FlfR HAfATTA DAILY IUJLK. fillA'DAY. .TIWR 9.1 TR01 l \7hero the Ccliool Tcacliors of Omalia Will Pass tha Summer. FRINGE OF SOCIETY JUST ABOUT REACHED Io a I no llcnnctt OlviM IJIrthday 1'nrtjr bwcll WiMldliiR In CIIM County KvenU that limit Marked Iho Nei r Ap- ot Ciiiiino Day * . It lias boon a week of commencement * and on all sides hosannas have boon ringing for the sweet girl gr.ids and tliolr masculine brothers. The exercises at the High school commencement were upon n high order , In keeping with the standing ot this school In the educational world. It has also been a week of going away on the part of pretty nearly everybody wjio Is anybody , and by next week , with the IJrown- Wymnn wedding over , society will have reached the edge of the season. School teachers are busily engaged In packing trunks and the outgoing tralni for the next few day * will bo filled with "birds of passage , " to return when the shadows lengthen nnd the * days grow short. Whom ' 1 liny Will S | 'nil Vacation , The school teachers of Omaha will spend their vacations as follows : WAUNUT HILL SCHOOL. Miss Reno C. Hamilton , probably Wash ington , New York , Cliantntio.ua and other points In the east ; Miss Mary B. lirolllar , Asbury Park. N. J. , nnd Nebraska ; Miss Agnes M. Oiwsnn , Niagara Falls and Chau tauqita , N. V. , and other points In New Kng- land ; Mis * Kate L. Drawn , West Liberty nnd Cedar Rapids , la. ; Miss Virginia White , Council Illuffs ; Miss Anne \V. Jensen , Green Day anil Marinette , Wls. , and Minneapolis ; Miss Clara V. Cooper , Chicago , Cleveland , 0. , Niagara Kails ; Miss nmlly M. Dorn , Omaha ; Mrs. Loulso U. Mann , Colorado Springs , Colo. ; Miss L. Helen Rogers , White hall , Mich. ; Miss Winifred Wallace , Knox- vlllo and Galesburg , III. ; Miss N. L. Lewis , Omaha , TRAIN SCHOOL. Miss Nevlns , Anbury Park , N. J. ; Miss W-lthrow , Omalia ; Miss Meyer , Omaha ; Miss Hicks , Chicago , 111. ; Miss Drown , Hot Springs , S. I ) . DUPONT SCHOOL. Helen I. Norton , COT South Twentieth street , Omaha ; Anna J. Mach , Colorado Springs. Colo. ; Mary A. Krebs , Day View , Mich. ; Lucy W. nvans , Day View , Mich. ; Emily J. Robinson , Colorado Springs , Colo. WKDSTER SCHOOL. Miss Sadie Plttman , not decided ; Miss Llda rittinan- Mount Pleasant , la. ; Miss Ada Hopper , Omaha ; Miss Margaret McAra , Dellefontnlne , 0. ; Miss Llda Durnett , Omaha ; AHss Mlnnlo Durgess , Mlnnetonka ; Miss Alta I'cacock , Omalia ; Miss Clara Hutmaker , Omaha ; Miss Margaret Loluner , Hot Springs , S. D. ; Miss Lora Coburn , Virginia ; Miss Emily Wood , Denver. LONG SCHOOL. Miss Virginia Kennedy and Miss Huldah Isaacson will go to Colorado Springs , Miss Lois Morrell to Chicago , Mrs. Atkinson to Mlddlepoct. O. ; Miss Sarah McCheever to Bay View , Mich. The rest will take their va cation In Omaha and vicinity. FOREST SCHOOL. Miss Lottlo L. Cassette will spend the summer at Albion , Mich. ; Miss Ella Thorn- gate at Weeping Water , Neb. ; Miss Stella V. Ulco at 1015 Emmet street. Omaha , and Miss Clara M. Kumpf , 1C15 California street , this city. SHERMAN SCHOOL. Avis Z. Hanson. Colorado Springs ; Mlsa Alary E. Wolcott. Elk City. Neb. DAVENPORT SCHOOL. Miss Margaret Vincent , Colorado Springs , Colo. ; Mlaa Edna M. Harnoy , Colorado Springs , Colo. ; Miss Ida Eldrego , Doon , la. PARK SCHOOL. Miss Jesslo Dyrno , Colorado Springs , Colo. ; Miss Clara D. Dtival , Atlantic , la. , and Omaha ; Miss E. II. Reed , Colorado Springs ; Miss Evelyn Dudley , Leavcnwortli. Kan. ; Miss Ingeletta P. Ware , Council Bluffs , la. ; Miss Ada E. Alexander , undecided ; Miss W. C. McLaughlln , Waterloo. Neb. ; Miss Julia Nowcomb , undecided ; Miss C. P. Morgan. Leavenworlh , Kan. ; Miss Coryell Wood , Philadelphia and Now York ; Miss Eva Dart- ley , undecided. COLUMBIAN SCHOOL. Miss Anna Droadfield , Crete , Neb. ; Miss Jesslo McRobcrts , 2iill Capitol avenue , city ; Miss Phebe D. Perkins , Detroit , Allen.- , and Cleveland , 0. ; Miss Allco E. Points , Colorado Springs and Manhattan , Kan. ; Miss Fannlo D. Hurlbut , Chicago , 111. FORT OMAHA SCHOOL. Mrs. E. W. Nichols will spend the summer vacation at St. Charles , 111. , thirty-flvo miles out of Chicago. Miss Carrlo L. Robertson will go to Denver , Colorado Springs and Manltou. PACIFIC SCHOOL. Miss Margaret McCarthy , Boston , Mass. ; Miss Lily M. Druner , Springfield , Mo. ; Miss Mattlo Forbes , Louisville , Ky. ; Miss Ella D. I'errlno , Omena , Mich. LEAVENWORTII SCHOOL. Miss McDonald , Omaha and Salt Lake ; \ Miss Jourdan , Boston and vicinity ; Miss Lelghton , Now York City and vicinity ; Miss Doyle , southern states ; Miss Doyd , Fremont , la. ; Miss Jcnnlson , Pacific coast ; Miss Thompson , Pacific coast or Dakota ; Mra. Notson , Instructor normal Institute for Durt county and Douglas county , Nebraska ; Miss IIoRan. Pacific coast ; Miss Chambers , Omaha ; Miss Otis , Omaha. CASTELLAR SCHOOL. Mrs. M. B. Newton , Miss Carrlo Boutolle and Miss Katherlno Armbrustor will go to Asbury Park ; Miss Blanche Van Kuran will go to Chicago , Miss Elizabeth Shirley will gu to California , Miss Daisy Daccy will go to Illinois , and Miss Nellie Ireland will remain nt Papllllt.n , her home ; Miss Nellie Hyde goes to Philadelphia , Mlsa Lulu Ray mend goes to Plattsmoiith. Tha rest of the teachers ill Castellar have not yet de cided upon any plan. MASON SCHOOL. The vacation addresses of the corps at Mason school will bo : Jennie M. McICoon , 720' South Twenty-second street , city ; Dora Harnoy. 1011 South Twenty-ninth street , city ; Abblo C. Lolghton , 3203 Murcy street ; of Adelaide Goodson1117 Farnam atret ; M. Neppa Holllday. 310 North Twenty-sixth street , Omaha ; Annie I. Glllls , Evitnsvlllo , N. Y. ; Margaret II. Read. 1350 Bust Twelfth street. Dea Molnos , la. ; Alarrlm Purratt , 2019 Farnam street ; Annlo F. Smith , 205 Main street. La Porto , Ind. ; Elizabeth D. Lelghty. IfllO Kyner stjeot , city ; Jennie E. Pair , 337 Third avenue , North Cedar Rapids , la , ; Anna Wltman , the Frenzer. city ; Helen M. Drake n07 , South Twenty-fifth avenue , city. COMBNIUS SCHOOL. Mlsa nilen M. Whtto goes to Montpcllcr , VI. ; Miss Emma J. Carnoy to Oawego. N. Y. ; Miss Margaret Scott. Goldfield , la. ; Miss II. Joannctto Doyd. Monmouth , III. , and W. Chicago ; Mlsa Jcniilo Rosa. South Omaha ; Miss Jennie Roberts. Shelby , Neb. ; Miss Harriet Decdlo. Miss Mabel Hyde. Mitts Currio Drowne. Miss Martha W. Chrlstlancy , her Miss Amelia Pearson , Miss Jesslo S , Durbln and Allsa Rose E. Nickel ! will spend their vacation In Omaha. SARATOGA SCHOOL. MU Helen M. Nave will summer at ing Colorado Springs , Colo. ; AIUs Joslo M. Me- HuRh at Lnko Mlnnotonka ; Aliss Maria J. Gallagher at St. Marys , Kan , ; Allns Kather lno Wolcott at Elk City. Neb. ; Miss Retta K. Read at Madison , Neb. , and MUs Mary Fitch , the principal , at Bay Vlow , Mich. CASS SCHOOL. I Miss M. B , Slmonds goes to Colorado ; Aliss Alice D. Orr to Wright. Neb. ; Miss H. E , ter Slmonds to Colorado : MUs llattlo M. Duncan mimmers at Kookuk , la. ; Mlsa Emma N. Mrs Uradaliaw to Chicago , 111. ; Miss Irena C , Dyrno to Colorado , and MUs Alolllo E. IIrown at Newton , la. coln CENTRAL SCHOOL. Mlsa Martha L. Towel ) , Amboy , III , ; MUs Clara II , Mason , Burlington. la. ; Mlsa Lucretla 8. Bradley , Omaha ; Allsa Susie E. It ISvuleth , Austin , Minn. ; Miss Mary L. Altar , Camp Point. III. ; Mix Edith Morton , Qcrmany ; Allia Minnie Durglund , Omaha ; 11 U Nelso P. Hugljei. Baltimore ; MUs at Neva Tumor. Palmer , Neb. ; Mlsa Mlnnlo It , Wllaon , Omaha ; Mis * Allco Harper , Omaha ; MUs Ida E. Mack , 4717 Lake avenue - nue , Chlcngo , III. LAKE SCHOOL. The teacher * at Lnko will Bummer as follows : Alls * McCIInlnek , Pauline , Kan. ; MUs Hutchlns. MnqiiokrtA , la. ; MIRK Halncs , 201 .South Twenty-fifth street , Omaha ; .Mlsa Lucy Klcock , city : MUs Llzzlo Hlrock , Van Wort , O , ; MUA Furlong , city ; Allss Reid , city ; Mlsi ) Stuart , city ; Mrs. Carlisle , un decided ; MUs Irled. city ; MUs Olver , city ; MUs llama , city ; MUs Terry , rilntonvllln , WU. ; MUs Hamilton , city ; MUs Powers , Lake City , la. ; MUs I'hcnlx , Albla , In. ; Mrs. Webb , city ; MUs Nlckell , city ; MUs Kcrshlner , Towanda , Pa. ; Miss Whltmoro , undecided ; Miss Colby , city. BANCROFT SCHOOL. Allss At. I ) . Dnllantyno will go to South Dakota for the summer. MONMOUTH PARK SCHOOL. AIlis ho Rue will spend a part of the sum mer In Omaha and probably go to Colorado Springs later. AIlss Swartzlamler will sum mer on the Pacific coast. mail SCHOOL. Among the High school teachers who will summer away from Omalia arc : Atlas Landls , who goes to Chicago ; AIlss Lewis , to California ; AIlss Quackciibush will spend the dog days In Europe ; AlUa Snyder will breathe the temperate air of Colorado ; AIlss Walker will go this afternoon to her old homo \VcUloy Hills , Mass. ; Alms Atcllugh will take l.fc clay on Lake Allnnetonka , "Imltat.on Is KUlcIde , " declared Emerson , and wl'h ' tula for its motto the class of ' 94 entered the High school four years ago , nar- rowly escaping suicide In competition with ' 93 , but always holding their own. The In- dlviduallty of the class reached Its culmlna- tlon in its class day exercises at the First Congregational church Tuesday afternoon , which were a complete breakaway from class day traditions , and although somewhat con ceited , as senior classes arc apt to be , the program was thoroughly delightful. Inter spersed throughout were musical selections by John Drown and others. Frutn this tlma henceforth , decreed Miss Maud Klmball In her pronunclamcnto , shall class days dispense with class prophecies , class songs and class poems. This Is the era of originality , a quality never exhibited In the High chool until the advent four years ago as freshmen of this year's graduating class. Everything that ' 91 had ever done. Miss Klmball continued , had been tinctured with originality. Art In the shape of birds and names carved upon new desks had reached its acme under the fostering care of the class , but unfortunately When the faculty endeavored to discover , that they might en courage , the budding genius he had modestly declined the recognition which they wished to give. She then predicted glowing futures for the variously-Inclined pupils of the class , ending by declaring that In the yeara to come the members of the class of ' 94 would be ? the Following this came an oration by Tenny son Elmer , "Shall We Lead or Follow ? " He eloquently pointed out how Incumbent It was upon his classmates to decide what they would do In the future. To succeed they must strive and have something to strive for , he said. ' " that Pass In Norwood Ayers' pastel , "Ships the Night , " was a clever word-painting In which he graphically compared the world- people to ships that pass each other without throwing out a life line to the sinking one or saying "Ship , nhoy" as the wind carries them past one another. Miss Mabel Kelloy's part of the program was entitled a "Threnody , " In which she told of the tribulations of a achool life , despite the fact that one'a school days constitute the happiest period of existence. Continuing her song of lamentation , she said that no sorrow was so great , no fact so hard to accept as the realization which cornea sooner or later to so many scholars that they are mentally Inferior to some other classmate. In opposition to Mlsa Kelley's threnody William I. Datttn offered consolation by stat ing that although wo must all accept the fact that wo are not equally endowed , still by unselfish struggling for others and earnest application of our will power to the devlop- ment of our true selves we can raise the na tional standard and perhaps .achieve unexpected - pected anticipations. During the course of the program Shubert s "Serenade" was well rendered by a class quartet , composed of Fred Teal. Erwln Dav enport , Will Dattln and Arthur Pratt. In Ioral Mimlciil ClrclcB. One of the most delightful muslcales 'of the season was given at the homo of Mlsa Cora Hoyer. Thirty-first street and Itedick ave nue , last Tuesday night , in honor of her sis- tor. Mrs. Marchessault of Ashland , Wls During the evening the following program was rendered : Instrumental , Prof. Rowe ; song , May Marchessault ; recitation , Mra. Mc- Ulanahan ; song , Mra. Shcpard ; Instrumen tal , Mrs. Eastman ; song , Mr. Laurie ; Instru mental , Mr. Shepard ; recitation. May Mar chessault ; song. Mr. Diflln ; Inatrumental. Mra. Merrow ; song , Mlsa Hoyer ; song , Mr. Shepard. The guests were moro than delighted with the singing of Mr. and Mrs. Shepard , who wore recently membera of the Tuxedo com pany , which has appeared , many tlmea In this city. After the musical features of the evening had been completed a delicious lunch was served , and when the party dispersed each guest was presented a box of Mlsa Hoyer's choice home-made candles. Among these present were : Mr. and Mra. Hulse , Mr. and Mrs. Merrow. Dr. and Mra. Shepard , Mr. and Mrs. Eastman , Mr. and Mra. Harry Lawrlo , Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Crawford , Mr. and Mra. A. A. McClanahan , Mr. and Mrs. Hurt Shepard , MUaes Estella Van Horn , Jennie Jossuip , Eva Dcach , Hallle Osborne , Florence Detebenner , Liza Hutchlns , Craig. Ward , May Alarchessault , Messrs. Ed Henry , Nixon. Walker , McKcll , Dlllln , Dundy , Prof. Roe , Clint Hoyer , Frank Van Horn , Fred Van Horn , George Cone , Pales , David Tralle , Eugcno Sullivan , Deans , Craig. rinamint Suriirlxp. A very delightful surprise party was given by Miss Lillian Paul at her residence on Parker street Friday evening of last week by her lady friends. She waa taken Co the lioiiso of a lady friend to spend the evening and on returning home she was greatly sur prised In finding Miss Dallcy , Mlsa Palmer and Mra. Paul receiving the guests. After a short time spent In conversation the surprised lady Indulged In a number of games with her guests. This was done after a nice supper , which was served by the above named three ladles. A number pei outdoor games were Indulged In on the beautiful lawn. his These present were : Marie Dalloy , Lllllo Palmer. Minnie Dennett. Nettle . Wallace , On Rltta Moultnn , Jcsslo Garner , Grace Adims , OnI Dlancho Ogle. Marie Porkel. Sadie Spaln- ho-.ves. Katlo Bailey. Lizzie Farkel , L. tin Spatnhowcs , ( Laura Mossersmlth , Beatrice Dalloy , Sidney Paul , Ambrose Ellington , tin Charlie Jones , Percy White , Percy Hunter , Dcrt Paul , George Dilley , Earnest Messor- amlth , Julius CarUen , Ed Plattncr. Ed Saf- via ferty , Art Hathaway , Frank Harrison. Rob Un Sprlngborg , esq. J.oiiU.i llmiiiett'H Ulrtliihiy.- forCe Loulso Dennett , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' Co . R. Dennett , celebrated her fifth birthday for Friday by Inviting a number of her little this friends to spend the afternoon with her at father's residence. Twenty-second and cist Dodge streets , from 2 to 5. The little dui hostess was quite equal to the occasion and received her guests with a pleasing dignity Hill that was very charming , afterwards direct me the play of her little friends. As met souvenirs of the occasion each llttlo guest rlck received u pretty box of bonbonnlers and a next bouquet of flowers. The guests were ; Loulso Northrup. Anna McCaguo. Henrietta McCaguo. Dorothy Snyder , Margery Snyder , and prc Heath Valll , Hdiia. Damon , Arris Damon , Cecelia Johnson , Eva Hayward , Hazel Hayward - ward , Clara Thurber Tui , Katie Kelioo ; Masters Howard and Frank Drown of Lincoln , Mas the Harry Wade. In addition to the little A folks Mrs. Bennett entertained Mrs. Wade , cuse , Northrup. Mrs. Richardson of 111 Chicago , Mra. Damon , Mra. Drown of Lin i , Mrs. McCague and Mra. Snyder. HII yea Outing of the 1'iulil'llllfuil Club. j The Pudd'nhead club decreed a now Y. , fashion at Its last meeting and Inaugurated Go. formally on Friday evening. It was a Go.A motor-ho party. One of the handsome new to motors of the street railway company was brcA chartered and sent over the company's lines A a speed that cast the dust on competing siwnd tully-huoa. No decorations were needed to sell heighten the charm of the electric vehicle , onj ' but mottoes of the rlub were numerous nnd catchy. Oicr a group of Interested ROS slpers were the words : "Nothing no needs reforming as other people's habits. " Nca n quartet of school teachers who dUcus.ici how to be happy though elected wan r printed scroll , with this strange reflection "Tako the case of nny pencil sharpens by a woman ; If you have witnesses , yoi will flnd she did It with a knife ; but If yoi lake simply the aspect of the pencil , you will say she did It with her teeth. " Oi the left of the smokers vestibule were th warning words ; "When I reflect on the number of dUagrcoablo cigar * I have smelt } . am moved to leaJ n different life. " Facing the conductor waa the pithy advice : "Whci angry count a hundred ; when very angry swear , " Coupled with the hilarious suggestlvcncss of Pudd'nhead mottoes was n Cleveland horn of the -vintage of ' 92. Though pos scsscd of n sickly pallor , It Improved 01 short acquaintance and vociferated In Gabrlellstlc tones. The Itinerary Included the park , Walnu * Hill and South Omaha , and occupied two and n half hours. It was n novel and en Joyahlo affair. The party conslste.l of Mr. nnd Mrs Romlobuflh , Mr and Mrs. Turner , Mr. and Mrs. Tucker , the Misses De Volt , Thorngnte Dysart , Carney , Scott , Towne , Misses Doiv ncgan , nnd Misses De Con , Dr. Ooan Messrs. Cast oil. Hornback , Klssnnc , Honv stein. Darker and Dond. Swell Wrtlilinjf In Cam County , One of the prettiest weddings of the sea son in state social circles was solemnized Frl day ' In Cedar Creek , Cass county , the town having put on a gala day appearance It honor of the event. The high contracting parties were AIlss Susie A. Sayles , the ac compllshed and beautiful daughter of lion George A. Sayles , a resident of Cass county for more than thirty-five years , am Alol . Robert A. Pudge , a descendant of one olIn the oldest and most exclusive families o Covlngton , Va. , who OA-HS a large plantation In Allegheny county , where ho Is extensively engaged In tobacco growing. The marriage ceremony was performed n the lovely old homo of the bride's parents by Dean Hurgoss of the Episcopal church an old and valued friend of the family The groom was attended by George E Sayles , who returned from his alma mater to be best man for his sister's husband. The bride was exquisitely gowned In a cream corded silk , entralne , short sleeves and V- shaped neck , the gown belli ; ; richly trlmmcc In fine old point , wearing a spray of orange blossoms In her hair and corsage. AIlss Ida Sayles , sister of the bride , tilled the po sition of bridesmaid nnd wore a gown o pale green silk , beautifully garni lured with lace. The wedding inarch from "Lohengrin1 was played by Airs. Wlllard R. Keofer ( born Cooley ) of Alvo , Neb. , aunt of the bride the bridal chorus being chanted by Airs Keofer , assisted by Aliases Eva and Rltta Sayles and Alastcrs Rex and Earl Keefer. The presents were numerous and valuable nearly 100 guests being present at the cere mony , many prominent people from Omalia Lincoln. Plattsmoiith , Chicago and Cleveland being in attendance. Following the ceremony a well appointee : wedding dinner was served , an orchestra discoursing pleasing music throughout the dinner service and later furnishing Inspira tion for those who desired to dance , the groom nnd bride reviving an old Virginia custom and leading the grand march. Congratulatory telegrams were received from prominent friends and relatives all over the country , Julius S. Cooley of Omaha , un do of the bride , being present and deliver ing a congratulatory speech. After the festivities the bridal party left for the east and will stop a week In Chicago , their honey moon being spent at Coney Island and White Sulphur Springs , near the groom's old home In Virginia. They will be at home after September 1. Sirs. Squires' Kensington. Airs. Charles E. Squires gave a very pretty Kensington Tuesday afternoon at her home , on Twenty-fifth street , from 2 until 5. One of the pleaalng features of the afternoon waa the strife over the word "Lambrequin" on the part of the guests to sea who could make the most words out of the woW In twenty minutes. Airs. Parrott wun the prize , having made seventy-nine words In the time specified. In addition to this fea ture Alias Colpetzer , Alias Van Kuran and Airs. Estabrook sang and played splendidly , while Airs. J. J. Dickey made every one very happy with her recitations. Among these present were : Aleadames Woodman , Van Kuran. Colpetzer , Cole , Du- bols. Charles E. Smith , Howard Smith , J. J. Dickey , Henry Estabrook , Campbell , C. K. Coutant , J. C. Parrott , George O. Squires , Will IlprolvoTluilr Friends. The pupils of the Omaha Academy of the Fine Arts , under the auspices of the West ern Art association , will hold a reception at the school rooms In the Natatorlum building , 1313 Howard street , on Friday next , from 3 to 10 p. m. , being the occaalon of the clos ing of the school season. All friends of the pupils and of the association are cordially Invited to be present. Movements mill Whereabouts. of Air. J. II. Allllard goes east on Alonday. MUs Atabel Taylor Is at homo from school In New York , Aliss Hawks Is the gueat of Air. nnd Airs.'a ' Henry W. Yates. Atlss Richardson of Sterling , III. , Is .the guest of Aliss Bennett. AIlss Olacomlnl leaves for New York City the first week in July. AIlss Adneo Van Gleson has returned from of her trip lo California. AIlss Alay Torrey has gone to Cllntonvllle , Wls. , for the summer. Airs. Alfred J. Lunt will spend July and August at Racine , Wls. Dr. and Airs. Richard Aloore have returned St. from their visit In California. Air. L. D. Wood leaves Omaha for his east ern home at Ollan , N. Y. , July C. Air. and Airs. J. D. Foster are spending a * few days with friends In Chicago. b" Air. anil Airs. John Wilbur have taken a house at Calhoun for the summer. 1) ) . Roscnthall leaves today for the east and will bo absent about six weeks. Miss Redman left for her home at Fort Asslnnabolno on Alonday afternoon. Warren IlUickwcll Is In Des Alolnes attending tending- the Turner-Watson wedding. Airs. Dalch and Mia ? Thcde Dalch are ex ard pected home from Chicago this week. Air. ] Will Tuber Is expected to return from : visit to Massachusetts on Tuesday. Air. Air. 1 Earl Gannett and his mother leave Omaha this week for u trip to the oast. of Rov. I Paul Atatthows and sister. AIlss Alat- thows , leave shortly on an eastern visit. Air. The Cooking club met on Thursday at was Hillside and enjoyed the afternoon sew Tor ing. 29 Alias Katherlno Kluctsch of Lincoln U U visiting In the city , the guest of the Misses l Batiman. Air. and Airs. Ira D. Atapcs left last week n two months stay In the mountains of Colorado. ; at W. J. Droatch , who has been In California . the past two weeks , Is expected to return ' week , AUss 1 LcuUo Squire has returned from the S.Bll , where the has been attending school shall during the year. tt' Airs , W. F. Carson and children of Clifton n. vis ! have gone to Detroit to spend the sum tf. with her mother. la | Air. and Airs. Kllpatrlck and AIUs Kllpat- rtlc left yesterday fur Nvw York and sill of week for Europe. ofno : Airs. W. P , Valll U making her homo at : or present with her mother , Airs. Heth , Dodg\ > and Twentieth streets. amWe Nat Bernstein arrived In the city last ho Tuesday from Trinidad. Ho expects to spend Air summer In the city. ilW ilWA AIUs Frances Eversou returned from Syra A , N. Y. , Saturday. She Is now a Junior Loc Syracuse university , he Allsa Carrie Ocumpaugh , AIUs Stella - rle Hughes , Dr. Vlrster and Mr. Allllard spent j , yesterday at Lnko Alaimwa. Tel Air. and Airs. H , A. Evans of Drooklyn , N. Tel are visiting their ulstur , Airs. Oscar P. our Goodman , 2031 Harnuy street. can cycle. Air. nnd Airs. Trlpp , who are on their way short California , are the guests ot Air , Trlpp's entire brother , Air. Edward Williams. road Atlsa Collins has asked a few friends to diana this evening with her to mcut.Mr. Rus- lour Robb of Doston , the young electrical bo engineer who haa been sent to Omaha to In- n vestlg.Uo our system of clnclrlc wiring. Exn pcrlmcnts now b--lni ; mada by Air Robb are fcllowed with Interest. AIUs lira Kelly waa graduated from Um State university last week nnd has returned to her home on Howard street. AIUs Carrie Glacomlnl , who has been vis- Itlng In Sioux City far the past fortnight , returned home twtiattirday last. , AIUs Frances EmVrson. who has been nt- tending the university nt Syracuse , N. Y. , Is homo for her summer vacation. Herbert AI. and Will-Rogers have returned lo Omahi from the New York law school and Princeton clllege respectively. In honor ni AUss Darso ot Kansas City , AIUs Van CourtJ entertained n number of friends at tea last Friday afternoon. Dean nnd MrsrvGminor nnd family left on Alonday for tliojr mimmer home at Dayil field , Wls. The dean will return next week , Mr. Jerry Jacobs and wife have returned . from a two weeks trip to Earlvlllc , In. , where they , were visiting the parents ot Airs. Jacobs , The Park club enjoyed n very pleasant evening nt the home of Mr. Edward Thatcher , South Twenty-seventh street , Friday oven- Ing. AIUs Allnnlo AI. Neal of the class of ' 91 , O. II , S. , bus gone to Kansas City to visit her aunt. Airs. L. A. Fuller , and will be gone a month. . Air. and Mrs. Fred Nichols of Pacific street are receiving the congratulations of friends over the birth of a daughter last Saturday evening. Allan Darso ol Kansas City , who has been visiting Airs. Collins and Airs. Lewis , has left Komitze Place and Is again the guest of AIUs Palmer. AIUs Dennett , with her guest , AIlss Rich ardson , spent n few days In Lincoln last week. Airs. P. AI. Drown of that city re turned with them. Airs. D. F. Watson and son , Orln. of Coun cil Bluffs , sister of Airs. L. A. Sumlerland .of 1138 North Twenty-first street , are visit- ing In the city for the week. Captain Crflwder and Air. A , G. C. Quay expect to sail for Antwerp on the llth of July , leaving hero about the 1st of the month. Air. Quay's brother will accompany them. Rev. Dr. .Merrill of Rochester. N. Y. . for merly pastor of the First Alcthodlst Epls copal church of Omalia , Is expected hers this week , enroute to the Dlack Hills for a vacation. AIlss Damn has returned from Philadelphia where she has been studying nrt for severa months. Alisa Sadieliaum returned will her , having finished her school at Hollldays burg , Pa. Dr. S. D. Alercer leavni for Guatamala on Alonday , sailing from | ! an FrancUco next Thursday. Dr. Alercer expects to be awaj three months , and has resigned hla position on the IMatte river canal project. Dr. Leo At. Franklin , minister of Temple Israel , leaves tomorrow for a six weeks eastern trip. He will visit his parents am grandparents at Cincinnati and will spcnc some time In St. Louis and Evansvllle. Air. and Airs. Charles H. FUette have Just returned from on enjoyable five weeks visit with relatives at Allnneapolls , spending one week on their way with old friends at Galena , 111. . Airs. Flsette's girlhood home. Alias Pratt entertained Alias Brown's bridesmaids , of which number she is In cluded , on Wednesday. These of the party were AIlss Yates , Miss Hoagland. AIlss Chan dler , Alias Nash and Allsa Alargaret Drown. Air. George D. Dandy , Jr. , son of Genera Dandy of this city , has passed both hla physical and mental examinations to West Point satisfactorily.and has been admitted as a cadet In that famous military Institu tion. tion.Airs. . Judge Laid /left / Omaha this week for the east. She will go to Garden City , Long Island , where slio will attend the grad- nation exercises o ? St. Paul's Alllltary acad emy , her son botna one of the graduates there. The Alumni association of the Omaha High school will tcfuJer the graduating class of ' 94 a reception Friday evening at the school , the receptjqn having been postponed last Friday evening on account of the weather. At a dinner glven y Air.andAirs. Augus tus Pratt o.riUybraldfi , Cal. , on the. 14th , the . engagement W'Hnjlf1 rtaugrrt6r , Alfss "Alabel , to Judge Charles'Ogdeu Tot * Omaha was formally announced , the marriage to take place In tlio fall. Air. and Airs. J. J. Fenton leave Omaha Tuesday for Now York , where Airs. Fenton will sail on Saturday. June 30 , on the Luccanla , for Queenstown , and Air. Fenton will go to Chlccpee , Alass. , his old home , to spend a few weeks. The Brown-Wyman wedding , to occur next Tuesday , is to be a very quiet homo wed ding , and outside of the members of the two families but four invitations were Issued , and these to friends of MUs Brown , at whose weddings aha had assisted. Captain and Airs. Ayres left for their new station , Governor's Island , on Thursday , amid the regrets of all their friends. They have been In Omaha four years , and during that time have made many strong friendships a which were very sad to leave. AIlss Manchester gave a very pleasant little luncheon Wednesday In honor of her guest , Airs. Frank North of Fremont. These pres ent were : Airs. North , Miss Kathryn Morgan Chicago , AIlss Allller of Leavenworth , Aliss Smith , AIlss Thomas and AIlss Wernhcr. AIUs Luclla Allen , who has been studying In Chicago the past winter under Jacobson , has returned , home , bringing as her guest her cousin , AIUs Estelld Hafer , pianist , wild has just graduated from the American Con. sorvatory of Alualc , and received the highest to medal awarded by that college. Airs. AI. Al. Ooudy , 1523 Sherman avenue , entertained Wednesday afternoon In honor her friend , Airs. Garden of Chicago. The guests were : Alra. Thompson , Alra. AI. Klbbe , Airs. O. C. Aladlson , Airs. K. Tyner. Airs. Dr. Gibbs , Airs. Alarkham. Airs. W. A. Wllcox , Airs. Garden nndMrs. . AI. Hopkins. The entertainment given by the Juniors of . Francis academy. Council Blurts , waa exceedingly successful. It consisted of both vocal and Instrumental music nnd an oper etta entitled "Father Time. " AUss Frances Frost was the principal character , AIlss Alay Shlreloy of this city playing her accompani ments. The seniors' commencement will be for hold Wednesday evening of this week. A few of AIlsH Curtis' friends took advan tage of her birthday on Wednesday and at tlui Instance of Airs. S. S. Curtis surprised that charming young woman most dcllght- tor tully. Those participating were : Air. and Mra. Wheeler , AIlss Burns , Miss Helen Smith , Allsa Doane , AIlss Hughes , AIUs Darn- , AIlss Pugaley , Air. Clapp , Mr. W. F. Smith , Air. 2ug , Air. Quay , Air. Mullen , Mr. Doano , Air. Gulou , Air. Crary , Air. How and . FalrOeld. to The Hard Times Whist club hold Its last meeting Alonday evening at the residence G. P. Alooro , 2C19 Cahlwell street , the prizes being won by Airs. U. L. Thomas and . J. F. Hopper. j\jl business of the tluh disposed of and preliminaries arranged a club picnic to'li held nt Alanawa , Juno fire , Those present wpro : Air. nnd Airs. D. Thomas , G. P. Mdcjre , J. F. Hopper , D. S. ockwood , Airs. Rtfbertson. AIlss Illackmoro , was Ithoey anil Hunter , 'Messrs. ' Dugdalo , Ocli- elnbcln , Dlackmore , ' wollmoth and C. L. Hopper. An Informal meeting will be held the residence ) of ' D. L. Thomas Alonday liold evening to comple'to' arrangements for the picnic. ! ' Invitations are out 'fpr ' the marriage of II. Wellor of this city , to AIUs Jeanelte Mar of Storm Lake , , la. , which will occur will that place next Wednesday at 8 o'clock p. Atlsa Marshall , will bo remembered as visiting Miss Gracp./Slaughter / and Airs. O. the , Davenport In Onyjjia. Air. Harry Weller the oldest son of ( Hr. C. F. Weller of thn stay Richardson Drug company. Quito a number rho friends of the gropm will attend the cere thu monies at Storm LaHu , leaving Tuesday af- ernoon. Among these who will go uro Air. Airs. C , P. Wellor. Ruth Weller , C. K. Wellor , Rev. Z. S. Weller , who will perform marriage ceremony ; C , D , McClelland. . , and Airs. O. N. Davenport. They will vavo on the 12:15 : train Tuesday. Air , Charles Locke , son of the late D. U. Locke ( "Petroleum V. Nasby" ) , and one of owners of the Toledo Dlade , Is visiting rleiids In Council Uliills , accompanied by R. Coulter and A. T. Reynolds , also of Toledo , O. These three young men left Toledo Alay 1 im a transcontinental bicycle , representing the Yost Manufacturing company , which Is pushing tha Falcon bi . With the exception of ono or two rides on the cars they have made the trip on 'cycles , and have broken the records In several cases. Through In they made twenty-five miles In ono and sixteen minutes ; while 111 Illinois rode ten inllea In thirty minutes , and the same atatu they covered 103 miles tn nliu' hours and fifteen minutes. They also made 171i miles In twenty-two hours , tn the twenty-three days they have been act ively on the road they have covered 1.C25 miles. Wodnesdey morning nt 8 o'clock the mar riage of AIlss Winifred Atallotto and Atr. Scott Van IHten xvas solemnized nt St. Darn- abas , Rev. John Williams officiating. Tne lirldo ] , who Is a very sweet and attractive woman , wore a becoming costume of white , Whllo her bridesmaid , Atlss Dorothy Holland , was In pale blue. Holy communion was nd- mlnl.ilrred nfter the services , which added greatly , to the Imprcislvcncss of the neivlec * . Atr. and Airs. Van Etten , after congratula tions , left for Houston , Tex. , their future home. St. Andrew's Episcopal church wan the scene of an unusually brilliant wedding Alon day morning nt 0 o'clock , the popularity of the contracting parties , particularly In church circles , bringing out a very largo congregation < to witness the marriage of Rev. Irving P. Johnson nnd Atlss Grace W. Kccso. j > the ceremony being performed by Rev. ! William E. Johnson of the Church of the Redeemer , New York , n brother of the groom ' , assisted by Revs. Pmtl Atalthews nnd Samuel G. Welles. The brldu looked very . . . lovely In n handsome dress of cream wlflto satin , Irlinmpl with fine old lacw. the whole covered with a veil fastened with sprays of orange blossoms. She was given a ay by Rev. John Williams of St. Barna bas. j ; Atr. James Wise acted as host man for the groom. Two pretty little maids of honor stood | to the loft of Iho bride , whiletwenty - two flower girls , dressed In white , lined the aisle on either side during the ceremony nnd : strewed flowers In the path of the bride a.1 Mie passed out. It's cool and refreshing nt Courtlaml Beach. Conilrtril of DtifrauilltiK u Hank. NASHVILLE. Juno 23. Oocrgo A. Dazler , on trial for conspiracy to defraud Iho Cm- merclal National bank of this city , of which the convicted Frank Porterlleld was cashier , was found guilty today on two count' . .Motion for a new trial will bo heard Atcmlay. Balloon aft. nnd ovc. nt Courtland Dcach. TKLBOH.ll'lllG ' ' llltmi-'i. The country around Cripple Creek is af flicted with a pest of caterpillars. Rev. Charles Wunnkessle , an Evangelical mlnl'ter of Shamokin , Pa. , suicided. An unknown man leaped from the Brook lyn bridge Friday and was drowned. Hon. J. . F. Desendorff , an ex-member of congress from Virginia , died at Norfolk. The United States Is not the only country which has trouble with naval construction. George Corey shot and killed Eugene Prey at Sullivan , Ind. Jealousy over a girl was the cause. The house committee has reported In favor of Aloon , the Kansas democrat who contested Punston's seat. Traveling men In convention at Milwau kee have raised the accident benefit from $4,000 to $3,000. Minnesota supreme court declared valid the law compelling street car companies to vestibule their cars. Orders wore received at the Alaro Island navy yard to put the Alarlon out of commis sion as soon as possible. Over 2,000 men were In line at the parade of singers In attendance at the national Sangerfest at New York. The report that Archbishop Ireland Is to be made a cardinal la denied at the Catholic university nt Washington. . J. J. Lancaster was poisoned at Green ville , Tex. , by a woman with whom he had eloped from Paducah , Ky. R. A. Field , who was to have been hanged at Helena , Alont. , Friday , has been respited by the governor1 until July C. Samuof Aluburger of Harmony , Ind. , has been arrested for complicity In the killing ot Engineer Barr by strikers. Dr. C. F. Simmons , a prominent patent medicine man of St. Louis , fatally stabbed John AlcOaln , his bookkeeper. Dlshop Hortsmann formally excommunl- .cated Rev. A. F. Kolaszewskl , the head of the rebellious Polish Catholics. , People at Round Pond , Okl. , blow up a Rock Island bridge to compel the company to stop Its trains at that point. AI. H. De Young of the San Francisco l Chronicle was the author of the silver plank In the California republican platform. The warden of the Colorado penitentiary declines to give up to the new commis sioners ' appointed by Governor Watte. Hon. J. V. Lewis. Congressman Iklrt's right hand man , la out for Coxey for congress. He aays the democrats will support him. Ed Shaffer was shot and killed at Pueblo , Colo. , by A. Cox. The shooting was caused " by the relations of Shaffer to the other man's wife. A French contractor has Just succeeded' In getting a vessel he built five years ago Into condition to comply with the speed re quirements. A. letter received at San Francisco denies the reported loss of the sailing-schooner C. C. White. The Rattler , reported lost , la also safe In port. At Attorney General Ataloney of Illinois has * commenced proceedings to have a receiver Hit appointed for the Allsslaslppi Valley Home tu stead & Loan company. ro The largest and most costly organ In the United States was dedicated Friday at San Francisco. It Is the gift of Edward Searlos Grace Episcopal church. While fighting the fire In n coal mine at Birmingham , Ala. , four men were badly scalded by steam , resulting from turning the hose on a pile cf burning coal. An escaped lunatic on a Milwaukee St. Paul suburban train out of Chicago severely Injured Brakeman Nellls and Conductor Schlpper before he was subdued. Chicago police 1mvci captured a man who they think Is T. C. Dowen , the noted poat- ofllco swindler who escaped from the Michi gan City penitentiary a short tlmo ago. Is Judge Alfred Deers of Drldgeport , Conn. , lias recovered n Judgment of $100 against the Hamburg-American Steamship company being detained on board during the cholera scare In 1S92. J. O. Brown , chief of the Plttsburg depart- of inent of public tafety , and Roger O'AIari , BCO superintendent , and W. C. AIcKolvey , Itibpec- see of police , have bDen arrested charged with nu misdemeanor In ofUcc. . late btrlko Notes. Allnouk , Ind. , miners will resume work Alonday. Danville , 111. , miners have voted to return ant work. A strike at the Alarquctto , Allch. , range la probable. f01 Scottdalc , Pa. , minors In convention resolved D ; Bill solved to continue the strike. Billi Strikers visited Phllllpsburg , Pa. , nnd sot oti to the tipplu and a number of mine and railroad cars. In' The strike so far as Indiana Is concerned M formally declared off by the miners con AI.J. vention at Indianapolis. J.Sul Drazil , Ind. , miners refused to send dele dot gates to the utato convention and will up- prc the action of the national olllcers. city Troops have arrived at Walaton and ThiWi Adrian , Pa. , and are In possession of all the Wi ilri'ts , They report everything quiet. of 1 Alasslllon , O. , operators announce they qu ; resume work with the old men If they ore ! want to work and If not with now men. Shi After a two-days' session at Struator , III. , Pu minors passed a resolution denouncing Duck McDrldo and to the effect that they would raid out until they get last year's scale , ralWl operators are determined to stand by thr Columbus scale. Col ColI' I' Switchback and carousal Courtland. made IN OMAHA'S ' SANCTUARIES Last of tLo Scrica of Union Services at Si John's Episcopal. TWO Will BE ORDAINED TO DEACONATE Wlmt Knrljr Hcrvlrm tit WoMinlitMcr Will llo I.lljo Prosperity r the I'popln's Ulmrcli-Wlint Ulll lie niscuucil la City 1'nlpll.i Tiuhiy. At St. John's Episcopal church this morn ing nt It o'clock will be held the la.it of the scries ot union services of the various associate mission congregations of the city. This will bo an occasion of unusual Interest , owing to the fact that two candidates , Messrs. Charles Herbert Young nnd II. Percy Silver , will ho ordered as deacons by Bishop Worth- Ington. The candidates will be presented by Very Rev. John Huzen White , dean of Seabury Divinity school , P.irlbault , Minn. , who will preach the sermon. The vested choirs of St. John's and St. Andrew's have had special rehearsals anil will sing together at this service. Special efforts will bo made to provide adequate seating accommodations. Wcttinlintrr'ii 1'.nrly Hii-nlng Svrvlrtt. The program for thu early musical service at Westminster Presbyterian church this evening Is : Organ A t 13 veiling . 1 luck Doxology. Prayer. Vocal Solo Salve Alnrl.i . Alercadnnte AIlss Fnnnlo Arnold. Violin Solo Ronuinze . Svondsc-n Atr. P. II. Adolmunn. Vociil Solo Jerusalem . Pnrker Air. Carl Hoftmun. Hcrlpttiro Lesion , Ten-AIInutu Sermon An Kvenlng nt Caper naum , vocnl Dunt Songs of Prnlso the Angels Sang . . . . . Shelley AIlss Arnold nnd Atlsa Frances llo.-dcr. Violin Solo Serenade . Schubert Air. Ailt'lnmnn. Organ Offertory , Andante from the Hftli Symphony . Beethoven Hymn-Sun of My Soul , Thou S.xvlor Dear . The Congregation Is Invited to Join In SlllKlllg. Itonmllctlnn. Organ Postliide The Hallelujah Choriia . Handel Airs. P. F. Ford , Orgunlat. Clmrrli. The People's church Is prospering. The ground on which the building stands baa recently - cently been leased for a year In advance and the money has been paid. The Young People's Society of Christian { Endeavor Is considered a very remarkable body. Services this morning at 5 a. m. . for prayer ; and preaching nt 10:30 : a. m. by Rev. Peter O. Alathews. an Indian. Preaching In the evening by the pastor , Charles W. Savldgo. Union Mrotlng. The Young People's Societies of Christian Endeavor will hold n union meeting at the First Daptlst church next Thursday evening. Addresses will bo made by Revs. A. J. Turkle , T. E. Cramblett , J. Al. Wilson and S. W. Duller. _ Hricf 1'ulplt irurociuts. Trinity Cathedral Rev. Canon Whltmarsh will preach morning and evening. Unlversallst Subject of sermon In the morning : "Tho Keys of the Kingdom. " Plymouth Congregational Rev. S. G. Lamb of Illinois will preach In the morning. Swedish Salems Rov. Dr. E. Edman , mla- slonary from India , will preach In the morn- Ing. Castellar Street Alcthodlst Evening serv- IccTa will be conducted by the Women's Christian Tcmperanco union. St. Alatthew'a Rov. W. E. Johnson , rector of the Church of the Redeemer , New York City , will conduct sorvlcea morning and evening. Trinity Atethodlst Topic of morning ser mon : "Lessons from Christ's Temptation. " Evening ! : "Hurting or Healing the Lives of Others. " Unitarian Subject of sermon In the mornIng - Ing : "Three Thoughts of Worship. " Sunday school at noon. The church will be closed. except for Sunday school , through July and August. Grace Evangelical Lutheran Rev. Luther AI. Kuhns , the pastor , will conduct divine services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. , and preach on , "All Things One In Christ , " and on , "God In the Storm. " St. Philip , the Deacon In the evening Rov. John Hazen Wlilt'e , warden of the Sea- bury Divinity school , Farlbault , Minn. , will preach. Holy communion , 7 a. m. Alornlng prayer , litany and sermon , 11 a. ra. Sunday school , 10 a. m. Central United Presbyterian Instead of the usual preaching services In the evening , Atlas Josephine White will give an address. Aliss White has been for many years a mis sionary In India and has but recently re turned to this country for rest. She Is a relative of the family of Dr. Williamson with whom she la vlaUlng. Go to Courtland , cool , refreshing. FIFTHlcOWA CAVALRY. Those I'ruonnt lit thu Koiiiilou In Oinnlm l.llfl ? Wciilc. Ono of the pleasant episodes of the Iowa Grand Army of the Republic encampment at Council Dluffs last week was the getting to gether of a few members of the Fifth Iowa cavalry. On Wednesday morning the old Fifth , that , nil who could bo present , held an Informal meeting at the Alurry hotel In this city , where , for two hours past experience mid general talk of life since the war were the topics ot conversation. A very pleasant time was had by the old veterans of the war , but , course , It was at parting a sad sight to lloo ( these men about to separate -probably not each other again until the lust great mustor-ln In the other world. These . present were General W. W. Lowe , colonel of the regiment ; Alajor J. C. Wilcox , assistant surgeon ; George S. Do- Witt. T. F. Lowls , late assistant surgeon ; Captain W. S. Seavey , company II ; Lieuten A. H. Taylor , company A ; George W. Healy , George W. Thompson , company K ; Alatt Daiikston , comapuy II ; John H. Duller , company I ; William P. Snowdeu , company Alosca Rubin , company D ; D. C. Sutphon , Some of those soldiers had not soon each other since the muster-out in ISC5. There ' are oJ this famous regiment living Omaha : General W. W. J-owo. Capluln T. Patrick. Captain A. S. Patrick. Alajor C. Wlicox. Captain W. S. Seavey , D. C. Sutphen. John H. Butler. William P. Snow- Aloses Rubin nnd T. F. Luwls. Those present at the mooting who live out of the ; were : George W. Ileuly and George W. Thompson of Dubuque. la. . Matt Dankston of Waterloo , la. , and Lieutenant A. H. Taylor Alexandria. Douglas county , Minn. This regiment lias a history for lighting qualities , and can Inscribe on Its war rec : Donaldson , first nnd second battles ; Shlloh and Pltlsburg Landing Sholbyvlllo. Pulaskl , Chattanooga , Atlanta. Jonesboro , A River. Franklin. Nashvllla , Rosseau s fur and last , but not least , the celebrated Wilson's ruld from Gravely Springs , Allan. , swell through Solmu and Alontgomory , Ala. , to ports Columbus and Alucon , Ga. It Forest's men know us well , and at a charge tur by this ruulment on his forces on the birch In you Highest of all in LcUvening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report all nest Ilrst ly ' mdy In t If ply ABSOLUTELY PURE retreat of Mood's command from Nashvlllo , l'orcst with his cavalry was tryliiR to hold us In check at .Mussel Hho.iU on the Tonnes- sen riverVo made H chnrgo on them and could hear his soldiers gfty ; "Look out , boys , there comes that Fifth lovvft cavalry. " And \\ltli that they turned and dnshoit away , but they loft six pieces or artillery In the river for us to tnko In. ONK OK THR OLD KIKTH. A seasonable suggestion CourtlnnJUcnch. I'orliclbnnli .Mnmifm'liirnr * rill. , MIMVAUKHK , Juno 23. The KiiRcr A Krois company , pockctbook nnd leather goods manufacturers , have hade n voluntary a.RlKiifiiciit to R. U. WlntcrlinUer. The bond of the asalKnco Is $ G3GOO , The American faurcly company of Nmv York Is surety for the assignee. All cUtins will bo paid In full , the lawyers say. nnd the company will resume operations nt once. Ilalloon nft. and eve. at Cuurllnnil Ilrach. Drive Your Husband To Drink WATER. I'tirott Tulilo Tnlrphortu 130(1. ( VISTA MlNUllAIj Sl'HINOS CO. . ni''S. I'JIh St. , Omula. , Delivered Dally. Deer Park and Oakland On tlic Crest of tlic Allc licnics , { MAIN LINK H , & O. R. K. ) Season opens June 23d , (894 ( Rau-s $ liO. $75 aiidsao month , according t locution , Acldrovs GKORGE DoSllIKLDS , M , Deer Park , Uurrott County , Aid. Mountain Lake Park ninvii.v ; : : I > IIR AND OAKLAND Season opens June 1st , 1894. MODNTAIN LAKE OAMP MEETING , MOUNTAIN LAKE OHAUTAUQUA , ( W. L. DAVIDSON , D. D. , Sup't of Instruction. ) INTEESrATB W. 0. T. U. CONVENTION. Ratoni ? to $15 pur weak. Addrost L. A. KUDISILI , . .Siipurlnlumlunt , Mountain Lake Park , Aid. S. W. Cor. 16th and Dodge Sts. 4 per cent , interest paid on savings deposits. < M per cent , on time certificates 3 to G mouths. 5 per cent , on time certificates G mouths and over. You arc-Invited to coino In and open an ac count with us. Hanking hours 0 to 4 P. M. daily. Open S.ituriluv nights to recolvo de posits only , 0 in a P. M. II. O. DKVRIKS , Proi. OADET TAVLOR , VicoProg. . W. H. TAYLOR , Cashier. II. A. HANSEN. Asst. Cashier. MEYERS' ' AUTOMATIC BOILER CLEANER' Munclieator Mf ? . Co. , No. Manolioator , liul. Aloclianlcnl dovlco for removing nil Impuri ties from bailer ; provontliiK soiillnK , foaming , nlso ruiuovo all old Rcalo. without the tisu'of ' compound or washing ouU Sold strictly on Kiiarantoo to give ) Htitlsfiiutlon. Correspond ; ftico "olloltod. Oonoral Wn.storn Olllco , 100 Ilulldlnf. Oinulm , Nob. Art in Furniture , Atnon'- our late studies In old French furniture IH this Chlffonnler with Its doublt front and lt antique prow llko sup to the mirror. make * a very beautiful piece of furni executed In blrd'H cyu maple or curly , ami with trlmmlngx of polished brast Klh'htcentti Century dcHlBim. Tlii'Ho ISO I putteriiH menu nothing until stop to * recall the fuel that they wcr dexlKiicil ' In the ciuly ilayu of the biiHl < dcprcHulon when law price WUH tin and lunt consideration. They are simp " .Studies In HcQiiomy. " and Buch value * nut rcupimur In thu furniture business the next half dozen yeurx. you huvu u ulngla furniture need , sup- It now , Furniturd of Every Description , Tcinptmtry Location , 22OU milt I'-'OH Doiiuli UILLABD norm , uixxnc.