COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Firm Foreign Market * Sent Wheat Up with a Bush. BAD CROP REPORTS ASSISTED THE RISE Corn 1V t Firm , nltli One Cent Hango Good llujlnc uiul the Strength In Wlient Ciunocl ( lie Advance Stocks nnil llonds. CHICAGO , Juno 20. Firm foreign mar kets sent wheat up today , and , after fluctu ating within l'/4o range , July closed % o higher. July corn closed % c higher , July oats 3c higher and provisions lower all around. Wheat opened at from He to % c advance and sold up , with some reaction , from IHo to l 4c , declined HO , again ad vanced from % o to4c , eased off from % o to Uo nnd closed steady. There was a fairly active demand from the start , the strength being duo mainly to foreign advances , Liver pool showing ' /4c advance , In the face of the decline here yesterday , and was looked upon as a decidedly "bullish" feature. There were nlio reports of a good sized quantity of iprlng wheat accepted by cable today , which was offered the other side last night , and this acted as a stimulating Influence. The calo was said to be fully % c over the price of July. There was also some very bad re ports In from South Dakota , reporting drouth and a short crop , rain ) In many places com ing too late. The market all day was nerv ous and unsettled , the action ot the price being something of a puzzle to many traders. Corn was firm , with Ic range. Good buyIng - Ing and the strength In wheat caused the advance. Oats were excited and continued the sensa tional advance , aided by light offerings and unfavorable crop reports. The range was 3c for July. Provlilons were dull and weak. Freights , slow at lV4c for wheat and Ic for corn to Buffalo. The leading futures ranged as follows : Articles' . | Opun. I Huh. | Low. I Close. WheatNo. if June July now Sept. . . . . . . Oik 02 Com No. 2. . Juno 41H342 July 41H 42Hi Sept 42 OnlH No. 2. . . June . EO 00 July. . . . 7. . 43H 42W Sl'Ptu 32 30)1 ) 31k Pork per bbl 3ft July 12 30 12 35 12 25 12 25 Sept. 12 40 12 40 12 30 12 30 Laid 100Ibs Juno 0 00 July 0 ( IBM 0 G'JW 0 00 6 A2H Sept 077k 077W 0 70 0 75 Short Ribs- July flSTK 0 40 0 35 0 37W Sept 0 37 h H VM 0 35 0 SI'A ' I- Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Unchanged. WHEAT No. 2 spring , MTic ; No. 3 eprlne , I6e : No. 2 reil. M'ic. CORN No. 2. 42',4c : No. 3 yellow , 42'iC42Hc. OATH No. 2 , We ; No. 2 white , 510514c ; No. 3 White , tOfJJlc. IIVE No. 2. 494c. ! I1ARLEY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , 54fCc ; No. 4 , nominal. I--LAX SEED No. 1 , 11.40. TIMOTHY HEED-Prlme. J4.7Bfl4.S5. 1'ROVISIONS Mess pork , per bill. , J12.22W © J2.23. Lard , per 100 Ib.i. , IC.COBC.C214. Short ribs Bides ( loose ) . J0.4.'i50.47V4 : dry failed shoulders ( boxed ) , S5.C2l405.87ii ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , j6.76flS.87J4. WIIISICY-DIstlllers' nnlshed gooUs , per gal. , | 1.15. The followlnz were the receipts ana shipments for today : On the Produeo oxchanco today tha butter mar ket was steady , unchamrcd : creamery. 144ai7c ; dairy , 12 < 214Hc. ESKB , steady , unchatiECd ; strictly fresh , NEW YOIfK UGNEKAL MARKET. Festordny's Quotations on Flour , Grain and Provisions , Mot.itf , Etc. NEW TORIC. Juno 20.-FLOUR-Recelpts , 41,000 bbls. ; exports. 18,000 Lbls. ; Bales , 3,000 pkgs. ; market fairly firm ; on winter wheat flour xportcrs paid some advance. Southern flour dull. Rye ( lour slow. Buckwheat flour nominal. CORN MEAIMore active ; sales. 625 bbls. ; " . ' . 'SKJVf,1.1'1' ' ' 2-M02.SO : Urnndyntne. 12.60. liUCKWH HAT Nominal ; ranBC. 68O7c. IlYE Nominal ; Btntc , 6C5So ; Jersey , 53r > 3c. BARLEY MALT Quiet : western , 68SSOc ; Can ada , 90a05o ; six-rowed , 82C8BC. WHEAT Receipts. 283,000 bu. ; exports , 138,000 bu. ; sales. 10,090,000 bu. futuies 28.000 bu. spot. Bpot market firm ; No. 2 red In store and ele vator , 62c ; No. 1 northern , 70J4c ; No. 1 hard , TOJ4c. Options opened stronger on high cables and forelsn buying , which caused local covcrlnsr ; pHces reacted toward the close , but again closed T4iflo up ; July , 63063HO , cloted 63V6c ; August closed 64UC ! September. 655J65 16-16e , Closed 65ic ; October closed 68I4c ; December , H0 9 c. CORN llecelpts , 69.000 bu. ; exports , 64,000 bu. ; tales. 620.000 bu. futures. 80,003 bu. spot. Spot market firmer ; No. 2. 46&c In elevator , K& ® 46c afloat. Option market hlchcr In the face " 0 " 4 ; "SZ Septimber' OATS-Recclpts , 68.000 bu. ; exports. 8.000 bu. ; sales , 100.000 bu. futures 192.000 bu. spot. Spot " " " " " § T Option 'markeV clos"ed 'dccld'cdiy higher oiVian- other short squeeze on bad reports , etc. ; close IMCflSio up ; June closed at 62 o ; July , 61Vi © tlc , closed at 61140 ; August , 39S'39io , closed 39 > lc ; September , 355i8\IGV4c , closed at SOHc ; to . IIinns-Qulet ; wet salted. Now Orleans , se lected , 45 to Cj Ibs. , 4Vi4c ( ; Texas , selected , 85 to 60 His. , 405c ; llucnos Ayres , dry , 20 to 21 Ibs. ' , . WOOL Quiet ; domestic fleece. 19iT25c ; pulled , ZO i2Sc. PHOVISIONS-ncef. quiet. Cut meats , quiet ; pickled shoulders , 6SO5 c. Lanl , steady ; west ern steam closed at J7.C3 ; July , J7. nominal ; Peptember. J7.15 ; rennet ] , easier ; continent , $7.30 ; 8. A. . 17.75 ; compound , 6Kfl6c. BUTTER Firmer ; western dairy , lOfllSc ; western creamery , HfflSc ; western fnctory , SWif J4Ho ; niclns. 18c ; state dairy , 13ei7o ; state creamery , UJTISo. ClUJKSC-Steaily ; state , large , 7C814c ; small. . SuOH-Wuak : ; western fresh. 110l2o ; receipts , 1,600 pkKB. TALLOW-Easy ; city ( $2 per pkB. ) . 4 7-l64Hc ; country ( nkKs. fiee ) , 4M4Ho. ns to quality. PirrltOLUUM-Qulot ; United cloted at 69c ; Washington , tuls. , } C ; refined New York. J5.15 ; Philadelphia , ami llaltlmorc , S5 ; Philadelphia and Ualtlmnrc , In liillk , J2.60. HOS1N Quiet ; strained , common to good , 11.35 TUilPUNTINH-Qulct at 30V4C. KICK Quiet ; domestic , fair to extra , 4Jf6c ; Japan , 4W ? 4 ic. MOLASHIIS-Stcnily ; New Orleans , open kettle , food to choice , 291T3GC. 1"1' ' scolch > COl'rCH Quiet : lake , 19. LHAl > Quiet ; domestic. $3.10. TIN Kusler : straits. $19.75 ; plates , quiet. HI'KLTKR Firmer ; domestic. $3.37H bid ; sales en 'Change. 6 tons August tin , $19.65 ; 20 tons COTTON HKIUI Oil * Inactive and generally nominal ; prlmo crude , 29o nuked ; off crude. 23j Mo ; yellow butter erodes. J6o : choice yellow , SSUfiJIc : prime yellow , SJ'ifr33o ; yellow off crudes , 31Htfso ; prime white , SC4(37c. ( Coffee Miirlivt , NKW YORK , June 20-COl-'FEC-Optlons opened dull and Irregular at 5 points decline to t points up. mini nmicr on local buying- , closing steady , 6il3 iralnts up ; sales. II.COO l < as , Includ ing ; July. $15.10 ; Heptenibcr. $14.03014.15 ; Ocln. ber , $13.65 ; niot | ntttet. lllo. sternly ; No. 7. $1 > U5 ; mild , slfndyiCuidova. J19.00IT19.21 ; salet , 2,004 bazs Rio , No. 5 , minus 7 points. pot. $18 ; tW bugs Bantos , 1C. late yesterday ; also 400 Inns C. A. Warehstnio delherleB yesterday , 7,187 loga : New York stock today , 8J.OOO baits ; United States stock , 144.0UO bags ; allont for United States , 170.- MO bncx ; visible United States , 314,000 , against 411.000 luxt year. BANTOH , June 10. Quiet ; good average , $17 ; receipts. 3.00i ) bags ; stock , 18.000 bags. IIAMIlL'Ua. June N.-Hteady ; rales , 8,000 bags ; unchangnt to ' .il'fK down. 1IAV1IK. June 20 , Openril steady , unchanged st U m. , was 'if down for December at 3 p. m , , thnncd a further decline for December ; close lulet. RIO , June 20-Flrm ; No. 7. $15.70 ; exchange. Ilio ; receipts , 9.000 bags ; cleared for United Btatcs , l.OOi ) bags. Duluth \Vhout AUrknt. DULUTII , June 20 WHBAT Close : Lower : No. 1 hard , catJi , June and July , C2Hc ; No. 1 northern , cash. June and July , C2Kc ; September , tl'ic ; December , Rttc ; No. J northern , cash , WSc ; Na , J. 6IUCJ rejected , 43icj to arilve. No. J northern , " " Minneapolis AVtii-ut Market. MINNEAPOLIS. June M. Wheat opened HO higher this momlng on good local demand. Ile- celpls were not large , but were quickly tmken by mllltra and shippers. I .oca I showers through * out th northwest were henvy In some places , but not well distribute ) ] . Complaint still comes l tl dry w att r. TU * do lu * wu la higher than jeilirday for filturci nn.l - h'uho ' * for tiuti , l He far June. ' * c ! for Jiilr. nnd 60. for Fepleint r On track , 61' , Imnl. n c. No I northern. 61c for No 1. llc lr > ( w re 10" 3.0 bil.t ililpmentM. I0. l.u. Th Hour market WAS strong ) patenl * . tt 4083.CO , l ikcm , $ } .liQ.40. ) Pnxluctlon rstlmllrJ at 35,000 bbls. UMAII V UKNIJHAL \ItIlKT. . Condition uf Tntilo anil ( Jiioliitlnns on Ktnplo nnil I'nncr I'roiliiff. There was no very decided change In the mar ket. Duller , as will be noted below , was ste.dy , eggs weaker and poultry slow , DUTTI511 There were no new developments In the market ycsleiday , pnces rcmi nlnK unchanged. Packing stock on this market Is bringing lOo and the buvors nppcnr to want It at that price. Choice country butter , 12314ci separator creamery , lIIJISc ; bricks. ICfflSc. KCH1K The tKK market wan weaker nml every- oni ! appeared anxlou * to sell. The receipts are In excex * uf the local ilimimd , nnd as thu sur plus has to be shipped the ma : Ice t la naturally effected by tltc condition cartel * . Dral- crs figure that with the amount of mln there his been In the elnti > during the punt ucck Htm ) will be a lancer pioportlon of illity eggs nnd consequently fu\Vcr tlmt will be ( it for shlpp'ns. Thli , they clnlm , will ha\c n tendency to lower the local market , HCKS aol < l yculciday very lurKely at 9c , Comi * few i/nles of single case lots were iiinilc at ! " , tc , but that wni an outside prlc > \ LIVD POt'I.TKY While the cupply of old hens Is light , there docs not appear to becy much of a deinaml and the market li slow to recover. Quite a BO > I many spring chickens arc coming In and a good many of them HIP too small. Spring chlckons brought ISfrlSc per In , , or $1.6003.6' ) per OD ? . Old hens , Cif Hc ; roostrrs , 3c. 'Ihc demand for geecc nn-J ducks Is vrry llnht , and what few arc arrlvlnp are mostly blnls that have been plucked , and In conscuucnco not % cry ilrslrnblc. Uuclcn , CiJ7c ; hen turkeys , 7c ; gob- biers. 6iCc ; r < v' < \ 5Ti5'4e. VIJAL lu-a l.t continue nulte Ilbe al and 1 10 market has not n yet reajrcinl from the lowr 'liiotatlons of last week. Choice fat and small veals arc quoted at 5SJCc ; coarse and large , 3f4c. CIinnHn There Is some \cry c'.iolce Wiscon sin cheese on the market. Wisconsin , full cream , new make , lOifllc ; Nebraska nnd lown , full crenm , ,9iI'e , ' ; Nebraska nnd Io a , part Elilm , CQ7c ; LlmburK r , No. 1 , lOc ; bilck. No. 1 , lOc ; Hwlm. No. 1 , 13CHC. IIAV Thcro wern no fresh receipts of hay either yesterday or the day bcore. In consequence Hi' supply oi the nmikt-t Is belnn rapidly exhaiiftnd ami the malki't Is firm. Thu ilcnmnd Is fair. Upl.ind hay , $8.60 ; midland , (8 ( ; lowland , MM ; rye draw , $6. Demand fair ; supply fair. Color makes the price on hay. LlKht bales sell the best. Only top grades brine ton price * * . Pl iJONH The Run clubs use nulto a Rood many plKcon.i , nnd there Is n demand for old birds strong on the wing1. Old birds , per doz. , $1.4iQl,60. $ The vegetable market , so far a-\ outside orders are concerned , Is rather rmlrt. The supply of most kinds of veiietablcs Is lapldly becoming larger. Home grown stock In certain lines Is taking the place of that shipped In from a dis tance. As the home grown vegetables appear the order trade ( trows less. WATRUMKLONS A fresh car of Texas water melons was received yestciday. The"y are quoted at $23 per 100. CANTALOUPES Texas cantaloupes are arriv ing on the market. On order ? , $1.1081.60 per doz , HERTS New beets , per doz. bunches , 20S20e , on orders. SQUASH Texas summer squash on orders , COS60e per doz. CUCUMIIEIIS There appears to be no limit to the supply of cucumbers and they are getting down pretty cheap. On orders , per crate , $1.60 , OltnnN PEPPnnS Texas green peppers , per 14 bu. box , 7Gc. OLD nUANK Hand picked navy , $2.1002.15 ; medium navy , 11.WS2.00 ; common white beans , $1.60511.60. ONIONS The market Is not quite so strong. On orders , southern , per bu. box. , $1.231.60. Cali fornia , 22'4c per Ib. POTATOES The receipts of potatoes have been quite large and the market If anything a little crowded. California and Arkansas have been the principal shippers to this market. Some Missouri stock has put In an appearance , showing that potatoes may soon be expected from points nearer home. Good shipping sEtock , OOcffJl.OO per bu. CAllHAOK IlDth California and homo grown cabbage Is to be found on the market. Good shipping stock , on orders , 2ir2ic. ! AUPAHAOUS-Uood homo giown stock , 35 (0c per doz. . on orders. TOMATOES Florida stock Is pretty well ex hausted , the season being rather far advanced for shipments from that state. Mls lsslppl stock Is In large supply. Oood shipping stock , per 4 basket crate , ! 1.2,5jl.M > . NUW IIKANS New beans were a little more plenty yesterday nnd the market was wenker. Wax beans , il bu. box , Coc ; wax , per bu. , $1.70 ; string beans , W bu. box , 50c ; string , per bu. , $1.60. PEAS The supply Is somewhat large and the market a little easier. Oood stock , per bu. , $1.7502.00. EOO PLANT Per doz. , on orders , 763$1.00. CAULIFLOWEH Choice stock , per doz. , $1.609 CARnOTS New southern carrots , per doz. bunches , 40c. PIE PLANT On orders , per Ib. . 2e. PARSLEY On orders , per doz. bunches. ? 530c. TURNIPS New southern , per bu. , $1.25 ; home grown , per doz. bunches , 2530c. FRUITS. The regular fruit auction took place yesterday morning at 10 o'clock. The offerings consisted of 1.SS1 boxes of California cherries and S12 crate * of apricots. Every seat In the auction room was' occupied and the offerings were soon cleaned up. In addition to the local buyers brokers took largo lots on orders from St. Joseph , Grand Island , Lincoln and Fart Dodge , la. Prices were low on everything. On Thursday there will be a sale of the fol lowing goads ; 90 crates apricots , 29 crates peach apricots , 7 crates Morehcad apricots , 1,003 casci Alexander peaches , 42 cases peach plums , 43 cases Kocnlf ? Claud plum ? , 5 crates Clymnn plums , IS boxes apples. The offerings for Fri day's sale arc not yet lepartcd. The express companies reported over 600 cases of berries brought In by them yi-iterday. BTnAWIlERIUES The early market yesterday was devoid of strawberries , thoush a car was ex pected In. Good stock , J3.UOO3.25. APPLES Only a few southern apples are coming , but there will be some California apples today. Southern , per ' ,4 bu. box , $1. CHERRIES The market Is full of Callfom'a cherries , the mast of them being black Tartar- lans. Good shipping stock , $1.25. APRICOTS Iho apricots on the market are of very good quality and cheap. Dealers are lookIng - Ing to sje the present largo supply cut down In the near future ; Good shipping stock , ll.00ffl.25. GOOSHIIERRIEB There have been none re ceived to amount to anything during tha last fo < Y days. Quotations arc nominally $2.25@ 2.50. 2.50.ULACKHHRniESTho ULACKHHRniES-Tho market was full of blackberries , the receipts being unusually large. The market was a little lower. Good stock , $2.60 13LACK HASrnnRRIES-Thcre were quite n good many black raspbeirlcs on the marke ; , but prices , If anything , were a little firmer. Gooa stock. 3.00f3.2 : > . RED RASPI1KRRIES There were a fcw cases of red raspbonles In , which brought $5 per case. PEACHES Callfoinla peaches are. bcomlng quite plentiful. Good stock , per box , $1.23. PLUMS The California plums received last week have all been disposed of , nnd there Is nothing Just at present upon which quotations can be bated , A few coses are reported to ar rive today. TROPICAL mUITS. The hot weather of the part few days has caused an Improved feeling In the lemon market. Auction sale prices In New York last week nd- ranced 6073o a box nnd the Importers and hold- rs of stock are jubilant. N w Yoik dealers are predicting a dim maiket all tKe season , basing their belief on Ihc statistical position and the generally poor keeping- quality of the fruit this season. July Is usually a laige consuming month , hut August Is looked upon as the banner period for distribution , and also as the time when the reduction of stock Is made rapid by decay , llefcrilnz to the statistical position It may bo sold that the visible supply consists of 214. COO boxt-s. of which quantity there are In transit to Now York 18.8,0 boxes ; to Hoston. 18,0110 ; to H.Utlmorc.B.iOJ. and to New Orleans 1,500 Whllu thcie aiu mill considerable many lemons remaining ubrmd at the points of supplv. It Is claimed that tha quality of the fiult Is such that great risk would be Inci cacnl In shipping to this side , and Importers awaru of this urc likely to adopt a policy of caution In unking advances The position of the maiket Is u-jjurded a favor able to eastern holders , who ari > counting unon the existing warm weather to quickly wlpo out supplies at all the Interior markets. 1JANANAS As usual , when Retries are on the market the demand for bananas Is not varv heavy. Choice stock. $2.00 2.EO. LEMONS The demand hns not been Increased to an extent sulllclent to ad\anco prices ns vet and the market rvnmlns steady. Fancy lemons' 300 size. $4. fancy lemoni. SOO size. $3.73choice lemons. 360 size , $3.6"H3.75. OltANGUS-A car of line Medlterancan sweets came In 1'rlday ami are offered at steady prices , that Is. $3.60(13.75 , PINUAPPI.KS-Thero Is a fair sucply of Florida pineapples on the market nt II.tOHl 75 PIT doz. , or J8.00GH.OO per crate of about six MISCELLANEOUS. FlflS-Fnnoy. per Ib. . 12'jlic. ! DATES llalkrn ccs. 65 to 70-lb. boxes , per Ib. , HONEY Callfoinla , 15c ; dark honey , 10J12e UAPLU HYRUP-Oalloa per ll * NUTS-Almonds. 16pl7c ; Kngllfh walnuts 10O lo : ( llberts. 12c ; llrazll nuts , lOc. ' CIDEH-l'ur Juice , per bbl. , 6 ; half bbl. . I3.Z3. HIDES No. 1 green hlde > , ; Uc ; No 1 crten saUed hides. 8c ; No. 2 irrccn salted hides" Sa ; No. 1 vtal calf , 8 Ibs. to 15 Ibs. . Cc'No S veal calf. 8 Ibs. to 16 Ibs. , 4c ; No. 1 dry ( lint hld s. 6c ; No. 3 diy flint hides. 3c No. 1 dry alted hides. 4c ; part cured hides. Me ner Ib ' less than fully cured. SHEEP PKLTS-Green salted , each , tiaeoc' gri'un salted Bheuillngs ( short-wooled early skins ) iach , 6fil5c ; diy shearllngi ( ehort-wooled early skin. ) . No , 1 , each. 6 10c ; dry shearlings ( JhoM wooled early .kins ) . No. ! . each. n5" , Try flint Kanas and Nebraska butcher wool , pelts , per IK. auual weight. 6C8e ; dry flint. Kunsas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight. 40Co ; dry ( lint. Colorado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight. 407c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual eight , 4fl c. TALLOW AND GRL'ASE-Tallow. No. 1. 4 ® 4Uc ; tallow , No. 2 , SViOSHc ! greaie. white A. 4Hc ; create , whit * II. 4c ; greaxe , y ) low , Scj rreate , dark , JHc ; old buter. tOIKc ; beeswax. prime , UUlSc ; rough tallow , ie. Nhxv York Dry ( looiM Market. NEW YORK , June M.-There Is mire Inquiry for all cla x > s of goods , and especially for prints. Clnclmmp , cotton anil wool dress goods , heavy under erodes , colored and fancy cotton and cloth woolens. Cotton yarns more frfely Inquired aftir for nil numbers from two-thirds and prices nrn steadier under the Influence ot sales. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. Jua nles Z.W ) bale * , to arrive , 500 bale * ) receipts. U biles. cxrwrtK. Orenf IlrltRln , I.eM bnle . tock , 7Cr 2 Lhlra , futures closed steady. le , ll.HOO bales , June. mt2 nominal , July , J585I7 9 : , August , IS.IOifC OJ. H < ptember. KtMJS.ST ; October , JilOlOC.OJi Niivrinlmr , lt.wnt.tJ. December. $7.02 U7.03 ; Jnnnnry. $7.01 bid ) February , $7.14 bl.1. ST. I.Ol IH. Junf 2)-fOTTON Middling , 7 1-ICc ; rales , 100 Im1 > > s ; rccflptf. 400 bales ; ship ments , 400 bfltcs , stock , 31,400 balcf. fit. I.niim < ii'iieril Xiirknt. ST. IjOVlf , June 20.-FLOUR-riim , un- changed. WHKAT-Opcni'd HW'ic higher and on short demand calnrd I'tc more , but rctapreil toward the rloe , which was Nc nbo\e yrrterday'ii , No , 2 red , catli , 6'c , June , OCHc ; July , 67ic ! ; August , 66To ; Repttmbcr , 6S ( ! . CORN Was pushed up by onts , rrnlnlng Ic. No. 2 mixed , cash , 40 < i ; June , 39Hc ; July , 33He ; September , 40c. OATS RtmliHl up on crop news. No. 2 , cash and June , 60o ; July , 3Ec ; August and Septem ber , 31 He. RYE Nothing doing. JIARLRV Nothing doing. IIIIAN Firm , 3'Ic , fast t'nclf. TLAX KEii-.lS. : | CIXM'ER SEED $0.60t7.CX ? TIMOTHY HEED-J3.3i ) f4.60. - HAY Htnmic ; prime timothy , JD.OOSlO.OU. IH'TTEn t'nchnncrd. EGGS Quiet , unchanged. LEAD-FIrm ; J3.i'i. 8prLTEtt-$3.20 : nulfwl. CORN Mi.M$2.l00215. : . WHIHKY U.I5. COTTON TIES-t'nchanscd ; 0cOI.OO. . nAGaiNG-UnchHngrd. PROVISIONSWiak. . dccllninr. Pork , etand- ( ird mes . Johb'ni ' , $ I2.7. > . Lard , prime , J8.37H : choice , IH.W. Dry salt meats , loose shoul- deis , $5.60 ; longs nnd ribs , $ C.47li ; shorts , $ C.C2'j. Uacon. packed shoulders , $6.75 ; longs , J7.12'j ; ribs. $7.25iT7.37H ; shorts. J7.W. UKCniPTK Flour , 2,0 0 bbls. ; wheat , ,000 bu , ; earn , 63.000 bu. ; oats , 17.000 bu. 8H1PMENTH Flour , 6,000 bbls. ; wheat , 2,0'0 bu , ; corn , 32,000 bu , ; oats , 1,000 bu. Nrtv OrloiuiH ( ioncrul Mnrltpt. NEW ORLIJANS , June 20. Hos products dull and generally luwer. RICI3 Strong ; mdlnary to good , 3TJG4Hc. COFFEE Steady. FLOUR-rjulet. CORN MIJAI Stendy : $2.23112.30. CORN Steady ; No. 2 mixed. 510Mc ; yellow , 62c ; white. r,2 53c. OATfl Scarce ; Nn. 2. 6Sc. HRAN Dull ; SOOS2',4c. SUGAR Finn ; ofien kettle , prime to strictly prime. 3c ; common to fullv fair , 2 G-1G02 13-lOe ; centrifugal off white , 3V S3 ll-16c ; prime yellow , clarified , 3J3'ic ; off yellow , 303Hc ; seconds , 2O3 1-lCc. MOLASSES-Qulet ; cenlrlfucil , prime to strictly prlmo , lOSllc ; fair to prime. f Wc ; good common , CQ7c ; Inferior to common , 3''jtf4c. MILWAUKKR. June 20.-FLOUIl-Steady. WHEAT Stronger ; No. 2 spring , 57c ; No. 1 northern , MSjc. CORN-HIKlier ; No. 3 , 42'.4c. ' OATS Uxcltnl nnd higher ; No. 2 white , 62c ; No. 3 white , 49iiir > l'jc. BARLEY firmer ; No. 2. 65c ; sample , 62055C. RYE-No. 1 , 600. PROVlSlONH-Easler. Pork , $12.30. Lard , $6.CO.REOEIPTSFlour REOEIPTS-Flour , 8,650 bbls. ; wheat , 4,155 bu. ; hurley , 1,600 bu. Sltll'MKNTS Flour , 28,140 bbls. ; wheat , OSO bu. ; barley , none. Knnsus City Markets. KANSAS CITY , June 20. WHEAT Slow ; No. 2 hard , 63c ; No. 2 red. We ; No. 3 red , 4 { f51c ; rejected , 44i3l6c. TORN-Me hlshcr ; No. 2 mixed , 36'.437c ; No. I white , 39140 tOc. OAT8 Strong ; No. 2 mixed. 41C43o ; No. 2 white. 4Si4Cc. BUJTER Weak ; creamery , 1415c ; dairy , KC1GS Very weak ; 7',4c. RECEIPTS Wheat , 2,000 bu. ; corn , 1,400 bu. ; oats , none. SHIPMENTS-Wheat , 6,600 bu. ; corn , none ; oats , none. ' Cincinnati Goner il Market. CINCINNATI , June 20.-FLOUR-Oood demand. WHEAT Strong ; No. 2 red , It > ® 53c , Receipts , 2,000 bu. ; shipments. 600 bu. CORN Stronger ; No. 2 mixed , 45c. OATS Stiong : No. 2 mixed , 48c. RYE-Qulet ; No. 2. 52363C. PROVISIONS Pork , quiet ; $12.25. Lard , nom inal ; $8.60. Bulk meats , $ G.37' ' . Bacon , easy ; $7.73. $7.73.WHISKYFalr demand ; sales , C35 bbls. , $1.15. SUGAR Steady. CHEESR Steady. jEQQS Dull. Liverpool Mar tots. LIVERPOOL. June 20. WHDAT-Close , firm ; holders offer Kparlncly ; No. 2 red winter , 4s 8d. CORN Steady ; holders offer sparingly ; new mixed spot , 3s 8 id ; futures , steady ; holders offer sparingly ; June , 3s SHd ; July , 3s 9d ; Au gust , 3s 3d. FLOUR Steady : holders offer moderately ; St. Louis fancy , winter , 5s OJ. PROVISIONS Lard , dull ; holders offer spar ingly ; spot , 35s Cd ; futures , holders offering. Pork , dull ; prlmo mess western , CDs 3d ; prime mess .medium , 6Cs 3d. I'ciirhi Grain Market. PEORIA , June 20. CORN Market firm and higher ; No. 2 , 41'Jc ; No. 3 , 40ic. OATS Market irregular , but higher ; No. 2 white , 49o ; No. 3 white , 4SJf4SVic. RYU Nothing doing. WHISKY Maiket nrm ; high wine basis , $1.15. Market. NEW YORK , Juno 20.-STJGAR-Raw. firm : sales , 4,000 bags centrifugal , 9G test , 3 > io ; refined quiet. LONDON , June 20. SUGAR Cane , steady ; centrifugal , Java , 14s 3d ; Muscovado , fair re fining , 12s ( id. : Wool Market. ST. LOUIS , June IO.--VVOOL-Frm ! , un changed , with ready demand for desirable grades. Financial Notes. BOSTON , June 20. Clearings , $14,172,253 ; bal ances , $1,541,775. BALTIMORE , June 20. Clearings , $1.504,069 ; balances , $204,208. NEW YORK , June 20. Clearings , $73,110,200 ; balances , $5,331,611 ! . PHILADELPHIA , Juno 20. Clearings , $10,916- 724 ; balances , $1,6CC,753. MEMPHIS. Juno 20-New York exchange sell- Ins at U. Clearings , $233,343 ; J > alances. $100,717. NEW YORK , June 20. Additional orders have Increased the sum of gold for shipment tomor row to $2,2 0,000. SAN FRAMCISCO. June 20. Drafts , sight. UHo ; telegraphic , J5c. Sliver bars , G23C2c. Mexican dollars , H < 35l'ic. CHICAGO , June 26 Clearings , $13,464.300. For eign exchange , steady ; New York , C0@70o pre mium ; sterling , actual , J4.87if4.l01i. ST. LOUIB , June 20. Clearings , $3,350,333 ; bal- ancSs , $305,6)3 , Money quiet , l 'nl per cent. Kx- ohonco fin New York , 85c premium bid. NEW ORLEANS , Juno 20. CUarlngs , $815,932. NSW York exhangc. commercial , $1 per $1,000 premium ; bank..Vi per $ l.OOO premium. STOCKS AM > ilONIJH. Speculation on 'OIiaTigo Win Dull and Gen erally Uninteresting. NEW YORK , Juno 20. Speculation on the Stock exchange was dull and generally unin teresting , being practically confined to the room traders. The failure to make public today the Atclilson reorganization caused some doubfs as to the ability to reach on - agreement , but It Is authoritatively asserted the main points at Issue are settled , that the foreign committees have signified their acceptance of the plan , and that It will be published tomorrow. H ( is { reported now that no collateral trust bonds will bu issued , that the issue of second mortgage , bonds will ba $35,000,000 , which. Is $5,000,000 more than was at first proposed , and that the new In come bonds , as well as the stocks , shall bo entitled to vote for the first board of di rectors. The stock of the company was more largely dealt In than usual today , fluctuating between G % and ( Hi , the last sale being at 6 % , a gain of l/4 per cent on the day. Sugar was the most prominent In the transactions. At the opening a brisk selling movement , engineered by pool brokers , sent the stock down , and a report was circulated that the discrimination of 1-10 cent against German refined sugar would bo removed. When the pressure was removed a rally of H per cent took place , which was followed by another decline of l'i per cent to 96 % . The lower range of values Induced some covering , which resulted In a gain ot 1 % per ccnt wlth a final reaction of % Per cent , making the loss of the day % per cent. The grange were neglected , St. Paul being the only one of the group whloh made any show In the dealings. At the close the market was barely steady. Bonds were weak all day and the volume of business was light. With reference to the meeting of bank directors held yesterday afternoon at which It was then said In Wall street they had concluded to furnish the gold required for export , today's Evening Post says the meeting resulted In no action. The Post further says : It Is In the authority of some of those bankero who were present tlmt the statement Is made that that was done and that the meeting adjourned sine die , each bank being left free , is heretofore , to determine for Itself how much ot Us gold It would part with to any of Us customers for export. All those present expressed themselves as quite willing to do all In their power to aid the government In an emer gency , but It was the prevailing sentiment in this matter that the question was to be left to the dltcretlon of each bank. Tbe Evening Post's London cablegram says : The stock market } were depressed today , and especially Americans , which were led by the fall In Pacific stocks and forced sales In Amsterdam. There was a slight recovery t the close. The announce ment of the Atchlson reorganization scheme 1s expected momentarily , but It U believed It will contain nothing fresh. There Is talk of the difficulties among the dealers In Ameri can bare , cwlug to lb. continued fail IB bid. The total sales of itock today were 106 S2 pharea. Including : Atchlson , 6,300 ; American Sugar. 28,300 ; t.'hk-nKO ( JuR. 13b > jO ; Ulsttlllnit. 10.000 ; Erie. 3.BOO ; Northern Pacific pteforrtcl , 4.000 ; St. Paul , 6,300 ; Union Puclllc , 4,400 ; United States CordaKc , 3,600. New York Money Market. NHW YOHIC , June 20. MONI3V ON CAMr- Easy , at 1 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent , closed , 1 per cent. PIUMi : MERCANTILE PAPnn-2\ia4H per cent. BTEULINO nXCHANOK Dull , tut firm , with actual buplness In bunkers' bills at II.SSVi for demand , and Sl.S7i for lxty days ; pouted rates , ll.SS'/i anil JI.OO : commpuinl bills , * 4.SCi. SILVER CERTII''IC1ATES-64865c. GOVERNMENT 11ONDS Firm ; elate tionJe , dull. Closing quotations on bonds were aa follows : Hoston Stock Quotations. BOSTON. Juno 20. Call loans , IM per cent : time loanH , 2 per cent. Closing prices for stocks , bonds and miningsharja : San FrnncUco Mlnln ? Quotations. SAN PUANCISCO Juno 20.-Tho official oloslnj quotations for mlnlifj Btpjea toaiy worj as fol- " * InWBf London Stock Market. LONDON , Juno 20. 4 p. m. closing : CHICAGO LIVE STUCK. Supply of Cuttlo Forceil Prices Dotrn * for n Time. CJIICAGO , June 20. Not far from 18,000 cattle reached the yards today. The effect upon prices of so large a supply was not good. The offerIngs - Ings of choice dry lot cattle were not very numerous , and only for Monday's big decline In the London market no doubt prices for that particular grade might have bcvn sustained , but they were overwhelmed by tha deluge of common and medium stock. The depreciation In the 'value of 'tha latter was from lOc to 2Sc , and the choicer sorts were carried down from lOe to' 15c. There very little appearance of activity In the demand for any grade , nnd or- jllnary grass cattle were almost unsalable , They bid fair to go still lower before the week Is out unless lecclpts exhibit an unexpected falling off. The outside quotation fur any thing In the bovine line Is now f , tier IM lh To bring more than J4.85 the offerings would need to be exceptionally line. Thu bulk uf today's business was done at fiom 13.50 to $4.6. > for steera nnil at from } to { 3 for co\vx ami bulls. There was not an over supply of native butchers' and csnners' stock , but the heavy supply of Tcxans told severely on those descrip tions. Texas was credited with about 6.0UO lionil. the bulk of which was common crasscrs , The decline In tlmt branch of the market was not lets marked than that noted of natives. At the opening of business there as a very weak tone to the hog marltot. The large re ceipts made buyers cautlour , anil they forced a decline of from 60 to lOc. Price * for hea\y hogs did not remain down , however. A little later In the morning th demand became active , and before 10 o'clock the loss had been re trained , the close being quite Him. Once be fore within the last five months have the re ceipts for a Wednesday reached 35,000 head the estimate for the day and the degree of firmness the mark t developer ! was , therefore , something of a suiprlse. The choice to light sorts brought 14.85 , and as high as K was paid for heavy welghti. Common Kiailes sold at from 14. 65 to (4.66. ajiil the bulk of the offerings from 14.70 to 14.80. Urnvesii averaging from 304 to 400 Ibs. were the freest belleis , the supply of that grade being comparatively small. There was a fairly. vllrm market for sheep and lambs. The demand was light , but the offerIngs - Ings wtro moderate , and the- advance made at the beginning off the week was easily sus tained. Sales of sheep were on a basis of from II to J3.60 for Inferior 4o choice , with most of the trailing at from 12.55 to (3. Lambs were salable at from J2.60 .to 14.60 , according to quality , Receipts Cattle , 18,000' ' head ; calves , 600 head ; hogs , 38,000 head ; riieep , 10,000 head , . Kmisns City I.lvo Htoclc Market. KANSAS CITY , June20. / . CATTLE Receipts , 6100 head ; shipments , $ W head ; market UU26c lower ; Texas steer * . } : .25fl3.70 ; Texan cows , . (053.23 ( ; beef steers. J3.40W3.85 : native cows. 11,00 3.60 ; stockcrs and feeders , I2.C033.CO ; bulls , HoasItecclpts. . 8.800 head ; shipments , 2,900 bead : market tfflOc lowtr ; bulk of sales , il.COiTj 4.70 ; heavies. f4.65WI.73 ; packers. l 65O4.75 ; mlxVd. I4.K U : llKl/ts. / I4.60W4.65J Yorkers , | 4.60M 65 ; plKf , I4.30Q4.53. SllEdP ilMwIpts. < . ( X0 | head ; shipments , COO head ; market Blow and lower. Sioux City I.lvu Stock Market. SIOUX CITY , June 20. HODS Receipts , 2,700 hrtul : yesterday , 3,091 head ; shipments , 1,665 head ! market DglOo lower , at I4.40W4.CO ; bulk. CATTLE Receipts. 600 head ; yeiterday , 1D head ! shlnm nt , 132 head ; market steady ; feed ers. JJ 4083.35 ; yearlings , (2.23(13.10 ; cows , 11.00 83.00 ; bulls , ntO& .35 ; oxen , (1.6032.75. Stock In Hlicut. lUcord of receipts of llvt stock at the four principal yards for Wednesday , June 0 , 1134 ; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha . . . . 1.704 11.W3 127 CblcUifO 7. . . . . 18.000 38.000 10,000 Kansas City . .100 1.800 4.000 Bt ? Eouls i . . . : . . . . . . . 1.60) 6.ZOO tOO Total ! U.C01 14.927 Qo ta CauiUaxHJ , coolt OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattlo Trade Han Again Fallen Into a Badly Demoralized Condition. DROP OF FULLY FIFTEEN CENTS Kiutcrn MiirkoU In Sympathy nnd No Ex port Drninuil line * Also ( ! o On Con- tldcrnbly , but Sell Itrlnldy t the Decline. WnUNESDAY , Juno 20. So ( ar this week , compared with last , re ceipts of cattle tmvo fallen off about 2,200 head , hogs 2,000 head and sheep 3 , COO head , The cattle market was somewhat de moralized. Supplies were not at nil exces sive , but the demand was decidedly slack from all quarters. Very bad reports from Chicago made shippers bearish , and tills , to gether with the ample supplies , gave buyers for local houses a big advantage. In general prices ruled from lOc to 20c lower than Tuesday. Some of the tidy fat light steers did not sell a great deal lower , while , on the other hand , bids on the choice heavy grades were In many cases fully a quarter lower , The latter suffered perhaps the most , owing to the demoralized condition of the market acrcsn the water , which In turn had a dis astrous effect on the export trade. It was a dull mean , dragging market throughout and the close was weak , with fully a dozen loads unsold. Cow stuff made up but a small proportion of the offerings today. Good to choice stock showed very little change , but the markut was dull and lower on the under grade with sales at from $1.25 to { 2.25. Calves were In fair supply , only moderate demand and generally about steady , and there was little quotable change on the under grades. Uuslness In stockcrs and feeders showed considerable life and strength. Supplies were comparatively limited , while the de mon from all sources was quite active owing to the Improved condition of pastures on account of recent rains. 1'rlces were from lOc to loc higher than Tuesday , and fully a quarter higher than a week ago. Good to choice ) feeders are quotable at from $3,15 to $3.50 , fair to good at from $2.65 to $3,10 , coirmon to poor at from $2.80 down. Kep- resentatlvc sales : DRESSED IlEEF. No. Av. Pr. No Av. Pr. No. Av , Pr 1. . . .1000 13 00 15. . .1153 It 15 20..10S6 14 20 1. . . . 900 SCO 13. . .1350 415 38. . . .1402 20 28. . . .1005 3 65 20. . .1292 4 15 2I..11M B. . . . 1252 3 M 51. . .1291 415 1..11W 25. . . .1105 335 56. . .1323 415 21. . . .1323 17..10R7 4 00 46. . .1223 4 20 11. . . .1259 20. . . .12.13 405 46.D3. . . .1W7 420 7..1212 2S..1121 4 10 4. . .1325 4 20 21. . . .1275 41. . . .1074 4 10 37. . .1338 4 20 SHIPPING AND CXPOUT. 1..1100 300 19. . . .1403 430 81. . . .1326 450 MIXED. 42. . . . 1263 4 25 COLORADO CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 feeder . SOO (2 00 38 feeders. . . . 694 (2 90 HOGS Receipts were about the same aa a week ago and the quality was fair. The market opened out fully a dime lower than Tuesday and closed very mean , lOc to 15c lower. There appeared to bo a very good demand from both packers and shippers , but with heavy receipts and lower markets cast buyers experienced no difficulty In persuad ing sellers to part with their hogs at the decline. On the early market the heavier and butcher weight hogs sold at from $4.G5 up to $4.70 , while the lighter grades went at from J4. CO down to $4.50 , with scattering sales of Inferior stock down around $4.35 and $4.45. The market rather weakened' ns the morning advanced , owing to the slump In provisions and the withdrawal of outside support , closing all of lOc to ICc lower than Tuesday. It took good hogs on the close to bring $4.55. A good many hogs were unsold at the cloie , although comparatively few of them were In first hands. Sales were largely at from $4.55 to $4.65. On Tuesday and aUo on last Wednesday the bulk of the hogs sold at $4.70 and $4.75. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. 92 . 193 40.1 (4 M (9 . K,4 120 4 40 5 . 320 (0 4 4t 3 . 450 120 4 45 B . 346 . . . 4 45 C5 . 183 200 4 4715 76 . 187 2M > 4 47''j 65 . 20 ! ) fO 4 60 43 . 217 80 4 60 84 . 221 60 4 60 86 . 206 240 4 50 CS . 20J 160 4 60 70 . 230 240 4 60 70 . 195 240 4 60 6 . 266 80 4 60 19 . 221 . . 450 60 . 180 80 4 60 68 . 192 . . . 4 50 91 . 210 280 4 60 87 . 212 200 4 60 161 . 225 240 4 62 < , & 81 . 214 40 4 62iS 85 . 222 160 4 63'i ' 65 . 207 200 4 65 69 . 200 40 4 55 84 . 211 CO 455 87 . 204 160 4 61 C8 . 222 ZOO 465 73 . 225 120 4 55 73 . 242 24C 4 55 79 . 222 ICO 4 55 67 . 220 240 4 65 ED . 243 2SO 4 f.S 69 . 227 80 4 65 82 . 196 ICO 4 65 62 . 227 240 4 66 63 . 230 160 4 65 69 . 222 240 4 65 73 . 242 120 4 65 72 . 223 SO 4 55 70 . 229 160 4 65 61 . 270 160 4 6.1 80 . 229 80 4 65 69 . 230 80 4 K 80 . 21C 120 4 65 67 . 253 ICO 4 65 70 . 217 ICO 4 67'4 62 . .270 M 4 67V4 62 . 278 DUO 4 60 61 , . . . 2C8 160 4 60 70 . 23J 120 4 CO C9 . 254 ICO 4 60 63 . 248 200 4 CO 66 . 233 1)0 ) 4 CO 6. . 244 160 4 CO 75 . 226 ltd 4 60 35. . . . 204 40 4 CO 40 . 254 . . . 4 CO 65 . 263 40 4 60 65 . 244 W 4 W 71 . 218 163 4 CO 66 . 240 240 4 60 76 . 10 ICO 4 CO 68 . 239 ICO 4 CO 6 . 806 . . . 4 60 4 . 240 SO 4 CO 17 . 197 4 CO 19 . 226 EO 4 CO 6 . 245 tO 4 60 D . 272 . . . 460 (6 . 235 80 4 60 65 . 254 40 4 CO 67 . 2:4 M 4 60 68 253 2W1 4 GO IM 160 4 60 77 . 231 160 4 60 21 . 67 40 4 M i'j . .253 SO 4 CO 67 . ,221 120 4 60 78 , . 23 * 40 4 CO Cl . | 120 i W COLINE STOVE SALE CLOSING OUT Gasoline Stovoa nt loss than cost. Tbis Is not for shoddy goods , but ( or first class Gasoline Stoves. Everyone warranted. $0700 ( iiisoUiie Stoves for. . $2.73 $8.00 Gasoline Stoves ( or. . n. J6 $10.00 Gasoline Stoves for . 4.00 $2. 50 Gasoline Owns for. . 1.4-2 $1.25 Oil Stoves for. . . . . .50 50c 3'nullon WooJ.Jucket Cnns for . 21 G5c 5-Kullon Wooil.JacUet Cans for 150 DIFFERENT of Baby Carriages from the best manu facturers In the United States. Everyone - ono to bo sold loss than cost. $4.00 Carriage for $ i.QO $0.00 Carriage for 2.87 ' ' ' ' $8.00 Carriage for . . , , g'.oo $10.00 Carriage for 4.y ( { $15.00 Carriage for sos ! $20.00 Carrirgo for 12.00 $25.00 Carriage for 1475 Refrigerator Sale EVERY REFRIGERA TOR and Ice Box to bo sold quick for less than cost. Remember , wo never sell anything that has prieo only to com mend it. Our Kefrijrcnitora are war ranted to give satisfaction or monov re funded. $ ' 7 .50 Ice Box for $ 3.00 10.00 Ice IJbx for 4.85 13.50 Refrigerator for 7.89 17.00 Kefrigerator for 0.98 20.00 Refrigerator for 12.50 25.00 Refrigerator for 14.60 Terms-Cash or Payments , Presents to All Purchasers , Formerly People's Mammoth Installment House. Close Evenings at G:30 : , excepting Mondays and Saturdays. 67 : ? 3 ISO 4 CO 67 2S6 . . . 470 67 231 80 460 DO 320 40 470 1'IGS AND HOUGH , 4 145 . . . 4 35 7 H3 . . . 4 50 SHEEP But one load was received , some fair mixed natives. The demand was not overly urgent , but tlio offerings readily changed hands at Just about steady prices. pair to good na tives are quotable at J2.7503.25 ; fair to good westerns , $2.50@3.00 ; common and stock sheep , $2.0002.25 ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs , $2.GO@4.00. Representa tive sales : No. Wt. Pr. HI unlive owes 72 f2 60 48 native mlxfil 07 3 10 1 native lamb 70 3 75 87 native. lambB 40 375 Receipts nnd Dlipmltlon ot Stock. Official receipts and disposition of stock as shown by the books ot the Union Block Yards company for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. in. , June 0 , 1S9I : RECUIITS. Cars. Head. Tattle 120 S.704 Hogs , 1C2 11,003 Sheep „ 1 127 Horses and mules 4 106 DISPOSITION. Buyers. Cattle. UOKB. Sheep. Omaha racking company . . 1C 2,18 1 The a. H. Hammond Co. . . . 325 1,702 Swift and company 624 1.715 K6 The Cudahy I'ucklns Co. . . . 480 2,276 East St. Louis 649 . . . . A. Hans 133 R. Decker ti UeKen 231 I' . 11. Armour 693 . . . . U Decker 61 C'uilahy Dros S75 . . . . Chicago P. 1' . Co 730 Shippers and feeders 6C2 Left over 00 700 . . . . Total .2.661 11.M4 127 \VEST13UN TACKING 1NTU11ESTS. Movement Continues Liberal nnd Product L'nrrcxpmidlnitly Inrrrnneil. CINCINNATI , Juno 20.peclal ( Telegram to The llee. ) Tomorrow's Price Current will say : There continues to bo a IOTKU movement In IIOKS n the west , the week's packing returns shotting a total of SGO.OOO , compared with 3G5.COO the pre ceding week and 256,000 last year , Krom March 1 the total Is 4,210,000 , aualnst 2.W3.000 last year. Leading places compute us follows : Chinese performance at Courtland beach. ROOK ISLAND BAIN OAKS. Tha Novel KntorprlBo Attracts Attention mill Comment. The Uock Island Kallroad company has cm- mrkcd In the rain-making business. H docs not emulate the example of Aberdeen In pray- ng for moisture , for scriptural reasons , but essays the role ot cloud compeller by artl- Iclal means. Three ordinary box cars have jeen converted Into raln-muklng cars. In ono end of the car the operator lives. In the other end thcro ore retorts , huge bottles and ugs and various contrivances which belong o the Eclonco of rolnmaklng. A battery of .wolvo Jars capable of producing forty-five volts , the amount of electricity required , Is ranged close under the roof. On the oppo- slto sldo of the floor are six large Jars ar ranged In sets of two. From these shcot- ron tubes extend through the roof through which 8,000 gallons of gas are shot Into the air every hour. Three cars are now being operated , one at Keatrlce , Neb. , ono at Ifor- ton , Kan. , and one at I'awnce City , Neb. It costs f 100 a day to operate a car. Commenting on the unlquo enterprise , the New York Sun says ; In a part of the ter ritory occupied by the Chicago & Rock Island railroad drouths are a prevailing evil , and .tils accounts for the fact that this company a Interested In the raln-mnklnit cxj > erl. menta that have recently been renewed In .he W ( t. The latest dluimtch tald that the company was spending | 100 a day trying to coax rain from the skies along a part of Its Ine. Ine.We wonder If It was the nock Island road to which Prof. Harrington , chief of the woathsr bureau , to mysteriously referred In his recent paper on "Weather Making. " Th > roft isr oU be wu not fitnnUUO. to meo m WALL ST. OPERATIONS Can be carried on with large profits and llttli risk by Joining our Co-OpcratIro Kallroad Stock Syndicate. Average urollt of 20 prr cent n month Knrueil nun puia to thu 8ubicrllior for p.isc six months. Highest references. Prospectus , giving detail ed Information of oour perfect system , moiled free. | WEINMAN & CO. , Stock and Grain Prokers , N'o. 41 Ilroixuvny New Yortt CltT WM , LOUD ON , Commission Merchant GRAIN AND PROVISIONS- Private wires to Chicago anil New York. All business ciders placed on Chicago Board ot Trade. CoricsponJcnco solicited. Office , room 4. New York Llfa Dullilln * Telephone 1303. SU.MMKK ItKSOKT Ocean Mouse N.KWPOHT , K. I. OPENS JUNE 23rcl. The Leading Seashore. Uesort of AMERICA. WARREN P. LHLAND , Proprietor. WAKItKN LKLAN1) , Jr. , Manag ALSO 1IOTKL AVUNUU LONG U RANCH. tlon names , but ho added that the Informa tion ho gave cnmo from a "high official of a railway company. " Ho gave a letter writ ten by this olllclal on August 22 , last year. In which ho said : "Those experiments have been made by a couple of employes of this company. They claimed to bo nlilo to cause rainfall by arti ficial means , and wo liavo furnished them with materlal.s slnco thu early part of May. They liavo experimented In some eighteen or twenty different places , and In cacti case wo have had more or less rainfall. Wo liavo had from one-half to three inches fall ot rain In some cases wliero there was no moisture In sight or known until they began gan operations. Wo have been slow to bo- llovo there was anything In this business , but , at the sama time , must admit that they are either very fortunate or have hit upon the right thing In the way of rain-making. " The methods of these rain-makers have not yet been revealed , but Prof. Harrington was told by a railroad man who caught a gllmpso of them at work , that "tho operators kept themselves carefully secluded In u freight car with a hole In the roof , and they seemed to bo cooking over a red-hot coal stove. " Per haps these gentlemen liavo fathomed tha methods of Krank Melbourne , who waa also In the habit of wooing general humidity through a hole In the roof , and who was In great demand among the western farmers until they decided that ho did not give them rain enough for their money. I'rof , Har rlngton talil this railroad company proposed to continue Its experiments. We have not heard that the rain-makers now In the Hold have opened the floodgates to any great ex tent , although the gaits liavo been unmliH talmbly ujar over the rest of the country. To u Chicago Tribune reporter Assistant General Manager Allen of the Hock Island railroad nays It Is Impossible to keep up with the demands made on the company' raliuiialtliii ; force , as directed by Train Dis patcher Jewell of Goodland , Kan. Mr. Jew ell was to have been In Chicago last Sunday , but an appeal for his help to break up an unusually stubborn drouth at Sioux City caused him to pobtponu his visit. Mr. Al len calculates It will toke him tfTrco days to drown out the Sioux City people. "In tba meanwhile , " said Mr. Allen , "hero Is a dis patch from South Dakota beKBlnS us ta send him thcro at once , and to telegraph what the expense will be. Bo you see tha ptoplo appreciate his wont , and are clad to pay for It. An to the philosophy of Mr. .Jewell's method I don't know a thing. lid uses electric batteries and gasses , but thai Is all I know , and all any one knows except cept himself. He has sold the right to use. his process In several counties , but th people who use his stuff and apparatus know no more about It than any ono el o. O course wo bcllvo In It ; If wo did not w would not pay him a salary to BO aroun4 on this business. " Fopular mvuUo tonight Courtland beaoa.