew Into the REMAINS ARRIVE IN PARIS ( Continued from First Pago. ) I'Wrated hitherto to the two nations by mutual glory ( tills rofcra to Solfcrlnu ) unites iW\\ today In common mourning. " Premier Uupuy prcslJjil at ( j cabinet coun cil today celled 16 determine ! upon the nr- ranROnifiits ( or the tuncr.il of the late presi dent. The body la being guarded by four cadets from the military school of St. Cyr. It will coon bo placed upon a catafalque In the court yard of the Ulysce , there to lie In ttato until Sunday , when It will be escorted with much ceremony to the Pantheon and placed beside the remains of the late presi dent's grandfather , Lnznro Carnot. Mme. Carnet has received a sympathetic telegram from the czar. The American residents of this city Imve drawn up n long address of sympathy and condolence with Mme. Carnol and the French government upon the death of the president. This address \vlll bo presented to the widow and to the government through the United States ambassador , Hon. James I ) . Kustls. The meeting opened with subsclptlons for the purchase of a wreath to be laid , In the name of the American colony , upon the casket containing the remains' of the latu president. A committee was also appointed to arrange , through the United States am- buiFador , for the participation of the Ameri can colony In the funeral ceremonies. All the public services will go Into mourning for thirty days for the late presi dent. Among these who witnessed the arrival of the body of President Carnet at the palace this morning was his coacbman , wise was so affected when ho saw the coffin that ho fcIV Insensible and died from the shock. Enormous crowds of people gathered In front of the Elysseo during the afternoon , favored ones being allowed to view the body of the late president In batches ol ten and under the supervision of the re publican guards. The czar's telegram of sympathy to1 Mme , Carnet , says : "Profoundly affected by Hit news of the outrage the empress and mysell express to you our deepest regrets and assure you our sympathy and how fully we share the misfortune which bus befallen you and which plunges France Into mourn- Ing. ALEXANDER. " Since yesterday extraordinary anlmatlor 1ms reigned at Versailles. Architects at the senate chamber began yesterday to arrange the Sallo dcs Seances ami other apartment : for the use of the members of the two houses The work was simply Immense , but everything - thing Is now ready for the business of to morrow's congress , which will be held foi the purpose of electing a now president. / serious dlinculty has been found In Installing telegraph wires throughout the place. ' 1)1 cyclists have , been appointed , with , relay ; at Vllle do Lavery , to facilitate the trans mission In case of a glut at the hastily con structed telegraph office. M. Cliamel Lacour president of the senate , has been blamct for postponing the congress until Wednesday The interval has created numberless In trigues and aroused all latent ambition. I Is feared the agitation may lead to trouble and the garrisons of Paris and the depart mcnt of the Seine and Olse are confined t < their barracks. The firemen are also hel ( In readiness , for It Is believed that the dcma gognes would be ready to resort to Incendlar Ism to propagate their opinions. Kiulrit III u Illot. SAN FRANCISCO , June 26. A mas : meeting of Italians held hero tonight ti condole with the French In the death o President Carnet ended In a riot , and tin police had to Interfere. J. E. CnllRiirln , OIK of the tpenkers , who spoke words o friendship for Frnnce , wns assaulted , am had to be escorted by the police. Supposed AcToiiip'Irn ' of Snuto Arrcxtcd. LONDON , June 2G. A dispatch to thi Times from Pnrls says that an anarchls named Laborle , who Is pupposcd to havi been an accomplice of Santo , has been nr rested at Jlontpelier. Itloiriiu-ntH of hennaing Vessels .limn 20. At Glasgow Arrived Corenm from Phila delphla ; Anchorln. from New York. At Bremen Arrived Aller , from Nev York. ' At Liverpool Arrived I-aiirentlnn , fron Montreal ; I'avo'nln" from'.Boston. At London Arrived Venetian , from Bos ton. ton.At' New York Arrived Newark , fron Liverpool ; Kaiser Wllhelm II. , from-Genoa TKLEOIfAl'llW UttlEffS. Populists In Vermont yesterday nomlnntec a full state ticket. Booth's lumber mills at Nlchnndre , Ont. burned yesterday. Loss , $230,000. A heavy wind storm Monday night dli extensive damage at Glrard , Kan. J. R. Morris & Sons of Houston , Tex. extensive hardware dealers , have failed. Path , Mnllet & Co. , warehousemen o New York , have assigned. Liabilities , $200 , 000. Democrats of the Seventeenth Illlnol district have nominated William M Springer. Two tramps stealing a ride were klllei by a railroad wreck nt lluntlngton , W Va. , yesterday. Kx-Judgc John D. Flnney , a well knowi political writer , died at his home In St Louis yesterday. The city council of West Superior. Wls , Is Investigating charges of boodilng agalns the chief of police. Frank Bendlim , a Muncle saloon keeper has been found guilty of murdering Llmml Bailey on the night of April 22. The Four Seasons hotel nt Mlddleboro Ky. , one of the linest In the south , ha been compelled to- close on account of lacl of patronage. Caleb Godly , a mulatto , was hanged b : a mob nt Bowling Green , Ky. , yesterday He admitted he had assaulted his em ployer's wife. Edward B. Christopher , auditor of th Prudential Insurance company of Nev York , has been arrested on the charge o robbing the company of $10,000. When Baby was olckro gave her Castorla. When she -was a Child , she cried for Castorla. When she became Miss , she clung to Castorlx When she. bail Children , Eho gave them C istorll Retreat FOR THE Insane In clmrgoof the Slstora of Moroy , This renowned Institution Is situated on tin high bluffs tmc < of nnU overlooking tlo : city o Connell UlnlTs. The ipuuloni groun.U , It high locution nmt aulondlil vlow , make It i most pleasing rotroit for the ullllctod. A stul atom ncnt physlulims und u litrga carp * of ox pcrluncod nurses minister to the comforti o lie patients , bpcclul euro clven to lutly pa tents. TERMS MODERATE For particulars imply to SISTER SUPERIOR , Frank Streat - - - Counsll Blals , QEO. P. SANFORD , A. W. RICKMAN , 1'rcHldunt Cashier. First National of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Capital , - - $100,001 Profits , - - - 12,001 One of the oldest banks In the ttato ot lowi Wo Bollclt your builneta find collrctlonii. \ \ puy D per cent on time depusHn. We will t j.lousecl . to o and ncrvo you. QS1OKI. * AMU r C at N roui l ) Llllly. l.oi viUllljr. V.rlCOMnAUopVJ I'lj lc l Weaknr.a , etc. . b ; iX tfv pP .tbegrt > Hindoo Ucnxd ; BWBfeBBVVrltl n u r plMofcure. Sol IT Kuhn A Co. . Cor. 1Mb & IMaclMi SI. , .ndTl.j Vullirft Oo.Cor. Utn iPoujUutU..01LiUA. . 1. ME A Woman Destined lo Lead. Hcf Beauty is , aLiving Tribvte to Hey Own Discoveries. THE EXCELSIOR COMPLEXION REMEDIES HONOUP.t ) WITH World's Fair Medal and Diploma. ) HY CONOKHSS. NOTICB. Mmo. Ynlo hereby gives notice thnt her genuine Complexion Remedies can bo had only of Druggists. She has no agents in this city at the present tima and will not have in the future. Any ono representing thomslvoa as such make false statements and should bo reported to Mine. Yalo. All ilrst-class druggists soil and oudorso Mmo. Yalo's remedies. All mail orders should bo sent direct to YAIiE'B TEMPLE OF BEAUTY , 140 State St. , Chicago. MME. M. YAU > "the I'ionccr of 11EAUTY CULTURE. The wliolo world bo\\H down to her mnrveloim tio.iiily and miix-rlor Intellect , At It Him docs no- look inoro tlinn IS , a n ttcct olilMlHh fncu of ivmnrliabki brlirhtiu'KH and iiimMmilliiK I'MironMcm , liquid oycMof a fatliomU Bmlt'ptli ' rami'ii thciritiizuoii ono's memory for nil tlmo. for oncct won ilicvvan ncvor uo furirotton. It would b ; liuio | Hlblo for tliupii-alcst iivtlot that CVCT llvi'.l to ilo Juillcu lo Mine. YMo'n oxqulHltp complexion and the trlorlous sliccn other goUlvn linlr. Such tlulH i-xlst In nniuro only ntul cannot bo Immllntrd. . . . . . Mini' , M. Vnlu'8 Kxci'lidnr Complexion HciucilIcB arc the only mentis by which natural beauty can bo cultivated. Liulluu are camlonnl airaliiHt Imitations Tr do-SKIN FOOD-Nlnrk OUAUANTKKI ) TO UlIMOVK WUINKLES , Minn. Ynlo'sSliln Tooil fooilH Ilio dry inul ImtiovorlHlii'tl Hltlii nuil mmrlnion ! flabby flesh until It bc- ccim'H ilrm. healthy am ! youthful. It will rvmuMMiny esinuof wrlnklpM. HnmltprH not ho \ \ c.u l > r sou IHOIof liow Itrc slniulliip iln vtlililcc. It ci UK H In two blzi'tt ; prlco H.i'U ami fl.JO. ; ( LA FRECKLA A Kunrantrrd enrp fornny caoo of FreokloH m I'xlHli'iico. ' F.vrrvboily haw heard of the wonderful ! Frrckla , thn only cure for Kri'CkU'H In tin' world. OIID botllo In Hiiftlpii'iit In most oawH. It taken from : i daAHtoonuWfi'k lo euro any vaxo. A fi > w aiiplleatloimwlll rcmovo tan ami sunburn completely. It always leaves tin1 nldn clear , brilliant and beautiful. Price $1,00 , WIW1E. YALE'S EXCELSIOR COMPLEXION BLEACH Ounr.intecd lo euro moth patches , sallownesB , and make any complexion naturally beautiful. Prlco $2 i > cr bottle : H for * . " > . MME. YALE'S SPECIAL LOTION. SPECIAL OINTMENT. TotlioNpnfllletiMl with Pimples , Illackheads or any Skin DlHca * < o Mme. Ynlo uuarantocH n perma nent euro In her Bpoclal Lotion No. 1 and Hpi-clal Ointment Ni > . ' - ' . Prlco $1.1)0 ) each. YALE'S EXCELSIOR BLOOD TONIC Is the bout blood purifier. It acts on the liver , clenra the complexion and brluhtcns the eyca YAIib'S FKUTILlZnil cures CoiiHtlpatlon. Prlco fl.50 , Trnda-YALE'S BUST FOOD-Mnrk Develops a beautiful bust , makes the arms and neck plump COIIICH In two alzcs. Prlco $1.DO and $30U' YALE'S EYELASH AND EYEBROW GROWER OroatoHii luxuriant thick Rrowth of cvobrown anil lashes ; utmiBllit'na nnd bcautlnes the cyo makes the lashes grow lontr and curling. Prlco $1.00. YALVS HAND WHlTENfcR Makes the h.indu Illy whlto , noft and lovely. Pilcn $1.00 ptr bottle. YALE'S MOLE AND WXRT EXTRACTOR Removes Moles and Warts in a few applications. Harmless and wonderful. Prlco $3.00. YALE'S CREAT SCOTT The only permanent euro of superfluous hnlrlii _ existence ! .lakes but five mlmitrn todo the work ; Does not Irritate or leave a trace of over huvlnir hntl any before Its application. Prlco * 3.00. FRUITCURA A distinct remedy and n novcrfnlllnp euro ttar any kind of rVm.ilo weaknens. The best tonic ever coinpoumliHl for biilldlin ; up n weak system. Price * l. 1)0 ) ; If for $3.110. Ladles may obtain ono of Mine. Yale s llcauty Journals fno of charge by culling for ono at any Urst-class Unit' btoio. The Hair Us Mighty IE M.WIPS EXCELSIOR HAIR TONIC Conquered. ; . Ruler. For the first time In the history of the world IT 13 AUKOI.VTEI.Y PUIin. nnd can be tnken hair la turned back to Its orlRlnal color Cray . without dye. Mme. M. Yale's Excelsior Huir Internally without Injury. It contnlns nothing Tonic has the marvelous power of KlvlnB the greasy or sticky. Ifas a delightful delicate odor , natural coloritiK matter cliculntlou. consequently and makp > > the most pel feet hnlr dressing known restoring the gray hairs to their nilKlnal color. for general nse. It will keep the hair In curl for Its complete mastery over the human Imlr has created u sensation nil over the world that will days nnd creates a luxuriant , glossy growth and never be forgotten , as Its discovery Ims been preserves Its natural color until the end of your hailed with endless Joy no moie gmy hair to days. After the Imlr has been restored to la ( worry o\cr nnd no moie necessity of using Injurious natural color It Is not necessary to continue Its jurious hair dyes. Mme. Yale's skill ns n chem ist has never been equaled by man or woman use except for general use , ns the hair grows out she stamla nlono' a queen nnd a conquerer. The Its natmal color fiom the roots the uamo an whole world bows down to her as a pioneer and when a child. Every bottle Is guaranteed ecnu- , scientist. Excelsior Hair Tonic will stop any case Ine. HEWAIIE OF IMITATIONS. Make auro of fulling hair In from tweny-four hours to one thnt c\ory bottle Is labeled Mine. M. Yala's Ex week. It Is a guaranteed cure for p.ny ailment celsior Hair Tonic. 1'rlcc1 Jl.OO per bottiaj 6 for of the hnlr or disease of the scalp. (5.00. IE. I Till SLaLo Street , Chicago , ill , SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS , FULL LINE CARRIED BY Iff/J/X .t CO. . JtJtli onenoiifrJna fits , . JfJJKCHAA'2' .t VICJCURS. lOtJi and llovnriltfA'S&BK DRVCS CO , . lUtli anfl I'nriiitmi M' . J. 1IU(11I119 , SZtli ami .Karrimm fitiO. S , UAV/S. Council fl/iiI'lH , nntl Ity till Itcnffifl B. Uy iv/ioIOHUlo liyK. U. nilUCIS t CO , , niicl Jf/Cl/AHJiSOA" DKUG CO.OjuiuIiii. ' A POLL AND COMPLETE LINE OF ALWAYS TO BE HAD AT KUHN'S DRUGSTORE , 15th and Douglas Streets , Empkie-Shugart & Co. , JO&1B&RS IN SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE AND FIELD SEEDSl BICYCLES A full line of medium and high grade wheels ! Send for catalogue. j 109 115 Main Street.Council Bluffs , 111,113 , . , la COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORK All UlndsQf Dyotnz nnd OlO-inltiij dona la the buho t utylo of the arc. li'udoj n l etaluod fabrlOd niudo to louU 119 goo4 in now , WorK promptly done mil dollvorel In nil parts ot tu vonntry , danj fur prlue luk Prarirlatar. llroudwuy , near NortU western Depot , Tel liouo 22. I MEYERS' ' AUTOMATIC BQILER CLEANER MuiicUe tor atfVo , , No. Manchester , I nil , Mechanical < li > vlc for removing all Impurities from liollrr ; preventing- scaling , foaming , nUu rrmove all old uralr , without the IIBO uf com pound or wathlng out , Hold vtrlctly on guarantee to give nallifactlcn. Correspondence solicited. Ocin-ral Wtiurn Office 105 , Lite Omaha , Neb. , 4 . , , - Atorn 'J''it"'llw ' ' OlO Q tluo In the utato nu fiiUt-nil cuuri * . ItoinnH KOO-7-H-0 , ( KICK * Council llluMi , lu Notice n OOUNO1U ULU--li a UKHOVEU , CK3SI'OOLS. chlmniya donned. C < 1 liurkt , ut Taylor * grocery , 14'J llroudway. I'AUTUJVAUU , I'-IHST'CLAKB , FOIl 3 nilk-o noith of town ; good mun | tl clinrr L , . I * . Judncn , 02Q HUth avenue , or 823 Broad way. Council Uluffi. FOK lo-Acnc i-'iiurr I.-ARM , Improved , cheap. Qreunihlelda , Nlcholiot & Co. _ _ _ 1'OU JlriNT. IIOOMH Oil UNPUIINI8IIGD houiu for light lieu ekci-j > lngi gau stove , 4IX Ulen uvrnue. WANTKU. HTIWTI.Y KHWT-CI > AHH CAIt- rlnnu emlth ; utrtelly nober ; no til hem neec apply. II. ! ' . llutli-nliam-r , Council Uluffu. I.OKT. ' gYlALb } VHITB I'OOUI.13 DOO ; AN" 8wern imme of I'IcU. Ileturu uid. rtcelv * word. No. 29) I'M * avenut.