THE OMAITA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY , JUNK 20 , IflO'l. SPEG1RL NOTICES , Advertisement * for them columns will b taken until 12 10 p. m. for tlie evening ami until 9:0) : n , m , for the morning nml Sunday editions. Advertiser * , by remi'Mlnrt n numhereil check , ran Imvo annwers nidre | v < l to A numbered let- Iff Irt rnr of Tli * lift. Answers BO nildretied will IK ! delivered upon pruentntlon of the check. IUte IV word first insertion , lo ft word thereafter. Nothlan taken for less than Be. WANTED MALE HELP. EOLirtTons , THAMH rmiNiBimD ; INBTALL- rnenl iroo < l . American Wringer Co. , 16X ) Hiw- nnl street. Il-Hl AOENTH , RALRIIY OU COMMISSION. T1IH Rreatent Invention of the ase. The NPW Pnl- rnt Clicml'-Al Ink HrnnlnR Pencil. Hell' on dlKht. Work * like made. AK'nts arc making 125.00 to $123.00 per week. For further par ticulars wrlto the Monrou Erasing MfK. Co. , X 36. M Cross" , Win. H-ES4 I't'fiiiiNCJ ' MKN TO TAKI : oitmnts roit OLD estnhllithed IIOUIP ; salary paid. Apply int Douglas. IJ-M170J > 12 WANTED , A GOOD I'PIIOtJiTIUUMl ; "Ell. mnn preferred. Apply to C. C. Cannon , Hchuylor , Neb. HIM M WANTI3I ) . ( JOOI ) HU8TLEIIH FOll LATEST fa t selling necessity. Bnlary or camml lon. InvcntlKntn this. Hlmplox Drew Chnrt Co. , llox 552 , Kansas City , Mo. n M4 _ WANTEoTrwo HOYS WITH nooi > PONIES lo rnrry The Dolly IJec. Apply at He olllce at 4 p. m , n MT WANTED , HAI.nSMAN , ONE WHO HAS HOLD proccrlo * on the rnnil ; tate experience , wlmt IIOIHOH you hnvo been with , reference * nml Knlnry cxpcrtcd , AddrcttH box 1540 , Lincoln , Neb , H MKJ 20 UALKHMHN WANTED , TO BELL OUH (1OODS by mimplo to the wholesale and rclull trndp ; soil on nlKht to every business mnn or llrm ; lib- ornt salary ; money advanced for advertising nnil expense * : permanent potltlon. Aildrcis , with stamp , King lift , ' . Co. , C ti. Chicago , 111 , H-MKK 30 * WANTED.A FIIIST-CLASSIILACKSMITH. For pnrltculnrs wrlto to Donovan llros. , llrny- ton , Neb. U-M57I BALEHWOMEN.wn HAVE AN onmiNAL , legitimate , much-needed nrllclo which Belli beet ( IlirlnK hard Union , I > cnu80 It eaves money nml Buffering : women and men without any i-tperlence whutiwr arc now making from JI5.00 to 100.00 per week without ncKlcctlng their home , clutlon ; no capital required ; full partlculnri * , free wimples and references In your own Hlalo and ours by mill. Addrcni K , W , , IIox 103.2. Hnston , M.m. Only those Kecking respectable , profitable nnd permanent home employment need apply. H MCI I "C * WANTED , MEN AND WOMEN TO TAKE onlcra for our kitchen specialties , Houne- kerpern mum have them. Uood pay and easy work , Wrlto for tcrnm and Haniplc. K. M. Durum Pottery Co. , llosevllle , O. 1I-MC13 2C _ WANT HO. A PIANO I'LAYEH ; OEIl.MAN preferred. IPS N. Dili. 1I-MC12 _ WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTKI ) , O.IIU. . FOH GENERAL HOUSE- work. Inquire 200D Dodge street. C M457 AT noon COOK AT mo SIIKKMAN Avn.vun. Mrn. A. Saundcra. C M527 2ii _ WANTED , a i lib rou oiNinAL IIOUSK- work In family three adults. Must be Kood coolc. Call 2214 Parnam. C 111 25 * WANTED , A OOOD OIUI ; l-'OIt OP.NimAL housework. Apply 1701 Houlli ICtli tr. > ot. lllllill MllT'iy. ' U M615 23 _ FOB BENT HOUSES. riNB FL-i.r IN CI.OUSKIt niJDCK AT 703 B. ICtli Rt. ; rnnire and nil other conveniences' f/3. Qcorgo CUUBcr , room 2 , 1613 F.irnnm sc. U-J11 _ IIOU3H3 , T. K. DAULINQ. BAHKnR HIXCK. D-SS8 _ HOUSES IN AT.Ij PARTS OP Tlin CITY. TfJE O. P. Davis company , 1505 Fninam. D 5S7 6-HOOM COTTAOES , MODEHN , CHOICB IN Htnnford Circle. C. B. Elgutter , 3)1 ) Ilee build' Ing. D-Mi _ IICNTAI , AGENCY , C07 IHIOWN BLOCK. _ _ _ _ D-5S CLEAN , COMFOHTAI1LH , CONVBNIENT. moderate rentals , beat 3 nnd 4-room suites for houaekcepcrs only. Itefcrences required. Also ( room Bulto In tenement. 816 S. 2d ct. _ _ _ _ _ D 5M KDLKENNEY&CO.n. a , CONTINENTAL DLJC _ _ _ _ _ _ p-eai KOIl KENT , GOOD DETACHED NINE-IIOOM house 2C21 Capitol avenue. D. II. Itoblson , room 7 , Commercial National. D S50 TEMPLETON Ac PIEUSON. I'axton blk. D C58 i-OIt RENT. DWELLINGS IN ALL PAUTS of Omnrm ; call for list. E. II. QheaCc. 432 Paiton block. D MCW TlIHEE-ItOOlI PLATS , J7.50. 1418 N. 17TII. _ _ _ _ _ _ D-M837 jy8' FOll IlENT , DESinAIlLE 10-UOOM. MODERN residence , nrst-clims In every detail , centrally located , ncnt , 150. E. II. Sheafe , 433 Paxton - ton blk. D M303 TEirri"FOll RENT 1311 FARNAM ST. ST.D D 3S1 FURNISHED HOUSE , 6 ROOMS , J25.00 ; NEWLY papered , painted : nice yard. Inquire 602 S. ICIlr street. References. D 103 SO * VERY FINE 7-ROOM COTTAOE AT RE duced price : call at once. Fidelity Trust Com pany , 170J Fanmm st. DI19 RENT , MODERNHOUSE ; REASONABLE terms. Enquire 1919 Dodge. D M410 _ FOR RENT , FURNISHED HOWE. APPLY 502'Paxton ' block. D XI 130-27" B. E. CORNER GTII AND WILLIAMS streets , 10-iooni house , with Rood barn , paved street , largo Krounds , shrubbery , fruit , etc. , cheap. Fidelity 'lYu t company , 1703 Farnam street. D M511-3) _ FOR RENT , DERIRARLE DWELLINGS IN Council Itluffs ; call for list at Omaha otnce , 433 I'axton block. E. II. Sheafe. D MC57 FOR RENT , TWO 10-ROOM MODERN FLATS. cheap. J. W. Squire. 243 Ueo bldg. D-S23 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 3110 CHICAGO street , 125.00 per month. Apply at same address - _ dress , _ D M518 30 WANTED , MAN AND WIPK TO TAKE FUR- nl hctl cottagQ July nnd AURiist ; parcel going ( in n. visit ! best of references required. Ad- dieiw O 30 , Uce. D M571 SO FOR RENT , HOUSES. STORES. Amen , 1017 Farnam. D M5SO FOR RENT WANTED , GOOD MEDIUM pi Iced houses. List jour houses for rent with Ames. D MC78 i7T 7-ROOM HOUSE AND FLATS : IIRICK ; all modern ; unequnled. Tlzard , 2.1 North 21th. D-.M618 2S FOB BENT FUBNISHE1J BOOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS. 1113 DODOE. K M3J7 S0 _ NICELY FfRNISIIED ROOMS , GENTLEMEN only. JMO'i St , Mary'a aye. K 175 2 ! > _ S FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP- Inir for man and wife. Rent taken In board. 3U N. 171li. E-310 _ AETNA HOUSE. NORTHWEST CORNER 13TII and Dodge. Rooms by in * day or we k. FURNISHED ROOMS. 1816 CHICAGO STREET. _ E M977 Jy9 * I1A8EMENT AND PARLOR FLOOR. SINGLE or together , elegantly furnished ; reasonable for summer. SO3 liutt. E MS yj _ FURNISHED ROOM ; IlATHj 10.00 MONTH. _ _ 19Uarnam. _ _ _ _ _ _ K 805 25 _ FURNISHED ROOMS. C20 S. 19TH STREET. FURNISHED ROOMS ; NICE LOCATION. 2217 Dodge. E-M610 ! t _ FURNISHED HOOM. Wit HARNEY STREET. IJ-MOIO 2 rUBNISHEU BOOHS AND BOABD YOUNO WOMEN'S HOME. UNDER CARE OF Women's Christian association. Ill 8. 17th t. F-697 ItOOMK. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED , with first-class board. 1'JOtt Capital avc. Inqulra IO Cupltol i\\e. F MT74 l.AROE FRONT ALCOVE ROOM , TWO NICE cloictK nnd gnite , with board. Tha Albany , 8101 Douglas struct. F 819 UKBIRARLU ROOMH. WITH HOARD. HIU'KR. cnccs. Terms reasonable. ZOJ N. ISlh. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F 4WS5 _ _ HOOM3 & IIOARD. K3 N. IS. MRS. TUTTLK. F M3J8 JylC NICK ROOMS AND HOARD. Sll S. JOTH. F-400-JyU * IP.aiRAlLG ) ROOM , WITH GOOD IIOARD ; tine lacatlon. 2510 DJdt.-i > . r MUi SI * VERY DESIRADLE ROOMS. FURNISHED OR unfurnished. Good location. 210 and 212 B. lOlh street. F-M4M HANDSOMELY FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM with strictly first class bjaid. 1109 Doutilaa. i F Qg _ LARGE SOUTH FRONT ROOMS , SINGLE OR ensult * , with , hoard ; references. 2211 Farnam street. F-M5M 30 * KOOM3 I'XDR LIOHT IIOl'SEIJEEPING. ' 119 North 15th. F-M53I I7 FOB BENT-UNfUBNlSH'D BOOMS. ' rUNFUHNIBIIED ROOMS. flUITAllLB Ff'R > Siountkeeplni , city wattr , tc. . low rnt ; north- f west corntr 17th and Wibiter st. a Ml * V FOBJRENT. STOBEa"ANP OFFIOES BXLOON , W DOUG LAS. INQUIIIB I FOB RENT STORES AND OFFICES Continued. IS MONTHS I.KA8B di * BTOIIE , SO ) B. 1TTIL J 1-MJM * FOIl IlKNT , THe 4-BTOHY IlIUCK IIUILUINO. tit rnrnam itr l. The bullilinir lint a flra- rroof cfmont boitoment , complete ilcnm heatIng - Ing fixture * , wnttr on All floon , ca , tie. Ap ply at the ofTlo of th nee. 1-910 AGENTS WANTED. AOHNTS IN AND OUT OP CITY ! LIUP.I1AL commliilonj. Apply roam U3 , I'axton Mock. JT Jy7 WANTED TO RENT. WANTKD , TWO Oil THIIP.E PUIINIBIIKD rooms for light housekeeping. Aililrnsn O 33 , life. 1C OT3-27' STOltAOE. BTOllAaC. WILLIAMS tt CItOSS , 1211 IIAHNRr. _ M-MI HTOIlAOn KOIl HOUSKHOLD flOODS ; I'LIJAN and chcnp rale. U. Wells , 1111 rarnam. M-600 OlLVANftfiTOIlAQB CO..1MS DODQD. TKL.1C5) . M 201 WANTED TO BTTX. IIIOIIEST I'llICE PAID FOU .SECOND-HAND furniture , stoves , etc. I. llnuscll , 710-712 N. 16th. . : N-837 HAVANA rilECKLES , A IOC CIOAH , FOIt EC. WANTED. TO LKASU A IIUPUIH.ICAN imper nt once. K. IJ. Slmckclfonl , Onllnlln , Mo- K M1S6 13' _ WArm : . TO IUY A LAIIOI : IJAIIOUCH n horBoj must Im rollnlilc for lady to ilrlve nnil a bargain. Addrcaa O 39 , Ijcc. N 11020 20' SECOND-HAND KUIIN1TUKC IIOUOIIT AND cold. L. Altman , 803 & 810 N. ICth t. _ _ JyS WANTID. : TO JIUY A LADY-H HADDLIJ her o ; pnccr preferred. Hao Camnron. 118 S. iltli street. _ K MCU 2 FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS I3ASY , YOU WON'T M1SB YOUIt money. Low prices on furnlturn & . household Eooda. HnlerprUo Credit Co. , CI3-C15 N , 16th st. _ _ o-a 37 * ' ? v'i1AI'n' CHEAP KOil CASH. UPUIOHT \\hM-lock plnno , u od 3 years. Inquire of Q. TMM "n " > r' . < U W. 12lh st. Lincoln , or Zll a. IClh . at. . Omaha. _ O-CM FOR SALE HORSES. WAGONS. ETO. K ° MISAJ'K' LA ° B. YOUNO Dili VINO AND MI . riding hon.0. 1C09 Douelas street. I'-MIM20 PERSONAL. Continued. CHHAM KOIl WIIII'I'INOi COTTAOn CIIKKSK. Waterloo crearaery , H13 1 toward i tel. 1331 _ _ U-M1H Jylt _ OUT WITH YOUH LADY VISIT J. J , Mullfr'n new ICQ crentn parlor * , 2.103 Lenven- worth itrceti ererylhlnic 19 new. Including th > building. Tel 1030 Ice cream delivered. HALDUPK- A pleanant nnd convenient place , 1S20 Farnnm street , I'axton block ; 'phone , 711. HAVANA PIIKCKLES. A IOC CIOAU. KOIl SC. Oil. MAXWHLL , SPHCIALIST , OP INTKItNA- tlonal winltarlum , rrmuvcd to 401 I'nxton Tel. 1CI7. U-M 31J _ _ CATAIlttH Tnn.VTED , M PKIl MONTH , HOO1I SO , Douula * blk. , cor. 16th and _ _ MAHSAOB TItBATMKNT. ni.CCTIlO-TIIEIl- innl baths. Bcalp nnd hair treatment , InanlcureA mlropodls. II n. 1'oit , 313 H S 15th , Wllhnell blk. U 604 VIA VI HOME THKATMUNT TOIl LAUIK3. > Iealth book and coniultntlon free. Address or CUl Vlavl Co. , 313 Ltco bide. Lndy attendant. U COi WHKN ON FAKNAM HTHUUT STOP IN AT 1410 and > ee our new china. M. II. HUM. Wirn OH HUSHAND , WHICIlo YOU WANT ? My nmrrlnKO pnpcr nmlleil , scaled , for Ktnmp , W. It. Ilarheck. Denver. Colo. IT M5SI 8 MONEY TO LOAN REAlTESTATE. LOANS ON IMPIIOVP.D & UNIMPUOVKD CITY propnrty : 13.000 & upwnrds , & lo 6V4 per cent ; no dclnyo. W , Knrnnm Smith & Co. . 1320 Knrnnm. W 007 MONI5Y TO LOAN ON OMAHA PHOPKIITY nnd Nohrnakn farms nt from 0 to 7 per cent. W. U. Melkle , I'lrst National bank hulldlm ; . W 013 MOUTQAaE LOANS , A. MOOIIU , 001 N. Y. Life. W 713 J9 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATUS. THE O. ! ' . Davis Co. , ISO ! Farnam at. W COS OMAHA LOAN & TUUST CO. . 16TH AND DoiiRlus strcetn , loan money on city nnd farm property nt lowest rates of Interest. W CIO MONUY TO LOAN AT LOWIMT KATEB ON Improved nnd unlinproved Omnlm rent cutntc. 1 to G years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Fornam , W C03 LOANS WANTED. J. N , FIlKNZEIl , OI'P. P.O. W M49I Jy23 MONEY TO LOAN ON PAHMS IN DOUOLAS , Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. . 1702 Farnam at W 60i LIFE INSURANCE POLICES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Cheaney , Kansas City , Mo. If a house you want to rent ? You'll find it on this page , Or on buying you are bent ? You'll find it on this page. Do you want a girl to work ? You'll find it on this page. Or , perchance , a man to clerk ? You'll find it on this page. ' Do you want to get a bath ? You'll find it on this page. Or trade for that another hathi3 . - You'll find it on this page. FOIt SALE , A TROTTING DHED COLT THAT can trot : sound , well broken , 15 hands high , dark bay , 4 years o\d , trotted last year In 3:53 : : iiphe.idod. stylish and all right every way. Should heat 2:40 : this year. Price. } 125. nox laia.Fnlrflelil , Neb. P M434-S7 FOR SALE MIS CELL ANEOUS. BALED HAY FOU SALE. THE STANDARD Canto Company , Ames , Neb. , have 2.000 tons of good barn-stored hay for sale. Alt orders tilled promptly. Q-C03 11ENHEIM SPANIELS THE HANDSOME llttlo toys : Scotch Collies. O. II. Moore , 1031 Sherman avcnie. Importer and ' ' - - SUPPLIES FOR AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS Sole agents for the 'NIGHT HAWK CAMERA. $3. " " B. iieyn""co. , photo supplies. 1003 Farnam st. Q 90S-Jy8 BT. BERNARD PUTS. 2101 DOUGLAS TREET. BICYCLES. NEW AND OLD. $20 TO $123 ; EASY payments ; wo rent nnd repair , Omaha mcyclo Co' . 507 N. 16th st. Tel. 129. q-13t $12.1.00 BICYCLE NOW $87.60 $100,00 CUT TO $03.25 , JGO.OO cut to $12.50. M. Trolel , 2709 Lcav- enwor'th street. Q-M219 Jyl3 ICE FOR SALE 3N CAR LOTS. GILBERT Bros. . Council llluffa. Q-M5SJ Jy23 JERSEY COW AND CALF AND OTHER fre h co a. Call afternoon , yard 23lh nnd Hurt st. Q-60I-S7 * MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOUR OLD CARPET WOVEN INTO rugs. Smyrna rugs repaired , 1521 Leavenworth. TAXIDERMY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- loguo. George E. Brown , Jr. , & Co. , 709 8. Kth. R SI271 ANY ONE WISHING A PARTY TO CARE FOR horse nnd carriage fur tha use of It Inquire at 1517. R-C01-2ti CLAI1WOYANTS. MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. REliable - liable business medium ; 7th year at 119 ti. It. fl 003 CLAIRVOYANT-PROFESSOR WHITE. THE greatest clairvoyant of hla use , has arrived In Omaha. Ha will read your futura life without a mistake. Gives valuable Information on nil mutter * . Will xtvo you truthful ndvk-o on all business , law , money mutters , and all family affairs , being gifted with a rare and wonderful InsiRht Into such matters , and never known to nmku a mistake. The futura plainly revealed , lovers united. Troubles healed , reunites the separated , from whatever cause , and causes happy marriages. Gives names of friends and enemies , also tha one you will marry. Tells what to do and where to go to bo lucky. All In trouble rail. Those desiring reliable Informa tion on all affairs of life or buslneaa are Invited to call. All counsel strictly conlldentlal. He can be found at 1617 Chicago street. Hour * from . ro. to 9 p. m. Bundajs. | _ to..B- „ , , ARRIVED. II. PETTIRONB. MEDIUM. HADI- * on hotel , for a few days only. S M501 29 * MASSAGE. BATHS. ETO. MADAME MITH. W > 2 B. Iiril. 2D FLOOR , room 3. Massage , vapor , alcohol , atcam. sul- phurlne and tea baths. T M517 30 * MISS DEVOU FROM NEW YORTc. HAS taken charge of Madam La Rook' * massage parlors , li and 13. North 16th. T-M439 n MADAME BROWN. 1514 CAPITOL AVENUE. 2d Moor , room 4 , manure , alcohol , sulphur and sea baths. T M < 78 29 MME. ANNA OF CHICAGO GIVES ALCOHOL bath * and maua . SOS N. Kth , room 13. T M52J 30 PEBSONAL. UA33AGE. MADAME BERNARD , 1419 DODGE ) U M6M-30 * U1S.H JOHNSTON. LADIES' HAIR DRESSER , ihampooln- . Old location , 111 B. Kth street. U-J5 .Jy TAKE YOUR FRIEND ; TINTYPES. 4 FOR ttc. Proctor. (1C 8. Kth street. U-M94I Jr9 1MOUENE L. RAMSEY MAKES DELICIOUS borne road * br ud ; try on loaf. 117 N. Kth at. LADIES' AMBER JEWELRY TO ORDER ; l o repairing. tlJ B. Klhjitreot U-M150 PROF. FRANK BROGI.IN RESTORES HAIR to the bald ; cure * dandruff ; Hop * hair fulling out : rntorc * fray hair to It * natural color ; both * eit treated. Reference * furnl'hed of Omaha I'Ultcnti ' who are rlle\ed. No cur * . no pay. Room 424. U d Bulldlnr , Omaha , N'b. U WO JylJ _ 8AMI. BURNS INV ITES YOU TO VISIT HI3 new art room at uny time. 1318 Farnnm. U-4IC JyJl MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urennan , Love & Co. , Paxtnn blk. W 114 LOANS. E. H. SHEAFE , 432 PAXTON TJLORK. TV-M63J ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO..318 N.Y. LIFE loans at low rates for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa farm * or Omaha city property W-615 CITY LOANS , LARGE LOANS ON CENTRAL business property ; 6 per cent. C. A. Starr , CIS N. Y. Life building. W M2J9 UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital $2.000,000. Surplus $600.000. Sub mit choice loans to F. B. Pusey. agent , Fin National bank building. W SW- LOANS , TEMPLETON&PIERSON.PAXTO.V m * W-6CI LOANS. 1 TO G'YEARS. WARRANTS. BOKD3 etc. Garvln Bros. . 210 N. Y. Life. W-Sll MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY AND FARM property. Ames , 1617 Farnam street. W M5S1 MONEY TO 'LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- turc , pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind of chattel bocurlty , nt lowest possible rates , which you can pay back at any time , and In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . room 4 , Wlthncll block. X M26) MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horscsr wagons , etc. , nt lowest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly conlldentlal ; you can pay the loin off at any time or in any amounts. amounts.OMAHA OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 300 South 16th street. . X-353 A , E. HARRIS. ROOM 1 , CONTINENTAL RLK. . . _ _ _ JC M64) MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life building X M271 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE , CHEAP. FIF.ST-CLASS RESTAUR. nnt and lunch counter , opposite F. V. & M. V. depot. Fremont. Neb. / Y M661 IP YOU WANT TO BUY. SELL OR LS\ . change merchandise , get In or out of buBlnvu. call on or address the National Information and Exchange Co. , 20 ] First National bink , Omaha. Neb. Y-M507 JM HAVANA FRECKLES , A 10O CIGAR. FOR'5C. . Y M68-Jy-15 ESTABLISHED COAL BUSINESS ; GOOD trade. Address Box 482. Hastings. Neb. _ Y M483 3Q AN ENTERPRISING NEWSPAPER MAN OR practical printer who has small sum of money to invest can be put In the way of n bonanza. Address O 2.1. Bee. Y M507 20 A 75-I1ARREL STEAM POWER ROLLER mill ; splendid locution : abundant wheat at mill door ; established trade ; running full time ; will sell or exchange ; 'principals only. E. 8 , Penney & Son , Hud Jam. Kansas. Y M560 26 * PROSPEROUS HOTEL BUHINE3SS FOR SALE at great sacrifice ; account of lllnesH of pro prietor. Addreia Box tM , Horton , Brown. Co. , Kansas. Y M5SO 28- FOR SALE. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY business in town of COO Inhabitant * In eastern Nebraska. Barber shop and bath rooms run in connection. All will be cold together. No BHop. Address O 32. Bee. f M5S7 2) ) I WILL GIVE HMART MAN OR WOSLNN the best show In the city to make and Fell Ice cream. Addreis O 33 , Bee , Y 593.23 * FOR SALE. A WELL ESTABLISHED PROduce - duce and commission business with best cold storage plant in Omaha , splendid location , nt very low ngurv. HI health of proprietor's family necessitates removal from Omaha. For terms and particular * apply to O 37. Bee , . Y-4J07-28' HUTCHERB. ATTENTION. A SNAP MEAT market , Tltard block , for rent , with fixture * Party now doing good bunlncsa ; through un foreseen circumstances movi-.i by May 1 , Apply Immediately , Tlzard , 221 North 24lh. i Y M6I9 K _ WANTED , PARTNER WITH $ SW.Oa ( IN A good paying bu lncsa. Address O 34. Rev. Y-M9)S-2Q ) . FOB EXCHANGE. HAVANA FRECKLE3 , A IOC CIGAR. I'OR 5C. MM9.Jy.ll WANTED. MD3E. IN RXClIANQB FOR GOOD clear farmi. I do a general real ntulo bu < l > n * . examine InmU or titles , furnish ab stracts ; correspondence solicited.- . H. Lilly. Broken Bow , Neb. SJIZI # ' FOR fJALE OR TRADE A FINE GROCERY Block , centrally located. Addrem. O . lire FOR EXCHANGE-IMPROVED ICO ACRES. 4V4 mile * west city limit * ; owner de lre $ cheaper land within lu mile * from Omaha. Amr * . 1617 Fnrnam itr t. Z-M577 FOB EXCHANGE. Continued.V | | FOR EXCHANGE , Si ) , AI'RtM OF VALLEY land , 1 mil * from goo. ! tnwn'iaml ' 3) mile * from Omnhn , for stock nf hnriKthre or groceries. Address I.ock Box 132 , l * Hn , In. if ? 7-MSIT M' FOR BALE REAStJSTATE. lUIUlAINH. HOUSES , LOTfV AND FARMS , sale or trade. F. 1C. Darling , ll.uker blk. . i r RE _ / 3l - - ' * > * SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS ft For the , nf next ten day i for purchasing lots on GEORGIA AND VIRGINIA AVENUE3 , lietwecn MASON AND PACIFIC streets. The choicest residence portion of our city. Can be purchased NOW .nt prices that would fall to buy suburban property. INVESTIGATE AT ONCE. nfl present prices hold K'Kxl only till JULY FIRST. THE FIDELITY TIUTHT CO. . 1702 Farnam street RE-MIJ2 M FOR HALE. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE ; CELlar - lar , cittern , city water : cor. 30th and S.ihler ; $ l,2Vt.OO ; long time. Enquire 131S Fnrnam , Sam'I Burns. RE M6IS DU YOU WANT TO MAKE $300 ? If so buy before July 1st ! Lot 19 , block 4M. Ornnd View , for $300 , $100 ri ) h. balance long time nt 0 per cent. On grade. Or ? E feet cast frontage on Georgia avenue , near Martha , for $630 , $200 cash. Paved street nnil car line. Or M feet fronting on 36th nnd 37th streets , near Chicago street , for $ ? 00 , $300 cash , balance long time nt 7 per cent. Or A line lot In Avondnle Park nt $1,200 , $300 cnnh , balance long time , 7 per cent. Think of It ! A fine ennt front lot In Hans com Plnce , on grade , for $ I,000. Prices good only till July Int. Call nt once , FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY , Kth and Farnam Street1) . RE MWS M REAL ESTATE-HAVE TWO CUSTOMERS for medium priced residences. If you have n bargain. List with Ames , 1017 Farnam. - * * 1IARGAINS IN HOUSES AND LOTS FOR sale by F. D. Wead , ICth and Douglas. 4 r. cotlago and lot near H.itucom park , $ GjO. n r. house. South 14th St. , JJW. 6 r. M ml , west Hanscom park , Jl.OOO. 6 r , cottage , 1 ml. N , W , P. O. , city water. ' R r. cottagD and lot Emmett st. , 11,100. r. r. cottaRe , 27th nr. Cumins St. , Jl.DOO. 0 r. house , 17th , 40xlW lot , Jl.700. 8 r. house Ilrlslol st. . city water , JI.833. C r. cottaRO and lot , 21th nr. Davenport , $2GOO. 6 r. cottagn near Hanscom park , $2,500. C r. modern house , trees , 2SOO. House and lot. Cop. n\c , , nr. High school , J3.000. 7 r. housa nnd lot 4 blka from court house , worth J3.000. for tS.WO. 9 r. house , all modern , nr. Dr. Mercer'n , JI.OOO. 8 r. 1VJ lot nr. Hnnseom park , worth Jj.OOO , for cash or eisy terms , $1,000. 7 r. elegant Georgia nve. home with tinrn , $3,000. 8 r. beautiful Hanscom Place property. $ ( ! ,000. 10 r. finely finished dwelling , 12 blocks from court house , with birn , $10.X . 10 r . residence with double corner In Kountzo Place , $5.000. 10 r. east front residence , 100x150 ft. , ea t of Hnnscom park , $ ,000. Fine hot water boated east front home , 100 ft. , off Pacific street car , $7,500. f > G\132 ft. with modern built residence , 10 blks. from I' . O. , $13.000. One of the- finest suburban residence In reach nf Omaha , with 1GO acres of land on R. R. , for Vj cost of house. tOne Ono of the finest resldenceivln the city , with nil modern appointments , $33,000. Vacant unlmprtneJ lota nnd 'acres , for sale by F. D. Wcad. T . : _ ; 50x121 ft. , east front , nr. iKountzo Place , $30. ! 44x132 , Ilrlstol St. , $300. , , , 60x150. 27th St. . cast of If. .TAWt , JSOO. .Sightly G Oft. lot nr. Drujdlirni. $ 0. East front Windsor Pluco lot , west side Hanscom pirk , $1,100. vi 50 ft , frontage on Farnam st.2 nr. car , $1,300. Choice lot 50 ft. , cast Yatos' icsldence , paved St. . $1.600. : IJast front , 26lh nr. Woolworth , $1,8(10. ( 1'lnfl lot not III Hanscom park. $ J,200. Flno lot Georgia ave , $2,500. Full lot , front Fnrnam t. , "esxr line. $3,000. Id ) ft. frontage on 21st St. , ttisnati. $1,500. Flno sightly mldlllon. 16 lotj rJl.GOO. 4 acres on car line. slRhtjyno$3/iOO. 10 acres nr , fort with housy , $4,500. ' 40 acres nr. fort. $12,000. - . < * i ' I'or'Exchange ' H'D. Wehfl lOth nh < T"Doulas. Fine $10.000 residence , will .tnke % land. $13.000 brick property nnd $ l , tlOO cash for bus iness lot or stoie. $1,600 residence ; will take ' ,5 ) n a cottage home. Ualvebton propcity for Omnhn. Omaha propetly for Des Molnos. F. D. Wead , 10th and Douglas , Omaha. R Ep323 FOR SALE , EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE NEAR Ilnnscom park , full lot , cast front ; property Is free from Incumbrnnce. Will take pait In real estate If clear. Address O 31. Ilee ofllco. R E CCO-27 FOR SALE. LARGE LOT WITH TWO COT- lages near Hnnscom park. trs ! > t class loca tion , must be sold at once ; call for price. Hicks , 303 N. Y. Life bldg. RE-3D3-23 WE HAVE 10 ACRES JUST WEST OF CITY listed with us for quick sale at one-half value. Call and sco It. Hicks. 303 N. Y. Life bldg. RE 339-23 HANDSOME COTTAGE , 8 ROOMS , NEAR Hanscom park ; owner has no further use for It nnd authorizes us to sell at low figure. Call nnd see it. Hicks , 203 N. Y. Life bldg. RE 503-25 BUSINESS NOTICES. BUY YOUR HAY UY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. H. Snyder , 1515 Burt St. , tel. 1107 , 833 S3 DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 713 N. 18. S31 Jy3 ROEDER'3 PHARMACY , 707 N. ICTH ST. 830 JyS D. T , MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL office'to 20 ! ) So , 16th. Brown block. CS7-Jyl OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY : OLD pipes made new. 613 S. IGth. M151 HOTEL BRUNSWICK * IGTH AND JACKSON , changed hands , European pbn , first class. Special attention to rooms by month. Rooms , J1J.OO to $35.00 , Including baths , light nnd ele vator. M143 Jyll , CHINA DECORATED TO ORDER AND MENDed - ed llko new , 100 8. 14th st . 173-Jjll CARRIAGE TRIMMING. GENERAL REPAIRS , top $10 up. Louis Gutting. 114 S. 13th st. 255 Jyll C. E. MORRILL , CARPENTER. OFFICE AND store Ilxturcs a specialty , 1513 Capitol ave. 427 R. L. CARTER. METAL CORNICE SKY lights , smoke stacks , furnaces. 1G17 Howard st. 420 MEBCHANT TAILOBS. A. MARTIN , MERCHANT TAILOR. ESTAU. 1878. Imp. & domestic novelties. 1C07 Fnrnam. 793-Jy I SUITS TO ORDER AT COST. S. LARSEN , BIS N. ICth st. Established 21 years. 251 Jylt B. MORTENSEN , THE OLD RELIABLE TAILor - or , 404 N. Kth , has greatly reduced pi Ices. Keo nil $5 pants and $20 suits ; all ma Jo In Omaha. 233 J > 1I GBINDING. SCISSORS , LAWN MOWERBi' RAZORS. ETC. , ground. Melcholr Bros. , lllW Farnam st. st.79Wyi RAZORS , SHEARS .CLIPVEttS. . LAWN MOW- era , etc. A. L. Underlanq.,10 N. Hlh , 173 LAWN MOWERS SHARTMNnD AND RE- paired. W. Boehl. rear 1B .4. ) ICth. 2311 JyU MEAT MiBEET. NEATEST MARKET , BESTh.OF MEATS. E. A. Marsh' * Wu hlngton , 511 N. 16th. ' 183Jyl ( > THE REST CHOICE CUT ) OF MEAT AT Helniman'a marktt. 70S tf , Ifitji st. 132JylO GEO. W. IClinZ , CHOICE' + MEATS. PRICES reasonable , 723 8. 16th wrruli U217 Jyl > UNDEBTAKEBS ANrb'jJMBALMEBS H. K. IIURKET , FUNER.IL ! embqlmcr. 1613 Ch'cqgo. ' ' 8WANSON & VALIEN , .UNDURTAKERn AND cmbalmtra , 1741 Cumjns > ] . , 4tl phona 1090. M" O M.4UL. UNDKRTAKKTi AND 5IT bulmer , 1417 Farnam etrcctj telephone , 223 , 331 IIEAFEY & "HKAFEY ; 218 B. HTH'ST. TBL. 2J5) ) also , 2llh * nd N ! . . So. Omaha. M437 TENTS AND AWNINGS. wnV DON'T YOU PUT'UP AN'AJVNINO _ ON your homo ; keeps out , nun , heautlllcs your resi dence. costs but llttlo. Omnlm Tent & Awning Co. , 1311 Fnrnam Bt. Tel. SS3. JO.JH1 BROS. & CO. , MANUFACT.UREII8 OF awnniRs. tents , lUg > , wagon , hay. stock covuri , tarpniillns. banners , streamers. 703 , 703 H. Kth street. Tel , 60) . Tents fur rent. M3S9 " " JOB PB1NTINQ. QUICK I'ltlNYEUH. KRAMER * CHANDLER. 1121 Farnum & 307-9 U. lith. Phon * 1630. Hall orders get quick action. 794-Jy > _ REED JOB PRINTING CO. , FINE PRINTING of all kinds , nth street , lice bulldlmr. bulldlmr.JH30 STEAMSHIP LINE. AJ > WMUI < i.if i ; AiAiii niiiAJ > iriiiip : o i regularly e\erV Saturday from New ork for fxmilomlrrry anil Ulimgow , flty of Home , Juno JO , 3 p , tn. Ethiopia , July 7 , 9 n. m. ; Fur- ncusln , Jnlr II , 3 p. m. , Anrhorln. July 11 , I p. m , Saloon , second clnwi nil Meerugc , Mingle or round trip tlrkets from New YorK or Chicago at reduced rates to tha principal Scotch. English , Irl h nnl nil continental points. For money orders , draft * , nulwnnl or prepaid tlckds apply to any of our local - or to Hemltrson Ilitx. , Chlcnct'l HAIBDBESSING. MILLER , LADIES' HAtRDRESSING , SHAM , poolmr , steaming hair goods , 1313 Douglas , WANTED , DRESSMAKING IN FAMILY ; 11 years of experience ; $ l.f a day. Addroxa O 23. Ilee. CO S3 * TINNERS. TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK , GUTTERS , rpoutlnR , valleys , rooflnc , done chcnp Halo City Tinners , i22 N , 16th st. 833 J)3 TINWARE REPAIRED. E. ORED1C , III N , 16th itrcet. Copp r and iheetlron wurk. wurk.JS3Jy 8 HABNESS. HARNESS , WHIPS , SADDLES , ETC. : NEAT repairing. 8. D. CnMd , 021 S. 16th street. M 9t6 ! Jy GET MY PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY A HAR ness. August Donne , 711 S. ICtli street. M 934 Jy3 HARNESS , WHIPS. NETS , ETC. REPAIRING a specialty. 113 N. 15lh st , 203 HOBSESHOEING. K. B. BURT , HOR8ESHOER. 314 N. 16TH. MRS. THOS. MALONEY. 81J N. 16TH ST , S27 Jy * DBESSMAKING. DRESSMAKINCl-RY DAY AT HOME ; TERMS reasonable , eut and nt guaranteed. Inquire at 1721 Capitol avenue.- * ELEOTBIOAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND , MoraRO batteries recharRed , electrical and ( ? cn- oral machinist * ; miperlor work RUnranteed. Omaha Electrical Works. C17 and 619 S. 16lh St. 332 PAWNBBOKEBS. FRED MOHLE , 1517H FARNAM. 23 II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY.BOS N. ICth St. WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON I1ROS. . WHOLrSALE DEALERS IN nil kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited. 1CCS Farnam street. OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. . LEADING OPTICIANS ; J. F. Ponder , munwr ; sclimtllle cvimlna- tlon of the ycs free ; 22J S. 16th street , Com'l Nat'I. Ilk. lllds. , In Klnslei'a drug stciro. PLTJMBEBS. FREE-PLUMIHNO OF EVERY KIND , GAS steam & hot water heating ; seweiace. 313 S. 16. MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGE. G. F. QELLENnECK , HANJOIST AND teacher. 1810 California street. 014 SHOBTHAND AND TYPEWBITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. 513 N. Y. Life , Omuhn. Ask for clicular. C2I. TICKET BBOKEBS. J. H. DAVIES , MEMHER A. T. II. ASS'N ; tickets bought nnd sold. 1312 Farnam street. 291 Jyl6 P. H. PHILIHN , CUT RATEsT H03 FARNAM. ai Jyic ItlMI.TY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Juno 25 , 1894 : WARRANTY DEEDS. W A Jones and husband to Robert Cowell , lot 10 , block 2 , Capitol , add J 7,100 G M Hitchcock nnd wire to Lorenzo Crounni' . sw U-10-11 , G.OOO D Skullukowxky and wltli tb A Llpolty , undlv ! lot G , block 1 , KountzoN 4th add 2.000 L S Reed anil wife to 11 Y Henderson , s li lot 2 and n V lot 3 , block 2 , lliuol Terrace 700 Same to Sorlne Jen.scn , lot 8 , block 7 , name CO ) E J O'llenrni' nnd wife to Jiunc * Delnney , n ' / lot Ti , block 2 , Klrkwood 1,650 J A Paterson to P M McLean , lots 15 and 10. block 3 , Thoinburg Place 1,100 August Nelson nnd wife tn C M llroadwell , w ' .j lot l , block "Q , " Lowo's 2,000 T P Scldelt to same , lot 4 , S r Portei's tuld 2,500 ( Jl'IT CLAIM DEEDS. Ada Drake et nl to W J Hronfli , 01x115 feet commencing at jmlnt 2' ' ) fet of so coiner lot 4 , block G. Rrcd's 1st ndd 2 J T Drake- and wife to s.ime , same 2 DEEDS. Special master to Northwestern Mutual Life Inmnimcu company , a n lot S , block k3 , Omaha 17,150 Total amount of transfcrx SIO.SOI ' i.'R5AU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors , Uoe Cuilulns , OMAHA. NEB. Atlvlce FUEE. RHILWflYTlJWBCHRD llUlU.TN'JTb N " 7t" Q.Am\es | " Omahal Depot 10th and Mason Sts. _ | _ Omnlm "il45tim . . . . . Chicago Vestibule . 9:43am : . Chicago Expiess . 4:2opm : 702pm ; . ClilwiRo uiul lanu Local . 8:01.1111 : ll:3iiun : . ,1'neliio _ Junctlon " " _ Local. , .j.C:53pjn : LwiveTfU in SU'NGTON * . - M ff. l H VE | "CT7"nTvcT OnmhaJ _ Depot 10th and Mason Hts. _ | Oma.ia 1015am,7 ; . Denver Express . , T,79:3Jnm. : 10 : 15am . Deadwood Express , . 4IOpm ; 4:5 : < lpni . . . . . . . I H'nvcr ExpiesH . 410pm ; C50pm ; . .Nebraska Local ( except Hun ) . . . 6:5upm S:15am.LLlncolnLocal : ( except Sunday. ) . . 11. 2J.ini Leaves ] KT C. , ST. JT tc O. II. | Arrl\e3 Omahal Depot 10th nnd JInsonSta. ; | Omaha 9:4oam : . Kuns.ia City ixiy Uxpicss . C:5" : iim j im .K C NIght Ex. via _ V.l' _ _ . _ Trans. Leuea I CHICAGO. It. I. & . PACIFIC. [ Arrives Omahal Union Depot 10th & Mason .StM.j Omaha " EAST. 7" : Express ( ex. SundaT ) . . oTOopm C:2pm : Night 6:40nm : 4 MOprn..Chicago Vi > 8tlliule < l Limited. . . . li'.pm : ll:3Jpm.OlUahojnaExp. : ( to C.1J. _ ex " SunG:3ixin ) _ : WEI : CUam.Oklahoma : Ac Texas Exp. ( ex Sun.11 35pni l:35pm : . .Colorailn Llmltcil. l:10pin : Leaves T lJNION PACIFIC. " " "lArrUcs OnmlialUnlon Deyot 10th & Mason 81s. | Qma ia 0am : ) Denver Express , . . . . sTsOpm 2:15prn : , . . , Overland Flyer 6J'pm : ' ) SHJpm.Ueatrlce & Stromsh'g Exox ( fiun.12:30jin ) : CMOpin I aclilo Express 10:5Jnm : JL I'QL' u.tu i _ j..Fnst Mull..v . -i:2ljm : I.eavpi ICIHCA"aO MII & 8Tr PAHL"ATrlCei ' OniiihaJynlon Dcpot 10th & Muson Sts Omnlia 'c:3'pin : Chicago Limited 0:3'nm : .eaves " " 40oamrT7..Dnadwood : Express 7. . . B:10pm : 9iOJam.Ex. ( finl.j.Wyo. Ex.Ex. ( Mon.l. S:11pni : r ; 0ipm. Norfolk Express ( Ex. Sundayl:4oim ) : :30pm : HI. | " > UJ Express 94)ntn ) r < -a"ves I CIIICAOd & " NORTHWErfT'N lAirlvm OmiihalU.J' Depot loth " & Mnnon Hl . | _ Omuha ll:0am..7r.ChlenBo" : ixpret , . ,7 . . C:10pm : 4:0pm. : . . VestllmlQ Limited , . . . . 92 ; < ) am G:30pm : Eastern Fl > r ilipiii ! : ( C:30pmEx : ( , Sat.Chic ) , PuntEx. ( Mun. ) . 9Upni : > 0:55am.iii. : Mn.Vnlley _ Local . . . _ . 10:2ipm : ) MISSOURI PACIFIC lAnlve.i Depot 15th nnd WebsterStB.JOmiia : ' 9:00din. : , . .rr. . .SI. Ixiuls'ExprcBsTTr. " . " . . . . . 0:00jm : 9:30pm : Ht , I iuls Express liUpni _ 6:10pmDally : ( .ex. Hun.J Nnlirnnkii Ixienl. 9:10iun : l HvVBT "O. , HT. "P. . M. " & O. " | A > TI\e ii _ Oinaliu | _ Depot loth arid WebaterSt _ . I Omuhn lOOani. : Hloux City Accom ( Et. Suri.Ts:0pm ) : lOiOOnm..Sioux I'lty Aerom ( .Sun. Only. ) . . S:0opm : J2:15im..Suux : | ! City L'xmeju ( Ex. ) : . , . , . . . .Bt _ ljiulrrLmlted.v. | , „ . . jjljani "SIOUX"CITY "PA"CIFIC ; fATrlfe ? pinutiniU.P. Depot 10th ' & Mason JtJ. | | Omuli.i 6Wam ! Hloux ( 'Ity'P.isscnKer 10:2'pii : ' ) ( _ JUpni : , . M.Stt Paul Express I0l : .iin S10U.X CITY & PACIFIC. lAirlvviT Vvpnl 15th and \'elstcr Sts.Oin.iha _ | _ "c:30pmT. : Ht. Paul Limited . " gflOam Llmllwl . 94)im /.lavut I OMAHA A HT. LOUI3 lAirlvm _ pmahalU. P. Depot loth & Masum Stu.l Uinuli.i Ti3pm..tft. : " Loul * Cannon Hall . . 1233pm ! Is the only SPECIAI-IGT W110TDEAT8 AL , u PRIVATE DISEASED nud DEBILITIES of MEN ONLY , > 6 Women EiclJdid. 18 years experience Circulars free. ( ilband ParnarabU LEADER OF C01I1IONWEAIERS Oamo Eastward and is Charged with Leaving His Men in the Lurch , GENERAL ADAMS STOPPING IN OMAHA Ilrsurtrd IIU I'omnmml nt HlR mid N No\r In lll < llii ( ; Uealor * lit Old fnrt MilnovMII llu Tried ThUV ik. Owing to the fact that Jutlgo Duntly Is out nt Sidney trying the Coinmonwcnlcra the federal Kraiul jury illil not canvcno yoatenlay iticrnliiK. The jury will be callcil In session as soon as the Jiulgo returns ntul It will tliul considerable work to dotilcli has recently ucuiiinulnted. The federal authorities have been watch ing General Adams , who had charge < if the gang of Weulers at Dig Springs jusl before their arrest. It Is said that Adams and a few of his soldiers have been In the city since Saturday and have been begging for provender from people living away from the business portion of the city. The general would not strllio for a back door handout , but \\ould direct the efforts of his comrades. The federal deputies allege that wlillo thu Wcalers were trying to stop trains at lllg Springs Adams collected everything In sight and In company with .1 few friends skipped out , deserting his comrades , who were left penniless and without food. Ills command was soon afterward arrested and taken to Sidney. His former comrades have de clared vengcuiico on the man who robbed them If they ever catch him. Marshal White said that there was no charge ngnltmt Adams and the city officials will Investigate his case If ho Is caught begging In this city. city.Albyn Frank ami party returned from a trip to Fort Sidney yesterday. They state that there are 208 Commanwealer * under arrest and under guard of n force of deputy marshals In the old government buildings. The Wcalers nro divided , ItiO uf them being Imprisoned In the main mess room of the eld fort , while two groups of eighteen each are under special guard , at they are charged with Interfering with mall trains. The men are provided with tin plates , knives and fork ) and tin cups. Each man Is served with two meals per day , In rations of one quart of coffee , three-fourths of a pound of meat and the same imantlty of bread. They eat their meals standing , as they are not permitted to have any chairs. The guards compel the prisoners to keep their quartern clean , and every day the men are compelled to take n bath , a distasteful duty to some of them , who actually re belled when they wcro ordered , to use soap. Slnco being Imprisoned thu mon have mended their clothing , washed up and In A Charming Summer Friend. And most delightful companion on a summer ing tour. Refreshing and reviving the heated traveler , overcoming the oppressiveness of Cars and Cabin , cooling the smart of sun-burn , and relieving the sting ( of insect pests , there is nothing so conducive to comfort in traveling as FLORIDA WATER. This extm- ordinary Jto * Constipation , ] } lzzne Jnvcnalor > B , Is . the inoat Falling Sen. wonderful sntlonn.Ncrv discovery of otutwltchiuft the o.o. It of the oyfa nml other been nag on- riorsodbytho I > u.tS , Icadlngiclen. Strengthens , tlllo mcu of lnvi < ; oratts Huropo nnd and tones the America. entire syttcm. Hudyan la Hudian cnrca purely vego. Deb 111 ty , Ncrvoustios , Hudyan stops , Prematureness anddcvolopo of the ills. and restores cliargo in 'M uenlc ' organs. davs. Cures J'jlns In the book , lots" ] LOST by tiny or MANHOOD uljjhtstoppcd quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. I'rcmatureness means Impotcncy lit the tint stage. It Is a symptom of munlual weakness nnd barrenness. It can bo Etoppod In I'O Uay.s by the uae of Hudyan. The new discovery waa mndo by the spec * lalhits of thn old fiunouH Jlndmin Medical Institute. it Is the Htroimcyt vltallzor tnnde. It Is very powerful , but hunnlcsi. Sold for $1.00 a ptickn e or BX | pnclcnKCs ( nr $5.0) ) ( plain Healed boxes ) . Written Ruarantee trlvcn for a euro. If you buy six boxes nnd nro not entirely cured , six moro will bo pent to von free or nil clinrKes. Bend for circulars and tc.itlrnonlnls. Addreai HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE 10,12 Miirkot St. . San KntnclHoo , Cal. "CUP/flfHE. / " Cures the eft cola of eelf-BliiiHc , excesses , emlHalcna , Impotenoy , vutlcocUe and const ) . nation. Onu dollar a box , six for JJ. l-'or H.\ln by TIIIJ GOOD. MAN UIIUQ CO. . Omaha. Neb. Not I en lo I Jllds will bo received by the secretary of 111 ( i litilldliiK cammlttcc ! fur the nreotlon of two-Htary brlulc bindm-as bloclc , 18x90. Thu second Htnry to he occupied by Iho I , O , O. K. for lodBo puriiouuH , PlniiH nnd MHiclllcntlons can bo seen nt my oilluo. Contract will be awarded .July , 1WI. All bids Dtibject to reteotlon by the com mittee. JOS. HAUUACII. Secretary llulldlnu Committee. Falrbury , Nob. , Juno 21 , 181(1 ( , 423d3lm oilier ways Improved their appearance until iiomo of them nre hardly ree-Rnliablo as beloiiRlnR to the former Rang of train stealcrs. There nre twelve men In the hospital , but none of them are seriously 111 , Ux- I'olleo Captain Cormlck ha charge of tlio deputies , nnd the men nro on guard duly In shifts of four hours each. Military dis cipline I * strictly maintained. Judge Dundy expects to get through with the trials of the Commoinvealcra this week , Many of the prisoner * express a doslro to plend KUllty nnd serve tl.elr sentences ns soon na iwsslble. not relishing the Idc-i of having to stay nt Fort Sidney till summer. TUIAI , OF Till ! 'U'lIAl.KltS. Suddrli IllniM * of , lii < lKn Dunily fnn < > < Slow SIDNKY , Neb. , June 25. ( Special Tele gram to The Dee. ) Owing to the sudden sickness of Judge Dumly last night , who wns alllleted with n severe eaio of Indiges tion , very llttlo business \\n-i transacted In the case of the Commonwealers today. The arguments In the ctscs of seventeen were mndo todny before Commissioner , but no declilon will be rencheil until tomorrow. eighteen Coxc > llcs were arraigned this nrternocn , chargoil with resisting olllcers nt lllg Srlngs , Neb. Only n few witnesses were examined nud very little of Interest elicited. Judge Dundy will be present to morrow , nnd then matters will be pushed to n Mulsh. The court seenu desirous of giving the Wcnlcr * every possible show nnd much leeway Is given to Attorney Stockton In presenting the defense. The United Stites marshals nro very kind to their wards , many of them buying tobacco , books and newspaper * for them. THO Hundred mid Fifty 'UYnlcr * . YANKTON , S. I ) . . Juno 25. ( Special Telegram - gram to The Dee. ) The Iloganltcs , the Mon tana contingent of thu Commonwenlcrs who nro now traveling down the Missouri In Hat boats , will reach Ynnkton Wednesday morning. They sailed from Chamberlain early this morning after receiving rations BUlIlclcnt to feed the 214 men two days. They will bo given rations here and sent on their way rejoicing. There Is no danger from this disease when Clinmbcrlnln'a Cough remedy Is freely given. It llrtucflcs the tough mucus and aids ex pectoration. It also lessons the severity nnd frequency of the paroxysms of coughIng - Ing , and Insures a specdv recovery. Them Is not the least danger In giving It to chil dren or babies , n ? It contains no Injurious substance. 25 and GO-ceut bottles for sale by all druggists , do to Courtland , cool , refreshing. OMAHA MAN HONORED. Attorney Curtis Cluxrn in Denn uf Wash ington IJnlvi-rHlty. Another member of the Omaha bar h 3 been called upon to abandon the active prac tice of the law , being Invited to a higher piano , there to become a teacher and ex pounder of the teachings of Coke , ChlttyanU Hlackstonc. This gentleman Is Hon. William S. Curtis , who has been tendered and who liaa accepted the honorable position of dean of the Washington university at St. Louis , where his labors will begin on September 27 of the present year. Kor llftecn years the position of dean of the law department of the Washington uni versity 1ms been filled by Dr. Hammond , the eminent writer on Roman and common law. Hast spring ho sickened nnd after n short Illness died. At that time the vacancy was offered to Mr. Curtis and the promise of a tempting salary was given , but ho refused , being loth to give up his practice. After the refusal of Kir. Curtis the faculty of the school commenced a diligent search for n man to 11)1 ) the position of Dr. Hammond , but were unsuccessful and a few weeks ago they renewed the offer to the gentleman of this city. This time Mr , Curtis took the matter under advisement nnd last week ho pent a proposition , which was Immediately accepted , and last Saturday all of the preliminaries were closed The school has had an existence of twenty- seven years and during that tlmo It hax sent hundreds of attorneys to the states and territories of the union. In ' 'this city Messers. Keysor , Hall , Davis , Kstabrook , Calder and Nevlns point with pride to Wash ington university as their alma mater. Last year the law class contained 119 stu dents , all of whom graduated with honors. Mr. Curtis will go to St. Louis during tha next few days , when holll prepare himself for taking up the work at the beginning of the school year. His family will not join him at present , as the members have com pleted arrangements for spending a year abroad and will start on their journey In u couple of weeks , Hon. William S. Curtis was born In Wayne county , Indiana , In 1850 , whore ho resided for a few years. In his Infancy his par ents removed to Putnam county In northern Illinois , and It was there and In Ohio that ho received his first Echoollng. In 18CO the family removed to St. Loulu , where ho at tended Washington university , graduating there In 1S73. Ho read law In the law school of that Institution , nmlas admitted to practice In 187G. Ho practiced but llt tlo during the next eight years , remaining at the university as a teacher , but on coinIng - Ing to Omaha In 1881 ho entered upon octlvo practice and has ever since given his whole time and attention to law. His first partner ship was with Judge II. J. Davis , and he was Inter associated with Judge W. W. Koysor. Since the elevation of the latter to the bench Mr. Curtis Ims been associated professionally with ex-County Judge George W , Shields , and two years ago was a candidate for the dlstilct bench of this district , but was de feated by u small majority. At the present time ho is n member of the public library board nnd has taken an active part In the construction of the new building on Homey street. In this city , where ho Is best known , Mr. Curtis Is regarded n thorough lawyer and & most estimable gentleman. Cure Indigestion and bllliousncss with DeWUt's Llttlo Early Risers. Elegant music tonight Courtland beach. i CHANGING THE CITY MAP. Alteration * IMniln In Iliiiiiuliirlus of Wunl * unit 1'rrvlnutn. The city council held a spec.'al meeting as n committee of the whole yesterday after noon to consider the matter of rcllxlng ward and precinct boundaries. The task of re modeling was left to the city clerk tlireo weeks ago , and slnca then ho 1ms been as siduously encaged In preparing the report which lid submitted to the committee yoa- terday. The report was discussed at fiomo length and was nt length adopted by u vote which wai unanimous with the exception of Thomas , who thought that the Seventh ward got the worst ot the transaction. The effect of the change as provided by the committee Is to reduce the number nf voting ing precincts from eighty-eight to seventy- six , thuK effecting a Having for the vlly cf J1.0C5 at each election. In the First ward the precincts are cut from cloven to eight and the ward loses about 150 voters , The Second ward loicii an eipial number of voter.1 and the precincts are reduced from four teen to eleven. The nine precincts In the Third ward are Increased by one and the voting population Is swelled by 051 votcu , most of which arc gleaned from what wan formerly the southern pvcclnctH of the KlftH ward , In the Fourth ward the precincts are re duced from eleven to nine nnd a loan of 309 votes la luffered , Tha Fifth ward Is by far the greatest loser by the transaction. According to the new arrangement It has only Haven precincts Instead of eleven and loses 790 voters. One precinct IB lopped off In the Sixth ward , leaving It with eleven prrclnctu and 200 lem votea than 4t hid be fore , There U very llttlo change In tlo | Seventh , eighty votes being subtracted and one of the seven precincts done away with , The Ulghth gains one precinct and COO voters and the Ninth IB left exactly as It wj before. It Is claimed that the new arrangement not only effects n considerable , invlng to the city by reducing the number ot precincts , but olio constitutes a more equable dlvUlon of the voters , so that each precinct con- talim very nearly the same number of voteru as the others , The report of the committee will ba presented to the council at thu reg ular meeting this evening. Ultle pill * for great IIU : DoWltt'4 Llttl * i sr.'y RUur0.