THE OMAHA DAILY BEEs | MPNDA-Y , JUNE 18. 18t. ! ) 8PE01RL NOtlOES. AdvfMliicments for UK-SO columns will tw taken until 12 34 p. m for tlia evening nnd until .00 n m for the morning nml Sunday million * . Advertiser * by requnstlnK a numbrml eh % run Imve nnuwnrs nddrpitited to n numlrer&l li > t' ler In c.irc nt Tlio Dee. Anawers go nddresawl will be delivered upjn presentation of the check. SITUATIONS WANTED. RntM , IHo wont flnt Initertlon , 1e word ( htrenfter. Nothing taken for ten * than Co. ATTORNEY WITH BIX YEARS' KXPERIENCn In cast wishes poiiUlon n * collector for Ian firm , Lock llox M8 , Postolllce. A-2III 18' BITt'ATION WANTED 1 Y COMPETENT haker. Country town preferred. Addrejs U. L. , Whiting. . - Zt WANTED MALE HETjP. BOLICITORH , TEAMS FURNISHED ; INSTALL- nvnt poods. American Wtlnscr Co. , lfr JIiw- ard street. _ AflKNTH , HALERY OR COMMISSION. THE tcreutMt Invention of the n ? e. The New Pnt- nt Chemlcnl Ink Ernslnir Pencil. Sells on uluht. Work * like imnlc. AK'nln nrr ranking J2.W to J1Z3.00 per week , l-'cir further par ticular * wrltn the Mnnroo Krivslnjs MfK. Co. , X 30. Li Crossg , Wls. H-M4 WANTED.SALESMANSALARYPROM ; start , permanent * place. Brown Bros. Co. , nurserymen , Chicago , 111. n M3U J2i J'lJSHINO MEN TO TAKE ORDKRB FOR OLD rstnhllshcd IIOUEPJ wllarV pnld. Apply - 173Jyl2 vrn iiAVu pitoFiTAiiLn HIDR I < INI : 1011 rellahla nalcimen. Omaha nubbcr Urokornijo Co * 3M H. Ulh utrcct. Milt 21 _ 8ALC3MRN. MISN TO HHMj IjINJJ OP clKam ; $100 per month onil i-xyenics pild. Aildrenii , with Btamp , Sumatra rninimny , 111. H-M3I720' _ BAI.KflMAN WANTRD , TO SCM. OtJIl HOODS Ly a nple to the. whol ialo mid retail tmile ; nell on Bluht to < ery budnena mun or llrm ; Illiernl nalnry ; money aavnnce l for ndverll lnn nnd. cxpennen ; permanent , position. Aildre-w , with ntnmp. King Mfg. Co. , C 42 , Chlcnuo , 111. \VANTIID. GOOD aifll > TOR liouiwwork : references required. 1130 South Mtlj elrcel. U WANTKD. A OOOI ) OIHt. KOH IIOItHllWORIC. Jim. Kranlc Wllcox , S.W.cor. 20th and UoiiRlas. o _ C 22 J 18 > W ANTED FEMAI.'E HEI/g. .WANTRD , STUDENT NUHSC. AT W. O. A. lioapltol. Council lllufrn. _ C M2I3 21 iWANTKD. 1'AMILY OP TWO _ 0)3 ) 8. 18th Bt. C 2 i 20 * , \VANTID , A aniu 2211 rAiiNAjt ST. IB * FOB BENT HOPSE8. riNE FLAT IN CIXDU815R BLOCK AT 703 8. ICth t < : raiiKO nnd nil other conveniences ; 123. Oeorgo Clouscr , room 2 , 1CZ3 Farniim st. HOUSES , F. K. DARLING , BARKER BLOCK. D 5SO HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. 1 % Davis company , 1505 1'ornam. D M7 " " ( ROOM COTTAGES , MODERN , CHOICE IN Stanford Circle. C. S. Elgutlcr , 201 Bee hulld- ins * u vw ItENTAL AGENCY , COT 11ROWN BLOCK.D5S9 D-5S9 CLEAN , COMFORTABLE , CONVENIENT , moderate rentnli. best 3 nnd 4-room suites for ImuneUeepers only. Rcfcrencea required. Also C-room BUlto In tenement. 816 S. 22d Bt.D . D r.oo KELKENNEY&CO..R. 1 , CONTINENTAL JJLK. TOR RENT , $35.00 PER MONTH , 4110 LATAY- etto nvenue , 7 rooms , furnace , Inth. hot nnd colij wnter , closet , Rns , electric lighting nppll- nnces , etc. Beautiful lawn , trccH , . etc. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnnm street. D M3 roil"RENT. . GOOD DETACHED NINE-ROOM houea 2021 Capitol avenue. B. H. Roblaon , room 7 , Commercial National. D 850 lTEHPI.KTON & P1ERSON , Paxton ulk. D CSS FOR RENT , DWELLINGS IN AL.L PARTS of Omahn ; call for list. E. II. Shf-afe. 433 Faxton block. . , D MCCC TOR RENT. , DESIRAKLE DWEtLINt33 IN Council Blurta : call for1 Hat ! nt , Omaha olflce. 433 I'axton bfoclc. E. H. Sheafe. D-MC87 FOR RENT. TWO 10-ROOM' MODERN FJUATS. cheap. J ; W. So.ulre. 248 Bee bide. D-833 TOR RENT. 3 , 4 AND 5 ROOMS. ENQUIRE C31 S. 17th < xve. D 8S2-21 * FOR RRNT. DKSIRAflLC MODnRN ilpncc , 2513 Farnam. R. C. Patterson. Hnmte block. D-M868 _ B-ROOM PLATS CHEAP. 1413 N. 17TII. D-M837 Jy8 . _ _ _ 8-nOOM IIOUSR. $10 PER MONTH. NEAR High sclvool. Inqulra 2C10 Capital Avc. D 167 18 * rURNIBIIRD HOUSK 8.ROOM8. $ M. < M : NRWI.Y piip < rc < ] | painted ; nice yard. Inquire COS South IClli street. Rcfcrencca , P 197-18 * _ TOR RRNT. HOUSD 9 ROOMS , MODRRN. & Hill. D-22723 < -HOOM FLAT , FRONT , 1170 SOUTH D 224 20 * NICRI.Y FUUNIHHCD 10-ROOM IIOUSR FOR rent. P. O. box 637. U M275 18 * _ FOlt ItRNT , MODRRN 5-ROOM "cOTTAaiS. Btrlctly llrHt-clnss , M02 Scwurd street , Inquire 2810 Bewardj $13.00. P M233 18 * * _ OR RRNT. MOnnRN 6-ROOM-IIOUSR. riRST- clasi repair , 2812 Scward. Inqulro 2310 Howard ; $15.00. D-M282 18 * _ FOR HRNT , DKSIRA11LR 10-HOOM. MODRRN rcxldrnce , llrst-cliiBS' In every iletnll , centrally located. Rent ! $50. R. H. Sheafc. 433 I'nx- ton b'lt , I > M3M _ FOR RRNT. A MODRUN KIQHT-ROOM COT- lagp. Rnqulro nt northwest corner of Slut and SU'Mnry's lucrme. D 1I2J3 IS * FOB , BENT FtTBNISHBO BOOMS. Lxnan SOUTH ROOM ; IDJ Docan HTRRRT. B 596 KOOM WITH. ALCOVE. 621 S 2flTII AVU. / , R-423J24 FUHNISUUD ROOM. 2017 HARNRY STllRDT. R-M155 ll ! 3 FURNISIIRD ROOM'S VQH\ Inir for man and wlfo. Rent tnken In board. 31i > N. 17th. R 810 _ _ ACTNATTlOUSR. NOilTHWUST CORNRR 13TH and UoJgo. Rooms by the day or week. R 950 JyO ROOJJ8. 186 C1UUAC1O QTIIKUT. BMffl Jy9 - 3 NICH rtlRNISHRD ROOMH TOR LIO1IT housukeeplng. 1112 youth llth Btn-ot. R S1147 IS * _ _ FOR RRNT , NRWIA" FIIRNIBHHD FRONT roam ; bath , KHS , etc. ; only C blocks from busi ness centvr ; to ) ouns man only. 2112 Doug las street. U 193 19 _ FUUNISIIKD ROOMS FOR I.IOIIT HOUSR. keeping. J' . Q > pox C37. 1M277 1 IS * ROOMS FOR IluwftrJ 1 St. RM-31S23 * NIORI.Y infRNisiun FRONT ROOM IN P.HI- \nt family ) usplialt pnd Btreet ; $ ! ! , < for t\\n. $10 )0 ) far one ; Bcntmcn | | only. Aildrcts N BTj Ut. R-.M3I3 , A NICELY PHRNIHIIED ROOM WITH BOARD for two , contlcmen. In prltnta family ; no other _ boarder . M\5 Weliatcr efteet. E-J1337-H1. WELL HultNIHlIED ROpM FOR MAN AND wife , \ MMiIt \ d slre < l ; eood.locnllon. . Ad- divss N K. . llfy. E 300 23 * 1IOQM& im DOUUll , FURNISHED BOOMS AND BOAHD SOUTH ROOMS ANP GOOD UOARD. tint Uouglai slrr t. YOUNfl .WOMKN'S UOMli. T'AUM ' QV > Wonum 8Cli-i llaniutuixla . a. lllli tit F-ta ? ROOMS. FURNI3HRD OR UNFURNISHRD. with nr t-clasa boarit. 1W Caultol aye. Inaulro N1CRUY FURNISIIRD ROOMS. FOLDING. bed * , mqdorn con\cnlcncn , with EOO > ! IwnrJ. The Rose , 2iJO Harn y. V SM JJS " FRONT AICOVlTftObMl TWOi NICK and grate , with boiud Tht > Albany , 2101 DoUKlas street K-S1J ItOOMa AND liOARD , " SOll "DOUdUAa 8TRKT. F MW7 ZJ _ _ DRHIUAJJIjH FRONT "ROOM J10ANI > ALCOVl. with uoarilj good locaUoi ) , ! J10 ! JCHK ! rlrcet. . _ _ SOUTH FRONT ROOMS. HltfflliR OR eiinultc. with board ; referencta , 24 | Faniam rtrcvt. --Mm 19 * RRNT. TAVO I VROB SOUTHi ROOMS AT 1 _ _ noMswiTH UOARD. RKKKIU Mi N , 18h ( , T\VQ. v rovms. 6Uj rfi [ is- _ _ rrRNisiii5i > \viyii , WITHOUT l ard llrf UQOM8 ii UOAJ1D , Kl N , ) J. " J ylt * l'IHtNIHIllil > " ROOM8 ; MOUUIIM cnvcHl < nct i XJ m. Mary. * . av vuue. I F-351 n * OBBBNT UNFtJBNlSH'D BOOMS. 4 UNFumBiinD ROOMS. SUITAHLE houitktepln ; , city water , etc. , low rent : north. west corner 17th and Webster at. O 63S FOB BENT. STOKKB AKD OFFICES CORNER SAIGON , (21 DOUOLA8. INQUIIIH . a- I-MSM It MONTHS LEASE OF STORE. M B , 17TH. I-M9 FOR HUNT , THe 4.STORY 11RICK nUILUINOJ 610 Tarnnm street. Tlio building has a fire , proofi cement basement , complete atcnm he l Ing nxturea , wixter on nil floor * , caa , etc. Apply - ply at the offli-o of the Ileo. I-91D FOR RRNT , MRAT MARKKT AND HLAUOH. ter housr , with extra gond net of tools , nil complete ! chenp , If taken this week. Address 1' . O. box 30C , N oln , la , I-M317 DRSK ROOM ; HOARD TflADR IlUlT.Di NCJl fronting Nth , $500 month , with usa telephone. Addresa N C7 , lice. I M341 AGENTS WANTED. ACJENTS IN AND OUT OF CITY ; LIBERAL commissions. Apply room 433. Paxton hlock. J-878 Jy7 " WANTED. MANAGERSAND OENIJRAL ngt-nt * to mnlce the Iwnt ronlrncts for * plen- d'd nelds for n regular old line life Insurance company ; all modern , ntlrnrtlve nnd popular forms nf policies tlmt Imvo only to l > n nhown to sell. For particular ! ! , nddrcn * P. 13 , Mnr ! i , superintendent of ngenti , Topekn , Kan. J M363 u AGENTS WANTED , RAPID SELLER , F.VERY fnrmer must have It ; one ROOI ! man In e\ery town In Ncbrarka Call or write , ZiOi Q street. South Omahn. J M3G7 U 8TOBAOE. BTORAQE.WLLIAMS a CROSS , 1114 HARNEY. M tOl STORAOE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS : CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Well * , nil Farnom. i M-COO OM.VAN&STORAGE CO..1508 DODQD. TiL.I559. M 201 WANTED TO Btne. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE BOUGHT AND old. U Altman. 803 & 810 N. 16th ot. . N-S2S Jy5 HIOIIL'ST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND-HAND furniture , stoves , etc , I , Urutaell , 710-712 N. IGtli. N 857 . . . „ TO RUY SECOND-HAND BANK furniture and safe. Address Box ZJl. Clatonla , N * * > . N 19I-20 * HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC CIGAR. FOR EC. N-M270-Jy-I5 . OOOD DELIVERY ; HORSE CHEAP. 313 .SouHi nth. N M361 19 * PERSONAL. Continued. CATARRH TREATED. $4 PER MONTH , ROOM 10. Uouulss blk. , cor , Klh and Dodg-e. U-849-Jy * _ WHEN ON PARNAM BTREET STOP IN AT 1419 and see our new china. M. II. llllss. U-Boa-Jy _ _ TAKIJ TOUR FRIRND ; TINTYPES. 4 FOR 25e. Proctori 618 H. Uth streot. U MMI Jyi 1MOQKNR L. RAMSEY MAKES DI1L1CIOUS horn * mada bread ; try one loaf , 217 N. 10th t. U 871 Jy7 * LADIRH1 AMI1ER JRWELRY TO ORDER : also repairing. 613 B. Uth street. U M1M MISH DEVOL. FROM NEW YORK. HAS token charge of Madam La Rook's massage parlors , 12 nnd 13 , at 322 North 10th CRRAM FOR WHIPPINOl COTTAC1E CHRESB. Waterloo creamery. 161J Howard ; tcl. 1332. U" M14 > J PROF. FRANK 11ROOI.IN RKSTORE3 HAIR to the bald ; curea dandruff ; stops Imlr falling out ; rcatorea gray hair to Its natural color ; both sexes treated. References furnished of Omaha patients who are relieved. No cure , no pay. Room 414. lieu llulldlng , Omaha , Neb. WIIUN OUT WITH YOUR LADY VISIT J. J. Muller'H now lea cream parlors , 2SOi Leaven- wart It itreel : everything Is new , Including the building. Tel 1030 lea irvnm dcll\cred. U M218 _ HAVANA FRECKLES , A IOC CIOAR. TOR SC. U RALDUl'F A pleasant nnd convenient place , 1520 Farnam street. Paxton block ; 'phone , 711. MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE. LOANS ON IMPROVED fc UNIMPROVED CITY property ; $3.000 & upwards , 5 to 6ft par cent ; no delays. W. Fanmm SmIUi & Co. , 1S20 Fnrnnm. W C07 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1605 Farnam st. W COS MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms at from 6 to 7 per cent. W. II. Melkle , First National bank building. W-61J OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. , IGTH AND Douglaa streets , loan money on city nnd farm property at lowest rntca of Interest. W 610 MONrJY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omaha real citnte , 1 to B years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 17D2 Fainam. LIFE INSURANCE POLICES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chesney , Kansas CKy < Mo. W < 612 MONBY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS , Improved nnd unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170S Farnam at. W 609 If a house you want to rent ? You'll find it on this , page , . Or on buying you are bent ? You'll findi it on this page. Do you want a girl to work ? You'll find , it on this page. Or , perchance , a man to clerk ? You'll find , it on this page. Do you want to get a bath ? You'll , find , it on this page. Or trade for that another hath ? You'll find ; it on this page. HOB SALE FTJBNITtTBE. ' PAYMENTS EASY. YOU WON'T MISS'YOURi money. Low prices on furniture & houaeholdi goods ; Enterprise Credit Co. . . 613-615 N. 16th at. FOB SALE HOBSES , WAGONSETO. ONE TEAM. NRW WAGON AND HARNESS ; ; nlso ono road wagon , for sale cheap ; must bej sold at once. Fidelity Loan and Ouarahteat Co. , Room , Wlthnell block. I' M236 FOB SALE MISOELIiANEOTJS. HALED HAY FOR SALE. THE STANDARDi Cattle company , Ames , Neb. , have 2,000 tons ) of good , barn-stored hay for sale. All orders * niledi promptly. _ Q-603 j HENHEIM' SPANIELS. THE HANDSOME ) little toys ; Scotch , Collies. O. H. Moore , 1G31 Sherman uvcnae , imiwrtcr nnd breeder. q 875 Jy7 _ SUPPLIES FOR AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS ] Solo agents for the [ I NIGHT HAWK. CAMERA. $5. I S. Hcyn & Co. . photo supplies , 1003 Farnam at. . Q ! WS-J > 8 ' ST. DERNARD PUPS , 2101 DOUGLAS STREET. , LAW 1100K8. WEST'S REPORTERS. APPLY 1309 South 23th streeU Q M154 18 * FOR SALE , SET SINGLE TRACK HARNESS. 621 8. 16th street. Q M9u7 13 BICYCLES. NEW AND OLD , $ ! 0 TO $125 ; EASY payments ; we rent and rcpnlr , Omaha r.icyclo Co. . 607 N. ICth St. TCI. 129. Q-134 _ $125.00 RICYCLH NOW $87.50 , $100ioO CUT TO I JOS. 23 , $60 00 cut to $12.50. M. Trolcl. 2709 Leav- enworth street. Q M2I9 Jyl3 FOR SALE , UPRIGHT PIANO. 817 SO. IGTH. Q M221 20 * _ _ _ FOR SALE , CHEAP. " 04 MODEL HATETY bicycle , 25-lntli frame. Call 312 Bo. 12th at. Q-Z11-H * MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE YOUR OLD CARPET 'WOVEN INTOl rues. Smyrna lugs repaired , . 1521 I.Qiwcn worth. TAXIDERMY , AND FURS. BEND FOR CATA- . lotfue. George p. llrown , Jr < . & .Co. , 709 H. 16tb. - . . . . ' = 1 QLAmVOYANTB. _ _ MR3J DR. H. W/kRREN. QLAiRVOYANT. RE- llnbla business medium ; ? th , yearut 119 N. Is. , H C03 CLAtRVOYANT PROFESaOli " WHITE. TUB greatest clalnoyanr of hla ag . has arrived In Uiiuihnt He will read ynur fuluru life without a mistake. Given valuable Infounatlon on nil , matters. Will cho you truthful ndvlco on aU , business , Inw , money mutters , uiul all family ulTalra , In'lnn gifted lth a raiv and uomlerful Int ght Into such nuittcru , nnd ncxcr known to make a tnlutuKc. The futlim plainly re > eale < l , lais uivlledi ! V uUles he.xlrd , n-unltoa thn Rcimruteil. from whatevcri cause , , and causes happy murrluK" * . Glvea nuincit of friends nnd iwmteo , also the onu you will marry. Telia wlmt to do and where to KO to be lucky , All In lioublc call. TUnse deslrinir reliable Informa tion on all alfalrM-of lit * , or bu lncj > * nro. Invltrd to call. All counnel btrlctly contldenllal. He can IHJ found at 1617 ChlcuRO street. Hours from 9 a. ru. to 9 p. lu. Bundajs , 9 to 5. MASSAGE. BATHS ; ETO. MADAMU SMITH. 6U S. UTH. ID FLOOR. room J. Massage. va | < or. alcohol , steam , sul- plmrine and ecu baths. T 3183 * MADAMU BROWN. 1114 CAPITOL td lloor. room 4. manage , alcohol , sulphur and MMB. ANNA OV CHIpAflO GIVES ALCOHOL bath * nod mauase , Sob N. 18th , mom U. T-M364-23 * PEBSONA3U. UIB3 JOHNSIXJN. "iAPIKS' IlAIll UIlE33Kil. sltampouliiff. old location. 1)1 4. 16h | street. / "TKBATMIJNTIKiiiurriipTiiBii Ata/sUH Kiiiurriip-TiiBii- mal balhs. Bc l | > an4 Imlntreatnivnt. uunlcur & , cniraifHllK J4 1 . ! V tt tH ] S Utli. Wlthnell blk , VIAVI UPMTJtUATMHMr / IfOH LADIES , Health twek and auuulutlaa Ire * . AUijreo or call Vlavl Co. , 3U lies bide , Lady attendant. Pd " 1 IxTno's U M6S4-W' MORTGAGE LOANS. A. MOORC. 501 N. Y. Life. W T13-J3 * _ ' LOANS. E. II. SHCAFE , 132 TAXTON BLOCK. W MC6 ? _ MONBY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urennan , Love & Co. , I'axton blk. W 14 ANTHONY LOAN S. TRUST CO.,315 N.Y. LIFE loans at low rates for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa farms or Onrnhaidt/ ' property ; _ W 615 * UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital (2,000,000. Surplus JWO.COO. Sub mit' choice loans to F. S. Pusey , agent , Flratl National ! bank building. W--SOO LOANS , TEMPtETON&PIERSONPAXTON blfc _ W $47 " LOANS. 1 TOi5 YEARS. 'WARRANTS. BONDS. etc. Oarvln Bros. , ZIP N. Y. Life. W-611 ' CITY LOANS. LARGE LOANS ON CENTRAL , , business property ! 6 percent. . C. A. Starr. ! 015 N. Y. Llfo bulldlne. W M233 , MONEY TO .LOAN CHATTELS. A. E. HARRIS. ROOM 1. CONTINENTAL ULKT X MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP-- erty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Llfo building ) X M271 _ MONEY TO LOAN ON UOUSEUOLD FURNIture - ture , pianos , lionet. wuKoni1 , or any kind of | chattel , Hecurtty , nt lowest possible rates , \vhlchi you can imy hack at any time , nnd In nny * amount. I'lDBLlTV LOAN GUARANTEE CO , , , room 4. Wltluitfll block. X M2CO ! * MONEY T OI.OAN-ON TURN1TURE. PIANOS , horses , unions , etc. . nt lowest rates In city ; , no remo\nl of goods : strictly conlldentlnl ; joul can pay the luan ot ( nt any time or In nny amounts. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. . 3otJ Soutli ICth ulieet. X 33J BUSINESS CHANCES. PARTNER WANTED : INTEREST IN A branch business of well established llrm ; JWO.OOJ required. Address 'L , V > , bee. with full partlcu- lars. Y M172 J19 * FOR SALE. CIIRAP. FIRST-CLASS R13STAUR- nut and lunch counter ) opposlta F. E. & M. V. aepot. Fremont. Neb. Y M661 Hi YOU WANT TO BUY. SELL OR E\- cnanga merchandise , seti In or out of bualcsij , rail on or address tlio National Information and Eschanga Co. . 203 Flnt National h.\fk , Omaha. Neb. Y M807 JM _ ' HAVANA FRECKLES. A IOC CIOAR , 1'OU BC , Y M208-Jy-15 _ 3OR EXCHANGE. HAVANA. , FRECKLES- 15C CIOARr FOR SC. Z- FOR BALK OR TRADED 4 7-YEAR.OLDj horses , each welghlns 1.300 Iba. . or over ; wllli take smaller harm la exchange. Fred Terry , 489 Ranigtt block. Z-M9IS _ _ A LETl-Ell FROM , EASTERN CLIENT UATBD , May IS says : "I wish to dispose of K , 10 and ) 20-ixcra trusts just south ot llnnscom park , clear of Incumbrunco ; would considerIn ex- chunR' > buslne n or residence block that will ) pay fair Interest on Investment. " J , J. Gib son , 8U First National bank building. Z 871 * * * VOll EXCHANGE. kOO ACRES OV 0005 clear land In Nebraska ; what hu\o > ou. toi off or T Address J. T. Englchardt , llruJsliaw , ' Neb. Z-M7 | . .19 _ FOR TRAOE. ALL KINPS OF PUOPERTY : nwnoru plcasa call mi or write uvVHIUm , 4 Miltmi , roam 313 , McC4gue buldnff. | | ' ica 13 WANTED-MERCUANUifiE FOR LAND AND , cu3lLvtk box 61 , Uothcnbure , Neb. _ WANTED. TO EXCHANQE A OOOI ) HORBE and buggy for a upright piano. Address N (3. He * . _ _ ZM-319 18 ? z ! F r " ' " 4 TOR SAtE BEAIi ESTATE. BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS. gain or trade. F. Iv , Uarllng , Barker blk. IIAROA'IN , "N. U'COHNCR zrriiiANn HICIC- ory. F. IH DarlinB.ltarkcr tilock. RE C31 FOR SALE 4 < X > CHOICE EASTERN NEBRASka - ka farms ; BSO a Cem for IraJ . O. It. Boat. light. Ml N. Y. Ufo.tldg. KE-,4il-j ; < ' COTTAGE AND LOT , I1ST NEAU LEAVEN- worm. IZ.OIM. CotliiK" and full E. front lot , near Itanscomi Park. .W. Ambler plant lot ( luirKaln ) , JJ'JO. ' K. U. Wcu.d. Ibttt nnd ; Doutjlas , It , K-V ) It B-R COTTAHU ANU IXT. 8H011T "UISTANCB ort Jllh slivet cnr , $ M , East frunli comer , Patrick's add , I W. Acre frnnthiK lurk on 30th St. , J1X . F. M. Weadt lttanOPpuglas. . It E-OO H PARK LANDS. cV > , UAHIHSON. Jll N. Y. Ufa RE 4W-jt FOB BAI.E REATT ESTATE. Contlnuta. 81 1CO-ACRE 1IAROAIN , OSttVIi TWO MII.E9 from Rootl town on It. & M. 1 1. It , , central Nebrnskn ; prnlrle , with KHwre ttrmc. JI.MOOO , $ IO.W llrst pnyment. Williams & Mlttnn , room 31J , McCAguo bullinrtflf 1LU" niipo ltc iwtt- RE-Mni oinco. - GOOD , WELL LOCATED TTOT78E , LOW PRICE , monthly pnymcntii. Strln cr _ & Hue , room II , 1'1-cnier bl < .ck. V0 REMM ? U _ JtO.OiW WORTH OF WKLLI-X'ATKD REAL naiVXIK Placet ! In our Inindn by onstein owners with Instructlont to nell nl \ > fl ti tlmt will real I iu one-half this amount. 1Z IIAN3CO.M PLACE. Lots at from JSOO TO , & EACH. East front on south GEORGIA AVENUE At 17.00 per foot. Went front , near Jacksan , nl SUM per foot. A GREAT " "OPPORTUNITY To Kct a % cry chonp lot , or HOUSE AND LOT At half \nlue. Terms easy , Call nnd get list of these lota at once. P1DELITY TRUST CO. , 17th nnd Fnrnam streets. RII-M2M M S-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. 312 N. very chrnp ; cosy tcrmsi R. N. Wlthnell , 20 } N. Y. Llfo. RE M338 19 * FIFTY-FOOT LOT ON FAUNAM ST. , PAVED , House nnd lot. E til from court house , tt,5 . Wo represent nenfly l.Ortu owners of Otmha property , so vo can furnish best bargains on the market , F. D. Wendt 16th nnd Douglas. R E ZM 10 BUSINESS NOTICES QUICK PRINTERS , ICRAMER & CHANDLER. 1121 Fnrm.m & 307-9 S. 12th. Phone 1650. Mull orders get nulck action. 79l-Jy4 * TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK ; GUTTERS , tpoutlng , vnllcy * . roofing , done cheap. Qat Clly Tinners , 83 N. 16th st. 833 Jj3 BUY YOUR HAY BY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. II. Snydtr. 1213 Burt st. , tcl. 1107. 833 SI DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 719 N. IS. 831 Jy ROEDER'S PHARMACY , 707 N. IGTH ST. 830 Jyii TINWARE REPAIRED. It GREDIC , 717 N. ICth street. Copper and sheetlron work. work.833Jy 6 D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL otllcn to ZiM So. ICth. Ilro n Mock. CS7-J)1 GET MY PRICES BEFORE YOU BUY A HAR- ness. August Bolmv , 711 S. 1Mb street. M-05C jyj HARNESS , WHIPS , SADDLES , ETC. ; NEAT repairing. S. D. Casad , C2I S. ICth street. M % jy9 OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY : OLD pipe * made new. C13 S. Utli. MI51 HOTBL BRUNSWICK. ISTH'AND JACKSON , changed hands , European plan , first class. Special attention to roomi by month. Rooms , J12.00 to J33.00 , Including baths , light nnd clo- vntor , M143 Jyll CHINA DECORATED TO ORDER AND MEND- cd llko now , IOC 3. Uth st . 173 1)11 HARNESS , WHIPS. NI'.TS. ETC. REPAIRING a specialty. 113 U , 15th at. 203 CARRIAGE TRIMMING. GENERAL REPAIRS , top S10 up. Louis Gutting114 S. 13th St. 205 Jyll LOST. " ' " , , ' ! , ' ' ' LOST , LADY'S 18K GOLit'i't'lNTING , STEM wlndlni ? watch , with cftaln 'cnsa No. 2C3S ; mo < einent. No. D95.773 , I.lbonil reward for Its ruturn. rrenzcr. Jeweler , JftljS jloth , opp. P. O. LOST. IN OMAHA. JUKE I.13TH. A. U. P. iwcket ineniomnduin bool < i nirti First National bank clu-catip' book. Of .nf.-inlua except to owner , rindcr will bn rcwlirrtod for returning pllhcr or hath to Walked & < Qvlmball , tfa Me- Cague , bulldlnB. rl * ui M333 1S STRAYED OR STOIlUN , DJf'FRIDAY NIOHT lasti from 1503 Park n\enUeJ k bav | K > n > iinnre | , tinder lewanlfd * J 'MilI I ) Lost 201.il6 LOST , DIAMOND PIN , Al * HANSCOM PARK. Return fur reward to Cnrlrlc-s * E.Vllllirn < wn. f IT I i M372 18 MEBCHANT ffiAiDIjOB&.ii ! A. MARTIN. MERCHANT , .TAILOR , ESTAD. 187.8. imp. & Uomcall ? novjil s. 1C07 rarnanv. SUITS TO ORDER , AT C.OST. S. , LARSEN , E15 N. ICth nt. Established 2) years. 231 J > 11 S. MORTENSEKi THK OLD RELIAIJLE61i\IL- or , 401 N. ICthfc atly reduced prlceei Seei his $ S pants and { 20 suits : All made In Omaha. 233 Jjll QBINDING , SCISSORS , LAWN "MOWERS , RAZORS , ETC. . ground. Mclcholr Bros. , 1119 Fnrnam at. at.793Jy RAZORS , SHEARSI .CLIPPERS. LAWN MOW- ers. etc. A. L. . Undorland. 100 N. nth. 172 * LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND RE , paired. W. Boehl , rear 612 S. ICth. 250 Jyl4 MEAT MARKET. NEATEST MARKET. . BEST OF MEATS. E. A. HarsU'a Washington maikct , C14 N. ICth. 133J > 10 THE BEST CHOICE CUT. Or MEAT AT ILelnzman'a market. 705 N ; .ipth st. 132JylO GEO. W. KURZ. CHOICE MEATS. PRICE reasonable. 723 S. 16111 street. M217' Jyl3 TINDEBTAKEBS AND EMB ALMEBS ) H. K. BUHKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embaltrtcr. 1618 Chicago , Tel. 90. C2S SWANSON & VALIEN. UNDERTAKERS ANDI cmbalmers , 1701 Cumlncr st. , telephone 10W. * I 82S _ M . O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM- balineri417 1'arnnm Btreet ; telephone , 223. 334 HOBSESHOEING. E. B. BURT , HORSESHOER ? , 3H N. ICTH. 82G Jyl MRS. TIIOS. MALONEY , S12 "N. IGTH ST. 827 Jy5 ' ELECTBIOAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURE8AND CONVERTERS REWOUND , stoiage batteries recharged ; elcctilcnl and gen eral nmchlnlsts ; superior work Ruarnnteed , , Omaha Electrical Works. C17 and C19 S. lath St. 333 I PAWNBBOKEBS. , FRED MOHLE , 1517H FARfrAM. 223 ' II. MAROWITS ! LOANS MONEY.D03 N. Uth St. , 171- SHOBTHAND AND 'fypE VJlITINO. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. 513 N. Y. Llfo. Omnhn. Ask for circular. C2I. ' MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGE. / G. P. GELLENBECIC , BANJOIST ANDI teacher. 1810 California street. an VASTUBAGE. ' WB HAVB 160 ACRES OF "BLUE GRASS PASture - , ture > for horses. Board tonce , spring water. Barton & Phclps , . Ollmora. Nob. . or A. W. Phclps & Son. 207 N Y. fciNfolUr. Telephone 10M. nl , ao M 939JI1 * CASH PAID FOR BNDGWttlSNT POLICIES ! In old line companies : AcliUva A. 1C. Brock > < lesby. Box 233 , Hattfonlrtiffcnn. M339-JM * DRESSMAKING IN PRIVAlfiraFAMlLlESj and style , ( juarantecU. Ailttaes N 37. Uee. . . . v | , M IU ' " ' ' TICKET J. H. DAVIES , MEMUEUKU T , II. ASS'N ! tickets bougljt und void , i l Farnum stivct. , yjiij- . wi Jyi ? P. Id PIULBIN. CUT UAniHW 1453 IfAHNAM. tn av 3 J/16 , DBNISON. Jft.atay 2tlj l.-\yo will lot , to the lowest and bout llliMcr. the niovlni ; of' ' live tlianaand and clehty-oho (5.081) ) yards of dirt on Telephone road , six mllt'3 Houth of DenlHan Is WttshlnKtQlitownalilp. Cniwfonl county , lown. Plata of the road can ha Hcen at the nudltor's olllce or at the real- . denco of J. H , lluyea In WnHliliiKton town ship. All bids to Oo , pc UU and left with the county auditor nnd will lie opened on Saturday , June 23. 1691. Contrnutor to give bond of live hundred rtollara ( fMOOO ) for the faithful performance of the work. Con * truot to bo llnluheU Ijy JJeptuiillier 15 , Ib'Jl , niul the name will bo paid for when com pleted. A relevel will be titkenJuf the crude when done. We reserve thu rlKht to reject any and all bids IT tljoue t too hluh. J. H. II AKH , CHHIBTIAN llAtJMBISTUH , JOHN HOPFBIltC. J1J. m8t QURCAU. SUBS & CO. , Solicitors , nee Building , OMAHA , NED. Advice FREE ) . JIOOHH a.v/ > "Advertising for Retailors" U tiio tltlo ot a booklet by Charles Austin Dates , contain ing n mint of valuable suKKCstlons ( or the retail merchant , tn whom It will bo north many times Its weight In gold. The price Is 25 cents by mall , Charles Austin uatcs Vandcrhllt HullJInR , Now York. The fair sex will nnd many n valuable suggestion and much entertainment In the pages of "Tho Truth About Hcauty. " by Annlo Wolf. It Is profusely Illustrated ami Its letter press Is excellent. 1'npor , 212 pages , GO cents. Lovell. Coryell & Co. , 310- 318 Sixth avenue , New York. ' "Tho Mistress of lloech Knoll , " by Clara Luulso llurnham , Is a story at onca thor oughly entertaining and duo In tone. It Is a book that a mother willingly puts In the hands ot her daughters and enjoys reading herself. The plot la well devised and the book Is Interesting from cover to cover. Paper , US-pages , GO cents. Houghton , Mllllln & Co. , Huston niul Now York. The Globe Is a quarterly review of litera ture , society , religion , art and politics. In Its May number appear two striking articles that will attract general attention. James Finn writes to "Advocate the Pope's Tem poral Sovereignty" and the converse Is main tained by W. II. Theme under Uic tltln "Abandon the Pope's Temporal Sovereignty. " William Henry Theme , 100 Washington street , Chicago. Aa an able exponent ot the rights of labor the American FcderatlonlBt for Juno sustains the high standard achieved In previous num bers. Its editorials nro clear and bold In diction and Its contributions are marked by Intelligent treatment. "Our Equitable Unions , " by N , E. Uadgcley , Is especially noteworthy. The- American Federation of Labor , 11 Clinton Place , New York. Judge Hubbard on "Kelly's Tramps" nml Gtmaral Weaver on "Tho Commonweal Cru sade , " with a dozen or more photographic snap-shots at Kelloy's army In camp , are among the attractive featutcs of th& June Midland Monthly. A striking story ot the war. "Tho Last Man of the Regiment , " Is contributed by Major Myers , and an oilglnal portrait o William Tecumaeh'Sherman adorns this .number. Johnson Drlgham , 301-5 Mar- qtiardt block , DOS Molnes , la. Among the topics discussed In I ho Juno number of the Ameilcan Journal of PollUtM nro "Economic. Co-operation , " by Stoughton Cooley ; "Defenso of the Godless Schools of the State"ty W. W. CJunrterniiiss ; "Plums In Politics , " by Henry 13. Foster ; "The Schools of Now York City , " by the author of "Preston Papers , " and "Aro the New United States Ilonds Voidable ? " by A. C. Huu&ton Andrew J. Palm & Co. , 114 Nassau street. Nnw York. The united empire loyalists , were Amor ! ran torles who forsook their homes and property after the levolttUon to llvo under the British llag. Ono of these , John Ue- dcll. is made tlio subject of a thrilling stoty In the June Romance , in which are pre sented no luss than slNtcen llrst class stiott stories and sketches. Just the kind In which to while away summer hours. Romance Publishing Company , Clinton Hall , Astor Place. New York. "Tho Wonderwitoli , " by M. O. MrCJelland , la the complete novel opening tlm June num ber of Llpplncott's. It Is a romantic tale of life In Vliglnla during the war , the s'ory extending to a period long "Her lla close. "The Kumpety Casu , " by Anna Fuller , tells how justlcu was dona upon n domestic tyrant by the Jplnt action of Provldpnuo und an hontHt farmer , after the forms ol law hud fnllfld to rpneh the case. J. B. Llpplncott Company , Philadelphia. Variety Is said to be the spice of Ilia and HIP Jtine number of Current Literature Is the very cream of variety crammed as It Is with crlup nnd brilliant selections. The readings from new books urc : "The Meet ings of the Apostles , " from the Green Uty ; Tree ; "The Love Phlllei , " from RlHiil"y J. Weymnn's Man ln Black ; , "The Rabbi's ' Prayer , " by T. Zangwlll , and "At thu Gtoei ) Dragon , " by lieatrlce Hair.iden. Current Literature Publishing Company , 52-51' La- fayctto Place , New YorK , . A , Oven.-for y , portrait sketches of. ilKtlni' gulshed , congressmen ! adorn thp current num ber of. Frank Leslie's , ' Illustrating an article of Walter B < Stevens. , entitled "Characteris tics of Congressmen , " There .iro also some delightful reminiscences of Gladstone accom panied with eight progressive portraits of the "grand old commoner" at markedl lods of his life between 1S32 and 1892. Al- vnn S. Souhlvtortli contributes a paper of ox- tenslvo Interest and value on "Horsas in Trade , Traffic and Transportation. " Mrs. Franl : Leslie , -12-14 Bond streot. New York. "A Man From Corpus Chrlsti , " by Dr. A. C. Pierce , recounts the adventures of two ) bird hunters nnd a dog In Texan bogs. Tnere Is a refreshing vein of humor Intro duced in the harem scarem adventures and ) the dog Absalom , who was said to bo "worthi his weight in hair olll" is a prince of canlnci heroes. The style of the work Is very en tertaining and for the sportsman It possesses * exceptional' Interest : Forest and Strcanii Publishing Company , NGw York. Western readers will be delighted with the contribution of "Buffalo Bill" on "Fa mous Hunting Parties of the Plains , " ap pearing In the Juno Cosmopolitan. The , article Is rich. In reminiscence and Is artis tically Illustrated. Ono of the members ofi the French Chamber of Deputies writes on "Tho Panama Scandal , " and Eugene Sandow , , the man ot Ideal strength , contributes , ai paper on "How to Prcsorvo Health and At tain Strength. " "Tho Fjords of Norway" arc described by , H. H , Boyesen In on Illustrated - , trated article. The Cosmopolitan , Nowi York. The people who are working for the Intro duction among us of the Swiss Initiative , and referendum will read with much satisfaction ; Dr. Lewis G , Jane's article In the Juno num ber ofi the Now England Magazine on "What Now England Owes to the United States. " It Is a panegyric upon the town meeting and ) RHILWAY TIME CHRP' Oinjhal Deiwt 10th und Jlriaou 8t . | Oinulux * 445pm ; , . . . . . . . . .ChlcaBo'Vcallbulo . , .79:50am : 94aam ; . ChlcaKU Express . 4:2opm : 7:02in.C'JilciKL : | > 'tmJ Iowa Lncnl . 8iMnin : ll:3jim..l'aclllo : _ Jiii tloii laical. , . . „ 5:5.riiin : Leaves | MO. RIVRlCSrrlvS ] Omaha Depot IQtli and Mason Stu. I On > a'.ia 10:13.iin : . Denver Express . 9:35am. : 10:15nm : . Deadwnod llxprom , . 4:10pm : 4:50pin : . , .Denver Hxpri-aa. . 4:10pn\ C:50pm. : . . Nebraska Local ( except Hun. ) . . O.JQpm SUSanii.Llncoln Local ( except Sunday. ) . , ll&un > Leaves ' ) ' 1C , C. , ST , J. & C. II. ( Arrives Omalial Deimt IQIIi jind Matum Sts. I pmnha 9i45am. . . , > KaiiH.ia City Day UXPVPHS. . . . Gi55pm 945pm.K. ! C. _ U. P. Trims. 65Qam ! LoaveaJ UHICAGO It. I , & . PACIFIC. jAirlvra" OniahajUnlon Denot 10th & MaHOUiSt . | QinuliiL _ _ KAHT _ 10:15amir : , Atlantic Expresn ( ox. 8undayk , C.OJpm * 625pm ; . NlKht ExpresH . C:40am : 4:40pm..ChlcaKO : Vcntlbuled Limited. . , , l : 5pm ll35pni.Oklahoina ! Kip , ( to C. 11. ex Hun ) . 535am _ W EST. 535amiOklalioma ; , & Texan Exp. ( ex Sun.ll33pm ) ; rli35pm. . . . . . . . . . Colorado MmL'e'Ju.'iiL-'jt' lil' ' ) | > m LeaTes" ! BUNION "I'XclPlU : | ArrIu-s OmahalUnlon Depot 10th & MaMon Hla. | Omaha , :50am. . . , i. , . . . . Denier Exprexa. . . , , . , . . , - . 3i50pin 2ilSim.Ovvrland Klyrr . , . . G : Upm 345pmlieatrlco ; &Stroin9h'B Exex.Sun,12:30am ( ) : CUOpm . , , , , , , Tactile Expreeu . , , , , , JO.Vani : ClSQpni . i..Faiit Mull , . . , . . . . . . 42iiiu ! Led\eH ICIIICTfOrMlLT 8T7'P"A"UL'.JArrl\'Js' _ Om.-ihajUnlonUej > ot 10th & MasonJ5t .fOiimhu. _ _ LlmlU-di. . . ,77 ' ' Hun | ' F , 'It. Si"MVALlTV. JArrlvi'H lT. Depot ISth nnd Websten His. | Unialui , Exproa < . . . . . . . . * : . . JJx. lJi. Man. ) , 0Hpni : | B00pm. ; . Norfolk Express ( Ex , Hunduy , ) , lOMSim _ G:30jini. : . . Bt , I'nul ExprtHn. . . , , . UHlain Leaves f CHICAGO NORTHWEaT'N | Arrlv s OmalialU. P. Di'j.ut JOlli te Mjuion , HID. I Omulm , 11 ; 05nm . r.i GhlrtliToi " IiiprVi 7 , < „ , , , & ; lupm ] ; | . . . . . . . . - . * Llmltodr. . . . . . . . . 9:20nm : G:30piiii : , . . , , , . Eaitern Fl > ur. , , . , 2ipm ; CJ'pniEx. : ' ( Bat < ) , Chl < % Pam < . ( Ex. Mon , ) . 'JiJlpni 655am ! . , Mo Valley Ijuyal. . 10.2)iin ) | ircSS1)1 ) MIBSOlWI PAT.'irK' | A77lvTT' _ OmahaDepot | _ 1511) ) and Wt > l * ler Ht . _ | _ Oinii.iai 9 am. . I , , , , , Bt. Louis Rxpne * . . . . C:00im : :30i : > n > , . , , , , . .St. Louis i : prBB . . . . CiStymt JjHl'JlV- ? ' > iUXfeclun4JIfobraaka ! laical. UilOaiii Lort\es l C. , ST. HJ. M , SO" | Arrives" Omulyvl Depot lltli and Wcbsttr Sts. | * Omnhoj 8OiMm.BIoux : , City Accent ( IX. Sun.S:0'pnv ) : lo:00aiih : Hluux- City ACOOIII ( Kim. Only ) 8u'pnv ; lillSpm , , Sioux City Exrireutt ( Rx. un..ll'mnv : ! ; 'd . . .J49J4 ) anv rpue ' ' 'fiITUX""C'ITY ( & "PACIFIC. | A rlVc OmalutlU. , P. Ueint IVIli & Mason HU.I Omaha , 0:5'ain. : . . . .T.HIoux City Pnuwniier. . . 10.2)pn\ [ > 3 .l HlOU.V'CJITV & ' PACIFIC , | Arrlv Omiihql. Depot l > Ui and \Vi-.l ) li-r Sin. | Omuh.i , 5.34pni , . . . . . . . . .Hti I'nul , Llndted . 'J:40iin : > tiMppimj. . .Chicago Lllplted _ . . . 9 4Jji\ | BT'L"6iriH IXFriveT _ OinuhnU. | P Depot I'Hh ft Munun Hts. ) Onwliu , "jKliir.r..r..St : , L uls Cannon Hall. . . , . 12S5pm ; ft vlgoroun plea for pure Jcmocracy In city government aa well as town government. It calls to Attention many Important facts wliluh vro have been In danger of overlooking snd shows how the provision for direct ICR- litatlon Is In accord with the bast Now KriR- Iniul practice nnd tradition. Warren K. Kollogff , C Park Sijunro , Iloaton. The mental Implements of the modern woman are pointed" out In an article entitled "Have Women Koimd Now Weapons ? " by Mra. Amelia K , Dnrr , appcarlni ; In the Jnm > IMIIO of The Ladles' Homo Journal. Mrs. Krancai Hodgson IHirnctt tells mothers to what extent they should Infliioiico their sjns In cliooaltiK an occupation , The article Is en titled "When Ho Decides. " Mr. Ilowells reaches the sovcnth Inslnllmcnt ot hla lit erary autobiography , "My Literary I'a - slons , " and W. Hamilton Gibson occupies n whole PBRO with ono of his out-of-door Illus- tratlons of "A Garden of Long ARO. " The Curtis Publishing Company , I'lillailclphl.t. The vital question , "What Women Malto the Most Wlvca. " Is made extremely Inter- oslliin In the current number of Doniorcst'a Knmlly Mngalnc , In which the views of some ot our most distinguished women nrn given , ouch ono ot whom It fully qualltlcd by ox- pcrionco and Judicious observation to give opinions and ench of whoso opinions bears the stamp of the writer's Individuality. ICilually Interesting Is an nrtlclc on "How News Is Gathered. " Another curious nml nn limn paper on "Photography nnd Crlmo" shows how Important n part the sun plays In the detection of criminals. Wt Jcnnlng * Demorest , 15 East Fourteenth street , Now York. The Literary Digest for the week ending May 20 contains under "Topics of the Day" articles on America's Markets ; Kor nnd Against the Extension of Our Export Trndo : The lOtlilcs of Dynamite , discussing the social conditions that linvo brought the dynamiter Into existence ; The Gothenburg System ; Civil Service Heforin , nnd A Plan to i : < iunllo : the Uiinlcns and IlonoIlU of I'roteotlon. Ile- sldos this department well solcctod excerpts appear under the head of "Letters nnd Art , " "Science " " " " " "Foreign" and , "IlellRlon , bring ing tie | whole world of thought as It were Into n focus on Its pages. Funk & Wng- nalls Co. , 30 Lafnyetto Place , New York. Seine fascinating stories that are sure to delight thousands ot boy and girls nre told In "Tho Jungle Hook , " by Uudynrd Kipling , whose fiinit ! as n writer has gone far nml wide. No ono else could Imvo Imagined juch tales of Jungle life as those of Kala Nng , the elephant ; Shore Khan , the tiger , and Old Haloo , the drowsy , brown bear , who teanhes the wolf-cubs the Inw of the junglft ; of Ilagheern , the black panther , and ot Kan , the python whose blow Is like the blow of the steal" hummer. The book Is sure to win n place nj a classic In children's literature , as It IIHH Just the food they always hunger for. Cloth , $1.GO. The Century Company , 3J Cast Seventeenth street , New York. The physical obstacles that stand In the way of the discovery of the North Pole are suggestively discussed by General A. W Gieely , one of the highest authorities on 4ho subject. In the Juno McCluro'j. The pern- liar dangers attending the care and handling ot wild heastb In captivity are the subject of an Interesting article by Cleveland MoiTett , which Is Illustrated very effectively by wild boast portraits taken direct from life. The reason why there are few or no old men found In the great Carnegie steel mlim at Ilome'tead Is made apparent In a remarkably vivid description of the strenuous life nnd woik there , from the pan of Hnmlln Gar land. The "human document ) " In this number nre portrnlts of Cardinal Gibbons , Lord Uoscbery nnd Hlcliard Harding Davis. S. S. McClure , Limited , 30 Lafayette 1'l.ico. New York , , Harper's fop Juno will bo found especially rich In popular features. Besides "Trilby " Mr. du Maurlor's novel , which has attracted unusual Interest , and the second nnd conclud ing Installment of "A Kentucky Colonel , " by James Lane Allen , the number contains four complete short stories. They nre : "In Search of Local Color , " by Drander Matthews ; "A Waitress , " the last story of the late > ConstancQ Fonimore Woolson ; "Little nig Horn Medicine , " a tale of western life , by Owen , Winter , and "God's Ravens , " a study of the .middle west , by Hamlln Garland. The poems Include "An Engraving .After Murlilo , " by MnrJon Wllcox , nnd "Decoration Day. " by Richard Burton. The "Editor's Study" treats of'IJennuda and portraiture In flrtlon nnd the "Editor's Drawer" Is filled with humorous pictures , anecdotts nnd , \ Harper & IJros. , New York. Although schools are about to close for the summer , boys who like a "good piece to speak" will de well to note the opening ) poem In the Juno St. Nicholas. It Is callidl "The Saga of Olaf the Young" and tells how a llttlo Norwegian saved hlo father's vessel from the enentjf. It Is bright and stirring. Children of an Imaginative turn of mlndl will delight in reading "Tho Little Dryad , " a pretty woodland fancyby Mary L. H. Branch , with pictures by A. B. Frost. Mr. Homaby continues , his excellent natural lilti- . tory papers and ; Mary Hnllock Footo com pletes hef charming Idyl of western life , tolling the discovery , of a subterranean spring' nndi the reclaiming of a pleco of desert land. A , "Japanese i Wonder Story" called' "Tho Discontented Stonecutter" Is written by Lieu tenant Ih P. Mclntosh and Illustrated by Oliver Henford. The Century Company , Nnw York. Among recent books for teachers perhaps , none will compare for solid worth wlthi "School Management , " by Dr , E. E. White. The result of many years of close obierva- tlon. coupled with untiring zeal In the fluid ! of practical oxperlonco , Is embodied hare In compact form and presented In simple en tertaining style free from dogmatism In the statements of principles and In the sug gestions for their application. A. free iibe has been made of concrete. Illustrations , largely those that have come linder the author's ob servation or are a part of his experience. The condition , and need of teachers of un graded rural schools have been kept con stantly In mind. The author fronts his sub ject under two malm heads school govern ment and moral training , devoting much space to the latter. Much attention Is also given to the materials from which to derive and Inculcate moral lessons , such as fables , stories , anecdotes of great men and choice selections from famous write ot prose and verse. Cloth , $ h American Book Company , Now York. MAGAZINES IlECEIVGD. OUTING. The Outing Company , Limited , 239-241 Fifth Avenue , Now York. TUG SOUTHERN STATES. Manufacturers' Record Publishing Company , Baltimore , Md. THE HAT REVIEW. F. Stallknocht , COG Broadway , New ; York. THE CLOAK REVIEW. The Masson Pub- llshlng Company , 13 Astor , Place , Now York. CASSELIVS FAMILY MAGAZINE. The Gas. sell Publishing Company , 31 East Suven- tccnth Street. Now York. THR COURIER. The Courier Publishing Company , Lincoln , Neb , THE WAVE. J. O'H. Cosgrove , San FranCisco - , Cisco , Cal , PEARSON'S WEEKLY. C. Arthur Pear son , Henrietta Street , London , Eng. , W. C. NIGHT AND DAY. Dr. Thomas J. Bar- nardo , 18 to 20 Stepney CauBoway , Lon don , E. WOMANKIND. . The Hoatnrmnn Publishing Company. Sprlngfluld , 0. THE AMERICAN PHILATELIC MAOA. X.INE Parmclto & Brown. P. 0. Box , 8G , Omaha , Neb. BOOKS RECEIVED. THE WORKWOMAN'S WIFIC , Translated by Hcttto E , MUI r from thp German of Frledorlchi Frlederlplu Paper , 30 1 pages , SJ ( cents. If , A , Weeks & Co. , Chicago , THE DIARY OF A NOBODY. By George. and Weedoii Qrossmltli. Paper , 230 pages , 00 cents. Lovell , Coryell 4 : Co , , 310-318 Sixth avenue , Now Yorkt THE DUKE OF ARCANUM. By I'rank ) Carleton. Long1'nper , - ir.2jiagcs , 50 cents. Laird ft Lee , Chicago. THE KING'S STOCKBROKER. By ArchU bald Clayering Gunter. Paper , 2S3 pages. 50 cents. The Home Publishing Company , 3 East Fourteenth street , New York , PUB LAST. SENTENCE , By , Maxwell Gray. 1'aper ' , 191 pagan * QO cents , Lovoll , Coryell & Co. , 310-318 Sixth avenue * Now York. llldrtmi SlumUVriiH Mrunn The good bark health , with the bruvq narlner hope at the helm , U drifting' on concealed rcefa If you nro troubled with Inactivity - . activity o ( the kidneys , Shift your courzq by ttio ulil ot lloslnttiir'n SJtonmeli IUUjrn ) ( which will ! pilot , yuu Into tlio harbor li | and say you froiu Bright'n disease , or drppay. The Bittern checks rliemnatUiu , dyspepsia , and liver complaint. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA "Result of Iho First Shoot of thoGuuOlub Yesterday Aflornoou , MRS , JOHNSON DIES FROM HER INJURIES Young Mm * * lii'tltuto 1MI1 Pltnlo l Mturd y Why Ur. Doliucn WiutTHU to Council HIiifTi-Olhcr .Mnirla City JXMVH. The South Omaha Gun club lias fixed up grounds pust south Of ohorno & Uoslok'i plnco In the southern part ut the city. It la an excellent silo for n shooting nrouiut and from now on there will bo shooting several ilix > s In the wcok. The dint ) already hoa a membership of about thirty niul sovornl inoro lui\o slgnliiiHl their Intontlon to Join. Tlicro nro llvo trans. Some of the members had a llttlo shoot yesterday aftornoon. The men shot nt ten blnu rocks and niado tlio follow .IB . score : J. 11. Smith , S ; Mlles Welsh. I ; Ulck Merlin. G ; C. M. Sanftinl , 9 ; Ed Gales S : i V0 ? " ' , " " ' 1 : Tl IJoi'ey. 6 ; John IIiiKhra , 11lcm M"111' " ' Tom Klynn. 3 ; C. Bojd , 2 ; John Klynn. 4 : J. M. Tanner. 4 ; John OOP" man , 8 ; Low Ulnnchnrd , G. Dloil fmin H.T Itijiirlim. Coroner Maul came down yesterday morn ing to Bcloot a Jury to hold an Imiueat on the remains of Mrs. Khlorn Johnson , who was run down by a switch engllio Saturday noon. Ho selected the jurymen and will hold the ntinest at 2 o'clock this afternoon. The burial will tuko place from Drowor & Sloan's morgtio at 10 o'clock this morning. Mrs. JoliliHon was a widow , her husband having been killed while at work In a sand pit about two years ago. She hud sovornl small chil dren , ono of whom Is largo enough to work. Leas than a > car ago their house caught flro and the contents were entirely consumed. During the winter the family wan provided tor by the Associated Charities. ruriMUHVnnt to MOO Him. A long-haired citizen who announced him self as "Dr. Uelasco" was taken In by the pollco- last night on the strength of a telephone - phone message froin Council muffs to the effect that the man was wanted on the charge of adultery. U Is claimed that Delasco won the affections of a young blonde In the city across the river and that the girls parents propose to mnko him sweat for his conduct. Chief Scnnlnn came over and got his man , who went without the formality of requisition pipers. VOIIIIK ainn'H InutUiilu Picnic. The Young Men's Institute of this city will glvo a picnic at Syndicate park next Saturday afternoon and evening. Following Is the program : Young men's foot race , 100 yards ; 100 yard * foot race , free to all ; flfty-yaid fat mens ! race ; married ladles' race ; nitty-yard ladles' race ; running high Jump ; throwing a nrty- shc-pouml weight ; throwing a ball , ladles' contest ; girls' raco. city ( jmHlp. Tom Hock Is connnod to his homo with the diphtheria. Mrs. D. L. Holmes Is suffering from an aggravated attack of the quinsy. The Modern Woodmen gvo | a. card party and social Wednesday evening. The High school alumni gives a reception nt the homo ot. . Miss Maullno Laur on the evening of June 21. Mrs. David Anderson 1ms gene to * Hot SpriiiKs , S. D. , to spend the summer for the benefit of her health. The Hoard of Education let the contract for building the Drown Park school building to McDonald & niack , tholr bid bclnn $5,001.33. < v Officer McDonough was lucky enough yes terday to capture a deserter fipm Fort "Uus- sell. Wyo. The man's name Is George J. Hanson and he belongs to company 13 , Sev enth Infantry. There was a quiet wedding at the Metro , polltan hotel Saturday evening. Hev. n. L. Wheeler pronounced the words which mada Hedger A. Kvaiis and Mrs. Mlnnlo Cormlck husband and wlfo. The charge of assault was all that Joseph Mayflcld had to respond to , as Assistant County Attorney Troupe was of the opinion that It would bo Imposslblo to iimko a more serious charge stick. Ho was. convicted and lined $10 and costs. All the committees at work on the Fourth of July program report good progress , and a big time Is In store for everybody who spends the day hero. The program of. sports la very extensive and compitltlvo drills by the Omaha mid Council Bluffs companion will bo a grcatt drawing card. Mr. Jnnios Egan and Miss Alpha L. 0 - borne , both well known In this city , will ba married this morning at 8 o'clock at tlia residence of Nt 11. Cottrell , Twenty-fourth and 1C btreots , by Uov. U. L. Wheolor. The couple will malm their homo In Lincoln , where Mr. Egan will bo employed as man- agcr for an Insurance company. The severest cases of rheumatism , nro cuicd by Hood's Sarsaparllla , the great blood purifier. Now Is the time to take It. Ilood'a cures , - WOULD BE A BISTER TO HIM. Hut Sim Wna it Trlllo Antoiilsliml When TaKnii itt Her Word. The average summer girl who has no scru ples In keeping half n dozen admirers on thr string at ono tlmo has many strange peculU arllles. Conspicuous among them Is'hor pro pensity for putting off a follow month aftei month , until the thing gsts to bo monoto nous. She hates to see him go , somehow , though she knows rrom the beginning silo's not willing ia go witu Him. A young man of Hlchmond , Vn. , a few days ago proved lilmself the victor In a rather unpleasant teaturo of the program. For some tlmo ho had been screwing up his co lira go to spring tlio all-important question. Ho thought 1m could HBO the way perfectly clear , for lilt Von us had been especially nice to him uliicu the Lenten season. Ono evening ho worked lilmsolf up to thu point and determined to Imvo Bomo kind of an answer , The usual amount of' eloquence having boon exhausted the romantic young man was In tlio act ol appropriating ono of the laily'Hlllywhlti Immls for a ( pilot , harmless llttlo game ol palmistry. "No , no , " said the blue-eyed girl , shrink ing slightly from her admirer. Then she as sumed a motherly kind of attitude , as thougt to glvo a wondering boy n bit of advice , and said ; "Now , George , you know I'm ' devoted tc you In a way , and I will always bo youi friend " "I don't llko friends , " broke In the young mnn. " ' " "Voiivdon't ? "No , they're too expensive. " "Then , I want It understood that hcrcaftoi I'm ' your slbtcr. " "Agreed , " said George , and they sealed the contract with a cordial grasp of the liarul , The next morning the young lady received bulky-looking packaga. TJio address.vai in George's hnndvyrltlng ( "Dlcss hla dvui no.irt ! " Blie s ld , openng | > th\ ( tin ml If. To hci greut surprise the , umml box , of rosua was tMi tlmii substituted by n dlftorcut ur.tlolo. Hall a ilp rn pairs if black socks , each , with a Ittlo hn | In the too or heel , us If by way ul ventilation , cauvcd. ' tlia fjjrl to. upoi ) her cyfa n "lioly horror. " Inclosed In tlio humljo wab the follpwlng unto : "My Very Dear Slater : Won't ypu darn tlKiso IndUpensubio article * for IMU ? Am In no hurry for Ilium , HO take ynur tlmo. Af fectionately. your.Jirpthor , aKQUQE. " Cure Indlgestlau and bllliou neia wltb DeWltfs Llttlo Uarly Illscrs. \Vticn Daby vr&a nick , \ra GUTO her Costorlo , When hliQ was u Child , filut cried fpr 'J When slio Iwcaino ? ! ! , Uio clun ; ; t Wheo cho hod CUldi wi , U P gave tUain Q uUnU.