V 6 THE OMAHA DAILY HER : TUESDAY. JUNE 19 , 1891. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Foreign Crop Damage Reports and Other Bullish News Shovel Wheat Up. THAT CEREAL RULED DECIDEDLY ACTIVE There Were ( lend ilnjltiff Oriler * on Hunt ) at ( lie Opvnlni : mill l.ocnl HliorU Were Uailly Induced to Cover. CHICAGO , June IS. Crop damage report * ( mm foreign lands anil other bullish news Bhovcil wheat up today niul July closed 3c higher atlct a 3 ic advance. Corn closed % e lilghei for July , oats finished Vie higher for Aiiguiil and provisions closed at a slight ad vance. The whrat market ruled decidedly active. The bnttor tone wa duo , In addition to for- tlgn crop news , to a decrease on ocean passage- nnd ft larger reduction In the visible supply than expected. There wcro good buying or ders on hand at the opening , gome for for eign account , both for cash and futures , nnd the local shorts , who had anticipated n still further break today , were Induced to cover. 'A press cable reporting the crops In Austria nnd upper Hungary damaged by frosts and unow and private advices quoting Derlln and 'Antwerp closing strong on bad weather cre ated an actlvn demand. Another Derlln cnhlo reported the market excited on bad weather. The decrease on passage , according to Heerbohm , was 2,128.000 bu. , and the India shipments were reported at 380,000 bu. The visible supply decreased 1,1(50,000 ( bu. A feature was the spread between July and September , which widened to Z'.fcc ' early and later narrowed to from lc to Zc under ac tive demand for the former. The market opened % c higher nnd after advancing 3Uc , reacted % c , closing firm. The elevator peo- pl were largo buyers. Corn was active und stronger with a lV4c range. Covering by shorts and the strength Jn wheat were the factors. Oats were firm with wheat. The range lor July was % c. Provisions were very dull , but firm on the action of wheat. Compared with Saturday night September pork Is Co higher , Septem ber lard 214c higher and September ribs 5c higher. There was a fair Inquiry for vessels ; rates Btcady nt I'/ic for wheat and Ic for corn to Buffalo. Charters for wheat to New York , Ic. The leading futures ranged as follows ; I"Open. . | "li'uTh. | Low. | Close. 00 BOM July. ttl ! < . OXi Sept 0:1)1 : ) 00) ) < Coin No. ' . ' . . Juno 40U 41K 4IRH ! July 4196 Supt , . 40KSN 4'2 0am No. ' „ ' . . . Juno 43U 4 IX July 3'J Prpt SUM Toilcpurbbl July 12 I7' < 12 CO 12 45 12 CO Sl'llt. IB Soil 11 ! 00 1U 00 12 00 Lnrcl. ion Ibs June 0 70 July 0 75 0 71 ! ! < 0 7n il III ) 0 DO 0 85 0 87 E ) ort Ulbs- July 0 4S 047M 0 45 0 47M Sept G 17.H I ) Ml 0 45 0 00 fimli riuntatlons were as follows : I'LOl'R UncliaiiKcd. WIII3AT No. 2 pprlnp , W o ; No. 3 eprlnu , nominal ; No. 2 led.cic. . CORN No. 2 , 4IUc ; No. 3 jellon4HiI4Hc. . OATS No. 2 , 4l'ic ; No. 2 white , 45C4Cc ; No. 3 Willie , -Hit450. IIYII NIL 2. 49HC50C. llAUI.nY No. 2 , nominal ; No. 3 , E254c ; No. I , Me. FLAX sr.nn NO. i , Ji.io. TIMOTHY HnilD Prime , $4.75. TROV1HIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , J12.47J50 12.50. Laid , per 100 Ibs. , J6.70. Short ribs , sides ( loose ) . J6 57VjJjO.CO ; dry caltul rliouldera ( boxrd ) . ir..C2mi5.5T.i ; short clear , hides ( boxed ) , 56.75W 'w'filSKY Distillers' nnlshsd coeds , per gnt. , IMS. The followmir wcro the receipts ana shipments fcr today ; On the Produce exchange today the butter mir- l < cl was steady , unchanzcd : cri'amciy , 13B17c ; dairy , llQICc. KPRB , Htendy ; HUIcily fresh , NIJW YORK CINUII.YL . V'cstcrduy'B Quotations on Flour , Grain nnil I'rovlttlons , Mctulf , ICtc. NBW YORK , June 18. FLOUIt Ilocclpta , 30- tOO bbls. ; exports , 14,000 tibia. ; union , 14,000 I > kKH. : market disappointing to receivers , the sudden Ldvnnco In wheat bavliiR caused buyers to hold prices lOe higher , llyo flour , llrm. Buckwheat Hour , nominal. CORN MKAL Dull : yellow , western , J2.C5G I.M > : llrnndywlne , $2.80. IIUCKWIII3AT Nominal ; rnnR < > . CS075c. IIYIJ Nominal : stale. MJJMc ; Jersey. B2053c. IIARLP.Y MALT Quiet : wpstcin , C8S80o ( ; Can- _ dn , PiKiOSc : six-rowed. hri8."ic. WI1KAT Receipts , 2 > 7,00 < ) liu.j exports. C3.CO ) bu. ; sali'H. 33,840,000 bli , futures and 63,000 bu Ipot. Spot market excited nnd higher ; No. 2 red , In store and elevator , G3c ; canal , f. o. b. , )3c ; No. 1 hard , .71Jc delivered. Options , ex- llted and Btronif all day owlnR to unexpected Itrensth of forulRn markets ; forelKneis were heavy buyers here , nnd n world of short wheat fvfiB covered , making the transactions the largest In many months ; closed % { f3c up ; Juno closed nt Me ; July , nUf(14e ( , closed at C3Uc ; Aiinust. C2HW Ke , closed nt C4Uo ; Septeml T , WHSfCC Si-lGc , rinsed at CDc ; December , 67j"07fic , closed nt B3V4c. \ CORN Receipts. 4SO.OOO bu. : exports , 37,000 Im , ; sales. GOO.OOO bu. futurei and 47,000 bu. njxit. fipot market llrmer ; No. 2 , 45'Jc , In Hevator ; 45c , ntloat ; steamer mixed , 43Uc. Option mar ket strong nil day , with wheat advancing sharply Dn covering , and closed Tdfflc up ; June closed nt IS > i ; July , 4.1ff4C e , closed nt 40o ; Auguct , I6W46UC , closed nt 4Cic ; September , 40UC47 3-16c , Closed at 47c. OATS - Receipts , C3.000 bu. ; pales. 13S.OOO bu. futures nnd IS'l.uOO bu , spot. Spot market strong nnd fairly active ; No. 2. 49140 ; No. 2 delivered , MKc : No. 3 , 48 > 5c ; No. 2 white , 51 5H4o ; track. white western , SlfiMc ; track , Hhlla stale , 61 R He. Option market strong nnd higher on active covering of s'.iorts owing t advance In wheat ; closed VifflHo up , strong ; June closed nt Me ; July , 47if4tHc ) , closed nt 4 $ > ic : Autnist , 47'iiff 4Sc. closed at 48o : H pti > inlicr. .H iiTSSiJc , closed lit 3riio ; October closed nt 3.4c. HAY Quiet : shipping , 10.00'iiC.M ; good to choice , J7.OOW8.70. HOPS Pull : state , common to choice , SfllCc ; I'nelllo coast , 11O17C. 1I1DKS Quiet ; wet palteil New Orleans , se lected , 4S to KItiH. . . 1'iWnic ' ; Texas , selected , 3T > ( o CO llj - , 4Q5c ; Uuenos Ayres , dry , :0 to 24 It ) * . , loumic. I'ROVIHIONS lleef. quiet. Cut meats , steady ; pickled shoulders , t ic. I-ird , steadv ; western steam closed nt J7.05 asked ; sales , 4'1'J tierces at 17 ; July closed nt 17.10. nominal ; Heptember , 17,25 , nominal ; refined , steady ; continent , $7.4i ) ; B. A. . I7. J > : compound. 6\fiMc. Pork , nrm , lU'TTIIR ' llnrely steady ; western dairy , 10JI 15e : western rrenmer > - . HJftilicentcrn ; factory , DHWHHo ; Illglns. niic ; state dairy , 13Q17o ( ; Btate creamen' , ISffn'ic. ClliiSi : : : llnny ; state , large. "UflS c ; small , fancy , 7jfiSic ! ; part skims , 3UO > ic ; full skims , : < i24c. KOOH I'lrmcr : state nnd Pennsylvania , 12 ® I2'4o : western , frvhli. ll'.ilflic ; coulhern. cases , l2.iW3.Ofl ; receipts , 6.Cm ) pkgs , TALLOW ja : y ; 4'Hf4 , e for city , ( J2 per likg , ) : coutry ( pkgs. free ) , 4tt4Xi : , us to qual ity.Pr.TROLit'M Pr.TROLit'M Quletj United rlowd nt 89'ie , Washington , bbls. . J ; retlned New York , 15.15 ; I'lillndeliihla nnd Ilalllmore , (5 ; Philadelphia and llalllmonIn bulk , I2.CO. ROSIN Quiet ; strnlned , common to good , II.3S * TI'IH'KNTINK Quiet nt RIOU-Qulet ; domestic , fair to extra , 4JJ6o ; Japan , 4'i MHe. MOLAS.sns Steady : New Orleans , open kettle , peed to i-hnlce. iO 3k- ( . Pia IRON-Oull ; Scotch , 515.MflK.CO ; Ameri can. ll.KW14.fli ) . OOPPKR-Qillet : lake. $9. LHAD-Qulet : domestic , 13.10. T4N Quiet ; stmlts , 119.79 asked ; plates , mar ket quiet. HPKLTim Klrm : domentlc , 3.37',4 asked : rnleti on 'change , 10 tons llousted. to arrive per Menincr Mobile , C , O. 1) . , at $19.93 , und 10 tons October. ( I9.7H. rOTTON Siin OIL Quiet but trndy ; prime. crude , nominal ; off crude. 26 < ? Mo : yellow butler Brndon. X-a aske < | ; choice yellow. 3Unom'n.il : prime yellow , HUfMSo : yellow off grades , 31HO 12e ; prime white , 36ft'37c. _ MlnnciipollH Wlioiit MnrKot. MINNBAPOLIS , June IS. The heat marktt WBJI itrong and active today , opening this mornIng - Ing .Ho higher than the close cif Saturday , and advancing Inter H i > for July and lite for Sep. Umber. The advance was liasiil nmlnly U | on luid weather rr | > irt In Huropc nnd liluher ca- ties. No large llnm of wheat came on tlve market for Mle und inUi'vllnnnmN buying wus Krvatly In rxcvs * of the onvrlngn for salt' . Ilusl- IIM > wan nearly equally dlvldeil U'twccn the month of July und Beptcmlwr. with \ery lltll * lon In other future * . Th * market clewed : June and July , Kc ; Htpttmtwr , 69H : on track. No. 1 burd , Cc ( ; No. 1 northern , He ; No. nurlli- > rn. ei'ic. RecelpH of wheat for the day wre 141,000 bu , ; ihliunvnti. J7.JOO bu. The market made another dtcrvase In the local supply of \v hint of 30,000 Im. . UH miller * were .rinding about ISO 000 bu. In the twmty.four hours. The flour market wo * dull and Ulfutr , u millers ud- iiinvi-d thHr inanition * In irrnpnthy trlth 'he niKuncr In n-hrnt. Mote Inqulrlti cn.mo later In Hi' < 1n > fl r the oilvnnot , Indicating- In. cr'nsmg Interest In th * ( lour dilation. I.nr.nl 1'rodiico llitrket. The K'n rnl market jterjny wa quiet. n imuul nn a Monday , mid U was mnda Hill more o liy Ihc heavy mil of lain , which Initcd until mlddnx. A Mu ficni the drup In rmttor ihcro wan no voiy notewMlhy ihittiro In values , HUTl'mt-Thc heavy inln , wlllcll Imvo cov ered u cued ihnro of lh buller producing sec tion * nt the Ktnte , pronilnc lu Html up the piMmti > nnd Incrcimc HIP duller output , nnd th'n fact naturally w ken tha speculative- mar ket. Now York In ctndltiK out omc Vtry bearish tc.oil | , claiming Hut Iliu relent nchnncoOH due If manipulation nnd not warranted l > y the nctunl condition * prevailing at the lime. As n rrimlt bmels hero arc lowcilng their bldH and offcrliiif only lOc tcr packing Block. Choice conn try liuilor. II-JIIc : cparator creamery , 15W lllc , brlok , . . ICtfl'c. K1OS The CKrt market lion not ihown much change since Ihu close of lust week. A good many egKi are colng at Olio , but nearly an many at IOo. Thena price * nro obtainable only for rtrlrlly fich and bright Block. There arc , howe\cr plenty of ORBS rold as frejli nt DC , MVI3 POI'I/my-There wan very Illtlc poul try of iiny kind In , but the Hist of the week there In novcr nnj Inquiry of any consequence , fo lh.it tin * maiket did not show any change In prlf . Old hoiiK. f > , romlem , 3c. The demand for gece and iluclci In very Unlit , and what few nro an U Ing uro motlly birds that Imvo been plucked , nnd In consequence not very dtftlrnhlc. There In quite n Illtlo Inquiry for turkcyi , nnd Ihc few that arc coming meet ullli very ready sal * , Ducks , tfl'e : hen tur- kevs. 7c : gobblers , C IGc ; Rfest ? , G'tjc. VfJAIj A nil tally noted , It hail been H rnthcr dmicult mailer lo keep the market cleaned up. Theie IIIIH been n com > liiut tendency for Blocks lo accumulate , and In order to move them Bom1 pretty Ion pilrcB hale been made. Choice fat nnd small Neuls nio quoted at 5&Cc ; coarse and large , 3 ! ) la. CHEESE There U some very choice Wlscon- tln cheerc on thu market. Wisconsin , full cream , new make , lOirllr ; Nebraska nnd lown , full cream , D&lOo : Nebraska and Iowa , part skim , fiftic : Uinburgor. No. 1 , lOc ; bilcU , No. 1 , lOc ; Swim. No. 1 , 13 14c. HAY There were nine cars of hay In yester day , which wan n very IlKht inn for the llrat of the week , und Iho rain Hill bo apt to keep the receipt * down for a day or two. The mai- ket could hardly be quoted hlKher , though theie wan n strong feeling , and denier * looked for n speedy advance unless the rccclpta Improve. A very little of thu brut liny touched 19. There unery Illtlo straw coming nnd very little demand. Upland liny , f.W : mldlnnd , 58 ; lowland , J7.SO ; rye Mrnw. Jti. Demand fair ; supply fair. Color makes Ihu price on hay. Light bales sell the best. Only top grades bring top prlc < . PIGEONS The nun clubs use quite n good ninny pigeons , nnd Ihere IB n demand for old birds strong on the wing. Old birds , per doz. , I1.4001.CO. VEGETAULEH. There was not much In the way of new fea tures to be found In Ihe vegetable market. Home ginwn vegetables are gradually taking thn place of thfrto shlpld In fiom n distance , mid prices In comsequcncc are gradually going lower. AiUlro.i from Muscntlnc , In. , say that 1.400 acres of watermelons have been put In , Th" average yield Is about one car per acre , nnd Ihe harvest geneinlly commences about August 10 nnd ends October 10. CANTAI.OUI'i.S : A few Texas cantaloupes lm\c arrived on the nmrkcl , but arc not mov ing off very inpldly. On orders , Jl.OOWI.DO per doz. SWEET COIIN Texas sweet corn , on orders , per doz. . SOfjSJc. BEETS Now beets , per doz. bunches , 203J25c , on orders. SQUASH Texas summer squash on orders , CUCUM units The market Is flooded with both home grown nnd southern cucumbers , and they are not moving oft ns rapidly as dealers would like lo FOO them. On orders , per crate , K , or 30(740c per doz. OIIEEN I'ni'I'EnS Texas green peppers , per ' .4 bu. box , 7.1c. OlA ) 1IHANS Hand picked navy. $2.1002.15 : medium navy , tl,90j2.00 ; common while beans , tl.C001.GO. ONIONS The market Is not qulle so strong. On orders , soulhern , per bu. box , tl.SO ; Cali fornia , 2&2'Jc ' per Ib , POTATOES Through some means several cars of California potatoes were delayed on the road nnd nil came here In n bunch. This has rendered the supply for the lime being quite large , but they nro moving off quite freely , nnd prices are about sleady , though lower than they were early last Wi > el : . Good stock , $1 per bu. CABUAOB California Is furnishing the only cabbage that Is coming to tills maiKet from u distance , and It Is good for the sason. Some home grown cabbage Is being offered on the maikct , but It Is small. Good shipping stock , on oldcrs , 2'ifT2''ic. ( ASPAHAOUS Good homo grown stock , 353400 per doz. , on orders. TOMATOES The tupply on Ihe market Is very liberal , both Mississippi and Florida btlng large shippers lo tills market. Mississippi stock , per 4 basket crate , } 1.60 ; Florida stock , per C basket crate , I2.2J5J2.CO. NE\V IIEANS Wa ! ( beans , on orders , per ' .4 bu. box. bOfllKJc : string brans , per Vi bu. box , 75ft 81c. PEAS The supplv It very light nnd the mar ket strong. Good stock , per bu , , ? 2. EGG PLANT Per doz. , on orders , 7rJ$1.00. CAUIiIFLOWUH Choice Btock , per doz. , Jl.MU 1.75. 1.75.CA nnOTS New soulhern carrots , per doz. bunches , 40c. PIE PLANT On orders , per Hi. , 2c. ' PARSLEY1 On ordeia. per doz. bunches. ! 5fJ30c , Tt'KNIPS New Koulhern. per bu. , J1.23 ; home grown , per doz. bunches , 25 30c. FUUITB. A well attended auction sale was held yester day morning nnd 3.11 boxes of peaches. 1,033 lioxes of cherilos and 707 cases of apricots sold. The peaches brounhl big prices , the cherries fair , but the apricots sold low. On account of the rain the market In the wholesale dlstilct was n little slow. The re ceipts of berries were large and prices lower all around. STIIAWIIEKIUES The market was full of strawberries. There was part of a car held over from Falurdav afternoon that came In from Washington. There was also over thirty cases by expnss from Idaho nnd about ten cases from Ulan. They were most too soft to ship out on orders. The best brought 13.25 per cane. APPLES There were a few Arkansas ap ples In that Bold quite readily. They were put up In U bu. boxes , and brought , on orders , ! )0c. ) )0c.CHEItniES CHEItniES The arrival of a car from Cali fornia has made cherries plenly once more on this market. California cherries , choice , tl.25. APIUCOTS The supply of npilcots keeps up very large nnd the market Is low. Theie Is n very wide range In quallly nnd n corresponding difference In prices. Per crate , JI.OOW1.W. GOOHEIIEKUIES The supply was not so large lus It has been of Into. The demand Is not so good , ns home-grown beriles are becoming quite plentiful In n good many sections. Quota tions nro n little lower. Good slock , green , on orders , } 2.fiO per 24-qt. case. ni.ACKHEUIUK.S The recc'pts were very heavy yesterday for the first day of the week. That fact , together wllh HIP rain , put the mar ket down , and good stock went , on orders , at 13. 11L.AC1C HAKPHHIUUKS The receipts were not very large , but the market was lower. Oood shipping slock , nn orders , } 3. rtEH IlASPItEIlHIES There weio none re ported received yesterday. 1 KACHES California peaches arc becoming unite plentiful. The price quolcd la the same as at the close of last week. PI.UMS The California plums received last week haxe all been disposal of. nnd there Is nothing Just at prcsnt upon which quotations can bo based. TROPICAL , FHUITS. It Is noticed that while the pineapples from Florida ate of very good quality this year llicy are smaller than usual. This Is said lo be due to the severe drouth lhat prevailed during the growing season. The number of pines will be far more tbun last year , yet the number of crates will not bo greatly Increnxed. Very few shipments tue being made by express this year , na has been the case In former years. This Is duo to the Increased freight facilities for hand ling Ihe crop. Since Ihe Hint of the- month the shipments from Indian river , Florida , have been very large. During the first two weeks of Ihe month the railroads claimed lo have handled 22,000 crales from that section. IIANANAR As usual , when Berries are on the market the demand for bananas Is not very heavy. Cliolce slock , J2.00fi60. l.EMONH The demand has not been Increased to nn extent sulllclent to advance prices ns yet and the market remains steady. Fancy lemons SCO size , 14 ; fancy lemons. SCO size , JJ.73 ; choice lenums. SCO size , I3.50tt3.7f , . CHANGES A car of tine Medlternnean snceta came In Friday nnd are offered at steady prices , that Is , J3.Mil 3.75. PINKAPPI.ns-Thero Is a fair supply of Florida pineapples on the maikct nt Jl.Mifll 75 per doz , , or JS.OOW9.00 per crnto of about nix doz. MISCEU.ANEOrs. Fins-Fancy , per Ib , . 12',431 : . DATES Halloween , C5 to 70-lb , boxes , per Ib. , 11ONKY California , 15o ; dark honey , 10B > 12c. MAPU5 SYHUP-llallon cans , per dor. . Ji : NUTS-Almonds. 150I7c ; Enwllsh walnut"UO " " " " UO c : filberts. Uc ; Iliazll nuts , lOc. CIDEll-Puru Juice , per bbl , , : half bbl. , lilted hides. 4c ; part cured hide ( * . Uo per Ib ' Una than fully cund. BHEKP PKLTS-Grcen soiled , each , 25CeOc- grern salted nhrnrllngs ( short-wooled early skins ) ' each , SftKc ; dry shearlings ( short-wooled early kins ) . No. 1 , each , 6 10c : dry shenrllncs ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 2 , rnch. 6 ; dry flint. Kumuis and Nebraska butcher wool , pelt * , per Ib. , nvtual weight , MiSc ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 4CGi- : dry flint. Colorado butcher wool pelt * , per -Iti. . nctunl weight , 407c ; dry flint. Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib , , actual weight. 4 < ! Cc. TALIXHV AND GREASE- Tallow , No. 1 , 48 4VSc ; tallow , Nn. 2 , J'4 f34e ; greaie , white A , 4Uc : crease , white H. 4o : grease , yellow , Jo : grease , dark , tVjc ; old Inner. 2f2Hc ; beeswax , prime , 15MSo ; rough tallow , 2c , l.nerponl M LIVr.RPOOL , Juno 18.-\VIinAT- : de mand moderate : holders offer moderately : No. 1 Cal f unlo , 4 * 101 ; red w t m winter , 4i idJJIs 7d. CORN Steady : demand moderate ; new mixed ! * lt , 3 * SHd. PROVISIONH-Iloef , India mess , 76s. Pork , prime mess , CtoflCC * 3d. , llacon , Unit will shoit ulrur , U Ibs. , 32 9d ; Ionic clear , 4S 11 * . , Ks , Lard , prime western , S..a 7d. London Crop Report. LONDON , June 18. The weather last w * k lmiro\e | < | nnd became warmer , but It la now dull , wet and cooler , The crop condition * are fulrly Rood. The wheat market U t week wu not active , but It wak flrnu Although part of the adiance wan lost , price * w re fully 1 * W bet ter , Bomo et tUe purchaMn wr buying In order lo cover I/a Plata nheat Attracts atten tion and Indian ifhent Is coming up on thf market.Vhlt * wheat for ihlpment was rv > t offered and wa icnrc * . Near nt hand California earn arrived was quoted at Sin. Red winter linrcel . June nnd July , delivery , \vere quoted at It * JJ Hour was steady with moderate Inquiry at 6d to Is advance. Maize linn been faltly active At M higher , became quieter and Is now nrm. Mixed American pntcel arrived was quoted at 17s. Ilarlcy was nrm at Sd up and I * now firmer on crop news , oats were ntendy with fair In * qulry. _ K\HTiilN rilUlT SAIiKS. Chicago niul New York Commission Firms In the Miirkct. CIIICAOO , June IS.-Tho Earl Fruit company sold California fruit nt auction today ns follrms : Apricots , Monlfrnmcl , Jl.3.42.2. ! ' > ; rojnl , G. > fJ85c ; peaches , Alexander , JI 2..f/l.r : > : plumi. cherry , JI.23 ! Royal Native , Jl.OO ; St. Catherine. J1.9) : Clymnn , Jt.65. First box llartlc.lt penis from Sol Ilunyon , Sacrnmento river , JG.03 ; cherries , COiTSSc ; some soft , Irlllo less. Porter Ilros. company sold nt auction today eight cars of California fruit : royal apricots , C&cQJl.lO ; Monlgamrls , J1.33 ; Alexander peaches , EScuJI.40 ; Clymnn plums , Jl,70ffl.Mi cherry Plums , "OofiJl.lO ; Royal Helix o plums , Jl.lj ; black Tartnilan cherries , 250 Wo , very poor order. Poiter IlroH. ' New York house sold twii cars of California fruit nt auction : Prunes , $3.00 ; Ki.on Claude plums , Jl.AO ; st , Catherine plums , II 85 ; Royal Hcllve. 11.20 ; Clyrnan , JI.20ifl.00 ; cherry plum * , JI.lOfM.M ; royal ajirlcoln , JI. 1091. 10 ; Al exander peachen , J1.OG2.5 : black Tartarian cherries , 40c0Jl.CC. _ Kt. Louis ( irnornl Alitrknt. ST. LOUIS , Juno IS.-FLOI'R-Strong. un changed. \VllEAT-Was strong on cable news nnd n short scare , gaining 2)ifi2c ; No. 2 red , cash , f 6c ; June. 87Uc ; July , DSUc ; August , 57 Vic ; Septem ber , 6Sc. CORN Gained WOUie In sympathy with wheat. No. 2 mixed , cash and June , 3'JVic ; July , C9Uc ; September , 334c. ! OATS Stmng , higher : No. 2 , cash and June. 4C c ; July , 36Uc ; August , 31c ; ScptuniLcr , SO lie. RYlNothliig doing. IJA RLE Y Nothing doing. 11RAN I nver ; 62c. FLAX SEED-J1.15. IMXJVER SEEI-Jii.Hft7.60. ) TIMOTHY SEED 14 60 .r.00. HAY Firm ; prime to choice timothy , J3.00O 10.00. IIUTTER-t'nchnnged. EGOS I wer ; 7e. LEAD-FIrm ; J3.12'4. ' SIT-LTER-Noinliial ; J3.20. CORN MKAL Unchanged. \VIIISKY-J1.15. COTTON TIES Unchanged ; 93c@J1.00. llAOGINO-Uncliangrd , 6i.iftCc. PROVISIONS Dull , dim. Pork , standard meis. Jobbing. J13. Lnrd , prime steam , JC.30 ; choU-o , J0.6214. Di > - salt meats , loose shoulders , Jfi ; longs nnd ribs , JC.CO ; shorts , JC.73. Huron , packed shoulders , J7 ; longs , J7.25 ; rlbt , $7.3714 ; Bhoits , J7.60iT7.C2'Xj. RECEIPTS Flour , 6.000 hbls. ; wheat , 0,000 bu. ; corn. Cl.OOO bu. ; oatK , 18.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 6,000 bbli. ; wheat , 1,000 bu. ; corn , 48,000 bu. : oats , 3,000 bu. Coffre Market. NEW YORK , June 18. COFFEE Options opened steady , C5T15 points up , ruled fairly ac tive , but n shade easier nt the close : closed steady , unchanged to 10 points up. Sales. 9.003 bngH. Including : July. J15.10 ; August , J14.GO { ? > 14.70 ; September. 14.05014.15 ; October , J13.33 ; December , J13.00SZ13.20. Spot coffee , Rio firm ; No. 7 , J1G.23 ; mild , steady ; Cordova , } 19.00 J19.25. Sales , SOO bags Central American nnd 130 bags Mexican , p. t. Warehouse deliveries Saturday. 12,118 bags : In stock today , 10S.381 bags ; United States stock , 1C3.114 bags ; nflont for the United States , 142,000 bags ; total visible for the United States , 305,114 bugs , against 490,452 bags last year. SANTOS. June 18. Quiet ; good average , J17. Receipts , 1,000 bags : slock , 13.000 bags. Weekly report : Quiet , good average , per 10 kllni , J17. Kccelpt during week , 12,000 bags ; shipments to United States , 21,000 bags ; stock , 13,000 tings. HAMIiURQ , June 18. Steady , prices > /t0'A pfs. higher. Sales. 10.000 bags. HAVRE , June 18. Opened steady. > , iQlt higher nt 12 m. ; showed n further ndvnnce of UHt nt 3 p. in. , was Irregular , with price un changed to ! if lower ; closed quiet. Sales , 2,000 bags. RIO DD JANEIRO , June 18. Firm : No. 7 Hlo , J15 ; exchange , 9id. Receipts , 7,000 bags ; cleared for the United States , 8,000 bags ; stock , 153.030 bags. Weekly report : Firm ; per 10 kilos , J15 80. Ex change , 91id. Receipts during week , 45000 bass ; shipments to United States , 29,000 bags ; Btock , 1H.UOO bags. _ Sugar Market. NEW YORK. June 18. SUGAR Raw firmer ; fair refining , 211-16c ; centrifugal , 00 test , 3'jc. ; Sales , 3,423 bags centrifugal , 90 test , X 3-3.'c ; 3,172 bags molasses sugar , 69 test , 2 7-lCc ; 0,000 bags centrifugal , SO test , to Hoston , S'.fcc. Refined nctlve ; No. C. 3K3 15-lGc ; No. 7 , 3H03 13-lCc ; No. 8. 3 9-lG 3ic ; No. 9 , 3'A < ii3 11-lCc : No. 10. 3 7-lMT3c : No. 11 , 3H03 9-lCc ; No. 12. 3 5-1C ® 3',4o ; No. 13. 2V4c : off A , 3 { J4',4c ' ; mould A , 4',4c ; standard A , 4 l-lliSTlUc : confectioners' A , 4 1-lOfJ 4Uc : cut loaf. 653-lGc ; crushed , 5515 3-lCc ; powdered. 4' , < " .5T'I ' ll-16c ; granulated , 4 3-lCi4c. LONDON , "June 18. SUGAR Cune quiet but steady ; centrifugal Java , 14s 3d ; Muscovado , fair refining , 12s Cd. _ Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS , June 18-COTTON-Salcs. spot , 900 bales ; to arrive. 100 bales ; ordinary , 56-Kic : peed ordinary , 6 5-16ct ; middling , 7c ; good middling , 7c ; middling , 7 13-lCc , nominal ; fair , 9c , nominal. Receipts , 703 bales ; stock , S6.1CS bales. Futures quiet ; June , Jfi.CS ; July , JG.fSW C.W ; August. J6.S8fiC.S9 ; September , J6.820C.S3 ; October , J6.S7ftC.88 ; November , JC.92fiC.93 : Decem ber , J6.9SJjC.99 ; January , J7.04 bid ; February , J7.10 bid. ST. LOUIS , June 18. COTTON-Qulet ; mid dling , 7 3-lCc. Sales , none ; receipts , 100 bales ; shipments , 700 bales ; stock , 34,700 bales. Knnsns City Markets. KANSAS CITY , June M WHEAT } flH4e higher ; No. 2 hard. 63Kc ; No. 2 red , C44Q'5ci ! ' No. 3 red , 60ff52c ; rejected. 44 4Cc. CORN Uff'XiC higher ; No. 2 mixed , 3514fflcs : No. 2 white , 3839c. OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 401441e ; No. 2 white. 41',4ift42c. RUTTER Steady ; creamery , 1431Sc ; dairy , HOGS Dull ; 7',4c. RECEIPTS None. BHIPMENTS-Nonc. " Dultlth Wheat .Mil rite t. DULUTII , June 18. WHEAT Close : Higher : No. 1 hard , cash , Juno and July , C4c ; No. 1 northern , cash , June nnd July , 62 > ic ; September , 61Sc ; December , C3c ; No. 2 northern , cash , 69c ; No. 3. 65'ic ; rejected , 60'lc ; to arrive. No. 1 northern , G4c. RYE 45c. FLAX 8EED-J1.2IW. OATS No. 2 , 42c ; No. 3 white , 42l4c. Now York Dry Uoodo AInrkct. NEW YORK. June 18. There was no life In the market , yet on the part of visitors there was more Inquiry for wool and cotton dress goods , ginghams , prints , light weight fancy colored cotton and dress silks , with moderate sales resulting. The print cloth market was dull at 2 11-lCc for 04 squares. 'Frisco Wheat Quotations. SAN FRANCISCO. June 18. WHEAT Quiet ; December , Jl.10',6 ; May , JU5 % . Klein Mutter 'Market. ELGIN , 111. , June 18. HUTTER Steady ; sales , 41,100 Ibs. , at 17c. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS , June 18. WOOL Quiet , firm , un changed. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STOCKS AMD 11ONDS. Atchlson Itcorg nlzntlnn I'lnn Kept the Street .Somewhat Agitated. NBW YORK , Juno 18. It was announced last week that the Atchlson reorganization plan would bo perfected today and the tull details made public. The committed was In session this afternoon , but did not reach a final conclusion , and deferred the publication of the scheme of reorganization until tomor row. It Is understood the foreign committees are In harmony with the Now York commlt- tee and that all Interests are taken care of In the plan , which has already been fore shadowed In this report. The street Is anx iously waiting the publication of the plan In view of the fact that there are other reor ganizations still pending for which the At chlson scheme might servo as an example to bo followed In EOIUO particulars. There was a halting , unsettled tone to the specula tion on the Stock exchange today , as If the operators were watting for something to turn up. Neaily half the business was In the In dustrials , the only active shares ot the rail way list being St. Paul and Uurllngton. The engagement of $2,000,000 In gold for ship ment to Europe by tomorrow's steamer had no effect on the market , the gold being sent merely by reason of the scarcity of bankers' and sterling bills , and It docs not change the views of the leading bankers , who believe July will see the end of the gold export move ment. The arbitrage houses were not In the market to any appreciable extent , and the tone of American securities on the London exchange was not encouraging. Chicago was a teller of St. Paul and the bull clique was a buyer ot Chicago das. Sugar opened at an advance of } i per cent , and under moderate buying rose an addi tional % per cent , to 99 % . The higher range ot values Induced sales to realize profile , and a reaction of l'i per cent took place , ot which H per cent had been recovered at the close , making u gain of % per cent on the day , the preferred recording a similar Im provement. The unexpectedly heavy decrease In the earnings for St. Paul for the second week of Juno led to an attack upon the stock , which fell oft % per cent , only to make a complete recovery under supporting orders , the close being within U Per cent ot the best ( Inures ot the day. DurllngUin , after an early decline of % per cent , rose % per cent , and reacted H per cent ; nock Island showa an advance of % per cent , and North western stands unchanged , Union Pacific was weak In the early deal ing * , and receded 1 per cent on the report that Attorney General Olney bad decided to commence proceed I tics to secure payment ot the government detjtii | ) the denial of tha rumor from Washington a recovery of 14 per cent was mnde' Tfio bond market was firm In the mornlnKjl/iti became unsettled during the nftcrnoonr and closed Irregular. The Evening Pofel'feA London cablegram eays : The stock markets were Idle und dull today , Tlfo Ascot rracos will begin tomor row nnd will monopolize attention for the rest of the week. Amo.flcnns were flat , par ticularly Union I'acinc.'iin Dutch selling. The closing was o fracll&n better. The London committee of Atchlson .bondholders met to day , but nothing was f-Jvon out about their business. It Is bclliVcfl It only considered minor details. The B tock exchange will probably bo closed Saturday week , The Kvenlng Post' says : A renewed ad vance In the prlco < Jf grain came today ( sim ultaneously with the report of a heavy de crease In the St. 'I'atil's weekly earnings , lloth had some Influence on the very dull slock market , but presumably served solely to offset each other. The following arc the closing quotations on the lending stocks of the New York ex- clinngo today : The total pnlcs of stocks today were 117.15S nhiirra , InclndltiB : American SiiKar , 27,500 ; Ilur- HnKton. 6.300 ; ChlcnBO Gas , 14.400 ; Missouri Pn- cinc , 13,200 ; St. Paul , 15,000 ; Union Pnclllc. 4.400 ; Unitetl States CordaRC , 12,300 ; Western Union , 4,800. Now i'orlc Money Slnrlcot. NHW 7OIUC. June 18. MON13Y ON CALI - Ensy nt 1 per cent ; last loaned und closed , 1 per "PRIME MERCANTILC PApnu-24 per cent. 8TinLINO nXCHANQn Dull but nrm with actual business In bankers' bills nt J4.88 % for demand nnd nt J4.87 i for sixty days ; posted rates , Jl.88'4f4.90 : commercial bills. J4.6Ci. SlLVKIl UKUTII'IL1ATES-S4 C5c. GOVCnNMUNT BONUS Firm ; State bonds Inactive. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : Financial Notes. BALTIMOnn. June 18. Clearings , $1,837,271 ; balances , $321,704. NBW YORK , June 18. Clearings , $07,075,014 ; balances , 14,801,029. PARIS , June 18. Three per cent rentes , lOOf 17J4il for the account. PHILADELPHIA , June IS. Clearings , } 8,704- 000 ; balances , 11,851,648. MEMPHIS. June 18. New York cxchnnKC , sell ing nt $1. Clearings , J2I0.043 ; balances , J12r,974. CINCINNATI , June 18. Money , 2100 Per cent. New York exchange , 60iOc premium. Clearings , J2.2SS.100. NEW ORLEANS , Juno 18. New York exchange , commercial , $1 per $1,000 premium ; bank , $1.60 premium. SAN FRANCISCO , Juno 18. DrnftB. slsht , 12HC ; telegraphic , lfe. Silver barn , G20Wjc. ! Mexican dollars , 61fi51'ic. ' ST. LOUIS , June 18. Clearings , J3.C09.807 ; bal ances. $ C20M1. Money , dull , CW7 per cent. Ex change on New York , 85c premium bid. CHICAGO. June 18. Clearings , $5,149OQO. New York exchange , 70o premium , aicrllnu exchange , dull ; actual , $4.87i&4.S9. Money , 40G per cent. LONDON , June 18. The amount of bullion gone Into the Hank nf England on balance today Is 75,000. The price of gold at Huenos Ayrcs today U 91. The ROM premiums In Uurope today are as follows : Austria. 4.35 per cent ; Greece. 73 per cent ; Itnly , 10,80 per cent ; Portugal , 32.05 per cent ; Russia , 48,32 per cent ; Spain , 21.38 per cent. . CHICAGO LIVK STOCK. Hrlsk Tnulo Itcsultml In Cattle \rlth Higher Prices. CHICAGO , Juno 18. Cattle receipts fell nearly 12,000 head short of Saturday's estimates today and a brisk trade resulted with prices for good grade steers lOo above the closing values of the week. Dry lot cuttle wcro scarce and badly wanted , and all good , smooth steers that did not show too much Brass sold readily at the ad vance. The grassy urailes nnd stackers also sold at Elron. prices , but the advance for such classes was scarcely quotable. Few steers were at hand coed enough to sell above $1.60. but nrlmo 1 400 to l.COO-lb. beeves would have found ready Bale around J5. The bulk of the beef steers Hold nt from $4.25 to $4.70 nnd plain lots nruund $4. Female stock sold n shade above the lower prices of the latter part of last week , the Texas market was strong , ' with about 1.800 head on sale. Prices -were llrm all around , with fed steem eelllnrt'lsrKely nt from $3.20 to $3.75 nnd grassem nt fiolh'J2.7o to $3.1S. In bogs there wna n. ' 01x1 , big bulge In prices today. The run was 1(000 ( bend larger than on the opening diy last week , but a strong demand soon developed. TrndWns Tjulto nctlve at the start , with prices frujmrtjc to llo ) higher , and when the small suphlles * at western mnikeln were known another Tfr..Ttiar put on , making n bulge of from lOo to'tSe'from Saturday's early iirlces. There were n.JewiTtales of prime heavy dogs at $5 , but most of tlto good to choice pack ing and shipping hogs ot medium and heavy eights sold at from $ tWA > $ ! , . Light weights were not In favor , but-4Jv e was nn advance of from Co to lOc , best llrthr colling at $4.80 , and most of the fair to .oofl ; grades at from $4.co to $4.75. The avcrago. market was fully lOo lilghcr and the pens Jw re cleared nt nn early liour , prices holding nnrrto the finish. In sheep very email , receipts afforded some relief to the badly rrnlrted market yesterday. The nrrlvals , less than -4.000 head , were the smallest for n Manila ) * In more than live years nml the market rcupO'iin'eil ' by an advance of from 15o to 25e fn > m-4.h U'ggarly scale of prices noted ut the cUwf .of the week. The few rood , fat mutton BliiMi'toId quickly at the ad vance. Borne extra fat-wethers sold up to $3.60 and fair to good mutton stock largely at from $2.85 to $3.25. The thin to fair mixed grades and feeders sold to much better udvuntaue , nates ranging- largely at from $1.60 to $2.40. A string jt 269 head fair. W-lb. Texas feeders sold to an Indiana feeder at $1.75. The lamb market was correspondingly strong. Mont of the good lamlm sold fully 2ic higher. Kxtru Iambi sold around $4 M und fair to good grades largely at from $9.CO to $1.25. Recvlpta Cuttle , 20,000 head : calves , 245 head ; hoKS. 35,000 head ; sheep , D.&OO head. The Evening Journal reports : CATTLE liec < jlpt , 20,000 head : In fair demand and a trifle higher ; prime to extra native strem , I4.7SO5.00 : medium , $ ( .2304.50 ; other * , $3.7B03. S ; ' IIOOS Receipts , 35.000 head ; market active an I lOo hlKh n nil wilil ! rough heavy , $4 30fr4JO : packers , mixed , $4.7CT4.K ! ) ; prime heavy and butcher weights. $4.901)5.00 ; assorted light. $4. 0 'tHUSEP AND LAMI)8-Rec lts , 8,500 hfad ; light receipts ; market a trllle higher ; lop $ J.69tfJ.76j top Iambi , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Opens with Light Receipts anil a Rather Anxious Trade. CATTLE MARKET REMAINS UNTESTED Offerings Not Enough to Try the Temper of DrnkTK lloRn In ( lootl Itcqucst niul Uomculmt Higher Tlnm on Mnturtlny. MONDAY , June IS. Itccclpts of nil kinds of stock showed n very considerable decrease ns compared with last Monday. The cattle supply was smaller than It has been In over a year. Less than 700 head of cattle of all Idnds were received and the offerings did not Include any very desirable beeves. There was n good , active demand both from the dressed beef men and shippers , but owing to the scarcity of useful cattle trading was slow and It was next lo Impossible to a ccrtnln the exact condition of the trade. An cistern advices were all very favorable , hot.n. It IB altogether probable that desirable beef steers would have sold fully a dime better than Saturday. There were only four or live straight loads of cows here and a few odds and units. The supply was very largely of common to poor stock and prices were little If any better than at the close of last week. Calves wcru In rather liberal supply and rather dull. Very few bulls were olfcrcd and prices were not more than steady. In stockcrs and feeders there was not much doing. Offerings were rather limited and while the demand was somewhat better than toward the close of lust week prices paid showed no Improvement. Very few changed hands , but , the feeling was some what llrmer. Good to choice feeders are quotable at | 3 to $3.10 , fair to good at J2.G3 to $2.00 , common to poor at from ? 2.50 down. Representative sales : muissnn IIKEF. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. . . . 1HO 3 00 I. . . .1310 U 10 COWS. IIOOS Receipts were nearly a thousaml head lighter than on last Monday , the fall ing off being due In a great measure to the wet weather and bad roads , although the drop In prices toward the latter part of last week had considerable to do with shut ting oft supplies. At any rate only thirty- nine loads wcro received and as a rule the quality of the offerings was rather common. Although there was not much Inquiry for shipping or speculative account , the demand from local packers was good nnd as eastern markets were higher trade here was brisk and prices fully a nickel and th many cases 5c to lOc better than Saturday. Fair to choice heavy and butcher weight hogs sold at from $4.G5 to $4.75 and common to choice light and light mixed stuff at from $4.50 to $1.70. Trade was active throughout and the close strong nt the advance. The bulk of the hogs sold nt from $1.CO to $4.70 , as against $4.55 to $1.C5 on Saturday and $4.55 to $1.60 a week ago today. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. si. : Pr. . . , . ; . . . 200tlCO 75 211 160 I 63 ' 77. , ISO SO 4 CO 3 230 . . . 4 C' 82 195 360 4 C3 78 22" 80 1 G3 76 179 160 4 C5 G2 270 80 4 C5 4 1C3 . . . 4 55 S3 21G 12) 46 , 3 283 . . . 4 55 89 183 200 4 Gj 3 333 40 4 C5 62 248 SO 4 G , 4 5 210 . . . 4KB CS 222 120 46714 9 ] 173 SO 4 CO 70 261 160 4 G7'i 90 164 120 4 60 65 2G.1 40 4 G7'.i 1 " . .130 . . . 4 CO S . ' . .3CO SO 4 70 73 183 240 460 fi 288 . . . 470 38 227 120 4 GO 77 S0 ! 160 4 ; 0 " 23" . . . .209 . . . 4 CO 78 261 120 470 90 204 120 4 60 CO 2.11 . . . 4 70 74 . . .210 200 4 GO - 112 210 80 4 70 83 191 ICO 4 GO 74 2.14 200 470 87i7i ; ! . . . 4 GO 273 so 470 S3 193 160 4 60 74 2.15 200 4 ,0 7 161 . . . 460 61 278 80 470 23 219 SO 4 6214 74 235 200 4 70 6 . .230 40 4 G3 Cl 277 200 4 70 4 332 . . . 4 G5 40 40"i . . . 470 in 250 . . . 4 65 77 229 80 4 70 72 ; : : ; ; " 24o 4 es 251 so 4 70 g , jgg JOQ 4 65 70 270 80 4 ,5 68 "J93 40 465 GO 269 . . . 475 PIGS AND nOUGII. 21 154 40 4 35 SHEEP Although there was a very fair showing of sheep today there was very little trading nnd the demoralization that charac terized last week's market promises to hold out for a few more days. Duyers were de cidedly Indifferent and Lids "were away down. Up to a late hour only a load or two had changed hands. Pair to good natives are quotable at $2.75 to $3.50 , fair to good west erns at $2.50 to $3.25 , common and stock sheep at $2 to $2.25 and good to choice 40 to 100-m lambs at $3 to $4. Representative sales : „ wt. Pr. im 221 ! Oroiroit wiithi'lH . " ' "I 1 native lamb . ° (2 ( S IS 80 native lamba . . . ° " * ? " ItpcPlptH mill nispoHltlon of Stock. Otnclal rccclptH nn < l disposition of Block ns shown by the books of tlio Union block \nnlH company for the forty-olKlit hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m.Juno - 18 , 1S04 : Ivljt-L.lI' i M. Cars. Ilenil. Cntllo . , - , ' „ ! $ 1IOR8 . % 1 1'1JO Bhcep . DISPOSITION. Huyors Cattle , HOB * . Sheep. Omnha Packing Company. . . . 7 245 ( J. II , llnininonil Company. . 21 l.ljj . - Bwlft ami Company . 1J < Jl < ! , ' , - Cuilnhy I'acklnK Coimnny. . . . > * * > * Cudaliy I > io . " ' > n. nccUcr & PoBcn . 121 . O. II. II. Coburn , K. C . 81 . L. Decker . * llarr & Urown. . . . . . . , ? ? . : Bhlppcrs nnd feedcrn . 15i . . . . 30 ° ' 1C1 Left over Totnl . C21 2,887 1,403 Now York Live Stock .Wiirkrr. NH\V YORK. Juno 18. HEEVICS-Recelpts 5000 bend : market opened dull , lOo lower ; closed active , with decline fullv icgalncd : native Me.-iH prime , snld lit $ l.764.Mt4 ; fair to Kon.1. J4.r,1 j > 4.70 ; oiillnary to medium. $4.234.15 ; Inferior. $4OOW4.20 ; oxen , $3.10 T3.r,5 , SHEEP AND LAMIIS-Rccelpts. 17,000 bend : choice lambs , steady ; under gindc lam'is nnd sheep of nil guides , dull and lower : over 5 JO ) unsold ; sheep , poor to strlctlv inline. J2.MfJ4.00 ; lambs , common to choice , } 2.7W4.I > 7'4. ' HOOS-ReccliiU , 11,000 head , Includlmt thrfo cars on Kile : Inferior to fair hoe , $ J.1585.37'4 ; market steady. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KIIIISUH City I.lvo Ktork Mnrkot. KANSAS CITY. June 18. CATTLE-Rccelpls. 1.800 head ; shipments , 2.3W head , llett , llrm ; others , steady ; Texas sleem. $2.103SS ; Texas cows , ll.eoBZ.40 ; beef steers , J3.204l4.90 ; native cows , $1.10 73.W ) ; etockeiH nnd fe < de-s , $2655/3.75 ; ' - ' - . 1.400 head : shipments , 2.20) head. Market 5 10c higher ; bulk of sales. 14.63 04.75 ; heavlen , J4.s..04.77'4 ; I 1",1. ; t4l7i ° ® < > &A & lights , J4.55C4.70 ; Yorkers , J4.65W4.70 ; pigs. $4 iO S11REP Receipts , 7.000 head ; shipments , none. Ilest , steady ; others , weak. St. Louis Live Stork Market ST. LOl'IS. Juno 18. CATTLE Recn'pts , J.fCO head ; shipments. 1 Ml head. Market slow , riulet generally : nntlve steers , none on sale ; cows iind heifers. $2.1002.25 ; Texas steers. 1.000 to 1,10) Ibs. , J3.00O3.CO : cows and heifers , J2.on i3.15. HOOS-Recelpls. 3.000 head ; shipments , 1.400 head. Market strong. f.c higher ; top n Ice , Jl.fci ; ' " ' "SHEEP Receipts , tmo head ; shipments , 2tO ) head. Market very dull , nominal. Htock In Night. Record of receipts of live stock at the four principal ) ards for Monday , June 18. 1694 : Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omnlm . KS 2.W2 1 , LSS Totals . 25 MS W ® " . ' DcWItt'B Witch Hazel Saivo cure ulcers. DoWltt'a Witch Hard Halve cures pile * . Chinese performance at Courtland beach. CLOSING OUT GnsoUno Stoves nt loss than cost. This Is not for shoddy gooda , but for first olnss Cinsollno Stoves. Everyone warranted. iKl ! ( ' | fJns ) J" Stoves for. . $2.7rt ! i > S.OO Gasoline Stoves for. . ; } .U5 $10.00 ( JiiHolInc Stoves * " ' . * 2.oO Gasoline Ovens for. , 3 > . . _ Oil Stoves for 50o M-Kiill \VooJ.JneUet Um.s for 05c ofnllonVooil.Ia.k.t M n. lor i5o DIFFERENT of JJiibv Can-lu-res from the best manu facturers in the United State * Every one to bo weld loss than cost. $1.00 Can-luge for . $ | .jo , Jsu.OO CarrhiK- for . 0 7 8.00 Carriage for . 3.00 SI 0.00 Curi-iago for . njc $1.3.00 Can-lag , for . 8.U5 $20.00 Carrirgo for . ! " . ( ! ( ) $25.00 Carriage for . 14.75 Refrigerator Sale EVERY REFRIGERA TOR and Ice Box to bo sold quick for less than e bt. Remember , \vo never sell anything Unit hua price only to com mend it. Our Refrigerators 'are war ranted to give satisfaction or inonev re funded. $ 7.50 Ice Hex for . $ ! . ) ( ) 10.00 Ice Hex for . 4-.S5 : 13.50 Kefrigenitor for . 7.8 ! ) J 17.00 Kefrigenitor for . < ) . < ) S 20.00 Hofrigerator for 12.50 25.00 Refrigerator for 14.50 Terms-Cash or Papeots , Presents to All Purchasers , Formerly People's Mammoth Installment Hou.se. Close Evenings at (5rtO : , excepting Mondays nntl Saturdays. AFFAIRS' AT SOUTH OMAHA William Carroll Crazed by Drink Attempts to Shoot His Sister. PREVENTED BY HER PROMPT ACTION She Ilchl Him Until Police Arrlveil-Pro- cueilliiKS of the City Council Last Mght llnru Struck by and Iturueil-rOtlier Xcvrs. At 8:30 : last evening while Lizzie Carroll , an old domestic In the employ of the Del- monlco hotel , was finishing her evening's work , her brother , William Carroll of O'Neill , Neb. , came In and , pulling a re volver , aimed It at her , with the declaration that he was going to take her life , because her hard work brought her too much misery , and that when she was gone ho would die. With surprising coolness Lizzie walked quickly up to her brother and before he could make a motion sha had taken the revolver from him. Then she caught him by the hands and held him until Chief Drennan came and took him to jail. Ho was very much under the Influence of liquor , so much EO that many believed delirium tro- to bo the cnuso of his act. IJiirii Struck by LlBlilnlnfr. South Omaha had a good sized fire at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. Mosher's livery barn at Twenty-fifth and 0 streets was str.uck by lightning , and nn hour later there was nothing left of the structure except the foundation. The barn was all frame and per. fectly dry. and well filled with hay , and It did not take long to consume It. fly prompt work on the part of the men employed around the barn all the horses and many of the carriages were saved. The lightning struck In the center of the front of the building , and seemed to pass directly through to the alley. In an Instant the whole Inside was ablaze. The- halter straps were cut , and with dllllculty the horses were driven out. All the buggies were run out except two which belonged to Dr. White. Several sets of harness wcro burned. , , Mr. Mosher had Jl.COO Insurance on his building , which was valued at $3,000 , and was totally destroyed. The wind was favorable to prevent the flro spreading. This whole row Is of frame and would have burned Ilko tinder. As It was , the adjoining building , which Is owned by J. F. Jacknott , was considerably damaged , but the loss Is covered by Insurance. Mr. Waterman's sowing machine odlco s the second from Mosher , and Mr. Hey In Is next to him. Every ono In the row moved the most of his stuff out Into the street , as It looked from the start very much n though the entire row would go. The fire. men were assisted by the citizens and de serve credit for stopping the conflagration where they did. The continual downpour ot the rain made It disagreeable for the men to work , but It kept the buildings damp and prevented the stray sparks from doing damage. Twenty tons of hay wcro con- Eumej , _ _ _ _ _ _ City Council I'rnrcodliiRii At the meeting of the city council last evening nn ordinance waa Introduced limit ing the fcpeed of motor trains to ten miles per hour. Hlchard O'Kecffo asked that squatters bo removed from McGavock & O'Keeffe's ad dition. F. O. OUcn called the council's attention to Its violation of the contract entered Into between It and the | > cttloiior ! for the supply of feed to the lire department Htableu by falling to deliver warrants at the first of each month In payment of stuff furnished , and asked for a discontinuance of the con tract and the release of bli bondimcn. He. ferrcil to the finance committee. W , L. Holland's offer to look after the electrical department of the city ( or J20' a month was accepted by the council. Licenses to operate saloon * were granted to Franz Llnder of 2&1G N street and W , J. llulln of 2C19 N street , On Mullaly'B motion the chief of police waji ln.tructi-4 to clQ 9 ua all saloons now WALL ST. OPERaTGONS Can be cart led on with largo prullta and llttll risk by Joining our Co-Operative Itullroad Stock Syndicate. AviTiiL-u iirodr nf SO per cent u inoiith cnriipil mill p.Ud to tlid MiibscrlbcrN fur p.lac six inoiilln. Highest references. Prospectus , Riving detail * cd Information ot oour perfect system , molleJ free. | WEINMAN & CO. , Stock and Grain Frokew , No. 41 Ilrcmdwiiy Now York City WM. LOUD ON , Commission Merchant GRAIN AND PROVISIONS- Private wires to Chicago and New York. All business orders placed on Chlcaco Uoaril of Trade. Correspondence solicited. Office , room 4 , New York Llfa Dulldln * Telephone 1303. doing business without a license. In re sponse to an Inquiry Mayor Johnston said he understood that there were eight saloons now doing business contrary to law. The chief of police was also ordered to notify druggists that they must secure licenses at once If they wlfh to handle liquors. Councilman Conlcy moved that nn ordi nance be drafted compelling the Omaha Street Hallway company to put Its wires under ground , and the motion unanimously pro- vailed. An onllnnnco requiring coal dealers to weigh their coal over the city scales before delivering to n purchaser was read for the second time. It permits the dealer to charge 2 ! > cents additional for cartage and wolghago , and levies a fine of from $10 to $25 for each refusal to obey The provisions of the ordi nance. The council sits as a board of equalization next Monday night. City < ) < > 84lp. Some clothing and an album was stolen from John Kltziptrlck at Twenty-eighth and H streets last night. A number of local Dohemlan turners will go to Wllher Sunday to take part In tha turner picnic to bo given tliero nt that time. A special meeting of the school board to open the bills on the construction of the High bchool stone wall \\lll be held Satur day evening. The committee on transportation has sent out posters announcing the details of the Fourth of July celebration to every town In this section. South Omaha expects to cn- tertuln nn Immense croJ or , Ind < Tendnc.e > . day. day.Mr. . Arthur Johnson of Omaha and Miss Carrlo Austin of Montreal were married at 4 o'clock 'last evening nt the homu of K. A. McKenzle. Itov. It. L. Wheeler was the clergyman. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will re- sldo In Chicago. Found n t'nrit for Sciatic Itliminmtlsni. Mrs. A. Invcon , residing at 720 Henry St. . Alton , III. , suffered with slatlo rheumatism for over eight months. She doctored for It nearly the whole of this tlrno , using various remedies recommended by friends , and was treated by the physicians , but received no relief. She then used ono and a half bottlea of Chamberlain's I'aln balm , which effected a complete cure. This Is published at her request , as oho wants others similarly af flicted lo know what cured her. For tale by all druggists. _ _ Seen tto animals at Courtland beach ? London Ntoiik Market. LONDON. Jimw IH I p. in. See La Hose Hrcs. nt Courtlanil beach , llrrlln Hunk StatmncnU linitl.lN. JUMP 18 , The wc kly Btatemmt ot the Imix-rlul Hank or Germany ehowii Hip fol lowing thaiiKi'D , an cinnparnl nllb thu i > revluui account : Cnrh In hand , Incrraiiu , 8. MO , OX ) nmiki ; tri'imviry noti < K , Incri-iim' . IIM.UX ) inurku ; rccurllln , iIi'fri'nKe , tv . inaikKi iiuti'H In cliculutlon , decifiirc , Wo could not Improve the ( juallly If w paid iloulilo the price. DcWItt'a Witch llazcl Salve U the hot salve that experience can produce , or money can buy , C-lneve performance ut CourUand