Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1894, Image 9

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Newsy Paragraphs ,
A coupon frco with every purchase.
We arc agents for the famed Chlckerlng
You ought to save some money by looking
through this pngo.
In worm weather goods for men and
women , boys and girls , our stocks are the
most complete In Omaha.
Our grocery trade Is constantly Increasing ,
and our basement salesroom Is known In
almoHt every Ncbrnckn household.
Our mall order department Is a great boon
to out-of-town patrons. All orders are
filled well and expcdltlously.
Gentlemen should seek through our line of
traw hats and cool summer things for
men. Our prices are 'way below the aver
Before buying house furnishing goods you
should look through our stocks. In furni
ture , carpets , draperies and all domestic
furnishings we can tavo you money.
Dress Goods Bargains.
Mouscllne de satlne , 15c a yard.
Mouscllne de India , 25c a yard.
Double width duck suiting , lOc a yard.
Bilk striped zephyr , 25c a yard.
Creponette , reduced to IGc a yard. )
Llama cloth , lOc a yard.
Dark ground pongee , lOc a yard.
Black and navy blue ground Japanese
cloth , now lOc a yard.
Choice of all the Imported fancy crepe
which were 35c and 40c , now Z5c. .
Serpentine crepe In changeable colors and
fancy printing , only IGc n yard.
Pacific organdies , lOc a yard.
32-Inch wide Canton cloth , Gc a yard.
Chlffoncttc lawns , Gc a yard , 7 f'
Scotch lawns , Gc a yard. ' .
Spiral crepe , Gc a yard.
Light or dark ground challles , 2'Ac.
Fast black satlne , Sc a yard.
Black grenadine , 25c a yard.
Farkhlll zephyr , lOc a yard.
Crinkled seersucker , Gc a yard.
Apron checked gingham , 3 ! c yard.
32-Inch wide Scotch zephyr , IGc a yard.
Two tables full of remnants of wash
goods at about one-fourth their value to
Men's ' Furnishings.
1 c.iso of gents' balbrlggan shirts and
'drawers , only 25c each , worth 60c.
Gents' four-ln-hand ties , new styles , only
25 c , worth 50c.
Gents' 25c suspenders reduced to 12Hc.
Gents' balbrlggan half hose , extra qual
ity , only 12&C per pair.
100 dozen gents teck scarfs , 25o each ;
others ask COc.
CO dozen gents' gowns , 45c , worth 75c.
Men's negligee shirts , In percales and
black sateen , only GOc , worth 75c.
100 dozen genta 'linen cuffs , 3-ply , only
C , worth 25c.
Black" Goods Bargains.
Hero's where wo excel. The largest and
best assorted stock In the west.
40-Inch storm serge , worth C9c , for 33c.
48-Inch silk Gloria , worth $1.GO , Monday
46-Inch lienrietta , best made , worth $1.00 ,
for Monday G9c.
A beautiful line of fancy black goods , all
new weaves , at 7Gc , 80c and $1.00.
52-Inch all wool storm serge , worth $1.GO ,
for Monday 75c.
BLACKS AND NAVYS An Immense line
Df remnants of all classes dress goods , Mon
day 25c.
Straw Hat Bargains.
' You need one with- this weather. Wo
have a tremendous stock on hand , alto
gether too many straw hats , so wo cut the
price deep to get rid of thorn :
Men's straw hats , all the leading styles ,
.worth Jl.tiO , now COc.
Men's straw hats , In the nobbiest shapes ,
. worth $1.00 , now 25c.
I Men's straw hats , In leading shapes ,
Worth 7Dc , now IGc.
youths' straw hats , \\ortli $1.GO , now GOc.
Coys' and children's straw hats , now , to
fee quick , at lOc , 15c and 20c.
Millinery Bargains.
If you are looking for the finest creations ,
the most fetchlngs conceits , como to us.
Great care Is used In our purchases , om\
.Nvo aim to carry the latest styles at prices
.within every lady's reach.
Trimmed hats from $1.GO up.
Children's trimmed and untrlmmed hat
from 25c up.
Children's wreaths from lOc to 50c.
I Flowers , etc. , at very low prices.
Button Bargains.
1 EOO gross of elegant pearl buttons , to clear
Jjp stock , go at 2'/&c per doz. Monday.
Job lot fancy dress Jet trimmings , lOc ;
jrortli 2Gc.
All fancy elk | braids , 10 per cent off Man-
Now fancy pearl trimming buttons at GOc ,
tac up.
Napkin Bargains.
C-S napkins , 75c , U , Jl-15 , { 1.25 , $1.35 ,
, Jl.50 , Jl.CO and * 2 dozen.
' 4 3-4 napkins , | 1 , ? 1.25 , * UO. | 1.95 , (2 ( , { 2.25 ,
} 12.60 , 2.75. { 3 , { 3.25 , f3.60. { 3.75 , 4 , { 1.60. { 5 ,
' \ 15.50 , { 6. { 0.50 a dozen.
* "N Fringed doylies , 25e , 35c , COo and COc per
. : Boien.
Pase of Trade-Pullins : Fact
Never before in the business world of Omaha could a dollar travel so far as it can with us at
present , We give our patrons values that are unequalled , and at the same time presenting a coupon
with every purchase.
Silk Bargains.
I 'iave ' suc'c ' s va'UG ' s keen offered , and
probably never again can silks be sold
. , . . , „ .
at such figures. This coming week we must sell at least
10,000 yards , and these prices are going to accomplish that
herculean tas' ' < :
22-inch China Silk , in cream , yellow , light blue , brown , ntwyNilo Q \
green , cardinal , tan , scarlet , old gold , orange , etc. ; actually worth / ) ( \ \
lOc for U
a yard ,
21-inch Printed China Silks , small figure , on navy blue , black , myrtle
anil brown grounds , a cloth bold everywhere at 50c ; you can buy
them now at
21-inch Genuine Japanese Solid Color Silk , in 85 shades , the most com- OHX
pletc line of colorings in the west , and a fiuo , handsome silk ; actjMt H
ually'worth Goc , goes at ' 1J
21-inch Printed China Silks , in black , brown a navy grounds , extra OH X
heavy cloth ; really worth 03c , goes au Cjj j
24-inch Printed Habutni Silks , in navy and black grounds only , such n3 /I 9X
other houses advertise at a bargain at 59c a yard ; wo shall sell e-\ ' > { jt
them this week at
Brocaded Pongee Silks , regular 81.00 goods , that will wash and boil ,
\vcar like iron , and make the most serviceable summer dress you
ever had , at
In the finest grade of Printed India Silks , 21 and 28 inches wide , we rX
have put them all in one lot , and you can have your choice of the 7) J ( . it
finest fabrics of the looms at the uniform price of \ \
24-inch solid color extra heavy Washable Ilabutai Silks , in 70 coloringa ;
you can get just the shade you luivo been looking for in this line at
the low price of
The finest quality of India Silk there is made , full 27 inches wide , regu-
ular $1.00 goods , will go this week at
A beautiful quality of Faille Francaiso Silks , in browns , blues , grays ,
tuns , wino , myrtle , etc. ; regular $1.25 quality ; this week the price fjMf it
' i >
will bo only
Black Bongalino Silk , 20 inches wide , worth 75 ,
Our price 49c
Black India Silks , 27 inches wide , worth 85c ,
Our price , 59c
Black Faille Fraiicaiso Silk. 21 inches wide , worth $1.00 ,
Our price G9c
Black Rhad/imor , 20 inches wide , worth SI.00 ,
Our price 69c
Black Surah Silk , lull 24 inches wide , worth 75c ,
Our price 59c
Black Moire Silk ( all eilk , too ) 21 inches wide , worth $1.00 ,
Our price 75c
Black India Silk , yard wide , actually worth $1.25 ,
Our price 75c
Black Satin Rhndzimer , 24 inches wide , worth $1.2.r > , -
Our price 85c
Black Crystal Bungalino. beautiful quality , worth $1.25 ,
Our price 85c
Black Cashmere Finish Gros Grain Silk , worth $1.25 ,
Our price 85c
Bla.-k Falllo Franeuibo Silk. 24 inches wide , worth $1.25 ,
Our price 85c
Black Peau de Solo , an elegant weat ing fabric , worth $1.25 ,
Our price 85c
Black India Silk , the finest quality made , worth $1.35 ,
Qua nrico 98c
Black India Twill , 27 inches wide , splendid wearing silk , worth $1.75 ,
Our price 98c
Black Moire Francaifeo Silk , 27 inches wide , worth $1.75 ,
Our price ShOO
Black Royal Armure , full 21 inches wide , worth $1.75 ,
Our price I-OO
Black Peau do Solo , extra Hue grade , worth $1.75 ,
Our price 1.25
Black Moire Mirroiro , Moire Francuiso , worth $1.75 ,
Our price 1.25
Black Satin Duchosso , 21 inches wide , worth $1.75 ,
Our price 1,25
To out-oMown customers wo will cheerfully mall samples of any of the
above Bilks , but do not ask for bumplcs of all our silks , but state what you want
and wo will bo enabled to fill your order intelligently.
Table Linen Bargains.
Wo can truthfully say that wo display more table linens than any three
stocks combined in this city. Our stock is open for your inspection , and to verify
the truth of this assertion como and sco for yourself. Wo import our damaslc di
rect from the maker and buy in larger lots than any other establishment in this
city , and belling for CASH ONLY wo can and do make lower prices thai ) you find
Wo mention a few leaders whieh-should draw you to this department tomor
row ; try and match them If you have the time to spare.
70 inch wide Gorman bleached damask , all linen , remember 70 inch wide , at
50c a yard.
81 inch wide extra heavy hotel llnon , fulLbleached , our regular $1.50 grade ,
on sale tomorrow morning at $1.00 a yard.
50 inch croum damask , the 50o grade and good value at GOc a yard , buy it
tomorrow at 29c yard.
51 Inch American Turkey red tablecloth at 12Jc yard.
Our trade on hncns has boon on the increase for the past six years , but wo
are prepared to do el ill more and propose to do more If wo can find cash customers
who are anxious to suvo money.
Summer Skirt Bargains
Fine quality Striped Cheviot
at ,
Fine quality Striped Cheviot
Fast Black Embroidered Lawn
at $143
The "Luster Wool" Skirt , In black , striped $1.7 §
and plain , and In tan and gray .
'The newest makes of celebrated B. V. D. Lock-Stitch
Skirts , fine finish.
Ladies' Neckwear Bargains.
Our Ladies' Neckwear counter is the acknowledged leader
of its kind in the city in styles and prices ,
The nobby now Necktlo only 2. > o
The regular 2ne Windsor Tie , all silk 12o
The latest Windsor Tie , all silk lto )
Dress Goods Bargains.
30-Inch fancy dress goods , worth from 19c
to 39e , for Monday 12'/jC.
40-Inch all wool crepe dress goods , worth
$1.00 , Monday 40c.
40-Inch all wool serge , all cobra and black ,
worth flOc , for Monday 33c.
40-Inch all wool lienrietta , worth DOc , for
Monday 29c.
38-Inch all wool 'novelties , pin checks ,
travers , etc. , worth KJe.and COc , Monday 25c.
40 , 42 and 44-Inch novelty dress goods ,
worth from $1.00 to $2.00 , Monday G9c.
46-Inch henrletta , worth COc , for Monda >
All wool challls , the COc , CSc and COc
quality , all go Monday at 2.'c.
CrashToweling Bargains
Bleached or brown twilled crash only 4c
Bleached Huck toweling , Gc yard.
Unbleached all-linen crash , Gc yard.
Bleached crash , all linen , Gc , Cc , 7c and
Wo call particular attention to our heavy
bleached twilled crash , which used to bring
IGc , but now we are selling the same at lOc
yard. ,
Heavy Huck tonelln'g ' at IGc yard.
Unbleached all-llncn crash , 8c , lOc and
Nebraska made country butter , fresh from
the churn , for lOc and'l2Vi ' , ami best country
butter made. IGc. Our gilt edge separator
crerfmtry "goes at I8c1nnd 20c. Uemember
tills price on fancy-creamery Is exceedingly
low and you should.puteln a supply at such
prices. _ > t , s-
jL -
Furnisning .Goods.
Fancy lamp shades , frames over 25 differ
ent styles and sizes , regularly sold at $1 ,
now 45c each.
1,000 extra Moser fruit rubbers , 5c per
Ice cream freezers , 2-quarts , 98cj 3-quarts ,
$1.35 ; 4-quarts , $1.G5 ; G-quarts , $2.10 ; 8-
quarts , $2.70. Wo are sole agents for the
"Magic. " the finest Ice cream freezer In the
10-plece toilet sets , splendid decorations
and colors , only $2.65.
103-pleco royal vltlrous china dinner sets ,
dove paterns , cheap at $15 , our price for to
morrow , $6.95 ; for Monday only.
No. 7 copper bottom wash boilers , 39c ; No.
8 , 45c.
Best Mason Jars , pint. 40o per dozen.
1-quart Mason jars , BOc per dozen.
2-quart Mnson Jars , GOc per dozen.
Wash tubs , 2Gc. ! * I
2-hoop water pallsT c.
Screen doors , 74-Inch , 50cr 116-Inch , 75c.
4-qiurt sprinklers , ' .15c.
G-quart sprinklers , JSc.
8-quart sprinklers , j25c.
All copper teakettles , 75c.
No. 8 nlckle teakettles , 95o.
3-gallon water coolers , GOc.
G-Rallon water coolers , 80c.
Jelly glasses , 24c per dozen.
Refrigerators the ' old styles , from $9.00
up. ,
The "New Automatic" Is the finest re
frigerator In the i\6jld. Wo are Ita solo
agents. [
Sugar bowls , 3c each.
llutter dishes , 3lie each.
Spoon holders , D'/ic each.
Creamers , 2 0 ench. '
Fruit saucers , lc' each.
Water glasses , I'/jC each.
China gold hand cup and saucer , 7c per
pair.China gold hand plates , So each.
Dinner plates , 4c each.
I'lo plates , 2c each.
Wash liowlcs and pitchers , 24c each.
Chambers , 21c each. '
Hotel bakers , 39c dozen.
Plain whlto cups and' saucers , 2c each.
Fire proof milk and baking crocks , Cc
per gallon. /
Doston bean pots , ,45c.
Old-fashioned Hocklngham tea pots , 25o.
Solid nlckle 3-quart colTeo pots , 65c each.
Solid nicklo 4-qmirt coffee pots , 7Gc each.
Solid nicklo 5-quarti coffee pots , 85c each.
Solid nlckle 3-qturti.tea pots , C5c each.
Solid nicklo 4-qimrttca pots , 75o each ,
Cracker Department.
In this department 'we carry everything In
the cracker lino. Never before were our as
sortments so large and tempting. Every
thing Is fresh and nlco and you can always
get Just what you want. Head these prices :
Oyster crackers , 3'/o , per pound ; soda crack
ers , Be per pound ; grandma's cookies , fancy
ginger snaps , sugar cookies and molassea
cake all at 10o per pound ; snow flake crock'
era , 7c ; oatmeal and graham crackers ,
12Hc ; cracknells , 15o per pound ; Jersey
Toast , 12Hc.
Flour Department.
To Introduce Haydena' best SX flour , wo
will for a short tlmo put In one of the fol
lowing articles In every Back. The flour Is
warranted to be tho'best you ever used or
money refunded : '
Ono diamond ring ,
Ono gold watch.
One $5 bill. ;
Ono set solid silver plated teaspoons.
Ono ladles' rolled gold watch chain.
Ono ladles' cluster diamond lace pin.
Our best EX flour Is made from the beat
Russian hard wheat which U grown in
North Dakota and milled In Plllsbury mills
In Minneapolis , which Is the tame as his best.
There la no better made. We have Minnesota
seta XXXX flour. $1.00.
Choice flour , Otic.
Good flour , 65c
Pastry flour , GOc.
This bed room suit is made of oak. "We men
tion this fact because there is no better v/ood
for furniture than oak , and because others will
sell you an el n suit , a much poorer wood , for
thesame money. This suit is oak antique finish ,
The cabinetwork is perfect. You can pull out
any drawer with one hand. The mirror is 24
xSO and is a French bevel plate. The bed is 7
feet high , has handsome carving on head , and
is 4 feet 6 inches wide. We offer this suit this
week for $17. SO , and assure you that not only
on this suit , but all kinds of furniture , we can
save you money. Kindly call and see our
goods. It may change your opinion in regard
to many things , and is sure to curtail your ex
penses in the purchase of furniture.
500 500 and 750 corsage pins at 25c each.
300 $1.00 belt buckles at 490 each.
' 300 Si.oo button sets at 350 per set.
200 ladies' solid gold set rings , worth $2.00 each , at $8c.
First class nickel a'arm ' clocks 550 each.
Rogers' i2-dwt. triple plated knives § 1.25 per set.
Good silver plated spoons 28c per set.
Solid coin silver thimbles 130.
Solid gold baby rings igc.
Our $5.49 gold stiffened Elgin or Waltham watch can't be
beat. Others ask double for the same.
The lowest prices on all high grade standard watches.
Watch and clock repairing at reduced prices.
Notion Bargains.
Look at our 4ic Counter Monday Containing
ICc yard Veiling for 4jc
lOc Curling Irons for 4o }
lOc Corset Steels for 4jc
Three beautiful Table Mats for 4jo
Largo Hand or Stand Mirrors for 4jc
Six nice Linen Collars for 4 jc
A good lOc Leather Purse for 4 jo
Ono dozen Twin Wire Dross Stave for 4jc
USc worth of best Rick Rack for 4jc
Pine Leather Bolts 4 jo
Flvo yards good Elastic for . . . , 4jc
Three line Handkerchiefs for 4c
A fine Rubber Bib 4 jo
nncl Men's Olillclrcm's , Boys' Spring ( iDil SHIM ( Mliiiif
To close right quick at these prices. Such bargains will be
at once snapped up.
Boys Knee Pants Suits , in double and single breasted , former price
$1.75 and $2.00 , to close
545 Boys' Knee Pants Suits , 3 to 15 years , in some of the finest fabrics
and patterns , ana all wool , double and single breasted , sowed with
silk , warranted not to rip in scam , foimor price $3.25 , closing out
About 375 Knee Punts Suits , the very finest shades and styles , every
suit warranted all wool and taped seams , former price 55.00 to
$0.00 , closing out prico.
All light weight Jersey Suits In blue and brown , nicely trimmed ; df
they are worth in any houeo$2.50 , to close at p J. .
All light weight Boys' Long Punts Suits that have boon sold for $3.25 cl Q Q ti
. choice at tp < Cft ; U
to $1.50 , your
All Men's Suits in light shades and weight
at less than Manufacturer's cost.
Men's light wolffht Pants cut to half price , to oloso thorn out- $1.75
All $2,50 and $2.75 Punts , to close , tit , . . .
All $ -1.00 Pants , to close , at . . $2.75
All 35.00 and $ O.OOPants , to close , at . $4.25
A line Flannel Coat and Vest. . . . -
Sample line of Wash Vests in whlto and figured , to close at
For prices notice our Dodge Street Window.
Pithy Pointers
Patronize our mall order department.
Hot weather suggest * str.vw hats and cool
wearables como to us for them.
Itcmcmber our cut prices on drugs and. , Why pay fancy prices else
where ?
Don't you need a trunk or n bag for
your vacation ? Our prices are now "wny
down low. "
\Vo carry nil llio loading makes In pianos ,
organs , mandolins , guitars , banjos and vie
Call for coupons with your purchases.
They cost > ou nothing , mid c\ery coupon
reporesents n value.
Omaha ladles keenly appreciate the value
uewe nro now offering In silks and dress
goods , jmllng from the crowds the past
\ \ cek.
Housekeepers should watch our price lists
on butter , sugar , ten , coffee and such ncc-
cessarles. aso nro dnlly giving great val
ues In these goods.
Ha'diara Dept.
Orcat bargains this week , Including the
finest line of builders' hnrwnro ever brought
to this city. Solid brass front door locks
and vestibulesets. . .Plain and ifcnglhh
bronze door locks and vestibule sets. Anti
friction mortice leeks.
Fine sliding door locks , flat front.
Fine sliding door locks , astragal front.
Pine sliding door latches , flat or astragal
.front. Mortice locKs Ho each. Him
locks 14o each. Door bolts , 3c each.
In fancy and plain screen doors , screen
wire cloth , poultry wire netting and window
frameo we have no competition. Wo have
Just received a carload of cotton and rubber
hose , which wo will close out at the fol
lowing low prices : 7c , So and lOc per foot.
Wo carry a. full line of lawn bprlnklers ,
couplings reels , hose menders , bands , etc.
Lawn mowers of every \arlety. from $3.00
up. If you want a lawn mower don't fall
to look over our stock.
U. S. mall boxes , In Japan and bronze
finish , at $1.00 and $1.25 each. 1,000 kegs
of best wlro steel nails. Wheelbarrows
from ? 1.2G to $2.00 each. The great
slaughter sale of tools still continues. Note
the following prices : .
2-foot boxwood rules , So ; 2-foot boxwood
rules , brabs bound , ICc ; double Iron smooth
planes , 39c ; double Iron Jack plane , 45c ; solid
steel hatchets , 25c ; hand saws , 35c ; braces ,
lOc ; 2-key Jail padlocks , Go ; COO dozen
handled axes , any size , 4Qc ; no limit In
garden tools. Wo beat all competitors.
Railroad and mining supplies , Including
picks , matlocks , crow bars , hammers ,
sledges , powder , dynamite , fuse , caps , whoel-
barrqws , carts , wagons , plows , bcrapers , etc.
Contractors and builders should note ths-
Stoves and' Ranges.
Do not fall to visit our steve department.
Wo handle the largest block of stoves and
ranges In the west. The best goods for the
least money. Wo guarantee every steve we
To make room wo must at once sell over
2,000 gasollno stoves below cost. Head the
following prices :
A $5.00 gasoline steve we offer for $3.17.
A $7.00 steve for $3.95.
Look at our largo vapor steve , two burners ,
with step shelf , Russia oven and lay down
tank , regular price was $22.00 , wo offer now
for $11.95.
A large double oven , regular price was
$3.25 , now for $1.93.
A $2.50 oven for $1.45.
Oil stoves from 37o up.
Remember , wo guarantee 'them. Com *
early for first choice before going elsewhere.
Remember , wo gl\o coupons.
Patent Medicine and
Drug Bargains.
Hood's Sarsaparllla , G5c.
Palno's Celery CompcUind , CGc.
Scott's Emulsion , GGc.
Ayors1 Hair Vigor , G5c.
Mellln's Food ( large ) , G5c.
Paskola ( large ) , 45c.
Host Tonic , 20c.
O. F. C. Taylor's Sour Mash Whisky , GO *
per bottle.
Old Crow Sour Mash Whisky , GOc.
1-quart Fountain syringe , 78c.
2-quart Fountain syringe , 89c.
3-quart Fountain syringe , 99c.
4-quart Fountain syringe , $1.10.
Dulb syringe , 48c.
Prescriptions fllled at the lowest prices.
This department always satisfies cus
Full cream cheese , 7'/4c and lOc.
Fun cream Young1 Arnrrlca cheese , 7V4o.
Brick cheese , 8c , lOo and 12V c.
Llmburger cheese , lOo and 12V4c.
Itemcmhcr you can buy any kind of chccst
made at lowest prices when jou como hero.
Tea and Coffee.
Wo Immllo the greatest variety of teaa
and cofftcH and soil at lowest prices , Cou ,
pans given with everything.
No , 1 cracked coffee , 17c.
Ilest cracked Java and Mocha , lOc.
Golden Itlo , 2Cc and 28c.
Combination Java IllcnO , 27'&c.
Santos and Maracalbo coffee , 2Sc.
Old Government Java and Mocha , 35c.
Tea dust , lOc , 12&c and ICc.
A flu a Japan tea , 25c.
Imperial tea , 20c and 35c.
Moyune Gunpowder tea , 35c , 4lc and 630.
Casket Fired Japan , 38c , 48o and C8o.
nngliHh Urcaltfaut teas , 35c up ,
Try a pound of Ceylon tea , only 76o.