Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by carrier te any part cf tht ettr.
H , W. TILTON , LcM e.
TELETHOKIK Zhwton * oQee , No. (1 ; ntfM
dltor No. 31
Wanted. BO * clrl for pt-ner l bonae work.
Mrs. H W. Tttton , SS7 Fifth avenue ,
Mr and Mrs. better were tamed loote
frwn .the coeaty Jail Sctardty and left at
once lor Omaha ,
The Osden houce has. one mere chanced
hands J H. Bsntley retiring and C. E.
Ham "on c > f PlattraiottUi coming In.
All members company L. Third reclment ,
and High School cadets are hereby requested
to report at armory tklc evening at S p. m.
MA k Mi-Corrolck of Atlantic wx brought
In ty a X'nitcd Stale * officer ytarteraay on toe
charge of rtolattog the goveraiBeiit revetioc
Mrs , Frank P. Fowler feH down tbe cellar
Blairs at thtlr residence on Ilenton street
Saturday and tustalnotl KOt&e painjnl. thoagh
cot Birius. . braises.
Betty Crelgbton. who claimed some of br
roods had been taken by Mrs. Mosdy. her
landlady , proved the ownership of the
stuff and took it borne with her.
"Grnr Eagle. " the long haired doctor , spent
Saturday night in jail , and yesterday morn
ing left for Missouri Valley in company
with his wife and an offlccr from that place.
The Ministerial association will meet on
Monday at 10:30 : a. m. in the study of the
First Presbyterian church. Rev. Dr. Atkins
will read a paper on "The Personality of the
Preacher. "
The ladles of St. John's English Lutheran
church will serve meals , lunches and Ice
cream this week during the encampment in
tbe new building opposite the pustofllce ,
G02 Broadway.
Council Bluffs will not be represented at
the tournament of the Iowa Firemen's asso
ciation this year , the reason being the black
rye given tbe local team at the past two or
three tournaments.
Rev George Muller of Chicago wHl deliver
an address at Liberty hall Monday evening ,
Jnne IS , at 6 o'clock , to the trade a&d labor
organizations of this city. "The Political
Interests of Labor. "
Alfred J. , son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jacob-
eon , died at 2 o'clock yesterday morning of
brain fever , aged fix months. The funeral
will take place this afternoon at 2 o'clock
from tbe residence , 1513 South Ninth street.
After July 1 C. G. Peterson , now bailiff of
the district court , will probably officiate as
jailer at the county jail , Sheriff Hczen hav
ing decided to move out. Who will fill Mr.
Peterson's present position has not yet been
All members of the reception committee
of the Grand Army of the Republic encamp
ment are requested to meet at the Grand
Army hall Monday morning at 11 o'clock.
Business of importance.
S. P. M'CONNELL. Chairman.
F. M. Phillips and Jake Miller , two resi
dents of Manawa , were arrested Saturday on
tbe charge of nslncr a seine In the lake.
Marshal Leuch of Manawa Is the complain
ant , and tbe seine is in hz ) possession. The
case will be heard next Friday by Justice
A tent of the Knights of Maccabees will
be organized in Council Bluffs at the Danebo
hall , Tuesday evening. There will be about
thirty-five charter members. T. E. Hand
and J. F. Smith of Sioux City are instituting
tbe new tent , This Is the first lodge of the
order in Council Bluffs. A tent will be
instituted in Omcha on the 23th.
Dutch Boyington and Dick Webrterwere
brought before Justice Field Saturday on
tbe charge of attempting to burglarize ths
residence of N. Collier last Thursday night.
It appeared that no proof could be furnished
of Webster's guilt , and the prosecution or
dered him discharged. Boyington was not
so lucky , and his case was continued until
Monday at 2 o'clock.
Clem Cooper was brought down .from Slonx
City yesterday by Sheriff Uaren to answer
to the charge ot stealing a suit of clothes
from a colored 'man named Banks , a porter
on a dining car. He worked for Plainer
Bros , last May. when the alleged theft oc
curred. Cooper claims Bank * gave him the
clothes and afterwards repenting of his
generosity , tried to play Indian , to which he
Good times arc coming. Buy a hem
while -you can get Jt cheap. "We write fire
insurance in the best companies. Also loan
money for local investors. Lougee t Towle ,
225 Pearl street.
C. O. JJ. Brown.
In order to Induce TOU to Tiring your
friends to his store and make it your head
quarters while in the city , has cut the prices
to just one-half in the hardware , tinware
-woodenware departments on the second
We will sell you the Enterprise Cherry
pltter for 50c : pint Mason fruit jars , 45c ;
quart. SOc , and % gallon go for 75c per
dozen. 14 qrart dishpan. 13c ; 14 quart tin
water pail , 13e ; 10 quart , lOc ; 6 quart , "c ;
4 quart garden sprinkler , a dandy , for 20c ;
No. S washboller for 50c : a 2-quart coffeepot
for 7c , and a 4-quart , ISc ; a regular 75c tea
kettle fcr 25eJ wire cloth , ? per foatj screen
doors , any size you want , complete with
spring , hinges and hook , for on even $1-00 ;
lemons , lOc i r dozen , and sqeezer to
squeeze -them for 7c ; churns , dairy milk
cans , western washers , step-ladders. Ironing
boards , shovels and pitch forks go at a way
down price for this week.
.Remember to meet your friends at our
store and make it your headquarters.
Plenty of room and an information bureaus
attached. Remember tbe place.
BROWN'S C. O. D. ,
4th and Broadway , Council BluCs , la.
Frank Badollet leaves tomorrow for Lake
Uinnetonka. where he will spend the sum
mer months.
Misses May Tulleys , Grace Beebe and
Blanche Archer have returned from Massa
chusetts , where they have been attending
Frank Scanlan.who has been rusticating
at Hot Springs for several weeks past , is
expected to arrive home today. His health
la considerably Improved.
George Evans IB home from Iowa City ,
where be has been attending tbe state uni
versity , and will spend the summer vacation
with his parents. Air , and Mrs. J. F. Evans.
horplni Stock.
We have just reached the most Interest
ing part of this season's trade , that is re
ducing surplus stock , having just taken a
detailed account of our surplus { roods , and
find the following departments overloaded-
Hosiery , underwear , sun umbrellas , ladies'
waists and wash goods , which must go.
Some very interesting prices have been
put on the above lines and we call your at
tention to tbe dally papers for particulars.
We are determined to get our stock reduced
before considering our fall buying , so pur
chasers are sure to find same very deep cuts
on different lines of merchandise.
Council Bluffs , Iowa. * Oult Kicking.
The work on the new road Into Fairmount
park 1 * progressing favorably , and it is
though ; itfll be completed by the end of
four or five daya. There has been no further
kicking since the day when fifty men formed
in a body and marched to tbe park to de
mand that the work be jiasned around among
them alt
Genuine lightning Ice cream freezers Sl-49
cp ; lamp glove * 75c ; 2-burner gasoline stove *
jrSS. All summer goods must go at Cole's
hardware store.
Millinery Sale.
MU Raesdale. 10 Pearl street , will sell
nicely trimmed Leghorn hats for tl-IS.
former price 12.50 ; best ball at IS.0 , termer
price J10.00. This week.
Mrs. Nilea , njTr stamping patterns.
Tbe following parlies toek out mart-lace
licenses HI the office of the county clerk
Saturday :
Name and Address. Are-
Janus \Vansberc. . Omaha. . . . . . . . . 22
Kmnm Heber. Omaha. . . . . . . . . . U
P. Soreneen. Council "Blutls. . . , . . . 14
Jensen , Council Blu2i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S
Ohief Ecaalan Snewefo in PwoipiiaUsg &
Drouth in a. New Mrwtiea.
Saloon * Cloned Tight All Day and Only
JilBnourl Water Furnlfbrd to the
TliltTty Onr J-ome > 'o el
Screen Scheme * Sjimne.
Chtef Scanlan. wfc * b s tea taking tarns
whh Marshal Canning tor the pant couple of
w * k te making life miserable tor the
Mtoan ke p rr. played rat of bh t rn yes
terday , and IE a r Mll there w rt nom people
ple wko rvSered Jrom tbdrouth as they bad
not since tbc vrcr. Erery saloon keeper xnti
notified that hf weald be allowed to keep
ojwn Just one boor tn the moraine ; In order
te dean tip bis place , but alter S o'clock
erery door must be kt > pt hermetically sealed.
And the rale was observed az weM as oonM
be expected. A few drinks were sold on the
irty. but for tfee roost part the proprietors of
the place * veemed inclined to do as they
were bidden , at least unless they were sure
of not being found out.
The order before the last one , however. Is
tiering openly disregarded by the E&loonlctE ,
and Ihe belief prevails that It will be al
lowed to drop Intc disuse as soon as the
mayor thinks Jt can be dene gracefully. That
is the order -equlrlng all screens to be taken
down. Some of the saloons have put back
their fccrevns lu the tome jwsitlon as they
were before the order wan isrued , but mol
of tl.era are still compelled to have their cus
tomers exited to the public gaze while In
the Irrigation process ,
An amusing story Is told of one saloon
keeper and his landlord " "
, and the "quarrel"
between them which Isd to the screens being
put back in place. 'Fearing that the enforce
ment of the law would result In the place
having to close for want of patronage , the
landlord and his tenant brought legal pro
ceedings to enjoin his tenant from remov
ing the Kcreeus , alleging 'that the screens
wcr : part of the building , and if torn down
the building would be irretrievably Injured.
The saloon keeper , it is said , not only obeyed
the order requiring him to abstain from
tearing down any more of the screens than
he had already done , but he even went so
far as to put back what had already been
torn down.
Some of the saloon men claim to have
been told by persons in whom they have the
greatest confidence to go on and put back
their fccreens and they will stand the cense
quences. There is a great feeling through
out business circles .against the enforcement
of the law , and It is believed that the war
fare between the city authorities and the
saloon men , backed by the business men.
may yet present some interesting features.
Cltlrcns Somewhat SnrjirUcd at the Liberty
Given tbe hberisr * "Trottles. "
A rather unique tate of affairs prevails at
the county Jail Just now. Bob Scott , who is
serving out a sentence for stealing a lot of
household art cles frcm a disreputable house
on Pierce street , his been given charge of
the keys , and during the greater part of the
day he practically has full control of the
movements of the prisoners. Sheriff Haien
is either at his office or about some business
that takes him away from the jail much of
the time , and he hss no deputy to look after
the prisoners. When any prisoner Is to be
turned In cr out Scstt acts as deputy.
Just who Is responsible for this state of
affairs it is hard to find out. The Board of
Supervisors allows the sheriff enooph depu
ties to do an the work that is to be done , but
if It has been stingy in its manner of deal
ing out cocnty funds in the sheriff's depart
ment there is a feeling that it should meet
with a change of heart at once and do works
meet for repentance , in order that the citi
zens of Council Bluffs .need not fear the
rather unpleasant experience of having
twenty-nine prisoners , some of them desper
ate characters , turned cut among them.
Sheriff Hazen , when questioned about the
matter yesterday , stated that Scott was a
trusty , which , in the dialect of the county
Jell , means that the sher.ff hss enough con
fidence in him to believe that he trill not
run away if he get * a chance. There are a
number of thieves and blacklegs now con
fined In ths county Jail at night , but during
the day are allowed to wander at will about
the jail yard and almost any place else in
ths vicinity , fsr they come under the head
of "trusties. " Some of them are now under
indictment by the grand jury and -others are
waiting a trial for various crimes. "Within
the past few months complaints have been
made to The Bee by people living near the
court bouse , or whose business takes them
there sometimes , on account of the free and
easy way In which Sheriff Karen's prisoners
loaf about their premises , entsrtiln their
hired girls , and do other pleasant little
things. The matter will probably be brought
up at the next meeting o [ the supervl = ors ,
who will be asked to make some rules for
the conduct of the JaU.
Cutting a New Channel.
For the past two" weeks the "Big Muddy"
has been making a big cut into the farms
along its banks south of town , but while
It has taken , some big slices they are small
compared to tfie big cuts. T. B. gugbTs of
913 Main street TSF iilade Into the trade
of his uptown competitors. IJe has made
, a great cut In his former prices of men'j
underwear , straw hats and fine shoes. A
visit will convince you that when It comes
to big cuts even the "Big Muddy" has to
fall down.
Lake Manawa Hallway Time Card.
Commencing Saturday , June 9. trains will
leave Council Bluffs for Grand Plaza , BathIng -
Ing Beach and Picnic Grounds at Lake Man-
awa as follows : No. 1 , 9 a. m. ; No. 3 , 10 a.
m. ; No. 5 , 11 a. m. ; No , 7 , 12 m. ; No. 9 , 1
p. m. ; No. 11. 2 p. m.
Trains will run every twenty-two minutes
thereafter until 10 p. m. ,
Return trams will leave Manawa on the
half hours up to 10:50 , when they will re
turn every twenty-two minutes.
There's only one bargain shoe store in
Council Bluffs , and it's Plerce's.
AcataRt Law-Defying.
Prof. Angir of DBS Molnes was In the city
yesterday , and in the evening met with the
members of the various young people's so
cieties of the churches , in the parlors of the
First Presbyterian church , for the purpose
of making a talk upon the subject of the
duty of the members t > f euch societies to
government. His talk was a remarkably
strong one , dealing with the abuses that are
so prevalent in local governments. He de
nounced the disregard of law by the people ,
and gave it as his opinion that the respon
sibility for this disregard lay with the city
governments in large part by reason of their
neglect to enforce the law. He upokc of the
action of the mayors of many large cities in
nullifying the laws against Sabbath breakIng -
Ing and drunkenness In particular when
large political or other conventions were in
session and the young people were exhorted
to put themselves on the side of the law
and morality.
Grand riaxa. Lake Manawa.
Grand Plaza will be open to free admis
sion every day up to noon. From noon
until midnight an admission fee of 10 cents
will be charged , which will admit to grounds
and to concerts and all entertainment * . No
return checks will be given.
No i > oraon of questionable character will
be permitted to enter the grounds.
No admittance to Grand Plaza will be
chirped to persons who desire to rent
or bathing suits.
Ice cream and refreshmenta served In the
pavilion of Grand Plaza.
Another new machine ha * been received
at the Eagle laundry. If * a collar and cuff
Irocer. Telephone 157.
School Children in the Parade.
Mayor Cleaver made the following an
nouncement yesterday vitn reference to the
tort which he withes the school children of
the city to take in the Grand Anny parade
next Wednesday :
-It is hereby requested that all school
children in the city of bub public and pri
vate school * assemble on the north , weit
and south side * of BaylUi park. June 20 , at
p. m. , sad arrange themselves alons
rafb ifle rf bcnc s-rerU. ware bar.nrm tr\J"
CC r ( ell knl ; is the prorerstcm par * * !
by Ti > oluMtig no fl g will bf fnrrnhf-S :
-tbrm Proiertion will b afforded to the rhtl-
dren wbo an mbt a ben In reqeected Prof.
H. W. Sawyer , Hon. J. K. Cooper a4 Ohio
KMK trot be premrt , trpt 4 bf the dty
teaebera , t * erring * &teitc.
"J H. CLBAVBa. M r r. "
Grand Ptaza telephone 4i.
Grawi Plaza batWuc
Graad Ptelsa ptenlc
Grand Ttaza's cornet twa beats tb n alt
Grand Fteza's fine raw boats are at ] tbe
GrawJ Plata exetirjrtoc aocoa > me4tUo8i
can't be beaten.
Afternoon cad night concerts at Grand
Plaza. : to C awl from 7 to 1 * .
Manager of Grand Plata caa understand
2 language * . So all nation ! win fuel at
bora * .
'He that does not rinit Grand Plaza knctr.
ect Bothlng. and win be lor all ttaie to coint
branded a traitor to enterprise. " Eugene.
No fake edvertleing or false prorates at
Fierce1 ! tboe store , bat real b&rgilns.
IlrpDblion l'rliu rlo -
The republicans ef Council Bluffs held
their primaries in the various wards Saturday
evening and selected the following delegates
to tbe county convention to be held at the
coart boate next Thursday :
First Ward C. A. Morgan. T. T. Bar
low , A. N. Lend , J. C. Mitchell , C. G.
Saundcrr. 0. D. Wheeler , E. E. Belknap ,
Henry Stevenson. A , N. Lund at d E. C.
BaWy. commttteemen.
Second Frank Grass , J. n. Holleubeck.
G. M. Gould. C. Bonen , W. F. Baker L. C.
Dale. C. M. Harl , F. C. Lougee. C. Straub.
The delegates were Instructed to use all
honorable means to secure tbe endorsement
by the county convention of Jacob Sims
as candidate for the office of attorney gen
Third John Matthews , W. M. Shcpard , W.
H. Batnbridge. James R. Armstrong , J. B.
Driesbach. WUHam Arad , W. J. Davenport.
Georpe W. Hewitt. V. L. Trcynor.
Fourth John Dickey , 1. M. Treynor , E. E.
Hart. John Llndt. W. A. Elliott. Soren Wil
son. A. S. Hazelton. Cpmmltteeman for
First precinct. J. L.indt : comraltteeman for
Second precinct. Soren Nelson.
Fifth F. H. Keys. P. SmlU . W. A. Hlgh-
Emlth , T. A. Brewick. C. F. Harl , D. B.
Daily. C. Spruitt. E. Henry. Committee-
man. O. Vien.
Sixth R. S. Morrow , J. Autry. G. W.
Turner , A. C. Harding. A. C , KeHer , J. B.
Van Patten , J. W. Chatterbnck.
Paris green , 25c. Davis , the druggist.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
Ix-ft with the Father.
Word was seat to the police headquarters
yesterday morning from a man
named Jones , who lives on North
Eighth street in the vicinity of
tbe brick yards , to have tbe patrol wagon
sent to his bouse after a child that had been
left there. Early in the morning a hack
drove up to the door and a woman alighted
with a babe in her arms. She left tbe babs
with the man of the bouse , much cgalnct
his will , and Immediately re-entered the
hack and drove back to town. The woman ,
it was afterwards learned , was one Mary
Christensen , who will be remembered by
readers of The Bee as having been plaintiff
in a damage suit against Oswald Peterson
In which she demanded judgment by reason
of Peterson being responsible for her being
a mother. She was working for Jones as
housekeeper about a year ago. She was
summoned to the police station and put
through a course of questioning , as the
statutes nicke it a penitentiary offense for
a parent to abandon a child. She took the
wind out of the sails of the authorities ,
however , by protesting that Jones was the
father of the child and as such would have
to take care of it. Jones violently protested
against this and tbe child was taken to the
Christian home. The child was just a week
old , having been born at St. Bernard's
Evan Laundry Company.
20 Pearl street. Telephone. 290.
How far will a $ go ! Lang ways at S. A.
Pierce Co.'s shoe store.
Decorate Vocr llousct.
The following proclamation was issued yes
terday by the chairman of the decoration
committee .for the Grand Army encampment :
"Ton are respectfully requested to decoraie
your places of business aad residences dcr-
Sag the coming encampment of the Grand.
Army of the Republic on the 18th , 19th and
20th Insts. It is the first time the encamp
ment has iaet in our dty and delegates -will
be present from every city , town and hamlet
in the state of Iowa where there la a post
of tbe Grand Army of the Republic , and
many will be present from other states cs
visitors. Let us decorate our beautiful dty
In such a manner that it will leave nothing
but good Impressions upon our visitors.
"I would especially request those persons
occupying offices in the upper stories of bus
iness houses on our main streets to hang
out Caps and banners from their windows ,
and janitors of lodges and society rooms to
place suitable flags and emblems in front of
their halls , for the purpose of designating
the some to our visitors who are members
of the different sodeties that exist in our
city. And by these means let a patriotic and
fraternal welcome be given to all. Respect
fully , EDWIN J. ABBOTT ,
"Chairman Decoration Committee. "
We want everybody to know that Morgan
cells paints and drugs. 134 and 742 Broadway.
Domestic soap breaks pjwater. .
Pythian Memorial.
The Knights of Pythias hei5 their annual
memorial services in honor of deceased mem
bers of the order yesterday afternoon at the
hall on Pearl street. There was a large
attendance. After the service had been
performed in the hall as laid down in the
ritual , the members of the order formed In
line In the street and marched to Walnut
Hill cemetery , each knight bearing a nose
gay of flowers , to be scattered on the
graves of the departed comrades. Dalbey's
band headed the procession and there were
about 100 men in line , of whom forty were
members of the Uniform Rank. There
are about a dozen graves in the cemetery
occupied by deceased knights.
Tbe laundries use Domestic soap.
Meyers-Durfee Furniture company , 33G-53S
Broadway. Bargains In fine furniture.
Flued -Hand Hoc. "
Al Wells , the saloon keeper who struck
W. Rlgdon , a bicyclist , over the bead while
refusing to give him a due share of Avenue
C to travel on , was arraigned In Justice
Vien's court Saturday morning on tbe charge
of assault and battery. He pleaded guilty
and got off with a fine of Ja and costs.
Gas cooking stovei for rent and for sale at
Gaz Co's office.
For coin go to Cox. 10 U < Un street. Tele
phone * 8. _
r .vr/o.v.
UBS MOINES. Ia June 17. To the Editor
of Tbe Bee : A strong fight 1 being made
uguinst H , G. Curtis of Atlantic in his can
didacy for attorney general by the "com
bine , " trusts and railroads , on the ground
that be is not in harmony with the repub
lican party on there questions , and at leaet
one subsidized orcnn has Bald : "He- ought
to ask the nomination of the people's
party. " This opi > osltion grows out of the
fact that he was appointed by Governor
Boles HB a delegate to the interstate anti
trust convention of Chicago last June , and.
it is said , took etrong grounds against tbe
'trwts , " Now , as you were alno a dele
gate to that convention and chairman of
the commtttt-e on rexolutlons , will you state
through your valuab4c tiuper what position
Mr. Curtis took , whether with the repub
lican member * or with the populists , and
how far the plan he proposed was adopted ?
The people of this state have always
known Mr. Curttf to be an active , thorough
republican , and are poratwhat surprlwd
and excited ov r these chorees and arc en
titled to know the truth , and , us you are
outnlde of the etate and you can give It
from a disinterested standpoint , it will do
much good.
The republicans of Iowa will not lubmlt
to let a peed and faithful republican and
one of our ablect leaden be "downed" by
any cemblne if be has hi fact kept in line
with the party. This control ef trusts and or being- controlled by them ,
It the vital question just new in this cam
Note by the Editor The onti-truet con
vention held In Chicago lust year in June
" , ( ' "vrr bT Gnvem r N ) " ' .
i republiiar. Wbn 'tjy < j | \pr-ti > n ha < 1
duly Uieiajstipiil r-int-- !
ever tne chatrnuBgiil1'-t-r ; tbe ro *
on rew lutKms Tne _ t iiult'ts anU v . . . .
Witkolrmetit rvutetsei } lUI Tt > t * upon If-
nattuf Trnelly. . wha > - tb < > rrnvWicMw and
tbe editor of The B * rkalrinln Sr.
voted with n > e trf > < throvirfa *
otrt. He voted for JhfIr rndl < Uu > for rha'r-
tnmn and mipporKd tb&QAooiattunii rrt > ortnl
bmck by the majority. * vhkhwere antafro-
ntsed both by r o n'lltri o1 Gmrral Weaver.
Tbe rK > lnticm * of th rnaj-irity * * flniUly
adopted , after a. Jir r ct l drlmte. and
Mr. Curt ! * w rortKdftuoue ai a KUtj ort-r
of t w resolution * ftt * every utage. The
repablleanf of Iowa wrtainly have no rea
son to can Mr. Cartt loyalty in qufrttftj
on account of anythlnr he dkl to connec
tion with tbe aBtt-irnjft convention.
CllASEli A Cy
Iowa Farnirr It Itn tU'iU In fail Company
Must Hii'luln Many Thine * .
CRDSTON. la. , Jnne 17. ( Special Tele
gram to Tbc Bee. } Foster H. Woods ,
father-in-law ef Frark Baird , tbe convicted
counterfeiter , was arrested for alleged com-
pHctty in the counterfeiting. A. L.
Williams , a Rlnggold county farmer , tor
whom a warrant bad be n Issued , endeav
ored to escape , bat -wag captured at Knowl-
ton after an exciting chase.
I'otltlro at liork Kaplcln.
ROCK RAPIDS , la. . Jnne 17. < FpecIal to
The Bee. ) In the county convention yester
day the following delegates were selected
for the congressional convention : W. H.
Bradley , E. W. Lewto. J. K. P. Thompson.
C E. Llewellyn , C. T. Tapper. S. Kewis.
Four are favorable to Perkins and two are
To the state convention W. H. Plncrey.
H. G. McMillan. E. C. Roach. C. B. Fair
banks. D. C. Carver and E. V. Greenleaf
were s lcted. l . and to the judiciary S. Rey
nolds. Simon Fisher. H. K-lso , F. H. Davis.
Van Eton and S. D. Wilkins.
Considerable interest was manifested and
a hot fight was mnfle by the Strub men over
the congressional felfa'es.
Too Latr to MOB sm ll Grain.
CEDAR RAPIDS. la. . June 17. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) Heavy rain fell hers
for nearly twelve hours last night , breaking
the severe drouth which has prevailed here
for the past two months. The rain came
too late to do oats or hay any good , but will
insure an immense corn crop.
Srtcral Hone * < Trmstrd.
CARSON. la. , June 17. ( Special to The
Bee. ) L. D. Woodmancy's barn at Mace
donia was bareod last night. Several horses
were consumed.
AX IDLE jrrzt.
Chicago Company to Itcvlve an Inrtnetry at
Plonr Fttlle at Onre.
SIODX FALLS. S. D. . Jnne 17. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee. ) The American Cereal
company of Chicago has purchased the
Queen Bee mill here , which has been Idle
several years , and will operate it cs soon as
possible , manufacturing cereal foods. The
min is one of tbe largest In the country , and
will furnish -work for 200 persons from the
start. The price paid was $50,000.
When lie Got Away from Russia He Should
Have staid Away.
BUFFALO , June 17. A letter from Acting
Secretary Uhl of the State department has
been received by Attorney Sapperson , rep
resenting the petitlQn in.the , Klsmlnskl case ,
which he lately bora to Washington in order
to enlist the aid of the United States gov
ernment to release- this Polish-American
citizen from the Siberian mines. Mr. Uhl
finds after examination of the case that
Kisminski was a native-Pol . who came to
the United States after having taken part
In the unsuccessful revolution of 1563. He
saj-B : "There is no naturalization treaty
between the two countries and no treatv
limitation upon the power of either povem"-
faent to proceed urainst foreign nations or
subjects returning to its territory for an
offense prior to emigration. It is held by
Russia that emlsrailapwithout imperial
consent is an offense liable to punishment
upon th > return of tbe offender witatn Ras-
sion Jarisdictionwhether he "has been
naturalized in thetn anttme or not. The
penalty of deportation to Siberia Is , it
would seem , rarely applied , and the de
partment cannot conjecture ther ground of
exile in this instance unless it be the ante
cedents of Mr. Kismlnski are deemed to
warrant exceptionable severity of treat
ment. "
Bishop William Lawrence Give * IIU Parting
JVdvlce to Harvard Students.
CAMBRIDGE , Mass. , June 17. Bishop
William Lawrence preached the bacca
laureate sermon In Appleton chapel to the
class of 'M at Harvard this afternoon.
Bishop Lawrence's remarks were simple ,
earnest and practical , pointing out the op
portunities of the future for the student
and the lines along which they should work.
He- said In part : "What I want to empha-
rJze this afternoon , members of the class of
M , Is thai -we are living in the present and
our duty Is In the present conditions ;
that he serves the future best who serves
the present. Tour great -work will not be
first to change the conditions of society ,
but taking the conditions as thev are , to
broaden -and ennoble the life within them.
"In religion express the faith in your
words and character , give the -world in your
life the truth , the purity , the public spirit
and the self-sacrifice of Christ himself.
When your life is over , may your alma
mater be able to tear with it , 'He served
his generation by the will of God , ' "
Defended III * Affianced.
NEW YORK , Juae 17. Philip Moraa , a
plasterer , was shot and killed at his house
by Harvey Curtis today. Curtis was the
fiance of Moron's oldest daughter , Frances.
Moran .was a widower , with five children.
Curtis has been betrothed to Frances Moran
and the pair intended to marry this summer.
Curtis and Miss Moran and a party of young
people had arranged to go to a picnic and
when they called for Frances the latter's
father forbade her to go. She insisted ,
whereupon Moran abused her and drawing
a revolver fired at her , but missed. Just
as te raised his weapon to shoot again Cur
tis drew a revolver and fired. Moran fell
to the floir , a bullet having penetrated
his left lung. Before be died be accused
Ernest FitzElmmons , one of the young men
who came with Curtis , of having shot him ,
Curtis told the officer , when he was arrested ,
he only was guilty.
California Republican Convention.
SAN FRANCISCO , June 17. On Tuesday
next tbe republican state convention meets
to nominate a full state ticket. The c n-
vention will be composed of over BOO dele
gates and a full state ticket is to be nom
inated for the following officers : Governor ,
llentenant governor , , rsecretary of state ,
treasurer , attorney Central , controller , sur
veyor general , threb supreme court judges ,
state printer , state , school superintendent ,
clerk of the supreme burt. four members
of the State Board of Equalization and three
railroad commissioners Besides these con
gressmen tre to be "nominated by the dis
trict conventions. ThfeM. are numerous can
didates for each ode * rind the convention
promises to be a lively one. At present M.
M. Este seems to TiaVp the best show for
securing the nomination for governor.
Prrcldent EnJpjJnc' HU Vacation.
NORFOLK , June , K , The light bouse
tender. Maple , withtbe president's party
aboard , arrived atOld Point Comfort last
night and remained , a short wtlle. After
securing some supplies' the Maple took In
her lines and pultedi for Thimble Point ,
about five miles norUwhere the remained
all night. The president is enjoying- the
salt air of the bay. but still shows some
what the effects of bis recent indisposition.
When the Maple left Thimble light her prow
was turned toward the mouth of the Potomac.
It Is possible ehe. is now on her way to
Washington. Tbe waters of the bay have
been smooth all day , with a 'gentle breeze.
Colon Tactile Aid *
GREEN RIVER. Wyo. . June 17. ( Special
to The Bee- > For some days Green river
has been so high tha.t tbe ferry boat could
not b used , and emigrant ! traveling over-
bind were compelled te camp on tbe banks
of tbe river and wait for tbe water to re
cede. Thli was a considerable expense and
hardship te them. Tbe Union Pacific offi
cials ordered platforms built on bttber bank
of. the stream ana its beta trinif erring all
bridi ; * en 0 t tar * .
eme Odd X mr nail II on- Some ef TLem
PoctinMiter General Utatell its
a reform. lie waats fliort namdi tor nrw
twctoOicec. S me f Mr. BlDteH't prcde-
ccmors att opte4 reforms in tbe dlreruon
of iwetoaice nome latare with ntbM cartotu
rctiilu. Wken the resld aU of a n w town
la MtMKmrl r nt In their appllcatlvn for a
poctoQc nereral ye rs ago. says tbe St.
Lwite Olobe- Democrat , toe name they sug-
ceMed wa nut sstisjoctory t the defan-
mtrtit for Minernuon. .
"Slct another name , " wrote the post
master general : "Ktaetblng not so common.
ftontethtng peculiar. "
"All right. " the applicants replied , "call
K 'Peculiar. ' " And tb mail bag ua * gtHie
tc "Pecttliar. Caw county. MB. , " ever rtncj.
If Mr. Btswll doesn't have a run on
"Short" offices during tbe coming
moat he it will be because tbe Amertcn
sen e of humor Is temporarily abort. There
are already three Shorts in tbe United
Stated. There are a Short Beach ani a
Shottburgh , four Short Crtefcs. one Shorter
and a Shortvllle. Then we have Short Falls ,
Short Hills , Shortly. Short MounUin and
Short Off. North Carolina contribute * the
last mentioned. Out variety In cburt com
binations is not exhausted. Claims have
been allowed on a Short's Creek , two Shorts-
rilles. a Short Tract and a Shortrille ,
Mr. BlEsell says one-syllable names will
be preferred hereafter. The Postofflce de
partment bat accumulated quite a collec
tion of monosyllabic oSces. It has two
ArUs. eighteen Baths , five plain Bays , with
nurnerout combinations like Bay City , Bay
Center and tnc like , seven Bell * , two Balls
and two Ball Plays. Indiana has a town
named B ; It Is In Tlppecanoe county. Ten
nessee has named a postoffice ABC. One
hundred and twenty combinations have been
made with big , ranging from Big Bar to
Big Woods , with such originality shown ac
Big Bug In Arizona and Big Patch In WU-
con In. Eleven Blssells leave no room for
further honors to the pustmaster general.
Ten Bellefontaines tre spelled in almost as
cany different wars. The Tennessecans
seem to be fertile Iti the selection of unique
names. They have got a T Z poBtofllc-
Yum Turn , tn Ipe , only one Jackson , strange
to tell , a Let. an Al. an Andy , a Ben , a
Bob. a Boy. a Bud , a Cute , an Ego. a Gabe ,
a Gath. a Ho , a Ken a Lee , a Nancy , a
Notlme , a Number One , a Stg. a Sill , a
Tang , a Tut , two Whics , a Zach.
Missouri runs somewhat to synonyms. She
has a Peculiar and the nest thine to it. an
Odd. She has a Freedom and a Llbertyvllle.
Mlsiourl has her share of homely names of
postoffices , such es Pulltlght , Dutchtown.
Dudcnville , J.mtown. Dryncb. Ebenezer.
Combinations with Lone seem to be popular
In that state. There are Lone Elm. Lone
Jack. Lone Dell , Lone Oak. Lone Spring.
Lone Star and Lone Tree. The present con
gressional delesatlon has been well remem
bered. Missouri has postofflcet called Cock-
rell and Vest , also Dcckery , Burner. Joy ,
Bobb , Ryan. Hatch , Hall. Tarsney. Bland.
Missouri has a Crover In one county and a
Cleveland in another. She has a Gresham ,
also an Ingalls. Who but a printer could
have chosen for Missouri poctoffices such
names as J JT and Stet ? Consider the pha = e
of human nature which prompted tbe selec
tion of Braggadocio as a posloffice address.
Prohibition is a neighbor to Rollling Home.
Paradise is not far from Tribulation. Mis
souri has a NUhnabotna , a Coknim , a Nir
vana , a Nixa , a Lupus , an Arnica , a Job , a
Phlegeton , a Black Jack and a Blooming
Adam Is in Georgia , Eve Is la Kentucky.
Cain in Kansas , Abel la Alabama. A letter
addressed to Canaan may go to sixteen states
before It finds Its destination. Tbe long roll
of pcitofflces contains a greater variety of
satets than the calendar. Virginia has a St.
Tammany's , St. Ann , St. Anne , St. Anna , St.
Annie. St. Anns are all pastofflces. One St-
Jo , fire St. JBBE , end eighteen St. Josephs
attest the popularity of that saint and the
irreverence of his latter day adm rers. In
Alabama there is a Saint's Store and in MIs-
lEssippi there is a Saint's Rest. Texas and
Iowa have New Torks. Cincinnati is found
in six states. There are four Chicagos and
seven Philadelphia * . St. LouU is found in
.Michigan and .Montana , as well as In Mis
souri. Centre is the name cf a postofflce in
twenty-two states. The CentretcwEE , Cen-
trevilles , and other combinations with Cen
tre number 137.
In Delaware county , Ohio , a postofflce IE
named Africa. Virginia has Negro Arm and
Negro Foot. North Carolina has Negro
Head , and Arfcanras has Negro HllL The
Acre Is in West Virginia. The Bay is In
Louisiana. Other postcffices with the arti
cles are The Bend , The Corner , The Dalles ,
The Falls , The Forks. The Geyser. The Glen ,
The Grove , The Gums , The Hollow , The
Plains , The Ridge. The Rock , The Springs ,
Tbe Square , The Wiers.
There is no postoffice named Tuba Dam ,
although many people think there Is. Texas
has a Yuno , and California has a Ynba City.
Michigan and North Dakota have Devil's
Lake. There are three Tarins , one in Ohio ,
which is quite fit ; one in West Virginia , and
a third in North Carolina. Tarlffville is in
Tennessee. Mississippi has a Freetrade.
Thres states Georgia , Kansas and Jlew
York have Protection.
Cyclone and Hail In Kentucky.
RICHMOND , Ky. , June 17. A cyclone
today visited a point just outside Joysville.
It was the most powerful and destructive
ever known to this section. It lifted fences
from creek bottoms to bill sides , and tore up
large sycamore trees , landing many of them
a great distance away. During the cyclone
hailstones as large as goose eggs fell , almost
destroying the corn and other crops. Some
of the icicles were so large and fell BO hard
that they cut through oak board roofs. No
lives were lost.
Sbot l > y a I > inchxreed Employe.
CHICAGO , June 17. Frederick F. Swayne ,
president of the Swayne Lubricating com
pany , was shot and fatally injured in his
office ts evening by an ex-employe named
Henry Vaughan. Two employes of the
company who heard the shooting rushed to
the scene , and , in endeavoring to subdue
Vaughan , injured him so seriously he had
to I * taken to the hospital. The snooting
was caused by Vaughan being discharged
some time ago for alleged incompetence
as an englnetr.
New Colorado Railroad.
DENVER , June 17. The Denver West
ern Railroad company has been incorporated
with 11,000,000 capital to build a road con
necting the Yankee Hill gold district in Gil-
pin and Clear Creek counties with Central
City , Black Hawk and Denver.
Proctratrd by Heat.
WILKESBARRE , Pa. . June 17. This has
been the hottest day of the season. The
thermometer reached UK and there have
been many cases of prostration , ootte of
which have proved fatal.
French Cnnler Visits Triiro.
SAX FRANCISCO , June 17. Tbe big
French cruiser Duaguaytron , bound for
Victoria . C. . the Sandwich islands and
New Caledonia , has arrived here , having
eteam d from Acapulco In eleven days.
Cat IIU Mother * * Throat.
STREATOR. 111. . June 17. While laboring
under temporary aberration of mind , owing
to Eunstrolie , Herman Rlchter cut his
mother's throat last night and attempted
suicide. He will recover.
DAtxlul Aril Unit-tally Proclaimed Eult.a.
TANGIER , June 17. Abdul Azii has been
officially proclaimed sultan of Morocco. Tbe
proclamation took place at Fez. There
was no disorder.
He Went , Dti > fV Keroalned.
"I had an experience with Cbauncey
Depew not many years ago , which nearly re
sulted In the loss of my life. " said Car ) B.
Jamison , to the Globe-Democrat. "I was an
engineer on the New York Central and was
cbtmaryi de&ne . Ed Burke. t
( * 5 Broadway ,
a mllct north of town ; cued nun tn charce.
I P. Judncn , ISi Btxita atonue. or S3 Bnmd-
vk > . Council
ImprwtHl , cheap. OrMBcbMdi ,
& Co.
better and a 2-mo&ttur-old Jervt > y bull totb
UrkUe w rei try in A J. C. C. "W A.
Grauwtc ; SO FnoJt nut u
th * happy pr sessc.r of the Cr t plle-dr vcr
passenger engine | > u : on that road Her
number was K7. and she w i admired by all
the rot-miters of ny profrtvtan. as shr wa *
a gl tterlnc piece of machinery that rvca a
preen band emiid jict brtj > but admin. I was
tiff Mem * of a through train OB Ute Central
at tbe time of tats nory. and wt > wrr ? * -
laytd at what railroad men term a 'rwltcfe-
tttard' In a New York state bamtvt. Ore > r *
were banded n f that a wreck bad ocewred
on say dlrMnn. snd I wat Inntrortro1 te take
rat a ihnragB freight , leavmg ny pMMnger
train on it * rtdtac
-I as very tattpnaat. at I 4M not take
kindly to attaching my enplne to a Jrrtpbl
train , and w tspftf A myil [ to the ofr -
tcr. Mr. Ifcttcw , tbc prenident of the rood ,
wbont I did not know at tbe time , was
standing -K-ittoln c r hot wbv I wa * dwillnc
out my roat to tb * operator. lit walked
op , aad. Upplnc me gently M the f boulder ,
remarked : 'What wlil yo take to rot ! ycmr
engine to tbe company ? ' I never made a
reply , but hitched my engine onto the train ,
and before I was twenty mlnatec rat of the
town from which I started I ditched tbe
oncloe aad ten box cars. I don't know
whether or not Mr. Depew thought that th *
wreck was due to my carehwanef or Imag
ined that I deliberately pUntied the wreck.
At any rate , tbc company ddd d that It
OOBW. make as much money without my
name being on tbe pay roll. Mr. Depcw li
still with the New York Central. "
Frlze * fur the Iluund Table Purlieu One
Cararto Omnlia.
Many more knights and ladies of the
Round Table l&ugbed at the ] eke on tbc real
Jack Spratt than Bent solutions to the puzzle
hidden in the story. Tbe reason for thl *
was the difficulty In finding tbe answers.
The best solution received contained only
twenty-nine correct answers , the remaining
elpht being quite inadmissible. Here are tbe
answers. If you take the pnrsle and Insert
them according to the numbers , you will
have a capital story and perfect sense
1. Three Sisters. I. Ben Dot ben dough.
S. Wakup. 4. Aha. 5. Needles. G. Grind
stone. 7. Till. S. Black Combe. 9. Jarquet
10. Hen. 1L Roast , li Petit Codiac little
Kodack. IS. Goto go to. 14. Bantam. li > .
Heron. 1C. Meherrln. 17. Flinders. IB.
Hurricane. 19. Comet. M. Pig. 21. McKln-
lay McKlnl--y. 22. Melos or Mile. 25. Ry
Rye. 24. Weld. 25. Obey. 2C. Eleven
Points. 27. Rush. 2S. Badper. 29. Cache
catch. 30. Touchet touch it51. . Mad. 22.
Oldham. 23. 17. S. us. 54. Round Timber.
35. Duboie do , boys. 3C. Wood. 57. Old
Harper's Young People offered to divide
f25 in money among the ten persons , who
had not passed their ISth birthday , send
ing correct answers to the greatest numl > er
of the thirty-seven questions. By correct
answers was meant any word , found In
any map in the designated countries or
places , that would nil the condition , viz. .
complete the sense or fit the cue piven.
The offer was not to the answer that might
reach the Young People first In point of
time. Tbe winner of the first prize Is Raymond
mend Tillty , who lives in Pittsburg. Pa. ,
and Harper's Young People sends him $3.
Mary Seigenthaler. who lives in distant Tacoma -
coma ; Leona Patterson , who lives In Omaha ,
Neb. , and Upton B. Sinclair , jr. . of
New York stand even and second In
rank , and we sciid to each $4. Daniel
Llewellyn. Lilian Wiedershclm and Mae
Sterner" stand even and third in rank , and we
send to each * 2. In the fourth rank , and
even , there are five contestants and we In
crease the prise money from J23 to S2S in
order to treat all alike and send to each
one II. Their names are : Jeisie Flint ,
Helen LIscom , Margaret S. Stecn , George
Beers King and Simon T. Stern.
Following Is the honor roll , named In
order of merit , and containing those -who
Bent at least twenty-two correct answers :
Harry Nelson Morey , Ella Sadtler. Helen
Johnson. Lula Fuller , Louise M. Simpson ,
Janet Priest , Cora Priest , Herina Maud
Harkness , Margaret Sheehan , Margaret Klm-
rnel. Barker Beeson , Rose Moor , and Charlie
M. Montague.
, .11 . AM.MO VII.
The Extract of the Heart of the Ox.
Prrp tt-d according to tbe formnUof
In hi * laboratory at
"In thf out * nf * prnrnm-ttt physician of ID-
"fllnmi th h rt * t lent frH > l nd Irtrfu-
"lar. ana thvrr Wk * eonrtant verttc" while
"walklne. or nbn m a nandinr po"-
"lion In thw mr the n-ttr > rrju lir
* 1wwmt. H * onmtnvd unrtw my care only
"thM * tar * , kwtar rumniitx-d h > im * l r tel *
"crum br BlekacM hi ht family , after maklnc
" rrait rpmiit jnwutt a puffirtenry of Car-
" TW fur hum ? DM. nn4 I < lM r < J him to con-
"tunw It ( or t l- i t a month , fir arrived home
"t-tnrr the Cartu.r r och < l him. and f etinr the
t > iJ of It. h i otio * iel - Tni h J t r It to
"be wnt to htm a > iwon ] > m lbr ) He tnf' < nnw
"m * that th effert utxw him triut > decided
that , wherwin firiwrjjr he rent lonth tr waK !
"ereti a few mej * for few of tInc merjx-w-
' "eeed bv dttxine * * . a tnrl * IBjertr.tB enM < * l him
* tn walk. * much an Iw fleax tot four or
"IHr bou * f erirarfit. "
I > ne , Pivr l rp . Trie * K Gr.ilitn * ! . * B-C
-Wber * ITS ! drnerlMf nr * ti"t mipp'K'il with
the Hkrtim : ,1 An inn I Utn > . - ttlier will * >
malle-i i--r vf nil tvltfinr 1 terature on
tlie fol' ' - ' < .n re-e'i't 'f prtt * . >
Tilt , CULL'Mill A 11I1.MICALCO. ,
M'mlilncltin , 1 . C.
Kubn&C < i. nrcr.t * for Omaha.
Medical and Snrgical Inslilntc ,
. . , . . ,
all forms of
We cure ppeedily and permanently all fil-
fenscs of the s > xual Kyctem. alee kidney ,
bladder , blosd , Fkln and stoniRCh troubles
Our principles end assistants have all
made life studies of our fpecialtles
Send 4-cents for our new 12) ) page book.
Call or address with stamp.
119 South i4th St. , Omaha.
President Cashier.
First National
Capital , S1OO.OOD
Profits , 12,000
Ou or the oldest bauku in tbe Htate ot Iowa tVe
bollcll your b-miit-s am cJll-ctioua. We pax 5
percent on time depa-ilt We will t > 2 pleaed to
bee aud btrve you.
tire in I hr Ktitte and
court * . Kooiim SOG-7-8-9 , , Council UluOX lu
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor
other Xarcotic suhstance. It is n harmless substitute
for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , and Castor Oil.
Jt is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years * use hy
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms aud allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd ,
cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething trouhles , cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food , regulates the stomach
end bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toriu is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend ,
Castoria. Castoria.
* Cactorli Is na dcellent medicine for chU- " Castoria is so well adapted to cMfirea thai
firm. Mothers hrre repeatedly told zne oj its I recommend i : as superior to any prescription
peed eZect upon their children. * ' known to Hit. "
On. G. C. OBOOOD , H. A. Ancncn , M. D. ,
Lowell , Slass. Ill Bo. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N. T.
" Castoria is the best remedy for children of * * Onr physicians in the children's depart
which I nra acquainted. I hope the day Is cot ment bare spoken highly ot their experi
far Hicnmt trhen mothers wflleonsiJcrlhe real ence in their outside practice with Castoria ,
Interest of their children , end use Castoria in and although we only hare among our
stead cf \-ariousquack nostruiaswhich ore medical supplies what is known as regular
destroyics their loved ones , byforclncoplura , products , yet we ore f roe to conf eu H * " * Ha
morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of Castoria has woe " * ta lack with
ejects down their throats , thereby ser.rtinc favor upon it- "
the to preuiature craves. " Unrrra Hosrrrjj , = 9 Z > rc aixT ,
Do. J. F. KincnrtoE , Boston. M E
Conwsy , Ark. C. Surra , Pm. ,
Tbe Centaur Corapaay , 77 Mtrrray Street , Nerw York City.
Empkie-Shugart & Co.f
BICYCLES--A full line of medium and high grade wheels J
Send for catalogue ,
109 , 111,113 , 115 Main StreetCounciI Bluffs , ja
All kinds ot Oyelo ;
audCietn.uj duaa to
the hulicit ktjrie of
the art. falel * nj
tltltied fabriu mad *
to loot : at cool ui
new. Wort protuptijr
dime anl dourer * 1
la all port * of to *
country , aenj tjr
prioa lUU
11 road way. near North
weMuru Ik-pot.
Tel bone 22.