Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAT1A DAILY REE ; TUESDAY , Jl'NE 20 , 181)I. ) 3
D < llr < rt < Tby earrltr to nny part ef th * city.
H. W. TILTON , L M o.
N < x < 1 ; nlcht
4lt < r No. O.
.V/.VOrt MK.\TIUX.
The firm ot Shea & Galvln ha ? Unsolved
The Young Men's Temperance club ha
postponed Its meeting until one week from
tonight , July 3.
Erneit Stelnman ot St. Joseph and Jane
n. Walker of this city were married by
Justice Vlcn yesterday afternoon.
Columbus K. , son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris
lingers , died yesterday morning at Onui.l
Mound , Clinton county , aged II.
A special meeting of Bluff City lodge ,
No. 71. A. F. & A. M. , will be huld this
evening for work In the third degree and a
Members of Pottawattamlc tribe , No. 21 ,
Improved Ordrr of Red Men , arc requested
to be prcncnt on Wednesday's sleep. Busi
ness of Importance.
A special melting of the city council has
been called for this morning at 0 o'clock
to open bids for paving and sewer and to
let contracts for work.
The Utlle Dulce noclcty of St. John's
English Lutheran church will give a lawn
oclablc at the residence of J. N. Swan-
con , 520 Franklin avenue.
J. Alvln Huster , the well known vlollnUt
of this city , and Miss Louise H. A. Mchls
ot Bloomlngton , III. , arc to be married to
morrow evening at Ncumnycr's hotel.
Etta , wife of Warren Wicks , died last
Tuesday at her home In Palestine , Tex. ,
very suddenly. She had many friends here
who will be shocked to hear of her death.
Woodward Bros. , architects , have awanled
contracts for an elegant residence for John
M. Galvln. U Is an architectural beauty.
They have also awarded contracts for a
school house In Garner townsh'p.
A populist rally Is announced for next
Friday evening at Bayllts park , and James
B. Weaver will speak at 8 o'clock. The
local pops are making preparations for n
big time generally , and may possibly have
a street parade.
The case of Fr-nk Jones , charged with
burglarizing the shoe shops of H. Asmus and
0. Peterson , Is on trial before Judge InwK
All of yesterday was occupied with the hear
ing of evidence , and the trial will be re
turned this morning.
Elmer R. , son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A.
Bchullz , aged 11 months , died at 11:10 :
o'clock yesterday morning , after a two
weeks' Illness. The funeral will take place
at 2 o'clock this afternoon at the residence ,
323 Tenth avenue , and the remains will be
burled In Falrvlew cemetery.
The members of the various lodges of Odd
Fellows In the city united In a memorial
. service at the Christian tabernacle Sunday
evening In honor of their dead comrades.
A sermon was preached by Rev. E. W.
Allen appropriate to the occasion , and the
services throughout were very Impressive.
J. F. Peterson was arrested last evening
on the charge of highway robbery. A man
named Hanson , with whom he had been dur
ing the afternoon , was the complaining wit
ness. He claimed that Peterson took the
money from his pocket while ho was drunk ,
whllo Peterson claimed Hanson gave It to
him to pay for a hack :
Mrs. Horace Everett , Mrs. R. S. Lyman ,
Mrs. Samuel Haas and Mrs. E. W. Hart en
tertained the members of the boat club and
their ladles at the club houo at Manawa
last evening. The guests were magnificently
entertained with music , ddnctng and other
amusements , and the boats of the club were
used by those who { preferred out of door
pleasures. Dainty refreshments were served.
During the races the motor company will
run all trains from I p. m. to 3:30 : p. in. to
the gate , where passengers will be trans
ferred to a train Inside the gate bound for
the grand stand. After 3:30 o'clock stub
trains will bo run from the grand stand to
avenue A ns often as desired. After the
races passengers will be carried direct to
either Omaha or Council Bluffs without
One of the Inmates of Stella Long's place
came home with a wildly hilarious jag last
evening and was turned out Into the street
by the landlady. She plowed up the earth
In the back yard for awhile , and made so
much noise In the operation that she at
tracted the attention of Officer Easdale , who
arrested her. It took four men to carry
her from the patrol wagon to her boudoir
In. the sky parlor.
The report circulated by certain saloon
beepers that they had been given permission
by Deputy Marshal Fowler to run their sa
loons on Sunday In violation of the mayor's
order , provided they did so quietly , was de
nied with considerable emphasis yesterday
by Mr. Fowler. Both the mayor and the
marshal were so worked up over the report
that It Is probable that redoubled efforts
will be put forth next Sunday to see that
the law Is obeyed.
Good times arc coming. Buy a horn *
whllo you can get It cheap. We write fire
Insurance In the best companies. Also loan
money for local Investors. Lougeo & Towlc ,
235 Pearl street ,
I'A 11,1(111.1 PUS.
Deputy Marshal Fowler Is on the sick list.
Mrs. James O'Brien Is visiting Mrs. Dickey
near Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Denny leave shortly
for a western trip. ' '
Mrs. W. S. Marshall left yesterday for a
week's visit In Denver. '
Mr. Charles R. Hannan of the Citizens
bank returns homo today.
H. S. Jones returned yesterday morning
from a month's trip to California.
W. W. Wallace and family leave In a few
days tor a ten days' visit to Clear Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Clark , accompanied by
the lattcr's slater , have gone to Denver.
Mrs. H. E. Grimm Is visiting relatives In
Roca , Neb. , accompanied by her children.
Mrs , George H. Mcschcndorf , son and
daughter , left yesterday afternoon for Bos
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Officer and Miss Ger
trude Pusey left last evening for a trip to
Misses Julia and May Tulleys have re
turned from a year's school work In Massa
chusetts. ,
Rev. E. W. Allen Is at Grlnnell this week
attending the summer Institute of Christian
Mrs. M. J. Alworth and daughter left yes
terday for a tow weeks' visit with relatives
in Marshalltown.
Mrs. F. Moul and daughter of Creston , la , ,
are visiting the family ot H. F. Hattenhauer
on Seventh avenue.
Rev. John Askln will leave with his family
about the middle of July for a three weeks'
sojourn at Clear Lake- .
J. O. RUhel and wife of Lewis. la. , have
returned to their home after visiting their
son , J. B. Rlshel ot the Rock Island freight
Will O'Donnell , who has been attending St.
Mary's college at St. Mary's , Kan. , has re
turned home to spend the vacation with hta
Mri. J. H. Cleaver , wife of the mayor , ac
companied by her two children , has gone to
Philadelphia for a. visit ot two months' with
Matt Tlnley. Will Marshall. Os Blanchard ,
G. Chllds. L. Evers and V. Johnson have
gone to Nebraska for a week's Interview with
the finny tribe of the Elkhorn.
Miles Schollelil , who submitted to an oper
ation Sunday afternoon at St. Bernard's hos
pital that was attended with considerable
danger , was reported doing nicely yesterday.
Miss Ella Murray of Chicago. Miss Mar
garet Evans of Minneapolis and Mies Win-
fred Evani ot Cedar Raplda are In the city
for a visit with their relative , Mrs , . H. Ben
nett , the local Insurance representative.
Hal H. Williams of Hastings. Neb. , bus ) .
ne manager of the Commercial Traveler ,
published at that place , was In the city yes
terday , accompanied by C. I. Work , another
traveling man ot Hastings , ( baking hands
with their brother pilgrims.
The third piece of new and Improved ma
chinery for the seaton has been put la place
In the Eagle laundry. Tel. 157.
1.000 pigeons wanted. 717 Washington
Menue , Council Blurt * . T. C. Moxley.
Arrangements Rapidly Boini ? Completed for
the Fourth of July Celebration ,
L' o Tlione that Hnln Prevented Heine
llnrnctl on tlie Oc < union of the Uranil
Army Itcunlon ( iuitriU nml Cadet *
Touch Them Off.
The committees on Fourth of July cele
bration held n Joint meeting lait evening In
the hall of the Woodmen of the World and
made a start toward the cranJ celebration
which It U their Intention to prepare. Va
cancies were filled on the various commit
tees and general plans were talked over.
The details will be left In the hands of the
various luhcommltteei. One thing thai has
filled the hearts of the celebrator * with a
feeling of heavenly rest Is that the commit
tee that Is plnnnlng entertainment for the
Army of the Tennczee , which meets here
In September , has decided to give up Its
claim to the fireworks which were left over
from the Orand Army encampment. It hat
been decided to turn them over to the High
School cadets and the Dodge Light guards.
These two organization ! will be asked to fire
them off on the Fourth , and there Is a gocd
prospect that they will comply with the re
quest. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Important Notlcn
Is hereby given to the citizens of Council
Blurts and vicinity that If Interested In an }
kind of merchandise carried by the Itoston
Store , now Is the time to purchase while the
great Surplus Sale Is In progress.
Finding that we are overloaded In the
various departments , we take the only wn >
of reducing our stock , that Is , by making
low prices , as quoted below.
For further references we call special at
tention to show windows , In which we ells-
play a few of the many bargains offered dur
ing this sale.
17c and lOc ribbons , all colors , lOo a yard ,
Sc and lOc toilet soap , Do a cake.
Florida water , 12 ! c a bottle , worth 23c.
Ladles' mitts , reduced prices , lOc , ITc and
33c a pair.
Gents' shirts , nice , neat patterns ( see shon
windows ) .
SOc all wool challls. 31c a yard.
75c and C9c figured Halentl silk , 49c a yard ;
BOc quality , 31c.
Sc apron gingham , Gc : canton cloth , SISc ,
5c : challls , 10 yards for 1'Jc.
Me summer corset ( "Take It Easy" brand ) ,
Special Inducements In all departments ,
Be sure and visit store during sale.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
r.vans Laundry Company.
520 Peart streat. 'IVIi-nhP-
For cobs go to Cox , 10 JKJ ilreet. Tele
phone 48.
Paris green , 25c. Davis , the druggist.
St. IVtcr'n School.
The following program will be presented
at the closing exercises of St. Peter's parochial
chial school on Pierce street this evening.
Welcome Sons Pupils
Accompanist , Mips Anna Toller.
Whose Turn ? ( DlaloRUt )
JItiHters F. liaumelster , J. Neu and T.
Defense of Robert Emmet..Master J. Scotl
Cradle Song I * . Neumayer , M. Gerties
Cnllsthcnlc Exercises . . . .Boys
The Knrnlne Mls i Anna Tollei
Kathleen Muvourneon.MIss Nellie McSorley
Accompanist. Miss Anna Toller.
The Ilecoril ot the Hours :
Father Time Master K. Tollei
The Hours Ten Little Girls
Day Miss Lena Tollei
Shepherd' * Song Master A Neu
Listen ! 'TIs the AVoodbird's Sons..Pupils
Accompanist , Miss Anna Toller.
Scene from "Julius Caes < ar : "
Marc Antony B. Spltznasre !
Citizens : Master J. Ncu. A. Ne.u. G. Munro ,
F. Haumelster. J. Schbtt. U Wack , F.
Teller , W. Hermscn , W. Assmun ,
C. Swassing.
Der Medlzlnmnnn F. Baumelstei
The Farmer Motion Song Little Folks
The Sister of Charity Miss N. McSorley
Who'll Huy My Hlackb rrles.MlPS J. Scahlll
Accompanist , Miss Anna Toller.
Canon Pupils
The I > oHsh Boy Miss M. Scahtll
Kissing Papa. Through the Telephone. .
, Miss L. Tollei
Accompanist , Miss Anna Toller.
Essay Aim In Life Miss Josie Scahll
Rope Drill Girls
Good Night - . . . . . . . . .Pupil :
Accompanist , Miss Anna Toller.
Grand I'lnza , Ijxko Mnnawn.
Grand Plaza will bo open to free admis
sion every day up to noon. From noon
until midnight an admission fee ot 10 cent :
will be charged , which will admit to ground !
and to concerts and all entertainments. Nc
return checks will be given.
No person ot questionable character will
be permitted to enter the grounds.
No admittance to Grand Plaza will be
charged to persons who desire to rent boats
or bathing suits. *
Ice cream and refreshments served In the
pavilion of Grand Plaza.
Meyers-Durfee Furniture company , 33G-33S
Uroadnay. Bargains In fine furniture.
There's only one bargain shce store In
Council Bluffs , and It's I'lerce's.
Men' I'lcnlc.
Elaborate arrangements are being mad <
for the traveling men's picnic to bo given al
Grand Plaza , Lake Manawa , July 4 , undei
the auspices ot the local council of tht
Commercial Pilgrims. A more suitable 01
pleasant place could not have been selected
and the program that has been preparec
warrants looking forward to an entertainment -
ment suitable for the occasion , with attrac
tions that will certainly bo appreciated ,
Grand Plaza will never contain a more In
telligent , wldo awake and push ahead com
pany than on the Fourth. All traveling
men and their friends will be welcomed
There will be a basket dinner , with sports
and amusements of all kinds , free trans
portation to and from the lake , free admis
sion to tlio plaza to all wearing the badge
ot the day , which will be furnished to those
applying to the transportation committee
at 115 Pearl street , In the traveling mcn'i
reading rooms , up to the night of July 3
Dungan & Son have given a wheelbarrow , tc
bo awarded to the winner of the wheelbarrow -
barrow race , and other suitable prizes wli :
be obtained between now arid the day ol
the picnic.
Grand Plaza telephone 45. _ .
Grand Plaza bathing beach.
Grand Plaza picnic grounds.
Grand Plaza's cornet band beats them all.
Grand Plaza's fine row boats are all the
EO.Grand Plaza excursion accommodations
can't bo beaten.
Afternoon and night concerts at Grand
Plaza , 2 to 6 and from 7 to 10.
Manager ot Grand Plaza can understand
22 languages. So all nations will ( eel al
"He that does not visit Grand Plaza know ,
eit nothing , and will be for all time to come
branded a traitor to enterprise. " Eugene.
Cole & Ccle will put on sale In a few
days the biggest lot ct granite Ironware
ever offered at just one-half customary
price. 41 Main street.
Marring ! ) nir * .
The following parties took out licenses U
marry yesterday :
Name and Addret > . Age ,
Ernest Stelnman , St. Joseph H
Jane K. Walker , Council illuffs 1\ \
J. Alvln Muster. Council Bluffs 2\ \
Loule II. A. Mehls , Hloomlngton. 111 , . . . 31
A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach ,
Lake Manawa , Is the proper thing to take
these hot days.
Washerwomen me Domestic soap.
Hurt In a Kunawar.
Mr * . V. 8 , Thomas waa out ridinglaal
evening on Eighth street , accompanied by
her two daughter ! and Mica Myrtle Parks ,
when the front axle ot the buggy broke ,
The bone , which U ordinarily sedate enough
for anybody , took fright and started to run ,
Tbe cirla Jump * ! out iml c cpeJ uninjured ,
Just as the buggy rroiicd the Indian creek
bridge on North Eighth street Mri. Thomm
was thrown over the dash botrd and fell
tot * ten the homo and the busgjr. The buggy
was utmost demolished before the hone de
cided to stop. Mrs. Thomas was picked up
and carried to her home on South Eighth
street , where It wni found that iho was not
seriously Injured , but had sustained a num
ber ot severe and painful bruises.
Acrecil to ( io lloinp.
Conitable Jackton returned from Missouri
Valley yciterday with Wlllard James , Ucrt
Luke , Mattle Cole and Com Hoffman In tow ,
having found them all at the Valley. They
had cp nt two nights at a road house. The
whole outfit was arraigned In Justice Field's
court yesterday morning and James and
Luke had their cases continued until this
afternoon at 2 o'clock. The story they tell
Is that they ran across the glrli accident
ally In Missouri Valley.
The two girls were brought to Justice
Field's office during the afternoon for the
purpose of having them sent t the reform
school. Hoth have been very much Inclined
to waywardness , but Mrs. Hoffman did not
want to prosecute her daughter. The ven
erable judge pulled hli face down to the
requisite length and gave the girls a talk ,
which was received by them with sundry
giggles and back talk. They finally decided
to go home , although was said about
their being good , and the Justice had to
dismiss the case.
l.uko Minmuii Hallway Time Cnril.
Commencing Saturday , June 9 , trains will
leave Council Bluffs for Grand Plaza , BathIng -
Ing Beach and Picnic Grounds at Lake .Man
awa as follows : No. 1 , 9 a. m. ; No. 3 , 10 a ,
m. ; No. 6 , 11 a. m. ; No. 7 , 12 m. ; No. 9 , 1
p. m. ; No. 11 , 2 p. m.
Trains will run every twenty-two minutes
thereafter until 10 p. m.
Return trains will leave Manawa on the
half hours up to 10:30 : , when they will re
turn every twenty-two minutes.
A nice , cool swim at Manhattan beach ,
Lake Manawa , Is the proper thing to take
these hot days.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
Arrrntrd lor Iturclury.
The burglarizing of the residence of S. S.
Wymorc , adjoining the School for the Deaf ,
Sunday afternoon , gave rise to the report
that the School for the Deaf Itself had beer
broken Into. George Johnson and a companion ,
William Van Scoy , went to the house during
the afternoon to get some clothing they had
left there while working for Wymore.
After getting the clothing they left the house ,
but returned an hour later , when all the
members of the family had gone away , and
were seen loitering about the premises. Ar
Information was filed against them both
yesterday morning , and during the day
Johnson was arrested and locked up In the
city jail with the charge ot burglarly entered
on the blotter against his name.
No fake advertising or false promises at
Plerce'a ( hoe store , but real bargains.
Ice cream freezers at wholesale prices ,
Brown's C. 0. P.
1'ollcp Court Notes.
J. Plum , who was arrested by Officer
Cousins early Sunday morning charged with
being drunk and disturbing the peace , was
fined 110 and costs.
Orvllle Weeler , who was found asleep In
the rear of Wood's coal sheds , and supposed
to bo Intoxicated , explained to the court
that ho had taken an overdose of morphine.
Mr. Murphy said that he had not heard ol
Weeler drinking for a number of years , and
as the defendant testified that the drug was
used as medicine , Judge McGec gave him the
benefit of the doubt and discharged him.
James Heron , disorderly and Insulting
ladles , was given a week In the city prison.
Several vagrants were ordered to get out ol
-Manhattan llcach.
Steamboat landing for Manhattan beach at
Lake Manawa Is located at the foot of the
street , Just cast of the board fence. Parties
not desiring to enter the grand plaza take
the road to the left on alighting from the
train. The steamers Liberty and Rescue
make ten-mlnuto trips to and from th
beach. No other steamboats land at Man
hattan beach. Fare , 5 cents each way.
The laundries use Domestic soap.
Humor of a \vj > Agent-
William H. Cameron , a news agent on the
"K. C. " railroad , an amateur ventriloquist ,
visited Manhattan beach Sunday evening In
company with several other railroad men ,
and In order to add to the amusement and
create a little excitement , threw his voice
so that It sounded like a heart-rending cry
for help , apparently coming from a person
300 yards out In the lake. When he heard
that preparations had been made to drag
the lake yesterday , he Informed the authori
ties ot the true state ot affairs.
California new potatoes only S5c bushel at
Brown's C. 0. D.
Fire crackers are cheap ; only 3c a pack
age at Brown's C. O. D.
AVIio < ! ets the Accretion * .
The somewhat famous case of Redmund
and Sledentopf against George Patrldge ,
which has been hanging fire In the superloi
court for three or four years past , was de
cided by Judge McGee yesterday. A large
amount of land bordering on the Missouri
near Honey Creek station was the subject
of litigation , and the doctrine of accretions
figured quite prominently In the case. Ac
cording to Judge McGee's decision the land
and the accretions go to the plaintiffs.
How far will a { go ? Long ways at S. A.
Pierce & Co.'s shoe store.
Gas cooking stoves for rent and tor Slia i
Gas Go's office.
Domestic soap breaks hard water. | .
George P. Healy , a noted Chicago portrait
painter , died yesterday.
Erastus Wlman has applied for a stay ol
execution In his case pending an appeal.
John Hanson Crals. known as the "Ken
tucky Giant , " died at Danville , Ind. , yes
Colonel Vlnette and a band of fifty
California Coxeyites have arrived at Kan
sas City.
Dispatches from Kansas and Missouri In
dicate heavy rains fell Sunday nlgnt
throughout those states.
Dr. Lcvl Conger of Kokomo , Ind. , IB dead
and his accounts as township treasurer are
found to beIn bad shape.
A storm at Pekln. III. , yesterday unroofed
several houses. Among other buildings
damaged was the Star distillery.
The Montana populist convention , after
nominating George W. lleeves for supreme
judge , endorsed the Omaha platform.
William Keycs has been appointed by
the New Jersey supreme court receiver of
the Electrical Manufacturing , company.
The family ot vVllllam Neff and a paity
of tlfteen Kuests at a wedding feast at Ulr-
clevllle , O. , were poisoned yesterday by
eating cabbage.
Charles P. Taft , president of the Cincin
nati Tlme.s-Stnr company , Is likely to die
from the effects of a mirglcal operation per
formed upon him.
HlKh winds at Galcsbur , III. , Sunday
night unroofed several buildings , blew down
the grand Htuml at the race track and broke
down shade trees.
The steamer Jesse Moore , which recently
arrived at Galveston with yellow fever
aboard. Is strictly quarantined , No new
cast's have developed.
James Latan , ex-collector of the port at
Portland , Ore. , C. B. Cordlel. B. P. Thomp-
bon and Seldbcch are on trial at that Dluct
charged with conspiracy In the landing ol
Mrs. L'.irrle Heed , bookkeeper for tht
George Thainer Lumber company at Chicago
cage , was shot and killed yesterday after
noon. It ls supposed : the assassin was
her husband.
Justice Ingraham of the New York su
preme court has denied an application foi
an Injunction to restrain the New Yont ,
Lake Erie & Western" company from laaii-
Ing In bonds.
George Bates , the burglar shot by the po
lice at West Union Junction.fla. . . dleil
without giving- any Information as to his
relatives. When asked concerning them lu
repll U that It "Woa none of their lunlneJB , "
Daniel Corkery. president of the Chicago
and Indiana Coal company and one of the
wealthy men of Chicago , died yrnterduy.
He was prominent In politics and was
largely Innuentlal In the election of Mayor
Kxcunlon Kute *
For full Information concerning lumnv
xcunloni call al the Chicago , Milwaukee
St. Paul ticket office , 1504 Faroam street , 01
addrcM P. A. NASH ,
Central Agent.
J. lM/.T/ft.i l > t. U > .
1.1 fc of the Nntrd AborftltlnUt and t'nilcr-
ground Ititllnrnjr Slin In Kiidrd.
CltESTON , la. , June , J-V-J. P. Walter * of
Dnlton , lit. , died this ( rnrrllnfr , aged 86. Ho
wa a noted abolltlomt land co-worker of
Allen P. Lovejoy In th > uKderground railroad
thirty-five years ago.
Accidentally KHM-il IIU Wife.
DCS MOINES , June'25. ' ( Special Telegram
to The Dec. ) At Ilevlnfcton , a small station
on the Rock Island ralljtay couth of here ,
last evening Station Atrrnt Shlpman , whllo
Instructing his wife lnit.ii-use of a revolver ,
accidentally discharged the weapon , the ball
taking effect In Mrs. * Slrlpman's neck "and
causing her death In a taw minutes. Ship *
man had been bothcicd by hoodlums 'and
was preparing to resist further violence.
Cut lit I'lrri-v'lir the Train.
DHS MOINES , June 23. ( Special Telegram
to The Bee. ) The mantled remains of an
unknown man were found on the Rock Island
railway west of town about midnight list
night. The head was not found tl'l this
mornlnc , more than a mile from where the
body was picked up. It Is supposed the
victim was a tramp stealing a ride.
Nrntrnco Day at Crihir ItupliU.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , June 25. ( Special
to The Bee. ) This was sentence day In the
district court. William Blackburn , con
victed of adultery , was given one- year In the
penitentiary. Eleven violators of the pro
hibitory laws were given a )300 fine. Three
gamblers were each fined $50.
1'atnl liar ( loom Klght.
CLINTON. la. , Juno 25t Police Captain
Cole stepped Into a saloon to stop a fight
and the keeper of the saloon jumped on him.
In the melee he shot William Rcnncr , who
died from the effects last night. Captain
Cole was so badly Injured that he had to be
carried away.
I'ntally Kicked by a llnroc.
STRAHAN , la. , Juno 25. ( Special to The
Bee. ) J. C. Miller , one of the most In
fluential citizens of this city , dl'd this mornIng -
Ing from the effectx of being kicked by a
horse yesterday morning. The deceased was
very prominent throughout the county.
Turner * nt Clinton.
CLINTON , la. , June 25. The sixteenth
annual Turnbczlrk of the upper Mississippi
Turners Is In progress here , Des Molnes
won the class jumping and Davenport the
vaulting horse and Iron bars class exercise.
About GOO Turners are present.
I'Irt Communion of 1'nrty Children
CRESTON , la. , June 25. ( Special to The
Bee. ) Forty children received their first
holy communion yesterday at SL. Malachy's
church , Rev. Father Bede' acting as
celebrant , assisted by Rev. Father Boniface
and Rev. Father Peters of Atchlson.
Colored ltaptl < t Church Dedicated.
CRESTON , la. . June 23. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) The Shlloh colored Bap
tist church was dedicated here yesterday.
Rev. Janwary of Council Bluffs preached
the dedicatory sermon , and Rev. H. iJ.
Thompson of DCS Molnes. presided.
Sweet breath , sweet stomach , sweet tem
fitrV Then use DeWltt's Little Early Rlsert.
Jury Could Not Agree.
MASON , Mich. , Jurie ' 2rf. The Jury In the
case against Attorney General Ellis , charged
with altering voting returns on an amend
ment Increasing his .ownnsalary , announced
at noon that they could- not agree. They
have been out since Saturday noon.
The jury again , afttr being sent back , an
nounced their Inability to agree and were
discharged. They stood seven for acquittal
jind five for conviction.
. ,
Pills that care sick headache : De Witt's
Little Early Risers. : t Li id forfeited.
LOS ANGELES , Cal. June 25. Judge
Ross this morning , InJithe United States
circuit court , dellvered-Mils opinion In the
case of the United State's against the South
ern Pacific' Railway ijompany , "involving
about 700,000 acres of fa'n'cl In Ventura and
Los Angeles counties. Judge Ross finds for
the government and throws open this vast
tract of land to settlement.
A Very Simple and Easy Test
of Growth.
When the Increase Is Slight Put
Baby on Lactated Food.
It Has Sived the Lives of Thoujanrls of
Babies What It Is.
Weighing the baby
every week Is an old-
fashioned method of de
termining Its health , but
there Is no simpler way.
A healthy baby In
creases In weight very
steadily. Any decrease
Is a plain warning that
the little one Is not
properly nourished ; the
mother's milk Is Insuf
ficient or not healthful ;
or If an "artificial" food Is used
It does not meet the baby's requirements.
The Infant should be put on lactntenl food at
Lactated food Is as "natural" as hunger.
In It the combination of the necessary ele
ments of pure , healthy mother's milk Is ac
Using pure milk sugar as a basis there Is
combined with It the richest gluten flour of
wheat and oats , which by long subjection to
high steam heat under pressure , and while In
constant motion , has been perfectly cooked
and made ready to be easily acted upon by
the Important addition of the pure malt
It Is a safe , simple , Invaluable food for
Infants , and they like It and'thrlve upon It ,
and grow healthy and strong.
Thousands of thankful testimonials from
fond parets are sent every year to the manu
facturers of this food. Here Is one from Mrs.
L. W. Hills of Riverside. III. , the mother of
the bouncing boy whose picture appears
above :
"Lactated food saved my baby's life. At
the age of five weeks Iput htm on artificial
food. Not being successful with the first
brand I discontinued that and tried con
densed milk. That dl * ) ipt seem to contain
nourishment enough , .nnij'.al the age of ( We
months he was so podr'&nd sickly that I had
no Idea I would raise Jjlmv Heading of Lac
tated food I gave It a'trial. He began to
Improve within a few ddyi and has continued
to do BO. We have noj riven him asdrop of
medicine since using tated food. I con
sider that It saved Mil rife ; and whenever my
boy Is praised for hjs bright healthy looks
I never fall to tell his iilmlrers that he Is a
lactated food baby. " '
Catarrh of the Stomach
A , M t of Sjmi > tom AtlrnitlnR Thll fin.
portion Untune.
"These nre the lymptoms of cntnrrh of
the stomnch , which Is usually cnuiKxl by
swallowing poisonous mucus , uhlrh drops
from the head and throat at night. " cflys
Dr. Shepnrd.
"Is there nausea ? "
"Arc you costlvn ? "
"In there vomltliiR ? "
"Do you belch up KtT'
"Are you light headed ? "
"I your tongue coated ? "
"Have you water brash ? "
"Do you hawk and spit ? "
'Is there pnln after cntlng ? "
'Arc you norvou * and weak ? "
'Do you have sick headaches ? "
Do you bloat up after eating ?
'Is there disgust for breakfast ? "
'Have you distress after rating ?
'Is your throat filled with slime ? "
'Do you at times have diarrhoea ?
MB there n rush of blood to the head ? "
'Is there constant bad taste In the
mouth ? "
"In there gnawing sensation In the
stomach ? "
Do you feel as If you had lead In the
stomach ? "
"When you get up suddenly , arc you
dizzy ? "
"When stomach Is empty , do you feel
faint ? "
"Do you belch up material that burns
throat 7r >
"When stomach Is full , do you feel op
pressed 7"
If you have these symptoms you have
catarrh of the Rtomach , or what Is com
monly called dyspepsia.
Mr. Gu t Sn-nncon. CIO S. 23nl St. . a pattern
maker , with I'axlnn & Vlcrllni ? . grtya : ' 'I hail
catarrh of the stomnch nnd bowrls In n spntril
form. I mifferrd Brent nftony nml my flrencth
wanted fort. I Five thin nlnleinrntolunt.irlly
that others may be Umontteil nml cured by Ur.
Shepanl's treatment n I was. I would lx > pl'na-
ed to corr ? i > end with any one who linn any
doubts rcKardlnc the thorough nnd Intelligent
manner In which he treats and cures hta pa
tients. "
Every mall brings additional proof of the
success of the home mall treatment.
If you cannot come to the office write for
a symptom blank.
Office Hours 9 to 11 n. m. : 2 to 5 p. m.
Kvenlnps Wednesdays nnd Saturdays
only , 6:20 : to 8:30. : Sunday 10 to 12 m.
and a
YOU ? Large Stock.
The Aloe & Penfold Co.
1408 Pornam St. , Opposite Fasten HotsL
of all
unites in a perfect form all the cjuali-
ties eveiyLxxiy desires to find in his
food , if is as Nourishing as Meat ,
and. still pleasant to take. It is as
Delicate as a Luxury , and Still cheap
in price.
It is by far healthier than either
Tea , Coffee or Cocoa.
Therefore it should be made a house
hold article for daily use , as it is in
6'J WAbanh AT. . Chicago-SB IV. llroaihiar. X. V-
U. A . , Om < i/ia.
CAPITAL $400,000
SURPLUS $55.500
Officer * and Directors : Henry W. Yatei.
nreildent ; John S. Colllru. vlce-pre l < lent ; Lewli
B. 1' * < - > 1. Cmhler. William H. 8. IlugbtJ , uilit-
ant rvtMer. . . . . . . .
Ocean House
R. I.
The Leadlnr Soauhora Honor t ot AMERICA.
( VAIIIIEN P. I.KLAND. Proprietor.
WAURKK I.KLAND , Jr. . Mana go
Buy Good Clothing C
While You Have a Chance
From the Fire Sale
At about 50 Cents on the Dollar.
Hundreds arc taking advantage of the op
portunity to buy the best clothing in Omaha
at the lowest price Why not you ?
The insurance companies paid the loss and
as the season is getting on we are compelled to
unload quickly.
To do this
Prices Tell the Story !
150 clcgnnt pray cnsslmarc
sjits in straight and 500 suits , odda nnd ends , for
round cut sacks , regent $4.50 short and stout , lonjj and g"7 RQ
cut , 8-l.Ocaeh slim , all styles and pat- Tn
torn * , take your choice for . . /i v > * v
87.50 to 310.00 each 1O.OO
200 cutaway (4-bution ( ) frocks
In tana , srrays ana oxfordn ,
were only wet , now dry , P * / \ / * V '
and nil , at I II 300 boys' and children' suits
pressed right go i I
$ o.OO % S\\J 75c at half up former prices , from 75c
275 suits in cutaway and 6 00
sacks , even I-Yinco Alberts , . , „ 200 do/en hemstitched hand
amongst them , now take / > /i/\ kerchiefs ( larjjo size ) for
your choice at 30 and 310. . JLU.UU tnntlcmcn , s.nno that are
hand embroidered among
them , slightly soiled by
. ' *
Wilson Bros. ncfjligco 7
water , now at 12iccach , 12Jc
. . go
shirts at 75c , worth 31.50. / } f formerly brought 3oc to50c
Columbia Clothing Co. ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam.
Paint , Oil and Glass Co.
Wp have I.OOO Wlldowa In stock , m.vle-by tha
. A. Miirpliy Manufaotiirln ? Company. No lutter sisli nan
bo made , which wo will pliizo with uny Klnil of gm ! : that you
want , and cll you for less money than you can buy the O'Jor.
sappy sash niaflo In tlio east for. Let ui glvo you prices ana
wo will got your order.
Our Paint can not bo excelled for durability , be.iuty o
finish or coverleip capacity by any other mixed palnu In tli
market. Our price U Jl.i" ) per gallon.
1 anil 3 Fourth St. , - MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDLU
Steam and Hot Water Hcatln ? for
Residences and Buildings.
J. C. B1XBY ,
202 Main. 203 Pearl Streets , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
Manchester Mfj ; . Co. , No. Manchester , Ind. devlc * for removing all Impurities
from teller ; ITPNinline Bo.illne. funmlnK. nlso
remove oil ol.l cnr , without the usu of com
pound or a hlne out. Bohl mrlctly on guarantee
to d\e ' .Ulxfactlon. t'ormpamlence nullclteil.
( lenrral Writem Olllce 103 , Uee Uulldlng- ,
Omaha , Neb.
At 337 Hroadway ? Ho lt > the prototype of
MachliiP , the swiftest , lightest run-
n riz and best thoroNnii earth , the > lnnorof
all ilrst awards nt the Worlds fair. There are
no others Just as good , utul thuyuro the cheap
est In the market , ranging from J19.60 to
105.00 , on easy torina.
for one year with every machine. The best
machine- and the bust nuwsoauer co together.
You got both cheapest of
. / . //.VOJ-.KV. .
337 Ilroadw i.v , Council Illuffs.
Typewriter supplies and typewriters for
sale or runt.
President. Cashier.
First National
Capital , $100,000
Profits , 12,000
One of the olilet tanks In the itnte of Iowa. |
We solicit your btulnen * nmj collectloni. Wi 1
p.iy 5 IMT cent nn tlmi ) deposit * . We will U
Pleased to lee unit nerve you.
cblmneyi cleaned. CJ liurke. at
grocery , IO UruaUw y.
3 miles nil Ih of tonn ; good man In cnorce. i
L. I' . Judtcn , 9:9 HUth avenue , or 323 UroaJI I
vtuy. Council Ilium.
Improved , cheap. Oreenihleldi , Nlcbolioa
& Co.
nou e for light housekeeping ; ga move. 494
Glen aii-nue.
Hagan's It banishes freckles , sunburn and tan , therefore
> . > ni ! > a toilet necessity for the seashore and mountains.
It is quickly applied , and gives to the skin a soft ,
Magnolia creamy appearance , removing all redness , rough
ness , pimples and sallowness.
Balm Its effect is immediate , and deceives the closest
* V , observer as to its naturalness.
: sa It brings back the freshness of youth to the faded
a Harmless Liquid
cheek and causes a woman to look years younger.
for Face , Neck , If applied after dancing it will be found delight
Arms and Hands. fully cooling and refreshing.