Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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nil Coupons , Tea Checks , Spoons in Flour , Prizes in Baking Powder and Souvenirs of all kinds gracefully disappear and in their stead comes [ j
One that will please everybody best. One that will put money in your purse. One that will cause our would be competitors to wonder.
W. R. BENNETT CO , the Originators of Low Prices West of the Mississippi. ' 1
The originators of square dealing. The originators of souvenirs in this city. The originators of a gigantic method of doing business that will greatly * jP
benefit our patrons. -JJ I
A year actually given away to our customers by a system of low prices that will astonish everybody , even in the face o jjf"
already low prices , JLL
Typical Big Store Bargains.
2tf Ibs. granulated sugir : 98c
25 Ibs. Extra C sugar 98c
Corn ( larch , 1-pound pkg 4c
Sweet chocolate , per pkg 4c
Corn , 2-pound can Cc
Tomatoes , 3-pound cai So
I'caches , 3-pound can. . . . 12'/&c
Teas , 2-pound can Sc
String beans , 2-pound can 7c
Illueberrles , 2-pound can 9c
Pumpkin , 3-pound can 7c
Pickles , per bottle So
Uluclng , per bottle 3c
Quaker oats , pkg 9c
Ury yeast , pkg 4c
Condensed milk 9c
Syrup , gallon 30c
Cove oysters , can 9c
Oil sardines 4c
Mustard sardines . " . 7c
French mustard'large bottle So
Breakfast food lie
Anchor parlor matches , dozen 12V4c
Mule matches , dozen lOc
C. & I ) , marmalade , 1-pound jars 20o
Knox gelatine , pkg , 13c
2 ( or 23c.
Price's baking powder , pound 40c
Lye 4c
At Challenge Prices , 'which means
lower than the lowest.
Decorated gold band toilet sets , with
jar $ 4..9S
Imported printed toilet sets 1.75
Table tumblers , par set of G 14c
Glass pitchers , large size 15c
White granite plates , all sizes , each. . 3c
White granite coffee cups and saucers ,
per set 45c
White granite ewers and basins , two
pieces 55c
White granite covered chambers 45c
Gold band ware dishes , 8 and 9 Inch 12c
French china decorated cuspidors 4Sc
China butter chips Ic
Glass butters lOc
White granite soap dishes , with cov
ers 12o
Decorated china mugs 8c
Glass stand lamps , complete 25c
Glass table sets 25c
Glass Jelly dishes , 8-Inch lOc
Glass berry sets , 7 pieces 2Sc
There have been BARGAINS before ,
but none like these A slashing in
regular values.
Figured China silks , worth COc and 75c ,
: io w 25o
Halt wool cashmeres , per yard lOc
All wool challls , per yard.- 35o
Half wool challls , per yard 19c
A 95c silk finish Henrietta , per yard 75c
A 50c all wool hcnrlotta , per yard..37We
nil % all wool flannels , per yard 19c
Novelty dress patterns at 7Gc on the del
Best Indigo prints , per yard 5c
Dest light calico , per yard 3c
A 12Wc green stripe gingham Go
12c figured satlnes 6 < 4c
Unbleached canton flannel Go
Outing flannel So
25o Columbia crepes 12 c
36-Inch brown cotton , per yard 4c
36-Inch bleached cotton , per yard Go
Double fold sheeting , per yard 15c
Pillow cases , each . . .lOc
Iteady made sheets , each . .GOc
Turkish towels , extra large . .10o
25c fancy huck all linen towel IGc
72-Inch cream damask , worth 7Sc , at..60c
liest turkey red damask ' .25c
lied spreadsbest values at COc , 7Sc and
We meet your wants in little things
cheaper than ever before.
Hooks and eyes , per card Ic
Pins , per paper Ic
Palm leaf fans Ic
Safety pins , per paper 2o
Hair curlers at 5o
25c needle books at 5c
Gowl pearl buttons , per dozen Co
Spool embroidery silk , per dozen Co
Rubber dressing combs..r Co
Warranted dress shields lOo
Windsor ties Cc
Canvas bclti Co
Best spool cotton , per dozen 4Go
Where can you invest your money
to better advantage than here.
Ladles' and children's hosiery. Co
Best 25c hosiery In the world.
Swiss ribbed vests. , . Co
Dr. Warner corset at 25a
COo gauze corset at 35a
Good corset covers and drawers 25a
Good apron ginghams Co
$1.00 quality suede kid gloves 69o
Gents' hemstitched handkerchiefs Co
The choicest and best grades nt
lowest prices No tea checks given
Tea dust'per pound 15a
B. F. Japan 20c , 33c , 43c , 4So and 680
All other kinds of teas graded at same price.
Finest Java and Mocha coffee. . . . .
. . . . . . .35c. 3 Ib * . for $1.00
Java and Mocha per pound 32o
Maracalbo per pound 30o
Golden Rio per pound , .2So
No. 2 Rio per pound , .25o
No. 3 Rio per pound 22o
Crushed Java and Mocha per pound..17o
German coffee per pound 24o
During the past year we have given away MANY CARLOADS of useful souvenirs. We stop now and turn that
idea over to our "old fogy" imitators who are never "up-to-date" in anything.
We offer our new idea , most liberal of all our previous efforts. Think of it $100,000 actually given away !
I IJRSjT .By dropping all gifts of every description , ancZ reducing our expenses
to the lowest notch.
SJEJGO-NjD 13y cutting the price as far as possible on every article ofmerchan-
dise we handle , and selling to the people on the very lo\vest margin of prof it.
THIRD JBy doubling our sales and running them into the millions. A. large
business on a small profit \vill surely do this.
A lar c business on a small profit is aptly illustrated by "Uncle Sam's" postal department. For 2 cents they carry a packet in the mails
5,000 miles and deliver it. How can this be done without loss. Yet it is done , and the government reaps n small profit on every 2 cent stamp sold.-
For a single 5 cent nickel the street car company will carry you many miles , and not at a loss either they make a profit on everv passenger.
The millions patronize "Uncle Sam. " A multitude p itroui/.J the street ears.
Thousands will patronize W. R. Uennett Go. We will Sill our goods not at a loss , but on suh a low margin of profit that everybody will
be compelled to trade with us in order to save money. Therefore , we will do a larger business , on smaller profits , and the people will reap the
benefit. We live in an age where it is impossible to stand still. We either progress or recede. Dennett's motto has always been : FORWARD.
By 15 years of honesty and square dealing in this city , we are proud to say we have obtained the confidence of the people and from n
small beginning our business has grown until now we have'one of the largest department stores in the west , and our name is n household word
ill the homes of Omaha. ,
While we did not advance prices to pay for past souvenirs every re'asonuble person knows that by dropping souvenirs and other gifts
made to influence trade our prices eau lowered to just that extent , arid furthermore , if we can double our sales wj can sU goods so eujap that
the saving to our customers would buy two or three souvenirs where befpre'thcy got but one.
THESE ARE HARD , COLD FACTS , and the sooner everyone falls hi line with IKsiinstt's new idea tli3 S3onr will they realize how
much larger the purchasing power of a silver dollar becomes. e- , X
REMEMBER THIS NEW DEPARTURE In prices must not be classed with the every day heralded "fakes" of our competitors.
This is no clearing sale of old stock. - It is no below cost sale.
It is no bankrupt stock sale. . - . It is no anniversary sale.
No ( ire sale No humbug sale. It is a genuine cut in prices on first class guaranteed merchandisc--thcrc arc no newer , fresher or batter
goods in the city. ' ' * ' '
-I ! n
* LET LJ.S REASON TOGETHER , on this matter. In the first place , we want to disabuse your minds of a
few wrong ideas and make clear to the public a few points of'modernmerchandising ; and sa-we plainly state right here a
few things we can't do and carry out now-departure idea : - ' '
WE CAN'T sell a few goods below cost to catch the confiding public as some stores do and then gull them on
other goods.
WE CAN'T sell brown cotton at 2 cents that costs 5 cents and wa will not do lots of other thin" that our
competitors do to CATC H THE UNWARY and then BLEED them on something else.
Remember the old story of the "SPIDER AND THE FLY. " We warn yon not to be BAMBOOZLED by UNLIKELY below cost prices-thcy
arc a delusion and a snare. <
OUR MOTTO A SMALL MARGIN on everything. ROBBERY on nothing.
Our reputation as merchants is at stake when we sell goods. We dare not abuse the confidence of our customers. We confidently seek
your good will and patronage , with the assurance that you will receive square dealing here , and save many and a hard-earned dollar.
Thrifty housekeepers will carefully study our new-departure prices , and we trust thev will nrike comparisons , go the rounds examine
values and prices , and we are sure of their trade. SAVK MONEY IS THE DEMAND OF THE TIMES.
The unprecedented increase in our grocery trade has compslled us to again double our capacity. We have had built an immense balcony
extending the full length of the store.
This SPLENDID ANNEX adds a thousand square feet to this mammoth department.
It will be INAUGERATED TUESDAY MORNING by a GRAND BALCONY OPENING , and from 7 a. in. until 9 p. m. we shall introduce this
now department to our patrons and sell CHOICE LEMONS , JUICY ORANGES and other goods at unheard of prices. Don't miss a visit to our bal
cony we keep open until 9 o'clock Tuesday night , and everybody is invited to u eh nice at the wonderful bargains on the BALCONY.
The Idea in connection withjiur balcony , was to furnish our customers a place where they sit down at a tihle : and quietly inspect goods by
sample , on the same plan as a dealer does when purchasing from a wholesale house give their order and see it filled.
We have a hundred great leaders. Look at our NEW-DEPARTURE PRICES.
Our footwear prices have always
been lower than elsewhere for re
liable goods. Under our new de
parture , prices will be forever
maintained tlic lowest in town.
Cut to the bone these prices save
yon big money.
Lace or congress , plain toe , crimped.$1.18
Extra value , lace or congress , tip 1.48
Lace or congress tip , 5 wide 1.63
Lace or congress , calf goodyear welt ,
narrow square toe. Imitation tip 2.95
Kid oxford opera toe , patent tip 95c
Ladles' dongola oxford , patent tip $1.35
Ladles' tan oxford , square too 1.18
Ladles' tan oxford opera toe 1.72
Ladles' tan oxford , new square toe ,
Rochester make , C , D and E widths ,
AH solid patent tips opera or square too. $1.22
Genuine dongola opera or square too. . . 1.48
Genuine dongola square toe patent tips ,
a $2.25 shoe , reduced to 1.9S
Ladles' goodyear welt dongola , narrow
square toe , C , D and E widths , a little
beamy , at 2.90
Ladles' dongola button , I ) , C , D widths ,
from the forced sale of L. L. Ferris ,
Chicago , only 105 pairs , they are cheap
at $2.50 $1.63
Ladles' cloth top dongola patent tip , C ,
D widths , worth $2.50 1.83
Kid button shoes , 2 to 6 24c
Kid button spring heel patent tip , 5 to 8.59c
Chlld'3 grain spring heel , 8 to 12 COc
Fine derby hats 95a
Full fur crush hats 45c
COo boys' fur bat , silk , trimmed 39o
Yacht caps at IPc and 23c
2 dozen collar buttons. . . . . Be
Men's hose So
Laundered white shirts 43o
Night shirts , night robes 45o
Good umbrellas ,49c
LADIES' WRITING DESKS and combination
book cases , solid oak , at
$5.75 , $12.90 , $13.50 , $14.00 , $15.75
B ook cades
. . . $4.50. $10.85 , $13.00 , $13.85 , $18.40 , $21.00
Combination book cases with writing
desks , solid oak
$14.50 , $16.40. $16.50 , $16.95 and up
It will pay you to examine these goods.
FOLDING BEDS We have a few solid oak ,
upright beds , large bent plate mirror In
front , polished finished , marked at cost.
Mantel beds at.$11.00 , $14.00 , $10.00 and up
REFRIGERATORS must go regardless of
cost ; all hard wood , charcoal filled and
warranted. "
45 In. high , IS deep , 27 In. wide , former
price $12.00 ; cut to $8.75
41 In. high , 17 In. deep , 20 wide , with
water cooler , former prlco $11.00. now.$8.60
45 In. high , 19 drep , 32 wide , double doors ,
reduced from $14.00 to $10.85
47 In. high , 21 deep , 33 wide , double doors
and water cooler , reduced from $18.00
to $14.50
Other sizes at great reductions.
You said you wanted one , but could1
not afford it Look at these prices- ,
and you'll change your mind' . .
* i
Solid oak 20x24. bevel plate , nice finish/
ono drawer lined , former prlco $16.00.
now . 11
Solid oak , polish finish , 17x30 , plate. 3
shelves , nicely carved , former prlco
$19.00 , reduced to
A solid quarter sawed oak , elegantly pol- T
Ishcd , 24x4S-lnch case , nicely carved , 3 „
fancy shelves , 4 drawers and 2 doors ,
18x32 French bevel plate , shaped , ,
others ask you $35.00 for them. Our
pries . , $26.00
Another ono. same site and make as
above , with 24x34 French plate and
very richly carved , worth $40.00. Our
price . $29.00
Many other styles all marked down so low
you can't help but buy one.
Carload bought for spring trade
but shipped too late Must be
Solid oak 3-pleco suit , 20x24 , bevel plate ,
cut from $18.00 to . . . . $13.75
3-plece suit , nice finish , extra largo cases ,
22x23 , bevel plate , cut from $20.00 to.$10.00
3-plece chcval suit , nice finish , 17x30 ,
bevel plate , cut from $22.00 to $17.00
3-plece cheval suit , nicely carved and ele
gantly finished , 18x40 , bevel plate , cut
from $28.50 to $21.00
A largo assortment polished oak suits , with
large French bsvcl platea , richly carved ,
splendid values , cut to unheard of prices ;
see them.
'Shine of the handy helps that Ben-
' ' sells cheaper than anybody.
Ju <
Streetv 'doors , % Inch , complete with
' ° * hlnrriu 7Co
'Sreei''ddors ( ' , 1 % Inch , complete with
x 1 hinges , 89o
' ; Fnll size Mexican hammocks. . . 48c
Largest size bread boxen , painted G9c
'The best make Ice cream freezers $1.25
trgallon galvanized Iron oil cans 9Sc
'No. 8 copper bottom wash boilers . . .C5c
'Copper bottom tea kettles , . . , .25o
"mtra good tin cups , pints 2c
'Rubber hose , per foot 7c
' , ; /nto handles .Gc
10 < quart tin pall ISc
XH copper tea kettles SSc
' udg chains lOc
' fJAwn mowers , $2,50
Picnic mugs 3c
JiO-pound flour cans 74c
-Extra heavy dish pans 14c
Daisy wringers $1.25
Dog collars lOc
Dog collars with padlock lOc
At prices that meet your wants
Every item u bargain.
Men's Cottonado pants . GOc
Hoys' knee pants . lc ! )
Men's line all wool pants . $4.43
Boys' suits . 79c
Boys' shirts . ICc
Men's shirts . 19c
Heavy blue overalls . 33c
M tit's under , vcar . 19c
Rubber coats . $1.GS
Slickers . $1.75
Suspenders , good quality . ICc
Celluloid collars . ' , . 9c
Linen collars , 4 ply . 10c
25c neckwear for . ISc
Gents' 45c teck ties . 25c
equal per sack Si.05.
Snowflake , 50 Ib. sack 4Sc
Bennett's Fancy , sack 9Sc
Reliance , sack J1.1G
Davis No. 10 , sack 1.20
Rye , Graham , sack , , 89c
Snow White. 50 Ib , sack 90c
Laughing Water , sack SSc
Cream , sack | 1.15
Rye flour , sack 9So
25-lb. sack yellow meal 25c.
25-lb. sack white meal 25c.
Basement Annex. Economy prices.
A good wash board for lOc
No. 1 wood wash tubs 49o
Water buckets , 2 hoops 12c
Chopping bowls , 15-Inch 19c
Picnic baskets , large slzo 15c
5-foot Ironing boards 4a
4-foot step ladder ? . . 34o
Croquet sets , 4 balls 55o
Indurated fibre wash tubs , No. 3 3So
Hampers , family size 89c
Valley clothes bir 55o
Door mats. No , 2 slzo 49o
Kxlra good sweaters at ISc
Reductions on everything Prices
cut to the quick.
Toilet paper In rolls , cacti 2c
Kxtra roll toilet paper , each 3c
Perforated toilet paper 4n
Envelopes , 25 for Ic , G packs for 5o
Kr.velopcs , extra quality , 23 for * .3c
Quarter ream good writing paper lOo
Jlov paper , each 5c
Tablets , Ic , 3c and 3c
Scrap books , 3c and fie
Taper covered novels Go and Sc
Pens , pencils , Inks , mucilage , slates ,
blank books at greatly reduced prices.
A Tastey Subject Always Fresh ,
Always Good.
Ice cream soda , pure fruit Juice Go
Gum drops per Ib
Jelly beans per Ib
Mixed cream per Ib I5o
Peanut candy per Ib ino
Taffy mixed per Ib lOc
Cream caramel : per Ib iGo
Chocolate cream per Ib 150
Hock candy per Ib 19c
Wintcrgreen and peppermint lozengers
19c Ib
Handmade chocolates and bon bens
30c Ib
We Carry a Choice Selection of All
Grades of Cigars Box Trade at
Surprise Prices Cigars at Ic , 2c ,
3c , 5c , That Will Astonish You.
Newsboy plug 330 Ib
Star plug , .ioc ] b
Meerschaum plug zOcIb
Bouncer plug igc Ib
Horseshoe plug 40c Ib
Lucky cut plug smoking j Ib can 25o
Greenback plug smoking % Ib pkg So
Briar pipe yt Ib pkg So
We Divide Profits With You in This
Department Deep Cuts on Every
Spectacles and eyeglasses So
Nickel alarm clocks 5go
Pocket knives , like giving them away Co
Pocket knives , good quality lOc and 25o
Big sorvlcable butcher knives 9c
The Christy pattern bread and cake knives ,
per set of 3 480
Itogers teaspoons 89c
Silver plated knives and forks , per set.$1.98
A boy's watch at $1.50
Gent's gold filled watch , complete $4.99
Ladles' size Elgin gold watch $9.99
Silver plated water pitchers $1.98
Some Sharp Reductions.
Ingrain carpet , per yard 20c
An 18c Japanese matting 12&O
60c mattings reduced to 350
100 pound mattings 30c
$1.25 moquette rugs 9Sc
C5c lace curtains reduced to 60o
$2.75 chenlllo curtains $2.4S
Window shades 190
Our butter department Is the wonder of
the city. It leads all others , not only In
choice qualities , but In cheapness. Over a.
ton of butter per day Is sold over our coun-
, tors. Eggs fresh every day.
We carry a full line of salt and dried meats
and flsh.
Constantly in Charge of Three Reg.
istered Pharmacists of Long Ex
perience We Carefully Coin *
pound All Kinds of Proscriptions
from Pure Fresh Drugs at Lower
than Apothecary Store Priios.
Bennett's patent medicines best In use , all
Bennett's sarsaparllla , $1.00 size at , .59o
Dennett's royal female regulator , $1.00 blzo
at 59o
Bennett's kidney and liver regulator , $1.00
size , at GOc
Bennett's emulsion cod liver oil , $1.00 alzo
at 59o
Bennett's Universal liniment , 25c alzo 18o
Bennett's Canadian fir balsam , 2Gc lzo at
Bennett's fig lax. syrup , GOc slzo at 30o
Bennett's little liver pills , 2Sc size at..13o
Palno'H celery compound , C9o
Hood's sarsaparllla C'Jo
Scott's emulsion . .69 *
Hires root beer 15o
Toys and 1-ancy Goods.
Wo have ; in elegant line of French tlisua
paper , crepe In rolls , tissue paper ( lowers
and other decorative novelties In great profusion -
fusion at lowest prices. Filigree ware at loan
than half price. Fancy baskets , celluloid
photo frames , music rolls , wool dusters ,
phone harps , zltherns , doll carriage * , doll
and doll heads. Iron wagons , toy carls ,
games and puzzles , to please the llttU
folks. Visit our big annex basement for
thcsa bargain * .
W. R. BRI CO. , Pioneers Prices. of Low Profit f