COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Averaged Firru but Did Mot Make Much Headway. THAT CEREAL OPENED VERY DULL In Corn tlio Itnliu , I.nrgo Receipts , rnvorn- blo Crop Reporti , Lower Cables nml Incrcnsn It t'lilcnjro Stock Were Lending Factors. CHICAGO , June 25. Wheat averaged firm , but did not make much headway on Its up ward course. It stepped out boldly more than once , but slid bock again , nnd was only Vic higher nt the close than It waa nt the corresponding time on Saturday. Corn was easier , as were also oats , while pro vision * were flrm , but there was a very ellm tradt. Wheat opened dull , then showed consider able loss for a time , but later became nulet and so continued to the end. It opened Vic higher In sympathy with Uerlln cables , de clined V4o on selling by ft local bear and rains In the wheat belt , rallied lo on the heavy decrease In the amount of ocean pas- gage , in the visible supply nnd In the local stocks , catod off % o on lower late cables nnd free realization nnd closed steady with a gain ot Vic over last Saturday's final fig ures' . , . In corn the rains , the larger receipt * , favorable crop reports , lower cables nnd the Increase In the local stockB of 85,000 bu. were the bear reasons. The close was dull nnd showed a loss of HO In price com pared with Saturday's last quotations. In oats there was a weak feeling on larger receipts , on the rains and on more favorable crop reports. Dartlett-Krazlcr led the sell ing. The local stock 160,000 bu. showed an Incrca-o for the week of 53,000 bu. The close showed a loss , compared with Satur day's cloBe , of IVic In July and Ic In Sep tember. Provisions Improved on buying by local packers In the belief that the run of hogs would show a decided Increase , but cased off with the value of live hogs , but closed with an apprecUtlon of 2'4c nil around. The leading futures ranged as followa ; Article . | Open. | High. | | Close. IVhoat.No. 2 June 6f > ! < 00 July GO Sept , 03 02HQU Corn No. 2. > June , , . , . . . 41 4W 41 41M Sept 41K O.IIH No. 2. . . Juno Julv 39 Srpt 30J4 20J4S30 Pork per bbl July 12 85 12 110 12 CS 12 < S7 Bi-pL 12 05 12 70 12 05 12 05 Lnnl.lUOltiH Juno. . . . 0 72M July , . . . 0 7fi 075 0 72H 0 724 < \Cpt C 87H 087M 0 85 087 Sliort Ribs- July 0 B5 G S7W fl 47W n cs Sept. . . . 0 05 II 07 H 0 r > fi 0 & 7 ! { Cash quotations wore ns follows : FIOIlt-Inll ) , unchnnsi'il. W1IIJAT No. 2 cprlns , 57Uc ; No. 3 cprlnc , W c : No. 2 red , M'Jc. C'OHN-No. 2I0c. . OATK-No. 2 , 4iy.c ; No. 2 white , 4CHe ; No. 3 white. 47c. IIVIJ No. 2. K\ic. \ 1IAIILHY No. 2 , nomlnnl ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 62c ; No. 4. f. o. I ) . , r OJJ51c. nAx HIID : : NO. i , ji.45. TIMOTHY HniO I'rlme. $ l.7Cit4.S5. I'UOVIHIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , JllS'if ? 12.r,7"i " ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , C.70gfi.72'4 ' : short ribs Hides ( loose ) , SG.C21ittC.GO ; dry Hulled shoulders ( traxid ) , unchanged ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , utiLhangril. WIIIHKY Distillers' nnlshed goods , per gal. , J1.15. KlIOAnS Unchanged. The following wore tlio receipts ana for today : On the Produce cxchanito toil W tlio butter in tr- hct was sH'.uly : creamery , l-iHOlTc ; diary , llHffl Htfc. EggH , steady at OHM Hie. MiXV VOItK UUNKICAL MAltKET. Vcgtordny'ft Quotntlon * on Flour , Grain and 1'rovUIoiiH , Alctnlr , Ktr. NEW TOniC. June 25. Fl.OUIt HecelptB. 3D.OOO Lbls. : exiiorts , 17,000 bbli. ; sales. 1C.COO packages. Mnrkct llrmly held on counter wheats , spring also linn : exports dull. Southern Hour dull ; rye Hour slendy. 1IUCKWIIHAT Nominal. COHN M13AL Dull : jcllow western , I2.C5S2SO ; Braiulywlne , ? 2.W. HYU Nominal ; state , CCflMc ; Jersey , KSI3c. IIAHI.HY Nominal. IIAUI.nv MAL.T Dull ; Canada , 90005c ; slx- rowed , b'J/8Cc. WHI2AT llecelpts. 70,000 bu.J sales , 4,050.000 l > u. futures iincl 96.000 bu spot. Spot mnrket firmer ; No , 2 red , In store and elevator , d'/ic ' ; No. 1 northern , "O'.ic. ' delivered ; No. 1 lion ] , 71Vtc , Oellerol.Options opened stronger on decrease In passage and firm cables further ail- vancetl on unfavorable crop advices , declined on decrease on Cncllsli visible supply ; clone , % c up. Nn. 2 red January closed at 63c ; July , 62 15-10063 ft-lCc , closed at C3'ic ; AUKttst , GlU f 64T4c , closed at C4V4c ; September , CSS-lCOCC'lc , closed at CS c ; December , GS 'J-lGfjKic ) ! , closed at CSTic. CORN Receipts , 93,000 bu. ; exports. 47.COO bu. ; sales , 410,000 bu , futures nnd ISO , 000 bu. hp t , tiiot | maiKet loner ; No. 2 , 4SHc In elevator. Option market opened firmer with wheat , but old off sharply ilurlnK the day on better crop prospects ; close UQc down. June closed at 45Hc ; July , 4JKT4C < ; c , closed at 45l > ic ; Ausust , 4C'C46'ic ( , , closed at 45c ; September , 40 % ® 47ic ! , closed at 4C c. OATS Hecelpts , 1'C.OOO bu. ; sales , 140,000 bu futures anil 23.UOO bu. spat. Spot rnaikct weaKer ; No. 2. 61 < ic ; No. 2 white. WVje : No. 3 white , 51'ic ; track mixed weblern , (2r > 3c ; track white western , nsitcic : truck white state , 6.15T5 c. Option maikct steady early , but afterward de. cllned on Improved crop advice ; close ? le down. June closed at We ; July. 48146410 , closed at 48c ; AiiRUst , 3GU&3i'ic , doted nt 30Uc ; Septem ber , 3414 35c , closed at 35c ; October closed nt 350. 350.HAY HAY Dull ; shipping , 10.005650 ; good to choice , I7.00HT8.90. HOI'S Weak : state , common to choice , 9@14c ; I'lielllc const , 10 15c. HIUUS Dull ; wet salteil New Orleans , sc. lectcd. 45 to K > Ha. , 4i454T4c ; Texas selected. 3S to M Ihs. , 4fT&c ; IluenoH A ) res , dry , 20 to 24 Ibs. , 1054 llo ; Texas , dry , 24 to 30 His. , 6VJC. hEATHim Inactive ; hemlock sole. Ducnos Ayies. Unlit to heavy wclxhts , I.rlSo. \ \ ' _ ( ) OIqulct ; domestic lleece , 1302Cc ; pulled , I'flOVISIONS Heef steady ; cut meats steady ; pickled shoulder * . 6Hc , I .art ) , steady ; western steam closed at } 7.05 asked ; July closed at J7.10 ; Keptcmber , J7.2S , nominal ; reflneil dull ; continent. 17.40 ; H. A. J7.SO ; compound , Ei tjCc. 1'ork dull , but llrm. IllJTTUn Steady : western dairy , 105I15C ; west. trn creamery UjflSHc ; western factory. 9HW 14 < ic ; iiKln. lf > ' , ic ; state dairy , 12jl7ic ! ; state creamery , ISWISUc. KQO.s rirmer ; state and 1'ennsvlvanln , 12'iW ' 13c ; western , frish , ll UiaWc. Receipts , 6,427 n Dull : state , larse , 7 I8Kc : small , 'ancy , 7Wti8',4c ' ; part skims , 2i ! J5lc ; full sklmj. TALLOW Mnrket dull ; city ( } 2 per pkp. ) , 4H O4Hc ; country dikir * . trie ) , 4i54j4Hc ; as to I'imOLKL'M Dull : Unltrd cloKed nt 8J > ic bid ; Washington , Mils. , J6 ; WnshlnRlon. In bulk , I3.W : rellncil New York , J.V15 ; I'hllndolphla nnd llnltlmore , J5.13 ; Philadelphia and llaltlmore In bulk , I2.CO. ROSIN Steady ; strained , common to good , ll.3Jltl.40. Tl'ltl'iNTINi-8tendy : ; 31R31'ic. RR'i : Htrady ; domesllc , fair to extra , 4flCc ; Jnpnn , 4 fM , c. MOLAHSIIS-QiiIet ; New Orleans , open keltle , gmtto \ choice , 29fJfc. I'Kl IRON-Dull ; Scotch , J10.GOG2I.W ; Arnerl- cnn , I10.OH4ill.Oc ) . I'Ol'l'KR-Qulet ; lake. ! . I.KAlQulet : ddintstlr , J3.10. TIN Hnsy ; Slrnlls. 113,40 bid ; plates quiet. KI'III.TIIR Neslected. COTTONHHUn Oll Actlve : prime crude. ! 0c nsketl ; off crude. 2t > T2&c ; > ellow butter crndes , 85c ; rholct' ji'llivv , S4c , nominal ; prime jellow. S2Hcj yellow ort urndes , 3Jc ; prime while , 31'4O * _ _ _ _ Liverpool Alnr nt * . HVnRrOOL , June U. WHCAT-Clow , nrm ; ieinnnd poor ; No. 3 red winter , 4s S'4'l. CORN Dull ; demand moderate ; new mlxtd nwt. 3s 8 > id ; futurra sternly ; demand fair ; June , In 8d : Jul > . 3s M ; August , 3s 9)d. FLOUR Stuidy ; dctnund l > wr ; St. Louis , fancy winter , 8s 9d. 1'ROVISIONS 1'ork , dull ; demand poor ; prime mf s , western , 6 s 3d ; western medium , 16 * 3d. The receipts of whent for tlir past week were ; Prom Atlantic ports , 1.700 quarters ; from Pacific ports , none ; other ports , 73,000 quarters. The receipts of American con ) from Atlantic port * for the past week were 16.800 quarters. Cotton .Mitrknt. NB\V OllLKANH. June 25. COTTON Easy ; re ceipts , > . ? U l le < ; stock , 83,001 bales ; futures. dull ; aalrs. 13 Uilrst June , IC.SS bid ; July. 16.WW .b'J ; AUKUit , JG.MU 8i ; Hepteinb.T. K.SKjOH ; October , l .SCCteSlj ; November , J691C693 ; De cember , J8.W < 0i.V9 ( ; January , 17.04 bid ; I'vbruary , $7.10. ST. IX3UIH , June S5.-COTTON-qulet : mid- dllmr , 71to ; wiln ) , none ; ncelpts , 100 bales ; iihlp- tnents , 300 bales ; slock , 33.900 bales. MliiitrnuolUVlicut Market. MINNKAI-OUH. June U. The wheat market was nrm and higher , due jiarlly to higher llrlllih rablo and tmd crop reports from the Dakota * . Receipts urre 1U.7W bu The demand \vu fXKl , Hhlpmrnti wire 18.CM bu. llunlnvmi wu chlflly In September , with a nioderatr amount ot UaU gviln * to D c inbtr. Clu : June Mtic , July. Mno 3 p ; September. Derrmtwr , eJH < iC3Hc : on Irnck. No. 1 lurd , IV..K , No. 1 northern , 64 > lc ; No. 1 northern. Mo. Kloiir wn Hrm nml held n little Idaher flt I3.4J tnM for rntrnln. U ir.o .M for bnkem. ' Pro duction about 34.CDO libls. Shipment * 41,000 bu. U.MAIIA UiNi'HALMAItltir. : Condition of Trula nnd Unolatlonn on Ht | iln nml I'nncjr Produce. The week open * without nny very decided clinngc In the prixlucc mnrket. Price * remain prnctlcnlly whore they were nt the clone of last week. r Until It wn known that Ilia retmto committee has. restored the duty of tc per dot. on PRK * there was no little anxiety among the heavy holder * of Ice house CKK * In nil parts of the country. Thin ? CRK * wen > put In Mm - under a DC duty , nnd holder * i-IMI hate n difference of 2a p r doz. aKnlnrl them. The house fixed the duty nt 2o , nnd the fnali * put egg * on the free list , but ha * now restored the 3c duly. In ISO ] , with the duly nt DC , there were Imported Into New York 3C iOOiO doz. Previous to the 5c duty Canada was rinding nlxmt ICCh > l,0 > doz. of CKVH Into thl * country annually. This > the pro duction of eKRH 1 ns been very large , nnd the cold stoniRO house * nil over the coutmy nre well filled. Mnny of these tfK * were put In stornise not merely n * 11 matter of speculation , but n * n means of prevent NIK an nil mil ) overstocked mar ket from being completely glutted , with the con- soipient loc * to mei i hunt * . New York rommlsiilon men nre protesting nk-nlnst the bills of Ind'mr In use by the most of thernllrondi ) . which contain n > many provision * that the nindn nre practically relieved from lia bility for losses. It Is claimed that under the present form of bills of Indlnir the commission merchants uinnot , with any degree of safety , mUnnce money on goods from the west. Ht'TTIJH The market ) estenlay wn * devoid of feature other than that nlniidy noted."Prices remained In the HHIIIC nntch. Local dealer * nrc receiving some very bearish letter * from enstcrn outlets ; In fact , benrlshncss Is the feature of almost all the correspondence from that quarter. Some New York house * nre predicting that the finest ladles will sell ( lure nt 12c In the next three or four week * . Packing stock on thl * market I * bringing 10c , nnd the bujers appear to wnnt It nl that price. Choice country butter , ] 2iil4c ; separator creamery , 15yi6c | bricks , ICIMSo. IJCHIS The supply of eggs continues large on this mnrket. The propoitlon of slock showing the effect * of hot weather Is very large , and the loss In candling heavy. Oood stock la celling generally at DC. LIVIJ POt'LTRY Old hen * are very scarce for name reason , nnd tie market llrm. As usual , the llrst of the week there vva * not very much demand for poultry. Spring chickens. lUfltc ; old hens , Cc ; roosters , 3c. The demand for K't'e nnd ducks Is very light , nnd what few are arriving arc mostly bird * that have been plucked , nnd In consequence not very desirable. Diukn , Cft'c ; hen turkcjs , 7e ; gob blers. tOf > c ; geese , 68GV4c. VIJAI Receipt * al commission houses nre not Inige , but there ore still a good many on the market. Choice- fat nnd small veals are quoted ut 51-ififc ; coarse nnd I irge , 34c. CHIinsn There Is some \ery choice Wiscon sin eocene on the market. Wisconsin , full cream , new make , lOinic ; Nebraska und Iowa , full cream , 010c | ; Nebraska and Iowa , part skim , Gft7c ; Llmburgir , No. 1 , lOc ; brltlc. No. 1 , lOc : 8nl s. No. I. 1341 He. HAY The market Is about steady. The re ceipts were nbout fifteen cars. Upland hay , J8.50 ; midland , } 8 ; lowland , J7.M ; rye straw , JO. Demand fair ; supply fair. Color makes the best price on hay. Light bales sell the best. Only top grades bring top prices. PianONS The gun clubs use quite n good many pigeons , and theie Is a demand for old birds strong on the wins. Old birds , per doz. , JMOffll.W. JMOffll.W.vncsnTABLns. . Advices from the heaviest melon shipping point * In southern Georgia Indicate that the irop U moving very rapidly. It will be about two weeks before the central Georgia crop will be In shape to move. The local market on vegetables wni not ma terially changed yesterday. On account of the arrival of home giown cabbage prices nre n little lower on that commodity. WATiRMni.ONS Per 100 , 20.00023.00. CANTALOUPES Texas cantaloupes are arriv ing on the market. On orders , Jl.L'JWl.SO per doz. 11KKT8 New beets , per doz. bunches , 20025c , on orders. SQUASH Texas summer squash on orders. 75c per do ? . CUCUMISHRS On orders , per crate , J1.50 , or 40UMC per doz. GRttHN I'l'PPERS Texas green peppers , per U hu. box , 7r > c. OLD HIIANS Hand picked navy , J2.1002.15 ; medium navy , ll.90Q2.00 ; common white beans , tl.MOl.CO. ONIONS On orders. Cnllfoinln , 2o per Ib. POTATOES There nre plenty of potatoes on the mnrket , from Arkansas and California mostly. In the prpent condition of the mar ket both here and In California It would seem hardly reasonable to expect many more po tatoes from that state. Good potatoes arc quoted In California nt 5'.c per hundred , rate to Omaha "So , or a totnl of { 1.30 per hundred laid down hoie. This leaves a very small imigln lo cover shrinkage and possible louse * , to say nothing nbout profits. Good shipping stock Is quoted hero nt W90c. CAI1HAGC There Is plenty of home grown cabbage being brought In by the local growers , nnd while the heads nre small , they ari > % ery solid nnd good quality. There Is also consider able California stock on the market. Good ship ping stock , on orders , 25f2Kc. ASPARAGUS Good homo grown stock. 85OIOO per doz. , on orders. TOMATOnS I'lorldn stock Is pretty well ex hausted , the season being rather far 'advanced for shipments from that state. Mssl ! ° sppl ! stock Is In large supply. Good shipping stock , per 4 basket crate. 51.2501.40. NUW UI3ANS The supply of wax and string beans Is limited principally to home grown stock , which Is not overly plenty so far. and which Is held nt firm prices. Wax , per ' ,4 bu. basket , U ; string , per Jj bu. basket , 7"ic , I'UAS The supply Is somewhat larger. Good stock , per bu. , t- . r.OG PLANT Per doz. , on orders. TGflJl.OO. CAULIFLOWER Choice stock , per doz. , J1.W3 1.75. CARROTS New southern carrots , per doz. bunches. 3010c. Pin PLANT On orders , per Ib. , Ic. PARSLI3Y On orders , per doz. bunches. 25ii30c. TURNIPS New southern , per bu. , 51.23 : homegrown grown , per doz. bunches. 25Q30c. FRUITS. At the auction held > csterdiy morning the following were offered : 1.152 peaches nnd 1,033 cherrlcR. The auction room was full of buyers , tile b'ddlng ' fairly active , and the offerIngs - Ings soon taken. While tlio offering * of cherries were large , there were only a .few lines suitable for shipping , the most of them' being too ripe. Prices ruled rather low. In addition to the local buyers , brokers bought for Keokuk , Fort Dodge , Red Oak. Sioux City , Jlnnon City , St. Joseph , Grand Island and lleatrlce. On Tuesday the follow Ini ? fruit will be offered for sale at auction ; 1,833 peaches ; 391 apricots ; 12 pears : 101 pencil plumx ; 47 Claude plums ; 592 apples : 110 plums. On Wednesday a car of cherries will be offeied. The predictions mnde by fruit m ° n some time ngo , that this would be a low seuson , have been verified M far. Prices on all Kinds ot frull , es pecially California fruit * , have been unpre- cedentrdly low. This Is true not of till * market alone , but of every other market In the country. A glance nt the reports of auction Bairn In Chicago cage will show that fruit has ben slnughleied as mercilessly there as nnyvvhcro else. While present prices must bring heavy losses upon California growers , they nre bringing fruit within the reach of the mnpces of the people. The cause generally nscrlbtd for the present low prices Is the unfavorable business situation. The llrst Cnllfornln pears of the teanon nrc expected to arrive on the nnrKet today. Ad vices from Georgia say that there will be more pears In that state than was nntlclpatcd a short time ago. The Georgia peach crop , however. Is said to he practically n total failure. STRAWRIJRRIKS There was n car of Col orado stock nnd some express shipments from Washington. Good stock , J3.50. CHIRRIIS While theie was n car of cherries thrown on to the market yesterday , stock that would do to ship out on orders wn * rather scarce at Jl.00ifri.25. APPLIIS There were no California npplcn on the mnrket > enterdny , but there arc- dome ex pected In today. " Good shipping stock , 11,23. APRICOTS There were no frfsh arrivals > es- terduy , but n few nre billed to nrilve today. Good stock. tl.Nliftl.2K. OOOSiiinitRIis : There have been none re ceived to amount to anything during the last week or more. Quotations are nominally J2.25ST 2.60. 2.60.RLACKRURRIUS Receipts moderate. Good stock , J2.75. 1ILACIC RASPDHRRIKS For the first of the week the receipts were quite laige. Good stock , (3.50. line TlABPIIRRRinS Not enough have ar rived to establish prices. PI3ACIins Tilt- supply of peaches was In creased ) fsti'rday by the auction sale of a car of California stock. Good stock , J1.00Q1.25. TROPICAL FRUITS. The orange trees In the vicinity of Lakeland , ria. , nre now puttlnir on n heavy bloom , nnd It IB predicted Hint there will be n good spring crop. The grapefruit trees that droppul much of their fruit early In the searcn are also blooming again , and the prospect * for a crop of that fruit are very itwd now , 11ANANAS As usual , when Berries are on the market the demand for r-nnanas Is not very heavy. Choice slock. J2.00W2.W. LUMONH The deniand ha * not been Increased to an exlent sulllclent to advance price * as yet , and tha market running steady. Fancy lemons. 300 Plze. H.oafH.M ; fancy lemons , 3CO size , 13.75 0400 ; choice lemons , 3M ) size , J3.75. OllANUK.H California Mediterranean Sweets nrc to be had on the market nt 13.75 , PlNfiAPPI.US There Is a fair supply of Florida pineapples on the market nt 11,50 per doz. , or J7.00d7.50 per crate of about six doz. MISCELLANEOUS. FinS-rnnvT. per Ib. , HH815c. DATUS Hallow tea , 65 to 70-lti. boxes , per Ib. , 'HONEY Cnllfornln , 15o ; dark honey , I0@12c. MAl'I.U SYRUP Gallon cans , per do * . . Jlz. NUTS Almonds. 15Q17c ; Englliii walnuts , 100 lc ; filberts. 12o ; llrazll nuts , lOc. CIDUR-Puro julci , per ILL , It ; half bbl. . 13.25. 13.25.HlDESNo. . 1 crecn hides , Uo ; No. 1 green salted bldits , Sc : No. 2 L'reen salted hides , 2c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , Co ; No. : veal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. , 4e ; No. l dry Hint hldcf. 6c ; No. t dry flint hides. So ; No , 1 dry isltfd hides. 4c ; part cured bides. Ha per Ib. | u thitn fully curtd. BIIEKP PULTS-Green a'ted. each , tSfJWc ; green salted shearlings dhort-woalcd tally skins ) , each. M15c : dry shearlings ( eliort-woolcd early kins ) . No. 1. each , 64 < " > o : dry shearling * ( short w ooled early iklns ) . No. I , each , 6c ; dry flint , Kansas and Ntbrnika butcher wool , pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 60Sc ; dry Mint. Kama * and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 40c ; dry flint , Colorado butcher woo ) pills. p r Ib. . actual wtlKht , 4O7c ; dry Hint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual welKht , 4B c , TALLOW AND GRBASR Tallow , No. 1. 4Q 4 o ; tallow. No. t , 3\iJHc : grease , white A , 4Uc ; grease , whlto V. 4c ; greaie. yellow. 3c ; grease , ilork , me ; old buter. ItflHc : beeswax , prime , ISClSc ; rough tallow. Sc. Chicago I'rult Auction , CHICAGO , Junt B. Th Bail Fruit company ol < 1 fruit at unction today ft * followsi Cher ries , still In bnd order , showing rnln dnm.iRC , lIMck Tartnrlnns , ! OfCOC | Roynl Anne , Apricots , 6SOR5C , Penchcn , encCll.OO. Pliiin * . njmsn , 75cl7Jl IS ; St. rmlifrlne , tKcOJl.U , Tragedy prune * , I30 < K 15. Demnml unequal to th * supply , coniequenlly mnrket depressed , Weather hot. Porter llro * . company , Chicago , fold toilny eight cars Cnllfornln fruit ! El More plums , 13.23 ; Abundnnce , 13 25 ; Jnpnns , 13.20 ; Tragedy , : .C3 ; mixed , 11.20 ; St. I'ntherlne , Il.004n.t5 ; pencil plums , J2.HO : llo > nl Native , 8'K-f/ll.X ) ; Hatenky plum * , JI.CO ; cherry plums , 6500c ; Cl > mnn , 11.35. Royal nprlcot * , 40C"Oc : pencil nprlcolR , WltWfi Montgomery , 70c. Alexander PHiehe * . 300'Oc ; t irly May , JOflfA ? . Apple * , tl. 70471. SO. Tartarian cherries , ZGQUc ; lloyal Anne * , SJcOtl.M.- ' _ Ml. Loin * Clcnernl Mnrkor. ST. LOl'Ifl , June 2-rLOUR-StronR , un changed ; demand fair. WHEAT Unsettled early , but strong Inter , closing with n net advance of * iOSc ; No. 2 red , rash , 57Sc ; June. U' < c ; July , 57c ; August , Kc ; September , B7'4O68c. CORN Ensler ; losing < 4OXc ! No. 2 mixed , cash , 39c ; June , 38Hc ; July , 3S'ic ; September , 39c. OATS Dull , wenk ; Nn. 2 , cash , 42Jc : 3u\y \ , 85'4c ; AURU t nnd September , 30C1. RYE Firm : No. 2 , east side , t3c. I1ARLEY Nothing doing. lIRAN-FIrm , 63c east track. FLAX SEED II. IS. CLOVER sEiD-i ; .nofl7ro. TIMOTHY SEED-J3.Wa4.00. HAY-Htendy. lll'TTER Weak ; choice separator , HOIc. 1XH1H Wniki 7c. LEAI > Finn , 13.10. BPELTER-Dull. 11.20. OUN MEAIJ2.IO 2.15. WHIHKY-II.1G. COTTON TIEM-SOc. PROVISIONS Stronger , tendency upvvnid ; fair demniid. Poik , standard mess. Jobbing , J13.12'4c. ' I ird , prime -steam , JC.55 ; choice , JC.C714. Dry salt meats , loose shoulders , 15.85 ; longs nnd ribs , J6.C714 ! fhorts , JO.SJ'.i. Ilncon , pncked shoulder * , J7 ; long * , J7.2S ; ribs , J7.37Vi ; shorts , itECEIPTR-Flour , 9,000 bbla. ; whent , 19,000 bu. : corn. 115.000 bu. ; oat * . 57,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 9.COO bbl * . ; wheat , 1,000 bu. ; corn , 58,000 bu. ; oats , 9.000 bu. Coffee Market. NEW YORK , June 25. COFFEE Options opened dull , but turned more active In the after noon on llnltlmore buying order * ; cloned steady , 5ff20 point * up ; sale * . 11,000 hag * , Including ; July. J .40 ; August. 114.90014.95 ; September , I14.20i714.2o. Spot coffee , Rio , ntendy ; No. 7 , 110.25 ; mild , steadv ; Cordova , J19.00frl9.25 ; sales , COO bags high grade Rio , p. t. ; 400 bag * Central American , nml 500 bag * Mexican , p. t. ; ware house deliveries Saturday , C,0H ! bags ; New York stock todrty , 109,410 bags ; United Stntes stock , 15G.87G bags ; afloat for United States , 142.000 bags ; total visible for United States , 298.S7G bags , against 457,000 bngs last year. SANTOS , June 25. Firm : good average , J17 ; receipts , 2.000 bags ; stock , 21.000 bng * . HAMIIURG , June 23-Qulct ; price * i pfg. higher to't pfg. lower ; mles , 4,000 bngs. HAVRE. June 25. Closed on account of the death of Cnrnot. RIO JANEIRO , June 25. Quiet ! No. 7 , Rio , J15 ; exchnnge , 054(1 ; receipts , 4,000 bags ; stock , 117,004 bngs. Milwaukee ( Irnrral Market. MILWAUKEE. June 25.-FLOUR-Qulct. WHEAT Higher ; No. 2 spring , D7c ; No. 1 northern , CC'.Sc ; September , tl c. CORN Easier ; No. 3 , 414e. OATS Active nnd firm ; No. 2 white , 47c ; No. 3 white. 4C047c. nARLEY Firm : No. 2. D5c ; sample , C0'i31e. RYE-Stendy ; No. 1 , W'ic. PROVISIONS Higher. 1'ork , J12.57',4. ' Lard , J6.72H. RECEIPTS Flour. 12,300 bbls. ; wheat , 6.500 bu. ; bnrlev , 6,700 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 2,300 bbls. ; wheat , none ; barley , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kansas City .Markets. KANSAS CITY , June 23. WHEAT Firm ; No. 2 hard , 5lc ; No. 3 red , 52653c ; No. 3 red , 50fi51c. CORN Unchanged ; No. 2 mixed , I5V4G3Cc ; No. 2 white. S'JitiflOc. OATS-Slow ; No. 2 mixed , 42043c ; No. 2 white , 43c. 43c.HUTTER HUTTER Stendi ; crcnmcry , 14Q15c ; dairy , 12 ? c , KGGS Wenk nt 7c. RECEIPTS Wheat , 2,600 bu. ; corn , none ; oat * , none. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 1,400 bu. ; corn , none ; ruts , none. _ Visible ) Supply of Grain. NEW YORK , June 25. The visibly supply of grain Saturday , June 23 , nn compiled by the New York Produce exchnnge. Is ns follows : Wheat. D5.SM.OOO bu. , decrease , 1,253.000 bu. ; corn , 7,181,000 bu. . Increase. 10.000 bu. : oats , 2IC 00) bu. , decrease , 161,000 bu. ; r > e , 210,000 bu. . Increase , 6,000 bu. ; bailey , 79,000 bu. , decrease , 6,000 bu. Oil Market * . OIL CITY , Pa. , June 2. . National Transit cer tificates opened nt S93i : highest , 90 ; lowest , 83S1 : closed , EG } ; ; rnlee. 4.0UO bbls. ; shipments , 139,872 bbls. : runs , 13.817 bbls. PITTSnURG , Pn. , Juno 25. Nntlonnl Transit certificates opened at 89 % ; closed at 87 ; highest , 90 ; lowest , 87 ; no sales. t Alnrkot. NEW YORK. June 25.-SUGAR-Haw. flrm ; sales , 350 bags molasses , 89 test. 2 l-16c ; rumored cargo , centrifugal test , nt Philadelphia , 2 5-16c ; refined , firm , fairly active. LONDON. Juno 25 SUGAR-Cnne. qulqt ; cen trifugal Java , 14s 3d ; Muscovado , fair refining' , 12s Cd. _ New York Dry ( iooda Market. NEW YORK , June 25. Business has not been active , still there was more doing Uian was ex pected , because of so many absentees on nc- count of Saturday's weather. Prints , ginghams , dress goods , bleached and brown cottons had attention and fair sales. Unlnth Wheat Market. DULUTII , June 25. WHEAT Close : Higher : No. 1 hard , cash , Juno nnd July , G5'ic ; No. 1 northern , cash , G3c ; June nnd July , G3c ; September , C2c ; December , 63c : No. 2 northern , cash , CO'/ic ; No. 3 , 55'jc ; rejected , 45c. To arrive : No. 1 northern , 65'ic. Wool Murkot. ST. LOUIS , June 25. WOOL Firm , un changed. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Financial Notes. BOSTON , June 25. Clearings , $11,137,493 ; bal ances , tl , 084,719. HALTIMORE. June 25. Clearings , } 1 , 430,193 ; balances , J1S8.C91. NEW YORK , June 25. Clenrlncs , J50,1S6,193 ; balances. J5. 172.000. PARIS , June 23. Three per cent , rentes , 99f 37Vio for the account. PHILADELPHIA. June 25. Clearing * . J0.193- 251 ; balance * . 11,381,402. MEMPHIS. June 25. New York exchange sell ing nt II. Clearings , J23I.307 ; balances , J107.70I. CINCINNATI , June 23. Money , -UWO per cent. New Yoik exchange , DOS60c picmlum. Clearings , J2 , 255,450. LONDON , Juno 25. The amount of bullion gene Into the Hank of England today on balance Is 18,000. SAN FRANCISCO , June 25. Drafts , sight , lOc ; teleginphle , 12HC. Silver bars , 63&C3"ic. Mexican dollar * , D14j51 c. NEW ORLEANS , June 25. Clearings , J671- 27. . New Yoik exchange , commercial , Jl premium ; bank , J1.50 premium. ST. LOUIS. June 25. Clearings. 13,255,561 ; bil- nncc.s , JS73.529. Money , dull , 64f7 per cent. Ex change on New York , 75c premium bid. NEW YORK , June 25. Receipt * of gold nt the subtreasuiy from the city banks on ac count of gold withdrawn for export are ns follows : Friday , 1500,000 ; Saturday , J3.400.000 ; today , up to 3 o'clock , Jl , 954 , 000 ; making n total of J5.944.000. Raring & Magoun , nnd Freres will ship J300.000 In gold on the steamship Havel , Bailing tomorrow. STOCKS AND 11ONDS. Shnro Speculation Moderately Active During ; tlio MornliiR but Dull Later. NEW YORK , June 25. The share specu lation was moderately active during the morning , but was very dull during the af ternoon. London was a seller In moderate amounts ot St. Paul and LouUvllIo & Nash ville , and there were orders from Amsterdam to sell others of the International special ties. The engagements of gold for the Havel tomorrow aggregate only $1,000,000 , against $2,000,000 on Tuesday of last week , and It Is adduced therefrom that this week's ex ports will bo lighter than the week before. The subtrcasury supplied the gold , and It Is said the agreement to reimburse the eub- treasury docs not Include this week's ship ments. St. Paul broke H per cent at the openIng - Ing on London selling , but quickly rallied on the covering ot a short contract and re covered the full loss , closing at a reaction ot % per cent. The other granger shares wcro neglected. Sales for the western ac count caused a decline of 1 % per cent In Distilling , of which % per cent was recov ered at the close. National Lead was sold down on a report that the business of the company was poor , owing to the very warm weather , and after the opening at a gain ot % per cent a break of 2 ' 4 per cent was ef fected. Subsequently a rally ot 1 per cent took place , with a final reaction ot Vt per cent , mak ng a net loss oti per cent. Pull man Is down ZVt per cent. General Electric 1 % per cent , Kansas & Texas and Consol idated Gas 2U per cent and Rubber preferred 1 per cent. The other changes are fractional. The bond market was generally weak. The Post's London cablegram : President Carnot's assassination depressed all the markets hero this morning , but a feeling was produced by the announcement that the Italian bourio should close down to express sympathy and a report that the king of Italy would attend the funeral. Norfolk & West ern was pressed today , but signs ot liquida tion arc terminating. The financial condi tion of America Is viewed with soih * alarm here , but a feeling predominates that the worst Is over. The Stock exchange will be closed on Saturday. There are Indications ot gold leaving here for India. The { allotting are the closing quotations Tlie totnl pnlcs of stocks tixlny were 102MS flmrcf , Inrliiillne : Atclitami , P.000 ; Atnrrlcnn HliKiir , 20.300 ; Clilrngn One , 10,700 ; Distillers , e.ftjo ; ImllH\llln & Nnotulllc , 3COO ; Nntlonnl I. l C.COO : Northern 1'aclllc prefcried , 3,400 ; St. 1'nul , 10.COO. New York Money Mill-hot. NEW YOHK. June 2i. MONI2Y ON CAt , ! . Knuy nt 1 pur cent ; last loan , 1 per cent ; closed , 1 per cent. I'llIMU MnitCANTILD FAI'nR 2C4U per cent. STKrtMNQ EXCHANan rirm , with nctunl tnmlnesB In tankers' bills nt ! 4.8Si ( or dcmnnil and t4.S7ft4.S7U for sixty < lnH ; posted rates , KSS < nml )4.90 ; commercial lillK J4.805i. 8II.VHH riilTIl'ICATiH WijiSSc. GOVUHNMUNT llONUS-Qulet ; state bonds , dull. dull.Closing Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : Cuttlo Receipts Wcro Light nnd tlio Market Wan Strong. CHICAGO , June 23" Cattle receipts were light today , estimated at not over 8,000 head. This strengthened the market , nnd prices were nt once advanced from 15o to 20c. Scarcely any thing In the steer line sold below J3.CO , the bulk going nt from J3.75 to J4.65. Sales of cows nnd bulls vveie generally nt from J2 to J3 , and Texas cattle , of which about 2,000 were In , were quoted at from J1.50 to Jl. There was a brisk deniund for hogs at nn ad vance of lOc. There were n number of pales at J5.15 , a few nt J5.20 , and one or two nt J5.25. Rut the- advance was not held , and the market settled back to about Saturday's quotations. The close was qullu dull nnd weak , with J5.15 nn out side quotation. Receipts wcio large , amounting to about 30,000 bend. There wns n moderate supply of sheep , and the the demand being good , prlce.s. remained firm. They ranged from Jl to 13 for poor to choice qualities. The lamb market was llrm nnd fahly active nt from J2.75 to J4.75 , the outside figure calling for choice articles. The Evening Journal reports : CATTLE Receipts , 8,000 head ; prices 15T20e higher : prime to extra native steers , | 4 6001.75 ; medium. J4.2. > 4.50 ; others , 13.9504.10 ; Texuns , J2.60iS3.CO. HOGS Receipts , 33,000 head ; market opened wild and higher and closed weak and lower ; rough heavy. 14.5004.75 ; packers and mixed , J5.oojT5.10 ; prime heavy nnd butcher weights , J5.10JTS 20 ; aworted lights. J4.OOfT4.10. 8HKEP AND LAM US Receipts , R.OOO head ; both sold higher ; top sheep , J3.7504.00 ; top lambs , J4.50 4.90. Go to Courtland , cool , refreshing. Minor Court Mutter * . In the case ot Emily Hespeler and Reglna Morrow , two sisters , who were arrayed against each other In Judge Ambrose's court over the Issues In a $10,000 law suit , the Hespeler woman wants It distinctly tinder- stood that she allowed the Morrow woman to live In her h.ouso , rent free , for a long period ot time. ' ! Inl addition to this she states that she loaned Reglna a large sum of money , whlch was never paid , and that the asking for thErcurn { of this money was the original causo/.of tall of the UIIncuKy. Judge Daxter ot Ilio county court has started on a montTTB Vacation , going to Puget Sound and the TeQoJi stoho park. Dick Rico wan -in 4.ho criminal section of the district cotirf'yesterday , where ho was fined $100 unu'costs for having assaulted a woman with Intent to rob. The judges amL tlie lawyers begin to sco the end of the Mturtehn of the district court , and the present vrocknvlll close all of tha ac tive operations uritll the opening of the Sep tember term , OATi-May of the present week all of the Jurors FwlllCbo discharged and most of the members of the bench will devote a few days' time ttf Ihoj disposition ot ex parte matters , after Whlcli they will hlo them selves away to thb Cool retreats which they have selected as the places for their summer outings. In Judge Keyior'n court the case ot Will iam I ) . Ulngman against McClanahan & Halllgan , attorneys , Is on trial , vvhero the plaintiff is seeking ta recover back some money that ho paid out as attorney fees. Ulngman was a traveling salesman for the Omaha Hardware company prior to the time that company went to the wall. After the crash he went to the attorneys and hired them to collect some back salary , which they did , retaining their pay for serv ices. Since that time the plaintiff has sued for the return of this money. Don't fill your stomach with spirits which wreck It. Cook's Extra Dry Champagne tones It up. Switchback act ! carouial Courtland. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Opens with n Continuation of the Light Supplies. CATTLE TRADE CORRESPONDINGLY DULL I'rlcc * for Top Ornilrs Higher , but Offerings Too Light to Tempt llcnlerx I1 B Klse Under the Light Supply nud "jell Quickly. MONDAY , June 23. nccclpts of all kinds were light today , the total arrivals being less than 100 c.irs , about evenly ilhldcil between hogs and cat tle. There were hardly enough useful beef cat tle on sale to make a market. On nccoun of higher markets east , prices averaged about a dime higher here , but the trade was not at all lively , as the supply was too sinal to encourage active competition. Handy fai steers and choice heavy grades were al right , but rough heavy stock and common light stock were hard to move , even at shaded prices. There were a few loads still In first hands at the close. The cow market was poorly supplied and generally unchanged. Oflcrlngs were com mon and trade Blow at low prices. Ooci veal calves were In better demand , nnd soli at a shade better prices than last week , bul the market for rough stock was not more than steady. In stackers and feeders there was not much doing , for the reason ttat there was not much to do with. Yard traders were pretty well sold out toward the close o : last week , and , although there was no very urgent country demand , the fresh arrivals were picked up readily at steady to n shade stronger prices. Good to choice feeders are quotable at from $3.15 to $3.40 , fair to good nt from $2.80 to $3.10 nnd common to poor at from $2.75 down. Representative sales : DRESSED nnnp. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I > r .No. Av. Pr 7. . . . ! K)2 ) J3 45 45..1253 $4 15 21..1197 $1 2" 1. . . . 900 3 fiO 2..1200 t 1C , 47..1283 4 25 21..1181 4 10 S..13HO 4 2T , SHIPPING AND EXPORT. 2.,1010 3 CO 54..1262 4 30 40..1404 4 45 COWS. 4. . . . 802 1 00 4. . . . 7D1 1 DO 2. . . . Mi 2 00 6. . S74 1 23 20. . . . 800 1 GO 1..10IO 2 00 4. . 07 1 30 1..1100 1 75 15..1(102 ( 2 50 C. . 902 130 2. . . . 805 175 1. . . . WO 260 2. . 820 135 1..1100 180 1..1010 2 7S S. . 822 1 35 1. . . . 910 1 80 1..1420 3 40 * > CfK ) 1 CO C..10C4 1 85 2..14W 3 CO Hi ! 710 1 20 HEIFERS. 8. . . . C23 1 70 11. . . . 662 1 75 I. . . . 025 1 85 CALVHS. L. . . IfO 175 L. . . 370 275 L. . . 200 400 11. . . . 165 1 85 1. . . . 140 3 00 2. . . . 193 4 00 2. . . . SSO 250 9. . . . 242 325 2. . . . 175 400 1. . . . 200 2 50 4. . . . 157 3 75 BULLS. 1. . . . OfO 2 20 1..11CO 2 23 7. . . . 9G1 2 D5 1. . . . 710 2 20 STAGS. L. . . 710 2 CO sTocicnns AND FEEDERS. 0. . . . 301 225 3. . . . 543 275 7. . . . 614 305 29. . . . CC2 2 23 10. . . . 692 2 65 14. . . . C04 3 10 3. . . . SSO 250 1. . . . 500 2 S5 40. . . . 890 323 MILKERS AND SPRINGERS. 1 springer JIG 00 TEXAS CATTLC. No. Av. Pr. 55 steers ' . ' 20 J3 00 HOGS Although the supply was some what larger than dealers were anticipating today the strength In the provision market nnd the generally bullish tone to Chicago ad vices made a good lively trade at prices pretty close to a nickel higher than Satur day. Shippers and speculators did some business , but packers did most of the buying and they \vcro not long In cleaning up the supply. The heavy nnd butcher weight hogs sold largely at from $4.85 to $1.90 , with the light and light mixed grades mostly at from $4.80 to $4.S7V& . The top for choice heavies was $4.92V and Inferior light stuff sold down to $4.75. Pair to good hogs of all weights sold very largely at $4.85 to $4.90 against $4.80 to $4.85 on Saturday and $4.60 to $4.70 one week ngo today. The Chicago market closed lower , but nearly everything had changed hands here before news of the break arrived. Representatives sales : No. Av. 6h. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 1 370 . . . } l C3 7 230 . . . tl S3 3 396 . . . 4 C5 5 2 < 14 4 297 . . . 4 75 67 258 400 2 310 40 4 75 C5 2r.O ISO 97 176 40 4 75 74 243 . . . 10 307 . . . 475 66 259 SO 87',6 C6 201 120 4 77'4 76 234 . . . SJ'4 77 190 100 4 BO f.6 314 120 87' * 89 175 SO 4 80 74 2M 40 8714 78 213 ICO 4 80 SO 211 120 87 ' ,4 77 185 160 480 C6 218 80 87'X , 71 04 320 4 60 46 246 . . . 87U , 3 213 . . . 4 80 1 CW SO S7'4 12 265 . . . 4 SO C8 'HI SO 87 > 4 87 206 320 4 60 72 218 120 ST',4 78 213 240 4 S2V4 69 216 40 8714 74 211 160 4 82 > i S2 238 80 8714 38 211 160 4 82'6 70 2r.6 160 871i SO 215 $0 4 82'4 71 214 80 4 S714 86 200 120 4 8214 C9 211 80 4 90 4 372 . . . 48214 70 211 . . . 490 62 200 200 4 S2'4 M 2S7 SO 490 79 216 160 4 S214 C2 261 SO 4 90 61 229 80 485 CS 261 SO 490 73 227 H.O 4 85 60 2CS SO SC 23r 80 4 r 72 270 40 63 210 200 4 K > 68 2SO 80 85 211 200 4 85 61 284 . . . 76 2JI . . . 4 S3 C4 261 ICO 62 233 160 4 85 f,5 238 40 15 287 40 4 81 75 262 201 6 206 . . . 4 SS 48 305 40 6 225 . . . 4 85 PIGS AND ROUGH. 1 COO . . . 32" 1 4DO . . . 4 CO 1 SCO . . . 4 25 SHEBP Kor the fourth day in succession no sheep have arrived. Naturally the de mand has Improved somewhat , and under tjio Influence of more favorable reports from eastern markets It is probable that desirable muttons or lambs would bring a shade better prices than prevailed last week. Fair to good natives are quotable at $2.75 to $3.25 , fair to good westerns at $2.50 to $3 , common and stock sheep at $2 to $2.25 and good to choice 40 to 100-lb lambs nt $2.50 to $3.75. Receipts mid Disposition of .Stock. Official receipts and disposition of stock as shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards company for the forty-elKht hours ending nt 3 o'clock p. in. , June 25 , 1894 : RECEIPTS. Cars Head. Cattle . 47 1,116 Hogs 61 3.C45 DISPOSITION. Rujers. Cattle. HOKS. Omaha Packing company 7 711 The a , H. Hammond company . . . . 71 1,039 Hvvlft and company IM 929 The Cudnhy Packing company 67 SGI John P. Squires & Co 432 A. Unas 142 L. llecker 1 O , II , H. from Kansas City 170 Shippers nnd feeders 248 . . . . Left over 200 100 Total KitnanH City Live Htoclc Murkot. KANSAS CITY , Juno 23 , CATTLE Receipts , 5.700 head : uhlpmontB. 1,690 head. Market utronK to 15o hlKher : Texas Hterrx , J2.35W3.CO ; Ti-xua cow * , S1.25ir2.30 ; brcf steerf , } 3.00i4.70 ; nntho CUKH , S1.2.rfi < .40 : Btockera nnd feeders , I2.00fl3.55 ; bull * . } 1.75 ; 3.00. HOGS Heeelptn , 3,600 head : ehlpmontg , SOO lieail. Market Htroni ; In 5c hlRhcr ; bulk of snles. S4.90&4.95 ; heavies. | 4 90ft 5. 00 ; packers , 14 W GOO ; mixed , J1.iOa4.or , ; llKhttr , 14.75 4.90 ; Yorkers. S4.SSff4.90 ; lilKB , SI.COiT4.S5. HIIEEP Receipts. 700 head ; shipments , 200 head. Market steady. _ St. LouU Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. June 25.-CATTLK-Recelpt . 2,103 head ; shipment * , none. Market quiet ; native n. UnchunKed ; TexanH , eftfcler ; natUe steers nnd mixed , 13.1214ft 4.Si cove. I1.SOJJ2.00 ; Texun steels , llcht , J2.40iU.UO ; cons. 11.451(2.15. HOOB Receipts. 1.900 head ; shipments , none. Market strone , CftlOc hlKher ; heavy butchers , S5.15 ; medium light , J5.10 ; plirs and common IlKht , S4.WI4.75. HIIEUt' Receipts , 1,900 head ; shipments , none. Mnrkct quiet ; fair Texans , S3 ; nuthu owes , S2.60. _ Now York I.lvo Htoclc Market. NEW YORK. June M.-IlEEVES-Recelpts. two days. 3,000 hrud ; market uctltc , too hlKher ; nntlte steers , KO < M ! to prime , S4.62V464.85 : medium to fair , S4.904j4.bO ; Inferior to ordinary , S3.9504.20 ; poor , S3.4W3.W. HIIBni' AND LAMI1S Receipts , two days , 14.000 head ; market steady , but more artlvv. ; sheen , poor In prime , J2.Mt.t.75 ; lambx , common to choice , JI.OOfl6.CO ; fancy , S5.b2Hb3.75. HOOK Receipts , t o dais. 7.700 head ; market stronger ; Inferior to fair , S5.Utf5.35. Block In Record of receipts of live stock at the four principal yards for Monday , June 25 , 1691 : Cattle. llor . Sheep. South Omaha . 1.1K I.64S . . . . Chicago . . , . . . . . . H.OOO 33,000 8,010 Kanui City . 2.700 S.JOO TOO Hi. Louis . 8.100 > .9K ( > .600 Totals . 13,815 42,14 ! 10. COO DoWltt'a Little Uariy Risen. Small pHU , safa pllla , best pills. Zoological garden Courtland beaclu _ _ tWE PLACE ON SALE THIS WEEK our cntlro stock of brass nnd iron beds , white ciwinolod. brnss trimmed , nt about linlf usiml prices to oloso them quick. All our brass poods tvro highly "lac quered , " trmt IB to any , covered with nn imporialmblc , trunsimront prepa ration so tlioy will never tarniah , but remain bright and clean. The de mand for brass and iron beds hns been constantly crowing during the past five years. They \\holesoinc , neat and last a. lifetime , lloro nrn a few prices : IRON. BED In White Enamel and with Brass Trimmings. Former price $12.50 Now S 7.CO Former price 20.00 Now 11.50 Former price 22.50 Now 12.50 Former price 30.00 Now 17.00 Former prlco IW.OO Now 10.50 BRASS BEDS j Cold Finished Fire Lacquered Goods. Former price $4 , " > .00 Now S24.50 Former price 55.1)0 ) Now 27 50 Former price 70.00 Now 34.50 Former price 85.00 . t Now 42.50 Terms cash or easy payments. Formerly People's Mammoth Instalment House. Close Evenings at 6:30 : , excepting iMoiulays nntl Saturdays. COMING TO NEBRASKA. Foreigners AVlio AV111 Add to the I'ormliitlon of This Stntv. Commissioner Utt of the Commercial club keeps close track of the emigrants bound for Nebraska and has made up the following list of emigrants who have taken passage for this state from May 15 to June 15 : Anna Swenson , 1C , servant , Swede ; N'els Martin , 26 , farmer , Swede ; Lewis Swenson , 26 , farmer , Swede ; Karl Darowsky , wife , one child , laborer , German ; Selgfred Kallsky , 17 , laborer , German ; William Houghton , 42 , ma son , English ; Joseph Houghton , three chil dren , 39 , ' bricklayer , English , Omaha. Dagmar P. llasmusscn , 22 , servant , Swede , Grand Island. Hulda Johnson , 17 , servant , Swede , New ton. Frangott Hensel , 49 , farmer , German ; Curt Opltz , 17 , farmer , German , Plattsmoutli. n. Kvane , 20 , servant , Norwegian , Made line. line.Maria Maria Weslholm , 24 , servant , Norwegian , Hastings. Anna Novoyny , one child , 28 , matron , Aus trian , Ravenna , Franz Laltgeb , 21 , laborer , Austrian , Wa- hoo. hoo.Maria Maria Alt , three children , 39 , matron , Aus trian , Hay Springs. Emll Shlpman , 17 , student. German ; G. Largo and wife , 30 , laborer , German , Grand Island , Frans Bartek , vlfo nnd five children , former Austrian ; Alolsa Lckern , 17 , servant , Austrian ; Anton Novak , 24 , farmer , Austrian ; Jan Draliota , wife and child , farmer , Aus trian ; Anna Knocli , two children , farmer , Austrian ; Marie Uedrel , 19 , servant , Aus trian ; Vaclaw Ucdrel , wife and child , farmer , Austrian , Howells. Anton Luzum , 17 , servant , Austrian , Crete. Mary and Honey Heltan , servants , Nor wegians , Mlndcn , Konrad Lenz and wife , Jacob Dachmnn and eight children , Fred Flsk and ono child , Jacob Seller nnd wife , John Neffo , Peter Kltzman , wife and six children , Jacob Moser , wife , mother nnd brother , all Husslan farm ers , will locate at Sutton. Anna Carlso'n , 21 , servant , Norwegian , Fre mont. .IcEcph Kolar , 18 , farmer , Bohemian , Wllber. Giorge Twcntrels , Christ Drengtit , wlfn and child , German , farmers ; Antonla Dworak , 20 , servant , Bohemian ; Hedwlg Grott , 20 , servant , German , Omaha. Waldcmar Keltz , 15 , servant , Dane , St , Liberty. Emily Knudsen , 20 , servant , Dane , Omaha. Else Katho Larson , 26 , servant , Dane , Beatrice. Fratlska Tlsorck , servant , Bohemian , Ar.tonla Tleorek , servant , Bohemian ; Morltz Relchcnbach , 18 , tailor , German , Omaha. August Brandt , wife and four children , laborer , German , Arapahoe. Julius Hoist , 28 , merchant , German , Cedar Falls. Frantlska Tolondek , servant , Austrian , Omaha. Thomas Nowak , wlfo and three children , faiirer , Bohemian , I'lalnvlow. Robert Cecava , wlfo and seven children , and Barbara Cccnva. farmers , Bohemians , Edgar. K. Muck , wlfo and four children , farmer , Moravia , Columbus. Henry Arp , wlfo and child , laborer , Ger man ; Alexander Patten , 26 , laborer , Irish , Omaha. Anton Bucrs. 20 , farmer , Gorman , Winner. Hans Foopon , 19 , farmer , Gorman , Frank- Jean Cosolo , 40 , carpenter , French , Nor folk. folk.Vaclav Kuccra , 38 , farmer , Bohemian , Clarknon , Simon Fnnso , wlfo and four children , aborer , German , Uuutls. Hannah Carlson , 18 , servant , Swede , Holdrege. Ellen Nell ! , 20 , servant , Irish , Syracuse , Josef Johnson , 18 , laborer , 'Swede ; 0. Gunderson , 1C , servant , Swede , Sutton. Wllhelm Shlott , 32 , farmer , Russian , The following Canadians are bound for the 'allowing places : Adolph Malik , Schuyler ; Jacob Brandt , Corning ; Fred Behreni , Gib bon ; Fred Hoffman , Rising City ; W. Dlcko , Lake Mills ; B. Raschke , Surprise. Boating , bathing , music. Courtland Beach. Cyclone lu Oklahoma. PERRY , GUI. , June 25. A severe cyclone passed north of here Saturday night. A nurn- rcr 01 rtslihnccs urn ) barns \vcro blown down WALL ST. OPERATIONS Can be carried on with Inrge profits and lltjli risk by Joining our Co-OpcruUvu Railroad StocIL Syndicate. Avuriiifu profit or 20 per emit n month fiirnnil mm ptild to thoftulMcrluors for pise s x month * . > Hlglrest references. Prospectus , giving detail ed Information of oour perfect system , moiled free. . | WEINMAN & CO , , Stock and Grain Erokors , No. 41 llroticlvi'iiy Now York City * WM , LOUD ON , Commission Merchant GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Private wires to Chicago and New York. All business orders placed on Chlcaeo Uauril o4 Trade. , Carrespomlcnco solicited. Office , room 4. New York Llfa Building i TcUphonu 1308. I and several head of cattle nnd horses wcra killed. The rcaldcnco or ex-Minister to Turkey W. F. Little \\as blown down and ! several head of stock killed. No loss of human life Is reported. Slide for life , Courtland beach tonight , ) BOWED TJHE"KNEE TO SCOTT. Agiilii ixii8ieritrH | Otli r Judge * by III * Cliilmn on tin ; .liirora. Judge Scott and his bailiff had another clash with the olllccrs of the court over ( ho matter of handling the jury. It so happened that Judge Keysor wanted a jury , that ha might begin the trial of n cause. Ho In structed his bailiff to notify the clerk nnd at deputy from Clerk Moorcs1 office was uenU for the men. doing to the room presided ) over by Judge Scott the deputy signaled to men to como Into the corridor of the bulld- * Inu' . but ns soon as they reached the door they uoro sent hack to their scats , being toltl to sit down and remain quiet. The deputy clerk went to the room of JuilRo Keysor , where ho reported the pro ceedings and again vent Into the corridor and In a loud tone called ; "Jury In No. 2. " Again the Jurors started to leave their Beats In Scott's room and again they wcro driven back by the bailiff. Ily this time the dep uty clerk was getting somewhat excited , and , going Into Scott's room , ho Informed tha bailiff there that Judge Keyfior wanted a Jury. Having bonded the Itnco to the czar , In charge of the room , the men were sent out nnd the clerk was called before the judge of the criminal division , where he was cau tloncd against making any loud noise about ) the corridors of the court house In the fu ture. * An ixpennl\o : lilow. Hugh D. Iloyco has sued the Durllngtodl Railway company In an action to rccovosj the sum of 520,000 alleged damages. Tha plaintiff allcgo that on March 25 , 1893 , anal a long time prior thereto , ho was employed In the shops at Havclock 'as a blacksmith. Ono day , about a year ago , whllo ho waa doing Homo work upon a heavy plcco ol Iron , ho called to his assistance a helper ) to strike the Iron whllo It was hot. Thht helper itruck a few blows ut the polnd where they were Intended , nnd then care lessly , so the plaintiff avers , ho missed the mark and hit tlio afllant a fearful stroke la the breast , producing heart disease. f Guilty ot Highway Kohliury. William M. Swift walked Into the crlm * Inal section of the district court yester * day and entered a plea of guilty to tha clmrgo of grind larceny , withdrawing hla plea of not guilty to the chnrgo of robbery , On the plea of guilty ho wa sentenced tea a term of five years In the penitentiary * Last week the prisoner was out In the vU clnlty of IClkhorn and there ho mot and robbed John Huddeman , forcing him to turn over his wealth at the point of a gun. li , unions folio. Thoto who are subject to attacks of thM disease will bo Interested lu the experience of Mrs. K. Duller of 22 Flllmore street , Falrlmvon , Conn. Shi Bays : " 1 suffered fof weeks with cello and pains In my stotnacbi caused by biliousness. One-half teaspoonfuB of Chamberlain's Chollc , Cholera anil Dlmr- raoea remedy effected a cure. For lalo b ] | all druggists. u A cooling rW to Courtlanil